HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-12 Agenda�1� MORTON GROVE Incredibly Close Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM March 12, 2018 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per I -5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting — February 26, 2018 8. Special Reports a. Announcement of the Winter Photo Contest Winners by Community Relations Commissioner Jenna Downing b. Presentation of the Dine MG Winners by Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria 8. Special Reports (continued) c. Presentation of Plan Commission Report PC 17-20 Requesting a Special Use Permit for a Mixed Use Development at the Address Commonly Known as 5711 Dempster to be Presented by Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report—Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal Conference, Strategic Plan Committee 12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Building Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Police Facility Committee, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Minx) b. Trustee Minx — Capital Projects, Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board, Public Works Department, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear) 1) Ordinance 18-03 (Introduced March 12, 2018) (First Reading) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Mixed Use Development (Professional Office and Residential Uses) at 5711 Dempster 2) Ordinance 18-04 (Introduced March 12, 2018) (Requests Waiving of Second Reading) Approving a Minor Amendment to a Special Use Permit to Allow for the Replacement of Three Existing and Installation of Three Additional Antennas and Associated Equipment at 6101 Capulina Avenue c. Trustee Ramos —Appearance Commission, Environmental Health, IT, Legal Department (Trustee Travis) d. Trustee Thill —Advisory Commission on Aging, Emergency Management Agency, Family and Senior Services Department, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, SWANCC (Trustee Witko) e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Finance Advisory Commission, Finance Department (Trustee Ramos) 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) £ Trustee Witko — Economic Development Commission, Farmers' Market, Fire and Police Commission, NIPSTA, Police Department, Police Pension Board, Water Commission (Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 18-16 (Introduced March 12, 2018) Authorizing the Purchase of Police Squad Cars through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants $347,220.93 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. INIUTES OF A REGULARMEETINGOF THE PRESIDENT THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE C OOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE ICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER N3=;FEBRUARY.26, 2018 CALL TO ORDER I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the Regular Meeting of the Village Board at 7:00 pm. V. in the Council Chambers of Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, Ed Ramos, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 12, 2018, Trustee Thill moved to accept the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. VIII. IX. X. SPECIAL REPORTS The report from Mather Lifeways regarding the results of the 2017 "Quality of Life" survey was postponed. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE XI. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria reminded the assemblage that the Taste of Morton Grove will take place on Thursday, March 1, at the White Eagle in Niles. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $35 in advance or $45 at the door. He said that, outside of the Morton Grove Days festival, this is the biggest community event Morton Grove has. The Taste raises funds that are donated by the Morton Grove Foundation to over 20 charities. Mayor DiMaria encouraged everyone to attend. xl. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 2. Mayor DiMaria reported that, as part of the bond rating for the Morton Grove -Niles Water Commission, Standard & Poor's evaluated Morton Grove and Niles separately. Morton Grove received a very favorable rating from S&P at an "AA" level. This was a reevaluation of a previous rating by S&P in 2010. Mayor DiMaria said that this is reassuring; it shows that the Village Board is on the right track to stabilize Morton Grove's finances. He said the Village's rating from Moody's is Al, adding that Moody's will likely contact the Village this year to re -review its rating for Morton Grove. Mayor DiMaria said, based on financial actions the Board has taken, he anticipated the Village's bond rating with Moody's to be stable. 2. Mayor DiMaria complimented Finance Director Hanna Sullivan, Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski, and their predecessors. He said this is a solid acknowledgement that Morton Grove is making good financial decisions. 3. On a sad note, Mayor DiMaria offered his and the Board's condolences to Tom Friel, who is the Assistant to the Village Administrator and former Fire Chief, on the death of his mother, Rosemary. Rosemary Friel passed away this past Friday. She turned 88 this past November. XII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Harford had no report. XIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: 1. Mr. Czerwinski gave a brief presentation to update the Board and assemblage on the Morton Grove -Niles water project. He said the "open houses" had been well received, with many positive comments. Those interested in this project can sign up to receive e -newsletters with progress reports by visiting the Niles website (vniles.com) or Morton Grove's website (mortongroveil.org). There will also be a project website (mg-n-wc.org) which will provide construction updates and drone flyover pictures. The plan is to build eight miles of pipe by doing 100 feet per day. Mr. Czerwinski said that a message center is also available for anyone with an inquiry or a concern. The phone number is 847-588-7979; callers can leave a voicemail which will be disseminated to the Niles and Morton Grove village administrators, as well as the construction lead. The message will be responded to within 24 hours. a. Mr. Czerwinski said that some streets in both Villages will be impacted by the construction, but one thing that Morton Grove has planned is that no recently -paved streets will be ripped up for the water project. He then showed a map of the new 30" water transmission main, and pointed out that the reason it isn't a straight line from Point A to Point B is because of the significant amount of infrastructure already in the ground. The project is working around all that infrastructure to keep costs down. b. As far as the construction, Mr. Czerwinski said that the construction supervision engineers have been approved, and ten contractors, handling various components of the construction, have received tentative approval. He explained that, until the Illinois Environmental Protective Agency (TEPA) approves a loan, the contractors can only be tentatively approved. 2 inutes of February 26 "2018 Board Meeting`' XIII. c. d. e. STAFF REPORTS (continued) Mr. Czerwinski said that there is a Memo of Understanding for easements and right-of-ways, co- signed by Skokie where appropriate. The intermediate "booster" pump site (the Shore site) has been approved by Evanston and by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD). It will be co -situated with a park and a splash pool, and will blend nicely into the neighborhood. Regarding the project financing, Mr. Czerwinski said there has been an initial bond issue of $25 million dollars (at a 4.18% interest rate over 40 years). This is in addition to the (EPA's loan of $76 million dollars (at a 1.76% interest rate). Mr. Czerwinski said the TEPA loan was more than the Water Commission was expecting, and he credited his staff for their many hours of hard work, which resulted in the higher-than-expected loan amount. He said the Village is still waiting for a letter from the IEPA confirming the loan agreement. Mr. Czerwinski noted that some things, such as land acquisition, are not eligible to be paid for using the IEPA funding, which is one of the reasons for the $25 million dollar bond issue. The Engineer Services Agreement was signed and executed this morning. Most of the permits have been signed, but several "staged" permits, such as with Metra, the Forest Preserve District, the Army Corp of Engineers, have not yet been signed. f. Mr. Czerwinski said that soon the execution of all the construction contracts will be completed, and a pre -construction meeting will be scheduled within the next week or so. The construction office will be located at 6200 Howard in Niles. Mayor DiMaria thanked Mr. Czerwinski and the Village staff for their many hours of hard work dedicated to this legacy project. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XIV. A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report this evening. B. Trustee Minx: TRUSTEES' REPORTS 1. Trustee Minx presented Resolution 18-12, Authorization to Execute a Contract With Hoerr Construction, Inc. For the 2018 Sewer Lining Program. She explained that the Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations. To perform sewer lining in order to maintain the flow capacity of the Village's sewer pipe infrastruc- ture. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code, The low bidder is Hoerr Construction, from Goodfield, Illinois, in the amount of $170,444. a. 3 uiutesof-February'26, 2018 Board Meeting: XIV. B. Trustee Minx: TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) b. Trustee Minx said that the low bid is nearly $30,000 less than the budgeted amount of $200,000. The contract documents include a provision allowing the Village to increase the amount of work included in the contract, and Hoerr Construction is agreeable to doing so. The Village increased the length of sewers to be lined, resulting in an adjusted contract amount of $193,524. Trustee Minx noted that, since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 18-12, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx Liu Tr. Ramos aye. Tr. Thiil ave Tr. Travis Eyre Tr. Witko a� 2, Next, Trustee Minx presented Resolution 18-13, Authorizing the Purchase of One New 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck With One Snow Plow Through the State of Illinois Central Management Services Procurement Program PSD #4018133. a. She explained that, pursuant to the bidding process of the Central Management Agency's Joint Purchasing Program, the lowest bidder for the purchase of a 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with salt spreader and snow plow was Patson, Inc. d/b/a Trans Chicago Truck Group of Elmhurst, Illinois, with a purchase price of $166,527. This resolution will approve this purchase, which is $8,473 less than what was budgeted ($175,000). Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Witko, to approve Resolution 18-13. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. ThiII yQ Tr. Minx Agt Tr. Travis Ayg Tr. Ramos lys Tr. Witko ave 3. Trustee Minx echoed Mayor DiMaria's comments about the Taste of Morton Grove, saying that she, too, hoped to see a lot of people in attendance. C. Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos had no report this evening. 4 XIV. D. Trustee Thill: 1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 18-15, Authorizing an Agreement Between the Village of Morton Grove and Mather Lifeways for the Use of the Civic Center for Senior Programming. He explained that Mather LifeWays, a non -denominational not-for-profit organization based in Evanston, has contracted with the Village to operate programming for older residents at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center since 2014. In a survey recently conducted by Mather Lifeways, participants believed Mather LifeWays provided good services to older adults and their expectations of the services offered at the Civic Center met or exceeded their expectations. Trustee Thill said this resolution will approve an additional one year non-exclusive license for Mather LifeWays to operate programs at the Civic Center. Mather LifeWays does not charge the Village to provide programs, but may charge participants a nominal fee. The Village will provide space, equipment, telephone, and internet services as well as janitorial and basic set-up services to Mather LifeWays. inutes:of:February 26 2018 Board Meeting:. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) a. b. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 18-15, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ays. Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill Tr. Travis aye Tr. Witko gya Trustee Grear commented that the Village has had Mather LifeWays since 2014, and seniors he's talked to say they enjoy the programs the organization offers. 2. Trustee Thill gave a report on the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) recycling program. SWANCC has held 15 one -day electronics recycling events and collected a total of 2,213,500 pounds of electronics. The cost to SWANCC was $193,500. They held 19 paper shredding events and collected 306,000 pounds of paper; that cost SWANCC $22,500. They collected 23,700 pounds of batteries at a cost of $14,300 and collected fluorescent tubes, mercury thermostats and thermometers, which cost them $32,550 for disposal. SWANCC also collected 4,700 pounds of pharmaceuticals ($30,000 for disposal) and 7,400 pounds of "sharps," which basically are needles for insulin and such. In total, the cost for all the collections that SWANCC held last year comes to $292,000. a. SWANCC is comprised of 23 communities, and only nine of them, including Morton Grove, participate in SWANCC's recycling rebate program. The Village has received a check for its recycling program in the amount of $4,300 in 2016 and $860 in 2017. Trustee Thill attributed the decrease to the new contract with Groot, a decrease in commodity prices, and the unfortunate fact that recycling in Morton Grove has decreased. Trustee Thill said that Morton Grove has sent to SWANCC over 2,000 tons of recycling, which has saved the Village over $150,000 in garbage fees. He encouraged everyone to be diligent about recycling. 5 intites otfotiruaryT26 =2018+Board:Mebting. XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) E. Trustee Travis: 1. Trustee Travis noted that the Community Relation Commission's winter photo contest ends on March 2, 2018. She encouraged all shutterbugs to submit their photos. More information can be found on the Village's website. 2. Trustee Travis said the Community Relations Commission is once again sponsoring the "Adopt A Planter" program. Beginning in March, residents and businesses will get an opportunity to adopt one of approximately 85 street planters that will be part of the Village's streetscape. People interested in participating in this program should check the Village's website and weekly e -newsletter for specific sign-up information and dates. 3. Trustee Travis reminded the Board and assemblage that the next Community Artists Performance will take place on Saturday, April 14, at the Civic Center. There is currently an open call for artists to submit an online application (www.identitvperformingarts.org/proiect.aspx). The open call will end on February 28 at 5:00 p.m. F. Trustee Witko: 1. Trustee Witko presented Resolution 18-14, Authorizing a Public Auction for Evidence/ Property Recovered by the Morton Grove Police Department. a. She explained that the Illinois Law Enforcement Disposition of Property Act allows a Police Department to sell property at public auction (that is, property that has been lost, stolen, or abandoned) if the property owner cannot be located within six months, after making reasonable inquiries and efforts to ascertain the owner. The MGPD has a number of items which it reasonably believes were lost, stolen, or abandoned, and for which the department cannot ascertain the owner of said property. Therefore, this resolution will authorize the sale of this property at a public auction conducted by Obenauf Auction Service, Inc., located in Round Lake, Illinois. Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to approve Resolution 18-14. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. ThiII Lys Tr. Minx Tr. Travis ave Tr. Ramos aya Tr. Witko ayg Lyg Trustee Grear asked if the monies received from auctioning of this property goes into the Village's General Fund. Finance Director Sullivan said it does. 6 XV inutes:of•February 26 2016 Board Meeting OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Witko announced that there's only a few days left to participate in the "Dine Morton Grove" contest. The Village will be giving away ten $25 gift cards to residents who support its local restaurants. There are two ways to enter the contest: People can bring (or email) their Morton Grove restaurant receipts—dine-in or carryout—dated February 2018 to Village Hall or send them to vmq(cilmortongroveil.orq by March 2nd. The second way a person can enter is by taking a photo of themselves and friends dining at a Morton Grove restaurant, and submitting it to the "Dine MG Contest" page on the Village's website by March 2nd. Participants will receive one raffle ticket for every $25 in receipts submitted or one raffle ticket for each photo submitted per restaurant per day of visit. The winning entries will be drawn at the March 12, 2108 Village Board meeting. For more information, please see the Village's website. XVI. WARRANTS Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for February 26, 2018 in the amount of $736,746.48. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Grear seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill gyg gyg Tr. Minx Tr. Travis kyg gig XVII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS XVIII. Tr. Ramos Tr. Witko gya gyg Nancy Lanning appeared before the Board to compliment the Public Works Department. She said a water main on her street had broken, and Public Works personnel were out at 2:00 a.m. repairing it, and leaving notices on residents' doors about letting the water run for a bit before using it. They had the problem under control and fixed very quickly. Mrs. Lanning also gave kudos to Mather LifeWays for their programming. She said they offer many different programs and are always receptive to suggestions for other types of programs. They are very welcoming, too. She said they do a great job! ADJOURNMENT Trustee Thill moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill gyg gyg Tr. Minx Tr. Travis The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m. gyg gyg Tr. Ramos ayg Tr. Witko a�1e 7 iiiatefgEetitii:aty;Wq201a180Aitd.iNeetinsa PASSED this 12th day of March, 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 12th day of March, 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13th day of March, 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 8 Community & Economic Development Department z a �aK MORTON ', GROVE To: From: Date: Re: Village President and Board of Trustees Steven Blonz, Chairperson, Pian Commission Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic Delopment Director Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/ nd-Use Planner Incredibly Close 1;. Amazingly Open March 6, 2018 Plan Commission Case PC17-20: Request for a Special Use Permit for a Mixed Use Development in accordance with Sections 12-4-3:D. of the Unified Development Code (Ordinance 07-07) Commission Report Public Notice The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice public hearing for PC 17-20 in accordance with the published the public notice on November 30, 2017, owners via mail on December 1, 2017 and placed a December 8, 2017. The case was continued from the Commission hearings. for the December 18, 2017 Plan Commission Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press and the Village notified surrounding property public notice sign on the subject property on December 18, 2017 and January 15, 2018 Plan Property Background The 3,707 sq. ft. subject property is improved with a 3,208 sq. ft. two-story building and a five (5) stall parking lot at the rear of the lot, and is zoned C1 General Commercial District. The properties to the east, west, and north are also zoned C1 and are improved with commercial buildings; the properties to the south are zoned R2 Single Family Residential and are improved with single-family residences. asmps1Y613 5747 5741 5739 5735 5723E 7 571 5701.5709 1 Overview of the Application Mr. Young Man Choi and Ms. Yun Ok Choi, the "Applicants" and property owners, filed an application for a "Mixed Use Development" at 5711 Dempster Street. Section 12-4-3:D of the Unified Development Code requires a Special Use Permit for Mixed Use Developments. The existing building has been vacant since July of 2016. Prior to that, the building had a first floor restaurant and residential units on the second floor. In accordance with Section 12-15-4, because the previous non- conforming mixed use had been discontinued for longer than 6 months, the property and structure must conform to the current use regulations within this zoning district. The Applicants are seeking approval of a special use for a mixed use development with first floor commercial use and two residential dwelling units on the second floor, in accordance with current code requirements. With this proposal, they are planning to convert the former first floor restaurant into a professional office use and general storage space. In addition, on the second floor, they are seeking approval to retain the one -bedroom dwelling unit and to convert the previous three-bedroom unit into a two-bedroom dwelling unit The Applicants do not have a current tenant selected for the proposed first floor office space; however, they envision this space as a professional office use such as a lawyer or insurance salesperson. Over the past few months, the Applicants worked with the Village on refining their mixed-use proposal to ensure their proposal complies with C1 Mixed Use Development provisions (Section 12-5- 6). Per Section 12-5-6:C, the number of units allowed in a Mixed Use Development in a C1 District is one dwelling unit per 1,815 sq. ft. of land. This provision prompted the Applicant to reduce their originally proposed three dwelling units down to two dwelling units. In addition, their modification to the configuration of the previous 3 -bedroom unit to a two-bedroom unit was also necessary to comply with the Mixed Use code requirements. With respect to the first floor commercial use, per Section 12-5-6:F.2, any mixed-use development must have at least 75% of the required parking on-site (Le. they could not request more than a 25% waiver to the parking requirements). The conversion of the first floor from the previous restaurant use to a mix of lower intensity office use (up to 1,100 sq. ft.) and 700+/- sq. ft. of general storage space was necessitated by this requirement. Based on the shared parking calculation (Section. 12-7- 3:11), peak parking demand would be between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, when 100% of the parking for the office use is required along with 60% of the residential parking. During that time, seven (7) parking spaces would be required. Given the five parking spaces on site, a maximum potential waiver of two spaces could be granted by code for a mixed-use development. Based on the parking requirements and the intensity of uses at various times of days, the office and storage uses on the first floor, with the two dwelling units, is a mix of uses that would allow the Applicants to comply with this provision of the code. Per Section 12-7-3:B of the Unified Development Code, proposed parking standards identified In the code as "Required Spaces By Use" shall be advisory only for Special Use applications as the required parking will be reviewed and established as part of the Special Use Permit. The final number of required parking spaces for Special Use Permits is set by the Village Board based on the submitted independent traffic and parking study and any traffic and parking recommendations by the Traffic Safety and Plan Commissions and/or staff. Again, for mixed use developments in the C1 District, no more than a 25% waiver to the parking requirements may be granted. February 19. 2018 Public Hearing At the February 19, 2018 Public Hearing, Mr. Dominick Argumedo, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner, introduced the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated February 15, 2018, which was entered into the public record in its entirety. He presented some background on the subject property and stated that In December of 2015, the Village discovered that work had been done to modify the structure without permits. These modifications induded the addition of a karaoke room at the rear of the restaurant, which was an expansion/alteration of what was then a non- conforming use (mixed-use development), which requires ZBA approval per Village code. Further, in the C1 District, "Taverns, bars and cocktail lounges with live music and/or vocal entertainment as accessory use" requires a special use permit, which the tenant/applicant had not applied for nor granted approval prior to adding this accessory use. In addition, the associated building modifications resulted in issues with code violations, including altering the necessary means of egress for the residential units. Mr. Argumedo stated that the citations that had been issued to the previous tenants and the property owners have since been resolved. The Applicants, Mr. Youg Choi and Ms. Yun Ok Choi, and their son, Mr. Andrew Choi, were swom in along with members of their development team: Mr. Larry Berg, Attorney; Mr. Brian Burch, architect with Burch, Burch & Burch LTD.; and Ms. Lynn Means, Senior Transportation Engineer, with Gewalt Hamilton Associates. Mr. Berg presented an overview of the history of mixed-use development at 5711 Dempster St. He noted the owners are seeking to restore the vacant building to a mixed-use commercial development, through the spedal use process. In seeking this special use approval, the Applicants have submitted a proposal that lowers the commercial impact on the surrounding properties by proposing an office use with associated storage on the first floor versus the previous restaurant use. The Applicants are also seeking a parking waiver of 25% to meet the needs of the office space and two residential apartments on the second floor. Mr. Burch reviewed the current proposal from an architectural standpoint and noted of the two existing apartments on the second floor, the one with three bedrooms would be converted into a two- bedroom unit by removing the wall of one of the bedrooms to provide a `great room' by combining it with living room space. He also noted that the restaurant cooking and food storage areas would be removed allowing for a front space and a closed office space on the first floor with the remainder of the area converted to office space storage. He also noted the five parking 5 parking spaces at the rear of the building are 9 ft. wide, exceeding the required 8.5 ft. width. Commissioner Shimansld asked if the bathroom that is currently located in what is prescribed to be the office storage area at the rear portion of the first floor would be removed. Mr. Burch stated all plumbing will be removed from that area. Commissioner Gabriel asked if there are two exits for each of the apartments. Mr. Burch stated the rear one -bedroom apartment has one exit. Chairperson Farkas asked Mr. Rick Dobrowski, Fire Department Bureau Chief, for further information. Mr. Dobrowski stated there would need to be a one hour fire separation down the hallway and he noted a full fire alarm system would be needed prior to operation. Mr. Argumedo again clarified that no building permit could be issued without meeting applicable building and fire safety codes. Mr. Burch noted that due to the space on the building a fire escape could be provided for the rear bedroom. Commissioner Khan asked if an elevator is required to meet ADA code. Mr. Argumedo replied that would be a building department question, but he did not believe it would be necessary. Ms. Lynn Means reviewed the traffic and parking summary for 5711 Dempster and stated that due to the proposed use of professional office on the first floor and residential above there is adequate parking for the proposal at this location. Chairperson Blonz asked for clarification of a parking the survey in the submitted traffic and safety study relating to Exhibit 5 for projected traffic characteristics. Ms. Means replied that projected traffic calculations are based on industries standards for surveys that were conducted nationwide. She reiterated that the parking study review shows there is ample parking during and after peak hours. This is due to the available public parking, and the nature of the fadlity being in use in hours off -set from neighboring facilities such as All -Inn which has a parking demand at night, and Poko Loko whose parking demand is projected to be predominantly handled by the spaces on their private parking lot. Commissioner Gabriel asked about snow removal and where the garbage will be stored. Ms. Means noted that refuse containers are on the rear of the property, adjacent to the alley. She also noted that all the properties on this block have dealt with limited space for storage. The Applicants will find space on site or have the snow removed. Chairperson Blonz asked If there was anyone present that wanted to be heard. There was no response. Chairperson Blonz asked for any other comments or questions. Hearing none, he asked for a motion. Commissioner Farkas moved to recommend approval of Case #PC17-20, a request for a Special Use Permit for a Mixed Use Development with professional office and general storage space on the first floor and two residential dwelling units — one one -bedroom and one two-bedroom — on the second floor with a two (2) stall waiver to the seven (7) stall parking requirement, in accordance with Sections 12-4-3:D and 12-5-6, at 5711 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL, with the following conditions: 1. The site and building shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting documents in the application, identified in this report and/or presented at the Public Hearing, subject to any necessary modifications to accommodate conditions, Commission recommendations, or code compliance requirements, in accordance with reviews by Traffic Safety Commission, Plan Commission, and/or Village staff, including the following: A. Plat of Survey/Site Plan, prepared by Burch, Burch, & Burch Architecture dated February 14, 2018, provided the first floor professional office uses does not exceed 1,100 sq. ft. and the balance of the first floor space Is used explicitly as "storage" space, per condition 2. below; and B. Second Floor Site Plan, prepared by Burch, Burch and Burch Architecture, dated 02/14/ 2018, and C. Traffic study 'Traffic and Parking Summary", prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: February 14, 2018) A 2. The proposed first floor professional office space shall be limited to no more than 1,100 sq. ft. of active office space with the remainder first floor sq. ft. to be designed for and used as general storage only. All previous improvements shall be removed, accordingly. 3. The first floor office shall be used for general, professional office uses only such as insurance salesperson, lawyer, accountant, etc.; higher intensity office use such medical/dental offices are not permitted without prior approval of an amendment to the special use due to potential for increased parking demand. Applicants must review proposed office user with the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to proceeding with tenant improvements and/or occupancy. 4. The total number of residential dwelling units must not exceed 2 dwelling units. 5. Each individual dwelling unit shall have no more than two -bedrooms. 6. The Applicants shall advise staff and patrons of all available commercial public parking options, in the area, and advise against parking in the adjacent residential neighborhoods. 7. Two (2) on-site parking spaces, one for each residential unit, shall be reserved for use the residents. 8. The applicants shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. any change in hours of operation; C. any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces; D. any increases staffing levels above those projected in the Gewalt Hamilton Associates traffic study "Traffic and Parking Summary", dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: January 20, 2018 & February 14 2018); and E. any other changes to the site use that could increase the intensity and/or increase the parking demand. Such changes may require the owners, lessees, and users of 5711 Dempster St to submit an updated parking analysis, and may subject the owners, lessees, and users of 5711 Dempster St. to additional conditions and may serve as the basis for further amendment to the special use permit. 9. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and/or Village Engineer be advised of any significant vehicular/pedestrian traffic and/or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this mixed use office/residential developement, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village Administrator within 30 days of such notice, which outlines a plan with specific ways to address such issues. Such plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Community and economic Development, Village Engineer and Police Chief, who will be charged with making suggested changes and/or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this approved use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 10. All plumbing for a bathroom use shall be removed from the area designated for general storage space. 11. A fire alarm system shall be installed and two exits from all apartments shall be provided. Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0, Commissioner Gillespie absent). F Legislative Summary Ordinance 18-03 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT (PROFESSIONAL OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL USES) AT 5711 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, IL Introduction: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source off Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider o Requirements: Submitted by: March 12, 2018 To approve a special use permit for mixed use development with up to 1,100 sq. of professional office space and general storage on the first floor and two residential dwelling units on the second floor, with five (5) on-site parking spaces. Mr. Young Man Choi and Ms. Yun Ok Choi, the "Applicants" and property owners, filed an application for a "Mixed Use Development" at 5711 Dempster Street, per Section 12-4-3D of the Unified Development Code, which requires a Special Use Permit for Mixed Use Developments in the CI General Commercial district. In order to comply with the regulations established for Mixed Use Developments in Section 12-5-6, the Applicants are proposing to convert the former first floor restaurant into professional office space (up to 1,100 sq. ft.) and 700+/- sq. ft. of general storage and have two dwelling units — one one -bedroom and one two-bedroom — on the second floor. Based on Section 12-7-3:1., this proposed mixed-use development would be required to have seven (7) parking spaces. With only five (5) on-site, a two (2) stall parking waiver would be required. This two stall waiver is the maximum that can be granted, per Section 12-5-6, which requires mixed use developments to have at least 75% of their required parking on-site. In the "Traffic and Parking Summary," prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA), GHA concluded, based on observations and projected parking demands, there is sufficient on-site and public parking to accommodate the parking demand for this mixed use development. In accordance with Section 12-16-4:A.2, the application was reviewed by Village departments. The Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) reviewed the project and made comments and recommended conditions at its December 1, 2017, meeting. At that time, the Applicants' proposal included a more intensive proposal, including a restaurant and three -dwelling units. The Applicant subsequently reduced the intensity of the first floor commercial use and the size and number of residential units, to comply with the mixed use regulations, and provided an updated traffic and parking study. The Chairperson reviewed the updated report and noted the reduction in intensity and density which was a positive change and waived a second review by the full TSC, subject to the Applicant complying with any relevant conditions and comments. Since there are no proposed changes to the building facade, a review by the Appearance Commission was not required. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on the mixed use project on February 19, 2018, and based on the application, supporting documents, and testimony presented at the Public Hearing, the Plan Commission voted 6- 0 (Gillespe absent) to recommend approval of the application with conditions. Community and Economic Development N/A N/A Community and Economic Development in the normal course of business. Approval as presented March 26, 2018 Reviewed by e Administrator Teresa Hoffman ation Counsel 0k1NANCE 18-03 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT (PROFESSIONAL OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL USES) AT 5711 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, IL WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, 5711 Dempster Street is improved with a 3,208 sq. ft. two-story building, with a five (5) stall parking lot at the rear of the property; and WHEREAS, the 3,707 sq. ft. subject property is located in the Cl General Commercial District; and WHERAS, Section 12-4-3:D of the Unified Development Code requires a special use permit for a mixed-use development in the C 1 General Commercial District; and WHEREAS, Mr. Young Man Choi and Ms. Yuri Ok Choi, the "Applicants" and property owners, have filed a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under case number PC 17-20 requesting a Special Use Permit for a mixed-use development and associated parking waivers at the property commonly known as 5711 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 to allow for a professional office use and general storage space on the first floor and two residential units (one one -bedroom and one two-bedroom unit) on the second floor; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, notice of the public hearing was duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, on November 30, 2017, written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property on December 1, 2017, and signs were duly posted on the property on December 8, 2017; and WHEREAS, the 5711 Dempster building has been vacant since July 2016, but was previously used as a mixed-use development with a restaurant on the first floor and residential units on the second floor; and WHEREAS, the Applicants seek approval for a modified mixed-use development, which will comply with the mixed-use development regulations within the CI General Commercial District per Section 12-5-6, which include specific limitations on the design and intensity of the mix of uses through provisions related to the location of commercial uses and residential units, on the number and size of residential units, and on the extent of any potential parking waivers associated with the proposed project; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 12-5-6:F.1 the proposed office use is located at street level (first floor) and the residential units are located on the second floor; and WHEREAS, the proposed project includes a total of two residential units, which complies with the density requirements of not less than 1,815 sq. ft. per dwelling unit, and includes one one - bedroom unit and one two-bedroom unit, which complies with the requirement of a maximum of two (2) bedrooms per dwelling unit, in accordance with Sections 12-5-6:C. and 12-5-6:F.2., respectively; and WHEREAS, the first floor will be designed for a maximum of 1,100 sq. ft. of professional office space, with the remaining 700+/- sq. ft. of space designated as general storage use; and WHEREAS, the proposed mix and size of uses results in a parking requirement of seven (7) stalls, where 5 spaces are provided on-site; and WHEREAS, this proposed mix and size of uses has been specifically designed to comply with Section 12-5-6:G.2., which states that a mixed-use development within the CI General Commercial District must have at least 75% of the required parking on-site; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 12-7-3:B of the Village Code, the Applicants submitted a traffic and parking study "Traffic and Parking Summary," prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA), dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: January 20, 2018, and February 14, 2018), with the Special Use Application; and WHEREAS, GHA made observations of the available on-site private parking and public parking along Major Avenue and within the 5714 Dempster St. municipal parking lot and, combined with their projections of future area parking demand and understanding of the peak parking demands of these proposed uses, GHA concluded the available on-site and public parking is sufficient to accommodate the anticipated parking demand for this proposed mixed use development, and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) reviewed the project at its December 1, 2017, meeting and provided comments on an earlier proposal that proposed a first floor restaurant and three residential units and after the Applicants updated the traffic and parking study based on the current mixed use proposal for professional office, general storage and two residential units, the Chairperson reviewed and acknowledged the modifications to the development were positive changes, which reduced the intensity and density of the project and, as such, he waived a second full commission review by the Traffic Safety Commission provided all applicable comments and conditions remain in effect; and WHEREAS, there are no proposed changes to the building facade and, as such, the Appearance Commission review was not required; and WHEREAS, as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on February 19, 2018, at which all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission; and WHEREAS, as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated March 06, 2018, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, this Special Use for mixed-use development with professional office and general storage uses on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor, with a waiver of two (2) of the required seven (7) on-site parking spaces, at 5711 Dempster Street be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 5711 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted a Special Use Permit for a mixed use development with first floor professional office and general storage and two residential dwelling units on the second floor, and a two stall parking waiver, and such special use shall be located and operated at that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners/lessees, occupants, and users of this property, their successors, and assigns for the duration of the special use: 1. The site and building shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting documents in the application, identified in this report and/or presented at the public hearing, subject to any necessary modifications to accommodate conditions, Commission recommendations, or code compliance requirements, in accordance with reviews by Traffic Safety Commission, Plan Commission, and/or Village staff, including the following: A. Plat of Survey/Site Plan, prepared by Burch, Burch, & Burch Architecture dated February 14, 2018, provided the first floor professional office use does not exceed 1,100 sq. ft. and the balance of the first floor space is used explicitly as "general storage" space, per condition 2. below; B. Second Floor Site Plan, prepared by Burch, Burch and Burch Architecture, dated February 14, 2018, and C. Traffic study "Traffic and Parking Summary", prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: January 20, 2018 and February 14 2018). 2. The Applicant's building permit plans shall include the required two exits from all apartments as required by code. 3. The proposed first floor professional office space shall be limited to no more than 1,100 sq. ft. of active office space with the remainder first floor square footage to be designed for and used as general storage only. All previous improvements associated with the prior restaurant and/or residential uses, including the plumbing fixtures in the general storage area, shall be removed from the first floor, accordingly. 4. The first floor office shall be used for general, professional office uses only, such as insurance sales, lawyer, accountant, etc.; higher intensity office uses such as medical/dental offices are not permitted without prior approval of an amendment to the special use due to potential for increased parking demand. Applicants must review proposed office uses with the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to proceeding with tenant improvements and/or occupancy. 5. The total number of residential units must not exceed 2 dwelling units. 6. Each individual dwelling unit shall have no more than two -bedrooms. 7. Two (2) on-site parking spaces, one for each residential unit, shall be reserved for the use of the residents, per Section 12-5-6.G.2. 8. Prior to beginning work on the new building and site improvements, the Applicant shall have filed all necessary building and site engineering plans for review and approval by the Village, and shall have received all necessary building permits. The reference plans list included in Condition 1, above, shall be updated and expanded, as necessary, to ensure the proposed mixed use development complies with all applicable building and life safety code requirements as well as conditions included herewith. 9. The Applicant shall install a fire alarm system. The plans for such system shall be filed directly with the Fire Department for review and approval, and such system shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. 10. The Applicants shall advise staff and patrons of all available commercial public parking options, in the area, and advise against parking in the adjacent residential neighborhoods. 11. The Commission shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. Any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. Any change in hours of operation; C. Any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces; D. Any increases in staffing levels above those projected in the Gewalt Hamilton Associates traffic study "Traffic and Parking Summary", dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: January 20, 2018 and February 14 2018); and E. Any other changes to the site use which could increase the intensity and/or increase the parking demand. 12. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and/or Village Engineer be advised of any significant vehicular/pedestrian traffic and/or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this mixed use development, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village Administrator within 30 days of such notice, which outlines a plan with specific ways to address such issues. Such plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Community and Economic Development, Village Engineer, and Police Chief, who will be charged with making suggested changes and/or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this approved use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. SECTION 3: The special use is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 4: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 5: The Commission shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 26th day of March 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Travis Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 26th day of March 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of March 2018 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Community &Cz Economic Development Department MORTON GROVE To: From: Date: Re: Village President and Board of Trustees Steven Blonz, Chairperson, Plan Commission Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic D elopment Director/�`t Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/ nd-Use Planner V Incredibly Close Amazingly Open March 6, 2018 Plan Commission Case PC17-20: Request for a Special Use Permit for a Mixed Use Development in accordance with Sections 12-4-3:D. of the Unified Development Code (Ordinance 07-07) Commission Report Public Notice The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice public hearing for PC 17-20 in accordance with the published the public notice on November 30, 2017, owners via mail on December 1, 2017 and placed a December 8, 2017. The case was continued from the Commission hearings. for the December 18, 2017 Pian Commission Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press and the Village notified surrounding property public notice sign on the subject property on December 18, 2017 and January 15, 2018 Pian Property Background The 3,707 sq. ft. subject property is improved with a 3,208 sq. ft. two-story building and a five (5) stall parking lot at the rear of the lot, and is zoned C1 General Commercial District. The properties to the east, west, and north are also zoned C1 and are improved with commercial buildings; the properties to the south are zoned R2 Single Family Residential and are improved with single-family residences. _-' Ji J ri J'�nusr. c 5730 b5 RI m .0 5714 .5701.5705 9srn9s,n 51 5747 5741 5739 5735 57: 57,7 57 5101-5709 -57,4 Location/Context map Overview of the Application Mr. Young Man Choi and Ms. Yun Ok Choi, the "Applicants" and property owners, filed an application for a "Mixed Use Development" at 5711 Dempster Street. Section 12-4-3:D of the Unified Development Code requires a Special Use Permit for Mixed Use Developments. The existing building has been vacant since July of 2016. Prior to that, the building had a first floor restaurant and residential units on the second floor. In accordance with Section 12-15-4, because the previous non- conforming mixed use had been discontinued for longer than 6 months, the property and structure must conform to the current use regulations within this zoning district. The Applicants are seeking approval of a special use for a mixed use development with first floor commercial use and two residential dwelling units on the second floor, in accordance with current code requirements. With this proposal, they are planning to convert the former first floor restaurant into a professional office use and general storage space. In addition, on the second floor, they are seeking approval to retain the one -bedroom dwelling unit and to convert the previous three-bedroom unit into a two-bedroom dwelling unit. The Applicants do not have a current tenant selected for the proposed first floor office space; however, they envision this space as a professional office use such as a lawyer or insurance salesperson. Over the past few months, the Applicants worked with the Village on refining their mixed-use proposal to ensure their proposal complies with C1 Mixed Use Development provisions (Section 12-5- 6). Per Section 12-5-6:C, the number of units allowed in a Mixed Use Development in a C1 District is one dwelling unit per 1,815 sq. ft. of land. This provision prompted the Applicant to reduce their originally proposed three dwelling units down to two dwelling units. In addition, their modification to the configuration of the previous 3 -bedroom unit to a two-bedroom unit was also necessary to comply with the Mixed Use code requirements. With respect to the first floor commercial use, per Section 12-5-6:F.2, any mixed-use development must have at least 75% of the required parking on-site (i.e. they could not request more than a 25% waiver to the parking requirements). The conversion of the first floor from the previous restaurant use to a mix of lower intensity office use (up to 1,100 sq. ft.) and 700+/- sq. ft. of general storage space was necessitated by this requirement. Based on the shared parking calculation (Section. 12-7- 3:H), peak parking demand would be between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, when 100% of the parking for the office use is required along with 60% of the residential parking. During that time, seven (7) parking spaces would be required. Given the five parking spaces on site, a maximum potential waiver of two spaces could be granted by code for a mixed-use development. Based on the parking requirements and the intensity of uses at various times of days, the office and storage uses on the first floor, with the two dwelling units, is a mix of uses that would allow the Applicants to comply with this provision of the code. Per Section 12-7-3:B of the Unified Development Code, proposed parking standards identified in the code as "Required Spaces By Use" shall be advisory only for Special Use applications as the required parking will be reviewed and established as part of the Special Use Permit. The final number of required parking spaces for Special Use Permits is set by the Village Board based on the submitted independent traffic and parking study and any traffic and parking recommendations by the Traffic Safety and Plan Commissions and/or staff. Again, for mixed use developments in the C1 District, no more than a 25% waiver to the parking requirements may be granted. February 19, 2018 Public Hearing At the February 19, 2018 Public Hearing, Mr. Dominick Argumedo, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner, introduced the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated February 15, 2018, which was entered into the public record in its entirety. He presented some background on the subject property and stated that in December of 2015, the Village discovered that work had been done to modify the structure without permits. These modifications induded the addition of a karaoke room at the rear of the restaurant, which was an expansion/alteration of what was then a non- conforming use (mixed-use development), which requires ZBA approval per Village code. Further, in the C1 District, "Tavems, bars and cocktail lounges with live music and/or vocal entertainment as accessory use" requires a special use permit, which the tenant/applicant had not applied for nor granted approval prior to adding this accessory use. In addition, the associated building modifications resulted in issues with code violations, including altering the necessary means of egress for the residential units. Mr. Argumedo stated that the citations that had been issued to the previous tenants and the property owners have since been resolved. The Applicants, Mr. Youg Choi and Ms. Yun Ok Choi, and their son, Mr. Andrew Choi, were sworn in along with members of their development team: Mr. Larry Berg, Attomey; Mr. Brian Burch, architect with Burch, Burch & Burch LTD.; and Ms. Lynn Means, Senior Transportation Engineer, with Gewalt Hamilton Associates. Mr. Berg presented an overview of the history of mixed-use development at 5711 Dempster St. He noted the owners are seeking to restore the vacant building to a mixed-use commercial development, through the special use process. In seeking this special use approval, the Applicants have submitted a proposal that lowers the commercial impact on the surrounding properties by proposing an office use with associated storage on the first floor versus the previous restaurant use. The Applicants are also seeking a parking waiver of 25% to meet the needs of the office space and two residential apartments on the second floor. Mr. Burch reviewed the current proposal from an architectural standpoint and noted of the two existing apartments on the second floor, the one with three bedrooms would be converted Into a two- bedroom unit by removing the wall of one of the bedrooms to provide a 'great room' by combining it with living room space. He also noted that the restaurant cooking and food storage areas would be removed allowing for a front space and a closed office space on the first floor with the remainder of the area converted to office space storage. He also noted the five parking 5 parking spaces at the rear of the building are 9 ft. wide, exceeding the required 8.5 ft. width. Commissioner Shimanski asked if the bathroom that is currently located in what is prescribed to be the office storage area at the rear portion of the first floor would be removed. Mr. Burch stated all plumbing will be removed from that area. Commissioner Gabriel asked if there are two exits for each of the apartments. Mr. Burch stated the rear one -bedroom apartment has one exit. Chairperson Farkas asked Mr. Rick Dobrowski, Rre Department Bureau Chief, for further information. Mr. Dobrowski stated there would need to be a one hour fire separation down the hallway and he noted a full fire alarm system would be needed prior to operation. Mr. Argumedo again clarified that no building permit could be issued without meeting applicable building and fire safety codes. Mr. Burch noted that due to the space on the building a fire escape could be provided for the rear bedroom. 3 Commissioner Khan asked if an elevator is required to meet ADA code. Mr. Argumedo replied that would be a building department question, but he did not believe it would be necessary. Ms. Lynn Means reviewed the traffic and parking summary for 5711 Dempster and stated that due to the proposed use of professional office on the first floor and residential above there is adequate parking for the proposal at this location. Chairperson Blonz asked for clarification of a parking the survey in the submitted traffic and safety study relating to Exhibit 5 for projected traffic characteristics. Ms. Means replied that projected traffic calculations are based on industries standards for surveys that were conducted nationwide. She reiterated that the parking study review shows there Is ample parking during and after peak hours. This is due to the available public parking, and the nature of the fadlity being in use in hours off -set from neighboring facilities such as All -Inn which has a parking demand at night, and Poko Loko whose parking demand is projected to be predominantly handled by the spaces on their private parking lot. Commissioner Gabriel asked about snow removal and where the garbage will be stored. Ms. Means noted that refuse containers are on the rear of the property, adjacent to the alley. She also noted that all the properties on this block have dealt with limited space for storage. The Applicants will find space on site or have the snow removed. Chairperson Blonz asked if there was anyone present that wanted to be heard. There was no response. Chairperson Blonz asked for any other comments or questions. Hearing none, he asked for a motion. Commissioner Farkas moved to recommend approval of Case #PC17-20, a request for a Special Use Permit for a Mixed Use Development with professional office and general storage space on the first floor and two residential dwelling units — one one -bedroom and one two-bedroom — on the second floor with a two (2) stall waiver to the seven (7) stall parking requirement, in accordance with Sections 12-4-3:D and 12-5-6, at 5711 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL, with the following conditions: 1. The site and building shall be developed and operated consistent with the plans and supporting documents in the application, identified in this report and/or presented at the Public Hearing, subject to any necessary modifications to accommodate conditions, Commission recommendations, or code compliance requirements, in accordance with reviews by Traffic Safety Commission, Plan Commission, and/or Village staff, induding the following: A. Plat of Survey/Site Plan, prepared by Burch, Burch, & Burch Architecture dated February 14, 2018, provided the first floor professional office uses does not exceed 1,100 sq. ft. and the balance of the first floor space is used explicitly as "storage" space, per condition 2. below; and B. Second Floor Site Plan, prepared by Burch, Burch and Burch Architecture, dated 02/14/ 2018, and C. Traffic study 'Traffic and Parking Summary", prepared by Gewalt Hamilton Assodates, Inc., dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: February 14, 2018) 2. The proposed first floor professional office space shall be limited to no more than 1,100 sq. ft. of active office space with the remainder first floor sq. ft. to be designed for and used as general storage only. All previous improvements shall be removed, accordingly. 3. The first floor office shall be used for general, professional office uses only such as insurance salesperson, lawyer, accountant, etc.; higher intensity office use such medical/dental offices are not permitted without prior approval of an amendment to the special use due to potential for increased parking demand. Applicants must review proposed office user with the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to proceeding with tenant improvements and/or occupancy. 4. The total number of residential dwelling units must not exceed 2 dwelling units. 5. Each individual dwelling unit shall have no more than two -bedrooms. 6. The Applicants shall advise staff and patrons of all available commercial public parking options, in the area, and advise against parking in the adjacent residential neighborhoods. 7. Two (2) on-site parking spaces, one for each residential unit, shall be reserved for use the residents. 8. The applicants shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. any change in hours of operation; C. any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces; D. any increases staffing levels above those projected in the Gewalt Hamilton Associates traffic study "Traffic and Parking Summary", dated September 11, 2017 (REVISED: January 20, 2018 & February 14 2018); and E. any other changes to the site use that could increase the intensity and/or increase the parking demand. Such changes may require the owners, lessees, and users of 5711 Dempster St to submit an updated parking analysis, and may subject the owners, lessees, and users of 5711 Dempster St. to additional conditions and may serve as the basis for further amendment to the special use permit. 9. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and/or Village Engineer be advised of any significant vehicular/pedestrian traffic and/or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this mixed use office/residential developement, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village Administrator within 30 days of such notice, which outlines a plan with speciflc ways to address such issues. Such plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Community and economic Development, Village Engineer and Police Chief, who will be charged with making suggested changes and/or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this approved use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 10. All plumbing for a bathroom use shall be removed from the area designated for general storage c space. 11. A fire alarm system shall be installed and two exits from all apartments shall be provided. Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (6-0, Commissioner Gillespie absent). Legislative Summary Ordinance 18-04 APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THREE EXISTING ANTENNAS AND INSTALLATION OF THREE ADDITIONAL ANTENNAS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AT 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS March 12, 2018 Introduction: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Submitted by: Prepared by: Approval of a minor amendment to a special use permit (Ord. 97-62, 11-12, & 14-16) to allow for the replacement of three (3) existing and installation of three (3) new antennas and associated equipment at 6101 Capulina Avenue On December 8, 1997, the Board approved a special use permit for AT&T to allow for the installation of antennas and associated ground -mounted equipment at the Village Hall/Police Station site on a monopole (Ord. 97-62). The Board subsequently approved minor amendments to original special use in 2011 (Ord. 11-12) and in 2014 (Ord. 14-16) for the replacement and installation of antennas and associated equipment. Although approved for a total of twelve (12) antennas in the original applicant and each amendment, to date, AT&T has only installed nine (9) antennas. AT&T is requesting another minor amendment to replace three (3) existing and add three (3) new antennas and associated updated equipment. AT&T considers this scope of work maintenance in response to consumer demand. With this amendment, the total number of approved antennas would be twelve (12) total antennas. Section12-16-4-B of the Unified Development Code allows for minor amendments of existing special use permits upon the review by the Building Commissioner or his/her designee, the Plan Commission chairperson, Village Administrator, and Corporation Counsel. The submitted application and plans have been reviewed by all the required staff/commission members, in consultation with the Fire and Public Works Departments, and it has been determined this requested amendment is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original special use permit. Community and Economic Department N/A N/A The amendment will be implemented by staff in the normal course of business. Approval as presented The applicant has requested to waive the second reading of the ordinance in order to expedite the project. None Reviewed by Village Administrator Teresa Hoffman List on//rporation Counsel ORDINANCE 18-04 APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR REPLACEMENT OF THREE EXISTING ANTENNAS AND INSTALLATION OF THREE ADDITIONAL ANTENNAS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AT 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village owns property commonly known as 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, IL ("Subject Property") where a monopole is located. The property is zoned in the R2 Single Family Residence District. Pursuant to Section 12-4-2 of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, a special use permit is required for the construction of antennas and antenna support structures in this District; and WHEREAS, On December 8, 1997, pursuant to Ordinance 97-62, AT&T ("Applicant") filed for and the Village Board approved a special use permit for the installation and maintenance of a cellular tower with twelve antennas and associated equipment on the Village's property at 6101 Capulina Avenue; and WHEREAS, on May, 9, 2011, pursuant to Ordinance 11-12, the Village Board approved an amendment to the existing special use that allowed for the replacement of six (6) antennas and the installation of three (3) new antennas; and WHEREAS, on June 9, 2014, pursuant to Ordinance 14-16, the Village Board approved an amendment to the existing special use that allowed for the replacement of three (3) antennas and the installation of three (3) new antennas; and WHEREAS, only nine (9) of the twelve (12) previously approved antennas were installed prior to the original special use permit and each sequent special use permit amendment expiring; and WHEREAS, the "Applicant", pursuant to Plan Commission Case PCI8-02, has made proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for a minor amendment to the approved special use permit (Ord. 97-62) to allow for the replacement of three (3) antennas and installation of three (3) additional antennas, for a final total of twelve (12) antennas, and associated equipment on the subject property; and WHEREAS, Section 332(c)(7) of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 prohibits local governments from regulating commercial wireless antenna facilities based on the environmental effect 1 of Radio Frequency (RF) emissions, as the F.C.C. has the exclusive jurisdiction to regulate based on RF emissions; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 07-07 the Village adopted a Unified Development Code which set forth an abbreviated procedure for minor revisions to special use permits which allows for the granting of such amendments without a formal public hearing process subject to the recommendation for approval by the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner, and Plan Commission Chairperson and subsequent approval by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson, in consultation with the Fire and Public Works Departments, have found this amendment with certain conditions as set forth in this ordinance, meets the standard for the abbreviated process described above, and as such recommends approval of the minor amendment to Ord. 97-62; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Applicant is hereby granted an amendment to the previously granted special use permit, pursuant to Ordinance 97-62, to allow for the replacement of three (3) antennas and the installation of three (3) additional antennas and associated equipment at 6101 Capulina Avenue, with the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners/lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: 1. All conditions of Ordinance 97-62 shall remain in effect unless specifically modified by this amendment. 2. The Applicant shall install the replacement and new antennas and associated equipment in accordance with the submitted plans, dated March 7, 2018, submitted by Mastec Network Solutions, included herewith as Exhibit "A," and includes: a. Title Sheet 2 b. Site Plan c. Elevation d. Antenna Layout; and e. Equipment Layout 3. The equipment shall be a color consistent with the existing tower and brackets. 4. Prior to commencing work, the Applicant shall have filed a building permit application and all necessary plans for review and approval by the Village, and shall have received all necessary approved building permits. 5. The Applicant shall adhere to the terms of the negotiated lease agreement with the Village for all their antennas and associated equipment located on the subject property. SECTION 3: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 4: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 12th of March 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 12th day of March 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 3 APPROVED and FILED in my office this 13`h day of March 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 4 PROJECT INFORMATION2111131M21, .. NgeR AT&T APPROVAL ATZL1 , COM 501.1.111000. X 60173 PROPOSED uSE: 101Go�NTrwr..1IONS I.DIUT. 100.27. STRUCTURE 11M Mtflt” 116 NUNINCIDN AVENUE nxi] O 1 PHONEarra) PERSON: 0477).,5-4070 MITSPDE 42.037531' - �69 ul/ Loa Dna x89 et 411001013 [MATO, Ne rt u5. {e W') ]w-3402 POWER CONPANO (060, Nxouv. 77x002. (WC) 267-0202 o '7334643•LN3' 0 04 Dal 1331 SITE NUMBER: IL0297 111 _ ..R M SITE NAME: MORTON GROVE PROJECT: AT&T MOBIUTY APPROVAL Rax Eaten One LTE 4C (1900)/ 4TXRX RF Dm CAWS)/ LTE 5C FNET (700) 0J[c104PWN09: E6 Operation Dm REPLACE (5) EXISTING ANTENNAS ON P053 WIM (3) NEW, INSTALL (3) 540 ANTENNAS on 07001. m LTE PROJECT FOD (3) NEW R(2) ON 005.3. & (6) NEW OPUS ON PO5, 1.moat ADD (1) NEW LIBER. (2) OC POWER CABLES & (1) 5906-16-60-18-80. REPLACE EXISTING POWER PLANT WIT( NEW. REPLACE E%6TW0 BATTERY RACK WITH NEW. REMOVE (1) DU5-11. 0.00 (1) 5216, (1) RBS 6601, (1) XNUI & (1) 0012 -40 -60 -RM IN SMRTEfl DECOM EXISTING 1900 UMTS. ® ❑ 7' TOO AWS 1800 IMO WCS FNET 700 DRAWING INDEX REV VICINITY MAP APPUCABLE BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS 40247-01 mix EE()® C 0014(01 44 4500 OWAREMFJ11MT10NLL 4POx4 uMWEST or. - v / no sowT 10 tnE Tui 100 L 4 447 24 ERCE M1440µ ow (OR 30111177/1-244 r5' o n }MN 0 0000 E. 0404 Lert 4414 wrx AVE. DEMMIO2 wu ee 04 T"0 L[n. - NL°.wx r 02xctLAwes smcnox woo, GovERNm "u0. i+xwos m [rrtv w VDT, or cwm.cl rwwo z 1S rm[ in*. 204] r w EMS 11087-02 SITE 171.11.B/ c 10.9241.13 ELEVATION p C 420297-04 ANTENNA 1*149�J i44' C 110247-05 EOUIPMPNT IAY1TUT C NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS QUIPM NT C " 'Y' or WIXOM EMIER coo. MS, STATE OF LIMNS APO G0 GROVE >e MM COM CIROAL WE 16113 LOCAL ALENDICENTS ILTERLAMONAL ME PREVEMON COOL MO ON " 1 x, Vrt (00) ]0.4 02-00x0 CODE c x[xr5 4007 E. COMOROS ]m 5210E0 eouRM761 �M STRUCTURAL 00 x400, a srm 0404 POs L elm wxsmonM Am Mmm �00E 10500 410ONE 891104x. ASSOM 2xerrse 7.8900044 FOR 4,¢L 1040 WMx401 ri 4004 �BG�W( 001 (0 M12J[�WN4T000 41094746 110207-06 NEW SPEC IONS C .. ')`e LMETRICAL 14,0247-07 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C X .:$T;v''-x 0 ;. P ,. '' `! v' ..m.11 c0 p� '�„�3 ~AligLiri ' : 41 10 \ lb Oa 1' up ANTENNA MATRIX C 110287-08 COAX COLOR CODING C ILVK7-10 FIBER-OPTIC JUMPER COLOR CODING 0 110247.11 FN A 1 . C 110247401 MOUMMPW40091109 C asisnonr. 111.1 x Rand FOR POWERING AND GROUNDING m ELECTRONIC ovoir � 04244. xG l 44(0000 404041440 on 58947 wL110000 Latw[>t rortx el0070 ((04p03 0000000 LL 0G N.M SERI 040589(5 `°"' 10Mimw' 04x11(020 Ea Atm CONEJCIS ARO Mal FERAL, ALL SMI O540001DERa 0 0G uLESS EE)0ewJ MG uti 2420 W0 un.& OR OT4 4 01 4003,30010 44 W ,1 0 A ._••ms THESE DRAWINGS ARE PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY MASTEC NETWORK SOLUTION. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND INCORPORATE MOST REG MP. VERSION OF REDS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS ` LBRMO SUM',UNDER lir TIM MIM r WW2 sO s CT Y1 xECS1 M S411SNMMMIC :- . m0wlc0 0041 '-4 w PATEL I4' xoxlrtt DBl'OWBBB ii /m Ie 0 04005 004430 MOSS AEC 04 (34002(90. 90 (ea) 477 -IRO 430001 . PLANT warm (eon 44]-5913 - RP`v'°N''SFxz LLCM mID 440-stt> cu 89770 I pmI u AA TS•Q1 C. PAID_ 31 C.," spy - DIMES 11-341-2012 i °,471706,200`.. irtyi4;31 �VtasTec Network solutions 0b1.w, IL 4014] N RO w: Engineers, /0.»y o e aI onoOei.6io i sW v 6 pp 8130 Eea (6]0)) -1169 MORTON GROVE SITE NO.IL0287 SEERM N0.50281d 5'.IxA MORTON Cm2 G ems] AT&TAT&T +'. Q - MOBILITY ` 4400701 TMWM 'I°'h' LOTH -01 6612 APEX J o. 0104-140 cu 0505' IAA.. 4. A0094 0 5 Apex Engineers, Ina. 500 00a ]] m5 fe B 90144 Ph 4630)'627.1409 .. (630) 627-1165 O SITE PLAN 1 /NONNA IEGI ND' PROPOSED YNENIU RELOCATED ANTENNA EX60N0 ANTENNA REMOVE() ANTENNA PROPOSED ANTENNA BRACKETS & MOUNTS COMPLY WITH 1140 90 MPH 3 SECOND GUST NT Of 2003 IBC. SEE SHEET 04 POR DETAILED EXISTING/PROPOSED IMENW. LAYOUT PO4m0N L (3) EXISTING ANTENNAS 9/ (3) EXISTING RRU532 (TIP., PER SECTOR) 70 REMAIN Pncnl0N 7. (3) EXISTING AMR ANTENNAS W/ (3) EXISTING RRU511 (lTPA PER SECTOR) TO REMAIN. DISCONNECT LTE 1µS. P0510ON REMOVE (3) EXISTING .ANTENNAS INCLUDING MOUNTING PIPES @ REPLACE W/ (3) NEW ANTENX47 (IYP.1 PER SECTOR). INSTALL (3) NEW RPM (760.1 PER 5ECTOR). CONNECT ENET 700 ANTENNA TO 700 MET RRUS 4476 914 ON PO0.4 POSITION 4. DECOM 1900 WIS. RECONNECT BOO WS TO NEW ANTENNA. INSTALL (3) NEW ANTENNAS (MI PER SECTOR). INSTALL (3) NEW ENO RRUS (TPA PER SECTOR) 7*04REO WRN ANTENNA POS.3 AND ANTENNA P05 A. @ (3) NEW AWS RRUSV (TPA PER SECTOR). 1Nl -0MasTec Network SoWbns 04604. n ¢a1n Ba 6 NIX 306 69 CI09 MORTON GROVE SRE 40.1U1207 S 70 01330. 01 CkPLILINALMPNNl0 63 441001041 C ezu- AT&T VIVO MAP PA inn 4 1 3 (I m. v 1-20 AT&T MOBIVIY SPE MAN MONOPOLE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS BY OTHERS NOTE: REFER TO RE DESIGN SHEET/ SCOPIN0 FORM & INSTALL AS RE001RE0 BC/00 BON, 01410 FIBER BG% 6001, 011501, PATCH PANEL TEL501 5310, BREAKERS & MISC. EQUIPMENT. N50, 0ECGM GSM/UMTS EOUIPMENI/COAX AS SHOWN ON SLOPING FORM. ANTENNA MOUNTING FRAME REINFORCEMENT. SEE DRAWING 101 FOR FRAME REINFORCEMENT 0/ AT&T 4N1ENWIS EXISTING/ PROPOSED PRo `OSED AT&T ANTENNAS. SEE SHEET OA OR ANTENNA LAYOUT d� 4/ ANTENNAS (DINERS) Y ELF (13) EXISTING 1-1/4' COAX CARIES & (1) OC 00004 & (0) FIBER CABLES. INSTALL (2) NEW OC POWER & 1) MAW E18ER CABLE O ELEVATION /m--0_4' TING CNMN-LINK FENCE (TYP_) MISTING EOUIPMFNI (OTHERS) EXISTING ICE BRIDGE EmslrvG ATOT SHELTER J 1 FINISHED GRADE ELEY: D' -D• PICTURES TAKEN ON 07/21/1017 aM asTec Network 501u0On[A Apex Engineers. Inc SW0040 xi . e Ph (630617 -IRE 1 APE% JOB No 41014-165 MORTON GROVE SITE *40.11.0257 SRERRANO.55A1A GNI CAPOLIN. 0 40070* CRONE It 60054 AT&T WAIN NA= 441.4411 • 04/71/11 tAte MT 114 Pr Ow MI .111X Iffier. AT&T MOBILITY ELANOON 60.1 5 4 1 } D C 4- B A (I) EASING RPYCAP OC6-48-00-18-8L & (1) EXISTING RAYCW O06-48-61-0-80 DUSTING ANTENNA MOMS. POSRONS k A2gJ130 ME ASSUMED BASED ON REDS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY(1) EXISTING ppYCO➢ OC6-<0-60-10-BL h RELOCATE/ PRIOR i0 CONSTRUCTION k COORDINATE MiTX Alki Rf ENGINEER FOR ANY DISCREPANCY. (I) EXISTING PAYCAP 006-68-60-0-8C 70 RCMVN. (i) NEW R/.YCV OC6-K-60-18-NC ADD/ REPLACE MOUNTING PIPES AS REQUIRED i0 ACCOMMODATE NEW ANTENNAS REFER TO RV DESIGN SHEET FOR MDIIONAL INFORMATION W N ON 1'S/DPLEXIX5/DC FIRER 000/0050(3) 1- ��, YSC,I oU— POSITION 1' (3) EXISTING ANTENNAS 009900OPC SDN94-10850 (96 n119'n)1') W/ (3) EXISTING WCS RRL/532 (T00.1 PER SECTOR) POSITION J' (3) EXISiWG 011R ANTENNAS 081020014 (PE NRC 115-049/1 (93.5"5121.566) W/ POSPM1$ (3) IXISi1NG 702 005511 (Tvp1 PER SECTOR) PoS n '. P0S100N ]. ^ N(jAi , 0'1' 3.g *O$' \':'" o `Ip $ MP •RI* Avitt.p>C — 17 (ry [01 (3) EXISTING cNTENNAS COMMSCOPC SBNN14-1(3659 (9611 132 ,I') W/ (3) EXISTING S RRU532 (TYP.1 PER SECTOR) i0 REMAIN FORM 2' (] 9XISTNG115-34 AIR ANTENNAS 1ERICSSON (> (3) 110-006/i (9].6'%121'%8.6") W/ ) 00g 3 D000NNECi OE *WSEXISTING 700 . (19,1 PER SELIOR) i0 REMAIN, Po INSTALL. NEW RRUS USING .APPROVED ERICSSON BMCXCTS S%N 10818/6/1 & $XN1D919M/2 OR EQUAL (TP, OIL. SECTOR) 3 PROVIDE ADDMONAL MOUNTING PPE AS REQUIRED aQ `V S F>Po MfT POS TPC >0p % % ('4. 3 04PS QRS `V 45 In �' 5` ® (3) EXISTING ANTENNAS r+3 ANDREW $BHN 06565R 22. (119.1 PER SECTOR) C1 B>S � PoSIBpO C{OR Sy0' 1M N) ( $y 0 S MW MMP " M IWIcam`, ` N- I IN I I WI IN 1 'y d �, nni �q O N n . ?' 'T P S `FSS' �� Sf, t -0 9S�{'+ 5 i �? ,,,,pp ,)j l e ¢ EXISTING ANTENNA LAYOUT 41r iI v�T 0/ �� c. �pOM1 POSRION I. REMOVE (3) EASING. ANTENNAS INCLUDING MING PIPES & REPLACE ,�1 � (3) MEW INIFNMIS .21 COMM5C9 .NNN- "ryC';\C. X051 INSTALL (3) NEW 1900 RRUSR 4415 523 GYRI PER 550109). ¢" CONNECT MEI 700 ANTENNA TO 700 MET RRl4S M)8 01{ON PDS{ POR1ryDN s - =OM OM 1900 UMTS. RECONNECT VMS TO NEW .VilEI11Gl~� INSTALL (3) NANTENNAS COM900MSCOPE 1AHN-SSC-539 703 [90A"n83 ( 7(178.1 PER P.1 PER INSTALL (3) NEW '/00 IPET 2 034 4478 I514 004, PER SECTOR) )1 (3) 495 AWS MSEMM 9 5( N.0 909 000 P09). k (3) NEW AWS RRUS32 066 (IIP.t PER SECTOR). PROPOSED el,ilk W/ r ANTENNA LAYOUT O w,E NTS. �MasTec �°`.p".' w`"'"` NORTON GROVE NetwDh Solt/Mons 9..". t500 ccEarE inOa &TAB ul. 8 SITE NO. R.0287 AT&T MOBILITY G n Re Ph, ((530) 2>�I6W &TERRAN0. 58391A AT&Ts 11n1o. a ¢otu (04x0(008 62> 1 ..- .w8Nlu uralrt . N5 C! 00S 65 MORTON <Im.L , 6Wll ' Ryi sax Ex o cowl M i� 6 ' < a .Uan-W 5515. a 10 Wu , xlhw wunox wm c x iox 11055005- 0[C0U (1) GUS41, ADO (1) NEW 130 BBS 6501. (1) 5216. (1) MMU @ (1) 0012-15-60-5M. ADD BREAKERS 0S 5E0000E0, 04° a [n MaLARY' ITE., i u [ NE. EQ.."' , 0 DECOM UMLS/GSM a5 0000N 00 MOPING (055. [PICTURES TAXER ON 07/21/2017 3 PROPERLY eolvo All EQUIPMENT PLRNEC AND AT&T STANDARDS Wxnsrrv[ wleeas REMOVE (MONO BATTERY MLN & REPLACE w/ (1) NEw BATTERY RACK w/ (5) STRINGS or N 041210150(5 BATTERIES? & (1) STRING LARGERDER NEW POWER PIAN1, SEE SKEET 05-A FOR SPECIFICATIONS KNOW ERWNL 00 POWER PAW @ REPLACE W/ NEW EMERSON 721 POWER SYSTEM W/ (E) PECTNE05 0 (2) SGNVER2R5 (5) SHEET 0555 A F2) SPECIFICATIONS . p 00 7 `` g @�I n II _o 0 k t'T r rairt < LLLL( 1 'a; g-+saurvyyw.�c,C.rt C_II t IN j LILI� IIS' Z ISILI Or o +➢LL�50aa ey T IFIL �.I'. I SIJ �I' 217- -'' hilliaIi 31 =L. LL I _JI 1 � K w 4 [EALING F001PMEN I.Yo O k% � µ O /7 7Z/ / y� LL/ S 1111 1���� ®N A � EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 'S1VIasTec Network Solutions xa Ilmm, rt c0va Apex �-00.-eln.Ios, 515.,a /dam eye 2710011 I`B 1510)2621-fe00 0. (c BI 627-1163 MORTON GROVE SITE NO. IEL302 WERMXO.51201.4 0x1.5 MI.+S a 60053 ` AT&T y onOt �6�mOBl� u un.1n Nwea .0241-05 r APEX . No c -165 Rx,.`u.�. Imo.. o 10....1.. Drew Parker <ffiasTec Network Solutions 1351 E. Irving Park Road I 630-634-4932 J drew.parker@mastec.com 03/08/2018 Board of Trustees Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove, IL 60058 RE: 1L0297. AT&T Building Permit Application for 6101 Capulina Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60053 MRCH1027386_WISIL LTE 2018 5C310297 3301A000ZA_10005274 Dear Board of Trustees, MasTec Network Solutions on behalf of AT&T has submitted application for the necessary permits at the above location for proposed equipment modifications in the Village of Morton Grove, IL. The proposed scope of work is for the replacement of three (3) antennas, addition of three (3) antennas and ancillary equipment to the existing tower. The final configuration after construction will be a total of (12) antennas at the current elevation of 101 ft. Please be advised that AT&T considers this scope of work maintenance, in response to consumer demand. It is AT&T's goal to continue to provide the latest technologies and service to their consumers in Morton Grove, IL. Therefore, please consider this letter AT&T's official request that the Village of Morton Grove waive the second reading for the necessary permits to allow for timely permit issuance. Please feel free to contact me with any questions by email at drew.parker@mastec.com or by phone at 630-634-4932. Sincerely, Drew Parker Zoning & Permitting Specialist