HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-27 MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER OCTOBER 27 2014 CALL TO ORDER I. Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers and led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. II. Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Janine Witko. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 8, 2014, Trustee Toth moved to accept the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Upon the voice vote, motion passed unanimously. 2 Regarding the Minutes of the October 13, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to accept the Minutes as presented. Upon the voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Presentation by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) Regarding the Village's Industrial Areas Plan Dated September 2014. a. b. Mayor DiMaria introduced CMAP representative Nicole Woods to give the presentation. Ms. Woods said she was excited about the resurts of the planning process thus far. She gave a brief overview of the process, which began with a public kick-off, followed by a review of existing conditions and a recommendation memo. The recommendation memo is the basis for the draft plan, which is then fine-tuned and provided to the Board for approval. Once the plan is approved, implementation begins. Ms. Woods said that Morton Grove has two industrial areas, a smaller one (the Avon property) to the north and a larger one (the Lehigh/Oakton area industrial park) to the south, which also contains some commercial and retail property. Upon reviewing the existing conditions, CMAP determined that manufacturing and wholesale trade account for 45% of the employment in the industrial areas. The study found that, over the past three years, Morton Grove's industrial property vacancy rate compares favorably (6%-7%) to that of the near north industrial sub- market (7%-10%), which is comprised of Niles, Skokie, and Lincolnwood, in addition to Morton Grove. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) c. Ms. Woods said that the Village's current industrial businesses generally utilize trucks and I-294, so roads are key, but the industrial areas in Morton Grove are also served by Metra, CTA and Pace bus routes. She added that the industrial areas are responsible for 66% of the Village's total electric consumption and 40% of its natural gas usage. They also produce the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the Village. d. Ms. Woods identified the "vision" for Morton Grove's industrial areas: that they will continue to be primarily used for manufacturing, wholesale trade, and other industrial and office uses, and that they will be active, competitive, and contribute to the economic strength of the community and the region. The plan further makes "regional" recommendations and sets three "local" goals: economic growth, land use and development, and transportation. e. The economic growth goal states that "Local partnerships, resources, and plans will support and promote economic growth in the industrial areas." This goal will be achieved by creating partnerships with industrial businesses and with industrial real estate brokers, and encouraging the local industrial businesses to create their own industrial business district association (IBDA). This will help indusiriai businesses network, exchange ideas and information, and collaborate on common problems. f. Ms. Woods said that, in addition, the industrial areas should be encouraged to utilize Cook County's Class 6b designation, which is a classification designed to encourage industrial development throughout Cook County by offering a real estate tax incentive for the develop- ment of new industrial facilities, the rehabilitation of existing industrial structures, and the industrial reutilization of abandoned buildings. The industrial businesses should also maintain an awareness of regional initiatives that support manufacturing growth and development. The last component to meeting the economic growth goal would be to create an industry resource center, possibly having Village staff available to work with industrial businesses and "point them in the right direction." g. The land use goal is "Land use and development within Morton Grove's industrial areas will be appealing, functional, efficient, and contribute to the area's competitive position within the industrial market." Steps to achieving this goal include the development of an industrial properties inventory list and the development of an industrial business directory database. She encouraged the Village to continue to refine its permit review and approval process (and fee structure) to encourage investment in the Village, noting that municipalities that can keep the process streamlined have a real advantage. h. Other steps to accomplishing the land use goal would be to investigate and update zoning districts to ensure compatibility with adjacent uses (suggesting the Village rezone the parcels northwest of Washington Court and Austin Avenue); to create a lively and accessible down- town; and to enhance park and open space utility (possibly with walking and biking paths). The "transportation" goal states "The industrial areas will be supported by transportation infra- structure which will positively contribute to the industrial areas' value, operations, and appeal." Ms. Woods said the plan calls for the Village to undertake a transportation needs assessment, i.e., ask workers how they get to work, what are their needs, etc., and then to improve and promote the transportation network, utilizing vanpooling, car- and ridesharing programs; making modifications to existing routes; and investigating workforce housing needs. 2 V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) j. Ms. Woods listed several regional recommendations, including the creation of a Regional Industry Resource Center, a comprehensive review of truck routes, participation in regional industrial initiatives, and the education and support of property owners in their efforts on energy efficiency and renewable energy options. Mayor DiMaria asked the Board if anyone had any questions of Ms. Woods. k. Trustee Thill felt the Village had just rolled out a business directory; he sought clarification that industrial and manufacturing businesses were included in that; and, in terms of an Industry Resource Center, said he felt the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce filled that need. I. Economic Development Director Nancy Razdevich said the Village did just roll out a directory but it's not a regular database. It does include all businesses licensed within the Village. As far as a Resource Center, the Village sometimes partners with the Chamber to provide resource information; other times, with the Economic Development Commission, but at least the Village is moving in the right direction. Ms. Razdevich said that, in the full CMAP report, there is a section showing what entity (i.e., Village, Chamber, etc.) should be "responsible" for the various components of the Industrial Areas Plan. m. Ms. Woods congratulated the Village on a good start. She said when this Plan was being created, she checked in with the Chamber along the way, to avoid duplication of responsibili- ties and spreading resources too thin. n. Mayor DiMaria congratulated Ms. Woods and Ms. Razevich and their staff members on providing a great deal of excellent information. He said he felt the Village was on the right path. o. Ms. Woods said that she will stay on with this project for the next two years to assist in its implementation. CMAP really wants to ensure the Plan is implemented because it's important to the Village. Mayor DiMaria agreed that implementation is the most important step of the process. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria acknowledg,d several former Village officials in attendance this evening, including former Village Clerk Marilyn Sneider, former Trustee Don Sneider, and former Trustee Rita Minx. 3 VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 2. Mayoral Update a. Mayor DiMaria announced that, since its current senior programs vendor decided to leave at the end of this year, the Village has taken a very proactive role to ensure a seamless transition of services. He said the Village has met with the Park District, the Library, and other potential new vendors. Also a survey is being done regarding senior services and programs to deter- mine what the needs are. So far there have been 41 respondents; Mayor DiMaria said he hoped there would be more. Village staff has been visiting some of the senior clubs and has been available at the Civic Center to answer people's questions and reassure those who are worried about this. b. Regarding senior programs, Mayor DiMaria said that the Village has restarted the Caregiver Support group and is negotiating with outside vendors to bring back the health screenings. The Foot Clinic will restart on November 4th . c. Mayor DiMaria said the facts are that vendors come and vendors go, but the Board maintains its commitment to senior service, and the community's input is vital. Village Administrator Ryan Horne agreed, and said he always passes out his business card when he's at the Civic Center or elsewhere in town, because it encourages people to call him with their comments and/or concerns. 2. Economic Development Update a. Nancy Razdevich clarified that the business directory available on the Village's website is a database covering all Morton Grove licensed businesses (about 520). Additional businesses have contacted her to have their information included in the directory. She said the directory is searchable by the name of the business or the type of business, and includes phone number(s) and links to the business' websites. The next step will be to add a map feature. b. Ms. Razdevich said the Village has also launched a new "available properties" listing page on its website, showing the commercial properties available, the square footage, a picture of the property, the contact person, and mapping. She said it's a great resource and takes advantage of a tool provided by the State. c. d. Trustee Thill asked if the Village -owned properties are on the list. Ms. Razdevich said she would double-check, Trustee Marcus asked if the licensed business database Ms Razdevich had talked about also included "services," such as a carpenter, plumber, electrician, etc. She said yes, all businesses, even home-based businesses, will show up in the database if they're licensed in Morton Grove. e. Mayor DiMaria gave a "shout out" to Boyle Wong, the Village's IT coordinator, for his excellent work upgrading the Village's website and making it much more user-friendly than it was previously. He said Boyle had done a great job. f. Trustee Pietron said these two additions to the Village's website demonstrate that Morton Grove is business -friendly. The Village has never had anything like this before, and it's very nice to see that we have it now. 4 VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) g. Clerk Ramos asked Ms. Razdevich if there was a fee to be included in the database. She responded that there was no fee, but the business must be licensed in Morton Grove, and that means paying the business license fee. h. Mayor DiMaria asked everyone to get the word about these new updates to the Village's website and to encourage people to shop locally! VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Ramos noted that early voting for the mid-term elections began on October 20 and ends on November 2. Early voting takes place at the Niles Village Hall. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: a. Village Administrator Ryan Horne provided an update on the status of the 2015 Budget. He said that three workshops have been held thus far, with another scheduled for Thursday, November 6. Right now the staff is working on balancing the budget. The original proposed Rough draft budget had a $2 million deficit, which has now been prioritized and reduced to approximately $85,000. Mr. Horne noted the Village is the only agency responsible for economic development, and is the most responsible agency in Morton Grove, b. The last property tax increase in the Village was in 2010 and was a 3.5% increase. The Village's share of the property tax bill has been decreasing for quite a while. Mr. Horne said that, in 2008, the Village received 14.68% of the property taxes paid by homeowners on the west side of Morton Grove; in 2013, that number dropped to 13.9%. Similar decreases occurred on the south side of town (from 13.17% in 2008 to 12.3% in 2013), the north side of town (from 14.6% in 2008 to 13.3% in 2013), and the east side of town (from 11.8% in 2008 to 10.6% in 2013). 0. Because the Village's share of the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) of property to declining staff is recommending an increase in the tax levy of the greater of 3% or the Consumer Price Index (which is 1.5% for 2014). Mr. Horne explained an increase in the tax levy will capture the new EAV created by new residential construction, extensive home remodeling, and new industriallcorrnnerciai construction, such as McGrath Audi, Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals, and Sko-Die. Staff feels that it is appropriate to raise the levy at this point in time. The figures in the proposed budget are based on a 2% tax levy increase—still, there is an $85,000 differential between revenue and expens. d. Mr. Horne said that, at the November 10`" Village Board Meeting, the finance department will present scenarios of how the proposed tax levy increase will impact homeowners. He added that nothing is final yet, and the public is welcome to attend the Budget Workshop on November 6'h. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. 5 Minutes of October 27, 2014 Board Meetin • X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear: 1. Trustee Grear had no formal report, but congratulated the Farmers' Market on a successful fifth year of operation. He encouraged everyone to attend the Winter Market, which will be held on December 6 at the Civic Center. 2. Trustee Grear congratulated Marilyn Glazer on her appointment as Niles Township Supervisor. B. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus had no formal report, but he, too, encouraged people to do some early holiday shopping at the Winter Market on December 6. C. Trustee Pietron: 1. Trustee Pietron presented Ordinance 14-23, Amending Titb 10, Chapter 10, of the Village's Municipal Code Entitled "Sign Regulations." This is the second reading of this Ordinance a. Trustee Pietron explained that the Appearance Commission has made a request to recommend to the Village Board that Section 10-10-9 of the Sign Code be amended to clarify that an existing non -conforming sign will no longer be considered a nonconforming sign if the text, logo, or colors of the face of the sign are changed. b. Trustee Pietron asked Nancy Razdevich to provide more of an explanation. She said this would cover signs that met the Village's sign code requirements at the time they were installed, but then later, as the Village updated its sign code, some existing signs became legal non- conforming signs. This ordinance means that any alteration to these existing signs would need to go before the Appearance Commission. 2 a Trustee Pietron moved to adopt Ordinance 14-23, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye Next, Trustee Pietron introduced for a first reading Ordinance 14-24, Amending Title 11, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove to Adopt and Approve the Industrial Areas Plan. He said the Industrial Areas Plan provides recommendations to preserve and optimize the Village's industrial areas uses so they can continue to be a driving force in the local and regional economy. 6 X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Pietron: (continued) b. The Industrial Areas Plan would become the Village's official plan for the industrial areas and will establish goals and guiding principles to implement action strategies to help retain busi- nesses in these areas and plan for future development and expansions. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. D. Trustee Thill: 1. Trustee Thill presented Resolution 14-52, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With Argon Electric Company, Inc. for the Emergency Generator Replacement Project. He explained that this generator is necessary to maintain the reliabifty of the dedicated alternative electric power supplyto the Village Hall/Police Department and to Fire Station #4 buildings during interruptions to the ComEd power supply The estimated contract value is $72,000 Trustee Thill moved to adopt Resolution 14-52, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye E. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. F. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko had no report. XI. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Thill sought clarification for the Village's hours for trick or treating on October 31. The hours are 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. He encouraged all children to be safe while 'rick or treat- ing. Mayor DiMaria said the Village's hours for trick or treating will be posted on its website. 7 of Ortnhnr 97 9014$0 1 XII. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register for October 27, 2014, in the amount of $3,544,981.83. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Hope Hornstein prefaced her remarks by expressing her appreciation to the Mayor and the Board for the fine work they do. a. Ms. Hornstein read a letter she had submitted to the Morton Grove Champion, authored by herself and Pat Donahoe and Ellie Davis. The letter expressed her dissatisfaction that the North Shore Senior Services organization was leaving Morton Grove. b. Mayor Dimaria thanked Ms. Hornstein for her comments and reiterated the Village Board and staff are committed to Morton Grove's seniors. He said he will work to ensure the seniors get the programming they expect and deserve. 2. Nancy Lanning said she is a 76 -year resident who used to work at the Senior Center and it is dear to her. She said that lots of things were cut when North Shore cane in, and hoped that, now maybe some of those things will come back. She was confident that Morton Grove's Village Board and staff will "get the job done." XIV. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye The meeting adjourned at8:01 p.m. 8 PASSED this 10th day of November, 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APtROVED by me this 1 Qth day of November, 2014, Daniel P. DiMaria, V liege President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED/2d FILED in my office this 11th day of November, 2014, AQc Ediiberto Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes by Teresa Casar 9