HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-25 Agendare Ir) MORTON !GROVE Incredibly Close k Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM February 25, 2019 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting — February 11, 2019 8. Special Reports a. Presentation of the Government Finance Officers Association Award for the Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting to the Finance Department b. Announcement of the Taste of Morton Grove Upcoming Event to be held at 5:30pm on March 7 at the White Eagle to be made by Morton Grove Foundation Chairperson Nicholas J. Marino 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report —Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal Conference, Strategic Plan Committee 12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Building Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Police Facility Committee, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Minx) b. Trustee Minx — Capital Projects, Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board, Public Works Department, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear) 1) Resolution 19-11 (Introduced February 25, 2019) Authorizing the Acceptance of a Material Proposal from Arrow Road Construction Company for the 2019 Material Purchasing Program 2) Resolution 19-12 (Introduced February 25, 2019) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. For Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for the Oaktort Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project c. Trustee Ramos — Appearance Commission, Environmental Health, IT, Legal Department (Trustee Travis) d. Trustee Thill — Advisory Commission on Aging, Emergency Management Agency, Family and Senior Services Department, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, SWANCC (Trustee Witko) e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Finance Advisory Commission, Finance Department (Trustee Ramos) f. Trustee Witko — Economic Development Commission, Farmers' Market, Fire and Police Commission, NIPSTA, Police Department, Police Pension Board, Water Comm. (Trustee Thill) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants - $645,732.98 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/970-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE ICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER "FEBRUARY 11, 2019 CALL TO ORDER I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at V. 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, Ed Ramos, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Minx moved to accept the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 28, 2019 as presented, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. VIII. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Service Recognition Presentation Honoring Resident Sabeel Ahmed and Family a. Mayor DiMaria, on behalf of the Village, presented resident Sabeel Ahmed and his family with a Service Recognition Award. Mr. Ahmed and his family distributed notes throughout their neighborhood and via social media during the recent polar vortex The notes let their neighbors know that he and his family were available to help them out if they needed to pick up food, medications, or even shovel snow. The notes also invited their neighbors to drop in for hot tea, and provided their name, address, email, and phone number so their neighbors could contact them if they needed anything. Mayor DiMaria said that this family, taking time out of their lives to reach out to their neighbors and even complete strangers demonstrated grace and kindness at their finest. He said that this gesture proves there are still good people in this world and exemplified the best of Morton Grove. He added, "The Village cannot thank you enough? Mr. Ahmed said that he and his family hoped to inspire others to do the same; he added, "That's why, on social media, I'm using the hashtag #multiplygoodness." The Board joined Mayor DiMaria in expressing their gratitude to the Ahmed family. Minutes ofFebrua 11, 2019 Meetin' IX X Xl. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria noted that the next Neighborhood Outreach meeting will take place on Thursday, February 21, at 6:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. A postcard reminder will be mailed to all residents the week of February 11. Mayor DiMaria encouraged everyone to attend, stating that these types of events have been very successful. Residents can come and meet one another, as well as ask questions of Board members or Village staff. He added that several Park District Commissioners will also be present at the Neighborhood Outreach. 2. Mayor DiMaria reminded everyone that there's only 24 days left until the 31 st Taste of Morton Grove. It will be held on March 7, 2019. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. at the White Eagle on Milwaukee Avenue in Niles. Tickets are available for $35 ahead of time or $45 at the door. Tickets are available at Fire Station #4, Village Hall, or online at TASTEofMortonGrove.org. All proceeds will go to support worthwhile charities and organizations in and around the Morton Grove community. 3. Mayor DiMaria asked the Board and assemblage to please keep former Trustee Jim Karp in their thoughts and prayers as he deals with some serious health problems. Mayor DiMaria added that anyone who knows Jim believes, as does Mayor DiMaria, that his positive attitude will carry him through. Xll. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Harford had no report. XIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: 1. Mr. Czerwinski introduced Resolution 19-10, Providing an Inducement to IM Kensington MG LLC and the Village For a Redevelopment Project in the Village of Morton Grove. a. He explained that this Resolution will supplement the inducement resolution (Res. 18-46) previously adopted by the Board to provide an inducement update to IM Kensington MG LLC for the redevelopment of a 26+ acre commercial site (Prairie View Shopping Center) located at the southeast corner of Dempster Street and Waukegan road in the Dempster/Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area. 2 nutes of Februa 11,"2019 Board Meeting` XII. STAFF REPORTS (continued) A. Village Administrator: (continued) b. The shopping center currently suffers from blighting factors including obsolescence, deterioration, structures below minimum code standards, excessive vacancies, inadequate utilities, lack of community planning, and stagnating or declining property values. The Village understands that public subsidies, incentives, assistance, approvals, and entitlements will likely be necessary for Prairie View in order to alleviate adverse conditions, encourage private investment, and restore and enhance the tax base of the Village and the taxing districts. c. Mr. Czerwinski said that this 26+ acre site is a key area in the Village, and this Resolution affirms that the Village will provide appropriate public assistance to the Developer to redevelop Prairie View, take appropriate action as allowed by law and/or as authorized by the TIF Act, and will bargain in good faith to negotiate a redevelopment agreement. Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion on Resolution 19-10. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 19-10, seconded by Trustee Minx Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye, Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis a g Tr. Witko aye 2. Next, Mr. Czerwinski noted that the alternate water supply project is continuing on time and within budget. The schedule calls for the booster station in Evanston at Church and McDaniels to be completed in April of 2019, and the Nagle Avenue pumping station and standpipe to be completed by the end of July, 2019. 3. Lastly, Mr. Czerwinski gave a brief update on the Queen of Hearts raffle on behalf of the Morton Grove Foundation. He said the next drawing is on February 13 at 9:00 p.m. at Moretti's, and the jackpot is $4,700. Proceeds from the raffle sales go to the Morton Grove Foundation. The cards that have been drawn thus far are #11, #24, #34, and #51. Drawings are held weekly at Moretti's at 9:00 p.m. Raffle tickets are $5 each. Mr. Czerwinski encouraged everyone to support the Morton Grove Foundation by participating in the Queen of Hearts Raffle—Long Live the New Queen! B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report this evening. 3 Minutes of.Februa 11 2019 Board ,Meetin' XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) B. Trustee Minx 1. Trustee Minx presented Resolution 19-06, Authorizing a Highway Authority Agreement and an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives and Supplemental Agreement Between Kushner Management Co., Inc. and the Village Relating to the Property Located at 6100 Dempster. a. She explained that the Highway Authority Agreement to be approved pursuant to this Resolution will limit access to soil on an alley abutting 6100 Dempster, which might be contaminated as a result of underground storage tanks which are or were at 6100 Dempster. The supplemental agreement requires the owner/operator to indemnify and hold the Village harmless from the site or the existence of contaminants from the site and to reimburse the Village. Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to approve Resolution 19-06. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. ThiII aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye 2. Next, Trustee Minx presented Resolution 19-07, Guarantee of Municipal Work Per- formed on State of Illinois Right -of -Way Within the Village. a. She explained that this Resolution will provide a guarantee to the State of Illinois that all work performed by the Village within the State's right-of-ways in 2019 will conform to the conditions on the permit granted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT); will hold harmless the State of Illinois while performing permitted work, increase efficiency in performing work and reducing the cost of work when performing repairs or improvements on the various elements of Village -owned infrastructure, including but not limited to, water mains, sewers, street lighting, traffic signals, sidewalks, landscaping trees, and signage; to assume all liability for damages pertaining to the performance of the work, and authorize the Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, and Village Engineer to sign IDOT working permits on behalf of the Village. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 19-07, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thili aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye 3. Trustee Minx then presented Resolution 19-08, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With G&M Trucking, Inc. for the 2019 Material Hauling Program. a. She explained that the Material Hauling Program is necessary to haul and dispose of construction/demolition debris, street sweepings, and tree stump grindings, as well as to transport and furnish sand and stone materials for the Village. 4 Minutes of Februa . 11 2019 Board Meetin• xn.t. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) B. Trustee Minx (continued) b. This Resolution will authorize the execution of a contract with G&M Trucking, Inc. for this year's Material Hauling Program. c. Trustee Minx noted that the Village annually contracts with a material hauling contractor to assist in the hauling of materials to and from the Public Works Facility at 7840 Nagle. This contract was billed through a public process in accordance with Village Code. The contract was advertised and four sealed bids were received. d. The estimated contract value is $220,925, but since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 19-08, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ave Tr. Witko aye C. Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos presented Resolution 19-09, Authorizing a Contractual Agreement With Tyler Technologies for the License, Implementation, and Maintenance Support for Electronic Ticketing and Court Adjudication Software. He explained that, in May of 2018, the Morton Grove Police Department joined with other Cook County agencies in a unified e --ticketing and court system (Tyler Technologies InCode software). In an effort to leverage the county integration as well as improve the Village's local adjudication process, the Village's Administration Department evaluated the Tyler Technology InCode software for suitability for its local adjudication process. The Village met with Tyler Technologies for presentations and demonstrations, and Village representatives met with nearby reference communities to see the software in practical use. Following this research, the Information Technology Division recommends selecting Tyler Technologies InCode software since it conforms to and leverages established existing technology processes in the Morton Grove Police Department. The proposed cost is $57,200 for the application licensing, project management, implementation, and training. The subsequent annual service and maintenance cost will be $10,678. Trustee Ramos moved to approve Resolution 19-09, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ayg Tr. Witko aye 5 inutes,of Februa 11 •1 •<:`•.r• M••i XIV. D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no report this evening. E. Trustee Travis: TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 1. Trustee Travis encouraged all photographers to enter the Village's Winter photo contest, sponsored by the Community Relations Commission. The Commission is now doing quarterly themes for the photo contests. This quarter's theme is "Doors of Morton Grove." Photos must be submitted by March 31, 2019 at Village Hall or online at the Village's website. More information about the Winter photo contest can be found on the Village's website. F. Trustee Witko: XV. XVI. Trustee Witko had no report this evening. OTHER BUSINESS NONE WARRANTS Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for February 11, 2019 in the amount of $180,107.18. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko ave XVII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Nancy Lanning appeared before the Board to thank Bernie at the Civic Center for keeping the entrance hallway clean so that seniors arriving for the activities wouldn't slip and fall. She said it's really difficult in this wintery weather so his efforts are greatly appreciated. 6 Minutes of Februa `-'11 : r1• :..n'i - in. XVIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Thill moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko aye The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. PASSED this 25th day of February, 2019. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVEDby me this 25th day of February, 2019. Daniel P. Maria, Village Resident Board of Trustees, Norton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 26th day of February, 2019. Bleen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by Teresa Cousar 7 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 02/06/2019 For more information contact: Michele Mark Levine, Director/TSC Phone: (312) 977-9700 Fax: (312) 977-4806 E-mail: mlevine®gfoa.org (Chicago. Illinois) --The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting has been awarded to Village of Morton Grove by Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA; for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainmentt represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. An Award of Financial Reporting Achievement has been awarded to the individual(s) or department designated by the government as primarily responsible for preparing the award-winning CAFR. The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. Government Finance Officers Association is a major professional association servicing the needs of nearly 19,000 appointed and elected local, state, and provincial -level government officials and other finance practitioners. It provides top quality publications, training programs, services, and products designed to enhance the skills and performance of those responsible for government finance policy and management. The association is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices in Washington, D.C. 203 NORTH LASALLE STREET, SUITE 2700, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601-1210 Government Finance Officers Association 203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700 Chicago, Illinois 60601-1210 312.977.9700 /ax_ 312.977.4806 February 6, 2019 Daniel DiMaria Village President/Mayor Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053-2985 Dear Mayor DiMaria: We are pleased to notify you that your comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended 2017 qualifies for GFOA's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. When a Certificate of Achievement is awarded to a government, an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement (AFRA) is also presented to the individual(s) or department designated by the government as primarily responsible for its having earned the Certificate. This award has been sent to the submitter as designated on the application. We hope that you will arrange for a formal presentation of the Certificate and Award of Financial Reporting Achievement, and that appropriate publicity will be given to this notable achievement. A sample news release is enclosed to assist with this effort. We hope that your example will encourage other government officials in their efforts to achieve and maintain an appropriate standard of excellence in financial reporting. Sincerely, Michele Mark Levine Director, Technical Services Center of MORTON GROVE Thursday March 7, 2019 Doors open at 5:30pm � TICKF,TS $35 presale $45 at the door FOUNDATION 1 111111111111 N/1111111111111 The 31st annual Taste of Morton Grove will be held at White Eagle Banquets & Restaurant 6845 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles Event tickets available at Village Hall or Fire Station #4 or online at tasteofrn ortongrove.org Legislative Summary Resolution 19-11 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A MATERIAL PROPOSAL FROM ARROW ROAD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE 2019 MATERIAL PURCHASING PROGRAM Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: February 25, 2019 To authorize the Village Administrator to accept a material proposal from Arrow Road Construction Company to furnish asphalt for 2019 Material Purchasing Program in order for the Public Works Department to maintain the Village's right-of-ways and properties. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to purchase asphalt to be used to maintain Village right-of-ways and properties. The purchase of construction materials are paid for using General and Motor Fuel Tax. The use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. It requires bidding procedures and contract documents for these amounts conforming to State requirements. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Municipal Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder is Arrow Road Construction Company with a bid amount of $117,150. The bid includes an estimated cost of $54,000 for the Public Works Department to drive to and from the asphalt plant in Mt. Prospect. The remaining amount of the bid is $63,150 and is for purchasing asphalt. Public Works. The estimated contract value is $65,000. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchased up to the full budgeted amount. Public Works: A/C #025017-563110 Construction Materials -Asphalt $35,000 and MFT: A/C #035060-563110 Construction Materials -Hot Mix $30,000 The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities will perform the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. Second Reading: N/A Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted:` Prepared by: Ral Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: illage Administrator , Director Public Works Reviewed by: Teresa .ffman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-11 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT A MATERIAL PROPOSAL WITH ARROW ROAD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE 2019 MATERIAL PURCHASING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2019 Material Purchasing Program is necessary to dispose of recyclable asphalt and to purchase asphalt and concrete construction materials for use by the Public Works Department to maintain the Village's right-of-ways and properties; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department uses Village trucks to deliver recyclable asphalt, collect the asphalt from a producer, and deliver the asphalt to the work site; and WHEREAS, there is a travel cost to the Village for driving a dump truck to and from an asphalt plant; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest for the Village to quantify the theoretical travel cost for each asphalt plant and consider the theoretical travel cost when comparing competitively bid prices from asphalt suppliers; and WHEREAS, the delivery of recyclable asphalt and the purchase of asphalt are paid for using General and Motor Fuel Tax; and WHEREAS, use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois, which requires bidding procedures and contract documents for these amounts conforming to State requirements; and WHEREAS, this contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Municipal Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets"Notice to Contractors Bulletin" Bulletin Nos. 19-4 and 19-5 inviting bids on the "Material Contract Section 19 -00000 -00 -GM"; and WHEREAS, eight entities, contractors or suppliers obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, three bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 4, 2019, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Arrow Road Construction Company submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid amount of $117,150.00, which includes a theoretical Village travel cost to the Arrow asphalt plant in Mount Prospect of $54,000.00; and WHEREAS, the resulting amount of recyclable asphalt estimated to be delivered to and asphalt estimated to be purchased from Arrow Road Construction Company included in the bid is $63,150.00; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work in the cumulative amount of $65,000 is available for the purchase of hot -mix asphalt in the Village of Morton Grove 2019 Adopted Budget in Account Numbers 025017- 563110 (General Fund - Streets — Construction Materials) and 035060-563110 (Motor Fuel Tax Fund). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Arrow Road Construction Company, 3401 South Busse Road, P.O. Box 334, Mount Prospect, Illinois, based upon their material proposal for the "Material Contract Section 19 -00000 -00 -GM" in the amount of $117,150.00. SECTION 2. The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the form titled "Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award" (Exhibit "B") in order to deliver recyclable asphalt to and purchase asphalt from Arrow Road Construction Company in the amount of $63,150.00. SECTION 3. The Director of Public Works and/or their designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage the program with Arrow Road Construction Company up to an amount not to exceed $65,000.00. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019 ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" Tabulation of Bids 0 O 0 4 co E p N0 '0 O 4 O 0 • E .2 O m Q n a 6 O y o e0 Y O 0 cFo o50 0w o yO N C 5 O 05 O on Chris Tomich and Mike Gesualdo 0 2' C 00 00 O N 4 0 N m N D O 1- O 0 J_ J_ -J 0 v ai LL . a w a cc a E O ,0 Z 0 0 8 2 S Recycling of Asphalt Material Hauling Differential - Plote Hauling Differential - Peter Baker Hauling Differential - Arrow Road Z 0 N N O O O N of 1Bid Bond 1- w W H 434344 S rrrrrrr,r,,,,rr,r..r, 4434449 m(q 4/944344994 cm 444, 8 Peter Baker & Son Co. 11349 Rockland Road Lake Bluff, IL 60044 v m Eo N I$ 66,000.00 $ $ 5,000.00 $ 102,600.00 $ r .4 4 r 4 4 r r 4 4 .... r r r r m ...... r 4 r .... 71,000.00 0 0 0 om 1 Unit Price o 0 o o rn o 0 N U d d 11100 Brandt Drive Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Bid Bond 5% 0 0 O 0 O ot.m SSSS $ 59,400.00 r 4 4 r r 4 4 , 4 4 r 4 4 r m m r SW ,•, 4 4 4 4 m 4 4 MS , r 0 N tam N 0 N N p 52.00 75.00 2,700.00 Arrow Road Const. Co 13401 South Busse Road P.O. Box 334 Mount Prospect, II 60056 Bid Bond 5% $ 3,750.00 r r,• 4 4 SO $ 54,000.00 , r 4 4 r• m 4 r r 4 4 r r 4 4 r r, 4 m 4 4 r 4 m r 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 001 O 001 N t --D:. of 4 1 I Total $ 59,40 c a E 0 I 75.00 2,700.00 Address of Bidder: Proposal Guarantee: Terms: Fed Engineers Estimate 8 0 30 /0- 4 $ 3,000.00 $ r r r r 4 saws r 4 as m 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 r 4 4 r 4 4 r 4 4 r r 4 4 As Read:" As Calculated: 2 Q 80 aN c c 60.00 0 O 0 4 co E p N0 '0 O 4 O 0 • E .2 O m Q n a 6 O y o e0 Y O 0 cFo o50 0w o yO N C 5 O 05 O on Chris Tomich and Mike Gesualdo 0 2' C 00 00 O N 4 0 N m N D O 1- O 0 J_ J_ -J 0 v ai LL . a w a cc a E O ,0 Z 0 0 8 2 S Recycling of Asphalt Material Hauling Differential - Plote Hauling Differential - Peter Baker Hauling Differential - Arrow Road Z 0 N N O O O N of W t N s toC LL O w O N N O a a`a O v N C • f0 • N 0 0 a co d • CO 2 0 t 3 N 0 Q , a copy of which is in our files, you have been of the above designated project. s�£ Materials shall be inspected In accordance with current Departmental policies. EC 8 N 8 to o m 8 8 0, u 0.5 c L__ 75.00001 �8 0 50 c6 o F TON O J i HMA Surface Course, Mk "D", N50 'Recycling of Asphalt Material LL For Municipal Projects 0 E 8 a Legislative Summary Resolution 19-12 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. FOR PRELIMINARY AND DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: February 25, 2019 To authorize execution of a professional services agreement for Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. to provide preliminary and design engineering services for the Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project. The Villages of Morton Grove, Niles and Skokie share a common goal to cooperatively develop a continuous pedestrian facility along Oakton Street within their communities which will provide a safe walkable corridor. The Village of Niles is also planning pedestrian improvements for Caldwell Avenue between Howard Street and Oakton Street. Resolution 18-56, approved on October 22, 2018, authorizes execution of an agreement to accept funding from Cook County for the engineering of these improvements. The Village requested statements of qualifications for preliminary and design engineering services through its website and letters to engineering firms. Six engineering firms submitted a statement of qualification. A selection committee reviewed and evaluated each response. Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. was ranked the highest. Village staff negotiated a proposal valued at $164,026 for preliminary and design engineering for this project. Cook County has agreed to provide $90,000 and the Villages informally agreed to equally share the remaining balance of the engineering cost. Before preliminary engineering has begun it is necessary to define a scope of work in order to meet the 13 -month project development schedule. It is possible at the conclusion of the preliminary engineering that the scope of work and contract amount for design engineering may need to be increased. The Village Administrator through this resolution will be authorized to adjust the contract amount up to $180,000. Adjustments in excess of the $180,000 would need an additional authorization by the Village Board. Public Works Department UP to $180,000 to be paid by the Village with $139,350 to be reimbursed by others Account Number 305060-552140 The Public Works Department shall administer and monitor the contract as part of its normal workload. Approval as presented. N/A None I Czerwinski, V Review_d by: age Administrator Chris Tomich, Village Engineer J ph J. D. �, , rirector Public Works Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffm. ' Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 19-12 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. FOR PRELIMINARY AND DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Villages of Morton Grove, Niles, and Skokie ("Villages") share a common goal to cooperatively develop a continuous pedestrian facility along Oakton Street within their communities to provide a longer walkable corridor; and WHEREAS, Village of Niles has also conceptualized pedestrian improvements for Caldwell Avenue between Howard Street and Oakton Street, which could be connected to an Oakton Street pedestrian facility; and WHEREAS, Resolution 18-56, approved on October 22, 2018, authorized execution of an agreement to accept funding from County of Cook Invest in Cook Program for the Oakton Street/Caldwell Avenue Sidewalk Connectivity Project to complete Phase I and Phase II engineering for a continuous pedestrian facility from Caldwell Avenue and Howard Street (in Niles) to Oakton Street and Interstate 94 (in Skokie), serving students traveling to elementary and high schools, local employees walking or biking to work, and recreational travelers accessing the Cook County Forest Preserve District's North Branch Trail; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove desires to act in the role of lead agency for the engineering phases of the project development to be completed in 2019; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of Phase I and Phase II engineering is $164,000; and WHEREAS, the award amount from Invest in Cook is $90,000 and the Villages have informally agreed to equally share the balance of the engineering cost; and WHEREAS, in the role of the lead agency, the Village of Morton Grove would pay the cost for the engineering and then be reimbursed from Cook County and the Villages of Niles and Skokie; and WHEREAS, the Village requested statements of qualifications for preliminary and design engineering services for the Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements on January 3, 2019 through its website and invitations to firms thought to be qualified to provide those engineering services; and WHEREAS, six engineering firms submitted a statement of qualifications by January 25, 2019; and WHEREAS, each statement of qualifications was reviewed and evaluated by a selection committee comprised of an engineering representative from each village; and WHEREAS, the statement of qualifications from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. was ranked the highest; and WHEREAS, a scope of work, schedule, and cost was negotiated (see attached Exhibit 1) in the amount of $74,214.70 for preliminary engineering and $89,811.71 for design engineering, totaling $164,026.41; and WHEREAS, it is challenging to define a scope of work for design engineering before preliminary engineering has begun, but this is necessary in order to meet the 13 -month project development schedule included in the County's agreement with the Village and may necessitate increasing the scope of work with a higher cost after the preliminary engineering has been completed; and WHEREAS, the Adopted 2019 Budget allocates $180,000 in Account No. 305060-552140 for engineering expenses and allocates $140,000 in Account No. 300000-494020 for reimbursements from other agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize the Village Administrator to execute a professional services agreement for Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. to complete preliminary and design engineering for the Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project in the not -to -exceed amount of $164,026.41. Section 3. The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize the Village Administrator to modify the compensation amount of the professional services agreement to an amount not -to -exceed $180,000, if an additional work effort is required in the design engineering. Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 25th day of February, 2019 ("Agreement") and is by, between and among the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, an Illinois municipal corporation ("Village") and Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. ("Consultant") IN CONSIDERATION OF the recitals and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in the Agreement, and pursuant to the Village's statutory and home rule powers, the parties agree as follows: 1 PARTIES: The parties to this Agreement and the address and contact information for each is as follows: Village: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Contact: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer ("Village Representative") 847-663-3902 ctomich@mortongroveil.org Consultant: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd 9575 West Higgins Road, Suite 600 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 Contact: Michael Kerr, Executive Vice President 847-823-0500 mkerr@cbbel.com 2 PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES 2.1. Project Description. Consultant will provide all necessary services and to perform the work in connection with the project identified in and consistent with the Proposal dated February 13, 2019, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A to this agreement "services"). The Consultant represents that it is financially solvent, has the necessary fmancial resources, and is sufficiently experienced and competent to perform and complete the services set forth in Exhibit A in a manner consistent with the standards of professional practice by recognized by the industry providing services of a similar nature. 2.2 Time of Performance. The Consultant's provision of Services shall commence on March 1, 2019 (the "Commencement Date"). The Consultant shall diligently and continuously prosecute the Services until the completion of the Work in accordance with deadlines established for particular tasks from time to time ("Time of Performance") The Time of Performance of this Agreement, unless terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, shall expire on March 1, 2020. A determination of completion shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims the Village may have or thereafter acquire with Page 1 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project respect to any breach hereof by the Consultant or any right of indemnification of the Village by the Consultant. 2.3 Early Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Village may terminate this agreement at any time upon 15 days prior written notice to the Consultant. In the event that this agreement is so terminated, the Consultant shall be paid for services satisfactorily performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred, if any, prior to termination, not exceeding the value of the services completed as determined as provided in this agreement. 2.4 Suspension of Services. Village may, at any time, with or without cause, suspend all or any portion of services for a period of up to 90 days ("suspended services"). Consultant shall immediately stop the performance of the suspended services, until such time as Village issues direction to Consultant to resume the suspended services. Consultant shall take such action as is reasonably necessary to protect the suspended services and take such additional action as directed by Village. 2.5 Force Majeure. Village shall not be responsible for delay in the performance of its obligations under this agreement caused by a force majeure event. To the extent that Contracted Services are delayed by a force majeure event, Consultant will be entitled to an equitable adjustment of the time for performance. For purposes of this agreement, a "force majeure event" is an occurrence or circumstance beyond the control of the claiming party and may include, but is not limited to extraordinary weather conditions, or other natural catastrophes, war, riots, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances. 2.6 Assignments; Coordination; Reporting. Assignments and tasks will be assigned to the Consultant by Village Representative. Consultant shall regularly report to and will coordinate all work through Village Representative or his designee. 2.7 Quality Control Plans. When required by the Exhibit A, Consultant shall execute a quality control plan acceptable to Village that ensures the quality of its work products and activities. Prior to starting the performance of the services, Consultant shall submit its quality control plan for the services. Submission of the quality control plan to Village will not replace in any way Consultant's responsibility for quality control or for its work products and activities. Notwithstanding any review by Village, Consultant shall be responsible for the quality of the Services. 2.8 Warranty of Services. The Consultant warrants that the services shall be performed in accordance with the highest standards of professional practice, care, and diligence practiced by recognized consulting firms in performing services of a similar nature in existence at the Time of Performance. The warranty expressed shall be in addition to any other warranties expressed in this agreement, or expressed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the Village. Page 2 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 2.9 Mutual Cooperation. The Village agrees to cooperate with the Consultant in the performance of the services, including meeting with the Consultant and providing the Consultant with such non -confidential information that the Village may have that may be relevant and helpful to the Consultant's performance of the services. The Consultant agrees to cooperate with the Village in the performance of the services and with any other Consultants engaged by the Village. 2.10 Amendment. No amendment or modification to this agreement shall be effective unless and until such amendment or modification is approved in writing by the Village Administrator. 2.11 No Additional Obligation. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Village is under no obligation under this agreement or otherwise to negotiate or enter into any other or additional contracts or agreements with the Consultant, or with any vendor solicited or recommended by the Consultant. 3 COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 3.1 Agreement Amount. The total amount billed by the CONSULTANT for the Services under this Agreement shall not exceed one hundred sixty-four thousand twenty-six and 40/100 dollars ($164,027.40) without the prior express written authorization of the Village Administrator. Said amount includes reimbursable expenses. Services in excess of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) per year may be authorized only if approved by resolution of the VILLAGE's Board of Trustees. 3.2 Invoices and Payment. The Consultant shall submit invoices to the Village in an approved format for those portions of the Services performed and completed by the CONSULTANT. The Village shall pay to the Consultant the amount billed for completed and approved work within 30 days after its receipt and approval of an invoice for same. 3.3 Records. The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted and costs incurred, and shall permit the authorized representative of the VILLAGE to inspect and audit all data and records of the Consultant for work done under the Agreement. The records shall be made available to the Village at reasonable times during the Agreement period, and for three years after the termination of the Agreement. 3.4 Claim For Additional Compensation. If the Consultant wishes to make a claim for additional compensation as a result of action taken by the Village, the Consultant shall provide written notice to the Village of such claim within 7 days after occurrence of such action, and no claim for additional compensation shall be valid unless made in accordance with this Subsection. Any changes in the agreement amount shall be valid only upon written amendment of this agreement approved by the Village Administrator. Regardless of the decision of the Village relative to a claim submitted by the Consultant, the Consultant shall proceed with all of the services required to complete the services under this agreement as determined by the Village without interruption. Page 3 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 3.5 Taxes, Benefits and Royalties. The agreement amount includes all applicable federal, state, and local taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the services as well as all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar benefits and all costs, royalties and fees arising from the use on, or the incorporation into, the services, of patented or copyrighted equipment, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby waived and released by Consultant. 4 PERSONNEL AND SUBCONTRACTORS 4.1 Key Project Personnel. Key Project Personnel identified in Exhibit A shall be primarily responsible for carrying out the Services on behalf of the Consultant. The key project personnel shall not be changed without the Village's prior written approval. 4.2 Availability of Personnel. The Consultant shall provide all personnel necessary to complete the Services including, without limitation, any Key Project Personnel identified in this Agreement. The Consultant shall notify the Village. as soon as practicable prior to terminating the employment of, reassigning, or after receiving notice of the resignation of, any key project personnel. The Consultant shall have no claim for damages and shall not bill the Village for additional time and materials charges as the result of any portion of the Services which must be duplicated or redone due to such termination or for any delay or extension of the Time of Performance as a result of any such termination, reassigning, or resignation. 4.3 Approval and Use of Subcontractors. The Consultant shall perform the services with its own personnel and under the management, supervision, and control of its own organization unless otherwise approved by the Village in writing. All subcontractors and subcontracts used by the Consultant shall be acceptable to, and approved in advance by, the Village. If any personnel or subcontractor fails to perform the services in a manner satisfactory to the Village, the Consultant shall immediately upon notice from the Village remove and replace such personnel or subcontractor. The Consultant shall have no claim for damages, for compensation in excess of the amount contained in this agreement or for a delay or extension of the time of performance as a result of any such removal or replacement. The Village's approval of any subcontractor or subcontract shall not relieve the Consultant of full responsibility and liability for the provision, performance, and completion of the services as required by the agreement. All services performed under any subcontract shall be subject to all of the provisions of this agreement in the same manner as if performed by employees of the Consultant. For purposes of this agreement, the term "Consultant" shall be deemed also to refer to all subcontractors of the Consultant, and every subcontract shall include a provision binding the subcontractor to all provisions of this agreement.Village Authority. Notwithstanding any provision of this agreement, any negotiations or agreements with, or representations by the Consultant to any subcontractor, vendor or third party shall be subject to the approval of the Village. The Village shall not be liable to any subcontractor, vendor or other third party for any agreements made by the Consultant, purportedly on behalf of the Village, without the knowledge and approval of the Village. Page 4 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 4.4 Lien Waiver. Consultant shall promptly pay for all services, labor, materials and equipment used or employed by Consultant in the performance of the services and shall maintain all materials, equipment, structures, buildings, premises and property of Village free and clear of mechanic's or other liens. Consultant shall, if requested, provide Village with reasonable evidence that all services, labor, materials and equipment have been paid in full. 4.5 Safety and Hazardous Materials. A. Consultant acknowledges that there may be hazardous substances, wastes, or materials as defined by applicable Law ("Hazardous Materials") at the project site or otherwise associated with the services. In such cases, Consultant shall take appropriate precautions to protect and shall be solely and continuously responsible for the health, safety and welfare associated with its employees, subcontractors, agents and those people under the supervision and control of the Consultant with the performance of the services. B. Consultant's employees, agents, subcontractors and all employees of Consultant's employees, agents, subcontractors who perform the services shall be experienced and properly trained to perform the services under such conditions and shall take adequate precautions to protect human health and the environment in the performance of the services. C. In the event that Consultant observes a potentially hazardous condition relating to the services, Consultant shall bring such condition to the attention of Village. 5 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 5.1 Independent Contractor. The Consultant shall act as an independent contractor in providing and performing the services. Nothing in, nor done pursuant to, this Agreement shall be construed: A. To create the relationship of principal and agent, employer and employee, partners, or joint venturers between the Village and Consultant; or B. To create any relationship between the Village and any subcontractor of the Consultant. 5.2 Conflict of Interest. The Consultant represents and certifies that, to the best of its knowledge: A. No employee or agent of the Village is interested in the business of the Consultant or this agreement; B. Neither the Consultant nor any person employed or associated with the Consultant has any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this agreement; and C. Neither the Consultant nor any person employed by or associated with the Consultant shall at any time during the term of this agreement obtain or acquire any interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the obligations under this agreement. Page 5 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 5.3 No Collusion. The Consultant represents and certifies that the Consultant is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or Local government as a result of A. A delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax; or B. A violation of either Section 33E-3 or Section 33E-4 of Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E-1 et seq. C. The Consultant represents that the only persons, firms, or corporations interested in this agreement as principals are those disclosed to the Village prior to the execution of this agreement, and that this agreement is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation. If at any time it shall be found that the Consultant has, in procuring this agreement, colluded with any other person, firm, or corporation, then the Consultant shall be liable to the Village for all loss or damage that the Village may suffer, and this agreement shall, at the Village's option, be null and void. 5.4 No Personal Liability. No elected or appointed official or employee of the Village shall be personally liable, in law or in contract, to the Consultant as the result of the execution of this agreement. 6 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Insurance. Contemporaneous with the Consultant's execution of this agreement, the Consultant shall provide certificates and policies of insurance, all with coverages and limits acceptable to the Village, and evidencing at least the minimum insurance coverages and limits as set forth in Exhibit B to this agreement. For good cause shown, the Village Administrator may extend the time for submission of the required policies of insurance upon such terms, and with such assurances of complete and prompt performance, as the Village Administrator may impose in the exercise of his sole discretion. Such certificates and policies shall be in a form acceptable to the Village and from companies with a general rating of A-, and a financial size category of Class X or better, in Best's Insurance Guide. Such insurance policies shall provide that no change, modification in, or cancellation of, any insurance shall become effective until the expiration of 30 days after written notice thereof shall have been given by the insurance company to the Village. The Consultant shall at all times during the term of this agreement, maintain and keep the insurance coverages provided above in force, at the Consultant's expense. Page 6 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 6.2 Indemnification. The Consultant shall, without regard to the availability or unavailability of any insurance, either of the Village or the Consultant, indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Village, and its respective officials, employees, agents, volunteers and attorneys against any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses, including attorneys' fees and administrative expenses, that arise, or may be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with, the Consultant's performance of, or failure to perform, the services or any part thereof, whether or not due or claimed to be due in whole or in part to the active, passive, or concurrent negligence or fault of the Consultant, except to the extent caused by the sole negligence of the Village. The Consultant further agrees that to the extent that money is due the Consultant by virtue of this contract as shall be considered necessary in the judgment of the Village, may be retained by the Village to protect itself against said loss until such claims, suits, or judgments shall have been settled or discharged and/or evidence to that effect shall have been furnished to the satisfaction of the Village. 7 USE AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 7.1 Confidential Information. The term "confidential Information" shall mean information in the possession or under the control of the Village relating to the technical, business or corporate affairs of the Village; property of the Village; user information, including, without limitation, any information pertaining to usage of the VILLAGE's computer systems, including and without limitation, any information obtained from server logs or other records of electronic or machine readable form; and the existence of, and terms and conditions of, this agreement. Village confidential information shall not include information that can be demonstrated: (i) to have been rightfully in the possession of the Consultant from a source other than the Village prior to the time the Village disclosed said information to the Consultant under this agreement ("time of disclosure"); (ii) to have been in the public domain prior to the time of disclosure; or (iii) to have become part of the public domain after the Time of Disclosure by a publication or by any other means except an unauthorized act or omission or breach of this agreement on the part of the Consultant. 7.2 No Disclosure of Confidential Information by the Consultant. The Consultant acknowledges that it shall, in performing the services for the Village under this agreement, have access to or be directly or indirectly exposed to confidential information. To the extent allowed by law, he Consultant shall hold confidential all confidential information and shall not disclose or use such Confidential Information without express prior written consent of the Village. The Consultant shall use reasonable measures at least as strict as those the Consultant uses to protect its own confidential information. Such measures shall include, without limitation, requiring employees and subcontractors of the Consultant to execute a non -disclosure agreement before obtaining access to confidential information. Page 7 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 7.3 Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). FOIA applies to public records in the possession of a party with whom the Village has contracted. The Village will have only a very short period of time from receipt of a FOIA request to comply with the request, and there is a significant amount of work required to process a request including collating and reviewing the information. Consultant will comply with all requests made by the Village for public records (as that term is defined by Section 2(c) of FOIA) in the Consultant's possession and will provide the requested public records to the Village within two (2) business days of the request being made by the Village. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Village from all claims, costs, penalty, losses and injuries (including but not limited to, attorney's fees, other professional fees, court costs and/or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to its failure to provide the public records to the Village under this agreement. 7.4 GIS Data. The Village has developed digital map information through Geographic Information Systems Technology ("GIS Data") concerning the real property located within the Village. If necessary to the performance of the services and if requested to do so by the Consultant, the Village may supply the Consultant with access to the GIS data. In such case the Consultant agrees as follows: A. Limited Access to and use of GIS data. The GIS data provided by a Village shall be limited to the scope of the work that the Consultant is to provide for that Village, and the Consultant shall limit its use of the GIS data to its intended purpose of furtherance of the work; and B. Trade Secrets of the village. The GIS data constitutes proprietary materials and trade secrets of that Village and, shall remain the property of that Village; C. Consent of Village Required. The Consultant will not provide or make available the GIS Data in any form to anyone without the prior written consent of the Village Administrator; D. Supply to village. At the request of a Village, the consultant shall supply that Village with any and all information that may have been developed by the Consultant based on the GIS data; E. No Guarantee of Accuracy. The Village make no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the GIS data in regard to the Consultant's intended use thereof; and F. Discontinuation of Use. At such time as the Services have been completed to the satisfaction of the Village, the Consultant shall cease its use of the GIS data for any purpose whatsoever; and, upon request, an authorized representative of the Village shall be afforded sufficient access to the Consultant's premises and data processing equipment to verify that all use of the GIS data has been discontinued. Page 8 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 7.5 Ownership. Designs, drawings, plans, specifications, photos, reports, information, observations, calculations, notes, and any other documents, data, or information, in any form, prepared, collected, or received by the Consultant in connection with any or all of the services to be performed under this agreement ("documents") shall be and remain the. exclusive property of the Village. At the Village's request, or upon termination of this Agreement, the Consultant shall cause the documents to be promptly delivered to the Village. 7.6 News Releases. The Consultant shall not issue any news releases or other public statements regarding the Services without prior approval from the Village Administrator. 8 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND GRANTS 8.1 General Compliance. Consultant shall give all notices, pay all fees, and take all other action that may be necessary to ensure that the services are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all required governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals ,and authorizations that may be required in connection with providing, performing, and completing the services, and with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations, including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited classification, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., and the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq. Consultant shall be solely liable for any fines or civil penalties that are imposed by any governmental or quasi -governmental agency or body that may arise, or be alleged to have arisen, out of or in connection with Consultant's, or its subcontractors' performance of, or failure to perform, the services or any part thereof. Every provision of law required by law to be inserted into this agreement shall be deemed to be inserted herein. 8.2 Grant Compliance. Consultant shall also comply with all conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by the Village or consultant with respect to this agreement or the services. 8.3 Sexual Harassment Policy. The Consultant certifies that it has a written sexual harassment policy in full compliance with Section 2-105(A)(4) of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2-105(A)(4). Page 9 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 8.4 Patriot Act Compliance. The Consultant represents and warrants that neither it nor any of its principals, shareholders, members, partners, or affiliates, as applicable, is a person or entity named as a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person (as defined in Presidential Executive Order 13224) and that it is not acting, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person. The Consultant further represents and warrants that the Consultant and its principals, shareholders, members, partners, or affiliates, as applicable, are not, directly or indirectly, engaged in, and are not facilitating, the transactions contemplated by this agreement on behalf of any person or entity named as a Specially Designated National and Blocked Person. The Consultant hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its respective corporate authorities, and elected or appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, engineers, volunteers, and attorneys, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, risks, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising from or related to any breach of the representations and warranties in this subsection. 8.5 Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance. During the performance of this agreement, Consultant as follows: A. That it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of race, age, marital status, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability, national origin or ancestry or an unfavorable discharge from military service; and further that it will examine all job classifications to determine if minorities or women are underutilized and shall take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any such underutilization. B. That, if it hires additional employees in order to perform the services or any portion hereof, it shall determine the availability (in accordance with the Department's rules) of minorities and women in the area(s) from which they may reasonably recruit, and it will hire for each applicable job classification for which employees are hired in such manner that minorities and women are not underutilized. C. That, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by it or on its behalf, it will state that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, marital status, age physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability or an unfavorable discharge from the military. D. That it shall submit reports as required by the Department's Rules and furnish all relevant information as may from time to time be requested by the Department or the Village, and in all respects comply with the Illinois Human Rights Act and the Department's Rules. E. That it shall permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and work sites by personnel of the Depar turent and the Village for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act and the Department's Rules. Page 10 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project F. That it shall include verbatim or by reference the provisions of this clause in every subcontract it awards under which any portion of the contract obligations are undertaken or assumed so that such provisions will be binding upon such subcontractor. In the same manner as with other provisions of this agreement, the Consultant will be liable for compliance with applicable provisions of this clause by such subcontractors; and further it will promptly notify the Department or the Village in the event any subcontractor fails or refuses to comply therewith. In addition, no Consultant shall utilize any subcontractor declared by the Illinois Human Rights Commission to be ineligible for contracts or subcontracts with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations. G. If the Consultant has not complied with all provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act, or the Rules and Regulations of the lllinois Department of Human Rights "Department", the Consultant may be declared ineligible for future contracts or subcontracts with the Village and this agreement may be cancelled or voided in whole or in part, and such other sanctions or penalties may be imposed or remedies invoked as provided by statute or regulation. 9 DEFAULT AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 9.1 Default. If it should appear at any time that the consultant has failed, refused or delayed to perform, the services any other requirement of this agreement with diligence at a rate that assures completion of the services and full compliance of this agreement, ("event of default"), and fails to cure any such event of default within ten business days after the Consultant's receipt of written notice of such event of default from the Village, then the Village shall have the right, without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law or equity, to pursue any one or more of the following remedies: A. Cure by Consultant. The Village may require the Consultant, within a reasonable time, to complete or correct all or any part of the services that are the subject of the event of default; and to take any or all other action necessary to bring the Consultant and the services into compliance with this agreement. B. Termination of Agreement by Village. The Village may tenninate this agreement without liability for further payment of amounts due or to become due under this agreement. C. Withholding of Payment by Village. The Village may withhold from any payment, whether or not previously approved, or may recover from the Consultant, any and all costs, including attorneys' fees and administrative expenses, incurred by the Village as the result of any event of default by the Consultant or as a result of actions taken by the Village in response to any event of default by the Consultant. Page 11 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 9.2 Dispute Resolution. Any dispute related to this Agreement shall, upon request by either party, be submitted to a panel consisting of at least one representative of each party who shall have the authority to enter into an agreement to resolve the dispute. In the event that the panel is unable to reach a mutual resolution of the dispute, or has failed to convene within two weeks of the request of either party, either party may refer the matter to a court of appropriate jurisdiction. All communications between the parties or their representatives in connection with the attempted resolution of any dispute shall be confidential and deemed to have been delivered in furtherance of dispute settlement and shall be exempt from discovery and production, and shall not be admissible in evidence whether as an admission or otherwise, in any arbitration, judicial or other proceeding for the resolution of the dispute. 9.3 During and dispute resolution period, or if litigation ensues, pending any final judicial decision or settlement, Consultant shall proceed diligently with the services. 9.4 General Provisions Notice. A. Any notice or communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered (i) personally to an authorized representative of the party; (ii) by certified mail addressed to the contact person listed in Section 1 of this agreement, retum receipt requested, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid; (iii) by facsimile to a number provided by the contact person listed in Section 1 of this agreement, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid the recipient; or (iv) by electronic internet mail ("e-mail") addressed to the contact person listed in Section 1 of this agreement, and deposited in the U.S.-Mail, postage prepaid. B. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, notices shall be deemed received upon the earlier of actual receipt or three business days following deposit in the U.S. mail. C. By notice complying with the requirements of this Subsection, each Party shall have the right to change the address or the addressee, or both, for all future notices and communications to such party, but no notice of a change of addressee or address shall be effective until actually received. Notices and communications to the Village shall be addressed to the the party listed in section 1 of this agreement. 9.5 Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Village or by the Consultant without the prior written consent of the other party. 9.6 Third Party Beneficiary. No claim as a third party beneficiary under this agreement by any person, firm, or corporation other than the Consultant shall be made or be valid against the Village. 9.7 Provisions Severable. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. Page 12 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project 9.8 Time. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 9.9 Governing Laws. This agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Illinois. 9.10 Binding Effect. The terms of this agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their agents, successors, and assigns. 9.11 Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all previous or contemporaneous oral or written agreements and negotiations between either of the VILLAGE and the CONSULTANT with respect to the Proposal and the Services. 9.12 Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this agreement t shall be deemed to or constitute a waiver of any other provision of this agreement (whether or not similar) nor shall any such waiver be deemed to or constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. 9.13 Remedies. No remedies or rights conferred upon VILLAGE by this agreement are intended to be exclusive of any remedy or right provided by law or equity, but each shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy or right given herein or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. 9.14 Survival of Terms. Articles on Indemnity, Confidential Information and Rights in Data shall survive termination of this agreement. 9.15 Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this agreement shall not affect the other provisions, and this agreement shall be construed in all respects as if any invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 9.16 Exhibit. Exhibits A and B are attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated in and made a part of this agreement. In the event of a conflict between the Exhibit and the text of this agreement, the text of this agreement shall control. 9.17 Rights Cumulative. Unless expressly provided to the contrary in this agreement, each and every one of the rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this agreement shall be - cumulative and shall not be exclusive of any other such rights, remedies, and benefits allowed by law. 9.18 Counterpart Execution. This agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which, when executed, shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Page 13 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE By: Ralph E. Czerwinski, Village Administrator CHIRSTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. By: Christopher B. Burke, its President Page 14 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project Exhibit A Proposal of CHRISTOPHER B. BURKE ENGINEERING, LTD. Dated February 13, 2019 Begins on the following page Page 15 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019 1.0/! i Understanding of the Assignment CBBEL understands that the Villages of Morton Grove, Niles, and Skokie would like to construct multi -use paths along Oakton Street and Caldwell Avenue in their Villages. THE OAKTON STREET MULTI -USE PATH, which will be referred to as Segment One below, will extend a distance of approximately 7500' between Caldwell Avenue on the west and Gross Point Road on the east. Challenges along Segment One include a connection to the proposed Caldwell multi -use path, a connection to the North Branch Trail (overpass), a crossing of the North Branch of the Chicago River just east of Caldwell, a formalized crossing of the Metra Milwaukee District North Line, coordination with Niles West High School, crossing the bridge over the Edens Expressway (prior to making the connection to Gross Point Road) and utility poles, traffic signal equipment, fire hydrants, and other utilities along the project corridor. For the purposes of this study; it is assumed that the connection between the Oakton Street Multi -Use Path and the Caldwell Street Multi -Use Path will occur along the Alyce Designs Building; that the connection to the North Branch Trail will be on sidewalk along the south side of Oakton across the south leg of Caldwell Avenue and connecting to the existing sidewalk. This alignment will not require modification to the Oakton Street bridge over the North Branch of the Chicago River. AKTON STREET AT `LEHIGH AVENUEJMETRA '.- MILES WESTg11GH SCHOOL OANTON STREET -OVER EDENS£XPRESSWAY OAKTON STREET AT GROSS POINT ROAD. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE I OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PAGE 15A OF 16 TEC KNEG CALDWELL AVENUE AT CARTON STREET (NORTH THE CALDWELL STREET MULTI -USE PATH which will be referred to as Segment Two below will extend a distance of approximately 3000' between Oakton Street on the north and Howard Street on the south. Challenges along Segment Two include a crossing of the North Branch of the Chicago River, just south of Oakton Street, drainage issues along the east side of Caldwell (due to the proposed multi -use path) and utility poles, traffic signal equipment, fire hydrants, and other utilities along the route. CBBEL has identified the two biggest challenges from above as the North Branch River crossings and the crossing of the Metra Railroad tracks. The railroad crossing will involve Metra and ICC coordination. The existing sidewalk on the bridges will be utilized to cross the North Branch River. CBBEL understands that the width and alignment of the multi -use path will be designed to minimize temporary easement and right of way acquisition; to minimize conflicts with utility poles, traffic signal equipment, and other utilities; and to provide a safe walking and biking environment. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ( OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PAGE 15B OF 16 C E 1. PHASE 1 ENGINEERING TASK 1.1- DATA REVIEW It is clear from the RFQ that all of the Villages have produced a great deal of information regarding the two multi -use path segments. CBBEL will review this information and meet with the Villages to discuss. Additionally, CBBEL will collect Cook County parcel information, plats, floodway and floodplain maps, railroad information, utility information, and any other important data identified by the project team. Deliverable: GIS Data Base Layers of the project corridor. TASK 1.2 - INITIAL EXTERNAL COORDINATION CBBEL will meet with IDOT, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, Metra and the ICC, the school district, and select businesses along the project corridors to introduce the project and gather feedback prior to performing surveying and engineering services. Deliverable: Meeting Minutes of all external coordination. TASK 1.3 - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CBBEL will perform a partial topographic survey of all hardscapes and above ground utilities of the south side of Oakton Street along Segment 1 and east side of Caldwell Avenue along Segment 2 to augment the County contours. The approximate (+1') existing right of way lines will be developed from field information and from county parcel maps. The survey is vital for developing geometry for the proposed multi -use path and to determine right of way, floodway, floodplain, wetland, and other impacts. Deliverable: Compilation Survey of the corridor with existing right-of-way lines shown. TASK 1.4 - PRELIMINARY GEOMETRY CBBEL will develop preliminary plan geometry and develop a profile based on vertical constraints along the corridor. Meeting ADA cross slopes across driveways and public road approaches for the full width of the multi -use path is always challenging in urban settings with tight parkways and already steep driveways. Additionally, special care will be taken at signalized intersections to minimize the relocation of traffic signal equipment while still providing predictable routing of the bike path. Other areas requiring special attention are the alignments and grades across the existing bridges over the North Branch of the Chicago River, the Metra tracks, and connections to the existing North Branch Trail. Once plan geometry and the profile is set, CBBEL will cut cross sections to determine impacts including right of way, permitting, and required variances. Once complete, CBBEL will share the entire preliminary geometry package with the Villages and upon their approval, with IDOT, the Forest Preserve District, Metra, MWRDGC and other stakeholders. Pedestrian signal upgrades will be required at the intersections of Oakton Street at Caldwell Avenue, River Drive, Menard Avenue and Lehigh Avenue. We will meet with IDOT early in the design process to coordinate the placement of the proposed pedestrian signals and pushbuttons. IDOT also requires detailed ADA ramp design in Phase I. In addition, a pedestrian crossing with crossing gates will be required on Oakton Street at the Metra tracks. CBBEL will initiate coordination of the design of the signal equipment (and at - grade pedestrian crossing) with Metra as soon as practicable. Deliverable: Plan and Profile Sheets, ADA ramp design. TASK 1.5 - INTERIM EXTERNAL COORDINATION Once the preliminary geometry has been reviewed by the various stakeholders, CBBEL will meet with them to discuss any comments and revise the geometry accordingly. Once revised, CBBEL will submit final geometry to the Villages. Deliverable: Meeting Minutes of all external coordination. TASK 1.6 - PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REPORT Due to the scope and expected cost of the project, CBBEL proposes preparing a Project Development Report (PDR) meeting IDOT's requirements to make the improvement federally eligible. CMAQ and TAP -L funds require design approval before committing funding and we don't anticipate that obtaining design approval for this project will be too lengthy. The PDR will include important staging discussions to allow locally funded sections to proceed as the project progresses. As part of the PDR development, CBBEL will submit the ESRF in accordance with IDOT Policies. IDOT will perform the PESA, as both Oakton Street and Caldwell Avenue are State Routes. Deliverable: Completed Project Development Report. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE I GAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PAGE 15C GF 16 L`D CO EC 2. PHASE H ENGINEERING Multi -use path on the south side of Oakton from Caldwell to Gross Point multi -use path on the east side of Caldwell from Oakton to Howard. Sidewalk across Oakton Street bridge and south leg of Caldwell Avenue to the existing sidewalk. TASK 2.1- IDOT KICK-OFF MEETING CBBEL will attend a Phase 11 Kick-off Meeting with IDOT (and Village) staff to discuss the goals and objectives of the project and to refine the scope and schedule. CBBEL will collect, examine, review and evaluate data to be utilized for the preparation of the Phase II Contract Documents utilizing FHWA/IDOT procedures. CBBEL will prepare an agenda and write meeting minutes for the kick-off meeting. Deliverable: Meeting Minutes. TASK 2.2 - PESA RESPONSE Based on the results of the PESA, CBBEL will prepare the required PESA Response form. The form will provide estimated depths and volumes of excavation proposed on. parcels identified as PIPs. Deliverable: PESA Response Form. TASK' 2.3 - PRE -FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES CBBEL will prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for the proposed improvements in a federal or local format depending on the Village's preferred delivery method. CBBEL has in-house capabilities for all necessary plan preparation including specialty items such as traffic signals, lighting, and structures: The pre -final plans will include the following sheets: No. Sheet Title 1 Cover Sheet 1 General Notes • Including Village/IDOT standard notes and additional major notes to clarify project's intent and define incidental items 3 Alignment, Ties and Benchmarks (1" = 50') 1 Typical cross sections that are • Complete and comprehensive • Clearly describe improvement 1 Summary of Quantities 18 Path Plan and Profile sheets (Double Pane) (1 "= 20') • Existing topography, drainage structures and sewers and other utilities • Items to be adjusted • Existing property lines and street addresses • Proposed horizontal and vertical alignment • Proposed edge of pavement, shoulder, etc. • Any proposed drainage and utility structures and pipe in plan and profile • Existing utilities to remain in place 12 Pedestrian Signal Plans (See Task 2.4) 6 ADA Sidewalk Ramps 10 Landscaping and Erosion Control Plan Details (1" = 20'; Double Pane) 4 Construction Details 4 IDOT District One Standards 18 Cross Sections 79 TOTAL SHEET COUNT Deliverable: Pre -Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates. TASK 2.4 - TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS This task will consist of preparing traffic signal plans and specifications for the modification of the existing traffic signal installations. The plans will be developed based on current Village and MUTCD design criteria. This proposal includes pedestrian signal modifications at Oakton at Caldwell, River, Lehigh, and Menard. It is assumed that the improvements will be on the proposed path leg only. This proposal does not include improvements to the intersections of Oakton at Gross Point, Oakton at Austin or Caldwell at Howard. TASK 2.4.1- DATA COLLECTION CBBEL will conduct a field reconnaissance of the existing intersections to verify the existing traffic signal plan information provided by the Village. TASK 2.4.2 • BASE SHEET PREPARATION Base sheets will be prepared at a scale of 1"=20' for the traffic signal modification plans using the project's survey, the existing traffic signal data, and the roadway improvement plans to be prepared by CBBEL. TASK 2.4.3 -TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION PLANS The traffic signal modification plans will focus on bringing the existing pedestrian signal equipment up to current MUTCD standards and replacing the existing loop detectors damaged by the resurfacing work. Bringing the pedestrian accommodations up to current MUTCD standards will require additional pushbuttons, traffic signal posts, foundations, post painting work, conduit, and signal cable. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE I OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PAGE 15D OF 16 kid E The extent of the pedestrian traffic signal work is as follows This task will include the following for each intersection: • Removal Plans • Preliminary, Pre -Final and Final Traffic Signal Modification Plans • Cable Plan and Schedule of Quantities • Phase Designation Diagram • Technical specifications employing Village and IDOT special provisions to the extent that they apply will be assembled. TASK 2.4.4 - OPINION OF COST An engineer's opinion of probable construction cost will be prepared based on the final traffic signal modification plans. Deliverable: Pedestrian Signal Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate. TASK 2.5 - UTILITY COORDINATION Upon notice to proceed, CBBEL will send a location map to all known utility companies requesting their atlases or plans of their facilities within the project limits. CBBEL will add the received information to the existing conditions plan and send it back to the utility companies for verification. CBBEL will then send preliminary plans with potential conflicts identified, and will set up meetings to discuss necessary utility relocations or plan adjustments. A set of pre -final plans will be submitted to utility companies for verification of facilities. Final plans will be sent in order for the utilities to design any necessary relocations. Deliverable: Utility Correspondence. TASK 2.6 - AGENCY COORDINATION Upon completion of the preliminary plans, CBBEL will coordinate the project with Metra, the FPDCC and the Village of Morton Grove, Niles and Skokie. Deliverable: Meeting Minutes. TASK 2.7 - FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES Upon meeting with the Village staff and IDOT to review their comments on the pre -final submittal, CBBEL will revise and finalize the contract documents and cost estimate. During this task the exact letting date will be determined and an estimated construction schedule will be provided. Deliverable: Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates. TASK 2.8 - BID DOCUMENTS CBBEL will make the final revisions to the final submittal based on the Village's and IDOT's final review comments. The requested number of copies of plans and specifications will be submitted to IDOT and the Village. A final estimate of cost and estimate of required working days will also be submitted. In addition to printed copies, we will provide the plans, specifications and estimate to the Village in electronic format. Deliverable: Bid Documents. TASK 2.9 - QC/QA, AND ADMINISTRATION Staff will be responsible for progress reports, scheduling, invoicing, technical direction of staff, project management and coordination. The QC/QA Manager, will perform a comprehensive evaluation of the following items throughout the design process. • Scoping/field checks • Submittals • Design calculations • Computer inputs/outputs • Documentation of decisions and directives • Pay items and quantity calculations • Project records • Compliance statements • Pre -Final and Final Plan format and content The Project Manager manages the overall project quality control's process and, through the QC/QA Manager, assigns qualified senior quality reviewers for pending deliverables as required Deliverable: QA/QC Documentation. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 1 OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PAGE 15E OF 16 P. 0 i EC7 GMANIZATE NI Lk PERSCHNEL OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Incredibly Close 4 Amazingly Open PRINCIPALIN CHARGE tAichaeI -Kerr, P..E PROJECT MANAGER Stephen Sugg, PE, PTOE ti.T:::.:Jaeott:SeLMen,eE. . , ROADWAY & TRAIL DESIGN Mark Thomas, PE Joshua Sitticl\, Li SURVEY AND PLATS OF HIGHWAYS John Mumlly, PE, PLS Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. PHASE 1 PDR REPORT Michael Ket r, PE Stephen Sugg, PE. PTOE -Daniel O'Connell •:-.-:.::::::.1-..4.1SACE;:IVIW.RDGC, 1DNROWRP.ERMITTING PE TRAFFIC SIGNALS G. Michael ZiegleL PE, PTOE LIGHTING • •1{atiina Ballad°. PE, LEED AP Douglas Keil, EI VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE I OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PAGE 15F OF 16 OAKTON STREET PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 2018.021 DESIGN SCHEDULE MORTON GROVE NiLES Incredibly Closet Amazingly Open "•r.4k k^ TASK Notice to Proceed CMS.:ss-'e-x- MAY JUNE JULY A(i0 ` .. $PP i OCT NOY .. O t.. _.., Data Review Initial External Coordination I ;- Topographic Survey Preliminary Geometry Interim External Coordination Project Development Report (Draft) IDOT Review Project Development Report (Final) owp'Mprma f Plane, Specifications, and Estimates s ti= ,'.,� PAGE 1500 FIRM Local Agency Section Project Job No: COST PLUS FIXED FEE COST ESTIMATE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES Oblislopher B. uAO Enolneering, Ltd, OVERHEAD RATE COMPLEXITY FACTOR OeMon SVoal DIS-PheseI Cost Plus FXed Fee 2 DATE 129.33% 1450% IDL+R(OL) + .4(OL)+FHDCI 02/13/19 DBE DROP RO% ITEM MdNHOURS (Al PAYROLL 161 OVERHEAD FRINGE BENF ICI IE DIRECT 6(6601 COSTS (0) FEE (El Outside Direct Dir Costs 19 SERVICES BV MFRS -OF DBE TOTAL TOTAL YOF GRANO TOTAL Deb Review 16 676.96 07800 23558 90 19-91 1)9144 Inriel External coordination 95668 1242.42 333.02 2.41% T0111a98is#orveY 164 7,36E20 9,562.24 2563.09 2532.40 346% Me4mimry GeOmeby19,400.53 340 11,883.20 12,44596 4,2345.00 3698351 20,26% EDeemel,ntRnslbn 48 3,05104 2641.16 061.35 4961% Prefect Prokcr (kwbplr�Sm RepOn 76 3,05104 396117 1,061 .76 510.00 8.50361 8,5)36] 1.55% 1155% 8ubconsulMnt DL 000 TOTALS 664 27,855.76 36,165.13 0.00 9,893.80 500.00 OW 0.00 74,214.70 100.00% OBE PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT 0E-824-039 REV '(2(04 Peened 2/13/20193:36 PM PAGE 15110F 16 FIRM Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Local Agency 0 Section 0 Project Job No: Oakton Street Path - Phase I 0 AVERAGE HOURLY PROJECT RATES DATE 02/13/19 SHEET DF -824-039 REV 12/04 1 OF 5 PAYROLL CLASSIFICATION AVG HOURLY RATES TOTAL PROJECT RATES Data Review Iotillal External Coordlna Topographic Survey Prelim' ary Geometry Interim External Coordinat Hours % Pan. Wgtd Avg Hours % Pail. Wgtd Avg Hours % Pan. Wgtd Avg Hours % Pan. Wgtd Avg Hours Y. Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Pan. Wgtd Avg ENGINEER VI 70.00 44 6.6394 4.64 4 25.00% 1750 8 40.00% 28.00 20 58894 4.12 8 16.67% 11.67 ENGINEER V 65.52 12 1.81% 1.18 ENGINEER IV 53.82 40 6.02% 3.24 40 11.76% 6.33 ENGINEER III 46.70 0 ENGINEER I/II 33.08 324 48.6094 16.14 12 75.00% 24.81 12 60.00% 19.85 200 58.82% 19.46 40 83.33% 27.57 SURVEY V 60.00 4 0.60% 0.36 4 244% 1.46 SURVEY IV 60.00 12 181% 1.08 12 7.32% 4.39 SURVEY III 57.75 8 1.20% 0.70 8 4.88% 2.82 SURVEY II' 43.30 50 7.53% 3.26 50 3049% 13.20 SURVEY I' 34.50 50 7.53% 2.60 50 30.49% 10.52 ENGINEERING TECHN 60.00 0 ENGINEERING TECHN 48.25 0 ENGINEERING TECHN 51.44 0 ENGINEERING TECHN 20.67 0 CAO MANAGER 59.92 0 ASST. CAO MANAGER 51.33 40 6.02% 3.09 40 24.39% 12.52 CAD II' 46.92 80 12.05% 5.65 80 23.53% 11.04 GIS SPECIALIST III 49.00 0 GIS SPECIALIST 1/11* 32.00 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHITE 55.50 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RES 61.13 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RES 52.63 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RES 40.67 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RE. 31.13 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RE.. 38.50 0 ADMINISTRATIVE' 36.28 0 ENGINEERING INTERN 16.00 0 0 TOTALS 664 100% $41.95 16 100.00% $42.31 20 100% $47.85 164 100% $44.91 340 100% $40.95 48 100% 63923 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT PAGE 1510F 16 Printed 2/13/2019 3:36 PM FIRM Local Agency Section Project Job No: Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. 0 0 Oakton Street Path - Phase I 0 AVERAGE HOURLY PROJECT RATES DATE 02/13119 SHEET 2 OF DF -824-039 REV 12/04 5 PAYROLL CLASSIFICATION AVG HOURLY RATES Project Development Report Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg ENGINEER VI 70.00 4 5.26% 3.68 ENGINEER V 6552 12 15.79% 10.35 ENGINEER IV 53.82 ENGINEER III 46.70 ENGINEER 1/11 33.08 60 78.95% 26.12 SURVEY 60.00 SURVEY IV 60.00 SURVEY III 57.75 SURVEY II* 43.30 SURVEY I' 34.50 ENGINEERING TEC 60.00 ENGINEERING TEC 48.25 ENGINEERING TEC 51.44 ENGINEERING TEC 20.67 CAD MANAGER 59.92 ASST. CAD MANAG * 51.33 CAD II 46.92 GIS SPECIALIST III 49.00 GIS SPECIALIST I/11 32.00 LANDSCAPE ARCH 55.50 ENVIRONMENTAL F 61.13 ENVIRONMENTAL F 52.63 ENVIRONMENTAL F 40.67 ENVIRONMENTAL 31.13 ENVIRONMENTAL 38.50 ADMINISTRATIVE' 36.28 ENGINEERING INTI 16.00 TOTALS 76 100% $40.15 0 0% $0.00 0 0% $0.00 0 0% $0.00 0 0% $0.00 0 0% $0.00 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT Printed PAGPAGE019 02 19 0316 3:36 PM FIRM Local Agency Section Project Job No: COST PLUS FIXED FEE COST ESTIMATE OF CONSULTANT SERVICES Christopher B. Burke n0lneerinq, Ltd. Morton Grose OVERHEAD RATE COMPLEXITY FACTOR Oehton Street Path - Phase 11 CoA Plus Faced Feet DATE 02/13/19 129.83% 0 14,50% IDLIRIDL) r1.41OL)HHOCj DBE DROP IIFM MAMMAS (A) PAYROLL OM OVERHEAD 6 F NCE DEW (0) 111-110008 OIREAT COSTS (0) FXEp IE) Oulaltle OILLEI CMXBOX IF)) SERVICES BY OTMERa (0) TOTAL 1X1 TOTALRDEW 106) R. OF GRANO TO]AL MOT Mok-00 Meeonq 6 272.32 353.55 94.]] 720.64 080% 8E36Response 4 206.16 267.66 71.74 54556 081% Preslnal Plans, Specifications and Estimates 376 15,]]0.40 20,4]4]1 5,488.10 400.00 42,133.21 4691% Traffic Signal Modlfimuau 168 8,517,04 11,05]6] 266393 22,536.64 25.1056 Utility Coordination 16 570.16 740.24 198.42 1,508.81 1.68% Agency Coordination 24 1089.28 141421 3]9.0] 20000 308266 34314 FNM Plans, SpeofimWns and Estimates 84 3]91.12 4,922.01 1,319.31 10,032.44 11,17% SH Documents 48 21]5.]6 2824.]0 ]5].16 40000 6,15]]1 6.86% OCNA Meetings end Adminisoatial 22 107400 1,394.37 373.75 250.00 3092.13 3.44% Subconsultant DL 000 TOTALS 748 33,46614 43.44922 0.00 11646.25 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 59,811]1 100.00% OBE PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT DF -824-039 REV 12/04 Printed 2/13/2010 4'.1 ] PM PAGE 150OF36 FIRM Local Agency Section Project Job No: AVERAGE HOURLY PROJECT RATES Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Morton Grove 0 Oakton Street Path - Phase II 0 DATE 02)13/18 SHEET DF -824-039 REV 12/04 1 OF 5 PAYROLL CLASSIFICATION AVG HOURLY RATES TOTAL PROJECT RATES IDOT IOck-011 Ms ting PESA R sponse PrsFin I P, 5 & Es Traffic Ignal Mo ifioatio UtlItty Coordlna1I Hour. % Part. word Avg Hours % Part. WIPE Avg Hours % Part Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. wets Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd. Avg Hours % n Wold ENGINEER VI 70.00 58 7.75% 5.43 2 33.33% 23.33 2 50.00% 95.00 16 4.26% 2.98 16 9.52% 6.67 Pet. Avg ENGINEER V 65.52 0 ENGINEER IV 53.82 32 4.28% 2.30 32 19.05% 10.25 ENGINEER III 46.70 • 204 27.27% 12.74 120 31.91% 14.90 40 23.81% 11.12 ENGINEER 1/11 - 33.08 230 30.75% 10.17 4 80.67% 22.05 2 5000% 16.54 160 42.55% 14.08 SURVEY V SURVEY 60.00 0 12 75.00% 24.81 IV 60.09 0 SURVEY III 57.75 0 SURVEY II' 43.30 4 053% 0.23 SURVEY I' 34.50 0 4 25.00% 10.33 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN V 60.00 0 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN IV 48.25 40 535% 2.58' 40 23.61% 11.49 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 111 51.44 0 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN MI' CAD 20.67 0 MANAGER 59.92 0 ASST. CAD MANAGER 51.33 0 CAD II' 46,92 180 24.06% 11.29 80 21.28% 9.98 40 23.91% 11.17 GIS SPECIALIST III 49.00 0 GIS SPECIALIST I/II' 32.00 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 55.50 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES 61.13 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 52.63 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 40.67 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 31.13 0 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE T 38.50 0 ADMINISTRATIVE' 36.28 0 ENGINEERING INTERN 16.00 0 0 TOTALS 748 100% 544.74 6 19000% $45.39 4 100% 95154 376 100% 541.94 168 100% $50.70 16 100% 535.84 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT PAGE 151 OF 16 Printed 2 15 OF PM FIRM Local Agency Section Project Job No: AVERAGE HOURLY PROJECT RATES Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Morton Grove 0 Oakton Street Path - Phase II 0 DF -824-039 REV 12/04 DATE 02/13/18 SHEET 2 OF 5 PAYROLL CLASSIFICATION AVG HOURLY RATES Agency oordlnetion Finer PI nn, Spedficdlone en 016 Documents QNQC Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg Hours % Part. Wgtd Avg ENGINEER VI 70.00 8 33.33% 2333 8 852% 8.67 4 8.33% 583 2 0.09% 8.38 ENGINEERV 65.52 ENGINEER IV 53.82 ENGINEER III 46.70 12 142015 ecu 12 250014 11.68 20 00.91% 424 ENGINEER 1/11 33.08 10 66.67% 2205 24 2e57%. 0.45 12 250014 e27 SURVEYV 60.00 SURVEY N 60.00 SURVEY III 57.75 SURVEY 11* 43.30 SURVEY P 34.50 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN V 60.00 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN IV 48.25 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN III 51.44 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I/11' 20.67 CAD MANAGER 59.92 ASST. CAD MANAGER 51.33 CAD II ' 46.92 40 47.02% 22.34 20 410714 10.55 GIS SPECIALIST III 49.00 GIS SPECIALIST 1/11* 32.00 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 55.50 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 61.13 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 52.63 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 40.67 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE S 31.13 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE T 38.50 ADMINISTRATIVE' 36.28 ENGINEERING INTERN 16.00 TOTALS 24 100% $45.39 84 100% $45.13 48 100% $45.33 22 100% $48.82 0 0% $0.00 0 0% $0.00 PREPARED BY THE AGREEMENTS UNIT PAGE 15M OF 16 Printed 2/13/2019 4:17 PM INSURANCE COVERAGES Village Of Morton Grove Preliminary and Design Engineering Services for Oakton Street Pedestrian Facility Improvements Project EXHIBIT B A. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability with limits not less than: (1) Worker's Compensation: Statutory; (2) Employer's Liability: $500,000 injury -per occurrence $500,000 disease -per employee $500,000 disease -policy limit Such insurance shall evidence that coverage applies in the State of Illinois. B. Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Liability with a combined single limit of liability for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 for vehicles owned, non -owned, or rented. All CONSULTANT employees shall be included as insureds. C. Comprehensive General Liability with coverage written on an "occurrence" basis and with limits no less than: $2,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined Single Limit Coverage is to be written on an "occurrence" bases. Coverages shall include: - Broad Form Property Damage Endorsement - Blanket Contractual Liability (must expressly cover the indemnity provisions of the Contract) - D. Professional Liability Insurance. With a limit of liability of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate and covering CONSULTANT against all sums that CONSULTANT may be obligated to pay on account of any liability arising out of the Contract. E. Umbrella Policy. The required coverages may be in any combination of primary, excess, and umbrella policies. Any excess or umbrella policy must provide excess coverage over underlying insurance on a following -form basis such that when any loss covered by the primary policy exceeds the limits under the primary policy, the excess or umbrella policy becomes effective to cover such loss. F. VILLAGE as Additional Insured. The VILLAGE shall be named as an Additional Insured on all policies except for: Worker's Compensation and Professional Liability. Each such additional Insured endorsement shall identify the VILLAGE as follows: Village of Morton Grove, including its Board members and elected and appointed officials, its officers, employees, agents, attorneys, CONSULTANTs, and representatives Page 16 of 16 Attachment 4 Issued: January 3, 2019