HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-14 AgendaMORTON GROVE Incredibly Close -' Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM May 14, 2018 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7.00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting — April 23, 2018 8. Special Reports 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report—Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal Conference, Strategic Plan Committee a. Proclamation — Andy DeMonte Day — May 18, 2018 12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Building Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Police Facility Committee, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Minx) 1) Resolution 18-28 (Introduced May 14, 2018) Authorizing the Annual July 4 Parade and Closure of Dempster Street 2) Resolution 18-29 (Introduced May 14, 2018) Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Village and the Morton Grove Park District Regarding the Operations and Responsibilities for the 2018 Morton Grove Days Event b. Trustee Minx — Capital Projects, Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board, Public Works Department, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear) 1) Resolution 18-30 (Introduced May 14, 2018) Authorizing the Acceptance of a Material Proposal from Builders Asphalt, LLC for the 2018 Material Purchasing Program - Asphalt 2) Resolution 18-31 (Introduced May 14, 2018) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Riddiford Roofing Company to Replace the Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Along with Tuck -Pointing and Brick Replacement c. Trustee Ramos — Appearance Commission, Environmental Health, IT Legal Department (Trustee Travis) d. Trustee Thill — Advisory Commission on Aging, Emergency Management Agency, Family and Senior Services Department, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, SWANCC (Trustee Witko) e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Finance Advisory Commission, Finance Department (Trustee Ramos) 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) f. Trustee Witko — Economic Development Commission, Farmers' Market, Fire and Police Commission, NIPSTA, Police Department, Police Pension Board, Water Commission (Trustee Thill) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants $1,168,263.86 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE ICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER APRIL 23, 2018 CALL TO ORDER I – Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 pm. V. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, Ed Ramos, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 9, 2018, Trustee Thill moved to accept the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. VIII. 1. a. b. SPECIAL REPORTS Swearing In of New Firefighter Paramedic Craig J. Lubrano Fire and Police Commission Chairman Mike Simkins introduced the Village's newest firefighter/ paramedic, Craig Lubrano, and provided some background information. Craig began his employment with the Village on April 9 and started his firefighter training at the NIPSTA Fire Academy on April 16. He was raised in Arlington Heights, graduated from Buffalo Grove High School, and after a year at Harper College, enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he was trained as a Machine Gunner and achieved the rank of a Sergeant (E-5) before his honorable discharge. Craig then returned to Harper College to continue his education and is working toward his associate's degree in Business. As a firefighter and future paramedic, Craig will be following in his parents' footsteps—his dad is a retired Des Plaines Firefighter/Paramedic and his mom is a Registered Nurse. In his spare time, Craig enjoys going to the gym, running, and spending time with his family and friends. Craig and Chairman Simkins were joined at the podium for the official swearing in ceremony by a close family friend of Craig's, Mayor DiMaria, Fire Chief Frank Rogers, and Trustee Liaison John Thill. Craig was warmly welcomed by the Board and assemblage at the conclusion of the ceremony. inutes of April 23, 2018 Board Meeting IX. X. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor DiMaria presented Resolution 18-24, Appointing a Director and Alternate Director to the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC). Mayor DiMaria noted that, as a member of SWANCC, Morton Grove is entitled to appoint a Director every two years to serve on the Agency's Board. The Board of Directors approves the yearly budget for the Agency and sets policy for the region's long-term plan to manage the area's garbage. This Resolution authorizes Trustee John Till to serve as the Village's Director and Trustee Janine Witko and Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski to serve as its Alternate Directors. Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion to approve Resolution 18-24. Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. ThiII Lyg Tr. Minx Tr. Travis Tr. Ramos Tr. Witko kya 2. Next, Mayor DiMaria presented Resolution 18-25, Authorizing the Appointment of a Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). a. Mayor DiMaria said that IRMA requires the Village to adopt a resolution to designate its representatives to this agency. This Resolution will appoint Village Administrator Czerwinski as the Risk Manager and Assistant to the Village Administrator Tom Friel as the Alternate Delegate to IRMA. Mayor DiMaria sought a motion to approve this Resolution. Trustee Minx made the motion to approve Resolution 18-25, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill kys Tr. Minx Tr. Travis gyg Tr. Ramos Tr. Witko Rya tyg 3. Mayor DiMaria then presented Resolution 18-27, Authorizing the Appointment of Delegates to the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative (IPBC). Mayor DiMaria noted that Resolution 18-26 on tonight's Agenda had been withdrawn. 2 XI. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) a. Mayor DiMaria explained that the Village has been a member of the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative for many years. Delegates are needed to represent the Village in IPBC matters. This Resolution designates Assistant to the Village Administrator Friel and Finance Director/Treasurer Hanna Sullivan as the Village's representatives. Trustee Witko moved to approve Resolution 18-27, seconded by Trustee Travis. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx afire Tr. Thili Ayg Tr. Travis are Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Witko ays 4. Mayor DiMaria announced that he has a proclamation honoring the Glenview Squares Dance Club's 65th anniversary that he will personally deliver on Friday at their meeting. 5. Mayor DiMaria congratulated Firefighter James Hosfield, who is retiring after over 30 years of service to the Village. He thanked him on behalf of the Board and the Village for his service. 6. Mayor DiMaria asked everyone to support our veterans during this year's Poppy Days. Poppy Days will be May 17, 18, and 19, and members of American Legion Post 134 will be on corners from 7am to 6pm collecting money to support veterans. Mayor DiMaria encouraged people to donate to this cause, noting that our veterans have put their lives on the line for us. 7. Mayor DiMaria announced that the next Neighborhood Outreach would take place on Thursday, May 17, 2018 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Center, 6140 Dempster. He said this is a great opportunity to learn more about what's happening in the Village, to meet the elected officials and department heads, and to discuss issues and concerns one-on-one with the appropriate individuals. XII. XIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Harford had no report this evening. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Mr. Czerwinski had no report this evening. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report this evening. 3 inutes of April 23, 2018 Board Meeting', XIV. A. Trustee Grear: 1. Trustee Grear presented for a first reading Ordinance 18-05, Amending Title 5, Chapter 9, Section 9, Entitled "Municipal Parking Zones" and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 3 Entitled "Time Limit Parking Zones" of the Municipal Code of the Village. TRUSTEES' REPORTS a. He explained that a new parking restriction is needed for the municipal parking zone on the east side of Major Avenue north of Dempster, and a technical deficiency needs to be corrected in the municipal parking zone on the west side of Major Avenue north of Dempster. b. The Village constructed a new municipal parking zone on the east side of Major Avenue north of Dempster in 2017. Other municipal parking zones along Dempster have an overnight parking restriction. Public Works needs the restriction to allow a time for street sweeping, leaf removal, and snow removal. Village staff reviewed the Municipal Code for existing parking restrictions in the municipal parking zone on the west side of Major Avenue north of Dempster and discovered an inconsistency between the existing parking regulations and the signage currently in place. c. The Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the request for a new parking restriction as well as a request to correct the technical deficiency at their meeting on April 12, 2018. The Commission recommended restricting parking in the municipal parking zone on the east side of Major Avenue between Dempster Street and the first alley north between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., and to delete the existing 90 -minute parking restriction in the municipal parking zone on the west side of Major Avenue between Dempster Street and the first alley north. Trustee Grear said that, as this is the first reading of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this evening. 2. Trustee Grear noted that Morton Grove Days would be holding a pancake breakfast fundraiser— $6 for all you can eat—from 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 12, at the Civic Center. Funds raised will be used to support the "Santa Clause Coming to Town" event. Trustee Grear added that volunteers are needed for the Morton Grove Days fest, and encouraged people to contact Eric and Melanie Brodsky at 847-461-8689 for more information on volunteering. He also suggested that Morton Grove businesses and organizations consider joining the parade, commenting that it's a great way to promote your business or organization. For more information, contact Parade Coordinators Terri Cousar and Pat Zmolek at 847-638-2706. B. Trustee Minx: 1. Trustee Minx presented for a first reading Ordinance 18-06, Approving a Minor Amendment to Special Use Permits (Ord. 01-06, Ord. 05-08, and Ord. 13-14) to Allow for a Short -Term Public Utility and Public Service Use at 6301 Oakton Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. a. She noted that, in February 2001, the Board approved a special use permit application for Menard's to allow for the construction of an outdoor sales and storage area as part of a new home improvement center at 6301 Oakton. The Board subsequently granted an amendment to that special use in June 2005 to expand the outdoor sales area, and an additional special use permit in August 2013 for an Automobile Service Station Use to allow for a propane fueling station. 4 XIV TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Minutes of April 23, 2018 Board Meeting B. Trustee Minx: c. DiMeo Brothers, a contractor hired by the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission, and Menards have now filed an application for a minor amendment to the previously approved special use permit for a short-term Public Utility and Public Service Use on the eastern unimproved outlot of the 23.38 acre site. DiMeo and Menards have entered into a one-year lease, through March 31, 2019, to allow DiMeo to utilize a portion of the 5.7 acre outlot as a storage yard to support the construction of a new water supply system for the Villages of Morton Grove and Niles. The approval of this short-term Public Utility Use would not change the intent of the previously approved special use permit, as the storage yard would have its own dedicated vehicular access and parking, and would not impact the operations of the Menards facility. d. The area disturbed by this short-term use will be restored in accordance with the approved site plans and conditions of the previously approved special use. e. Trustee Minx pointed out that Section 12-16-4-B of the Unified Development Code allows for minor amendments of existing special use permits upon the review by the Building Commissioner or his/her designated special use signee, the Plan Commission chairperson, Village Administrator, and Corporate Counsel. The submitted application and plans have been reviewed by all the required staff members, in consultation with the Fire and Public Works Departments, and the Acting Plan Commission Chairperson, and it has been determined that this requested amendment is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original special use permits. f. Trustee Minx noted that the applicants have requested the Village to waive the second reading of this Ordinance. She therefore moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 18-06, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill Tr. Minx Tr. Travis Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Witko aye Trustee Minx then moved to adopt Ordinance 18-06. Trustee Grear seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill Tr. Minx Tr. Travis C. Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos had no report this evening. aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Witko aye 5 Minutes of April 23, 2018 Board Meeting' XIV. D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no report this evening. E. Trustee Travis: TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 1. Trustee Travis said the Morton Grove Community Artist Performance, "Beyond Variety," sponsored by the Community Relations Commission, held on Saturday, April 14, at the Civic Center, was quite a success, with about 150 people in attendance. Featured artists included the St. Martha Parish Choir, Morton Grove Women Who Drink Tea, Glenview Squares, Chicago Mask Ensemble, Ruben Zapata, Nicholas Barron, Emily Whitmore, Wandiann, Ginny Ching -Yin Lo, and others. Trustee Travis noted that the next Community Artist Performance event will be held on Sunday, October 21, 2018. 2. Trustee Travis reminded the assemblage that the Community Relations Commission's Spring Photo contest began April 1 and runs through June 1. More information can be found on the Village's website. 3. Trustee Travis said that the Community Relations Commission is once again sponsoring the Adopt a Planter Program, which is open to individuals, families, businesses, and other groups. Anyone interested in adopting a planter needs to sign up by May 11; forms are available on the Village's website or at Village Hall. The Village provides each participant with a starter kit of approved plants, a name card, and instructions. The initial plantings will take place on June 9. Participants may incorporate additional plants at their expense. Participants will take care of their planter until October, although the Village will water the planters weekly. Photos of planters will appear on the Village website and Facebook page. F. Trustee Witko: 1. Trustee Witko reminded everyone that the Farmers' Market will be open on Saturday, May 12, for a Pre -Mother's Day Market at the Civic Center from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The regular season for the Market starts on Saturday, June 9, and continues through October 20. a. Trustee Witko encouraged residents to become a "Friend of the Market." She said people can learn more about supporting the Morton Grove Farmers Market on their website: http://mgfarmersmarket.com/markeffriends. XV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Trustee Thill noted that the Village and SWANCC are teaming up for a document destruction and small electronics recycling event, scheduled for May 19 at the Civic Center from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Just drive up in your vehicle and volunteers will unload your recyclables! 6 XV. OTHER BUSINESS (continued) 2. Mayor DiMaria wished his daughter Leah a very happy birthday! XVI. XVII. XVIII. WARRANTS Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for April 23, 2018 in the amount of $401,765.31. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Witko seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill sys Tr. Minx Tr. Travis sys RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE ADJOURNMENT Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. ThiII su sys Tr. Minx Tr. Travis The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. fl Lys Tr. Ramos Tr. Witko sys sys Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Witko a��e 7 inutes of.April ,23, 2018 Board Meeting PASSED this 14th day of May, 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 14th day of May, 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 15h day of May, 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 8 WHEREAS, the Village off Morton Grove would like to pay tribute and recognize Andy DeMonte for his countless contributions to the Village, its residents, and its Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, Andy joined the Department on September 23, x969, and has served with distinction throughout his illustrious career; and WHEREAS, his first assignment was in the Street Division as a street sweeper operator; and WHEREAS, he eventually moved to the Water/Sewer Division where he worked for several years in various roles; and WHEREAS, Andy eventually went back and worked in the Street Division until 198x when he was asked to fill a position as a Pumping Station Operator; and WHEREAS, Andy eventually became the Superintendent of the Pumping Stations and lacer the head of the Water/Sewer Division; and WHEREAS, Andy DeMonte was then appointed Director of Public Works in 2003; and WHEREAS, each promotion and assignment brought increased challenges, responsibilities, and duties which Andy has met with poise and professionalism, and a commitment to the mission of the Department as a whole; and WHEREAS, on May e8, 2ox8, after 49 years of dledicated service, Andy DeMonte will retire from the Village and his life as its Director of Public Works. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim May n8, 2018, as ANDY DE MONTE DAY in honor off Andy's service and dedication to the Morton Grove Public Works Department andl the Village of Morton Grove. It is only fitting a grateful community would honor this dedicated 49 year veteran employee who has given his strength of character in the hopes of making our wonderful community an overall better place to live, work, and raise our families. We therefore would also like to dedicate and honorarily rename Nagle Avenue south of Oakton Street as "Andy DeMonte Drive". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Legislative Summary Resolution 18-28 AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL JULY 4 PARADE AND CLOSURE OF DEMPSTER STREET Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: May 14, 2018 This resolution will authorize the 2018 July 4th Parade on Dempster Street which is scheduled to begin at 2:30pm on Wednesday, July 4, 2018. The Illinois Department of Transportation requires the Village adopt a resolution approving this closing which will either be partially or completely closed between Central and Lincoln Avenues from 2:OOpm to 4:30pm. The Village Engineer will file an application with the Illinois Department of Transportation for this street closing. The July 4 Parade is a Morton Grove tradition, and each year a resolution is developed authorizing the parade and as such assuming full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect along with all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of this said state route. Public Works—Placement of barricades and directional information Police Department—Enforcement and traffic control The overtime will vary depending on the associated above activities General Fund dollars will be used to support the manpower and equipment costs All Village Departments will provide their usual support for this activity Approval None required None Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: And Ralp E. Czerwinski, Vill Monte, Public Works Director e Administrator Reviewed by: Teresa Ho I 1. Sig/ % ston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 18-28 FOURTH OF JULY PARADE CLOSURE OF DEMPSTER STREET WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Days Commission is planning a parade as part of its annual celebration on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, at 2:30 pm; and WHEREAS, the parade will require the closing of Dempster Street, either partially or completely between Central Avenue and Lincoln Avenue from approximately 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois requires the Village to assume all responsibility and liability involved in closing of said State Route. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Public Works Director will file an application with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the closing of Dempster Street on Wednesday, July 4, 2018, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. SECTION 3: The Village will assume full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said State Route. It is further agreed that efficient, all weather detours will be maintained, conspicuously marked and judiciously police patrolled for the benefit of traffic deviated from the State Route. PASSED THIS 14th DAY of May 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 14th day of May 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 15th day of May 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 18-29 APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT REGARDING THE OPERATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE 2018 MORTON GROVE DAYS EVENT Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: May 14, 2018 To authorize a Memorandum of Understanding which will provide guidance in the planning and successful operation of the Morton Grove Days event to be held on June 30, 2018 through July 4, 2018. Through discussion with the Park District the request was made to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding Police, Administration, and Legal Departments None N/A Village staff, as part of their normal work activities will perform the management and implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding. Approval as presented. Not required. None. Respectfully Prepared and Submitted bif-14 y: h . C zerwinski,, ge Administrator RESOLUTION 18-29 APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT REGARDING THE OPERATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE 2018 MORTON GROVE DAYS EVENT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1, et seg., provides that any power or powers, privileges, or authority that may be exercised by a public agency may be exercised jointly with any other public agency; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Park District jointly plan on successfully operating the Morton Grove Days event which is scheduled to be held beginning on June 30, 2018, and running through July 4, 2018; and WHEREAS, this Memorandum of Understanding is intended to serve as an operational plan for both parties and shall also serve as a guideline for the event and each respective area of responsibility for activities related to the overall operation unless mutually agreed upon by both parties; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Park District have determined that entering into this Memorandum of Understanding is a cost-effective way to provide the necessary services required to put on an event of this magnitude for the community at large and will serve and be in the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator has negotiated and recommends the Village enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Morton Grove Park District for the 2018 Morton Grove Days Event; and WHEREAS either party may cancel the Memorandum of Understanding at any time for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Park District pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding attached hereto as Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: The Village Administrator from the Village and the Executive Director from the Park District and/or their appointed designees shall be representatives for their designed agencies and take all steps necessary to implement and manage the aforementioned Memorandum of Understanding. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. PASSED this 14th day of May 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 14th day of May 2018. APPROVED and FILED in my office this 15th day of May 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT REGARDING OPERATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE 2018 MORTON GROVE DAYS EVENT The parties hereby acknowledge this Memorandum of Understanding between the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Park District to provide a plan to successfully operate the Morton Grove Days event to be held beginning on June 30, 2018 and running through July 4, 2018. This Memorandum of Understanding shall serve as an operational plan for both parties and shall serve as a guideline regarding the details of the event and each respective area of responsibility for activities related to the operation of this event unless mutually agreed by both parties. Representatives will be for the Village its Village Administrator and for the Park District its Executive Director. 1. Dates of Event - The event shall begin on Saturday, June 30, 2018, and end on Wednesday, July 4, 2018. Site preparation and set up work is expected to begin on June 25 and clean-up work is expected to be concluded by July 7, 2018. See attached Exhibit "A" for a complete schedule of events. 2. Location - The event will take place at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center (Civic Center) located at 6140 Dempster Street and Harrer Park located at 6120 Dempster Street. See attached Exhibit "B" for a site plan. 3. Event Description - The 2018 Morton Grove Days festivities will be similar to previous years and shall include a parade, a carnival, live musical performances, food and beverage vendors, entertainment pavilion, and fireworks. 4. Scope of Responsibilities - A. Village a. Except as noted in Section B below, the Village shall be responsible for the planning and operation of the event, including but not limited to set-up, parking, security, traffic control, public safety, waste removal, and take down. o The Village shall, with input from the Park District, prepare an Emergency Plan, which shall include but shall not be limited to a plan for decision makers to determine whether to postpone portions of the Festival due to weather conditions and an emergency evacuation plan; • Activities shall include the service of food and alcoholic beverages. Liquor sales shall be restricted to the Entertainment Pavilion and the Village shall be responsible for complying with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances governing the purchase, sale, and delivery of alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to obtaining all permits and licenses required by the Illinois Liquor Control Act; and ® The Village shall obtain and make available to the Park District prior to the start of the event a certificate of insurance and policy endorsement from each independent contractor and/or vendor engaged to perform work or services on Park District property at the Morton Grove Days event. Examples of such contactors shall include but are not limited to, contractors/vendors who provide fireworks, site maintenance, M:\MG Days\2018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx B. private security, carnival rides, or other amusement devices. Said insurance shall meet the requirements described in the attached Exhibit "C". Park District. The Park District shall assist with the sales and marketing of the event by: • Jointly promoting the event with the Village in all its social media and print publications and display promotional materials and posters at the Prairie View Community Center, park field houses, and other facilities. Park District property used during or for the event includes: • The entire Harrer Park for the Fireworks Show on July 4, or in the case of rain the rescheduled date. NOTE: The pyrotechnic company will arrive at 9:OOam on July 4. The Village will hire a security detail for pyrotechnic duty; • The Harrer Park pool parking area from June 25 through July 7 for set-up, event operations, and take down/clean-up/removal operations; • The Harrer Park pool shower facilities for the marching bands on July 4; • The Prairie View Community Center for housing bands for the parade on July 4 or as mutually agreed; • The access road and grass area along the east fence line in Harrer Park from Lake Street south to the Civic Center for staff parking during the event; • The Harrer Park tennis court parking lot from June 30 through July 4; • Provide and install snow fencing around the Museum and Education Center; • The former MB property for carnival rides, amusement devices, and related equipment and activities beginning on June 25, 2018 and ending on July 5, 2018; and • The parking area along the west fence line in Harrer Park for dumpster storage during the event. Park District equipment to be used during or for the event includes: • The dumpster next to the south maintenance garage; • Power cables for main electric; • Long heavy extension cords; • Two (2) fuse panel carts; • Snow fencing and fence posts; • Thirty (30) metal garbage cans; • 4 x 4 Biljax risers with sixteen (16) 12" legs; • Eight (8) picnic tables; • A set of bleachers placed in front of the Civic Center for the parade on July 4; • A set of bleachers placed on the north side of the Museum for fireworks viewing; and • Type III barricades (to close pool lot entrance at Dempster Street). The Park District staff utilized during or for the event shall include: • Maintenance staff to assist with set-up and clean-up during normal work hours; • Maintenance staff shall place type III barricades (see above) near the pool lot drive at Dempster Street so event volunteers can close the drive on June 25; • One supervisor and three or four staff members on July 4 from 8:OOam to 4:OOpm to: o Set up barricades in the north lot by the playground; o Set up bleachers for the reviewing stand on Dempster Street; o Use staff vehicles to block off spots from dumpster to firing line south of garage; M:\NIG Days l2018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx a. b. c. d. o Deliver and setup barricades to front of the park and firing line on the west drive; o Move mowing trailer to school lot; o Move four (4) port -a -potties to the front of the Harrer Park pool building and two (2) port -a potties east of the tennis courts; o Distribute trash cans to the parade area and in the field; and o Set up barricaded areas of the field per police requests. • One supervisor and three or four staff members on July 4 from 4:OOpm to 12:OOam to: o Remove reviewing stand from Dempster Street; o Set up firing line; o Cover lighting detail at the Pavilion and Harrer Park pool (2 staff members); 0 o Move vehicles back into yard and garages; o Remain with pyro-technician until released by agreement by the Village and the Park District designated leadership (The Village will hire security detail for pyrotechnics area); and • One foreman and four or five members on July 5 from 7:OOam until dismissed by foreman to clean up park area. C. Both Agencies shall: a. Be responsible for paying all salaries, compensation and benefits for their employees, and shall be responsible for all injuries and workers' compensation claims of its respective employees; b. Be responsible for any loss or damage to its own equipment or property occurring during or because of the event; c. Indemnify and hold the other agency harmless for its negligent acts or omissions pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the agencies dated May 15, 2001; and d. Maintain insurance for its employees, properties and activities during or related to the event in an amount recommended by IRMA/PDRMA respectively. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Mark Manno, Park Board President Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Jeffrey Wait, Park Board Secretary Dated: Dated: M:\MG Days 12018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx EXHIBIT "A" Visit us at www.mortongrovedays.org 2018 Festival Dates/Times (subject to change) Carnival Ride Mega Bands good all 5 days $3.00 entertainment/beer garden grounds fee (no coolers) 6140 Dempster @ Harrer Park/Civic Center Saturday, June 30 2:OOpm-11:00pm North American Midway Entertainment/Food Court 2:OOpm-4:OOpm Children Activities/Entertainment 5:OOpm-10:45pm Entertainment/Beer Garden 6:OOpm-6:30pm Festival Opening Ceremonies 6:45pm-8:O0pm Face the Music 8:30pm-10:45pm Whiskey's Gone (Zac Brown Tribute Band) Sunday, July 1 2:OOpm-11:00pm North American Midway Entertainment/Food Court 5:OOpm-10:45pm Entertainment/Beer Garden 6:OOpm-7:30pm Phil's Secret 8:OOpm-10:00pm Mike and Joe Monday, July 2 4:OOpm-11:OOpm North American Midway Entertainment/Food Court 5:OOpm-10:45pm Entertainment/Beer Garden 5:OOpm-5:45pm 3 Chord Whiskey 6:OOpm-7:30pm Don't Speak (a No Doubt Tribute Band) 8:OOpm-10:O0pm 7th Heaven (Modern Rock) Tuesday, July 3 4:OOpm-11:O0pm North American Midway Entertainment/Food Court 5:OOpm-10:45pm Entertainment/Beer Garden 5:30pm-6:30pm Half Full 7:OOpm-8:OOpm Little Orphan Monkey 8:30pm-10:45pm Hairbangers Bali (80's Hair/Metal Cover Band) Wednesday, July 4 2:30pm Parade 5:OOpm-11:O0pm North American Midway Entertainment/Food Court 5:OOpm-9:45pm Entertainment/Beer Garden 5:OOpm-5:30pm Mystery Girls Band 6:OOpm-7:OOpm Sealed with a Kiss 7:OOpm-8:30pm Neverly Brothers When Dark Fireworks (approximately 9:30pm) M:\MG Days 12018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx EXHIBIT "B" Morton Grove Days — Site Plans Full Site & Carnival Site M:VvMG Days \2018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx • Fences gaCarnival Tickets O Info 1 g ® Port -A -John Tent Sizes Info 10x10 Expo 10 x 10 Sound 10 x 10 Food 20 x 20 Cook Area 20 x 20 Enter / Exit 9 x 10 Bar 10 x 20 NDempster S M:\MG Days 12018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx Tent Sizes Into 10 x 10 Expo 10 x 10 Sound 10 x 10 Food 20 x 20 Cook Area 20 x 20 Enter/ Exit 9 x 10 Bar 10 x 20 Stage 20 x 32 M?MG Days\2018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx EXHIBIT "C" INSURANCE. Unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Village and the Park District, the Village shall require all vendors and contractors engaged to perform work or services on Park District property to obtain insurance of the types and in the amounts listed below. The Village shall obtain and make available to the Park District prior to the start of the event, certificates of insurance and policy endorsement from each required contractor and/or listing with the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Park District as additional insureds. a. Commercial general liability (CGL) and, if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance with a limit of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) for each occurrence. If such CGL insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to this location. b. Business auto liability and, if required by the Village, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of any auto including owned, hired, and non -owned autos. Business auto insurance shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01, CA 00 05, CA 0012, CA 00 20, or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If required by the Village, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage equivalent to that provided in the 1990 and later editions of CA 00 01. c. Workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance. The commercial umbrella and/or employers' liability limits shall not be less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each accident for bodily injury by accident or one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each employee for bodily injury by disease. d. For insurance companies which obtain a rating from A.M. Best, that rating should be no less than A VII using the most recent edition of the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide. If the Best's rating is less than A VII or a Best's rating is not obtained, the Village has the right to reject insurance written by an insurer it deems unacceptable. e. All certificates of insurance shall provide for thirty (30) days written notice to the Village and the Park District prior to the cancellation or material change of any insurance referred to therein. f. All deductibles and self-insured retentions must be disclosed to the Village and the Park District. At the option of the Village or the Park District, the contractor/vendor may be asked to eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the Village or Park District, its officers, officials, employees, volunteers, and agents, or required to procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and other related costs including but not limited to investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. M:\MG Days12018\Park District\MOU 2018 with park district - Final.docx Legislative Summary Resolution 18-31 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONIRACT WITH RIDDIFORD ROOFING COMPANY TO REPLACE THE PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE GARAGE ROOF ALONG WITH TUCK -POINTING AND BRICK REPLACEMENT Introduced: Synopsis: Background: Departs Affected: Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Work Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: May 14, 2018 To authorize the Village President to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with Riddifod Roofing Company to remove, make repairs, and replace the roof over the Public Works Maintenance Garage. Additionally, Riddiford Roofing Co. will perform tuck -pointing and brick replacement as needed on the Public Works Facility. The final contract amount will be based on a cost of $479,236.00, which includes the base proposal, three (3) bid alternates and post bid cost to reinforce a section of the roof. The roof over the Public Works Maintenance Garage was installed in 1983, with extensive repairs performed in 1990 and again in 1994. Since then, yearly inspections along with corresponding minor repairs have been completed. An in-depth inspection of the roof in 2014 showed a failure of the roof membrane and stated it is at the end of its useful service life. An ultrasound tests performed at that time showed a significant amount of moisture that was trapped in the underlining insulation. With that, TREMCO (the roofing consultant and maintenance provider) suggested the total replacement of the roofing system over the Maintenance Garage be performed as soon as financially possible. In conjunction with the roof replacement, the brick parapet walls on the Garage will need to be repaired and/or replaced. The additional brick repair and tuck -pointing will be performed on the Public Works facility concurrently. This contract was advertised and eight sealed bids were received with Riddiford Roofing Company being the low bidder at $471,667 for the base bid plus all four (4) project alternates. (See Exhibit "A"). After analyzing the project's complexity, a base contract of $479,236.00 with three (3) bid alternates and post bid costs to reinforce a section of roof is appropriate. Latitude is also requested to support the project with a not to exceed amount of $615,000.00, the budgeted amount for this effort in case unexpected work is required as the project progresses. Public Works and Finance Departments $479,236.00 initial contract with authority to $615,000.00 General Funds 028024-571030 - $495,000 Capital Project Fund 305060-553300 - $120,000 The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal maintenance operations of the public Works and Finance Departments. Approval as presented. Not required. None Respectfully submitted: / ,,/; Raipp <Czerwinski, age Administrator 4 � Prepared by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: ilkndy DeMont A 4�/ 'r, / ston, Corporation Counsel Reviewed by: Teresa Ho ector of Public Works RESOLUTION 18-31 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH RIDDIFORD ROOFING COMPANY TO REPLACE THE PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE GARAGE ROOF ALONG WITH TUCK -POINTING AND BRICK REPLACEMENT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform and function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the roof of the Public Works Maintenance Garage located at 7840 Nagle Avenue was installed in 1983 and has had extensive repairs performed in 1990 and 1994; and WHEREAS, the roof has been inspected on a yearly basis and the inspection in 2014 indicated failure of the roof membrane; it was also reported at that time that the roof was at the end of its service life, after 35 years; and WHEREAS, an ultrasound test performed as part of the inspection showed a significant amount of trapped moisture in the underlying insulation, which may cause damage to the roof's metal decking; and WHEREAS, the masonry on the maintenance garage has significant areas of loose bricks; and WHEREAS, the roof membrane needs to be replaced, the masonry south parapet and wall needs large areas of brick to be reset, areas of the roof's metal deck may also need to be rehabilitated or replaced, and the top five feet of the parapet wall will need to be tuck -pointed; and WHEREAS, the roof includes two large skylights that are also at the end of their service life and require extensive and costly rehabilitation; and WHEREAS, it is believed to be practical and cost-effective to remove the skylights rather than rehabilitate the skylights; and WHEREAS, the masonry parapet has mortar that has been deteriorated by moisture under the masonry cap that is detrimental to the long-term durability of the masonry; and WHEREAS, the Village's roof maintenance consultant recommended replacing the terra cotta cap with metal coping and adding metal coping over the stone cap to prevent moisture intrusion from recurring; and WHEREAS, a bidding package was prepared to create flexibility for the Village to address the highest priorities with limited resources; and WHEREAS, the bidding package included subsequent two addendums; and WHEREAS, the base bid is for the demolition, rebuilding areas of the south masonry wall, deck inspection roof replacement, installing metal coping cap at certain locations, and new roof access point; WHEREAS, there are four alternate bid items included in the bidding documents as follows: Alternate Bid 1 includes re -pointing of masonry on the east, north, and west faces; and Alternate Bid 2 includes removing only the west set of skylights; and Alternate Bid 3 includes removing both the east and west skylights; and Alternate Bid 4 includes installing a metal coping cap over the existing coping stone; and WHEREAS, the Request for Bid included a request that Contractors provide unit prices in the event quantities of items may be increased or decreased pursuant to Change Orders; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised on the Village's website beginning on February 28, 2018, inviting bids for Morton Grove Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement; and WHEREAS, a mandatory pre-bid meeting was conducted with prospective bidders at 10:OOam on Friday, March 16, 2018, to review the scope of the project; and WHEREAS, eight bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:OOam on Tuesday, March 27, 2018, with bid results shown in the bid results in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Riddiford Roofing Company ("Riddiford") located at 2333 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 was determined to be the lowest priced bidder; and WHEREAS, Riddiford successfully performed roof replacement work at the Village's South Pumping Station in 2006 and 2017; and WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of the low bidder have been verified; and WHEREAS, Riddiford's bid is included in Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, it is practical and affordable to accept the base bid, Alternate Bid 1, Alternate Bid 3 and Alternate Bid 4; and WHEREAS, the removal of the skylights will require steel infill to be added to the roof system that was not included in the bidding documents; and WHEREAS, two alternate designs for the steel infill were developed by a structural engineer; and WHEREAS, prices for the alternate designs were requested and Riddiford was determined to have the lowest cost for this additional work at $17,755; and WHEREAS, the contract amount for the full scope of work described above is included in Exhibit "C"; and WHEREAS, additional work may be necessary to repair the roof deck and replace bricks in the parapet. The cost for such additional work shall be calculated based on unit pricing set forth in Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator has requested authority to approve change orders up to the budgeted amount of $615,000.00; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work in the cumulative amount of $615,000 is available for the roof replacement and tuck -pointing including $495,000 in Account Number 028024-571030 (General Fund -Municipal Buildings) and $120,000 in Account Number: 305060-553300 (Capital Projects). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Riddiford Roofing Company, 2333 Arlington Heights, IL 60005, based upon their base bid and alternates 1, 3, 4 and post bid work in the amount of $479,236.00. SECTION 3. The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with Riddiford Roofing Company based upon their bid for Morton Grove's Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement in the amount of $479,236.00. SECTION 4. The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to issue change orders up to $135,764.00 for work he deems necessary keeping the project total cost within the amount budgeted for the project which is $615,000.00. SECTION 5. The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works, and the Village Engineer and/or their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to oversee, and implement this contract. SECTION 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF MAY 2018 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 14th DAY OF MAY 2018 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 15th DAY OF MAY 2018 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" 8 8 8 69 8 8 69 8 8 00 61 BID AMOU 8. oo 8 o 1,1 or 5578,150.00 8 0 oo 8 8 8 8 0 0 8 49 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 m 8 X W O Q 0 8 8 49 69 oo os 8 8 g 69 8 49 8 49 8 0 Q8Q 8 8 8. 8 1,1 49 8 8 8 8 8 Z a X 0 8 8 0 0 x Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B" R1DDIFQRD Roofing Company - To: Village of Morton Grove Mr. Bill Burns 7840 Nagle Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Project: Morton Grove Public Works Maintenance Garage • Roof Replacement From: G. E. Riddiford Company Project Manager Name: Joe Riddiford Page 1 of 7 Bid Cover Sheet EXHIBIT "B" DIVISION 0 - BIDDING & CONTRACT REQUIRMENTS Section 00300 - Bid Form PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: OWNER: Morton Grove Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement 18-MGPWI Village of Morton Grove Mr. Bill Burns 7840 Nagle Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053 DUE DATE AND TIME: Tvesda}, March 27, 2018 by 10:00 AM. A. The undersigned Proposal submitter agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to enter agreement with Owner, on the form AIA A 107 indicated, to perform and furnish the Work as specified or indicated in the Bidding Documents for the Proposal price and within the proposal times indicated in this proposal and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents B. In submitting this proposal, Proposal Submitter represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: The proposal will remain subject to acceptance for 120 days after the day or the proposal delivery. The Owner has the right to reject this proposal. Proposal Submitter accepts the provisions of the Instructions and Supplementary Instructions to Proposal submitters regarding disposition of Proposal security. Proposal submitter has examined copies of Proposal documents. Proposal submitter has visited the site and become familiar with the general, local, and site conditions. Proposal submitter is familiar with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. This proposal is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of and undisclosed person, Firm, or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with an agreement or rules of a group, association, organization, or corporation; Proposal submitter has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited another Proposal submitter to submit a false or sham proposal; and proposal submitter has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself an advantage over another Proposal submitter or over Owner. Proposal submitter has received the following Addenda receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Date Number 3/19, 3/22 1,2 C. Proposal Submitter will complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following prices: BASE BID: $ 432,948.00 Work Days to Complete: 15 ALTERNATE BID 1: $ 9.000.00 Work Days to Complete: 5 (Masonry Re -pointing — Re -Pointing of East, North, & West Perimeters) too COAXTERNATE BID 2: $ 00 I g(0, Work Days to Complete: 5 (Removal of West Skylight in uding osts cl se the openings) ALTERNATE BID 3: $ 12,033.00 Work Days to Complete: 10 (Removal of East and West Skylights including all costs close the openings) Page 2 of 7 EXHIBIT "B" ALTERNATE BID 4: $ 7.500.0o Work Days to Complete: 3 (installation of a metal coping cap over the existing coping stone with a self -adhering waterproof' membrane over all perimeter coping stone) UNIT PRICES If the required quantities of the items listed below are increased or decreased by Change Order, the adjustment unit prices set forth below shall apply to such increase or decreased quantities. Metal Deck Replacement $ 11.0o $/sq.ft. Metal Deck Overlay $ too $/sq.ft. Rust Inhibitive Coating Application $ a.00 $/sq.ft. Drain Replacement $ 2.600.00 $/drain Additional Drains without Service Connection $ 3.00o.00 $/drain Wood Blocking Replacement $ 7.00 $/In.ft. Brick Masonry Rebuilding (10' x 10' area) $ 6.000.00 $/total cost Brick Masonry Repointing (10' x 10' area) $ a.wo.00 $/total cost Removal/replacement of south wall stone coping $ 4.600.00 $/total cost Install wall mounted ladder between roof levels $ 2,500.00 $/unit Time and Material Cost $ 126.00 $/manhour Premium Time Hourly Cost (weekdays after 5pm) $ 151.00 $/manhour Premium Time Hourly Cost (Saturdays) $ 151.0o $/manhour Premium Time Hourly Cost (Sundays) $ 17500 $/manhour The Proposal is SUBMITTED 0 f ' 2018 By t d l r4 (SEAL). or Person Authorized to Sia (Signature) Namifhm pad, AA hk t 1' 100005 (Address) TO: Village of Morton Grove Mr. Bill Burns 7840 Nagle Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053 1/We tt4' Agree to supply all necessary labor, m terial, plant and services for the execution of the Work described above in complete accord with the Contract Documents for the stipulated sums. D. Proposal submitter agrees that the Work will be substantially complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions on or before the dates or within the number of calendar days indicated. E. I/We will commence work within 15 calendar days of a contract award and will complete all work as per the contract within 45 calendar days of commenccment. Page 3 of 7 EXHIBIT "B" DIVISION 0 - BIDDING & CONTRACT REQUIRMENTS Section 00300 - Bid Form PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: OWNER: Morton Grove Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement 18-MGPWI Village of Morton Grove Mr. Bill Burns 7840 Nagle Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053 DUE DATE AND TIME: Tucsda3, March 27, 2018 by 10:00 AM. A. The undersigned Proposal submitter agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to enter agreement with Owner, on the form AIA A 107 indicated, to perform and famish the Work as specified or indicated in the Bidding Documents for the Proposal price and within the proposal times indicated in this proposal and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents B. In submitting this proposal, Proposal Submitter represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: The proposal will remain subject to acceptance for 120 days after the day of the proposal delivery. The Owner has the right to reject this proposal. Proposal Submitter accepts the provisions of the Instructions and Supplementary Instructions to Proposal submitters regarding disposition of Proposal security. Proposal submitter has examined copies of Proposal documents. Proposal submitter has visited the site and become familiar with the general, local, and site conditions. Proposal submitter is familiar with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. This proposal is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of and undisclosed person, Firm, or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with an agreement or rules of a group, association, organization, or corporation; Proposal submitter has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited another Proposal submitter to submit a false or sham proposal; and proposal submitter has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself an advantage over another Proposal submitter or over Owner. Proposal submitter has received the following Addenda receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: Date Number 3/19, 3/22 1,2 C. Proposal Submitter will complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following prices; BASE BID: $ 432,948 00 Work Days to Complete: 15 ALTERNATE BID 1: $ 9.000 oo Work Days to Complete: 5 // (Masonry Re -pointing — Re -Pointing of East, North, & West Perimeters) ped ALTERNATE BID 2: $ 4 .00 10 1 g&fo Work Days to Complete: 5 ��tltl++ (Removal of West Skylight i uding a sis cldse the openings) ALTERNATE BID 3: $ 12,033.00 Work Days to Complete: 10 (Removal of East and West Skylights including all costs close the openings) Page 4 of 7 EXHIBIT "B" ALTERNATE BID 4: $ 7.50000 Work Days to Complete: 3 (Installation of a metal coping cap over the existing coping stone with a self -adhering waterproof membrane over all perimeter coping stone) UNIT PRICES If the required quantities of the items listed below are increased or decreased by Change Order, the adjustment unit prices set forth below shall apply to such increase or decreased quantities. Metal Deck Replacement Metal Deck Overlay Rust Inhibitive Coating Application Drain Replacement Additional Drains without Service Connection Wood Blocking Replacement Brick Masonry Rebuilding (10' x 10' area) Brick Masonry Repointing (10' x 10' area) Removal/replacement of south wall stone coping Install wall mounted ladder between roof levels Time and Material Cost Premium Time Hourly Cost (weekdays after 5pm) Premium Time Hourly Cost (Saturdays) Premium Time Hourly Cost (Sundays) $ it on $/sq.ft. $ 5.00 $/sq.ft. $ 400 $/sq.ft. $ 2.60000 $/drain $ 3,000.00 $/drain $ 7.00 $/In.ft. $ 6.000.00 Motel cost $ 3.00000 $kotal cost $ 4.800.00 $ItOtal Cost $ 2.500.00 $/unit $ 125.00 $/manhour $ 151.00 $/manhour $ 151.00 $/manhour $ 175.00 $/manhour The Proposal is SUBMITTED 011. I GSW P4 LA I 2018 By (SEAL). or Person Authorized to Si (Signature) 2 33 >�I�mi Nvn KW, Mtn Nc'Wz t t#DD% (Address) TO: Village of Morton Grove Mr. Bill Burns 7840 Nagle Ave, { �` Morton Grove, IL 60053 I/We k.Ci,����I I4MC%pntI Agree to supply all necessary labor, m terial, plant and services for the execution of the Work described above in complete accord with the Contract Documents for the stipulated sums. D. Proposal submitter agrees that the Work will be substantially complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions an or before the dates or within the number of calendar days indicated. E. 1/We will commence work within 15 calendar days of a contract award and will complete all work as per the contract within 45 calendar days of commencement. Page 5 of 7 Bid Bond CONTRACTOR: (,Nam, legal status and nderexr) G.E. Riddiford Company, Inc. 2333 Hamilton Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 OWNER: (,orm, legal mates atsdaddress) Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 EXHIBIT "B" Document A310 TM — 2010 Con forms with The American Institute of Architects AIA Document 310 SURETY: {,Nam, lewd slants aedpriaelpalplace elf hw*te.t) Great American Insurance Company 301 East Fourth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 This document has Invadant legal consequences. Consultation whh en attorney Is encouraged with respect to its comptetton or modification Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Omer or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. BOND AMOUNT: S 5% Five Percent of Bid Amount PROJECT: (Maw. landau or addna and heel manlier, OM) Morton Grove Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement 18-MGPW1 The Contractor and Sunny are bound to the Owner in the amount set forth above, for the payment of which the Contractor and Surely bind themselves. their hairs. executors, administrators, successors sad assigns, jointiy and severally; as provided herein. Tbo conditions of this Bond aro such that if the Otvncraccepts the bid of the Contractor nithin the time specified in the bid documents, or within such time period OS rimy be agree) to by the Owner and Contractor, and the Contractor either (1) enters into a contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents, with a surely admitted in tic jurisdiction of the Project and otherwise acceptable to the Ownct for the faithful paformoace of such Contract and for the prompt payment oflabor and material furnished in the prosecution thereo4 or(2) pot's to the Owner the difference, not to exceed lie amount of Ods Bond, behvoen the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Owner may in good faith contract with another party to pertmm the wurk covered by said bid, then this nblisnUonshall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and elteet, The Surety hereby waives any notice *fan agreement between the Owner and Contmctur to extend the time in which the Owner may accept the bid. Waiver of notice by the Surety shall not apply to any emersion excesdine :forty (60) days in the aggregate beyond the time flu acceptance of bids specified in the bld documents, and the Owner and Contractor shall obtain the Surety's consent furan extension beyond sixty (60) days If this Bond is issued in connection with n subcontractors bid to a Contactor, the tens Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the tants Owner shall bo deemed to bo Contractor. When fhb; Bond hes been famished to comply with a statutory or other legul requirement in the location orthe Project, any pmvisinn in this Bond confiding with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herermm and provisi u,s continuing to Hugh statutory ur other legal requirement shell bo deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Band eludl be construed mea sanatory bond and not as a common law band. Signed and scaled this 26th day or February, 2016 se.t „aGt u� oe,a, matt !i. S-0054/AS 8/50 G.E. Riddiford Company, Inc. !Principal) ... .. Great American Insurance Company (sumo (Seat/ By: (IIJk) usan K Lan re Attorney-m•Fact Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT "B" GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Administrative Office 301 E 4711 STREET • CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 • 513.380-5000 • FAX 513-723-2740 The number of persons authoriad by this power of attorney is not more than 1 Bond No. Bid Bond POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWALLMENBYTHPSE PRESENTS: mat tbeGRBATAMERICANINSURANCE COMPAN%acmponatonaaganizedand existing asder and by virtue oftbe laws oftba State ofObio, does busby nominate, constitute and appoint the person or persons named below its true and lawful attonioy-in- fact,forkand inits =topping and stead to execute osbehalfofthesaidCompay,assutty,thespecifcbond,vadermtlagereoalmctofmtmhaMpreferenced hereto; provided that the liability of the said Compagy on any such bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship executed cadet this adhority shdi not used the Yank stated beleatTbe bonddnumberon this PowerofAttorney must natchtbe bond nmrberon the bond to which it is aflacbcd orit is invalid. Name Address Limit of Power Susan K. Landreth Wills Tower, 233 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2000 S100,000,000.00 Chicago, IL 60806 Principal. G.E. Riddiford Company, Inc. Obligee: Lemont School District 210 W WITNESS WHFRBOFthe OREATAMERICANINSURANCE COMPANYhas caused these presents to be signed and attested by itsappropriate officers and its corporate seal hermnto affixed this 28th day of February, 2018. Attest c naaddeu�8sxaaley STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF HAMILTON - ss Oa this 28th day of February , 2018 , before me pasomity appeasd DAVID C. RITC, to me known, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, that he is a Divisional Sailor Vee President of the Bond Division of Great Amnion Insurance Company, the Company described in and which executed the above immanent; that be mows the seal ofthe said Compo, that the nal affixed to the said instrument b such corporate seal; that it cote so axed by authority otitis office under tbe By -Laws of said Company, and that be signed his name thereto by like authority. GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY • 6 DNWana smtoevasrs.ddisi DmID CJU?Ota tsttarastml Sismk Pastdicift , same a-viea4144a This PowerofAtromey to granted by authority oftbe following resolutions adopted by the Board ofDkecmmofGreat American insurance Company by unanimous written cement dated Jame 9,2008. RESOLVED: Thal theDlvidonalPresident, the erveranDfristonot Senior Hoe Presidents, Divisional Roe Presidents emd Diatom! Assistant i?ee Pnsidentr, or any writ ((thea, be and hereby Is aarhori ed from time to time, to appoint one or more Attorneys -In -Fact to crease on bc*4tofthe Company, araway,anyandail bands, andtrltrbags and contracts pfswetjshipp,orother written obligations Mthe nature theregRto nscibetheirnrspaWvedulerand de respective Ratty oftheir aathorty; and (preach any such oppohamenrm any thee. RESOLVED FORMER: That the Ca ttpanyseal and the slpsa:ws ofory gfthe efararaid teens and any Sento or Assistant Sraetary aftle Company may beG uedbyfaaImiletow'powerofonorneyoram1E:ategfeltherghatforthecreaniongfanybond,mining, contract of swetyskp, or other written obNtallon n the nature thereof, such s&lgnaature anted! rued being hereby adopted by the Con o,iy s the odginasignasvn (such officer and the origlsaiseal (the Compargs to be wild and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect ar though manualiycBaed CERTIFICATION Resolutiou �oadofDRW B iA,Assistantoflunc9St ,2008�fOr been revoaDun= and cCen dano* in OAm and td Oat the foregoing PowerofAttmneyand oSigned and waled tha 26th day of February, 2018, 4 12rev®7 soy 7 AcaaatSanray EXHIBIT "C" Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, IL Morton Grove Public Works Maintenance Garage Roof Replacement Contract Scope of Work Bid Opening: March 27, 2018 Bidding Low Bidder Bid Amount Contract Scope of Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Alternate 4 Post -Bid Work Contract Amount Riddiford Roofing Company $471,667.00 Work Demolition, deck inspection & roof replacement Re -pointing masonry Remove west set of skylights Remove east & west sets of skylights Install metal coping cap Infill steel Page 1 of 1 $432,948.00 $9,000.00 $0.00 $12,033.00 $7,500.00 $17,755.00 $479,236.00 Legislative Summary Resolution 18-30 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A MATERIAL PROPOSAL FROM BUILDERS ASPHALT, LLC FOR THE 2018 MATERIAL PURCHASING PROGRAM - ASPHALT Introduced: May 14, 2018 Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations o Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ra Prepared by: To authorize the Village Administrator to execute a material proposal from Builders Asphalt, LLC to furnish asphalt for the 2018 Material Purchasing Program in order for the Public Works Department to maintain the Village's right-of-ways and properties.. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to purchase construction materials, like asphalt and concrete to be used to maintain Village right-of-ways and properties. The purchase of construction materials is paid for using General, Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise Funds. The use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. It requires bidding procedures and contract documents for these amounts conforming to State requirements. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Municipal Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation including material costs and Village travel costs for the purpose of provider comparison is attached as Exhibit "A". The low bid amount exceeds budgeted funding. The amount of material to be purchased will be adjusted to not exceed the budgeted amount. The acceptance for the proposal is attached as Exhibit "B". Public Works. The contract value is $65,970.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchased up the full budgeted amount. Public Works: AIC #025017-563110 Construction Materials -Asphalt $35,000 MFT: A/C #035060-563110 Construction Materials -Hot Mix $30,000, and Water: A/C #405033-562110 Operational Supplies -Asphalt $1,000 The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities will perform the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A None h E. Czerwinski Reviewed^by: age Administrator 1 \ ,ndy DeMonte, Director Public Works Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by _east RESOLUTION 18-30 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT A MATERIAL PROPOSAL WITH BUILDERS ASPHALT, LLC FOR THE 2018 MATERIAL PURCHASING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2018 Material Purchasing Program is necessary to dispose of recyclable asphalt and to purchase asphalt and concrete construction materials for use by the Public Works Department to maintain the Village's right-of-ways and properties; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department uses Village trucks to deliver recyclable asphalt, collect the asphalt from a producer, and deliver the asphalt to the work site; and WHEREAS, there is a travel cost to the Village for driving a dump truck to and from an asphalt plant; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest for the Village to quantify the theoretical travel cost for each asphalt plant and consider the theoretical travel cost when comparing competitively bid prices from asphalt suppliers; and WHEREAS, the delivery of recyclable asphalt and the purchase of asphalt are paid for using General, Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise Funds; and WHEREAS, use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois, which requires bidding procedures and contract documents for these amounts conforming to State requirements; and WHEREAS, this contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Municipal Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets "Notice to Contractors Bulletin" Bulletin Nos. 18-14 and 18-15 inviting bids on the "Material Contract Section 18 -00000 -00 -GM"; and WHEREAS, seven entities, contractors or suppliers obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, four bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Builders Asphalt, LLC submitted the lowest bid amount of $105,470.00, which includes a theoretical Village travel cost to the Builders Asphalt plant in Evanston of $23,220.00 and $82,250.00 for recyclable asphalt estimated to be delivered to and asphalt estimated to be purchased from Builders Asphalt, LLC; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work in the cumulative amount of $66,000 is available for the purchase of hot -mix asphalt in the Village of Morton Grove 2018 Adopted Budget in Account Numbers 025017-563110 (General Fund - Streets — Construction Materials), 035060-563110 (Motor Fuel Tax Fund), and 405033-562110 (Enterprise Fund — Water); and WHEREAS, the amount of material to be purchased by the Village can be reduced to match the amount of available funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Builders Asphalt, LLC, 4413 Roosevelt Road, Suite 108, Hillside, Illinois, based upon their material proposal for the "Material Contract Section 17 -00000 -00 -GM" in the amount of $105,470.00 with the actual amount of material to be purchased not to exceed $65,970.00 which is less that the budgeted amount of $66,000.00. SECTION 2. The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the form titled "Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award" (Exhibit "B") in order to deliver recyclable asphalt to and purchase asphalt from Builders Asphalt, LLC in the amount of $65,970.00. SECTION 3. The Village Administrator or the Director of Public Works and/or their designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage the program with Builders Asphalt, LLC up to an amount not to exceed $65,970.00. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF MAY 2018 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 14th DAY OF MAY 2018 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 15th DAY OF MAY 2018 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" Tabulation of Bids 1 Arrow Road Const. Co 3401 South Busse Road i P.O. Box 334 Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Bid Bond N aTotal 1 $ 68 512 50 $ 1.200.00' w H ww • w H r o H w •• w www r 69 .9 r w 69696969 r r• w r•••• w w H w ww r r w w Nw N rn N H CI N " p U N d Q8 D 8 p p 8 p O Peter Baker 8 Son Co. 11349 Rockland Road Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Bid Bond e N $ 3x S W 69 $ 2,000.00 .• w w 69 H 08 o 0 w 40 r 69 w H w .••• w 6969 69 H a6ww r r Hw r•• 69 69 Hw 69 r• H HH Q cip mm O O O0 8$ a8 7 $ o ^ $ 8 V Plote Construction Inc. 11100 Brandt Drive Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 m 9e m N $p -o N b w $ 1,500.00 • wH $ 59,400.00 r r 69H r 6969696969696969 r r r•• r w w r 69696969 . r• r• www r 6969 H 6969 Is 130,500.00 130,500.00 a S $ N U J cw a E m J 14413 Roosevelt Road Suite 108 Hillside, Illinois 60162 Bid Bond $r r- $ 2,500.00 $ 23,220.00 69ww69wHwww69ww69w69w69HHH6969w69-.3 r r r•r r r r•r r r r r 88 Ili 0 .3 a 0 a $ w $ 8 o N Name of Bidder: Address of Bidder: Proposal Guarantee: Terms: Approved Engineers Estimate $ d• Sr - V. r w $ w w r w w r• w w r•♦• 69 w H H r• 69 w r w 69 r 6969 r•• H 69 69 w r H 69 r w w r r w w w H w w As Read: As Calculated:I 80 n N S D 0 m Total Bid: W 8 O 69 Attended By: Chris Tomich and Paul Tobin C 7 0 U 0 -J J J J i 0 a 0 0 O LL `d a m LL m a m a N Z 0 n 0 0 N Z Recycling of Asphalt Material Haul'pg Differential- Builders Asphalt Hauling Differential - Plote Hauling Differentia Hauling Differential - Arrow Road 0 Z 0 VI Q N m EXHIBIT "B" Illinois Department of Transportation To Builders Asphalt, LLC Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award Local Public Agency: Morton Grove Address 4413 Roosevelt Road, Suite 108, Hillside, Illinois 60162 i accordance with your proposal submitted on proposal or quotation warded the contract for furnishing the following materials required in the County: Cook Section 18 -00000 -00 -GM Route Various 4/18/2018 , a copy of which is in our files, you have been date of submittal maintenance construction or maintenance iaterials shall be inspected in accordance with current Departmental policies. of the above designated project. Item Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount IMA Surface Course, Mix "D", N50 Ton 1154 55.0000 63,470.00 tecycling of Asphalt Material Load 20 125.0000 2,500.00 Total: 65, 970.00 terms F.O.B. Shipping Instructions For Municipal Projects Local Agency Official Date For County And Road District Project Highway Commissioner Date County Engineer/Superintendent of Highways Date rinted 4/18/2018 Illinois Department of Transportation Concurrence in approval of award Regional Engineer Date BLR 12330 (Rev. 07/16/13)