HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-13 AgendaMORTON GROVE
Incredibly Close =; Amazingly Open
August 13, 2018
6:00 pm
(The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session
per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code.
If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7.00 pm.)
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Executive Session
4. Reconvene Meeting
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Roll CaII
7. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting — July 23, 2018
8. Special Reports
a. Plan Commission Case PC18-08 Requests a Special Use Permit for Antennas and Support
Structures at the Address Commonly Known at 6042 Oakton
9. Public Hearings
10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only)
11. President's Report—Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal
Conference, Strategic Plan Committee
12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee
13. Staff Reports
a. Village Administrator
1) Announcement of Meeting Cancellation of August 27, 2018
2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates
b. Corporation Counsel
14. Reports by Trustees
a. Trustee Grear — Building Department, Community and Economic Development Department,
Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Police Facility Committee, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission,
Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Minx)
b. Trustee Minx—Capital Projects, Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resource Commission, Plan
Commission/Zoning Board, Public Works Department, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear)
1) Ordinance 18-08 (Introduced August 13, 2018) (First Reading)
Approving a Special Use Permit Request for Antenna and Antenna Support Structures at
6042 Oakton Street
c. Trustee Ramos — Appearance Commission, Environmental Health, IT, Legal Department
(Trustee Travis)
d. Trustee Thill —Advisory Commission on Aging, Emergency Management Agency, Family and
Senior Services Department, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, SWANCC
(Trustee Witko)
e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Finance
Advisory Commission, Finance Department (Trustee Ramos)
f. Trustee Witko — Economic Development Commission, Farmers' Market, Fire and Police
Commission, NIPSTA, Police Department, Police Pension Board, Water Comm. (Trustee Thill)
1) Resolution 18-45 (Introduced August 13, 2018)
Authorizing a Contractual Agreement with Chicago Communications to Remove
Obsolete Radio and E911 Equipment Located in the Police Department Radio Room,
Setup a Temporary Work Station During Renovation, Replace Obsolete Equipment, and
Install New Equipment and Install New Equipment and Furniture
15. Other Business
16. Presentation of Warrants - $576,344.25
17. Residents' Comments
18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate
19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities
who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who
have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220)
promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations.
JULY 23,2018
I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 6:58 p.m.
V. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx,
Ed Ramos, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
Regarding the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 25, 2018, Trustee Thill had one
correction: on page 1, under Approval of Minutes. The sentence should be changed from
"Trustee Thill said he was glad this business is classified as an 'entertainment' business." to
"Trustee Thill said he hoped that the Village would classify this as an entertainment business."
Trustee Minx then moved to accept the Minutes as corrected, seconded by Trustee Travis.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board Meeting
1. Mayor DiMaria announced that the Golf 67 Foundation is holding its annual 5K Walk/Run on
Sunday, August 26, at 9:00 a.m. The walk/run starts at Frank Hren Park behind Golf Middle
School, winding down Beckwith Road and going through Linne Woods and back. All proceeds
will go to the Golf 67 Foundation, which provides grants to the District 67 teachers at Hynes and
Golf schools. Last year, the grants totaled over $8,000 and helped many students and teachers.
2. To register for this event, or to view a video showing all the great things funded by the grants, go
to the website: http://www.golf67foundation.orq.
Mayor DiMaria noted that, although the risk for infection at this time remains low, the
3. mosquito population is increasing. Therefore, the Mosquito Abatement District will be conducting
targeted adult mosquito control operations in Morton Grove between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and
2:00 a.m., weather permitting, on dates posted on Village social media. Residents are advised
to take personal protection measures, including using repellent, wearing proper attire, and
eliminating standing water sources where possible.
Mayor DiMaria commented that Park District Commissioners Keith White and Paul Minx were in
attendance this evening and thanked them for coming.
Clerk Harford had no report.
A. Village Administrator:
1. Mr. Czerwinski presented Resolution 18-41, Ratifying Change Order No. 11 to Contract
No. 3 Entitled "MGNWC West 20 -Inch Water Supply Transmission Main Between the
Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission (MGNWC) and Bolder Contractors, Inc." and
Approving Reimbursement to the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission.
a. Mr. Czerwinski explained that the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission has entered into a
number of contracts with various contractors to construct water transmission mains and facility
improvements, including new water main lines, pump stations, and a water storage standpipe,
and to rehabilitate certain existing water main lines to construct and operate a public water
supply system connecting the Villages of Morton Grove and Niles to the MGNWC's future water
supplier, the City of Evanston.
b. Contract No. 3 with Bolder Contractors, Inc. is for work being done near Morton Grove's south
pumping station. An existing 14 -inch effluent water main and a 14 -inch Gate Valve need to be
replaced. Although the work is not specifically related to the MGNWC project, it is necessary and
appropriate to complete this improvement. The main was built in the 1950's and the excavation
work Bolder Contractors is doing in that area makes it cost-effective do make this improvement
now. This Resolution will ratify that change order and will authorize reimbursement to the
MGNWC from Morton Grove for this work at a cost not to exceed $60,000.
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board Meeting
A. Village Administrator: (continued)
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
Mayor DiMaria asked fora motion on Resolution 18-41.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 18-41, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear afire Tr. Minx ave Tr. Ramos aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ay2 Tr. Witko aye
2. Next, Mr. Czerwinski presented Resolution 18-42, Ratifying Change Order No. 4 to Contract
No. 2 Entitled "MGNWC West 30 -Inch Transmission Main" Between the Morton Grove -
Niles Water Commission and DiMeo Brothers, Inc. and Approving Reimbursement to the
Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission.
He explained that Contract No. 2 includes replacing lead water service lines on the east side of
Marmora Avenue in Morton Grove. Village Staff has determined it is in the Village's best interest
to also replace nine additional lead services lines on the west side of Marmora Avenue, in order
to stave off necessary future repairs. The work is not related to the MGNWC Project, but it is
cost-efficient for this work to be done while the area is excavated. This resolution will ratify that
change order and authorize reimbursement to the MGNWC from Morton Grove for this work at a
cost not to exceed $50,000.
Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion on Resolution 18-42.
Trustee Grear moved to approve Resolution 18-42, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear an Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos afire
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis ave Tr. Witko ave
b. Trustee Minx commented that she's glad the Village is being proactive with this water project and
other necessary repairs. She said she has seen it happen so many times that a street has been
repaired and then a year later, it's torn up again for some other type of repair.
3. Lastly, Mr. Czerwinski said that it appears there will not be any pressing business that the Board
needs to tend to, and that therefore, if desired, the second Village Board meeting of August
could likely be cancelled.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board MeetIn.
A. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no report this evening.
B. Trustee Minx:
1. Trustee Minx presented Ordinance 18-12, Adding Title 7, Chapter 11 Entitled "Small Cell
Antennas, Personal Wireless Telecommunication Facilities" to the Municipal Code of the
Village of Morton Grove.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Trustee Minx said the Village's public rights-of-way are a limited public resource held by the
Village for the benefit of its residents, and the Village has a custodial duty to ensure the
public right-of-way is maintained in a manner that best serves the public interest. The growing
demand for personal wireless telecommunication services has resulted in increased requests
nationwide and locally from the wireless industry to place cellular facilities on utility poles and
other structures in the public right-of-way. State and federal law limits the authority of local
governments to regulate the installation of cellular facilities within the public right-of-way.
The Village's Municipal Code does not include regulation of these cellular facilities and it is in the
best interest of the Village to enact procedures for licensing, regulating, and inspecting cellular
facilities, and establishing appropriate fees for providing these public services. In April 2018,
Governor Rauner signed Senate Bill 1451, the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act (the
"Act"). It provides the regulations and process for permitting and deploying small cell wireless
facilities throughout Illinois. The Act went into effect on June 1, 2018, and municipalities have
two months from the effective date to either adopt fees through an ordinance or provide a fee
schedule pursuant to the Act.
Trustee Minx moved to adopt Ordinance 18-12, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear
Tr. Thill
Tr. Minx
Tr. Travis
Tr. Ramos at
Tr. Witko afire
2. Next, Trustee Minx presented Resolution 18-43, Authorization to Execute a Contract With
Hayes Mechanical For the Maintenance of Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment.
a. She explained that Hayes Mechanical has been the Village's HVAC service provider since July
2011. The Village Hall/Police Station boiler is now 64 years old, and the condensing units and
pneumatic systems are approaching 40 years old. Replacement parts are difficult to obtain.
Hayes Mechanical has developed an expertise for this equipment not readily available in the
marketplace, and can usually diagnose and repair the equipment in an expedited and efficient
manner. The current contract between the Village and Hayes Mechanical expires on August 31,
B. Trustee Minx: (continued)
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board Meetin.
Trustee Minx said the Village Administrator has deemed Hayes Mechanical a Sole Source
Vendor pursuant to Title 1-9A-4 of the Village Code, and has asked that its contract be
extended for one year without undertaking a competitive bidding process. Hayes Mechanical
is willing to extend the current contract with only a slight increase in the hourly wages of its
technicians due to wage increases granted in its collective bargaining agreements.
Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 18-43, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear
Tr. Thill
C. Trustee Ramos:
Tr. Minx
Tr. Travis
Trustee Ramos had no report this evening.
D. Trustee Thill:
Tr. Ramos ay!
Tr. Witko gyg.
Trustee Thill had no formal report, but asked if the Village had a watering truck for new trees.
Director of Public Works Joe Dahm replied in the affirmative, adding that "we water trees on a
weekly basis."
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis presented for a first reading Ordinance 18-13, Amending Title 4, Chapter 9, to
be Entitled "Garage Sales" of the Municipal Code.
She said this Ordinance provides relevant regulations regarding residential garage sales, includ-
ing the definition of a garage sale, capping the number of garage sales to two per household per
year; allowing two or more households to conduct combined sales, which will only count against
the two -sale annual limit for the address where the sale is being conducted, and limiting signage
and promotional items for garage sales to Village -issued signs, which will include the address,
permit number, and date of sale.
Trustee Travis said that, because this time of year is the heart of garage sale season, Village
staff was requesting that the second reading of this Ordinance be waived.
Trustee Travis moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 18-13, seconded by
Trustee Grear.
E. Trustee Travis: (continued)
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board Meeting
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos
Tr. Thill Lys Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko gys
Trustee Travis then moved to adopt Ordinance 18-13, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear
Tr. ThiII
Tr. Minx
Tr. Travis
Tr. Ramos
Tr. Witko
2. Trustee Travis reminded the assemblage that the Community Relations Commission is
sponsoring a community -wide garage sale on Friday, August 10, Saturday, August 11, and
Sunday August 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. To register to be a part of this event,
please go to the Village's website. Locations of participating residences will also be available and
downloadable from the Village's website: www.mortongroveil.org.
3. Trustee Travis also noted that the Community Relations Commission's Summer Photo Contest is
going on now through Labor Day. Photos can be delivered to Village Hall or emailed to
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented Resolution 18-44, Approving an Amended Mutual Aid Agreement
and Plan for the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System (NIPAS).
a. She explained that the Morton Grove Police Department has been a participating agency with
NIPAS since the organization's inception in 1983. The organization has now expanded to include
over 100 agencies, which has led to necessary modifications to its current Agreement, which
has not been updated since 1983. The updates include allowing for the expansion of NIPAS
membership to include non -municipal law enforcement agencies, such as colleges and
universities located within the NIPAS service area. It also simplifies and clarifies procedures for
entities wishing to terminate their participation in NIPAS, and reduces NIPAS' risk of liability by
incorporating "best practice" language designed to aid in defending the organization in the event
of legal challenges.
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 18-44.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear ayre Tr. Minx gig Tr. Ramos aye
Tr. Thill gyg. Tr. Travis ayg Tr. Witko ave
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board Meeting
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
2. Trustee Witko noted that the Morton Grove Farmers' Market is open every Saturday until
October 20, 2018, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Civic Center, 6140 Dempster Street. She
encouraged residents to attend the weekly markets and to support the market by becoming a
"Friend of the Market" at the website: http://mgfarmersmarket.com/marketfriends.
Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for July 23, 2018 in the amount of $679,435.67.
She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Thill seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko at
Rudolph Vilc said he has given the Village Board a lot of information and hopes that it hasn't all
gone in the garbage. He has also provided pictures. Mr. Vilc said he did not steal garbage cans
and cut his bushes when the Village told him to. In court, he said he was told that there was
something wrong with his front door. He felt the Board has an opportunity to stop an employee
who is doing a bad job.
Mayor DiMaria responded, saying this matter is still in litigation at the appellate court level, and
counsel therefore recommends that he not provide any written responses while this is under liti-
Bill Page said he, too, was glad to hear that the Village was taking care of other necessary re-
pairs during excavation in preparation for the water project. He asked if any thought has been
given to replacing the HVAC equipment, since it's so old.
Mr. Czerwinski said that the Village is looking at all of its facility needs; although admittedly there
are other priorities right now. He said the Village needs to have a strategic plan and needs to be
in the right financial position to move forward. Mr. Page responded, "That sounds reasonable."
Minutes of July 23, 2018 Board Meeting
There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear ays. Tr. Minx gyp_ Tr. Ramos awe,
Tr. Thillafire Tr. Travis Ay2. Tr. Witko aye
The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
PASSED this 13th day of August 2018.
Trustee Grear
Trustee Minx
Trustee Ramos
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 13th day of August 2018.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office
this 14th day of August 2018
Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar
Community & Economic Development Department
Incredibly Close 't Amazingly Open
To: Village President and Board of Trustees
From: Steven Blonz, Chairperson, Plan Commission
Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic Development Director
Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner
Date: June 4, 2018
Re: Plan Commission Case PC18-08: Request for a Special Use Permit for Antenna
and Antenna Support Structures, in accordance with Section 12 4 4:E. and 12-
3-6 of the Unified Development Code (Ordinance 07-07) at 6042 Oakton Street
Commission Report
Public Notice
The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice for the May 21, 2018 Plan Commission public
hearing for PC 18-08 in accordance with the Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press published
the public notice on May 3, 2018, and the Village notified surrounding property owners via mail on
May 4, 2018 and placed a public notice sign on the subject property on May 11, 2018.
Property Overview
The 5,584 sq. ft. acre subject property at6042 Oakton Street is a municipally owned parcel, located at
the rear of two other parcels on the north side of Oakton Street. The subject property is within the
M2 General Manufacturing District is in improved with the Village's south water tower and currently
includes antennas and ground equipment for Sprint Wireless. The immediate surrounding properties
to the north east and west are zoned M2 and improved with manufacturing/industrial buildings. The
properties to the south are located in Skokie and are also improved with manufacturing/industrial
buildings and uses.
Location/Context Map
Overview of the Application
Insite, Inc., on behalf of the Verizon Wireless ("Applicants'), has filed an application for a special use
permit for Antenna and Antenna Support Structures at 6042 Oakton Avenue, a municipally -owned
parcel which includes the Village's south water tower. The Village and Verizon have entered into a
lease agreement for the proposed antennas and support structures, subject to the review and
approval of the special use application.
Verizon is proposing to install nine antennas on the top of the 123 ft. water tower. Each antenna will
be approximately 7 ft. in height and when mounted onto of the tower, will have an overall height
(tower and accessory antennas) of 130 ft. Verizon is also proposing to install ground-based
equipment including a generator and conduit routing stations. The ground-based equipment will be 9
ft. in height and will cover an overall area of approximately 720 sq. ft. The ground-based equipment
will be located in the northwest corner of the site. The overall water tower area is secured with an
existing 6 ft. chain link fence. Because the ground -equipment is located away from the public right of
way and abuts other manufacturing/industrial uses, the Applicants are requesting a waiver to the
screening requirements, required per Section 12-3-6:C. The Department of Public Works supports
their requested waiver as any additional fencing or landscaping around the ground-based equipment
would impede the staff's ability to access the on-site public utilities.
Because this is an unmanned facility and given that they expect no more than one maintenance -
related vehicular trip per month to/from the site, the Applicants are also seeking a complete waiver
from the parking requirements and are proposing to add no parking spaces to the site.
May 21, 2018 Public Hearing
At the May 21, 2018 Public Hearing, Mr. Dominick Argumedo, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner,
introduced the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated May 15, 2018, which
was entered into the public record in its entirety.
Chairperson Blonz asked Commission Members if they had questions for Staff.
Commissioner Shimanski asked if the fence is for visual aesthetics or for protection of the equipment
and to protect the Village from Liability. Mr. Argumedo noted that the requirement for a fence is
under a the Code Section entitled, "SCREENING," which is Section 12-3-6:C, and that section includes
bushes or hedges as allowed substitutes. As such, the provision is for visual aesthetics and not
The applicant, Mark Layne representing Insite, was sworn in.
Chairperson Blonz questioned the name on the drawings of the proposed location, "Lehigh and
Howard". Mr. Layne explained that is how the engineers labeled it and has no bearing on the
location. Engineers in this field will often label a location in the earliest conceptions and continue with
a name/title for a project, even if the location is not 100% correct.
Mr. Layne continued and explained there is already a fence around the water tower site, and it is his
understanding that Public Works has stated that installing another fence around the ground-based
equipment would hinder their access to the public facilities.
Chairperson Blonz asked if the diesel generator creates noise and if it is dangerous. Mr. Layne stated
that it is relatively quiet and is only operated at certain hours. Verizon is a 911 provider and they have
to be able to maintain service in the event of a power failure. It is similar to the size of a refrigerator
and completely enclosed with locked doors.
Chairperson Blonz asked about the height of the tower including the antennas and does it require
lights. Mr. Layne stated that the antenna at the center will be at 125 ft. and the FAA requirement is
that anything over 250 ft. needs to be registered, unless the location is close to the airport.
Commissioner Gabriel asked if there were any cases where there were no fences at all around
ground-based equipment. Mr. Layne stated, yes, in Hoffman Estates there is a location in a
residential neighborhood with only trees surrounding it.
Chairperson Blonz asked if there was anyone present that wanted to be heard.
Hearing no one, Chairperson Blonz called for a motion to approve Case PC 18-08.
Commissioner Gabriel moved to approve Case PC 18-08, request for a Special Use Permit for Antenna
and antenna support structures, in accordance with Section 12-4-4:E, to allow for Antenna and
Antenna support structures at 6042 Oakton Ave, to establish the required number of parking spaces
at 0 and to approve a waiver for fence screening materials, with the following conditions:
1. The site shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting
documents in the application, identified in this report and/or presented at the Public Hearing,
including the following:
A. Site Location Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-1:
B. Developed Site Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-2
C. Enlarged Site Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-3
D. Site Civil, Ice Bridge & Foundation Details, prepared by Gregory J Surh, dated February
14, 2018, Sheet C-4
E. Site Civil and Dog House Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet C-5
F. Typical Fence Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-6
G. Skid Layout, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -1
H. Skid Conduit Layout, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -2
I. Platform-Elev View, prepared by Gregory J Surh, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -3
J. Platform —Elev View, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -4
K. Tower Elevation, Antenna Information, Notes and Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr,
dated February 14, 2018, Sheet A-1
L. Antenna Equipment Information, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14,
2018,Sheet A-2
M. Antenna Equipment Information, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet A-3
N. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S1
0. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S2
P. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S3
Q. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S4
R. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S5
S. Utility Plan and General Notes, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet E-1 8
T. Enlarged Utility Plan, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet E-2 u.
Electrical and Telco Utility Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet E-3
U. Enlarged Grounding Plan, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet
V. Skid grounding Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet E-5
W. Ground and Schematic Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet E-6
X. Grounding Schematics and Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14,
2018, Sheet E-7
Y. Grounding Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet E-8
2. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Applicants shall file all necessary building
permits and plans, including final site engineering plans, for review and approval.
3. Prior to commencement of any work on the site, the final lease agreement shall be approved
and fully executed by both the Village and Verizon.
Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion and the Commission voted to recommend approval of the
application 6-0 (Khan absent).
Legislative Summary
Ordinance 18-08
Programs, Departs
or Groups Affected
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
Admin Recommend:
Second Reading:
Special Consider or
August 13, 2018
To approve a special use permit to install nine (9) antennas on top of the Village's south water tower
and supporting ground equipment at 6042 Oakton Street.
Insite Inc., on behalf of the Verizon Wireless ("Applicants"), have filed an application for a Special
Use permit for Antenna and antenna support structures at 6042 Oakton Avenue. This property is a
Village -owned parcel that is improved with the Village's south water tower. Section 12-4-4:E and
Section 12-3-6 of the Unified Development Code requires a Special Use Permit for Antenna and
Antenna Support Structures in the M2 General Manufacturing District above 65 ft. The Village and
Verizon have agreed to a lease agreement to allow for the installation of nine 7 ft. high antennas on
top of the existing 123 ft. high water tower and supporting ground-based equipment on the northwest
corner of the site, pending the review and approval of the Applicants' special use application. Once
installed the highest point of the antennas will be approximately 130 ft.
Because the overall site is already surrounded by a 6 ft. high fence and given that the ground-based
equipment will be located over 200 ft. from the public right-of-way, the Applicants are requesting a
waiver to the screening requirements. The Village's Public Works Department has expressed
support for this waiver as any additional on-site fencing or landscaping would impeded Village staff
access to the on-site utilities. In addition, as the facility will be unmanned and given that Verizon
expects no more than one maintenance -related vehicular trip per month to/from the site, the
Applicant is also seeking a complete waiver from the parking requirements and are proposing to add
no parking spaces to the site.
In accordance with Section 12-16-4:A.2, the application was reviewed by Village departments. The
Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission ("TSC") reviewed the application and determined the
proposal would have an insignificant negative impact and waived the full TSC review per his
authority in Section 12-16-4:A.2. The Applicant made a presentation on the proposed elevations and
preliminary landscaping to the Appearance Commission on May 7, 2018 and the Commission voted
unanimously to support an Appearance Certificate for the development. The Plan Commission held
a public hearing on this application on May 21, 2018. Based on the application, supporting
documents, and testimony presented at the Public Hearing, the Plan Commission voted 6-0 (Khan
absent) to recommend approval of the application with conditions.
Community and Economic Development
Community and Economic Development in the normal course of business.
Approval as presented
September 10, 2018
Submitted by:
Prepared by:
lage Administrator
Reviewed by
Teresa Hoff
y and Economic Development Director
Corporation Counsel
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a
home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State
of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs,
including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, 6042 Oakton Street is a 5,584 sq. ft. Village -owned parcel ("Subject
Property"), which is improved with the Village's 123 ft. high south water tower; and
WHEREAS, the Subject Property is located in the M2 General Manufacturing District; and
WHERAS, Sections 12-4-4:E and 12-3-6 of the Unified Development Code requires a
special use permit for Antenna and antenna support structures above 65 ft. in the M2 General
Manufacturing District; and
WHEREAS, Insite, Inc., on behalf of the Verizon Wireless ( "Applicants"), have filed an
application for a Special Use permit for Antenna and antenna support structures at 6042 Oakton
Avenue to allow for the installation of nine (9) antennas on the existing water tower and supporting
ground-based equipment on the northwest corner of the site; and
WHEREAS, concurrent with the submission of this special use application, Verizon
Wireless has been negotiating a lease agreement with the Village to allow for the installation of
their equipment on municipally -owned property; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, notice of the
public hearing was duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the
Village of Morton Grove, on May 3, 2018, written notification sent to property owners within 250
feet of the subject property on May 4, 2018 and signs were duly posted on the property on May 11,
2018; and
WHEREAS, the Applicants propose to install the antennas, each measuring seven (7) ft. in
height, on the top of the 123 ft. high water tower, resulting in an overall height of 130 ft. to the top
of the highest antenna and, accordingly are seeking this special use approval for the additional 65 ft.
in height, above the permitted 65 ft. by -right antenna height; and
WHEREAS, Verizon proposes to install ground-based equipment, which includes a
generator and conduit routing stations, which will be a maximum of 9 ft. in height, on an
approximately 720 sq. ft. area on the northwest corner of the site;
WHEREAS, Verizon is seeking a waiver from the screening requirements, Section 12-3-
6:C, because the overall Water Tower site is secured by a 6 ft. fence with razor wire at the top, the
ground-based equipment is set over 200 ft. away from the public right of way, and the Village's
Public Works Department has specifically supported such waiver to ensure that Village staff have
clear access to the on-site public utilities; and
WHEREAS, because this is an unmanned facility and given that they expect no more than
one maintenance -related vehicular trip per month to/from the site, the Applicants are also seeking a
complete waiver from the parking requirements and are proposing to add no parking spaces to the
site; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant made a presentation on the proposed elevations and preliminary
landscaping to the Appearance Commission on May 7, 2017 and the Commission voted
unanimously to support an Appearance Certificate for the development; and
WHEREAS, the application was reviewed by the Chairperson of the Traffic Safety
Commission ("TSC") and he determined the proposal would have an insignificant negative impact
and waived the full TSC review per authority in Section 12-16-4:A.2.; and
WHEREAS, as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public
hearing relative to the above referenced case on May 21, 2018, at which all concerned parties were
given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration by the Plan
Commission; and
WHEREAS, as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain
recommendations and conditions through a report dated June 4, 2018, a copy of which is attached
hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and
find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code,
this Special Use for an Amusement Use for Antenna and antenna support structures at 6042 Oakton
Street shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set herein.
SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS
clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as
hereinabove set forth:
SECTION 2: The property located at 6042 Oakton Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is
hereby granted a Special Use Permit for an Antenna and antenna support structures, to establish the
required number of parking spaces at 0 and approve a waiver from the screening requirements at
that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the
owners/lessees, occupants, and users of this property, their successors, and assigns for the duration
of the special use:
1. The site shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting documents
in the application, identified in this report and/or presented at the Public Hearing, including
the following:
A. Sheet C-1, Site Location Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018;
B. Sheet C-2, Developed Site plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14,
C. Sheet C-3, Enlarged Site Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018;
D. Sheet C-4, Site Civil, Ice Bridge & Foundation Details, prepared by Gregory J Surh,
dated February 14, 2018;
E. Sheet C-5, Site Civil and Dog House Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14, 2018;
F. Sheet C-6, Typical Fence Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14,
G. Sheet EP -1, Skid Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018;
H. Sheet EP -2, Skid Conduit Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14;
I. Sheet EP -3, Platform-Elev View, prepared by Gregory J Surh, dated February 14,
J. Sheet EP -4, Platform -Elev View, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14,
K. Sheet A-1, Tower Elevation, Antenna Information, Notes and Details, prepared by
Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018;
L. Sheet A-2, Antenna Equipment Information, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14,2018;
M. Sheet A-3, Antenna Equipment Information, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14, 2018;
N. Sheet Si, Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14,
O. Sheet S2, Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14,
P. Sheet S3, Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14,
Sheet S4, Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14,
R. Sheet S5, Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon engineering, dated February 14,
S. Sheet E-1, Utility Plan and General Notes, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14, 2018;
T. Sheet E-2, Enlarged Utility Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14,
U. Sheet E-3, Electrical and Telco Utility Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14, 2018
V. Sheet E-4, Enlarged Grounding Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February
14, 2018;
W. Sheet E-5, Skid grounding Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14,
X. Sheet E-6, Ground and Schematic Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14, 2018;
Y. Sheet E-7, Grounding Schematics and Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated
February 14, 2018; and
Z. Sheet E-8, Grounding Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018
2. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall file all necessary building
permits and plans, including site engineering plans, for review and approval
3. This special use permit shall not become effective until the final lease agreement between
the Village and Verizon Wireless has approved and fully executed by both parties.
SECTION 3: The special use is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users of this
property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated.
SECTION 4: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent
records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and
amended hereunder.
SECTION 5: The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton
Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable.
SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,
approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law and after the approval and full
execution of the lease agreement between the Applicant and the Village.
PASSED this 13th day of September 2018.
Trustee Grear
Trustee Minx
Trustee Ramos
Trustee Travis
Trustee Thill
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 13th day of September 2018.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this
14th day of September 2018
Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Community & Economic Development Department MORTON GROVE
Incredibly Close =( Amazingly Open
To: Village President and Board of Trustees
From: Steven Blonz, Chairperson, Plan Commission
Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic Development Director
Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner
Date: June 4, 2018
Re: Plan Commission Case PC18-08: Request for a Special Use Permit for Antenna
and Antenna Support Structures, in accordance with Section 12-4-4:E. and 12-
3-6 of the Unified Development Code (Ordinance 07-07) at 6042 Oakton Street
Commission Report
Public Notice
The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice for the May 21, 2018 Plan Commission public
hearing for PC 18-08 in accordance with the Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press published
the public notice on May 3, 2018, and the Village notified surrounding property owners via mail on
May 4, 2018 and placed a public notice sign on the subject property on May 11, 2018.
Property Overview
The 5,584 sq. ft. acre subject property at6042 Oakton Street is a municipally owned parcel, located at
the rear of two other parcels on the north side of Oakton Street. The subject property is within the
M2 General Manufacturing District is in improved with the Village's south water tower and currently
includes antennas and ground equipment for Sprint Wireless. The immediate surrounding properties
to the north east and west are zoned M2 and improved with manufacturing/industrial buildings. The
properties to the south are located in Skokie and are also improved with manufacturing/industrial
buildings and uses.
Location/Context Map
Overview of the Application
Insite, Inc., on behalf of the Verizon Wireless ("Applicants'), has filed an application for a special use
permit for Antenna and Antenna Support Structures at 6042 Oakton Avenue, a municipally -owned
parcel which includes the Village's south water tower. The Village and Verizon have entered into a
lease agreement for the proposed antennas and support structures, subject to the review and
approval of the special use application.
Verizon is proposing to install nine antennas on the top of the 123 ft. water tower. Each antenna will
be approximately 7 ft. in height and when mounted onto of the tower, will have an overall height
(tower and accessory antennas) of 130 ft. Verizon is also proposing to install ground-based
equipment including a generator and conduit routing stations. The ground-based equipment will be 9
ft. in height and will cover an overall area of approximately 720 sq. ft. The ground-based equipment
will be located in the northwest corner of the site. The overall water tower area is secured with an
existing 6 ft. chain link fence. Because the ground -equipment is located away from the public right of
way and abuts other manufacturing/industrial uses, the Applicants are requesting a waiver to the
screening requirements, required per Section 12-3-6:C. The Department of Public Works supports
their requested waiver as any additional fencing or landscaping around the ground-based equipment
would impede the staffs ability to access the on-site public utilities.
Because this is an unmanned facility and given that they expect no more than one maintenance -
related vehicular trip per month to/from the site, the Applicants are also seeking a complete waiver
from the parking requirements and are proposing to add no parking spaces to the site.
May 21, 2018 Public Hearing
At the May 21, 2018 Public Hearing, Mr. Dominick Argumedo, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner,
introduced the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated May 15, 2018, which
was entered into the public record in its entirety.
Chairperson Blonz asked Commission Members if they had questions for Staff.
Commissioner Shimanski asked if the fence is for visual aesthetics or for protection of the equipment
and to protect the Village from Liability. Mr. Argumedo noted that the requirement for a fence is
under a the Code Section entitled, "SCREENING," which is Section 12-3-6:C, and that section includes
bushes or hedges as allowed substitutes. As such, the provision is for visual aesthetics and not
The applicant, Mark Layne representing Insite, was sworn in.
Chairperson Blonz questioned the name on the drawings of the proposed location, "Lehigh and
Howard". Mr. Layne explained that is how the engineers labeled it and has no bearing on the
location. Engineers in this field will often label a location in the earliest conceptions and continue with
a name/title for a project, even if the location is not 100% correct.
Mr. Layne continued and explained there is already a fence around the water tower site, and it is his
understanding that Public Works has stated that installing another fence around the ground-based
equipment would hinder their access to the public facilities.
Chairperson Blonz asked if the diesel generator creates noise and if it is dangerous. Mr. Layne stated
that it is relatively quiet and is only operated at certain hours. Verizon is a 911 provider and they have
to be able to maintain service in the event of a power failure. It is similar to the size of a refrigerator
and completely enclosed with locked doors.
Chairperson Blonz asked about the height of the tower including the antennas and does it require
lights. Mr. Layne stated that the antenna at the center will be at 125 ft. and the FM requirement is
that anything over 250 ft. needs to be registered, unless the location is close to the airport.
Commissioner Gabriel asked if there were any cases where there were no fences at all around
ground-based equipment. Mr. Layne stated, yes, in Hoffman Estates there is a location in a
residential neighborhood with only trees surrounding it.
Chairperson Blonz asked if there was anyone present that wanted to be heard.
Hearing no one, Chairperson Blonz called for a motion to approve Case PC 18-08.
Commissioner Gabriel moved to approve Case PC 18-08, request for a Special Use Permit for Antenna
and antenna support structures, in accordance with Section 12-4-4:E, to allow for Antenna and
Antenna support structures at 6042 Oakton Ave, to establish the required number of parking spaces
at 0 and to approve a waiver for fence screening materials, with the following conditions:
1. The site shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting
documents in the application, identified in this report and/or presented at the Public Hearing,
including the following:
A. Site Location Plan, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-1:
B. Developed Site Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-2
C. Enlarged Site Plan, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-3
D. Site Civil, Ice Bridge & Foundation Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Surh, dated February
14, 2018, Sheet C-4
E. Site Civil and Dog House Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet C-5
F. Typical Fence Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet C-6
G. Skid Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -1
H. Skid Conduit Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -2
I. Platform-Elev View, prepared by Gregory 3 Surh, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -3
J. Platform —Elev View, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet EP -4
K. Tower Elevation, Antenna Information, Notes and Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr,
dated February 14, 2018, Sheet A-1
L. Antenna Equipment Information, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14,
2018,Sheet A-2
M. Antenna Equipment Information, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet A-3
N. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S1
0. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S2
P. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S3
Q. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon Engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S4
R. Structural Drawings, prepared by Dixon engineering, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet S5
S. Utility Plan and General Notes, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet E-1 8
T. Enlarged Utility Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet E-2 u.
Electrical and Telco Utility Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet E-3
U. Enlarged Grounding Plan, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet
V. Skid grounding Layout, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet E-5
W. Ground and Schematic Details, prepared by Gregory J Suhr, dated February 14, 2018,
Sheet E-6
X. Grounding Schematics and Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14,
2018, Sheet E-7
Y. Grounding Details, prepared by Gregory 3 Suhr, dated February 14, 2018, Sheet E-8
2. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the Applicants shall file all necessary building
permits and plans, including final site engineering plans, for review and approval.
3. Prior to commencement of any work on the site, the final lease agreement shall be approved
and fully executed by both the Village and Verizon.
Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion and the Commission voted to recommend approval of the
application 6-0 (Khan absent).
Legislative Summary
Resolution 18-45
or Groups Affected:
Fiscal Impact:
Source of Funds:
Workload Impact:
Second Reading:
Special Considerations
or Requirements:
Respectfully submitted:
Prepared by
August 13, 2018
To authorize the Village President to approve a contract between the Morton Grove
Police Department and Chicago Communications for the removal and replacement of
obsolete radio, internal controls and E911 equipment, the setup of a temporary work
station during renovation and to provide new office furniture in the front desk/radio
room area of the Police Department. The room will gain valuable workspace and
improve workflow which will improve customer service at our front desk.
The Police Department currently maintains a front desk area to assist the public and
provide a safe location to await police service. The front desk is staffed by personnel
who assist walk-ins, answer non -emergency calls, monitor radio traffic, monitor
prisoners and provide office support to officers. The Police Department's current
equipment in that area, a Motorola two -position Centracom II radio and E911 console
is obsolete and no longer used as the primary communications system, but the Police
Department needs to retain the capability to monitor and transmit on certain VHF
radio channels and operate various door controls, intercoms and panic alarms
throughout the Village.
Police Department
A total not to exceed $109,000.00
Police Department Budget and Seizure Fund Budgets
Public Works will assist in floor, cabinetry and shelving removal and refinish floor
walls and ceiling. The IT Department will assist in workstation relocation.
Approval as presented.
Not Required
h E.'Czerwinski, Vill
e Administrator
Reviewed by:
Chief Michael Simo " Teresa Hof an Liston, Corporation Counsel
WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home
rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of
Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to government affairs, including
but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and
WHEREAS, the Police Department utilizes its radio room to assist walk-ins, answer non-
emergency phone calls, monitor radio traffic, monitor prisoners, and provide office support to officers;
WHEREAS, the Police Department's current equipment, Motorola two -position Centracom II
radio and E911 console is obsolete and no longer used as the primary communications system, but the
Police Department needs to retain the capability to monitor and transmit on certain VHF channels and
operate various door controls, intercoms and panic alarms throughout the Village; and
WHEREAS, the Police Department developed a Request for Proposal (RFP) for removal of the
obsolete radio and E911 equipment located in the Police Department's radio room, setup a temporary
work station during renovation, replace obsolete equipment and install new equipment and furniture in
the Radio Room and office area adjacent to it; and
WHEREAS, a legal notice inviting vendors to submit proposals for the removal of the obsolete
radio and E911 equipment located in the Police Department's radio room, setup temporary work
station during renovation, replace obsolete equipment and install new equipment and furniture was
published May 7, 2018 on the Village's website; and
WHEREAS, on Friday, June 22, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., proposals were received and subsequently
publicly opened and read in the Office of the Finance Director, 6101 Capulina Ave, Morton Grove, IL
60053; and
WHEREAS, all proposals were evaluated on quality and completeness of solution, near-term
and long-term costs, and vendor qualifications; and
WHEREAS, The Chief of Police, Michael Simo; Deputy Chief, Norman Stromberg and
Support Services Manager, Gil Santiago conducted vendor and product interviews and evaluations;
WHEREAS, the Police Department staff continued to revise and explore alternative scenarios
with the vendors to achieve a quality and financially -sound solution; and
WHEREAS, based on the evaluations conducted by Police Department Staff it has been
determined Chicago Communications of Elmhurst, Illinois has submitted the most cost effective
proposal which adequately addresses the needs identified and the requirements specified in the RFP
document; and
WHEREAS, Police Department Staff recommends the Corporate Authorities award a contract
to Chicago Communications of Elmhurst, Illinois for the radio room's obsolete equipment removal,
replacement and furniture.
SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS
clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as
hereinabove set forth.
SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to
execute, and the Village Clerk to attest, a contract with Chicago Communications, 200 Spangler
Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois, 60126, not to exceed the amount of $109,000.00 based upon their proposal
for the "Removal/Replacement of Obsolete Radio and 911 Equipment".
SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and/or his designees are authorized to take all steps
necessary to finalize negotiations for said contract and implement its terms and conditions.
SECTION 4: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and
PASSED THIS 13th day of August 2018
Trustee Grear
Trustee Minx
Trustee Ramos
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED BY ME THIS 13`h day of August 2018
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
This 14th day of August 2018
Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove
Cook County, Illinois
Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski
Chief M. Simo
Request for Proposal (RFP) to Remodel the From Desk Area of the Police
Date: August 9, 2018
As you know, in June 2018 the police department issued a Request for Proposal to remodel the
front desk area of the police department. See the attached memo on this subject for further
background information.
Two vendors submitted proposals for the project:
Chicago Communications of Elmhurst IL, and
Radicom Inc. of McHenry IL.
The proposals were reviewed and analyzed among the police department senior staff with the
assistance of village IT Manager Boyle Wong.
A series of meetings were held with representatives of Chicago Communications and Radicom
so that we could fully understand their proposals. Following these meetings, they were asked to
refine their proposals further with the main purpose being the elimination of the control
workstation at the Records window, which we no longer believe is necessary.
The final cost figures for each proposal are as follows:
Chicago Communications
In the Chicago Communications proposal there are
options costing up to 58,661.88 that we may need to
consider as a contingency during the project for an
approximate total of:
After much consideration among police department staff we prefer the design and proposal
submitted by Chicago Communications for this project, as it is more user friendly, better fits our
needs and is the lowest price.
We are requesting a resolution granting permission to enter into an agreement with Chicago
Communications for this project (their Amended Proposal dated August 8, 2018— attached) for
an amount not to exceed $109,000.00.
Regarding funding, we originally budgeted $20,000.00 in the Police Department Budget, and
$76,000.00 in the Seizure Fund Budget for this project. The Seizure Fund figure was a
"placeholder" amount as we had not yet issued the RFP. With the final figures now in, we will
need $89,000.00 from the Seizure Fund instead. There are sufficient funds in this account to
cover the cost of the project.
Also note that the following costs (not part of the RFP) will be taken from the Seizure Fund as
well, in order to complete this project.
New Door: $1,997.53
New Carpeting $950.00
Front window uraphics $787.12
Total $3,734.65
Thanks for your consideration.
Communications LLC
Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale
1. Scope. Chicago Communications LLC ("Seller") will sell to the Village of Morton Grove
("Customer"), and Customer will purchase from Seller, the equipment, parts, software, or services
related to the equipment (e.g. installation) described in Seller's Equipment List and Statement of Work
(SOW) dated August 8, 2018 ("Proposal"). These terms and conditions, together with the
Proposal, comprise the "Agreement." Customer may indicate its acceptance of this Agreement by
signing below or by issuing a purchase order that refers to either the Proposal or to a Customer
solicitation to which the Proposal responds. Only these terns and conditions apply to the transaction,
notwithstanding any inconsistent or additional terns and conditions contained in the purchase order or
Customer solicitation.
2. Price and Payment Terms. The Contract Price is U.S. $99,624.45 ($108,286.33 with options)
exclusive of applicable sales, use, or similar taxes and freight. Chicago Communications LLC ordering
procedures and Payment Terms are enclosed. Customer will make payments to Seller within thirty (30)
days after the invoice date. All freight charges will be pre -paid by Seller and added to the invoices,
when applicable. Title and risk of loss to equipment or parts will pass to Customer upon shipment.
Seller will pack and ship all equipment, parts or software in accordance with good commercial practices.
45% - AT Time of Contract
25% - Upon Delivery
20% - Upon Installation
10% - Upon System Acceptance or Beneficial Use
3. Software. Any software owned by a third party ("Non -Chicago Communications LLC
Software") is licensed to Customer in accordance with the standard license, terms, and restrictions of the
copyright owner unless the owner has granted to Seller the right to sublicense such software. Seller
makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding such Software.
4. Express Limited Warranty and Warranty Disclaimer. All Third Party Equipment is warranted
under manufacturers warranty for a period in accordance with the Proposal. Seller warrants that the
equipment and parts under normal use and service are free from material defects in material and
worlcmanship. These warranties do not apply to: defects or damage resulting from use of the equipment
in other than its normal, customary, and authorized manner; defects or damage occurring from misuse,
accident, liquids, neglect, or acts of God; defects or damage occurring from testing, maintenance,
disassembly, repair, installation, alteration, modification, or adjustment not provided or authorized in
writing by Seller; breakage of or damage to antennas unless caused directly by defects in material or
Village of Morton Grove
Police Department
Chicago Communications ,LLC Confidential Restricted
June 22, 2018
Use or disclosure of this proposal is subject
to the restrictions on the cover page.
workmanship; defects or damage caused by Customer's failure to comply with all applicable industry
and OSHA standards; equipment that has had the serial number removed or made illegible; freight costs
to ship equipment or parts to the repair depot; scratches or other cosmetic damage to equipment surfaces
that does not affect the operation of the equipment; and normal or customary wear and tear. These
express limited warranties are extended by Seller to the original user purchasing the products for
commercial, industrial, or govermnental use only, and are not assignable or transferable. If Customer
gives notice of a valid warranty claim before the expiration of the warranty period, Seller will (at its
option and at no additional charge to Customer) repair the defective product or replace it with the same
or equivalent product. Such action will be the full extent of Seller's liability hereunder. Repaired or
replaced product is warranted for the balance of the original applicable Warranty Period. All replaced
products or parts will become the property of Seller. THESE WARRANTIES ARE THE COMPLETE
5. Structural Standards. Customer will provide for, if required, structural analysis and engineering
for tower and / or building loading for the sites identified or used for this project. Any required structural
analysis and subsequent work as a result of, will be the responsibility of the Customer. Customer
warrants that the selected tower and/or building sites current engineered design is structurally sound and
that the modifications being made are within the documented design capabilities. Chicago
Communications and Subcontractor will assess the integrity of the existing tower and building
structures, identify any risk factors associated with the work to be conducted, and specify any necessary
structural changes prior to commencement of work, following industrial standards established by the
Telecommunications Industry Association.
• TIA 222-G Structural Standard for Antenna Supporting Structures and Antennas.
TIA 1019-A Standard for Installation, Alteration and Maintenance of Antenna Supporting
Structures and Antennas.
6. Delays and Disputes. Neither party will be liable for its non-performance or delayed
performance if caused by an event, circumstance, or act of a third party that is beyond a party's
reasonable control (a "Force Majeure"). Each party will notify the other if it becomes aware of a Force
Majeure that will significantly delay perfonnance.
The parties will try to settle any dispute arising from this Agreement (except for a claim relating to
intellectual property or breach of confidentiality provisions) through good faith negotiations. If
necessary, the parties will escalate the dispute to their appropriate higher-level managers. If negotiations
fail, the parties will jointly select a mediator to mediate the dispute and will share equally the mediation
costs. Neither party will assert a breach of this Agreement without first giving the other party written
notice and a thirty (30) day period to cure the alleged breach.
7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Except for property damage, personal injury or death, Seller's
total liability, whether for breach of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort, or otherwise,
will be limited to the direct damages recoverable under law, but not to exceed the purchase price of the
products or services for which losses or damages are claimed. SELLER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR
June 22. 2018
Use or disclosure of this proposal is subject
to the restrictions on the cover page.
12-22 Chicago Communications , LLC Confidential Restricted
Village of Morton Grove
Police Department
Agreement or otherwise relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement may be brought
more than one year after the accrual of such cause of action. This limitation of liability will survive the
expiration or termination of this Agreement.
8. Confidential Information and Preservation of Proprietary Rights. If any information marked
"Confidential" is provided by one party to the other, the receiving party will maintain the confidentiality
of such information and not disclose it to any third party; take necessary and appropriate precautions to
protect such information; and use such information only to further the performance of this Agreement.
Confidential information is and shall remain the property of the disclosing party, and no grant of
proprietary rights as it relates to the confidential information is given or intended to be given to the
Customer by the Seller. Any copyright owner of Software, and any third party manufacturer own and
retain all of their respective proprietary rights in the equipment, parts and software, and nothing herein is
intended to restrict their proprietary rights. This Agreement does not grant any right, title or interest in
Seller's or Third Party proprietary rights, or a license under any patent or patent application.
9. Non -solicitation. During the term of this Agreement and continuing for a period of two (2)
years thereafter, Customer will not hire, engage on contract, solicit the employment of, or recommend
employment to any third party of any employee of CHICOMM or its subcontractors without the prior
written authorization of CHICOMM. This provision applies only to those employees of CHICOMM or
its subcontractors who are responsible for rendering services under this Agreement. If this provision is
found to be overly broad under applicable law, it will be modified as necessary to conform to applicable
10. Government Contracting Information. CHICOMM and subcontractor shall abide by the
requirements of 41 CFR §§ 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and 60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit
discrimination against qualified individuals based on their status as protected veterans or individuals
with disabilities, and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin. Moreover, these regulations require that
covered prime contractors and subcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in
employment individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
national origin, protected veteran status or disability. CHICOMM and subcontractor shall abide by the
employee notice requirements set forth in 29 CFR Part 471, Appendix A to Subpart A.
11. Miscellaneous. Each party will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws,
regulations and rules concerning the performance of this Agreement or use of the products. Customer
will obtain and comply with all FCC licenses and authorizations required for the installation, operation
and use of the products. This Agreement and the rights and duties of the parties will be governed by and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State in which the products are installed. This Agreement,
and the Proposal, the ordering procedures, and the Payment Terms, constitute the entire agreement of the
parties regarding this transaction, supersede all previous agreements and proposals relating to this
subject matter, and may be amended only by a written instrument executed by both parties. Seller is not
making, and Customer is not relying upon, any representation or warranty except those expressed
herein. There are no certifications or commitments binding Seller applicable to this transaction unless
they are in writing and signed by an authorized signatory of Seller.
Village of Morton Grove
Police Department
June 22, 2018
Use or disclosure of this proposal is subject
to the restrictions on the cover page.
""ink* •"'••• Chicago Communications , LLC Confidential Restricted 12-23
Seller: Customer:
By: Chicago Communications, LLC By:
Name and Title: Cindy Glashagel Name and Title:
Date: Date:
Signature Signature
June 22, 2018
Use or disclosure of this proposal is subject
to the restrictions on the cover page.
Village of Morton Grove
Police Department
Chicago Communications ,LLC Confidential Restricted'a'°^<-•