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JANUARY 12, 2015
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Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and wished everyone a
Happy New Year. He then led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Shel Marcus,
John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Janine Witko.
Regarding the Minutes of the January 14, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Witko noted
two corrections on page 10. The first, item “y”, listed incorrect amounts: $7,500 (which should
be $75,000) and $12,000 (which should be $120,000). Also the lobbyist’s name was spelled
incorrectly in item “x”: Shulman (which should be Shoman).
Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to accept the Minutes as corrected.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Plan Commission Case PC14-17, Proposed Text Amendment to Title 12, Chapters 4 and 17 of
the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code t(UDC) o Establish Use Classifications
and Definitions for “Financial Institutions” and “Financial Institutions—Alternative” and to
Eliminate “Currency Exchange” and “Banks and Financial Institutions” from the Existing
Commercial Use Classifications.
Plan Commission Chairman Ron Farkas had earlier asked Director of Community and
Economic Development Nancy Razdevich to present the report.
Ms. Razdevich said this text amendment will update some land use classifications and add
some definitions that are currently missing. She said this had come about because a couple of
businesses interested in Morton Grove had made inquiries, and she had found that the Village
needed some clarity in its UDC.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
One section of the UDC lists “Financial Services” as a permitted use in the C1 General
Commercial District and the CR Commercial Residential District; however, “Financial Services”
is not defined in the appropriate section of the Code. Ms. Razdevich said that Morton Grove’s
code is set up so that any uses not specifically listed are not permitted uses. Staff has been
interpreting “Financial Services” the way that other municipalities do—to mean banks, credit
unions, savings and loans, and mortgage providers. These are the types of uses that would be
allowed in the C1 General Commercial District and/or the CR Commercial Residential District,
because these types of facilities have a synergy with neighboring businesses.
Ms. Razdevich pointed out that there are other entities that provide short-term high-interest
transactions such as “payday” loans and other similar consumer loan institutions, currency
exchanges, and pawnbrokers that provide financial transactions but follow a different business
model from banks, savings and loans, etc. In order to better differentiate between these types
of businesses, staff proposed a new and distinct use classification and definition called
“Alternative Financial Services.” The definition includes a proximity limit to residential districts
and to other Alternative Financial Services institutions.
The Code does have a current land use classification of “Currency Exchange” but if this text
amendment is adopted, currency exchanges would fall into the newly-created classification,
and thus the definition should be eliminated as a separate classification in the Code. Similarly,
“Banks and Financial Institutions” should be eliminated as that classification will be folded into
“Financial Institutions.”
At the Plan Commission hearing, the Commissioners acted on a suggestion by Commissioner
Blonz to change the wording from “Alternative Financial Services” to “Financial Institutions—
Alternative” so that they will be listed alphabetically in the Code. There was other discussion
too, about the proximity limitations and the reason(s) for them. Ms. Razdevich said that no
member of the public was present or asked to be heard on this case. The Commission voted
unanimously to recommend Board approval of PC Case 14-17, with several conditions.
Appointments of Village Board and Commissions Chairs for Calendar Year 2015
Mayor DiMaria sought concurrence for the following appointments:
Advisory Commission on Aging: Nancy Lanning, Chairperson
Appearance Commission: Bill Zimmer, Chairperson
Cable and Telecommunications Commission: Ron Fine, Chairperson
Community Relations Commission: Terri Cousar, Chairperson
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Economic Development Commission: Wayne Youkhana, Chairperson
Board of Environmental Health: Georgianne Brunner, Chairperson
Finance Advisory Commission: William McFadden, Chairperson
Fire and Police Commission: Michael Simkins, Chairperson
Natural Resources Commission: Mary Busch, Chairperson
Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals: Ronald Farkas, Chairperson
Traffic Safety Commission: Keith White, Chairperson
Trustee Pietron moved to concur with these appointments, seconded by Trustee Grear.
Motion passed unanimously via voice vote.
Meeting Schedule for the Village’s Various Boards, Commissions, Committees, and
Mayor DiMaria noted the following, which is also posted on the Village’s website:
Advisory Commission on Aging:
Meets at 1:00pm, 2nd Tuesday every month, Civic Center
Appearance Commission:
Meets at 7:00pm, 1st Monday every month, Council Chambers
Board of Environmental Health:
Meets at 7:00pm, 1st Tuesday every other month beginning Feb. 2015, Trustees Conf. Room
Community Relations Commission:
Meets at 7:00pm, 2nd Tuesday every other month, Trustees Conference Room
Economic Development Commission:
Meets at 5:30pm, 1st Monday quarterly (Feb., May, Aug., Nov.), Trustees Conference Room
Finance Advisory Commission:
Meets at 7:00pm, Trustees Conference Room. Meeting schedule varies.
Fire and Police Commission:
Meets at 1:00pm, 4th Tuesday every month, Fire Station #4
Fire Pension Board:
Meets at 8:00am quarterly (schedule varies), Fire Station #4
Natural Resources Commission:
Meets at 6:00pm, 3rd Monday every month, Trustees Conference Room
Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals:
Meets at 7:30pm, 3rd Monday every month, Council Chambers
Traffic Safety Commission:
Meets at 7:00pm, 1st Thursday every month, Council Chambers
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Trustee Toth asked about the status of reviewing the various Commissions’ to ensure they’re
all still viable.
Mayor DiMaria said it was an ongoing process. Staff is working on it and reviewing each
Commission’s goals and mission statement. Mayor DiMaria said if a Commission is going to be
combined or eliminated, it will necessitate an ordinance change. He said the process should be
completed in February.
Trustee Marcus asked why the Condominium Association wasn’t included on the list.
Mayor DiMaria said it was not an official Village Commission. He said that he has spoken to
some of the condo association presidents, and the feeling was that an informal meeting a few
times a year would be sufficient.
Trustee Toth moved to approve the calendar, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
Appointment and Comments
Mayor DiMaria asked for concurrence on the appointment of Dean Engel to the Community
Relations Commission. Trustee Toth so moved, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed
unanimously via voice vote.
Mayor DiMaria thanked outgoing Community Relations Chairperson Samina Hussain for her
service and dedication. Samina plans to remain active in the Village.
Mayor DiMaria also thanked the 30–40 residents who braved the cold and snow and came
out to attend the recent Strategic Plan Update meeting. He said that tt shows that people are
interested in this and that they’re excited.
Mayoral Update
Mayor DiMaria read through a list of the Village’s accomplishments in 2014 by Department,
and complimented each Department Head as he did so.
Administrative—Department Head: Village Administrator Ryan Horne
Increased legislative cooperation with our State representatives
Hired a lobbyist to advocate for the Village; already received $200,000 and have a
commitment for $1,000,000 grant for a new public safety facility
Completed Strategic Plan document which will be presented later this month
Began a Marketing and Branding initiative with North Star Destination Strategies
Cooperated and partnered with other government agencies (i.e., Park District) to help
increase programming and activities for seniors
Began discussion and planning on the reduction of water rates
Initiated a Neighborhood Outreach/meet and greet program. The first one was held at
Oriole Park and was very successful.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Finance Department—Department Head: Director/Treasurer Remy Navarrete
Received the Government Finance Officers Association Award for the Budget and
Audit documents
Achieved a balanced budget for 2015 with limited resources
Police Department—Department Head: Chief Michael Simo
Hired Chief Simo, which was a very intensive process. Mayor DiMaria thanked the staff
and said he was proud of them and the ad hoc committee involved in this hiring
Police Department started a Community Liaison unit responsible for Crime Prevention,
education, and positive interaction within the community (very important especially in
these times for police departments)
Started a college internship program
Community and Economic Development—Department Head: Director Nancy Razdevich
Created an online, searchable business directory; with 530 businesses listed
Re-launched and updated the Façade Improvement program; one application has been
approved, and three other businesses are interested.
Key development projects: Virtuoso Performing Arts Center, Sko-Die, Morton Grove
Pharmaceuticals, Audi of Morton Grove, Wright Way Animal Rescue
Adapted the Industrial Areas Plan; vital for the Village to have this plan
Streamlined the building permit and review process, significantly reducing turnaround
time (case in point, Audi of Morton Grove opened six months after the issuance of
permits…six weeks earlier than scheduled)
35% increase in number of projects over 2013 (954 in 2014 versus 702 in 2013)
Construction projects more than doubled, indicating interest and investment in
Morton Grove
Fire Department—Department Head: Chief Tom Friel
Responded to 3,632 total calls, including 37 confirmed fires
Response times average less than 4 minutes
Upgraded EKG technology on all ambulances and engines; this decreases emergency
room wait time and increases patients’ survivability
Public Works—Department Head: Director Andy DeMonte
Handled 74 snow and ice events, using 5,147 tons of salt, 1,532 tons of sand, and
8,500 gallons of liquid calcium chloride
2014 saw the third highest snow totals on record for the State of Illinois (80.7 inches);
They did an unbelievable job last year.
Replaced two aging water mains, one on Simpson and the other on Caldwell
Picked up 1,468 tons of leaves
Assisted 13 residents with home flood controls; the 2015 budget has $100,000 in it for
assisting residents with home flood controls
Mayor DiMaria expressed his and the Board’s deep sympathy to State Rep. John D’Amico on
the passing of his mother, whose funeral was today.
Mayor DiMaria congratulated Governor Rauner, who was sworn in today, and said that
Rauner’s people have reached out to the Village and the Northwest Municipal Conference.
Mayor DiMaria stated his confidence that the Village will enjoy a good relationship with the
Governor and will be more active in Springfield than ever.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Clerk Ramos noted that Primary Election will be held on February 24, 2015. Forms for first-
time voters and for absentee ballot applications are available at Village Hall at the front desk.
If any resident has any questions or concerns, they can reach out to Clerk Ramos on his cell
phone: 224-875-8359.
Village Administrator:
Village Administrator Ryan Horne turned the first part of his report over to Trustee Grear, for a
Special Report.
Trustee Grear is the liaison to the Morton Grove Days Commission and serves as the
Chairman of the Fireworks subcommittee. He invited Mayor DiMaria, and Commission
President Georgianne Brunner, to join him at the podium.
Trustee Grear said he was proud that the Commission has signed a three-year contract with
the Mad Bomber to do our fireworks show in 2015, 2016, and 2017. He introduced several
members of Morton Grove’s Moose Lodge and Family Center, present tonight because they
raised, and are donating this evening, $3,000 to the Morton Grove Days Commission for the
The Board and assemblage applauded and thanked the Moose representatives for their
Mr. Horne noted that, under his report, Trustee Marcus will have a resolution regarding Mather
LifeW ays. He introduced representatives Kate Paz and Betsie Sassen from Mather LifeW ays
and invited them to address the Board and respond to any questions.
Mr. Horne said that anyone who’s had an opportunity to look at the senior programming
calendar that was in the latest edition of the Village newsletter can see that there’s no shortage
of events and programming going on. Trustee Marcus’ resolution will authorize the Village to
enter into an agreement with Mather LifeW ays to provide some additional senior programs
and activities based on survey feedback, i.e., enhanced technology classes. Mather has the
capability to do this; they also can provide lunch programs and entertainment activities.
Ms. Paz said that Mather LifeW ays is a 70-year old not for profit agency for people aged 50 or
older. They have three main areas of focus: their senior living communities; Mather LifeW ays
Institute on Aging (primarily does research, education, and survey work) and Community
Initiatives. Mather is entering into an agreement with the Village to enhance the already great
programs and activities being offered. They have 10 iPads and 10 laptops and a course
catalog of technology offerings. They also offer a “Boost Your Brain” and other “memory”
courses. They will also work with the Park District and the Library to coordinate programs.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
Corporation Counsel:
Corporation Counsel Liston had no report.
Trustee Grear:
Trustee Grear had no report.
Trustee Marcus:
Trustee Marcus presented Resolution 15-01, Authorizing An Agreement Between the
Village of Morton Grove and Mather LifeWays For the Use of the Civic Center For Senior
He explained that, in 2010, the Village approved a non-exclusive license to North Shore Senior
Service to use parts of the Civic Center free of charge in return for conducting programs for
older adults. That license agreement expired on December 31, 2014 and the agency chose not
to renew the agreement. Subsequently, the Village reached out to potential public and private
partners to work together to provide a wide array of programs at the Civic Center. Mather
LifeWays made a proposal to the Village to operate programs for all adults, but concentrating
on activities and services desired by adults over the age of 50.
This resolution will grant a one-year non-exclusive license to use parts of the Civic Center
to directly provide lunch programs, provide iPad and computer classes, memory courses,
become an AARP tax site and much more.
Trustee Marcus moved to adopt Resolution 15-01, seconded by Trustee Grear.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye
Trustee Marcus noted that he is also a Moose member and commended the Moose on their
generous contribution to the Morton Grove Days Commission to help maintain the wonderful
fireworks program that everyone comes to see. He said he hoped other community organiza-
tions would step up and do the same.
Trustee Marcus expressed his personal condolences to Rep. D’Amico.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Trustee Pietron:
Trustee Pietron had no report.
Trustee Thill:
Trustee Thill presented Resolution 15-02, Authorization to Execute an Agreement With the
Illinois Department of Transportation for the Lake Street Sidewalk Improvement Project.
He explained that the Village needs to execute a “Local Agency Agreement for Federal
Participation” with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in order to receive “Safe
Routes to School” funding that was awarded by IDOT and to place the Lake Street Sidewalk
Improvement project on the letting schedule with the State for March 6, 2015.
“Safe Routes to School” is a federal funding program administered by IDOT. The Village,
Parkview District 70, and the Morton Grove Park District applied for an aggregated amount of
$76,200 in 2010 for this funding, in order to create safe walking and cycling routes to school.
The Village had expected to pay for the construction and be reimbursed by the State; however,
the draft agreement includes terms for the State to pay for the construction contract and the
Village will reimburse the State. The work is scheduled to begin in May and there is adequate
funding for the estimated cost. The total project cost is estimated at $105,709; with the
Village’s portion being $29,509.
Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 15-02, seconded by Trustee Toth.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye
Trustee Toth:
Trustee Toth had no report.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Trustee Witko:
Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 15-01, Amending the Village’s
Unified Development Code (Ord. 07-07) To Establish Commercial Land Use
Classifications (Sec. 12-4-3) and Definitions (Sec. 12-17-1) For “Financial Institutions”
and “Financial Institutions—Alternative” and to Eliminate “Currency Exchange,” “
Banks and Financial Institutions,” and “Financial Services” From the Existing
Commercial Land Use Classifications.
She explained that this is pursuant to PC 14-17, reported out earlier this evening in detail by
Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Razdevich.
As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening.
Mayor DiMaria said that Chief Simo had requested the podium.
Chief Simo thanked everyone for giving him the opportunity to announce that the Morton Grove
Police Department is now taking applications for its first Citizens Police Academy. This will be
a 10-week program beginning March 31 and going until June 2nd. Classes will be every
Tuesday evening from 6:30–8:30 p.m. Anyone over the age of 18 can apply and there is no
cost to attend.
This course will provide an explanation of how the Police Department works; the various
functions within the Department; and why and how officers do things. Classes will include
patrol operations, laws of arrest and search and seizure; the makeup of the Department,
investigations, evidence processing, dispatch, and weapons safety, with a graduation
ceremony at the conclusion. Applications can be picked up at the Police Station or downloaded
from the Department’s website. Applications must be turned in by February 20 to Officers Lietz
or Taybor, and class size is limited to 20 students.
Chief Simo said it should be an interesting and entertaining experience. And, if there’s enough
interest, a second Academy class would be formed in the future.
Mayor DiMaria complimented Chief Simo and the Department for undertaking this initiative.
He also added his thanks for the way a situation was handled over the weekend. It was a
particularly sensitive situation with a young person and involved coordinating with the Chicago
Police Department. The end result was very positive.
Trustee Thill asked Ms. Razdevich if there was any update on the proposed police facility.
She responded that the Village developed a Request For Qualifications for architectural
services and released it on December 31, with responses due by February 3rd. The services
will cover all the necessary due diligence discussed at the December 8, 2014 Boarding
meeting, including recommendations on selling the current Police/Village Hall site, re-
developing it, or leasing it. The Board should have recommendations by the February 23rd
Board Meeting.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
OTHER BUSINESS (continued)
Trustee Marcus wished good luck to Ohio State in tonight’s College Football championship
Trustee Toth had two Warrant Registers for approval this evening.
First, the Warrant Register for December 7, 2014, in the amount of $1,394,877.46. Trustee
Toth moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye
Next, the Warrant Register for January 12, 2015, in the amount of $220,036.97. Trustee Toth
moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko.
Trustee Thill commented that he wished all the Warrant Registers were this small.
Upon the vote, the motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye
Eric Poders, 7940 Foster, appeared before the Board to inform them that he had started
an investigation into a Facebook post on the Morton Grove Chamber’s Facebook page. It was
a political post that could possibly cost the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce its not-for-
profit status. The post was taken down the next day. This occurred in late December, during
the holiday season. Mr. Poders said he spoke to a sergeant at the 16th District of Chicago
Police Department who told him that any member of the Chamber could file a class action
suit against the individual or individuals involved in that post. These individuals are running a
fictitious website with a fictitious publisher using a fictitious post office box in Chicago. The
Chicago Police recommended to Mr. Poders to contact the U.S. Postal Inspector. He did so,
and filed a formal complaint. He also went to the FBI, and provided them with copies of all his
documentation, although his past experience with the FBI leads him to believe they will not act
on this in a timely manner.
Mr. Poders filed a complaint with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act against the website run
on Wordpress.com. Recently, the former President of the Morton Grove Chamber told him that
someone had gotten into their system and accessed the Chamber’s membership email list and
the Farmers’ Market email list. Mr. Poders feels he knows who the individuals are and advised
them to stay out of the Village instead of slinging mud and riling people up. This involves mail
fraud and email fraud and is a serious matter.
Minutes of January 12, 2015 Board Meeting
Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill.
Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays.
Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye
Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye
The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
PASSED this 26th day of January 2015.
Trustee Grear __________
Trustee Marcus __________
Trustee Pietron __________
Trustee Thill __________
Trustee Toth __________
Trustee Witko __________
APPROVED by me this 26th day of January 2015.
Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President
Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois
APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of January 2015.
Edilberto Ramos, Village Clerk
Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois
Minutes by: Teresa Cousar