HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-08-26 AgendaMORTON GROVE Incredibly Close -4 Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM August 26, 2019 6:00 pm (The hour between 6.•00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per I -5-7A of the Village If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, r ion,the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6• Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting — August 12, 2019 8. Special Reports a. Presentation of the First Place Traffic Safety Challenge Award to the Morton Grove Police Department by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report—Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal Conference, Strategic Plan Committee a. Proclamation — Constitution Week — September 17-23, 2019 12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Ordinance 19-11 (Introduced August 12, 2019) (Second Reading) Providing for the Issuance of a Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), Series 2019, and Pledging Certain Incremental Property and Sales Tax Revenues to the Payment Thereof, and Amending Ordinance 19-09 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear —Police Department, Police Pension Bd, Police Facility Committee, Plan Commission/Zoning Board, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Special Events Commission (Trustee Minx) b. Trustee Minx — Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Appearance Commission, Capital Projects, Natural Resource Commission, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear) c. Trustee Ramos — Environmental Health, IT Legal Department, Traffic Safety Commission, Emergency Management Agency (Trustee Travis) d. Trustee Thill — Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department, SWANCC, Building Department, Chamber of Commerce, Water Commission (Trustee Witko) e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, NIPSTA (Trustee Ramos) 1) Resolution 19-35 (Introduced August 26, 2019) Authorizing the Purchase of a New 2020 Chevrolet Suburban Incident Command Vehicle for the Fire Department f• Trustee Witko — Farmers' Market, Public Works Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Economic Development Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Sawmill Station TIF(Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 19-36 (Introduced August 26, 2019) Authorizing the Replacement of the 14 -Inch Distribution Water Main at the South Pumping Station 2) Resolution 19-37 (Introduced August 26, 2019) Authorizing the Purchase of a 2019 Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow and Bucket from Russo Power Equipment 3) Resolution 19-38 (Introduced August 26, 2019) Authorizing the Replacement of Lead Water Service Lines on Marmora Avenue 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants - $719,537.22 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Jake (847/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. IVIINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT _. AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER AUGUST 12, 2099 CALL TO ORDER I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 p.m. in V. the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, Ed Ramos, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. Trustee Thill was absent with notice. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Trustee Grear moved to accept the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of July 22, 2019 as presented, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE IX. X. XI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1 Mayor DiMaria asked for concurrence from the Board for his appointment of Michael H. Mohr to the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals. He will be replacing retiring Commissioner Ron Farkas. Mayor DiMaria said Mr. Mohr is well qualified to serve on this Commission, as he brings to the table his 27 -year architectural career and his experience dealing with a number of different communities and developers. Trustee Minx moved to concur with the Mayor's appointment, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 2r 2079BoardMeeting XI. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 2. Mayor DiMaria said the National Night Out event on August 6 was a tremendous success. It was held at the Civic Center from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and attendance was estimated to have been 1,000 to 1,100. This was a free event featuring a live band, face painters, a balloon sculptor, caricaturists, pony rides, a climbing wall, and a bouncy house, as well as delicious tacos, hot dogs, ice cream, and snow cones. It was Morton Grove's fifth "National Night Out" and Mayor DiMaria was delighted that it was the best attended one yet! He gave kudos to Chief Simo and the MGPD personnel. 3. Mayor DiMaria noted that the last day for purchasing Village vehicle stickers is fast approaching. August 30 is the last day to purchase these; they must be displayed as of September 1. Village vehicle stickers are available at Village Hall or online at www.mortonoroveil.orq under the section "I Want To". 4. Mayor DiMaria said there will be a Family Peace Fest on Saturday, August 24, at the Civic Center from noon to 1:00 p.m. He urged people to come out to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the Morton Grove community. 5. Mayor DiMaria announced that the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) project received the 2019 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award in the category "projects ranging from $35M to $100M" for the Illinois Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. a. He said this prestigious honor is awarded annually to an engineering project which best exemplifies new or innovative application of technology, resourcefulness in solving complex problems, and environmental, social, and economic sustainability. b. The MGNWC designed and built new water mains, pump stations, and a water standpipe to deliver the water to both Morton Grove and Niles. Outdated infrastructure was replaced or rebuilt, including over 9.5 miles of new water mains and over 10 miles out resurfaced streets in Morton Grove, Niles, and Skokie. The project's $100M cost was financed through low-interest loans from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and long-term bonds. The loan payments will be built in to the water rate charged to the area and will still be less than the City of Chicago's water rate. c. Mayor DiMaria said Village staff did an amazing job for the Village. Doing the due diligence enabled the Village to lock in bonds for this legacy project at very low rates. He congratulated everyone involved with this project on the Achievement Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers. XII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Harford had no report this evening. 2 XIII. A. Village Administrator: 1. a. b. STAFF REPORTS Mr. Czerwinski introduced for a first reading Ordinance 19-11, Providing for the Issuance of a Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), Series 2019, and Pledging Certain Incremental Property and Sales Tax Revenue to the Payment Thereof, and Amending Ordinance 19-09. He explained that Ordinance 19-09 had authorized the issuance of TIF Revenue Bonds, the proceeds of which would be used by the Village to reimburse the developer for certain qualified infrastructure, planning, and other costs. This Ordinance authorizes reimbursement payments to also come from a Developer Note to be issued pursuant to this Ordinance. The amount of the Developer Note shall equal $21.8M less the net proceeds received from the sale of the TIF Revenue Bonds. The Developer Note will bear interest at a 6.5% rate and will be paid from new property tax and sales tax revenue generated by the Shopping Center—not from the general revenue of the Village. c. Mr. Czerwinski said this Ordinance also amends Ordinance 19-09 to define certain terms to be consistent with this Ordinance and to create a School Subaccount and Program Expense Subaccount to provide for payment due to the schools within the TIF District as required by the TIF Act. As this is a first reading of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this evening. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report this evening. B. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx had no report this evening. 3 lindtes iof duly22,01 9'.Board Meeting TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos presented Resolution 19-31, Authorizing the Annual Veterans Day Parade. He said the route and timing of the 2019 Veterans Day Parade would be: Starting at the Civic Center, crossing Dempster at Georgiana, Georgiana to Crain, east on Crain to School, south on School to Lincoln, and west on Lincoln to the Morton Grove Public Library. The Parade takes place on Sunday, November 10, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will require the closing of Dempster Street, either partially or completely, at Georgiana Avenue. b. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) requires the Village to adopt a resolution approving the closure of Dempster Street. The resolution also authorizes the Village Engineer to file an application through IDOT for the closing of Dempster Street from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on November 10, 2019 for the Annual Veterans Day Parade. Trustee Ramos moved to approve Resolution 19-31, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos pie Tr. Thill absent Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko ave D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill was absent—no report this evening. E. Trustee Travis: Trustee Travis reminded the assemblage about the Community Relations Commission's Summer Photo Contest, themed "Playing in Morton Grove." The contest is going on now through September 30, 2109. She encouraged photographers to be creative, noting that individuals may submit up to five photos, either online or at Village Hall. Winners will be acknowledged at a Village Board meeting, and their photos will be matted, framed, and displayed at Village Hall. F. Trustee Witko: 1. Trustee Witko presented Resolution 19-32, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Hayes Mechanical for the Maintenance of Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment. a. She explained that Hayes Mechanical has been the Village's HVAC service provider since July of 2011. The Village Hall/Police Station boiler is now 65 years old. Additionally, the condensing units and pneumatic systems are approaching 40 years old and replacement parts are difficult to obtain. 4 XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) iflutes of 3uly22,2019 Board Meeting F. Trustee Witko: (continued) b. Trustee Witko continued, explaining that Hayes Mechanical has developed an expertise for this equipment that is not readily available in the marketplace. They can usually diagnose and repair the equipment in an expedited and efficient manner. With much of the equipment being far past its life expectancy, Hayes has been able to retrofit and provide modifications to keep the equipment running. c. The current contract between Hayes Mechanical and the Village will expire on August 31, 2019. The Village Administrator has deemed Hayes Mechanical to be a Sole Source Vendor pursuant to Title 1-9A-4 of the Village Code and has asked that this contract be extended for one year without undertaking a competitive bidding process. Public Works recommends the Village extend the agreement for a term of one year to August 31, 2020. d. Trustee Witko said the cost will be $23,748—the same contract price since 2015—for the base contract with a $130.50 daily rate for service outside the maintenance agreement. This is $3.50 more per hour than in 2018 for an anticipated increase of no more than $1,000. Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, to approve Resolution 19-32. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear aye, Tr. Minx a e Tr. Thiil � Tr. Ramos aye absent Tr. Travis aL, Tr. Witko aye 2. Trustee Witko then presented Resolution 19-33, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Hoerr Construction, Inc. for the 2019 Sewer Lining Program. She explained that the Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations to perform sewer lining in order to maintain the flow capacity of the Village's sewer pipe infrastruc- ture. This contact was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code. Sealed bids were received, and the contract must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act. Trustee Witko said the low bidder is Hoerr Construction from Goodfield, IL with a bid amount of $247,770. The budgeted amount for this work is $220,000. The low bid is $35,204 higher than the engineer's estimate of cost and $27,770 more than the budgeted amount. The contract doc- uments include a provision allowing the Village to decrease the amount of work included in the contract and Hoerr Construction is agreeable to doing so. A practical decrease of the length of sewers to be lined results in an adjusted contract amount of $218,538. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Trustee Witko moved to approve Resolution 19-33, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear gift Tr. Minx a e Tr. Thill Tr. Ramos au absent- � Tr. Travisaye Tr. Witko i ig a. b. 5 lnntesand,iv422,201913oa dIVIeetipg. XIV. F. Trustee Witko: (continued) 3. Next, Trustee Witko presented Resolution 19-34, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Midwesco Mechanical & Energy, LLC to Replace Five (5) Roof Top Units and Thermostat Controls at the Civic Center, 6140 Dempster Street. She explained that these units supply both heating and cooling and were installed in 2001. During recent year, the roof top units have experienced increased failures resulting in additional maintenance to keep them operation. Due to the age of the roof top units, which are past their useful life expectancy, and because of the Civic Center's status as a warming/cooling center for the Village, replacement of the roof top units is necessary to maintain a reliable interior climate at the Civic Center. The expected cost to replace these roof top units is $64,500. This matched the engineer's estimate. Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Travis, approve Resolution 19-34. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) a. XV. XVI Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill absent Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye Trustee Grear commented that he was amazed at the wide range of bid prices for this work. OTHER BUSINESS NONE WARRANTS Trustee Minx presented the Warrant Register for August 12, 2019 in the amount of $1,151,125.05. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented, seconded by Trustee Ramos. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx ava Tr. Ramos Eye Tr. Thill absent Tr. Travis gyp_ Tr. Witko aye XVII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS 1. Marie Bandur, 8822 Meade, appeared before the Board with a problem. She said that, during the recent Meade Sewer project, her whole backyard had been dug on. This resulted in a sink- hole on the north side of her yard by her garage, and her neighbors to the south of her also had a sinkhole. A few months later, she's noticed cracks in her basement slab. She had no problems or issues with any of this prior to that sewer project. 6 XVII. XVIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) inutes rot July 22;2019 Board Meeting: a. Ms. Bandur said she has contacted Public Works and the Village Administrator. She has sent letters with pictures. She was advised that this matter would be handled by Mr. Tom Friel, so she sent the information to him. In response, she received a letter asking her to sign a non-employee incident report that would be sent to the Village's insurance handler, IRMA. She said this does not feel right to her. She did receive a phone call from an IRMA representative, and she told them about these problems; the person she was talking with did not sound like they had seen any of her letters or the pictures she had provided. The IRMA representative said she'd call back, but Ms. Bandur said she has not, so she called the IRMA representative. This damage occurred right after the completion of the Meade Sewer project. Ms. Bandur was requesting the Village Administrator to come and inspect the basement slab and check the backyard, noting that this is affecting her whole house. Mayor DiMaria said he would get together with the appropriate Village staff members and get back to Ms. Bandur. Nancy Lanning said that she had attended the National Night Out and thought it was spectacular. It was very well organized, and everything was handled well. On a separate note, as a frequent participator in Civic Center events, she said she appreciated that the Board approved the replacement of the five roof top units for heating and cooling. Bonita LoGuidice complimented the Village on how easy it is to take off the old Village stickers and put on the new ones. She said it used to be "quite the project," so she wanted to give kudos to whoever it was that designed these new stickers. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Ramos. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx -L a e Tr. Ramos gig Tr. Thill absent Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko ayg The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. PASSED this 26th day of August, 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 26th day of August, 2019. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of August, 2019. Marilyn Sneider, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Causal- 8 ausar 8 Village o Morton Grove WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States, the guardian of our liberties, embodies the principles of limited government in a republic dedicated to rule by law; and WHEREAS, September 17, 2019, marks the two hundred thirty-second anniversary of the drafting of the United States Constitution by the Constitutional Convention; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this outstanding document and its memorable anniversary, and to the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and WHEREAS, Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do herby proclaim the week of September 17 through September 23, 2019, as CONSTITUTION WEEK and ask all residents of the Village to reaffirm the ideals of the framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by attentively protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Legislative Summary PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A JUOrdinance 19-11 NIOR LIEN TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE (SAWMILL STATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT), SERIES 2019, AND PLEDGING CERTAIN INCREMENTAL, PROPERTY AND SALES TAX REVENUES TO Di H PAYMENT THEREOF, AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 19-09 August 12, 2019 Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ral Reviewed by: To authorize the Village to issue a Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note to the Developer of the Sawmill Station Shopping Center ("Developer Note") as required by the Redevelopment Agreement approved pursuant to Resolution 19-29, and amend Ordinance 19-09 (the Revenue Bond Ordinance) to add certain definitions and terms consistent with this ordinance. IM Kensington MG LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter "the Developer") has purchased and proposes to redevelop the approximately 26 -acre commercial center formerly known as the Prairie View Shopping Center ("the Development") but only if the Village provides certain financial assistance. In order to support the Development, the Village established the Sawmill Station TIF District and approved a Redevelopment Agreement with the Developer ("RDA"). Pursuant to the RDA, the Village will reimburse the Developer for certain infrastructure, planning and other qualified costs. Village reimbursement payments will be provided from the net proceeds of T1F Revenue bonds authorized by Ordinance 19-09 and pursuant to a Developer Note to be issued pursuant to this ordinance, The amount of the Developer Note shall equal $21,800,000 less the net proceeds received from the sale of the TIF Revenue Bonds. The Developer Note will bear interest at the rate of 6.5% and will be paid from new property tax and sales tax revenue generated by the Shopping Center and not from the general revenue of the Village. This ordinance will authorize the issuance of the Developer Note and will amend Ordinance 19-09 to define certain terms consistent with this Ordinance 19-11 and to create a School Subaccount and Program Expense Subaccount to provide for payment due to schools within the TIF District as required by the TIF Act. Administration, Legal, and Finance Departments The Developer Note will be paid by the new property taxes and a portion of the new sales taxes N/A The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, and Finance Director will take all steps necessary to implement this Ordinance as part of their normal workload Approval as presented. Required — August 26, 2019 None age Administrator Hanna Sullivan, Finance Director Prepared by: Teresa Hoffman Lis o o .orat on Counsel EXTRACT OF MINUTES of a regular public meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, held at the Village Hall, Morton Grove, Illinois, in said Village at 7:00 o'clock p.m. on the 26th day of August 2019. The President called the meeting to order and directed the Village Clerk to call the roll. Upon the roll being called, the President and the following Trustees answered physically present at said location: The following Trustees were allowed by a majority of the Trustees in accordance with and to the extent allowed by rules adopted by the President and Board of Trustees to attend the meeting by video or audio conference: • No Trustee was not permitted to attend the meeting by video or audio conference. The following Trustees were absent and did not participate in the meeting in any manner or to any extent whatsoever: The following were absent: The President and Board of Trustees then discussed the Village's ongoing redevelopment project for its Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project Area and considered an ordinance providing for the issuance of a Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note, Series 2019 (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), of the Village Thereupon, Trustee presented and explained in full the following ordinance, which was before the President and Board of Trustees and made available to any person requesting one in words and figures as follows: SND2H:4820-3914-5625.1 ORDINANCE 19-11 AN ORDINANCE of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, providing for the issuance of a Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), Series 2019, and pledging certain incremental property and sales tax revenues to the payment thereof. WHEREAS, by proceedings spread in full upon the records of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village"), pursuant to the provisions of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as supplemented and amended (the "TIF Act"), and particularly as supplemented by the Local Government Debt Reform Act, as amended, and the other Omnibus Bond Acts, and as further supplemented and, where necessary, superseded, by Section 6 of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois (collectively, the "Act"), the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Corporate Authorities") have heretofore determined, and do hereby determine, as follows: A. On the 8th day of July 2019, the Corporate Authorities adopted (A) Ordinance No. 19-06, approving a redevelopment plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") and project (the "Redevelopment Project") for the Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project Area (as legally described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto, the "Redevelopment Project Area'), (B) Ordinance No. 19-07, designating the Redevelopment Project Area, and (C) Ordinance No. 19-08, adopting tax increment allocation financing for the Redevelopment Project Area • and creating a special tax allocation fund therefor (the "Special Tax Allocation Fund") (collectively, the "TIF Ordinances"). B. On the 8th day of July 2019, the Corporate Authorities adopted Resolution Number 19-29, authorizing the execution of that certain Redevelopment Agreement (the "Redevelopment Agreement") between the Village and IM Kensington MG, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Developer"). C. Pursuant to the Redevelopment Agreement, the Developer has agreed to assemble real property or rights therein on a site within the Redevelopment Project Area (as legally described on EXHIBIT A-1 (Legal Description of the Property) attached hereto, the "Total Property"), and to construct on a portion of the Total Property (as legally described on EXHIBIT A-2 (Legal Description of Retail Parcel) attached hereto, the "First Stage Property") certain retail and commercial improvements (including all electrical, engineering, financial, legal and other related services and expenditures, collectively, the "First Stage TIF Project") and to construct on a portion of the Total Property (as legally described on EXHIBIT A-3 (Legal Description of Residential Property) attached hereto, the "Second Stage Property") certain residential improvements (including all electrical, engineering, financial, legal and other related SMR11:4820-3914-5625.1 -1- services and expenditures, collectively, the "Second Stage TIF Project" and, together with the First Stage TIF Project, the "TIF Project "). D. The Village has agreed to pay or reimburse the Developer for certain costs of the TIF Project and to that end has authorized the issuance of its not to exceed $26,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of one or more series of Senior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Bonds (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project) (the "Revenue Bonds"), the proceeds of which are to be used to pay or reimburse such costs. The Village has further agreed to pay or reimburse the Developer for certain costs of the TIF Project remaining unpaid or unreimbursed following the application thereto of the proceeds of said bonds (such costs being the "2019 Capital Costs"). E. Pursuant to Ordinance Number 19-09, adopted by the Corporate Authorities on the 8th day of July, 2019, the Village has authorized the execution of an Indenture of Trust (the "Indenture"), by and between the Village and Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, as trustee (the "Trustee"), in order to provide for the security of said Note. F. The Indenture contemplates the creation of a "Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount" within the "2019 Redevelopment Projects Account" of the Special Tax Allocation Fund and further contemplates the creation of a "Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund" to be held by the Trustee as a separate and segregated account of the Village. G. The Village has heretofore determined that it is advisable and necessary and in the best interests of the Village that the 2019 Capital Costs now be paid or reimbursed, and, to that effect, the Village wishes to provide in this Ordinance for (i) the issuance of the hereinafter defined Note, (ii) the continuation and operation of the Special Tax Allocation Fund and the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount thereof as created under the Indenture, and (iii) the continuation and operation of the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund as created under the Indenture. H. All of the costs of the redevelopment project to be financed with the proceeds of the Note constitute eligible "redevelopment project costs" under the TIF Act and have been approved by the Corporate Authorities in the Redevelopment Plan. I. The Village has insufficient cash on hand and lawfully available to pay or reimburse the costs of the 2019 Capital Costs and does hereby determine that it is necessary and advisable at this time to issue a series of junior lien tax increment allocation revenue notes of the Village in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed the Maximum Principal Amount (as defined below) to pay the same. WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities hereby determine that it is advisable to provide for the issuance of the Note secured, in the priority of lien and as otherwise hereinafter provided, by the hereinafter defined Pledged Taxes; and WHEREAS, the Bonds will constitute a Series of Junior Lien Notes and this Ordinance will constitute a Junior Lien Note Ordinance under the Indenture: SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -2- NOW, THEREFORE, Be It and It Hereby is Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, in the exercise of its home rule powers, as follows: Section I. Definitions. The following words and terms used in this Ordinance shall have the following meanings unless the context or use clearly indicates another or different meaning is intended. Words and terms used in this Ordinance but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Indenture. A. The following words and terms are as defined in the preambles hereto. Act 2019 Capital Costs Corporate Authorities Developer First Stage Property First Stage TIF Project Indenture Original TIF Ordinances Property Redevelopment Agreement Redevelopment Plan Redevelopment Project Redevelopment Project Area Revenue Bonds Second Stage Property Second Stage TIF Project Special Tax Allocation Fund TIF Act TIF Project Total Property Trustee Village B. The following words and terms are defined as set forth. "Additional Notes" means any Junior Lien Notes issued in the future on a parity with and sharing ratably and equally in the Pledged Taxes with the Note. "Advances for Value" means the principal advanced from time to time in even multiples of $1,000 under the Note to pay Certified TIF Costs not paid with Initial Revenue Bonds Net Proceeds as noted on such Note by the Village in the form of "Advances for Value" thereon, which advances shall not exceed in the aggregate the Maximum Principal Amount. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -3- "Aggregate Remainder" means, on any Accounting, the sum of the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes and the Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes. "Baseline Taxes" means $56,000.00 for each of the last 2 calendar quarters of 2019; $57,680.00 for each 2020 calendar quarter; $59,410.00 for each 2021 calendar quarter and increasing 3% each year thereafter. "Bond Counsel" means Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP, Chicago, Illinois. "Bond Fund" means the Junior Lien Principal and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund established under the Indenture. "Bond Order" means the written bond order and notification of sale signed by any Designated Officer and setting forth certain details of the Note as hereinafter provided. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. "Current Debt Service Requirement" means, for any Bond Year, the aggregate Interest Requirement and Principal Requirement for the Note. For any Bond Year the Principal Requirement shall expressly include the amount of principal determined by the Trustee as provided in Section 4(a) of this Ordinance to be subject to mandatory redemption. "Current Interest" means interest when due. "Debt Service Reserve Requirement" means $-0-. "Deferred Accrued Interest" means accrued interest recorded by the Trustee as deferred and unpaid. "Designated Officers" means the President, Village Clerk, Administrator, Treasurer, Manager or Finance Director of the Village, or any two of them acting together, and successors or assigns. "Eligible Store" means each commercial establishment located within the Property generating Sales Taxes. "Final Maturity" is defined in Section 3 of this Ordinance. "Final Report" means the final report prepared by the Village's independent financial consultant confirming that the Pledged Taxes are reasonably estimated to be sufficient to pay all principal of and interest on the Note in the maximum principal amount of Maximum Principal Amount, plus interest at a rate percent per annum which is six and one half percent (6.50%) whether at Stated Maturity, by mandatory redemption or otherwise. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -4- "Fiscal Year" means the 12 -calendar month period chosen by the Village as its Fiscal Year. "Grocery Store Holdback" means (i) until the Grocery Store Substantial Completion, $1,000,000 and (ii) on and after the Grocery Store Substantial Completion, $0; provided, however, that if the Grocery Store Substantial Completion does not occur prior to March I, 2023 (as such date may be extended by Uncontrollable Circumstances as defined in the Redevelopment Agreement), the Grocery Store Holdback shall permanently remain at $1,000,000. "Grocery Store Substantial Completion" has the meaning given such term in the Redevelopment Agreement. "Home Rule Sales Taxes" means tax revenues generated by retail sales through the imposition of the Village's 1.25% home rule municipal retailers' occupation tax (pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8-11-1) or the Village's 1.25% home rule municipal service occupation tax (pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8-11-5) or any tax in substitution therefor. This does not include food and beverage tax, business district tax, local amusement tax or any other taxes. "Incremental Property Taxes" means the ad valorem taxes, if any, arising from the taxes levied upon taxable real property in the Redevelopment Project Area by any and all taxing districts or municipal corporations having the power to tax real property in the Redevelopment Project Area, which taxes are attributable to the increase in the then current equalized assessed valuation of each taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property in the Redevelopment Project Area over and above the total Initial Equalized Assessed Value of each such piece of property, all as determined by the County Clerk, and as provided in the TIF Act. "Incremental Sales Taxes" means the aggregate distributions by the State to the Village each calendar quarter of Sales Taxes imposed on Eligible Stores within the Property for such calendar quarter over and above the Baseline Taxes for such calendar quarter, or successor taxes thereto. "Independent" when used with respect to any specified person means such person who is in fact independent and is not connected with the Village as an officer, employee, consultant, financial advisor, underwriter or person performing a similar function. Whenever it is herein provided that the opinion or report of any Independent person shall be furnished, such person SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -5- shall be appointed by the Village, and such opinion or report shall state that the signer has read this definition and that the signer is Independent within the meaning thereof. "Initial Equalized Assessed Value" means the equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property within the Redevelopment Project Area as last equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois for State and County taxes, all as determined by the County Clerk in accordance with the TIF Act. "Initial Revenue Bonds Net Proceeds" has the meaning given such term in the Redevelopment Agreement. "Interest Payment Date" means each January 1 and each Stated Maturity of interest on the Note occurring on or after Retail Substantial Completion. "Interest Requirement" means for any Bond Year the aggregate amount of first, Deferred Accrued Interest then due, and next, the Current Interest on the Note having a Stated Maturity during such Bond Year. "Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount" means the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount created in Section 4.05(e) of the Indenture. "Limited Incremental Property Taxes" means an amount of Incremental Property Taxes which is equal to that portion of each distribution of Incremental Property Taxes arising from the Property. "Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund" means the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund created in Section 4.07 of the Indenture. "Limited Incremental Sales Taxes" means fifty percent (50%) of the Incremental Sales Taxes (for clarification, after netting out Baseline Taxes). "Maximum Annual Debt Service" means at any given time of determination an amount equal to the maximum Principal Requirement and Interest Requirement on the Note and any Additional Bonds then outstanding in the then current or in any succeeding Bond Year by reason of Stated Maturities, scheduled mandatory prepayments or by operation of any mandatory sinking fund. "Maximum Principal Amount" means (a) up to $21,800,000 of the aggregate amount of Certified TIF Costs minus the total amount of the Initial Revenue Bonds Net Proceeds, less (b) the Grocery Store Holdback, less (c) the Recapture Amount. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -6- "Municipal Portion" means, collectively, that portion of the Incremental Property Taxes and that portion of the Incremental Sales Taxes not pledged under this Ordinance and the Indenture to the payment of principal of and interest on the Note, to -wit: (i) an amount of Incremental Property Taxes equal to that portion of each distribution of Incremental Property Taxes which is not derived from the Property and (ii) fifty percent (50%) of each distribution of Incremental Sales Taxes. "Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes" means the balance, if any, of the Limited Incremental Property Taxes available to be deposited in and credited to the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund by the Trustee on each Accounting Date. "Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes" means the balance, if any, of the Limited Incremental Sales Taxes available to be deposited in and credited to the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund by the Trustee on each Accounting Date. "Note" or "Series 2019 Junior Lien Note" means the not to exceed Maximum Principal Amount Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note, Series 2019 (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), authorized to be issued by this Ordinance. For all purposes of the Indenture, the Note is a Junior Lien Note. "Noteholder" means a registered owner of the Note. "Note Register" means the books of the Village kept by the Trustee, as note registrar, to evidence the registration and transfer of the Note. "Ordinance" means this Ordinance, numbered 19-11 and passed by the Corporate Authorities on the 26th day of August 2019. For all purposes of the Indenture, this Ordinance is a Junior Lien Note Ordinance. "Outstanding Principal Amount" means that amount, not to exceed the Maximum Principal Amount, as provided in this Ordinance, shown as Advances for Value, less payments of principal thereon. "Permitted Investments" means any investment lawful under Illinois law for the investment of Village funds, to be prudently made, and scheduled to mature prior to the time when needed. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -7- "Pledged Taxes" means, collectively, all or any portion of the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes and all of any portion of the Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, all as determined as provided in Section 7 of this Ordinance. "Principal Requirement" means for any Bond Year the aggregate principal amount of the Note having a Stated Maturity during such Bond Year. For any Bond Year the Principal Requirement shall expressly include the amount of principal determined by the Trustee as provided in Section 4(a) of this Ordinance to be subject to mandatory redemption. "Private Business Use" means any use of the TIF Project by any person other than a state or local governmental unit, including as a result of (i) ownership, (ii) actual or beneficial use pursuant to a lease or a management, service, incentive payment, research or output contract or (iii) any other similar arrangement, agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, except for use of the TIF Project on the same basis as the general public. "Property" means until the issuance of the Second Series Bonds pursuant to Ordinance Number 19-09 and the Indenture, the First Stage Property and, on and after the issuance of the Second Series Bonds pursuant to Ordinance Number 19-09 and the Indenture, the Total Property. "Recapture Amount" has the meaning given such term in the Redevelopment Agreement. "Record Date" means the fifteenth day of the month preceding any regularly scheduled Interest Payment Date and the fifteenth day prior to any Interest Payment Date caused by a redemption of Bonds on other than a regularly scheduled Interest Payment Date. "Retail Substantial Completion" has the meaning given such term in the Redevelopment Agreement. "2019 Redevelopment Projects Account" means the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund created in Section 4.05 of the Indenture. "Sales Taxes" " means generally applicable sales taxes collected by the State and levied on Eligible Stores pursuant to the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, as amended, the Service Occupation Tax Act, as amended, the Use Tax Act, as amended and the Service Use Tax Act, as amended and Home Rule Sales Taxes or successor taxes or charges imposed by the State or the Village in lieu thereof or in addition thereto. "Second Series Bonds" means the second series of Senior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Bonds (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project) of the Village issued pursuant to the Indenture. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -8- "Series 2019 Bonds" means the first series of Senior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Bonds (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project) of the Village issued pursuant to the Indenture. "Stated Maturity" when used with respect to the Note or any interest thereon means the date specified in the Note as the fixed date on which the principal of the Note or such interest is due and payable, whether by maturity, mandatory redemption, or otherwise. "Tax Year" means the year for which an ad valorem tax levy is made by any and all taxing districts or municipal corporations having the power to tax real property in the Redevelopment Project Area. The 2019 Tax Year shall be that year during which ad valorem taxes levied for the year 2019 (collectible in the year 2020) are extended and collected, and so on. Section 2. Findings. The Corporate Authorities hereby find that the Redevelopment Plan and Project have been approved, the Redevelopment Project Area has been designated, tax increment allocation financing has been adopted, the Special Tax Allocation Fund has been established, the form of Indenture has been approved, the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund has been authorized to be established, the form of Redevelopment Agreement has been approved and the Redevelopment Agreement has been executed by the Village, and the Note has been authorized, all in accordance with the provisions of the Act, including therein particularly the TIF Act, and that it is necessary and in the best interests of the Village that the Village cause the construction, acquisition and installation of the TIF Project and issue and deliver the Note to enable the Village to pay or reimburse the 2019 TIF Capital Costs. Section 3. Note Details. There shall be borrowed for and on behalf of the Village the sum of not to exceed the Maximum Principal Amount for the purposes aforesaid; a multiple drawdown note of the Village (the "Note") shall be issued in said amount and shall be designated "Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), Series 2019." The Note shall be deemed issued and be dated the date of authentication of such Note. The Note shall evidence Outstanding Principal Amount. The Note shall also bear the date of authentication, shall be in fully registered form, shall bear interest on the Outstanding Principal Amount on and after the date of Retail Substantial Completion at a rate percent per annum which is equal to six and one half percent (6.50%) (computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months), which interest shall be payable in annual installments on January 1 of each year (such dates being "Interest Payment Dates") until paid, commencing on the first January 1 which SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -9- occurs following the date of Substantial Retail Completion and on which there are any funds available in and on deposit in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount and be a term note subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity as hereinafter provided, with a final installment of principal and interest coming due at Final Maturity. "Final Maturity" means (A) the date on which the Village has made provision for or payment in full of all principal of and interest on the Note, (B) as to any payment on the Note from Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, the earlier of (i) the date which is twenty (20) years after the Dated Date or (ii) December 31, 2042, or (C) as to any payment on the Note from Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, the date which is the last date allowable under the TIF Act. Advances for Value under the Note shall be made in accordance with Section 11(F) of the Redevelopment Agreement. The Noteholder shall surrender its Note to the Village upon the making of each Advance for Value so the Village Administrator or Village Treasurer may note such Advance for Value on the appendix thereto. After the Village Administrator or Village Treasurer records an advance for Value on the appendix of the Note, the Village shall return such Note to the Noteholder. The Outstanding Principal Amount of the Note shall bear interest from the later of the date of Retail Substantial Completion or from the most recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, until the principal amount of the Note is paid or duly provided for. Interest when due ("Current Interest") shall be paid as hereinafter provided from the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund, and if funds on deposit therein and to the credit thereof are insufficient for such purpose, such failure to pay shall not in and of itself constitute an event of default, but such interest shall thereupon be recorded by the Trustee as Deferred Accrued Interest ("Deferred Accrued Interest"). Deferred Accrued Interest shall itself bear interest at the same rate as the Note until paid. The order of payment of principal and interest on the Note until Stated Maturity shall be first, Deferred Accrued Interest, second, Current Interest, and third, mandatory redemption of principal as hereinafter set forth. By acceptance of the Note, each Noteholder accepts that there may be Deferred Accrued Interest on the Note and that Current Interest may not have been paid, without any special notation having been made upon the Note itself Deferred Accrued Interest shall be payable, prior to Final Maturity, only upon Interest SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -10- Payment Dates to the Noteholder otherwise entitled to Current Interest on the Interest Payment Date that such Deferred Accrued Interest is paid. Failure to pay when due any installment of Current Interest or any amount of Deferred Accrued Interest or Outstanding Principal Amount due to insufficiency of the Pledged Taxes, whether at Stated Maturity, Final Maturity or otherwise, shall in no event be deemed to be an event of default on the Note. It is hereby expressly provided that in the event that there is an insufficiency of Pledged Taxes to pay any amount of Deferred Accrued Interest, Current Interest or Outstanding Principal Amount at Final Maturity, any such amount of Deferred Accrued Interest, Current Interest or Outstanding Principal Amount shall be extinguished and shall not be deemed to be owing and unpaid, it being the express intent of the Village that the Note and all obligations arising thereunder shall be fully released upon Final Maturity. Interest on the Note shall be paid by check or draft, payable upon presentation thereof to the Trustee in lawful money of the United States of America, to the persons in whose name the Note is registered at the close of business on the Record Date. Interest on the Note may also be payable by wire transfer to any Noteholder (as of the applicable Record Date) holding an aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 or more when such Noteholder shall have registered such wire transfer payment by written instructions satisfactory to the Trustee at least 15 days prior to the applicable Record Date. The principal of the Note shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation thereof at the principal office maintained for the purpose by the Trustee, or at successor trustee and locality. If an Interest Payment Date is not a Business Day at the place of payment, then payment may be made at that place on the next Business Day, and no interest shall accrue during the intervening period. The Note shall have impressed or imprinted thereon the corporate seal or facsimile thereof of the Village and shall be signed by the manual or duly authorized facsimile signatures of the President and Village Clerk of the Village, as they shall determine, and in case any officer whose signature shall appear on the Note shall cease to be such officer before the delivery thereof, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such officer had remained in office until delivery. In the event that the Note shall be signed by the duly authorized facsimile signatures of the President and Village Clerk, the Note shall also have thereon a manually signed certificate of authentication substantially in the form hereinafter set forth in EXHIBIT B, duly executed by an SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 authorized signatory of the Trustee as authenticating agent of the Village (but it shall not be necessary that the same signatory sign the certificate of authentication of each Note that may be outstanding hereunder at any one time) and showing the date of authentication, and the Note shall not be valid or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any security or benefit under this Ordinance unless and until such certificate of authentication shall have been duly executed by the Trustee by manual signature. Such certificate of authentication upon the Note shall be conclusive evidence that the Note has been authenticated and delivered under this Ordinance. Upon authentication, the Trustee is hereby expressly authorized to deliver any Note issued under this Ordinance to or upon the order of the holder of such Note. Section 4. Mandatory Redemption; Prepayment. (a) Mandatory Redemption. The Note shall be issued as a term note and shall be subject to mandatory redemption, by operation of the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount, at a price of par plus accrued interest without premium, on any Interest Payment Date and upon the terms as follows: Whenever as of any Accounting the Trustee shall have determined that the aggregate amount of Pledged Taxes (whether derived from Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, or both, and calculated as hereinafter provided in Section 7 of this Ordinance) is in excess of the amount required to pay the Interest Requirement (all Deferred Accrued Interest and all Current Interest) on the Note, the Trustee shall make provision for the mandatory redemption of the Note to the fullest extent practicable from the Pledged Taxes (whether derived from Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, of both), in amounts not less than $1,000 of Outstanding Principal Amount. The Note shall be mandatorily redeemed in minimum denominations of $1,000 and integral multiples of $1,000 in excess thereof. The Village covenants that it will cause the Trustee to redeem the Note pursuant to the mandatory redemption required for the Note. Proper provision for mandatory redemption having been made, the Village covenants that the Outstanding Principal Amount thereof to be redeemed shall be payable as at Stated Maturity. (b) Optional Redemption. The Note shall also be subject to redemption at the option of the Village, in whole or in part, on any date, from any lawfully available monies, at a redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the redemption date. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -12- (c) Procedures for Redemption. The Note shall be redeemed and notice given pursuant to the procedures as follows: A. Notice to Trustee. For a mandatory redemption, the Trustee, unless otherwise notified by the Village, shall proceed on behalf of the Village as its agent to provide for the mandatory redemption of the Note without any further order or direction hereunder or otherwise. For an optional redemption, the Village shall, at least 15 days prior to the redemption date (unless a shorter time period shall be satisfactory to the Trustee), notify the Trustee of such redemption date and principal amount of the Note to be redeemed. B. Official Notice of Redemption. Unless waived by the Noteholder, official notice of any such redemption shall be given by the Trustee on behalf of the Village by mailing the redemption notice by first class U.S. mail not less than 5 days and not more than 10 days prior to the date fixed for redemption to each Noteholder at the address shown on the Note Register or at such other address as is furnished in writing by such Noteholder to the Trustee. All official notices of redemption shall include at Least the information as follows: (1) the redemption date; (2) the redemption price; (3) if less than all of the Outstanding Note is to be redeemed, the principal amount of the Note to be redeemed; (4) a statement that on the redemption date the redemption price will become due and payable upon the portion of the Note called for redemption and that interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after said date; and (5) the place ered by the Noteholder for payment of the redemption price, hit chplace re the oof payment hallte shall be dbe the principal office maintained for the purpose by the Trustee. C. Conditional Redemption. Unless moneys sufficient to pay the redemption price of the portion of the Note to be redeemed shall have been received by the Trustee prior to the giving of such notice of redemption, such notice may, at the option of the Village, state that said redemption shall be conditional upon the receipt of such moneys by the Trustee on or prior to the date fixed for redemption. If such moneys are not received, such notice shall be of no force and effect, the Village shall not redeem such SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -13- Bonds, and the Trustee shall give notice, in the same manner in which the notice of redemption was given, that such moneys were not so received and that such portion of the Note will not be redeemed. D. Note Shall Become Due. Subject to the stated condition in paragraph C immediately preceding, official notice of redemption having been given as aforesaid, the portion of the Note so to be redeemed shall, on the redemption date, become due and payable at the redemption price therein specified, and from and after such date (unless the Village shall default in the payment of the redemption price) such portion of the Note shall cease to bear interest. Upon surrender of the Note for redemption in accordance with said notice, said Note shall be paid by the Trustee at the redemption price. The procedure for payment of interest due as part of the redemption price shall be as herein provided for payment of interest otherwise due. E. Insufficiency in Notice Not Affecting Remainder of Note. Neither the failure to mail such redemption notice, nor any defect in any notice so mailed, to any particular Noteholder, shall affect the sufficiency of such notice with respect to other Noteholders. Notice having been properly given, failure of a Noteholder to receive such notice shall not be deemed to invalidate, limit or delay the effect of the notice or redemption action described in the notice. Such notice may be waived in writing by a Noteholder entitled to receive such notice, either before or after the event, and such waiver shall be the equivalent of such notice. Waivers of notice by Noteholder shall be filed with the Trustee, but such filing shall not be a condition precedent to the validity of any action taken in reliance upon such waiver. F. New Note in Amount Redeemed. Upon surrender to the Trustee of a Note by the Noteholder thereof for any partial redemption of such Note, the Trustee shall record such redemption on the appendix to such Note and shall return such Note to the Noteholder thereof after recording such redemption and paying such Noteholder the redemption amount. G. Effect of Nonpayment upon Redemption. If any portion of the Note called for redemption shall not be so paid upon surrender thereof for redemption, the principal and premium (if any) shall, until paid or duly provided for, bear interest from the redemption date at the rate borne by the Note. S MRH:4 820-3914-5625.1 -14- Section 5. Registration of Note; Persons Treated as Owners. The Village shall cause the Note Register to be kept at the principal office maintained for the purpose by the Trustee, which is hereby constituted and appointed the Trustee and Note Registrar of the Village. The Village is authorized to prepare, and the Trustee shall keep custody of, multiple Note blanks executed by the Village for use in the transfer and exchange of the Note. The Village shall inform the Trustee of each Advance for Value under the Note and the Trustee shall note the same in the Note Registrar, together with any prepayments of principal of such Note. The Note may be transferred in whole and not in part. Upon surrender for transfer of the Note, duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument or instruments of transfer in form satisfactory to the Trustee and duly executed by, the Noteholder or his attorney duly authorized in writing, the Village shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate, date and deliver in the name of the transferee or transferees a new fully registered Note of the same maturity for a like aggregate principal amount. The execution by the Village of any fully registered Note shall constitute full and due authorization of such Note and the Trustee shall thereby be authorized to authenticate, date and deliver such Note. The person in whose name the Note shall be registered on the Note Register shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute Owner thereof for all purposes, and payment of the principal of or interest on such Note shall be made only to or upon the order of the Noteholder thereof or his legal representative. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. No Noteholder shall be charged a service charge for any transfer or exchange of the Note, but the Village may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed in connection with any transfer or exchange of the Note exchanged in the case of the issuance of a new Note for the outstanding portion of the Note surrendered for redemption. Section 6. Form of Note. The Note shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT B. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -15- Section 7. Security for the Note; Operation of Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount; Operation of Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund; Junior Lien Debt Service Reserve and Redemption Subaccount Not Created; Rebate Fund; Investment Income. A. Pledged Taxes Pledged. For the prompt payment of principal of and interest on the Note when due, the Village hereby pledges the Pledged Taxes in the priority of lien and as otherwise in this Ordinance and the Indenture provided. The Note, together with the interest and premium, if any, thereon is a limited obligation of the Village, payable solely and only from the collection of the Pledged Taxes and the amounts on deposit in and pledged to the various funds and accounts as provided herein and in the Indenture. NO NOTEHOLDER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMPEL THE EXERCISE OF ANY TAXING POWER OF THE VILLAGE FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL THEREOF OR INTEREST OR PREMIUM, IF ANY, THEREON. THE NOTE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF THE VILLAGE OR A LOAN OF CREDIT THEREOF WITHIN THE MEANING OF ANY STATUTORY OR CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATION. FAILURE TO PAY WHEN DUE ANY INSTALLMENT OF CURRENT INTEREST OR ANY AMOUNT OF DEFERRED ACCRUED INTEREST OR OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DUE TO INSUFFICIENCY OF THE PLEDGED TAXES, WHETHER AT STATED MATURITY, FINAL MATURITY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL IN NO EVENT BE DEEMED TO BE AN EVENT OF DEFAULT ON THE NOTE. B. Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount. The Village covenants and agrees that all Incremental Property Taxes required to be deposited into the Special Tax Allocation Fund shall be deposited into the Special Tax Allocation Fund as provided in the Indenture. As further provided in the Indenture, the Note is secured by a pledge of all of the moneys on deposit in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund, but only in the priorities specified in the Indenture and the amounts specified in this Ordinance and subject to the limitations contained herein and therein, and such pledge is irrevocable until the obligations of the Village are discharged under this Ordinance and the Indenture. The Note is secured by all or any portion of the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes and by all or any portion of the Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes in the priorities specified in the Indenture. Accordingly, incidental to each Accounting, the Trustee shall calculate the amounts of (A) the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, if any, and (B) the Net Limited SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -16- Incremental Sales Taxes, if any, which amount shall be deemed for all purposes of that Accounting to be the amount of Pledged Taxes (whether derived from the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, the Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, or both). The Trustee shall thereupon immediately deposit Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes and Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes to the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount and the Junior Lien Debt Service Reserve and Redemption Subaccount in accordance with the Indenture, and said amount shall be "Pledged Taxes" for all purposes of this Ordinance and shall be used to pay principal of and interest on the Note as provided in this Ordinance and in the Indenture or deposited into the special Tax Allocation Fund of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account as provided in the Indenture. C. The Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund. The Village covenants and agrees that all Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes required to be deposited into the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund shall be deposited into the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund as provided in the Indenture. Upon any Accounting the Trustee is hereby expressly authorized, without further order of or direction by the Corporate Authorities, to transfer Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes in accordance with the Indenture. It being the express intent of the Village that interest on and principal of the Note shall be paid in each Bond Year to the fullest extent possible from the Pledged Taxes (whether from Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, or both). D. Junior Lien Debt Service Reserve and Redemption Subaccount Not Created. No Junior Lien Debt Service Reserve and Redemption Subaccount is created under this Ordinance. Accordingly the Junior Lien Debt Service Reserve Requirement under this Ordinance is $-0-. E. The Rebate Account. The Trustee is hereby authorized to establish within the Rebate Fund a "2019 Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note Rebate [or Penalty, if applicable] Account" (the "2019 Junior Lien Rebate Account") for the Note, and the Designated Officers are hereby directed, not less frequently than annually, to cause to be transferred to the 2019 Junior Lien Rebate Account the amount determined to be the accrued Liability under the Rebate Requirement or Penalty. The Designated Officers shall cause to be paid to the U.S., without further order or direction from the Corporate Authorities, from time to time as required, amounts sufficient to meet the Rebate Requirement or to pay the Penalty. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -17- F. Investments. The moneys on deposit in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount and in the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund may be invested by the Trustee from time to time in Permitted Investments as directed (which direction may be telephonic but shall be promptly confirmed in writing) by the Village Treasurer, without further official action of the Corporate Authorities. Any such investments may be sold by the Trustee from time to time as moneys may be needed for the purposes for which the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount and the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund have been created. In addition, as provided in the Indenture, the Trustee shall sell such investments when necessary to remedy any deficiency in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount and the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund. Any investment earnings shall be attributed to the subaccount or fund for which the investment was made. Section 8. General Covenants. The Village covenants and agrees with the holders of the Note that, so long as the Note remains outstanding and unpaid: (a) The Village will punctually pay or cause to be paid from the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund and the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund the principal of and interest on the Note in strict conformity with the terms of the Note, the Redevelopment Agreement, the Indenture and this Ordinance, and it will faithfully observe and perform all of the conditions, covenants and requirements thereof. (b) The Village will pay and discharge, or cause to be paid and discharged, from the Special Tax Allocation Fund and the Limited Incremental Sales Tax Fund any and all lawful claims which, if unpaid, might become a lien or charge upon the Pledged Taxes, or any part thereof, or which might impair the security of the Note. Nothing herein contained shall require the Village to make any such payment so long as the Village in good faith shall contest the validity of said claims. (c) The Village will keep, or cause to be kept, proper books of record and accounts, separate from all other records and accounts of the Village, in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relating to the Redevelopment Project Area, the Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Redevelopment Project, the 2019 TIF Capital Costs and the Pledged Taxes. Such books of record and accounts shall at all times during business hours be subject to the inspection of the respective holders of not less than ten per cent (10%) of the principal amount of the Note then outstanding, or their representatives authorized in writing. The Village will prepare or cause the preparation of complete financial statements with respect to the preceding Fiscal Year showing the Pledged Taxes received, all disbursements from the funds and accounts created by the Indenture and continued under this Ordinance and the financial condition of the 2019 TIF Project, including the balances SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -18- in all funds and accounts relating to the Note and the 2019 TIF Project and the 2019 TIF Capital Costs as of the end of such Fiscal Year, which statements shall be accompanied by a certificate or opinion in writing of an Independent certified public accountant. The Village will furnish a copy of such statements to any Noteholder owning ten percent (10%) or more in aggregate principal amount of the Note then outstanding, upon written request of such owner. (d) The Village will preserve and protect the security of the Note and the rights of the Noteholders. (e) The Village will continue to implement the Redevelopment Project with all practicable dispatch in accord with its stated objectives and purposes in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan and the TIF Act and will timely convene the joint review board for the Redevelopment Project Area and timely make available and file such information and reports as shall be required by the TIF Act while the Note or any portion thereof remains outstanding. (0 The Village will adopt, make, execute and deliver any and all such further ordinances, resolutions, instruments and assurances as may be reasonably necessary or proper to carry out the intention of, or to facilitate the performance of, this Ordinance, and for the better assuring and confirming unto the Noteholders of the Note of the rights and benefits provided in this Ordinance. (g) So long as any portion of the Note remains outstanding, the Village will take no action, nor will the Village omit to take any action, which act or omission will in any way adversely affect the ability of the Village to collect the Incremental Property Taxes or the Incremental Sales Taxes or to allocate the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes or the Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes and the Village and its officers will comply with all present and future applicable laws in order to assure that the Pledged Taxes will be collected, allocated and deposited in the funds and accounts as herein provided. Section 9. Delivery of the Note. As soon as may be after this Ordinance becomes effective, the Note shall be executed by the Designated Officers and be delivered to the Developer. The Designated Officers as shall be appropriate are hereby authorized to proceed, without any further official authorization or action by the Corporate Authorities, to approve or execute, or both, such documents as shall be necessary to effectuate the issuance and delivery of the Note, with such insertions, deletions, additions, modifications or changes as they shall reasonably determine to be desirable, necessary and in the best interests of the Village, their approval or execution thereof to constitute ratification by the Corporate Authorities of any such insertion, deletion, addition, modification or change with no further official action, authorization or determination of the Corporate Authorities. The agreement with the Developer to purchase SMR11:48203914.5625.1 -19- the Note is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, it being hereby expressly found that no person holding any office of the Village either by election or appointment is in any manner financially interested, either directly in his own name or indirectly in the name of any other person, association, trust or corporation, in said agreement with the Developer for the purchase of the Note. Any Designated Officer and such other officers of the Village as may be necessary are hereby further authorized to execute such documents, including, specifically, such closing documents and certifications as shall be required by Bond Counsel to render their opinion relating to the validity of the Note and the treatment of interest thereon for federal income taxation purposes. Section 10. Note Proceeds. The performance by the Developer of its obligations pursuant to the Redevelopment Agreement shall be deemed to be consideration for the issuance of the Note. To that end the Designated Officers are hereby expressly directed to authorize the drawdown of the principal amount of the Note as herein authorized and as provided and pursuant to the conditions set forth in the Redevelopment Agreement, not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of Maximum Principal Amount, upon delivery from time to time by the Developer to the Village of such evidence of performance as such Designated Officers shall reasonably require, without further official action or direction by the Corporate Authorities. All proceeds of the Note shall be deemed fully expended upon the relevant drawdown of the principal amount thereof. Section 11. Additional Notes. No Additional Notes shall be issued unless the Village shall have obtained the prior written consent of the registered owners of all of the Note then outstanding. The Village hereby expressly reserves unto itself without restriction of any type or kind whatsoever the right to issue obligations secured by all or any portion of the Municipal Portion. In addition, the Village shall have the right to issue any bonds or obligations that are subordinate to the Revenue Bonds and the Note. The Village also reserves the right, without the need to obtain any consent of the holders of the Note, to (a) refinance the Revenue Bonds on any date after the Revenue Bonds become callable and (b) defease the Revenue Bonds and issue new senior revenue bonds secured by the same pledged taxes so long as such defeasance (i) does not adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the Revenue Bonds, (ii) the new senior revenue bonds SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -20- are tax-exempt, and (iii) such defeasance allows for a restructuring or reduction of the debt service for the Revenue Bonds. Section 12. General Arbitrage Provisions. A. Except for the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount, the Village has not created or established and will not create or establish any sinking fund, reserve fund or any other similar fund to provide for the payment of the Note. The Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount has been established and will be funded in a manner primarily to achieve a proper matching of tax revenues and debt service, and will be collectively depleted at least annually to an amount not in excess of 1/12 the particular annual debt service on the Note. Money deposited therein will be spent within a 13 -month period beginning on the date of deposit, and investment earnings therein will be spent or withdrawn within a one-year period beginning on the date of receipt. B. The investment of proceeds or funds related to the Note by the Designated Officers at a yield which is restricted to a lower yield than otherwise obtainable in order to meet any covenants relating to the Tax Exempt status of the Note, as advised by Bond Counsel, or as otherwise determined to be necessary for such purpose, is expressly authorized and directed. C. The Village further certifies and covenants as follows with respect to the requirements of Section 148(f) of the Code, relating to the rebate of "excess arbitrage profits" (the "Rebate Requirement") to the United States: 1. Unless an applicable exception to the Rebate Requirement is available to the Village, the Village will meet the Rebate Requirement. 2. Relating to applicable exceptions, the Designated Officers are hereby authorized to make such elections under the Code as such officers shall deem reasonable and in the best interests of the Village. If such election may result in a "penalty in Lieu of rebate" as provided in the Code, and such penalty is incurred (the "Penalty"), then the Village shall pay such Penalty. 3. The Trustee is hereby authorized to establish within the Rebate Fund a "2019 Senior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Bonds Rebate [or Penalty, if applicable) Account" (the "2019 Rebate Account") for the Bonds, and the Designated Officers are hereby directed, not less frequently than annually, to cause to be transferred to the 2019 Rebate Account the amount determined to be the accrued liability under the Rebate SMRH:4820-39145625.1 -21- Requirement or Penalty. The Designated Officers shall cause to be paid to the U.S., without further order or direction from the Corporate Authorities, from time to time as required, amounts sufficient to meet the Rebate Requirement or to pay the Penalty. 4. Interest earnings in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund are hereby authorized to be transferred, without further order or direction from the Corporate Authorities, from time to time as required, to the 2019 Junior Lien Rebate Account for the purposes herein provided; and proceeds of the Bonds and other funds of the Village are also hereby authorized to be used to meet the Rebate Requirement or to pay the Penalty, but only if necessary after application of investment earnings as aforesaid and only as appropriated by the Corporate Authorities. The Village also certifies and further covenants with the Noteholders that moneys on deposit in any fund or account in connection with the Note, whether or not such moneys were derived from the proceeds of the sale of the Note or from any other source, will not be used in a manner which will cause the Note to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of Code Section 148 and any lawful regulations promulgated thereunder, as the same presently exist or may from time to time hereafter be amended, supplemented or revised. None of the proceeds of the Note will be used to pay, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for an expenditure that has been paid by the Village prior to the date hereof. This Ordinance is in itself a declaration of official intent under Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2 as to all costs paid after the date hereof and prior to issuance of the Note. Section 13. Further Tax Covenants. The Village agrees to comply with all provisions of the Code which, if not complied with by the Village, would cause the Note not to be Tax Exempt. In furtherance of the foregoing provisions, but without limiting their generality, the Village agrees: (a) through its officers, to make such further specific covenants, representations as shall be truthful, and assurances as may be necessary or advisable; (b) to comply with all representations, covenants and assurances contained in certificates or agreements as may be prepared by Bond Counsel; (c) to consult with Bond Counsel and to comply with such advice as may be given; (d) to pay to the United States, if necessary, such sums of money representing required rebates of excess arbitrage profits relating to the Note; (e) to file such forms, statements and supporting documents as may be required and in a timely manner; and (f) if deemed SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -22- necessary or advisable by its officers, to employ and pay fiscal agents, financial advisors, attorneys and other persons to assist the Village in such compliance. Section 19. Registered Form. The Village recognizes that Section 149 of the Code requires the Note to be issued and to remain in fully registered form in order to be and remain Tax Exempt. In this connection, the Village agrees that it will not take any action to permit the Note to be issued in, or converted into, bearer or coupon form. Section 15. Opinion of Counsel Exception. The Village reserves the right to use or invest moneys in connection with the Note in any manner, or to use, treat or contract with respect to the 2019 Capital Costs, notwithstanding the covenants in Sections 12 to 14 herein, provided it shall first have received an opinion from Bond Counsel to the effect that use or investment of such moneys, or use of the TIF Project, as contemplated will not result in any adverse effect on the Tax Exempt status of interest on the Note. Section 16. Amendments to Ordinance No 19-09. Ordinance No. 19-09 adopted by the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village on July 8, 2019, is hereby amended as follows: (a) The following definitions are hereby added to such Ordinance and shall have the following meanings: A. "Total Property" means the real property or rights therein on a site within the Redevelopment Project Area (as legally described on EXHIBIT A-1 (Legal Description of Property) attached to Ordinance No. 19- 11 (this Ordinance). B. "First Stage Property" means the real property or rights therein on a site within the Redevelopment Project Area (as legally described on EXHIBIT A-2 (Legal Description of Retail Parcel) attached to Ordinance No. 19-11 (this Ordinance). C. "School Payment" means the payments to school districts as provided in Sections 3(q)(7.5) of the TIF Act. D. "Second Stage Property" means the real property or rights therein on a site within the Redevelopment Project Area (as legally described on EXHIBIT A-3 (Legal Description of Residential Property) attached to Ordinance No. 19-11 (this Ordinance). S MRH:4 820-3 914.5625.1 -23- (b) The definition of "Property" is hereby amended and restated to read as follows: "Property" means until the issuance of the Second Series Bonds pursuant to this Ordinance and the Indenture, the First Stage Property and, on and after the issuance of the Second Series Bonds pursuant to the this Ordinance and the Indenture, the Total Property. (c) Each reference to "Junior Lien Bond and Interest Subaccount" is hereby amended and restated to read "Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount". (d) Each reference to "Junior Lien Bonds" is hereby amended and restated to read "Junior Lien Notes". (e) The third paragraph under clause (c) of Section 10.B is hereby deleted in its entirety. (f) Section 10.B. is hereby amended to create within the 2019 Redevelopment Project Account of the special Tax Allocation Fund a subaccount called the "School Subaccount". (g) Clause (a) of Section 10.B. is hereby amended and restated to read as follows: (a) School Subaccount and Program Expenses Subaccount. The Trustee shall (i) first transfer Limited Incremental Property Taxes to the School Subaccount until the balance on deposit in and to the credit of the School Subaccount shall equal to School Payment for such year as certified in writing by the Village to the Trustee and (ii) after the transfer in clause (i), second transfer Limited Incremental Property Taxes to the Program Expenses Subaccount until the balance on deposit in and to the credit of the Program Expenses Subaccount shall equal the Program Expense Requirement. Moneys on deposit in the School Account shall by paid to or at the written direction of the Village to make payments as provided in Sections 3(q)(7.5) of the TIF Act for the then current Bond Year and moneys on deposit in the Program Expenses Subaccount shall be used to pay or reimburse Program Expenses for the then current and the next succeeding Bond Year and shall be disbursed upon the written direction of the Village. Section 17. Publication of Ordinance. A full, true and complete copy of this Ordinance shall be published within ten days after passage in pamphlet form by authority of the Corporate Authorities. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -24- Section 18. Superseder and Effective Date. All ordinances, resolutions and orders, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith, are to the extent of such conflict hereby superseded; and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Section 19. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance. PASSED this 26th day of August 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 26th day of August 2019. APPROVED and FILED in my office this 26th day of August 2019. Marilyn Sneider, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois _25_ EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND THAT PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 IN DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9066534; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 IN LOCHNER'S RESUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JULY 10, 1997 AS DOCUMENT NO. 97497619; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5 AND THE WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORMANDY AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 10 FEET OF LOT 18 IN SAID DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 18; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 28 IN SAID DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 28 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 28; THENCE WESTERLY TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 59 IN SAID DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 59 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 59; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 59 AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 58 THRU 44 INCLUSIVE IN SAID DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 44; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 16 IN STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1924 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8540426; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 16 AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID HAZEL STREET AND SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE PUBLIC ALLEY ADJOINING THE WEST LINE OF SAID STEELE'S MORTON GROVE HIGHLANDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT -OF' -WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE CHURCHHILL STREET; SMRH:4820-3914-5625. ] -26- THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF NEW ENGLAND AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENSION AND WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 127 IN SAID DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 127; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 127 TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 170 IN SAID DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF GREENWOOD AVENUE; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY EXTENSION AND THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF GREENWOOD AVENUE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE NORTH - SOUTH PUBLIC ALLEY LYING WEST OF SAID WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 114 IN FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 23, 1925 AS DOCUMENT NO. 8824972; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 114 AND THE WESTERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAYRE AVENUE; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 31 IN SAID FOREST VIEW SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 31 TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF LOT 5 IN FINK AND OTHERS SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 18 AND NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED APRIL 12, 1893 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1847465; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY EXTENSION AND WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 460 IN THE FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER- WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 11, 1927 AS DOCUMENT NO. 9576777; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 460 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 430 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 430 AND THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 401 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 401 TO A POINT ON A LINE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -27- WAUKEGAN ROAD AT A POINT 355.29 FEET (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT -OF WAY LINE) SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 206 IN SAID FIRST ADDITION TO DEMPSTER-WAUKEGAN ROAD SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE OF LOT 2 IN WHITE'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID NORTH HALF OF SECTION 19, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1882 AS DOCUMENT NO. 368124; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY EXTENSION AND NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF LOT 1 IN SAID WHITE'S SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -28- EXHIBIT A-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TOTAL PROPERTY THAT PART OF LOT 1 LYING WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1 OF WHITE'S SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 AND PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, 180 FEET WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1: THENCE SOUTH PERPENDICULAR TO THE SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, 274.92 FEET; THENCE EAST ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, 173.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE SAID DESCRIBED EAST LINE, 275 FEET TO A POINT IN THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT, 180 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF LOT 1 OF WHITE'S SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD PER DOCUMENT 19952575, BEING A LINE 54.0 FEET (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 453.333 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE: THENCE NORTH 6 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 28 SECONDS EAST 91.24 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING 65.00 FEET (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 16 MINUTES 22 SECONDS EAST 90.03 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD TO A POINT 67.00 FEET (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 50 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD PER DOCUMENT 19952575 TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 110.122 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CIRCLE HAVING A RADIUS OF 70.00 FEET CONVEX TO THE NORTHWEST AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS NORTH 45 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST, 1062.70 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET PER DOCUMENT 19952575 AND 19952576, BEING A LINE 54.00 FEET (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE WEST LINE OF A PARCEL OF LAND WHICH WAS DEDICATED FOR DEMPSTER STREET PER DOCUMENT 11634381; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 4.00 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY EXTENSION TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND PER DOCUMENT 11634381 ; SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -29- THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST 55.745 FEET ALONG A LINE 50.00 FEET (MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY) SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULARLY WITH SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 AT A POINT 325.00 FEET (MEASURED ALONG SAID NORTH LINE) WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763.00 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT I ; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 170.00 FEET ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 84.13 FEET ALONG A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 249.85 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 13.514 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 132.575 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST 0. 18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 204.937 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, SAID POINT BEING 1102.502 FEET (MEASURED ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE) EAST OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST, 1102.502 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 3: THAT PART OF LOT 1 OF WHITE'S SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763.00 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1 WITH THE NORTH LINE THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 180.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 50.00 FEET ALONG A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULARLY WITH SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 145.00 FEET ALONG A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH- LINE; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 170.00 FEET ALONG A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULARLY WITH SAID NORTH LINE: THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 84. 13 FEET ALONG A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 249.85 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 13.514 FEET; THENCE SOUTH DO DEGREES 06 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 132.575 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST 0. 18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 204.937 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, SAID POINT BEING 1156.502 FEET (MEASURED ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE) EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER •or SAID LOT 1, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST 402.568 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763.00 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 32 MINUTES 17.5 SECONDS EAST, 532.33 FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO A LINE DRAWN 274.92 FEET (MEASURED SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -30- PERPENDICULARLY) SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 1; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 173.27 FEET ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULARLY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND PASSING THROUGH THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST 224.92 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PROPERTY INDEX NUMBERS (as of Effective Date of Agreement) 10-19-103-001-0000 10-19-200-007-0000 10-19-200-010-0000 10-19-200-009-0000 SMR11:4820-3914-5625.1 -31- EXHIBIT A-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF FIRST STAGE PROPERTY THAT PART OF LOT 1 OF WHITE'S SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, (ALL REFERENCES TO DEEDS, MICROFICHE, PLATS, SURVEYS, ETC. REFER TO THE RECORDS OF THE COOK COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763.00 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1 WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 11634381; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 01 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 757.08 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF AFORESAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 257.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1248.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952575; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD AND THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET, BOTH AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952575, THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES: 1) NORTH 00 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 452.96 FEET; 2) NORTH 06 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 91.24 FEET; 3) NORTH 00 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 90.03 FEET; 4) NORTH 00 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; 5) NORTHEASTERLY, 110.12 FEET ALONG AN ARC TO THE RIGHT AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 70.00 FEET, SUBTENDED BY A LONG CHORD HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 44 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 49 SECONDS EAST AND A LENGTH OF 99.11 FEET; SMRH:48203914-5625.1 -32- 6) NORTH 89 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 671.41 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & BUILDINGS PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952575, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & BUILDINGS PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952576; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952576, NORTH 89 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 391.29 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & BUILDINGS PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952576; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LAND CONVEYED PER DOCUMENT NUMBER 19952576, NORTH 00 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 4.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 11634381; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 11634381, NORTH 89 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 98.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 198.51; THENCE SOUTH 44 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 07 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 197.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 37 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 33.60 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 07 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 931,458 SQUARE FEET OR 21.383 ACRES (MORE OR LESS). THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS TO BE KNOWN AS LOTS 1 TO 4 AND 6 TO 13 IN KENSINGTON SUBDIVISION. THE BEARINGS IN THIS DESCRIPTION ARE BASED UPON THE ILLINOIS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM EAST ZONE (NAD83). PROPERTY INDEX NUMBERS FOR RETAIL PARCEL (as of Effective Date of Agreement) SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -33- EXHIBIT A-3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SECOND STAGE PROPERTY THAT PART OF LOT 1 OF WHITE'S SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, (ALL REFERENCES TO DEEDS, MICROFICHE, PLATS, SURVEYS, ETC. REFER TO THE RECORDS OF THE COOK COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST 763.00 FEET OF THE EAST 26.31 ACRES OF SAID LOT 1 WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.01 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, BEING A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 11634381; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 01 SECOND WEST, A DISTANCE OF 757.08 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF AFORESAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 257.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 07 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 37 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 33.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 07 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 197.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.51 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 06 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 198.51 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF DEMPSTER STREET AS REFERENCED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 11634381; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, NORTH 89 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 281.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 207,243 SQUARE FEET OR 4.758 ACRES (MORE OR LESS). SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -34- THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS TO BE KNOWN AS LOT 5 IN KENSINGTON SUBDIVISION. THE BEARINGS IN THIS DESCRIPTION ARE BASED UPON THE ILLINOIS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM EAST ZONE (NAD83). PROPERTY INDEX NUMBERS FOR RESIDENTIAL PARCEL (as of Effective Date of Agreement) SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -35- SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 EXHIBIT B FORM OF NOTE -36- STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE JUNIOR LIEN TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE (SAWMILL STATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT), SERIES 2019 SOLE NOTE: REGISTERED MAXIMUM AMOUNT: REGISTERED REGISTERED No.ONE Maximum Principal Amount KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS (the "Village"), a municipality, home rule unit and body corporate and politic duly organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, for value received hereby acknowledges itself to owe and promises to pay (subject to mandatory and optional redemption as hereinafter provided) to the Registered Owner hereof, or registered assigns, the Outstanding Principal Amount of this Note, as hereinafter described, and interest on such Outstanding Principal Amount at a rate percent per annum which is equal to six and one half percent (6.50%) (computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months) in annual installments of principal and interest on January 1 of each year (each January 1 being an "Interest Payment Date") until paid, commencing on the first January I following the Retail Substantial Completion Date on which funds are available and on deposit in the hereinafter defined Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount, with a final installment of principal and interest coming due at Final Maturity. "Final Maturity" means (A) the date on which the Village has made provision for or payment in full of all principal of and interest on this Note, (B) as to any payment on this Note from the hereinafter defined Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, the earlier to occur of (i) the date which is twenty (20) years after the Dated Date or (ii) December 31, 2042, or (C) as to any payment on this Note from the hereinafter defined Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, the date which is the last date allowable under the TIF Act (as defined below). The "Outstanding Principal Amount" " means that amount, not to exceed the Maximum Principal Amount, shown as Advances for Value, less payments of principal thereon. "Advances for Value" means the principal advanced from time to time in even multiples of $1,000 under this Note to pay Certified TIF Costs (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance defined below) not paid with Initial Revenue Bonds Net Proceeds (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance defined below) as noted on this Note by the Village in the SMRH:4820-39145625.1 -37- form of "Advances for Value" hereon, which advances shall not exceed in the aggregate the Maximum Principal Amount. The "Maximum Principal Amount" means (a) up to $21,800,000 of the aggregate amount of Certified TIF Costs minus the total amount of the Initial Revenue Bonds Net Proceeds, less (b) the Grocery Store Holdback (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance defined below) less (c) the Recapture Amount (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance defined below). This Note shall be dated the date of authentication but shall not bear interest on the Outstanding Principal Amount until the date of Retail Substantial Completion. Interest when due ("Current Interest") shall be paid from the later of the date of Retail Substantial Completion or from the most recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, until the principal amount of the Note is paid or duly provided for, as provided from the hereinafter defined Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the hereinafter defined Special Tax Allocation Fund, and if funds on deposit therein and to the credit thereof are insufficient for such purpose, such failure to pay shall not in and of itself constitute an event of default, but such interest shall thereupon be recorded by the Trustee as Deferred Accrued Interest ("Deferred Accrued Interest"). Deferred Accrued Interest which is owing and unpaid shall bear interest at the same interest rate as the Note. The order of payment of principal and interest on this Note shall be first, Deferred Accrued Interest, second, Current Interest, and next, mandatory redemption of the Outstanding Principal Amount, as adjusted and shown as advanced in the form of Advances for Value hereon. Failure to pay when due any installment of Current Interest or any amount of Outstanding Principal Amount due to insufficiency of the hereinafter defined Pledged Taxes, whether at a regular Interest Payment Date, at Stated Maturity, Final Maturity or otherwise, shall in no event be deemed to be an event of default hereon. The Registered Owner of this Note, by acceptance hereof, hereby expressly agrees and acknowledges that there may be Deferred Accrued Interest hereon, that is, that Current Interest may not have been paid, without any special notation having been made upon this Note. The principal of this Note shall be payable by check of draft in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation at the principal office maintained for the purpose by Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, as trustee, Trustee and paying agent (the "Trustee"), under that certain Indenture of Trust dated as of [ 1, 2019 (the "Indenture"), by and between the Village and the Trustee. Interest on this Note shall be paid to the Registered Owner hereof as SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -38- shown on the Register at the close of business on the Record Date. Interest hereon shall be paid by check or draft of the Trustee, payable upon presentation thereof in lawful money of the United States of America, mailed to the address of such Registered Owner as it appears on the Register or at such other address furnished to the Trustee in writing or as directed by such Registered Owner, all as provided in the hereinafter defined Ordinance. This Note is issued pursuant to Division 74.4 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code (the "TIF Act"), and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, and specifically as supplemented by the Local Government Debt Reform Act, as amended, and the other Omnibus Bond Acts, as amended and as supplemented, and, where necessary, superseded, by the home rule powers of the Village under Section 6 of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of Illinois (collectively, the "Act"), and the principal of and interest, and premium, if any, hereon are payable solely and only from all or any portion of (i) a portion (said portion being the "Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes") of the ad valorem taxes, if any, arising from taxes levied by any and all taxing districts or municipal corporations having the power to tax real property in the Property (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance), which Property is part of the Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project Area of the Village (the "Redevelopment Project Area"), which taxes are attributable to the increase in the then current equalized assessed valuation of each taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property in the Property (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance) over and above the total Initial Equalized Assessed Value of each such piece of property, all as determined by the County Clerk of The County of Cook, Illinois, and on deposit in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Allocation Fund (the "Special Tax Allocation Fund") continued under the Indenture, (ii) a portion of certain incremental sales taxes, if any, derived from the Property (as defined in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance), or any successor taxes thereto (said portion being the "Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes" and, together with the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes and as calculated as provided in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance, the "Pledged Taxes") and (iii) the amounts on deposit in and pledged to the various funds and accounts of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund, all in the priority of lien as provided in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance and the Indenture and as otherwise provided in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance and the Indenture. Additional Junior Lien Notes and senior lien bonds may be SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -39- issued upon the terms and as provided in the hereinafter defined 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance and the Indenture and the ordinances authorizing the senior lien bonds. This Note is being issued for the purposes of paying or reimbursing a portion of certain costs of a redevelopment project on a site located within the Redevelopment Project Area, all as more fully described in proceedings adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Corporate Authorities") pursuant to the Act and in an ordinance authorizing the issuance of this Note adopted by the Corporate Authorities on the 26th day of August 2019, and authorizing the issuance hereof (the "2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance"), the Indenture and in that certain Redevelopment Agreement dated as of July 8, 2019, by and between the Village and IM Kensington MG, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and relating to the Property (as most recently amended, the "Redevelopment Agreement"), to all the provisions of which the holder by the acceptance of this Note assents. Under the Act, the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance, the Indenture and the Redevelopment Agreement, the Incremental Property Taxes shall be deposited in the Special Tax Allocation Fund. The Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, if any, and the Net Limited Incremental Sales Taxes, if any, on deposit in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount of the 2019 Redevelopment Projects Account of the Special Tax Allocation Fund (the "Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount") shall be used first and are pledged for paying the principal of and interest on this Note and then in making any further required payments to any funds and accounts as provided by the terms of the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance and the Indenture. Terms used but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as provided in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance, the Indenture and the Redevelopment Agreement. This Note is a term note and is subject to mandatory redemption by operation of the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount at a price of par plus accrued interest without premium, on any date, whenever an annual Accounting shall demonstrate that there is on deposit in the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount an amount in excess of the amount required to pay all Deferred Accrued Interest and to pay Current Interest due and payable during the Note Year commencing on the January 1 next succeeding such Accounting. The Trustee shall make provision for the mandatory redemption of this Note to the fullest extent practicable from such excess. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -40- The Village covenants that it will cause the Trustee to redeem this Note pursuant to the mandatory redemption required for this Note. Proper provision for mandatory redemption having been made, the Village covenants that the Outstanding Principal Amount hereof to be redeemed shall be payable as at Stated Maturity. This Note is also subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the Village, in whole or in part, from any available funds, on any date, at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, and as further provided in the Ordinance. This Note may be transferred in whole but not in part. Upon surrender hereof at the principal office maintained for the purpose by the Trustee, accompanied by a written instrument or instruments of transfer in form satisfactory to the Trustee and duly executed by the Registered Owner or an attorney for such owner duly authorized in writing, the Trustee shall register this Note in the name of the new Registered Owner on the registration grid provided herein, and shall also enter the name and address of the new registered owner in the Note Register. The person in whose name this Note is registered on the Note Register shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute owner hereof for all purposes, and payment of the principal of or interest hereon shall be made only to or upon the order of the Registered Owner hereof or the owner's legal representative. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon this Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. This Note, together with the interest thereon, is a limited obligation of the Village, payable solely from the Pledged Taxes and the amounts on deposit in and pledged to the Junior Lien Note and Interest Subaccount as provided in the 2019 Junior Lien Note Ordinance, the Indenture and the Redevelopment Agreement. For the prompt payment of this Note, both principal and interest, as aforesaid, at maturity, the Pledged Taxes are hereby irrevocably pledged. THIS NOTE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF THE VILLAGE WITHIN THE MEANING OF ANY CONSTITUTIONAL OR STATUTORY PROVISION OR LIMITATION. No HOLDER OF THIS NOTE SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMPEL THE EXERCISE OF ANY TAXING POWER OF THE VILLAGE FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL HEREOF OR INTEREST HEREON. FAILURE TO PAY WHEN DUE ANY INSTALLMENT OF CURRENT INTEREST OR ANY AMOUNT OF DEFERRED ACCRUED INTEREST OR OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DUE TO INSUFFICIENCY OF THE PLEDGED TAXES, WHETHER AT STATED MATURITY, SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -4 1 - FINAL MATURITY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL IN NO EVENT BE DEEMED TO BE AN EVENT OF DEFAULT ON THIS NOTE. The Village hereby expressly finds and determines that as to the Net Limited Incremental Property Taxes, the Final Maturity of this Note does not exceed the earliest of (i) the date which is twenty (20) years from the Dated Date; or (ii) the date which is December 31 of the year following the twenty-third (23rd) year from the date of designation by the Corporate Authorities of the Redevelopment Project Area, to -wit: December 31, 2042. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by law to exist or to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this Note did exist, have happened, been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and the Village hereby covenants and agrees that it has made provision for the segregation of the Pledged Taxes and that it will properly account for said taxes and will comply with all the covenants of and maintain the funds and accounts as provided by the Ordinance and the Redevelopment Agreement. This Note shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until the certificate of authentication hereon shall have been signed by the Trustee. The tables and forms following the signatures on this Note and entitled Advances for Value and Registered Owner Notation are an integral part of this Note as if in each case fully set forth at this place and are incorporated herein by this reference. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -42- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Village has caused this Note to be signed by the manual or duly authorized facsimile signatures of its President and by its Village Clerk and its corporate seal or a facsimile thereof to be hereunto affixed, all as of the date of delivery hereof, to wit, the day of , 2019. [SEAL] Attest: Village Clerk, Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Date of Authentication: , 2019 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This Note is the Note described in the within mentioned Ordinance and is the Tax Increment Revenue Note (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), Series 2019, of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois. AMALGAMATED BANK OF CHICAGO, as trustee By SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -43- VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS By President, Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Trustee, Note Registrar and Paying Agent: Amalgamated Bank of Chicago STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE JUNIOR LIEN TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE, SERIES 2019 (SAWMILL STATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT) SOLE NOTE: MAXIMUM AMOUNT: REGISTERED REGISTERED No.ONE Maximum Principal Amount ADVANCES FOR VALUE Advances for Value made under this Note are set forth below. AMOUNT ADVANCED ($) SIGNATURE OF VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR OR DATE ADVANCED VILLAGE TREASURER SMR114820-3914-5625.1 -44- STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE JUNIOR LIEN TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE, SERIES 2019 (SAWMILL STATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT) SOLE NOTE: MAXIMUM AMOUNT: REGISTERED REGISTERED No.ONE Maximum Principal Amount OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL AMOUNT This Note is valid to the amount set forth below, the aggregate of said amounts being its Outstanding Principal Amount. If no amounts are recorded below, the Outstanding Principal Amount shall be the amount shown by the Village as the Amount Advanced on the previous appendix. AMOUNT ADVANCED BY PRINCIPAL THE VILLAGE ($) AMOUNT PAID ($) DATE SIGNATURE OF TRUSTEE SMRI [:4820-3914-5625.1 -45- Trustee moved the adoption of said ordinance, and Trustee seconded the motion. After a full and complete discussion thereof including a public recital of the nature of the matter being considered and such other information as would inform the public of the nature of the business being conducted, the President directed the Village Clerk to call the roll for a vote upon the motion to adopt said ordinance. Upon the roll being called the following Trustees voted: AYE: NAY: and the following voted: The President then declared the motion carried and said ordinance adopted, approved the same in open meeting and directed the Village Clerk to record the same in full in the records of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, which was done. Other business not pertinent to the adoption of said ordinance was duly transacted at the meeting. Upon motion being duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. SMRA:4820-3914-5625.1 -46- Marilyn Sneider, DeputyVillage Clerk STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF COOK ) CERTIFICATION OF ORDINANCE, MINUTES AND PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village"), and that as such official I am the keeper of the records and files of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Corporate Authorities"). I do further certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete transcript of that portion of the minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Authorities held on the 26th day of August 2019, insofar as same relates to the adoption of an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, providing for the issuance of a not to exceed Maximum Principal Amount Junior Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note (Sawmill Station Redevelopment Project), Series 2019, and pledging certain incremental property and sales tax revenues to the payment thereof. (the "Ordinance"), a true, correct and complete copy of which Ordinance as adopted at said meeting appears in the foregoing transcript of the minutes of said meeting. I do further certify that the deliberations of the Corporate Authorities on the adoption of the Ordinance were conducted openly, that the vote on the adoption of said ordinance was taken openly; that said meeting was held at a specified time and place convenient to the public; that notice of said meeting was duly given to all of the news media requesting such notice; that an agenda for said meeting (the "Agenda") was posted at the location where said meeting was held and at the principal office of the Corporate Authorities on a day which was not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday for Illinois municipalities and not less than 48 hours in advance of holding said meeting; that the Agenda described or made specific reference to the Ordinance; that a true, correct and complete copy of the agenda as so posted is attached hereto; that said meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, and that the Corporate Authorities have complied with all of the provisions of said Act and the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended, except as said Act and said Code may be validly superseded by the home rule powers of the Village, and with all of the procedural rules of the Corporate Authorities. I do further certify that the Ordinance was published by authority of the Corporate Authorities in pamphlet form at 8:00 p.m. on the 27th day of August 2019, and the Ordinance as so published was on said date readily available for public inspection and distribution, in sufficient number to meet the needs of the general public, at my office as Village Clerk located in the Village. SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -47- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the Village, this 27th day of August 2019. Marilyn Sneider, Deputy Village Clerk [SEAL] SMRH:4820-3914-5625.1 -48- Legislative Summary Resolution 19-35 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 2020 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN INCIDENT COMMAND VEHICLE FOR THE MORTON GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: / Ralp Prepared by: August 26, 2019 To authorize the purchase of one new 2020 Chevrolet Suburban to replace the vehicle currently in use as the Fire Department Incident Command Vehicle. The current 2009 Chevy Incident Command Vehicle is nearing the end of its dependable life as a frontline emergency response unit. The 2019 Budget allocates funds for its replacement. The Fire Department in cooperation with Public Works staff developed a specification for this new vehicle. The existing vehicle will be used in a support capacity by the Fire Department. The Village is currently a member of the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) — cooperative purchasing program group. Lake Country Chevrolet is HGAC's designated vendor for this equipment. Fire Depai tment $44,791.00 (per the attached proposal). Village's Adopted Budget Account #024015-572011 The Fire Department as part of their normal work activities will perform the management and supervision of this purchase. Approval as presented. N/A None age Administrator Frank Rodgers, Fire Chief Reviewed by: Teresa Hdff an 7° ton, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-35 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 2020 CHEVY SUBURBAN INCIDENT COMMAND VEHICLE FOR THE MORTON GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax, purchase, and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to purchase and maintain an Incident Command Vehicle to provide dependable emergency responses within the community; and WHEREAS, replacement of this Command Vehicle has been designated as a necessary capital improvement which has already been identified as part of the 2019 Village of Morton Grove Adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Code, Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Section 6E entitled Purchasing Procedures; Cooperative Purchasing authorizes the purchase of goods or services pursuant to intergovernmental cooperative procurement programs sponsored by the state of Illinois or any other governmental jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, based on significant effort and appropriate due diligence it was deteimined the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) cooperative purchasing program was the most appropriate joint purchase opportunity available to make this purchase; and WHEREAS, the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) is an organizational representative of municipalities, townships, and other units of local government, chartered within the state of Texas and is available for use by its municipal member agencies; and WHEREAS, the 'Village of Morton Grove has been a municipal member agency of the HGAC cooperative purchasing group since May 2014 and has successfully utilized the program for capital purchases in the past; and WHEREAS, the HGAC has solicited bids on specifications developed and it has determined Lake Country Chevrolet of Jasper, Texas is the primary vendor for Chevrolet Suburban vehicles; and WHEREAS, the HGAC awarded contract #VE11-18 for such purchases from the above vendor which expires in October 2020; and WHEREAS, after consideration and physical evaluations of the available vehicles, staff from the Morton Grove Fire Department and the Morton Grove Department of Public Works Maintenance Division, have recommended the purchase of a 2020 Chevrolet Suburban from Lake Country Chevrolet of Jasper, Texas; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Fire Department has negotiated other specifications within the parameters of the awarded contract with Lake Country Chevrolet, including additional equipment determined to be desirable to increase safety and incident response capabilities; and WHEREAS, enhancements and delivery added to the base specification by the Village Apparatus Committee brings the total cost of this purchase to $44,791.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President and Board of Trustees hereby authorize the purchase of one (1) Model Year 2020 Chevrolet Suburban from Lake Country Chevrolet of Jasper, Texas (or its authorized dealer) for a total cost of $44,791.00 per the terms and conditions of the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) bid, Contract #VE11-18 along with the specifications, as amended by the Morton Grove Fire Department and Public Works Maintenance Division. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Director of Finance are hereby directed to authorize the issuance of a purchase order to place the Incident Command Vehicle on order. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26th day of August 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 26th day of August 2019 ATTESTED and FILES in my office This 26th day of August 2019 Marilyn Sneider, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois CONTRACT PRICING WORKSHEET For MOTOR VEHICLES Only Contract No.: VE71-18 Date Prepared: 3/11/2019 This Worksheet is prepared by Contractor MUST be faxed to H-GAC @ and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both documents 713-993-4548. Therefore please type or print legibly. Buying Agency: MORTON GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT Contractor: LAKE COUNTRY CHEVROLET ConPenson DAN GALLAGHER Prevrcd By: RICK BROWN Phone: 815.382.7812 Phone: 1409,659 1555 Pax: Fax: 409-895-3884 Email: DGALLAGHER&JMORTONGROVEIL.ORG Email: )RBROWN.SILSBEEFLEET13GMAIL.COM Product Coda: A13 Description: CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LS A. Product Bern Base Unit Price Per Contractor's H-CAC Contract: I $ 37,421 00 B. Published Options - Itemize below - Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary - Include Option Code in description if applicable. (Note: Published Options are options which were submitted and priced in Contractors bid.) Description Cost Description Cost 2020 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN ILS EXTERIOR - TGK SPECIAL BODY COLOR VICTORY RED $ 425 00 5.3L V8 GAS ENGINE W/ AUTOMATIC 5T4-VICTORY RED BODY COLORED PARTS $ 225 00 POWER WINDOWS / LOCKS REAR VIEW CAMERA BLUETOOTH 4X4 UPGRADE - $ 3,000.00 AZ3.4020/40 FRONT SEAT $ V76-TOW HOOKS $ 50.00 PCWENI IANCED DRIVER ALERT PACKAGE $ 695_00 PDH-INTERIOR PROTECTION PACKAGE ? $ 270.00 l j Subtotal From Additional Sheet(s): $ �. Subtotal 8: ' $ 4,665 00 C. Unpublished Options - Itemize below / attach additional sheet(s if necessary. (Note: Unpublished options are items which were not submitted and priced in Contractor's bid.) Description Cost Description Cost IL/ TX CONCESSIONS DIFFERENCE $600 2020 CKI5906 $ 705.00 COURTESY DELIVERY FEE 1 $ 80000 Subtotal From Additional Sheet(s): Subtotal C: $ 2,105.00 Check: Total cost of Unpublished Options (C) cannot exceed 25% of the total of the Base Unit Price plus Published Options (A+B). For this transaction the percentage is: sa/o D. Total Cost Before Any Applicable Trade In / Other Allowances / Discounts (A+B+C) Quantity Ordered: 1 X Subtotal of A + B + C: $ 44,191.00 =a Subtotal D:!$ 44,19100 E. H-GAC Order Processing Charge (Amount Per Current Policy) Subtotal E: $ 600.00 F. Trade-Ins / Special Discounts / Other Allowances / Freight / Installation / Miscellaneous Charges Description Cost Description Cost Subtotal F: E $ Delivery Date: 90-120 G. Total Purchase Price (D+E+F): $ 44,79100 Legislative Summary Resolution 19-36 AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF THE 14 -INCH DISTRIBUTION WATER MAIN AT THE SOUTH PUMPING STATION Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ralph E. August 26, 2019 To authorize the reimbursement of the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) for work completed to replace the deteriorated 14 - inch distribution water main at the South Pumping Station, 6702 Oakton Street. The Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) Project construction work has been ongoing since April 2018. During the work under Contact No. 3 to replace the existing 12 -inch supply main, service valves, influent water meter and meter vault at the South Pumping Station, the existing 14 -inch distribution water main which runs parallel to the 12 - inch water main was exposed during excavation and it was found to be in a deteriorated condition. The poor condition of the 14 -inch water main was not foreseeable so immediate work was authorized to replace the 14 -inch main at the same time the 12 -inch distribution water main was being replaced. The amount for the replacement of the 14 -inch water main under Contact No. 3 was finalized with the Contactor in the amount of $48,633.00. Administration and Public Works The contract price of $48,633.00. Funds available from Enterprise Fund Reserves The Public Works Department, as part of their normal work activities, performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. None Prepared by: Joseph Dahm, ge Administrator rector of Public Works Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman Liston,' ..oration Counsel RESOLUTION 19-36 AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF THE 14 -INCH DISTRIBUTION WATER MAIN AT THE SOUTH PUMPING STATION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, water main work under Contract No. 3 of the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) Project at the South Pumping Station, 6702 Oakton Street, replaced the existing incoming 12 - inch supply main, service valves, influent water meter and meter vault; and WHEREAS, during excavation, the existing 14 -inch distribution water main running parallel to the 12 -inch supply main was exposed and found to be in a deteriorated condition and as such determined it could not remain in service; and WHEREAS, the work was not foreseeable and was authorized on a force account basis with an agreement the Village would reimburse the MGNWC; and WHEREAS, the amount for replacement of the 14 -inch water main under Contract No. 3 was finalized with the Contractor in June in the amount of $48,633.00 WHEREAS, funding for the water pumping station improvements is available in the 2019 Adopted Budget Water Enterprise Fund Reserves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities authorize the Village Administrator to direct the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission to replace the 14 -inch distribution water main. SECTION 3. The sum of Forty -Eight Thousand Six Hundred Thirty -Three dollars and 00/100 ($48,633.00) is hereby appropriated or so much as may be necessary from any monies now or hereinafter allotted to the Village to pay the cost of this improvement. SECTION 4. The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, and the Village Engineer and/or their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to oversee, and implement this Agreement. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26`h DAY OF August 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 26`h DAY OF August 2019 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATIESTED and FILED in my office This 27th DAY OF August 2019 Marilyn Sneider, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 0 0 0 a 0 O 0 el 0 0 0 0 0 0 m (71 COPIED FROM FORMER 'WORK PAID- MG OR N" TAD 0 te i E oo0 0 N b O O Olel N000 t O O O O C O 0 Legislative Summary Resolution 19-37 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2019 AVANT 528 LX CAB COMPACT LOADER/ PLOW AND BUCKET FROM RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: August 26, 2019 To authorize the purchase of a new 2019 Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow and Bucket to be used for the plowing of' public sidewalks throughout the Village's business districts. As part of annual snow plowing operations, Public Works crews plow approximately ten (10) lane miles of public sidewalks throughout the Village's business districts during major snow events. Plowing sidewalks in the business areas requires navigating around many different streetscape obstacles like street light poles, benches, waste containers and bollards. The current small skid steer machine has become unreliable from a mechanical and safety position and is in need of replacement. Public Works researched other municipalities and coordinated vendor demonstrations of several kinds of compact machines used for plowing sidewalks. The Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow was the clear choice and was competitively bid on Tuesday August 6, 2019, at the Public Works Office. Russo Power Equipment Company of Schiller Park, Illinois was selected as the low bidder in the amount of $45,250.00 (bid results are attached as Exhibit "A"). Public Works, Fire Department, Police Department, Morton Grove businesses and patrons. $45,250.00 Enterprise Fund, Account Number 405033-572030 and the General Fund, Account Number 025017-572030 The purchase and integration of this plow will be done as part of the normal Public Works work day. Approval as presented. Not required Respectfully submitted: ' r `� % Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman List. orporation Counsel Reviewed by:Pre ared b " P Y: Joe ►ahm,Dire or of Public Works Andy An '. ws, Lead Auto Mechanic RESOLUTION 19-37 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2019 AVANT 528 LX CAB COMPACT LOADER/ PLOW AND BUCKET FROM RUSSO POWER EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, part of annual snow plowing operations, Public Works plows approximately ten (10) lane miles of public sidewalks throughout the Village's business districts during each major snow event; and WHEREAS, plowing public sidewalks in the business areas requires navigating around many different streetscape obstacles (street light poles, benches, waste containers, bollards, etc.), while maintaining safe pedestrian awareness; and WHEREAS, the Public Works' current small skid steer machine has become unreliable from a mechanical and safety position and is need of replacement; and WHEREAS, the Vehicle Maintenance and Street Divisions researched other municipalities and coordinated vendor demonstrations of several kinds of compact machines used for sidewalk snow plowing and removal; and WHEREAS, the Avant 528 LX Compact Loader/Plow was the clear choice sidewalk plowing machine for safe, reliable, and improved operations; and WHEREAS, Public Works Department advertised on the Village's web site inviting bids for the purchase of a New Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow and Bucket; and WHEREAS, three (3) vendors obtained specifications for the Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow and Bucket; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department received two (2) bids that were publicly opened and read at 10:00 A.M., on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, in the Public Works facility located at 7840 Nagle Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois with the bid tabulation results attached in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove 2019 Adopted Budget provides funding in the Enterprise Fund, account number 405033-572030 and in the General Fund, account number 025017- 572030 to replace this machine; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator and staff recommends the Village Board approve and authorize the purchase of one (1) new 2019 Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow and Bucket from Russo Power Equipment Company, 9525 W. Irving Park Road, Schiller Park, Illinois 60176, for the purchase price of $45,250.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of one (1) new 2019 Avant 528 LX Cab Compact Loader/Plow and Bucket for $45,250.00. SECTION 3: The Public Works Director and/ or his designee is/are authorized to take all steps necessary to implement this purchase. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 26th day of August 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko Approved by me this 26th day of August 2019 Attested and Filed in my office This 27th day of August 2019 Marilyn Sneider, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 1- m X w T • N O 0 E . p 0 0 '2 c E • >0 0 o 0 W o rn m K c N a 0 0 5 uJ 0 0 CC 6�9 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 00 4 V3 0 0 0 et G9 co 0 oo 0 0 r1 K v (0 c 0 O 0 0 E a a y m o W d c • c o Z m a a. o w • � u • 'no) r 0 0 i w r 0 co n co 0 0 6A 0 u z 0 c v 4, 0 cs 0 O O ee 0 u CD R1 10 CO0 0 J u 0. E 0 0 0 c J ¢ O N 0 O M, p o o 0 • a C O j (p 0 ¢ ti C O m O Z O Q 2 wn O W E a, ° a m • h 0 t 9 O >o.mo z z D 0 ti z U w V w u w PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION v Y 0 0 0. 0 m 0 to 0. E 0 u xu ao N 0 Q w Z ALTERNATE BID OPTION NO. 1 - Line X Panels TOTAL OF BASE AND ALTERNATE BID PROPOSAL AMOUNT r1 H N c O E n •cr c w tit 0 0 0 ' o ,0 in N N Le • w O c 0 'O 0 07 E 0 J(p c J A aC aE 0. a N Cr) a. Legislative Summary Resolution 19-38 AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF LEAD WATER SERVICE LINES ON MARMORA AVENUE Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Special Considerations or Requirements: August 26, 2019 To authorize the Village Administrator to reimburse the Morton Grove - Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) for the completed work to replace nine (9) existing lead water service lines from the Village's distribution water main to the water meter inside each home. The Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) under Contract No. 2 completed the installation of a new 30 -inch water main on Village Streets in 2018. During construction, the 30 -inch water main on Marmora Avenue crossed under existing residential water services lines. Due to the extent of the work performed, the replacement of the nine (9) Lead water services will eliminate future problems, additional costs, and the potentiality of excavation in the new roadway in the near-term. The MGNWC engineering staff recently quantified this work in Contract No. 2 and the Village received the fmal cost for the nine (9) lead water service lines to be completed on Marmora Avenue in the amount of $45,000.00. Administration and Public Works The contract price of $45,000.00. Funds are available in the 2019 Enterprise Fund Reserves The Public Works Department, as part of their normal work activities, performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. None Respectfully submitted: Ralph E. Cze Prepared by: Joseph Reviewed by: istrator Teresa Hoffman is ctor of Public Works ation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-38 AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF LEAD WATER SERVICES LINES ON MARMORA AVENUE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, water main work under Contract No. 2 of the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) Project required excavation to install a 30 -inch water main on Village streets; and WHEREAS, during construction, the new 30 -inch MGNWC water main crossed under existing residential water services on Marmora Avenue; and WHEREAS, due to the extent of the work performed the replacement of the nine (9) lead water services eliminated future problems, additional costs, and the potentiality of excavation in the new roadway in the near-term; and WHEREAS, the MGNWC contractor performed the work to completely remove the entire lead water service line and replace it with new copper tubing; and WHEREAS, the Village' s cost was finalized for the replacement of the nine (9) lead water services from the water main to the water meter inside each home in the amount of $45,000.00; and WHEREAS, funding for the replacement of the lead water service lines is available in the 2019 Adopted Budget Water Enterprise Fund Reserves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities hereby authorizes the Village Administrator to reimburse the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission for replacement of the nine (9) lead water service lines. SECTION 3. The sum of Forty -Five Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($45,00.00) is hereby appropriated or so much as may be necessary from any monies now or hereinafter allotted to the Village to pay the cost for such improvements. SECTION 4. The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, Village Engineer, and Finance Director and/or their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to oversee and implement payment. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF August 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 26th DAY OF August 2019 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27th DAY OF August 2019 Marilyn Sneider, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois