JULY 13, 2015
I & Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Trustees'
II. Conference Room and led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Village Clerk Connie Travis called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx,
John Pietron, Ed Ramos, John Thill, and Janine Witko.
Regarding the Minutes of the June 22, 2015 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Thill moved,
seconded by Trustee Minx, to accept the Minutes. Trustee Witko noted that, on page 11, under
"Residents' Comments", #1, the last sentence should end with "by July 6, 2015" instead of "by
July 6, 015". With that correction, the motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Plan Commission Case PC15-04 Requests an Amendment to a Special Use Permit for
Entertainment Uses in Accordance with Section 12-4-3D of the Unified Development Code
at the Property Commonly Known as 8220 Austin Avenue.
Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich presented this case to the
Board. She provided some background on this case.
a. In July of 2011, the Village granted a Special Use permit (Ord. 11-27) to Big City Entertainment
to allow an Entertainment use for a haunted house to be located and operated at 8220 Austin
Avenue. One of the conditions of that Special Use was that the operation of the haunted house
would be limited to 30 days, all within the month of October.
b. In fall of 2013, Big City Entertainment applied for, and the Village granted, an amendment to
the original Special Use permit (Ord. 13-15) to allow for additional entertainment uses outside
of the month of October. The amendment allows airsoft/laser tag open gaming, movie nights,
private events, theatric performances, dances, etc. to be held on Saturdays and Sundays from
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. In addition, tactical training was permitted during the week, Mondays
through Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In the fall of 2014, Big City Entertainment also applied for a received a minor amendment
to the original Special Use permit (Ord. 14-21) to allow private parking attendants in lieu of
off-duty police officers to direct traffic to/from Austin Avenue to the subject property.
Minutes of Jul' a 11 u = • .
d. The applicant for this amendment to the Special Use permit is 13th Floor Entertainment Group,
who recently purchased the Fear City haunted house, which had been owned and operated by
Big City Entertainment. 13th Floor Entertainment Group owns and operates haunted houses in
Denver, Phoenix, San Antonio, and Austin. They also own a haunted house in Melrose Park.
e. The applicant is seeking to extend the days for the operation of the haunted house to
include the last two weekends in September and the first weekend in November, on Fridays,
Saturdays, and Sundays for each of those weekends. The applicant is also requesting to
expand the permitted days in October from 30 days to the full 31 days within that month. The
applicant is also asking that all of the previously -approved entertainment uses be allowed to
occur on Friday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in addition to the previously permitted
Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
f. Ms. Radzevich said that all of the residents in the area had been notified of this meeting, yet,
at the hearing, no one from the surrounding area was present who wanted to speak or be
heard on this case. The Plan Commission felt that "that said it all" and voted unanimously to
recommend approval of the applicant's request to the Village Board of Trustees.
g. Ms. Radzevich said the first reading of the Ordinance granting this Special Use amendment
will be presented this evening, and the vote will be taken at the Board's August 10, 2015 Board
Mayor DiMaria asked if any members of the Board had any questions about this matter.
h. Trustee Grear asked Ms. Radzevich if the applicant had requested a waiver of the second
reading of the ordinance. She said there had not been any such request.
Tracy Minx commented that the address included in the Plan Commission's case 15-04 was
incorrect. The address is actually 8240 Austin Avenue, not 8220 Austin.
1. Mayor DiMaria introduced for a first reading Ordinance 15-14, Amending Title 1 of the
Municipal Code Entitled "Administrative," Chapter 5 Entitled "Village Board of
Trustees," Section 5 Entitled "Rules of Procedure" by Adding Two New Paragraphs
"K" and "L" Entitled "Electronic Attendance" and "Sample Electronic Attendance
Mayor DiMaria said that the Open Meetings Act allows Trustees to attend meetings
electronically, so this ordinance will amend the Village Code to establish rules that comply
with the Open Meetings Act for attending Village meetings electronically.
Minutes of Jul13, 2.015, Board Meetin.
2. Mayoral Update
a. Mayor DiMaria announced that Morton Grove Police Deputy Chief Brian E. Fennelly, a 15 -year
veteran of the MGPD, has been selected to attend the FBI National Academy from July 13
through September 18, 2015, in Quantico, Virginia.
b. The FBI National Academy is a professional development course for U.S. and international law
enforcement leaders. It serves to improve the administration of justice and police departments
and agencies at home and abroad and to raise law enforcement standards, knowledge, and
cooperation worldwide. Leaders and managers of state, local, county, tribal police, military,
federal, and international law enforcement agencies attend the FBI National Academy.
c. The mayor said that Fennelly will be one of approximately 220 officers taking undergraduate
and/or graduate courses at the FBI campus in Quantico. During his time at the Academy,
Fennelly plans to take variety of classes in management and leadership related topics,
behavioral and forensic science, and participate in fitness and wellness training. Participation
in the Academy is by invitation only, through a nomination process. Participants are drawn
from every US state and territory and from international partner nations.
3. Mayor DiMaria gave a shout -out to Chief Simo and the Police Department, Chief Friel and the
Fire Department, and Andy DeMonte and the Public Works Department, and Remy Navarrete
and the members of the Finance Department who participated in the three-day Morton Grove
Days event for all of the support and hard work. He also praised all of the volunteers who
helped make the festivities such a success.
4. Mayor DiMaria commented that many people are aware of Chick Evans Golf Course, but not
as many know that Chick Evans, who was an excellent amateur golfer (and won the U.S. Open
in 1916), established a scholarship fund for golf caddies who demonstrate integrity, fellowship,
and leadership. It's the largest private scholarship fund in the country. Mayor DiMaria said he
was happy to announce that one of the 245 recipients of this year's Chick Evans scholarship
is Tristin Minx, granddaughter of Trustee Rita Minx. Tristin will be attending UIC and majoring
in Political Science. Mayor DiMaria said he wished her well and was very proud of her
5. Mayor DiMaria thanked everyone who came out to spend time at the Morton Grove Days
Clerk Travis had no report at this time.
A. Village Administrator:
Village Administrator pro tem Tom Friel had no report.
Minutes of Jul 1 11 -••r• u• in.
B. Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
A. Trustee Grear:
1. Trustee Grear presented Resolution 15-54, Authorizing the Disposition of Unclaimed
Bicycles Recovered by the Morton Grove Police Department.
He explained that this will authorize the Village President to approve the donation of sixteen
(16) found or abandoned bicycles to be donated to the organization "Bikes N Roses," a not-for-
profit group located in Chicago. These bicycles have been kept for at least six months to allow
the Police Department to ascertain ownership.
Trustee Grear moved to adopt Resolution 15-54, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear Tr. Minx Ays Tr. Pietron
Tr. Ramos ave Tr. ThiII aye Tr. Witko aye
Trustee Grear commented that, in 1968, his older brother had been awarded a Chick Evans
scholarship so he knows what an honor it is for the Minx family. He, too, offered his best
wishes and congratulations to Tristin Minx.
B. Trustee Minx:
1. Trustee Minx presented for a first reading Ordinance 15-05, Amendment to a Special Use
Permit to Allow for Expanded Days and Hours for the Operation of the Previously
Approved Haunted House and Additional Entertainment Uses at 8820 Austin.
This is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC15-04, reported out earlier by Community and
Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich.
Trustee Minx reiterated the background information of this request and indicated that this will
be voted on by the Board at the August 10, 2015 Board Meeting.
2. Trustee Minx said that she's as proud of Tristin as she is of all of her grandchildren.
C. Trustee Pietron:
Trustee Pietron had no report.
Minutes of Jul 1
�1 M-• in.
D. Trustee Ramos:
Trustee Ramos presented Ordinance 15-11, Amending Title 1, Chapter 10, Article G of the
Municipal Code Entitled "Business Occupation Taxes."
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Trustee Ramos explained that Ordinance 15-11 will amend the Business Occupational Tax,
also known as the local option sales tax. The local option sales tax was introduced in 1991 as
a 0.50% tax on items (except for vehicles, groceries, prescription and non-prescription drugs,
and medical appliances) purchased within the Village. Currently the Village's local option
sales tax is 1%. The Village receives approximately $2 million from this tax, which is paid by
residents and non-residents, thus diversifying its revenue base and reducing its dependency
on property taxes. This Ordinance will raise the local option sales tax by 1/4% to 1.25%.
The Finance Department, through the Northwest Municipal Conference, conducted a survey of
this type of tax and found that Morton Grove's neighbors, Skokie and Niles, each have a local
option sales tax of 1.25%. It is estimated by Village staff that increasing the tax to 1.25% will
bring in an extra $500,000 of revenue annually.
Trustee Ramos moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to adopt Ordinance 15-11.
Trustee Witko said she understands that rationale behind the Board's desire to raise the local
option sales tax, adding that she would like the Board to consider allocating all or a portion of
any additional revenue received as a result of the local option sales tax increase toward Capital
Funding and/or to improve the pension ratios.
Trustee Pietron said he would be okay with that.
Trustee Grear asked if Trustee Witko thought the Village should wait to see if it's going to lose
revenue from the State before deciding whether or not to allocate the additional revenue. He
added that this is something that the Board should discuss during the budgeting process.
Village Administrator pro tem Friel said he believed that Trustee Witko was making a
recommendation to allocate a portion of the new revenue raised by these tax increases to the
Capital Improvements Fund when Village staff and the board begin the budgeting process for
CY2016. Trustee Minx asked if the revenue from these tax increases will go into the General
Fund. Mr. Friel said that it will.
Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on Ordinance 15-11.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear awe Tr. Minx
Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill
Tr. Pietron
Tr. Witko
2. Next, Trustee Ramos presented Ordinance 15-12, Amending Title 1, Chapter 10, Article J,
of the Municipal Code Entitled "Local Motor Fuel Tax."
This is the second reading of this Ordinance.
Minutes of Jul; e', ..;r. - 1w
D. Trustee Ramos: (continued)
a. Trustee Ramos said that Ordinance 15-12 would increase the Village's Local Motor Fuel Tax
to $.04/gallon. When this tax was first introduced in 2003, the local motor fuel tax was
$.01/gallon. In 2005, it went up to $.02/gallon. Trustee Ramos noted that Des Plaines and
Evanston have a similar tax, currently $.04/gallon. Skokie's tax is $.05/ gallon. Village staff
estimates that this increase will bring in an additional $200,000 to the Village annually.
Trustee Ramos moved, seconded by Trustee Pietron, to adopt Ordinance 15-12.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx
Tr. Ramos aye Tr. Thill
Tr. Pietron
Tr. Witko
3. Trustee Ramos then presented Ordinance 15-13. Amending Title 1, Chapter 10, Article E
of the Municipal Code Entitled "Municipal Natural Gas Use Tax" and Approving a Tax
Collection Agreement Between the Village of Morton Grove and Northern Illinois Gas
Company d/b/a Nicor Gas Company.
This is the second reading of this ordinance.
Trustee Ramos said that Ordinance 05-13 deals with the Natural Gas Use Tax. When this tax
was first instituted in 2002, the tax was $.02/therm. It has not increased since 2002. This
ordinance will increase this tax to $.05/therm, per the recommendation of Village staff. Many
area municipalities are already at $.05/therm. In order for Nicor to collect this tax at the new
rate, it is necessary for the Village to enter into an updated Tax Collection Agreement. This
ordinance will also authorize the Village President to enter into that agreement.
Trustee Ramos moved to adopt Ordinance 15-13, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear Tr. Minx
Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill
E. Trustee Thill:
Tr. Pietron
Tr. Witko ave
1. Trustee Thill had no formal report, but he did have some news about the Solid Waste Agency
of Northern Cook County (SWANCC).
a. For 25 years, Morton Grove has been a member of SWANCC, an agency formed to address
waste and garbage disposal. Trustee Thill announced that SWANCC is now debt -free.
SWANCC has also signed a new contract with the operator of the facility through the year
2031. The new contractor is saving SWANCC $2.5 million annually. The savings will be
passed down to all of SWANCC's members. Next year, the Village will see a savings of 18%
on its garbage fees. This savings will be passed on to all residents. The downside to this is
that the Village will no longer receive recycling rebates. Trustee Thill said that, from 2009 to
the present, the Village has received over $190,000 in recycling rebates.
Minutes of Jul 13, 2015 Board Meetin.
E. Trustee Thill: (continued)
b. Trustee Thill suggested, regarding the 18% savings, that the Village pass along to residents a
10% savings on their garbage fees, and hold the other 8% savings in a special account for
future environmental programs and green initiatives.
c. Trustee Thill also reported on the Village's electronic recycling event, which happened about
six weeks ago, in May. He said that 345 cars came through; 153 were from Morton Grove
d. Trustee Thill said he brought that up because recently, HB1455 passed unanimously in both
houses. This bill will require a charge for all electronics recycling. Trustee Thill read a letter for
the record and asked Mayor DiMaria to sign it and send it to Governor Rauner. The letter
requests that the buyer of electronic devices be responsible for paying for the recycling. If
not, SWANCC will be charged (at a cost of about $100,000 a year.) He felt that the people
purchasing an electronic device should pay for recycling it.
Trustee Witko:
Trustee Witko presented Resolution 15-55, Authorizing a Contractual Agreement With
Tobin Cheuk of Morton Grove, Illinois for Technology Services, Operations Support,
and Application Development.
She explained that the Village's Information Technology Division has engaged Tobin Cheuk
since 2013 for various technology -related tasks in support of Village operations. The
Information Systems Manager recommends continuing the professional services agreement
between Tobin Cheuk and the Village of Morton Grove through 2015.
Trustee Witko moved to approve Resolution 15-55, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear Tr. Minx
Tr. Ramos Tr. Thill
Tr. Pietron
Tr. Witko
Trustee Witko invited all residents to attend "Justice Day" on Sunday, July 26. This is part of an
initiative (the Justice Project) sponsored by Open Communities (formerly Interfaith Housing).
The Justice Day event commemorates the 50" anniversary of the housing justice rally at which
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke. It will be a family -friendly celebration featuring a number of
speakers, as well as food, arts, crafts, and music. Its purpose is to inspire communities to be
more welcoming, inclusive, and diverse. It takes place at the Winnetka Village Green from
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on July 26.
Minutes of Jul 1 11 =•=r• in.
Trustee Ramos presented the Warrant Registers for July 13, 2015, in the amount of
$334,635.92. He moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Witko
seconded the motion.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Minx aye Tr. Pietron at
Tr. Ramos aae Tr. Thill Ly1 Tr. Witko m
Karen Laner appeared before the Board representing Bike Morton Grove. This is the group's
six-month anniversary. Ms. Laner thanked the Village's leaders and community groups, and
everyone who has been supportive of Bike Morton Grove's efforts. She read the group's
Mission Statement, which says "Bike Morton Grove is an advocacy group that promotes
Morton Grove as a bicycle -friendly place with events and initiatives that work with and educate
community groups, Village leadership, and community members." Ms. Laner added that the
group has a Facebook page ("Bike Morton Grove"). She said they had a community bike ride
in June which was a lot of fun, and the group is planning a community bike ride in the fall. The
group is also starting to work with local schools to promote biking to school. Ms. Laner
encouraged anyone interested in getting involved with the group to reach out to Trustee Witko,
who can get messages to Ms. Laner, or to contact the group via its Facebook page.
Mayor DiMaria thanked Ms. Laner and commented that their group has 161 "likes" for its
Facebook page. He challenged Morton Grove residents to bring that number up to 400!
Georgianne Brunner thanked the Board and Village staff, the Park District employees, the
Park Board, the Public Works Department staff, EMA, and the Police and Fire Departments—
Mike Weitzel and Bill Porter—for all their support of the Morton Grove Days festival. She a
Iso thanked all the committee chairs, the volunteers, the sponsors, and the donors for their
generosity and all their hard work.
Ms. Brunner said the Morton Grove Days Commission doesn't have final numbers yet, but
hopes to have them soon. She said Mother Nature cooperated and the festival was very
crowded on the second and third nights. Everyone had a good time!
Trustee Pietron commented that people don't realize how much time, effort, and money it
takes to put on a multi -day festival. Ms. Brunner agreed, saying the Commission is already
beginning work on next year's festival.
Minutes of Ju'
..;. � .. In.
Trustee Pietron moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Minx.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear Lys Tr. Minx Lye
Tr. Ramos awe, Tr. Thill ave
The meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
PASSED this 10th day of August, 2015
Trustee Grear
Trustee Minx
Trustee Pietron
Trustee Ramos
Trustee Thill
Trustee Witko
APPROVED by me this 10th day of August, 2015
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of August, 2015.
eriviwz J-IbLe-to
Connie J. Travis, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Tr. Pietron
Tr. Witko
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar