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2019-04-08 Agenda
.i \/ ISA --- 1. MORTON GROVE Incredibly Close k Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM April 8, 2019 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7.:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7::00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting — March 25, 2019 8. Special Reports a. Announcement of the Winter Photo Contest Winners by Community Relations Commissioner Gina Schultz b. Presentation Regarding Residential and Commercial Electric Supply to be made by David Hoover of Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report —Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal Conference, Strategic Plan Committee a. Proclamation — Arbor Day, April 26, 2019 12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Ordinance 19-02 (Introduced April 8, 2019) (First Reading) Authorizing the Establishment of Interested Parties Registries and Adopting Rules for Such Registries for Redevelopment Project Areas in the Village 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Building Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Police Facility Committee, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Minx) b. Trustee Minx — Capital Projects, Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board, Public Works Department, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear) 1) Resolution 19-20 (Introduced April 8, 2019) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. for the 2019 Landscape Maintenance Program 2) Resolution 19-21 (Introduced April 8, 2019) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. for the 2019 Pavement Marking Program 3) Resolution 19-23 (Introduced April 8, 2019) Authorizing Alternate No. 6 to Relocate and Install a New Reservoir Control Valve at the South Pumping Station as Part of Contract No. 12 of the Morton Grove Niles Water Transmission Main and Facility Improvements Project 4) Ordinance 19-01 (Introduced April 8, 2019) (Request Waiving of Second Reading) Approving an Amendment to a Special Use Permit for a School -Commercial Tutoring/Learning Center (for Children from Pre -School trough High School) at 8145 River Drive, Morton Grove, Illinois 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) c. Trustee Ramos -Appearance Commission, Environmental Health, IT, Legal Department (Trustee Travis) d. Trustee Thill —Advisory Commission on Aging, Emergency Management Agency, Family and Senior Services Department, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, SWANCC (Trustee Witko) e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Finance Advisory Commission, Finance Department (Trustee Ramos) f. Trustee Witko — Economic Development Commission, Farmers' Market, Fire and Police Commission, NIPSTA, Police Department, Police Pension Board, Water Comm. (Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 19-22 (Introduced April 8, 2019) Authorizing the Purchase of Police Pursuit Vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Bid Program 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants - $1,089,183.28 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Jake (847/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER IVIARCH 25, 2019 CALL TO ORDER I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at V. 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, Ed Ramos, John Thill, and Connie Travis. Trustee Janine Witko was absent with notice. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Thill moved to accept the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of March 11, 2019 as presented, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. VIII. SPECIAL REPORTS IX. X. NONE NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) XI. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor DiMaria had no report this evening, other than to congratulate Corporation Counsel Liston on becoming a grandmother. XII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Harford had no report. Minutes of February 25, 2019 Board Meeting' XIII. A. Village Administrator: Mr. Czerwinski had several announcements: STAFF REPORTS 1. He announced that, in an effort to maintain a high level of vehicular traffic flow, safety, and efficiency, the Village routinely monitors and reviews areas of the Village in order to recommend changes in traffic restrictions and regulations where appropriate. There are currently two areas with trial traffic modifications in place. Businesses and residents in the affected areas have been notified. The first area is eastbound Main, Washington, Monroe, Madison, and Cleveland Streets will be closed to "through truck traffic" from Austin Avenue. The second area is eastbound Madison and Monroe Courts at Austin Avenues, where stop signs have been installed. Both trial traffic modifications should help slow truck traffic and put it where it belongs, instead of on residential streets. The trial traffic modifications will be in place for 180 days, after which a determination will be made as to whether they should be made permanent or not. 2. Mr. Czerwinski announced that the Village of Morton Grove is now offering enhanced 911 contact with a new service called "Smart 911." This is a voluntary and free service offered to all Village residents. By signing up for Smart 911, citizens are able to proactively provide information to facilitate a fast and accurate response. With Smart 911, a resident is able to create their own Safety Profile. Additionally, the Village will use the Smart 911 registration to notify subscribers of important Village emergency notifications. The resident chooses what information to include and what detail are important to share with first responders. It is important to note that the resulting Safety Profile is private, secure, and only available to 9-1-1 when an emergency call is placed. Interested residents can learn more and/or sign up at www.smart911.com. The Smart911 app is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play. Please contact the Morton Grove Police Department at 847-470-5200 if you have any questions. 3. Mr. Czerwinski provided a "Queen of Hearts Raffle" update: The next drawing will take place on March 27 at 9:00 p.m. at Moretti's. This will be the 11th drawing and the jackpot currently is $12,500. Ten out of 52 cards have been selected. They are: 1-11-13-19-21-24-30-34-51-54. He encouraged everyone to participate in this raffle, which benefits the Morton Grove Foundation. 4. Mr. Czerwinski announced that on Saturday, May 18, the Village will host an Electronic and Document Destruction recycling event at the Civic Center from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Residents from Morton Grove and other Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County communities are eligible to participate. 5. Mr. Czerwinski reminded everyone that, now through March 30th, you can recycle your holiday lights at the Morton Grove Village Hall during regular business hours. This program is available through a program with Elgin Recycling. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. 2 XIV. A. Trustee Grear: 1. Trustee Grear presented Resolution 19-17, Authorizing the Annual Memorial Day Parade and Closure of Dempster Street. TRUSTEES' REPORTS r0inutes of February 25, 2019 Board Meeting a. He said the Illinois Department of Transportation requires the Village to adopt a resolution approving the closure of Dempster Street for the annual Memorial Day Parade. This resolution will also authorize the Village Engineer to file an application through the Illinois Department of Transportation for the actual closing of Dempster Street (Route 58) from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 26, 2019, for the Parade, which is scheduled to be held at 1:30 p.m. that date. Trustee Grear moved to approve Resolution 19-17, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thili ayg Tr. Travis ayg Tr. Witko absent 2. Next, Trustee Grear presented Resolution 19-18, Authorizing the Annual July 4 Parade and Closure of Dempster Street. a. He said the Illinois Department of Transportation requires the Village to adopt a resolution approving the closure of Dempster Street for the annual July 4 Parade. This resolution will also authorize the Village Engineer to file an application through the Illinois Department of Transportation for the actual closing of Dempster Street (Route 58) from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 4, 2019, for the Parade, which is scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. that date. Trustee Grear moved to approve Resolution 19-18, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx pag Tr. Ramos gyp. Tr. Thill ave Tr. Travis ayre Tr. Witko absent B. Trustee Minx: 1. Trustee Minx presented Resolution 19-19, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With Schroeder & Schroeder, Inc. for the 2019 Concrete Replacement Program. She explained that the 2019 Concrete Replacement Program addresses concrete features dis- turbed by utility repairs, and deteriorated sections of sidewalk and pavement. This would should be completed in May 2019. Additional work that emerges during the summer of 2019 will be re- paired in September 2019. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code. One sealed bid was received. The proposal amount is $5,230 more than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost. a. XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) B. Trustee Minx: b. Trustee Minx said the contract value is $224,430, but, since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Ramos, to approve Resolution 19-19. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear gya Tr. Minx Aye Tr. Ramos ays Tr. Thill pye Tr. Travis Rya Tr. Witko absent C. Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos had no report this evening. Trustee Thill: D. Trustee Thill had no report this evening. E. Trustee Travis: 1. Trustee Travis noted that this is the last week for the Community Relations Commission's Winter Photo Contest, with the theme of "Doors of Morton Grove." She encouraged photographers to get their photos submitted by March 31 at Village Hall or online at the Village's website. Selected photos will be featured on the Village's Facebook page, website, and five winning photos will be enlarged, framed, and displayed at Village Hall. 2. Trustee Travis announced that the next Community Artists Performance will be held on Satur- day, April 13, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. This is free to the public. Trustee Travis encouraged everyone to attend. F. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko was absent—no report. XV. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor DiMaria urged the assemblage to continue to keep former Trustee Jim Karp in their prayers for a full recovery. 4 XVI. XVII. XVIII. Minutes of February 25, 2019 Board Meeting' WARRANTS Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for March 25, 2019 in the amount of $236,021.46. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Grear seconded the motion. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Tr. ThII Grear In a ye Tr. Minx aTr. Ramos ave JL Tr. Travis a rhe Tr. Witko absent RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Minx an Tr. Ramos are Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis an Tr. Witko absent The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. 5 Minutes of February 25 2019 Board Meeting' PASSED this 8th day of April, 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 8th day of April, 2019. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of April, 2019. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by; Teresa Cousar 6 to -clan -taut Village of Mori on Grove WHEREAS, in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and WHEREAS, this holiday, called "Arbor Day", was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; and WHEREAS, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world; and WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen, and provide a habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource, giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for fires, and countless other wood products; and WHEREAS, trees in our Village increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, and beautify our community; and WHEREAS, trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation and will continue to plant trees and enjoy them as a vital part of our community for generations to come. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, do hereby proclaim April 26, 2019, as ARBOR DAY in the Village, and I urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support the Village's urban forestry program; and FURTHER, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden hearts and promote the well being of present and future generations. In Witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor Legislative Summary Ordinance 19-02 AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRIES AND ADOPTING RULES FOR SUCH REGISTRIES FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE April 8, 2019 Introduced Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Administrator Approval Ralp Prepared by: Teresa of 'an Liston, Corporation Counsel To create an Interested Party Registry and Registration Rules as required by the Illinois Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-4.2. In order to comply with the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, an Interested Parties' Registry needs to be established and Registration Rules need to be adopted for such registry. This ordinance will create the Village of Morton Grove's Interested Parties Registry. for each individual redevelopment project area created under the Act whether now existing or created after the date of the adoption of this ordinance. Finance Department, Village Administrator, Legal Department, and Community and Economic Development. N/A N/A The Legal Department will coordinate the handling of the Interested Parties Registry Registration Rules and Form. Approval as presented. Required Notice of the Interested Party Registry shall be published as required by Illinois law. ORDINANCE 19-02 AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRIES AND ADOPTING RULES FOR SUCH REGISTRIES FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village") has previously designated a "redevelopment project area," as defined in the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et. seq. (the "Act"), and is now considering designating an additional redevelopment project area (or areas) pursuant to the provisions of the Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 11-74.4-4.2 of the Act, the Village is required to establish certain interested parties' registries (individually, a "Registry" and collectively, the "Registries") and adopt registration rules for such Registries; and WHEREAS, the Village President (the "President") and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Village Board" and together with the President, the "Corporate Authorities") desire to adopt this Ordinance in order to comply with such requirements of the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Clerk or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to create a Registry in accordance with Section 11-74.4-4.2 of the Act for each Redevelopment Project Area created under the Act and not terminated by the Village, whether now existing or created after the date of the adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: In accordance with Section 11-74.4-4.2 of the Act, the Village hereby adopts the registration rules attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference (the "Rules") as the Rules for each Registry. The Village's Corporate Authorities may amend such Rules from time -to -time as may be necessary or desirable to comply with and carry out the purposes intended by the Act. 1 SECTION 4: The Village Clerk or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to cause the publication of the notice that interested persons may register with the Village in order to receive information of the proposed designation of the Redevelopment Project Area (the "Notice"), said Notice being substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference, in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village. SECTION 5: All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, as provided by law. If any provision of this Ordinance is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction that provision shall be stricken from this Ordinance and the remainder of this Ordinance shall continue in full force and effect to the extent possible. Passed this 22nd day of April 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko Approved by me this 22nd day of April 2019 Attested and Filed in my office This 23`d day ofApril 2019 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 2 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT A VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRY REGISTRATION RULES A. Definitions. As used in these Registration Rules, the following terms shall have the definitions set forth below. "Act" shall mean the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1 et seq., as amended from time to time. "Clerk" shall mean the Clerk of the Village. "Interested Party(ies)" shall mean any individual or organization or entity registered in a specific Registry who has registered in such Registry and whose registration has not been terminated in accordance with these Registration Rules. "Redevelopment Project Area" shall mean a Redevelopment Project Area that (a) is intended to qualify (or has subsequently qualified) as a "Redevelopment Project Area" under the Act and (b) is subject to the "Interested Parties" Registry requirements of the Act. "Registration Form" shall mean the form appended to these Registration Rules or such revised form as may be approved by the Village consistent with the requirements of the Act. "Registry" or "Registries" shall mean each Interested Parties Registry, and all such Registries, collectively, established by the Village pursuant to Section 11-74.4-4.2 of the Act for any and all Redevelopment Project Areas in the Village. "Village" shall mean Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois. B. Establishment of Registry. The Village shall establish a separate Interested Parties Registry for each Redevelopment Project Area, whether existing as of the date of the adoption of these Rules or hereafter established. The Village shall establish a new Registry whenever it has identified an area for study and possible designation as a Redevelopment Project Area. In any event the process of establishing the new Registry must be completed prior to the deadline for sending any of the notices required by Section (J) of these Rules or any other notices required by the Act with respect to the proposed Redevelopment Project Area. C. Maintenance of Registry. The Registries shall be maintained by the Clerk or his or her designee. In the event the Village determines that an individual other than the Clerk should maintain the Registries, the Village may transfer the responsibility for maintaining the Registries to such other Department provided that the Village (i) gives prior written notice to all Interested Parties not less than thirty (30) days prior to such transfer and (ii) published notice of such transfer in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village. D. Registration by Residents. An individual seeking to register as an Interested Person with respect to a Redevelopment Project Area must complete and submit a Registration Form to the Clerk. E. Registration by Organizations An organization seeking to register as an Interested Person with respect to a Redevelopment Project Area must complete and submit a Registration Form to the Clerk. F. Determination of Eligibility. All individuals and organizations whose Registration Forms and supporting documentation complies with these Registration Rules shall be registered in the applicable Registry within ten (10) business days after the Clerk's receipt of all such documents. The Clerk shall provide written notice to the registrant confirming such registration. Upon registration Interested Parties shall be entitled to receive all notices and documents required to be delivered under these Rules or as otherwise required under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area. If the Clerk determines that a registrant's Registration Form and/or supporting documentation is incomplete or does not comply with these Registration Rules, the Clerk shall give written notice to the registrant specifying the defect(s) and the registrant shall be entitled to correct any defects and resubmit a new Registration Form and supporting documentation. G. Renewal and Termination An Interested Person's registration shall remain effective for a period of three (3) years. At any time after such three-year period the Clerk may provide written notice by regular mail to the Interested Person stating that such registration shall terminate unless the Interested Person renews such registration with thirty (30) days after the Clerk's mailing of written notice. To renew such registration, the Interested Person shall, within such thirty (30) day period, complete and submit the same Registration Form then required of initial registrants operations in the Village. The registration of all individuals and organizations whose Registration Form is submitted in a timely manner and complies with these Regulation Rules shall be renewed for an additional, consecutive three (3) year period. If the Clerk determines that a registrant's renewal Registration Form is incomplete or does not comply with these Registration Rules, the clerk shall give written notice to the registrant at the address specified in the renewal Registration Form submitted by such registrant, specifying the defect(s). The registrant shall be entitled to correct any defects and resubmit a new Registration Form within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Clerk's notice. If all defects are not corrected within thirty (30) days after the Interested Person's receipt of the Clerk's notice, the Interested Person's registration shall be terminated. Any Interested Person whose registration is terminated shall be entitled to register again as if a first-time registrant. Ii. Amendment to Registration. An Interested Party may amend its registration by giving written notice to the Clerk by certified mail of any of the following: (i) change in address for notice purposes: (ii) in the case of organizations, a change in the name of the contact person; and (iii) a termination of registration. Upon receipt of such notice, the Clerk shall revise the applicable Registry accordingly. I. Registries Available for Public Inspection. Each Registry shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours. The Registry shall include the name, address and telephone number of each Interested Person and for organizations, the name and phone number of a designated contact person. J. Notices to be Sent to Interested Parties. Interested Parties shall be sent the following notices and any other notices required under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area: (i) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of the availability of a proposed redevelopment plan and eligibility report, including how to obtain this information; such notice shall be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after the adoption of the ordinance fixing the public hearing for the proposed redevelopment plan; (ii) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of changes to proposed redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed Redevelopment Project Area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change the nature of or extend the life of the redevelopment project, or (4) increase the number of inhabited residential units to be displaced from the Redevelopment Project Area, as measured from the time of creation of the Redevelopment Project Area, to a total of more than 10; such notice shall be sent by mail not later than 10 days following the Village's adoption by ordinance of such changes; (iii) Pursuant to Section 11-74.4-5(c) of the Act, notice of amendments to previously approved redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses in the redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change the nature of the redevelopment project, (4) increase the total estimated redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan by more than five percent (5%) after adjustment for inflation from the date the plan was adopted, (5) add additional redevelopment project costs to the itemized list of redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan, or (6) increase the number of inhabited residential units to be displaced from the redevelopment project area, as measured from the time of' creation of the redevelopment project, to a total of more than ten (10); such notice will be sent by mail not later than ten (10) days following the Village's adoption by ordinance of such amendment; (iv) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-5(d)(9) of the Act, for redevelopment plans or projects that would result in the displacement of residents from ten (10) or more inhabited residential units or that contain seventy-five (75) or more inhabited residential units, notice of the availability of the annual report described by sub -section 74.4-5(d) of the Act, including how to obtain the annual report; such notice shall be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after completion of the certified audit report; and (v) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-6(e) of the Act, notice of the preliminary public meeting required under the Act for a proposed Redevelopment Project Area that will result in the displacement of residents from ten (10) or more inhabited residential units or which will contain seventy-five (75) or more inhabited residential units; such notice shall be sent by certified mail not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of such preliminary public meeting. K. Non -Interference. These Registration Rules shall not be used to prohibit or otherwise interfere with the ability of eligible organizations and individuals to register for receipt of information to which they are entitled under the Act. L. Amendment of Registration Rules. These Registration Rules may be amended by the Village subject to and consistent with the requirements of the Act. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRATION FORM Registration for Individuals: If you would like to register on the Interested Parties Registry for one or more Redevelopment Project Areas (TIFs) in the Village of Morton Grove, please complete Part A of this form, sign and date the form and submit to the Village Clerk at the address indicated below. Registration for Organization: If you would like to register on the Interested Parties Registry for one or more Development Project Areas (TIFs) in the Village of Morton Grove, please complete Part B of this form, sign and date the form and submit to the Village Clerk at the address indicated below. PART A: REGISTRATION FOR INDIVIDUALS (Please Print) Name Street Address Village State Zip Code Fax ( ) Telephone ( ) E -Mail Please check the TIF(s) you are interested in below: ( ) Waukegan Road TIF District ( ) Lehigh -Ferris TIF District ( ) Dempster/Waukegan TIF District ( ) Other TIF (identify: PART 13: REGISTRATION FOR ORGANIZATIONS (Please Print) Organization Name Contact Name Street Address Village State Zip Code Fax ( ) Telephone ( ) E -Mail Please check the TIF(s) you are interested in below: ( ) Waukegan Road TIF District ( ) Lehigh -Ferris TIF District ( ) Dempster/Waukegan TIF District ( ) Other TIF (identify: Please return this form to: Signature/Title TIF Interested Parties Registry Village of Morton Grove — Clerk's Office 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Date EXHIBIT B NOTICE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS REGISTRATION FOR INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRY Pursuant to Section 11-74.4-2 of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4- 1, et seq. (the "Act"), the Village of Morton Grove (the "Village") is required to establish an interested parties registry ("Registry" or "Registries") for each "Redevelopment Project Area" created pursuant to the Act, whether existing as of the date of this Notice or hereafter established. On April 22, 2019, the Village adopted an ordinance authorizing the establishment of Registries by the Village Clerk (the "Clerk") and adopting Registration Rules for such Registries. The purpose of this Notice is to inform Interested Parties of the Registries and Registration Rules for the Registries and to invite Interested Parties (as defined below) to register in the Registry for any Redevelopment Project Area in the Village. Any individual or organization requiring information pertaining to activities within one or more Redevelopment Project Areas in the Village (an "Interested Party") is entitled to register in the Registry for any Redevelopment Project Area. Organizations include, but are not limited to, businesses, business organizations, civic groups, not-for-profit corporations and community organizations. An organization seeking to register as an Interested Party with respect to a Redevelopment Project Area must also complete and submit a Registration Form to the Clerk. Interested Parties Registries are being established for the following Redevelopment Project Areas, which have either been adopted by the Village or which the Village is considering for adoption: Other TIF Districts All individuals and organizations whose Registration Forms comply with the Registration Rules, and are submitted, either in person or by mail, to the office of the Village Clerk, 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, will be registered in the applicable Registry within ten (10) business days after the Clerk's receipt of all such documents. The Clerk will provide written notice to the registrant confirming such registration. Upon registration, Interested Parties will be entitled to receive all notices and documents required to be delivered under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area. If the Clerk determines that a registrant's Registration Form is incomplete or does not comply with the Registration Rules adopted by the Village, the Clerk will give written notice to the registrant specifying the defects. The registrant will be entitled to correct any defects and resubmit a new Registration Form and supporting documentation. An Interested Party's registration will remain effective for a period of three (3) years. Rules for the renewal or amendment of an Interested Party's registration are included with the Registration Form that may be obtained as described herein. Each Registry will be available for public inspection at the office of the Clerk during normal business hours. The Registry will include the name address and telephone number of each Interested Person and, or organizations, the name and phone number of a designated contact person. Interested Parties will be sent the following notices and any other notices required under the Act with respect to the applicable Redevelopment Project Area: (i) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of the availability of a proposed redevelopment plan and eligibility report, including how to obtain this information; such notice shall be sent by mail 1 within a reasonable period of time after the adoption of the ordinance fixing the public hearing for the proposed redevelopment plan; (ii) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-5(a) of the Act, notice of changes to proposed redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed Redevelopment Project Area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change the nature of or extend the life of the redevelopment project, or (4) increase the number of inhabited residential units to be displaced from the Redevelopment Project Area, as measured from the time of creation of the Redevelopment Project Area, to a total of more than ten (10); such notice shall be sent by mail not later than ten (10) days following the Village's adoption by ordinance of such changes; (iii) Pursuant to Section 11-74.4-5(c) of the Act, notice of amendments to previously approved redevelopment plans that do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses in the redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change the nature of the redevelopment project, (4) increase the total estimated redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan by more than five percent (5%) after adjustment for inflation from the date the plan was adopted, (5) add additional redevelopment project costs to the itemized list of redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan, or (6) increase the number of inhabited residential units to be displaced from the redevelopment project area, as measured from the time of creation of the redevelopment project, to a total of more than ten (10); such notice will be sent by mail not later than ten (10) days following the Village's adoption by ordinance of such amendment; (iv) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-5(d)(9) of the Act, for redevelopment plans or projects that would result in the displacement of residents from ten (10) or more inhabited residential units or that contain seventy- five (75) or more inhabited residential units, notice of the availability of the annual report described by sub -section 74.4-5(d) of the Act, including how to obtain the annual report; such notice shall be sent by mail within a reasonable period of time after completion of the certified audit report; and (v) Pursuant to sub -section 11-74.4-6(e) of the Act, notice of the preliminary public meeting required under the Act for a proposed Redevelopment Project Area that will result in the displacement of residents from ten (10) or more inhabited residential units or which will contain seventy-five (75) or more inhabited residential units; such notice shall be sent by certified mail not Less than fifteen (15) days before the date of such preliminary public meeting. Registration Forms may be picked upon at the office of the Village Clerk, Village of Morton Grove, 35 West 34th Street, Morton Grove, Illinois, and may be obtained by Interested Parties or by their representatives. Registration Forms will not be mailed or faxed. If you require additional information, please call the office of the Village Clerk at (847) 965-4100. 2 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK SS. CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the "Village"), and as such, I am the keeper of the records and files of the Village and of the Mayor and Village Board. I further certify as follows: Attached to this Certificate is a true, correct and complete copy of the Village of MORTON GROVE Ordinance No. 19-02, entitled: AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRIES AND ADOPTING RULES FOR SUCH REGISTRIES FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE This Ordinance was passed and approved by the Village's Mayor and Village Board on April 22, 2019. A true, correct and complete copy of this Ordinance was published in pamphlet form on April 23, 2019. Given under my hand and official seal at the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, this 23`d day of April 2019. Eileen Scanlon Harford Village Clerk (SEAL) Legislative Summary Resolution 19-20 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH BILL'S COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE, INC. FOR THE 2019 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Vi Respectfully submitted 7 Ra h E. Czerwin April 8, 2019 To authorize the execution of a contract for the annual landscape maintenance program which is necessary to maintain landscaping on Village owned properties and rights-of-way throughout the Village. The Public Works Department advertised on the Village's website beginning March 13, 2019, inviting bids for the "2019 Landscape Maintenance Program". This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code, and three sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A". Fleck's Landscaping, Inc. submitted the lowest bid and Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. submitted the second lowest bid. Municipal Code Section 1-9A-5 specifies the purchasing agent shall determine the lowest responsible bidder to be a local business whose price is within 5 percent or $15,000 whichever is lower of the lowest responsible bidder. The purchasing agent has determined the lowest responsible bidder to be Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. The bid of Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. is $5,452.00 less than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost. Public Works. $30,000.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. General - Streets: A/C # 025017-552295 Streetscape Maintenance The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities will perform the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A None Prepared by: (It -- Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: Village Administrator Reviewed by: Public Works Teresa . offman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-20 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH BILL'S COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE, INC. FOR THE 2019 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department maintains landscaping on village properties and rights-of-way throughout the Village using in-house staff and hired contractors; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised on the Village's website beginning March 13, 2019, inviting bids for the "2019 Landscape Maintenance Program"; and WHEREAS, nineteen entities, contractors, or suppliers obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, three bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A" as well as listed below: Firm Fleck's Landscaping, Inc. Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. Milieu Design, Inc. Location Wheeling, IL Morton Grove, IL Wheeling, IL Proposal Amount $26,518.00 $27,548.00 $28,345.00 ; and WHEREAS, Municipal Code Section 1-9A-5 specifies the purchasing agent shall determine the lowest responsible bidder to be a local business whose price is within 5 percent or fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) whichever is lower of the lowest responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, the bid of Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc.(BCLS) in the amount of $27,548.00 is within 5 percent of the lowest bid of Fleck's Landscaping, Inc. in the amount of $26,518.00; and WHEREAS, the purchasing agent has determined the lowest responsible bidder to be BCLS; and WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of BCLS have been verified; and WHEREAS, the bid of BCLS is $5,452.00 less than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work is included in the Village of Morton Grove 2019 Adopted Budget in Account Number 025017-552295 in the amount of $30,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc., 6100 Oakton Street, Morton Grove Illinois. SECTION 3: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. for the 2019 Landscape Maintenance Program in the amount of $27,548.00. SECTION 4: The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, Village Engineer, and their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage the program with Bill's Complete Landscape Service, Inc. up to an amount not to exceed $27,548.00. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8`h DAY OF APRIL 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 8th DAY OF APRIL 2019 ATTES I'ED and FILED in my office This 9`h DAY OF APRIL 2019 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" y 0 '4 H 8 8 8 8 0 UNIT COST 8 8 0 Os (9149 8 0 O a ti 49 8 0 8 8 es x $ 8 $ 8 w N 8 8 8 8 es 8 b 8 0 K 8 ril 0 ry 0 in 8 w 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 0 8 O 8 H 8 8 UNIT COST 8 N 8 O 8 8 0 8 49V 8 CH 27, 2019 10:OOA.M. r D d r U W 3 V aU W D. U 0 0 0 O } y� i L N TERMINING LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER Municipal Code Reference - 1-9A-5: D CO CU 0 9 C 5. O O q O � O O J O qp O N N g ! a u O ww u w O OV v O 0 a 90 m E a a o m X a m 'z' C O O J i w a c $ o s 0 I, g u a O a y c a N L 0. • a 1 w a a O c n a Local Bu Legislative Summary Resolution 19-21 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH PRECISION PAVEMENT MARKINGS, INC. FOR THE 2019 PAVEMENT MARKING PROGRAM Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider. or Requirements: Respectfully submitted April 8, 2019 To authorize the Village President to execute a contract for the annual pavement marking program which is necessary to maintain the visibility of the centerlines, stop bars, lane lines, and crosswalks on Village streets. The Public Works Department participated in a municipal partnering initiative in 2012 through 2018 to procure pavement marking services. It has been administered once by the City of Highland Park and once by the Village of Morton Grove. Illinois Governmental John Purchasing Act (30 ILCS 525/0.01, et seq) and Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Paragraph 6E allows this cooperative procurement program. The renewable periods of the pavement marking contract have expired and the work for pavement marking services needs to be bid again. The Public Works Department considers it advantageous to once again participate in the municipal partnering initiative. The Village of Wilmette agreed to lead the administration of the bidding process for a group consisting of: Bannockbum, Evanston, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Lake Zurich, Lincolnshire, Morton Grove, North Chicago, Palatine and Wheeling. This contract has subsequently been bid through a public process in accordance with the Village of Wilmette's requirements and enhanced to meet the collective needs of MPI. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A". This contract is for a one-year term and can be renewed two additional years. The proposal price of the lowest bidder is $482,976.75. Morton Grove's portion of the cost for the jointly bid work is estimated to be $30,152.00 and the itemized cost for Morton Grove is shown in Exhibit "B". The budgeted amount is $30,000. The low bidder is Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. This contract must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act. Public Works. $30,000.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. General - Streets: A/C # 025017-552290 Construction Services The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities will perform the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A N Reviewed by: RalpE. ski 'linage Administrator Prepared by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: Director Public Works Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-21 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH PRECISION PAVEMENT MARKINGS, INC. FOR THE 2019 PAVEMENT MARKING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department maintains pavement markings on roads throughout the Village for public safety through an annual Pavement Marking Program; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department participated in a municipal partnering initiative in 2012 through 2018 which included four communities and was administered once by the City of Highland Park and once by the Village of Morton Grove to procure pavement marking services to install or renew thermoplastic, paint, and preform thermoplastic pavement markings; and WHEREAS, Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act (30 ILCS 525/0.01, et seq) and the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Paragraph 6E allows this cooperative procurement program; and WHEREAS, the renewable periods of the pavement marking contract have expired and the work for pavement marking services needs to be bid again; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department considers it again advantageous to participate in the municipal partnering initiative; and WHEREAS, the Village of Wilmette agreed to lead the administration of the bidding process for a group consisting of: Bannockburn, Evanston, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Lake Zurich, Lincolnshire, Morton Grove, North Chicago, Palatine, and Wheeling; and WHEREAS, the Village of Wilmette advertised for a Request for Bids #19040, inviting bids on the "2019 Pavement Marking Project"; and WHEREAS, this contract must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act; and WHEREAS, two bids were received, publicly opened and read at Wilmette Village Hall, 1200 Wilmette Ave, Wilmette, IL 60091 at 1:00 p.m. on March 26, 2019, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. is the lowest bid amount at $482,976.75; and WHEREAS, the bid amount includes work to be performed for and paid by Bannockburn, Evanston, Glencoe, Glenview, Highland Park, Lake Zurich, Lincolnshire, North Chicago, Palatine, Wheeling and Wilmette in the cumulative amount of $452,824.75, as shown in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the resulting amount of work included in the bid estimated to be performed for and paid by the Village is $30,152.00, as shown in Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. have been verified; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work is included in the Village of Morton Grove 2019 Adopted Budget in Account Number 025017-552290 in the amount of $30,000.00; and WHEREAS, the amount of work has been estimated and can be reduced to meet the allocated funding of $30,000 without any adverse consequences. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Precision Pavement Markings, Inc., P.O. Box 705, Elgin, Illinois. SECTION 3: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with Precision Pavement Markings, Inc., for the 2019 Pavement Marking Project in the amount of $30,152.00. SECTION 4: The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, Village Engineer and their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage the program with Precision Pavement Markings, Inc. up to an amount not to exceed $30,000.00. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8th DAY OF APRIL 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 8th DAY OF APRIL 2019 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 9th DAY OF APRIL 2019 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT ^A^ e 8$ 8 $ S 8 A« a 8 a 8 A 8 a 8, A 8 a g 8 a 8 R 8 s 88 s 8 g a e g x 8 a s8 8 8 a a 8 8 a s 8 a 8 a 8 y a 8 R 8 8 e a 8$ a EEE g$ E A. 8 8 a 8$ 8 # 8 8 N 8 a R e a 8 d 8 R 8 8 R R a A 8 a 8 a 8 a s a a R 8$ a 8 R 8$ A a a a:; R a $ Y. 8 8 a A 8 a 8 R d x g a 8 a 8 R 8 R 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 s 8 8 s s 8 a 8 s 8 a 8 8 a s 8 R 8 R 8 s 8 a 8 a 8 8 8 g8 g 8 A a$« 8 .# 8 A 8 �. a 8 $ 8 R 8 R 8 R 8 R 8 R 8 R 8 a 4 A 8$ a A 8, R a A 8$ fi 8 A d 8 R 2a a A a R 8 8 R a 8 8 R 1 S 8 a 8 R 8$ a 8$ s 8 a 8 E a 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 s a a 8 a 8 8 g Ad 8 8 a B 8 a 8 a 8 a 8$ a 8 a a 8 a a ^a. S a R a a i PARTICIPATMO COST OF BID MORTON GROVE n 8 a 8 .. c 8 a a 8$ d 8. ? A 8 a 8 a 8 x- 8 a 8 9 8 a 8 B 8 8 A a 8 x x 8 8$ a a 8 8 a 8$ 8 R 8 « 8 a 8 8 a a 8 R^ 8 $ E= E. a e„ g 8 8 $ or R A 3 F « A R F a« g AJ d 8: AAA 8 e, y A a a8 8 8 8 8 G 8 8$ 8 „ 8 a 2A 8 8^ E ge•R« a a a a a A a am' a « a R x a a a .',. a R$ a. 8 ;. R$ a A. 8 8 G R ,«, a 9 a$ R x a 8 A G� gd .'T ^. 8 tl R .^, 8 F .,..rat 8 - 8 n«AA « 'ggg' € ii i g€@ E€ 62 dig 1 R i9 g - I d i fir @ e$ g 5 i 1gIJ$$JJj;IS1 g 5 Sg 5 g 9 e 11 • - I] i 1 g $ I a �jSj e .4 54g p$p 3 a3$ F gggg F$ 8 R F g Rg R g Rg k g 8g R ggS F g Rg k 8 R W g 4g R a 8 gggg F g8g C 8 a E F 4 a E R ��II 0 R 2 F x W i N w O N 0 R 0. 8 : 8 8 j 8 8 E 8 A 8 G 8 8 R S A 8 9 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 S 8 S S 8 d 8 R N 8 R 8 8 A 8 R 88 S d 8 R 88 8 8 S A 8 8 8 n 8 P! "' 8 G 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 x 8 a 8 8 8 8 X a n 8 fig as A 8 ARAA 8 8 8 8 8 AR A A 8 $ x a a x ;I 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 d 8 8 A A A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 8 8 8 8 8: 8 A 8 8 A A 8 A^ 8 8 i �u 8 8 8 x S 8 A 8 A 8 G 8 8 p 8 F 8 A 8 8 A a 8 F 8! A a 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A A B a 5 A 8 8 A 8 8 F 8 K rC 8 a .� a. 8 Fa f4J a 0 3 8 8 A 8 A 8 a 8 A 8 a 8 c a G 8 C 8 « 8 a « A 8 8 A A 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 8 8 A 8 a 8 A 8 A 8 A 8 A fi a^ 1;38 A 8 8 A A 8 a$ 8 8 nx ^ G 8 8 8 8 8 8 8a 8A 8 A 8 8 8 8 8 p R 3 8 8 A 8 a 8 a 8 a 8 A 8 A 8 6 8 A 8 a 8 8 A A 8n A 8 88' 8888$8882= .88:188 8F888 8 2 a A a A L A R .^. a" A A» A A a R A A A 8¢ a a 8 8 „- »' 8 A 8 x 8 A 8 as 8 A a A 88 A a s SA 8 g$ 4 8§ B i 4 8 1 8§ e g § LL B§ 4 a a 3 s$ { jjjjjfJIIliIiiIJ4Il'11111j Yp 's pc E. 1 35 Pavan. MARKER FILL (ENV MU) REMOVAL I ep $ k 9 8 F$ g8� pg € 8= F 8 R C A k a k x ii a 8 ii R 8 R$ F 8 8 8 F E S 8 F 8 C 8 8 E 8 A8 8 p 8 tt k N w O N 0 R 0. EXHIBIT "B" I Erg ti n co rks 0 w ci 8 8 N 8 Q a 9 8 8. m 8 0 8 8 a 8 O 0 i 8, 1 N ON CC fen 8 0 A 1 8 8 0 49 8 w 8 V O 0 8 8 N 0 64 0 O W a 8 8 8 1 [t� as 8 0 a 8 8 Er 0 0 O 8 0 8 0 w K a 1 8 s 0 8 8 N 8 6 0 O 8 8 8 8 8 w 0 8 8 8. 8 0 O 8 8 8 b. 8 a 0 a 8 8 8 8 cc 0 0 8 8 8 o69 6 04 8 8 a a 0 8 N 8 0 h O 8 Pe 8, 0 LeOslatiye Summary Resolution 19-23 AUTHORIZING ATERNATE NO.6 TO RELOCATE AND INSTALL A NEW RESERVOIR CONTROL VALVE AT THE SOUTH PUMPING STATION AS PART OF CONTRACT NO. 12 OF THE MORTON GROVE NILES WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN AND FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Special Considerations or Requirements: April 8, 2019 To authorize the Village Administrator to direct the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) to install a new reservoir control valve at the Morton Grove South Pumping Station under Contract No. 12. On February 21, 2019, the MGNWC opened bids under Contract No. 12 for the Reservoir Control Valve Replacement at both the Village of Morton Grove and the Village of Niles Pumping Station Reservoirs. Gaskill and Walton Construction was awarded the contract based upon their low base bid and alternate bid amounts. Six (6) alternate bids exist for work on the reservoirs in both the Village of Morton Grove and Niles. The Morton Grove Pumping Station Operations found it necessary to move forward with Alternate No. 6 for installation and lowering of the new control valve to the basement floor of the Morton Grove South Pumping Station for safer installation and improved access for future maintenance. Administration and Public Works The contract price of $113,280.00. Funds are available from the 2019 Adopted Budget in the Enterprise Fund Reserves The Public Works Department, as part of their normal work activities, performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. None Respectfully submitted: / Prepared by: Joseph J. Dahm, Director of Public Works Reviewed by: illage Admin Teresa Hoffman Liston orporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-23 AUTHORIZING ATERNATE NO.6 TO RELOCATE AND INSTALL A NEW RESERVOIR CONTROL VALVE AT THE SOUTH PUMPING STATION AS PART OF CONTRACT NO. 12 OF THE MORTON GROVE NILES WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN AND FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on February 21, 2019, the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) opened bids for Contract No. 12 of their water transmission main and facility improvements project; and WHEAEAS, the contractor, Gaskill and Walton Construction was awarded the contract based upon their low base bid and alternate bid amounts; and WHEAEAS, six (6) alternate bids exist for work on reservoirs in both the Village of Niles and the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEAEAS, Alternate No. 6 is to install a new reservoir control valve on the basement floor of the Morton Grove South Pumping Station to provide for a safer installation and improved access for future maintenance; and WHEREAS, Pumping Station Operations finds it necessary to move forward with Alternate No. 6 in the amount of $113,280; and WHEREAS, it is practical and prudent for the Village to pay the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission to construct the desired improvements; and WHEREAS, funding for the water pumping station improvements is available from the 2019 Adopted Budget Water Enterprise Fund Reserves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities authorize the Village Administrator to direct the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission to proceed with the installation of the new reservoir control valve at the Morton Grove South Pumping Station. SECTION 3. The sum of one hundred thirteen thousand, two hundred and eighty dollars ($113,280) is hereby appropriated, or so much as may be necessary from any monies now or hereinafter allotted to the Village to pay its share of the cost for this improvement. SECTION 4. The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, and the Village Engineer and/or their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to oversee, and implement this agreement. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8th DAY OF April 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 8th DAY OF April 2019 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 9`h DAY OF April 2019 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Ordinance 19-01 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A SCHOOL -COMMERCIAL TUTORING/LEARNING CENTER (FOR CHILDREN FROM PRE-SCHOOL THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL) AT 8145 RIVER DRIVE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Introduction: April 8, 2019 Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Submitted by: Prepared by: Approval of an amendment to a Special Use Permit (Ord. 17-11) to allow for the expansion and reconfiguration of the previously approved tenant space to operate an autism therapy service center at 8145 River Drive. On May 22, 2017, the Board approved a special use for a school -commercial tutoring learning center for By Your Side Autism Therapy Services, LLC. (the "Applicant"), which offers supplemental specialized learning and training programs to children from pre-school through high school at 8145 River Drive (Ord. 17-11). The existing space occupies 8,191 sq. ft. of the 73,897 sq. ft, 8125-45 River Drive building. The "Applicant is now seeking approval of an amendment to their special use permit to expand and modify the approved floor plan to relocate and expand their administrative space and reconfigure and expand the area dedicated to therapy. The proposed expansion would increase their tenant space 3,660 sq. ft., for a total of 11,851 sq. ft. The approved special use permit allowed a maximum of 25 students and 30 staff at any one ime. The learning center currently operates with 10-12 children and 13-18 staff on site, at any one time. The Applicant is proposing to expand the floor area, while maintaining the caps on the students and staffing, specified in the approved Special Use permit (Ord. 17-11). The Applicant is aware that if they wish to exceed those student and staffing caps, they would need to file proper application and supporting documents to seek approval of another amendment to their special use prior to scheduling or implementing any such increases. This application was reviewed by the Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC); he determined the proposal would have an insignificant negative impact and waived the full TSC review per authority in Section 12-16-4:A.2. Since no changes to the exterior of the building are proposed, Appearance Commission review was not required. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on the proposal on March 18, 2019. Based on the application, supporting documents, and testimony presented at the Public Hearing, the Plan Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the application with conditions. Community and Economic Department N/A N/A The amendment will be implemented by staff in the normal course of business. Approval as presented Applicant has requested to waive the second reading (see attachment). Reviewed by llage Administrator Teresa Hoffman Listo ' , C rporation Counsel h, Community and Economic Development Director ORDINANCE 19-01 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A SCHOOL - COMMERCIAL TUTORING/LEARNING CENTER (FOR CHILDREN FROM PRE- SCHOOL THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL) AT 8145 RIVER DRIVE, MORTON GROVE, ILINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned in the MOR Office/Research Manufacturing District pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, on May 22, 2017, pursuant to Ordinance 17-11, a special use permit application from By Your Side, LLC (the "Applicant") for a School -Commercial Tutoring/Learning Center (For Children From Pre -School through High School) to operate a By Your Side Autism Therapy Services center, which offers supplemental specialized learning and training programs to children from pre- school through high school, at 8145 River Drive was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Applicant, pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC19-01, has made a proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for an amendment to the approved special use permit (Ord. 17-11) to expand their existing tenant space by 3,660 sq. ft., for a total of 11,851 sq. ft., and modify the approved floor plan, dated December 14, 2016, to relocate their administrative space to an additional, adjacent tenant space and reconfigure and expand the therapy space into the current administrative space; and WHEREAS, the approved Special Use permit allows a maximum of 25 students and up to 30 staff at any one time, and the Applicant states that under the current layout they have approximately 10-12 children and 13-18 staff on site at any one time; and WHEREAS, with the proposed expansion and alteration of their tenant space, the Applicant is committed to maintain the same caps on the maximum number of students and staffing, 25 and 30, respectively, as specified in the original special use permit approval and will comply will all other conditions of approval of the original special use (Ord. 17-11), except as otherwise specifically amended through this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Applicant acknowledges that if they determine a need to exceed the student or staffing caps, they will file an application and all necessary supporting plans and documents for another amendment to their special use application, for review and consideration, before they schedule or implement any potential increases in student and/or staffing capacities; and WHEREAS, the application was reviewed by the Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) and he determined the proposal would have an insignificant negative impact and waived the full TSC review per authority in Section 12-16-4:A.2; and WHEREAS, since no changes were proposed as part of this amendment, Appearance Commission review was not required; and WHEREAS, as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on March 18, 2019, at which all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration by the Plan Commission; and WHEREAS, as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated April 2, 2019 a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Applicant is hereby granted an amendment to the previously granted special use permit, pursuant to Ordinance 17-11, to allow for modification to the approved floor plan to include the addition of a 3,660 sq. ft. suite to relocate administrative space and allow for the reconfiguration of existing therapy space at 8145 River Drive, with the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners/lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: 1. The site and tenant space shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting documents in the original special use permit (Ord. 17-11), with the following modified plan: A. "Overall Plan," for By Your Side -Morton Grove, prepared by Marc E. Meyers, Architect, dated 1-21-2019. 2. The updated hours of operation are as follows: A. Monday -Thursday, 8AM-7PM B. Friday, 8AM-6PM; and C. Saturday, 8AM-4PM 3. With the exception of the increase in tenant space, in accordance with Condition 1., and updated hours of operation, per Condition 2., above, all conditions from the original special use permit, pursuant to Ordinance 17-11, shall remain in effect, particularly the limit on the number of students (a maximum of 25) and staffing (maximum of 30) that are permitted on-site, at any given time. 4. No certificates of occupancy for the expanded or renovated spaces will be issued until the Applicant has provided, and the Village has confirmed, sufficient evidence of compliance with all conditions of the original and this amendment to the special use permit. 5. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and/or Village engineer be advised of any significant vehicular/pedestrian traffic, parking, or emergency vehicle accessible issues related to the reconfigured and expanded tenant space at 8145 River Drive, the Applicant shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village Administrator within 15 business days of such notice, which outlines specific ways to address such issues. Such plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Community and Economic Development, Village Engineer, Fire Chief, and Chief of Police who will be charged with making suggested changes and/or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this approved use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 6. The applicant shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. any change in hours of operation; C. any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces; D. any proposed increases in staffing levels above those projected in the Eriksson Engineering traffic study "Traffic and Parking Study", dated March 6, 2017; and E any other changes to the site use that could increase the intensity and/or increase the parking demand. Such changes may require the owners, lessees, and users of 8145 River Drive to submit an updated parking analysis, and may subject the owners, lessees, and users of 8145 River Drive to additional conditions and may serve as the basis for further amendment to the special use permit. SECTION 3: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use permit as amended hereunder. SECTION 4: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 8`s day of April 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 8a' day of April 2019. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of April 2019. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois BY YOUR TM Morton Grove 8145 River Dr. Suite 101 1 Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: (224) 470-1111 Autism Therapy Services March 19, 2019 Dear Village of Morton Grove, On behalf of BY YOUR SIDE — Autism Therapy Service, we would like to write to request the waiving of the second reading of our minor special use amendment. This amendment was not contested by residence of Morton Grove and was voted on unanimously by the board during our Public Hearing on March 18, 2019. With the proposed expansion, we will not be increasing the number of clients we will be servicing at one time, or increasing the amount of employees we will have in the center. Since there are no proposed increases outside of our originally approved special use permit, we will not need any additional parking or traffic needs that originally approved. Since December 2018, we have been attempting to expand our current space so we can take more children affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder off our waitlist. We are hoping we can help accelerate this process as quickly as possible to help us services more clients who need services within Morton Grove and the surrounding area. Please feel free to reach out to myself or Brad Balduf, CEO of BY YOUR SIDE, if you have any additional questions or concerns relating to our expansion project. Sincerely, Brittney Ross Director—Administration and Operations (North) bross@bwoursideac.com 847-496-5513 Brad Balduf President/CEO bbalduf@bvvoursideac.com 847-496-5513 Community & Economic Development. Department MORTONGROVE Incredibly Close Amazingly Open To: Village President and Board of Trustees From: Chairperson Blonz and Members of the Plan Commission Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community & Economic Development Director n,e Date: April 2, 2019 Re: PC 19-01- 8145 River Drive/By Your Side, LLC. Request for an Amendment to Special Use Permit (Ord. #17-11), in accordance with Sections 12-4-4 & 12-16-4 of the Unified Development Code, to expand the interior space of the existing School — Commercial Tutoring/Learning Center by 3,660 sq. ft., for a total of 11,851 sq. ft., with no changes to the maximum number of students or staffing levels established in approved Special Use Permit PLAN COMMISSION REPORT Public Notice The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice for the March 18, 2019 Plan Commission public hearing for PC 19-01 in accordance with the Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press published the public notice and the Village notified surrounding property owners via mail on February 28, 2019 and the Village placed a public notice sign on the subject property on March 4, 2019. Property Background By Your Side, LLC ("Applicant") currently operates an 8,191 sq. ft. tutoring/learning center for children with autism within the 73,897 sq. ft. multi -tenant building at 8125-45 River Drive. By Your Side is operating at this facility under a Special Use Permit granted by the Village Board on May 27, 2017 (Ord. 17-11) The 8125-45 River Drive building and the building to the east at 8120-40 Lehigh Avenue are on a two separate lots but share some parking facilities and vehicular access ways and essentially function as a two building complex. These buildings are commonly known as North Grove I (8120-8140 Lehigh Avenue) and North Grove II (8125-8145 River Drive). The North Grove I/II complex has a total of 472 parking spaces and is located in the M-O/R Office/Research Manufacturing District. 7 0 North Grove I/II Building Complex ocation/Context Map The overall 10.4 acre, two building complex is surrounded by properties in the M2 General Manufacturing District, which are all improved with industrial/commercial buildings. Overview of Application In accordance with Sections 12-4-4:E. and 12-16-4., the Applicant and CRE North Grove CP I & II LLC -Colliers, the property owner ("Property Owner"), filed an application for an amendment to the special use permit to allow for By Your Side to expand their existing tenant space by 3,660 sq. ft., for a total of 11,851 sq. ft., and modify the approved floor plan, dated December 14, 2016. The approved Special Use Permit allows a maximum of 25 students and 30 staff at any one time. The Applicant states that under current layout they can have approximately 10-12 children and 13- 18 staff on site at any one time. The Applicant has advised staff that this expansion in floor area would allow for full operation of the facility, up to the staffing and student limits established in their approved Special Use Permit (Ord. 17-11). They have advised that they are not looking to increase the staffing and student caps established in the original Special Use Permit. Under the original Special Use Permit, the Applicant stated they would be open from 8am-6pm, Monday through Saturday. The Applicant advised that they currently been operating an additional hour on Mondays through Thursdays (until 7pm), have maintained the Friday hours as originally proposed, but do not presently operate at the facility on weekends as they currently do "home based" tutoring on Saturdays. If this amendment is approved, they expect to maintain the weekday schedule: Monday -Thursday 8am-7pm and Friday 8am-6pm, and eventually plan to operate at the facility on Saturdays, as originally proposed, but only from 8am-4pm. Although the Applicant is seeking a slight modification to the hours of operation, they are not proposing any increases to the peak student and staffing levels or any other changes in operations. As such, the Village Administrator in consultation with staff, waived the requirement for a new parking and traffic study. Staff confirmed that there have been no significant changes to the other tenant spaces within this two building complex and since those are mostly office type uses, the extension of the operating hours (until 7pm on Mondays through Thursday) shouldn't effect parking for the other users on this site. Given that the proposed amendment will not increase the intensity of the use, beyond what was approved under the original special use permit, the overall conclusion 2 from the original parking and traffic study, that this use will not have an adverse impact on traffic circulations and/or parking on-site or within this area, should hold for the proposed expansion. In accordance with Section 12-16-4:A.2, the application was reviewed by Village Departments and other officially commissioned bodies determined to have an interest in the application. There are no proposed changes to the building facade, as such Appearance Commission review was not required. The application was reviewed by the Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) and he determined the proposed amendment would have an insignificant negative impact and waived the full TSC review. Village Departments also reviewed the plans. All of their comments were basic code requirements that should be addressed through the regular building permit process. March 18. 2019 Public Hearing Nancy Radzevich, Director of Community & Economic Development, presented the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated March 13, 2019, which was entered, in its. entirety, into the public record. (Attachment 1). Chairperson Blonz asked the Commissioners if they had any questions of staff. Commissioner Khan asked why the requirement for an updated traffic study was waived? Ms. Radzevich explained that because the Applicant has committed to no changes in the age of students and no changes to the maximum peak number of students and staff, an updated traffic study would essential provide the same data as the previous report. There is no proposed change in traffic or parking volumes, beyond the peak level included in the original report — as such the Village Administrator waived the requirement for an updated report. Chairperson Blonz then asked if the Applicant was present and if he/she would would like to add anything to the staff presentation Commissioner Kintner asked if a review had been done Ms. Radzevich explained that level of detailed review is through the standard building permitting process. The approve the plans for fire safety code compliance. for fire spinklers and emergency access? done after the Plan Commission process, Fire Department will review and need to Chairperson Blonz asked if staff knew what was the previous use in that tenant space. Ms. Radzevich stated it was an office type use. Blonz noted that the use had a parking demand that would then be comparable. Ms. Radzevich agreed that the there should be no net increase in parking. She further noted that she had asked the property manager to provide a complete listing of all current tenants and was able to confirm there was no significant change in uses from the time By Your Side sought their original special use permit. Commissioner Gabriel noted that perhaps the parking demand will be decreased as the Applicant is proposing to maintain the student and staffing caps, while expanding into a tenant space that had previously housed another office user. Chairperson Blonz asked Rick Dobrowski, Fire Prevention Bureau Coordinator, if he was aware of any issues with parking, traffic or access at this facility. Mr. Dobrowski stated he had not heard of any compliants or Issues. Brad, Balduf, the President of By Your Side, LLC, was sworn in. He reiterated that they are expanding the tenant space only, and will not be increasing staffing or students beyond the maximum levels established in the original special use. 3 Commissioner Farkas asked for a bit more information on the students. Mr. Balduf explained that most of their students are on the higher end of the autism spectrum. At their facility they are taught how to socialize in settlings that are designed to mimic their home and school facilities. That way they can more easily transition what they learn to their everyday life. The Commissioners commended the Applicant for the service provided to these special needs kids. Chairperson Blonz asked if there were any other questions from Commissioners. There was no response. Chairperson Blonz asked if there was anyone present that wanted to be heard. There was no response. Chairperson Blonz asked for any other comments or questions. Hearing none, he asked for a motion. Commissioner Dorgan moved to recommend approval of Case PC 19 -Ola request for an amendment to a Special Use Permit, Ord. 17-11, for a School -Commercial Tutoring/Learning Center (for children from pre-school through high school), to allow the specialized autism therapy tutoring/learning center to increase their tenant space from 8,191 sq. ft. to 11,851 sq. ft., without increasing the maximum peak number of students or staffing on site, at any given time, as established in the original Special Use Permit, in accordance with Section 12-4-4:E. and 12-16-4., at 8415 River Drive, Morton Grove, IL, with the following conditions: 1. The site and tenant space shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting documents in original special use permit (Ord. 17-11), with the following modified plan: A. "Overall Plan," for By Your. Side -Morton Grove, prepared by Marc E. Meyers, Architect, dated 1-21-2019. 2. The updated hours of operation are as follows: A. Monday -Thursday, 8AM-7PM B. Friday, 8AM-6PM; and C. Saturday, 8AM-4PM 3. With the exception of the increase in tenant space, in accordance with Condition 1., and updated hours of operation, per Condition 2., above, all conditions from the original special use permit, pursuant to Ordinance 17-11, shall remain in effect, particularly the limit on number of students (a maximum of 25) and staffing (maximum of 30) that are permitted on-site, at any given time. 4. The applicant shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. any change in hours of operation; C. any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces; D. any proposed increases in staffing levels above those projected in the Eriksson Engineering traffic study "Traffic and Parking Study", dated March 6, 2017; and E. any other changes to the site use that could increase the intensity and/or increase the parking demand. 4 Such changes may require the owners, lessees, and users of 8145 River Drive to submit an updated parking analysis, and may subject the owners, lessees, and users of 8145 River Drive to additional conditions and may serve as the basis for further amendment to the special use permit. 5. No certificates of occupancy for the expanded or renovated spaces will be issued until the Applicant has provided, and the Village has confirmed, sufficient evidence of compliance with all conditions of the original and this amendment to the special use permit. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gabriel and recommended for approval by unanimous vote of 7-0. s Legislative Summary Resolution 19-22 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES THROUGH THE SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE BID PROGRAM Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: April 8, 2019 To authorize the Village President to approve the purchase of police squad cars through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative to replace high mileage vehicles currently being utilized in the Police Department due to age and declining reliability. Every 3 years, high mileage squad vehicles are replaced to insure key equipment being utilized by our officers does not fail during their duties as public safety first responders. The squad vehicles are utilized 24 hours -a -day and need to be in excellent condition at all times. Police Department, Public Works Vehicle Maintenance A total of $84,082.00 for one (1) 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor and two (2) 2019 Dodge Chargers. 023014-572030 The ordering and changing over of the vehicles will be coordinated by the Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Department. Approval as presented. Not Required None Prepared by: age Administrator Chief Michael Imo Reviewed by: I Teresa Hs "ran—r iston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-22 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES THROUGH THE SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE BID PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village Board has authorized the acquisition of police squad cars in the Calendar Year 2019 Budget, and WHEREAS, the Calendar Year 2019 Budget incorporates a line item to purchase police squad cars; and WHEREAS, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative recently extended their bid contracts providing for the purchase of police squad cars from Napleton Fleet Group in Westmont, Illinois for the 2019 Dodge Charger and Currie Motors Fleet in Frankfort, Illinois for the 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptors; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President and Board of Trustees hereby authorize the purchase of two (2) Model Year 2019 Dodge Chargers from Napleton Fleet Group for a total cost of $50,172.00 per the terms and conditions of the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative bid, Contract # 149; and one (1) Model Year 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor from Currie Motors for a total cost of $33,910.00 per the terms and conditions of the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative bid, Contract #152. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Director of Finance are hereby directed to authorize the issuance of purchase orders to place the squad cars on order. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8th day of April 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 8th day of April 2019. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9th day of April 2019. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE A Joint Purchasing Program For Local Government Agencies September 13.2018 Currie Motors Mr. Thomas Sullivan 10125 W. Laraway Road Frankfort. IL 60423 Dear Mr. Sullivan, The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) Governing Board has agreed to award the third and final one-year contract extension on the 2020 Ford Utility Interceptor (Contract #152) to Currie Motors. Frankfort IL. from November 19. 2018 through August 31, 2020 due to production of the new 2020 model not beginning until June. 2019. The Governing Board has also agreed to the following prices on the 2020 Ford Utility Interceptors: 3.3L Gasoline Ilybrid $35.259,00 3.3L Gasoline Version $31.994.00 With acceptance of this contract, Currie Motors. Frankfort IL agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in the specifications contained within the Request for Proposals to which you responded. Currie Motors, Frankfort. IL will handle all billing. Each vehicle purchased will be assessed a $120.00 administrative fee per vehicle which shall be paid directly by the vendor to the SPC on a quarterly basis. The SPC looks forward to another productive year working with Currie Motors. Frankfort. IL. Please sign and date this agreement below, retaining copies for your files and returning the original to my attention. The SPC reserves the right to extend this contract for one additional one-year term upon mutual agreement of the both the vendor and the SPC on a negotiated basis. Sincerely. I, ' i,&'Il. ICU it{'y✓ Ellen Dayan, CPPB Purchasing Director Northwest Municipal Conference 1,g.ii;404.41 / Name: Ellen Dayan Northwcst Municipal Conference 08.13.18 Date Name. Thomas Sullivan Currie Motors Dae//r Il DuPage Mann 4 Managers Conference 1220 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook. IL 60523 Suzette Quintal Phone: (6310 571.0180 Far: (630) 571.0484 Northwest 6luniciptd Conference /600 Bast Golf Rd. Suite !I700 Des Plaines. IL 60016 Mien Dorm. ('P1'ii Phone: 1817) 296.9200 Pitt: 1847) 296.9217 South Suburban Macon And Managers Association 1904 West lest 171" .Street East Hand ('rest. IL 60429 A'rfai Detmuentiis ?hour: (71)8, 2064/35 Far: ('081206.1133 1i iB County Governmental League 3180 Theodore .Street. Suite 101 Joliet. IL 60435 ('herie Belong Phnnc (81 A 729.3335 Pal: 1815) 729.3536 SPC SUBURBAN PURCHASING 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD Hybrid Contract #152 Currie Motors Commercial Center Your Full Line Municipal Dealer "Nice People to do Business With" PRODUCTION BEGINS JUNE 2019 SUBURBAN PURCHASING 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD Hybrid Contract #152 $35,259 MECHANICAL 3.3L Police -Calibrated V6 Direct -Injection Hybrid Engine System –Standard (Hybrid technology is optimal for performance and long days spent idling on the Job) • AWD Ddvelrain– Standard for enhanced handling precision and unsurpassed traction on wet or dry surfaces Transmission -10 -speed automatic, police calibrated for maximum acceleration and faster closing speeds Lithium -Ion Battery Pack Brakes – Police calibrated high-performance regenerative braking system • 4 -Wheel heavy-duty disc w/heavy-duty front and rear calipers • Brake Rotors – large mass for high thermal capacity and calipers with large swept area. • Electric Power -Assist Steering (EPAS) – Heavy -Duty DC/DC converter– 220 -Amp (in lieu of alternator) H7 AGM Battery (Standard; 800 CCA/80-amp) • Cooling System – Heavy-duty, large high volume radiator, Engine oil cooler and transmission oil cooler • Engine Idle Hour Meter • Engine Hour Meter • Powertrain mounts – Heavy -Duty 50 -State Emissions System INTERIORICOMFORT • Cargo Area – Spacious area for police equipment; Lithium - Ion Battery Pack does not intrude into the cargo area •Cargo Hooks •Climate Control – Dual -Zone Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (DEATC) •Door -Locks — Power — Rear -Door Handles and Locks Operable *Fixed Pedals (Driver Dead Pedal) •Floor– Flooring – Heavy -Duty Thermoplastic Elastomer •Glove Box – Locking/non-illuminated •Grab Handles– (1 – Front -passenger side, 2 -Rear) •Liftgate Release Switch located in overhead console (45 second ilmeout feature) *Lighting — Overhead Console — Red mite Task Lighting in •Overhead Console — 3rd row overhead map light *Mirror– Day/night Rear View •Particulate Air Filler •Powerpoints – (1) First Row •Rear -window Defrost •Scuff Plates – Front & Rear •Speed (Cruise) Control •Speedometer – Calibrated (includes digital readout) •Steering Wheel– Manual / Tilt. Urethane wheel finish w/Silver Painted Bezels with Speed Controls and 4 -user configurable latching switches •Sun visors, color -keyed, non -illuminated INTERIORICOMFORT (CONTINUED) •Seats — 1st Row Police Grade Cloth Trim, Dual Front Buckets with reduced bolsters — 1st Row – Driver 6 -way Power track (fore/aft. Up/down, tilt with manual recline, 2 - way manual lumbar) — 1st Row– Passenger 2 -way manual track (fore/aft. with manual recline) — Built-in steel intrusion plates in both driverlpassenger seatbacks — 2nd Row Vinyl, 35/30/35 Spilt Bench Seat (manual fold -flat, no tumble) – fixed seat track *Universal Top Tray – Center of UP for mounting aftermarket equipment .Windows, Power. 1 -touch Up/Down Front Driver/Passenger-Side with disable feature EXTERIOR •Antenna, Roof -mounted Cladding – Lower bodyside cladding MIC *Door Handles – Black (MIC) •Exhaust True Dual (down -turned) •Front -Door -Lock Cylinders (Front Driver / Passenger / Liftgate) •Glass – 2nd Row, Rear Quarter and Liftgate Privacy Glass •Grille – Black (MIC) •Headlamps –Automatic, LED Low -and -High -Beam Note: Includes Front Headlamp / Police Interceptor Housing (with LED wig -wag feature) — Pre -drilled hole for side marker police use, does not include LED strobe, but includes LED wig -wag functionality (eliminates need to drill housing assemblies and provides LED wig -wag feature) — Pre - molded side warning LED holes with standard sealed capability (does not include LED installed lights) •Liftgate – Manual 1 -Piece – Fixed Glass w/Door-Lock Cylinder •Mirrors – Black Caps (MIC). Power Electric Remote, Manual Folding with Integrated Spotter (Integrated blind spot mirrors not included when equipped with BUS®) •Spare – Full size 18" Tire w/TPMS •Spoiler–Painted Black Tailgate Handle – (MIC) •Tail lamps– LED •Tires – 255/60R18 AIS BSW •Wheel -Lip Molding – Black (MIC) •Wheels – 18" x 8.0 painted black steel with wheel hub cover •Windshield –Acoustic Laminated POLICE UPFIT FRIENDLY • Consistent 11 -inch space between driver and passenger seats for aftermarket consoles (9 -inch center console mounting plate) • Console mounting plate • Dash pass-thru opening for aftermarket wiring • Headliner – Easy to service • Two (2) 50 amp battery ground circuits – power distribution junction block (repositioned behind 2nd row seat floorboard). SAFETY/SECURITY HIGHLIGHTS • 75-mph Rear-Impact Crash Tested Note: The full-size spare tire secured In the factory location is • necessary to achieve police-rated 75-mph rear impact crash- lest performance attributes • AdvanceTrao® w/RSC® (Roll Stability ControP') police tuned gyroscopic sensors work seamlessly with the ABS • Rear Video Camera with Washer (standard) *Airbags, dual-stage driver & front-passenger. side seat, passer�r-side knee. Roll Curtain Airbags and Safety Caop•Antl-Lock Brakes (ABS) vAth Traction Control Brakes – Police ca5brated high-performance regenerative braking system •Belt-Minder® (Front Driver / Passenger) •Chik4Safety Locks (capped) *Individual me Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) •LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system on rear outboard seat locations *Seat Begs, Pretensioner/Energy-Management System w/adjustable height In 1st Row •S05 Post-Crash Alert SystemiM WARRANTY • 3 Year / 35,000 Miles Bumper 1 Bumper • 8 Year / 100,000 Miles Hybrid Unique Components FUNCTIONAL * Audio — AM/FM / MP3 Capable / Clock / 4 -speakers — Bluetooth® interface —42" Color LCD Screen Center -Stack "Smart Display" Note: Standard radio does not include USB Port or Aux. Audio Input *Jack; Aux. Audio Input Jack requires SYNC 3® *Easy Fuel® Capless Fuel -Filler *Ford Telematics"' – Includes Ford Modem and complimentary 2- year trial subscription •Front door tether straps (driver/passenger) •Paver pigtail harness •Recovery Hooks; two in front and trailer bar In rear *Simple Fleet Key (w/o microchip, easy 10 replace; 4 -keys) • Two-way radio pre -wire •Two (2) 50 amp battery ground crcuits–power distribution junction block (behind 2nd row passenger seat floorboard) •Wipers – Front Speed -Sensitive Intennalent: Rear Dual Speed Wiper POWERTRAIN CARE EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN • 5-year/100,000-mile Powertrain CARE Extended Service Plan (zero deductible) – Standard 99B 3.3L V-6 TIVCT Gasoline Motor -$3,265 ❑ 99C 3.0 V-6 EcoBoost Engine $751 LJ 41H Engine Block Heater $86 ❑ 19K H8 AGM Battery (900 CCA/92 AMP) $104 43D Dark Car Feature—Courtesy Lights Inoperative $24 ❑ 942 Daytime Running Lights $42 17T Dome Lamp RedM/hite Cargo Area $49 J�51 R Spot Light Drivers Side LED Bulb—Unity $375 ❑ 51T Spot Light Drivers Side LED Bulb—Whelen $399 ❑ 51S Spot Light Dual LED Bulbs—Unity $589 ❑ 51V Spot Light Dual LED Bulbs—Whelen $632 ❑ 51P Spot Lamp Prep Kit—Driver Side (does not include housing & bulb) $132 ❑ 51W Spot Lamp Prep Kit—Dual Side (does not include housing & bulb) $266 ❑ 21 L Front Auxiliary Light Red/Blue—requires option 60A $524 ❑ 60A Prewiring Grille Lamp, Siren, Speaker $49 ❑ 63B Side Marker LED—Red/Blue—requires option 60A $276 ❑ 63L Rear Quarter Glass Side Marker Lights—Red/Blue $546 ❑ 92G Glass-Solar Tint 2nd Row/Rear Quarter/Liftgate Window (deletes privacy glass) $114 U 92R Glass—Solar Tint 2nd Row/Rear Only, Privacy Glass on Rear Quarter/Liftgate Window $81 0 87R Rearview Camera—Includes Electrochromic Rearview Mirror (replaces standard camera in center stack area) N/C ❑ 19V Rear Camera-On-Demand $218 ❑ 76P Pre-Collison Assist w/ Pedestrian Detection $137 n 68B Police Perimeter Alert $641 3T68G Rear Door Handles Inoperable/Locks Inoperable $71 ❑ 52P Hidden Door Lock Plunger w/ Rear Door Handles Inoperable $153 LJ 16C 1st & 2nd Row Carpet Floor Covering (includes mats) $119 LJ 18D Global Lock/Unlock (Disables AutoLock on Rear Hatch) $24 • 87P Power Passenger Seat (8-Way) w/ manual recline/lumbar $309 ❑ 85D Front Console Plate Delete N/C LJ 85R Rear Console Plate $42 LJ 90D Ballistic Door Panels—Level III Driver Front Only $1,506 ri 90E Ballistic Door Panels—Level 111 Driver/Passenger Front $3,012 ❑ 90F Ballistic Door Panels—Level W Driver Front Only $2,294 ❑ 90G Ballistic Door Panels—Level IV Driver/Passenger Front $4,588 ❑ 96W Front Interior Windshield Warning Lights $1,087 U 96T Rear Spoiler Traffic Light $1,420 ❑ 55B BLIS Blind Spot Monitoring (includes manual heated mirrors) $517 ❑ 32T Class 111 Trailer Tow Light Package $76 QQ549 Mirrors—Heated Sideview $58 ❑ 593 32(, 55F Perimeter Anti -Theft Alarm—(Requires Keyless 559 Keyless -4 Fobs $114 $322 ❑ 76R Reverse Sensing $261 ❑ Keyed Alike Code Please Specify Current Keyed $49 L 65L 18" 5 Spoke Full Face Wheel Covers w/ Metal Clips $58 [1 III 64E 18" Painted Aluminum Wheels $451 U 17A Aux Air Conditioning (N/A w/ 63V) $579 L 16D Badge Delete N/C U 63V Cargo Storage Vault—includes lockable door/compartment light (N/A w/ 17A) $232 60R Noise Suppression Bonds (Ground Straps) $95 .J 18X 100 Watt Siren/Speaker (includes bracket & pigtail) $299 ii 47A Engine Idle Control $385 III Rustproofing (Soundshield N/A) $395 ❑ 4 Corner LED Strobes (aftermarket using 86P & 86T) $895 CD-ROM Service Manual $325 Delivery Greater than 50 Miles of Dealership $150 License & Title—MunicipalMunicipal Police y $203 License & Title—Passenger Plates $221 0 Dealership Handled License Plate Transfer Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO) / Customer completes their own license & title work for the municipality. $95 N/C ❑ ESP Extended Warranty ExtraCare 5 Year/60,000 Miles Call for Details LJ ESP Extended Warranty BaseCare 3 Year/100,000 Miles Call for Details LJ ESP Extended Warranty PowerTrain 6 Year/100,000 Miles Call for Details [1 ESP Extended Warranty BaseCare 6 Year/100,000 Miles Call for Details ❑ 67V Police Wire Harness Connector Kit—Front/Rear Front -2 male 4 -pin connectors for siren, 5 female 4 -pin connectors for lighting/siren/speaker, 4 -pin IP connector for speakers, 4 -pin IP connector for siren controller connectivity, 8 - pin sealed connector, & 14 -pin IP connector Rear— 2 male 4 -pin connectors for siren, 5 female 4 -pin connectors for lighting/siren/speaker, 4 -pin IP connector for speakers, 4 -pin IP connector for siren controller connectivity, 8 - pin sealed connector, & 14 -pin IP connector $176 L 66A Front Headlamp Lighting Solution—Includes Base LED low beam/halogen high beam w/ wig -wag function, 2 white LED side warning lights, wiring, LED lights included, controller not included (N/A w/ 67H) Recommend using 67G or 67U $850 [J 66B Taillamp Lighting Solution—Includes Base LED lights plus 2 rear integrated white LED side warning lights, wiring, controller not included (N/A w/ 67H) $408 ❑ 66C Rear Lighting Solution—Includes two backlit flashing LED lights (mounted to inside liftgate glass), two liftgate flashing LED lights (N/A w/ 67H $433 ❑ 86T Taillamp Housing Only—Includes pre-existing holes with standard twist lock sealed capability, does not include LED lights (N/A w/ 66B, 67H) $58 ❑ 67U Ultimate Wiring Package—Includes rear console mounting plate (85R)—contours through 2"d row, channel for wiring, pre - wiring for grille LED lights, siren & speaker, wiring harness UP to rear (overlay), 2 light cables—supports up to 6 LED lights (engine compartment/grille), 2 50 amp battery & ground circuits in RH rear quarter, 1 10 amp siren/speaker circuit engine cargo area, rear hatch/cargo area wiring—supports up to 6 rear LED lights (N/A w/ 65U, 67G, 67H) $533 III 67H Ready for the Road—All-in Complete Package—Includes Police Interceptor Packages 66A, 66B, 66C plus— • Whelen Cencom Light Controller • Whelen Cdncom Relay Center/Siren Amp w/ Traffic Advisor • Light Controller/Relay Cencom Wiring • Grille LED Lights • 100 Watt Siren/Speaker • 9 I/O Digital Serial Cable (console to cargo) • Hidden Door Lock Plunger & Read Door Handles Inoperable • Rear Console Mounting Plate (N/A w/ 66A, 66B, 66C, 67G, 67U, 65U) $3,415 E4 ❑ BU Medium Brown Metallic N/C ❑ E3 Arizona Beige Metallic Clearcoat N/C E4 Vermillion Red N/C LJ FT Blue Metallic N/C • HG Smokestone Metallic N/C ❑ J1 Kodiak Brown Metallic N/C Li JL Dark Toreader Red Metallic N/C • JS Iconic Silver Metallic N/C ri KR Norsea Blue Metallic N/C LJ LK Dark Blue N/C LJ LM Royal Blue N/C ❑ LN Light Blue Metallic N/C LJ TN Silver Grey Metallic N/C ❑ UJ Sterling Grey Metallic N/C UM Agate Black N/C �❑ YG Medium Titanium Metallic N/C LJ YZ Oxford White N/C SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE Please complete the following in its entirety. Title Information: Contact Name: Phone Number: Purchase Order Number: Ford FIN Code: Tax Exempt Number: Total Number of Units: Total Dollar Amount: Delivery Address: v t-1.460 4r MO2-tot,\ &(2.04.G, (D101 GAR kLUNIA AvstJul� M0Q`101•3 GRO C , tt_ (2o&'3 G11..- 6. 9a.-T-ta&.c . 41O -52 -co Et,eC. 35;o5 1)0 7©t- � �� 5 14cu - 01 55 qt0.06 SAMe Orders require an original signed purchase order & tax exempt letter. Fleet status is accessible by registering at www.fleefford.com. Currie Motors Commercial Center 10125 W. Laraway Road Frankfort, IL 60423 (815) 464-9200 Kristen De La Riva fleetcurrie@gmail.com Tom Sullivan curriefleet@gmail.com Charcoal Black w/ Vinvl Rear N/C Charcoal Black w/ Cloth Rear $58 Rear Center Seat Delete NIC SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE Please complete the following in its entirety. Title Information: Contact Name: Phone Number: Purchase Order Number: Ford FIN Code: Tax Exempt Number: Total Number of Units: Total Dollar Amount: Delivery Address: v t-1.460 4r MO2-tot,\ &(2.04.G, (D101 GAR kLUNIA AvstJul� M0Q`101•3 GRO C , tt_ (2o&'3 G11..- 6. 9a.-T-ta&.c . 41O -52 -co Et,eC. 35;o5 1)0 7©t- � �� 5 14cu - 01 55 qt0.06 SAMe Orders require an original signed purchase order & tax exempt letter. Fleet status is accessible by registering at www.fleefford.com. Currie Motors Commercial Center 10125 W. Laraway Road Frankfort, IL 60423 (815) 464-9200 Kristen De La Riva fleetcurrie@gmail.com Tom Sullivan curriefleet@gmail.com September 13.2018 Naplcton Fleet Group Nis. Kristen N. Homes Manager 1 Oakbrook Terrace. Suite 515 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 Dear Ms. [Ionics. A Joint Purchasing Program For Local Government Agencies This letter is to inform you that the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Governing Board has approved the third and final 1 -year contract extension of SPC Contract 1..1.1`( for the 2019 Dodge Charger Police Pursuit Vehicle Plus Option Packages and Other Options to Napleton Fleet (,roup. Oakbrook Tenace, 11.. In addition, the Cloy ceiling Board has approved price increases submitted by Robert Barr on September 7.201 s. With acceptance of this contract extension, Napletun Fleet (croup. Westmont. IL agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in the specifications contained within the Request for Proposals to which you responded. \aplcton Fleet Groan will handle all billing. Each vehicles• jn rehased will he assessed a 5120.00 administrative fee per vehicle which shall be paid directly by the tender to the SPC on a quarterly basis. The SPC looks fnntartl to another productive tear morl:tag tyth Napleton Fleet ('roup, Westmont. IL. Please sign and date this agreement below, retaining copies for your riles and retuning the original to nn attention. The duration of the contract extension is August 26, 2018 through August 25. 2019, Sincerely, Hien Dayan. ('PI'13 Purchasing Director Northwest Municipal Coni'erenee 0') 13:'_0 111 Name: Ellen Dayan Date Northwest Municipal Conference LOAltv I Name: Kristen N. Ir'unes Napleton Fleet 9-14-18 Date DuPagr Mayors S .((anagen Confrrencr 12'01}J. Bawd R0,41 Oa Brood, IL n05:3 Str-rnc Qu/,m•1/ Phone: 1630J 57/-0480 Fns. a,30, 571.0484 .\anharl Municipal Conference AIM hag Gab Rd. 5u14 0-1111 Ura Plutncz 11. nh01n Orel 1).4,1‘117. CPPB Plum' 0847, 2911.9200 /•in 18.171296-920' Sumb Suburban .%Iayon Ld .%/anagen Awn-Mfiun 14114 Iib./ 174' Shell Lav Noce! (rem. I1. (,0414 d Puecel !'lne' /WSJ 274-1 /5? Fier 173119 _204-113 1 UV County Governmental league .1.111 TJ ochre Stir.( :Stith Eli Jnb.l. 1/. n043 ('lertr Bel on Phone: 181 5, 729-3i f i Pau t81.1) 724-3834 Cit Senn c e Monuk.c, l •>Napleton Fleet Group 2019 Dodge Charger Pursuit Price List and Order Form Contract #149 Napleton Fleet Group NWMC Suburban Purchasing Cooperative www.nwmc-cog.org Please contact Bob Barr at 630-455-2911 or rbarra.napletonfteet.com prior to purchase order issuance and order placement. Final Order Date for the 2019 Dodge Charger Pursuit is TBD Please check -mark the options needed: SPC Code Description Class Contract Price LDDE48 27A RWD Base Car • V6 Engine, Rear Wheel Drive STD 521,720.00 3.6 Liter V6 Engine, 300 HP, 284 Ib -ft, of torque 50 State Emissions 5 -Speed W5A580 Automatic Transmission Column Mount Gear Shift Lever 2.62 Rear Axle Ratio 195MM Rear Axle 18 x 7.5 Black Steel Wheels with Chrome Center Caps P225160R18 BSW Performance Tires Capless Fuel Fill Power Windows -Locks -Mirrors, Cruise Control 7' Touch Screen Display UConnect 5.0 Radio, AM/FM/BT, Voice Command with Hands Free Black Vinyl Floor Covering Mini (halt) Floor Console Center Dome Lamp actuated only by a manual switch Two Key Fobs (was previously four) with Proximity Keyless Entry and Keyless Go Officer Protection Package, including Rear Back Up Camera and Rear Park Assist Secure Park (Key Fob must be present for idling vehicle to be driven) includes Factory Destination Charge and delivery to customer's location in the greater Chicago metro area with % tank of fuel remaining. Request quote for delivery outside Chicago metro area. 0 XKN Flex Fuel Vehicle — V6 only OPT N/C DR3 220MM Rear Axle OPT 102.00 ❑ LDDE48 29A RWD Additional Cost to Upgrade Base Car with V8 Engine OPT 1,918.00 5.7 Liter V8 Engine, 370 HP. 395 lb -ft. of torque 2.62 Rear Axle Ratio 220MM Rear Axle (other specifications same as 521,720 Base Car detailed above) DQ LDEE48 29A AWD. J , Additional Cost to Upgrade Base Car with V8 Engine and All Wheel Drive OPT 2,658.00 5,7 Liter V8 Engine, 370 HP. 395 Ib -ft. of torque 3.07 Rear Axle Ratio 230MM Rear Axle (other specifications same as 521,720 Base Car detailed above) 1 Wheel & Tire Options: TRW Full Size Spare Tire STD STD ❑ TBF Delete Full Size Spare Tire OPT (89.00) Tire Service Kit provided ❑ TBH Full Size Spare Tire Relocation Bracket OPT 129.00 Moves tire from angled position in trunk to horizontal position over rear axle hump ❑ W8A Full Wheel Covers — RWD only OPT 36.00 Replaces Chrome Center Caps ❑ W8B Full Wheel Covers — AWD only OPT 36.00 Replaces Chrome Center Caps ❑ TYL P245I55R18 BSW Performance Tires OPT 160.00 Interior Options: C8 Heavy Duty Cloth Bucket Seats & Cloth Rear Bench (black) STD STD Includes 6 -Way Power Driver Seat ❑ X5 Replace Cloth Rear Bench Seat with Vinyl Rear Bench (black) OPT 107.00 CKJ Black Vinyl Floor Covering STD STD CMB Mini Floor Console (half console) STD STD ❑ CKD Black Full Floor Carpeting OPT 111.00 Replaces Black Vinyl Floor Covering, included in AEB Street Appearance Group LBG Front Overhead Reading/Map Lamps OPT 67.00 Mounted between sun visors and included in AEB Street Appearance Group Lamps wit light when a door is opened: interior switch can be set so they do not Group Options: ❑ AWC Fleet Safety Group OPT 315.00 Blind Spot & Cross Path Detection. Heated Power Mirrors ❑ AHM Convenience Group OPT 427.00 4 -Way Power Front Passenger Seat Power Adjustable Pedals ❑ AEB Street Appearance Group OPT 334.00 Full Wheel Covers over 18 x 7.5 Black Steel Wheels Front Reading/Map Lamps Illuminated Front Cup Holders Full Length Civilian Floor Console Dual Remote USB Ports for Charging Rear Climate Control Outlets Floor Carpeting with Front & Rear Carpeted Floor Mats Heated exterior mirrors gCK9 Delete.E)oor Carpeting OPT 1‘1/CDeletes Floorcarpet dg, Mats and Full length CiwI,an Console from AEB ❑ CMB Mini Floor Console with AEB OPT N!C Deletes Full Length Civilian Floor Console from AEB 2 Individual Options: ❑ MSY Delete "Dodge" Grille Emblem OPT N/C ❑ NZE Base Engine Controller OPT N/C Limits max speed to 130 MPH ❑ NHK Engine Block Heater OPT 85.00 ❑ AYJ Max Flow Package OPT 134.00 Lower intake grille ❑ LSA Security Alarm OPT 134.00 ❑ GXQ Additional Non Fleet Key -Alike Fobs OPT 134.00 Includes 4 additional key fobs fora total of 6 key fobs ❑ GXF Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 1) OPT 125.00 Includes 6 additional key fobs fora total of 8 key fobs ❑ GXA Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 2) OPT 125.00 Includes 6 additional key fobs fora total of 8 key fobs ❑ GXE Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 3) OPT 125.00 Includes 6 additional key fobs for a total of 8 key fobs ❑ GXG Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FRED 4) OPT 125.00 �.,( Includes 6 additional key fobs for a total of 8 key fobs 2U GUK Heated Exterior Mirrors OPT 53.00 I Added to the 'standard equipment power minors Police Equipment Package Options: ❑ AV2 Integrated Display Package OPT 1,994.00 12.1' Integrated Display Screen UConnect 3C, 8.4' AM/FM Display Radio NAV Capable Deletes Standard Equipment Mini Floor Console ❑ AYW Patrol Package Wiring Prep OPT 1,024.00 Front & Rear Wire Hamess Power Distribution Center ❑ AYE Patrol Package Base Prep OPT 1.909.00 Front 8 Rear Wire Harness Power Distribution Center Siren Speaker & Bracket Trunk Tray & Cooling Fan Includes TBH Spare The Relocation Bracket Spare Tire Is positioned horizontally under the Trunk Tray �Poollice Equipment Individual Options; D9 CW6 Deactivate Rear Door Interior Handles and Window Switches OPT 67.00 Bagged parts kit to macavate rear door interior handles 8 Window switches not included, can be ordered as a service kit at additional cost ❑ XFX Equipment Mounting Bracket OPT N/C Mounted over standard equipment Mini Floor Console 3 Police Equipment Individual Options (continued): ❑ CUG Havis Police Floor Console OPT 414.00 Not available with AV2 integrated Display Package ❑ CBT Steel Seat Back Panel Inserts OPT 120.00 ❑ XDV Driver Side Ballistic Door Panel OPT 2,092.D0 ❑ XDG Passenger Side Ballistic Door Panel OPT 2,092.00 ❑ LNF Left Halogen Spot Lamp, black housing OPT 167.00 LNX Left LED Spot Lamp, black housing OPT 321.00 ❑ LNA Left & Right Halogen Spot Lamps, black housings OPT 374.00 ❑ LNX Left & Right LED Spot Lamps, black housings OPT 641.00 ❑ M26 White Graphics Wrap — Front Doors OPT 423.00 ❑ M2C White Graphics Wrap — All Four Doors OPT 841.00 ❑ M3F White Graphics Wrap — Engine Hood OPT 231.00 ❑ M3G White Graphics Wrap - Roof OPT 240.00 ❑ M3H White Graphics Wrap — Trunk Lid OPT 156.00 Interior Color X9 Black Interior Fabric STD STD Exterior Colors: ❑ PW7 Bright White Clearcoat OPT N/C PX8 Pitch Black OPT N/C ❑ PS2 Bright Silver Metallic Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PAU Granite Crystal Metallic Pearlcoat OPT N/C ❑ PAR Maximum Steel Metallic Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PDN Destroyer Grey Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PRV Octane Red Pearlcoat OPT N/C ❑ PR3 Torred Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PBM Indigo Blue OPT N/C ❑ P85 Electric Blue Pearlcoat OPT 445.00 ❑ P82 Ranger Clearcoat OPT 445.00 ❑ P79 Michigan State Police Blue OPT 445.00 ❑ PB8 Midnight Blue Pearlcoat OPT 445.00 ❑ P76 Sheriffs Tan OPT 445.00 ❑ PWL White Gold Clearcoat OPT 445.00 4 License and Title Options: ❑ No Plates (customer does own L&T) STD STD ❑ 90 -Day Temp Tag (customer can still do own L&T) OPT N/C ❑ Municipal Plates (Mapleton does L&T for customer) OPT 130.00 Municipal Police Plates (Mapleton does L&T for customer) OPT 130.00 ❑ Civilian Plates (Mapleton does L&T for customer) OPT 239.00 Total Vehicle Cost per selected options..........45 ............................ $ r ©1 to . 00 Service Manuals on CD (Windows operating system only, not compatible with Mac): ❑ 2018 Model Year (PN 81 -270 -18078 -CD) OPT 140.00 ; 2019 Model Year (PN 81 -270.19078 -CD) OPT 140 00 Late availability, Spring or Summer o/ 2019 Total Vehicle Cost with Service Manual on CD $ ,;jr� am -..--7 L5 j . 00 Municipality: M®i4o(- QCt)'/e Contact Name: let QA nek-1 Cmc Phone Number: nr-tTI- 47C- e,4, ✓ 06 Email: (�nl�Wl(�!X"_� n'1�� oris Date: J 3 J2-5J�/,G1/4 J 2019 Model Year Final Order Date is TBD Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Dodge Charger Pursuit Factory Warranty Basic 36 months/36,000 miles Powertrain ....60 months/100,000 miles Corrosion Perforation Outer Panels, 60 months Roadside Assistance 60 months/60,000 miles Please scan and email to rbarrPnaptetonfleet,com or print and fax to 630-530-0562 Please contact Bob Barr prior to purchase order issuance and order placement. 5 Base V6 RWD Vehicle Profile Dodge Charger 2019 Police Pursuit 4dr Sedan LDDE48 27A Base Car Powertrain • 3.6L V4 DOHC SMPI 24 valve engine with variable valve control • 220 amp alternator • 800 amp battery with ran down pmtectlon • Engine oft cooler, HD radiator • 5 -speed electronic sequential shift control automatic transmission with overdrive, lode -up • Rear -wheel drive • ABS & drive8ne traction control • 2.82 rear rude ratio - Standess steel exhaust with tailpipe finisher Steering and Suspension - Electric power assist rack and penton steering - 4 -wheel disc Wakes with front and rear vented discs • HD ride suspension, whh auto eveling, electronic stability control • Independent front suspension - Front short and long arm suspension • Front ant oil bar - Front con springs - Gas•preewdzed frau shocks • Rear independent suspension • Rear mum4lnk suspension -HDrear gull -roll bar • Rear coli springs -Air rear shocks • Front and rear 18.0' x 7.50' black steel wheels vdth chrome center caps • P22818OWR18.0 SSW performance front and rear fires, matching full size spare are Safety • 4wheel antMoc k braking system - LED Daytime miming lights, center high mounted slop light - Multi -stage front airbags, supplemental front seat side sir bags, supplemental aide aloin front/rear side airbags • Fred height adjustable seatbelts with front pre• enslorars - Immobmmr, Panic slam • Rear bade up camera - Rear Park Assist - Variable lnannhtent wipers 6 Comfort and Convenience • Dual zone front air condbiontng, air toter, under seat duds • NNFMISateOae-prep, dodo seek -scan, MP3 decoder, edema) memory control, 8 speakers, windowgukd antenna, redo steering wheel controls - tat row LCD monitor - Cruise control with steering wheel controls, tilt steering column - Power door lodes with 2 stage unlock, key fob (all doors) keyless entry, power remote trunk/hatch/door release. power remote fuel child release • One DC power outlet, driver foot rest, retained acrear cessory power. wirelessfuel tiler door �phone anneclvlty - Digital/analog Instrumentation display includes tachometer, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge, ral redundanttempstura gaul eedotransmission m s�Wp odometer,emfauna a comet engine Nod meter, compass. Warier temp, systems monitor, r - %aming indicators Iralude dl pressure, ergine temperature, battery, lights on, key, low fuel, low washer fluid. fighting maMmctlon, door ajar, trunk ajar, service Interval, brake Quid, tum signal on. tire specific tow Ure pressure, transmisaion fluid temp Leather/metal-look steering vareel with tilt and telescopic adjustment - Power front and rear windows with fight tint, driver and passenger 1 -touch down • Variable Intermittent front %indebted wipers with heated Mold reservoir, rear window defroster • Sun visors with Marinated vanity mirrors - Day4figM rearview mirror • Glove bra light, bunk light, under hood Itgbt, manually actuated dome light • Partial floor console, mud warhead console with storage, locking glove box wl h light, front and rear cup holders. driver and passenger - Denoted cargo floor, cargo light .rear door sure Seating and Interior • Seating milady of 5 - Budiel front seats with adjustable anti -whiplash head restraints - 8 -way adjustable (8 -way power) driver seat - 4 -way manually adjustable passenger seat • Rear bench seat with 2 fed mar head restraints • CInth faced front seats with plastic back material • Cloth faced rev seats vAth doth back material - VM$ docr dm insert, full cloth headliner. full vinyurubber floor covering, urethane gear shift knob, dvome interior accents Exterior Features -Site impact beams, galvanized steeyatuminum body materiel - Black side window moklkgs -Bodycolored door handles - Black gripe -Drier and passenger power remote heated outside mares - Front and rearbodycolored bumpers • Projector beam halogen fry automatic headlamps with delay -off feature, LED daytime running tamps • Additional exterior lights Include under hood IIgM, remote activated perim etelapproach lights - Rear Widow - Clear coat monotone past D imensions and Capacities Output..._ 900 hp ® 6,350 rpm Drag coefficient_ 284 lb -ft ®4.800 � 1st Beane! 3.690 2nd gear ratio 2.190 9rd gear ratio 1.410 4th gear ratio. 1.000 5th gear ratio .830 Reverse gear ratio.._ 3.160 Curb0• y Wight 18mp427mpg8 GVWR. 5,500 lbs Towing capacity 1.000Ibs Front legroom 41.8' Rear legroom Front headroom 98.6' Rev headroom .„..36.6' RearFront emon 582 • MMpoom 581' Front shoulder room 59.5' Rea shoulder room. 57.9' Passenger area volume 104.7 cu ft Largth. 199.9 " Body width. 75.0" Body height 58.6' Wheelbase. 120.2" From bread 63.4' Rear tread 63.8" Tuning radius 18.8' Fuel tank - 18.6 gal 16.5cuft 40.1 " interiorcago volume 7 1\10 Ceevic✓e 4)>Napleton Fleet Group 2019 Dodge Charger Pursuit Price List and Order Form Contract #149 Napleton Fleet Group NWMC Suburban Purchasing Cooperative www.nwmc-cog.org Please contact Bob Barr at 630455-2911 or rbarrOnapletonfleet.com prior to purchase order issuance and order placement. Final Order Date for the 2019 Dodge Charger Pursuit is TBD Please check -mark the options needed: SPC Code Description Class Contract Price LDDE48 27A RWD Base Car - V6 Engine, Rear Wheel Drive STD $21,720.00 3.6 Liter V6 Engine, 300 HP, 264 Ib -ft. of torque 50 State Emissions 5 -Speed W5A580 Automatic Transmission Column Mount Gear Shift Lever 2.62 Rear Axle Ratio 195MM Rear Axle 18 x 7.5 Black Steel Wheels with Chrome Center Caps P225/60R18 BSW Performance Tires Gapless Fuel Fill Power Windows -Locks -Mirrors, Cruise Control 7" Touch Screen Display UConnect 5.0 Radio, AM/FM/BT, Voice Command with Hands Free Black Vinyl Floor Covering Mini (half) Floor Console Center Dome Lamp actuated only by a manual switch Two Key Fobs (was previously four) with Proximity Keyless Entry and Keyless Go Officer Protection Package, including Rear Back Up Camera and Rear Park Assist Secure Park (Key Fob must be present for idling vehicle to be driven) Includes Factory Destination Charge and delivery to customer's location in the greater Chicago metro area with % tank of fuel remaining. Request quote for delivery outside Chicago metro area. aXKN Flex Fuel Vehicle — V6 only OPT N/C DR3 220MM Rear Axle OPT 102.00 ❑ LDDE48 29A RWD Additional Cost to Upgrade Base Car with V8 Engine OPT 1,918.00 5.7 Liter V8 Engine, 370 HP, 395 Ib -ft. of torque 2.62 Rear Axle Ratio 220MM Rear Axle (other specifications same as $21,720 Base Car detailed above) LDEE48 29A AWD Additional Cost to Upgrade Base Car with V8 Engine and All Wheel Drive OPT 2,658.00 5.7 Liter V8 Engine, 370 HP, 395 Ib -ft. of torque 3.07 Rear Axle Ratio 230MM Rear Axle (other specifications same as $21,720 Base Car detailed above) 1 Wheel & Tire Options: TBW Full Size Spare Tire STD STD ❑ TBF Delete Full Size Spare Tire OPT (89.00) Tire Service Kit provided ❑ TBH Full Size Spare Tire Relocation Bracket OPT 129.00 Moves tire from angled position in trunk to horizontal position over rear axle hump ❑ W8A Full Wheel Covers — RWD only OPT 36.00 Replaces Chrome Center Caps ❑ W8B Full Wheel Covers — AWD only OPT 36.00 Replaces Chrome Center Caps ❑ TYL P245/55R18 BSW Performance Tires OPT 160.00 Interior Options: C8 Heavy Duty Cloth Bucket Seats & Cloth Rear Bench (black) STD STD Includes 6 -Way Power Driver Seat ❑ X5 Replace Cloth Rear Bench Seat with Vinyl Rear Bench (black) OPT 107.00 CKJ Black Vinyl Floor Covering STD STD CM8 Mini Floor Console (half console) STD STD ❑ CKD Black Full Floor Carpeting OPT 111.00 .,_/' Replaces Black Vinyl Floor Covering, included in AEB Street Appearance Group Qd LBG Front Overhead Reading/Map Lamps OPT 67.00 !/ Mounted between sun visors and included in AEB Street Appearance Group Lamps will light when a door is opened; interior switch can be set so they do not Group Options: ❑ AWC Fleet Safety Group OPT 315.00 Blind Spot & Cross Path Detection, Heated Power Mirrors ❑ AHM Convenience Group OPT 427.00 4 -Way Power Front Passenger Seat Power Adjustable Pedals ❑ AEB Street Appearance Group OPT 334.00 Full Wheel Covers over 18 x 7.5 Black Steel Wheels Front Reading/Map Lamps Illuminated Front Cup Holders Full Length Civilian Floor Console Dual Remote USB Ports for Charging Rear Climate Control Outlets Floor Carpeting with Front & Rear Carpeted Floor Mats XHeated exterior mirrors CK9 Delete Floor Carpeting OPT N/C Deletes Floor Carpeting, Mats and Full Length Civilian Console from AEB ❑ CM8 Mini Floor Console with AEB OPT N/C Deletes Full Length Civilian Floor Console from AEB 2 Individual Options: ❑ MSY Delete "Dodge" Grille Emblem OPT N/C ❑ NZE Base Engine Controller OPT N/C Limits max speed to 130 MPH ❑ NHK Engine Block Heater OPT 85.00 ❑ AYJ Max Flow Package OPT 134.00 Lower Intake grille ❑ LSA Security Alarm OPT 134.00 ❑ GXQ Additional Non Fleet Key -Alike Fobs OPT 134.00 Includes 4 additional key fobs for a total of 6 key fobs ❑ GXF Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 1) OPT 125.00 Includes 6 additional key lobs for a total of 8 key lobs ❑ GXA Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 2) OPT 125.00 Includes 6 additional key fobs for a total of 8 key lobs ❑ GXE Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 3) OPT 125.00 includes 6 additional key fobs for a total of 6 key fobs ❑ GXG Entire Fleet Key -Alike (FREQ 4) OPT 125.00 �[ Includes 6 additional key lobs for a total of 8 key fobs Q�l GUK Heated Exterior Mirrors OPT 53.00 /- Added to the standard equipment power mirrors Police Equipment Package Options: ❑ AV2 Integrated Display Package OPT 1,994.00 12.1" Integrated Display Screen UConnect 3C, 8.4" AM/FM Display Radio NAV Capable Deletes Standard Equipment Mini Floor Console ❑ AYW Patrol Package Wiring Prep OPT 1,024.00 Front & Rear Wire Harness Power Distribution Center ❑ AYE Patrol Package Base Prep OPT Front & Rear Wire Hamess Power Distribution Center Siren Speaker & Bracket Trunk Tray & Cooling Fan Includes TBH Spare Tire Relocation Bracket Spare Tire is positioned horizontally under the Trunk Trey Police Equipment Individual Options: IXI CW6 Deactivate Rear Door Interior Handles and Window Switches OPT T` Bagged parts kit to reactivate rear door interior handles & window switches not ihcluded, can be ordered as a service kit at addition! cost ❑ XFX Equipment Mounting Bracket OPT Mounted over standard equipment Mini Floor Console 1,909.00 67.00 N/C 3 Police Equipment Individual Options (continued): ❑ CUG Havis Police Floor Console OPT 414.00 Not available with AV2 Integrated Display Package ❑ CBT Steel Seat Back Panel Inserts OPT 120.00 ❑ XDV Driver Side Ballistic Door Panel OPT 2,092.00 ❑ XDG Passenger Side Ballistic Door Panel OPT 2,092.00 ❑ LNF Left Halogen Spot Lamp, black housing OPT 187.00 • LNX Left LED Spot Lamp, black housing OPT 321.00 ❑ LNA Left & Right Halogen Spot Lamps, black housings OPT 374.00 ❑ LNX Left & Right LED Spot Lamps, black housings OPT 641.00 ❑ M28 White Graphics Wrap — Front Doors OPT 423.00 ❑ M2C White Graphics Wrap — All Four Doors OPT 841.00 ❑ M3F White Graphics Wrap — Engine Hood OPT 231.00 ❑ M3G White Graphics Wrap - Roof OPT 240.00 O M3H White Graphics Wrap — Trunk Lid OPT 156.00 Interior Color: X9 Black Interior Fabric STD STD Exterior Colors: ❑ PW7 Bright White Clearcoat OPT N/C PX8 Pitch Black OPT NIC ❑ PS2 Bright Silver Metallic Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PAU Granite Crystal Metallic Pearicoat OPT N/C ❑ PAR Maximum Steel Metallic Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PDN Destroyer Grey Clearcoat OPT N/C O PRV Octane Red Pearlcoat OPT NIC ❑ PR3 Torred Clearcoat OPT N/C ❑ PBM Indigo Blue OPT N/C ❑ PB5 Electric Blue Pearlcoat OPT 445.00 ❑ P82 Ranger Clearcoat OPT 445.00 ❑ P79 Michigan State Police Blue OPT 445.00 ❑ PB8 Midnight Blue Pearlcoat OPT 445.00 ❑ P76 Sheriffs Tan OPT 445.00 ❑ PWL White Gold Clearcoat OPT 445.00 4 License and Title Options: p No Plates (customer does own L&T) STD STD ❑ 90 -Day Temp Tag (customer can still do own L&T) OPT N/C ❑ Municipal Plates (Napleton does L&T for customer) OPT 130.00 XMunicipal Police Plates (Napleton does L&T for customer) OPT 130.00 ❑ Civilian Plates (Napleton does L&T for customer) OPT rr 239.00 Total Vehicle Cost per selected options ....................... $ 45 : Oi (' . oo Service Manuals on CD (Windows operating system only, not compatible with Mac): 2018 Model Year (PN 81 -270 -18078 -CD) 2019 Model Year (PN 81 -270 -19078 -CD) Late availability, Spring or Summer of 2019 OPT OPT 140.00 140.00 Total Vehicle Cost with Service Manual on CD $ Municipality: Ivy�for n Gtrov' Contact Name: lilt t n- �i> l of j Phone Number: nLt1O-Sip�`..JJ e)4, 5903 Email: 932A&\ ap 0 MoAtnc rte et k • OC6 Date: 3 /..-rJ/te) 2019 Model Year Final Order Date is TBD Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Dodge Charger Pursuit Factory Warranty Basic 36 months/36,000 miles Powertrain ....60 months/100,000 miles Corrosion Perforation.....Outer Panels, 60 months Roadside Assistance.....6O months/60,000 miles Please scan and email to rbarr@napletonfleet.com or print and fax to 630-530-0562 Please contact Bob Barr prior to purchase order issuance and order placement. 5 Base V6 RWD Vehicle Profile Dodge Charger 2019 Police Pursuit 4dr Sedan LDDE48 27A Base Car Powertrain - 3.6L V-6 DOHC SMPI 24 valve engine with variable valve control - 220 amp alternator - 800 amp battery with run down protection - Engine oil cooler, HD radiator • 5 -speed electronic sequential shift control automatic transmission with overdrive, lock-up • Rear -wheel drive - ABS & driveline traction control - 2.62 rear axle ratio - Stainless steel exhaust with tailpipe finisher Steering and Suspension - Electric power assist rack and pinion steering - 4 -wheel disc brakes with front and rear vented discs - HD ride suspension, with auto -leveling, electronic stability control - Independent front suspension - Front short and long arm suspension - Front ami -roll bar - Front coil springs - Gas -pressurized front shocks - Rear Independent suspension - Rear multi -link suspension - HD rear anti -roll bar - Rear cog springs - Air rear shocks - Front and rear 18.0" x 7.50' black steel wheels with chrome center caps - P225/60WR18.0 BSW performance front and rear tires, matching full size spare Ore Safety • 4 -wheel ami -lock braking system - LED Daytime running fights, center high mounted stop light - Multi -stage front airbags, supplemental front seat side air bags, supplemental side curtain front/rear side airbags - Front height adjustable seatbelts with front pre-tensloners - Immobilizer, panic alarm - Rear back up camera - Rear Park Assist - Variable Intermittent wipers 6 Comfort and Convenience - Dual zone front air conditioning, air filter, under seat ducts - AM/FM/Satellite-prep, clock, seek -scan, MP3 decoder, external memory control, 6 speakers. window grid antenna, radio steering wheel controls -1st row LCD monitor - Cruise control with steering wheel controls, tilt steering column - Power door locks with 2 stage unlock, key fob (all doors) keyless entry. power remote trunk/hatch/door release, power remote fuel release, child safety rear door locks, fuel filler door power release - One 12V DC power outlet, driver foot rest, retained accessory power, wireless phone connectivity - Digital/analog instrumentation display includes tachometer, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge, oil temperature gauge, transmission fluid temp gauge, engine hour meter, compass, exterior temp, systems monitor, redundant digital speedometer. trip odometer, trip computer - Warning indicators include oil pressure, engine temperature, battery, tights on. key, low fuel, low washer fluid, lighting malfunction, door ajar, trunk ajar, service Interval, brake fluid, turn signal on, tire specific low tire pressure, transmission fluid temp - Leatherlmetal-look steering wheel with tilt and telescopic adjustment - Power front and rear windows with light tint, driver and passenger 1 -touch down - Variable intermittent front windshield wipers with heated fluid reservoir, rear window defroster - Sun visors with illuminated vanity minors - Day -night reaMew mirror - Glove box light, trunk light, under hood light, manually actuated dome light - Partial floor console, mini overhead console with storage, locking glove box with light, front and rear cup holders, driver and passenger door bins, rear door bins • Carpeted cargo floor, cargo light Seating and Interior - Seating capacity of 5 - Budket front seats with adjustable anti -whiplash head restraints - 8 -way adjustable (6 -way power) driver seat - 4 -way manually adjustable passenger seat - Rear bench seat with 2 fixed rear head restraints - Cloth faced front seals with plastic back material - Cloth faced rear seats with cloth back material - Vinyl door trim insert, full doth headliner, full vinyVrubber floor covering, urethane gear shift knob, chrome interior accents Exterior Features - Side impact beams, galvanized steel/aluminum body material - Black side window moldings • Body -colored door handles - Black grille - Driver and passenger power remote heated outside minors - Front and rear body -colored bumpers - Projector beam halogen fully automatic headlamps with delay -off feature. LED daytime running lamps - Additional exterior lights Include under hood light, remote activated perimeter/approach lights - Rear window defroster - Clear coat monotone paint Dimensions and Capacities Output 300 hp © 6.350 rpm Torque 264 lb -ft at 4.800 rpm Drag coefficient 30 1st gear ratio 3.590 2nd gear ratio 2.190 3rd gear ratio 1.410 4th gear ratio 1.000 5th gear ratio 830 Reverse gear ratio 3.160 City/y 18 mpg/27 mpg Curb weight 4.119 lbs GVWR 5.500 lbs Towing capacity 1,000 lbs Front legroom 41.8 " Rear legroom 40.1 " Front headroom 38.6 " Rear headroom 36.6 " Front hiproom 56.2 " Rear hiproom 56.1 " Front shoulder room 59.5 " Rear shoulder room 57.9 Passenger area volume 104.7 cu ft Length 199.9" Body width 75.0 " Body height 58.5 " Wheelbase 120.2" Front tread 63.4 " Rear tread 63.8" Turning radius 18.8' Fuel tank 18.5 gal Interior cargo volume 16.5 cu ft 7