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2015-03-09 Board Agenda
E,GUL AR N4EETT N G N 0` IC E /.AGENDA TO BE 1-11 "_L A � ;'lc; 7iSC;PiARi i'. FLICZ.i iC EF t✓ INICTPf l 5 R SCF1JLION (10NF i E EP F f U'vi March �, 2015 6*0 pm) . (The hour between 6:00 grad ?: 00m i sc t side for xe oSioP n per ),- 5- 171A of Me Villcrg>e of Morton grove Municilgal lode. If he figenda does not include an Executive Session, tdae meeting will begin at 7:001)m'.) Gall to, v)rder of Aliegiance 3. Executive Session (if rt,€la�e.Sted), 11THEM J LLANCTE OF THE cE�",�TT NG SHALL COMMENCE !" Cis AT 1006. P IN THE COUNCIL Cll ?ON E S F THE RICI$`ARD/ T. FWelCKINGER MIUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Mecdng Pledge of Allegiait4zw. 6. Roll C'all /. Approvap oL minutek 9. Sp9ea^.W Reports u. 1 Y:;iC,nta.'1Ji! G P1an �(}r1n1155fOi::.aS', :, r,,: �, �) 1LeGLi11 II / ppl "OV$l C71 d �} .,:2i iJ5 !'e. ml1 , f ©r a Medical/Dc ntal Office ocates at the Address Tess C omnsonhr ICnovn `�7C Derxp,r ^.trcet to l;e made h;''Nalcf Radzevich. `Gmmunhv and conoruc De al }Ts ent: Directs: — 0. aaE�llc Heft "irlevs — i:esusieaats' Comment(; aaa sn za Vents ran'sy) 're ad¢aa`s lcets rrt - Adnzinisaratiorg _Northwest lunici�a(Conierence, Council o; lulavars, �r� ar✓g tr, flan, ConYVehensive Plan a. Proclamation - Lights Out s, exrica Earlh Hou .. Mparch N. 20i i,. Mlavora! Update.rReviev,; i2. C' ler€' s Report - Connnuntty],WationsCommiSsion Staff Raports a. V/Piiag,I Administrator Overview of the Term Sheet for 5700 Waukegan Road ') �iscelianeous Reports and updates h. Corporation Cnunsei 14. Repomby Trustees ". Trustee C reaa, -- !'ire Department; Dnergency Management Agenep, RED Center, Dire and Police Commission, Police Department, Police Paciliw Comtnitiec, Chamber of Commerce (TI-Ustee Hlitlro) b. �'raastee Ta/f ai °seas -- Advisor v Commission on /lging, Family artd Senior Services Depa�tnaent, Finance AdvisoV;v Commission, (Condominium Association, Social Service Committee (alternate} (Trustee Teth) a Trustee E'ietron - Appearance Commission, P,uiiding Deparirnew, 'T Communications, Cornmunity and Economic Development Department, L'r°andinglMorketing trustee ThiZl; I) Resolution 15 -16 (Introduced March 9, 2015) Approving a 1 ersn Sheet and Authorizing Drafting of an Economic incentive and Tax Increment Allocation Financing Redevelopment Agreement ( "FDA ") by and beiween the Viiiagrre and F-Ieardand Peal Estate Paiftners, LLC'. d. Trustee Thill - Public Works Department, Soho' Waste Agency o {Northern Cook county, 7'raf7"ac Barely Commission, N /aukegan Road 7fr LehighiFer, is 7I%, Dempster Street C10rria Plan (Trustee Pietron) I) Resoiution 1' -g 7 (introducedh /arch 9, 2015) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Schroeder and Schroeder, Inc. for the 2015 Concrete Repiaccement Program - - L, le,® ;it <s hp Trustees 6drsratinuea ;, d. drusteo ".r hi i (Continuedi 3) Resoiution '151-18 (introduced M arch Q, 2075) Ililthf7r zIn =:. the AC ptance Or. a 1\4atcrial Proposal from Ozinga. Read. \di.: C oric= "etc, me. for the 2015 Materia Purchasing Protzram - Concret %es iutican 1'<;_i (Introduced Marcia 9, 2015) Authorizing the Execution of a. Contract with Precision Pavement IviiA Ings. hu- i0!: tile 2015 Pavemeni Marking Nogram Resolution I') -2( (introduced illiarch 9, 2015] Authorizing the Acceptance of a Pvlaterlal Proposal irem Airova ?load Constrniction C.ompany for the 2015 Material Purchasing Program -Asphalt 5) ibesoiution tS -21 (Introduced At /arch?, 2015) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with C lnieagoianci Paving C maractors, line. far the 2015 Street Patching Progrann e. TTrustee, Toth - Fliwnce Department, Capital Pr oiects, Envirorunental Hc-alth, Naturalliesource Commission (Trustee Marcusj tbrdina€ ce 3 -Ply (rntroca'arced,' caiirucr , 9, 2fI! >} (, econd I {eadin<) Authorizing the Village to Document ti Termination of Special' Service Area Numb".- i Truster Witko -I opal, Plan ConunissionlZoninl; Board trfiippeal :,, NIPST4 Straie(ric Picts Coraamiuee, Economic Development Commission, S"oc'czi Service Loom zivse tTrusiee Grearl 1) Ordinance + -04 (Introduced March `', 2015) (r'irsi iecrdznc =j Approving, a Special Use Permit icr a M;;ciical /1 ental i ?i1icc for Chii rep's i} va %fnid at tin, I`r I .;t \' t,Oeate at 5"2/' 0'rJ °i1? 3C i itree , ; z10 ton E r )} , L Ln76i5 �f} J otlie[ Business +.ii. Presentation as: W:arrBnts: 5235,419.46 17. Residents" Cornments i 8. Executive Session, - Persomnel 1 \r att , t abc '' eaotration S, P,endin7 Litigaiion, and Deal :state 19. Aa joui-nmesnt - To ensure full accessibihn) and equal participation for all interested citizens, indfvi uals With d abilities Hzho,oian to attend and who reazzire certain occomrnodations in order to observc andior participate m tnis rneetrng; or who have qu >stions regarding the accessifiilte7� ofthese facititl s, are regeeeszed io contact Susrtn or Mariene (847/471 -220) promptiy to allow the Villa,)e to make reasonable acconinzoaxions. brihae`R. a..-`, President and Board oc a m5teecS 'd +' anri=L Ctsairperson Pro Yerr6, Plan CFFmmiw.`~1ion Nancy fvu6dzetd9chF AICF, CoSYRE"67uniigi and Ec.oG9oS4 i..-, u`".•beM1BF.'lQBpment Nrectcy, DQ }minicE A. ArS&o-&medo, A`'IG: P, '"Yson9ng, AG F1`r6iH'6 �5trk atQ;&S"/Laam- ,Use'. P'N anner," Daten March 5, 202:1 ye; ur°ua�AGn l,aBG"C'66'B�fis:aPE3rz l`'i35u ""�..`. ti,G. it.,, t�M'In6 drmin's Denta HW arid, request fix- a S zecraa Use Permit for "Medadar Dental Offilae in accordance Wi lth Section 12- 4 -3 -Dr (Unified.. Devreiopment Code, OR a# 2 -07) at SE26 Dempster :strut, Morton Grove, 11 Commission €tes gj±.. Public Hearina Notice The Village provided public notice of PC 14 1-9 fos the February 26, 2025 Plan Commission public hearing in accordance whir the Unified Development Code, The PloneerPre s published the public notce on Januar 29, 2025, and the Village nailed letters notifying surrounding property owners and a public notice sign was placed at the subject property on February 6, 2015. Back, rq ound Dr. Sam Park, owner of Children 's Dental World, is seeking a speciai use permit for "Medical /Dental Office" to operate at 5826 Dempster Street in the CI. Genera= Commercial zoning dlStrlCt. The t:.. Zonil`ig CJIStrlct reCjifIre" u SpeCiai Lis r}ermit for all `�Vlediral /Dental Office" operations, The subject proper is located at the nortnwes`., i:orme'r of DermSter Street and Mansileid Avenue and is improved with a 2,70© sq ft., one -story building. The proper i am ently includes three ;',3j off street parking spaces directly behind (north of) the building, C`7verview of the F,00iication Children's Dental World is a dental practice twat focuses on pediatric dental care. The applicant is proposing to relocate and expand his practice frorn 6046 Dempster to the nevv 5826 Dempster oration. The applicant has operated his business in its current location for the past rive yeas anti also operates another Children's Dental World practice at 2959 S. VVisliace Street, Chicago, The new 5826 Dempster Street location would allow the applicant to expand his Morton Grove dental practice. Tn; -' applicant proposes to increase the number of dental chairs from three (3) to six (6), with a total SLa'`f cf six (6). in addition to fir. Park, the staff is comprised of two (2) dental assistants, two (2) recep'tionists and one riJ dual-trained dental assistant /receptionist. As the office operates in Shifts, a r'4`iaxlr:l`.tm of five 151 staff members includinCi Dr, Parr will as on site at one time. The hours of operation would De consistent with his current Morton Grove practice, as r"oliowc: Nionoav- IOAM tc� -6Piv, TuesciayS anc TnUrS S 7Aiv to 5Pf ;Wednesdays i1F N to 6?(Ui boa M- RepIN'c- Mar:11 51 2015 PC 14-19: CDW JDeaal Use '=rlda`,,!s 9AMIt to 5PM (receptionist onit,�, no dental s-mr'); and one (_,i Saturday per mont"1 ir6m 9AMi to 2 °M. Pari<ino Demand Per the Unified Development Code, "The anal parRrrra required for each sire la! use shall be decr`deci by the viliage board based on the submitted, independent traffic and parking study anc` anfi rGr-9 recommendation or study prepares` by the village staff ar village e01su11rants or any pertinent village commission and the recommendatlon of the plan commmission." Section 12- 7 -3 -8) A traffic impact study, prepared by AES Services, dated November 201.4, was submitted with the application. Per the traffic study, the applicant anticipates they would have a maximum of six (67 patients per day per dental chair (6) for is total of 36 patients over the course of the day. Since the applicant frequently sees multiple children from the same f arniiy during one visit, AES Services determined that the totai number of vehicles trips could be reduced by a multiplier of 0.751 resulting in a total of 27 projected patient vehicle trips per day, Per that traffic study, PEES Services used this data and determined that nine (9) parking spaces would be required for this use, as follows: "...Assuming 5 spots for the staff, and using a conservative estimate of 27 patient vehicles during 7 hours, an additionaE 4 spots would be required for a total of 9 pars <ing spaces during peal-, usage. " Using this information, staff provides the following parking analysis chart: Parking Requirement peer Traffic Study Bcanding f Site i Parkine Demand Proposed Parking Difference paer Traffic Study znigsaces 5836 Dempster J, 9 (5 spoUs for staff 3 on-site parking 55 parking .Fvaee i,. and 4 spots for 1 Spaces E9e$AFt Public Parkino Avallab �ilitx There are three (3) existing public parallel parkin-,, spaces alone_ the west side of Viansfield Avenue, immediately ad)acent to this building, and nine (9) public angled parking spaces on the east side of Mansfield Avenue. Further, there is a twenty -two (22) space pubiic parking lot directly (5825 Dempster) across the street from the subject property. Staff notes that twelve of those spaces are reserved for exclusive use by 5853 West Dempster (currently occupied b}% Orman Chiropractic), which was negotiated as part of the terms of sale of the parking lot parcel to the V €llage. As such, that municipal lot has a total of tarp (fan,) unreserved pubiic parking spaces. As part of their parking study, AES Services conducted a paridno survey of the existing pubic parl<Ing spaces on Mansfield Avenue and the public parking lot across Dempster Street (5825 Dempster Street). The parking sun(ey Was conducted between the hours of 12:30 PMi and 5:30 PM( on Tuesday September 15, 2015. During the survey period, AES Services observed that 3-4 of the twelve (12) public parldna spaces along Mansfield were typically available, while 5 -8 of the u n r n'ei-vmd SpaC2S Were typically available In the public parking lot across t e SLYee. - Board Pepo,t_ iu,a""", PE ,c_i J. CDV/ Special Use On Site Parkino S,caff notes that because of the change In use and proposed modifications to the structure, the applicant will be required to provide one accessible parking space, per the ADA code, in previous iterations of the parking study, presented to the T raffrec Safety Commission and Man Commission, the applicant had Suggested that they WOUld Ureter to maintain ali three (3 ) on -Site parking Spaces as SLandrird SpaC °_S, for their Stair. In II?u o` Convei dng ar li on-sim space, me,, applicant haC proposed to convert one of the parallel spaces along Mansfield Avenue to an ADA compliant parking space. However, prior to the Plan Commission public hearing, the applicant submitted ar7 addendum to their Traffic Study, dated Februan/ 15, 2815, in which their ti affic consultants notes ti ;at there is a greater benefit to retain the street parking, as is, since it serves all area businesses and, instead, the applicant will be updating the existing parking layout to provide the required one (1) ADA compliant parking space on -site. Staff notes that as ADA compliant parking spaces are required to be a minimum of 16 ft. wide, as such, it is expected the total number of parking s ®aces on -site will be reduced from three to bivc spaces. Applicant Parking P{an The applicant proposes to utilize a combination of on -site parking with public parking to meet the banking demand for the proposed use. Per the submitted traffic study and addendum, the applicant proposes to accommodate staff parking demand by utilizing the one (1) standard on -site parking space and four (4) area public Parking_ spaces. Specifically, D°. "aril, will be encouraging his staff to park in the municipal lot (across Dempster; and/or in the parking spaces along Marmora or Nienard as a means to try to keep as marry spaces along Mansfield open, throughout the day, for patients. LDI Parr: also stated that he will encourage his staff to take public transportation and car pool to further assist with area parking. The applicant anticipates that expected patient peak hour parking demand (4 spaces will be accommodated through available public parking on either side of ivlansheld Avenue. In addluon, the ADA compliant space in the rear will be available for patients that have accessibility Challenges. By encouraging staff to park a little more remotely, the _proposed parking management was specifically developed to minimize the walking distance of parents and their Childrers, to and from the office. Plan Parking Derr;and Staff Patient -- — Nine (9) total spaces Five (5) Spaces Required: Four 141 SoaCeS Requ(rec: projected Per peak One (1) on -site pari:ing space; One (1) ADA on -site parkin , parking darnand Pour C4} public parking spaces space (Staff will be encouraged the m Public parking spaCas along 5825 Dempster Street public Nransheld lot, and public pa kung spa -es Additional public spaces along along Miarmora 0 McYiai dj Miar more and Menard I Board Repo, - March 7, 2uI_-a PC #14 -16: CDVV Special Use Parking Challenges at 5£326 Dempster Due to the limited number of ors -site parking spaces in relation to the size of the building, the 5626 Dempster Street location Is a difficult site to re- tenant. While the applicants proposed dental office use requires a spedlal use and associated parking waive", mb3t other by-right bu51r1eSS °S wound likely also have difficulty meeting the parking requirements established in the ordinances and such business owners would also need to seek parking waivers. While retail and geneai of ice uses are allowed by -right in the C1 Commercial District, both uses have the same parking requirement as a medical /dental office (1. space per 250 sql ft.), and would have a base level requirement of 1_= parking spaces. A restaurant would have even a higher parking requirement of 1 space per 150 sq. fl., which would result. in an 18 space parking requirement. Tfferefore, staff notes that the question is not if a commercial entity would need parking waivers to occupy this vacant commercial space, but whether the extent of the waiver and /or the nature of the business operations (hours, staffing levels, projected customers /patients and turn -over rates, etc.) could be accommodated through a use of or. -site and available public parking. February 16, 2015 Public Nearing Mr. Argumedo introduced the case and summarized the Plan. Commission staff report. dated February 11, 2015 into the public record. Dr. Park reviewed his intentions to move to 5826 Derpster Street. He noted that in November; the case went before the Traffic and Safety Commission (TSC) and he addressed concerns about scow removal and garbage bin placement. En discussion with Village staff prior to the Pian Commission hearing Staff identified some challenges with parking availability. Dr. Park rioted that he worked with the Village to accomplish a parking management plan that would utilize available commercial public and on -sit parking and would discourage staff and patients from parking in the adiacent residential areas. Dr. Park will encourage staff to utilize public parking at the public lot across Dempster Street or public parking along Niarmora and Menard along with available on -site parl:,ing. I e expels that this would help ensure that his patients would be able to utilize available public parking along Mansn"eld. Commissioner Dorgan asked for Clarification as to why the proposed staff at the nevv location would be one less while the number of operatory chairs would double from current locatior; at 61046 Dempster Street. Dr. Park indicated that, currently, the Morton Grove Children`s Dental World practice operates with three (3) operato y chairs, but this is not compatible with ;row he would like to operate his prig tide. With three (S) Chairs, his practice tends to focus on chair turnover more than they would like. The additional chairs at the new location will allow staff to spend more time with each patient, which is more in line with hour Fie would prefer to run his practice. Children's Dental World prides itself on customer service and the extra operatories works best with the preferred business model. Commissioner Shimansi6 referenced the parking addenduri that Dr. Park submitted to the Plan Commission on February 1, 2015 and noted a concern with the proposed use of the ADA space 4 5;oary Repo ° Ilaf "Chi J, 20 t PC #114 -I9: CDW Special Use by staff. He recommended striking item 3, from the addendum, which stated that the F.G compliant parking space could be used by staff when not being used by a vehicle with a disabled patron. He noted that such use is a potential ilabillty and in violation of State regulations and therefore should not be applied. Thie applicant agreed. Staff` notes that tble redsed pa•,rltingP/arr, submrtted after the P /an Con Tn 5ion, ensures ti ,ie soace will be crssci only for Ar�A parxrng. '.omrnissloner Khan stated that she is a property owne' across the street at 5822 W Dempster and for the record she states that this would not lrnDugn her impartiality to hear this case. Commissioner Khan inquired if Dr. Park had talked to the neighbors about this parking issue. Park stated he did inquire about renting spaces with the owner to the immediate west !SH:tU Dempster) which is for sale. The potential buyer stated he is interested in possibly renting two 12 spaces to Dr, Park for his practice. Dr. Park had not talked to the chiropractor to the east or to the owners to the south. Mr. Argumedo noted that before any space could be rented, the Viiiaae would need to review and ensure that the 5830 Dempster Street location is still compliant with Village parking regulations. Commissioner Khan also inquired if sedation is done in this office, and if so, that would require an additional space for the anesthesiologist. Dr. Park explained that sedation is only done in the Chicago office and there is a possibility that it world be done in this location but ii would not be more than 6 times per year. Dr. Park stated that when sedation is done at this location, the office would be closed except for that one patient receiving care. Public Hearing— Public Comment Chairperson Fro Terri Gabriel asked if anyone was present that wanted to be heard on this case.: No one asked to speak. Public Hearino —Board Discussion and !Iota Chairperson Pro Tern Gabriel asked for a motion to approve Case PC I4 -19. ...ornmissioner. Dorgan made a motion to recommend approval of the request to grant a Special Use permit j,07 Children's Dental World to operate a Dental 'Dfrice use at 5826 Demoste" Street, with the following condltions: 1. The site shall be developed and operated in accordance with the clans and supporting documents in the application, including: A, Proposed Site Plan, submitted by AES, revised dated Marcri 2bFi' B. Proposed Hoar Plan, submitted by Moser Design Studio, dated October 1, 2Q14 C. Traffic Impact Study, submitted by FEES, revised dated March 2 015 ?. Thre applicant shall Comply with; all recommendations from the Traffic i) Commission, In accordance wit t ffieiL recommendation dated NovemberQr.) - .4, as follows: Fl. They applicant shall provide adequate anv timely snow removal of tine [two i,r }; ori-sste. parking spaces; NJoa r'o Reran' IViar:-..tl PC #14_119: CDN,( Special Use 71 _. Prior to the Issuance of any accupancy permits, the applicant shall submit all necessarY plans and applications to meet ADA accessibility requirements to the Director of Public works, Village Engineer and' Building Official for review and approval;, �. ;he applicant shah comply with the final, approved parking management rslan 'includes jr-, the revised Traffic Study, dated March 2015, Further, the applicant shall advise staff and patrons of all available commercial public parking options, in the area, and encourage against parking in the adjacent residential neighborhoods. If the applicant decides to increase the number of dental chairs, beyond six (6), or staffing levels beyond the proposed maximum of five (5), the applicant shall be required to submit an updated paring stud; to the Director f Community and Economic Develapment and Village Engineer. Such study should include an updated parking survey and an updated parking plan describing how such increased parking demand will be accommodated. Such increases in the intensity of the use may require an amendment to the Special Use permit. 0. This special use application is granted based or. the operations of the Children's Dental World, based on the submitted application. Any change in operations or ownership would require an amendment to the special use permit. The motion was seconded by Cornmissione'r Gillespie. The amendment was unanimously recommended for approval 5-0. (Commissioners Blonz and Chairperson Farkas absent) r: 4r 7 �iS Lili)Lc�L�ir" L,)) �`'aLtPTMit ✓,llil= i_�',C"Ci'�'?' Wi]E"I'L- `d, our nations use of energ Continue le. nlCrease which is elu im) detrimental effec ts on tile, world's climate: and WHEREAS, the sustafnabili v o our nation's eneTgv as well as the efl cis if ; Ina V inn o, tl"1e world is a matte "01:"imponance to the resme21ts of the Vila". °, Iii Morton G " °ove now and. in the future; and `%t%i ` _'''A.S.`r it has been estimated aurnino off nonessential J ;ants {poi` one hour e"ould ; av^ '. as much as fifteenn, percent of the energy consurried on an average Saturday night; aid WHEREAS. these enerov savi11gs couid reduce carf)on eillfSShonS 3I1to the air. prese"V° the natural resources used to produce this energy, and set a poshive precedent for our nation, I esulting in ongoing reduced costs YI;r thr N illa.gc's ta .paVerS and businesses of lVlortorl Gro1 -e9 and WHf'REAS, E arlh Hour in an inidalfive to turr': off the ll (Tiits In Cities ar()tlnd the worlcl . for one h.Clt[r Stal'$ll1g at ':�li p1:,.i ioear' tt;1i.:: and lastinu until. 9:30 pm on Mar Cl 2b, 21,t1 vJl1,I;n will helyt7 dornonstiatC Workino together each of Us can mak ".. a positive imnact on Carbor! dioxide emissions and the world cliITiatc; and W}-Ir,KEA.h. Earth floe" encour ai es communities, bush- iosse.:3, aI1Ci. Inct Vldtlals LO tal<:" simple steps needed. to Cut these Carbon ciio/..l.d °ermssloP.s; aInd ✓l-FE EAS', Earth Hour he`ran in 20G7 in Sid?lev Austraila where Companies; government departments, families, and individuals ti 'li c oF^non- essential lightm(� for one hour a' 11:30 pn-,k as a step towards reducing that -ityJ s sheen house gas polm -Lion: and WI- FER.EAS, parCiciDation. in :' iglu Ouf. tlrnel La --?' arth .!7rCIur Wou!s . p3'ovid.e til residents of the VHIage of Morton Grove with insights into the impact of light poiludon . and allow them to witness firsthand the bcln. Tits of repuja:ung hghthmg " IFREFO�i ,', Daniel P. DiM ria, Mavor of the Vilage of �liton �rovc4, Ellino.s, do herby proclann Iglarch 28, 20'...'. as L) GHTS OUT AMERICA. — EAR7H HOUR h- A/101 -ton. trot%(:` oy recommendtno to all Its res➢.dents and businesses to participate, on a. Voluntasy i7asIs, and turf off.- all nori- esscmia nofits ':.orn S:')") pion to C._$fl om on this can, nave hl.ICLlnto set ryl i; ha :li1r{ caused to b �fi�red the seal of °the `�%iliaoe of Morton r.ir�,ve. r l�� 7 aaie' P. 2`ailVllaria, ` fldage .sresidm -t R�,tso�ufiort 15-IV I vsPROVING A TERM :sH''` >; ` tt.INT),, AT TTH0PjT`NG DR F""Rhd OF AN ECONOMIC Nd" M1r' E dCE I:' "; E rE AND 3s 7'AR' x er E ME N7 ALLOCATION _ FE N b r E?IEDEVE G E"i�F�;F;T ACURE ,!`tsRP1NT ( "a DA151 BY ANE,t BETWEEN THE VILLAGE EE MORTON GROVE, J NO w AkND EEAR'T"T AND REAL L y l A Tt�. PARTNERS, L " introduced: 1 March 9, 2015 Synopsis: i j This resolution will approve a term sn et and authorize the drafting o: an economic incentive and tax increment allocation financing redev iopmentaareem>nt(Rrvt. by and otween the village of Morton Urov •, 11 and heartland Real Estate °arrncas, LhC. For the redevelopment of the propert. ideated fit II700 Wau(cegan Road, Morton 61'ove. Purpose: Heartland Real Estate. Panne ,, LLC is seeking to redevelop 3.5 acres of nronerty at 8700 Wauke>a an itoad wioi a mixed -use development consisting of a midaiseiesidential rental huiltdm2 slid two freestanding commercial buildings. The development is not eeomm�ically feasible unless the Village provides TTF assistance, 13acYsL*rau ®cE: Over the past several Dears the area within the vicinity of the intersectiorY of Dempsi. t and Waul cash has experienced declining property values. and vacan i "s. This decline has had an adver,c effect on surrounding pronorfies_ After holdine required public ineetmos and hoarin us, the Vi liful c porsuant to Ord inance, No, I'y -34 approved a Tax liner omen t Redevelopment Plan and ]f reject Area, Ordinance No. 12" > > nesignated file Dempster( Wauke tianRedevelopmentHojectfermia and Ordinance No, 11-36 i6 adopted Tax Increment I Allocation Financing (collectively, "TIF Ordinances"), which established the Dempster /Waukegan Tax increment Finance Redevelopment Project Area ( "TIF Dfstrici"). f+pprox'mately 16 months a0c, ficatttand Real Lsuhl- °armei ,. I L C began discussions with the Village. regarding tfie pones ial redevelopment of the, 5700 Waukegan Road properly, which is located in the DempsterMaukegan TIF District. This pronvily is at) i oximately 3.54 acres in area and is currently [ improved with an obsoletd 1 and 2 story 61,985 sq. ft. building that has significant vacancies and structural issues. The developer has proposed to build a tnttlti tory restdennaJ building for approximately i % new rental units and two separate commetctal buildings which will consist of approximat Iv 16,000 sp tt of retail space, based on the results of a real estate nnukcl analysis. Tile development will have new underground utilities and a detention system compliant with Nt WPS standards, The developer and Village staff n n sieve the new development will improve the area and be a catalyst fm nev, additional redevelopment. On June l4, 2010- Inc Vi'i tge Board authorized staff to negotiate afirrsncial incentive anreo,menrceitit the developer, Over tnc past several months, staff along with Kane McKenna and Rolland and ICni_ht the { Village's TIF consultants and legal counsel. negotra-u^,d the terms for the deal, which will provide. 5,6,900,000 in financial assistance. The ferns for the financial assistance are detailed in the attached'xnn she t. dated February 4, 2015, and include the following: I 1. y600,000 cash payment upon issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the Residential Building, a minimum of 25 °20 occupancy of the residential unite, and completion of the Commercial Buildings to indusny "Vanilla Box" standards (building shell with roof and exterior finishes and 9� utilities stubbed to the buildin,(;); I To to $4,700,000 in TIF financing assistance, paid out through the incremental property faxes generated by their investmen' in the redevelopment of the Site, tip to the developer's projected value . for that incremental increase, less tine statutory required payments to the schools. Programs, Departs or !soups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload impact: Ademin Recommend: Seeodnc, Ill eadine: Special Consider or ➢3,epuirements: 3. Up to $600.000 in TIF financial assistance, paid out through a 50/50 split between the Village and the developer on anp supplemental incremental property taxes generated by this proiec:, above an beyond the deveioper's TIP projections; Up to $1,000,000 in sales tax revenues, paid out through (a) 50% of the Village's portion of State Sales tag: revenues and the `Jillage's home rule tar., and (b) Business District tax revenue for qualifying uroject expenses. All the proposed financial incentives are performance based. The cash payinent will only be made after the project is completed, and the I F assistance and sales tax: sharins will only be paid out when and if the completed project generates increments! property taxes and the businesses generate sale tax revenues. These terms encourage the developer to 'build and maintain me project to the level and quality proposed in hw: application, in order to maximize their potential TIF financial incentives and to recruit sates tax gencTatinf businesses, which will provide additional revenues to the Village and schools, and hene5ts to the residents Wl providing more commercial retail businesses. It is projected thathus new development will generate oven $900,000 per year in new real estate taxes as well as new sales tax revenues from a property, which currently produces no sales tax revenues. In addition, the project will provide for new, underground utilities along with an underground detention sxsnna compliant with current MWRD standards; will improve a property that currently is underutilized and will replace an obsolete commercial structure which is no longer contributing- to the community: will improve the existing; streetscape along the Waukegan Road commercial corridor; and will be a catalyst for additions redevelopment within the Dempster - Waukegan commercial arcs. In addition, it is projected the development will create 150jobs during construction, and thereafter will create approximately 20 new permanentjob9. This resolution approves the negotiated term sheet and authorizes staff to begin drafting a redevelopment agreement subject to Board approval based on the developer's TIT application and me associated PUD application and associated devslopmentplans. Administration, Legal and Finance Departments, along with Community and Economic Development N/A N/A The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel, Finance Director; and Community and Economic Development Director will oversee the drafing of RDA: the Community and Economic Development Director will oversee the development review process for the associated PUD application. Approval as presented N/A None kespe:tfutly submitted: 'y {fir srr t =,'' Reviewed, by _ cyan J. florins, Villagef Administrator Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counssi Prepared by: 1 r y Radze'Vich, Cidmmumt,�'1fk Ecor Eyovelop Comm PrESWOLUTION 46 ..I>PROuVtk`1` (.1 A n.ERM SHEETttND 7 'THOTi(UZZIN DRAFT'EIraC; OF AN EC'ONCIM?C INCENTIVE AND TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION FfiN,4:NCI Py -Dr t ELOPYENT AG �EEMEI x ( "R A "; Es' cLND BEI VVEEN THE VILLAGE OF I O T'ON! GRO -s't 9 !LLINTOIS AND HEARTLAND REAL ESTATE E. PARTNERS, L LC H PTAS, the Village of Morton Clrovt. (Villa <.s;, located in Cook Counn . Illinois, is a home rule unit of «ov'ei'nnlent under the provision of Ar'ticl'e / of the 1970 Constitution of the NMte of Illinois, can �xerc,ise am power and perform any? unction pertaining to its govcrmnent affairs, ino! uaing nut not limited to the power to tax and incur dent; anti WFEEI TL, tine V iltage has the authority mrsuant to the laws of the Stau, of 1liinois to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the to encourage private aevel,opmew in order to to enter into contractual agreements with dev such objectives; and Vi1Inne and its residents. to prevent the spread o1,bIight, enhance the Local tax base, to increase, employment, and -lopers and rodeveIopers foa" the purpose to achieving WH RE'AS, the Village is auth n'ized unde." the provisions o' f.rticie VII, Section 10 of the State of Illinois Constitution, 1970. o contract and othervalsc associate with individuals, associations, and Corporations in anv manner not prohibited by law; afld. VVH?REaA S, the Village is authorized under the provi f sions o' rtie!c VIII of the State of Illinois Constitution, 1970, . to use public funds I61, puolic DUTT)osels; and WHEREAS'. , the Village is authorized mater the provisions of the Tax increment Allocation Redevelopment Act. as amended, fir) IL i S 5/111-7114A-] : c SC y. �%Ac/" 1. to finance rede� ,i C} nlen'i projects in accordano -e with and pursuant to the Act; and VS HEa A3I, On Octoi c* 8. the V iilage, pursuant suant tc and in accordance, with the. Act, adopted (i) Ordinance No. 12 -34 approving a Ta}t increirient Redaveiap pent i'laa and Prj I - 1ea (iij Ordinance No. I2 -35 designating the liernp ter /�Jaukegarr Redevelopment Project Area. and (, i) Crdinance No. 12 -3E adopting Tax increment Allocation ?inancing (collect -�ry, "21F Ordinances" }, winch established the Dempster /Waukegan Tax Increm^nt Finance r edeveiooment Pro? A ea a TL District "j:. and WHEREAS, Heartland Real Estate I artners, LLC, a corporation located at 1200 N. AcI111 anc Avenue, Chicago, iL., 60022 (hereinafTe'" the "Developer.,") is the contracts Owner of Certain parcels of imuroved property apormsimately :.,'4 acres in area in the i'empstcr/ W aulfet?an L IF District generaliv _ _. ocatec at the s Uthwest Coln:,t' 0 en l'Ster ire°t Gild VJat Se an Road allCi COn1n10r11:;' linowri a o70(j Wauke(,ran Toad, Norton Grove IL, 6004 ( "Developer F'ropern" ; and yrJ iE AS, the Deveioper proposes to develop,, operate aria maintain the property as a rnixed use residential and retail development project ( he DeveT.opment "); and tWr iEZte S, the Developer has trade an application for assrslar„e; horn the Village pursuant to the Act and has represented to the V liege, without the finan:aai contribution from the Village pro puled for herein, the Development is not economically feasible and the Develope- would not undertake the Developmcm. The total amount of economic assistance the Developer has asked for is six million tune hundred thousand dollars ($6,900,000.00). WHEREAS, the Village sta C, with Kane MOKerna and Rolland and ISni <ght, inc Viliatye's TIt' consultant and Iegal counsel, respectively, negotiated the terns for imancial assistance to facilitate ule proposed redevelopment o; this site, as des: ribed to Exhibit 1, dated February 4, 2015, attached herewith. and as summarized below: Fhe Village will make a cast: payment in the amount of $600,000, through the Dempster - Waukegan TIF District Fund, to the Developer upon issuance of a Certificate of couplet on. The � ert ficate of Cornpletion will not be issued until the fllowI conditions have bCen met: A,. All rental residential units in the Project have been constructed and the Village has issues; a final certificate of occupancy for the rental residential buuldine, B. Occupancv of the rental residential units real, 'nes a minimum of 25 %_ and C. Froth freestanding retail buildings have been cansi ucted to the fohowing standards: the buildm shall be constru t d vaith completed reef. exterior t "r,lishe, and storefront glass and doors, and underground plumbing arid electric service shall be provided to the structures ( "Vanilla ?so;: "); and The Village vain issue a First Tier Tax Exempt Note and a Second Tier Taxable 1Votc, upon the issuance or: Final Ccrtilicate of `Occupancy for• the residential building. The d °veioper can earn up to ;Z,700,000 in nnancial incentives through these Notes, Over the cif the TIF Distr et, based on the increased TLS Increment generated by die new project, less the required school dtstriet payments, up to the amount- inceuded an the Developer's TIF Projections. These Votes will have firs* and second liens resl',ectivei} , on the available incremental property taxes. The term of these Notes is twenty (2ti) years or through the Iirr, of the Dscmpster- Waukegar. T F7 Disti<tw +, which ,ver is shol-tet; and The Vilnnye wiI' issue; a m d "ie, axabie hot issuanc of Finn; ncate o ,upon CsccunancI) for the residennal builoina. T he develonr- can earn up to 5600,000 in financial incen +lees. flue he life o +he 1 -, District. through a 50/50 spin, of th suppl- men al : it increment generated by n protect, over and above th : eveioper's TIr 'Irojections.. less the t aui;ec; school district pavnacnts. Tine' veiop , tvili be Paid 50% and the Villagc will retain 501ie OJT anv such supplemental increment IF, ris Note will have a parity lies. on 50% oft ie avaiiaoie. incremental property tixs. The. term of this 'dote is twenty 20) years or Iftrouah the iif ; of the Dempstc°r -q) au eel an TIP District. whichever is shorter: and. 4. i'i.e Village will issue a Taxable Sales Tax 501% of is c al distn "hutive, share of (.``3YatE sales taxe � i e7ved Lit' the Vlald� >e, (Ii.j JQ� %i, of home rnie taxes and. f, Flt.j 100% of revenues from Business Disirici. sales tax revenues for eligible project costs. The. Developer can earn up to S) l.000,C00 in financial incentives from a portion of the safes taxes peneratcd from the commercial masmesses operating on this site. as described , herevtth. The. ter a of in ;vote ie zl>-the life ofthe I gimps er- Oraukegar ' r ZJistrict. Wrll,PEAS, the 3evelopmem pF esents the i%iliage vwill hInent from its invesYn.ent in this project with the following public benefits: 1. The existing obsolete one- to two - storm buiitting, consisting oft 1 square f °et of ,985 space, will be demoLslred and replaced with a new rrlmed a se deveiopmeni consisuno o ' a residential mtdrise rental and two Tree standing com.nerciai bundinus consisting of approximately 116,000 sq. ft, 2. New .ndci ground utilities will be installed through the properit alone with an underground detention system comptiant with . argent P✓WRD standards. The i °esidcntiai huildir:g will in lode. amenitl such a :fitness �t r an o tdoc;r common space, and all structures, exterior fa ade. s,. landscape features, parking areas and access way will be developed in accordance with an approved PUD plan. 4. The development will improve tine existing streciscapr, and ttc a catalyst for additional redevelopment o ='.tae ,empstcr- sl✓aukegasIl commercial area. 5. The devolaps jent wi}U improve a proa°rty that cuirendv is underutilized and will reniace, III an obsoe.1= commercial structure v i hl is no Ionges contri'attrna to *hc comrnurnTV, d. iii, additional S39,000,00(i of new properly value wiii be added to the tal; base; t)otentiatly ! 7. During the co nstruciion there will be 150 censtrucuon iobs and approximately .20 new permanent jobs. o. The negotiated terms include imancial incentives cas'd or poFlormance s andard s as follows: A. The initial cash payment will not be made until the residential building is complete, in accordance with approved PUD plane, and is 2511'0 occupied. and the coinmer: ial buildings have been constructed to the industry "vanilla box" standard. This provides 'financial incentives for the Developer to complete the project in a timely manner and of the qualith and design of the ahprov",d plans: ri incentives available through the first and Second Tier Notes are earned on the increased increment generated by the new develonment. As such, there is a financial incentive for *_Ile Developer to noL only complete the project to the quality and .standards proposed, but also to maintain it to those standards to ensure that the incremental EAV is at least: as high as projected in their application. Further, even thoufTh tine 'Votes are to be issued at the time they finish the residential building, in oroer to maxlmmrn the hrcremental EAV, they will be financially motivated to complete the commercial buildings as quickly as possible. C. Similar to the First and Second Tier Notes. the incentives available through the Third "Fier note will only be realized if the actual Increment exe®eds their projected Ineremem. As such this is an added layer of project for Morton Grove to ensure that the Developer consPructs and maintain me high quality project they have proposed. "'he Developer's do sire to maximmn the additional incren'! mt on this project will also provide additional financial benefits to the V i'_iage. 17, incentives available thxougl: to ate.= ' <x Note are co up i [y' legs ndent upon th performance of the retail uses established in tlx:, commercial buildings. The developer is not only motivated to fill these commercial spaces as quickly as possible, but to Lease them to sales tax generating businesses that will also provide additional financial benefits to the Village as well as the School District, through the supplemental Business District Fax fix t3P11 -E, .S, the V iIIage desire s io have the. property developed to clear the blighted factors an enaraCieilStrCS Of the If4B °Ir2USi:.,.. V'v a.Ui4(,?<L',. i IS" Co'nlnereidi. area, .. to uromote the health, safety. and welt are o' U'l, Vii 1 a£t and. Ii; residents. to )3. "e "✓ nt ule snread o} those blightin g conditions and T r ?a-ivale F L nuc hc .a .- Lcristics throuahout the Dempst i w aulecau commercia are . n investment and development, enhanr.,t the Viilace s tax ba,e, ill - .,lease emplotn sent opnurtunuies far tllat3f', rCSldCms Arid ErlharlCE the futm tc:r. rovenUes f01- Ill ?SS lSVe)1 Vil tai mg I7oQle Whit IC'Ic gtunst P7. prot }EI i, acid w th�l th;�croster /�h aut�:.nan ? IIr :list J.', ant fo those rea>o,l.; I}1 ti l� it s ir= the bsL inter s� of tree iaac =. to cuter inr�, air �, ollconic 'ncmtive an,d a, ircrc'l.rPist ltocauor I'inancim, v °veiopment fey =reemcni wilh with thl D^v Loper. N Al 'TIHEREIW R , L3i=, i:';.' R'SOI vi ED Ptii —HE ?'Y..-,5 ��;1`:�. °' AiVI? Lit.)f.R ? t;)r, rl �,S or r✓I_AGE ViM�PI O GROVE, COUNT" IL .�OT �!. I ,j � I AS 'IrIT I CMS: I,) 1.: �ril.°, r.Clrporate F- ,llt11C r.ItiE.; (LO hCl EIS }' IFiCOiporatn me IorGcome WFl I�Pz'�i`. !,'laUSES nnt0 this Resolution as t1loUch folk; set forth them2iu. maim the [roil as as hl re habovE. Set forth, . S "C11ON !: .FlnI grillage Administrator. Corpormion Counsel, and th , DirECtor of Communro; and Economic Development are aut1hor;zed to C.Ia {t an Economic mccnoVe and I ax Incr, m c III `Vocation i'Imrcin=v RDA With lirlu land Real staLE "armen, Ii ; 1 ., Co?1;712: r e lit wl h th1 :e;Vlew and recornmen&ation fo, approval of their Planned umi seveiopment ap Dli-aiion bI the Plan 1:0lnmiss1011 , E t . 2PJ`v'aboth ol: tlllich, v'lll be sub Jie `V Ilia;_'e Board. By alltnorlZmc.y th( draftin c,? of the RDA. thc. V iiianE- Board am J s ir, pyincipal witc) Ih , Er.r! SIleet for oflancia assib-tance idyl to llic, amount r cliestea ��� tliE I7ev; lop�i, summarized hermit and det liC,c I�.. rmni" ? and thai: such 11nan011al assist Mc,— mwT e in 610 hest i ,resl of th" \/ Il an':'. Ca 1.1 T`�, r. Ti115 f�rSO;'tltloP Si1ali C3C t. 7 :fall. I03 and :;f;:ECi: apor!. it: Iiacc age ano approval. r'F C' rL i THIS 0th (f`. Marc i }t l t rUSS ee Trizstee �rustEe Trustee irus rUStic Grear h ar %us P �tror } ot11 iIr tilW c, /OPP W \/ D BY ME THIS 9" i� AA�" �)t' 1✓larc 2C�i.... Daniel P. Di viaria, Village resident Villaee of Morton throve ookc ounty, lliinois ATTE Ti M; and FILE D in my office ' his 9 "' DAY OF March 201 Ed Ramos, Village Cierl< Village of Morton Grove C=ook Count}, Illinois Pebruam Z, 010 5, D, ft TERM SHEE" Prrtoosed ,Mixed- se aleslevelopment 87WW Waukegan Road, JINUrion Grove ,kanraary 2" 201') !T. IYeveioper: Equibase Capital Partners has Formed HRF" MG LL" Me "Developer "), an Illinois (united habiGty company, for the purpose of developing the, residential and retail project as futher do met below within the Wau[<er.yan /Demps er Redevelopmen' Piol , I Are (the "', "[I r)t. Ste ict "). Developer's address is: HREP -MG. LC' Attn: Mn, Tim Grogan Principal Hquibase Capital Partners 12001v Ashland Ave Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60622 773- 489 -7606 �i. Furpose: This Term Sheet summarizes the preliminary discussions between the Village- of Morton Grove (flie and Developer regarding the Project (as defined below) a d is intended to guide further discussions between them concerning the final terms and conditions of a redevelopment and economic incentive agreement ( "I IM) " ) and other necessary and appropriate documents, ordinances, and resolutions related to the Project (collectively, "Approval Documents "). The panics intend that ahe RDA will provide for (i) the tax incrern nl i`inancing M ` portions of the Project pursuant to trc Tar. Increment Allocation ltedevoloprnew Act. 6> Ir I 0 5 /i1- 74.4 -1 et seq. (the "TiF Act ") and (ii) sales tax revenue sharing pursuant to the Business District Deeeimmuentand RedeveloDmen, Law, 65 ILLS 5/1 i -743-1 el seq. (the "BD Law"). This Term Stn et Focuses primarily on ta. u,eremcut t trancing and salts ra _ sharing provisions for the eimbursement to Developer of cods that qualify as bot,r ; i) redevelopment project cost; eligible For reimbursement under thr. TiF Act and (ii) business district project cosis eligible for elm ursement under the IIL1 Law ("E(igibl Costs "). owever. the RDA will include both financial urovisious and non- financial terms and conditions, including, without limitation, provisions related to zoning and land use approvals, permits, ices, and the parties' legal reiationshil;. This Term, Sheet is non - binding. 'Neither party will be bound unless and until the IU)A and other Approval I}ocuments are approved in accordance with applicable iavis. Februuny 4, 2015 Dra , Proiec4:. The site consists of approximately 3.61 acres located at the 9700 Waukegan Road (tine "Property" and includes the tax parcels identified with the Property indcx vumbers identified on Exhibit A (the "Project P1Ns ") in the Village of lviorton Grove (the `Viliaee ";. The I>eveiop ; p3 onuses to construct a mixed use residential and retzii prgjeci consisting of approximatsiy 175 en al residential units and approximately 16,000 square Feet of retail (file "Project"'). The total Project cost is estimated to be $45,043,576. The Project is to be constructed in two phases: (i) Pha e One, consisting of approximataiy 175 residential rental aparunent units in one midrise building; and (ii) Phase Two, consisting of approximately 16,000 square feet of retai, in two freestanding buildings. Parking will be provided in three leveis of indoor parking in the midrise bnilcdnt as well as surface parking. A site plan depicting Developer's current concept of the Project is attached as Exhibit B. The final scope and requirements for the Project will be set form is a manned unit deveio}nnent ordinance and other docu hems approved by the Village for the Areject (coliexn Vely, Inc "PI 1D Ordinance "). (4. Villatre Ta a Inerement i+inancileh: The Village shall issue to Developer a series of tax increment notes (the "Tt1"' )Votes ") in a total principal amount Up to $4.7 million supported from the incremental ad valorem taxes (net of any required payments to other taxing districts, including those made pursuant to 65 IL,CS 5/11 - 74,4- 3(q)(7.5 and 7.7)) which are allocated to and when eoilected are paid to the Treasurer of the Village for deposit by the I "reasurer into the TIF -District kind and which are attributabis to fline taxes levied on the Property (" Available Incremental Property Taxes"), The Tl£ Notes shall be issued as follows: A. Tar. - Exempt TIF Note. 'lie Viliare will issue till Tax- Exempt TIF Note to the Developer upon the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the residential building (the "Issuance Date') in an initial principal mnount equal to the amounr of cligtble Costs which have been incurred by the Developer by the Issuance Date up to a maxhnurn principal amount of $?.7 million, as evidenced by a certificate provided by the Developer and approved by the Village substantiating as much ( "Ceri ficate of Expenditure" After the initial issuance of the Tax - Exc:npt TI` Note, if the principal baia ct of the Tax- 'r;xerstm TIP Note is less than 53.7 million, then the principal balance of the aax- Exempt TIE Note will be increased when the Village issues additional Ccrtificate(s) of Expenditure, up to a maximum of $3.7 million. Redevelopment Projeei Costs will be certified by the Developer to, and approved by, the Village on the Issuance Date and on a quarterly basis thereafter. Interest on the Tax -Ex, rcpt TIF Note will accrue upon issuance at a rate equal to the. median value of the 20 -Year EBB uninsured G.O. Bond index as published by Municipal Markel Data by Reuters ( "MAD ") plus 275 basis points (the "Jax- Exem)t TIF Note Interest Rate ") and will compound semi - annually. The Tax- Exemp%TIF Note shall be payable from the Available incremental Property :axes, provided that no payments shall Ile made on the Tax- Exempt ?'Ia` Note until the Developer has fulfilled'Its obligations (the "Project Completion Date "), as evidenced by the. issuance. of a completion certIle ats "Completion Cer ificate "), the requirements for which are set forth in Section 9 below. Tile Village shall respond to the Developer's request for the Completion Certificate within 30 days by issuing either the Completion Certificate os- a written statement detailing tile ways in which the Project does not conform to the PDA, the PUD Ordinance and other controiling documents and codes and ordinances, and the measures which must be taken by the Developer to obtain the ,T'eb?, -cleary 4, 20''v Draft Cornpietion Certificate Tne T aN , xempt TIF '`iota will have a first lien on th . available. Incremental Proper y 'faxes. B. Tusable T'F Note. The Villaa- will issue; the Taxable TIP' Note to tite a veloper upon the issuance Late in an initial principal amount equal to the amount. of Eligible Costs which have been incurred by the Dcvel open by the Issuance Tate up to a maximum principa. amount oi' $I million., as evidenced by a Certincate o;°Expeidmu-e. After hit initial issuance offfir, Taxable "IF Note, if the principa; baian e of the 'axabie TIF Net is less than $; nii(iion 'licit the principai balance of the Taxable IF Note will be increased wn„n the Village issues additional Cernficatc(s) of Expeadit rc, up to a maximum of $i million. As Cetificai 's of Expenditure are issued, the first Cethieates will go to certtty costs against the : ax- Exempi TIF Note up to its maximum principal amount and then to the Taxable TrF Note. tnt'rest on the Taxable TIF Note will accrue upon issuance at a rate equal to the median value of the 20 -Year BBB Corporate ina f as published by Bloomberg plus 275 basis posnt; (the "7a .able TIF Nate interest Rate 17) and will compound semi- annuaht The Taxable TIF Note shall be payable from tjiz., Available Incremental Property Taxes provided that no pavments shall be made on the Taxable TIF Note, until the Developer has met the Project Completion Late, as evidenced by the issuance of a Completion Certificate. The Taxable TIF Note will have a second her on the Available Incremental Property o axes. Upon issuance_ the Village will issue an amortization schedule for the Taxable TIF Note, C Third Lien Taxabl TIT' 'Nose Thy Village will issue the Third Lien Taxable TIF Note to the Developer upon the t5s xance Date in an initial principal amount equal to die amount of Eiigibie Costs which have been incurred by the Developer by the Issuance Date up to a maximum principal amount o'$600,000. as evidenced by a Certificate of Expenditure. Alter the initial issuance of the Third Liou Taxable t rF Note, if the principai balance of the Third Lien Taxable TIr- Note is less than 51600,600 then the principal balance of the "Third Lien Z axable IF Note will be increased when the Village issues additional Certificate(s) of Expenditure, up to a maximum or $600,600. As Certn rcates of 'Expenditure are issued; the first Certificates will go to cerfflv cast's against the ax- Exempt TIF 'Noic up to its maximum principal amount, then to the Taxable IIf ;Votr% and then to the Third ? ier, Taxable TIP Note. Interest on the Third Lien a able TII' Note, will accrue upon issuance at a rate equal to the Taxable TFP P4ote lin rest Rate and v✓itl compound semi- annually. The Note shall he payable f oin 50% of tile. Available I i..cmentat Property Taxes above 'ne scheduled payn.er s, on the i as r;rempt Tit- Note and the Taxable TI � Mote (the "Third I in, Available increaientai Prvp ty Taxes "). The Third Lieu T'axabte TIF Note will have a parity third uen on 50% of the Third Lien Available Incremen al Property Taxes with the Village. s. Taaxabie:SSams Tax 1` ami The Village will issue the Taxable Sales Tax Note to the Developer upon the issuance date in an initial principal amount equal to the amount of costs eligible for reimbursement via the Incentive Act and the BI} Act which have been incurred by the Develop c r by the Issuance Date r:p to a maxirnuni principal amount of $ l million, as evidenced by a Certfcate of Expenditure. After flee initial issuance of the Taxable Sales Tax Note, if the principal balance of th axable Sales Tax Noce is less than $I million, tiiler, the principal baiaticr, of the Taxable Sales 1 aqx Note will be increased when the Village issues additional Certifieate(s) ofEsxpenditure, up to a Maximus, of $I million. :merest oil the Taxable ~sales Tax Note will accrue upon issuance at a rat., equal io the Tastable Mote. interest Rate and will compound semi - annually. TF.e Taxable ,Sales lax'' shall be payable from (I) 50% of (a) the local distributive share of the State sales tax received by the Viliage and (ti} revenue from Itte Wing ,'s home ru sales to _, eceived by the Cciitage and ebruarT 4,2013: ➢rapt (iii) 1D0% of the revenue from the Village`s business district sales tax received by the Viliage be applied first to accrued but unpaid interest, second to current generated from the Pro Per for- the remaining life of the TIF District (tile "Pledged Sales Taxes" 1 provided that no payments shall he made on the Tamable Safes Tax Note until the Developer has met the Project Completion Date, as evidenced by the issuance of a Completion Czrt —ICUC. IF,. Other Noce ants. Financing Provisions:. A. F= s siyninent or_ \ote=. The Notes may of (i) assigned or pledged as collateral to Developer's senior lender on tite Project or(ii) following the issuance of tite Completion Certificate and issuance of the Tax - Exempt TIF Note, sold or assigned to a Qualified Investment Buyer ("W"'. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer may transfer any Note at anv time to (i) any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Deveioper or (ii) any entity in which the majority eouity interest is owned by the parties that have a majority equity interest in the Developer. B. Creation of a_Fax Code. Because certain tax parcels within the TIP District have current equalized assessed ( "EAV "; values lower than the Certified Base EAV of such parcels, the Viltage and Developer will work cooperatively with the Cook County Cleric and Assessor to create a separate tax code that includes the Project PIN, E. C. Bank Oualifxed Provision. The 'issuance of any Tax Exempt Notes would be included in the calculation of bonds allowed to be designated as "bank qualified" pursuant to Section 265(0)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code ( "Section 265 Bonds "). If, in any one year (other than 2017), (i) the Village desires to issue tax exempt debt obligations (the "Tax Exempt Bonds ") and (ii) the Tar,. Exempt TIF Notes are issued pursuant to the Rd)A, and the total amount of the Tax Bxempt TIT Notes plus the Tax Exempt Bonds would exceed the total amount of bonds that can be designated as Section 265 Bonds for that year, the Developer ale s to reimburse the Village for any incremennaI interest costs that the. Village may incur from the inability to issue the Tax Exempt Bonds as Section 265 Bonds, If the Devehmer is responsible for the reimbursement, the amount of reimbursement shall be the net present value of the annual incremental interest (at a net present value rate equal to the interest rate il'such lax Exempt Bonds were issued as See 265 Bonds) and such reimbursement is payable by T Developer on the date such Taw. Exempt TIF Notes are issued. D. Pavment priorities. Village may, but is not Payments under, each Note shall be applied first to accrued but unpaid interest, second to current interest, and third to principal. E. Maximum interest d ate, In no event will' the interest rate on any Note exceed 8 %. r. pavment Source. The Village may, but is not required to, pay any amounts due on a Note from any lawful source other than the source pledged in the Note. G. "Ciao" Analysis. Prior to the parties' approval of an RDA, Deveioper shall Prepare a "gap" analysis justifying the need for the financial incentives set loth in this Term Sheet based on the estimated total Project costs, expected rates of return, and outer relevant information. During their negotiations on the RDA, the parties will disouss their respective rights h the ttai actua Project costs are subsramialiy less than the estimate set forth in the "gap" analysis. 37illaue. Finain:C64r.. A. Cash r nient. The Vi11aUI make aSa payment to De C!"pe; o, $600,000 upon the issuance ofth. Certificate of Completion. B. Cap ern imoacg Fees, The Village will cap all of the permits, impact and other 6evelopinent ice s fort ie ill i Ill al construction of the Project at a total of 0350,00GI �., a?tteer?aa-uprct oicxaaecaee�°e The Developer will provide all necessary debt anti ea,uity financing to comnlete the Project. ca the Developer acknowledges and understands that the Village will not issue a Completion Certificate until the following conditions have been met: (i) all rental residential units in the Project have been constructed and the Village has issued a final certificate of occupancy for the rental residential build,ng, (ii) occupancy of 25% of the re tai residential units. and (iii) both freestanding- retail buildings have been constructed to the following condition; building with completed rao£, exterior =wishes, storefront glass & doors; underground plumbing and electric service ( "Vanilla Box "). (All future tenant h proven7ents, which are the typically customized improvements that will be made to those areas of the buildings that will he rented to a tenant to satisfy its end use need, including without limitation walls, floor finishes, ceilings, certain interior partitions, air condidoninu and heating improvements, light fixtures. and final fire protection and security improvements are _not needed to satisfi, - the C ertirncate of Completion condhion.1 The 'v illapte will isst,e the C:ompietioA Cerdficate within, 30 -days after all nec °snarl documentatiorn has been submitted to dle Village. 110. Pro,iect R equ remeaets: 3'o the extent completon n {. the Fro,jec or an portion thereof, is required for I3eveloper to receive Note paymeme or othe, benefits under the RDA, the: Proieci will be deemed to be complete only iffit" Pro ect is completed in accordance with the PUD Ordil, and the RD,4. 7 Feba-ua.ry 4, 2015 Drarps It. Prior Expenditures: The AIiliage may reimburse Developer, pursuant to the Notes, for Project expenses incurred prior to the execution o_f the RDA, if Developer provides expense documentation accepcabie to the Village and to the extent provided in the RDA. With respect to an,,, particular Note, the Village shall include suoh Project expenses within the first Certificate of Expenditure.. provided the Developer has documented these cost, in a manner acceptable to the Village. 112. Prevailing ANne Developer shall comply, and shall cause all contractors on the Project to comply, with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, to the extent it applies to the Project. Without limiting the preceding sentence, the prevailing; Wage Act shall apply to each contract pursuant to which Developer will construct, or cause the construction or a public, improvement that will be dedicated or transom rred to the Village or other public entity upon its completion and acceptance. 113. End User /Use P equirements: The Property must be developed and used in accordance with the PUD Ordinance. The parties intend that the hearings necessary to consider the Pt1D Ordinance will be held prior to the approval of the RDA so that, when the Village Board of Trustees approves the RDA ill can, at the same meeting or at its next following meeting, approve the PUD Ordinance, a form of which will be attached to the RDA. ,'i4. P,i ?gikskeCosts: � A budget estimating the amounts and categories o'f Eligible Costs that Developer will incur in the Project and for which Developer will seek reimbursement pursuant to the Notes is attached as Exhibit C. The categories of costs includc site acquisition and assembly, demolition, site preparation, eligible soft costs, portions of construction interest and any other cost allowed to be reimbursed by the TIE Act and BD Law. he RDA. will include a detailed budget of Eligible Costs. P:,. PerformanceTzonadm j Payment and performance bonds are required for the construction of any public improvement with a value over S50,000. The Developer will name the. Village as a subordinate benc$lciary to the construction performance bond posted by Developer's general' contractor for the Project in conjunction with the security for Developer's senior loan. Developer, the Village, and Developer's senior lender will enter into a mutually acceptable separate subordination (or similar) agre."inent that will include conmterciaiiy reasonabie terms, including any terms necessary to comply with any HUD financing secured for the construction of this Project. The details or this agreement will be further defined in the RDA. E: kd. L, r€ nertv Maintenance lseouirernentc: Upon completion or'tne Project, Developer will maintain the protect in accordance with, and ac n rther described in, the. PULL Ordinance. IT (i) Developer defaults in its mabiltuancr obligation and fails to core, such default ax°f:er commercially reasonable notice and (ill Me Gihave substantially prevails in ajudicial action regarding succh default, th o n Developer must nos;. a letter m credit in an amount to be agreed on in the RDA lo secure the Villa,, for any maintenance breaches in the future. This provision will run with the Iand. 17. Bid Reouirement: The parties are not cu entry aware of any public bid requirem-rits, associated with the Project. 11%. Limits un Other Financing: Prior to the issilance of the Certificate of Completion, the Developea may not enter into a transaction thin, would materially or adversely affect its ability to finance and complete the Project. I( {. Uveert est7're3aca9E Fhe LISA will have reasonable and customan! defaui-, provisions for these types c! nn micihal financing trarsacnous. Additionally, it is agreed thatrnciiher party will take any action that would -jeopardize the tax - exempt status of the Tax - Exempt TI Note. Mebrua7y,4, 20-15 Draft EYJII I;!T' E?; rot: crn- ind x. Numbers far Propeny 10 -I9 -102- 021 -0000 10- 19- 10%06) - ®600 10 -19 -162 -029 -0000 16 -19- 162 -030 -0660 10 -19 -102- 033 -0000 10 -19 -1012 -034 -0000 10-lc)-10o4148-0000 rcbl ¢ua -, v 4, 20''5 Draft EXHIBIT R Paiect Concept Plan #34289937 v9 I oMative F'T() eCc BudLe' fot I -Eii ilzie anenses t( Februmnl e, 2015 Draf LeLis�qdyE'jUur YIlld IM F,UTPrOPdZIi"d0; THE EXECUTION OF ✓; C Ol°d'I'IUhC'I' WTT11 SCHROEDEI` c4* SCkEIBOP;DER, INC. FOR 2WI Ct.,N RETE, P "EP ACliAMENT PROGRAM In trod € cca.: Itjarch (", -t01 Syaropsas: To authorize the Village President to f, eCUte a contract with Schroeder L Schroeder., Inc. for the 201 Concrete Replacement Proe am. Purpose: I -1 o repair the concrete Curbs and sidewallcs. Back( round: Th4, Con cretc Replacement Program addresses concrete features disturbed by utility repairs, deteriorated sections of sidewalk, and requests comitrf� ant of the 50150 Sidewalk Peplacement Program. This work should be cormsieted in mid Tune 2C 1 in contract was bid t hough a public process in accordance v ✓ith the Vii(age Gods. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. Tht proposal amount is Si27.569.00 less than the ngine ^a's Estirrrate of Cost. The hid iabuiation is at ached as ixhibtt "A ". This contract must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing wage Act. Progracus, Deparensets i Public works . or paruarps Affected Fiscal Impact: the estimated contract value is S96,153.00. "Since this is a. unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work perfonned. i Source Of T «ands; Public Works: A/C 4035017- 552290 Construction Services $ i 10,000. Wor-kioad impact: The ubiic Works Department as part of their normal work activities wdr perPorn- the managenent and implementation of the program. Administrator i Approval as presented. Rccommendation: First Reading: j N /A Speeial Considerations at None Ilequ bremeats: i RespectlUli submitted: bJr" .` ^`="` Revie wed bv fr- Pyanf Fibrul Viilar� harrinistrator Prermed b }': _ _ - - -- I3eviewod by Chris ponrrct S shag n < >rn er Cer sa Hoff i Director Public. Worts Liston„ Corporation Counse; AE7'I'HOYRIZING THE EXECUTION OF A. CONTR.ALCT W7T11 SCHROEDER & SCHROEDER , INC. FOR THE 2015 CONCRETE RWTEPLA` CEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Viilaae) , located in Cook C ounty, Illinois, is ahonae rule unit of govermnemt zmder the provisions of yuticle 7 of he 1970 Consiitution cf the ;ate of IIlulois, can excrcise any power and ner'form anY function pertaining to its government affairs, ineiuding but no+ umn,ed to Inc power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2015 C onerete Replacemen'•. Programs Js an annual concrete f'et)'saccalent program intended to repair concrete curb and sidewalk: aaxd WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised on the Village's website beginning February 2015, inviting bids on the "1015 Concrete Replacement Program'; and WHEREAS, this contract must conform to il.e requiremenis of" the Prevailing Wage Act; and WHEREAS, fifteen entities, contractors or suppliers obtained the bidding materials: and WHEREAS, :four bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Fachin at 4:00 a.m. on Friday, February 2.7, 2015, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A and WHERi3AS, Schroeder & Schroeder, Inc. is the low bidder with a bid amount of $96,153.00: and WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of the low bidder has been verified; and WHEREAS. the low bid of Schroeder & Schroeder, Inc. is 527,568.00 less than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost: and WHEREAS, Public Works staff have reviewed each unit price in the bid of Schroeder & Schroeder., Inc. and considers them to be acceptable. and WHEREAS. funding for the above . worm in the cumulative amount of Sl 70.000 is avaiiablt for concrete replacement in the Village ofMorton Grove 2015 Adopted Budge tin Account Numbers 02501'7- 55x290 and 405033 - 552230. NOW. THER EFORE, BE FT Rr SOLV HD BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TR I Jr S "� T'IlE VILTAGE OT MORTON GROVE. COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS T "OLL OWS: SECTION 1, The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WI EREAS clauses into this Resolution as though full y set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereuaabove see I' it'r. SECTION 2. The. Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Schroeder L Schroeder, ins. in the amount . of 596,153.00. SE;C T ION 3. 'ilie ViI age Presideast of me V iiiage of "Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the v dlage Clerk to tr attest to a conact with Se Lr ilrocder Schroeder M , C. o1 "7306 Ceniral Park v. nne. Skokie, Illinois based upol then- bid for the 201 Concrete Rep.acem -ni Prof am in the amount oi° ;96 ; 3.00. ";C 1!Olvi 4. f 11° Ill age f'1CIn', 1112SYrator, Lnrector of Public Works. and the Vlliaf?e Lngln..".'.'.r aand/o" theiz designees ar neleby authorized to take all steps nel ssa7' to oversee, and itnpiement this conga t. SEC TlOnj 7. �l. nis R(;solution shall be in I II IOiCc and cffect Upon ICs pass age and a1 proval. PASSED THIS St" DA,Y 01-H l\QARC11201 crust:, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Gre�;r Marcu Pietron Thill Toth Witiko APPROVED , F,Y ;U! HIS 9 °i DAY 0' MARCnl 2/015 Dante! P. DiMj rla, tillage President Village of N/lorton Grove Cools County. Illinois ^.'CTLi') I L ? and FI£,rT,i3 in In <,.- office This 10`i' DAY O' "✓1!?RCH 2015 Fad Ramos, Viiiage. Clerk y-illaoe ofiviorton Grove Coalt C cmty, Illinois � � \ 7 m ;���� \\ 2 \ \� \ \ � � m ;���� \\ \ \� \ \ ©\�\� \ III � \< »: / : \\\\\���I������` \ \ � /���ii�'����� �i � ��� ��. \ }> ��.il :, \��i��' )�� ` � \ ������ \ �Ii.�l���� \� \� : \\ ^� � �� \� \ ��I��i���. ' �. � « � y < � ; 2 � ���� \� \ ® I �.�� t\ //\ �l\ I ° \ \I \`\ � ,� 2\ »~ : '��I�I \ { \\�[��I,�,�i���� ��� \ \ \r�l�' I�'���I'��,�� \` }\ / /\ \I,�� ;���. \\ ��il� I���(�� .� ' � t2 \ � f \ \ /\I� jj>� �: §\j�l I��� \� � ® � ;� � \ �i �,� \ \� \\`�� �; ���. �. � _ i� .i � ��I i���� � \\t ������ � �j � \ \ ®\ �� \� .��. ���;�� ����lii \\� \� \���� �K3 j�.���� � » �\ . �����'���\� ��\ \� \� �i ;� ��ii� ��� '� 2/: 2\� . §2 « ;, ® \� ������� \ \� � ( \� � \�� [?��� ���: �j �; \\`�� \ � � �j; ,i� ,� \� \\j� ���� _� :�� /§,� �� ; �Z%� \ ;�. /�r% \ /t( � \� }%(§t\ ,.' ��. .��. §�,2 \:m§ (����������� . (�\ \ \ \ \ \� �� /\�;��i�� , � � ::� ®« \ \ ,( \� \ [[!�I, {'�� \ \\ -�� ',��..� !i � . . V N� c L R w U� t r _ V N� c L U� t r _ a n c V N� c , u�! L � w IN �I ~fv w w � u , V N� c CCII`c'CRE' % INC. FOR THE 2011 1 MA.TERLIa, PI AICIIA IN PROGRAM -'INCR TE Int.rocl.Uced: Purpose: Background: P rograms, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: IBourech of Funds: Worltioad Impact: Administrator Ref:om asendafiom First Reading: Itlarclh 9.201. To authorize the Village Clerk to accept a material proposal from Gzin_ra Ready Iviix Concrete, Inc. to furnish concrete for tl: 2015 1Vater;ai Purchasing Program. To nurchase. concrete used by the Public Works Department to matrlain tins Villa, =c's rights -of -way. and propernes. The VillaQe has an annual program, dependent: on funding appropriations.. to purchase construction materials, such as asphalt and concrete to be used to maintain Village rights-of-way and propety. The purchases of construction materials are paid for using General, Motor Fuel Tax and Enterprise Funds. The use o'CNiotor 'net Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. it requires contracts for these amounts must conform to the requirements of the State. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A ". Public; Works. The estimated contract value is $82,680.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract: amount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchased. MIT: A/C 9035060- 552"30 Concrete I�eplacemerht :':n 13,000 Commuter Parkins;: A/C- ,4'182011-56221 10 t}perationa: Supplies $5,000 and Water: A/C `40:3033- 552230 $35,000 The Public. Works Deparinhent as pat t of their normal wort;: activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A Special Considerations or, Tine s Requirements: RespectFullysubrnitted: Tlvan'J. IIorus, Village Administ,atm , Prepared by: Onris To €nich, `v'illage ug a eer ''Atic!y DeMonte, Dire t F' ion v ✓or ; Reviewed bv: Teresa 3aofPman Liston, Corporation Counsel Resolution L`• -P8 CTPICIPUZING THE ACCE'P "TkNCE'' CAF A IdiATER?Y. L Pp C.IP) S(,;AT FRC)M GAtNG( A RE,A11) I xa, CCII`c'CRE' % INC. FOR THE 2011 1 MA.TERLIa, PI AICIIA IN PROGRAM -'INCR TE Int.rocl.Uced: Purpose: Background: P rograms, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: IBourech of Funds: Worltioad Impact: Administrator Ref:om asendafiom First Reading: Itlarclh 9.201. To authorize the Village Clerk to accept a material proposal from Gzin_ra Ready Iviix Concrete, Inc. to furnish concrete for tl: 2015 1Vater;ai Purchasing Program. To nurchase. concrete used by the Public Works Department to matrlain tins Villa, =c's rights -of -way. and propernes. The VillaQe has an annual program, dependent: on funding appropriations.. to purchase construction materials, such as asphalt and concrete to be used to maintain Village rights-of-way and propety. The purchases of construction materials are paid for using General, Motor Fuel Tax and Enterprise Funds. The use o'CNiotor 'net Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. it requires contracts for these amounts must conform to the requirements of the State. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code and Illinois Department of Transportation requirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A ". Public; Works. The estimated contract value is $82,680.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract: amount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchased. MIT: A/C 9035060- 552"30 Concrete I�eplacemerht :':n 13,000 Commuter Parkins;: A/C- ,4'182011-56221 10 t}perationa: Supplies $5,000 and Water: A/C `40:3033- 552230 $35,000 The Public. Works Deparinhent as pat t of their normal wort;: activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A Special Considerations or, Tine s Requirements: RespectFullysubrnitted: Tlvan'J. IIorus, Village Administ,atm , Prepared by: Onris To €nich, `v'illage ug a eer ''Atic!y DeMonte, Dire t F' ion v ✓or ; Reviewed bv: Teresa 3aofPman Liston, Corporation Counsel 3ZESDI UTIGN rte' AL;THORIAATION TO ACCEPT A MATERIAL' PROPOSAL WITH OZING -A READY IMI CONCRETE, INC. FOR "FIE 7.01 MATERIAL PURCHASING PRCbCI?AM - CONCIRETE _W1tEI:EAS, the Viliatre ofMiorion Grovc (Viliag ), located in Coon Couray, iliinois, :s a t.onsc rule unit of Povemtr_ent under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its govcrnment affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2015 Material Purchasing Program is necessary to purchase asphalt and concrete construction materials for use by the Public Works Department to maintain the Villages rights - of -way and properties; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Roads and Streets "Notice to Contractors Bulletin" Bulletin Nos. 15-11 and 15 -8 inviting bids on the "201.5 Material Purchasing Prograrn- Concrete "; and WHEREAS, ten contractors obtained the bidding materials, and WHEREAS, one bid was received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 27, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A."; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work in the cumu3ative amount of $55,000 is included in the Village of Morton Grove 2015 Budget in account numbers 035060- 55.2330 (Motor Fuel Tax), 152031- 562110 (Cormnuter Parking) and 405033- 552230 (Enterprise Fund — Water); and WHEREAS, tie bid arnount exceeds the budoeted funding by $24.680.00; and WHEREAS, the Public. Works Department has flexibility to rcduce the amount of material to be Purchased in order to conform to tite budgeted amount: and WHEREAS, Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, inc, has successfully completed this contract for the Village in the past. NOW, THEREFJPE, BE I',T' RESOLVED Ey' THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRJSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF 1 %4ORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS AS Foi,LOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though feclly set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTIONS The Village Clerk of the V triage of Dorton Grove is hereby authorized to execute the acceptance of a material proposal from Ozinea Ready Miix Concrete, inc., "? "5 South Lurnbc Street, 11 ChicaRE II nois.. based. nnoI? their bid foe" thn " 201 J MaLcrial Purchasing Pro Tam - ConCr�etc" in the amouist of 582,680.00. STITCH, I The Village Administrator and the Dlrce ,tor of Public. Works and/or their d si<ri t- L'e author zed to take all steps necessary to illlplemet. su_;ezvise, and mana6 Ene 201 IViaterial Purchasing Program. S i, CTION 4. This Resolution shall be in full fort; c� and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSIED THIS °t" AY OF MAftCET 2015 Trt:sfec Trustee Trustee T rust& Trustee. Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 91 i DAY 0' MARCH 20 t Daniel lx. DiMaria, village President V illact of Morton Grove C001,, county, Illinois A T TESTED and i7IL'D in my offz.es Tills 10th DA -V OF MARCH 20115 Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Villa(,ye of N/Iorton Grove Cool` Couxn -v, 7Ilinois EMS®gym Illinois Deoarimen2 afi'Fanspor`cafion tIabuiation of Bid: County. Cook County _ Cate'. 2/2712015 Name of &dder'.lOvna- Chicago RM C. Inc Local AOenov: Village of Morton Grove _ Tlrne'. 9:OOam_ j Address of B=e,, I'2555rumoeSt. section 15 -00000 -00 -GM P,ppropnauon' � -B-;-x 1f600 I� C Estimate I Cnl ago li o0 22 lc ��� Pmposai Guarat ee Gm Bond _ Attended By Chris Tomlch and Michael Gesualdo ierm.. 15% N Approvea Engineers stlmate kem Ato i to^ Oehve� ty t Una Ouanf ty � Unh Pnce Tatai l' Unit Price ' alai �FURNISNIMG CL ^.SS SI COhCRrT= Joo Sile ' Y X780 100.00 S 78 880 0� 906.06 62.680 00 �l L - I� I i I P+.eSi361d$POIh 149 -- ---..... A uvT'HORI ING THE I XE ETI ON OF A C` N T RACT RENEWAL 'S 171 PRECIS] UN PA`i'F,ME T MAFRINGS, INC. FOR =M 2011`r 1"207E5V E T ItMsF'ITIING azROGll:paM iIlt��r(Bfi CEesd: March 9, 2,01 5 SF /iEfb"sY6. i Io authorize the Vilta�e Presidel?i: to eXecute a contraci r'e0ewal Vilth pre;;i ;70n Pavement Markings, Inc. for the 2015 Pavement, Marking Prob ram. Purpose: T`he 2015 Pavement Marking Program is necessa y to maintain the visinhin, of tine strew in the Vitrage. "ihe proposed program will include renewing pavement markings on approximately 3 mites of roadway segmeni and approximately 30 1 intersections. i Background: Four communities including Morton Grove have formed a Cooperative Procurement Program, administered at no cost to Morton Grove by the City of Highland Park to lprovide pavement marking services for a four -year Conn (one -year and renewal for no trorc, than three consecutive one -year terms) beginning in 2012. It is reasonable to expccl the large_ quantities m�luded m a cooperative purchase; would ieduo., the 1 cost of the work for each mmnicipality. IUiunicipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Paragraph 6E allows for this Cooperative Procurement Program. Precision Paveinent Markings, inc. performed the work satisfactorily in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and is available to complete the wort:_. This pro)ect is requited to comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act. Propgraras,3 elsaatsneeIlts Public Works,r✓ngineeringDivision ar Groups Affected Fiscal Imnaef: 11 "File esthnated contract value is 00,000. Since Phis is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Soraree of Funds: Public Works: A/C 9025017- 552290 Construction Services $10,000. Workload impact: '['he Public Works Deparhnent sngine ring Division, as pas of their normal work activities, performs the management and impismentation ofthe program. Adininistra €or Approval as presented. Reaommendvetw' n: Special Consideraitons or None Requirements: r � fF Respectfuliv submitted: l!% ':, ' ; /tG? I;ev ti• by: I2yar; I fiof'ie, y iliag° Administrator Z'rc Tem. T.a sa Hoffman Listos . ?orp oration `ounsei Prepared by: viewed b � _ h �s Toad h y "ifiag Lngiree FAndp DeMorn . Du„cto ofiubii: Works PRECISION PAVEMENT MARKINGS, INC, FOR THE 201 Fy PANTLAMENT i®�'.ilRKI Ci PROGR /a l✓I WHEREAS, the Village of Morton CiroG Villagej, located in Cook County. Illinois, is a home male unit of government under the provisions m rticie 7 crfthe: 1970 Constitution of the State of rllinois. an oxercise any powe and perforn2 an`,•� F richer, pertains ng to its governmon', affairs, incl ucling but not limited to the power to tax and incur dept; and WHE_,R?3AS, the Public. Works Department: maintains pavement markings on roads throughout the Village for public safety with an annual Pavernem Marking Prourainl and 'RiHERPAS, the Public. Works Department participated in a Cooperative purchasing initiative. in 2012 which included four communities and was administered by the City of Highland Park to procure pavement marking services to install or renew thermoplastic, paint, and preform thermoplastic pavement narking; and idHERE,AS, unicipal Co e k ale i, Chapter 9, E�rtieie A Paragraph ti SECTION 1. The CotTiorate Au horitieS do hereby- incolpo, ate the fore2oiug'WH REAS auscs into this t esoluCiar_ as tizou h ia11y set Earth therein the" eby mat an the imd mns as hereinabove so- forth. SECTION ': The \% 11`ag c, President of thC V illaf ?P o Mot-ton Grove 1s nerebv aut1i01i?td lC cxcc 't::'. Gild Me Village Clerk to attest to d. coiltra'.-L renlawal `3 An 're .,l.s :on Pav�li1C -;nt Jbddl iCtni?s, Inc.. M' Ilt' !01 �7 "avernent Marking Program in an amount not to exceed % 0,00o.0o. SECT1 ON 3: The Village Aden nisi ator, Director of Public Works, Viiiag e r,ugm. or and their Trustee Pietron Trustee 'V hill esignees are hereby authorize tv tatce all steps necessary to oversee and implement his con act. Trustee Witko :,T'C'1'10N 0: Tnis Resolution shall be in fall force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS > '' DA5' OF iVARCI 20715 Trustee Grear rustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee 'V hill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko LT.'PROVEDB'ME THIS Q'I'i>A`'OFTvIzPC,`2015 Daniel ?'. Dilviaria, Village Presidew Village of'Morton drove oI; "ounty, lllino s ' TTESTED and FILED in nxv office e his 10`x' DA`,' OF VARC410 Ed Ramos, "inane Clerk Villages of R /101-ton Grove Cook County, Illinois _de 'aPsic Live :sumnsarP ,; Syn0Psi:s:. Purpose : Baci£n2'fBund11: Programs, Departmenvs 0" Cwroup s Affected Fisesal Impcaen Scout me. € ffunds: Workicsad Impaaet. Admin Recommendation: )!'it-st Rea^.dimr: Special consideratiaaeas Requirements: Respectfully sufinuitted:' f March 4, 201 To authorize, he v iIIage Cl k to ac;eent a rxaterA I proposal from i IT ow Road Construction Company to f=urnish asphalt for the 20I5 h✓aterial ourchasing Frogram. To purchase asphalt used by till, Public Works Department to maintain the Village's riL)hts -of -way and properties. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to purchase construction materials. B ce asphalt and concrete to be used to maintain Village rights. -of =way and properly. 'Fre purchase of construction materials are paid for nsin<g General. Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise Funds, The use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. It requires contracts for these amounts must conform to the requirements of the State. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the 1JIu iicipaI Code and Illinois Eepartment of Transportation reouirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The. bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A". Irnb1JC Works. The estimated contract value is ML280.00. Since tais is a unit price contract, the fmal contract arnount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchaseic. public Works: A/C #025017-563110 Construction _h✓taterials •.sphulL 3:1,000 MET': A/C #035060- 56311(} C,onstru�t;on Mat "ials -F9ot Nix 54~.000. and iy'atei °: A/C #4050`-5621 N Operational Supp i s- Asphalt $6.000 The Fublic Works Department as part o'P their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. 1`l, /A None kyaB'3. Hcnire; Village Administrator h- spared by: Chris Toll ich r'ilialr Eirg ,leer Reviewed by: Reviewed Dy: Teresa Director Pubi' works Luton, Corporation E ou t Lef lwli'EavA ifZ lv6 THE f�E, IEPT✓`NCE OF W AfIAT£Pyx ,L PRO' 'SAL f✓ROM .y.b�ROW Pzao/up Syn0Psi:s:. Purpose : Baci£n2'fBund11: Programs, Departmenvs 0" Cwroup s Affected Fisesal Impcaen Scout me. € ffunds: Workicsad Impaaet. Admin Recommendation: )!'it-st Rea^.dimr: Special consideratiaaeas Requirements: Respectfully sufinuitted:' f March 4, 201 To authorize, he v iIIage Cl k to ac;eent a rxaterA I proposal from i IT ow Road Construction Company to f=urnish asphalt for the 20I5 h✓aterial ourchasing Frogram. To purchase asphalt used by till, Public Works Department to maintain the Village's riL)hts -of -way and properties. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to purchase construction materials. B ce asphalt and concrete to be used to maintain Village rights. -of =way and properly. 'Fre purchase of construction materials are paid for nsin<g General. Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise Funds, The use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds is administratively controlled by the State of Illinois. It requires contracts for these amounts must conform to the requirements of the State. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the 1JIu iicipaI Code and Illinois Eepartment of Transportation reouirements. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The. bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A". Irnb1JC Works. The estimated contract value is ML280.00. Since tais is a unit price contract, the fmal contract arnount will be based on the actual quantity of material purchaseic. public Works: A/C #025017-563110 Construction _h✓taterials •.sphulL 3:1,000 MET': A/C #035060- 56311(} C,onstru�t;on Mat "ials -F9ot Nix 54~.000. and iy'atei °: A/C #4050`-5621 N Operational Supp i s- Asphalt $6.000 The Fublic Works Department as part o'P their normal work activities performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. 1`l, /A None kyaB'3. Hcnire; Village Administrator h- spared by: Chris Toll ich r'ilialr Eirg ,leer Reviewed by: Reviewed Dy: Teresa Director Pubi' works Luton, Corporation E ou t Lef RESOL T TION 1 5-22 AUTHORIZA, c E1N TO ACCEPTAWL A? ElilAZ. I'R.°yPO: A. L-, ` rT Fi AR1 Ov7 ROAli C~C}NSTRUC'TJONI COMPANY FOR THE 2015 IVIATERdAL PUR6IIAfa G PROGRAM - ASPHALT' WF3EREAS, the V llage of N orton Gro vcillag ), Iocated n tlooic County, Illinois, is a home ru e unit of government under the provisions of 7 uncle 7 of the 1470 Constitution o'Pthe State of ll nnois_ can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tai, and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2015 Material Purchasing Program is necessary to purchase asphalt and concrete construction materials for use by the Pubiic Works Department to maintain the Village's righu;- of -way and properties; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised in the Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau ol"Loeal Roads and Streets `Notice to Contractors Bulletin" Bulletin Nos. 15 -7 and 15 -8 inviting bids on the "2015 Material Purchasing Program - Asphalt "; and WI;EREAS, ten entities, contractors or suppliers obtained the bidding materials;, and WHEREAS, two bids were received. publicly opened and read at the Pubiic Works Paci[ity at 4:00 a.m. on Friday, February 27, 2015, with the tabulation of bids included in L;xhibit "A": and WHEREAS, turding for the above work: in the cumulative amount of $86.280 is available for the purchase of hot -mix asphalt in the Village of 11/orton Grove 2015 Adopted Budget in Account :Numbers 025017-563 1 1 0 (General Fund - Streets'), 035060-50110 (Motor Fuel Tax Fund), and 40503 3- 562110 (Enterprisc Fund- Water;; and WHEREAS, Arrow Road Construction Company has successfully completed this contract for thi Village in the past; and WFIEREAS, the qualifications and availability of the low bidder have been verined. THEREFORE P t EVE) BY TI P5FSIDI T AND BOARD (.)Fr 1 1, E ; P iSTEES CF` TH- VIl LADE OF MOR"T"ON GRO? E, COOK CIOUT�;iTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION The Corporate Authorities do hereiiy incorporate the i'oregrimg WHEIREAS Cl auses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the imdings as hereinabove, setfoith. I,. , . i` C3ii12. T'he`JtLagc ieric of the Village orFiVio:ton Grove is nereoy authorized to execute the acceptance of a material proposal from farrow load Constriction C;ornparty, 3401 South Busse. Read, P.O. Box 334, Mount Prospect, IlIinois, based upon their material proposal. for the "2015 viateli PurchaSrng Program -/I sphalt" in the amount of y INO.00. SI1CI'I 1 . i. ?he Village Administrator and the Director of Public Works and/or their d�sianeer are authorized to take all steps necessary to iruplement, supe_vise, and manage the ')015 Material Pur„ hasing Program. Sr4i.l, HOd 4. This Resolution hall, be in frill force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 9191 DAV OII MARCH 2015 Trustee Trust;�e Trustee rustee Trustee I rustee Great ]VIarcus Pietron (hill Toth Witko APPROVED ENV ld1F, THIS 9 "' DAY CII' MARCH 2015 Daniel P. DiMaria, "village President Village ofMorton Grove Cook County, Illinois f',. i I EST 'D and FILER in Inv office This ,` (;`h DA`,,' JF M RC H 20 15 Ed Ramos; Village Clerk Village of Morton C'rrove Cook Count;, Illinois "@ Ifiinus®epartme l t� of Trmspartation Tabuta£ ion o� 6ids Leyisi2lky: Sium.$$sa 7V -- — - - Resohation 15 -21 - AU THO I INC THE EXECUTION OF A., CONTRACT WITH CHIC:ACxC9I.AND PAXING CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR THE, 201.5 STREET AFCHING. PROGRAI9f. PaaYa o iazc d^ March 4. 2015 Sytaopsi`;: t To authorize the Village President to execute a contract with Chicagoland Pavin? Contractors, Inc. for the 20I5 Street Patchino Prom-am. Purpose: To construct durable patches in asphalt pavement. Baeicgroumnd. The annual Street Patching Program is a preventative measure (usually) for asphalt streets in order to maintain the quality, drlainaLe, and drivabilht and to extend the jhfe of the streets in the Vihaae. "Phis work should be complcted in raid -Jutw 2015_ This contract was bid throu(Th a public process in accordance with the Village Code. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The proposal amount is $20,040.00 less than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost. The bid tabulation is attached as L';xhibit `,A ". This contract: must conform to the reduirements of the Prevaiiir.g Wriae Act. Programs, Departments, Public woriss, Engineering Division or Groups Affected � Fiscal S%Fp6 nen The estimated contract value ES S70,900.00. SinCe this is a. unit orice contract:. Ule final contract amount will Le based on the actual quantity of work Performed. source ofr'Funds: � Public Works: A/C 4305060 - 553300 Street improvements; 2015 General j Obiioations Bond contains an allocation of 590,000 for street patching in 2015. v orfisioad Inal aet. The Public Works Department, Engineering Division, as part of their normal wort•: activities; Lerforms the management and implennentation of the program. Administrator Recommend: AD - vaF as presented. Second Iacadxv O,,: N/A :9pm,-W Considerations or 'I (None Requirements: FRS i' %' ' ✓��:? " --�^"- �.espectfully submitted: RyY?i r. Lorne Village Administrator Prepared by: Cul is i'omi l., Village Engineer klevr w d u is t%`t Teresa Roffniaan r "stort. ohpoeation ounce( Review jAnd eP6tont Dircclor ofPuDh - Works REES0L J T I0I z!.5 -2",I 4 iIHORI2 ATION TO EXECI TT A CONTRACT WIT CHICA€ OI -4AND PAVING CONTRA..CTORS, INC. FOR THE '2015 STREET PAT CHIN IsRO RAM WHI3REAS, the Village of 1V4orton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Articic 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois . can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, inciudino but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt, and WHEREAS, the 2015 Street Patching Program is necessary in order to maintain the Viliage's hin-astructure: and WHEREAS, the Public Worics Departrnent advertised on the Village's website begin ing February 1, 2015, inviting bids on the "2015 Street Patching Program": and WHEREAS, the terms of this contract will comely with the Illnnois Prevailing Wage Act; and WHEREAS, the bid dingprocedures comply with purchasing requirements of Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Section 4; and WHEREAS, fourteen entities, contractors or suppliers obtained th:^ bidding materials; and WHEREAS, three bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, February 27, 2015, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit `°A ": and WHEREAS, the low bid of Chicagoland Paving Contractors; Inc. is $20,090 Less than the Engineer's Estimate of Cost; and WHEREAS, the 2015 General Obhuation Bond issuance contains an allocation of ?390,000 for Street Patching, for which the funds will be deposited into Capita( Projects Fund Account 305060 - 553300; and VOW, T THEREFORE , BE iT R ESQL,VED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate.the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby mailing the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities acceptthe bid of Chicagoland Paving Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $79,900.00. SECTION 3. The Village President ofthe Village ofivtorton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract witli C'mcagoland Paving Contractors, Inc. of 2 55- Telser_Road, afe ! Uh . fo c ric, Illinois. based upon their bid r '' 20' c Strtet Patching Program in tnf', amount o'i S79, UGI. SECTIC]\ 4. The i� it age Adminisn ato , Directu;- of�Public Works and Village ' cnneer and tiled designees are he ] e authorized to take all steps nccessal2� to oversee, implement this contract SE,C'F ICS This Resolution shall be. in full force and effect ux on its passage and approval. PASSED THIS q'" DA V OF MARCH 2015 Trustee Tnlstee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee; Grew Marcus I'ictron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED F Y M?', T 1IIS 9" DAY OF MIARCH 2015 Daniel I'. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FI LED in my office. This 10 "'DAY QF MARC'f 1'20' -5 Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County. Illinois �L I�CIIII��I I�,i j f. ,I �L I�CIIII��I I�,i j f. : i C f{ Illy C ilI ��jlll'�I'� I { h IIt It It y I Ni j I i'� III f�l c it j it u I II� i iii I tA : iafz 51 y ut ICI'; II;IIIj�� I p[ __t �� ����� � I�r,d u�i I � � I' � I I � 4 lu, i I i �I �� �I�I Ij ;l ii � �_ i � !�,j� ���, �i �I�i�li<, i _`I ��� ;.�( =; - � � �� �—f- m �f�. �„ s � —� �� �, � �� , � ;F;w �__ ��i _ �, ; .. °iv � � t � ;� �u 0 _ _ �� � V � t` �N r ���J I� E f �� � i j - f�` 0 5)r) R -,A i.' 1`YT hL''. x F R>'dxINA,i'�ON! OF SPECIAL STL `v71C. AREA NLTjV ER °, alts odeRCed. i February 9, 201; synopsis: a fills Ordinance wiH a uthonix,, theeermination o Special oery caAea No. 1. nurposc: The bonds issued to nav for the public improvements in Special Se ile" ;i] were paid and fully retired in 199 "i, anq th Vilia�e has not levied special service a e ; taxes uD Specia'I Service Area Y1 since that time. Ilic County has recently requested the Village adopt an orciinancec to liormalk, terminate Special Service Area 91. In 1984; tit- VDfl+�.,. established Soc al Servi a�lv Area'] in order to finance the construction of ineets, storm sewers water iusiins. and saniluary smvevas in the inrwtrial area west ofLehigh AvencC between Oakton and Lincoln Avenue. in 19 ,3, th Village issued General Obligation bonds to Finance improvements in Special Service Are l,": The debt service on the bonds was paid by taxes levied on propery owners in the Special Service Area. The Village reFinanced these bonds during the 1993 -1994 fiscal vear resulting tit alower debt scrvica payment and property tax levy; and the debt s iR i �e was paid in full and the bonds were lolly retired in December 199 ?. Once the bonds were retired, no further levy wt ,authorized or required. The need forthe Special Se vi c Area no Ioneyet exists and the Special Service should be ternlduu:ecl. RR Ograeaas, Lai, /idminist,-ation.. alld FulanCe ileparmsen or Groups Affected ti +fiscalIin Pact : I N/A Source of Fire ilS: �V'A Worldvad $nlpa£T: Fht l `(*, l and 1 "mane, D- I Turieit as nail or iheb normal work activities will Ov i -lhe implementation of the required doh urnernS 1'o t rininate the Special Service Area. !9Mx R� IYd era. %QYr ',: Ap ro% ' aS pI CSCntelh. �aeC4DCAI FL &£'nE: } € @.GQiP:: j kT BrCr _�d4S &L? FOr wd u; JT dO..unl oil tdnOn .t 13 bJ!la 1!an11 11 . the eC� i :.,1 OI thi: (OCUntCnt btp , waived. �i�k C.C:iid C.(Yn'ii (�24'3EB fiiYS 017 None. test - efuliy subtnitt d: vi�lageAdrninisirafor 1-`reD 1. ' G l)4i', i'2.!,'� °5 �� /• -rest Hoffman P! talon. 'ornoration Counsel Reviewed bl ,: Rem} T 3varrete rnal=Director /Trcatsurc; ORDINANCE 15-013 ftllTHOIvMNG THE 17 r. L,AGEP OEIJIORT'O ?y GROVE 0 DOCUMME? F TitE T ER'ATIOl Or SPFI .I L SERVICE ICE AREA NUMBER I U✓HEREAS, the Village of Dorton. Grove (ViI of located in Cook. County. Iiiinois, is a home rule unit of goverrmlent undci the provisions o�f Art cle 7 of the 1970 Constitution of lie State of Illinois, can exercise any power and I>crfo °m any function pertaining to its govern dent affiurs, including but not limited to the power to tax and intro- debt; and WfIEREAS. in I9£4, pursuant to Orflinance Uzi-63, the Village established Spe: ial Service Area Ti in order to finance the provision of municipal services includino . tIze construction o` streets, storm sewers; water plains, and sanitary sewers in the industrial area W,� K of Lehigh Avenue between Oakton and Lincoln Avenue; WHEREAS, in 1995 the Village issued General Oblicyation ponds to finaic% improvements in Special Service Area TI. The debt: service on the bonds was paid by tales levied on property owners in tire. Special Service Arca; and 'i R- S me Villai-)e refinanced thse honds during the 199"Ll 994 fiscal "car resultiniL in a lower debt service pavnien( and proPernr tax levyi and IJHERE'AS, the dcu't scrvic was raid in Hill and tile bonds were fully retired ip I)ccernber 1997; and WHEREAS, once tire. bonds were retired, no further levy was authorized or i qun�d: and VvHFf1E� ^.f , lc nc, a0i` tt peCiul S i JI ,'C Arcs no Ion o 7 ists and the SnE � iai `w et'v1Ce s' nO Lild. I"7,^, terininate.t. )VV")'<'HRERDE ORF,, BE iT OIRDAINU -�, HY T H-F INFER IEY ✓ ND, rBOA[U) OE 77PUS 6 EI S OF T HT VIL I.IA IE OF NIORTON G VRO v'Ey C'00K COU; .'i', II;I,°Ih!OF5,i AS FOLLOWS: 1. �,r,.;TlOPa ! . ripe r oq7oirate firufnoriGes Jc hereoy _ncorpo ate the foregoing Ciause5 Into tills'- rnanr,e, as thouah mliv sn'I fnr h llerie q nierchv :llakind the fi 1;1111$:5 aS hereinabove act fords. SECTION, 2 Special Service Arca No is hereby officially terminated Pffectly„ for tit. 20' 4 tax year and any balance in any fund associated therewith is hereby ordered transl 1 red to ilw Genera; Fund. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall ne it} Ful force and ffect from and after its mssaee and approval. PASSED this 9th day ofMamh 2015. Trustee Grew- 'Trust-,e MarCuS Trustee Pietron Tnastee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Wjtho APPROVED by me this 9th day of March 201 S. Daniel P. Dilviaria, Viiiasp;e President Village of Morton grove Cook County, Illinois A=I"PROVED and PIT 11 in my office This 9th day of Ivlarch 2015. Ed Ramos, Village Cier%: ViIiage of Morton Grove Doak GounTy, Illinois Le „°kiaT;wl SHUBLIIk'aj' "E'� 2Dy'E d 4b SFbb CFA% L �T �"T T T CAS 4 P's s _ T �C �➢T h €�F' "TC US;” TO 851EPU." :� —I k" 5826 >[Si!✓M'_'S'p'ER ST RE RE T, MORTON GROVE', ILLINOIS 60P S+ Introduction svliopasit: I or pose: Background, Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal lmpac+: Source of Funds: Workload limpact: Admits Recommend: Second Reading: specild Consider or Reouiremerrts: Submitted by: Prepared by: March 9. 2015 This ordinance will approve a special use permit, with conditions, for a Dental Office at 5526 Dempster Street for Children's Dental World. The property is zoned C'1 General Commer;ia1 District. Approval Of a special use permit to allosm for the operation of a Dental Office, by Children's Dental World at 5826 Dempster Street, the property currentk, Dr. Park, owner of � hildren's Dental World, filed an application for a special use hermit WC 14 -79) to allow for the operation or a Dental Office at 5826 Dempster Street. Ili Park is proposing to relocate and expand his pediatric dental practice from its current: location at 6046 Dempster Street. The applicant proposes to increase the number of dental chairs from three (3) to six. (6), but with a maximum staff of five (5) staff on -site, including Dr. Park. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Dempster Street and Mansfield Avenue and is improved with a 2,700 sq. ft., one -story building. While the property currentk, includes three (3) off street parking spaces directly 'behind (north (if) the building, the applicant will rnodif;V the on -site parking to provide one NI required A]:3A compliant parking* space. The applicant's submitted traffic study identified the need for nine (9) parking spaces. The applicant proposes to accommodate parking demand by utilizing an on -site parking space as well as four (4) public parking spaces in the 5E25 Dempster Street public parking tot and public parking on Marmora and Mcnard Avenue for their five (5) staff. They anticipate ma'; their required patient parking space, which is projected to be four (4) spaces, during peak demand, will be accommodated through available public parking along Mansfield Avenue, based on the findings of the parking survey_ Based on the application, supporting documents and testimony presented at the February 16, 2015 Public clearing, the Plan Commission voted unanimously (5 -0) to reconnn3el I approval o1° this application with conditions. (L-uionz and Parkas, absent) Comnunuty and Economic Development N/A NIA Community and Economic Development in the normal course of business. Approval, as presented March 23. 2615 s✓ Fu — – Reviewed by v. �lo^n:', �J 1113�,_>:; A` dmP11P.Sli alor Tlms£i Hoffman. - Lision, Corpo utjori Couns -;1 arid. Economcf, Development, Directm; DIVA, C IA -04 A!'"R OVING 7s SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PEDIATRIC DENTAL . c' FF'ICE USE TO OPERATE AT 13826 DEMPS TERSTREFT, MORTON GROVE YLLINOIT,S 60053 WHEREAS, the Village of Menton Grove (Village;, located in Cook County. Illinois, is a home me unit of government under the provisions of .Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its gover Lment affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt and WHEREAS, the applicant, Dr. Sam "ark, Children's Dental World 6046 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Ii 60053, has made a proper apnlication to the plan Commission in Cite Village of Morton Grove under case number PC14 -19 requesting the approval of a special use permit to operate aMedical /Dental Office (Children's Dental World} at tide property commonly known as 5526 Dempster Street, Dorton Grove, Illinois 60053; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the CI General Conmaercial District; and WHEREAS, Section 12- 4 -3 -1} of the Village of Norton Grove Unified Developnieni Code allows aMedical /13ental C)ffice Use to be Located in tire CI General Commercial District pursuant to a special use permit: and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove which publication tool, place on January 29, 2015, and pursuant to the posting of a sign on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject proneh -ty as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on February 16, 2015, at which time all concerned parties were giver, the opportunity to be present and express their views for tu.c consideration of the Plan Commission. And, as result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated March 5, 2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part Hereof and marked as Exhihdt',W" : and WHEREAS, Children's Dental World, is an established Morton Grove pediatric dental practice that is proposing move and expand within Morton Grove, from its current location at 6046 Dempster Sir eet to 5826 Dempster Street; WHEREAS, the applicant has proposed to expand the number of dental chairs from three (3) to six (6), with a maximum staff of five (5), whicIh allows him to spend more time with his patients and re- enforces the customer serviee emphasis of his Children's Dental World practice; and V71-HEP AS, Chi11i cn's Dental World hired a traffic: engineering consultant. AES i ry ces, who evaluated the traffic and par°iang demands of the proposed use at the 'V6 Dempste /tree'. location._ and have determined a parking demand of nine (91 spaces fo. the plop) ,feel use which includes five- i J) spaces for staff and Tour (4 ) Spaces for clients:. aid VJI-t Il F�`_�+, iCl�-, I, affil �5al et.} ��Onl?t13SSloi: reV3ewed the applleadoll and 0r121nai :raf11C Study at their meeting on November 6, 2Cii4 and recommended approval of the project subject to applicant addressing concerns about snow removes, to ensure access to the on -site parking spaces; and WHEI 'REAS, m order to better address the on -site parking delicit, the Apphcair' submitt:d a revised traffic study dated March, 2015. att shed hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit " T ", which includes a parking management plan that states the parking demand can be met through a combination of on -site and area public parting spaces; and WHEREAS, the Arishcants proposed parking management plan has been designed to in, to maximize the number of available. public parking spaces, along Mansfield Avenue by encouraging his staff to utilize available public parking spaces in the municipal hot at 5825 Dempster Street, and public; parking along Menard and Mar7rora Avenue; and WFIEIF,AS.. the proposed parkin= management plan is designed to Leh, ensure the pediatric patients and their parentslguardians of Children. Dental World have the greatest opportunin to park in public par °hig sIcaces along I ansf eld Avenue, closest to, the opiceI and V tFIE F AS, Children's Dental World will provide an ADA compliant parking space, on -site, in accordance with the Illinois Accessibiiit; ode, to better accommodate the patients and/or their narents and guardians who have accessibility issues; and WHEI?,EAS, the proposed dental office .Ise.. based havnig s=} (e) operatory chairs 6,6`7,. maximum number of five 15j staff on -site at any given thne, and the focused nature on pediatric patients, ion? V✓.tll the aSS(,i4aied T) rk {Ina mana'ement plan, provides L reasonable rc -Lis; of commercial space, which includes inherent challenges for most contrnercial uses, due to its burned number of on -site parking spaces in relation to the size of the building. and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter: at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the fallage of Misrton Grove Unifkd Development Code, this Special Use for an MedicallDenial ?fSce Use will be used and operated in such a way that the public health, safeTy and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial iniury to the other. properties in the surrounding neighborhood; and W l.RE ;; pursuant to the provisions of the N log e of'/;rsrroll (,=rove 111 unicipal <_:ode. the Corporate Authorities have determined Cne Special Use permit for a MedicaLDenlal Office Use Ch Idren s ?entai World) at �S2G I}empster Street as reconnnended unanimously for approval by the Plan C;or unissiion at a public hear -ing on February 16, 2015 shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE. RE. BI IT OWIMNED, BY THE PRESIDENT AND Io�ARD,- Oir� TRUSTEES TES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON E ITO VE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINO ".1:,'.4 SECTION 1: The Corporate authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing V1ItEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making fm findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 5526 Dempster Skeet, Morton on Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted a special use permit to allow an Medical /Dental Office (Children's Dental World} and such special use shall be located and operated at that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be *binding on the owners /lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: The site shall be developed and operated in accordance with the plans and supporting documents in the application, including: A. Proposed Site Plan, submitted by AES, revised dated March 2015 B. Proposed Floor Plan, subruittted ny Moser Design Studio, dated October 1, 2014 C. Traffic Impact Study, submitted by AT-S, revised dated March 1.015 2. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations from the Trafde Safety Commission, in accordance with their recommendation dated November 6,2014, as follows: A. The apolscaut shall provide adequate and timely snow removal of the vo t2) on-she puking spaces; 3. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permits, the applicant shall submit all necessary all necessary plans and applications to meet ADA accessibility requirements to the Director of Public Works, Village Engineer, and Building Official for review and approval; and 4. The applicant shall comply with the ;anal, approved parking management plan included in the revised bailie study, dated Larch 2015. Further, the applicant shah advise staff and patrons of all available commercial public parking options, in the area, and encourage against parking iiA the adjacent reside nalneighborhoods. ,.r the appncant c cues to hi ,-]-east the uambe of aental mans, beyond six (b;, o stamn�_ levers beyond the proposed maximum of fiv (5), the applicant shalt be required to submit an umaW I parking study to Me. Director of Community and E conomic Deveiopment and Village Ynrineer. Such study should include an updated parking survey and an updated parkin plan describing ho�a� such increased parking demand will he accommodated. Such ulcreases in the mlcnsity of h, use may require an amendment to the Special Use permit. C. This special use application is gra led based on the operations of the Children's "Dental World, hased on the submitted application. Ant change in operations or ownership would require an amendment to the special use permit. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, occupants, and users of 5826 Dempster Street. their successors and assigns allow employees and authorized agents of The Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of dais special use permit have been met. SECTION 4: The special use permit is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users o1 dais property utilize the area for the purposes as I:erein designated. SECTION K: The Village Cler1 is nerehV authorized amd directed `.o amend, alt pertinent recoras of the Village of Morton Grove to show aaad designate the special use as grained and amended hereunder. SEC"f ON b: The Applicant /Owner shall comply with all requirements of tine Village of Morton. Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in WE force and effect from and after its nassa_y, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to lava. 1'/' SS7 —,'O this 2srtl day of March 2017. Trustee Grea: Trustee Marcus Trustee Fietroi. Trustee Thil] Trustee Toth "trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 24rd day o i /ar h 2015. Daniel P. ilia` ✓iaria, ti ilia >e Presid;;ni Village of ibiorton Grove Cools County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my o ffice this =re dad of March 2615. Ed Rtunos, °viliage Cleric V iliage o Norton Grove Cook County, Illinois '.; age or TI =°•. �0ga7!'�,a ""r:�s €S�eCd aTn27 �BCas'iew� C':' ��55�'w�?.',":> r <. Cia�r €eL d:6&r,AeCST6 'B2 pe u. cr 'a 'wi�r'3v rr�ess ,°i. r`u Nancy Radze.ViChP AICF, Cxsmmunn q arse '_=DnamL Deyt.3iDpmenz are=¢a. :r.ffi'21rS1Br8SC�L �'a, �9'%t 99rCseSiCf ��i'��",. - L'Qi6AdBi� �. 3EN &5&9�;:°vuGc"a$T$,r`�°�.a17mC. "�, ":cam "^"�ur'�6'drbP�."�" Er 20111; E :=° 'Caa" QB d a"- s�dAu, r71."s�'. '(.` fir•` :6`'� 'crEnarerrs Dentak wrarid. requesit' TW a &PeCia" Us: C§ermilt for °�'ife�6CSG 'J'�T'er6Cc2� 5.,�'ffi &.cl`,- 97E s"w� C"�BrCs�a@&:;c. 4i4fi$nfl � §CaTP: L GPGr0.i rGnssiarit Reran t Public Hearing Notice The Village provided Public notice_ of h'" .G -Ic t0" an Dub y (C � a 11C hearing In aCcoroance with the Nnirtea De dprlen node the - /r)ryAaC Pr �S pupil >hECi the {7Ub6{C notice on January 2a, 201.:r and the Viliape .^,Cal!_:. [eTLere notifyinc surrouridmo ptOpErbt Ow;lEr5 a nrd a DublIc notice slot! VVas pla%EC "tale su D'ez. Ciropenk, Cri ebrli ?,rl, "_:;. traC <QY cured Denial 4(4 oriC S °gidne Y�e Y}PC i ia` _ Off IC'}.y�tC} Ert .,o CGE�aifd!"C-'n 5821S' G� mce ee� .n ti e Gene al Lomw eraal zoniroq a.szlr(ct. lne ri zoning aisirict reuUlres a e to uee perms. .'or a! �feuical/ ope= rations. nta1 Ufilce" I ire Subiec' Croce h/ is Iocated at the nor ih iw . corner Of D-^_i Ylpsior cfr eC* arld I'✓ians:l °_Id Avenue and IS IrnpYQVEO W tIl &I ?170D so. F One -stcl y bulidl nc,. The pro Derry curt e ^;tjv inclu.deS three oil' street parking spa-CeS duel-fly behind, 'nortr of') the Di?IIC71r I,^,. Overview of the [ D'llCat Qn f.hHdren`s Genra! World is a den'.:aI D, aa- ira t_aL 7oCU"' 0n pediaL'iC uentai Care. T he aDRilCan:' is pR"oPoSSnC to rEIJC.ate aliu expand hts praCtic <_' from +-ozi, �terrrt, ter to the new jSJo !Jenli: ste.' iocatlor The EDDliclant has operated his D tsiness in its current iocabori for the Gast. five y and aiSF) DDei ales another Childre_n'S Dental {Nor Id practice at 2059 S ENaiiaCe' trp °; rhICaQC, he neVtr 5826 Dempster StreEt location would allow the applicant Er eCpand his 11/10,7on Grove denta G€ 'C ICE, The applicant proposes To Increase the numb of nentot clhai s frorn three ry ar SIX Cal, VVItCI' a totai staff or six (o). In addition to ai. Park the sza'F t,, CoI7t43)'S8d 6f two t�) cepital assistants, two "ECepL(on[ CS and one ( I) ta' sfstant /recepon> As Cite crrlcE operates In shit',.:", a maximurn 0if 'Ve f(5� Sta" raternberS IrICIUC11 Y10 Dr. Park will CPE or, >ftE at one time, The hours of oDeration would be consistent with his current Morton Grove practice, as foliowsS Monday 7 DAM trt b ^1(�' � l U°SOa Vs anC "' UrFdiays C}�fJ to J N� � /lfedn °_Svayfs ' tai N; iii 6PIVp" oar: ke _ Ivarct, ' _" Fridays 7,AM to 5piVl (re,^ptionlS% oniyr, n0 d° ILaI Stc,iiii arid1 J 1° (= `at:iria)r [' rriOnLt, ICOn"! 9A LC PIM. F'a lfino Deniand Pei— the Unified'' Deveiopmeni" Code, "1176 G'O6 /4�`pd bi 7 ("n WoljayF DOa,G Gds6d Or thf6 any traffic and parlI<ing recommendation cdnsUtants or any pertinent vdr'ag2 commis 15ectiori i7rra� Nar'lC(nu r` °dU /""?:f /i^,' ca6,'7 � °r'lnCrr� rrca Siial' Ca SUO(It!?'CeO� 1nD�0erlQen rraf - anti ,Gar's mgr .:>CUdi/ 317d Or Slualy pr6rar °C G'i' c!?e sign and t17e recommonratlon of the pr`an comnvss'on." A traffic Impact study, prepared by %''r.�S S°_I"ViCeS, daLALI NovernrieF ?u':.C., Was SubmltLed With tile- application. Pe the traffic study, the applicant anticipates; their Would have a maximum of siv (6) rlaLlen�S C�er Clay per Cen�dl Chaff (C) fo(' a tuLai O �G pdtant5 oV2C the COUrSP of th" day. MRCP: Lne applicant frequently na-S multin!° Children frOrn the same famiiv during one visit, AES je:rvi-es deter mined that the total numher of VehicieS trips could be reduced by a muiL(pljPr of C.75. r�uiiinc in a fatal of 27 projected patient vehicie trigs per day. Per that traffic Study, ASS Services. used this data and determine;' that nine (a) parking spaC °_S Would be rediulred for this uS°_, CS MkovvS: � _AsSuming 5 SpOts for tiy° Siat, and a!SiRg c conservative estimate of -7 patient vehicies during 7 hours, an additional 4 spot_=, WoUid he reo Uired for a tOtai Of 9 uarKfng spaces during peal:. usage. •� Using this InfOriiration, Szafi of the foliowing uarjCjn aPial;.ralc Lha1'.:: "- laminp atY'aB.G06'eu"99en'.' per a eca 'M Sturiiv flA�ke�a�ag; / �a7a� � may¢ Demand �r���l.� �arman;i DRmf�avaa�a, per Traffic Study .- :eaca��c Jv.Sb Dempster '' G (u Spo'S fior ywff -e earl <4nG and 4 ;pats for spaces �r�fdvtt ?ubiic Parking Availahilitf✓ There are three 3} eS:iSting pUUti Gafaitei parking spaces along the W'esi Side oi' 1V;anSilefG AVei.l!a_, Immediately adla eh to 'ihis `bulldln t, anc nine /C}) puDllC anq Pea pan, nJ...ssiaC°S On the, eaSL Side of Mans-neid /Avenue. Furtl'he ", there is a tvVe"Di -two � '?) spare public parking lot direLtiy (5825 Dempster) across the street from the sublet property, j notes that twelve of thus spaCes are reserved for exclusive uSe b�/ 5u3 West Jempsrer (Cur "antiv Occupied by Orman Ci }lrOpraCLIC), Vt /hfCn was negotiated a5 th psi;". of the terms Of Safe Of the GarYtng lot uaCC'c'i to me 4i �r uft aQe.tia such, thatmunic(Gai IOL has a total Of Len l; f.Qj unreserved public parking Spaces. As par` of their pahJng study. Al - a°_rVices co IduC,er� a pa rkinQ Survey Of the 'F.!stlnQ ^u Ubif: parking spaces on Niaarsfied Avenue and tne puh'iiC Parking lot across Demps er Stree% (5825 ✓empstar Street). The parking surve.v Was Conciucta_d be'Meen the hours Of ? C:5(7 PM and 5:3n PpV 44^: 41.Eesdav S- °.ru'iel'1'lde" 3 2015, During the SurV °.v periocr A S SerVIC °_S mse_ 4,6J that of the twelve (12) public ;parking spaces along lViansfield were typicaliy. available, While 5 -g' of the urtressen/ad SpaceS Were ty/p €-ally aval� able jr i `l le DubiiC narking to a 055 L ::street. _.... ward f.°_ - ivsdreh 7u "! RC _ Y5'J )VV p ciai Use 'Jn Dire Parkin" Safi rote, trrat because of the criaff?° Iii ' Ise and proDose modi7j aticnS tC? the t UCtUr Me- cr u'Dil an: W ii t1_° r ecuired to provide One aCC° sibie -. Dorking Spa, per to _ /S D GC?u °, to DrevlflU ei dtlo ^s 0' the parIiln SCUM // pr° 611L`.f.' M tr: rafr Safety ^ inl!SSlor ary Riar the apollc ant.. hao succested that they would p"e -_ ` C r rij dlf La( three i =Dora Re o arch " rl'' PC _ Z°: 'MN Sri ecial lisp F�2rI <Ind '�,iial!eirY °_5 @' 7L'r70 DemDSt °:` JUe id! the limited number of o''-si e ' ,hJt_,_ SpaC °S in relation i0 the Size Of t"'e biull']Eng, �GLC; U mD..:er Stre °t io- „aticr is, a ,ul`i�- ult Str° to re-renan`.. Whi e the EpDiicant'S DrQDCS ='G d °riL?I oaIC2 USE YeaLlireS a S,DpCiai use dn. c SQCt tea pan�inG waive:, nF.7st ci"hd D'y -r on- busir£SS_S JVOUIG I(k °_I \/ also iiaVe f1iTTIGLiiiy' n'uoU! _' tit° QBriIiII ra UiYef7lentr e;ItaD�ls?�d I. ". ii7u {:Cdifio "nC`. and sUCYI ousiness owne" would a!so ne =ed to SeeK cal'k(np waiverr. While_ reran and general Office. Uses ar". ai{dW°: C➢'\ -riche in the CT CommerCial Dial- lCt, bOhn US °_S have the same GandriQ requirement as a medical /dental office I- Space p °_r ?7C) sc! ft.j, and would ita \re a base i °ve! reauirenmem, of :l rtaricinr Maces, A restaurant would have ever: a hither isarklno recuiremen- . Of ? space per S J as. ft., wiii::n wot Id resat in an i.�'i svdce Fiarl<I rFQ reculrernent, Therefore, stag notes that the question is not if a commercial entity wouic need parking waivers t0 occupy this Vacant COmmeCC!al Space, but Wheth °?' the eCtent of the W81VeC and /or the. nature O'.” the buSlneSs operations (hours, StafflnG levels, oro*ected customer "S /patients and. tukn!-oVer ra"S, etc.) Muid be accommodated through a use of on-site and available DubiiC parking. ebruary 16 Zg'S 4 }ubiic Fearna M;. ArQUrnedo Introduced file case and asurr iariZ2d the Mari Commission s aft report dated February rytil: into the public record. 'a0'i: CeV! °Wed hid IntenLlOi!S iG move to D -rD DenlUster Jt.° °t. 'rte noEeu that in November, the case wen before the 1 rafriC and Safetl/ commission f' 'K, and rte nadir °_SSed COncernfi dJf1U` sno`,Ai removal anCi Garbage bin placement. in, discussion With Vill'ag'e Staf` pl -IOr t0 t!l °_ %`tar! Commission n-Saring Staff Identiiierd Some Crialienoes witri oarkln ' avaiiabl!lty.:Dr. Parl: noted that he worked With tnie Viflaje to acCom Dllsh a parkino mariacement Dian that would utiiiZe aVai;alJie co miemial ptubiiC and on -sit parkin(, and would discOursce staff and Datiens from Da, king_ in the adiacent resictential areas, Dr. Parr/ will encouranp Sa;` t0 utiiiZe public Garkho at trip publld lot a.rOss Dempster Street or rlubiic parking along Niarmord and Menard along with a`v'ailabie on-Site GdrlCing `e eY.C?eC'S that this VJvuiG' ile'ir ensure that nt,, Gai[en!,S wCE.ild be able tG urIIIZ °_ aVafio "Die pubiic parking along N(an"eld, r_OmmrS ;IfirteC JoCGa'� aSEC °d for clariTivareon a., M Wilt' the Dr`.}DOSeti SLo`. ar. t?p ,n 11A? IOCa 100 would be one less while the numbe' of ooeatory turns would double from current loCa troll at 6046 Dempster Street. Di. Farr; ind L=:ed that, current-ki, the Nio70r) :grove Chnoren`s Dental Wohd practice operates wit, three (3) ODeratory Chairs, but this IS not comPatime With how he would iike t0 operate his jDraCtiCe, With th "ee S) Ciidlr�, his p' aCtiC- tends iCY focus Olt Chair tF.irnOVI" more, iTlari they would iike, Thp additional chairs at the new location will allow staff to spend more time with ea--h uatient, Which !s more in Iihe with how rip Would prefer ru run his pra•�.:ICc. 'Cnildren'` Dental Worid prides €tsel` on customer service and the =y`, u a OD °_r arorie.c worl<S crest wit the preferrec 1. b;usinesS modei. Commissioner Snimanski referencod the parking addendum that Dr. Parlf Submitted to trip Flan 'OmrYi'SSiOn. on r °bi uarV !a;.D 15 and noted a concern with the proposed use of the ADA sGace C. i✓darc i:eoc -- (�iarCi� � 2" , recommended srrikino ILerl Tr Or` '' i Ic, aOo ='n0UM, Which sLMLEed Vin'- th,C AD)4. pnd timeirl shoe /'.' removal COmplian Ga,Ndna zaCe COUiC ba. USK p1' svat'r Wiiei`? Gz being u�S2Ci !1 e \ / °_ri i. ^i° W Li, `ie_ o= site }� GaLrar,. n0ted trla't sUCh Use 'S 8 poTentia.' iiabiliC�/ an: in viciatldn Of :siaLe reQUidtit7RS and Lner efc)re Should nGL be pp {i °_ T he aptilfca^' dioreez.. : ff. /7u °S °, ,a Et7(!?G_ G':; "._ SLiM7/4 6G C"fte' [✓?C Plan -0)77/i" /.E5 1D', 2rSul �... [ /I� J.iG `'I/'✓It,�✓� i. zL�/onlil ',.Orlm'SSIOner Khan Staled that sne is a of oPemv Owner aCros., Lhe srr e a,,. `'j \il' L'er'C and for the re,..0 rl she Stales tri,a- this wouid nC'.: imDuah her imparrtaiit}' LC hear tn'.s Ca ' i "0L this:, parking !ssUe. il; IOMM' sl0re- v an inquired ' Dr. P ark hao taiLCd 0 the neQnDC'S n . ['arr stetted ne did ndu(re about renting suaC °S with the 0vvne' t tr?e 1!1liTieGidL StertpSte. J Whin far sale. E he DOEeMiai l7U}/°r�rtatad !le; is Interested in pdSS!biVI , "entinL7 two SvaCe.; LG' G, . Par T" nM pr?CVCe. D . -ark nad nGt. Lalk.ed to t e "hrotiractor to the east Or to tn-' CWners to the southi Ni: Argumed0 n=-c that DeT-Sre an';/ SGace Could De rented, une, `!Inane. 1AIOUid heed tC; review and ensure trla the . S30 De- MosTer SLree' io, uOr, IS still compliant VVlti` \riliage parking regulations. 'COmmissi0ne` rhan also Inau red if sedation is done ICY this 0r Ce', arc 1, s0, that VVOUid require arl additional scace Or the arkestilesioiogist. C)r. Park ex�)lained that sedat'iorl is only done In the ChECagC CfTli° ailE' there Is a pCS51D(i'L`/ that it WOUEd no done in thi; iccati0^ bt!t it WOUid not i ?e' more titan a times per year D,-. Park stated that Wnerl Sloati0r' is done a this lozatlCr, ,, tf!e OTICe WCUid be Closes e/, e}?L for tn2L One patien' reCe.ivinQ Car °_. PUbiiC Hearrine —P bii,- r omment Glair person PCC ! em GaDrisi askeC rf an}/One.. was p—r sent tlrat Wanted t0 be heard On this ,vacc. No One aSked to sncaiC. " ublic Ciearinr—BoarC` DiscUSSl0% and vot -n. Cr:airperson Pr , ern uaCr ^ `S':ec i0r a motion t0 apvi ove Cace P COmlT7!SSIOner :, Ofgarl rid SE: c. I7�kO/00F) tit r°_C'OolnlellL% approval OT the reauesL t:0 grant a ,`',.Da"ia; ice per m it LO Cnlldrer,C 1ehL l Vllv'rl(I to c,,D°ra%e a ✓eii.ai l:%til ca, �iec at s ?U i.'eR'?�L!'i" SLr °_eL. Wrtr the following ., I cand Lion. 5, llr Sl e sttai� De rj ° \ /el0 paE! anC' OUer "a'Led c. :.00danC=_" W't!l Lne_ pans and si.iLipOr Cin accument:: in the a;?pliCaLiCi "l, mCludir ^_:. Al Pro Dosed Site Plan, s!. DMttted b'v` e1Ez, roVi Sed dated March .'C.0 S; S.. Pi dposed Roo! Plan, submitted U y Moser DtSlgn .`°Cuaic" dated i=ebr uan/ ;.', 7t};` �? I r arl'IC impact study, submitted by A revised dated Ma _rJ 1:> is've appii;.an. Snail ;t^rCi ?ty`IV 1l\litr. of reCOrlriehdati0n; iCOri t",r'Pf' iral "i. ,a' °_tt/ i..OrlfilisalOn, in aCCC3 dance ilvith mei'L, Yeccmmerldausn dated Novee ber(iCi,7s' i,.f,, aS LCf Otn /S: aopli ant sk:afl pr: vii eouav pnd timeirl shoe /'.' removal Or t ^t ' two ; l� o= site parking spaces; Board Rec ^o . I iarsr `, 2ui pC C'DV/ S 'necial Use Pna— tc, the :.=siiarCe_ 0" a1V CC i CUGan- permf_s, ti"le ap[111Cant snail SUD[71Ir. all neC °SSa " }r DIanC an apok-ations t0 meet. ADk accessibllin/ reouir°men� LC' the Direz c, o` �'uDitz Won,,- ViliagE �nCllneer, and Building Off- ai i`Or r °_VI °_kP;' �ane1 aDpr db'8:f The applicant mall ComD3 \% N1itF tf t('iui, app' "�iVeG' Uar ung management, Diarl 4nClUa°C Ir! ne reVISed 'raffle. Studer, dated I1Iarch 201Y . = urther, the appiican shall aov;se stafr" an:,' patrons of all aVaiiable COm1'rterZia, DubiiC DarKing ODTiOns, In the area, and anCouralde asainsL Gar YInc in the adjar °nt resldentlal nnighborhoods. ` u. li the apple— nt decice S to lncreas°- th° number of Chairs, beyond si; tG %r Or SLai-i1nU eV -.n.l5 be \ /ofld the proposed, f7iaXirn Un"i of 1"IV° 15-% the aDpilZant, shall he t oulred tb submi_ an uDoated Garl<inn. study �G the Gireau- of C_cm lunit.i and L'Conomic Development an' Vil"taoe Cnoineer. SuCh stud }r should in--lude ar: u,CGated balking survev and an uDCis, .O Barking titan aescribing haw such increased barking demand will he accommodaIed, 'uch Increas °S In the Intccrlslty of the Us:; may require an amendm °nt 't LO the 'D- -Ial -s p0rril' G. Ins special use application: IS granted based an th° oDeratl0ns 01 tine ChHdren'S Dental World, based on the submitted appll ?tlor:. knv -hanc!° in operkions or ownership would' require an amendme, t0 the SpeCial US.. permit, Th" motion l/vas Seconded by C OmmissioneIr viHespie. The amendment Was unanimously re.Ceommerded for aDpro ai _�-v. (Commissioners °ulon- and Cnaimerson `arias absent) Dental Offfice ra.. Mc It pact Analysis epOrt. ==P,.w.., I eepareel by: i I S. Waeker Drive. Suite 3910 Chicago. 1L 60606 F F 3 11 2 _35 670, 312 >'3.`, 67£x4 l r2q � 1 Introduction and Background Project Description... ......... .... ........................... . - ProlectStudvArea ..... ............................. .... ..._. i.3 Analvsis Methodoloav and Scenarios ............... .. Exis 1nr Condition Land _. Lndf iseandSurroundnsglsevelop3nenis ..__. Roadwav - NetworL ................................. - - ........... 2.3 Data Collections and Panting Observations..._.. 2.4 Intersection Operations........... I.— ..................... ............ .......... .. I ....................... 3 Future Conditions r, F3aekaround Voiumes a�orecasC .............. .............._............... 3.2 Background Plus Project Conditions Voiunses Forecast...... 33 Intersection Operations ................ ........................................ 3.4 Parking ................................................... ............................... 4 I+indinls and ReConantendatiaans Appendices I a r, Appendix A ........................... _............... ...................... ?3xisting i rafiic Volume /appendix B .............._........._................... .__......_........`sntersection LOS I esults v, I !Ii i au,u F'ro, ect S e oc2t ............................... _...._..__........... ........................................ Figure 2 Vicinity Nap and Studv Area ................. ........_................... ............ .... ...................... 2 m. . i�zure .' rolecc1, ipDistribution ............ ........... ............................ ............ ..._...................... ll List or !':. abl eS Table I Signa €ized lnters:;eiion L.OS Deinzitjolm � ..._.... ........._.........._ .. ............._.........._...._. able t UnsigiTalized intersection �� �o� - . DOS DWtm; tioes .............................. .....__........................ 7 'able _ ., r xistins i rafric V olumes ............................................................ ............................... Table q� Existing Intersection LOS Analysis ........................... ..... ry fable 5 T project Trip Generation ...... .............. .................................... y Table 6 PULUre Traffic Volumes ............... .................. ......................... ..................... i' f L "' TR (. D V =S O AND D lu+A. CE E,rt @GTiJND ThiQ Traffic impact Study (TIS) documents the trasiic analysts and findings sor the proposed relocation o1 htldrerr "s Dental World` (Project) hoar, 6646 Dempster Street to 5526 Dempster Street in the Village of Morton Grove, I1.. Traffic impacts in terms of project trip acneratron and intersection Level of Service UIS) are quantified. The, focus of the tra rc evaluation is on ti;e need and provision of parking for staff and patrons. The Project will be developed in i phase to be operational in early 201 S; however, re facility is ant- ipared to reach full capacitl, at some point after the opening. Fiaure I shows the Project site location. I Project Description Children's Dental World is a dental office located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Demps er Street and Meade T.venne in the Village of Morton Grove. The off-ice is in ar; approximately 1.000 SF building with 5 parking spaces provided to the north of the building. Access to the parking is via an east -west alley located approximately 130 feet north of I entpsier Street. The current office has 3 operatories and a staff of 7 including i doctor. Fhe dental off ce is proposing to relocate in a 2,700 SF building located approrrima ely 1,500 feet east of the existing office, at the northwest corner o the intersection of Dempster street and anstield Avenue. The existing building of the new Location will be repurposed for flte dental ofn"ce to include 6 operatories. The nurynxer of sniff is expected to remain the sane There are 2 parknra spaces availabr no t e north of the future office. building with access via an cast -west alley. There are parallel pari,.in-; spaces on I iansfteld Avenuc adjacent to the building on the west side of the street. Primary p d striae access to the building wiil'ue provided viz the main entrance on Manafield Avenue. A secondary access for staff and deliveries is nrovid,ed on the north side of the building. The dental office will continue to provide services for pediatric dental care only. At full capacity, fire office is expected to average about u natients(day /operatory. The office hours vary iietwaen S AM to 6 "M from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, the office would staff ` ceceptionisf oni_v. The dental office would also continue to overate on 7 Saturday per month from 9 AM to 2 PM. Q) v^ll t.2 Pro Beet Study Arco Figure 2 shows the study arsa that was considered, 107 Project nip distribution and ass; (T me, agreed upon with the 't %illage of Dorton,: Gr< v tint. an city analysis iocusedy or) tn, siguaiized intersection or 1;empste Street and Mcnarc Avenue. As;aiesis Methodoioffv and S^Anarios - v. The TIS describes the Project trip generation, traffic distribution and assignment, LOS analysis. traffic impacts determination, mitigation measures recommendations, and traffic control needs evaluation to ensure safe and efficient traffic operations. the aralvsis was condue ed for morning (AM and evening (D V,) peak hour traffic conditions for the following two scenarios: Scenario I: Bxisan( Con.duions — Existingtraffic volumes at study mtersection(s,l Scenario 2: Future Conditions — Background traffic growth projection pips traffic generated by the dental office. To measure and describe the operaiions of a roadway network, traffic engineers and planners commonly use a grading system called the Level of Service. (Le`�S). i'he LOS Grading system quahtanveiy characterizes traffic conditions associated with varying levels of traffic. Thew evels range from LOS A, which ind sates free -flow raffle conditions with little or no control delay experienced by motorists, to LOS , which describes congested conditions where tramc flows exceed design capaci ty, resulting In long Queues and delays. IIDS A, S, and Care generally considered to be satisfactory service levels, While the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable at LOS D. LOS E is undesirable arid LOS F conditions are considered to be unacceptabie to most drivers. The study intersection of Dempster Street and Menard Avenue was analyzed using the latest version of Synohro capacity analysis software That utilizes the Transportation R.eseareh Board's F ilT %4W(7); Capacity Manual (2010'; methodoio(rv, Tables 1 and 2 present the L,C }S criteria for sgnallz::d and unsic =nalized imersectioi:s. resl:rectiveis >. Cl) v. e Cl) II i Table d tJYY5tgPIIdPidC,d'PPHL4,A SeCE16Ce �� 'Eabie 1 SFrnaiiezd Ttr;recwee4ion L4,"�''{ }eiicnifions Level of Service Fvv �g Cohtro3 kne day � ➢Y sarniaatioue �,I l _verof Ooetror lb r } nac Service DNSCYIItt[oF[ Ve &tLtl . 1, osec'on as/ vell ie) F/- tO Little or no delay. A Operations with very low deiav occurnmy with lavo abie pro /ession �� 1 and /o-shonc fcfe tern ili.- lU (I {{ R 1 Operations with low delay occurrin, with I >ood progresslon andiot � I shott cycle lengths. ' 10- 20 � --25 1 Av Le de &k5 i operations with evera e [S airs r Suldn iron- air progression and/or toi eor cy �- leh�tnc. Lcmv dual cs r rului os 'De �m to appear. f Onclatinns with longer delays due to i comr7mstlon of a favorable -- j pioeressimt, long cycle lengths, of high V/C ratios. Ntahv vehicles 1 i (� (ll ' SAp and individual cvci fmitires an no*iceabi- F i :' SC' Operations with high delay values indicating noel pmgressron long I i. cVc lei the and Iv n i'(C ratio Individual s le fell l¢r (I � ,are I riequent occurrences. This is considered to be ute nnjrt or acc.entable >55 -SO Transnonattot�Reseamh Boma. ?RIO. aetay. � F Operations with deiays unacocentablt to most c. iv is occnrcing. due YO I j over saturation, 'Door progression. or v ay long eva- lcnleths. III �1 i Soul ec. Hip/war Vanumv Manual. Trap po lation Resuarch Board, 2010. II i Table d tJYY5tgPIIdPidC,d'PPHL4,A SeCE16Ce t1,O;5' Definitions Level of Service Fvv �g Cohtro3 kne day � ➢Y sarniaatioue �,I FSecoou ts/vehica'� F/- tO Little or no delay. --25 1 Av Le de &k5 Modcraw delays. i. P tLN delays. , F i :' SC' r;xcessty -: relays %griaioci :. I Sour c": Transnonattot�Reseamh Boma. ?RIO. Iieruat Jf;'icc 3 - AES Services. irr. lro, ffic Inepact Study nr F �G E,Q`lNW'fl'T1ONS . i znaiysis o'e e i I ,cransmortator ystcm iuks cription of the sut.oundin(l land use, roadway netWOrk nela observations o' traf is of rations apacm) evaluation o %the scum int section, and a description of public , anspor acioa m the pr i of vicin4td. 7urninp movement voiuls2e and oedcstnarl volume data n ✓ei. colieci . b A ,, tiervic in<. (` '5) al Bill intersection of Dempster and Menard in SCI)I. iaoer 2U14, Dh ial ad volumes counts are provided ;n Appendix A. :..'� t.i1nd Use Ond Sill Yrro ndhlfaf,', i.P CY'e�6)�tr&n °F&Y:i Lire proposed dental office will be located in n m at the northwest corner or Dempster and i✓t it sfi la i 7*xsec lion The building will be Yepaiposed for dental office use including parking on the north side of 8ie structure. The area :and use in h rf immediate vicinity is a mix of commercial and residential. r)ernnsier s[ree, fronta <ae in he I'roiect vicinity is mostly commercial strip develcprrenl with individual panting; lots serving various businesses, s. I3eaond the com n aria' frontage, the majorm+ of land use, is residential. The Edens Expressway is lo: aced approximaulail, 1500 g,fei east of till, ? ,ol °c °. Z 4 Rc lesat- Network iiw I eoyceT ,ire and sm�roui7ding ) cadway n wori_ a e shoe r in t figure 1 lanszi fd Avenue would provid . o zeot ess t'o tGe pr(rjeot site we;ghhorhoot streeis incl'adiro Mena c, IMarmora, and Ccreenwood could potentially D n1 the Froteci trafisc for circulation. ?.i Dmnster Srrce' Dsinl ster Street is a state more d: ;sil nated ar_ IL -58 and is una the jurisdiction or tine Illinois Deriartment. of Trarisnortation (Ii)�1 i j, II. LS plater ;i S: \' ✓eSl ari.,i "lal, W77CCI1 aCCordil.�_ to il),O carries an Ave =ar., Dail 1'a "af c y9 T} oz" 4G. 100 w: of t @le d ns ",an sway. > n , s: met in the F'roiect vicn it }y is approximately 56 feet wider and has two ianes in each dire Lion and z center tvao -v ay lei's -turf i2ne. The nosced speed limit on D?Impscc r Street is 30 mri s per hour Mpn? Far;cu -IL is not ailoWed on c im—.11 ,sildc of the su t, t }a.° Route SG on mics on iferrmstcr Strstops are io-atied at the however, f I)emp;iF /IViansf)eld intersection. PAansfield Avenue is a north-sour two -way (oral s reel provsdinn access to the. rests 7liaf area. arising lots located i,eiund businesses on D? n p ster can also tylf ac,Ccssed us irt the a?ief via M iiansx"letd. haanslield. Avenue is side -sir ' stol:- controlled making i ; - intessecfior. with empsf -; Stn et. It is approx pia+ .y a0 v IC'.e a i a .1ali,y >pera es as one ian, in cacti G ire k'I O;I, from. DempsIer f0 the [� i, all: ^,v to the north. 2..i.*,ona i par dn' is j3roviCi C oi- tl3e ;;'<isi. S7C:e f}I trl ": Stt ,ei with Space lot' a LC ? vani: "araller Ca,.l:iPIC a5 ctdlRVi /.'.G o,. Ltie'- ti've Si la.e OI t {rye Denral Office -. 4 -- - r2ES .iCrvlces, Ira:. 7 ra /ric 171?pac1 SIUCh . street up tc to atles with spas far un to -1 veiticies yforth of the ahev. is allowed on both sides of the street. Tile posted paralia parking speed limit on lVianslield is 25 mph. A decorative crosswah: is provided to cross l anst'ieid at uempstei. There is ne mid' crosswalk far l enipster at this side street. _?.3 MenardAvenue Menard Avenue is a north -south two-way residential street Joeated approximately 300 feet east of Mansfield Avenue. 1i is appro N imately 30 fee: W ;d am eenerally ope ales as one [ape in each direction. Mmard Avenue is sign alined a its intersection with hempst i Street wn i" IeP� -turn bays are provided for eastbound, westbound. and northbound left movements. Actuated leading I—C turn phases are also provided for these movements. Cr sswallcs are located at all approaches of the intersection with decorative crosswalks on the north and south approaches. Tt e pedestrian phases are push - button activated. 7estbound face Route 25( bus stop is located on the nearside of the intersection on the east approach. ParaIlel packing is aliowed on both sides of f0cnard Avenue as signed. Thc� posted speed llxnit is 2> mph. 2.2.4 Neighbornood Street Network. The neighborhood streets to the north of Damps -r Street in the p {jeer vicinity die ;aid out in a ypical r0cianp.har grid. 1vilarmora Avenue is the next north - south residential street to the west of Mansfield Avenue Trreenwood Surlle t is DaYal!ei at Dempsie� meet located one. block to the north. Almost all surrounding residential streets Iaave similar characteristics with parallel palming, 25 mph speed limit, and approximately 0 Le': wide. The Project traffic is not expected to usifize the residential network other than focal patients and Perhaps for occasional turn - around. =' Data C oliectior and Par cipg Observatiom, A ES conducted ]held observations for the area rraff is during peals hours and parking observations for the existing office as well as around the future ofciee location during afternoon business (tours. No major traffic operational issues in ter,-rn of long de €ays, excessive queuing, or aggressive driver behavior was observed at the signalized intersection or Dempster and 1✓ietrard, or at the Meacie Avenue and NViansfieid Avenue side streets. Low pedestrian activity was observed durimy the field visits. Table 3 provides a smnrnarp of peaty hour vokurnes at the int csection of L�empater Street and Menard Avenue, which in the AM occurred from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. and in the P;VI froin 4:15 PM to 5:I5 PM;. Overall, the heavh vehicle percentawt was computed to be approximately r% during the AM and approximately 2 °/, during the PM peak. hour. '2 he traffic volume daia was collected on Tuesday, September 9 20N4. Parking observations were made dttruzg to week of September 15, 2014. Raw traffic data for vehicular and pedestrian traffic are provided in Appendix A. tIl -ern lS of parkins, obscrvatlons. in.- turn-over rate at the currmt ofnl, on bead° IsNonue waS gwte low, with vehicles en Briny or leae+ina the parkIno area durin_ thr Obserl anon r riod. hear tine new office on ansfield Avenue, the aiatrol 1} parkin* on the east sloe oft( ,t, :war. Wtl: utilized aL"rin_ tht aarly afl,t, noor. hour, with i or 2 available spots at any atv n bane, Qn the wost sid;. of till str - t, there was topic liy 1 or 2 v c hick i a led 'for e. snort time durin« the observation noel s. A pubiic parkino lot is iocated on fist south sick of L;'nnster Sweet across iron, the new office location. in this parking tot, ther, are l handicap par mIT space s. 7 eve nari.inb spa'as on the west side o{ the lot, 5 un *esery a snares on the wesi and 7 C u u,scrvrr paces or: tlIN Cast side of the 1, lrtcing ic,. )urine the +pical weekday aft-moon observation Period- betweeaf 5 and `r of th;t l u :nisi, shit spa es we , free with rftlauveiv tngh turn -over rates. The intef section operations W. ilenlpster ptrect and Menard Avenu wed:: analyzed bas, d on the CYfsunr; voiumes shown. in ;.able for AJV1 an C, If S�eaiC }lour Tl e result; are snt7111iar17,GG. in I abit 4 and detailed ; yu hro outputs are provided in Appendb} E. A- silawr, in r'abie 4, me svuaiized hhersection of Dtmpstel Street and Lenard :Avenue currently opmatols at ark accepwbie LOS B durino both A;vl and pii/i peak hours. For comparism purnoa s, delay and LOS', for southbound approach are also provided which had the hl"m.;st delay Cllr all cpnroachtes. 'While the. LOS' is L f(lr SoL,thbould tral`�11c.. tlt 1:`rl -, T),_rt iellz ?'til doe , not indica e excessivc, or residual queuing. From visual obs, rvations dud €nu neak hour feid visits. southbound movements at Di„n sster StreCt imel sections of t iansfieid and Meade Avenues atso did not cxmr'.enc t sl?rinicarn d.emys or queues. 1' .'aril 3 xY.seiug, 'd'raff c ila4nnies I:. I" taernosY - Street and ]1Menard Avenue intersection Peak Northi)OUn(i San.fiFuauaxa a,asfboaze(r' iraestbouncf V period Left ' Ohre* � IbOW � ¢�tz � Thru � Right I i.eri. '6'nraa � iTe n. ' ,,.rf< i Ti &trn � ii.r�,Fet !"Il i AM 32 2 I6 i ,s i 24 ! 1 13 3 41 30 II63� PIM D 4_� w ?5 oq G_ ro i-' ) 1� ! it 0.9i - Nots -, 1 _ Poatuhour voium,s, war, colleted on I 1 c,day Sepncmi L 201-1 trom 700 to 9 :00 AM and nomA:00 m 6.00 PM, - JOI1rL AE ,, ("V JCS.. Inc DficenIL)CI 2014 m.4 Tiaagereactitses CbGtW; iet6€anfJ The intef section operations W. ilenlpster ptrect and Menard Avenu wed:: analyzed bas, d on the CYfsunr; voiumes shown. in ;.able for AJV1 an C, If S�eaiC }lour Tl e result; are snt7111iar17,GG. in I abit 4 and detailed ; yu hro outputs are provided in Appendb} E. A- silawr, in r'abie 4, me svuaiized hhersection of Dtmpstel Street and Lenard :Avenue currently opmatols at ark accepwbie LOS B durino both A;vl and pii/i peak hours. For comparism purnoa s, delay and LOS', for southbound approach are also provided which had the hl"m.;st delay Cllr all cpnroachtes. 'While the. LOS' is L f(lr SoL,thbould tral`�11c.. tlt 1:`rl -, T),_rt iellz ?'til doe , not indica e excessivc, or residual queuing. From visual obs, rvations dud €nu neak hour feid visits. southbound movements at Di„n sster StreCt imel sections of t iansfieid and Meade Avenues atso did not cxmr'.enc t sl?rinicarn d.emys or queues. 'Cabie ly, a.istiwy intersection F,fbB Anamis Oveca Sl interscictlorz Southbound ;Vyoverreen- �! Pi'eeee�st.;.r Suez_ alW J ]4SEenard. Fvvemee <7r' I?erceneae ueu., k dbeEa lsec) I,`»S 3?ctw free) e C)S s' "- - --- -= (Peed f Ezestin( AM Iii , Il � 4(.6 I� D i gq JI. Eisisn; "M: Notes Bold indicates intei_ceaion oneiation below acceptab e L.OS SISI— Si n sized inter Section Sr SC— )mc su eel -stop wnu�lleii in ersectim; etc) oI .,ervicI for SILT ywilzcd imersections based on average comroi dctat uer vehict- according; to the Haghi� ny Cadacdp tdmuial. Transportation Rc :;arC-h finmd 2010. i _. Side s[reec stop oontrolied m[er: cctlorr LOS billed on evwage connol delay nt seonnd n. veh9cle for tl'Ie worst approach- basnd on the methodology in Inc H %dhwav Ca„vn,riN Nfnnua� Tran©pmtttion 7ceseaia. ISoord Source: Ar > Scrvices ln° Dccemo i 2014 x' he inmacts o; toe proposed deveiopment On the StUd`: ar',a al'P; dis:,U SSed In tC71S Chanter. 1. Rae, dcp9 -ound Voiumer <p"i6-e,: A dlscuss:d with the Villau >- staf.', the era kilioune traffic in the, stuciv a a is no-, cr ect°d to grov, it the near future Tn , existing voiun2P, were Cher core assumed to 1 of tale stud tsar 20'5 volumes. In addition. the i role l is 'u Sifunie reiecation wtth increasad, caPacibr win t i, expected to contribute an i 1a ease of no more 7a❑ 4 vehicles during the I' V' peak hour. Note that the AM peak hour on ? icmPster occurs befor . t; dente, office opens for busil7e ?•.? Back ground Pkus °project Con ictigniq Volumes Forecast The volume oorraftic added w tie roadway S�Sienl 'r the ?'raject wooed p =march orra? rose or traffic reiocaied frog= Meade A.venuc to Mansfield Avenue plus a minor addition due to larger o; c>unied snace. The Project traffic was estimated, using; a threw -Step Process: T rips r cneradon _. Trip distribution J. I ITT asslanment In flit tlrst Step, the amount of traffic enterinR and exil no the sup- was estimated on a i7- aik houi basis. No discount faetors were applied loo" transit: (rips given the nature- of the d °V loPnn'. Pt: Jil the second step, arrival and departure directions were c.t.uvined from ZIP code data rronr Past patient reco;-ds iina{ly. to gins w 10 assigned to the sit °et se>nents anc Intersection turnings mov n enis at Dempster anal Mans IOLI. 1 hE analysis i deuiiied as CO'Jows. .1 7- Generarior and 'Nodal Spilt Fo compute the numbs- of peak flour trips that are an, i pa'.ed to Pr. Qere aced by fl propasec development. the following Iwo methods were compared: Institute oil' Transportaiion Engineers' (It .) trip Gener[d1ion Manua! (9"i Edition 0112) estimates for both availabie m as(dr ;Heil unit of `area' and `number of empiovees'; and current dental otn e operauntl estinta> .Since. Iii rates ar" developed usin`_: data from I1unlerous sirr"S of - t-vin`T sizes anc, suilf. U1, availabili of local data for the current office is deemed to provide a n1o2 q carat stimate of proj c t ' t-afi Th,^ range of values in the Manual on which the averag., sates are based cs significantly ma 7 than th . Proj mot, with av gage° n amber of em72ovices at 127 and 47.000 SF gross floor area. Ilsint ti7e 7,E' , :an use code 720 for Medical Brenta Office. the s,.isiin<_ 1.0(}0 SF tn.; oink, would f'°—.nerate if) dally tuns; I01-6 empiovees the Office would neneraie. 62 dabv trips. The Dcnral Office S ,4L'S'Sernirca. Im - raJfic impact Siucir hilt i °st peal. hour voluble woulc ne for PM yeah usmL the employee var a bie resultinL in 7 h ^ns On the other hand, according to the data provided by Children's mental World, the o"1%, avaraLcs about 6 patients peoperao y p which auaas to ; fl appoh;tma,, en's per' day :'er till 3 current opecatorlec In addition, thc-rll are iambics with multiple children who make the same trip for multiple appointments. The dental ofzice records for the past vear indicate an average of 8(amilies per day with most families having two children and some having :, or 4 children vision for dental care. V ✓ith 1 o appoinunents net dare and an a.v,, a- (T . of d families ue, day, the vehicular trip ratio comes out to Oc approxin at Iv 0.4_ Del paiient. Given the wide. discrepancy between I i F, estimates 'fo- available variables and existing operating conditions. the latter was used to protect trips for t}ie expansion of set ices. Ftiu lsermore, tine crease In size to 2,700 5F usirn mc, Trip Generation Idianuai provides an estimate of 98 daily trips, but since the number of e mplovees would remain the tame, the estimate Prom the Trip Generation Manua' also remains the same. This further reinforces the rationale to utilize the historic data from the existing office. 'Using an estimate of 6 patients per operatory per stay, the projected daily appointments for 6 operatories are calculated to be 36. Note that the dental ofnoe does not expect to utilize all the operatories in the initial phase of the PrpjecE however, it is assumed as such in order to provide an estimate of traffic and pallcing for the ultimate fit;! capacitp. Using a more conservative vehicular trip ratio of 6.75 trips pe- patient consiq f ing families with muhmie children, tic avcra =e daily patient trins are estimated to he 54 (27 inbound and .27 outbound' }. The daily staff trips are simply 6 inbound and 6 outbound. These are summarized in Table 5. - axute J fi'B'll,p¢CE A nil itenerRo tin Services, inc. Denial office - _ 4 fL:S TrvfPic Impact SW&; iRS3Pi ,rim ! l'an t Use Size Unlo � bad h I AV, 1 i lc- I _ (y➢Li ROC:tlI OBF Q}4 L011 in Out i6T8} ibeettzv Office G Oparntorfev , . ., 6" p 0 0 4 �I . _ l l 15 Notes' TI in oxf,n - ration rates Os unated its nL data PFom 01A Idi Oil s Dental Wol I Source AES services, Ill-, IJec +n n r s(l id i he dental ofyrce would operate as per the following schedule. Mondays —10 AM to 6 Phd (b hours) Tuesdays and Thursday — 5 AIM to 5 I'M (f hours) a Wednesdays — I1 A1V1 to 6 PJA (7 hours} Fridays — 4 AM to 5 I'M (8 hours receptionist only, no patients or den,al staff� Saturdays — a AM to 2 DIV, (5 hours, 1 Saturday per month) T he sehedwe shows business hours outside the morning peak hours of adjacent street rertvorlt; therefore zero AM Project trips are drown in 'fable 5. The PM to were estimated dividing the Services, inc. Denial office - _ 4 fL:S TrvfPic Impact SW&; av gee da h patient t ii, ?j over- the mess dal '7 hours) and addinv the 7 staff ou' bound sips. ]`vote that the o star_ i: ips in am 7 pcal hOL, a! �e 'so ove - sun saed. siri ,e not a1h 6 stain Priembers arc pr l n during all burin ss hotu-,. 1 10 more than �S staff memo rs inciudirrs the doctor ar. pre sent ai am, ()ive i time. A's previousl~S in(hcated, no trarisit or ned-sirian rrins are an 0 r., iPai.ed. _._ TViir I >iszvi 116077 and i ^iig nrar or ctueciianal distribution of the t i, , dara provided from the dernal office on most comrlon zi}s Codes of pati'IIts waS utilrztd to dettrminc tilt, travel dii -Ccuo; in tilt l'roE ° 31'CE On Dcym)sttr �easi.bound or westbound) Thc, data is iliust ated in Fisurc 3. As shown hi-the figure, a maiors , o traffic: is �• nerattd from areas to the v psi o;' tt projec,. Tt. a,: «ie, ; *` is assumed that approximately 75% of patient trip, will be eastbound on'en7psier and ti -1 in remaing will he accessing the office t^avtiing westbound on Deml stet 'Nmin that the percentage iri nigurt do not add up to 100° /u; however. these are the most common zip codes as par address records provided. terms of yip assignment forth fN peak hour since MI ptak is not afiec c; . the 6 outbound staff trips Oxm and alreaciv accounted for in the coun'!s shown iii e ?. Comparin« '8 existinL patients to proiectcd 56 patients in the shot'es! business day of 7 hours. the tcl 'itional tr1US OIi ihC system during the I'M peak hour are computed to be 4. Out or tt est 4 n v,, tnps, ;would be eastbound and 1 would be westbound. Dental Office ' _ .. lU iES Seances. lnc. Trafiu impact Sruch �yi "Oj� t im Di SOiiDLll i OTi a; vlr rm, ,Mno �y Y De Spinme 60016 - .... Skokie.. 6OU 1(r - . =.F$? ' i�S3'jS, s�il1S �£?. CYfY( }i3u'••- 20.x. pp C�N lli_&; >607 ' S+60m is J.--) FYole oP2amon,S Total 'rgfii( VOIUTns.jS' he aaCitilman PIED peak hour Pip' _i eastbounC.. we3tbouncl1 vvere addee to ins .:1at11nc onditlons at ehe si�naitzed inters ion as shown in Tuha o. intersection Operations h -1. C1n €i very Minor Increas'i Yi7 th" 17eai< n04. Li 3fl�f C / {)I Ui,3 `; dt:., t(1 one Y'e iQCai.I QFn and - �.rl'aFnsI OTI o'the dental oh e, tha Intersection operation. at L)oaipster and ivienard faitl esnain materially mohanged iloni existinn cosnditsons as show l-, previously in ant; -,. 'his irti:ersectian wth continue to ope ate as LOS) r'. Tht tntecsectlon oflkem3stcr Street and ;vial sHeld Avenue is aisa no; sxitectOd to enrterieF7ce SIMH€ ..11 delays o'' queue's due to use aaiitioi `a d%n'uI ornce, it the northwest corner. v.4 'arkemi; While the t afri; of erationa? nnpu ^ts of e proposed re3ocation of hiiaa r. _ r� „n. *.u. 'Worij aI -e rl Qoing to he mn n sat, tint. }racking needs shouid Tbs adca std accotcine to the nroiect, e vetnicuiar trips. Assuming i avots for the sir j. ono asYa3g a <,om.s; rvativt estmnate cf 2 2 nazi nor venictes during hours, addition 4 spot, would be required fo- a iotal o pat'I"111=g spacen clunno peal: usa'ot. According g to the Q.aul prOv;ded !iv tn., fiP,nnal c tce, av;;ratle times fc)l i) t3`Utlent II tn:' ofii ; varies uetween 40 and 60 minutes uepen tin <1 neck uu ar pro edurai appointments. The ratio of check -cep to procedurat appointments is (yenerahy 3 to 1. The i narisinj spaces to the north of hit building hccomP, two sp icC -.'S one ADA' . On . Mansfiti Avenue to E:re are Dar aliol parkin �r spots on tCit wesn: <idse and Q diaiTonal narking aj.50F5 On tn. ast Sid^-.. A ssuminv`, in i.;ast j m- 2 spots fiv.' avaiiaii 4, on hie s� side, an aCIO. oorift: 0 to parking spaces are required for the I.Ioject. As per consultation writs the 4;it a�'c of Morton �arove staff, parallel parking on the west side of lvtansficid sand he main ained f o patients. Additional nariun_ needs F"O” staff may ire accommodau;d usin_ the nuhin: r, lcinu lot [o rated on the sou-fh Dental Office - _. _ - L ALES Service:+. inc. Ira. fie Impact stud" - s abie (i F�uvixre 7 raffic'Voiurnes i Denros"AF- Street and Vicnard C- venue interSCCtj( Cp 7 peaL Northbounctt Southbounci Lasthound i westbounii I Period i ti rtf nri�krt hrt �i Pt 6 -?Si.et ci.: —k hru Riant ANI R, >i 24 :; (770 1' '.. ,v 1101 ll �r196 01V 2F) 1S o, 34, 54 PI �,. .S N A a. 1 7 aek kwm omn.cs wen cuPcc[ed ou 1 ucsaot, Sao cmn •r 9, ?( 4 prom 7:00 io s:0' ,4,vi and from s{:00 m 6:00 PM . - Bold numueis lndieac:, crane $om e,i cinc. L Sonrce A;R S<i vices Icic. _ _ lieccmbcr 70j intersection Operations h -1. C1n €i very Minor Increas'i Yi7 th" 17eai< n04. Li 3fl�f C / {)I Ui,3 `; dt:., t(1 one Y'e iQCai.I QFn and - �.rl'aFnsI OTI o'the dental oh e, tha Intersection operation. at L)oaipster and ivienard faitl esnain materially mohanged iloni existinn cosnditsons as show l-, previously in ant; -,. 'his irti:ersectian wth continue to ope ate as LOS) r'. Tht tntecsectlon oflkem3stcr Street and ;vial sHeld Avenue is aisa no; sxitectOd to enrterieF7ce SIMH€ ..11 delays o'' queue's due to use aaiitioi `a d%n'uI ornce, it the northwest corner. v.4 'arkemi; While the t afri; of erationa? nnpu ^ts of e proposed re3ocation of hiiaa r. _ r� „n. *.u. 'Worij aI -e rl Qoing to he mn n sat, tint. }racking needs shouid Tbs adca std accotcine to the nroiect, e vetnicuiar trips. Assuming i avots for the sir j. ono asYa3g a <,om.s; rvativt estmnate cf 2 2 nazi nor venictes during hours, addition 4 spot, would be required fo- a iotal o pat'I"111=g spacen clunno peal: usa'ot. According g to the Q.aul prOv;ded !iv tn., fiP,nnal c tce, av;;ratle times fc)l i) t3`Utlent II tn:' ofii ; varies uetween 40 and 60 minutes uepen tin <1 neck uu ar pro edurai appointments. The ratio of check -cep to procedurat appointments is (yenerahy 3 to 1. The i narisinj spaces to the north of hit building hccomP, two sp icC -.'S one ADA' . On . Mansfiti Avenue to E:re are Dar aliol parkin �r spots on tCit wesn: <idse and Q diaiTonal narking aj.50F5 On tn. ast Sid^-.. A ssuminv`, in i.;ast j m- 2 spots fiv.' avaiiaii 4, on hie s� side, an aCIO. oorift: 0 to parking spaces are required for the I.Ioject. As per consultation writs the 4;it a�'c of Morton �arove staff, parallel parking on the west side of lvtansficid sand he main ained f o patients. Additional nariun_ needs F"O” staff may ire accommodau;d usin_ the nuhin: r, lcinu lot [o rated on the sou-fh Dental Office - _. _ - L ALES Service:+. inc. Ira. fie Impact stud" - side of iernns er. in sumn.arv. snaee and one ADA, space to the north side of the bUil¢ing. 3 spa es ot; the west side of Mansfield- i to 2 avalabie spaces or the east side of it/lansfieic and ce m sin the public parkin_, in, would be Sufilcicm n: accomrnodatine! th reaic Cari(IP.°_ demand for the proposed dental a:fice. AdecTuate parking for the Chiidr n s Dumal World is critical to the Proje.,fs business success. it is e.;q n7lended that the �lulage of Vorto Grove allow the denial office to uiiu >e on- street parking on /ansfield and a few spacee in the parking lot oir Cemnster. Chudrell''c 1 ."n'el ;loltd ^.Ylah, I:,to, - fr"o2n 604 De* tzs:,,. Utr co l'lu €'an.pst:e� Street. Tile rew of tce buildim2 will be large'," thum the current office. with annroxinaately 1.700 SF sl_ e,t and a staf, of The riu777ber of on..atoles in U% re« office will inctca<e to 6. hi, av ml-, nnrrloe7- o 1 app oinmrnts are; pi of , red to be 6 per Orel, Del am . ✓ I nip ac tcratio7t and disc "1 %YUtiort anah�sis mu c entat or2'ice. F Tali. th. , net new t-2ps peeEed to mclaase. rote than ^. trips. Maior was conducted In tint plv, peai% tvo, +r ;e z;iI v using hisioric data provided M hour du° to txpansi, ale not Ell be castbound on D, mnri". Th' LOS ai the si Tnalized imersecuor, of litinp.ste1" and M hard is not txoin_; to h' aftcct`:;d by this de - eiopnent. ft will remain a, 015 B. 'ne 'he traffic on ivt<2 stield is no' xpe,cied to Cxperien excessive delays or queues due to the roiect naffc. Tire project is not going to have a si27ifieant inalaaot on t} -, traffic operations in lint SLUC!3, area. a. '1 ect traffic is not looine, to utilize th7 s. c sidentia.l :street network. a� or th£ bmi nes5 to of eratc sU sSiUli` . 7ar1Qno ;s % t [iwal _'i\ cn t17.'. RatU..:; L't th OtT1 'C. li new 4lflC:; lO:;atlOYi has <, reSet`1'CC park[1'p o1}da;° -. SW n mm parki7o spaces arc " ne°acd tr accommodate r;'eak. usa`*e, which as d.is. u so. , with the V ifla =e staf, will bf% a. cornp11shed l[SI d e.Iiairlrl hard]] l 4P &CUi Ol. i179 Vu ..Sl s7CS.e. f21 1a27 ^sllC;Ld } to .i dia?OS1al St}a ✓ ° °S On TnE7 d x side of 1Mansi3elc , and = to > St aces in t%Z ; available miblic, spaces. n fot =a pa ]nZ, std.. e� required fo the, pa ons should he aocommoa,ted 6c' the availa6ie o ub1lC pa11 <% 5l7a::;e,S on i /ia3ZSfE11 ]t k 1 "econlm ndeC, tha: a. sizach showim Ill' j7ark211 , opt.o€7s tel be ,ncludeci with the nachage,en( c pa>minS Go announce to n vv office e location. 7e e nnloti es Should be inStrUCtcd to Nan . to the av,,.ilable public. p -u.i7n� Sp u Cs In til° surrounding are& (the. J[ _i =ry )CMI)o'fl- Sir %: mNic- lot and pubiic IZaI -kit alonT� 1V ;arnlf}ra nl- 1✓aei7ardj buI, r, c, per in a esidenti'm a,:, ,. E h,,, s afi should b° advh d to cross the sire %s 011 at maricd crossvi ll ;.s and not ai unconirolle ! xrcatio.ss. Appendix ,, Genial Cl�ce _. - ..?ES Scrvi �..c lru. 7i�q�,e bnpaci Sta�c<,v o o c c c, m co i m a o m " o) 4� v, <� u o o O o o G c ,. J O N w a 1, 0 V 11 v O x I MI n r 4- [I °d b h•. k 0r 01 W Uy � Nr o o c c c, m co i m a o m " o) 4� v, <� u o o O o o G c ,. J O N w a 1, 0 V 11 v O x I MI n ______ -_ «_ \ / \ \ \/a 22222 \ / /,. \ \� ______ -_ «_ \ / \ \ \/a 22222 \ / O O� a= J O c _ m m li 1� .. o„ a: c L_ 0" C' :^ !� _. cv ai v u, o, 1 m L .J _ o co c ._ Se rv. G� L a � n � m a ar c! ea r c O O� a= J O c _ m m li 1� .. o„ a: c L_ 0" C' :^ !� _. cv ai v u, o, 1 m L .J _ o co c ._ LL \\[ 6(/ /E }G LL App�endkn, Res LOOS ��ults - - Denial Of ice -� - - AES Scr icas. hac. TrafPc impac c Szudp Lanes, vJOIU n s, Tireiings Menard Avenue & Demiasfer S�reet LaneConfigurai(ons r VI-I tip. Volume(vph) 15 '330 0:' '�, 1'103 :2 32 `32 -77. ^6 3i `24 Ideal Flow (vpnpl) 1900 1900 190f1 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) 150 0 150 0 S5 0 0 Storage, Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 aper Length (fd 25 25 °5 25 0 Lane Uul. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.95 00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ped Bike Factor' 1:00., 1,00 -' 1.00 =0:99 O;g° . 'd 0.995 0.894 0.957 `k Protected 'UK - 0::95(1 `:0.950 '0.990 Satd. Flow tprot) 1662 3271 0 1662 3290 0 0662 1548 _ 0 D 1460 0 Fit Permitted 0:192 0:123 0.505 0;9 >�7 Satd. Flow (perm) 336 3271 0 215 3290 0 882 1548 0 0 1352 0 Right Turn oil Red ' y Yes Yes Yes ' Yes Slats. Flow (RTOR) 4 79 Link Speed (mph) 30 30 26 18 Link Distance (fO 700 700 700 L5 700 iravel T the is) 159 159` 1911 19.1 i Confl. Peds. (9 /hr) 2 2 2 v 2 2 Peak How Factor - 0,07 0.97 - 0.97 057 0.97- 097 ''0 97 0,97 097 - , 0.97 0.97 0.97 Bus Blockage ( # /hr) 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Parking ( #Ibr) 0 0 Adj. Flow(vph) 15 1371 48 40 199 2 33 33 79 10 38 25 Shared Lane Traffic ( ° %) Lane Group Flow (vph) 15 1419 0 40 1,201 0 33 119 0 C 79 Turn Type pm +pt NA pm +p, NA pm +pt NA Perri NA 0 Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 5 2 Permitted Phases 4 8 2 Detector Phase 7 4 3 8 5 0 Switch Phase b 6 Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 IPimimum Split (s) 9:0 28.0 00 28:0 9.0 32:0 32 C 32.0 Total Split (sj 10 64.0 J 64.0 3.0 45.6 310 32.0 1dialSplit1 %)- 92% 53;3% 92% 53:3% - 10.8% 37:5ld, 267% 26.7% Yeliow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4,0 4.6 4.0 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 1 +0 1;0 U 1.0 1'0 r:G 40 4.0 0 1.0 Lost Time Adiust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 otal Last Tine js) 5.0 5:0 5.0 5.0' << 5.0 5.0 5;p Lead /Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? -an Recall Mode None C -Nax None C Nar: None M Win Willi Asti Effctt Green (s) 85.0 80A ; 87,5 8T* 20.7 20.7 ;2;g Actuated g/C Ratio 0.71 0.67 0.13 0,71 0.17 O.17 v/c Ratio 0.05 0:65 0.17 0.52 9.17 0.34 0.11 0 A9 Control Delay 8.1 17, 8.9 2.6 371 15.2 46.6 Queue Delay 09 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i oral Delay_ 0.7 171 89 12.8 37.1 15.2 - 46.6 LOS ; A B A g p B Arproach Deiav - 17.0 12.7 20.2 46.6 L)ental Ofic= _ 3iY. P "nc 1 antes; . /ah n es; Timings existing A'€ ! IVlenard Avr nun L D =.M]DSter Street. Lane grroun EBL EBT EBR VVEL WBT WBR NBL INBT -NBR °' SBL SBT 'SBF,, Approagi� LOS Stopstvph'i ' 802 ^,3 55i - 2J 30 5. Fuel:Used(gal) 0 '17 ;0 12 i CO Emissions (gihr', C 70 2 873 37 77 98 Nov Emissions (g/hr) 2 228 5 170 ] 1 5. 9 VOC Emissions (glhr) 2 271 6 202 9 10 23 Dilemma Vehicles (`) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Queue Length 50th (P1) 353 8 19i; 21 °5 46 Queus Length 95th (ft) 14 614 28 467 41 59 84 internal Unit Dist (ft) 620 620 620 620 7urmBay Length 111) 15" 150 G5 Base Capacity (vph) 304 2192 231 2328 207 568 39 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 SDIIIdaCK Can Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Car) Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ratio 0.05 0.65 0.17 0."K 0,16 0.20 025 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other CycleiLength 120: Actuated Cycle Length, 120 Offset: 56 (4710) Referenced to phase 4 EBTLand 8 :VVBTL'Start of Green Natural Cycle: 90 Control TyDr,. Actuated Coor mated IViacimum We Ratio: 0.65 Intersection Signal Delay 961_ Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 58 4% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 Dental Ofnce JG aneS, `/oiumeS, ! im ilp = :C;sttrl (tll I: Mt .nard Avenue & Dempster Street Lane Configurations , ei e�' Volume (vph) 23 1293 18 62 1457 13 28 23 47 25 29 ?2 deal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 19C0 Storage Length (ft) 150 0 1150 0 "n5 0 0 0 Siorage Lanes 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Taper Length (ft) - 25 25 25 2" Lane Util Factor 1.00 0.05 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 red Bike Factor 1.00 '' 1:00 0.99 0.99 0.99 FT 0.998 0.999 0.899 0.961 Fit Protected 0.950 0:950 0,950 0,M4 Sato How (mot) 1711 3319 0 1711 3383 0 1711 1,599 0 0 1499 0 Fit Permitted 0.106 0.132 0.543 0,874 Said. Flow (perm) 191 3379 0 238 3383 0 973 1599 0 0 1329 0 Right Turn on Red . Yes Yes Yes Yes Said. Flow (RTOR) 2 49 _ 6 Link Speed (mph) - 30 ' 30 25 125 Link Distance (ft) 700 700 700 700 Travel Time (s) 15.9 15.9 19:9 i9:'i ConfL Reds ( # /nr) 5 5 5 5 5 5 Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.85 0.95 0,95 0.95 0:95 0.95 OK 0195 0:95 Bus Biockages (#/hr) 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 Parking ( # /hr) 0 0 Adj. Flow (vph, 24 1361 19 65 1534 14 29 24 49 26 3128 Snared Lane Traffic ( %) Lane Group Flow (vph) 24 1380 0 65 1548 0 29 73 0 0 80 0 Turn Type pm +pt NA pm +ot NA, phi +pt NA Perm NA Protected Phases 7 4 3 8 5 2 Permitted Phases 4 8 2 6 6 Detector Phase 7 4 3 8 h 2 6 6 Switch Phase Minimum initial (s) 4.0 4.0 4 0 4 0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 9(0 28.0 9.0 28.0 _` 9.0 32.0 32 0 .32.0 Total Split (s/ 11.0 64.0 11.0 64.0 13.0 45.0 32.0 32.0 Total Split'( %) 9.2/o 53.3% ,' 9.2% 53.3%° 10:.8% 3/5 %: 26.7 °% 26.7% Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Ali-Red :Time (s) 10 1.0 1.0 i:0 ri. 6:0 1.0 1.'0 Lose Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 5.0 15.0 5.0 5.0 g.0 0 5iG Lead /Lag .ead Lag Lead mac Lead as Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Recall Diode None ' Day None C -Max None Min NUr Niin Act Eftct Green (s) - 84.7 80.9 866 926 20.8 20.8! 13.1 Actuated g/C Patio 0.71 0.67 0.72' 0.69 0.17 0.17 0.1'f v/c Ratio 0.11 0.6 ,. 06 067 10.14 0.23 ? Q:50 Control Delay 8.7 16.4 9 6 17.0 36.3 1 5.8 q$,; Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 i ota` Delay 8.7 16-4 9.6 7.0 36.3 15.8 48.5 LOS A B 4 B D B D Anproach Delay 16.3 6.7 21.7 48.e Dental Office - -. JG Pace 'I volumes, TiminnIz �Xisiing' IM Menard Niernue °u Dempster Stree`r Lane Group =BL EBT EBB 'VqBL 131BT VIBR NBL NBT NBR ' SBL SBT SBR Approach LOS p g Cs Stops (vnh) 8 762 20 824 23 23 54 Fuel Used(©ai) G 16 1 is 0 CO Emissions (glhr) 15 110 ^ 40 1236 32 50 ag NOx; Emissions (glhr) 3 2414< 8 24ti, 6 4D 9 VIOL Emissions (g /hr) 255 9 286 2 23 Dilemma Vehicles 0 0 Cl 0 p 0- 0 Queue Length 50th (fl) 5 333 3 099 19 :6 48 Queue Length 95th (T< "10 571 4i 4746 38 47 87 Infernal Link Dist (ft) 620 620 620 620 iurn Bay Length (tf) 150 150 65 base Capacity (vph) 211 225£ 250 2327 221 565 311 Starvation Cap Reducm C 0 0 0 0 0_ 0, Spiliback Cap Reducm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage; Cap Reductn C 0' 0 G` 0 0 p Reduced We Ratio 0.11 161 C.26' 0.67 0.13 0.13 0.26 lritersection Summary Area Type: Otnei Cycle'Length "120,: Actuated Gyde Length: 120 Ofi`set: 5E (47 %) 'Referenced to:rmase 4 3TL:and 8 WBTL, S are of Green, Natural Cycie: 90 Control Type: Actuated Coordinate, Maximum vic Ratio: 0.07 intersection Sional Delay '17.5 intersection LOS E Intersection Caoacity Utilization 69.4 1d ICU Levei of Service, C Analysis Peron (min) 15 95th o rcenf!le volume exceeds cuoadtp, queue may be longer. Geeue shown is maximum alter two cycles. Phases 1: Menard Avenue & Demoster Street Dental Office Pace 2 JG _ III AN EEALMNL P K .!'E'l „91V0 L i.p IV kV V ^�I AG 71 7 �• r ILL -__ r IV I lIX4C'T I'll , "ill rv'; ,. IV IV ., • • ✓': IV +j �� ',... _ .,, IM IV MA `LL T/ d/11V� � it Al •UL ' .. rV rl x yp , r r i i IV I I ILL III AN EEALMNL P K .!'E'l „91V0 L i.p kV V ^�I AG �• r ILL -__ lIX4C'T I'll "ill rv'; ,. ., • ✓': IV _ .,, IM MA `LL T/ .. rl i ILL T �a III AN EEALMNL P K .!'E'l „91V0 L i.p kV V AG e 111 'v� I'1 °^E cc * e C M 1A/ IS I�-b Al NILE a r— OCMO RIONIIA } PROPOSED N3WMAGONAL PARKING W.'T SIDE OF MAN' ELL AVE Ems) �I y 5826 Lempalar l Morlon Orova.[I 30a6a m m itl Fz B Y z2 t 1 Id I r r— OCMO RIONIIA } PROPOSED N3WMAGONAL PARKING W.'T SIDE OF MAN' ELL AVE Ems) �I y 5826 Lempalar l Morlon Orova.[I 30a6a m m itl Fz B Y z2 t Nf