HomeMy WebLinkAbout6200-6288 Oakton0 11 0 , 00 0 REINSPECTION FORM Reins pection No � . Location: 6a0 to ST Date: FC_ _ B /V Name: 0-,c, -„ J // Reinspection Date: A copy of this form has been presented to : Owner ❑ na/nt ZD VIOLATIONS NOTED ON THE FIRE INSPECTIO r/ � EPORT LETTER DATED y/i Y HAVE BEEN: CORRECTED. Thank you for cooperating with the Fire Department in its attempt to improve life sa ety an a protection in the community. ❑ PARTIALLY CORRECTED. Your attention is called to the items listed below, which still need attention. A reinspection will be made on the date indicated above. ❑ IGNORED. The items originally noted on the above date are still in violation, and have been listed below for your convenience. You are hereby noted to remedy the conditions as stated below by the reinspection date indicated above, or show cause why you should not be required to do so. ❑ IGNORED. inspection visits have been made to the above location, and the violations listed below have been repeatedly ignored. This violation notice is being forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau Director, and such further action will be taken as the law requires to gain compliance. '7-1�� / Agent / Manager / Representative t_ Inspecting Oflicer OCCUPANCY / ®A /C; -17� �� p DATE 'J"aJ_ , 1 LOCATION 6 � 00 �,c, 40AI.: TVA/ HOUSEKEEPING C V FD CONNECTION NA C V FIRE ALARM NA C V Unsafe Conditions X ❑ Accessible 9 ❑ Panel Accessible tg O Ceiling Assembly ❑ Maintenance ❑ Annual Test y/13 ❑ EXITWAYS /DOORS SPRINKLERSYSTEM NA PREPLAN INFORMATION Obstructed / Locked ) ❑ Pressurized & Accessible Jk ❑ Complete 11 Maintained ❑ Annual Test y1i 3 AZ ❑ New Emergency Contacts kJ 0 Proper Hardware ❑ Sprinkler Clearance 16 O ELECTRICAL FIRE EXTINGUIS S KEY BOX NA Exposed Wires jg El Required O ❑ Knox Box Required �l ❑ Extension Cords 14 ❑ Charge gged ❑ ❑ Keys Tested ja' ❑ Panel Obstructed Acce ible/Height ❑ ❑ hoc 9M7 ee ed FI Outlet ♦ ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS /Vfy UTILITY SHUTOFFS EXIT LIGHTING Charged/Tagged r ❑ ❑ Accessible k ❑ Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ IL Emero -mow+ iohts _ ❑ 14 Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ ADDRESS VISIBLE At Lights (front & rear) OL ❑ MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS %D Clearance to N ❑ Storage ❑ ❑ Identification ❑ ❑ Unsafe Conditions 9( ❑ Secured ❑ ❑ `` VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS / 6130-36 /� OC e � rn L CG`S% .� l �JV' �� ®�J 'AJOV- l-C a nt W ol, rc- Q #J 77�6 -,r� SIGNATURES.�� T <f� COMPANY OFFICER: ® REINSPECTION DATE: t' C7r J f -)101 ' REFUSAL OF INSPEI'TION I• do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. OCCUPANCY rt ✓ ! //C1�C T HOUSEKEEPING Unsafe Conditions Ceiling Assembly EXITWAYS /DOORS Obstructed / Locked Maintained Proper Hardware ELECTRICAL Exposed Wires Extension Cords Panel Obstructed Knockouts Needed GCFI Outlet EXIT LIGHTING DATE ID# �� 4 C V FD CONNECTION NA C V FIRE ALARM NA 0 ❑ Accessible `Y ❑ Panel Accessible MECHANICAL / HEAT ❑ Maintenance ❑ Annual Test ❑ SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA ❑ ❑ PREPLAN INFORMATION !�J ❑ Pressurized & Accessible ❑ Complete fn ❑ Annual Test AP ❑ New Emergency Contacts ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ❑ FIRE EXTINGUISHERS /' KEY BOX 1 ❑ Required ❑ ® Knox Box Required ❑ Charged/fagged ❑ FQ Keys Tested EV ❑ Acoessible/Height7 ❑ Hy ❑ ql ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS UTILITY SHUTOFFS Charged/Tagged ❑ ❑ Accessible Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ Emergency Lights g ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ Exit Lights � ❑ MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS 6 Clearance to ❑ Storage ❑ ❑ Unsafe Conditions Secured ❑ ❑ VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification yyC�� V .pf" ❑ t ❑ ryry�� ❑ 7- ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ !� ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ SIGNATURES Inspector Owner /Occupant Print Name COMPANY OFFICER: REINSPECTION DATE: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. OCCUPANCY lPP �/I�� NTH! t /C�t,,�� _I e J �� ' DATE LOCATION LO Zfi 0.- �'--'1�V�/1 10# �.,..3 NUUM:KEEPING C V Unsafe Conditions ❑ Ceiling Assembly ❑ EXITWAYS /DOORS ❑ Obstructed / Locked JI ❑ Maintained JQ ❑ Proper Hardware ❑ ELECTRICAL ❑ Exposed Wires '� ❑ Extension Cords �J ❑ Panel Obstructed ❑ Knockouts Needed 19 ❑ GCFI Outlet v ❑ EXIT LIGHTING Emergency Lights t ❑ Exit Lights o ❑ FD CONNECTION yrvA C �/ V Accessible ❑ ❑ Maintenance ❑ ❑ SPRINKLER SYSTEM Pressurized & Accessible ❑ ❑ Annual Test ❑ ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ❑ ❑ FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Required )► ❑ Charged/ragged ,4❑ Ac oessible/Height lC] ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS NA Charged/Tagged ❑ ❑ Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS Clearance to ❑ Storage Unsafe Conditions ❑ Secured VIOLATION in is FIRE ALARM QW Panel Accessible Annual Test PREPLAN INFORMATION Complete New Emergency Contacts KEY BOX NA Knox Box Required Keys Tested UTILITY SHUTOFFS Accessible ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19 ❑ SIGNATURES 1 PC �I Nam —� Inspectq w ccupan[ Print COMPANY OFFICER: REIN SPECTION DATE: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION I, do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. Location: 4 �? ocf 0 4iG -0.) S5` Occupancy: 6✓A rj CD AC Contact Person: q4 Y) � �_)��O-Poe' � ❑ Fire Prevention Activity � Com fiance Certificat ❑ Residential ❑ F.P. Permit f FJ ®dJLA ,�.. Date: ID #: 3 Q ®9- Phone #:--W 4 -7 ca I l5 Type of Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Fire Alarm ❑ Fire Pump ❑ Knox Box 07-6--0 ❑ Construction Site ❑ UL 300 Suppression System ❑ Sprinkler System ❑ Other T1 mCf You are hereby notified that you eithe or are to remedy the conditions stated above within hours / days of this order. Appeal fro m thi order may be made within 10 days from the date of service. Direct such appeal to the Fire Captain of the Morton Grove Fire Prevention Bureau by telephone, (847) 470 -5226, or by writing the Office of the Fire Chief, 6250 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053. lnspector t Received By: V4h�-" REINSPECTION FORM Reinspection No. Location:4�2d /) /J&kA H St Date: Name: .h ,7 h tai o L L, L (° Reinspection Date: A copy of this form has been presented to : Owner ❑ Tenant P( VIOLATIONS NOTED ON THE FIRE INSPECTION REPORT/ LETTER DATED HAVE BEEN: YCORRECTED. Thank you for cooperating with the Fire Department in its attempt to improve life safety and fire protection in the community. ❑ PARTIALLY CORRECTED. Your attention is called to the items listed below, which still need attention. A reinspection will be made on the date indicated above. ❑ IGNORED. The items originally noted on the above date are still in violation, and have been listed below for your convenience. You are hereby notified to remedy the conditions as stated below by the reinspection date indicated above, or show cause why you should not be required to do so. ❑ IGNORED. inspection visits have been made to the above location, and the violations listed below have been repeatedly ignored. This violation notice is being forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau Director, and such further action will be taken as the law requires to gain compliance. Owner / Manager / R presentative Inspecting Officer Location: Occupancy: �3 &/" dct / C' Contact Person: UI yv% C ?Y' ct 10i �a A I ❑ Fire Prevention Activity >4ompliance Certificate ❑ Residential ❑ F.P. Permit Date: a - a 4/- / (0 M-M 19 61Z Type of Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Fire Alarm ❑ Fire Pump ❑ Knox Box ❑ Construction Site ❑ UL 300 Suppression System ❑ Sprinkler System ❑ Other 'J %�il�tiv�✓� E OYGn G eiC 1'tnscoe r +V `RL✓ n M in M ov-c' /60 ke 5 c � �D14Ci ( q / f 7/ °r4a°��e rive e)c jn5Ltt's�e�5 bl�- Q C°�vY -e v✓l In1:no,T�H 7a� You are hereby notified that you either passed or are to remedy the conditions stated above within hours / days of this order. Appeal from this order may be made within 10 days from the date of service. Direct such appeal to the Fire Captain of the Morton Grove Fire Prevention Bureau by telephone, (847) 470 -5226, or by writing the Office of the Fire Chief, 6250 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053. Inspector: `w� Received OCCUPANCY /I0 (& +'ieO' II o —� °✓� DATE 2 /Y LOCATION (A- ^G,AAA y .� Wr/�� �_ ID# ply HOUSEKEEPING Unsafe Conditions Ceiling Assembly EXITWAYS /DOORS Obstructed / Locked Maintained Proper Hardware ELECTRICAL C V FD CONNECTION�tSA1 C V FIRE ALARM , `NA • I C V ❑ Accessible ��..// ❑ ❑ Panel Accessible ❑ ❑ ❑ Maintenance ////''''���� ❑ ❑ Annual Test ❑ ❑ SPRINKLER SYSTEM 6) PREPLAN INFORMATION �J ❑ Pressurized & Accessible ❑ ❑ Complete ❑ 10 ❑ Annual Test ❑ ❑ New Emergency Contacts ❑ �00 ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ❑ ❑ FIRE EXTINGUISHERS KEY BOX N� Exposed Wires ❑ Required 1GA ❑ Knox Box Required Extension Cords ❑ Charged/Tagged (0 ❑ Keys Tested Panel Obstructed �,j ❑ Accessible/Height �❑ Knockouts Needed ❑ GCFI Outlet +DO KITCHEN SYSTEMS N! UTILITY SHUTOFFS EXIT LIGHTING _ Chargedf-ragged ❑ ❑ Accessible Clean /Repair ❑ ❑ Emergency Lights ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ ADDRESS VISIBLE Exit Lights ❑ (front & rear) MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS NA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Clearance to 670 Storage ❑ ❑ Identification Unsafe Conditions ,0 ❑ Secured ❑ ❑ VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS ME ❑ ❑ SIGNATURES (Gtt A r '" 4kr Inspector !� weer /Occupant Pri e kk COMPANY OFFICER: P44- REINSPECTION DATE: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION 1• do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. OCCUPANCY 0( DATE j ` v ( ✓ LOCATION. IDq 4 HOUSEKEEPING Unsafe Conditions Ceiling Asstmbly EXITWAYS/DOORS Obstructed / Locked Maintained Proper Hardware ELECTRICAL �wC., V FO CONNECTION NA f}� ❑ Accessible ❑ Maintenance tjPr SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA ❑ Pressurized & Accessible ❑ Annual Test tom' ❑ Sprinkler Clearancre FIRE EXTINGUISHERS C V ❑ ❑ Exposed Wires ❑ Required ❑ Extension Cords ❑ Chargedlragged] ❑ Panel Obstructed ❑ Aooessible/Height �g ❑ Knockouts Needed ❑ GCFI Outlet ❑ ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEM\ J EXIT LIGHTING Charged/Tagged ❑ ❑ Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ Emergency Lights ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ Exit Lights }Y'�' ❑ MECHANICAL I HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS NA Clearance to '0 ❑ Storage ❑ Unsafe Conditions Ili ❑ Secured ❑ FIRE ALARM NA C V Panel Accessible ❑ Annual Test t"* ❑ ❑ PREPLAN INFORMATION Complete New Emergency Contacts KEY BOX / Nk ) Knox Box %�ir/ed/ Keys Tested UTILITY SHUTOFFS Accessible ■ ■ ■ ■ [■ ■ ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) �1 ❑ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification SIGNATURES COMPANY OFFICER: ✓ j Rim` 'vw koy MOW tR. Owner /Occupant Print Name REINSPECTION DATE: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION OCCUPANCY / P✓o yy.0 i- r� /�, _ C Z.�'I� V 4+0 is DATE L'/ �ry ' LOCATION 6PLfo o/n. -�1J,, IDg���^^^ yop HOUSEKEEPING C V FD CONNECTION NA C V FIRE ALARM / NA C V Unsafe Conditions %3 ❑ Accessible ❑ ❑ Panel Accessible ❑ ❑ Ceiling Assembly ❑ Maintenance 1111 Annual Test ❑ ❑ EXITWAYS /DOORS SPRINKLER SYSTEM PREPLAN INFORMATION Obstructed / Locked ❑ Pressurized & Accessible ❑ ❑ Complete ,1f1J ❑ Maintained I7 ❑ Annual Test ❑ ❑ New Emergency Contacts I�T ❑ Proper Hardware ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ❑ ❑ ELECTRICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS KEY BOX NA Exposed Wires ❑ Required ,Q] ❑ Knox Box Required ❑ ❑ Extension Cords Ve ❑ Chargedfragged ❑ Keys Tested 130 Panel Obstructed M ❑ Accessible/Height ❑ Knockouts Needed i9 ❑ /� GCFI Outlet 9 ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS /1VA J UTILITY SHUTOFFS EXIT LIGHTING Chargedfragged �� ❑ ❑ Accessible ig ❑ Clean /Repair ❑ ❑ Emergency Lights 1J ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ ADDRESS VISIBLE Exit Lights 0 ❑ (front & rear) 4f ❑❑ MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS NA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Clearance to ❑ Storage ❑ ❑ Identification ❑ ❑ _ Unsafe Conditions ❑ Secured ❑ ❑ VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS SIGNATURES Inspect or / Owner /Occupant Q— —print Name COMPANYOFFICER: L+Se„ -s REINSPECTION DATE: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION 1. do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. MORTON GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT 6250 LjNcoLNAvENuE MORTON GROVE, ILuNois 60053 847-470-5226 (Bus) 847-965-7711 (FAx) OCCUPANCY �G` //1 B. S �T� � �J j 7 LOCATION 4 %180 OR 96A✓j C V FD CONNECTION NA C V Unsafe Conditions ❑ Accessible Ceiling Assembly ❑ Maintenance EXITWAYS /DOORS SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA Obstructed / Locked / ❑ Pressurized & Accessible Maintained ❑ ❑ Annual Test L Proper Hardware �i.l ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ELECTRICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Exposed Wires Er❑ Required Extension Cords e ❑ Charged/Tagged Panel Obstructed ❑ X' Ac oessible/Height Knockouts Needed 0 ❑ GCFI Outlet Z ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS NA EXIT LIGHTING Emergency Lights iT ❑ °`{1 Exit Lights ❑ D< �� MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES Clearance to {f1❑ Unsafe Conditions CJ ❑ i IBM DATE IO�Oq�ij'� ID# FIRE ALARM NA C V Panel Accessible J.l� ❑ Annual Test u ❑ PREPLAN INFORMATION Complete ❑ New Emergency Contacts ❑ KEY BOX RT ❑ Knox Box Required P1 ❑ Keys Tested UTILITY SHUTOFFS Charged/fagged ❑ ❑ Clean/Repair 110 Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ COMPRESSED CYLINDERS (!9 Storage ❑ ❑ Secured ❑ ❑ VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS Accessible ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification IU ■ ■ ■ ■ rim 1C ❑ e.. SIGNATURES boa- Jb y.J'lA VVml 1. )II. A Inspector Owner /Occupant Print Name COMPANY OFFICER: 46 4GI /ff- 4 �L REINSPECTION DATE: 1//0 REFUSAL OF INSPECTION I. do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. i, REINSPECTION FORM Reinspection No. � S� Location: 4P DScq C WX7-V.l Ste- Date:Zotic =70 a2® /y Name: _AKB J/< /n/C Cz oL7 z /,rj (1. Reinspection Date: A copy of this form has been presented to : Owner ❑ Tenant VIOLATIONS NOTED ON THE FIRE INSPECTIG LETTER DATED 4//X HAVE BEEN: 4EIsafein CTED. Thank you for cooperating with the Fire Department in its attempt to improve life ire protection in the community. ❑ PARTIALLY CORRECTED. Your attention is called to the items listed below, which still need attention. A reinspection will be made on the date indicated above. ❑ IGNORED. The items originally noted on the above date are still in violation, and have been listed below for your convenience. You are hereby noted to remedy the conditions as stated below by the reinspection date indicated above, or show cause why you should not be required to do so. ❑ IGNORED. inspection visits have been made to the above location, and the violations listed below have been repeatedly ignored. This violation notice is being forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau Director, and such further action will be taken as the law requires to gain compliance. /e � irir✓i� Yo J Aso .e C_EJ�CoY'�G V i ®LA r7 or✓S Owner / Agent / M ager / Representative Inspecting fficer OCCUPANCY / J 1��V I }� (7 LOCATION Z ✓ `� a R HOUSEKEEPING Unsafe Conditions Ceiling Assembly EXITWAYS/D RS Obstructed / Locked Maintained Proper Hardware ELECTRICAL Exposed Wires Extension Cords Panel Obstructed Knockouts Needed GCFI Outlet EXIT LIGHTING I (rt/L, / 1 t 4 Z Z C /W( DATE 6A/ ID# Z/ FD CONNECTION NA C V FIRE ALARM NA C V Accessible Maintenance SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA ❑ ❑ Panel Accessible ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Annual Test ❑ ❑ 110 PREPLAN INFORMATION ❑ ❑ ❑ )V Pressurized & Accessible D 0 17 ❑ Annual Test ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ❑ ❑ FIRE EXTINGUISHERS min Emergency Lights ❑ ❑ Exit Lights 0 ❑ MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES Clearance to ❑ ❑ Unsafe Conditions 110 Complete ❑ ❑ New Emergency Contacts ❑ ❑ KEY BOX NA Required 17 11 Knox Box Required ❑ ❑ Charged/Tagged ❑ ❑ Keys Tested 110 Aaeessible/Height ❑ ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEM NA UTILITY SHUTOFFS Charged/Tagged ❑ O Accessible 110 Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) ❑ ❑ COMPRESSED CYLINDERS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NA Storage ❑ ❑ Identification ❑ ❑ Secured ❑ ❑ VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS LX (-r 1S &ADL (y rjL LAGlGL -�/ COMPANY OFFICER: REINSPECTION DATE: 6 ,14 k `f REFUSAL OF INSPECTION I, do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. Reinspection No. 0 S Location: AO ',1S�(p - 6Y VAie —",) Via- Datem -<J A- %, /7 21e � Name: 4 v nr,„1,i 64P Reinspection Date: A copy of this form has been presented to : Owner ❑ enant Q VIOLATIONS NOTED ON THE FIRE INSPECTION EPORT LETTER DATED + 7 � HAVE BEEN: CORRECTED. Thank you for cooperating with the Fire Department in its attempt to improve life otection in the community. ❑ PARTIALLY CORRECTED. Your attention is called to the items listed below, which still need attention. A reinspection will be made on the date indicated above. ❑ IGNORED. The items originally noted on the above date are still in violation, and have been listed below for your convenience. You are hereby notified to remedy the conditions as stated below by the reinspection date indicated above, or show cause why you should not be required to do so. ❑ IGNORED. inspection visits have been made to the above location, and the violations listed below have been repeatedly ignored. This violation notice is being forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau Director, and such further action will be taken as the law requires to gain compliance. 77i79- X Manager / Representative 2�=Q CJ Inspecting Officer OCCUPANCY Z4'M J^) ; 4�01Z409 DATE A e• J--7, aZO /J LOCATION (9,a jrV ^(, °/ 014-K'Toj ID# S6 / HOUSEKEEPING C V FD CONNECTION NA Unsafe Conditions ❑ Accessible Ceiling Assembly ❑ Maintenance EXITWAYS /DOORS SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA Obstructed / Locked ❑ Pressurized & Accessible Maintained ❑ Annual Test Proper Hardware 9 ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ELECTRICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Exposed Wires 1,, ❑ Required Extension Cords 1( ❑ Chargedrragged 511,j Panel Obstructed 4 ❑ Accessible/Height Knockouts Needed 0 ❑ GCFI Outlet ild ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS INA/ C V FIRE ALARM NA C V N ❑ Panel Accessible k ❑ ❑ Annual Test ❑ PREPLAN INFORMATION i9 ❑ Complete W ❑ .b ❑ New Emergency Contacts $i ❑ X KEY BOX nl ❑ Knox Box Required ❑ ❑ hf ❑ Keys Tested ❑ ❑ UTILITY SHUTOFFS EXIT LIGHTING Charged/Tagged ❑ ❑ Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ mergency Lights ❑ Class K Extinguisher ❑ ❑ tx1 �g s !� ❑ MECHANICAL I HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS r Clearance to V ❑ Storage ❑ ❑ Unsafe Conditions 0 ❑ Secured ❑ ❑ VIOLATION DESCRIPTIONS 7 M ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) �CCC ❑eee HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification ❑ ❑ GlG cbr- SIGNATURES COMPANY OFFICER: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION �°-- I, do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. : z� REINSPECTION FORMA Reinspection No. Location: 64 7&4-4 6a k To n S-/- Date: Name: L � A �o r l <S L C Reinspection Date: A copy of this form has been presented to : Owner ❑ Tenantg VIOLATIONS NOTED ON THE FIRE INSPECTION EPORT LETTER DATED /D � /S -HAVE BEEN: CORRECTED. Thank you for cooperating with the Fire Department in its attempt to improve life VVV safety and fire protection in the community. ❑ PARTIALLY CORRECTED. Your attention is called to the items listed below, which still need attention. A reinspection will be made on the date indicated above. ❑ IGNORED. The items originally noted on the above date are still in violation, and have been listed below for your convenience. You are hereby notified to remedy the conditions as stated below by the reinspection date indicated above, or show cause why you should not be required to do so. ❑ IGNORED. inspection visits have been made to the above location, and the violations listed below have been repeatedly ignored. This violation notice is being forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau Director, and such further action will be taken as the law requires to gain compliance. W 0 er /,.(agent / Manager / Representative yr °G", S fr� h z 01k1 M Officer Occupancy: 1. k A / e+ worts LL C ID #: Contact Person: 1 Qy i k ' �k a n Z Phone #: 3/7- V31- % % 6 % ❑ Fire Prevention Activity Compliance Certificate ❑ Residential ❑ F.P. Permit Type of Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Fire Alarm ❑ Fire Pump ❑ Knox Box ❑ Construction Site ❑ UL 300 Suppression System ❑ Sprinkler System ❑ Other LJX� YIyt /'ei /ercgp h C /ICJ roe.> You are hereby notified that you either passed or are to remedy the conditions stated above within hours / days of this order. Appeal from this order may be made within 10 days from the date of service. Direct such appeal to the Fire Captain of the Morton Grove Fire Prevention Bureau by telephone, (847) 470 -5226, or by writing the Office of the Fire Chief, 6250 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053. Inspector: ,41 / 4 Received B QMORTON MORTON —, FIRE DEPARTMENT 6250 LJNcoLN Avemur .D 0 Locatic Name: REINSPECTION • Reinspection No. Date: J l' I J Reinspection Date: A copy of this form has been presented to : Owner ❑ Tenant VIOLATIONS NOTED ON THE FIRE INSPECTIP REPO / LETTER DAT n ED �" ? 105�HAVE BEEN: CORRECTED. Thank you for cooperating with the Fire Department in its attempt to improve life safety and fire protection in the community. ❑ PARTIALLY CORRECTED. Your attention is called to the items listed below, which still need attention. A reinspection will be made on the date indicated above. ❑ IGNORED. The items originally noted on the above date are still in violation, and have been listed below for your convenience. You are hereby noted to remedy the conditions as stated below by the reinspection date indicated above, or show cause why you should not be required to do so. ❑ IGNORED. inspection visits have been made to the above location, and the violations listed below have been repeatedly ignored. This violation notice is being forwarded to the Fire Prevention Bureau Director, and such further action will be taken as the law requires to gain compliance. Owner / Agfnt / Manager /IRepresentative Inspecting Officer Location: U✓ /�J Occupancy: /// G o d cc !� �C✓i!ir! se's �,/� Contact Person: (S �r C'r .0 // / 2 ❑ Fire Prevention Activity Kompliance Certificate ❑ Residential ❑ F.P. Permit Date: Y'd'?` /S/ ID#: Phone #: JP 7- 33%- S6 Z Type of Inspection ❑ Complaint ❑ Fire Alarm ❑ Fire Pump ❑ Knox Box ❑ Construction Site ❑ UL 300 Suppression System ❑ Sprinkler System ❑ Other �7r!%/xw 51 r ���� t o>/e r o { c�a r nt crll Ye& lr //� - �— pr t�tYR. 2XT!✓�ru,S�ne✓S h/2CC Q fftftrin lnj�cTcor 71�-v Ir rA etP c Tr, You are hereby notified that you either passed or are to remedy the conditions stated above within hours / days of this order. Appeal from this order may be made within 10 days from the date of service. Direct such appeal to the Fire Captain of the Morton Grove Fire Prevention Bureau by telephone, (847) 470 -5226, or by writing the Office of the Fire Chief, 6250 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053. Inspector: L& 1�� Received By: OCCUPANCY &L ✓ I' W 1 Q DATE 6' LOCATION ID# f 0r ke HOUSEKEEPING C V FD CONNECTION NA Unsafe Conditions �-' ❑ Accessible Ceiling Assembly ❑ Maintenance EXITWAYS /DOORS i SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA Obstructed / Locked ,� ❑ Pressurized & Accessible Maintained ❑ Annual Test Proper Hardware 9 ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ELECTRICAL r FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Exposed Wires ❑ Required Extension Cords ❑ Charged/Tagged Panel Obstructed ❑ Accessible /Height Knockouts Needed i� ❑ GCFI Outlet ❑ ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS / ANA EXIT LIGHTING Charged/Tagged 1 \JI Clean /Repair Emergency Lights ❑ Class K Extinguisher Exit Lights ❑ tg C V FIRE ALARM NA C V ■ l ■ �r ■ ■ ■ i1r w MECHANICAL I HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS NA Clearance to N ❑ Storage ❑ ❑ Unsafe Conditions 17❑ Secured ❑ ❑ Panel Accessible p Annual Test ❑ ❑ PREPLAN INFORMATION Complete New Emergency Contacts KEY BOX NA Knox Box Required ❑ ❑ Keys Tested ❑ ❑ UTILITY SHUTOFFS Accessible] ❑ ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear)1 ❑ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification ❑ ❑ • : Jf" DATE HOUSEKEEPING C/V Unsafe Conditions _❑ Ceiling Assembly ❑ EXITWAYS /DOORS Obstructed / Locked 4a ❑ Maintained ❑ Proper Hardware j�' ❑ ELECTRICAL Exposed Wires❑ �❑ Extension Cords ❑ Panel Obstructed ❑ Knockouts Needed ❑ GCFI Outlet X ❑ EXIT LIGHTING Emergency Lights fi ❑ Exit Lights /❑ FD CONNECTION NA C V Accessible X❑ Maintenance X0 SPRINKLER SYSTEM NA Pressurized & Accessible p J ❑ Annual Test 21 ❑ Sprinkler Clearance ;° ❑ FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Required /❑ Charged/Tagged ❑ W( Accessible/Height /d_( ❑ KITCHEN SYSTEMS Charged/ragged ❑ ❑ Clean/Repair ❑ ❑ Class K Extinguisher 130 MECHANICAL / HEAT APPLIANCES COMPRESSED CYLINDERS � Clearance to Storage Unsafe Conditions jd` ❑ Secured ■ ■ ■ VIOLATION nFRCPIPTInMR FIRE ALARM NA C V Panel Accessible / ❑ Annual Test X❑ PREPLAN INFORMATION Complete X ❑ New Emergency Contacts X ❑ KEY BOX NA g1j,41et Knox Box Required �❑ Keys Tested fay ❑ UTILITY SHUTOFFS Accessible �❑ ADDRESS VISIBLE (front & rear) ❑ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Identification❑ ❑� SIGNATURES - y[7�C'_"__ Inspecto7ry� "" Owner/Occupant Print Nam � COMPANY OFFICER: &� ?r ` REINSPECTION DATE: REFUSAL OF INSPECTION I, do hereby refuse authorized representatives of the Morton Grove Fire Department entry into my business premises for the conduction of a Fire Inspection. 7Cj t� C� �4