HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-08 AgendaTO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM (The hour between 6:00 and 7: 00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1 -5 -7.A of the Pillage of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the rueeting will begin al 7:00 pm.) Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session (if requested) 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6, Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes — Regular meeting -,November 24, 2014 Special meeting — December 1, 2014 S. Special Reports 9. Public Hearings a. 2014 Tax Levy and Budget Request for the 2014 Calendar Year Richard T. Rickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue e Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162' 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report - Administration, Northx)estMunicipal Conference, Council ofMayors, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Establishment of Village Board Meeting Dates for Calendar Year 2015 b. Administrative Appointments for Calendar Year 2015 C, Proclamation - Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month - December 2014 d. Mayoral Update /Review 12. Cleric's Report- Community Relations Commission 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Reminder of the December 22, 2014, Village Board meeting cancellation 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Crear -Fire Department, Emergency Management Agemy, RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, Police Department, Police Facility Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Witco) 1) Resolution 14 -63 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Authorizing an Agreement with MTI Construction Services, LLC for Police /Municipal Building Predesign Services b. Trustee Marcus - Advisory Commission on Aging Family and Senior Services Department, Finance AdvisorY Commission, Condominium Association, Social Service Committee (alternate) (Trustee Toth) C. 'trustee Pietron - Appearance Commission, Building Department, IT Communications, Community and Economic Development Department, Branding /Marketing (Trustee Thill) 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) d. Trustee Thill — Public Works Department, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIF, Lehigh /Ferris TIF, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Puaron) 1) Resolution 14 -57 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Authorizing the Execution of a Service Contract with Municipal GIS Partners (MGP) for Geographical Information System Services e. Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource Commission (Trustee Marcus) 1) Ordinance 14 -27 (Introduced November 24, 2014) (Second Reading) Adopting the Budgets for All Corporate. Purposes of the Village and the Morton Grove Library, Cook County, Illinois for the Calendar Year Effective January I, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015 2) Ordinance 14 -26 (Introduced November 24, 2014) (Second Reading) Levying and Assessing Taxes for the Village, Cook County, Illinois for Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2014, and Ending December 31, 2014. 3) Resolution 14 -58 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2014 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 98 -41 4) Resolution 14 -59 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2014 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No, 02 -30 5) Resolution 14 -60 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2014 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 07 -26 6) Resolution 14 -61 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2014 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 09 -15 7) Resolution 1.4 -62 (Introduced December 8, 2014) Tax Abatement Resolution for 2014 Tax Levy Relating to Ordinance No. 10 -01 Trustee Witko — Legal, Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals, NIPSTA, Strategic Plan Committee, Economic Development Commission, Social Service Committee (Trustee Grear) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants: 5849,725.23 17. Residents' Comments 8. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation, for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or pariicipate to this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. IV, V. During the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees held on November 24, 2014, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, personnel, real estate matters, and review of Executive Session minutes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Pietron and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:02 p.m. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Janine Witko. Staff present included Village Administrator Ryan Horne and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, EXECUTIVE SESSION At the conclusion of the meeting, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the regular Board meeting in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Trustee Toth and approved unanimously via a voice vote at 6:49 p.m. RECONVENE MEETING Village President Dan DiMaria reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Figs Regarding the Minutes of the November 10, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Upon the voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. VI. SPECIAL REPORTS Presentation of Fire Poster Contest Winners Fire Chief Tom Friel and Captain Bil Porter came forward to present the fire poster contest winners. Chief Friel said that he's proud to have served the residents as Fire Chief for the past 11 years and was especially proud of Capt. Porter, who heads the Fire Prevention Bureau. Capt. Porter is tasked with public education. This is the 22nd year of the Fire Prevention Poster Contest. VI. Minutes of November 34, 2014 Board Meeti ' a. Captain Porter said that, each October, in recognition of the great Chicago Fire, every school in Morton Grove is invited to participate in the annual poster contest. This contest brings fire safety messages to the home. This year, for the first time, digital entries were allowed, as well as posters using more traditional mediums. Captain Porter said that 150 drawn posters and 80 electronic versions were received. The annual poster contest is generously sponsored by the Morton Grove Firefighters Association, who also help by acting as judges of the poster entries. b. Each grade has a winner, and each winner receives a Ben Franklin fifty -cent piece and a plaque with their winning picture digitally engraved on it. The reason they receive a Ben Frank- lin coin is because of his association with and contributions to the fire service. C. Captain Porter asked Mayor DiMaria and Fire Department Trustee Liaison Bill Grear to help hand out the awards. Wendy Lee Third Grade: Alina Mathew d. The winners were: Kindergarten. Grace Vo First Grade: Rita Bela Second Grade: Wendy Lee Third Grade: Alina Mathew Fourth Grade: Jessica Stancy Fifth Grade. Alexia Ardelean Sixth Grade: Sarah Vance Seventh Grade: Whitney Nguyen Eighth Grade: Tommy Benthusen Jerusalem Lutheran School Jerusalem Lutheran School Jerusalem Lutheran School Hynes Elementary School Park View School Park View School Jerusalem Lutheran School Park View School Jerusalem Lutheran School e. Whitney Nguyen was also the overall winner. Park View's art teacher, Jeri Minelli, received a plaque for the school. Digital winners were: Allan Stegich Park View School Sabin Chirayil Park View School g. Mayor DiMaria congratulated all the winners and their parents, and wished them a Happy Thanksgiving. He thanked Captain Porter and the Firefighters Association for the excellent job they do. 2. Presentation on Social Work in the Village Mayor DiMaria asked Police Chief Mike Simo to provide an update on the current social work situation in the Village. He said that, on September 2 ", Morton Grove implemented what the Police Department considers a very positive change in its social services by contracting Debbie Alberts, a licensed clinical social worker, to provide social services as a member of the Police Department. This makes sense because the Police Department is the department most likely to be contacted by people who would benefitfrom her services. She attends Village meetings, Police staff meetings and roll calls, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. a. During this short period of time, Debbie has provided services in trackable categories, e.g general counseling, financial assistance support, hoarders, elder care, child abuse, and domestic violence support 84 times. inutes of November24 2014 Beam naaer;n ; VI. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) b. Chief Simo said that Debbie has gained the confidence of the residents she's dealt with as well as the police officers and supervisors with whom she works. They consider her a peer and they don't hesitate to call her if they feel she can help with a situation. c. Chief Simo said that Debbie has joined a Police Social Worker Association and networks with police social workers from Skokie, Lincolnwood, and Northbrook. Overall, she is a benefit to the Police Department and the community and enhances the services the Police Department provides. d. Chief Simo said that he recommends keeping this program as an in -house contract position and continue to evaluate performancelcost- benefit going forward e. Trustee Toth asked if the Board could receive a copy of Chief Simo's report. He said he would email the report to each Board member. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE IX. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Appointment Mayor DiMaria asked for a motion to concur with his appointment of William McFadden to the Fire Pension Board, Trustee Grear so moved, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 2. Mayoral Update a. Mayor DiMaria said that he and the Board attended the ribbon - cutting for the Hoof 'n Feather restaurant on Waukegan Road. The food is excellent, and this is a unique eatery in that Hoof 'n Feather used to be a food truck, it got so popular that they decided to purchase and open a restaurant in Morton Grove. This business is bringing people into Morton Grove. He encouraged all residents to shop locally! b. Mayor DiMaria thanked the Board and Village staff for a very successful neighborhood out- reach at Oriole Park. It was a good way for people to meet the Village Board and see who's working for them. He thanked the staff for working late and making the Village proud. Minutesaf Noyember34-2014 Boarti Meetin" IX. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 2. Mayoral Update (continued) c. Mayor DiMana said that President Obama has declared November 23 -29 as National Family Week. He read the first paragraph of the proclamation because it reminded him of Morton Grove: "Whereas in big cities and small towns throughout our nation, the strength and diversity of hard - working families reflect the promise of America: that, with grit and determination, any- one can build a better future for themselves and their children. Families provide love and en- couragement, and they are sources of support and inspiration to a generation limited only by the size of their dreams and the power of their imagination. During National Family Week, we celebrate our family members and the countless ways they lift us up, and we continue our work to bolster the bonds that tie all of us together." d. Mayor DiMaria thought this was very appropriate with Thanksgiving; that we should all be grateful, not only for our own families, but our families at the Village —the Fire Department, the Police Department, the Village Board, the staff —we're a family, and the residents are part of this bigger family as well. e, Mayor DiMaria announced some sad news: Greg Dwyer, a long -time employee at the Civic Center and a genuine asset to Morton Grove, passed away suddenly. He was saddened to hear this, and expressed condolences to Mr. Dwyer's family and said that Greg would be missed. Mayor DiMaria reminded the Board and assemblage that Rep. John D'Amico was hosting the 2014 U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign. New, unwrapped toys for all ages /genders can be brought to 4404 W. Lawrence Avenue in Chicago, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., until December 19, 2014. For more information, call 773- 736 -0218. g. Mayor DiMaria welcomed Burt and Sharon from Burt's Place and said he was pleased to recognize them on their 25 years in business as Burt's Place, and their overall contributions to making Morton Grove a pizza destination. He said that Burt has owned four restaurants: Inferno in Evanston, Gulliver's in Rogers Park, and, over the last 43 years, Morton Grove's Pequod's and Burt's Place, known for its carmelized pizza crusts. Burt's Place has been named one of the top pizza places in Chicago and the U.S. It's also been recognized by the Food Network's "Passion For Pizza," which celebrates the best pizzerias around the world. Mayor DiMaria said that when people come to Chicago, they want to eat at Burt's. He present- ed Burt and Sharon with a "Burt's Place" banner and thanked them for keeping Morton Grove on the map. h. Burt thanked Mayor DiMaria and the Board, and said it was great to be recognized. He added that he has seen a lot of administrations come and go, and stated that this administration, by far, is the most business - friendly he's seen in 43 years. I, Mayor DiMaria thanked Burt and said he was proud to have a Village staff that constantly acknowledges and encourages businesses. He wished Burt and Sharon a happy Thanksgiv- ing and thanked them again for being part of Morton Grove. X. Clerk Ramos had no report. XI. A. Village Administrator: CLERK'S REPORT STAFF REPORTS Mjwes pf Novemoer24,2D14,-Board MeeWti Village Administrator Ryan Horne reminded the Board and assemblage that the regularly scheduled Board Meeting on December 22nd has been cancelled. However, there will be a Special Board Meeting /Budget Workshop on December 1s` so the Board can continue discuss- ng the 2015 Budget before voting on it. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XII. A. Trustee Grear: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Trustee Grear had no formal report, but wanted to give a shout -out to the Morton Grove Firefighters Association. In addition to sponsoring the Fire Prevention Poster Contest, they hold an annual Holiday Food Drive. Anyone can drop off non - perishable goods in the collection barrels located at Fire Station #4 on Cattle Avenue, Village Hall, the Civic Center, the Morton Grove Moose Lodge, Jerusalem Lutheran School, Prairie View Center, and Edward Jones' offices located at 5901 Dempster. Food collection ends on December 13, 2014. For more information, please contact Eric Miller at 847- 470 -5226. Trustee Grear asked if this information could be put on the Village's website for the next several weeks. B. Trustee Marcus: 1. Trustee Marcus had wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving holiday. He encouraged all to come to the American Legion on Thanksgiving Day around 10:00 a.m. to meet and help serve or entertain the recruits from Great Lakes Naval Station. 2. Trustee Marcus congratulated Burt and Sharon, calling them a great team with a great restau- rant. 3. Trustee Marcus thanked everyone for their involvement and contributions to the Holiday Food Drive and Toys for Tots. He said these contributions enable the Village to serve about 75 needy families in Morton Grove. He also asked everyone to think of all those in harm's way, protecting us, instead of being with their families. Winutes.of November 24 2014BoardMaetin" XII. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Pietron: Trustee Pietron echoed Trustee Marcus' remarks. D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill presented Resolution 14 -55, Appropriation of 2015 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways, MFT Section 15- 00000- 00 -GM. He explained that the Village receives annually a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the eligible improvements of roadways. The State requires an estimate and final statement of the maintenance expenses for each year of the program. The total estimated expenses for the 2015 Motor Fuel Tax Program are $945,000. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 1455, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill are Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witko aye 2. Trustee Thill reminded the Board and the assemblage that the annual Interfaith Service would be held on Wednesday, November 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the Muslim Community Center. 3. Trustee Thill said that, with the onset of cold and wintry weather, it's a good time of year for people to get their furnaces checked and to make sure their carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order. 4. Trustee Thill asked Chief Friel if there were any local collection barrels for the Toys for Tots drive and if so, where are they located. Chief Friel said that the Police Department sponsors the Toys for Tots campaign. Chief Simo indicated that there is a collection barrel at the Police Station and at both fire stations. E. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth presented for a first reading Ordinance 14 -27, Adopting the Budgets For All Corporate Purposes of the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Library, Cook County, Illinois, For the Calendar Year Effective January 1, 2015 and Ending December 31, 2015. She explained that the Budget was presented at Budget Workshops held on October 8 and October 23, and will be discussed further at an additional Budget Workshop scheduled for Monday, December 1. The final budget will be presented at a Public Hearing on December 81 2014. 00 c. Trustee Toth: (continued) Vrirtutesaft4ovember24 ,2014,toard 6etin° TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) The total proposed budget for the Village is $63,317,924 and the total proposed budget for the Library is $3,218,465, for a grand total of $66,536,389. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. 2. Next, Trustee Toth presented for a first reading Ordinance 14-26, Levying and Assessing Taxes for the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2015 and Ending December 31, 2015. She explained that the proposed budget for 2015 calls for expenditures in the amount of $66,536,689. The amount necessary to be levied for 2014 property taxes is $12,540,233. By law, the Village is required to levy an additional $3,078,200 for debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds, for a total levy (before abatement) of $15,618,433. However, the Village Board intends to adopt several Resolutions which will immediately abate $2,621,296 from the levy, resulting in the net levy, as intended by the Corporate Authorities, of $12,997,137. This equates to a 2% increase in the Village's portion of the tax levy and a 5% increase in the Library's portion of the tax levy, for an overall increase of 2.7% in the tax levy over last year. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 14 -28, Minor Amendment to Ordinance 04 -26, Which Approved a Special Use for a Planned Unit Development (Trafalgar Square) to Grant Approval of a Plat of Vacation and Abrogation of an Easement for the Property Located at 8320-8342 Concord Drive. a. She explained that, in December 2013, the Board approved an amendment to a Planned Unit Development to allow for a change from the previously approved 78 -unit multi- family develop- ment to a 31 -unit townhome development (Lexington Station). The previously- approved plan included a utility easement around the multi - family building. This amendment to the PUD allows for the vacation and abrogation of the easement based on the subsequent changes to the development plan. This Plat of Vacation and Abrogation does not change the approved Planned Unit Development or site plan, nor the approved Lexington Station Plat of Subdivision. b. Trustee Witko said that the applicant has requested that the Village waive the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Grear moved to waive the second reading, seconded by Trustee Pietron. 7 la Trustee Witko: (continued) 3 mutes of Novemtfer.,24,2014Board tvleetm TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) c Trustee Marcus asked if anyone was present representing the applicant. d. Attorney Bernard Citron was present to respond to the Board's questions. Trustee Marcus asked what the harm would be if the Board kept the second reading (which would occur at the Board's December 8 meeting). Mr. Citron said there are 24 families who literally cannot move in until the plat is vacated. The closings are all being delayed because of this minor technicality. Trustee Marcus thanked him for the clarification. Mr, Citron said that he's only asking because of the families involved. e. Mayor DiMaria commented that it's a wonderful development. Mr. Citron agreed that it's a great development in a great location. In fact, the units sold out in a month. He also thanked Village staff and said they had been extremely helpful. Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on the motion to waive the second reading of Ordinance 14 -28. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Pietron afire Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aae Tr. Witko afire Trustee Witko then moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -28, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron acre Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre_ Tr. Witko aye Trustee Witko wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. xIV. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Marcus asked what had happened to Jim Quinn, a long- serving resident on the Fire Pension Board. Mayor DIMarla thanked Mr. Quinn for his years of service. Mayor DiMaria noted that he is a big believer in moving people around. He just wanted to change things up on the Fire Pension Board, and said that Mr. Quinn was welcome to serve on any other Commission, should he choose to do so. a. Trustee Marcus commented that he was glad there would be another Budget Workshop because he has several concerns about the Budget. He also noted that all the meetings of the Finance Advisory Committee have been cancelled this year. The Finance Advisory Committee was formed as a means of "checks and balances" and objective review. Trustee Marcus said he had hoped the Finance Advisory Committee could make weigh in with some recommenda- b. tions on the Budget. 1Minutes�of Novbmbei29 ,2014:130sid'Meetin X(V. OTHER BUSINESS (continued) c. (Mayor DiMaria commended Finance Director Remy Navarrete for providing the budget books to the Finance Committee members and noted the committee met on October 21. 2014, to review and provide input. He noted the committee is advisory in nature and meets on an as- needed basis. He assured Trustee Marcus the committee had their budget books and have provided input back to Finance Director Navarrete and Village Administrator Horne. XV, WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register for November 24, 2014, in the amount of $1,856,435.30, and moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. urear afire Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth are Tr. Witko are XVI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE XIV. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Orear ave Tr. Marcus aae Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth ay-2 The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Witko are M PASSED this 8th day of December, 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 8th day of December, 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this gth day of December, 2014, Edilberto Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois MinlItesof'Novertltaer24 ,20'14Board Meetlri" MVwas by Teresa r" user 10 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING /BUDGET WORKSHOP OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON DECEMBER I, 2014 IN THE TRUSTEES' CONFERENCE ROOM RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Mayor DiMarIa called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and lead the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. Cleric Ramos called the role. In attendance were Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel DiMaria, and Trustees William Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill. and Janine Witko Absent: Trustee Maria Toth Village Staff: Village Administrator Ryan Home, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Finance Director Remy Navarrete, Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich, Intern Laura Lake Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Assistant Public Works Director Joe Dahm, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Police Chief Mike Simo Also .Present: Members of the Public Mayor DiMaria stated the purpose of this meeting was to answer budget questions raised by Board members. He thanked the Village Administrator Ryan Horne for summarizing these concerns. Trustee Grear then moved to atljocun to Executive Session to discuss personnel. The motion was seconded by Trustee Witko and approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:01 pm. At the conclusion of the Executive Session, the Budget Workshop resumed at 6:17 pm. Mr. Home answered questions pursuant to the following categories — contractual, capital, employee, and policies. With respect to contractual issues raised. Mr. Horne, stated $20,000 had been allocated in the budget for costs related to the Village's marketing and branding study. $30;000 had been allocated for website hosting services. And approximately $39,000 was allocated in the budget for professional services relating to Morton Grove media. This included services for the implementation of the branding study, publication of newsletters and online streaming of board meetings. The budget also included $80.000 for services relating to the Village's social worker,. and $54,000 related to a Village lobbyist. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center €:101 Capulma Avenue e Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax! (847) 965 -4162 In response to questions about the lobbyist, Mr. Horne noted the lobbyist had 'helped the Village secure a $1 million reimbursement grant for the new police facility and $125,000 towards the Village's new salt dome. The Village would not receive the $1 million until certain paperwork is turned in. The Mayor stressed it was important for the Village to invest in itself and it needed a presence in Springfield. Trustee Pietron stated the State Representatives had highly recommended the use of a lobbyist. Trustee Marcus stated he was looking for ways to reduce the budget and was not convinced a lobbyist was a good use of funds. Mr. Horne then answered questions regarding the Legal budget. Currently the Village retains prosecutors that represent the Village in local ordinance cases in the Second District. The budget includes $25,000 for this service. The budget also allocates $36,000 for the Administrative Hearing Officer and Prosecutors, Previously, Corporation Counsel acted as the Adjudication Hearing Prosecutor; however, in response to concerns regarding a potential conflict of interest, outside prosecutors are now being used. Under the Finance Budget, Mr. Home stated the budget included $50,000 as a placeholder to implement recommendations from the Strategic Plan. No amounts had been budgeted to date for architectural services for the police facility as the Village was waiting to receive the grant. Once those funds were secured, a budget amendment would be necessary. Under Capital items, $80,000 allocated for street lighting is for a project depended on a lighting grant. If the Village does not get the grant, those funds will not be spent. The funds allocated for the municipal buildings HVAC repair system were intended for the Civic Center. This year's budget recommends a $5,000,000 new bond issuance: $1.7 million for capital improvements, and $3.3 million for a three -year street improvement project. Mr. Horne noted the Village's current debt structure is $10 million less than it was ten years ago. With respect to current employees, the budget includes costs for contractual services. Mr. Horne further stated these budget items were cost neutral and the Village would spend approximately the same whether the Village hired employees or used outside contractors. This included cost allocations for a media coordinator within Information Technology. In response to a question from Trustee Great, Mr. Horne stated an increase in the levy does not necessarily mean an increase in an individual property tax bill. He showed a sample of a residential property tax bi11 and noted the Village's portion of the tax bill went up in years that the levy was not increased and went down in years when the levy was increased. Many factors impact the actual tax bill including new EAV from new construction. It was the Village's goal to capture the benefit of a new EAV with minimal impact on homeowners' taxes. Finance Director Remy Navarrete then reviewed the current levy. The budget, as modified, proposed a property tax levy increase of 2% for the Village and 5% for the Library resulting in a total levy increase of 2.7 %. Ms. Navarrete then reviewed General Fund changes in the fund balance. She noted the fund balance was projected at the end of 2014 to be 26.2% of the General Fund. The 2015 budget after adjustments showed an ending fund balance of 26.7 %. The unassigned fund balance at the end of 2014 is projected to be $5,573..864, which is 20.6 %. After adjustments, the 2015 budget projects an unassigned fund balance of $5,671,305, or 21 %. Ms. Navarrete noted the budget had been adjusted since the last workshop in the following areas: the Morton Grove Media Communications Budget originally showed an increase of $82,000. That amount had not changed; however, costs were allocated from personnel to contractual services. The Economic Development Budget originally projected an increase of $278,000. That has been cut by $133,900 due to reduced personnel allocations and a decrease in contractual services relating to updating the Unified Development Code. The Information Technology Budget originally projected an increase of $285,000. That amount has been cut by $174,800. The 2015 Proposed Budget and General Fund changes after adjustments are as follows: total projected revenues are $27,054,238 with total expenditures at $26,956,797 resulting in a surplus of $97,441. Projected at the end of 2015, the Fund Balance would be $7,192,054 broken down as follows: assigned fund balance: $1,520,749; unassigned fund balance: $5,671,305. Mr. Horne then answered questions from the Board. Trustee Marcus questioned the current General Fund Balance. Mr. Borne stated, the unassigned Fund Balance is below 25% and the total Fund balance, or Reserves, are greater than 25 %. The current Board policy is a target of 25% and Mr. Horne noted this policy was not provided for by official resolution or ordinance. A general discussion then ensued. There being no further questions Trustee Grear moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Pietron and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 7:1 Opm. Minutes by: Ed Ramos, Village Clerk NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY I. A public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for the Village of Norton Grove for 2014 will be held on December 08, 2014, at 7:00 pm at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Genter, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony to the taxing district may contact Mr. Ryan Horne, Village Administrator, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 847/663 -3001 II. Corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2013 were $12,042,423. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied by the Village for 2014 are $12,816,571. This represents a 6.43% increase over the previous year. III. Property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases for 2013 were $1,000,873.The estimated property taxes to be levied for debt service and public building commission leases for 2014 are $479,410. This represents a (- 52.10%) decrease over the previous year - IV. The total property taxes extended or abated for 2013 were $18021320. The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2014 are $15,917,277. This represents a (-14,71% decrease from the SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Included in the aggregate levy for the Village of Morton Grove is the levy for the Mortor Grove Public Library. Property taxes extended for the Library for 2013 were $3,056,319. The proposed library property taxes to be levied for 2014 are $3,209,135. This represents a 5.00% increase from the previous year The aggregate levy of the Village of Morton Grove for 2014 for corporate and special purpose taxes includes abatements totaling $2,621,296. The net increase to the Village's levy for 2014 after the abatement is $2525686 or 1.94 %. 00 LEGAL NOTICE - PUBLIC HEARING ILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOS D BUDGET REQUEST -2015 CALENAR YEAR 7�7 The Village of Morton Ga acted harma at 7:00 pre on Monday, December 08, 2014, at Richard T Rebutter Municipal C Supplies Ave.. elected Greve, blood for The purpose of hearing Funed dr oral comments from the publthe pro esed annual budget for the calendar year ending December 31, 2015, as conizird d in the propummarized belowExpense Revenue Morton Grove Days Restive' Ice 950 Legislative 115,450 Morton Grove Media Communication t f 1,600 Administrative 558,625 omamunity & Economic Development 32% 800 Finance 2.132,159 Information Technology 732,640 Police 9,454 790 Fire &Perar lcServices 7,864,098 Givi! Preparedness 9,615 Public Works- Streets & Sidewalks 2,570.900 Public Works - Engineering 416,650 Public Works - Vehicle Maintenance 817,735 Family & Senior Services 108,200 "lend Canter 190,490 Building &I nspsclldnai5ervldas 4R5,625 Municipal Building Services 298,770 Reserves 200MOD Total General Fund S 25,956,797 T26 Motor Fuel Tax Wnd 94$,320 662,511 E -911 Excrescency telegram System ftsntl 250,800 253,000 Economics Development Fund 977,611 1.165,150 Gcmmder Parking Fund 16e,250 140250 Fire, Alarm Fund 78.000 124,100 .Seizure Fund 134,050 37.850 DempsierlWaukegan Tax Increment Financing Funtl 3,498,100 500, ±00 'ahighlFerns -Tax Increment Financing Fund 7459,210 3,003,500 Waukegan Road -Tax Increment Financing Fred 1,795,114 550200 Debt Service Pond 716,904 741,687 Capital Projects Fund 1,087,500 809,100 Enterprlae- Water /SedwerFund 10,007,914 9.743,523 Enmrpdse- Munlclpal Fund 15,500 56,150 Enterprise -Solid Waste Fund 2,002,529 1.,995,850 G. N Pension Fund 94,000 1,451,970 Firefighters' Pension Fund 2386 625 3,601,478 Police Pension fund 3,456,500 3,197,875 Total All Non - General Ponds S 36,335.727 S 28,034,344 Public Library Fund 3218,465 3818,465 TOTAL ALL FUNDS S 66,510,909 558,210,006 A copy of ells Insurance, the Entire bodgetand additional background materials are available for public statement actual normal business hours at the Demand C Fackinger Municipal dente[ 6101 reduce, Morten Grove, panels 60053 or on the Village's wdbs0e www n ordingmv- stung. Sincerely, Remy Dawson,, Finance Dkishor/Dif asurer Ad #877796 IlIKV�j THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF TI4E BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FOR 2015 WILL BE HELD ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS AT 7:00 PN4 All Village Board meetings are held at 7:00 pm unless the agenda includes a proposed executive session, then the meeting shall commence at 6:00 pm with the hour between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm shall be set aside for Executive Session. Village Hoard meetings are open to the public during the months and on the dates as follows: January 12 July 13 .January 26 July 27 (cancelled) February 9 August 10 February 2' ) August 24 (cancelled) March 9 September 15 March 23 September 28 April 13 October 12 April 27 October 26 May I 1 November 9 May 25 (cancelled) November 23 June 8 December 14 June 22 December 28 (cancelled) To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. legulagendolvearly necking notice Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue « Morton Grave, Illinois 60053 -2985 id: (847) 965-4!00 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 (a Community and Economic Development Corporation Counsel Finance Director /Treasurer Fire Chief Police Chief Public Works Director Village Administrator Nancy Radzevich Teresa Hoffman Liston Remy Navarrete Tom Friel Michael Simo Andy DeMonte Ryan J. Horne The above named officials are submitted for appointment/reappointment to the positions noted and are approved as of December 8, 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6W] Capulina Avenue ® Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 \ Vx, V aor of err o n Grove WHEREAS, motor vehicle crashes killed 991 people in Illinois during 2013; and WHEREAS, hundreds of those deaths involved a driver impaired by alcohol and/or drugs; and WHEREAS, the December holiday season is traditionally one of the most deadly times of the year for impaired driving; and WHEREAS, for thousands of families across the state and the nation, holidays are a time to remernher loved ones lost; and WHEREAS, orgariizations across the state and the nation are joined with the Drive Sober- or Get Pulled Over and other campaigns which. foster public awareness of the dangers of impaired driving and anti - impaired driving law enforcement efforts; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove is proud to partner with the Illinois Department of Transportation's Division of Traffic Safety and other t raff c safety Uroups iu that effort to make the roads and streets safer. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel P. DiMaria, Mayor of the Village of Mor ton Grove, do hereby proclaim the month of December 2014, as Brunk and Drugged Braving (3B) Prevention. Month in the Village and do hereby call upon all citizens, government, agencies, business leaders, hospitals and health care providers, schools, and public and private institutions to promote awareness of the impaired driving problem, to support programs and policies to reduce the incidence of impaired driving, and to promote safer and healthier .behaviors regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs this December holiday season and throughout the year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.) I have hereunto set my band and caused to be affixed the seal of the Village of Morton Grove. Daniel I . DiNlaria, Village /'resident Legislative Summarl Resolution 14 -63 _ AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH MTI CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC FOR POLICE/1VIUNICIPAL BUILDING PREDESIGN SERVICES Introduced Synopsis: Purpose: Background: December 8, 2014 To authorize the Village of Motion Grove to enter into an agreement with MTI Construction Services his municipal building predesign services. To provide professional assistance to the Village for the selection of an architect, updating the Police Department's space needs study, completing a space needs study for Village Hall, analyzing available sites and providing a recommendation to the Village Board for site selection for the Police Department and Village Hall. Since 1980, the Village's Police Station/Village Hall has been located on a 2.27+/- acre site at 6101 Capulina Avenue. The building, which houses both the Police Station and Village Hall, was originally built over 100 years ago as the Village's first grammar school. Over the years, space needs studies have been done regarding the efficiency and appropriateness of housing these uses in an old grammar school building. Most recently, in 2012, a space needs study was completed for the Police Station by FGM Architects. FGM found the Police Station was too small to meet the operational needs of the Police Department and deficient in ADA accessibility requirements and current law enforcement rules and standards. Because of the age and current condition of the building, FGM determined it would be more cost effective to build a new Police facility than to remodel and construct an addition to the current facility. The study also recommended the Police Station not be located in a residential neighborhood. Based on this study, the Corporate Authorities concluded the Police Station needs to be replaced and, in 2011 the Village purchased a 2.39 acre site at 8300 Lehigh Avenue as a possible site for a new Police Station. Even though the Police Department is located in the sane building as Village Hall, the 2012 study did not include a space needs study for Village Hall. The Village Hall portion of the building has issues which include, but are not limited to: • a significant amount of ill- designed and /or unusable space; • the building is not currently ADA compliant or energy efficient, and does not have an up -to -date hire Alarm System; • the existing boiler and HVAC systems are 50 -60 years old and 35 years old, respectively, and regularly break down causing Village hall to be serviced by space heaters and emergency air conditioner units. The boiler system requires special order and fabrication of parts since standard parts no longer exist which has required Village Hall to be closed to the public several times during the summer for lack of air conditioning, proper ventilation, and has jeopardized the main IT server room due to critical overheating; • the 35 year old roof system has failed causing significant water leaks and flooding and creating potential mold and asbestos hazards; • any significant failures of the boiler, HVAC system, and /or roof system could result in significant, unintended and unbudgeted capital expenditures; • if the Police Station is relocated, the potential for redevelopment or reuse of the Police Department portion of the building is uncertain as any change in use would trigger the need for compliance with current life safety, building, and ADA codes; • further, due to existing asbestos, which is currently contained, any significant renovations will require proper abatement; • the current site of the Village Hall and Police Department is in a highly desirable residential district and as such may be valuable for redevelopment and provide a long -term source of additional property tax revenues. Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: First Reading: Special Consider or i Requirements: Respectfully aubmittel Ryan J Mayor DiMaria appointed a Police Facilities Work Group ("Working Group ") consisting of the Police F Chief, Village Administrator, Finance Director, Community and Economic Development Director, Corporation Counsel, Trustee Grear and Plan Commission member and architect Steven Blonz to begin the process of soliciting proposals from qualified construction managers /design teams to begin to move 'forward with the process of completing due diligence, pre- design, financial evaluation, final design and ultimately construction of a new Police Station. When the Working Group began drafting air RFQ for such services, members expressed concerns that issues related to the existing municipal services, which are currently housed in the same building and on the same site as the Police Department, had not been considered. Although the Village purchased the 8300 Lehigh site with the intention of locating the Police Station there, a thorough site constraints analysis has not been done to confirm the site is large enough for the Police Station and or a combined Police/Village Hall facility. Further, the Village is investigating other sites which may be suitable for a new Police Station and Village Hall. For all the reasons listed above, further study is needed to determine if a new Police Station should be located at 8300 Lehigh Avenue or some other location in the Village; and to determine if Village Halt should be remodeled or rebuilt; if Village Hall should be relocated or remain at its current location, especially if the Police Station is relocated elsewhere; and if the Police Station and Village Hall should be located at the same or different sites. Earlier this year, the Village sought Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from highly qualified consulting firms. The Working Group reviewed the four submitted proposals, interviewed two finalists; and conducted reference checks and site visits; and unanimously selected MT1 Construction Services, LLC as the most qualified firm for the overall project as well as the necessary due diligence phase of this project. MT] Construction Services, LLC has proposed to provide the first phase predesign services to the Village for a cost of 520,000, with the following scope: • Assist the Village with a list of qualified architects for a feasibility study and site analysis. • Assist the Village with an RFQ for afeasibility study and site analysis. • Assist the Village with review and qualification of proposals. • Review with the architect and update 2012 feasibility/needs study for the Police Department. • Work with the Village and architect on preparation of a feasibility/needs study for Village Hall Departments. • Assess and analyze various sites, and prepare budgets associated with the various sites. • With architects, assess value and redevelopment potential for the existing 6101 Capulina site. • Establish Village Hall services and Police Department Project goals, scope, and objectives. • Chair, coordinate, schedule, and document meetings with the Village and the architect. • Develop a Master Project Schedule "MPS ". • With the architect, recommend building and site alternatives with budgets to the Village Board for consideration and direction. • Develop an overall conceptual project estimate and budget. • Assume the obligation and responsibility for the goals, requirements and scope of the project. The project is scheduled to begin within the next week after the contract is executed, and is expected to be completed in July. At that point, the Village Staff, MTI, and the architect would present their analysis and recommendation to the Village Board of preferred sites for police and /or municipal facilities. Administration, Finance, Police, Community and Economic Development, and Legal Departments Preciesign services will not exceed $20,000 pursuant to their proposal. Finance Department —GLW 022012 - 552110 Professional Services The oversight of the predesign services to be performed by MTl Construction Services will be performed by the appropriate Village staff. Approval as presented. Not required. 1 on % 1 �E i I,f!° Reviewed by a ,( ni Horne;; / illa�e administrator Nancy J�adzevich! omjn & F�evelop Dir Prepared by: Reviewed by; I v Reviewed b ` fin✓ �1 - l y Teresa TIoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel Remy Navarrete /Finance Director Mike Simo, Police Chief` RESOLUTION 14 -63 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH MTI CONS'T'RUCTION SERVICES, LLC. FOR POLICEIMUNICIPAL BUILDING PREDESIGN SERVICES WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove ( "Village "), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule emit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not Limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, Since 1980 the Village's Police Station and Village Hall have been located on a 2.27 acre site in a residential neighborhood at 6101 Captdina Avenue Morton Grove, IL. The building that houses both the Police Station and Village Hall was originally the Village's' first grammar school which was built well over 100 years ago,; and WHEREAS, in 2012, a space needs study was completed for the Police Station by FGM Architects. The study found the Police Station was too small to meet the operational needs of the Police Department and was deficient in ADA accessibility requirements, and current law enforcement rules and standards; WHEREAS, because of the age and current condition of the building. FGM determined it would be more cost effective to build a new facility rather than to remodel and construct an addition to the current facility. The study further recommended the Police Station should not be located in a residential neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Village Staff and the Corporate Authorities have concluded the Police Station needs to be replaced; and WHEREAS, in 2013 the Village purchased a 2.39 acre site at 8300 Lehigh Avenue for a possible site for a new Police Station; and WHEREAS, even though the Police Department is located in the same building as Village Hall, the 2012 study did not include a space needs study for Village Hall. The Village Hall portion of the building has the following concerns: • The Village Hall portion of the building has a significant amount of ill - designed and/or unuseabie space; and • The Village Hall portion of the building similarly is not ADA compliant, is not energy efficient, does not meet current energy codes, and does not have au up -to -date Fire Alarm System; and ® The Village Hall portion of the building is serviced by an elevator that is in constant need of repair and does not meet current codes and standards; and The Village Hall/Police Facilities building has a 50 -60 year old boiler and an approximately 35 year old HVAC system which do not operate properly and have broken down numerous times in the past year causing Village Hall to be serviced by space heaters and emergency air conditioner units, requiring the special order and fabrication of parts for the boiler system as standard parts no longer exist, requiring Village Hall to be closed to the public several times during the summer for lack of air conditioning and proper ventiliation, and jeoparding the main IT server room due to potential overheating; and ® Any significant Failures of the boiler, HVAC system and /or roof system could result in significant, unintended and unbudgeted capital expenditures; and 6 The Village Hall /Police Facilities building has a 35 year old roof system which has been failing causing significant water leaks and flooding and creating potential mold and asbestos hazards; ® The Village Hall/Police Facilities building has existing asbestos, which has been contained, however it could prevent any significant renovations without proper abatement; and ® If the Police Station is relocated, the potential for redevelopment or reuse of the Police Department portion of the building is uncertain as any change in use will trigger the need for compliance with current life safety, building, and ADA codes; and ® The current site of the Village Hall and Police Department is in a highly desireable residential district and as such may be valuable for redevelopment and provide a long- term source of additional property tax revenues to the Village. WHEREAS, Mayor DiMaria appointed a Police Facilities Work Group ( "Working Group ") consisting of the Police Chief, Village Administrator, Finance Director, Community and Economic Development Director, Corporation Counsel, Trustee Grear and Plan Commission member and architect Steven Blonz to begin the process of soliciting proposals from qualified construction managers /design teams to begin to move forward with the process of completing due diligence, pre - design, financial evaluation, final design and ultimately construction of a new Police Station; and WHEREAS, when the Working Group began drafting an RFQ for such services, members of the Working Group expressed concerns that issues related to the existing municipal services, which are currently housed in the same building and on the same site as the Police Department, had not been considered and no space need study has been completed for the Village Hall portion of the building and site; and WHEREAS, while it is believed the 8300 Lehigh site, which is located in the Village's M -1 light industrial district, may be able to accommodate a new Police Station, a thorough site constraints analysis has not been done to confirm it is large enough for the Police Station or a combined Police /Village Hall facility; and WHEREAS, in addition to 8300 Lehigh, the Village owns other sites which may be suitable for a new Police Station and Village Hall, either as separate stand alone or combined facilities: and WHEREAS, further study is needed to determine if a new Police Station should be located at 8300 Lehigh Avenue or some other location in the Village; and WHEREAS, further study is needed to determine if Village Hall should be remodeled or rebuilt; if Village Hall should be relocated or remain at its current location, especially if the Police Station is relocated elesewhere; and if the Police Station and Village Hall should be located at the same or different sites; and WHEREAS, after considering the concerns raised by the Working Group, the Village sought Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) to highly qualified consulting firms within the Metropolitan Chicago area who would assist the Village through the process of locating designing and constructing a new Police Station and potentially a new Village Hall, and several firms subsequently submitted qualifications; and WHEREAS, the Wonting Group reviewed the four submitted proposals, interviewed two finalists, and conducted reference checks and site visits to complete the evaluation process; and WHEREAS the Working Group unanimously selected MTl Construction Services, LLC as the most qualified firm for the overall project, as well as, the necessary due diligence phase; and WHEREAS, MTI Construction Services, LLC has proposed to provide the fast phase predesign services to the Village for a cost of $20,000; and WHEREAS such predesign services shall include: e Assist the Village with a list of qualified architects for a feasibility study and site analysis; and Assist the Village with RFQ for a feasibility study and site analysis; and Assist the Village with review and qualification of proposals; and ® Review with architect and update 2012 feasibility/needs study for the Police Department; and ® Work with the Village and architect on preparation of the feasibility /needs study for Village Hall Departments; and • Assess and analyze various sites, preparing budgets associated with those various sites; and • With the architect, assess value and redevelopment potential for the existing 6101 Capulina site; and • Establish Village Hall services and Police Department Project goals, scope, and objectives; and • Chair, coordinate, schedule, and document meetings with the Village and architect; and • Develop Master Project Schedule "MPS'; and • With the architect, recommend building and site alternatives with budgets to the Village Board for consideration and direction: and • Develop overall conceptual project estimates and budget; and • Assume the obligation and responsibility for the goals, requirements and scope of the Project. WHEREAS the target dates for presdeign services are as follows: • December 8, 2014 Village Board approves pre - design contract. • December 16, 2014 Village staff and MTI finalize and execute contract. • December 30, 2014 RFQ for architects issued. • February 3, 2015 RFQ responses due from architects. • February 10, 2015 Staff and MTI complete review of proposals. • February 17, 2015 Staff and MTI interview finalists and complete reference checks on most qualified architects. • February 23, 2015 Staff and MTI present recommendation to Village Board. • May 11, 2015 Updated Police Station and Village Hall needs study Completed. • July 13, 2015 Staff, MTI and architect present analysis and recommendation to the Village Board for preferred sites for police and /or municipal facilities. WHEREAS, the Village President and Board of Trustees deans it to be in the best interest of the Village to employ the services of MTI Construction Services, LLC to provide predesign services for a price not to exceed $20,000 pursuant to their proposal as set forth above; and WHEREAS, funding for these services are included in the 2014 and proposed 2015 Finance Department Budget (0222012-552110). E, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as heremabove set forth. SECTION 2: Village Staff is hereby authorized to finalize and the Village President President is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with MTI Construction Services, LLC to provide predesign services for a price not to exceed $20,000 pursuant to their proposal as set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8"' DAY OF December 2014, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this e day of December 2014. APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9 '1' day of December 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois 5 Lreaislative Summary Resolution I4 -57 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS (MGP) FOR GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: December 8, 2014 To authorize the Village Administrator to execute a contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP) for the maintenance and development of Geographical Information System (GIS) services in 2015. To continue the services of Municipal GIS Partners in developing and maintaining the Village's GIS system as part of the GIS Consortium. The GIS Consortium was founded in 1999 by several municipalities as a way of reducing the costs of implementing GIS technology by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing. The Village of Morton Grove joined the Consortium in 2002. MGP was determined to be the lowest responsible provider for the maintenance and development of GIS systems for the member communities. This contract between the Village and MGP is a continuation of these services for 2015, All Village Departments utilize the GIS system, as well as Village residents and businesses. The amount of the contract is a not -to- exceed value of 5573,771.00. General Revenue The management and implementation of the program is performed by the Public Works Department, Engineering Division as part of their normal work activities. Approval as presented. Not Required. None Respectfully submitted: l. Ryan J. Horne, Village Administrator Prepared by: _ Reviewed Chris Tomieh, Village Engineer Reviewed by: _ Teresa Hoffman DeMonte, Director of Public Works WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cool: County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove desires to utilize a geographic information system (GIS) to assist in the service, maintenance, and long range planning of its operations; and WHEREAS, in 1999 several municipalities established an intergovernmental agreement setting forth the responsibilities of the parties hereto with regard to the operation of a consortium, known as the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISCon), to develop, maintain and share GIS data and applications; and WHEREAS, in 2002 a GIS Committee was formed to evaluate the future direction of the Village's GIS and recommended joining the GISCon to cost efficiently and effectively develop and maintain the Village's GIS; and WHEREAS, on November 11, 2002, the Village of Morton Grove entered into an agreement to join GISCon; and WHEREAS, the success of GISCon has resulted in growth from four municipalities in 1999 to twenty -seven in 2014, which reduces the Village's overall cost of participation; and WHEREAS, GISCon desires to limit expenses in developing GIS for their communities by participating in collective bargaining, group training, joint purchasing and development and innovation sharing; and WHEREAS, the GISCon researched the geographic information system service providers in 2002 and found Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP) to be the lowest responsible service provider; and WHEREAS, MGP has a history of successfully providing GIS services to the Village at a reasonable cost; and WHEREAS, MGP represents to be in compliance with Illinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and continues to have the necessary expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth in the contract in Exhibit "A'; and WHEREAS, funds for this contract are included in the adopted 2015 budget, in account number 022025-552110; and WHEREAS, the amount of the contract is a not -to- exceed value of $73,771.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set 'forth. SECTION 2: The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized and directed to execute and the Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove is authorized to attest a contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. providing the Village of Morton Grove with geographical information system services as provided in their contract attached hereto and as described in Exhibit "A„ SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and Village Engineer are hereby authorized to implement the contract and provide for GIS services. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 8`" DAY OF DECEMBER 2014 Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus 'Trustee Pietron Tnistee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 8 "' DAY OF DECEMBER 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 9`h DAY OF DECEMBER 2014 Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" GIS CONSORTIUM SERVICE PROVIDER CONTRACT This contract (this "Contract') made and entered into this Ist day of January. 2015 (the "Effective hate "), by and between the Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality "), and Municipal GIS Partners, Incorporated, 701 Lee Street, Suite 1020, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant "). WHEREAS, the Municipality is a member of the Geographic Information System Consortium ( "GISC ); WHEREAS, the Consultant is a designated service provider for the members of DISC and is responsible for providing the necessary professional staffing resource support services as more fully described herein (the "Services ") in connection with the Municipality's geographical information system ("GIS"); WHEREAS, the Municipality desires to engage the Consultant to provide the Services on the terms set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Consultant hereby represents itself to be in compliance with Illinois statutes relating to professional registration applicable to individuals performing the Services hereunder and has the necessary expertise and experience to furnish the Services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the promises hereinafter set forth, it is hereby agreed by and between the Municipality and the Consultant that: SECTION 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Statement of Work. This Contract contains the basic terns and conditions that will govern the overall relationship between the Consultant and the Municipality. The Consultant will provide the Services described in the statement of work attached hereto as Attachment 1 ( "Statement of Work "), which shall become a part of and subject to this Contract. 1.2 Supplemental Statements of Work. Any additional services to be performed by the Consultant may be added to this Contract after the Effective Date by the mutual agreement of the parties, which agreement will be evidenced by mutual execution of a Supplemental Statement of Work which shall also be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract, a form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 1.3 Additional Compensation. If the Consultant wishes to make a claim for additional compensation as a result of action taken by the Municipality, the Consultant shall give written notice of its claim within fifteen (IS) days after occurrence of such action. Regardless of the decision of the Municipality Manager relative to a claim submitted by the Consultant, all work required under this Contract as determined by the Municipality Manager shall proceed without interruption. � Mm"JY 1.4 Contract Governs. If there is a conflict between the terms of this Contract and the Statement of Work or any Supplemental Statement of Work, unless otherwise specified in such Statement of Work, the terns of this Contract shall supersede the conflicting provisions contained in such Statement of Work. SECTION 2 PERFORMANCE OF WORK 2.1 All work hereunder shall be performed under the direction of the Village President or his designee (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality Managed') in accordance with the terms set forth in this Contract and each relevant Statement of W ork. SECTION 3 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES 3.1 Independent The Consultant shall submit invoices in a format approved by the Contractor. The Consultant shall at all times be an independent contractor, engaged by the Municipality to perform the Services. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between the parties, 3.2 Consultant and F,mplovees. Neither the Consultant nor any of its employees shall be considered to be employees of the Municipality for any reason, including but not limited to for purposes of workers' compensation law, Social Security, or any other applicable statute or regulation. 3.3 No Authority to Bind. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, neither party hereto has the authority to bind the other to any third party or to otherwise act in any way as the representative of the other. SECTION 4 PAYMENT TO THE CONSULTANT 4.1 Payment Terms. The Municipality agrees to pay the Consultant in accordance with the terms and amounts set forth in the applicable Statement of Work, provided that: (b) The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted to each aspect of the Services performed and cost incurred. The Consultant shall permit the authorized representative of the Municipality to inspect and audit all data and records of the Consultant for work done under this Contract. The Consultant shall make these records available at reasonable times during this Contract period, and for a year after termination of this Contract. (c) The service rates and projected utilization set forth in the applicable Statement of Work shall adjust each calendar year in accordance with the annual rates approved by the Board of Directors of GISC which shall be reflected in a Supplemental Statement of Work. (a) The Consultant shall submit invoices in a format approved by the Municipality. (b) The Consultant shall maintain records showing actual time devoted to each aspect of the Services performed and cost incurred. The Consultant shall permit the authorized representative of the Municipality to inspect and audit all data and records of the Consultant for work done under this Contract. The Consultant shall make these records available at reasonable times during this Contract period, and for a year after termination of this Contract. (c) The service rates and projected utilization set forth in the applicable Statement of Work shall adjust each calendar year in accordance with the annual rates approved by the Board of Directors of GISC which shall be reflected in a Supplemental Statement of Work. EXHIBIT "A" (d) Payments to the Consultant shall be made pursuant to the Illinois Local Government Prompt Payment Act (50 ILCS 505/1 et seq.). 4.2 Service Rates. The service rates set forth in the Statement of Work include all applicable federal, state, and local taxes of every kind and nature applicable to the Services as well as all taxes, contributions, and premiums for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement benefits, pensions, annuities, or similar benefits and all costs, royalties and fees arising from the use of, or the incorporation into, the Services, of patented or copyrighted equipment, materials, supplies, tools, appliances, devices, processes, or inventions. All claim or right to claim additional compensation by reason of the payment of any such tax, contribution, premium, costs, royalties, or fees is hereby waived and released by Consultant. SECTION 5 TERM 5.1 Initial Tenn. Subject to earlier termination pursuant to the terms of this Contract, the initial term of this Contract shall commence on the Effective Date and remain in effect for one (1) year(s) (the "Initial Terrn "). 5.2 Renewal Terms. The Initial Term may be extended for successive one (1) year periods or for any other period as mutually agreed to in writing and set forth in a Supplemental Statement of Work executed by both parties (each, a "-Renewal Term "). SECTION 6 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT 6.1 Voluntary Termination. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Municipality may terminate this Contract during the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, with or without cause, at any time upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Consultant. The Consultant may terminate this Contract or additional Statement of Work, with or without cause, at any time upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to the Municipality. 6.2 Termination for Breach. Either party may terminate this Contract upon written notice to the other party following a material breach of a material provision of this Contract by the other party if the breaching party does not cure such breach within ten (10) days of receipt of written notice of such breach from the non - breaching party. 6.3 Payment for Services Rendered. In the event that this Contract is terminated in accordance with this Section 6, the Consultant shall be paid for services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred. SECTION • J: 7.1 Adequate Staffing. The Consultant must assign and maintain during the term of this Contract and any renewal thereof, an adequate staff of competent employees, agents, or subcontractors ( "Consultant Personner) that is fully equipped, licensed as appropriate and } EXHIBIT "A" qualified to perform the Services as required by the Statement of Work or Supplemental Statement of Work. 7.2 Availabilitv of Personnel. The Consultant shall notify the Municipality as soon as practicable prior to terminating the employment of, reassigning, or receiving notice of the resignation of, any Consultant Personnel assigned to provide the Municipality with the Services. The Consultant shall have no claim for damages and shall not bill the Municipality for additional time and materials charges as the result of any portion of the Services which must be duplicated or redone due to such termination or for any delay or extension of the time of performance as a result of any such termination, reassigning, or resignation. 73 Use of Subcontractors. The Consultant's use of any subcontractor or subcontract to perform the Services shall not relieve the Consultant of full responsibility and liability for the provision, performance, and completion of the Services as required by this Contract. All Services performed under any subcontract shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Contract in the same manner as if performed by employees of the Consultant. For purposes of this Contract, the term "Consultant" shall be deemed to refer to the Consultant and also to refer to all subcontractors of the Consultant. 7.4 Removal of Personnel and Subcontractors. Municipality may, upon written notice to Consultant, request that any Consultant Personnel be removed or replaced. Consultant shall promptly endeavor to replace such Consultant Personnel and Municipality shall have no claim for damages for a delay or extension of the applicable Statement of Work as a result of any such removal or replacement. 7.5 Non- Solicitation of Consultant Employees. The Municipality agrees that during the term of this Contract and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, it shall not, directly or indirectly, through any other person, firm, corporation or other entity, solicit, induce, encourage or attempt to induce or encourage any employee of the Consultant to terminate his or her employment with the Consultant or to breach any other obligation to the Consultant. The Municipality acknowledges that the aforementioned restrictive covenant contained in this Section is reasonable and property required for the adequate protection of the Consultant's business. S;✓CTION 8 ACCOMMODATION OF CONSULTANT PERSONNEL; MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 8.1 Facilities and Equipment. The Municipality shall provide the Consultant with adequate office space, furnishings, hardware, software and connectivity to fulfill the objectives of the GIS program. Facilities and equipment include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Ogee space for the Consultant's Personnel and periodic guests. This space should effectively and securely house all required GIS systems, peripherals and support tools. This space must be available during normal business hours; (b) Furnishings including adequate desk(s), shelving, and seating for the Consultant's Personnel and periodic guests: EXHIBIT "Alf (c) A telephone line and phone to originate and receive outside calls; (d) A network connection with adequate speed and access to the hlternet; and (e) Hardware, software, peripherals, and network connectivity to perform the program objectives efficiently. 8.2 Backup and Recovery Svstems. The Municipality shall be responsible for installing, operating and monitoring the backup and recovery systems for all Municipality GIS assets that permit the Consultant to continue services within a reasonable period of time following a disaster or outage. 8.3 Right of Entry, Limited Access, Consultant's Personnel performing Services shall be permitted to enter upon the Municipality's property in connection with the performance of the Services, subject to those rules established by the Municipality. Consent to enter upon a Municipality's facility given by the Municipality shall not create, nor be deemed to imply, the creation of any additional responsibilities on the part of the Municipality. Consultant's Personnel shall have the right to use only those facilities of the Municipality that are necessary to perform the Services and shall have no right to access any other facilities of the Municipality. SECTION 9 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY; FOIA 9.1 Municipal Materials. The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that all trademarks, service marks, logos, tradenames and images provided by or on behalf of the Municipality to the Consultant for use in performing the Services and the GIS database (including riles created from the database) created by Consultant hereunder (the "Municipal Materials ") are the sole and exclusive property of the Municipality. The Consultant acknowledges that this Contract is not a license to use the Municipal Materials except as needed to perform the Services hereunder. 9.2 Third -Party Materials. If applicable, to the extent the Consultant has agreed to obtain and /or license Third -Party Materials on behalf of Municipality, the Consultant shall obtain a license for Municipality to use the Third -Party Materials as part of the Services for the purpose specified in the applicable Statement of Work. "Third -Parry Materials" shall include, but are not limited to, computer software, script or programming code or other materials owned by third parties and /or any software available from third parties, that is Iicensed by Consultant for the benefit of the Municipality. 9.3 GISC Materials. It is expressly understood that, excluding the Municipal Materials and Third -Party Materials, all members of GISC and the Consultant may use or share in any improvements or modifications incorporated into any computer software (in object code and source code form), script or programming code used or developed by the Consultant in providing Services hereunder (the "GISC Materials "). (a) The Consultant herby grants the Municipality a limited, personal, nontransferable, non - exclusive license to use the GISC Materials solely for the purpose of and in connection with the Municipality's GIS. Upon expiration or termination of this Contract, or at EXHIBIT "All such time the Municipality is no longer a member of GISC or in breach of its obligations hereunder, the Municipality shall not be entitled to or granted a license in future enhancements, improvements or modifications in the GISC Materials. The Municipality may grant a sublicense to a third party that the Municipality engages to maintain or update the GISC Materials in connection with the Municipality's GIS; provided that such third party agrees in writing to be bound by the license restrictions set forth in this Contract. (b) The Municipality acknowledges that the Consultant is in the business of providing staffing resource support services and that the Consultant shall have the right to provide services and deliverables to third parties that are the same or similar to the services that are to be rendered under this Contract, and to use or otherwise exploit any GISC Materials in providing such services. The Municipality hereby grants to the Consultant, a royalty -free, non- exclusive, irrevocable license throughout the world to publish modify, transfer, translate, deliver, perform, use and dispose of in any manner any portion of the GISC Materials, 9.4 Confidential Information. In the performance of this Contract, the Consultant may have access to or receive certain information in the possession of the Municipality that is not generally known to members of the public (" Confidential Liformatimz "). The Consultant acknowledges that Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, proprietary information, copyrighted material, educational records, employee data, financial information, information relating to health records, resident account information, and other information of a personal nature. Consultant shall not use or disclose any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the Municipality. Consultant will use appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to prevent the improper use or disclosure of any Confidential Information received from or on behalf of the Municipality. Upon the expiration or termination of this Contract, Consultant shall promptly cease using and shall return or destroy (and certify in writing destruction of) all Confidential Information furnished by the Municipality along with all copies thereof in its possession including copies stored in any computer memory or storage medium. The term "Confidential Infonnation" does not include information that (a) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a breach of this Contract by the Consultant; (b) was in the Consultant's or Consultant Personnel's possession on a non - confidential basis from any source other than the Municipality, which source, to the knowledge of the Consultant, is entitled to disclose such information without breach of any obligation of confidentiality; or (c) is independently developed by the Consultant without the use of or reference to, in whole or in part, any Confidential Information. For avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the GISC Materials shall not be considered Confidential Information. 9.5 Dissemination of Confidential Information. Unless directed by the Municipality, Consultant shall not disseminate any Confidential Information. If Consultant is presented with a request for documents by any administrative agency or with a subpoena daces tecum regarding any Confidential Information which may be in Consultant's possession as a result of Services provided under this Contract, unless prohibited by law, Consultant shall immediately give notice to the Municipality with the understanding that the Municipality shall have the opportunity to contest such process by any means available to it prior to submission of any documents to a court or other third party. Consultant shall not be obligated to withhold delivery of documents beyond the time ordered by a court of law or administrative agency, unless the request for production or subpoena is quashed or withdrawn, or the time to produce is otherwise extended. Consultant Page 6 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" shall cause its personnel, staff and subcontractors, if any, to undertake the same obligations regarding confidentiality and dissemination of information as agreed to by Consultant under this Contract. 9.6 Freedom of Information Act Requests. No less than five (5) business days after the Municipality's Notice to the Consultant of the Municipality's receipt of a request made pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (ILCS 140/1 et seq. — herein "FOIA "), the Consultant shall furnish all requested records in the Consultant's possession which are in any manner related to this Contract or the Consultant's performance of the Services, including but not limited to any documentation related to the Municipality and associated therewith. The Consultant shall not apply any costs or charge any fees to the Municipality or any other person, firm or corporation for its procurement and retrieval of such records in the Consultant's possession which are sought to be copied or reviewed in accordance with such FOIA request or requests. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Municipality including its several departments and including its officers and employees and shall pay all of the Consultant's Costs associated with such FOIA request or requests including Costs arising from the Consultant's failure or alleged failure to timely furnish such documentation and /or arising from the Consultant's failure or alleged failure otherwise to comply with the FOIA, whether or not associated with the Consultant's and/or the Municipality's defense of any litigation associated therewith. In addition, if the Consultant requests the Municipality to deny the FOIA request or any portion thereof by utilizing one or more of the lawful exemptions provided for in the FOIA, the Consultant shall pay all Costs in connection therewith. As used herein, "in the Consultant's possession" includes documents in the possession of any of the Consultant's officers, agents, employees and /or independent contractors; and "Costs" includes but is not limited to attorneys' fees, witness fees, filing fees and any and all other expenses — whether incurred by the Municipality or the Consultant. 9.7 News Releases. The Consultant may not issue any news releases without prior approval from the Municipality Manager nor will the Consultant make public proposals developed under this Contract without prior written approval from the Municipality Manager. SECTION 10 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 10.1 THE REPRESENTATIONS SET FORTH IN THIS CONTRACT ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARISING FROM TRADE USAGE, COURSE OF DEALING OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL EITHER THE CONSULTANT OR THE MUNICIPALITY BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST SALES OR PROFITS, IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONTRACT, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF T14E POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Huge 7 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" SECTION I 1 CONSULTANT WARRANTY, INDEMNIFICATI ®N; INSURANCE 11.1 Warranty of Services. The Consultant warrants that the Services shall be performed in accordance with industry standards of professional practice, care, and diligence practiced by recognized consulting firms in performing services of a similar nature in existence at the time of the Effective Date. Unless expressly excluded by this Contract, the warranty expressed shall be in addition to any other warranties expressed in this Contract, or expressed or implied by law, which are hereby reserved unto the Municipality. 11.2 Indemnification. The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all loss, liability and damages of whatever nature, including Workmen's Compensation claims by Consultant's employees, in any way resulting from or arising out of the negligent actions or omissions of the Consultant, the Consultant's employees and agents. I L3 Insurance. The Consultant must procure and maintain, for the duration of this Contract, insurance as provided in Attachment 2 to this Contract. 11.4 No Personal Liability No official, director, officer, agent, or employee of any party shall be charged personally or held contractually liable by or to the other party under any term or provision of this Contract or because of its or their execution, approval or attempted execution of this Contract. • `;a 12.1 No Collusion. The Consultant represents and certifies that the Consultant is not barred from contracting with a unit of state or local government as a result of (i) a delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue unless the Consultant is contesting, in accordance with the procedures established by the appropriate revenue act, its liability for the tax or the amount of the tax, as set forth in Section I1- 42.1 -1 et seq. of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5111- 42.1 -1 et seq.; or (ii) a violation of either Section 33E -3 or Section 33E -4 of Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E -1 et seq. 12.2 Sexual Harassment Policy. The Consultant certifies that it has a written sexual harassment policy in full compliance with Section 2- 105(A)(4) of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/2- 105(A)(4). 12.3 Compliance with Laws and Grants. Consultant shall give all notices, pay all fees, and take all other action that may be necessary to ensure that the Services are provided, performed, and completed in accordance with all required governmental permits, licenses, or other approvals and authorizations that may be required in connection with providing, performing, and completing the Services, and with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations, including without limitation the Fair Labor Standards Act; any statutes regarding qualification to do business; any statutes prohibiting discrimination because of, or requiring affirmative action based on, race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, or other prohibited EXHIBIT "A" classification, including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., and the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 511 -101 et seq. Consultant shall also comply with all conditions of any federal, state, or local grant received by Municipality or Consultant with respect to this Contract or the Services. 12.4 Assignments and Successors. This Contract and each and every portion thereof shall be binding upon the successors and the assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however, that no assignment, delegation or subcontracting shall be made without the prior written consent of the Municipality. 12.5 Severability. The parties intend and agree that if any paragraph, subparagraph, phrase, clause, or other provision of this Contract, or any portion thereof, shall be held to be void or otherwise unenforceable, all other portions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. 12.6 Third Party Beneficial. No claim as a third party beneficiary under this Contract by any person, firm, or corporation other than the Consultant shall be made or be valid against the Municipality. 12.7 Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Contract shall be deemed to or constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Contract (whether or not similar) nor shall any such waiver be deemed to or constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in this Contract. 12.8 Governing Laws. This Contract shall be interpreted according to the internal laws, but not the conflict of laws rules, of the State of Illinois. Venue shall reside in Coolc County, Illinois. 12.9 Headings. The headings of the several paragraphs of this Contract are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way are they intended to define, limit, or describe the scope of intent of any provision of this Contract, nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the teens and provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. 12.10 Modification or Amendment. This Contract constitutes the entire Contract of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be changed, modified, discharged, or extended except by written amendment or Supplemental Statement of Work duly executed by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the other party unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed amendment hereof. 12.11 Attachments and Exhibits. hereto, and by this reference incorporated i conflict between any Attachment or Exhibit shall control. In the event of any conflict or any Supplemental Statement of Work, the govern and control with respect to the term, services. . Attachments I and 2 and Exhibit A are attached i and made a part of this Contract. In the event of a and the text of this Contract, the text of this Contract inconsistency between the terms of this Contract and terms of the Supplemental Statement of Work will projected utilization rates, service rates and scope of EXHIBIT "A" 12.12 Rights Cumulative. Unless expressly provided to the contrary in this Contract, each and every one of the rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this Contract shall be cumulative and shall not be exclusive of any other such rights, remedies, and benefits allowed by law. 12.13 Notices. All notices, reports and doctiunents required under this Contract shall be in writing (including prepaid overnight courier, electronic transmission or similar writing) and shall be given to such party at its address or e -mail address set forth below, or at such other address or e -mail address as such party may hereafter specify from time to time. Each such notice shah be effective (i) if given by first class mail or prepaid overnight courier, when received, or (ii) if sent to an e -mail address, upon the sender's receipt of an acknowledgment from the intended recipient (such as by the "return receipt requested" function, as available, return e -mail or other written acknowledgment). If to Municipality: Village of Morton Grove Chris Tomich, Village Engineer 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 E -mail ctomich @mortongroveil.org If to Consultant: Municipal GIS Partners, Incorporated Thomas A. Thomey 701 Lee Street, Suite 1020 Des Plaines, IL 60016 E -mail: tthomey@mgpinc.com 12.14 Counterpart Execution. This Contract, Statement of Work or any Supplemental Statement of Work may be executed in several counterparts, each of which, when executed, shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument, [REMAINDER INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] EXHIBIT FRAN; IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned have placed their hands and seals hereto as of the date first above written. ATTEST: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE By: _ By: _ Name: Ed Ramos Name: Daniel P. DiMaria Its: Village Clerk Its: Village President ATTEST: CONSULTANT: MUNICIPAL GIS PARTNERS, INCORPORATED Name;_ Name: Thomas Thomey Its: Its: President 1 *31rI Attachment I Statement of Work to GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract 1) General Purpose. The Consultant will perform all or part of the Municipality's geographic information system (GIS) management, development, operation, and maintenance. In addition to supporting the existing GIS program, the Consultant will identify opportunities for continued development and enhancement. The Municipality will be sharing management, development, maintenance expertise and staffing with other municipalities as a member of the Geographic Information System Consortium (GISC). The benefits to the Municipality include, but are not limited to, collective bargaining for rates and services, shared development costs, and joint purepasing and training. The Consultant is the sole Service Provider for GISC and is responsible for providing the necessary GIS professional resources to support this entity. The Consultant will facilitate and manage resource, cost, and technical innovation sharing among GISC members. 2) Service Types. The Consultant will provide two (2) service types. The intent of this distinction is to track specific types of investment without overburdening general operation of the GIS program. Many of these services will go unnoticed but are required to sustain the CIS program. The Consultant will employ reasonable professional discretion when specific direction is not provided. The two (2) services types are as follows: A. Services related to the direct management, development, operation, and maintenance of the GIS required to reasonably support the system. B. Services relating to the investigation, research, and development of new functionality and capability for the GIS Consortium and its members. 3) Services. The Consultant will provide the necessary resources to support the GIS program. The allocation of these resources will be reasonably commensurate with the level of expertise required to fulfill the specific task which includes, but is not limited to, the following: A. The GIS Specialist provides the daily operation, maintenance, and support of the GIS program for the community. The GIS Specialist is responsible for database development and maintenance, map and product development, user training, help -desk, system support, and program documentation. B. GIS/RAS (Remote Access Service) Specialist provides the same services as the GIS Specialist utilizing equipment hosted by the Consultant. C. The GIS Coordinator is responsible for the coordination and operation of the GIS program for the community including planning, forecasting, resource allocation and performance management. D. The GIS Analyst is responsible for providing technical support to the GIS Specialist including trouble- shooting, special projects, and access to DISC shared applications and extensions. The GIS Analyst also supports the development of GISC projects and programs. E. The GIS Platform Administrator is responsible for developing, managing, and directing the GISC solutions including the data model, databases and centralized software applications offered by the GISC. F. The GIS Application Developer is responsible for developing, testing, and supporting software applications developed by the GISC for its members. G. The GIS Manager is responsible for the overall development and implementation of the GISC program based on the direction and instructions of the GISC Board of Directors. 4) Projected Utilization and Service Rates. The service rates set forth below are based on, among other things, the negotiated annual projected utilization of all GISC members. The Consultant shall negotiate annually with the Board of Directors (the "Board") of GISC. to adjust the annual projected utilization and service rates for the members of GISC. It is anticipated that the Consultant will submit its proposed annual projected utilization and service rates (the "ProposaP') to the Board for approval every year on or about July3lst. Upon the Board's approval of the Proposal, the annual projected utilization and service rates shall become binding on the Municipality and incorporated into this Contract by reference, which shall automatically become effective on January 1st and remain in effect for the remainder of such calendar year. The approved annual projected utilization and the service rates will be promptly distributed by the Board or the Consultant to the Municipality. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Board, for any reason whatsoever (including the Board being disbanded) does not approve the Proposal, the Consultant may submit its proposed annual projected utilization and service rates directly to the Municipality by no later than October 1st, and upon written approval by the Municipality shall become effective on January Ist. Consultant agrees that, each year, the new aggregate annual contract value for the Municipality will not exceed the greater of (i) cost -of- living adjustments based on the CPI' measured as of the most recent CPI number available prior to submitting the Proposal, or (ii) 3 %. The GISC service and projected utilization rates set forth below are effective as of the Effective Date until December 31st: A. Projected Utilization X hours of GIS Specialist 'For purposes of this Contract, "CPI" shall mean the all items Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers in the Chicago -Gary- Kenosha area. In the event that publication or issuance of the Index is discontinued or suspended, the CPI shall be an index published or issued by the United States Department of Labor or any bureau or agency thereof that computes information from substantially the same statistical categories and substantially the same geographic areas as those computed in the CPI and that weights such categories in a substantially similar way to the weighting of the CPI at the Effective Date. The CPI rates, solely for reference purposes, may be accessed at htip : / /www.bls.gov /ro5 /cpichi.htm. it being understood that the Consultant makes no representation or warranty that the rates published on such website are accurate. EXHIBIT "A" 2. 658 hours of GIS /RAS Specialist 3. 66 hours of GIS Coordinator 4. 66 hours of GIS Analyst 5. 34 hours of GIS Platform Administrator 6. 34 hours of GIS Application Developer 7. 34 hours of GIS Manager B. Service Rates I. $ 72.40 per hour for GIS Specialist 2. $ 75.90 per hour for GIS /RAS Specialist 3. $ 91.80 per hour for GIS Coordinator 4. $ 91.80 per hour for GIS Analyst 5. $1 14.70 per hour for GIS Platform Administrator 6. $114.70 per hour for GIS Application Developer 7. $114.70 per hour for GIS Manager i "otal Not -to- Exceed Amount for Services (Numbers): $73,771. "Total Not -to- Exceed Amount for Services (Figures): Seventy -three thousand seven hundred seventy -one dollars and zero cents. Page 14 of 19 EXHIBIT "A" Attachment 2 To GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract Insurance Consultant's Insurance Consultant shall procure and maintain, for the duration of this Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. than: A. Minimum Scope of Insurance: Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 with the Municipality named as additional insured, on a form at least as broad as the ISO Additional Insured Endorsement CG 2010 and CG 2026 2. Insurance Service Office Business Auto Liability coverage form number CA 0001, Symbol 01 "Any Auto." 3, Workers' Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of Illinois and Employers' Liability insurance. B. Minimum Limits of hrsurance: Consultant shall maintain limits no less I. Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. The general aggregate shall be twice the required occurrence limit. Minimum General Aggregate shall be no less than $2,000,000 or a project/contract specific aggregate of $1,000,000. 3. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: Workers' Compensation coverage with statutory limits and Employers' Liability limits of $500,000 per accident. C. Deductibles and Self - Insured Retentions: Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the Municipality. At the option of the Municipality, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self - insured retentions as it respects the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. 2. Business Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: Workers' Compensation coverage with statutory limits and Employers' Liability limits of $500,000 per accident. C. Deductibles and Self - Insured Retentions: Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the Municipality. At the option of the Municipality, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self - insured retentions as it respects the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. EXHIBIT "A" D. Other Insurance Provisions: The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coveraees: The Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, ]eased or used by the Consultant; or automobiles owned, ]eased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers. 2. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary as respects the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self - insurance maintained by the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers shall be excess of Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees and volunteers. 4. The Consultant's insurance shall contain a Severability of Interests /Cross Liability clause or language stating that Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. If any commercial general Iiability insurance is being provided under an excess or umbrella liability policy that does not "follow form," then the Consultant shall be required to name the Municipality, its officials, employees, agents and volunteers as additional insureds 6. All general liability coverages shall be provided on an occurrence policy form. Claims -made general liability policies will not be accepted. 7. The Consultant and all subcontractors hereby agree to waive any limitation as to the amount of contribution recoverable against them by the Municipality. This specifically includes any limitation imposed by any state statute, regulation, or case law including any Workers' Compensation Act provision that applies a limitation to the amount recoverable in contribution such as Koteeki v. Cyclops Welding. E. All Coverages: Each insurance policy required by this paragraph shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Municipality. P. Acceptabilitv of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A -, VII and licensed to do business in the State of Illinois. r . „ EXHIBIT "A°' G. Verification of Coveraee: Consultant shall furnish the Municipality with certificates of insurance naming the Municipality, its officials, agents, employees, and volunteers as additional insured's and with original endorsements, affecting coverage required herein. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the Municipality before any work commences. The Municipality reserves the right to request full certified copies of the insurance policies and endorsements. EXHIBIT "All Exhibit A Form of Supplemental Statement of Work Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 1.2 of that certain GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract dated [,INSERT DATE] (the "Contract") between the _ of _ _ (the "Municipality ") and Municipal GIS Partners, Incorporated (the "Consultant ") hereby agree to the following SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT OF WORK ( "SOW'): 1. Description of Additional Services: [None] or IDescribe new services being provided or no longer being provided. Note if Supplemental Statement of Work is intended to replace a previously approved and effective Statement of Work] 2. Project Schedule/Term: [Insert date by which supplemental work must be commenced and completed with any appropriate milestones] 3. Projected Utilization: [Insert rate effective dates] A. hours of GIS Specialist B. hours of GIS/RAS Specialist C. howl of GIS Coordinator D. hours of GIS Analyst E. hours of GIS Platform Administrator F. hours of GIS Application Developer G. hours of GIS Manager 4. Service Rates: [Insert rate effective dates] A. $ _ per hour for GIS Specialist B. $ per hour for GIS/RAS Specialist C. $ per hour for GIS Coordinator D. $ per hour for GIS Analyst E. $ per hour for GIS Platform Administrator EXHIBIT "All F. S per hour for GIS Application Developer G. $ per hour for GIS Manager Total Not -to- Exceed Amount for Services (Numbers) :$[INSERT] Total Not -to- Exceed Amount for Services (Figures) : [INSERT) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this SOW and this Contract or any previously approved SOW, the terms of this SOW will govern and control with respect to the term, projected utilization rates, service rates and scope of services. All other conflicts or inconsistencies between the terms of this Contract and this SOW shalt be governed and controlled by this Contract. Any capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings prescribed to such capitalized term in this Contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have placed their hands and seals hereto as of the date first above written. ATTEST: Municipality Clerk ATTEST: Municipality of Bv: [MUNICIPALITY/CITY] Manager CONSULTANT: i02[iNICIPAL CIS PARTNERS, INCORPORATED By. Legislative Summary Ordinance 14 -27 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGETS FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND THE MORTON GROVE LIBRARY, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015, AND E_NDLNG DECEMBER 31, 2015 Introduced: November 24, 2014 Synopsis: This ordinance formally adopts the Village's 2015 Budget. Purpose: The 2015 Budget represents the Corporate Authorities' projections of revenue which are expected to become available during fiscal year 2015, as well as recommended expenditures for the Village. Background: The Budget was presented at the Village Workshops on October 8, 18, 23, and December 1, 2014, and discussed and revised thereafter. The final budget including a public hearing will be held on December 8, 2014. ,Public notice of the hearing was published in the Pioneer Press newspaper on November 20, 2014. The Budget has been available for inspection at the office of the Village Administrator, the Public Library, and posted on the Village's website since at least November 1 Q, 2014. Budget Summary: Fund Description Budget General Corporate Fund $26,956,797 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 945,320 Enhanced 911 Telephone System Fund 258.800 Economic Development Fund 977,611 Commuter Parking Lot Fund 168r 250 Fire Alarm Fund 78,800 Seizure Fund 134,050 TIF Fund — Dempster/Waukegan 31498,100 TIF Fund — Lehigh /Ferris 7,459,210 TIF Fund —Waukegan Road 11796,114 Debt Service Fund 716,904 Capital Projects Fund 10871500 Enterprise Fund (Water /Sewer) 10,033,314 Enterprise Fund (Municipal Parking) 15,500 Enterprise Fund (Solid Waste) 2,002,529 CNA Pension Fund 9460000 Firefighters Pension Fund 2,786,625 Police Pension Fund 3.456.500 Total Budget — Village of Morton Grove $63,317,924 Total Budget — Morton Grove Public Library 3.218.465 Budget Grand Total — Village and Library X66 536,389 Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: Second Reading: Required Special The budget is required to be passed before December 31, 2014 Considerations or Requirements: Res ectful] submitted: li. )_�-- Reviewed b P Y y Ry Mp lix6; V Village Administrator TeresaHoffrnan Liston, Corporation Counsel Prepared by:� Remy'Navarrete, Finance Directod; reasurer •� WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 97 -53 enacted on the I I 1 day of November 1997, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove established by a two - thirds majority vote of the Village Board then holding office, the budget system, all as authorized pursuant to Statute 65 ILCS 5/8- 2 -9.1, and pursuant to said statute and local ordnance, the Village Administrator of the Village of Morton Grove has previously prepared and compiled the contents of the 2015 Budget and presented said Budget in tentative form for consideration by the Village Board; and WHEREAS, the proposed annual budget has been made conveniently available for public inspection in the Office of the Village Administrator at least by November 10, 2014, such date being at Least ten (10) days prior to the date of passage of this Ordinance by the Village Board; and WI°IEREAS, the Village Board held apublic hearing on the proposed annual budget on the 8fs day of December 2014, such date being not less than one week after the proposed budget was made available for inspection; and WHEREAS, notice of such hearing was given by publication in the Pioneer Press Newspaper which is a newspaper of general circulation in the Village, at least one week prior to the time of said hearing; and WHEREAS the budget documents are too voluminous to attach to this ordinance, but comport with the budget recapitulation attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOI4 COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The annual budget of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015, pursuant to the official budget documents currently kept in the Office of the Village Administrator shall be and is hereby adopted. SECTION 3: The Annual Budget of the Morton Grove Public Library for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" shall be and is hereby adopted SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 8"' day of December 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee "Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 81" day of December 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9"' day of December 2014, Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois — [MI11flVIR L RECAPITULATION Fund Description Budget General Corporate Fund $26,956,797 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 945320 Enhanced 911 Telephone System Fund 258,800 Economic Development Fund 977,611 Commuter Parking Lot Fund 168,250 Fire Alarm Fund 7800 Seizure Fund 134,050 TIF Fund— Dempster /Waukegan 3,498,100 TIF Fund — Lehigh /Ferris 7,459,210 TIF Fund — Waukegan Road 1,796,114 Debt Service Fund 716,904 Capital Projects Fund 1,087,500 Enterprise Fund (Water /Sewer) 10.0331314 Enterprise Fund (Municipal Parking) 15,500 Enterprise Fund (Solid Waste) 2,002,529 CNA Pension Fund 946,000 Firefighters Pension Fund 2,786,625 Police Pension Fund 3,456.500 Total Budget — Village of Morton Grove $63,317,924 Total Budget — Morton Grove Public Library 3,218,465 Budget Grand Total — Village and Library 66 536 389 Revenue Property Tax Receipts Replacement Tax Receipts Fines Lost Book Payment Photocopy /'Printing Receipts Miscellaneous Income Audio Visual Rental Receipts Grants Interest Income Book Sale Receipts Donations Expenses (summary) Salaries Other Personnel Expenses Materials / Services Operations Special Taxes Transfer to Other Funds 2015 3,115,665 29;000 31,000 1,600 4,000 1,700 0 29,000 500 5,000 1,000 3,218,465 1,653,242 574,185 549,443 273,357 130,973 37,265 3.218,465 Change in Fund Balance 0.00 L,e2islative Summary F -- — ORDINANCE 14 -26 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2015 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 Introduced: Synopsis Purpose: Background: Summary of Appropriations to be levied and Assessed: Administrator Recommendation: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully Reviewed by November 24.2014 This ordinance sets the levy for property taxes for tax year 2014 which are collected in 2015. This ordinance must be adopted and filed with the Cook County Clerk in order to levy property taxes within the Village of Morton Grove. 505,846 0 Pursuant to Ordinance 14 -27, the Village Board of Trustees passed the 2015 Budget for the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Public Library. Said budget calls for expenditures in the amount of $66,536,389. The amount necessary to be levied for the 2014 property taxes for the Village is $9,424,568 and for the Library is $3,115,665 for a total levy before debt service of $12,540,231 By law, the Village is required to levy an additional $3,078,200 for debt service payments authorized by general obligation notes and bonds for a total levy before abatement in the amount of $15,618.433. However, the Village Board intends to adopt Resolutions which will immediately abate $2,621,296 from the levy resulting in the net levy as intended by the Corporate Authorities in the amount of S12,997,13T After extensions for loss and cost, the effective result is a 2.0% increase in the Villages portion of the tax levy and a 5.0% increase in the Library's portion of the tax levy, resulting in an overall increase of2.7% from the requested final extended tax levy fron the previous year. Tax Levy Net Fund Requirements Abatements _ 2014 Levy Corporate IMRF C.N.A. Capital Improvements Police Pension Tire Pension Subtotal Debt Service Bonds Notes Total Debt Service TOTAL VILLAGE TAX LEVY LIBRARY COMBINED TOTAL LEVY Approval as presented. Required $4,800,884 $0 $4,800,884 279,585 0 279,585 505,846 0 505,846 100,000 0 100,000 1,802,775 0 1,802,775 1,935,478 0 1.935,478 _ _ $9.424,568 $0 $9,424568 $2,290313 ($7,850,348) $439,965 787,887 (770,948) 16,939 _ $3.078.200 ($2.621.296) $456,904 512,502,768 ($2.621,296) $9_881,472 ,. $3,115,665 $0 S3.115.665 $159618,433 ($21621,296) 512.997,237 A certified copy of this resolution must be filed with the Cook County Clerk, r aired by: _._, Remy Ilvar ete, Finance Director /Treasurer AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2015 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2014, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village passed and approved by roll call vote, the annual Budget Ordinance 14 -27 of said Village for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015, and ending ,December 31, 2015, effective from and after January 1, 2015. The Ordinance was duly signed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village and attested by the Village Cleric, and thereafter it was duly published in pamphlet form by order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village; and WHEREAS, a Noticc of the Public Hearing for the 2014 Levy was published in the November 27, 2014, Morton Grove Champion, a Pioneer Press Publication in the time and form as required by State Statute: and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held at 7:00 pm on Monday, December 08, 2014, in the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center where comments were heard and addressed by the Village Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Budget Ordinance, as adopted on December 8, 2014, provided for a total property tax levy including the total levy for all Debt Service requirements before abatements of FIF EEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THREE DOLLARS ($15,618,433); and WHEREAS, the Village will subsequently pass additional resolutions abating tax levies relating to the refunded General Obligation Bonds Series 2002 for FIVE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND FIFTY TWO DOLLARS ($501,052) and the share provided for by the Village Water /Sewer Fund for THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIVE DOLLARS ($365,805) and the share provided for by the Village's Lehigh Ferris Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($801,200) and the share provided for by the Village's Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area Funds for EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY - THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR DOLLARS ($893,734) and the share provided for by the Debt Service Fund for FIFTY -NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIVE DOLLARS ($59,505); and WHEREAS, the result of the above abatements will be to reduce the gross property tax from the original FIFTEEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THREE DOLLARS ($1.5,618,433); as indicated in this Ordinance, to a net property tax levy of TWELVE MILLION NINE HUNDRED NINTY -SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY -SEVEN DOLLARS ($12,997,137), areduction of TWO MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWENTY -ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY SIX DOLLARS ($2,621,296). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TIFE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOIL COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The total amount of appropriations for all corporate purposes legally made and to be collected from the tax levy of 2014 to be collected in 2015 is hereby ascertained to be the sum of FIFTEEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THREE DOLLARS ($15,618,433) of which TWO MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWENTY -ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY SIX DOLLARS ($2,621,296) is abated, leaving a net property tax levy of TWELVE MILLION NINE HUNDRED NINTY -SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY -SEVEN DOLLARS ($12,997,137). SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 8`s day of December 2014 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thil l Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 8"' day of'December 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`'' day of December 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois L,e2islative Summary F� -- RIISOLUTiO1°V 14 -58 — - - -- -- �I TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVV RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 98-41 Introduced: December 8, 2014 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2014 which are collected in 2015 in the amount of $269,896. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2015 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi - annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to filc a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On September 28, 1998, pursuant to Ordinance 98 -41, the Village Board issued $3,165,000 in general obligation promissory notes, Series 1998A. Said ordinance provided the levy of taxes for the year 2014 which includes sufficient funds to produce $269,896, which represents the debt service payment for 2015. The 2015 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund of the Village in the amount of $269,896 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 98 -41, but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required note payments. After all abatements, the net levy for this bond series is zero (SO). Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $269,896. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Cleric of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. F Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: i First Reading: None Required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the December 8, 2014, Agenda or Requirements: and should be passed concurrently with the passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 8, 2014. Respectfully submitted / 2f;-a., Ryani J Fljo ne,`Village Admiuisuator Reviewed by Prepared by: Teresa Iloffman1iston, Corporation Counsel Remy Navarrete, Finance Director /Treasurer TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 98 -41 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,165,000), General Obligation Promissory Note Series 1998A, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related proposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (known as Project "A "), and which provided for the Levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 1998 through 2018 at an interest rate of 5.32 %, pursuant to Ordinance 98 -41, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on September 28, 1998, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on Octobei 22, 1998; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Promissory Note, Series 1998A" dated July 6, 1998, in the aggregate principal amount of THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,165,000), and shall be due and payable on July 6, 2018, having installment payments due semi - annually on January 6 and July 6 through 2018. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2014 sufficient to produce the amount of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY -SIX DOLLARS ($269,896), for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the 1998A notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund; and WHEREAS, the Village has appropriated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund of the Village in the amount of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY -SIX DOLLARS ($269,896) to pay said principal and interest on said promissory note and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the Levy of taxes for the tax year 2014 for taxes which are collected in 2015 in the amount of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY -NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY -SIX DOLLARS ($269,896) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 98 -41 ZERO (SO), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 98 -41 Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on September 29, 1998, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 22, 1998. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Waukegan Road TIT Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8'' day of December 2014 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Great Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Whko APPROVED by me this 8`" day of December 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`' day of December 2014. Ed. Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary �— RE SOLUTION 14 -59 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 02 -30 Introduced: December 8, 2014 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2014 which are collected in 2015 in the amount of $501.052. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2015 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi - annual note debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On July 8, 2002, pursuant to Ordinance 02 -30, the Village Board issued $5,300,000 in general obligation promissory notes, Series 2002. Said ordinance provided that I the levy of taxes for the year 2014 will include sufficient funds to produce $501,052 which represents the debt service payment for 2015. On September 14, 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, the Village Board issued refunding bonds in the amount of $4,920,000, Series 2009A, to refinance the remaining Series 2002 Notes. However; desuite the reftnidina, Cook County will continue to levy taxes as provided for in Ordinance 02 -30. Therefore a Resolution abating the debt service for the Series 2002 Notes is required. After all abatements the net Levy for the 2002 Notes is ZERO $0. Programs, Departments Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $501,052. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Cleric of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their nonnal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the December 8, 2014, Agenda or Requirements: and should be passed concurrently with the passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 8, 2014. r Respectfully submitted Rylnii Horne "Village Administrator Prepared by: _ Reviewed b} T'1 Remy Navan ete, Finance DireetOr Teresa Hoffman L.istoulcorporation Counsel 11111 i� TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 02 -30 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,300,000), General Obligation Promissory Note Series 2002, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (known as Project "'B "), and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2002 through 2021 at an interest rate of 4.62 %, pursuant to Ordinance 02 -30, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on July 8, 2002, a certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on October 23, 2002; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Promissory Note, Series 2002" dated July 22, 2002, in the aggregate principal amount of FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,300,000), which shall be due and payable on June 1, 2022, having installment payments due semi- annually on June 1 and December 1 through 2022. WHEREAS, on September 14, 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -I5, the Village Board issued refunding bonds in the amount of $4,920,000, Series 2009A, to refinance the remaining Series 2002 Notes. However, despite the refunding, Cools County will continue to levy taxes as provided for in Ordinance 02 -30. Therefore a Resolution abating the debt service for the Series 2002 Notes is required. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2014 sufficient to produce the amount of FIVE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND FIFTY -TWO DOLLARS ($501,052) for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund and therefore is excluded from the Village Levy Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2014 for taxes which are collected in 2015 in the amount of FIVE HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND FIFTY- TWO DOLLARS ($501,052) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 02 -30 in the amount of ZERO (SO), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 02 -30 Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on July 8, 2002, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 23, 2002. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Cleric of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8th day of December 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 8"' day of December 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 9'' day of December 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary RESOLUTION 14 -60 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2013 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 07 -20 Introduced: 1 December 8, 20I4 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2014 which are collected in 2015 in the amount of $801,200. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2015 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain bond debt service payment from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: ! On October S. 2007, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -26, the Village Board issued $9,200,000 in general obligation bond, Series 2007. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2014 shall include sufficient funds to produce $801,200 for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds up to and including December 31, 2015. The 2015 Village Budget has allocated revenue From the Lehigh/Ferris TIF Fund in the amount of $801,200 to pay for the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 07 -26 but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative sources of revenue and obligates the Village "Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required bond payments. After alI abatements, the net levy for this bond series is zero ($0). Programs, Departments Finance Department, all Village Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $801,200. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: � The 'filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: None required Special Considerations . This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the December 8, 2014, Agenda or Requirements: and should be passed concurrently with the passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 8, 2014. f Respectfully submitted Ryan J. Horne Village Administrator `y Prepared by:� -i,: _ Reviewed by RemyNavarrete, Finance Director/Treasurer Teresa Hoffjvan Liston, Corporation Counsel F TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEFTY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 07 -26 WHEREAS, the Village of Moron Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is ahome rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued NINE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,200,000), General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, providing 'financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the LchighlFerris Tax Increment Financing area, and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2007 through 2024 at an interest rate of 4.00 %, pursuant to Ordinance 07 -26, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on October S. 2007, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on October 25, 2007; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007" dated November 1, 2007, in the aggregate principal amount of NINE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,200,000), and shall be dine and payable on December 1, 2024, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 1 and December 1 through 2024. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2014 sufficient to produce the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($801,200) for said payment of principal and interest on said bond up to and including December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the County Clerk is required to collect taxes in addition to those taxes levied pursuant to Ordinance 07 -33 in the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($801,200) unless the Village adopts an abatement resolution; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to pay this obligation from sources other than property taxes, and has appropriated revenue from the Lehigh/Ferris TIF Fund in the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($801,200) to pay said principal and interest on said Bonds and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRIJSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2014 for taxes which are collected in 2015 in the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED ONE THOUSAND TWO HI JNDIED DOLLARS ($801,200) Leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 07 -26 in the amount of ZERO ($0), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 07 -26 Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on October 8, 2007, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on October 25, 2007. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Lehigh Ferris TIF Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8`s day of December 2014, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Cnear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 8`r' day of December 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`h day of December 2014. Ed Rai-nos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois LeLyislative Summary RESOLUTION 14 -611 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 09 -15 Introduced: December 8, 2014 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2014 which are collected in 2015 in the amount of $623,838. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2015 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain bond debt service payment from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to Levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On September 14, 2009, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, the Village Board issued $4,920,000 in general obligation refunding bonds, Series 2009A. Said ordinance provided that the levy of taxes for the year 2014 shall include sufficient funds to produce $623,838 for the payment of principal and interest on said bonds up to and including December 31, 2015. The 2015 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund in the amount of $623,838 to pay for the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village to levy taxes as required by Ordinance 09 -15 but then may abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative sources of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate those funds to pay the required bond payments. After all abatements, the net levy for this bond series is zero ($0). Programs, Departments Finance Department, all Village Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes it the amoruit of $623,838. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: i None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the December 8, 2014, Agenda or Requirements: and should be passed concurrently with the passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 8, 2014. Respectfully submitted / 4 -Z-AX Ryan J. Bore e, Village Administrator Prepared by: Reviewed by !� Teresa 11offmap' Liston, Corporation Counsel Remy Nakarrete, Finance Director /Treasurer TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 . TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 09 -15 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of I1Iinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE) has issued FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,920,000), General Obligation Bonds Series 2009A, providing financing for various land acquisitions and related purposes for the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing Area (known as Project "B"), and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2009 through 2018 at a true interest rate of 3.708 %, pursuant to Ordinance 09 -15, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said VILLAGE on September 14, 2009, certified copy of said ordinance having been filed in the Office of the County Clerk on September 24, 2009; and WHEREAS, said note is designated as "General Obligation Bond, Series 2009A" dated September 14, 2009, in the aggregate principal amount of FOUR MILLION NINE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4,920,000), and shall be due and payable on December 1, 2018, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 1 and December I through 2018. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the levy of taxes for the year 2014 sufficient to produce the amount of SIX HUNDRED TWENTY -THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($623,838) for said payment of principal and interest on said note up to and including December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the levy and appropriation for payment of debt service on the 2009A Bond notes is not shown in the Debt Service Fund; and WHEREAS, the Village has appropriated revenue from the Waukegan Road TIE Fund of the Village in the amount of SIX HUNDRED TWENTY -THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($623,838) to pay said principal and interest on said promissory note and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, TPIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF "TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though 'fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2014 for taxes which are collected in 2015 in the amount of SIX HUNDRED TWENTY -THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY -EIGHT DOLLARS ($623,838) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 09 -15 in the amount of ZERO ($0), for said tax year as provided in an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE 09 -I5 Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on September 14, 2009, certified copy of which was filed with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on September 24, 2009, SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Waukegan Road TIF Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8"' day of December 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth W itko APPROVED by me this 8`h day of December 2014, Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 9`h day of December 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois L.eaislative Summary RESOLUTION 14 -62 TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO 10 -01 Introduced: December 08, 2014 Synopsis This resolution authorizes the abatement (reduction) of taxes levied for 2014 which are collected in 2015 in the amount of $425,310. Purpose: Pursuant to the 2015 Budget, the Village has chosen to pay for certain semi- annual bond debt service payments from sources other than property taxes. In order for the County Clerk not to levy said debt service payments, it is necessary to pass this resolution and to file a certified copy of same with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. Background: On March 31, 2010, pursuant to Ordinance 10 -01, the Village Board issued $9,975,000 in general obligation bond, Series 2010A and Series 2010B. Said ordinance provided the levy of taxes for the year 2014 include sufficient funds to produce $831,375, which represents the debt service payments for 2015. The 2015 Village Budget has allocated revenue from the Water Sewer Fund in the amount of $365,805, and available fund balance in the Debt Service Fund from the Build America Bond Subsidy of $59,505 to pay the above referenced debt service. The law requires the Village levy taxes as required by Ordinance 10 -01, but may then abate said taxes pursuant to a resolution which identifies the alternative source of revenue and obligates the Village Treasurer to set aside and designate said funds to pay the required note payments. After all abatements, the net levy for this bond series is $406,065. Programs, Departments I Finance Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: This resolution shall reduce the levy for property taxes in the amount of $425,310. Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: The filing of this resolution with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois will be done by the Finance Department as part of their normal work activities. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: i First Reading: None required Special Considerations This tax abatement resolution has been placed on the December 8, 2014, Agenda or Requirements: and should be passed concurrently with the passage of the Tax Levy Ordinance on December 8, 2014. Respectfully submitted f u, Ryas :I. Reviewed by: Teresa hloffmad Administrator Prepared by:_ i r ���✓ Counsel Remy N`avarrete, Finance Director /Treasurer TAX ABATEMENT RESOLUTION FOR 2014 TAX LEVY RELATING TO ORDINANCE NO. 10 -01 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has issued ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -FIVE THOUSAND ($1,845,000), General Obligation Bonds Series 2010A, and EIGHT MILLION ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND ($8,130,000), Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010B (Build America Bonds — Direct Payment to Issuer),, for a combined issuance of NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,975,000), providing financing for capital projects throughout the Village, and which provided for the levy and collection for direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds for the year 2010 through 2029, pursuant to Ordinance 10 -01, passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on January 25, 2010, certified copy of said ordinance having been 'filed in the Office of the County Clerk on March 31, 2010: and WHEREAS, said bonds are designated as "General Obligation Bonds, Series 2010" dated March 3 L 2010, in the aggregate principal amount of NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($9,975,000), and shall be due and payable on December 15, 2029, having installment payments due semi - annually on June 15 and December 15 through 2029. WHEREAS, provision has been made in said ordinance for the Levy of taxes for the year 2014 sufficient to produce the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY -ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE DOLLARS ($831,375), for said payment of principal and interest on said bonds up to and including December 31, 2015; . and WHEREAS, the Village will receive Federal subsidies for the Build America Bonds — Direct Payment to Issuer of FIFTY -NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIVE DOLLARS ($59.505) and revenue appropriated from the Water /Sewer (Enterprise) Fund of the Village in the amount of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIVE DOLLARS ($365,805) for a total abatement of FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS ($425,310) to pay a portion of said principal and interest on said corporate bonds and said funds shall be separately designated for the payment of principal and interest due as heretofore specified when the above indebtedness is due. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as heremabove set forth. SECTION 2: There shall be abated for the levy of taxes for the tax year 2014 for taxes which are collected in 2015 in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED TWEN'T'Y -FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS ($425,310) leaving the net property tax levy with respect to Ordinance 10 -01 in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND SIXTY -FIVE DOLLARS ($406,065), for said tax year as provided for in an ordinance entitled: PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS Adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village on January 25, 2010, certified copy of which was filed with the County Cleric of Cook County, Illinois, on March 31, 2010. SECTION 3: The Village Treasurer is hereby authorized to set aside and designate those funds necessary to pay said debt service payment as stated above from the Debt Service Fund and Water Sewer Fund. SECTION 4: The Village Treasurer is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, a certified copy of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED this 8 "' day of December 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Great Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 8 "' day of December 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 91h day of December 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois