HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-11 AgendaVillage of ve VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM JANUARY 11, 2016 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes — Regular Meeting — December 14, 2015 8. Special Reports a. Swearing In Ceremony for New Police Officer Daniel Dahm by Fire and Police Commission Chairperson Michael Simkins b. Presentation of the Government Finance Officers Association Award for the Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting to the Finance Department Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue . Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report —Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Appointment of New Finance Director Hanna Sullivan b. Resolution 16-01 (Introduced January 11, 2016) Authorizing the Appointment of Delegates to the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative c. Resolution 16-02 (Introduced January 11, 2016) Authorizing the Appointment of Delegates to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency d. Resolution 16-03 (Introduced January 11, 2016) Authorizing the Appointment of Delegates to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 12. Clerk's Report — Community Relations Commission 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Police Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Fire and Police Commission, Police Facility Committee, NIPSTA, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Prairie View TIF (Trustee Witko) 1) Resolution 16-04 (Introduced January 11, 2016) Authorizing Membership for the Morton Grove Police Department in the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (NIRCL) b. Trustee Minx — Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals, Building Department (Trustee Pietron) c. Trustee Pietron — Public Works Department, Condominium Association, Economic Development Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Minx) d. Trustee Ramos — Legal, Finance Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIF, Capital Projects (Trustee Thill) 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) e. Trustee Thill — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Environmental Health, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Appearance Commission (Trustee Ramos) f. Trustee Witko — IT Communications, Strategic Plan Committee, Family and Senior Services Department, Chamber of Commerce, Advisory Commission on Aging (Trustee Grear) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants December 28, 2015 $ 906,308.07 January 11, 2016 $ 682300.20 Total $1,589,008.27 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER DECEMBER 14, 2015 CALL TO ORDER I & Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council II. Chambers of Village Hall and led the Board and assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. Village Clerk Connie Travis called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, John Pietron, Ed Ramos, John Thill, and Janine Witko. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regarding the Minutes of the November 23, 2015 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Minx moved, seconded by Trustee Witko, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. b. V. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 7, 2015, Trustee Pietron moved to accept the Minutes as presented. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2014 Tax Levy and Budget Request for the 2016 Calendar Year a. Village Administrator Ralph Czerwinski said the Village's Budget process began in August, with a look at the past financial performances of the various departments, and then estimating revenue and expenses for the next fiscal year. b. This year, by October 22nd, each department had submitted its draft budget for CY2016. Budget workshops were then held on October 29, November 4, and November 18. The budget workshops included comments from residents who attended as well as a lot of dialogue between the departments and the Board. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) c. Mr. Czerwinski said that the CY2016 is an almost flat "maintenance" budget, with $63 million in Operational Expenses. The total budget is up 4% over the CY2015 budget, mostly due to Bond Payments, Pension Contributions, Step Raises, and Personnel Costs. d. Mayor DiMaria then announced that the Public Hearing was open. No one spoke, so Trustee Minx moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria announced the official Board Meeting dates for 2016. They are: January 11 and 25; February 8 and 22; March 14 and 28; April 11 and 25; May 9 and 23; June 13 and 27; July 11 (no meeting on July 25); August 8 (no meeting on August 22); September 12 and 26; October 10 and 24; November 14 and 28; and December 12 (no meeting on December 26). Village Board meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held in Council Chambers. if an Executive Session is needed, it is held at 6:00 p.m., prior to the Board Meeting. 2. Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence for the following Administrative Appointments: Community and Economic Development: Nancy Radzevich Corporation Counsel: Teresa Hoffman Liston Fire Chief: Tom Friel Police Chief: Michael Simo Public Works Director: Andy DeMonte Village Administrator: Ralph Czerwinski Trustee Pietron moved to concur with these appointments, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 3. Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence with the following appointments of Village Boards and Commissions Chairpersons, effective January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. Advisory Commission on Aging: Ann Marrazzo Appearance Commission: Bill Zimmer Economic Development Commission: Wayne Youkhana Board of Environmental Health: Georgianne Brunner Finance Advisory Commission: William McFadden Fire and Police Commission: Michael Simkins Natural Resources Commission: Mary Busch Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals: Ronald Farkas Traffic Safety Commission: Keith White Trustee Minx moved to concur with these appointments, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 2 VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 4. Mayor DiMaria announced the times, frequencies, and locations of the regularly -scheduled meetings of Morton Grove's Commissions and Boards, as follows: Advisory Commission on Aging meets at the Civic Center at 1:OOpm, 2nd Tuesday monthly Appearance Commission meets in Council Chambers at 7:OOpm, 1st Monday monthly Board of Environmental Health meets in the Trustees' Conference Room at 7:OOpm, 1st Tuesday of every other month beginning in February Community Relations Commission meets in the Trustees' Conference Room at 7:OOpm, 2nd Tuesday every other month beginning in January Economic Development Commission meets in the Trustees' Conference Room at 5:30pm, 1st Monday, quarterly (February, May, August, November) Fair Housing Commission: Meeting dates/times/locations vary on an as -needed basis Finance Advisory Commission meets in the Trustees' Conference Room at 7:OOpm as needed Fire and Police Commission meets at Fire Station #4 at 1:OOpm, 4th Tuesday monthly Fire Pension Board meets at Fire Station #4 at 8:OOam quarterly (specific dates vary) Foreign Fire Tax Board meets at Fire Station #4 at 8:OOam quarterly (specific dates vary) Natural Resource Commission meets in the Trustees' Conference Room at 6:OOpm, 3'd Monday monthly Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals meets in Council Chambers at 7:30pm, 3rd Monday monthly Police Pension Board meets at the Police Station at 4:OOpm quarterly (specific dates vary) Traffic Safety Commission meets in Council Chambers at 7:OOpm, 1st Thursday monthly 5. Mayor DiMaria then proclaimed the month of December 2015 as "National Impaired Driving Prevention Month" in the Village and called upon all citizens, business leaders, government agencies, schools, hospital and health care providers, and public and private institutions to promote awareness of the impaired driving problem, to support programs and policies to reduce the incidence of impaired driving, and to promote safer and healthier behaviors regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs this December holiday season and throughout the year. 6. Mayoral Update a. Mayor DiMaria said that, at the January 11, 2016 Village Board meeting, he would present a comprehensive list of the Village's 2015 accomplishments, as well as a list of its 2016 goals and objectives. He encouraged his fellow Board members and residents to chime in with their suggestions. b. Mayor DiMaria said that the Village suffered a major water system failure last week on the west side of town, resulting in a 3 -day boil order. He said that the problem was found, assessed, and repaired within three days. The Village learned of the problem at 8:OOam on Saturday morning. By 9:15am, residents were being informed, using the reverse 911 system. Information was posted on the Village's website as well as its social media channels. c. Mayor DiMaria thanked the Village team for all they do. He said Mr. Czerwinski's leadership and focus on problem -solving during the water crisis was incredible. The Public Works department shines all the time. The Village Hall desk staff always goes the extra mile, and does an incredible job working in the cold or the heat. The Police and the Fire Departments, under the respective leadership of Michael Simo and Tom Friel, deserve the Village's respect and thanks, in spite of media -fueled negativity. 3 VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) d. Mayor DiMaria thanked Corporation Counsel Liston and Economic Development Director Radzevich for all of their hard work this year. He thanked the Village Board, and noted that "it's okay" to vote the same way 100% of the time because it shows "we're working together," adding that nothing could happen without the Board's hard work. The mayor thanked the volunteers who serve on the Village's various Boards and Commissions for giving of their time, and thanked the residents for giving him the opportunity to lead the Village over the past two years. He said that it's been an honor and a challenge. Mayor DiMaria encouraged continued input from the residents and said he appreciated everyone's support. Lastly, he thanked his family, and his wife Melodee especially, for all their support. He wished everyone a happy and safe holiday. IX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Travis had no report. X. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: 1. Village Administrator Czerwinski reminded the Board and the assemblage that there will not be a Village Board meeting on Monday, December 28th. That meeting has been cancelled. 2. Mr. Czerwinski reviewed what occurred on Saturday, December 5th. There was a water system mechanical failure of low or no pressure located west of the north branch of the Chicago River. A boil order was immediately imposed. Residents began calling the fire station looking for information. Mr. Czerwinski got to Village Hall and the phones were ringing off the hook. He got some people in to answer the phones while trying to discover what, exactly, the situation was and to formulate an appropriate response. a. Mr. Czerwinski said that Trustee Witko, Jan Sheehan, and two of the mayor's daughters came in to help with the phones to get the message out. An electrical failure had occurred with the pumps at the north pumping station. It was catastrophic. There was a water main break at the edge of the Forest Preserve, a 400 amp fuse failed and the pump motors died. Public Works isolated the problem. Twelve thousand gallons came through a 12" pipe, causing a large hole in the pipe. The water tower ended up drained and there was no water left in the system. Because of residents calling about the problem, the Village's phone system was overwhelmed. Public Works went around to every home on the west side and put a paper door hanger on doors, realizing that not everyone is on a computer or uses social media. The Fire Department was notified and called in mutual aid. Bonnie Burnett liaised with all the restaurants affected. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency was notified. b. Chief Friel served as the Plans Officer; Andy DeMonte as the Operations Manager, and Joe Dahm functioned as the Emergency Operations point person so there would be consistent communication from the field. Mr. Czerwinski said the Village used normal standards that it would use in any emergency -type of situation (i.e., tornado). By 11:OOam, the water system was repaired, but it takes a while to fill the water tower. Once the tank filled, the water system needed to be tested. Thirty-two water samples were taken of the entire system and brought to Evanston, on Sunday, for testing. The samples have to sit for 24 hours. On Monday afternoon, the samples were found to be all clear and the boil order was rescinded. 4 X. STAFF REPORTS (continued) c. Mr. Czerwinski said he was proud of the way staff handled this crisis and worked together. He said it was the culmination of many emergency preparedness exercises. As far as all the incoming phone calls, he said he was not sure what else the Village could have done, but will analyze that. As far as the outbound messages, he encouraged all residents to provide the Village with their land -line phone number or cell phone number, because in emergency situations like this one, that is how the Village can best communicate with the residents. He said it's easy to provide the Village with this information just go to the Village's website and click on "emergency alerts," or call Village Hall and staff will assist you. d. Mr. Czerwinski said the Village is going to emphasize having everyone sign up for the reverse 911 database, and will also reach out to its media contacts. He said the Village did issue a couple of press releases but they weren't really picked up and distributed. e. Mr. Czerwinski said that he appreciates the many positive comments he hears about the Village and its services, the Park District, and the Library, and said the Village will strive to ensure a high level of confidence in our community. He, too, expressed his appreciation of Village staff and the Board. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XI. A. Trustee Grear: 1. a. b. TRUSTEES' REPORTS Trustee Grear presented Ordinance 15-28, Authorizing An Economic Incentive And Tax Increment Allocation Financing Development Agreement By and Between the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, and 8735 Narragansett Ave LLC. This is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Grear explained that the ordinance approves the terms for an Economic Incentive and Tax Increment Allocation Financing Development Agreement for the development of a Moretti's Ristorante and Pizzeria with catering at 6415 Dempster and 8707-8 Lincoln, additional parking along the west side of Narragansett Avenue and on 8721 Narragansett and 8720 Ferris to support the operation of the Moretti's restaurant and a code -compliant video gaming cafe at 8733-8735 Narragansett. This development is expected to generate approximately $120,000 in local annual sales tax revenues and approximately $270,000 in total real estate taxes, based on property and sales taxes generated from similar properties and businesses. Trustee Grear moved to adopt Ordinance 15-28, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos kya Tr. Thill aya Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko Ayt 5 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) A. Trustee Grear: (continued) c. Mayor DiMaria then welcomed Mark Hoffman, Vice President of Ala Carte Entertainment, to Morton Grove, noting that "residents are excited" about this new development and wishing all the best to Mr. Hoffman. d. Mr. Hoffman said he'd never felt more welcome anywhere than he has in Morton Grove. He said he was excited to be a part of this progressive and forward-looking development plan, and to being an integral part of Morton Grove once the project is completed. He complimented Mayor DiMaria and the Village staff, stating that he wouldn't be here if not for them. He said it was a privilege to partner with Morton Grove in this venture. Mayor DiMaria thanked Mr. Hoffman for having faith in the Village and said this is a great fit for Morton Grove. 2. Next, Trustee Grear presented Resolution 15-83, Authorizing a Contractual Agreement With DKMailon, a Draper & Kramer Company, to Provide for Redevelopment Consulting Services for the Prairie View Shopping Center. a. b. He explained that one of the goals of the Dempster/Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area is the redevelopment and improvement of the Prairie View Plaza shopping center at the southeast corner of Waukegan and Dempster. It is approximately 26 acres and was originally developed in 1963. The shopping center has been in decline for several years. In June of 2015, the Village engaged the services of DKMailon to conduct a feasibility study. DKMailon specializes in grocery store market analysis as well as the analysis and negotiations of real estate transactions. The recently -completed study identified potential redevelopment opportunities for the shopping center, including the potential for a grocery store. Trustee Grear said that the Village now desires to continue engaging DKMailon to work with Village staff and officials, as well as the property owners and potential retailers and developers, to evaluate alternatives and assist in securing appropriate retailers for this shopping center. Trustee Grear said that staff has negotiated an agreement amount of not to exceed $25,000. Trustee Grear moved to approve Resolution 15-83, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos Tr. ThiII ays Bys Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko Ayg Trustee Pietron said he had read DKMallon's study and found it very thorough and well done. c. He added that he hoped these studies wouldn't "end up on a shelf" though. He noted that DKMailon is a highly -qualified company. Village Administrator Czerwinski said that DKMailon is a good fit for the Village; what is needed d. now is the ability to cultivate interest in this center from viable tenants. He added that he hears from a lot of residents that "Prairie View Shopping Center needs to be improved." He said that, with DKMallon's expertise, the Village will have needed assistance to analyze what is possible for that area and to bring possibilities that are a good fit for Morton Grove to the table. 6 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) A. Trustee Grear: (continued) e. Mayor DiMaria commented that this is another big step for Morton Grove. He said that he and the Board are well aware that this is a problem area, and well aware that residents desire a grocery store. He thanked the Board for their vote, saying that this is the right thing for the Village to do. f. Trustee Grear commented that, between the new Moretti's and the revamp of Prairie View Plaza, this is an exciting time for Morton Grove! 3. Trustee Grear then presented Resolution 15-71, Authorizing the Purchase of Sixteen (16) TASER Model X2 Conducted Electrical Devices. a. He said this resolution authorizes the Village Administrator and Police Chief to execute a contract with TASER International Corporation of Scottsdale, Arizona, for 16 TASER Model X2 Conducted Electrical Devices as a sole source purchase. This equipment is necessary to enable the Police Department to continue to enhance the safety of police officers and suspects by providing effective operation with reliable and durable equipment. b. c. Trustee Grear said that tasers are rarely used, but can subdue an offender without causing permanent damage, and thus are carried by police officers as intermediate defensive weapons. The Village will make an initial payment to Taser International in 2016 of $34,439.60, with four subsequent payments of $5,075.20 in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 202. The total of $54,740.40 will pay the full warranty on all the devices for the five-year period, along with the cost to replace them again in 2020 at the 2015 price. Trustee Grear moved, seconded by Trustee Pietron, to approve Resolution 15-71. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko aye 4. Trustee Grear wished everyone a happy and joyous holiday season, and a happy new year. B. Trustee Minx: Trustee Minx had no formal report, but wished everyone a happy and safe holiday season. She thanked the Village's phenomenal staff and said she appreciated everyone's hard work. 7 XI. C. Trustee Pietron: TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 1. Trustee Pietron presented Resolution 15-72, Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Morton Grove and the Village of Golf for the Wholesale Purchase of Water. a. b. He explained that this resolution will approve a one-year contract for the wholesale purchase of water by the Village of Golf. Morton Grove purchases water from the City of Chicago and has for many years resold water to the Village of Golf. This agreement will provide additional compensation to Morton Grove to help it compensate for its costs to treat, pump, and deliver the water to Golf, plus a reasonable administration fee. The water will be delivered to Golfs metered connection at Waukegan Road and Golf Road, and a second meter vault located at Palma Lane and Narragansett Avenue. Except for emergency purchases, Golf will not purchase Lake Michigan water from another supplier while this Agreement is in effect. Trustee Pietron said the Village of Morton Grove will receive approximately $40,000 per year over the amount charged by the City of Chicago for water sold to the Village of Golf. Trustee Pietron moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 15-72. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Eyg Tr. Minx aye Tr. Pietron Eye Tr. Ramos awe Tr. Thill ayg Tr. Witko Eys 2. Next, Trustee Pietron presented Resolution 15-73, Appropriation of 2016 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways, MFT Section 16 -00000 -00 -GM. a. He explained that, each year, the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the eligible improvements of roadways. The State requires an estimate and final statement of the maintenance expenses for each year of the program. The total estimated expenses for the 2016 Motor Fuel Tax Program are $661,000. 3. a. Trustee Pietron moved to approve Resolution 15-73, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill Eyg Eyg Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko aye Trustee Pietron then presented Resolution 15-74, Authorizing the Execution of a Service Contract With Municipal GIS Partners (MGP) For Geographical Information System Services. He explained that the GIS Consortium was founded in 1999 by several municipalities as a way of reducing the costs of implementing GIS technology by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing. The Village joined the GIS Consortium in 2002. MGP was determined to be the lowest responsible provider for the maintenance and development of GIS systems for the member communities. a XI. C. Trustee Pietron: (continued) b. 4. a. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Pietron said that this contract between the Village and MGP is a continuation of these services for 2016. The amount of the contract is a not -to -exceed value of $74,722. Trustee Pietron moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 15-74. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Witko aye Next, Trustee Pietron presented Resolution 15-75, Authorizing the Execution of a Task Order With Ciorba Group, Inc. For Design Engineering Services For the Alley Improvement Program. He explained that the Alley Improvement Program is an annual program to improve the alley pavement infrastructure beyond the extent of superficial repairs. Public Works has determined that reconstructing heavily -traveled alleys will greatly reduce the annual cost of intensive maintenance and provide a higher level of service to users of the alleys. The Village has funds allocated in the 2015 and 2016 budget to design and reconstruct the alley segments just west of Waukegan Road from Church Street to Beckwith Road and from Emerson Street to the dead-end with a concrete base. Village staff has negotiated a scope of services from Ciorba Group, Inc. to design improvements to the alley segments noted for a not -to -exceed fee of $41,569. Trustee Pietron moved to approve Resolution 15-75, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko ala 5. Trustee Pietron's last bit of official business this evening was the presentation of Resolution 15-76, Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement With the Illinois Department of Transportation For Federal Funding For Austin Avenue Improvements. a. He explained that the Village is advancing a project to make improvements to the pavement on Austin Avenue from Oakton Street to Main Street and the intersection of Austin Avenue and Oakton Street. The Village will receive federal funding to pay for 70% of eligible engineering and construction costs. In October, the Board authorized a contract with Ciorba Group, Inc. for design engineering services for this project. A formal agreement is required to authorize the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to disburse the federal funds for this project. This agreement says the Village will pay for the full cost of the design engineering and the State will reimburse the Village for the 70% federal share. This Resolution approves the cost reimburse- ment agreement between the Village and IDOT. Trustee Pietron said that the total contract amount is $168,967.73 and the Village's share will be approximately $50,690. b. 9 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Pietron: (continued) Trustee Pietron moved to approve Resolution 15-76, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx kya Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill 6. Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko 2y2 Lastly, Trustee Pietron wished all a wonderful and safe holiday season. D. Trustee Ramos: 1. Trustee Ramos presented Ordinance 15-26, Adopting the Budgets For All Corporate Purposes of the Village and the Morton Grove Library, Cook County, Illinois, for the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2016 and Ending December 31, 2016. a. b. c. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Ramos said the Budget represents the Village's financial plan for meeting its operational needs and investing in strategic goals for 2016 based on the revenue the Village anticipates. As Village Administrator Czerwinski has stated, the 2016 budget is a maintenance budget, which continues all current services at the same high level residents expect without raising property taxes. Trustee Ramos said that this ordinance will approve the 2016 budget for both the Village and the Library. The Village Administrator developed the Village budget with support from department head and key village staff members. The budget was reviewed and considered by the Village Board during budget workshop held on October 29, November 5, And November 18. A public hearing was held on the budget this evening pursuant to notice published in the Morton Grove Champion. The budget documents have also been available for inspection in the Village Administrator's office, at the Morton Grove Public Library, and have been posted on the Village's website since November 20 2015. d. The Village Administrator has asked that the budget be amended in the amount $21,100 to allow for needed additional expenditures in the Municipal Building Account to pay for needed additional expenditures (utilities at municipal facilities), which was discussed during the budget workshops. Trustee Ramos moved to amend the Budget to increase the amount in the Municipal Building Account by $21,000. Trustee Witko seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos Tr. ThiII aya Tr. Pietron pig Tr. Witko gya 10 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Ramos: (continued) e. Trustee Ramos said the Village budget, as amended, calls for total expenditures of $63,700,143. Of this amount, $56,327,518 is allocated for general operation and non -pension related expenses and $7,372,625 is allocated for the Village's pension obligations. By law, the Village is also required to adopt the Library Budget. The Library Budget has been developed by the elected village library board with assistance from their staff in the total amount of $3,313,035, resulting in a total budget for the Village and the Library in the amount of $67,013,178. f. 2. a. b. Trustee Ramos then moved to approve Ordinance 15-26 as amended, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aya Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill Ays Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko gn Next, Trustee Ramos presented Ordinance 15-27, An Ordinance Levying and Assessing Taxes for the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2015 and Ending December 31, 2015. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Ramos said that this Ordinance approves the 2015 levy budget for both the Village and Library. The 2015 levy is paid by property owners in 2016 as part of the 2015 property tax bill. The Village levy represents approximately 13% to 15% of the total tax bill residents will receive, depending on the township and school district in which their property is located. The 2015 levy includes $807,003 for Village debt service. By law, the Village is required to levy an additional $2,970,856 for Village debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds. However, the budget has allocated funds from other sources to pay this debt service. In order for the County Clerk not to levy this additional amount, the Board will also be voting on five resolutions abating property taxes, which total $2,970.856. Upon their passage, certified copies of these resolutions will be filed with the County Clerk of Cook County. c. The Village's total levy for 2015, after abatements, is $10,229,995. This represents a 0% increase from the levy that was paid by property owners in 2015 as part of their 2014 tax bill. The Library has requested a levy in the amount of $3,209,135, which is an increase of 3% from last year. Combined, the Village and Library levy is in the amount of $13,439,130. d. Trustee Ramos emphasized that this levy ordinance (along with the five abatement resolutions mentioned), does not raise residents' or businesses' property taxes. He noted that stable property taxes are important to all residents—especially seniors and homeowners on fixed incomes. Holding the line on property taxes is also important for attracting and retaining good local businesses. 11 XI. D. Trustee Ramos: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Ramos moved to adopt Ordinance 15-27, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Lya Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos Lys Tr. Thill aye Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko Trustee Ramos then presented the five resolutions to abate property taxes: 3. Resolution 15-77, Tax Abatement Resolution for 2014 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 98-41. a. This resolution authorizes the abatement of $286,835 of property taxes required pursuant to Ordinance 98-41 to pay the debt service on $3,165,000 of General Obligation Promissory Notes Series 1998A. Instead of using property tax dollars to pay for this obligation, the Village will use revenue generated from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund. Trustee Ramos moved to approve Resolution 15-77, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx ays Tr. Pietron Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Witko 4. Resolution 15-78, Tax Abatement Resolution For 2015 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 02-30. ays a. This resolution authorizes the abatement of $519,128.68 of property taxes required pursuant to Ordinance 02-30 to pay the debt service on $5,300,000 of General Obligation Promissory Notes Series 2002. These notes were refinanced pursuant to Ordinance 09-15, but the County will continue to levy for the original obligation unless we pass this Resolution. Trustee Ramos moved to approve Resolution 15-78, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko aye 5. Resolution 15-79, Tax Abatement Resolution For 2015 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 09-15. a. This resolution authorizes the abatement of $632,100 of property taxes required pursuant to Ordinance 09-15 to pay the debt service on $4,920,000 of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2009A. Instead of using property tax dollars to pay for this obligation, the Village will use revenue generated from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund. Trustee Ramos moved, seconded by Trustee Witko, to approve Resolution 15-79. 12 XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) D. Trustee Ramos: (continued) Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear on Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko aye 6. Resolution 15-80, Tax Abatement Resolution For 2015 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 10-01. a. This resolution authorizes the abatement of $414,867of property taxes required pursuant to Ordinance 10-01 to pay the debt service on $9,975,000 in General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010A and 2010B. The total debt service owed in 2016 for this obligation is $828, 095. Instead of using property tax dollars to pay for the total amount of this obligation, the Village will use $364,362 from the Water Sewer Fund and $50,505 from the Build America Bond subsidy. After these abatements, the Village will levy an additional $413,228 from property taxes to pay the remaining debt service owed pursuant to Ordinance 10-01. Trustee Ramos moved to approve Resolution 15-80, seconded by Trustee Minx. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko aye 7. Resolution 15-81, Tax Abatement Resolution For 2015 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance 15-02. a. This resolution authorizes the abatement of $1,117,925 of property taxes required pursuant to Ordinance 15-02 to pay the debt service on $10,010,000 in General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015. The total debt service required pursuant to Ordinance 15-02 is $1,477,800, but the Village will use $758,050 from revenue generated by the Lehigh Ferris TIF Fund and $359,875 of General Fund revenue. After these abatements, the Village will levy an additional $359,875 from property taxes to pay the remaining debt service owed pursuant to Ordinance 15-02. Trustee Ramos moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 15-81. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Witko aye 8. Trustee Ramos expressed his gratitude to Village Administrator Czerwinski, the department heads, and Village staff for all their hard work on this budget. 9. Trustee Ramos wish everyone happy holiday and a prosperous new year. Mayor DiMaria complimented Trustee Ramos on doing a great job on a very long report. 13 XI. E. Trustee Thill: 1. Trustee Thill also complimented Trustee Ramos for doing a marvelous job on his report. 2. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 15-82, Authorization to Purchase a New 2017 Type I Additional Duty Advanced Life Support Ambulance. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) a. He explained that the purchase of this equipment is necessary to enable the Fire Department to continue to offer high quality emergency medical services and moved to approve Resolution 15-82, seconded by Trustee Pietron. b. c. d. Trustee Thill noted that he had spoken with Chief Friel this morning about this, and had learned that the main type of injury suffered by firefighters/paramedics is a back injury. He then asked Chief Friel to address the Board about this purchase. Chief Friel said that this ambulance purchase was being funded through the Series 2015 Bond Issue and will allow the Fire Department to retire a 1998 ambulance to a reserve status. He said that industry standards generally consider front-line service life (on duty 24/7) to be eight years. Obviously the 1998 ambulance has served the Village well past its front-line service life. The Village maintains two ambulances, one out of Station 4 and one from Station 5. Chief Friel said that, as Trustee Thill had mentioned, the #1 injury to firefighters/paramedics, as analyzed by the Village's workers' compensation provider, is back injuries. Reducing this type of injury is a three -pronged approach by the Village: education of personnel; enforcement of policies; and engineering. Chief Friel said that "engineering" comes into play with this ambulance purchase. Incorporated into its design is an electronic patient and stretcher power loading system. This means that very little lifting power is required from personnel. It exponentially increases the safety factors when loading and unloading a patient. Chief Friel said that he's hoping to be able to outfit the Village's other ambulance with this type of system. Mayor DiMaria called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear gig Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos ays. Tr. Thill F. Trustee Witko: gyg Tr. Pietron ayg. Tr. Witko a� Trustee Witko had no report. She said that what she witnessed during the Village's catastrophic water problem was the exceptional manner in which all the Village departments performed together, always with an eye to the impact on residents. She said the Village is in good hands, indeed. XII. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor DiMaria again wished everyone a great holiday. 14 XIII. WARRANTS Trustee Ramos presented the Warrant Register for December 14, 2015, in the amount of $869,097.82. He moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Pietron seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Lys Tr. Minx Tr. Ramos Lys Tr. Thill Lys Tr. Pietron Lys Tr. Witko aye XIV. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx a� Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill Lys The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. PASSED this 11th day of January, 2016. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 11th day of January, 2016. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 12th day of January, 2016. Connie J. Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Tr. Pietron Tr. Witko Lys Lys Minutes by: Teresa Causer 15 Legislative Summary Resolution 16-01 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATES TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL PERSONNEL BENEFIT COOPERATIVE Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: January 11, 2016 This resolution will authorize the continued membership in the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative (IPBC). To continue providing cost effective health and life insurance benefits to Village employees. The Village has been a member of the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative for several years. Delegates are needed to represent the Village in IPBC matters. This resolution designates the Village Administrator and Finance Director/Treasurer as Village representatives. Administration and Finance Departments Not applicable Not applicable The Village Administrator and Finance Director/Treasurer will implement and administer the procedures already established for the cooperative program during the course of normal daily activities. Approval as presented Not required None Prepared and Respectfully Submitted by: /Ratinski, Vi' • _e Administrator Reviewed by: ® i./.572 7.--__ Teresa Hoffma�j is n, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 16-01 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATES TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL PERSONNEL BENEFIT COOPERATIVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative (IPBC) is an association of numerous units of local government which administer some or all of the personnel benefit programs offered by its member units for their respective officers and employees; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove adopted the contract and by-laws of the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative by ordinance and thereby became a member of said cooperative; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove as a participating member is authorized to designate persons who shall act as delegates to the IPBC; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator Ralph E. Czerwinski is hereby designated to act as the Village of Morton Grove's delegate to the IPBC, and the Finance Director Hanna Sullivan is hereby designated as the alternative delegate, and said delegate and alternative delegate are hereby authorized to represent the Village of Morton Grove at various meetings of the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 11`h DAY OF JANUARY 2016. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 11 to DAY OF JANUARY 2016. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 11th DAY OF JANUARY 2016. Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 16-02 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Submitted by: January 11, 2016 To authorize the appointment of a delegate and alternate delegate to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). IRMA requires the Village adopt a resolution to designate its representatives to this Agency. The Village is a member of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). Delegates are needed to represent the Village in IRMA matters. This resolution designates the Village Administrator as the Risk Manager and the Finance Director as the Alternate. Administration and Finance Department. Not applicable. Not applicable. Participation in IRMA is performed by Administration and the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Approval as presented. Not required. None. Ral Prepared and Reviewed by : Czerwins Pills e dministrator iston Teresa offmaK , Corporation Counsel /r RESOLUTION 16-02 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove adopted the contract and by-laws of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency by ordinance and thereby became a member of said cooperative; and WHEREAS, said contract provides that member units of local government shall, by majority vote of its corporate authorities, select one (I) person to represent that body on the Board of Directors of said Intergovernmental Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois that Ralph E. Czerwinski, Village Administrator of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby appointed to represent the Village of Morton Grove on the Board of Directors of said Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency commencing on January 11, 2016. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Hanna Sullivan, Finance Director/Treasurer of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby selected as the alternative representative to serve if Ralph E. Czerwinski is unable to carry out his aforesaid duties as the representative of the Village of Morton Grove to said Intergovernmental Agency. ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois on this 11th day of January 2016. PASSED THIS 11th day of January 2016 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 11th day of January 2016 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 12th day of January 2016 Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution 16-03 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: January 11, 2016 To authorize the appointment of a delegate and alternate delegate to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). IMRF requires the Village adopt a resolution to designate its representatives to this Agency. The Village is a member of the Illinois Retirement Fund (IMRF). Delegates are needed to represent the Village in IMRF matters. This resolution designates the Finance Director/Treasurer and Village Administrator as Village representatives. Administration and Finance Departments. Not applicable. Not applicable. The management of this fund is performed by the Finance Department and the Administration Department as part of their normal work activities. Approval as presented. Not required. None. Prepared and Respectfully Submitted by: / 2 ; / ' .. . Reviewed by: Teresa Ho E. Czerwinski, V in I iston, Corporation Counsel ge Administrator RESOLUTION 16-03 AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE DELEGATE TO THE ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove adopted the contract and by-laws of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund by ordinance and thereby became a member of said cooperative; and WHEREAS, said contract provides that member units of local government shall, by majority vote of its corporate authorities, select one (1) person to represent that body on the Board of Directors of said Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois that Ralph E. Czerwinski, Village Administrator of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby appointed to represent the Village of Morton Grove on the Board of Directors of said Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund commencing on January 11, 2016. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Hanna Sullivan, Finance Director/Treasurer, of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby selected as the alternative representative to serve if Ralph E. Czerwinski is unable to carry out his aforesaid duties as the representative of the Village of Morton Grove to said Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois on this 11`h day of January 2016. PASSED THIS 11`h day of January 2016. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 11`h day of January 2016. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 12th day of January 2016. Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary Resolution_ 16=04 AUTHORIZING MEMBERSHIP FOR THE MORTON GROVE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS REGIONAL CRIME LABORATORY (NIRCL) Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ralp January 11, 2016 To authorize a Village membership in the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (NIRCL). Becoming a member of the NIRCL will support the police department in its efforts to conduct faster and more efficient investigations of criminal matters which occur within its jurisdiction, thus providing better service to victims and the residents of the Village. The Village of Morton Grove Police Department currently relies on the Illinois State Police Crime Laboratory in Chicago for crime lab services. Due to the heavy usage of this lab by other law enforcement agencies including the Chicago Police Department, the processing times for evidence analysis are extremely long and their ability to conduct sophisticated analyses on Morton Grove Police Department evidence submissions is limited. The NIRCL is a private crime lab which serves approximately 42 member law enforcement agencies. Its turnaround time and ability to conduct sophisticated analyses is significantly faster and better resulting in better overall service to the crime victims and the residents of the Village. This agreement will automatically be renewed on May I of each year unless the Village adopts a resolution to terminate the membership agreement. This lab is the only full service private crime laboratory in the Chicago Metropolitan area. Police Department and general public. $33,716.00 annually 2016 Adopted Budget, Account No. 543014-558102 The management and supervision of this contract will be performed by the Police Department as part of their normal operations. Approval as presented. N/A None Prepared by: lage Administrator r ' Michael S Police Chief Reviewed by: Teresa Hyffnj iston, Corporation Counsel RESOLUTION 16-04 AUTHORIZING MEMBERSHIP FOR THE MORTON GROVE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS REGIONAL CRIME LABORATORY (NIRCL) WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax, purchase, and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove as a unit of local government authorized to exist under the terms of the Illinois Compiled Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Police Department currently relies on the Illinois State Police Crime Laboratory in Chicago Illinois for Crime Lab Services, and because of heavy usage by other law enforcement agencies, including the Chicago Police Department, the processing times for evidence analysis are extremely long, and their ability to conduct sophisticated analysis on Morton Grove Police Department Evidence Submissions is limited; and WHEREAS, the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory is a private Crime Laboratory, serving fewer agencies, and their turnaround time and ability to conduct a sophisticated analysis is significantly faster and better; and WHEREAS, by becoming a member of the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory, the police department will be able to conduct faster and more efficient investigations into criminal matters that occur within its jurisdiction, thus providing better service to the victims of these incidents and to the residents of the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory is the only full service private crime laboratory in the Chicago Metropolitan area, and is the only other option for better crime lab support for the police department; and WHEREAS, the Village desires the Morton Grove Police Department become a member of the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2016 which allocates funds to become a member of this organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village of Morton Grove is authorized to enter into the attached intergovernmental agreement to join the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory for membership in Fiscal Year 2016. SECTION 3: The Village President is hereby authorized to execute, and the Village Clerk to attest to the membership agreement with Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory for the above services as proposed by the vendor and to take all steps necessary to ensure the prompt delivery of same. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 11th day of January 2016 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Pietron Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 11`h day of January 2016. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 12th day of January 2016 Connie Travis, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AMONG THE MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS REGIONAL CRIME LABORATORY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and among the member agencies or units of local government (hereinafter called Members) of the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (hereinafter called the Crime Lab): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Members recognize the enforcement of laws, statutes, and ordinances and the investigation of criminal and quasi -criminal activity requires the use of certain forensic services for the analysis and identification of physical evidence; and WHEREAS, the Members desire to utilize such forensic services and resources during the enforcement of laws, statutes, and ordinances and the investigation of criminal and quasi -criminal activity; and WHEREAS, the Members are entering into this Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement (the "Agreement") pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 197o; the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.); Article 5, Sections 1-4-6 and 11-1-2.1 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/1-4-6 and 5/11-1-2.1); and other applicable authority; NOW, THEREFORE, the Members agree as follows: SECTION 1 — PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT; RECITALS This Agreement is made in recognition of the fact that criminal investigations and other law enforcement efforts are greatly enhanced when agencies have access to the resources and the support of a specialized forensic organization. It is the purpose of this Agreement to provide the means whereby assistance is provided to the Member by the Crime Lab pursuant to the conditions of this Agreement. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as findings of the Members and the Crime Lab. SECTION 2 — DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall be defined as set forth in this Section. 1. Forensic Services: Those services provided by the Crime Lab to a Member pursuant to this Agreement that pertain to the collection, packaging, identification, and analysis of physical evidence pursuant to the investigation or prosecution of a crime. NIRCL March 2013 2. Annual Assessment: The fee provided for by this Agreement will serve as compensation to the Crime Lab to offset the cost of operation. Costs of operation include any costs incurred by the Crime Lab in the furtherance of its operation including costs for personnel, training, facilities, fixtures, equipment, supplies, and utilities. An annual assessment shall be levied against all Members in accordance with the duly adopted Constitution and Bylaws of the Crime Lab. A basic requirement of continued membership under this Agreement is the timely payment of the Annual Assessment and other established fees by the Member. SECTION 3 — TERM The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the date of execution of the Agreement by the Chief Executive Officer of the Member and concluding on May 1 immediately following such date of execution. SECTION 4 — ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS The administration and operation of the Crime Lab shall be in conformance with the precepts set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Crime Lab and any Standard Operating Guidelines established under the authority of those bylaws. SECTION 5 — SCOPE OF RESPONSE The Crime Lab shall provide for forensic services as outlined in the Scope (Forensic Services) for any official investigation conducted by the law enforcement department of a Member within or immediately adjacent to its corporate boundaries. In addition to the Scope of Services, the Crime Lab will also aid agencies with the destruction of drugs and firearms. Such destruction will be completed with compliance to the policies set by the Crime Lab. SECTION 6 — DIRECTION OF PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT The Crime Lab Executive Director shall be responsible for supervising and directing the actions of all Crime Lab personnel and for determining the use of all equipment and resources of the Crime Lab. SECTION 7 — AUTHORITY OF CRIME LAB PERSONNEL Each employee of the Crime Lab shall be fully authorized by the Member to perform their official duties pursuant to any official investigation conducted under the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 8 — REIMBURSEMENT TO CRIME LAB Members shall be responsible for paying such annual fees, facility occupation and maintenance fees, capital improvement fees, and service fees as may be established from time -to -time pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Northeast Illinois Regional Crime Lab. NIRCL March 2013 SECTION 9 — INDEMNIFICATION To the greatest extent permissible by law, the Crime Lab shall assume full and complete responsibility for the actions of its employees acting pursuant to this Agreement, including without limitation, insurance, indemnification and protection of such personnel. SECTION 10 — EFFECTIVENESS; TERM This Agreement shall be in full force and effect and legally binding on the Crime Lab and the Member as of the date written below. This Agreement shall automatically renew for a period of twelve (12) months on the May 1 immediately following such effective date, and each May 1 thereafter for a like period of twelve (12) months. SECTION 11 — AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended from time to time in writing approved by resolution of the corporate authorities of each Member. Any proposed amendment shall not be effective until adopted and approved by the corporate authorities of each Member. SECTION 12 — TERMINATION The Member may terminate this Agreement by resolution of its corporate authorities. Certified copies of any such terminating resolution shall be filed with the Executive Director of the Crime Lab and the President of its Executive Board within thirty (3o) days after its passage. In the event of termination as to one Member, this Agreement shall remain binding as to the remaining Members. Termination shall not be effective; however, until ninety (90) days after filing of certified copies to the Executive Director and President of the Executive Board. Moreover, notwithstanding such termination, a terminating Member shall remain liable and responsible for paying all fees for services provided by the Crime Lab prior to the effective date of such termination. Further, a terminating Member shall not be entitled to any refund or return, in whole or in part, any fees or assessments paid by such Member prior to the effective date of such termination nor shall the terminating Member be entitled to receive or hold any interest on any equipment or other assets or interests of the Crime Lab. NIRCL March 2013 IN WITNESS THEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed this lith day of January 2016. For the Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory By: By: President Village of Morton Grove Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Connie Travis, Village Clerk NIRCL March 2013