HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-10 AgendaMORTOIC GROVE Incredibly Close -• Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM April 10, 2017 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session — Six Month Review of Executive Session Minutes THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — March 27, 2017 8. Special Reports 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Proclamations Earth Day — April 22, 2017 Arbor Day — April 28, 2017 Child Abuse Prevention Month — April 2017 Fair Housing Month — April 2017 12. Clerk's Report — Community Relations Commission a. Approval of Executive Session Minutes (09/26/16, 11/14/16, 11/28/16) b. Release of Executive Session Minutes — None c. Destruction of Tapes of Executive Sessions as Authorized by the Illinois Open Meetings Act (04/27/15, 05/26/15, 06/22/15, 07/09/15) 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Police Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Fire and Police Commission, Police Facility Committee, NIPSTA, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission (Trustee Witko) b. Trustee Minx — Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals, Building Department (Trustee Pietron) 1) Ordinance 17-06 (Introduced April 10, 2017) (First Reading) Approving a Minor Amendment to a Planned Unit Development to Allow for the Construction of 26 Remaining Townhome Units in Four Buildings, Consistent with Approved Plans at 8601 Waukegan Road 2) Ordinance 17-07 (Introduced April 10, 2017) (First Reading) Approving a Final Plat for as Minor Subdivision at 6601 Palma Lane 3) Ordinance 17-08 (Introduced April 10, 2017) (First Reading) (Requests Waiving of Second Reading) Approving an Amendment to a Special Use Permit to Allow for a Detached Accessory Structure and Establish Required Number of Parking Spaces at 6730 Dempster 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) c. Trustee Pietron — Public Works Department, Condominium Association, Economic Development Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Minx) 1) Resolution 17-21 (Introduced April 10, 2017) Authorizing the Acceptance of a Material Proposal from Builders Asphalt, LLC for the 2017 Material Purchasing Program — Asphalt 2) Resolution 17-22 (Introduced April 10, 2017) Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the Village 3) Resolution 17-23 (Introduced April 10, 2017) Authorizing the Purchase of a Used Semi -Tractor 4) Resolution 17-24 (Introduced April 10, 2017) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. for the 2017 Crack Sealing Program d. Trustee Ramos — Legal, Finance Advisory Commission, Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIF, Capital Projects (Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 17-18 (IntroducedApri110, 2017) Authorizing the Annual July 4 Parade and Closure of Dempster Street e. Trustee Thill — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Environmental Health, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Appearance Commission, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Ramos) 11 Trustee Witko — IT Communications, Strategic Plan Committee, Finance Department, Family and Senior Services Department (Trustee Grear) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants $337,202.09 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (897/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER MARCH 27, 2017 CALL TO ORDER I — Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. in the Council V. Chambers of Village Hall, and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. VI. Village Clerk Connie Travis called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, John Pietron, Ed Ramos, John Thill, and Janine Witko. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the March 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Minx moved to approve the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. VIII. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE X. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE Xl. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria announced that the Village is changing the vehicle sticker cycle. Current vehicle stickers will not expire at the end of April; rather, the cycle has been extended and they will now expire at the end of August. The new stickers will be sold starting June 1 and must be displayed by August 31, 2017. XI Minutes of March 27, 2017 Board Meeting PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 2. Mayor DiMaria noted that March is "Severe Weather Preparedness Month" and advised residents to develop a safety plan for use in their home, workplace, school, and vehicle, as well as for outdoor activities. For more information, see the emergency preparedness guide on the Village's website (www.mortongroveil.orq) or visit www.readv.Illinois.gov. 3. Mayor DiMaria welcomed two new businesses to the Village: a. b. Celtic Chicago, a full-service marketing agency, has relocated from Niles to 8120 Lehigh in Morton Grove. They currently have 30 employees and are hoping to double or triple that number. Penn Station, a new upscale quick -service restaurant focusing on fresh ingredients and display cooking, located at 7923 Golf Road. Mayor DiMaria said they have "fantastic" French fries! 4. Mayor DiMaria reminded the assemblage that there would be a "Morton Grove Artists Spring Performance" at the Civic Center on Saturday, April 22, at 4:00 p.m. Seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The performances will highlight dance, poetry, and music. 5. Mayor DiMaria noted that the Community Relations Commission's Spring Photo Contest will be starting soon. Photographers must submit their entries by June 2, 2017. 6. Mayor DiMaria also announced that the Morton Grove Days Commission would be holding a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the Civic Center in conjunction with the Mother's Day Farmers' Market. The breakfast will raise funds to offset the projected costs of "Santa Claus Coming to Town" in December of 2017. Mayor DiMaria encouraged everyone to attend. XII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Travis said the Spring Photo Contest gets under way on Monday, April 3, 2017, and reminded residents that they can submit up to five photos. XIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Czerwinski had no further report. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. 2 XIV. A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report B. Trustee Minx: TRUSTEES' REPORTS Minutes of March 27,2017 Board Meeting 1. Trustee Minx presented Ordinance 17-04, Approving a Minor Amendment to a Special Use Permit for a Drive -Through Facility for a New Restaurant at 9480 Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, Illinois. a. This is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Minx explained that the Board had approved a Special Use for a drive-through for a new Dunkin Donuts restaurant in August of 2015, and then in July of 2016, had granted the Applicant's request for a one-year extension of time to commence and proceed with construction of the proposed project. The Applicant was finalizing the designs for construction, and proposed minor modifications which would improve site circulation. They are therefore now seeking approval of an amendment to the Special Use and updated site plan. Specifically, the Applicant is proposing to add a bypass lane for the drive-through and a dedicated left -turn egress lane out onto Waukegan Road. b. These improvements are consistent with suggestion made by the Plan Commission to the Applicant at the public hearing for their original Special Use application. To accommodate these changes, the Applicant reduced the number of parking spaces from 12 to 11. The modified building and site plan comply with all the bulk, density, and parking requirements. The Applicant is also proposing to improve the existing alleyway to accommodate bypass lane circulation and will also provide, as necessary, new and/or additional fencing along the alley to help minimize any potential noise impact from the menu board. Trustee Minx said the Village's Unified Development Code allows for minor amendments of existing special use permits upon review by the Building Commission or his/her designee, the Plan Commission Chairperson, the Village Administrator, and Corporation Counsel. All of these required people have reviewed the plans and consulted with the Fire Department and Public Works, and determined this requested amendment is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original special use permit. Trustee Minx moved to adopt Ordinance 17-04, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Ramos ay2 Tr. Thill gyp Tr. Witko a� c. C. Trustee Pietron: Trustee Pietron had no report. 3 XIV. D. Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos had no report. E. Trustee Thill: Minutes of March 27 2017 Board Meeting TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill presented Resolution 17-19, Authorizing the Funding For the Extension of an Existing Contract For Maintenance of a Municipally Owned Wireless Fire Alarm Network. He explained that, in September of 2009, the Village entered into an intergovernmental agree- ment with area municipalities to investigate the feasibility and benefits of maintaining a municipally -owned fire alarm radio network, with the cost of the equipment needed to form the infrastructure to be shared by the participating departments. The Village of Niles was the "lead agency" and solicited bids for the equipment at that time. The group then recommended and accepted the lowest qualified bid, in the amount of $78,446. To expedite the installation and build -out of the network, the Village of Morton Grove then financed the purchase of the equip- ment from funds existing in the RED Center Alarm Fee reserve account. The other participating communities then purchased "shares" in the equipment and reimbursed Morton Grove. In April of 2011, the Village entered into a five-year contract agreement with Chicago Metropolitan Fire Prevention, Inc. (CMFP) to install and maintain the radio equipment. Since that time, the vendor has performed adequately and met all the performance criteria originally solicited in the agree- ment. Since the contract term has expired, the member communities now wish to invoke the option to extend the agreement. The extension will be for five years and will maintain the maintenance, replacement hardware, and service fees charged by the vendor. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 17-19, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill Ays Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Witko a rhe F. Trustee Witko: 1. Trustee Witko had presented Resolution 17-20, Authorizing the Approval and Execution of an Agreement For Municipal Finance Advisory Services Related to the Implementation and Financing of a New Water Supply Delivery System With the City of Evanston as Water Supplier (Village of Morton Grove, Village of Niles, and Speer Financial, Inc.). She explained that the Villages of Morton Grove and Niles had issued a Request for Proposals in December of 2016 to municipal finance advisory firms to solicit proposals for financial advisory services to create a plan of finance that would produce adequate financing options for all aspects of a water delivery system project, including land acquisition, short-term and long-term capital costs of the new water system, professional services, and construction of water transmission lines, pumping and storage, and other related water delivery and receiving infrastructure that will extend from Evanston's point of delivery to existing water receiving points owned and operated by the Villages of Morton Grove and Niles. a. 4 XIV. F. Trustee Witko: (continued) b. c. Minutes of March. 27, 2017 Board Meeting TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Witko said that the proposal submitted by Speer Financial was deemed to best meet the needs and expectations of the Villages. The proposal was further negotiated and the scope of services refined. Speer Financial's fees will be based on the actual amount of work performed. The Village's share will be one-half o f the total expenditures, which will be paid equally by Morton Grove and Niles. Speer's fees in connection with any debt offerings shall be $25,000 plus a percentage between 1/10th of one percent to 1/20th of one percent of the securities issued, not to exceed $75,000 per sale. The cost relative to EPA loans shall be $5,000 plus travel reimbursements. Trustee Witko moved to approved Resolution 17-20, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Minx ave Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill age, Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko Ayg Ayg Trustee Pietron commented that this is another step of this huge, historical project, which has already taken at least 1,000 hours of staff time—approximately half a year on the part of the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Finance Director and staff, and Public Works. XV. OTHER BUSINESS XVI. XVII. 1 NONE WARRANTS Trustee Witko presented the Warrant Register for March 27, 2017, in the amount of $758,108.44. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Ramos seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ay2 Tr. Ramos ave Tr. Minx aye Tr. Pietron AyA Tr. Thill ave Tr. Witko ayA, RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Mary Elsner read an open letter from Open Communities about the need to move quickly to adopt a "Welcoming Community" ordinance. She is one of the letter's signatories. Ms. Elsner said that passing an ordinance would facilitate justice, because crimes that may not be reported due to a person's fear of contacting a police officer would actually be reported once a "Welcoming Community" ordinance is in place. She said that it is incumbent on Morton Grove, as a community, to do what we can so that immigrants can live their lives without worrying whether law enforcement officials will be called upon to deport them. Ms. Elsner said that such an ordinance is not only practical; it's reflective of Morton Grove's values. She asked the Board to follow the lead of communities such as Skokie, Evanston, Oak Park, and Chicago in taking action to pass this legislation without delay. 5 Minutes of March 27, 2017 Board Meeting XVII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) 2. Jonathan Lahn distributed to the Board members a copy of a draft ordinance, which he said he had also emailed to everyone. Mr. Lahn is a member of AIS—Chicago, and said that anyone interested can find a copy of the draft ordinance at aischicago.org. He felt there was a mis- conception as to what this ordinance would or wouldn't do. Basically, he said, it formalizes current Village policies and practices. a. b. This ordinance does not prohibit police officers stopping anyone suspected of committing a crime; it does prohibit officer stopping someone for immigration purposes. This ordinance does not make Morton Grove a sanctuary for anyone who breaks the law. It prohibits participating in registries, but it does not prohibit serving a legitimate criminal warrant on anyone. The ordinance prohibits the investigation of immigration status, detention of an immigrant, and turning anyone over to Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. Mr. Lahn said that being here illegally is not a criminal offense, and the ordinance reiterates what is already largely the policy of the Village. It's not a dramatic change, and he believed it to be fair and sensible. He encouraged the Village to review the draft ordinance and pass this or similar legislation. 3. Bob Burkhart, a member of the Village's Community Relations Commission, thanked the Mayor and the Board and said it was a privilege to be here. He said that, before he retired, he served as a Pastor, and for most of his life, where he lived and where he served was ordered by a Bishop. When he retired, he and his wife were faced with making a decision on where to live, for the first time in 43 years. Mr. Burkhart said they had lived in Skokie for 20 years and felt it was important to be located in a multicultural community. They researched Morton Grove, which was attractive to them because of the town's diversity, green space, and proximity to the City. a. Mr. Burkhart said he's been involved with the Community Relations Commission for the past six years, and felt that Morton Grove's reputation would be further strengthened by declaring formally that it is a welcoming community. He said it's a moral statement that says something about who we are. He added that, not only would it be powerful to have such a welcoming statement for businesses and residents, but it emphasizes the Village's new tagline as well. 4. Habeeb Quadri spoke as a resident and as the Principal of the MEC school. He said that in the 13 years he's lived in Morton Grove, he has personally seen the Village Board and administration and the Police Department make great strides in building relationships with ethnic residents and religious minorities. He said that Morton Grove has been recognized twice as one of the top 10 places in which to live, and urged the Board to consider taking the next step to be a truly "welcoming community." 5. Laura Frisch, a 13 -year resident, said that one of the reasons she and her family moved to Morton Grove was so that her children could learn about many different cultures and be familiar with them once they grow up and are out in the world. She said that, recently, a video was sent out by some Niles West teachers. The video's message was "Diversity makes you better." She noted that there are many families worried about their own safety, and many children worried that their parents won't be coming home after work. She urged the Board to pass a "Welcoming Community" ordinance. She said that she was fine with the removal of federal money (per President Trump's comments), commenting that it would be "worth it" to have families feel safe. 6 XVII. 6. 7. 8. a. b. 9. rch 27, 2017 Board Meeting RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) Sammy Schein, a Morton Grove resident who's an 18 -year old senior from Niles North High School, wanted to voice his support, and that of many of his peers, of the "Welcoming Community" ordinance. He said that, as he drives to school, he notices a plethora of "Skokie Welcomes Everyone" signs. At Niles North, the principal has made countless efforts to assure the student body that Niles North is a welcoming place where everyone can feel safe, regardless of documentation. Many of the students are Morton Grove residents, and unfortunately, they say they have not felt the same level of support from Morton Grove as they do from the Village of Skokie. Mr. Schein said that Morton Grove takes pride in its diversity, and it would benefit everyone to feel the reassurance that would come from passing such an ordinance. Nabba Khan, another Niles North student, agreed that the school is incredibly welcoming. She felt the ordinance was important because it says that, regardless of a person's legal status, they are valued. Passage of this ordinance would allow diversity to continue, and would bring people together. Ms. Khan felt it is "our job" to provide an environment where everyone can feel that they belong. Sue Pellicano said she would like to provide a different perspective. She commented that, while some people might be comfortable if the Village loses federal funds for being a welcoming com- munity, there are plenty of seniors living in this town on limited incomes who would struggle if the loss of such funds meant higher taxes or increased fees. She said she moved here in 1954. She—and her children—are all graduates of Niles North. Ms. Pellicano said that she has six grandchildren, and wondered how she would teach them which laws are okay to follow and which are not. How can we say it's okay to refuse to "hold someone" if the government asks us to? She felt that Niles North is teaching "defiance," and she was concerned about that. She has worked in and with schools for a number of years, and noted that she had often heard students say that they couldn't wait to get out of high school so they wouldn't have to follow any rules any more. She would tell them, "Do you really think the world has no rules?" She would hear comments that "even our police departments pick and choose what rules to enforce," such as underage smoking. Her feeling is "breaking a law is breaking a law." Ms. Pellicano felt that a decision regarding passage of a "Welcoming Community" ordinance should be advertised, published, and brought before the public so that everyone could weigh in. She pointed out that it's important to listen not only to vocal supporters of this type of legislation, but to others who may not think it's the right thing for the Village to do. Chris Kenron said that she and her husband are both immigrants; their families are from two different continents. They had to be on waiting lists and had to jump through all kinds of hoops to come to America. They had to have sponsors to prove that they had relatives or friends who would support them if their parents couldn't find work. Ms. Kenron said we can and do have plenty of diversity without welcoming more illegal immigrants. She said she is not okay with the Village potentially losing any federal funding due to protecting illegal immigrants, and she is not okay with Morton Grove becoming "a magnet" attractive even more illegal immigrants. 7 r l.` Minutes of March 27, 2017 Board Meeting XVI I. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (continued) 10. Ted Smukler, a Skokie resident who works at Open Communities, wanted to comment about the possible loss of federal funding. He said he had walked with Mayor DiMaria at the Interfaith Walk last fall and knows that he is passionate about diversity. He said this ordinance does not ask the Village to break any federal laws, explaining that immigration enforcement is a function of Homeland Security, not local municipalities. He felt that the "loss of federal funding" was just a threat to keep municipal officials from doing the "right and moral" thing, and pointed out that federal funds for an infrastructure project have no relationship at all with immigration. Immigration enforcement is not a state or municipal function. Masud Khan, a Morton Grove resident, said that clearly, we are not going to resolve this national political debate on immigration policy today, especially as regards to who is considered "illegal" and who is not. Deportation and deportation discussion is happening at the federal level, and Morton Grove passing a "Welcoming Community" ordinance is not going to make a bit of difference to that debate. a. b. Mr. Khan said he's heard television commentators say that this (passing a Welcoming Community ordinance) is not going to help resolve immigration matters, but he personally felt that passing this type of ordinance would go a long way to resolving them, because it reframes the discussion and speaks to the atmosphere and environment of a community. Mr. Khan said everyone, even people opposed to passing this type of legislation, wants what's best for their town. He said, "When we look at other municipalities that have passed "welcoming communities" legislation and then look at those who have not, do we want to say that we're "Incredibly Close. Amazingly Open." without adopting such an ordinance?" 13. Mayor DiMaria thanked everyone for attending and said it was great to hear what everyone had to say. He said that, what people said tonight is not falling on deaf ears, but noted that there is clearly more than one side to this matter. Mayor DiMaria said that, whether written or unwritten, nobody should be afraid in Morton Grove. He said, "We hear you. I hear you." There are 23,000 residents and this is a polarizing, divisive issue. When it involves people whose status could be jeopardized, the Village has to get it right, and the only way to do that is to take the time necessary to get it right. b. Mayor DiMaria said he was proud of Morton Grove, especially of its diversity, and felt it would be prudent to hold a town hall meeting. He encouraged those who spoke this evening to attend the town hall meeting and speak there. He said, "There are two sides," and said the Board's goal is to pass legislation that the community wants. He asked Mr. Czerwinski to check into the availability of the Civic Center to accommodate a large town hall meeting within enough time to allow for appropriate notice and promotion of the meeting. Mr. Czerwinski felt that April 17'h might be the earliest date a town hall could be held, and said he would check the Civic Center's availability for that date or slightly later. He said the Village would prepare a postcard similar to the one that gets sent out for each "Community Outreach" event, and would also promote the town hall meeting on the Village's website, on its Facebook page, and in its e -newsletter. a. s Minutes of March 27, 2017 Board Meeting XVIII ADJOURNMENT Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Ramos. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear afire Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill ave The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. PASSED this 10th day of April, 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 10th day of April, 2017. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of April, 2017. Connie J. Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko aye Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 9 rnriamatfnn Village 01 Morton Grove WHEREAS, the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, with the goal of inspiring environmental awareness and encouraging the conservation, protection, and appreciation of our nation's natural resources; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of each of us to safeguard the environment, by recognizing all human life depends upon the Earth and upon one another for our mutual existence, well-being, and development; and WHEREAS, the steps we can take to protect and preserve our natural environment through education, partnerships, and positive actions should be encouraged in Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Morton Grove are committed not only to the protection and preservation of our environment, but also to the restoration of ecosystems and habitats; and WHEREAS, Morton Grove citizens, staff, and elected officials are working closely with federal, state, and local governments, and with non-governmental organizations to develop and implement regulations and ordinances specifically designed to preserve and improve Morton Grove's fragile ecosystems and the quality of life therein; and WHEREAS, Morton Grove proudly recognizes all who participate in Earth Day, for their dedication to taking a proactive role in shaping the future of our environment and in protecting Morton Grove's precious natural resources. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim April 22, 2017, as EARTH DAY in Morton Grove and urge all citizens to be mindful of local, state and national laws which protect our environment, and to join in efforts to preserve the beauty and wonder of the lands, skies, and water of the Earth in all its diversity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President rnrtamatiun Village of Morton Grove WHEREAS, in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees; and WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; and WHEREAS, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world; and WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource, giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products; and WHEREAS, trees in our Village increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas and beautify our community; and WHEREAS, trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree planting ways. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, do hereby proclaim April 28, 2017, as ARBOR DAY in the Village of Morton Grove, and I urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our Village's urban forestry program; and FURTHER, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the well being of present and future generations. 1C pih In Witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor rndamafiun Village of Morton Grove April is f a�Vse WHEREAS, regardless of who they are or the circumstances of their birth, every child deserves to be kept safe from harm; and Prevention WHEREAS, during the month of April, residents of the Village Month of Morton Grove are reminded of the courage it takes to raise a child, and that fundamental human rights means living free from violence and abuse; and WHEREAS, child abuse is considered to be one of our nation's most serious public health problems, with scientific studies documenting the link between the abuse and neglect of children which cause a wide range of medical, emotional, psychological, and behavioral disorders; and WHEREAS, child abuse can also disrupt early brain development, and can cause serious chronic stress which can impair the development of nervous and immune systems; and WHEREAS, keeping this vulnerable asset safe from abuse means playing an active role in their life, having check -ins, and teaching them the warning signs of abuse and how to protect themselves; and WHEREAS, empowering children and providing them with safe places to live, learn, and play is vital to keeping them safe from harm; and WHEREAS, child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships between families, social service agencies, schools, faith communities, civic organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and WHEREAS, displaying a pinwheel and/or wearing a blue ribbon during the month of April will serve as a positive reminder that together we can prevent child abuse and neglect and keep our children safe. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do herby proclaim April 2017, as CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH and call upon everyone to increase their participation in the effort to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening our community so it continues to be a great place to live, work, and raise our families. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President rndamafinn Village of Morton Grove WHEREAS, April 11, 2017, marks the 49'h anniversary of the passage of the U.S. Fair Housing Law, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, which enunciates a national policy of Fair Housing without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap and national origin, and encourages fair housing opportunities for all citizens; and WHEREAS, individuals in the State of Illinois have the right to choose where to live without discrimination based on race, color, religion, age (40 and over), sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), familial status, marital status, national origin/ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, unfavorable military discharge, and order of protection status; and WHEREAS, the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics commits all REALTORS® to providing equal professional services without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap, sexual orientation, gender identity, and national origin; and WHEREAS, acts of housing discrimination and barriers to equal housing opportunity are repugnant to a common sense of decency and fairness; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove welcomes the opportunity to reaffirm a commitment to the principal of fair housing for all and is committed to all efforts that address discrimination in communities, support all programs that will educate the public concerning their rights to equal housing opportunity, and to assure every person their right to live free of the fear of housing discrimination. NOW THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, do hereby proclaim April 2017; as FAIR HOUSING MONTH in Morton Grove which begins a year-long commemoration of the U.S. Fair Housing Law. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Legislative Summary Ordinance 17-06 APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 26 REMAINING TOWNHOME UNITS IN FOUR BUILDINGS, CONSISTENT WITH APPROVED PLANS AT 8601 WAUKEGAN ROAD, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS April 10, 2017 Approval of a minor amendment to a Planned Unit Development and approved site plan (Ord. 05-43; Ord. 06-11) to allow for the construction of 26 remaining townhome units in 4 buildings, consistent with approved site and building plans in the Trafalgar Woods development at 8601 Waukegan Road. On August 22, 2005, the Board approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for 110 townhome units in 18 buildings at 8601 Waukegan Road (Ord. 05-43). On April 10, 2006, the Board subsequently granted a minor amendment to the approved PUD and site plan to allow for the relocation of two (2) townhome units and certain drive aisles and parking spaces to avoid conflicts with wetlands boundaries. (Ord. 06-11). To date, only 84 units in 14 buildings have been completed. DRH Cambridge Homes, Emerald Brand ("the Applicant") has filed an application for a minor amendment to the PUD to allow for construction of the remaining 26 units in 4 buildings, with similar style residential units and buildings, slightly reduced building footprints, and comparable building elevations. The Applicant will be utilizing similar materials and color palettes for the exterior facades based on specifications they received from the previous developer. In an effort to keep the existing Trafalgar Woods residents informed of the proposed project, the Applicant presented their plans to the Trafalgar Woods Condominium Association Board on January 12, 2017, and invited all homeowners to an opening meeting and presentation on January 24, 2017. Sectionl2-16-4-B of the Unified Development Code allows for minor amendments of existing special use permits upon the review by the Building Commissioner or his/her designee, the Plan Commission Chairperson, Village Administrator, and Corporation Counsel. The submitted plan has been reviewed by all the required staff/commissioners, in consultation with the Fire and Public Works Departments, and determined this requested amendment is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original special use permit. Community and Economic Department Introduction: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Submitted by N/A N/A The amendment will be implemented by staff in the normal course of business. Approval as presented April 24, 2017 None Reviewed by or Teresa Hoffman Lis unity an. Economic Development Director oration Counsel ORDINANCE 17-06 APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 26 REMAINING TOWNHOME UNITS IN FOUR BUILDINGS, CONSISTENT WITH APPROVED PLANS AT 8601 WAUKEGAN ROAD, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on August 22, 2005, pursuant to Ordinance 05-43, a Planned Unit Development application filed by Lennar Communities of Chicago, LLC ("Lennar")for a 110 Unit townhome development in 18 buildings on a 9.35 acres site at the property commonly known as 8601 Waukegan Road was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 2006, pursuant to Ordinance 06-11, an application for a minor amendment to Ordinance 05-43, filed by Lennar, to relocate two (2) townhome units and modify certain drive aisles and parking spaces to avoid conflicts with wetlands boundaries, was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 2006, pursuant to Ordinance 06-41, an application filed by the Village of Morton Grove to rezone 8601 Waukegan Road and 8625 Waukegan Road from M1 Restricted Manufacturing District to C1 General Commercial District was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, although Lennar successfully initiated the development of the project, only 84 units in 14 buildings have been completed to date: and WHEREAS, DRH Cambridge Homes, Emerald Brand ("the Applicant"), pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC17-07, has made proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for an amendment to the approved Planned Unit Development (Ord. 05-43) and modified site plan (Ord. 06-11), dated January 11, 2016, in order to complete the construction of the remaining 26 units in 4 buildings, with similar style residential units and buildings, slightly reduced building footprints, and comparable building elevations; and WHEREAS, the Applicant worked with representatives from Lennar to incorporate facade materials and color palettes that are consistent with those used by the developer for the original townhome development; and WHEREAS, at the suggestion of Village Staff, the Applicant presented their plans to the Trafalgar Woods Condominium Association Board at their January 12, 2017, meeting and hosted a general meeting and presentation on January 24, 2017, to which the Applicant invited all existing homeowners in the Trafalgar Woods development; and WHEREAS, the property manager for development, Foster Premier, Inc., acknowledged those meetings were held and that the homeowner association board had a positive response to the Applicant's efforts to be transparent about their plans and their willingness to work with the homeowners and the Association Board on their project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 07-07, the Village adopted a Unified Development Code which set forth an abbreviated procedure for minor revisions to special use permits which allows for the granting of such amendments without a formal public hearing process subject to the recommendation for approval by the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson and subsequent approval by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Building Commissioner and Plan Commission Chairperson, in consultation with the Fire and Public Works Departments, have found this amendment with certain conditions as set forth in this ordinance, meets the standard for the abbreviated process described above, and as such recommend approval of the minor amendment to Ord. 05-43 and Ord. 06-11; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Applicant is hereby granted an amendment to the previously granted special use permit, pursuant to Ordinance 17-06, to allow for construction of the previously approved 26 townhomes in 4 buildings at the Trafalgar Woods Development, 8601 Waukegan Road, with similarly designed residential units and buildings and consistent facade treatments and materials, with the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners/lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the Planned Unit Development. I. All conditions of Ordinance 05-43 and Ordinance 06-11 shall remain in effect unless specifically modified by this amendment. 2. The development, use and maintenance of the Property shall be in substantial compliance with the submitted plans as follows, except for minor changes in building plans and/or site work, approved by the Village Administrator or their designee, in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances: A. Addendum Landscape Plan -Lots 4,10, 11 7 12; dickson design studio; Sheet L0.1; February 9, 2017; B. Addendum Landscape Plan -Lots 4,10, 11 7 12; dickson design studio; Sheet L1.0; February 9, 2017; C. Addendum Landscape Plan -Lots 4,10, 11 7 12; dickson design studio; Sheet L1.1; February 9, 2017; D. Trafalgar Woods, Morton Grove, Illinois Building 4; V3 Engineers Scientists Surveyors; February 9, 2017; E. Trafalgar Woods, Morton Grove, Illinois Building 10; V3 Engineers Scientists Surveyors ; February 9, 2017; F. Trafalgar Woods, Morton Grove, Illinois Building 11 & 12; V3 Engineers Scientists Surveyors ; February 9, 2017; G. Trafalgar Unit Comparison Right Elevation; Premier Architecture; February 13, 2017; H. Trafalgar Unit Comparison Lower Level Plan; Premier Architecture; February 13, 2017; I. Trafalgar Unit Comparison Main Level Plan; Premier Architecture; February 13, 2017; J. Trafalgar Unit Comparison Upper Level Plan; Premier Architecture; February 13, 2017; K. Material and Color Exhibit; DRH Cambridge Homes; page 1; February 13, 2017; L. Material and Color Exhibit; DRI Cambridge Homes; page 2; February 13, 2017; M. Untitled (depicting comparisons of existing and proposed front elevations); DRH Cambridge Homes; page 2; February 13, 2017; and N. Untitled (depicting comparisons of existing and proposed rear elevations); DRI -1 Cambridge Homes; page 2; February 13, 2017 3. Prior to beginning work on the new building and site improvements, the Applicant shall have filed all necessary building and site engineering plans for review and approval by the Village, and shall have received all necessary building permits. 4. Prior to or concurrent with the Applicant's submittal for a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a Construction Management Plan ("CM Plan") for review and approval by the Village Administrator or his designee, including the following: A. Designated Traffic Routes - Such plan include all designated traffic routes, construction fencing and construction sequencing plans. The CM Plan shall include the proposed methods by which the Developer will keep all routes used for construction traffic free and clear of mud, dirt, debris, obstructions, and hazards. The Developer shall repair all damage caused by the construction traffic. B. Construction Parking and Material Storage - The CM Plan shall show the location where all construction vehicles, including passenger vehicles, construction equipment and construction -related materials will be parked, staged, or stored within the Subject Property. Any proposed off-site parking or storage area(s) located within the Village of Morton Grove shall be identified and subject to approval by the Village Administrator or his designee. SECTION 3: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use permit as amended hereunder. SECTION 4: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 24th of April 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 24th day of April 2017. Daniel DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of April 2017. Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois -EMERALD 11 0 ME S REQUEST TO AMEND A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED A 8601 WAUKEGAN ROAD (Trafalgar Woods) TO AMEND A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPROVED UNDER ORDINANCE 05-43 AND PREVIOUSLY AMENDED WITH ORDIANCE 06-11 Subject Property ... Lots 4,10,11 & 12 at Trafalgar Woods, owned by Lennar Communities Chicago, LLC Contract Purchaser and applicant - Emerald Homes by DRH Cambridge Homes, Inc --- - 3Q Cover Sheet 1. W Application For Special Use to Amend a PUD and Application for Appearance Commission 2. 9f) Compliance with Special Use Standards 3. ( Proof of ownership and legal description 4. j Ust of Property Owners 5. ) Authorization from Property Owner 6. 14 Plat of Survey 7. •;10 a. Site Plan showing DRHC buildings on lots 4,10,11 and 12 b. Traffic analysis - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED c. Parking - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED d. Site FAR - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED e. Impervious Surface - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED f. Number of units - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED g. Landscape Pian h. Lighting - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED I. Fire Lane - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED j. Loading Dods - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED k. Site Enbons- NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED 8. 1J Building Elevations I. Footprint Lennar v. DRHC comparison IL Building Heights Lennar v. DRHC comparison 111. Exterior Color Package Lennar v. DRHC comparison 9. 110 Floor Plans - Lennar v. DRHC con*parison 10. ryj Engineering - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED 11. 1.h Traffic Impact - NO CHANGE FROM PUD REQUESTED 12. -7 .Photographs and other materials requested Trafalgar Woods (coot) MORTON GROVE Incredibly Close 1 Amazingly Opel CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT INFORMATION(, Applicant Name: Deborah Beaver. Area Manager SPECIAL USE • TRAFALGAR WOOD DRH CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILDINGS 4, 10, 11 & 12 Alt I FXHIRIT SPECIAL USE APPLICATION Village of Morton Grove Department of Community Development 5101 Cepuline Avenue Morton Grove, Iflinois 60053 (847)470-5231 (p) (847)885-4162 (t) DATE APPLICATION FILED: February 13. 2017 Applksant Organization: DRH Cambridge Homes Fmaraid Brand Applicant Address: 750 Bunker Ct Suite 500 Applicant City / State / Zip Code: Vernon Hills IL 60061 Applicant Phone: Work: ( 847) 362-9100 Horne: ( ) Mobil / Other. (224) 223-4957 (odmary #) Applicant Fax: Work:( ) Home:( ) Applicant Email: dabeaver@drhorton.com Applicant Relationship to Property Owner. Area Manager, Emerald Homes Brand Applicant Signature: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION OF DIFFERENT' FROM APPucANrt Owner Name: Lennar Communities of Chicago c/o William Burgess Owner Address: 16304 36th Avenue N, Suite 600 Owner City / State / Zip Code: Plymouth. MN 55446 Owner Phone: Work: ( ) Home: ( ) Mobil / Other. ( ) Owner Fax: Work:( ) Home:( ) Owner Email: bill.burgess(�lennar.com Owner Signature: See attached from Lennar Attorney PROPERTY INFORMATION Common Address of Property: PUD states 8601 Waukegan Road Property Identification Number (PIN): of 4 remaining lots Legal Description (Attach additional sheets as necessary): see attached 4 remaining lots 8536 - 8548 Grove Street 6808-6816 Prairie Street 8601-8613 Prairie Court 400.412 Prairie Court CASE NUMBER: Village of Morton Grove Department of Community Development 8101 CapuIMra Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 80053 (847)470-5231 (p) (847)985-4182 (t) DATE APPLICATION FILED: January 16, 2017 APPUCANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Deborah Beaver, Area Manager, Emerald Homes by DRH Cambridge Homes Applicant Address: 750 E Bunker Ct, Suite 500 Applicant City / State / Zip Code: Vernon Hills IL 60061 Applicant Phone: ( ) Mobil / Other (1_)24 2234957 Applicant Email: dabeavereldrhorton.com Applicant Legal interest in Property (Owner, Tenant, Etc.): contract purchaser Applicant Signature: PROPERTY INFORMATION Common Address of Property: As noted in Ordiance 0543, 8601 Waukegan Road Property Identification Number (PIN): 10.19-103414 Zoning District: PUD 8/22/05 property's Current Use: 110 Townhomes in 18 Buildings 14 Buildings are bullt and occupied 26 Townhomes in 4 buildings remain to be APPLICANT'S REQUEST (ATTACH AcorONA4SHEETS AS,i cessAR`fltbuiTL 1. Applicant is requesting Appearance Commission approval for the following: Approve elevations of Emerald Homes by DRH Cambridge Homes 2. Please provide detailed Information to explain the reason(s) for the request (attach additional sheets as necessary): 'Lennar Communities, LLC is no longer building In the Chicago Area and we have entered into a contract to purchase the 4 remaining lots and construct a similar product on the remaining Tots *Emerald Homes/DRHCH product is like -kind, being a 3 -story, rear load townhome product of similar shape, style and design and built with the same type of building materials (brick and Hardie). 'Emerald Homes/DRHCH will build these homes in compliance with the already approved site plan, engineering plan and lighting plan per Ordinance 0543. *The completion of the remaining homes at Trafalgar Woods will give the neighborhood a completed development to live in, provide additional dollars to both the Homeowners Association and the Village. SPECIAL USE - TRAFALGAR WOOD DRH CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILDINGS 4,10,11 & 12 evulgrr APPLICANT'S REQUEST (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY!: 1. Applicant Is requesting a Special Use permit for 4 buildings. 26 units which Is listed as a Special Use for the PUD zoning district of the Village of Morton Grove. 2. Provide responses to the seven (7) standards for Special Use as listed in Section 3.114 of the Village of Morton Grove Zoning Ordinance. The appllcaM must present this Urformation for the official record of the Zoning & Planning Commission. The seven Special Use standards are as follows: a. The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to, or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare; DRH Cambridge Homes will be building in accordance to the approved PUD except where variances in product are requested, therefore this Special Use will not be detrimental to or endager the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare. b. The Special Use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property In the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood; DRH Cambridge Homes will be building product that is veru similar to the product approved in the PUD and otherwise building per the PUD, therefore the Special Use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the Immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and Impair property values within the neighborhood. c. The establishment of the Special Use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted In the district; For reasons stated above. this Special Use will not impeded the normatand orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. d. Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and/or necessary redlines have been or are being provided; The remaining 4 buildings will be constructed using the approved engineering plans therefore adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and or facilities have already been provided. e. Adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion In the public streets; For reasons stated above. DRH Cambddae Homes will be constructing homes Der the approved PUD and adequate measures will be taken to provide Ingress and egress so to minimize traffic congestion in public streets. f. The proposed Special Use Is not contrary to the objectives of the current Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Morton Grove; and Constructina the 4 remaining buildings and finishing the develocement oer the approved PUD site and engineering plans meets the objectives of the PUD and therefore the Comprehensive Pian for the Village of Morton Grove, Including substantial revenue in the form of building permits, transfer stamps and subsequently will produce increased property taxes. g. The Special Use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located, except as such regulations may, In each instance, be modified pursuant to the recommendations of the Commission. The buildings that DRH Cambridge Homes will construct am very similar to the oriainal Lennar plans that were approved in the PUD ordiances 05-43 and 06-11. (that being a 3 -story, courtyard townhome with brick and hardie siding on the exterior). SPECIAL USE - TRAFALGAR WOOD DRI -I CAMBRIDGE HOMES TRUSTEE'S DEED BUILDINGS 4, 10,11 & 12 This indenture made this 13'u day of cvu11217 Marsh, 2006, between CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY, a corporation of Winds, as Successor Trustee under the pnwlsbna of a deed or deeds in trust, duly recorded and delivered to said company In pursuance of a trust agreement dated the 1" DAY of % September, 1960, and known as i\ Trust Number 10-11889-09, party of fri the first part, and LENNAR Oa COMMUNITIES OF CHICAGO o` L.L.C., an Illinois limited liability company, WHOSE ADDRESS IS: do Concord Homes Inc, 1540 East Dundee Road, Suite 350, Palatine, Illinois 6007 party of the second part WITNESSETH, That said party of Wthe first part, h consberatbn of the sum of TEN and no/100 DOLLARS (810.00) AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE considerations In hand paid, does hereby CONVEY AND QUITCLAIM unto said party of the second part, the following described real estate, sluated In COOK County, Whole, to wit SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8501 WAUKEGAN ROAD, hiCiON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 PERMANENT TAX NUMBER: 10-19-103-003-0000 Eugene�00082N42 56HF�q�198.00 0e* oounny rsoons, of Deeds rste.00 Date; saner aoe 02:05 pit lis 1 of together with the tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto said party of the second part, and to the proper use, benefit and behoof forever of said party of the second part. This deed is executed pursuant to and In the exercise of the power end authority granted to and vested In said trustee by the terms of said deed or deeds in trust delivered to said trustee in pursuance of the trust agreement above mentioned. This deed is made subject to the Ben of every trust dead or mortgage Of any there be) of In said county given to secure the payment of money, and remaining unreleased et the date of the delivery hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said party of the first part has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by Ns Trust Officer, the day end year Drat above written. CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY, es Trustee as Aforesaid vuaaoscruomaseaova:- ussnameuwrasamra Box 400-CTCC CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO.16023729WF SCHEDULE B Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: General Exceptions 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by Public Records. 2. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any sten, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing Ilene by the Public Records. 6. We should be furnished a properly executed ALTA statement and, unless the land Insured Is a condominium unit, a survey N available. Matters disclosed by the shove documentation will be shown specifically. 7. Note for Informatiop• coverage affo by this commitment and any policy issued pursuant hereto shall not common orjo-t date on ich all charges properly billed by the company haveBben nutty paid. A It 1. Taxes for the year(s) 2016 2016 lazes are not yet due or payable. 1A. Note: 2015 first Installment was due March 1, 2018 Note: 2015 final tnstalkneM was due August 1, 2016 Penn taxi/ 10-19-103-014-0000 Pd Year let Inst Stat 2nd Met Stat t of 1 2015 55,733.58 Paid 54,896.34 Paid the landother property) B 9. Please be advised that our search did not disclose any open mortgages of record. If you should have knowledge of any outstanding obligation, please contact the Tide Department Immediately for hither review prior to dosing. M 10. Interest of Lexington Homes LLC under an unrecorded agreement to purchase the land as disclosed by a previous application for tttie Insurance. Copyright American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses om prohibited. Re patted under Stens from the Amurican Land Ties Association ALTA Cummvnenliteb 17/:034 Page 5 Printed 10.07.1a W 1053 M/ I1.-CT-FWET-01180.225034012b4.10.1102372ewF 4 • , EXHIBIT A THAT PART OF LOT 21N WHITE'S SUBDIVISION OF THE T 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST'' 'A AND PART OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, WHICH IS 330.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF (AS MEASURED ALONG SAID WEST LINE); THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 484.74 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 830.27 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTH LINE AND THE CENTERLINE OF A NORTH AND SOUTH ALLEY BETWEEN GROVE STREET .AND OAK PARK AVENUE IN BLOCK 7 OF SCHRADER'S ADDITION TO MORTON GROVE; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID ALLEY, A DISTANCE OF 484.89 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID CENTERLINE AND A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 330.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, (AS MEASURED ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF); THENCE WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 843.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, (EXCEPT THE WEST 25.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 47.5 FEET, CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF COOK BY DEED RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 11731392) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMMONLY SNOW AS: 8601 NAD EGW ROAD, MORTON 0E09E, 1L 60053 PERMANENT I.RDRa NOMBRR: 10-19-103-003-0000 -4Tto02AMNos&.t uhrebia S. ISAAC MW 6814 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 JEFF OVALIN 104 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 TOM & GAIL PECELUNAS 3773 BUTTONWOOD WAY NAPLES, FL 34112 SUNG YOUNG & YONG 400 KIM 206 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 DOUGLAS b MINOSHU WOLD 302 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, 0. 80053 UNKNOWN PAYMENT 1737 5. NAPERVILLE RD STE 109 WHEATON,11.60180 MAHERFAKHOURY 6805 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 NAIM AHMED 6808 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, 11.60053 NICOLE RINALDI 6810 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 BELYINDA PHAN 6612 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE.11.80053 SANG 0. AN 100 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 60063 YOUNG M. KIM 106 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 HUA BAI 202 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 SHERRY KIM 208 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, Il 60053 MEGHANN KRUSE 304 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 ANDY KIL 8601 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 EVELYNJIMENEZ 6807 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 JUSMEEN SARKAR 6809 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, 11.60053 DJUNA COE 8811 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, 11.50053 MESH PATEL 6813 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 EDRYAN CHRISTIAN EUGENIO 102 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 YI CHIEN CHANG 108 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, 11.60053 MAYANK SRIVASTAVA 101 BENTLEY COURT DEERFIELD,1L60015 CRISTIAN & LAUREN VOICU 300 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 RITESH PANWAR 308 PRAIRIE COURT MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 DAPENG WEI 6803 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 AARON ALTONAGA 6807 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE,11.60053 GULZAR NATHAN' 060D PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 SMIYUAN HUANG 6811 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 CHRISTINA J. VU 6813 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 0 0 3 L -3z WN Q S ti L� W Fit CI W Q In CO VI Z C aa. ccg N 0 m JENNIFER PINEDA 8815 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 ROGELIO VALDEZ JR. 8817 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 DEBORAH YOO 8815 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 MICHELLE BUSCHE 8820 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 DMITRY KHAZAK 8822 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE. II. 80063 SUNG GWON KANG 0826 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, 6.80053 GEORGE TOMICIC 8535 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, 11. 80053 TANVIR H. SHAIKH 8537 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 CARLOS BIRENE SORIA 8541 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 A 8 F HOLDINGS LLC 865 RAND ROAD DES PLAINES, IL 80018 RAJ A 8 PRITA PATEL 3357 OLD MILL RD. NORTHBROOK, IL 80082 CESAR TO 8 PILAR ONG 8817 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 VIKRAM SUBRAMANIAN 1888 INDEPENDENCE AVE GLENVIEW,11. 60028 ANDREW PARNELL 8820 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60063 JUNG MOUS LEE 0624 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 MELEQ 8 MIRANDA MYZAFERI 8531 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 DENISE L SCARPELU 8635 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 8.60053 KHAJA MAGHRASI 8539 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE,11.50053 NOELS. LORENZANA 8543 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 EDWARD KIM 6600 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 PATRICIA DIEGO 8816 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE. IL 60053 YASH Y. & YOGESH S. PATEL 8810 MEADOW LANE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 DEEPA PEDDAMAIL 8819 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, 11.80053 CYNTHIA CLAVERIA 5821 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 8001E MI YUN KIM 8828 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 50053 GERELMAA BUDMANDAKAH 8533 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 TERRY & BARBARA SANDERS 5537 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 HARDIK 8 VAISHALI SHAH 12650 TOCCHI COVE FORT WAYNE, IN 48645 PRASAN 8 SELICIDAD FERNANDO 8545 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 LIPING La 8601 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, 11. 80053 MARK GOLDENSERG 8801 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 PAROL SIIAH 8603 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 AU ETNA 8604 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE. IL 80053 BENJAMIN & KATHLEEN KLOCKNER 5800 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 1480053 ISHA MALIK4SMALL 8607 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 1L 80153 RAHIM & MALEA MERCHANT 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 MASTURA ZALWANGO 8810 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 JEA & AEKYONG SONG 8512 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 JASON KIM 8013 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 1L80053 PATRICIA LUX 8802 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 11.60053 MICHAEL 5 SHERRIE ESPOSITO 8603 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 ESMAEL GHAZIANI 8808 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, 11 60053 KAREN DWORAK 8806 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 VERNA P. ABACAN 8808 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 MATTHEW M. KIM 8609 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 5.60053 CHRISTOPHER SAQUIDO 8811 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 ROILY & MYRA PENAFLORIDA 8612 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 GUAR FU WU 8602 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, II. 50053 ALIN & CHRISTINE ALKASS 8004 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, 11 60053 ALOKAKOLKAR 8805 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 LEI YU 405 PRINCETON ROAD HADDONFIELD, Ni 08033 STEVEN A. NAPOLI 8808 PRAIRIE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 80053 KWOK & SUSAN CHAN 8610 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 LUCY SAMUEL 8611 GROVE STREET MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 SRIKANTH PANGULURI 8613 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE,11.00053 Deborah Beaver SPECIAL USE - TRAFALGAR WOOD DRH CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILDINGS , lO, li 12 cvularr From: Deborah Beaver Sent Monday, February 13, 2017 2:21 PM To: Dominick Argumedo Subject FW: Trafalgar Woods Attachments: Trustee's Deed - VESTING DEED (00076095xD9E45).pdt trafalgar drh TITLE COMMITMENT (9-19-16) (File #16023729WF) (00068236-2xD9E45).pdf From: Jerry D Perron <Jerry.perron@vantageiawgroup.com<mailto:Jerry.perron@vantagelawgroup.com» Date: January 12, 2017 at 3:17:18 PM CST To: "Steven H. Goodman" <shgoodman@lmpslaw.com<mailto:shgoodman@mpsiaw.com» Cc: Jerry 0 Perron <Jerry.perron@vantagelawgroup.com<mailto:jerry.perron Avantagelawgroup.com» Subject: Trafalgar Woods Steve — here is the substance of the letter to be delivered to Deb for her use next week: "Pursuant to Section 13.04 of the Contract of Sale between tanner Communities of Chicago, L.L.C., an Illinois limited liability company (the "Seller"), and DRH Cambridge Homes, Inc., a California Corporation ("Purchaser), please be advised that Seller hereby authorizes Purchaser to make such application for variance and approvals from the Village appearance committee as necessary to obtain approval for Purchaser's product type." She also asked for evidence of tanner's ownership to provide the City. Attached is the Vesting Deed. Beyond that I think your best evidence of ownership Is the title commitment, but let me know if you think there is anything else she needs. I've attached my copy of the title commitment dating back a few months. Thanks, Jerry 1 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NO. 1602372M OSIGINATINtiAPPIDG P1h TINQIARSi1.-CON'rt tt: Chicago The Company, LLC 2441 Warremile Rd, Suite 100 LIS, IL 60532 Melo Phone: (630)871-3500 esu: a4wlaamnfstt.eam Chinn Title end Trust Company 2441 Wa renAlls Rd, Shite 100 Ude, IL 60632 Mein Pham: (630)871-3600 Main Fax (630)871-3688 Issued Sy: Chicago 11tle Company, LLC 2441 Wenernile Rd, Suite 100 Lisle, IL 60532 SCHEDULE A ORDER NO.18023728WF Property Ref.: Btddnge 4,10,11 and 12, Trafalgar Woods, L 1. Effective Date: September 10, 2010 2. Policy or (Policies) b be issued: a. ALTA Ovatees Polley 2006 Proposed Insured: ORM Cambridge Homes, Inc. Pdicy Amount MOSIIIIMit 3. The estate or Interest N the land described or referred to in this Commitment Is. Fee Simple 4. Title to the *date or Internet In the land is et the Effective Date vested in: Lamar Commutes of Chicago, LLC., an Minis limited lebilty company Copyright Amedaar Lend The Anedemon. Ar rights IMeived. The use of the Fern Is restricted to ALTA licenses end ALTA menden In good etrdng as el the dabs of - AA mew tree se prohibited Repented under kosms ken the Mat= Lend 11tls Aaeoeieloe. YrOann7unea pe117A00ul new MR se, t0.d2iw Noe 2 L'CT4WETA1060.72e0e/diPe4 l61W2373WYF 4 11:7-Traral Aix wo 440 Topa cause st, SPECIAL USE • TRAFALGAR W000 Of NH CAMBRIDGE HOMES TRAFALGAR WOODS BUILDINGS 4, 10, 11 & 12 MORTON GROW WNW HlRIT t••••• • • /447.).0"' -g . • - ;-c7- of .40.4 IME112M ====== igilialT:VnareSE ealtatrtta: • stsge=reemimm=4.--..r.rs: it:73,MWarr.e.CaS kat strart-A1, -7=1 ..1019Pti•Er...0 Z: WIBINNIEND =C. 1 - • . • , fty 11 Lt!'4 Rnt.4tIS kkkbamist- ORD CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILDINGS 4, 10,11 & 11 swage ioditti frit t 111 I BRINTRatt , /.11 ' 111111111Pilett54 911167.17tlItsIttItLit riPlu 808•27.0218 8828817000 s 1 1 I ' 1.0 1 1-` • 'AL. PREPARED F00 00 PORTON CAMBRIDGE HOMES WO MIWIJICEE PIE. SUITE LSO MEMYVILI.E. 01:040 114711/14.45.19 PUD AMENDMENT EXHIBIT .0274 1 11110.101,4000 10274 1 Err Ps ceo 042S17 1 10140 0. ea •••••• 008 —r. ailiS808100S-1.18801111111118 ^------- ------ ------- ru�nn nmu .irw146b,drir JEW n.w.m® al.w. -n MINIM n.qetiZr zeze —t SWIM MUM MU rtsutllW ellenME Puma pat basil stmt. 111011111111111• an laty cesum van ria. nut con ma 11, Meir Ile•awas kr ice Ism swan let tur)STANI mac, •Mgai DOOM 11111 m SPECIAL USE • TRAFALGAR W000 DRH CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILD! GS 4, ID, 11 L 12 41HIRIT -70 S dickson design STUDIO la a DP/VE ALGONOLVI tow titian nal bit tl.wl MUM 1m. Yblwluwlt Out •YO.,M.1I.P uuNxw.aarm B WW1'4-sxmtt1 .a11 VIwlMnwu, 0sur¢01.1111111/11m et II dickson design STUDIO •••11101C fristmle• lila NC IIIIk seine' AO Mr SWIMS. nil WSW UM MEMMIII IWBII WIMPS MI •MM ♦t timtt wWHY! 1,111111111111 ID WIIMCIONO.I. Ina YTS 04•1•31. 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A1I0a um Flu, • .. 1 •1k i 33.7 35 34.5 33 33.7 3 33.7 30 r E1, W • R HORTON/CAMSRIDGE HOMES 8005 MILWAUKEE AVE. SUITE 250 UUERTYWLLE. IL 60018 807-980-4539 W ` X0.5 141111011.5I! .. '�iCaB� i1 v•, 10 13.5 305 19 10.5 155 105 15.5 i zY€ 3 I I 11 ,9.� I • .�.. �. a I'.�,. l 3 4 N; 1, E zigll oil -III III;l °� � 5 jas, 6$ t III 1- _ m , 74` ° ® ® oa 1S �j{211 :: c 1 j= _. SPECIAL USE -TRAFALGAR WOOD DRH CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILDINGS 4.10,118 12 EXHIBIT t I I RIGHT ELEVATION - DRHC 1151 unit RIGHT ELEVATION - Lennar 1142 unit D-RRORION _&O f{.P,crka &✓a r Trafalgar Unit Comparison Premier Architecture Inc. a-p SDRNCAMBRPECIAL USE-1WGENOMFASGARES WOOD M BUILDINGS 4, 30,11 & 12 7 DRH Cambridge Homes Exterior Color Package Community: Trafalgar Woods COLOR PACxAGEX 1 Siding IHardi Plank) Cobble Stoll Monterey Taupe Accent Siding IHardi Plank) Khaki grown Woodstock Brown E_xterpr Trim SW7031 Mega Grelge', SW61415ofier Tan En_try Door SW7010 Bleck Fox SW2809 Rockwood Shutter Green _Garage Door_ Sandstone Almond Soffit / Fascia / Gutter / Downspouts (aluminum) Heather Maple Shorten )amyl) 0a3 -Musket Brown 010- Hunter Green Roof color frilmsenskmel shingles) Weathered Wood i Weathered Wood Brick (General Shale queen size) Sierra Regent Sierra Regent Below Is tanner's Original Color Packages Sandstone Beige Monterey Taupe 5W7003 Toque White 5W6994 G eenblack White Natural Linen 001 -Black Weathered Wood Slerre Regent Building Rackga a ! lr,n. Chicago Exterior Color Parnage community Trarxca, wood, Non Page 2— Calors 2/13(17 Brick Match Siena Regent by General Shale Queen size to match existing Picture on 4k Is in shade Picture on Might is In sun 0, - SPECIAL USE - TRAFALGAR W000 NH CAMBRIDGE HOMES BUILDINGS & /5500,y,11& 12 1XHlen 4 70,2 [ LOUJER LEVEL PLAN - DRAG 1151 unit LOWER LEVEL PLAN - Lennar 1142 unit Trafalgar Unit Comparison Premier Architecture Inc. o-&NOIOINY fes_ MAIN LEVEL PLAN - DRNG 1151 unit MAIN LEVEL PLAN - Lennar 142 unit Trafalgar Unit Comparison PremierMchitectiue, Inc. „�... Wt.,.en.I-}m.w D-RUDfflDN' UPPER LEVEL PLAN - DRNC 1151 unit UPPER LEVEL PLAN - Lennar 1142 unit Trafalgar Unit Comparison Premier Architecture. Inc. i....w .ma nmm-mm Legislative Summary Ordinance 17-07 Introduction: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Submitted by: APPROVING A FINAL PLAT FOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION AT 6601 PALMA LANE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 April 10, 2017 To approve a final plat of subdivision for the property commonly known as 6601 Palma Lane to create two new lots of record. Masud Khan, the applicant and owner of 6601 Palma Lane, is seeking approval of a final plat of subdivision to create two new lots of record. The subject property is currently comprised of two existing lots of record, under common ownership, with a combined lot area of 20,764 sq. ft., lot width of 148.59 ft, and lot depth of 141.94 ft. and is improved with a single family residence. As the existing structure is sited upon both lots of record, these lots are currently utilized as one zoning lot. The property is within the RI Single Residence District. The applicant is proposing to re -subdivide the subject property to create two new lots of record. Parcel 1, the new interior lot, has a lot width of 60 ft. and a lot area of 8,158 sq. ft. and Parcel 2, the new corner lot, has a lot width of 88.59 ft. and a lot area of 12,606 sq. ft. Per Section 12- 4-2:D, subdivisions of record created after August 4, 1959, in the RI District, must have a minimum lot width of 60 ft. and a minimum lot area of 7,500 sq. ft. Both proposed lots of record would comply with the minimum requirements for new lots in the RI District. The Plan Commission reviewed the application at their March 20, 2017, public hearing, in accordance with the minimum dimensional requirements established in Section 12-4-2:D, and the subdivision criteria established in Section 12-16-4.D.3 of the Unified Development Code. After reviewing the application, the staff report and all testimony presented, the Plan Commission suggested and the applicant agreed to modify the original subdivision in order to provide a consistent 60 ft. lot width for the proposed new Parcel 1 and such modification has been made to the Final Plat. The Plan Commission voted to recommend approval of the modified subdivision. (4-1, Farkas opposed; Blonz, Khan absent) Community and Economic Department N/A N/A The amendment will be implemented by staff in the normal course of business. Approval as presented April 24, 2017 None Reviewed by Administrator Teresa Hoffman Liston, Coration Counsel and Economic Development Director ORDINANCE 17-07 APPROVING A FINAL PLAT FOR A MINOR SUBDIVISION AT 6601 PALMA LANE, MORTON GROVE, ILINOIS 60053 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the property commonly known as 6601 Palma Lane is comprised of two existing contiguous lots of record, under common ownership, with a combined lot area of 20,764 sq. ft., lot width of 148.59 ft., and lot depth of 141.94 ft. ("Subject Property") and is currently improved with a single family residence; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the RI Single Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, Masud Khan, 8544 Georgiana Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 ("Applicant"), has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under Case No. PC 17-01 requesting approval of a final plat of subdivision for 6601 Palma Lane to create two new lots of record, in accordance with the submitted final plat of subdivision, Palma/Nashville Resubdivision, prepared by Morris engineering, dated March 16, 2017 ("Resubdivision"), with a legal description of the two new lots, inscribed on the Plat as "Parcel 1" and "Parcel 2", respectively; and WHEREAS, the proposed Resubdivision meets the definition of a minor subdivision established in Section 12-17-1 of the Unified Development Code, whereas such subdivision fronts on an existing street, does not involve any new street or road, and does not result in more than two (2) buildable lots, and as such, the Applicant is permitted to and has filed for approval of a final plat of subdivision without a preliminary plat of subdivision; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, notice of the public hearing was duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, on March 3, 2017, written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property on March 4, 2017, and signs were duly posted on the property on March 10, 2017; and WHEREAS, within the RI District, lots subdivided after August 4, 1959, are required to have a minimum lot area of 7,500 sq. ft. and a minimum lot width of 60 ft.; and WHEREAS, the proposed new Parcel 1 has a lot area of 8,158 sq. ft. and a lot width of 60 ft. and proposed Parcel 2 has a lot area of 12,606 sq. ft. with a lot width of 88.59 ft. and, as such, both lots meet the minimum requirements for developable lots within the R1 Single Family Residential District established in Section 12-4-2:D; and WHEREAS, as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on March 20, 2017, public hearing where all concemed parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration by the Plan Commission; and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission reviewed the proposed subdivision in accordance with the minimum dimensional requirements established in Section 12-4-2:D, and in accordance with the subdivision criteria established in Section 12-16-4.D.3 of the Unified Development Code, and after considering all evidence and testimony presented to it, the Plan Commission suggested and the applicant agreed to modify the originally proposed subdivision in order to provide a consistent 60 ft. lot width for the proposed new Parcel 1 and such modification has been made to the Resubdivision; and WHEREAS, as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated April 10, 2017, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, and find the proposed final plat of subdivision in accordance with applicable ordinances of the Village of Morton Grove for a minor subdivision subject to the conditions and restrictions as set herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities do hereby approve the application for PC17-01, request for approval of a final plat of subdivision to create two new lots of record for the property commonly known as 6601 Palma Lane, as follows: 1. Parcel 1, The east 1/2 (except the south 130 feet) of lot 8 in Robert Bartlett's Simpson Street Estates, being a subdivision of part of the west 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of section 18, township 41 north, range 13, east of the third principal meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded April 29, 1937 as document number 11988883, in Cook County. 2. Parcel 2, The north 1/2 of the west 1/2 of lot 8 in Robert Bartlett's Simpson Street Estates, being a subdivision of part of the west 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of section 18, township 41 north, range 13, east of the third principal meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded April 29, 1937 as document number 11988883, in Cook County. SECTION 3: The Final recorded Plat of Subdivision shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. The Final Recorded Plat of Subdivision shall be in accordance with the approved "Palma/Nashville Resubdivision," prepared by Morris Engineering, dated March 16, 2017. 2. The Applicant shall not record the Final Plat of Subdivision in the Cook County recorder of deeds office until they have complied with all relevant requirements of Chapter 8 of the Unified Development Code and have provided the Village of evidence of such compliance. 3. The Applicant shall maintain both lots in common ownership until the property owner has applied for and successfully completed the demolition of the existing single-family residence, in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. 4. The Applicant have shall have provided the Village with 3 copies of the recorded plat prior to or concurrent with filing for building permits for a new single family residence on either of the newly created lots of record. SECTION 4: The applicant or his/her successors shall cause a certified copy of this ordinance to be filed with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County at the applicant's expense. SECTION 5: The applicant or his/her successor shall file the final plat of subdivision with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, on or before July 23, 2017, in accordance with Section 12-8-3 of the Village Code, and shall file three (3) copies of the recorded plat with the Building Commissioner for the Village of Morton Grove within ninety (90) days of such recording. SECTION 6: The applicant or his/her successors shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 12, Chapter 8 regarding the content, submission, and recording of the final plat of subdivision. SECTION 7: The Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law, and the applicant or his/her successors had recorded the Plat of Subdivision, in accordance with Section 12-8-3 of the Village Code, and recorded this Ordinance with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, and has provided the evidence of such to the Village of Morton Grove. PASSED this 24th day of April 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 24th day of April 2017. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of April Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Community & Economic Development Department MORTON GROVE Incredibly Close k ainglyttren To: Village President and Board of Trustees From: Ron Farkas, Chairperson Pro -Tem, Plan Commission Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic Development Directo Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner Date: April 3, 2017 Re: Plan Commission Case PC17-01: Request for approval of a Minor Subdivision to allow for the re -subdivision of two contiguous lots of record, in accordance with Section 12-8 of the Unified Development Code (Ordinance 07-07) Commission Report Public Notice The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice for the March 20, 2017 Plan Commission public hearing for PC 17-01 in accordance with the Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press published the public notice on March 3, 2017, and the Village notified surrounding property owners via mail on March 4, 2017 and placed a public notice sign on the subject property on March 10, 2017. Property Background The subject property is made up of two existing contiguous lots of record with a combined lot area of 20,764 sq. ft., lot width of 148.59 ft., and lot depth of 141.94 ft. and is currently improved with a single family residence. The existing structure is centrally located, extending across both existing parcels. As such, the two parcels currently constitute one zoning lot. The property is in the RI Single Family Residence District. Overview of the Application Mr. Masud Khan, the property owner and applicant ("Applicant"), proposed to demolish the existing residence and re -subdivide the two lots of record to build single family residences on each lot. The original proposed subdivision plan filed with the application included an interior lot with a lot area of 7,850 sq. ft. and a lot width of 60 ft. for the northern 74 ft. of the lot and a lot width of 55 ft. for the remaining 61.97 ft. and a corner lot with a lot area of 12,796 sq. ft. and a lot width of 88.59 ft. Per the Unified Development Code Section 12-17-1: "...Any subdivision fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road, that cannot result in more than two (2) buildable lots...." is defined as a Minor Subdivision. A minor subdivision does not require submission or approval of a preliminary plat, but still requires review by the Plan Commission, with a recommendation forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final determination. (Section 12-8-1:C). Per Section 12-4-2:D., subdivisions of record created after August 4, 1959 must have a minimum lot area of 7,500 sq. ft. and a minimum lot width of 60 ft., in the R1 District. In additions, all subdivisions are to review against the criteria established in Section 12-16-4-D:3. March 20, 2017 Public Hearing Dominick Argumedo, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner, introduced the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated March 13, 2017, which was entered, in its entirety, into the public record. (Attachment 1) Mr. Argumedo noted that the proposed subdivision meets the dimensional controls for lots of record in the R1 Single Family Resident district; however, it may be in conflict with the first of the four subdivision review standards in Section 12-16-4.D.3. Specifically, the proposed interior lot may be in conflict with the first criteria, which states that the subdivision "....will encourage orderly and harmonious development within the village." He noted that staff reviewed the proposed subdivision within the context of general neighborhood area as well as in the context of the properties along Palma Lane. The general neighborhood was defined by the consistency of the lots within the area bounded by Golf Road to the north, Normandy Avenue to the west, Nashville Avenue to the east and the properties fronting the south side of Foster Street to the south. The average lot width and lot area in the general neighborhood were calculated at 78 ft. and 10,964 sq. ft., respectively, for all zoning lots and 74 ft. and 10,385 sq. ft., respectively, for all lots of record. When comparing just the lots along Palma Lane, the average lot width and lot area along the block were calculated at 79 ft. and 11,094 sq. ft., respectively, for all zoning lots and 74 ft. and 10,400 sq. ft., respectively, for all lots of record. The proposed interior lot would be noticeably smaller than the average lot size in the general neighborhood and along the Block. Mr. Khan was sworn in and provided an overview of his application. Mr. Khan noted that he had worked closely with staff to make sure that all zoning code regulations were met, but wasn't aware of the four subdivision standards until he filed his application. He did provide his own responses to these standards in his application, and alleged that his proposal was in harmony with the neighborhood and did comply with that and the remaining three standards. Mr. Khan stated he felt that the first of the criteria is ambiguous as it states that the subdivision will be harmonious within the Village. He noted that his proposed subdivision and the lots he would be modyfying are harmonious with the Village. He further noted that when you expand the comparison of lots beyond the area covered by staff, there are many lots east of Nashville Avenue that are comparable to the lot size he is proposing for the interior lot. He passed out his own lot comparison map showing lot dimensions for several blocks to the east and south of 6601 Palma Lane. With consideration of lots within the R1 District that are of a similar size to the minor subdivision's proposed interior lot's modified size, he felt his proposal was harmonious with development within the Village, per the standard. Mr. Khan further highlighted a minor subdivision that was approved 10 years ago on Golf Rd, where one of the two existing lots was made smaller. Chairperson Pro Tem Farkas noted his concern with the proposal. He felt the proposed interior lot would be so narrow that it would be out of character with the other lots on Palma Lane, between Nashville and Normandy Avenues. He further asked staff for clarification of how the submission was reviewed with surrounding properties. Nancy Radzevich, Director of Community and Economic Development, replied looking to determine a neighborhood area, staff will typically look at the general patterns of lot development, when the subdivision was developed, and where residents would likely feel comfortable walking in determining neighborhood borders. Staff examined an area around 6601 2 Palma Lane, and found that the lots in the general area considered as the general neighborhood, the majority of the lots had similar lot widths, depths and areas and appear to have been created at the same time, within perhaps the same original subdivision. Staff further noted that the lot configuration of the interior lot, with the 60 ft. lot width, which is reduced to 55 ft. width towards the back end of the lot, is not harmonious with what exists. Staff had suggested that even shifting the lot width of the interior lot to be closer to the average lot width in the area, 69 or 70 ft. would still allow for a larger corner lot, which could be developed with a larger home, even with the two front yard setback requirements along each street. Commissioner Shimanski stated that he was not bothered by the 60 ft. width or the smaller lot area, but was concerned that the proposed interior lot width was being reduced to 55 ft. halfway through the depth of the property. This reduced lot width would be in the area where the new home would be located. He indicated that the narrowing of the lot width to 55 ft. from 60 ft. halfway through its lot depth presented a challenge to meeting the harmonious subdivision standard. Chairperson Pro Tem Farkas asked the applicant if he would be willing to adjust the size of the interior lot to a consistent 60 ft. lot before the commission makes a motion to approve the case. After consulting with his contractor, Mr. Khan agreed to amend the subdivision to maintain a consistent 60 ft. lot width for the interior lot and a consistent 88.5 ft. lot width for the corner lot. Commissioner Shimanski moved to approve Case PC 17-01, a request to allow for the re- subdivision of two contiguous lots of record at 6601 Palma Lane with 60 ft. consistent width interior lot and an 88.5 ft. consistent with of the corner lot, with the following conditions: 1. The Final Recorded Plat of Subdivision shall be in accordance with a revised plat of subdivision, consistent with the Palma/Nashville Resubdivision, prepared by Morris Engineering, submitted with the original application, but modified as necessary to provide a consistent 60 ft. lot width for the interior lot and associated consistent tot width for the corner lot. 2. The applicant shall not record the Final Plat of Subdivision in the Cook County recorder of deeds office until they have complied with all relevant requirements of Chapter 8 of the Unified Development Code and have provided the Village of evidence of such compliance. 3. The applicant shall maintain both lots in common ownership until the property owner has applied for and successfully completed the demolition of the existing single-family residence, in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Gillespie Chairperson Pro Tem Farkas noted his concern that the discrepancy, even as modified, between the proposed lots and would prefer to see the lots closer in overall area. The motion for recommendation passed 4-1, with Chairperson Farkas voting no. 3 ®L P Legislative Summary Ordinance 17-08 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE AND ESTABLISH REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES AT 6730 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Introduction: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Submitted by: Prepared by: N April 10, 2017 Approval of an amendment to a special use permit (Ord. 06-12) to allow for the construction of a detached garage to enclose two (2) existing parking spaces for the delivery truck and trailer used by and in the operation of the existing business, and to establish the number of general off- street parking spaces at 14, in accordance with Sections 12-7-3 and 12-16-4:A.7 of the Unified Development Code, for the existing hockey equipment store at 6730 Dempster Street On April 24, 2006, the Board approved a special use permit to allow the use of a non-contiguous parking lot and to grant a parking variance and establish the number of required parking spaces at 16 for the hockey equipment store's use at 6730 Dempster Street (Ord. 06-12). The Applicant recently filed an application for an amendment to thespecial use permit and approved site plan to allow for the construction of a detached garage on the accessory parking lot to enclose the two western -most spaces for dedicated use for two delivery vehicles utilized by the Gunzo's hockey equipment business. The proposed detached garage has been designed to comply with the setback, bulk and density requirements established in the Unified Development Code (Title 12). Currently, the two business vehicles, when not in use for deliveries, are regularly parked on the two parking spaces which will be enclosed. Once the garage is constructed, these will become dedicated long-term parking spaces for exclusive use of the two business vehicles and the number of general on-site parking spaces will be reduced from 16 to 14. While this will technically increase the parking waiver to 42%, the parking demand and functionality of the site will effectively remain unchanged. Given the specialized nature of this hockey equipment store, the parking demand is much lower than traditional general retail establishments and, as confirmed by staff through several site visits, the remaining 14 on-site surface parking spaces should be more than sufficient to accommodate customer and employee parking. In accordance with Section 12-16-4:A.2, the Application was reviewed by the Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC) and he determined the proposed amendment would have an insignificant negative impact and waived the full TSC review. Since this building is an accessory structure, Appearance Commission review is not required (Section 12-16-2.B). On March 20, 2017, the Plan Commission held a Public Hearing and based on the application, supporting documents and testimony presented, the Plan Commission voted 5-0 (Blonz, Khan absent) to recommend approval of this application with conditions. Community and Economic Department N/A N/A The amendment will be implemented by staff in the normal course of business. Approval as presented April 24, 2017. Please see the attached correspondence from K. Jackson requesting the waiving of the second reading. Reviewed by age Administrator Teresa Hoffman Liston, C rporation Counsel munity and Economic Development Director ORDINANCE 17-08 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE AND ESTABLISH A REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES AT 6730 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, 6730 Dempster Street ("Subject Property") includes two parcels, separated by a public alley, which are both owned by Keith Jackson (the "Applicant") and are improved with an existing 9,155 sq. ft. retail commercial building and four parking spaces on the principal lot ("Principal Lot") and a 12 stall surface parking lot on the accessory lot ("Accessory Lot"); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is zoned in the Cl General Commercial District pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, on April 24, 2006, pursuant to Ordinance 06-12, a special use permit application, filed by the Applicant, to allow for the use of a non-contiguous lot for parking and granting a parking waiver and establishing the required parking for a specialized hockey equipment business at 16 spaces on the Subject Property, was approved by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the Applicant, pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC17-06, has made proper application to the Village of Morton Grove for an amendment to the approved special use permit and site plan, dated March 2, 2006 (Ord. 06-12), in order to allow for the construction of a detached garage to enclose two existing surface parking spaces, on the west side of the Accessory Lot, to create dedicated, long-term parking for two delivery vehicles, a truck and a trailer, which are used by and in the operation of an existing hockey equipment businesses; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, notice of the public hearing was duly published in the Pioneer Press a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove on March 3, 2017, written notification was sent to the property owners within 250 ft. of the subject property on March 4, 2017, and signs were duly posted on the property on March 10, 2017; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 12-7-2:G, required on-site parking shall be used only for the temporary storage of motor vehicles related to the premises and the construction of the detached garage for long-term, dedicated storage of business delivery vehicles will reduce the number of onsite parking spaces for temporary storage of motor vehicles from 16 to 14 spaces.; and WHEREAS, based on the current regulations and definitions in the Unified Development Code, the parking requirement for the existing 9,155 sf ft. structure based on general retail and accessory storage use parking requirements is 24 parking spaces and, as such, the associated reduction in the number of surface parking spaces from 16 to 14 results in a 42% waiver in the number of required on-site parking spaces; and WHERAS, in accordance with Section 12-7-3:B, the Village Board shall determine the final number of parking spaces for a special use based on recommendations of the Plan Commission, staff analysis, and any other data provided to determine the appropriate number based on actual parking demand for the specific site and use; and WHEREAS, the Village Board, upon recommendation of the Plan Commission, previously established the number of required parking for this specialized hockey equipment business use at 16 spaces in Ord. 06-12; and WHEREAS, when not being utilized for deliveries, the Applicant has regularly been storing the hockey equipment business truck and trailer on the two parking spaces that will be enclosed within the proposed detached garage structure and, as such, the addition of the accessory structure should have an insignificant effect on the functionality of the existing parking facilities; and WHEREAS, given the specialized nature of this hockey equipment business, the parking demand is significantly lower than traditional general retail establishments and, as confirmed by staff through several site visits, the remaining 14 on-site surface parking spaces are more than sufficient to accommodate customer and employee parking; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is not proposing any changes to or increases in the intensity of the existing hockey equipment business use and, as such, the parking demand will not change; and WHEREAS, the proposed detached garage has been designed to comply with all setback, bulk and height requirements and the overall site, with the addition of the accessory structure, will comply with all density requirements, in accordance with Section 12-2-5:B.3 and 12-4-3:E of the Unified Development Code ; and WHEREAS the application was reviewed by the Chairperson of the Traffic Safety Commission (TSC), who determined the proposed amendment to the parking layout would have an insignificant negative impact and waived the full TSC review, per Section 12-16-4.A.2; and WHEREAS the proposed building is an accessory structure and, as such, Appearance Commission review is not required for this application, per Section 12-16-2.B; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Village Code, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on March 20, 2017, public hearing where all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for consideration by the Plan Commission; and WHEREAS, as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated April 10, 2017, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the proposed amendment to the special use shall be approved subject to conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Applicant is hereby granted an amendment to the previously granted special use permit, pursuant to Ordinance 17-08, to construct a detached garage to enclose two (2) existing parking spaces for the delivery truck and trailer used by and in the operation of the existing hockey equipment business, and to establish the number of general on-site parking spaces at 14 at 6730 Dempster Street, with the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners/lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: 1. All conditions of Ordinance 06-12 shall remain in effect unless specifically modified by this amendment. 2. The new detached garage shall be constructed and located in accordance with the following plans, prepared by Regency Garages, and dated October 26, 2016: A. Floor Plan; B. Elevations; and C. Site Plan. 3. The Applicant shall ensure any trucks, trailers, or similar vehicles utilized by the hockey equipment business will be parked within the detached garage and not on the 14 on-site surface parking spaces nor on any adjacent pubic street parking areas. 4. The Applicant shall ensure the 14 on-site surface parking spaces are kept clean and clean of equipment, snow, or any other obstructions to assure they are available for temporary use by customers and employees for their personal vehicles, during business hours. 5. The Applicant shall only utilize the detached garage for the parking of trucks, trailers and similar delivery vehicles utilized by hockey equipment business and use the structure for the storage of merchandise or hockey equipment. 6. The Applicant shall file all necessary plans for review and approval, and secured all necessary building permits prior to the commencement of construction. 7. The Applicant shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. Any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. Any change in hours of operation; C. Any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces within the principal or accessory structures; or D. Any other changes to the existing hockey equipment business use that could increase the intensity of the use and/or increase the parking demand. Such changes may require the owners, lessees, and users of 6730 Dempster Street to submit an updated parking analysis, and may subject the owners, lessees, and users of 6730 Dempster Street to additional conditions and may serve as the basis for further amendment to the special use permit. SECTION 3: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use permit as amended hereunder. SECTION 4: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 24th of April 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 24th day of April 2017. Daniel DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of April 2017. Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Community & Economic Development Department To: Village President and Board of Trustees MORTON GROVE Incredibly Close„.'K A-- ma From: Ron Farkas, Chairperson Pro -Tem, Plan Commission Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic Development Director Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner Date: March 31, 2017 Re: Request for an Amendment to a Special Use Permit (Ord. 06-12) to allow for an accessory structure (detached garage) over two existing parking spaces, in accordance with the Unified Development Code (Ord. 07-07) at 6730 Dempster Street Commission Report Public Notice The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice for the March 20, 2017 Plan Commission public hearing for PC 17-05 in accordance with the Unified Development Code. The Pioneer Press published the public notice on March 3, 2017, and the Village notified surrounding property owners via mail on March 4, 2017 and placed a public notice sign on the subject property on March 10, 2017. Property Background The subject property includes two parcels that are held in common ownership and separated by a public alley. These parcels are located within the C1 General Commercial District and are improved with an existing 9,155 sq. ft. retail commercial building and 4 parking spaces on the principal (south) lot and a 12 stall surface parking lot on the second, accessory (north) lot. In addition, there are 4 public street parking spaces along the west side of Birch Avenue, adjacent to the building. Overview of the Application In 2006, Keith Jackson, the property and business owner ("Applicant', applied for and the Village Board granted a special use permit (Ord. 06-12) to allow parking on a separate lot and approved a parking waiver to allow for the development of a Gunzo's hockey equipment business with a total of 16 on-site parking spaces: four (4) on the principal (south) lot and twelve (12) on the accessory parking lot, located across the public alley, north of the principal lot. The Applicant recently filed an application for an amendment to the special use permit and the approved site plan to allow for the construction of a detached garage that would enclose the two western -most parking spaces on the accessory parking lot and use those spaces as dedicated parking for their delivery vehicles. The Applicant frequently uses these two parking spaces to park a truck and trailer utilized by Gunzo's to transport hockey equipment. He intends to continue store those vehicles in that location, within the proposed detached garage. March 20, 2016 Public Hearing Dominick Argumedo, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner, introduced the case and summarized the Plan Commission staff report dated March 16, 2017, which was entered, in its entirety, into the public record. (Attachment 1) Mr. Argumedo explained that in 2006 the Board had approved a special use permit to allow for the use of a non - contiguous lot for parking and granted a parking waiver to establish the required parking for the hockey equipment business, Gunzo's, at 16 spaces at 6730 Dempster Street (Ord. 06-12). The applicant was now proposing to construct a detached garage that would enclose the two existing parking spaces, on the west side of the accessory lot. The garage would be used as dedicated long-term parking for their two delivery vehicles, a truck and a trailer, which are used in the operation of the existing businesses. As these parking spaces would no longer be general spaces available to customers or staff, the general number of on-site parking spaces would be reduced from 16 to 14. Based on current Unified Development Code regulations, the parking requirement for the existing 9,155 sf. ft. structure, based on retail and storage requirements, would be 24 parking spaces. As such, the reduction of on-site parking spaces from 16 to 14 available results in the parking waiver increased to 42%. Mr. Argumedo noted that per Section 12-7-3:B of the Unified Development Code, proposed parking standards identified in the code as "Required Spaces By Use" are advisory only for Special Use applications as the required parking will be reviewed and established as part of the Special Use Permit. The final number of required parking spaces for a Special Use Permits is set by the Village Board based on recommendations of the Plan Commission, staff analysis, and any other data provided to determine the appropriate number based on a site's location and proposed use. Mr. Argumedo explained the Applicant is not proposing any changes or increases in the intensity of the business. In addition, the specialized nature of the hockey equipment business limits the intensity of customers coming to the store compared to a general retail business. Further, the Applicant has regularly been storing the truck and trailer in the location of the proposed detached garage and, as such, with no change to the parking demand or the site's functionality, the addition of the accessory structure should have an insignificant effect on existing on-site parking facilities. Nick Markham, assistant general manager of Gunzo's, was authorized to present the case on behalf of the Applicant, and was sworn in. Mr. Markham reiterated that Gunzo's currently stores their truck and trailer in the two existing parking spaces designated to be enclosed by the garage. He added that the garage would protect the vehicles from the elements and potential vandalism. He further reiterated that the parking on the site is sufficient and the current functionality of the site which will not, in essence, change due to the garage enclosure. Chairperson Pro Temp Farkas added that he frequently passes by the business and has observed very few cars in the lot with most customers parking along Birch Avenue closest to Gunzo's main entrance. Commissioner Dorgan made a motion to recommend approval of Case #PC17-05, a request for an amendment to a Special Use Permit (Ordinance 06-12) to construct a detached garage to 2 enclose two (2) existing parking spaces for the delivery vehicles used by and in the operation of the existing business, and to establish the number of general off-street parking spaces at 14, in accordance with Section 12-7-3 and 12-16-4:A.7 of the Unified Development Code for the existing commercial development at 6730 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL, with the following conditions: 1. Unless specifically modified through this amendment, all conditions of Ordinance 06-12 shall remain in effect. 2. The new detached garage shall be constructed and located in accordance with the plans prepared by Regency Garages, dated 10/6/2016: A. Floor Plan; B. Elevations; and C. Site Plan. 3. The Applicant shall ensure that any trucks, trailers, or similar equipment utilized by the Gunzo's business will be parked within the detached garage and not on the remaining 14 off-street parking spaces or the 4 on -street parking spaces on the west side of Birch Avenue. 4. The Applicant shall ensure that the remaining 14 off-street parking spaces and 4 on -street parking spaces on the west side of Birch Avenue are available for use by customers and employees, for their personal vehicles, and not otherwise utilized for storage of business- related trucks or trailers, during business hours. 5. The detached garage shall only be utilized for the storage of truck, trailers and similar equipment utilized by Gunzo's and shall not be used for the storage merchandise. 6. The Applicant shall file all necessary plans for review and approval, and secured all necessary building permits prior to the commencement of construction. 7. The Applicant shall advise the Director of Community and Economic Development of any of the following: A. any proposed change in ownership of the subject property and/or principal business; B. any change in hours of operation; C. any alterations to or changes in uses or configuration of any of the interior spaces; D. any other changes to the retail establishment use that could increase the intensity and/or increase the parking demand. Such changes may require the owners, lessees, and users of 6730 Dempster Street to submit an updated parking analysis, and may subject the owners, lessees, and users of 6730 Dempster Street to additional conditions and may serve as the basis for further amendment to the special use permit. The motion passed unanimously 5-0 (Blonz and Khan absent). 3 0-,L N O 4 6 O U W CCW N W -J CO m -J J 0 4 aaH OIXZ 180 300121 2XZ 18a 3001d 9XZ 180 0 N o6 O ccH pN 300Ia 2XZ 180 U o On OW zoz :171 co II w — mw H-0 Q <0< QD x 6 FT. CONCRETE APRON N • X ~ LLJ _ Z N 00 N (Y i 14iii -ii i • G-�.� J ■ .1p=.- . � -.�--- ,T. y -1=----a- .-._••�.� _= -r--C' i '-•iii -1 !! warier -ft- -2m .41rarSarellThar.4 • o tied = �- -Taws i lal •-r7= _um e mrt-. _ -2 e.:�.c__ ill '- -- - _- ' - i -i i1 - --•---t - ti -S= -- au * --_- - Fs - !- E ; - .a -cc �rt� i y-y=-i-J=pti '-i.Fp=.ii- - a- i- CccC „9-,91 0 z O „9 S 30 £ 133US 31V3S SNOIIVA313 9L40-£66-0£9 'Hd 11 3AONO 9101/9O/OL W0t09 11 'NOSIOOV IS 3NV1 MALL S3OVaVO AON3O3H NOlaON '1S 2131SdW30 'M 0£L9 NOSNOVr 41D) •=-_•c__•:-_ Or Ur .=Mi ate- M -a MIME MM MOmaterilirr 1111111111111MugM MM W >(11 J J 0 SP Cr) V d - Z — z c0 0 uJ J 1--- „0—,6 „9—,91 S 30 Z .0-.L=.9L/c SNOIIVA313 133HS 31V3S 9L40-£66-0£9 'Hd 10109 11 'NOSIOOV 'IS 301 99tMLl S3OVWO AON303I 11 3AO210 N01a011 '1S 2131Sd1,130 'M 0£L9 9t0l/90/01 NOSNOVf H113N CO 235# ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES OVER 15# ROOFING FELT 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 12 1 SHEATHING ---�__ 2x6 RAFTERS AT 16" 0.0. - WITH HURRICANE TIES. 2x12 CROSS TIES AT 16" 0.C. WITH 5/8" PLYWOOD FLOOR 1a 1 212 (2)2x4 TOP PLATE WALL STUDS 2X4 AT 16" 0.C. TIE DOWN ANCHORS ® 48" 0.C. ON 4 SIDES. 0) 4" VINYL SIDING OVER 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING TREATED 2x4 BOTTOM LATE WITH SILL SEALER AND 1/2" DIAMETER X 10" LONG ANCHOR BOLTS AT 6'-0" 0.C. WITHIN 12" OF CORNER MINIMUM 6 INCHES ABOVE GRADE 10 INCHES BELOW GRADE TRIPLE 2X12 HEADER ABOVE 16'-0"X8'-0" OVERHEAD DOOR GARAGE SIZE WIDTH - 22 FEET LENGTH - 26 FEET ROOF STYLE- GAMBREL LUMBER SPECIES UNDER 20 FT LONG 2X4,2X6, AND 2X8 SPF #2 OF BETTER. UNDER 20 FT LONG 2X12 SPF / HEM FIR #2 OF BETTER. OVER 2D FT. LONG DOUGLAS FIR #2 OR BETTER RAISED WATER LEDGE ON FRONT WALL AND 2 SIDE WALLS. 4 • 20" CONCRETE - 6 BAG MIX, 4 IN. THICK WITH 4 IN. CRUSHED CA -6 STONE AND 6X6 - W 2.1/W 2.1 WELDED WIRE. KEITH JACKSON 10/06/2016 6730 W. DEMPSTER ST. MORTON GROVE IL REGENCY GARAGES 17W 486 LAKE ST. ADDIOSON, IL 60101 PH. 630-993-0476 WALL SECTION SHEET 5 OF 5 Proposal garage 27a26' North apron t, 5' alm1n.S ABA setback prior PLANT LEGEND TAO SPC -CIE HICK` B5 06-241 0 6LRNN6 musts (49 ® SARsENr LRAaAJPLE GLUHP (6'1 PUBLIC ALLEY Q4 cwcAeeauwwv6104.114.a2LLi ® ALPP.E co:RNNT (90-961 a 19 © BRADFORD PEAR (5' GAL) 6 NOTE ISOD TO BE INSTALLED IN REMAININ6 UNPAVED AREAS. NOTE 2 HARDWOOD SHREDDED MJLGH INSTN 1 PD IN PLANTING BEDS OTY, 94 2 2 r 0 p� p GUNZ0'S 10 XIST DEMPSTER ST. Site Plan PROPOS® LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR GUNZo'S DEMMORTON IOTVE, IILUNOS IWO DATE: 9Z2.26 BIRCH AVE. bmitb Oros. . 34644 Cemetery Road Gurnee, Illinois 60031 P: 847-244-4565 F: 847-244-4588 To whom it may concern, SUNZD'S Sports Center, Inc. 7706 W. Madison St. River Forest, IL 60305 Phone: 708/771-8666 FAX: 708/771-8687 E -Mail: gunzosinfo@gunzos.com I am writing this letter to see if we can waive the second reading for my garage which will be a small accessory structure behind my building located at 6730 Dempster Rd. I have been working with the village since November of 2016 to ensure that all my properties are in compliance with the village and I also went to a planning commission meeting and had a unanimous vote in favor of the garage I am proposing to build. Due to these reasons I hope we can waive this second reading. Thanks, Keith Jackson Legislative Summary Resolution 17-21 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A MATERIAL PROPOSAL FROM BUILDERS ASPHALT, LLC FOR THE 2017 MATERIAL PURCHASING PROGRAM - ASPHALT Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: April 10, 2017 To authorize the Village Clerk to accept a material proposal from Builders Asphalt, LLC to furnish asphalt for the 2017 Material Purchasing Program in order for the Public Works Department to maintain the Village's right-of- ways and properties.. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to purchase construction materials, like asphalt and concrete to be used to maintain Village right-of-ways and properties. The purchase of construction materials are paid for using General, Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise Funds. The use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. It requires bidding procedures and contract documents for these amounts conforming to State requirements. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Municipal Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A". The acceptance for the proposal is attached as Exhibit "B". Public Works. The estimated contract value is $66,000. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchased up the full budgeted amount. Public Works: A/C #025017-563110 Construction Materials -Asphalt $35,000 MFT: AIC #035060-563110 Construction Materials -Hot Mix $30,000, and Water: A/C #405033-562110 Operational Supplies -Asphalt $1,000 The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A None Respectfully submitted: / 1 �� � _t ���� Revie illage Administrator� . y De;,J e, Director Public Works Prepared by: Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Teresa off' a iston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 17-21 AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT A MATERIAL PROPOSAL WITH BUILDERS ASPHALT, LLC FOR THE 2017 MATERIAL PURCHASING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2017 Material Purchasing Program is necessary to dispose of recyclable asphalt and to purchase asphalt and concrete construction materials for use by the Public Works Department to maintain the Village's right-of-ways and properties; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department uses Village trucks to deliver recyclable asphalt, collect the asphalt from a producer and deliver the asphalt to the work site; and WHEREAS, there is a travel cost to the Village for driving a dump truck to and from an asphalt plant; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest for the Village to quantify the theoretical travel cost for each asphalt plant and consider the theoretical travel cost when comparing competitively bid prices from asphalt suppliers; and WHEREAS, the delivery of recyclable asphalt and the purchase of asphalt are paid for using General, Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise Funds; and WHEREAS, use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois, which requires bidding procedures and contract documents for these amounts conforming to State requirements; and WHEREAS, this contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Municipal Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets "Notice to Contractors Bulletin" Bulletin Nos. 17-11 and 17-12 inviting bids on the "Material Contract Section 17 -00000 -00 -GM"; and WHEREAS, eight entities, contractors or suppliers obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, four bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 31, 2017, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Builders Asphalt, LLC submitted the lowest bid amount of $103,520.00, which includes a theoretical Village travel cost to the Builders Asphalt plant in Evanston of $23,220.00; and WHEREAS, the resulting amount of recyclable asphalt estimated to be delivered to and asphalt estimated to be purchased from Builders Asphalt, LLC included in the bid is $80,300.00; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work in the cumulative amount of $66,000 is available for the purchase of hot -mix asphalt in the Village of Morton Grove 2017 Adopted Budget in Account Numbers 025017-563110 (General Fund - Streets —Construction Materials), 035060-563110 (Motor Fuel Tax Fund), and 405033-562110 (Enterprise Fund — Water). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Builders Asphalt, LLC, 4413 Roosevelt Road, Suite 108, Hillside, Illinois, based upon their material proposal for the "Material Contract Section 17- 00000 -00 -GM" in the amount of $103,520.00. SECTION 2. The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute the form titled "Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award" (Exhibit "B") in order to deliver recyclable asphalt to and purchase asphalt from Builders Asphalt, LLC in the amount of $80,300.00. SECTION 3. The Director of Public Works and/or their designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage the program with Builders Asphalt, LLC up to an amount not to exceed $66,000.00. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 10th DAY OF APRIL 2017 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 10`h DAY OF APRIL 2017 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 11th DAY OF APRIL 2017 Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" Tabulation of Bids Arrow Road Cana Co 13401 South Busse Road P.O. Box 334 Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Bid Bond e N Total $ 70,325.00 I $ 500.00 Mvi 6, H viMW 8 N 0 VI 694 4,194, 4,69 WV/ 1969 M Vi4 M 19 ($ 124,825.00 124,825.00 N N O LL w Q D O O O O O O Peter Baker 8 Son Co 11349 Rockland Road Lake Bluff, IL 60044 m O m . N Total $ 87,000.00 W 19 W VI H W 0 0 O. 4, W W V/ W r W N • 4, W 19 4, • K W . W W r • N Vi W we, r • V! 4, N • 49 4, $$ OI' 0 S 0 m p 88 u$ 8 $ n Plote Construction Inc. 11100 Brandt Drive Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 C CCI :0p m N Total $ 73,950.00 8 pr• O N 69 4, 4, 69 $ 59,400.00 4, W W 4, W W r W W W W r•• 4, W W W W W 4, W 4, W W W W —__....__.� $ - 134,850.00 134,850.00 8C 0 dN O O $ N e4 Builders Asphalt, LLC 4413 Roosevelt Road Suite 108 Hilllslde, Illinois 60162 Bid Bond L1 N 8 0 109N f N 4, $ 2,000 00 I S CO W W 4, W W W 4, 4, 4,W W 4, 4, W W W 4, 4,W W W W 4, WWW 4, W Is 103,520.00 103,520.00 . 8$ ux D $ o $ Name of Bidder: Address of Bidder: Proposal Guarantee: Terns: Approved Engineers Estimate 0 0 d 0 An 8$ W $ 600.00 r 4, W W W W 4, W W r W W 4, 4,W r W r• W W W W 4, W r W W CO W 4,W r 4, 4, As Read: As Calculated: 6 8 a4 S 8 R o m o r Chris Tomich and Michael Gesualdo 0 O,t vO. N CO N CO O0 0 O O J w w w -J -J Z' 9 0 O LL 0 a a a a 0 0 N z P 0 0 U 8 0 ID Recycling of Asphalt Material Haub Differential - Builders Asphalt Hauling Differential - Plote Hauling Differential - Peter Baker Hauling Differential - Arrow Road 0 E d N N O N N $ N N Cn 0 c co S E 0 O O 8 0 E 0 U EXHIBIT "B" L 0) E Q 4 N To 0 O o p. a a cc O O N U N N 0.t U m Q 0 17 -00000 -00 -GM M our files, you have been 0 0. 8 A 0 cv M submitted on of the above designated project. c gN E rials required in the E = awarded the contract f 2 8 O E 0 o co 0 0 o 0 csi 0 0 co 0' N to 1-- y U a c D 54.0000 4 o S O o o 9 -9 ~ } m 0 N m r ry D )' V J 8 IHMA Surface Course. Mix "D", N50 l C N 5 L `o 3 M a c N 0 LL 0 a L m a c N j F- O O. m Ez • c 0 c c O 0 O s U For Municipal Projects 8 a Legislative Summary Resolution 17-22 AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Back ground: Programs, Departments Or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: First Reading: Special Consideration or Requirements: April 10, 2017 This Resolution will authorize the sale of motor vehicles deemed surplus property by the Village of Morton Groves Corporate Authorities. Selling motor vehicles and equipment through the Northwest Municipal Conference run auction in cooperation with Americas Auto Auction Chicago, provides for an effective means for the Village to sell surplus vehicles. The Public Works Department in its normal course of business annually reviews vehicles and equipment conditions for all Village departments. After a review by the department some of the equipment is determined to be no longer useful for a variety of reasons; some reasons being but not limited to the cost of maintenance, scheduled for replacement, outdated, or no longer used by Village departments. Ordinance 05-27 allows the Village to sell surplus motor vehicles pursuant to a Resolution approved by simple majority of the Village Board of Trustees. At this time the Public Works Department is requesting that four vehicles be deemed Surplus property. Public Works Department, and Police Department Funds that will be generated by the sale of equipment at auction are unknown at this time. N/A Minimal, delivery of equipment to auction. Approval as presented. Not required Auction to be held on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at Americas Auto Auctions Chicago, 14001 S. Karlov Avenue Crestwood, I1160554 A Respectfully submitted:✓` Reviewed By: alp E Czerwinski illage Administrator And Prepared b P Y /ale / Reviewed by: P,! 1 • sin, vision Superintendent Teresa offyfia5 Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 17-22 AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and Chapter 127, paragraphs 741-748 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, authorize and encourage intergovernmental cooperation; and WHEREAS, the Northwest Municipal Conference, a corporate organization representing municipalities and townships chartered within the State of Illinois and Counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, and DuPage organizes joint municipal auctions of surplus vehicles; and WHEREAS, on or about May 23, 2005, the Corporate Authorities adopted Ordinance 05- 27 which provides "obsolete or surplus personal property which is, in the opinion of the Public Works Director and Village Administrator, no longer necessary or useful to the Village and has an estimated value exceeding $1,000 and all motor vehicles and real property of any value of the Village of Morton Grove shall be sold subject to approval by resolution of a simple majority of the Village Board of Trustees; and. WHEREAS, the Village Administrator, and Director of Public Works have deemed those vehicles listed in Exhibit "A" as no longer necessary or useful to the Village and the Director of Public Works has recommended these vehicles be sold at the joint municipal auction of surplus vehicles conducted by the Northwest Municipal Conference in conjunction with Americas Auto Auction Chicago; and WHEREAS, attached as Exhibit "A" is a list of vehicles to be deemed surplus and auctioned. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, AND ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Pursuant to Ordinance 05-27 of the Village of Morton Grove, the Village President and Board of Trustees for the Village of Morton Grove find the described personal property listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto now owned by said jurisdiction is no longer necessary or useful to said jurisdiction and said jurisdiction would be best served by the sale of the properties. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator for the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to direct the sale of the aforementioned personal property at the following Northwest Municipal Conference auction in conjunction with Americas Auto Auction Chicago, scheduled for: 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, 2017 14001 S. Karlov Avenue Crestwood, I1160554 SECTION 4: The Administrator is hereby authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference and Americas Auto Auction Chicago to advertise the sale of the aforementioned personal property through area newspapers, direct mailings, Internet and other channels deemed appropriate prior to the date of said auction. SECTION 5: The Village Administrator is authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference and Americas Auto Auction Chicago to enter into an agreement for the sale of said property whereby said property is sold at the auction according to the terms set forth by the Northwest Municipal Conference. SECTION 6: No bid shall be accepted for the sale of an item, which is less than the minimum value set forth herein, unless the Village Administrator, or the designee of the Village Administrator so authorizes at the time of the auction. SECTION 7: Upon payment in full of the auctioned price for the aforesaid items of personal property by the highest bidder, the Village Administrator is authorized to direct the Northwest Municipal Conference and Americas Auto Auction Chicago to convey and transfer the title and ownership of said personal property to the bidder. SECTION 8: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. PASSED this 10th day of April 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 10th day of April 2017. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of April 2017. Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois "Exhibit A" The following Vehicles and equipment are slated for auction by the Northwest Municipal Conference in cooperation with Americas Auto Auction Chicago held at 14001S. Karlov Avenue Crestwood, ILL 60554 on Tuesday April 25, 2017. 1. 2007 Ford Crown Vic 2. 2008 Ford Crown Vic 3. 2010 Ford Crown Vic 4. 2011 Ford Crown Vic Vin# 2FAHP71 W87X102013 Vin# 2FAFP71V38X106079 Vin# 2FABP7BV3AX140400 Vin# 2FABP7BV2BX168822 Legislative Summary Resolution 17-23 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A USED SEMI -TRACTOR Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ralp E. Czerwinski, Reviewed by: April 10, 2017 To replace an existing 1981 MACK semi -tractor with a newer used vehicle of similar specifications. Allowing Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Lead Mechanic the ability to investigate and negotiate pricing and terms with a (local proximity -IL, WIS, and IN) commercial truck dealer in the amount not to exceed the 2017 approved budgeted amount of $55,000 with trade-in. The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost; and as such, replaces or eliminates equipment that no longer meets the department's needs. On February 9, 2017, a Request for Proposal was advertised for the purchase of a used semi -tractor (2005 or newer). Proposals were received and opened at Public Works at 10:OOam on March 10, 2017. Six requests for proposals were picked -up with only one proposal was received. The proposal was for a 2003 Freightliner in the amount of $52,900 from Prairie MunicipalofDeFrost, Wisconsin. However after inspection of said vehicle it was determined by staff the vehicle was not in a condition the Department was willing to accept. For reasons stated above, the department is now asking the Board for permission to investigate and negotiate pricing and terms not to exceed $55,000 with a used truck dealer in order to fill the department's needs of a used semi -tractor. Public Works and Finance Departments Funds will be taken from the 2017 approved budget in an amount not to exceed $55,000 with trade-in. Account #405033-572030 The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities will performs the necessary tasks to complete this purchase. Approval as presented. N/A Pursuant to 1-9A-4, the Village competitive bidding requirements may be waived y a 2/3 vote of the Co s . ate Authorities. repared by: lage Administrator Hanna Sullivan, Village Engineer eMonte, Director Public Works Reviewed by: Teresa offman Liston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 17-23 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A USED SEMI -TRACTOR WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost; and as such replaces or eliminates equipment that no longer meets the department's needs; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has determined that the existing thirty-six year old 1981 Mack semi -tractor is no longer a dependable piece of equipment; and WHEREAS, in the Board approved 2017 budget $55,000 was appropriated for the purchase of a used semi -tractor of similar specifications as the existing 1981 vehicle; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department's lead mechanic will find, investigate, and negotiate pricing and terms with a (local proximity -IL, WIS, IN) commercial truck dealer in the amount not to exceed the budgeted amount of $55,000 with trade in; and WHEREAS, after said investigation and negotiations, the Public Works Department Lead Mechanic will make a recommendation to the Public Works Director for the purpose of purchasing a used semi -tractor in the amount not to exceed $55,000 with trade in. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator with the concurrence of the Finance and Public Works Directors are hereby authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of a used semi - tractor from a licensed semi -truck dealer for a price not to exceed $55,000, including the trade-in of the 1981 Mack Semi Tractor if possible, otherwise the 1981 Mack semi -tractor will be auctioned at the Northwest Municipal Conference held auction. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 10th day of April 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko Approved by me this 10t day of April 2017 Daniel P. DiMaria , Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Attested and Filed in my office This 11`h day of April 2017 Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 17-24 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH PATRIOT PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE, INC. FOR THE 2017 CRACK SEALING PROGRAM Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: April 10, 2017 To authorize the Village President to execute a contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. for 2017 Crack Sealing Program. To provide crack sealing services in asphalt and concrete pavements which are part of the Village's preventative pavement maintenance efforts. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to seal cracks on newly resurfaced asphalt streets and on concrete streets. This work can delay the onset of pavement deterioration if done at the appropriate time in the life of the pavement's surface and reduce the life cycle cost of maintaining a street. This contract was bid through a public process in 2016 by the Municipal Partnership Initiative of which the contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bidding documents included provisions reserving the right of communities to renew the contract 2 times for 1 -year terms and to allow new communities to be added to the contract. The low bidder was Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. of Des Plaines, Illinois. Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Paragraph 6E allows the Village to participate in this cooperative procurement program. It is reasonable and practical, based upon the past performance, availability and pricing of Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. to expect it to be in the Village's best interest to participate in the MPI crack sealing services in 2017 and to execute a contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. for the 2017 Crack Sealing Program. This project is required to comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act. Public Works. The estimated contract value is $30,000.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Account #025017-552290 — Construction Services The Public Works Department as part of their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A None RalE. Czerwinski, Rev lage Administrator Chris Tomich, Village Engineer yD:Mo te, 'rectorPublicWorks Reviewed by: Teresa 14 ston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 17-24 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH PATRIOT PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE, INC. FOR THE 2017 CRACK SEALING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2017 Crack Sealing Program is an annual preventative maintenance program that can delay the onset of pavement deterioration if done at the appropriate time in the life of the pavement's surface and reduce the life cycle cost of maintaining a street; and WHEREAS, the City of Arlington Heights led an initiative in 2016 within the framework of the regional cooperative purchasing called "Municipal Partnership Initiative" (MPI) to procure crack sealing services for nine communities; and WHEREAS, the City of Arlington Heights issued a request for bids for "Crack Sealing Services for the Municipalities of: Arlington Heights, Evanston, Glenview, Mount Prospect, Niles, Northfield, Rolling Meadows, Skokie, and Wilmette"; and WHEREAS, four bids were opened on March 16, 2016, and the low bidder was Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. of Des Plaines, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the bidding documents issued by the MPI included provisions reserving the right of communities to renew the contract for two, one-year terms and to allow new communities to be added to the contract in these renewal years; and WHEREAS, Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Paragraph 6E allows this cooperative procurement program; and WHEREAS, Patriot Pavement Maintenance was the low bidder for the Village's 2016 Crack Sealing Program and performed the work satisfactorily; and WHEREAS, the low bid of Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. for the MPI initiative in 2016 was slightly less than the low bid of Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. for the Village's 2016 Crack Sealing Program and will be the same for 2017; and WHEREAS, Village staff has verified the availability of Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. to complete the work for the Village in a timely manner along with the other communities included in the MPI group; and WHEREAS, it is reasonable and practical, based upon the past performance, availability and pricing of Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc., to expect it to be in the Village's best interest to participate in MPI Crack Sealing Services in 2017 and to execute a contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc. for the 2017 Crack Sealing Program; and WHEREAS, this project is required to comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act; and WHEREAS, funding for Crack Sealing in the amount of $40,000 is included in the Village of Morton Grove's 2017 Budget as Account Number 025017-552290 — Construction Services, of which approximately $30,000 is intended to be spent on the 2017 Crack Sealing Program with the balance to be spent on a newer product intended to prevent cracking in asphalt pavement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Inc., 825 Seegers Road, Des Plaines, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00, based upon their bid for the City of Arlington Heights' request for bids for "Crack Sealing Services for the Municipalities of: Arlington Heights, Evanston, Glenview, Mount Prospect, Niles, Northfield, Rolling Meadows, Skokie, and Wilmette". SECTION 3. The Village Administrator and the Director of Public Works and/or their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage this contract. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 10`h DAY OF APRIL 2017 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 10t DAY OF APRIL 2017 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 11`h DAY OF APRIL 2017 Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 17-18 AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL JULY 4 PARADE AND CLOSURE OF DEMPSTER STREET Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: And Monte, Public Works Director April 10, 2017 This resolution will authorize the 2017 July 4 Parade on Dempster Street, Route 58, at 2:30 pm on Monday, July 4, 2017, which will require the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, either partially or completely between Central and Ferris Avenues between 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm The Illinois Department of Transportation requires the Village adopt a resolution approving the closing of Dempster Street. The resolution also authorizes the Village Engineer to file an application through the Illinois Department of Transportation for the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Monday, July 4, 2017, for the Annual July 4 Parade. The July 4 Parade is a Morton Grove tradition, and each year a resolution is developed authorizing the parade and assuming full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said state route. Public Works—Placement of barricades and directional information Police Department—Enforcement and traffic control Overtime associated with above activities General Fund dollars will be used to support the manpower and equipment costs All Village Departments will provide their usual support for this activity Approval None required None e Administrator Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman Li , Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 17-18 FOURTH OF JULY PARADE CLOSURE OF DEMPSTER STREET WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, located in Cook County, Illinois, is a Home Rule unit of government and under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to, the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Days Commission is planning a parade as part of its annual celebration on Monday, July 4, 2017, at 2:30 pm; and WHEREAS, the parade will require the closing of Dempster Street, either partially or completely between Central Avenue and Ferris Avenue from approximately 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois requires the Village to assume all responsibility and liability involved in closing of said State Route NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Public Works Director will file an application with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the closing of Dempster Street on Monday, July 4, 2017, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. SECTION 3: The Village will assume full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said State Route. It is further agreed that efficient, all weather detours will be maintained, conspicuously marked and judiciously police patrolled for the benefit of traffic deviated from the State Route. PASSED THIS 10`h DAY OF April 2017. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 10t day of April 2017. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of April 2017. Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois