HomeMy WebLinkAboutOakton, Lehigh zoningti ti 5 ti 5 as O CD N co of I or *i wig Sr M )a pJOyUO3 7 y h P� e 0 M 0 N N v L h J r W t ❑, h- i s I v;z�, ,� s. 00 O_ N W N ®�. V any 01IJeD �x 7` ♦ 00 .00 i P� e 0 M 0 N N n i I L L GJ J O h- N 00 O_ N W n i I 3 C d vO dt3 C1 to cm r Q to r u , 4 Q n,` Y 4P,* cII q t0 C .p O O i z O w SQ iaAla IQ 14nia 1 I C C' MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING MORTON GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT S. Blonz J. Karp R. Brenner H. Grand E. Kanzer L. Strybel L. Bloomfield, Chairman CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bloomfield called the Morton Grove Zoning Board of Appeals to order at 7:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Kanzer made a motion for the approval of the minutes of the August 23, 1988 meeting as submitted. Commissioner Grand seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of Yes - 6; No - 0; Absent - 1. CASE 1159 Chairman Bloomfield mentioned that Case 1159, Wayne Gripman of 8224 N. Central, applicant, requesting variations from Sections 12 -3 -7C, 12- 5B -3A, 12- 5B -3B, 12- 5B -4B(1) and 12- 5B -4B(2) will not be heard for the reason that the this case had been heard in February 1988 and that it is extremely similar, therefore, the petitioner has to wait for at least a year to be heard. CASE 1153: APPLICANT: Warren V. Doyle PROPERTY LOCATION: 7319 Palma Lane PETITION: Requesting variations from Sections 12 -5A -4A and 12- 5A -4B(2) of the Village Code of Morton Grove law for a deck in the front and side yards of a corner lot: Front Yard: Required - 1 25.0 feet Proposed - 22.R feet (After the Fact) Variation Requested - 2.2 feet Side Yard: Required - 25.0 feet Proposed - 19.25 feet (After the Fact) Variation Requested - 5.75 feet The parcel is located in the R -1 Single - Family Residence District commonly known as 7319 Palma Lane. Mr. Doyle the owner was present. He said that the plat of survey was updated. The front yard is facing Palma with the following varia- tions: front yard requested: 251, proposed: 17.07', and variation re- quested 7.93'; side yard (facing Foster) requested: 25', proposed 22.74' after the fact, and variation requested 2.26'. Mr. McMahon said that it should be the reverse. Foster Avenue should be the front otherwise the backyard will not conform. Chairman Bloomfield said that having observed the property and the use of the deck, that his major concern at this time is that he wants to assure that this deck remain a deck and never have any kind of cover extended over a portion of this deck. Commissioner Kanzer said that with the 2' height it blends in very nicely and from the appearance standpoint it does not appear tc be requiring much of a variation. Mr. Doyle said that his son is a landscaper and he will landscape the northside. They will put bushes around so that the wood deck will be hidden. Commissioner Brenner said that Mr. Doyle is in a unique situation. Because of miscommunication on his part and the Building Department that caused the delay getting a permit. Commissioner Brenner said she is considering this in favor of the applicant. Commissioner Brenner commended the applicant's landscaping being done very nicely. However, Commissioner Brenner said that she does not want this to set a precedent. She wants the Commission to adopt a deck ordinance to address this new trend in home building. Commissioner Strybel said the first time he saw the property, it seems that the front yard was turned into a backyard with the storage of mats thrown up against the front window. Mr. Doyle said that was only done because of the rain and that this is only temporary. Com- missioner Strybel disagreed since every time he has driven past, the condition has remained the same. Chairman Bloomfield called for any interested parties from the audience. No one came forward. For the record, Chairman Bloomfield indicated that the adjacent property owners were not present. All neighbors were previously determined to be in favor of his request. -2- Commissioner Blonz said that he is familiar with the applicant. However, Commissioner Blonz said that he agrees with the concerns of Commissioner Brenner that the Commission does not start any prece- dent of allowing decks in the front yard. Because of the uniqueness of this case, Commissioner Blonz made a motion to accept this request for variations from Sections 12 -5A -4A and 12- 5A -4B(2) as follows: side yard required 251; proposed 17.07', and variation requested 7.93'; front yard required 25', proposed 22.741, and variation re- quested 2.26'. Chairman Bloomfield added that this deck remain, a deck without cover, that the deck should not be used a storage, and that this variation is only for this deck and any other intrusion to this yard would have to come back to this Commission. Mr. McMahon, Building Commissioner, said that any other structure added to this case will have to apply for another variation and have to come back to the Board. Commissioner Brenner seconded the amended motion. THE VOTING: Commissioner Blonz: Yes Commissioner Brenner: Yes Commissioner Grand: Yes Commissioner Kanzer: Yes Commissioner Karp: Absent Commissioner Strybel: No Chairman Bloomfield: Yes The motion was carried by a vote of: Yes - 5; No -1; Absent -1. Chairman Bloomfield said that the applicant will receive a letter from the Commission in a week's time, notifiying the applicant of the Commission's decision. CASE 1156 APPLICANT: Agnes B. Heath and Joan Heath Fortner PROPERTY LOCATION: 8209 Menard PETITION: Requesting variations from Sections 12- 5B- 3A(1), 12- 5B- 3B(1), 12- 5B- 3D(2), 12- 5B -4A, and 12 -5B- 4B(1) of the Village Code of Morton Grove to al- low for construction of a single - family residence: Lot Area: Required - 5,000 sq. ft. Proposed - 3,724 sq. ft. (After the Fact) Variation Requested - 1,276 sq. ft. -3- 1,., Lot Width: Required - 45.0 feet Proposed - 30.0 feet (After the Fact) Variation Requested - 15.0 feet Building Height: Required - 18.0 feet Proposed - 19.0 feet Variation Requested - 1.0 foot Front Yard: Required - 25.0 feet Proposed - 20.0 feet Variation Requested - 5.0 feet Side Yards (North and South): Required - 5.0 feet Proposed - 2.0 feet Variation Requested - 3.0 feet Side Yards (Total): Required - 10.0 feet Proposed - 4.0 feet Variation, Requested - 6.0 feet The parcel is located in the R -2 Sing h - FaTMily Residence District commonly known as 8209 Menard. Carole Heath, representing her mother Agnes B. Heath, and Jcan Feoth Fortner were present. Commissioner Brenner said the variations requested and those required by the site plan submitted are inconsistent. Commissioner Kanzer said that the applicant had expanded the length of the house, as well as the width from the original proposal. Commissioner Kanter men- tioned that the Commission had indicated to the applicant as what would be acceptable. Commissioner Kanter said that the house is shown as 69' long. Commissioner Strybel said that in the first meeting the applicant was told that the proposed building for this property too big. The applicant, Mrs. Fortner said that at that time thev did not have the blue print showing the 24' width, which is what they want. Commis- sioner Strybel said he has yet to see a drawing of a smaller house cn this property. Chairman Bloomfield said that Commissioner Yanzer did indicate to the applicants the guidelines for the size of the house namely, that the house should be a maximum of 50' in length and 24' in width. Chair- man Bloomfield said the applicant has gone far beyond that and is still asking for 5' variztion in the front yard. -4- 1. `.. Chairman Bloomfield said that the applicant has the right to build on this property, however, the Commission has the right to dictate how much of the property will be covered and what variation will be granted to the applicant. Chairman Bloomfield said that the ap- plicant has not recognized that their lot is a substandard lot. Commissioner Kanzer said that the applicant should be considerate of the neighbors as the applicant's proposed structure will be closing off the rear yard openness of their neighbors. With only a 3' side yard the building will be right on top of their yards. The applicant asked for a 3' variation to the front. Commissioner Kanzer said no variation should be granted at all. The applicant said their mother wants a family room; Commissioner Kanzer indicated that the applicant will have to give up something because the applicant has a substandard lot. Chairman Bloomfield said that the plan showed a three- bedroom house and that it is understandable the desire for a family room, however, the neighbors may also want an open space left. Commissioner Blonz said it is unlikely that this plan will work. Commissioner Brenner suggested that it would be to the benefit of the applicant to go to back their architect with the exact requirements as presented to them by the Board. Commissioner Kanzer stated that the applicant should abide by the 50' length that the Board suggested previously. The applicant said that they will have a big yard that they will not need. Commissioner Strybel said they could have any size of the house they want on another lot, but on this lot the applicant is restricted. The applicant asked if the house can be 63' long. Commissioner Kan- zer said that it is too optimistic for their substandard lot. Com- missioner Kanzer said the house cannot be sticking out to the back- yard and shutting off light and air to the neighbors on both sides. Chairman Bloomfield asked for any interested parties in the audience to come forward and express their opinions. Robert Smedberg of 8205 Menard, neighbor to the south of applicant said his house is 47' long, 24' wide and is on a 60' lot with a car- port on the side. Bill Pazen of 8206 Mango said his house is 27' x 371. Mr. Smedberg and Mr. Pazen, and other neighbors present expressed concern over the alley being opened up. Commissioner Brenner said that in the first meeting the applicant had been asked to come back with the costs involved in opening the alley and to talk to the public utilities such as Commonwealth Edison to determine the cost involved. The applicant said that the Village said it would cost $1,700.00. -5- 1-1 Mr. McMahon said that the alley in question is a dedicated alley so that the public utilities will have a free access right away. The Public works Department will make improvement at the cost of the resident. The Village will maintain the alley after it is con- structed. Commissioner Brenner said that the Commission does not usually extend cases for three times, however, she would like to make this case an exception. Commissioner Brenner then made a motion to allow the ap- plicants to come back to the Commission for one more time with a structure within the parameters that have been defined and specifi- cally designed for this situation. Commissioner Kanzer seconded the motion made by Commissioner Brenner. The motion was carried by a vote of: Yes - 4; No -2; Absent -1. THE VOTING: Commissioner Blonz: Yes Commissioner Brenner: Yes Commissioner Grand: No Commissioner Kanzer: Yes Commissioner Karp: Absent Commissioner Strybel: No Chairman Bloomfield: Yes Chairman Bloomfield said that the case will be continued until Novem- ber 21. Chairman Bloomfield reminded the applicant that they need to go back to the architect and that they should bear in mind that they have to keep the 3' side yard, maintain a 25' setback in front yard and not to exceed 50' for the length of the building. Mr. Scheck requested that the applicant submit their materials ahead of time at least two weeks so they can be delivered on time to the Commission. Chairman Bloomfield said that the applicant should submit readable materials and a minimum of ten (10) copies. Chairman Bloomfield reiterated the case will be heard again on November 21, 1988. CASE 1154 APPLICANT: PROPERTY LOCATION: PETITION: Leonard H. Rose 6201, 6301, and 6325 Park Avenue Requesting a variation from Section 12 -7A -4A of the Village Code of Morton Grove to permit park- ing in the Front Yard of Lots 7, 8 and 9: Front Yard: Required - 25.0 Proposed - 0.0 Variation Requested - 25.0 The parcel is located in the M L turing District commonly known Avenue, 6301 Park Avenue, and 6325 feet feet feet united Manufac- as 6201 Park. Park Avenue. Leonard Rose of 412 Sunset Drive, Wilmette, was sworn in. Mr. Preves, the architect of the project also was present and said that they have coordinated with the Village staff and Traffic Commission and had submitted a revised plan eliminating the truck dock on the LeHigh side and relocated these truck docks on the center of each building with access from the Park Avenue. Mr. Preves also indicated that on the revised plan, the driveway at the Park Avenue -River Drive intersection was eliminated. The applicant, Mr. Leonard Pose said that he prefers utilizing the truck docks on the northside of the buildings fronting on Park Avenue with direct access off of Park Avenue for maneuvering. Mr. Rose said that the Village staff suggested we provide for on site truck tur- naround rather than back trucks into the docks directly from Park Avenue. Mr. Rose said this would reduce the amount of on -site park- ing available for the project. Mr. Rose said that he agrees to providing for on -site truck turnaround, however, if in the future, additional on -site parking is required by the tenants, Mr. Rose asked if he would be allowed to replace the truck turnaround with addi- tional on -site parking. Commissioner Blonz said that it would not be acceptable to grant the request at this time, however, the applicant is allowed to come back to the Zoning Board for a variance request when he feels it is needed. Chairman Bloomfield said that the applicant has the option to return, to the Zoning Board and ask for a reconsideration to change the area to allow for additional parking spaces. Commissioner Blonz asked how many times these truck docks will have to be used. Mr. Rose indicated that each dock would attract ap- proximately six trucks daily. The applicant said his son made an ex- tensive survey on the issue of truck docks fronting on streets and maneuvering trucks on the streets in the surrounding villages such as -7- Skokie, Niles, and Northbrook. The applicant said that in these vil- lages the trucks are allowed to back into the industrial site from the main street directly into truck docks. Mr. Scheck said in his conversations with the Traffic Engineer of Skokie, Fred Schattner and Eric Graepp, Village Engineer of Northbrook, he was told there are exceptions such as small lots al- lowing this practice, but with lots of 4 plus acres, there would no reason for the design to require trucks to utilize the public street to maneuver so that they can get in the loading area. Mr. Leonard Rose said that they will agree to provide for on -site truck turnaround, provided that in the future, if additional on -site parking is required for the tenants, that they will be allowed to re- place the truck turnaround with additional on -site parking. Chairman Bloomfield called for any interested parties in the audience to address the case. For the record,, no interested parties were present. Chairman Bloomfield said that the applicant had submitted revised site plans which satisfied the requirements of the Village staff. If parking relief is required in the future, the applicant would have to re- appear before the Board. Commissioner Kanzer made the motion to approve the 20' variation re- quested and to require that the development conform to the site plans submitted as of 9/19/88 at the meeting. Commissioner Grand seconded the motion. THE VOTING: Commissioner Blonz Yes Commissioner Brenner No Commissioner Grand Yes Commissioner Kanzer Yes Commissioner Karp Absent Commissioner Strybel Yes Chairman Bloomfield Yes The motion was carried by a vote of: Yes - 5; No - 1; Absent - 1. Chairman Bloomfield said that in about a week, the applicant will receive a letter indicating the action of the Zoning Board of Ap- peals. CLOSE MEETING There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned 9:05 p.m. i Leonard Bloomfield,— Chairman -8- Emil Kanzer,_ LL Executive Secretaky