NOVEMBER 13, 2017
Village President Dan DiMaria convened the meeting at 7:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of
Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx,
Ed Ramos, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko.
1. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting (Budget Workshop) of October 17, 2017, Trustee
Thill moved to accept the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
Presentation by American Legion Post #134 Regarding Naval Recruit Thanksgiving Day
Casey Buchara, who has chaired this event locally for the last eleven years, and Joe Gesicki,
chaplain for the Legion Post, appeared before the Board and assemblage to ask for the Board's
support in this endeavor, and to invite everyone to this annual event, where about 50 recruits
from Great Lakes Naval Station are brought to Post #134 where they are wined, dined, and
entertained. Mr. Buchara thanked the Board for their past support.
Mayor DiMaria asked about the day's logistics. Mr. Buchara said that buses will leave the Post
at 6:OOam to pick up the recruits. The plan is for them to be back to the Post by 8:30-8:45am.
The recruits stay until around 4:30 or 4:45. He said this is a wonderful day for these recruits,
who are in their seventh week of training, because the veterans, members, and officials serve
them—it's their day. The recruits' ages are from 18 to early 20's, and they thoroughly enjoy the
Thanksgiving dinner donated by Kappy's and the phone bank donated by AT&T, which allows
them to call anywhere for any length of time.
Mr. Buchara said folks are welcome to stop in at any time to meet and greet the recruits, but the
best time to come is from 11:OOam. Mr. Gesicki offered his personal thanks to everyone on the
Board for their support and help with this event.
Minutes of November 13 2017 Board Meeting
d. Mayor DiMaria thanked Mr. Buchara and Mr. Gesicki for their service and for organizing this fine
event. He encouraged everyone to come out for this, noting that "it's a great experience."
X. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only)
1. Mayor DiMaria proclaimed the month of December 2017 as "Niles Township Food Pantry
Awareness Month," noting that the Food Pantry provides assistance to roughly 1,800 households
in this area and distributes 100,000 pounds of food each month to families in need.
Mayor DiMaria urged everyone to give generously to the Niles Township Food Pantry this holiday
season, because no one deserves to go hungry, especially our children.
2. Mayor DiMaria noted that ComEd continues their maintenance work on the transmission towers
along Lehigh Avenue, with work scheduled to conclude on November 17th. This work is resulting
in Lehigh Avenue lane closures. He encouraged local drivers to watch for flagmen and signage
in the area, and to allow extra travel time through the area.
3. Mayor DiMaria announced that there will be a winter "indoor" Farmers' Market on December 2,
2017 at the Civic Center from 9:OOam to 2:OOpm. He encouraged everyone to attend.
4. Mayor DiMaria said that Trader Joe's wants to know if residents would like one of their stores in
Morton Grove. He said that anyone interested in having a Trader Joe's in town should go to the
Trader Joe's website (www.traderioes.com), and click on FAQs at the bottom of the page (listed
under the heading "Questions." One of the questions is, "How can I bring a Trader Joe's to
my community?" and the response is a link to email the company. The Zink opens to a form
where you would enter your name, phone number, and email address, and there's a field for
"Comments," where you can tell them you strongly encourage them to open a store in
Morton Grove. Mayor DiMaria said "it takes a Village," adding that, if the company feels
"wanted" enough, it could happen!
5. Mayor DiMaria noted that the "Helping Hands Community Resource Event" held on
Saturday, November 4th at Niles West High School was quite successful. The event was
presented to help residents of Morton Grove, Niles, Skokie, and Evanston learn about available
resources and gain valuable insights into eligibility requirements for supportive services. Many
residents received financial and lifestyle guidance and support.
Minutes of November 13 2017 Board Meeting
6. Mayor DiMaria commented that Santa would be coming to town on Saturday, December 2nd.
Santa will start at Waukegan and Greenwood at 10:O0am and make his way through the town,
arriving at the Holly Days Festival at Harrer Park at 11:30am. For detail and an overview map of
Santa's travels, visit the Village's website at www.MortonGrovelL.org.
7. Mayor DiMaria reminded the assemblage that the Toys for Tots collection, sponsored by the
Morton Grove Police Department, is currently underway. New unwrapped toys will be accepted
through December 15, 2017. Collection locations include the MG Police Department; the MG
Fire Department Station 4; Village Hall; and Prairie View Community Center (6834 Dempster).
8. Additionally, the Firefighters Association of MG will be accepting nonperishable food donations
through December 11 at the following locations: MG Fire Department Station 4, Village Hall, the
MG Civic Center, the Moose Lodge, Prairie View Community Center, Jerusalem Lutheran
Church, and Edward Jones at 5901 Dempster. He encouraged everyone to please help those
less fortunate this holiday season.
Clerk Harford had no report.
A. Village Administrator:
1. Village Administrator Czerwinski announced that the Village Board Meeting scheduled for
Monday, December 25, 2017, was cancelled.
2. Mr. Czerwinski provided a presentation on the 2018 Proposed Budget. Budget Workshops were
held on October 10 and October 17, 2017. The first reading of the Budget Ordinance is this
evening. A Public Hearing on the Budget and the second reading of the Budget Ordinance will
take place at the regularly -scheduled Board Meeting on November 27, 2017.
a. Mr. Czerwinski said the 2018 Budget total is $62.34M, a 4.77% decrease over the 2017 Budget,
which was $65.46M. The 2018 Budget is a reactive, stabilizing, service-oriented budget.
The budgeted amount for the General Fund is $30.07M; for General Operations (water/sewer
enterprise accounts), $17.7M; and for the TIF/Economic Development Fund, $6.4M; making the
non -pension Village total $54.2M. Pension Funds are budgeted at $8.04M, bringing the total for
all Village Funds $62.3M. By law, the Morton Grove Public Library's budget must be included
with the Village's Budget. The Library's budget for 2018 is $3,427,663, bringing the total for the
Village and the Library to $65,771,143.
b. The Budget is available for inspection at the Village Administrator's office, at the MG Public
Library, and on the Village's website
c. Mr. Czerwinski said the main focal points of the 2018 Budget are bond rating stabilization, the
water supply project, Austin Avenue reconstruction project, sanitary sewer replacement,
maintenance of public facilities, and fiscal management of the Illinois State Budget cuts.
Minutes of November 13, 2017 Board Meeting
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
d. Mr. Czerwinski said the General Fund budget of $30.07M is a 4.1% increase over 2017's
General Fund budget of $28.8M. It includes funds for facility maintenance (replacement of the
roof of the Public Works building and tuck pointing). There will be no increase in any fees for
services, but there will be a 3.86% property tax increase. The funds from this increase should be
about $395,209, which are necessary to replace $376,773 the Village is losing because of State
budget cuts.
e. Mayor DiMaria commented that, even though Mr. Czerwinski calls this budget "reactive," he felt it
was "proactive," as the Village is taking immediate steps to replace funds cut by the State.
Mayor DiMaria commended Mr. Czerwinski and Village staff for their proactive outlook regarding
this budget.
3. Mr. Czerwinski commended Finance Director Hanna Sullivan, Assistant Administrator Tom Friel,
and all the department heads for doing a tremendous job on the 2018 Budget.
4. Mr. Czerwinski said that a Targe postcard had been mailed to all residents outlining upcoming
events in the Village, including "Santa Comes To Town," the Holiday Food Drive, and the Toys
for Tots initiative.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
A. Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear presented Ordinance 17-27, Authorizing an Economic Incentive and Tax
Increment Allocation Financing Redevelopment Agreement ("RDA") By and Between the
Village of Morton Grove and Lexington Homes, LLC.
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
a. Trustee Grear explained that, between 2005 and 2009, the Village acquired a two -acre parcel at
the southwest corner of Capulina and Ferris Avenues. The Village demolished the structures ex-
isting on the property, but environmental hazardous conditions remained in the underlying soil,
which deterred redevelopment of this site. Lexington Homes, LLC has submitted a proposal to
purchase the property and develop a 36 -unit townhome community in seven buildings. The units
will be either 2 bedrooms plus den or 3 bedrooms, all with 2.5 baths and 2 -car garages. This
development is projected to generate approximately $4.2 million over the next ten years in
property taxes for the benefit of the Village and other taxing bodies.
Trustee Grear moved to adopt Ordinance 17-27, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Minutes of November 13, 2017 Board Meeting
A. Trustee Grear: (continued)
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear
Tr. Thill
Tr. Minx
Tr. Travis
Tr. Ramos aye
Tr. Witko Lys.
Mr. Bill Rofolo, Vice President of Lexington Homes, commented that this has been a lot of work
for both the Village's team and Lexington's. He said construction would begin at the first break in
the weather in spring. This is Lexington's third townhome community in Morton Grove, and
Mr. Rofolo said that Lexington plans to respond to another RFP in Morton Grove next week.
He complimented the Village staff, calling them a "stellar group of people, who are professional,
well -organized, and they don't waste your time." Mayor DiMaria thanked him for his comments
and welcomed Lexington (again) to the Village.
B. Trustee Minx:
Trustee Minx had no formal report, but announced that the final leaf pick-up of the season will be
December 8th. She encouraged residents to get their leaves to the curb so Public Works could
pick them up before the snowy weather arrives.
Trustee Minx wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, safe travels, and welcomed Lexington
Homes to Morton Grove.
C. Trustee Ramos:
Trustee Ramos had no formal report.
D. Trustee Thill:
Trustee Thill had no formal report, but encouraged people to attend the Naval Recruit Day on
Thanksgiving at the Civic Center, and even bring some baked goodies along!
E. Trustee Travis:
1. Trustee Travis presented for a first reading Ordinance 17-28, Adopting the Budgets For All
Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Library, Cook
County, Illinois, for the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2018 and Ending December 31,
a. This Ordinance lists all the funds and 2018 projected expenses; this was covered by
Administrator Czerwinski under his report earlier this evening.
Minutes of November 13, 2017 Board Meeting
E. Trustee Travis: (continued)
Trustee Travis said that, as this is the first reading
2. Next, Trustee Travis presented Ordinance 17-29,
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois,
2018 and Ending December 31, 2018.
This is the first reading of this Ordinance.
of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this
Levying and Assessing Taxes for the
For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1,
Trustee Travis said this Ordinance sets the 2017 property tax levy amount that will be collected
to fund the 2018 Budget. The amount necessary to be levied for the 2017 property taxes is
$10,039,565 for Village operational expenses; $586,019 for Village debt services; and
$3,338,463 for the Library, resulting in a levy of $10,625,584 for the Village and $3,338,463 for
the Library, a total of $13,964,047. By law, the Village is required to levy an additional
$3,168,109 for Village debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds,
for a total levy (before abatement) of $17,132.156. The Village Board intends to adopt Resolu-
tions that will immediately abate $3,168,109 from the levy, resulting in the net levy as intended
by the Corporate Authorities in the amount of $13,964,047.
Trustee Travis said that, as this is the first reading of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this
F. Trustee Witko:
1. Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 17-30, Amending Title 5, Chapter 8,
Section 7 to be Newly Titled "Permits For Vehicles Exceeding Size and Weight Limits" of
the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove.
She explained that the Village is allowed by State law to issue permits for oversized and over-
weight vehicles. While requests for such permits are infrequent, they are complex, as the Village
does not currently have legislation or policies in place to issue and regulate those permits.
The Metropolitan Mayors Conference has developed a streamlined regional permitting process
for oversized and overweight vehicles, and has recommended municipalities utilize Oxcart Per-
mit Systems LLC, which offers an online permit application system that interfaces with the State
and other municipalities, thereby creating a single point of contact for permitting throughout the
region. Oxcart Permit Systems LLC does not charge municipalities for this service; instead, they
charge the permit recipient a small service charge on top of the permit fee. In order to utilize the
services of Oxcart Permit Systems LLC, it is necessary to update the Village Code to require and
regulate permitting of oversized and overweight vehicles traveling upon Village rights-of-way.
Trustee Witko said that, as this is a first reading of this Ordinance, no action will be taken this
Minutes of November 13, 2017 Board Meeting.
F. Trustee Witko: (continued)
2. Trustee Witko asked the assemblage and residents watching the recorded version of the
meeting to please consider becoming a "friend" of the Morton Grove Farmers' Market.
Information on how to become a "market friend" is available on the Farmers' Market website
(mgfarmersmarket.com). She also encouraged everyone to attend the indoor Winter Market
on Saturday, December 2, from 9:OOam to 2:OOpm at the Morton Grove Civic Center.
Trustee Grear commented that the leaf pick-up service is a great service provided to residents,
and he hoped everyone would help Public Works deliver this service by raking their leaves and
getting them to the street, near the curb, and moving their cars if they're in proximity to the
leaves. The same thing goes for snow plowing, which will be coming up soon. He encouraged
residents to help Public Works keep our streets plowed by moving your cars.
Mayor DiMaria pointed out that Saturday, November 25, is "Small Business Saturday," and
challenged everyone to buy at least one holiday gift from small and local businesses in
Morton Grove. He also encouraged everyone to patronize the Village's restaurants and
other establishments.
Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for November 13, 2017, in the amount of
$755,403.65. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Thill
seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear awe Tr. Minx a}L Tr. Ramos ave
Tr. Thill ave Tr. Travis 2y2 Tr. Witko aye
Greg Clausen, representing Rep. Brad Schneider's office, appeared before the Board to pro-
mote work that Rep. Schneider is doing. He represents the 10th District, which includes the west-
ern part of Morton Grove, and provides constituent services such as assistance with the Internal
Revenue Service, Immigration service, Medicare, the Post Office, etc. His office is in Lincoln-
shire, but he has outreach sessions at the Des Plaines Public Library the second Tuesday of
every month, and the Mount Prospect Public Library every fourth Tuesday of the month.
Mayor DiMaria thanked Mr. Clausen and Congressman Schneider, and encouraged residents to
reach out to them if they need help.
Minutes of November 13 2017 Board Meeting
Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear lys Tr. Minx up. Tr. Ramos ug
Tr. Thill us Tr. Travis ug Tr. Witko aye
The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
PASSED this 27th day of November, 2017.
Trustee Grear
Trustee Minx
Trustee Ramos
Trustee Thill
Trustee Travis
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 27th day of November, 2017.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 28th day of November, 2017.
Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village lerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar