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2014-11-10 Agenda
TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLIC.KINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM (The hour between 6: 00 and 7.00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1 -5 -7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7.00 pm.) 1. Call to Order IN 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Pledge of Allegiance Executive Session (if requested) Reconvene Meeting Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Approval of Minutes — Special Reports Public Bearings Special meeting - October 23, 2014 Regular meeting— October 27, 2014 Residents' Comments (agenda items only) Richard T. Flickinger 'Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue ® Morton Grove, 11linois 6005322985 Tel: (847 ) 965 -4100 Fes: (847) 965 -4162 l�s 11. President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Mayoral Update /Review 12. Clerk's Report — Community Relations Commission 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Budget Review and Update 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, Police Department, Police Facility Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Witko) 1) Resolution 14 -53 (Introduced November 10, 2014) Authorizing a Contract Extension with the Morton Grove Firefighters Association 2) Resolution 14 -54 (Introduced November 10, 2014) Authorizing the Adoption of Cook County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Trustee Marcus — Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Condominium Association, Social Service Committee (alternate) (Trustee Toth) C. Trustee Pietron — Appearance Commission, Building Department, IT Communications, Community and Economic Development Department, BrandinglAfarketing (Trustee Thill) 1) Ordinance 14 -24 (Introduced October 27, 2014) (Second Reading) Amending Title 11, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of the Village to Adopt and Approve the Industrial Areas Plan d. Trustee Thill — Public Works Department, Solid Waste Agency ofNorihern Cook County, Trade Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIF; Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Pietron) e. Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource Commission (Trustee Marcus) Trustee Witko — Legal, Plan Commission ✓Zoning Board ofAppeals, NIPSTA, Strategic Plan Committee, Economic Development Commission, Social Service Committee (Trustee Great) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants: $288,139.10 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Ad;ournment - To ensure f=all accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847 1470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 23, 2014 SPECIAL MEETING /BUDGET WORKSHOP OF THE BOARD OFF TRUSTEES RICHARD T. FLICKI NGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Special Meeting /Budget Workshop was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria, Trustees Bill Grear, Sheldon Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, Janine Witko, and Clerk Ed Ramos Absent: None Village Staff: Village Administrator Ryan J. Horne, Finance Director /Treasurer Remy Navarrete, Assistant to the Village Administrator Peter Falcone, Police Chief Michael Simo, Community and Economic Development Director Nancy Radzevich, Network Administrator Boyle Wong Also Present: Eric Poders and members of the press and public Mr. Horne introduced Boyle Wong who discussed the Village's Information Technology Department. Mr. Wong stated this department maintains the Village's computer system /network. They manage approximately 150 desktops and laptops, 200 non -user accounts, 27 physical and virtual servers, 90+ printers, copiers, and scanners, 133 smart phones and mobile devices, 7 networked facilities, 180 voice -over IP, and 6.3 terabytes of data. Video data is not included in that number since it would show triple the amount of data usage. Data and storage continues to be a large priority for the department. The department has refreshed and updated the Village's website this year to make it more user friendly and informational. Building and licensing software has now been updated and is operational. It is anticipated that software will be totally functional and integrated by the middle of November 2014. Ban-width is being increased between the different facilities so various applications can be accessed better and faster. Application and data demands continue to increase. Data records and storage are also improving. Plans for the coming year include: Cloud services, streaming public meetings on- line, examine the use of new financial software to help eliminate redundancies and thereby reducing human error. The department is also requesting an additional employee to help maintain the existing IT equipment. It would hopefully be someone who compliments and/or brings talents not currently employed. Media has also become an integral part of this department as well with focus on improving media efforts, promoting the Village's brand, and collaborating with local media and other governmental agencies. A discussion then ensued among Board members. Chief Simo then presented the Police Department's budget requests. Currently, the department is at a full complement of police officers with 23 clerical employees. The department uses eleven marked and twelve unmarked cars. These cars are replaced after 50,000+ miles and usually used in other departments after that. A police cruiser (Dodge Charger) is currently used as the majority of the police fleet. However, they have also been purchasing Ford SUVs (currently there are five marked and one unmarked squads) as of late. It is anticipated several new cars will be purchased again this year. Various specialized services are being brought to the Village without large expenditures to help educate and protect the public at large. The Chief went on to explain the various functions of the department as well as the trends in law enforcement. Promotions have bi6eil taking plai,8 along With tA;.e 1,1, ^,ng OI e.ght 11e.W pChCe officers. Evidence storage has been reorganized this year with a dedicated CSO officer in charge. It is hoped a full -time individual will help with the continued organization of the evidence. Full -time CSOs are also being looked at to help with certain police functions. A new community liaison unit which includes social media has been brought on line. Salary and benefits are up from last year; however, with a full complement of officers on staff at this time, it is anticipated there should be no additional hiring this coming year. The Board expressed surprise at the increase in overall costs for the department. A discussion ensued. Ms. Radzevich from the Community and Economic Development Department presented the department's budget. She explained staff is working to strengthen the local business climate and make the Village a business friendly community. The Economic Development division has been directly working with businesses. A business database and on -line business directory have been upgraded and are being used. There has also been the creation of an available properties listing to help commercial brokers look for properties in Morton Grove. A fagade improvement program was launched in .tune with a grant that will match 50% of the first $5,000 spent and 25% above and beyond $5,001 spent. The banner program was also reinstated this year. Data gathering and research has been a big push this year in order to better understand the market trends, desires, and needs of the existing business community. There has been an annual industrial areas breakfast meeting and networking event, a health and wellness expo, and a Village wide business operator survey. Recruitment of businesses is a high priority as property availability continues to fall. The department is requesting an additional staff person to assist with project management for the new police /municipal facility project, as well as a comprehensive update of the Unified Development Code, Sign Code, and design standards relative to the Village, along with additional consultants for assistance in review of larger and more complex TIF applications in the various TIF districts. Overall TIT revenues have been less than expected as development agreements have not been finalized, Building and Inspectional Services, a division of Community and Economic Development, oversee the building permit review process and ensure building and properties are properly maintained in accordance with Village ordinances. The department is requesting an additional part -time staff person to help with building inspections and property maintenance. There is also a request for possible contract employees to help with increased seasonal workloads for inspections and property maintenance. Mr. Horne then stated a brief update on the budget work so far will be made at the Village Board meeting on October 27, 2014. A general discussion then ensued. There being no further questions Trustee Pietron moved to adjourn the special meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously pursuant to a voice vote at 7:45 pm. i n. Minutes by: Ryan J. Horne, Village Administrator CALL TO ORDER Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers and led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Janine Witko. III, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 8, 2014, Trustee Toth moved to accept the Minutes as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Upon the voice vote, motion passed unanimously. 2. Regarding the Minutes of the October 13, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to accept the Minutes as presented. Upon the voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. IV. I SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Presentation by the Chicann Metrnnnlitnn Ananev fnr Plmn Mayor DiMaria introduced CMAP representative Nicole Woods to give the presentation. a, Ms. Woods said she was excited about the results of the planning process thus far. She gave a brief overview of the process, which began with a public kick -off, followed by a review of existing conditions and a recommendation memo. The recommendation memo is the basis for the draft plan, which is then fine -tuned and provided to the Board for approval. Once the plan is approved, implementation begins. b. Ms. Woods said that Morton Grove has two industrial areas, a smaller one (the Avon property) to the north and a larger one (the Lehigh /Oakton area industrial park) to the south, which also contains some commercial and retail property. Upon reviewing the existing conditions, CMAP determined that manufacturing and wholesale trade account for 45% of the employment in the industrial areas. The study found that, over the past three years, Morton Grove's industrial property vacancy rate compares favorably (6 % -7 %) to that of the near north industrial sub- market (7 % -10 %), which is comprised of Niles, Skokie, and Lincolnwood, in addition to Morton Grove. IV. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Minutes of October 27 2014Seard Meeting' c. Ms. Woods said that the Village's current industrial businesses generally utilize trucks and I -294, so roads are key, but the industrial areas in Morton Grove are also served by Metra, CTA and Pace bus routes. She added that the industrial areas are responsible for 66% of the Village's total electric consumption and 40% of its natural gas usage. They also produce the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the Village. d. Ms. Woods identified the "vision" for Morton Grove's industrial areas: that they will continue to be primarily used for manufacturing, wholesale trade, and other industrial and office uses, and that they will be active, competitive, and contribute to the economic strength of the community and the region. The plan further makes "regional" recommendations and sets three "local" goals: economic growth, land use and development, and transportation. e. The economic growth goal states that "Local partnerships, resources, and plans will support and promote economic growth in the industrial areas." This goal will be achieved by creating partnerships with industrial businesses and with industrial real estate brokers, and encouraging the local industrial businesses to create their own industrial business district association (IBDA). This will help industrial businesses network, exchange ideas and information, and collaborate on common problems. f. Ms. Woods said that, in addition, the industrial areas should be encouraged to utilize Cook County's Class 6b designation, which is a classification designed to encourage industrial development throughout Cook County by offering a real estate tax incentive for the develop- ment of new industrial facilities, the rehabilitation of existing industrial structures, and the industrial reutilization of abandoned buildings. The industrial businesses should also maintain an awareness of regional initiatives that support manufacturing growth and development. The last component to meeting the economic growth goal would be to create an industry resource center, possibly having Village staff available to work with industrial businesses and "point them in the right direction." The land use goal is "Land use and development within Morton Grove's industrial areas will be appealing, functional, efficient, and contribute to the area's competitive position within the industrial market." Steps to achieving this goal include the development of an industrial properties inventory list and the development of an industrial business directory database. She encouraged the Village to continue to refine its permit review and approval process (and fee structure) to encourage investment in the Village, noting that municipalities that can keep the process streamlined have a real advantage. Other steps to accomplishing the land use goal would be to investigate and update zoning districts to ensure compatibility with adjacent uses (suggesting the Village rezone the parcels northwest of Washington Court and Austin Avenue); to create a lively and accessible down- town; and to enhance park and open space utility (possibly with walking and biking paths). The "transportation" goal states "The industrial areas will be supported by transportation infra- structure which will positively contribute to the industrial areas' value, operations, and appeal." Ms. Woods said the plan calls for the Village to undertake a transportation needs assessment, i.e., ask workers how they get to work, what are their needs, etc., and then to improve and promote the transportation network, utilizing vanpooling, car- and ridesharing programs; making modifications to existing routes; and investigating workforce housing needs. U Minutes WOL10ber'27,2014 30ardMeetl SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Ms. Woods listed several regional recommendations, including the creation of a Regional Industry Resource Center, a comprehensive review of truck routes, participation in regional industrial initiatives, and the education and support of property owners in their efforts on energy efficiency and renewable energy options. Mayor DIMaria asked the Board if anyone had any questions of Ms. Woods. k, Trustee Thill felt the Village had just rolled out a business directory; he sought clarification that industrial and manufacturing businesses were included in that; and, in terms of an Industry Resource Center, said he felt the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce filled that need. Economic Development Director Nancy Razdevich said the Village did just roll out a directory but it's not a regular database. It does include all businesses licensed within the Village. As far as a Resource Center, the Village sometimes partners with the Chamber to provide resource information, other times, with the Economic Development Commission, but at least the Village is moving in the right direction. Ms. Razdevich said that, in the full CMAP report, there is a section showing what entity (i.e., Village, Chamber, etc.) should be "responsible" for the various components of the Industrial Areas Plan. M. Ms. Woods congratulated the Village on a good start. She said when this Plan was being created, she checked in with the Chamber along the way, to avoid duplication of responsibili- ties and spreading resources too thin. n. Mayor DiMaria congratulated Ms. Woods and Ms. P.azevich and their staff members on providing a great deal of excellent information. He said he felt the Village was on the right path. o. Ms. Woods said that she will stay on with this project for the next two years to assist in its implementation. CMAP really wants to ensure the Plan is Implemented because it's important to the Village. Mayor DiMaria agreed that implementation is the most important step of the process, V. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VI. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mayor DiMaria acknowledged several former Village officials in attendance this evening, including former Village Clerk Marilyn Sneider, former Trustee Don Sneider, and former Trustee Rita Minx. VII. .. _. Minutes 01FDOober27,2014113eardMeeting PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) Mayoral Update Mayor DiMaria announced that, since its current senior programs vendor decided to leave at the end of this year, the Village has taken a very proactive role to ensure a seamless transition of services. He said the Village has met with the Park District, the Library, and other potential new vendors. Also a survey is being done regarding senior services and programs to deter- mine what the needs are. So far there have been 41 respondents; Mayor DiMaria said he hoped there would be more. Village staff has been visiting some of the senior clubs and has been available at the Civic Center to answer people's questions and reassure those who are worried about this. b. Regarding senior program s, Mayor DiMaria said that the Village has restarted the Caregiver Support group and is negotiating with outside vendors to bring back the health screenings. The Foot Clinic will restart on November 4`h. Mayor DiMaria said the facts are that vendors come and vendors go, but the Board maintains its commitment to senior service, and the community's input is vital. Village Administrator Ryan Horne agreed, and said he always passes out his business card when he's at the Civic Center or elsewhere in town, because it encourages people to call him with their comments and /or concerns. 2. Economic Development Update a. Nancy Razdevich clarified that the business directory available on the Village's website is a database covering all Morton Grove licensed businesses (about 520). Additional businesses have contacted her to have their information included in the directory. She said the directory is searchable by the name of the business or the type of business, and includes phone number(s) and links to the business' websites. The next step will be to add a map feature. b. Ms. Razdevich said the Village has also launched a new "available properties" listing page on its website, showing the commercial properties available, the square footage, a picture of the property, the contact person, and mapping. She said it's a great resource and takes advantage of a tool provided by the State. C. Trustee Thill asked if the Village -owned properties are on the list. Ms. Razdevich said she would double- check. d. Trustee Marcus asked if the licensed business database Ms. Razdevich had talked about also included "services," such as a carpenter, plumber, electrician, etc. She said yes, all businesses, even home -based businesses, will show up in the database if they're licensed in Morton Grove. e. Mayor DiMaria gave a "shout out" to Boyle Wong, the Village's IT coordinator, for his excellent work upgrading the Village's website and making it much more user - friendly than it was previously. He said Boyle had done a greatjob. f. Trustee Pietron said these two additions to the Village's website demonstrate that Morton Grove is business - friendly. The Village has never had anything like this before, and it's very nice to see that we have it now.' _. _ _. Minufesnf Dctotier�7'30i�F�oardMeeti '.. VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) Clerk Ramos asked Ms. Razdevich if there was a fee to be included in the database. She responded that there was no fee, but the business must be licensed in Morton Grove, and that means paying the business license fee. In. Mayor DIMarla asked everyone to get the word about these new updates to the Village's website and to encourage people to shop locally! VIII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Ramos noted that early voting for the mid -term elections began on October 20 and ends on November 2. Early voting takes place at the Niles Village Hall. IX. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: a. Village Administrator Ryan Horne provided an update on, the status of the 2015 Budget. He said that three workshops have been held thus far, with another scheduled for Thursday, November 6. Right now the staff is working on balandrrq the budget. The original proposed Rough draft budget had a $2 million deficit, which has now been prioritized and reduced to approximately $85,000. Mr. Horne noted the Village is the only agency responsible for economic development, and is the most responsible agency in Morton Grove. b. The last property tax increase in the Village was in 2010 and was a 3.5% increase. The Village's share of the property tax bill has been decreasing for quite a while. Mr. Horne said that, in 2008, the Village received 14.68% of the property taxes paid by homeowners on the west side of Morton Grove, in 2013, that number dropped to 13.9 %. Similar decreases occurred on the south side of town (from 13.17% in 2008 to 12.3% in 2013), the north side of town (from 14.6% in 2008 to 13.3% in 2013), and the east side of town (from 11.8% in 2008 to 10.6% in 2013). c Because the Village's share of the Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) of property to declining staff is recommending an increase in the tax levy of the greater of 3% or the Consumer Price Index (which is 1.5% for 2014). Mr. Horne explained an increase in the tax levy will capture the new EAV created by new residential construction, extensive home remodeling, and new industrial /commercial construction, such as McGrath Audi, Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals, and Sko -Die. Staff feels that it is appropriate to raise the levy at this point in time. The figures in the proposed budget are based on a 2% tax levy increase — still, there is an $85,000 differential between revenue and expenses. d. Mr. Horne said that, at the November 10'h Village Board Meeting, the finance department will present scenarios of how the proposed tax levy increase will impact homeowners. He added that nothing is final yet, and the public is welcome to attend the Budget Workshop on November 6". B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. X. A. Trustee Grear: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Minutes Of De108er27, 2014130ard AAeeting 1. Trustee Grear had no formal report, but congratulated the Farmers' Market on a successful fifth year of operation. He encouraged everyone to attend the Winter Market, which will be held on December 6 at the Civic Center. 2. Trustee Grear congratulated Marilyn Glazer on her appointment as Niles Township Supervisor. B. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus had no formal report, but he, too, encouraged people to do some early holiday shopping at the Winter Market on December 6. C. Trustee Pietron: Trustee Pietron presented Ordinance 14 -23, Amending Title 10, Chapter 10, of the Village's Municipal Code Entitled "Sign Regulations." This is the second reading of this Ordinance. a. Trustee Pietron explained that the Appearance Commission has made a request to recommend to the Village Board that Section 10 -10 -9 of the Sign Code be amended to clarify that an existing non - conforming sign will no longer be considered a nonconforming sign if the text, logo, or colors of the face of the sign are changed. b. Trustee Pietron asked Nancy Razdevich to provide more of an explanation. She said this would cover signs that met the Village's sign code requirements at the time they were installed, but then later, as the Village updated its sign code, some existing signs became legal non- conforming signs. This ordinance means that any alteration to these existing signs would need to go before the Appearance Commission, Trustee Pietron moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -23, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth gyre Tr. Witko ave 2 Next, Trustee Pietron introduced for a first reading Ordinance 14-24, Amending Title 11, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove to Adopt and Approve the Industrial Areas Plan. He said the Industrial Areas Plan provides recommendations to preserve and optimize the Village's industrial areas uses so they can continue to be a driving force in the local and regional economy. I I Minutes ©f Datoler27,20141;uard Meefing X. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) C. Trustee Pietron: (continued) The Industrial Areas Plan would become the Village's official plan for the industrial areas and will establish goals and guiding principles to implement action strategies to help retain busi- nesses in these areas and plan for future development and expansions. As this is a first reading, no action will be taken this evening. D, Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill presented Resolution 14 -62, Authoriang the Execution of a Contract With Argon Electric Company, Inc. for the Emergency Generator Replacement Project. He explained that this generator is necessary to maintain the reliability of the dedicated alternative electric power supplyto the Village Hall /Police Department and to Fire Station #4 buildings during interruptions to the ComEd power supply The estimated contract value is $72,000. Trustee Thill moved to adopt Resolution 14 -52, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko ave Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. F. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko had no report. Xi. OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Thill sought clarification for the Village's hours for trick or treating on October 31. The hours are 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. He encouraged all children to be safe while trick or treat- ing. Mayor DiMaria said the Village's hours for trick or treating will be posted on its website. Minutes of OcWWY27,2014 Board Meek n X11. WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the Warrant Register for October 27, 2014, in the amount of $3,544,981.83. She moved to approve the Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aae Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witko aye XIII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS 1. Hope Hornstein prefaced her remarks by expressing her appreciation to theMayorand the Board for the fine work they do. Shore Senior Services organization was leaving Morton a. Ms. Hornstein read a letter she had submitted to the Morton Grove Champion, authored by herself and Pat Donahoe and Ellie Davis. The letter expressed her dissatisfaction that the North Shore Senior Services organization was leaving Morton Grove. b. Mayor Dimaria thanked Ms. Hornstein for her comments and reiterated the Village Board and staff are committed to Morton Grove's seniors. He said he will work to ensure the seniors get the programming they expect and deserve. 2. Nancy Lanning said she is a 76 -year resident who used to work at the Senior Center and it is dear to her. She said that lots of things were cut when North Shore cane in, and hoped that, now maybe some of those things will come back. She was confident that Morton Grove's Village Board and staff will "get the job done." XIV. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron afire Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aYe Tr. Witko Ue The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. PASSED this 10th day of November, 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witkc APPROVED by me this 10th day of November, 2014, Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees. Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11th day of November, 2014, Edilberto Ramos, Village Cierk Village of Morton Grove. Cook County, Illinois UinutaszfDntwwr=j20 zOard AM wnum ny Teresa Causer Introduced: Synopsis: Put-pose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by. '" er Teresa Hoffman Leeislative Summary Resolution 14 -53 —� AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE MORTON GROVE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION November 10, 2014 This resolution will authorize a Memorandum of Agreementwith the Morton Grove Firefighters Association of Morton Grove, IAFF Local 2178 which extends the 2009- 2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement. To update the Collective Bargaining Agreement to include changes to the grievance procedure and disciplinary action, change in the interrogation procedures, paternity leave concessions, changes to the group hospitalization plan, salary increases over the next three years, longevity pay increases, and updates to the promotional eligibility lists. The Morton Grove Firefighters became certified in 1986 as a collective bargaining unit. The initial contract was entered into in May 1987 and subsequent to that time they have periodically renegotiated the terms and conditions of their Collective Bargaining Agreement. The parties have negotiated a three year (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016) agreement which has been ratified by the members of the IAFF. This agreement incorporates pay increases which mirror the increases negotiated with the FOP, i.e. 2% For 2014, 2.75% for 20 15, and 2% for 2016. It also implements structural changes to the bargaining unit's health care co -pays and deductibles, implements a five year step structure for new employees to get to top pay, and includes modest changes to longevity pay increases — consistent with the FOP. Legal, Administration and Fire Departments The agreement includes cost of living increases of 2 %, 2.75 %, and 2% for years 2014 through 2016 along with modest longevity increases. The Village anticipates significant savings from increased deductibles and co -pays and due to the extended step system for new employees to reach top pay. General Fund The Finance Department will adjust records accordingly Approval as presented None required None Horne, Village Administrator P Reviewed by _'-�tj�✓,^�_�_ Corporation Counsel Tom Frier, Fire Chief i� AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT EXTENSION WITH THE MORTON GROVE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS since 1985, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, 5 ILCS 31511 et. seq. has authorized public safety employees in the State of Illinois to form labor unions and /or employee associations for the purpose of bargaining collectively with their municipal employers; and WHEREAS, at a certification election held on September 10, 1986, the Morton Grove Firefighters Association was selected by the qualified employees of the Fire Department as the approved collective bargaining agent; and WHEREAS, the initial contract entered into by the Village was concluded on May 1, 1987, and subsequent to that time the Village and the Firefighters Association Bargaining Team have periodically renegotiated the terms and conditions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement; and WHEREAS, the terms of the January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016, Collective Bargaining Agreement amends the current contract with respect to grievance changes and disciplinary actions; interrogation procedures; paternity leave concessions; changes to the group hospitalization plan; salary increases over the next three years; longevity pay increases; promotional eligibility lists and WHEREAS, Village staff including the Fire Chief, Finance Director, Corporation Counsel. and Village Administrator took part in the negotiations for this contract and recommend the new agreement be approved by the Corporate Authorities as outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village ,President is hereby authorized and empowered to sign a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Morton Grove and the Morton Grove Firefighters Association, for the period from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016, pursuant to the modifications to the contract as set forth in the Memorandum of Agreement. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and the Chief of the Fire Department and/or their designees are hereby authorized to implement and administer the terms and conditions of this written agreement. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 10`r day of November 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thili Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this I Oa' day of November 2014. APPROVED and FILED in my office this I I"' day of November 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois In full and complete agreement on all issues in negotiations between the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE and the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS, LOCAL 2178, the parties hereby agree as follows: I. Section 4.1 (Definition of Grievance) - Revise as follows: 4A Definition of Grievanee - A grievance is a difference of opinion between an employee or the Association and the Village with respect to the meaning or application of the terms of this Agreement, or with respect to the application of the written Personnel Policies, Regulations, Policies and Procedures of the Village and /or the Fire Department. A grievance arising beeause of disciplinary suspension or termination of an enapIoyee shall be :.ff ' °e" """ ` f 4h'S Artiele. submitted to Sten 3 of the Grievance Procedure Th= provisions of the contractual grievance and arbitration procedur e set forth in fiiis Article IV shall govern the discipline of non- robationary employees and shall be the sole recourse for appealing such disciplinary action and shall be in lieu of proceedings before the Morton Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and State statutes relating to discipline. 2. Section 4.6 (BFPC) -- Delete in its entirety. 3. Section 6.1 (Discipline) -- Revise the second paragraph of Section 6.1 to read as follows: Any disciplinary action or measure other than an oral or written reprimand imposed upon an employee shall be subject to review and appeal as provided for in Article IV this Agreement. The employee may file a written reply to any oral or written reprimand. 4. Section 6.4 (Disciplinary Record) -- Revise as follows: Discipimary actions recorded in the employee's personnel files shall not be used after twee °eI- J' three (3) year to justify subsequent disciplinary action, except for a related offense. 5. Section 6.6 -- Revise as follows: 6.6. Prior to taidrig any final, disciplinary action involving possible suspension without pay or termination and just prior to concluding its investigation, the Village shall notify the Employee of the contemplated measure of discipline to be imposed, and shall meet with the employee involved and inform the Employee of the reasons for such contemplated disciplinary action. The employee shall be entitied to Association representation at such meetings and shall be given the opportunity to rebut the reasons for such proposed discipline. Copies of any known documents that the Fire Chief is using to support the contemplated . discipline will be provided to the employee at this meeting. 6. Section 6.8 (Interrogation) -- Delete the current Sections 6.8 and 69. Add a new Section 6.8 to read as follows: 6.8 interrogation - The questioning of a firefighter (employee) pursuant to an investigation initiated by the Village in connection with an alleged violation of the Village's rules and which may be the basis for f4 t _ j p disciplinary action in excess of 24 duty hours shall be conducted in accordance with the Firemen's Disciplinary Act (50 ILLS 745). This Seetion 6.8 does not apply, to anv suuervisory d scussion wit'r, a e€ a firefighter (emnlovee) in the normal course of duty, counseling, instruction, informai admonishment or routine or unplanned contact between t a supervisor and a firefighter (emnlovee) °- - " " =i that would not lead to disciplinary action in excess of 24 duty hours. Renumber current Section 6.10 as Section 6.9. 7. Article VII. Section 7.3(c) (Paternity Lave) -- Revise as per the following: Section 73 (e) Paternity Leave - A male employee shall be given up to one shift day off without loss of pay (i) upon occasion of the birth of his child or adoption of his child when said birth (or beginning of labor) or adoption occurs on the shift day or within twelve (12) forty -eight 248) hours immediately prior to the start of the shift. The adoption provisions of this subsection shall also be applicable to female employees. S. Section 12.3 (Grown Hospitalization insurance -- In the first paragraph of subsection (a), change the date in the first paragraph from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2014. Also, delete the second paragraph of subsection (a) and provide in its stead the following: Effective January 1. 2015, implement the following changes to the PPQ plan and HMO plan: Effective January 1, 2016, implement the following changes to the PPC) nIan and HMO plan: 9. Section 15 .1 (Salaries) STEP 1/1/14 EFFECFVE 1/1/2014 EFFECTIVE 1/1/2015 EFFECTIVE 1/112026 111115 Step 62,127.69 62,127.69 62,127.69 1 —Entry Step 1 —Entry ' 59 Ste I p 2 —After Year 1 � 65,814.56 j 65,814.56 � 4. 65,81 e6 � Step 3 —After Year 2 71,047.35 71,757.82 72,726.55 Step 4 —After Year 3 j 76258.15 76,9/4 97 78 429 80 Ste 5-After Year 4 81,399.67 J 82 146.41 83.109.66 � �uccNv vierrear� 1 NIA X8363816 X8593821 STEP 1/1/14 EFFECT WE EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE 111115 — Annual -- 97,648.34 1/1/2014 '66,7W 1/11201.5 1/1/2016 Step 1 —Entry ' 59 66 763.59 66 763 59 Step 2 —After Year 1 170.450 46 70,450,46 70 450.46 S. f ft a Year 2 75, 1.05 i 70.529.07 77.562.21 Stem 4 —After Year 3 81.043.19 j 81,805.60 83.351.73 Ste 5-After Year 4 j 86.128 29 86,912.06 1 87 1 St Sp 6 —After Year 5 19 /A 88,496.82 ,907.62 .. 9Q.0t0 aR Lieutenant and inspector Public Education—Non-Paramedic Effective 1/1/14 -- Annual — 95,034.88 Effective 111115 — Annual -- 97,648.34 Effective 1/1/16 -- Annual — l00 333,66 Lieutenant and Inspector public Education Paramedic Effective 1/1/14 -- Annual -- 99,763.50 Effective 111115 -- Annual -- 102,506.99 Effective 1/1/16 -- Annual -- 105,325.93 Lieutenant— Paramedic/EMS Director Effective 1/1/14 -- Annual -- 101.763.50 (includes an additional EMS Director stipend of $2,000) Effective 1/1/15 -- Annual -- 104,75699 (includes an additional EMS Director stipend of 52.250) Effective 1/1/16 -- Annual -- 107,825.93 (includes an additional EMS Director stipend of $2,500) Effective January 1, 2014, and retroactive to said date, salaries and hourly rates, which shall include paramedic pay, longevity pay, differential toay and shift reduction allowance pay, shall be paid to all employees on the payroll on and after such date as provided above. Appendix "B" which will be, attached to the contract will reflect the salaries and hourly rates to be paid during the term of the Agreement. Notes: The annual bi- weekly and hourly rates will be increased for employees as a result of shift reduction allowance calculations. Shift Reduction = 36 hours of base pay at the 2,548 annual hourly rate. Both Lieutenant positions contain data for the hourly rate associated with 2,0$0 and 2,548 annual hours. As of 1999 each step includes for certification pay. 10. Section 15.3 (Longevity Pav) — The Village shall pay longevity, pay in accordance with the salary schedule set forth in Appendix "B" at the following rates: ` T ARS OE S vucnCL ! Ef'f'ective 111114 ' Epr'eetive 1/11%r ' Effective 1/1/16 Aner ten (10)years $850 $900 000 After fifteen (15) years $1,100 $1.200 ESI 300 After twenty (20) years $1,600 $1,750 $1,800 After twenty -five (25) S2 100 $2,300 52,400 years 11. Appendix F -- Revise Section 1.3 of Appendix F to read as follows: 1.3 Promotional EIfttfbUity List Ranking on the Promotional Eligibility List will be based on the scores attained by the participant in various phases of testing as Listed below. No person shall be placed on the eliaibility list unless a rninimum score of 70% is attained on the aggregate of all four phases listed blow. Corresponding percentages of impact are also indicated. No person with an aggregate score of less than 70% shall be eligible to serve in a canacity as an acting lieutenant. 12. Section 18.1 (Duration and Termination) -- Three years, i.e., January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016. 13. Status of Other Proposals -- All other proposals submitted by either party during the course of negotiations will be dropped. 14. Ratification. This Memorandum of Agreement is subject to ratification first by the Union and then by the Village Board of Trustees. in witness whereof, the parties have executed this Memorandmn of Agreement this 23rd day of October, 2014. MORTON GROVE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION, LOCAL 2178. IA4PP B Legislative Summary Resolution 14 -54 AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF COOK COUNTY MULTI- JURISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN Introduced: November 10, 2014 Synopsis: To authorize the Village Administrator and Fire Chief to take all actions necessary to adopt and recognize the Cook County Multi - Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan and its associated annexes. Purpose: To allow Cook County municipalities to better plan for and lessen the impacts of natural hazards identified as priorities within a specific jurisdiction. Background: In 2011, the Cook County Department of Homeland Securiiy and Emergency Management formed a coalition of 115 government partners within Cook County in order to formulate a unified plan for the mitigation of natural disasters. Over the past 18 months, our Village has participated in the preparation of the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The preparation involved multiple public input meetings, municipal data collection, as well as the submittal and revision of draft annexes. The resulting final HMP consists of Volume 1: which consists of all of the federally required elements of a disaster mitigation plan that apply to the entire plamiing area (Cook County) and Volume 2: a compilation of annexes written by and for each individual municipality. The document is 381 pages and I is on file at Station 4. Adoption of this plan will allow all participating jurisdictions to apply for and receive federal and state grants designed to mitigate the effects of natural hazards and disasters. i Programs, Departments I Fire Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: None. Source of Funds: N/A I Workload Impact: Input for the plan was obtained from all Monson Grove Departments Administrator Approval as presented Recommendation: First Reading: N/A Special Considerations or None Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: Administrator t r -- 1,�m�� `'.'"� , Reviewed by Tom Friel IFire Ch of Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF THE COOK COUNTY MULTI4URISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax, purchase, enter into various intergovernmental agreements; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to enact plans and take all actions in order to plan for and mitigate the impacts of natural hazard events within its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390' ) established new requirements for pre- and post- disaster hazard mitigation programs; and WHEREAS; in 2011, a coalition of Cook County, cities, villages and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago with like planning objectives was formed to pool resources and create consistent mitigation strategies within Cook County; and WHEREAS, the coalition has completed aplanning process that engaged the public, assessed the risk and vulnerability to the impacts of natural hazards, developed a mitigation strategy consistent with a set of uniform goals and objectives and resulted in the creation of a plan for implementing, evaluating and revising this strategy known as the Cook County Multi - Jurisdictional hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP); and WHEREAS, the Village, along with 114 county partners participated in the planning process by contributing data and feedback for the IIMP and by writing our individual jurisdictional Annex, Chapter 65; and WHEREAS, at the request of the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, the Village wishes to formally adopt the HMP and its Annex. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOP COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village hereby adopts Volume 1 of the Cook County Multi - Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP, Vol. 1) in its entirety, and the Morton Grove Jurisdictional Annex of Volume 2; Chapter 65 . SECTION 3: The Village intends to use the adopted and approved portions of the I-IMP to guide pre- and post- disaster mitigation of the hazards identified. SECTION 4: The Village intends to coordinate the strategies identified in the HMP with other planning programs and mechanisms under its jurisdictional authority. SECTION 5: The Village intends to continue its support of the HMP Steering Committee and continue to participate in the Planning Partnership as described by the HMP. SECTION 6: the Village intends to help to promote and support the mitigation successes of all HMP Planning Partners. SECTION 7: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval, PASSED THIS 10" DAY of November 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thitl Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 10`x' day of November 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 11 "' day of November 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary _ Ordinance 14 -24 AMENDING TITLE Il, SECTION I OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTONG GROVE TO ADOPT AND APPROVE THE INDUSTRIAL AREAS PLAN Introduction: I October 27, 2014 Synopsis: 1 This ordinance will approve a text amendment to the Village's Municipal Code to approve and include the MI Industrial Areas Plan in its list of pertinent documents. The 2014 Industrial Areas Plan was prepared by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and Village Staff with input from the Plan Commission, the Steering Committee for this project, elected officials, industrial area businesses and the j community at large. The Industrial Areas Plan provides recommendations to preserve and optimize the Village's industrial areas uses so they can continue to be a driving force in the local and regional economy. I Purpose: 1 The Industrial Areas Plan, if adopted, would become the Village's official plan for the industrial areas and will establish goals and guiding principles to implement action strategies to help retain businesses in these i areas and plan for future development and expansions. Background: In 1999, the Village adopted a Comprehensive Plan Update. The Plan however, did not provide specific goats and objectives for the Village's industrial areas. In 2011, due to global, national; regional and industry manufacturing trends neighboring communities had begun to transition their industrial areas into entertainment and retail uses. The Village questioned whether it should initiate a similar transition for its industrial areas and sought out technical assistance from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) to study this further and create a subarea plan for the industrial areas. CMAP and Village staff began work in late 2012 and provided updates and presentations throughout the process. CMAP made a presentation on the Village's industrial area existing conditions at the Plan 1, Commission meeting of February 18, 2013. Village and CMAP staff held an industrial areas network meeting with the industrial areas business community, key staff, elected officials, and representatives from collaborating agencies and organizations i n July 2013. This meeting served to gather feedback on the opportunities and challenges the manufacturing business community believed existed and to gain insights to i help the Village address the industrial business community needs in Morton Grove. CMAP presented the draft industrial areas plan to the Plan Commission at their May 19, 2014 meeting. The Village and CMAP held a second industrial areas meeting in July 2014 where CMAP presented an overview of the draft plan and received stakeholder feedback. Incorporation o.° Plan Commission, business, and community feedback resulted in the final draft plan, presentation by CMAP to the Plan Commission at their August 18, 2014 meeting. All Plan Commission public meetings were properly noticed in a. newspaper of record. The Plan Commission by a vote of 6 -0 -1 (Gabriel absent) voted to recommend the Industrial Areas Plan be approved and incorporated into the Village's Comprehensive Plan. Programs, Departs Community and Economic Department or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: N/A Source of Funds: N/A Workload Impact: I These amendments will be handled by the Community and Economic Development Department in the normal course of business. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented Second Reading; November 10, 2014, required - Municipal Code Book change. Special Consider or Note Requirements: Submitted by: Horne, Reviewed by ,'' 1 Teresa Hoffman Lis on, Corporation Counsel Prepared by:' Yl ° ^fi ��t /, /' Nang v`�M. Rgzevl9h, Community and Economic Development Director AMENDING TITLE 11, SECTION I OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ADOPT AND APPROVE THE INDUSTRAIL AREAS PLAN WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and 'incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village is continuously reviewing and, as it deems necessary, updating existing Municipal Codes to assure they are kept current and relevant; and WHEREAS, the applicant, the Village of Morton Grove has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in Case No. PC 14 -20 requesting approval of the Industrial Areas Plan; and WHEREAS, Title 11, Section 1 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove defines the Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village and Iists pertinent documents; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 11, Section 1 the Official Comprehensive Plan is defined as a compilation of policy statements; goals. standards; maps; recommended planning, regulatory fiscal and public work programs; and any other matters relative to the present and future patterns of life within the Village; and WHEREAS, the Official Comprehensive Plan does not provide specific goals and objectives for the Village's industrial areas; and WHEREAS, in 2011 global, national, and regional economic and industrial trends caused Village leadership to initiate a review of the future of the Village's industrial areas and contact the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for assistance, through their Local Technical Assistance Program, in determining the most appropriate future use of the land within the Village's current industrial areas; and WHEREAS, Village staff assisted CMAP in the development of a subarea Plan for the industrial areas, with guidance from the Plan Commission, the Steering Committee for the project, and with input from elected officials, business owners, and the community at large; WHEREAS, that the planning process provided the Village with valuable information regarding existing businesses and conditions in the industrial areas and the importance of these businesses to the local and regional economy and recognition that preservation of the Village's industrial uses would continue to provide Morton Grove with an economic advantage through the preservation of employment centers for a well -paid workforce that support other businesses and employment opportunities within the community, significant property tax revenues, and locally made goods and services that are used by and /or shipped out to local, regional and national consumers and, in some cases, to international markets; and WHEREAS, the development of the Industrial Areas Plan provided the Village with and includes detailed goals, objectives and strategies to help retain these businesses, support and foster expansions of these businesses and guide future development in the industrial areas; and WHEREAS, the resulting Industrial Areas Plan is based on a multiple -step planning process including several meetings with and presentations to the Plan Commission and targeted workshops with the industrial areas businesses and is intended to be a statement of the vision of the community of its desire to sustain, promote, and foster the Villages Industrial areas; and WHEREAS, the Village's implementation of the local recommendation and strategies in the Industrial. Areas Plan will support and strengthen the industrial areas and the overall business community within Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, upon public notice duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which took place on May 1, 2014; CMAP presented the draft Industrial Areas Plan to the Plan Commission of the Village of Morton Grove on May 19, 2014 at a public meeting, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission; and based on feedback and discussion a subsequent public meeting was noticed in the July 31, 2014 edition of the Pioneer Press for presentation of a revised draft Industrial Areas Plan to the Plan Commission on August 18, 2014; and WHEREAS, as a result of said hearings, the Plan Commission voted (6 -0 -1, Gabriel absent) to recommend adoption of the Industrial Areas Plan with suggested edits, which have been incorporated in the final plan dated October, 2014, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have concluded the Industrial Areas Plan accurately reflects a statement of vision of the community for the industrial areas and should be made part of the Village's Official Comprehensive Plan and incorporated in Section 11 -1 of the Village's Municipal Code wherefore the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a public meeting and find the approval of the Industrial Areas Plan serves the public good. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUIv I'Y, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION t: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though frilly set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village hereby approves and adopts the Industrial Areas Plan as part of the Village's Official Comprehensive Plan and as a statement of the vision of the community, identification of major trends and forces affecting the Village's industrial areas, and the setting of goals and standards which shall serve as guiding principles and priorities to implement this vision. SECTION 3: The following section of Title 11, Chapter 1, Section 1 -D shall be amended to read as follows: D. Pertinent Documents: As of the effective date of this Code, the Official Comprehensive Plan shall include the following documents: 1. Comprehensive Plan Update (1999, Ordinance 99 -46), 1 Waukegan Road Commercial Corridor Master Plan (1997, Ordinance 97 -59). 3. Dempster Street Commercial Corridor Master Plan (2001, Ordinance 01 -28). 4, Lehigh/Ferris Subarea Plan (2002, Ordinance 02 -48). 5. Affordable Housing Plan (2005, Ordinance 05 -38). 6. Title 12, "Unified Development Code ", of this Code (2007, Ordinance 07 -07) 7. Lehigh/Ferris Framework Plan (2009, Ordinance 09 -01) 8. Industrial Areas Plan (October 2014, Ordinance 14 -24) SECTION 4: The Corporate Authorities, in particular the Village Cleric, are hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to conform to this ordinance. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication according to law. PASSED this 10`h day of November 2014. Trustee Great Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 10 day of November 2014, Daniel DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 10`x' day of November 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 4 A 1� I, ! L... x �ET r r LL, Li ILL ILI iy x W Y Iy4d�,�s tF 1, r G i It Illy 8 M r {a'SILI, i t �y+yy t� r t y, ee U a s' vs i. 1 11 fly y brfi lLL 1 A tyrVx , I I t't ILI 'ILI rfi 3 r Yll �e F ex£ te ILL k�q ry �I( 1, a�i yiTS Y( ✓ r )f it A ds >r Y x'f''yi. 4 fE g !L itjj jj N �y JY LL ILI J( l� V'5 �• �Y . Y.. Ae t 3k` ISO i(bA°Y h t L f ' oi v, Ilu'll I� t; ) t Dr� VAfL,I h Lilt 41 f �'Y`n dr�laL rA°.ilESir "� E�y�"d eP $All I� 1. 41,1 i'au 1 194 i2 ' t 4S. " 42 1 r{ - + rn 4j r: 6 Y r it r ql ILL his jl 4 t i '2 > A 'yl tj Di h 1� N lfl I I '. C '. Ul M � 1, a ',. I '.., I'.. I E E 0 U a O C a N Q I '. C 1O a I I C E E '. o m � v 9!m,� ' c ' K a O N v C U '. O '. N C U a ! J O C L C 3 u � E '. a ° w m a ", v g �'`o �,,�,'..o "'�m m lm,,m o E c o _^',> m,E o,o � ,. vii U` '�. C i. C I C '. C O .` ", O O O �O..0 U N N N N ' V1 " ul N N I a N Q ! \\ } " . ® � I «w1 <} . . if I)M � » �ai \ \ � \ \ \ e , ~ ..\ \ , . « . .� � \ASIA, A > u N G C vi N ti G a v m � f6 YYa.• � s, a _; U a s. cc m ® EH ® W v O O iv' C g w Jf , (; A Q P. " N a � a o� NaYa w 1 G O O O bb L4 O N� N O�J p a � �, Ji � b � �' O O � O � O G• " '� Ep N r> 0 i_ c� 71 a [ I G o v m m 4 p y w =^ a w T b D N N O u '' r: SAC! C^ N �' .1=• O i'r w U a o u .A a G. _ °' ro o� 'G O Cki C � C s�.. m a .O• 'O N a x � O r O 8 G 3 m C G� w O w ro G, •G � a AM � N v� m w C wo o' 'C N '� 2 v ,O, m u C .. ro a �. ,J^., N O ro O _ o w ro m ro v O w ro yd m a C 3 w m O G a a ro 9 p ro w N N o. C o v v� v •� x 3 a .° � a ❑�C o .a r�❑ o v o a ° o m m N C m 0 0 Gw„ U (a R g ro :w m o o 0 0 w m o m u A N C R b v N • N O M 'O V U W� °. O d r z o G V •� � m � � .A, -•O+ ra o a, v x c CL O N w v m CC a C .V O 2 0 C7 O q� u O o v O .A, v C M C W w w rl w '� u ° � 4 N •c N N ° 0 N O~ ° O O a _, N � w z 0 • • • -" 'w G a w pp r' ww t r�� History of Morton Grave A.rgT h and German families 6rstsarred in present dref Morton Grove in the fdos and ffi4as. Several decades later aedez, the Milwaukee Re iddad constructed roll tracks and R train son in then hichwaa soon na[ned Manion Grove. The namewas decade, of the raihoad dnanciezaLevi Patrons MOnnr:. The Pace ropes and early igo0e were a Race of great progress for Moran. Grove, lov eml businesses opened and f3camplct lnandeng MifleFa MJl; recomenn&nthets Greenhouses; and Snake, Henning. and SquheDingee pickle procecsingplan ¢. The fist M usingaubdivs mcomont8d¢i8l byamghamand Farvald insegr, andthePlllage of Mnnon Grwewas +mcomatatetlinv695. Fotlowindthisgrowch andptogmsswas vhe Greati Depmssionofther93os . DUtna[bis time, the Pcehlmxnn encoders Greenhouses went bankrupC and the Morton Grove Days Commerce purchased rwenry acres of land core this bankruptxompm:y for a runs. The remaining land was bought by Baxter laboratories, which paved the Lady for order light Industrial plants And research companies that sealedhe MOwr. Grove in tre Vets. Morton .(hrove experienced x resurgence of growth he me195os. to this decade tntemate 94 opened and the conmuniry's population reached Over y000. Commemial, industrial, and residential devetopmenmontinued come rho mess; and )9703, III Marion Grove crowded im Scan Comprehensive Plot, which wonld later be updated 1v R99 need printing, primary vneais, chemicals and plastics, metlhinery, de and sciences, and computer bad enctrourac Nearby Transportation Options and Points of Interest The list below highlights the re ptormtranspartadon options available in the Village as well as the maiorregionaldestnatipns or points of interest. Thesecotmecroas are partimarlympecrear: for manufacturers to receive and stop duck nand products. h distances are estimated from and intersection of Lehigh Avenue azld (D akton Forest, a ke_v mtereecoion within the Village's southern industrial area. Major ROadways •Int¢rsta[e gq- aowles(VATOUhyAVenue). •Inamate94 -2.3 miles (via D FmPdb, Streer)- • Interior is 294 -5a holes (via Dempster Street). •Reconvene 294 -5.4 reilus (we Touhy Avenue). Regronat PubLLCTransit I Mown Grove Mersa Station (Mf man kee Dlstdct- Nmts Lime (MD 'N)} a5 muea •_ark Ridge Mete Smfinn inI tell °aciec -North arm Line (UNT- l3)- 4 -omlee •seeks Swift with cotmeciions to CTA at Howard Street state In mter„aaonraA;rpsorts •O'Hare IntematonalAirport- rzmfies. e Midway'.vicemxtional Airport - 2t, miles. Other Major heartrending • City of Chance Dounttown Loop - 14 miles. Regionai COnteXt' The Mage Of She rtonGreek Is located north of the Clryof Chicago inC ask (Amin,, If Innis. linden Grove is generalty referred 10 its a nor Fine or ring shroud of Chicago and is corFSedered a built -out cort n-iry, with the majority of Its development having occurred during the lass and 191 Sed Shown on Map id, the Vilage lssetna¢ed West of let 'entire 9t, and is bordered by the Village of Niles on the south and west, the Village of Glenview on the norsh, and the Village of Skokie on the eats and southsveriF. VII the Viaaee of Morton Grace is apnro: ale Nofespuamaccessinsize. Single - .amily residential uses are the primary land use inth,f.mmumi .. Largeopenspacea awned acrd maintained by the Forest Preserve Desrrance Cook Rom:ry bisect the Village and accow.rfor apprvgmarely 20% of the Village's total land area. Othernergeamasin the cosmic uniry are devoted to commercial and endusinai uses, TF.e industrial Areas Ptah focuses on those properties within the two industrial areas of me Village, as shovmon Map Ina. Real e=re murlretanvlys[s been firserAffied Morton Grove as part of a near coach inrtattdalsubmarkeewmch also includes Lmcolnwocd, Niles and Skokie, as shown or. Map rg. This iromfor al subnwker eamds over r5to3 acres ofiand, a %err Ank Htrn of wnichsivdus¢ieL Manufamudng businesses in Mad on Grove and LOU e near north industrial soma arnat me diveree and fail ad der vxnaus manugmalFind rude pecd ,ehdifing food and beverage, RSINGeaa Mortory GeovF, inoustkiar MUS Fips Demographics Morton Grove's 0 o Ui arm r was z3 s7o in Zmo, which rep resents a 3.6% increase Aram z o0. This population growth ourcmad the nrar' north irmirrim snbmarke ,the ounry, and tie region Th a median household income for MaIImr Grove is $ygS59, which is higher man Cook COuOg sFiedan household income o` $394i Almost gr %of Moron Grove residents 25vean and Olderhaveobtaizred a bachelorstledree, which H rah5e nenearnor[h submarket (ny97, and higher NanrHeconnry (,3v %)aMthe region (35s%ad, Monson Grove has an unemployment rate Of 6.6 %, which is lowerthin the Imusa R mmtet(7EAA, the Country (9g %) add rhe reg:on(S.9°7- MOnonGreae residents are moyed in numerous ischimPieai however, 3r% percent of Motion Grove Residents act employed in healm care she 80hou assistance and real trade. reach care and social a is the single tender industry employing residents OfNroaon Grove, the near 0R ad indoor OR submarket, and Cook County. Cray 82 % and s; %OfMOrzon Grove Manorwork OF the manufacmnng and wholesale trade industries, which dominate the G race mdusinal areas. Table 7.1 Estimated Population, Households, and Household Site, 2013 Morton Grove Near North Industrial Submarket Cook County Chicago Region Population 23,519 131,414 5,240,700 Idd 074 HouseM1Olds 84 47121 1,933,670 3,049,8]4 Averane SO tracer Size 2S IS 26 2.B %, 24us .2_'i ^e 4,65% _. � 1' History of Morton Grave A.rgT h and German families 6rstsarred in present dref Morton Grove in the fdos and ffi4as. Several decades later aedez, the Milwaukee Re iddad constructed roll tracks and R train son in then hichwaa soon na[ned Manion Grove. The namewas decade, of the raihoad dnanciezaLevi Patrons MOnnr:. The Pace ropes and early igo0e were a Race of great progress for Moran. Grove, lov eml businesses opened and f3camplct lnandeng MifleFa MJl; recomenn&nthets Greenhouses; and Snake, Henning. and SquheDingee pickle procecsingplan ¢. The fist M usingaubdivs mcomont8d¢i8l byamghamand Farvald insegr, andthePlllage of Mnnon Grwewas +mcomatatetlinv695. Fotlowindthisgrowch andptogmsswas vhe Greati Depmssionofther93os . DUtna[bis time, the Pcehlmxnn encoders Greenhouses went bankrupC and the Morton Grove Days Commerce purchased rwenry acres of land core this bankruptxompm:y for a runs. The remaining land was bought by Baxter laboratories, which paved the Lady for order light Industrial plants And research companies that sealedhe MOwr. Grove in tre Vets. Morton .(hrove experienced x resurgence of growth he me195os. to this decade tntemate 94 opened and the conmuniry's population reached Over y000. Commemial, industrial, and residential devetopmenmontinued come rho mess; and )9703, III Marion Grove crowded im Scan Comprehensive Plot, which wonld later be updated 1v R99 need printing, primary vneais, chemicals and plastics, metlhinery, de and sciences, and computer bad enctrourac Nearby Transportation Options and Points of Interest The list below highlights the re ptormtranspartadon options available in the Village as well as the maiorregionaldestnatipns or points of interest. Thesecotmecroas are partimarlympecrear: for manufacturers to receive and stop duck nand products. h distances are estimated from and intersection of Lehigh Avenue azld (D akton Forest, a ke_v mtereecoion within the Village's southern industrial area. Major ROadways •Int¢rsta[e gq- aowles(VATOUhyAVenue). •Inamate94 -2.3 miles (via D FmPdb, Streer)- • Interior is 294 -5a holes (via Dempster Street). •Reconvene 294 -5.4 reilus (we Touhy Avenue). Regronat PubLLCTransit I Mown Grove Mersa Station (Mf man kee Dlstdct- Nmts Lime (MD 'N)} a5 muea •_ark Ridge Mete Smfinn inI tell °aciec -North arm Line (UNT- l3)- 4 -omlee •seeks Swift with cotmeciions to CTA at Howard Street state In mter„aaonraA;rpsorts •O'Hare IntematonalAirport- rzmfies. e Midway'.vicemxtional Airport - 2t, miles. Other Major heartrending • City of Chance Dounttown Loop - 14 miles. Regionai COnteXt' The Mage Of She rtonGreek Is located north of the Clryof Chicago inC ask (Amin,, If Innis. linden Grove is generalty referred 10 its a nor Fine or ring shroud of Chicago and is corFSedered a built -out cort n-iry, with the majority of Its development having occurred during the lass and 191 Sed Shown on Map id, the Vilage lssetna¢ed West of let 'entire 9t, and is bordered by the Village of Niles on the south and west, the Village of Glenview on the norsh, and the Village of Skokie on the eats and southsveriF. VII the Viaaee of Morton Grace is apnro: ale Nofespuamaccessinsize. Single - .amily residential uses are the primary land use inth,f.mmumi .. Largeopenspacea awned acrd maintained by the Forest Preserve Desrrance Cook Rom:ry bisect the Village and accow.rfor apprvgmarely 20% of the Village's total land area. Othernergeamasin the cosmic uniry are devoted to commercial and endusinai uses, TF.e industrial Areas Ptah focuses on those properties within the two industrial areas of me Village, as shovmon Map Ina. Real e=re murlretanvlys[s been firserAffied Morton Grove as part of a near coach inrtattdalsubmarkeewmch also includes Lmcolnwocd, Niles and Skokie, as shown or. Map rg. This iromfor al subnwker eamds over r5to3 acres ofiand, a %err Ank Htrn of wnichsivdus¢ieL Manufamudng businesses in Mad on Grove and LOU e near north industrial soma arnat me diveree and fail ad der vxnaus manugmalFind rude pecd ,ehdifing food and beverage, RSINGeaa Mortory GeovF, inoustkiar MUS Fips Demographics Morton Grove's 0 o Ui arm r was z3 s7o in Zmo, which rep resents a 3.6% increase Aram z o0. This population growth ourcmad the nrar' north irmirrim snbmarke ,the ounry, and tie region Th a median household income for MaIImr Grove is $ygS59, which is higher man Cook COuOg sFiedan household income o` $394i Almost gr %of Moron Grove residents 25vean and Olderhaveobtaizred a bachelorstledree, which H rah5e nenearnor[h submarket (ny97, and higher NanrHeconnry (,3v %)aMthe region (35s%ad, Monson Grove has an unemployment rate Of 6.6 %, which is lowerthin the Imusa R mmtet(7EAA, the Country (9g %) add rhe reg:on(S.9°7- MOnonGreae residents are moyed in numerous ischimPieai however, 3r% percent of Motion Grove Residents act employed in healm care she 80hou assistance and real trade. reach care and social a is the single tender industry employing residents OfNroaon Grove, the near 0R ad indoor OR submarket, and Cook County. Cray 82 % and s; %OfMOrzon Grove Manorwork OF the manufacmnng and wholesale trade industries, which dominate the G race mdusinal areas. Table 7.1 Estimated Population, Households, and Household Site, 2013 Table 1.2 Estimated Population and Chance in Population. 2non Sam drink Morton Grove Near North Industrial Submarket Cook County Chicago Region Population 23,519 131,414 5,240,700 Idd 074 HouseM1Olds 84 47121 1,933,670 3,049,8]4 Averane SO tracer Size 2S IS 26 2.B Table 1.2 Estimated Population and Chance in Population. 2non Sam drink n Near North Industrial Somorket Cook County Ch¢agoR gion PohuleNan, JUL J�2 128,226 5,376741 �---{ 8,146,264 topu!alian, 20 131pit 5,240,>00 8,509,074 _ 0 318fiCM1angenx %, 24us .2_'i ^e 4,65% 1, Table 1.3 Emnlnvm,,tes Map 1.1 Regional Location mllPG CFMONONancvSMousT Ml LARIeiKAN Marton Grove Near Narth Industrial Cook County Supernatant Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Total Emo,yed 11,895 100.0% 74,561 100.0% 21155,508 IOOD% Ponolaron I1eanM1 Care and 2196 185% '.1349 15.2% 302,/12 6 a 140% Social A octane / Retao Trade 1,489 RS % 7751 10,4% 21"-,373 10,0% Educational Services 1048 RA -A 5,908 29% 222 b64 103% Manuhcturin9 971 82% 4,905 5b% 179p24 83% A¢ummnNaflon and 937 74o. 5,073 6.8% .177,426 82% ad 5ery 5 Pmie5conal 860 92% 4$87 E]% 165,815 27% Sciennfk and Ttehmcal @rm os F,nence,,d 645 54% 3,493 47% 193,557 62% I Wholusale I ,d, 633 53% 3,101 42% 101,54-1 47% AdminisbaionE 606 51% 3,59E 48% 157,143 7,3% SUPPIS, Waste Man gament and aemedlanun Other mousirles 2,516 21% 12901 i]% �499p4> 2J% Map 1.1 Regional Location a / mllPG CFMONONancvSMousT Ml LARIeiKAN Of Morton Grove Study Area Intl Industrial Area, rvaxm oi u PS v. 6 a / s c - eac«vnm RD �. I L. a / ip 13. Near Nardi Industrial Submarktt Use, ArArN �r e a..1. At II..w11 III \.� IT Morten2; I. o.,, „e - nr At 1. S' _�� . rr :.. e A� /� Skokie 1JNT ,,, It IL All A, It w Lincolnwood � I'll „. .. it �. P. AN CHrCAGO NSei • !� 1= Near Nalall dustnar SIONNa NAINA Cook Carley PrOr'se Preserve IINIAII III Q i Section TWO: Summary of Existing Conditions Ali; rion Grove's IndustriM Areas The Village of Moron Grove emotion oven square miles, or lga acres of arm As snotion ;n Table z.y indusniaipro ?eayaccoun[sfomNye %o:zm acres oTreperry within the Village. Sider of his lndu rearb property (98% or 196 acres) Is concentrated in an lomv_onS. the norhem and Borman industrial areas ill"Snomd on Map ou. The a ^.^94 ones Or2 %Ofindustrial land are located along Lummakwunne and in several mails: shownon lTabt ilrabiialbuiidings. Thespecifictand usesvrs. ^.in the twoirdusaialaxersare eaz. Northern Industrial Area Morton Grove's northern intlmtnm area G located on the mrmem edge of the Village and is physically Se =tedfrom the souchem 'do fiscal area. Thin hgArre site at the comer sent hear of Gap and Waukegan Roads solely consists of me Avon fardirewhich that faces Waukegan Road Avon Owns:t's parcel of band as and, as thepaselinat nosh of Golf Road he Glenview. Avon recently sold its Glenview Poneopy,which is being redeveloped into me Glen Gate Shopping Comdn S, tis retaining its MOnon Grove facuiry. With the emepdon ofthenowvacated Avon faNirym Glenview, the no fordsmdusttial ea is p manly surrounded by commecial development on :hr north, commercial . rmor'oacAeal up by residential devennEmrnr to Roper, and institutional antl residential to the east sntl southeast. Southern Industrial Area The Southern industrial area is con . acreaiasub, orwnicha>eacres amused bvrvyri riai businesses. Ais genereilybouaded by Main Street m[henorttr, thesnuchem municipal Summary and oaknm5neer tothesouc The Forest preserve District of Cook Coueryre thewest, antlAUStia AVenuecntheesst. As shownon Mep zz, al area a is pan of a larger clasher ofindusciai development in me neernonh industrial submarkec The factories east ofLenigh Avenue antl last seven OfMOnroe Court exhibita madiranal viaseialdeveiopmentparemwith reaar�.gular Parcels end developmen[saccessible Madison Cwn o: Mourne Cossn. several bvildinga ere iaxge ..multi- tienana warehwses Na t provide locacions for numerous scull industial businesses. Purmer souN of Monme Court omemnew side OfAUSdn Avenue is the large Xylem ddAdm mnngfauii :y and other smaller amities. Smaller indusmal pixels and developments firmerally line the system side ofAustinAvenue and me nonacia ecfoalaon$treet. Iaduanai and vacant propenias occupy the Avon wrest of Laugh Avenue and north of -River Drive. These fropenies are generally smaller and idowbabievia Mainnmet and LemStaid e rmi. SnernmeesmfLehigh Avenue bvtfurther Rosh mongthat road are p[apathieswidromadjanentm Rio flood Grove Controls Park The Nortlh Grove Conomte Park features landscaped and modem office. mannot. and Sex space Promotion d at are accessi ile by River Dave and PZrlt Avenue off Lettigh Avenue. This deveiwmem includes the corporre afire ofdae LAM of Nod asweli as and the Grainaa: mdusmal ma cerce. The much Crane industnai site is also morseled via River Drive and VILLAGE OF MOaiOMGROVE For STNAL AREAS F1 an bill Ali; rion Grove's IndustriM Areas The Village of Moron Grove emotion oven square miles, or lga acres of arm As snotion ;n Table z.y indusniaipro ?eayaccoun[sfomNye %o:zm acres oTreperry within the Village. Sider of his lndu rearb property (98% or 196 acres) Is concentrated in an lomv_onS. the norhem and Borman industrial areas ill"Snomd on Map ou. The a ^.^94 ones Or2 %Ofindustrial land are located along Lummakwunne and in several mails: shownon lTabt ilrabiialbuiidings. Thespecifictand usesvrs. ^.in the twoirdusaialaxersare eaz. Northern Industrial Area Morton Grove's northern intlmtnm area G located on the mrmem edge of the Village and is physically Se =tedfrom the souchem 'do fiscal area. Thin hgArre site at the comer sent hear of Gap and Waukegan Roads solely consists of me Avon fardirewhich that faces Waukegan Road Avon Owns:t's parcel of band as and, as thepaselinat nosh of Golf Road he Glenview. Avon recently sold its Glenview Poneopy,which is being redeveloped into me Glen Gate Shopping Comdn S, tis retaining its MOnon Grove facuiry. With the emepdon ofthenowvacated Avon faNirym Glenview, the no fordsmdusttial ea is p manly surrounded by commecial development on :hr north, commercial . rmor'oacAeal up by residential devennEmrnr to Roper, and institutional antl residential to the east sntl southeast. Southern Industrial Area The Southern industrial area is con . acreaiasub, orwnicha>eacres amused bvrvyri riai businesses. Ais genereilybouaded by Main Street m[henorttr, thesnuchem municipal Summary and oaknm5neer tothesouc The Forest preserve District of Cook Coueryre thewest, antlAUStia AVenuecntheesst. As shownon Mep zz, al area a is pan of a larger clasher ofindusciai development in me neernonh industrial submarkec The factories east ofLenigh Avenue antl last seven OfMOnroe Court exhibita madiranal viaseialdeveiopmentparemwith reaar�.gular Parcels end developmen[saccessible Madison Cwn o: Mourne Cossn. several bvildinga ere iaxge ..multi- tienana warehwses Na t provide locacions for numerous scull industial businesses. Purmer souN of Monme Court omemnew side OfAUSdn Avenue is the large Xylem ddAdm mnngfauii :y and other smaller amities. Smaller indusmal pixels and developments firmerally line the system side ofAustinAvenue and me nonacia ecfoalaon$treet. Iaduanai and vacant propenias occupy the Avon wrest of Laugh Avenue and north of -River Drive. These fropenies are generally smaller and idowbabievia Mainnmet and LemStaid e rmi. SnernmeesmfLehigh Avenue bvtfurther Rosh mongthat road are p[apathieswidromadjanentm Rio flood Grove Controls Park The Nortlh Grove Conomte Park features landscaped and modem office. mannot. and Sex space Promotion d at are accessi ile by River Dave and PZrlt Avenue off Lettigh Avenue. This deveiwmem includes the corporre afire ofdae LAM of Nod asweli as and the Grainaa: mdusmal ma cerce. The much Crane industnai site is also morseled via River Drive and VILLAGE OF MOaiOMGROVE For STNAL AREAS F1 an Table 2.1 Lana Uses in Morton Grove, 2012 Land U a Acres Percentage Single ' holy Re o rtal 11673 461% open space 6905 ^_ 273% cominecel 2035 80% Industrial 2002 79% insntuthel 723 2.9% Met"Famllyk idenrtal 05.9 2.6% utilities 496 20% Vacant 40.11 16% fmnaporporn 353 1.4% tigrestan 50 02o. Mlxad use 0 0.09% nor 2531 100% kbuhcm CcOk C1hmvAgSc.¢oYSOfAco Table 2.2 Land Uses in Morton Grove's Indusrial Areas, 2012 Land Use perco d Industrial Areas Northern I d tlal 19 lure 0% lbtal 19 100% southernhournui Area Industrla: 1776 76 -9% Commercial 375 16.2% Larefortatlon 65 2.B% lesthurninal sa 25% Vatant 30 L3% Mo-edUse 03 0.1% unnuss a2 0.1% Total j 231 100% Scarcc: Cook COUnryArscsscr's Oincs, it P long ngW 1 chat chum me F mrsperve n, rs:0fCrvhCddpm,, Sourtan oirfrecour and parecat of Lehigh al serious myi tl .. and sommerp I tropospheric th t are upprosith nod, (Soared fropend. control A e,3L kSinger of Octal pmaaRhbddmrm .0 l space. drandessis the l y h' a which includes Mercerds and ashf- hora(,e fanhry The older Induction buildmm have brick or constants facades and house smaller businesses. Many ofikieseindusaiat buildings am o atom nearthe street edge, have a smaller[ronryard setback, antl proper Pardingan m, u..e or in me red r of the m u3tlings. sigmficant"iacent Uses The dotage's prep osed dowvmwn area and various clusrers of open space amm pmy measured to the the communal areas. The Valaee has completed several plans and tlatives to rnzre a dovmrown rhrovgn saint- oriented deveiopmenr around the Mmtm: Game Mena Stnvoy The I'l oon is m create a lively, walks ble mstri tc vaith mac andmsidential mevelcn=OTs. To date, onssm elenmrts of thvvisi0v c aide been realized, indudingthe pose vaicpment Ofindusm:e. property into high- denslry Residential corruption cut, ivrpmred connected fac3nes, an of a slight iv or mac simplifies within the Ma=stationa.Ross. Souhourn the recent ecou mic s on has elwretl development in the area, the Village isu ncommngto promote i non room development nppomrnides m benefit residents and the Christmas rv0rkfmce population. In addition to the proposed tlowntiwm are, 9oan peaces me a nearby and comminute land use for the industrial areas, 5c Paul Woods and Miami Woods Iirue the weRem boundary sch die s rut6em imbe real area, and fen Rare Pirnic¢wes an ge parefirads, Nesp its the conspiracy Of chase is non spa der accesubhry' pblearl Thedoheu for SC Paul Woods and Miami WOms are the brother tlnve anrtnnces on Lin win Avenue end the connotation ofN arch an: Avernie and Used and Assume.Asesslbility of the imtpprod metre Add she doveirophetacks pedesman and blrytle idea, soch m stlew open. msswaiks. and bit at eseems or bureau Thick dclude o dookne o[fvtany connernorstothe NONa6ranch Chirn6 RiverlT'L Austin took, ache mtersern of Austin Avenue and Main Street, had provides do* Spa the with a mix ofball fields, pi¢ creegional be Rental courts antl playgrounds.' rd park is accehsblevia Austin Avenue and M air S trees The n ooh em ittdusinal area is abutted by G Sit Middle Superplane Hten Park. Strengthen, Park Door, do fa uhiesarelmorm an house Proaimiry at are mtetsemi of Cook polar Asset== Waukegan Road. 25 YlILi6EOf MORiW G0.GVFINCUSRIet eHE0.itAN Map 2.2. Near North Industrial Submarket Lantl Use -,m. m n go yG\ �I mp e IIe8.n ne c. „M x. % t- n .`` F .,sinned $. GIH .no.a develop aside Wov MIT It it list r Also do ...a ?.'� —l�rAVe t L -,' k -ic L Skokie, Il 1 1 Unlncoryuno-tl Gwe' 7 -, b9 .` Niles . se P ou % y ___ �^ n Roau'"WS 'R! I U t �l1 R v 13 n v _ Ur 2 ervf vw.vra��t t e xwvxma �Il Ri sok Ron die �l Ridge ry e "r „d°� ice_ A fills "§v'.. _ _ 1 2 Line enviii Is used Use 110, One, per. added no, FCC .wearrammm nmmw ®ewm o.. cm, es wv omvoa z n ate1 1I 1,50vnv.. m Ma432.31CAment2oning 1 of yG'ff avERlnok DR Iw r \ > o No aELVw1*1`w MEAMARRH do of Gt Morton Grove Zoning ZONES. C1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Cp NFIGHSORHOOD COMMERCIAL CIETRIC? OR COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT M1, RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING DISTRICT f{j ME, GENERAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT R! SINGLE FAMILY RESOENC= DISTRICT -- R2, SINGLE FAM LY DECIDE C.E DISTRIOT R3, GENERAL RESIDENCE DISTRICT Zoning haw shown on Map 2.3, the noahem fn¢ustdal area and the orrum smaller parcels on h ersrthem and wisteria edges ofthescuaher'n inhadecrom area am zoned Remnared Mennocia L gDis[ua(RU).The balance of the southern lndnsalal area is awned Generzi Manubs omongDisvtet GI while Gains p otreis are zoned General Cormnerclel (CO_ The Ml disaia is lntmcAdfor use by itdustres! opeaatroer that can be located In close , raborod, to residents. and business uses wvithou¢rentngnttisances. The district eguihades are designed to 0 after tile operarioos Of attendance Tieas wholesaling, and Sarrow woortme that SAM not interfere with neighboring Role. Some recall noes are permitted, mredi' bosethat Service (Re industrial uses wire'., the industrial area GI do not depend upon intensive Years Of retail m rrmers. The MZ district is intended to prmnde land for a wider ranee oflightiodus L. YANG, to atl3tfon to the lighrm nufactwing, Rearimmong, andwholesrmillf Adearses cemlmetl .n the M: diboild The Ma aistris permiis A bmatl rouge of tradfiscrad non audng Such Dethroned man innude manufacnning of food products, home prom is. macfdner ,, plaow, meads watch as Other indusmal uses and services. Tle regmat[Dns ore designed to perrldtnpeancns M aclean and color manner, and to promo uses in adjacent districts s rviN in nIe tlistna Development of resitlencn is orohfoitetl in thaw distda. to monn inew any adverse edecs ai the manvfaav nog uses identified and m conserve the supply of mausnial land forindestdai use. Physical reeuireromm ofthe mam.Ifacidng dismas are geneallyehesameas MV, although the MZtlistna requimssmatlersetbacks. The Cr dism¢permirsa broad ranee cforsamose aaivides, inchvdL-lgiazger retail, and businesses man as " banks, ' resaumtns,tbendre, mram office xoressmall oce an d service uses, small grocera, as well as neighborhood businesses. anuiacturing and Whotesaie N rade Industries Employment Manufacmringandwholesale taaeindumneG azeimpomnvfnr Morton Grove's .. nomy.JVe211, MOnon Grw.',56gf businesses ma[employapprNoMAiyyouD rs. Manufnaxn�g vndvhlti esaletradecompnseT�°,S Ofail Dnsmessus mldgS oDt Thjob,eathe mmmrutyse snow¢ un Ftgare on, mlamrtacmTra sa more pmminenc mozoa ry than it M, o- on Gnrre. Manu curing businesses employ3Am of all woekers , LVn Re Arabi esme no de emp ME; ..% t1 Of VILLAGE C' WORST RiAt AREAS vlAN Figure a.ialso illonrs[esme signfficance ofmodoodd auras. The blackdoua a patiem . e<hart indica[esjobs locatedwiehmthe atlnstrialamas.'1'hetwuintlusmai areas ore home. to VAA ofall Mort azt on G.mve's jobs ughiy 9y% n of all Moon Grove's mufaaunng aMwMiesale ions Themanufarnningarldwholesale ¢adeworkersin Net indusna! areas areermplopetl b"Ardat ofthe largest businesses in the community. TwabfMOrmll Grove's three 'dry businesses(which employ werTCOworkers )aremanufamldw,businnses in Neie hosaialateAMFY.ahenr, ARASoinduadal areas ttunufac[unngavdwholesale aatlebueinesseaako eepra:enigo %oi an moderaxsro-iatge bnsinesses(thowtetxhat empipy vaotD 599empioyees). The near north NtlpstnalsubnwkertiimcOlD Od, Nles,Skokie, and Morton Grace) ofie[s over a6,noo manufaavnng and wholesale node lobs, To %or` which are within a[e uiaaurhgsermcSkokiehas [ hehlghest 'vumbaofmanlrfaav[Iggandwevinale n ode) ooawhhgz% nEallmanuPaaudoga +�dwholusaleaadejobsfa [hemhmarkev. Nleshasdaesecondhighescnumberofbvsinnses ,fallowedbv MOr[on Grove anti [hs1 l.m<DIm.,DDa. Theimpmtanceofmanufaav[ingin Motion Gtweantl in the ne'arnorthsuhmatke [ is :efiecveof the grenrerCNCago mgiDV. Manufactudnghasbeenan dcontinuestobea .. eof Chicagv'sregionalemromy. CUrzrntly U.eregian's mannamvizlgcore inaustrievs emuloy 3 y5,000 wimsers. On a b mad er ld el, 58o 000 people are em[I Dyed it Chicago's regionz Trams£aaurutg dreser, which includes core manufaerngcrms but aro dveasvppiyand inpvq indireasuppogandalsmmerintlnstnes' SIG W530 a 'Rr ,nm. a RI AF < IM, .rIwRo. wawaaA,V �r w�l 41 C"ASr” "LGAAR III iN'— c�oL'ry av „, RAY f Y"u"xr '"I tN S #gA iN' 1 M1 � �bR "I\x IF VILLAGE C' WORST RiAt AREAS vlAN Figure a.ialso illonrs[esme signfficance ofmodoodd auras. The blackdoua a patiem . e<hart indica[esjobs locatedwiehmthe atlnstrialamas.'1'hetwuintlusmai areas ore home. to VAA ofall Mort azt on G.mve's jobs ughiy 9y% n of all Moon Grove's mufaaunng aMwMiesale ions Themanufarnningarldwholesale ¢adeworkersin Net indusna! areas areermplopetl b"Ardat ofthe largest businesses in the community. TwabfMOrmll Grove's three 'dry businesses(which employ werTCOworkers )aremanufamldw,businnses in Neie hosaialateAMFY.ahenr, ARASoinduadal areas ttunufac[unngavdwholesale aatlebueinesseaako eepra:enigo %oi an moderaxsro-iatge bnsinesses(thowtetxhat empipy vaotD 599empioyees). The near north NtlpstnalsubnwkertiimcOlD Od, Nles,Skokie, and Morton Grace) ofie[s over a6,noo manufaavnng and wholesale node lobs, To %or` which are within a[e uiaaurhgsermcSkokiehas [ hehlghest 'vumbaofmanlrfaav[Iggandwevinale n ode) ooawhhgz% nEallmanuPaaudoga +�dwholusaleaadejobsfa [hemhmarkev. Nleshasdaesecondhighescnumberofbvsinnses ,fallowedbv MOr[on Grove anti [hs1 l.m<DIm.,DDa. Theimpmtanceofmanufaav[ingin Motion Gtweantl in the ne'arnorthsuhmatke [ is :efiecveof the grenrerCNCago mgiDV. Manufactudnghasbeenan dcontinuestobea .. eof Chicagv'sregionalemromy. CUrzrntly U.eregian's mannamvizlgcore inaustrievs emuloy 3 y5,000 wimsers. On a b mad er ld el, 58o 000 people are em[I Dyed it Chicago's regionz Trams£aaurutg dreser, which includes core manufaerngcrms but aro dveasvppiyand inpvq indireasuppogandalsmmerintlnstnes' SIG W530 a 'Rr ,nm. a RI AF < IM, .rIwRo. wawaaA,V �r w�l 41 C"ASr” "LGAAR III (had, had y�l S e ,m 4r U are.. n... sdW Retail tods, min Manufacturing Sub- industries Man adver ring businesses in Morton Grove, the recension s-ubmareeo and the Chicago Other, hll undervarious subindustries as shown in Figure a.a. The largest sub- Industry is reprehend prmmia,which counters for n3% of the manniaauringin Morton Grove and 21 %inthe near north submarket . Tina diversity provides oven Eeconotmc irradiated but also inhibits the creation ofanindustry- speci(iwluser. Simrarly,metmpolitan Chicago made ad diverse output access ahuosn every cam sector. Tivs is.uliquend most other manufaavringcenters thatteMto specialize optera fewmanuracrvdngareas .For exampie, Seattle's core menufacturhtg mecropoumn seams Toms on activists. lanes. Silicon VaGey Comce =nm on computers and Det roit focuses on auromobaes.In immures, do single core s enter acc ender for more Nan 19% of manu4acmr ng emin Adviser an etnrpcikan Chicago. The reFum8 o rgest core in dusted sector - miden mars - k split between a amsporracon equipment and other industrial mechmery, Figure 2.2 Distribution of Manufacturing Finns by5ub- industry In Morton Grove and the Near North Sunburned, 2013 '.erc_rtagez uc ounme antics cnpi Udial Employment- Homeeo Id 0ynarn cs (CEHO) -U S Cen ni, lllcou Departmenrote'Ov menteoc,hey CMAP- vatAGE OF MaaroW GROVE WOUZratat AEEA S P AN Workforce and Workforce Development The manufaautlng antl wholesale trade wnrknm in me near norh su brvekee have ampor_etl average xrmval eanr3ngs (Indudingbenefia) egpvdngm 4pprovimately $egw0 antl4yq,v5a.respeaively. The average earrdngs includehourlywages ,employer conatibvtionsfarpensians and lnsumred, and guvemmeminsmazrc Themedian hnw -ly eanungs forworkers in the manufenvting end wholesale uatle mdn s[ries are $r7.ge and $tyxt, respectivety. Commomrmperiarwwithin Nese twoiddusmes include teamazsetnbiers, machvtisrs,sates reyresentatives.and laborers. liammuonal and Mistingserames are robust and issumible, but do not seem fully uraized. Marron Gro le Ds 'ofrheiocai Workforcelnve.t=e tArea(LWIA)7, hichprovides esnosisnt swithhbemtOym ene andt tSectoriomenIDtsEeSt)vait t the Wenches ovibders ii nAchrhansgt[.. *o.e n Of Reghts, Northbrook Office otabid h Vocational 5ervce. the Youth Job Ca ne erof &vansron, and National Guard economist samafre beaches. Pa additf there are as post - ondarymandm¢ioms armed ten acres of Morton Grove. commit Communed Coaege (OCC), located he Des Fusionwim a saeaffif Interim in Skotde, m a standout milegeto Procedures comments rivg add worMorce t mining. The MauufscruringAdd Technology Deoamnent par nmrarly rusrovilus its courses to meet me needs for companies and provides basic as well As higher -level s kills for manu[aauring sand enm and workers. Far example, OCC mronti7comple cMe encodngpmgrente forme Xylem Company. Grenada, manymanufaaurers were unaware of suchorogmzns. Morton Grove SubGeographies of Morton Grove __ Wrthrn Outs d¢oi Industrial Industrial Areas Areas lomstry Count %01 Tract' Count( %o! Cnun; (9b o1 aFal9 iota') Manulectuncg 2679 34% 2561(32 %) IlE [I %) Whalesauhade 848 11% Retell trade 93,5 t2% 217(9 %) ]t8 (9 %) Health care one sotto 728 9% 246(3 %) Add 69,d) Accommodata,ard ba 483 6% 1130%) 37C(5%) Lonmedlan 441 6% 2620%) 185(2%) Other 1,T11 227 3W 7 %i 1,46809%) Total 7,891 100% 4,506(9 %) 3,385(43 %) '.erc_rtagez uc ounme antics cnpi Udial Employment- Homeeo Id 0ynarn cs (CEHO) -U S Cen ni, lllcou Departmenrote'Ov menteoc,hey CMAP- vatAGE OF MaaroW GROVE WOUZratat AEEA S P AN Workforce and Workforce Development The manufaautlng antl wholesale trade wnrknm in me near norh su brvekee have ampor_etl average xrmval eanr3ngs (Indudingbenefia) egpvdngm 4pprovimately $egw0 antl4yq,v5a.respeaively. The average earrdngs includehourlywages ,employer conatibvtionsfarpensians and lnsumred, and guvemmeminsmazrc Themedian hnw -ly eanungs forworkers in the manufenvting end wholesale uatle mdn s[ries are $r7.ge and $tyxt, respectivety. Commomrmperiarwwithin Nese twoiddusmes include teamazsetnbiers, machvtisrs,sates reyresentatives.and laborers. liammuonal and Mistingserames are robust and issumible, but do not seem fully uraized. Marron Gro le Ds 'ofrheiocai Workforcelnve.t=e tArea(LWIA)7, hichprovides esnosisnt swithhbemtOym ene andt tSectoriomenIDtsEeSt)vait t the Wenches ovibders ii nAchrhansgt[.. *o.e n Of Reghts, Northbrook Office otabid h Vocational 5ervce. the Youth Job Ca ne erof &vansron, and National Guard economist samafre beaches. Pa additf there are as post - ondarymandm¢ioms armed ten acres of Morton Grove. commit Communed Coaege (OCC), located he Des Fusionwim a saeaffif Interim in Skotde, m a standout milegeto Procedures comments rivg add worMorce t mining. The MauufscruringAdd Technology Deoamnent par nmrarly rusrovilus its courses to meet me needs for companies and provides basic as well As higher -level s kills for manu[aauring sand enm and workers. Far example, OCC mronti7comple cMe encodngpmgrente forme Xylem Company. Grenada, manymanufaaurers were unaware of suchorogmzns. Deveiooment A cord gtoCc- Sardara,Monor. Grove's industr!al properties other4crenion sanme craw of space, which representalmast) 5°/ e of the V➢eprind total commercial space M5.5 miu!on squarefen.Atthe same time, the indurvideroperfles make-up appmhmn ay lido of EPA comnrunlryNS rota! pq,U lLsed assossedvalue(EAV) of $I Eli blGion. The Village's industrial space has a relatively low vacanrymte OfSB %,which is lambda, MENT near north intlusmal submarket rate of come and he regional rate of Sol Mon on Grave's named alvecancy Are to also lowerthnn resell and office spacevacavry ME of tz% and M% respectively. D9mron Grave's industnal hodidrngs very in III from a few thousand square feet to over 500,000 sonars Mn, bur Most of the rentable banding space falls within the range of ome go3o(rsquare Oeec As 2 whole. Use nearnmthindnnrlG cWmorkd buntl!ngs tend to be smallett with most rangingfmm yonew to 63AOO senate Leer Most buildings in both of Motto n Gmve's industrial areas were built dung clue I cook, though some date back to me 1930S site others were bWit!n recent years. Table 23. Commercial Real Estate Square Footage and Vacancy by Type, 20132QI N N m.nd ..,:rat r it 1u¢ -, I t frourdel ' *CoStRes Chicago Sycloon Of No, dw rddyder nndsouNruest ishorm se PLI I Iel operrcng rarniLcord elfin Sovrrc CMhPAnntysts otcosTnrree¢]ryfnin:TVanno,Tor. 3 Dol "I'll' LCO <to, Don Coll PIT or a prance I ate so, lee - repo IN test er re see ONE It o' an n 0 on or or nor C dEnm oqr i "a 3aeatma lbbmilt a 1$0 NONE re e lee toI PC 1 up the Ner In addiden to the decline in core ma nuPecmnng indusmes, he indirect support indusmes in the mpov's manufamh rf ngclustPrrad an ovenli net decline in employment. in Regi pnvate earesincrea eto.opentlimres! fiians re.lost.The monhalfofalljobs Its pnvaferesea¢h and tlevelopmenT;R &D) finnswere lose The dusmYSmstomer indu mec, which are!ndusines that purPlc5e goods or services from core indboues, grew byI% To me past decade. Arthe same t!me,the cluster's direct supp!yand input ms, ,which provide the core indusmes with inputs necessary forprodumion ,have groan bye6%, These shifts in memh emeng have also been accompanied by a notable dideeelin p rodcc[iviry, as maeufn aurem imp rove skills, methods, and ovtpu[ lave! s to meet market pressures. The note M u- tech Produces and processes Involved v `advanced nann.aavpng' areviewetl astute keymthe region 'smanufactunngsustaienpiiry. Dyearde recentchailengea tile over outlookfor the nation and myEm's manufceu. -ing industry and the cluster is optimistic Anaiys[sitave vdmesserwhat is termed r ywhoring" P-dwremc. oFmantrfaauringopemtiors over no the US, Manufacturers realiziugthar production in tleveloping counmes can incotluce riakswhenNe markrcdOE mquhesover, the smei bflon aniUreUe vm unty andweev tlesign nd Preductlon. Moreover, thew L embniry0iinreReaval property andincreaskhg of t of ova gas and evetgy, especially in China, urn erasing s owe o£ he cost ativanages Producing wemeas.AS a result, -more, mafamrrers are reinvestingand expanding a:n the U,S „ es whirh creat sipm copportunities ent oppo for meueuclian Chitaeds economy. Simnar sentiments were shared whop meant rrmnufa noting conference held in Chicago byCnin'e Chicago Busu:esRmN,wember, zma. Heatlsofhundreds of5rmsuomacross metropolitan Chicago e-pr ssed optimism for the manufam:rmg industry sr, utemm ureairwtghereeeon's manufattu gclnsreras a competitor!¢ the global economy. CompaNes dismissed the reopen ofmanuacM'Ing as yesteryear's industryattdinstead alleed that iris a mnl economic driver for the repo¢ ma ay and mto the fu toe, Homrever,manafacmnngwai stiGDce sevemi chavenges as a fr olves m:thezincenmry Perhaps one of the greatest challenges is thewidervrvgworkforcegap . Itisespmatedmat the Chicago region will lose up m qo% of its Core manufam rirgvaorkfoae to retirement as baby'000mem rnndnue to ecitthework forcewitldn the nerel iSyeam. AT rang worker, especiallyhetype o£ workemcurrenilydemandedbythemanufacmmtg srryto fill rhlsvold, Ira chailense. Today,manufafmrers need th¢hly vkMedtwrlmen chat have an appmde for computer -based machinery and current technoi ogy, as well as Problem svlvine,communicari0n, and managementskule . Hnwever, lingetlngnegaLive percepdorev£the "ditryfa ory" and a fear ofbeMg out dichrd have dismunged alente students and vmrkers from eniepvginta manufacmnng, The mad m Pv of industrial space in MOrtoll Grave and rest north !ndusanal market is ovsi detect Gass S antl C, indicating ihzt many buildings azW Spa cgs are functionalty obsoiere andmay'oe lnfzizm poor contl3don The aeeofhese spaces antl trve lackof nva on lkelyconnibv[e:otheiimndi -on. industries nropertywih n'nished office codes leads to be more marketable than prmadly warehouse peace h this submarket. L-wusmzl propenes within MoaOn prove antl svaounding con:mh:ni ties offer a wide range vPoenis basemn the qu ality az+d type of : rare. ?lax spaces firer feary re i:nish ed office space, such as North Grove CoMante Park and five newerindusmal Dairies in Niles, nave higher rents.Wirh!n the submarket, est=ate, net rents for intlusmal bugd m fwRich cAUvde buEo gmPOu nce, common area nuv+renahue, and real estate axes) am und$4TO$7 per squaw foot peryean A fewlndusnizl propenies have aAn rectiontly sold In he submarket area KcoMr gto Cul buLLtlings sold in m+z averaged s of$ge per sauam Root. Currently 'cost tenants in fire intlusmal submarket area are involved in manufacturing and wholesale trade, be ther moosmes such as recreational businesses also have smelt presence in tRe submarket Niles in pa nimlar has attracted indoor recreation n ni ivdus nzlbuiltlin a g na t t es ai n HowartlSCeet.'[he high ceiungs, visibiiiryantl ampleparkingmadeti eseiaaitiessuiabie antlatemmve fprsuchtenants inamffer mdoorvoveybansoccegand gmmasvics. Industrial Employment and Market Outlook varimts [-,aors such as newirade potines, tierce globz ampeppon, automaron;n faanries, ds ngpmdItt.on costs, and the recent recession have impacted and changed the manufacturing industry antl its auppOMmg businesses, Together known as the nnfacvnng duster, across the region. More derails o n the hacassion below can be foontl inCN,AP's MavufaeN>ing Glusiev Report. A visibiemrurequence oftttis change isa ee-To I empleymeru'.within the rrtanefacmziag .6 .zvoaandzo +t Moz[o Grave Ivsra,35oarg7%ofirs manntanuring kem And Me nea nnzth market lost Shift To a larger scale Cnok countys m mrfam:nngjobs declined bymore than z5 %, rmre man any other county in the unites Stares, except for Los fo gales CounW,' Within the Chicago reportsmanu£acmriug fluster, The core iudusmeswal the most vulnerable to rnanufacmnng¢ends ss emp Inym ent fell by almost a third in the past decade Reports indicare Pilot manufacturing empl0 enreeclined by eppmxta telyzn%inlllinois andazX In rhe[ISfmmaornTo spromos 4 rool Listener The Let ell book "u.r.ova reaPRes ta.v.. e. sot " "rt s _ rage, Ne.N ",.e,"eess A Cc VcLA6e OE MORTON GROVE NOpPAIATnR @9PLAN Other issues, such as the declne in mn vkdwr and lack of suppomveresonmes,cgntinue robe vn[ oblemforthemanufaauring;ndustry. Irmev con is the process of conceiving and deve!opmgnew products, processes, tecmicio A and business models than esult !v goods and services that zre faster, cheaper, and oherwise improved, Irmovat ion s impom4nt for almost every segment Office ecOOOTny, and is h vita: formenufzavring. Althaagh small manufacturers makeup a significant pro oniunafhe oft in Mart on Grove, the near north snbmarkeg he regime, the state data reveals that most 8m lwld med!um -s!rsd mannfacmrers v -thin he stele genem➢y conduct Gate to no research and deve!npme::tUP I lack the resources and in once e-oerOs e. Sirfri!arty, man�fzcr,, rare need capital, suppa , antl business management Skills to help Lop Or bsean4me, and advance h air anus. I n lama of r aai estate, the intlusmal market within both M anon Grove oral the near north Eat shows signs If stability and gmwrh. Vacancy rates were soahewrmt lt!gh ode -aoo9 for Monon Grove but have decrees ad corsidemb Is pace doog. The. near north ME nMaMot vacancy bar as were slowly i'tcfeasmg,f m zone to cry 1, but have sir, u subnandai decrease in vacancy since zoo McrtOn Grove pis o started To exoepertce positive net absoodd rrates in zmq,scale me zoav Net absorption is the net change in theca 011ntofoccupiea space in rhemarker dung a defined penotl morrip. The near north intlusmal submarket emenenced negative absoprion up un[il recent years wh ere it has smrted be expenencepositive absorption rates indicavue,gtharmdustriaisnace is becomingmcMasmgly occupied. eepmsenrathres boom m usaiai brokerage firms active in the C6kaurt marketwho were interviewed for this report are generally o,tindm,,bO ... he Current stave of the mal since zorq leasing and sales P¢imi has increased though rents and sales prices are me dean UP enorthin.8rokersark agree rhatthere isaneetl formore motlem industrial soacein Nenortt: indus[natmarket. smkem, landlords, antl businesses have expressed that More) Crave industrial prpemes have a positive image, rasponsive munitloal officials, good accessibwry m highways. and generavy fair to good uh(nmxucntre arLd buildinyrs. Nmough some 'ouildings are funcdonaliy obsolete, hey are attaaive for redevelopment due to their affardabil!ry am cotwement locatica snail and medium -slued eompacies who value locatMg in areas close to rice homes of ownem and employees will contlnue to Ivcata m pug coat .um6es such Ins Morton Grove. Real esate specialists predictUem will ceniinue m be demand for good Gua!iry, reasozwbly -Opted bundings in these areu. Alarge drawback for indOOtnE landlords and tetu t5 are high over esate taxes. Rea: estate an remark chat larger Inufanupngalid vvho:esale firms are likely to consider wzablis!eng or relocating of Lake Cdunry, as Lake Cevnry has lotirer assessment ms for industrial propeIyT Cook Cmunry However, Cook COUhwdoesprwide a rea' rotate or incentive to ehc PMge near ind growch cilied Gass Gb. ttaderthis Morton Grove N Near North industrial R Region' SubmarkeC Total Rentnble v vacancy i io*31 Fpnteb!e V Vacancy I Iaollenbme v vacancy Pril , Area R Rate 6 6uIi Area f flare B Bmtmng Area Rate intlue!rlel 4 4,o6R6g6 3 3s'Yn 2 25,528,465 9 9,7% 1 159,676,959 8 8.9% Total 5 5,9Tmr, 6 63% 4 42,710,613 8 8.8% 2 2Y7,M63,872, i in L% Commertlal Real sel N m.nd ..,:rat r it 1u¢ -, I t frourdel ' *CoStRes Chicago Sycloon Of No, dw rddyder nndsouNruest ishorm se PLI I Iel operrcng rarniLcord elfin Sovrrc CMhPAnntysts otcosTnrree¢]ryfnin:TVanno,Tor. 3 Dol "I'll' LCO <to, Don Coll PIT or a prance I ate so, lee - repo IN test er re see ONE It o' an n 0 on or or nor C dEnm oqr i "a 3aeatma lbbmilt a 1$0 NONE re e lee toI PC 1 up the Ner In addiden to the decline in core ma nuPecmnng indusmes, he indirect support indusmes in the mpov's manufamh rf ngclustPrrad an ovenli net decline in employment. in Regi pnvate earesincrea eto.opentlimres! fiians re.lost.The monhalfofalljobs Its pnvaferesea¢h and tlevelopmenT;R &D) finnswere lose The dusmYSmstomer indu mec, which are!ndusines that purPlc5e goods or services from core indboues, grew byI% To me past decade. Arthe same t!me,the cluster's direct supp!yand input ms, ,which provide the core indusmes with inputs necessary forprodumion ,have groan bye6%, These shifts in memh emeng have also been accompanied by a notable dideeelin p rodcc[iviry, as maeufn aurem imp rove skills, methods, and ovtpu[ lave! s to meet market pressures. The note M u- tech Produces and processes Involved v `advanced nann.aavpng' areviewetl astute keymthe region 'smanufactunngsustaienpiiry. Dyearde recentchailengea tile over outlookfor the nation and myEm's manufceu. -ing industry and the cluster is optimistic Anaiys[sitave vdmesserwhat is termed r ywhoring" P-dwremc. oFmantrfaauringopemtiors over no the US, Manufacturers realiziugthar production in tleveloping counmes can incotluce riakswhenNe markrcdOE mquhesover, the smei bflon aniUreUe vm unty andweev tlesign nd Preductlon. Moreover, thew L embniry0iinreReaval property andincreaskhg of t of ova gas and evetgy, especially in China, urn erasing s owe o£ he cost ativanages Producing wemeas.AS a result, -more, mafamrrers are reinvestingand expanding a:n the U,S „ es whirh creat sipm copportunities ent oppo for meueuclian Chitaeds economy. Simnar sentiments were shared whop meant rrmnufa noting conference held in Chicago byCnin'e Chicago Busu:esRmN,wember, zma. Heatlsofhundreds of5rmsuomacross metropolitan Chicago e-pr ssed optimism for the manufam:rmg industry sr, utemm ureairwtghereeeon's manufattu gclnsreras a competitor!¢ the global economy. CompaNes dismissed the reopen ofmanuacM'Ing as yesteryear's industryattdinstead alleed that iris a mnl economic driver for the repo¢ ma ay and mto the fu toe, Homrever,manafacmnngwai stiGDce sevemi chavenges as a fr olves m:thezincenmry Perhaps one of the greatest challenges is thewidervrvgworkforcegap . Itisespmatedmat the Chicago region will lose up m qo% of its Core manufam rirgvaorkfoae to retirement as baby'000mem rnndnue to ecitthework forcewitldn the nerel iSyeam. AT rang worker, especiallyhetype o£ workemcurrenilydemandedbythemanufacmmtg srryto fill rhlsvold, Ira chailense. Today,manufafmrers need th¢hly vkMedtwrlmen chat have an appmde for computer -based machinery and current technoi ogy, as well as Problem svlvine,communicari0n, and managementskule . Hnwever, lingetlngnegaLive percepdorev£the "ditryfa ory" and a fear ofbeMg out dichrd have dismunged alente students and vmrkers from eniepvginta manufacmnng, The mad m Pv of industrial space in MOrtoll Grave and rest north !ndusanal market is ovsi detect Gass S antl C, indicating ihzt many buildings azW Spa cgs are functionalty obsoiere andmay'oe lnfzizm poor contl3don The aeeofhese spaces antl trve lackof nva on lkelyconnibv[e:otheiimndi -on. industries nropertywih n'nished office codes leads to be more marketable than prmadly warehouse peace h this submarket. L-wusmzl propenes within MoaOn prove antl svaounding con:mh:ni ties offer a wide range vPoenis basemn the qu ality az+d type of : rare. ?lax spaces firer feary re i:nish ed office space, such as North Grove CoMante Park and five newerindusmal Dairies in Niles, nave higher rents.Wirh!n the submarket, est=ate, net rents for intlusmal bugd m fwRich cAUvde buEo gmPOu nce, common area nuv+renahue, and real estate axes) am und$4TO$7 per squaw foot peryean A fewlndusnizl propenies have aAn rectiontly sold In he submarket area KcoMr gto Cul buLLtlings sold in m+z averaged s of$ge per sauam Root. Currently 'cost tenants in fire intlusmal submarket area are involved in manufacturing and wholesale trade, be ther moosmes such as recreational businesses also have smelt presence in tRe submarket Niles in pa nimlar has attracted indoor recreation n ni ivdus nzlbuiltlin a g na t t es ai n HowartlSCeet.'[he high ceiungs, visibiiiryantl ampleparkingmadeti eseiaaitiessuiabie antlatemmve fprsuchtenants inamffer mdoorvoveybansoccegand gmmasvics. Industrial Employment and Market Outlook varimts [-,aors such as newirade potines, tierce globz ampeppon, automaron;n faanries, ds ngpmdItt.on costs, and the recent recession have impacted and changed the manufacturing industry antl its auppOMmg businesses, Together known as the nnfacvnng duster, across the region. More derails o n the hacassion below can be foontl inCN,AP's MavufaeN>ing Glusiev Report. A visibiemrurequence oftttis change isa ee-To I empleymeru'.within the rrtanefacmziag .6 .zvoaandzo +t Moz[o Grave Ivsra,35oarg7%ofirs manntanuring kem And Me nea nnzth market lost Shift To a larger scale Cnok countys m mrfam:nngjobs declined bymore than z5 %, rmre man any other county in the unites Stares, except for Los fo gales CounW,' Within the Chicago reportsmanu£acmriug fluster, The core iudusmeswal the most vulnerable to rnanufacmnng¢ends ss emp Inym ent fell by almost a third in the past decade Reports indicare Pilot manufacturing empl0 enreeclined by eppmxta telyzn%inlllinois andazX In rhe[ISfmmaornTo spromos 4 rool Listener The Let ell book "u.r.ova reaPRes ta.v.. e. sot " "rt s _ rage, Ne.N ",.e,"eess A Cc VcLA6e OE MORTON GROVE NOpPAIATnR @9PLAN Other issues, such as the declne in mn vkdwr and lack of suppomveresonmes,cgntinue robe vn[ oblemforthemanufaauring;ndustry. Irmev con is the process of conceiving and deve!opmgnew products, processes, tecmicio A and business models than esult !v goods and services that zre faster, cheaper, and oherwise improved, Irmovat ion s impom4nt for almost every segment Office ecOOOTny, and is h vita: formenufzavring. Althaagh small manufacturers makeup a significant pro oniunafhe oft in Mart on Grove, the near north snbmarkeg he regime, the state data reveals that most 8m lwld med!um -s!rsd mannfacmrers v -thin he stele genem➢y conduct Gate to no research and deve!npme::tUP I lack the resources and in once e-oerOs e. Sirfri!arty, man�fzcr,, rare need capital, suppa , antl business management Skills to help Lop Or bsean4me, and advance h air anus. I n lama of r aai estate, the intlusmal market within both M anon Grove oral the near north Eat shows signs If stability and gmwrh. Vacancy rates were soahewrmt lt!gh ode -aoo9 for Monon Grove but have decrees ad corsidemb Is pace doog. The. near north ME nMaMot vacancy bar as were slowly i'tcfeasmg,f m zone to cry 1, but have sir, u subnandai decrease in vacancy since zoo McrtOn Grove pis o started To exoepertce positive net absoodd rrates in zmq,scale me zoav Net absorption is the net change in theca 011ntofoccupiea space in rhemarker dung a defined penotl morrip. The near north intlusmal submarket emenenced negative absoprion up un[il recent years wh ere it has smrted be expenencepositive absorption rates indicavue,gtharmdustriaisnace is becomingmcMasmgly occupied. eepmsenrathres boom m usaiai brokerage firms active in the C6kaurt marketwho were interviewed for this report are generally o,tindm,,bO ... he Current stave of the mal since zorq leasing and sales P¢imi has increased though rents and sales prices are me dean UP enorthin.8rokersark agree rhatthere isaneetl formore motlem industrial soacein Nenortt: indus[natmarket. smkem, landlords, antl businesses have expressed that More) Crave industrial prpemes have a positive image, rasponsive munitloal officials, good accessibwry m highways. and generavy fair to good uh(nmxucntre arLd buildinyrs. Nmough some 'ouildings are funcdonaliy obsolete, hey are attaaive for redevelopment due to their affardabil!ry am cotwement locatica snail and medium -slued eompacies who value locatMg in areas close to rice homes of ownem and employees will contlnue to Ivcata m pug coat .um6es such Ins Morton Grove. Real esate specialists predictUem will ceniinue m be demand for good Gua!iry, reasozwbly -Opted bundings in these areu. Alarge drawback for indOOtnE landlords and tetu t5 are high over esate taxes. Rea: estate an remark chat larger Inufanupngalid vvho:esale firms are likely to consider wzablis!eng or relocating of Lake Cdunry, as Lake Cevnry has lotirer assessment ms for industrial propeIyT Cook Cmunry However, Cook COUhwdoesprwide a rea' rotate or incentive to ehc PMge near ind growch cilied Gass Gb. ttaderthis Map 2A. Class 6B Classifications in the Near North Su ornmost u.... .. �m.a r wipsou �i at LSO ST Gn"mll vi l SA i Morton', - Grove Skokie IT a r Niles x°41. o: USdL ON o t 4,b 4 .to .. an hj/" AYA? i o A {{ r ns i) �NY� lei 17 r I ..a purr .,wage ,ivy rculs LID '� Lincolnwood F o ARTS ) �,... „a �� AT cc ° rL a ONPRE x e' e T 9ubmox I� Ctlzs aB amcenles "Y xu �w 6uRmaMet Pa h mR �� _ er I tlucMel � a t9��r� \\ _ eetteaoxnvL ra VWfif Or VCuLONERwr INDUSTRIAL AREAS 'LAN rog: am, gvalif} nngivtlustzialpmperties ;hatundergo devetnpmenq redevelopmenp o: Table 2.4 Electricity (kWh) and Natural Gas Consumption (Therms), 2007 rehabilitation are eligible to he assessed at 10% of can jobvalve for royears,smrdngon the dare of completed co vsr ,;On, randmirtmom, ry unless ifid incentive is Awed, Thepropemas cossidu then be tl It 5c If market t ha "An 20% IT me rzth year and Cn m So tile 13M year - saigur to be amsessad at th Riftaonar 5`N of markexvalne The assessment d n Over tile ODIN, aticust results in spurd vings upper word to the Thri Z5 %rare. The Cl add 66 coliondiffigation. tus not been otilued in Morton Grove' out has been used in Ni es, Skokie, and Lincolnwood as shown on Map ti all Consumptlon antl Gee znho ;gw Gas Emissions M . nures, u=.. npniEmrsnonsAn ,hlc- CenterrorN;6;11bo ;»actl Teeimmbgy. The age and condition strip industrial spaces in motion Grove impact its energy usage and associexed greeMOUSe gas emissions. As shown on the following a ble, industraa! and commemial properties accounted for ationsoimaeely 66% of the Village's or million Table 2.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sectors 2007 kuowaas pfe!ectricalconsumplimsinzoo7. Comparativelg GOOk COUnry's innusLnat commercial pap s accounted for 7s% ofth t t' counts 1 "al ;1 and Itsbkely ost of the savings n h d al and mmmsr drg sprincesTar Sonoma is attnoutaoler 1 uses as ma nuEa =rirag zends t aoraeu.M W n anyameruse Pacom chat lmpaa.ne a mount Ofelecerlclry consumed include the size Of the radians, the efficient+ and use of air numbioning, iighring, and otherappliancee. Arthe same time, uru45rnai and CommeMUluses accountfur4scecon a cammvrtityei53 *+ullwn therms ofnamtal gas CnnsnrnpnOm The amOnnx Ofrizrvred gas consumed is oftenchated to;he his Odin gdice, age, as well as etHcie ssityoftheirmlding envelope furnace, =it water hearer. 3 ufidiag upgraded and energy ern cienry improvements mwtl positively impact ertetgs nowspordscon and Morton Grove's retanvely high gree Duse and emissons. Ti, Village's fir ouse gas arm sound per capita of hianmetric. runs is hi drop wind the Cook Ca4ity's Or ras per capita of x4.86 metric tons As Musarated in Table z4 below. Apph mft mrely 45% of the Tilage's greeMO Aegas emissions are relaxed TO elecnktlry, while z3% are atxnbacabie to natural goons, a4%6to neusnouacion, and g% to otherfacxoa. M rtpn Grove G kC unty EI [- city 44 e, 4 ,2Tc "I'll” Oas 226% 246% wrmmn 24. n 210% vsirSj 1 B6% 1 9241 . Emissonsper evpita 15.62(MT CO3`) 1 4.86(MT CgyE`) �Miacfc Tom S'sco ve ¢ ninpa16o1issmpsPr 'op]a- Certrerfor NelghbuffimdTe<hrtol 57L Broadband The industrial pmoemes have fast broadba internet access, whkh is cirmica to Nair business opeadons. A review Of III NadOr Broadband Map showsthacMOrton Gfove'e Ivtlus¢iat amps can access do Oaa speeds of at latest 10 megabytes persecond(mbps), vnrh many areas containing speeds in excess o f coo crops. - These speeds ensure char the Traded industrial areas meet the needs ofineve small.mediurtL, mid large businesses. In And rePa ,hetnage is competitive with other indnsmal areas in the Counry and the region Cook Counry'sFarmeHnggfarAOSpertry.An EwnomtcGrowPoACdon 4gendnfor 6or .... is" ee nTn//csAmma%ti D Morton Grave C Cook County Counn p puraT c co,v P POCAII ReadOntanectricury consumption ] ]],445,467 3 34% 1 14 , 91596 ,ore 2 29% Itl no/ .'al electrify 9 990,215,388 6 66% 3 35,664503040 T T% Total dectichy mnsumpNml V V7,660,855 1 100% 5 50,51KNAL ,305 1 100% RRes III min I natural gas ooni od, 9 9;21,450 6 60% 2 2,191,453,638 f fact Industral /commercial natural gas 6 6,176,189 4 40% ? ?,442823,862 4 40% Total natural gas consumption 1 15.297,639 1 100% 3 3.634.27)500 1 100% . nures, u=.. npniEmrsnonsAn ,hlc- CenterrorN;6;11bo ;»actl Teeimmbgy. The age and condition strip industrial spaces in motion Grove impact its energy usage and associexed greeMOUSe gas emissions. As shown on the following a ble, industraa! and commemial properties accounted for ationsoimaeely 66% of the Village's or million Table 2.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sectors 2007 kuowaas pfe!ectricalconsumplimsinzoo7. Comparativelg GOOk COUnry's innusLnat commercial pap s accounted for 7s% ofth t t' counts 1 "al ;1 and Itsbkely ost of the savings n h d al and mmmsr drg sprincesTar Sonoma is attnoutaoler 1 uses as ma nuEa =rirag zends t aoraeu.M W n anyameruse Pacom chat lmpaa.ne a mount Ofelecerlclry consumed include the size Of the radians, the efficient+ and use of air numbioning, iighring, and otherappliancee. Arthe same time, uru45rnai and CommeMUluses accountfur4scecon a cammvrtityei53 *+ullwn therms ofnamtal gas CnnsnrnpnOm The amOnnx Ofrizrvred gas consumed is oftenchated to;he his Odin gdice, age, as well as etHcie ssityoftheirmlding envelope furnace, =it water hearer. 3 ufidiag upgraded and energy ern cienry improvements mwtl positively impact ertetgs nowspordscon and Morton Grove's retanvely high gree Duse and emissons. Ti, Village's fir ouse gas arm sound per capita of hianmetric. runs is hi drop wind the Cook Ca4ity's Or ras per capita of x4.86 metric tons As Musarated in Table z4 below. Apph mft mrely 45% of the Tilage's greeMO Aegas emissions are relaxed TO elecnktlry, while z3% are atxnbacabie to natural goons, a4%6to neusnouacion, and g% to otherfacxoa. M rtpn Grove G kC unty EI [- city 44 e, 4 ,2Tc "I'll” Oas 226% 246% wrmmn 24. n 210% vsirSj 1 B6% 1 9241 . Emissonsper evpita 15.62(MT CO3`) 1 4.86(MT CgyE`) �Miacfc Tom S'sco ve ¢ ninpa16o1issmpsPr 'op]a- Certrerfor NelghbuffimdTe<hrtol 57L Broadband The industrial pmoemes have fast broadba internet access, whkh is cirmica to Nair business opeadons. A review Of III NadOr Broadband Map showsthacMOrton Gfove'e Ivtlus¢iat amps can access do Oaa speeds of at latest 10 megabytes persecond(mbps), vnrh many areas containing speeds in excess o f coo crops. - These speeds ensure char the Traded industrial areas meet the needs ofineve small.mediurtL, mid large businesses. In And rePa ,hetnage is competitive with other indnsmal areas in the Counry and the region Cook Counry'sFarmeHnggfarAOSpertry.An EwnomtcGrowPoACdon 4gendnfor 6or .... is" ee nTn//csAmma%ti D �Miacfc Tom S'sco ve ¢ ninpa16o1issmpsPr 'op]a- Certrerfor NelghbuffimdTe<hrtol 57L Broadband The industrial pmoemes have fast broadba internet access, whkh is cirmica to Nair business opeadons. A review Of III NadOr Broadband Map showsthacMOrton Gfove'e Ivtlus¢iat amps can access do Oaa speeds of at latest 10 megabytes persecond(mbps), vnrh many areas containing speeds in excess o f coo crops. - These speeds ensure char the Traded industrial areas meet the needs ofineve small.mediurtL, mid large businesses. In And rePa ,hetnage is competitive with other indnsmal areas in the Counry and the region Cook Counry'sFarmeHnggfarAOSpertry.An EwnomtcGrowPoACdon 4gendnfor 6or .... is" ee nTn//csAmma%ti D m MaP2.5. Street Network and Truck Average Daily Traffic Count Map 2.6. Transit Network n4AGEOFMORT9H 6RCVY IRuPS'41AI AR A5 RAN � nor 1 11.1 0WRI oe r 4 eo 4. I i� ce sr f fi.11.1r R4 o. lei ,in IS 8 1 � I P it E rw Qo Pace Bus Routes CIA Bu Routes moteµ av e / Paco 208 —2 cENTRquR IOGE \ ,am 210 ,. OHICAGOmOLF ' NO Pam 226 54A, NORTH OICEFORKOKIE BLVD HuR Paw 240 59, NORTHWEST HIGHWAY IRARD Kwr Pam 250 — 85A, NORiN CENTRgL Pam 200 SKIE W, KO '-Pare413 "' X98, AVON EXPRESS Pes <23 Rail Transit IS Metro Stations Mullmodal - -Metro LneS Connemlon i tR ® Inou6fial \ RT r 4. I i� ce sr o. lei ,in IS 8 1 � I P rw Qo moteµ av e / \ Ix ' NO IRARD Kwr tR \ RT \ i �... AVF ....... Cook Cotm ry, which was nublished in Anil ton, found ih a "nearly all of Cook County (artd Neregiov)'dref broadband access chat leastro Mblo wim some areastloserm too M id s "= Transportation infrastructure Roadvruys. Mortar Grove indusmalbwxvdses genemllyudlizeCmcks over Dher ft¢iiam carrier modes, and thereby utWee the local and rgional road network. you tin the mumem indusmal area. Waukegan Road, Caldwell Avenue, Demneter street, and Oakron Street sense a Due primary nosh -seuN and salt -west arCrial routes while Austin Avenue and Lehigh Avenue are collector roads that link locatmads with the arterial roadways Teetraduvorma area sinjoilare convenient access to himmuch, 94 (1-94),cwhich is soximmaly resonant f tm tureightS the ezp y is accessed via dTOUIVEAvemaincerchano. Me Avon finifinsiatich oftelimcculde, duathimichavenecauschad ancolikegintiftes Dempster S GESIEVated d M directly muleft do Iy4 T1 lugs, of Motion Grove 's cone mamas tuck trzfhc along Aumn and Lehigh Avenues to roadway segments south of Main Streeq ma varg mese an Ofine IOCm Ondt routes as shown on Map 2.5. These mftHmonsencounge rocks to travel south and access t -94 via Touhy Avenue. Public Traroin In addition to=ns, Moon Grove's industrial areas are wall served by wide array of public mdmposamn options, as iaustmmd on Map am. The mothered hicidecrial area is weft served by Pace rise had: %2ne Golf Road and ond, re sed, Avenue as dead he CTA Express 98 Bus (X98), which prmndes express service from no Irving Paid Biu a Line station to me Avon begin,, CTA X98 service rimes wrrespon shift changes and the bus sings directly on -site. Harborgnea, a non -pmBtfocused oe aochinglow- income liner- dryresidentsw d, job oppTAAhdties, partially hunts the exnressaervice. RidemWn on me CTAX98 Enhance dechared by about SD %in recent years Hkelydue to the dosureofne iermerAVOnadLry on the north side ofGatift nd in. G:enviewfnzoso.SZ : resnensew CTA's zmz "CrMVdiag Reduction Plan, "a newagreemevt even reduced shchu tee negotlaeetivnrhriazborquea . GolfMece Station in me Village ILCOlf, Served by Marsha Milwaukee Disci¢ Nor 1: (MD -P7) nil line, is also accessible ro those in the northern indusvial area. The mil lmenmcecotmecm Motion Gramme d, Union Station in downtown Chicago and with suburban destinations as far as Pox Lake. The southern inda smal use also has access to the Metro's MBVmukee Donitt Nosh (raf f andhoethrough the Moron Grove Station Pace servestitssouthemiMUStnal areawiehsevemi bus riches mr Mff tongmejormads amhas Lincoln Avenue(pred), Oakton Street (#az),and Nftes Seats End Special < m.ryn".. . ,h ACiOn A EnIn I Geu CC r An 1, Rns Can v]mmrna. p4W ki rig amd aismanteg. The qu alln and completeness of the sidewalk system vanes greatly throughout the northern and soumem industrial area, The norhetrn industrial area ads a complete petlesmm route from One Avon Dedham the Golf Mara Station via sidewalks on Waukegan Road andOvertmk Drive, ThenMwork tithe south ofGoPMema Station is largely in good condition due to the srree tsGapinge6ons of Motion Grove through the Waukegan Road tax m¢aaasdiamonds (TIES) dearm. Sidewalks varying in quality and size line GOR Road what of Waukegan Road, but are lacking on the east side of Waukegan Road. The zeshei ot515anspomacon Improvement Program (TIP) inciutles pedasm an, uogradas to the GOV and Waukegan Roads draftsman. In Nes homam indusrim area, roads such as Austin Avenue, Narched Avenue and Nagle Avenue contain complete sidewalk networks. Oe On Street and River Drive have sidewalks on one side of the street, and Lehigh Avenue has at least one sidewalk on each side for am entire length. Many Of the sidewalks alungthese smeets are in hoer condition, have missingsegmenm, or are broken up Farmhouse Indicat d.Access foremployees alongAustir Avenue to me rrafn staion is circuitous, as there is no der, pedesman inure mom mesa Lndusttlal pruperies west m the m. ^ samon. thePemro singihemnhem or southern for Hadriaiatto a have biryEncle LLi ties, the Presence of mires veamy creates me nM.endal for linkages to a wider b icyde . et work. The North Branch Trail, which passes duoug. me nearby Miami Woods, pareltels the North B hatch Of the Chcago River. TO the south, Nis trail corneas with Edge Crook and with the bike routes along Milwaukee Avenue and Easton Avenue. To the no rih, Ne [mil corneas wi ih the Green Hay ikail Nat tmveu torn Lake County. The North Branch of ne Cldcago Riverrepresenm a bamerin conneodugthe. Nomh Branch Tmn wirhrhe seurhem mauemal area.Otheron- Street Marren trans are located oaseccons of Lehigh Avtaue andH mmurd Road as sltwmon Map a,q. The zoro-zm5lacnsportadon add Danish; andASES)Indudes Street motor Street to Dempster Avenue antl Lincoln Avenue and Pens Avenue from Uak[on Street to Demnsta S[rea CommvtePaKems. pverzli. cheindusmelar.=es ' wcrkerslive invarieusiocxdons' across the region. Approximately j3% live, in Cook nounu;, Cired Iman IF rude in dorm. win ken mounting from Chicago. Amun o d 4 %five m Mon Gro M ve a amther 4% live in Skokie. Approximately 27% commure mom municipalities beyond cook county. As ch moor on the tables betmv, public torch ndem hip is raiadvey low and has erperian cad some ve.Data and askeholder interviews mggywtha most workers ul the ,nayst d Ad areas dove alone to work, especially a, the southern indusn al area. Table 2.6 Matra Ridership at Morton Grove and Golf Road Stations Station RitlersM1ip M AM Peak PMPeak Other Tames Total M ncn Grove Bo g J'6 112 138 966 AII96 q 60 630 16] 965 Golf ROad Ronc na< - 91 82 56 3t5 Allghtinge 1p5 11E 65 206 n..g mum+ umrt wu mongyemrnrhyrrcm lrtL4MS) Table 2.1 Weekday Bus Ridership, 2001 -2012 Bus Rolrte May -12 Ma -09 May -01 PACE. 208cmil,ad 'T23 12,280 2u1 2IDLInculn Avenue -23� 341 1 398 445 2260akbndrah 750 714 8o, 240 Dee into 558 723 702 250 Dempsne,Sceet 3,085 2,893 3,111 413 Woo Cn ach use Spatial of 63 74 423 Harlem Avenue 987 1,070 1,201 RA Exca BAbe) 142 --- 306 5ourco:ReonelTrunSpottamnAtser}d ¢ vajencnl SVnenr(RTAMS) ¢..AGE OF MOaron Gaova wouzrviA,. AREAS ALAN 5✓ The mmtall recommendation of cut each m preserve the moreaiiail uses was large ly commentend byrhecunenrandpomnnN economicadvaniages brich stem from iummmal deveicamemandbusiowth.AS notedin5eceton lwq me cindusaial areas representzn empdynlentandecotmmiaen :erfnrmanufaauringantlrv',oiesale turtle. Approaim tidy 45% PLau jobs in Morton Grove are in the mauut3cmnngand Smodeale trimeindnsmes and almost all ofatescp hs are concentrated in the ikdvmriai areas. Mamtfaacringand olesale[ race businesses also representsome ofthe largest businesses in the cade mmuniry. In procam ignheemploymenm arecon, the Villagers also remising a welf- paidwddrum. Manufrmthingworkere earn zydmne than the avenge regional asrfgs. Ras estimated that the avenge earnings script erawralnm act /mini industries (women inehtde hourly wages,aswell as employer comanddons to employee man! ate and ivs ranee , and concernment social incorrect) Ere approximamlyrq %to AIR, of the average earnings for the reanufareuring anti whoiesam xrude hi usaies in the peer north submarka. Anramng and preservingmanuacmnngjom also suppoas brier empumbronc opportunities. Economists ciammte char each manufacmr !ngjob creates between z and than reined andunnfaced Ind•Jatnes.TNS `hnminplfer" tries fshlgherin nano, a ccanng than m any rimer industry. fltrrherrnore, Morton Grove's anus caph areas are thimble for Schuman uses . Hour ,. n essibteaml scariest nnybvfferedfrnmedjacennves .Thead ] acencuaes tendmhave°landlocke(P' lair]vs¢ialarersana latgetyprevanroummra exyansion; stakeholders and residencsearpoa the preservadnn of hadlennah as added on these s cstanabiliry. Advances manufzcry ring, which refers to the high -tech proauas and Processes which have emery din the past decade, is being chrecommed as key to the region's dealt, The shiftrowapen more Andlediabarremashare_ specimana im -de nira!engfor tanks not traditionally associated vmh3n She each The stmngworlayern development progrz 5 currently in peace to serve Morton Grove can help the micasmN areas keep up well the changingwerkforce demands and re stiou the industrial winds for a strong manures ringfuture. The uWusmid aress rnn accomen date some Peace demand of retail End commercial uses as that demand arises. The current success of retail businesses within the framemi e areas anch as Menards and Fear C!ry, as well as some of are athletic f And' fare in Niles, illustrate that some retail onerstions are in demand and can operated fire mercer!ai I. However, the economic strength ofihe curreur fthentrand industries, the positive cum alt fat ^- rWarndring, and the izc'a Of demand for Entire retail And suggests than entereainmenn Sabah, and ommemi9 uses should be c aside er d Secondary uses and the lndusmialusea should remain primary for me subject Specific goals than support the preservation Of moil Amib keys by the major clients a mil c growth, land use and drvelopmen4 End nansp r a So on Ere presented below. The bNence of and Seaton presents recommendations to achieve these goals and is dividetl into two Parts: local recemmerrcanons and reg!onal recommenme!orm. Local ecommenaations can be undue aken and implemented undmthe Village's jcriadImom Theserecommentlaxions are organized byrhe decline gaols oil'aerospace growth, land rise antl development antl txanspoasnon. Regionatrecotrunentlations reiffiorce local efforts aide require exmmN EnticegiotW partnership s. Economic Growth: Goal Localaanne capon a resources, a'planswllsupponand Ammon economic growth leis mattaxnN armm. Land Use and Development: Goat: Land use and developmennreidde Morton Grove's utohnsunl areas dR he appealing, hmctiomy, efhcieonand contribute to the area's competitive much on within the industrial market. Transportation: Goat- The industrial mess mail he command by aarspoaation infrasaurmrewhichwi!! positively contribute to the Industrial area's care, wareboms, antl appeal, well - defined bountlar s.G scan bez¢ommnaaved i. ^. mesonritemvtdtrsm.Nare me evelnpmmt and land acquisition ifnecessary. Sire pounce ninrlasaial ama mans ,thecurrent needs of Awn, And the mn,panyhas no plans to move out of Mourn Graver However, if the company does evmrnally I eaye Moron Grove, flddinonal redevelo_vmem nscould betmminad. Marton Gram's inductional Seronertles are faringwell in the market and provide economic valuetothecommuniry. Recent realeaate analyses indicate Matthe area has been add enenciamfeastivetylovrvacanry Qtr of S.6 o, which is krwT 1m 4,e coamuni y's mtvl vacancy race of r z %and the submarketls indv srtial vacaury cote of g. z %. IDtlusmzl camperres also have ahighei ro ncerned assessed value(LAV) persquare first ($14 GR lhancommemialprdpertieS ($:.pj {n Morton Grove.° IlnHko rennpmpmcieG IInwevtr. Brokers report that rnaaoenaononsiI Panama do decided pate uNesssaleeereoc<vmngon ,n FSefter rents than other tenants he stnN buildings, as the reacmdonal tenana often ITOUTE V-npreved hearing antl ooingsystems antl one space baild-our is often more consumer, Howevem there is I, r ixedamo,tmrofaadmonN reaeano,ml renaaa!ooldngfor,pac -rand recreat'innal usersrmnno[to be asr'. nenciaiivsttoneasmdusrnatbusinesses. ShepositivmurJOOk forxhemanniac riz, gindustryautldusrer2stletailedin [he prviousaeaiorpmvitlos Nrthersupnorcfoaheprosorvadov o @helndusmahcses Manvfarn,nngfirms are beginningze "resaore,S ms opmenark and rely on called workersand ad'.mnCM rsheologytaoumnvrpete cheaperg:ohN labor Aeglnnalpollry makers andmanuzauctrs have expressedtheircammivasnttn the introduce andhe s cacumu�uKOewo�xn_nv a.,e eMnsannumueu. /ILLAin M MnrTOry GRGVG WOV 5usba A erAS eLAN � ocai RecommenamationS The follw✓ingptesena lanai reommendarons that can be undertaken and inniemenmd under the Ndlage'sjuzistlicdoo. Such recommendations genecond Include Partnerships vdN the Chamber ofCOmmettGassis [ante commitment boards aria mmmiiesions, rot. sing autemal commission, and she nyWvement of in-house scarf. Moreoveglese .tic a am cost haddeduck Their ImOlementaticn reances limited scatter mmirmerr and theyare erectly beneficial to the industrial buseepaisadlin Morton Corona- Thyare organized Pi chanson goals of Sentence groeforn She use and development and rrenspo¢anor. Economic Growth Goal: Locelpartneratdps, resources, and plans willsopport and promote economicgmwth in the ind,ur areas, The evolvingmmOf cmrnglandscape two created new challenges formarufaaurers. Tests Ofwhos c concern are ran workforce skills gap and qev lopmenr, the need for concha etl manuf atruxvcg renovation, and the lack of access to capita and other es. fndearnal businesses kind propeay owners In Cook Courboh ealso concerned with pmperry taxes wldcly compared to other counties, Ere reianvely high, Crersm pttr'tnartlrips with v,durtsial irmrsncsec shamrerm (o-a years)! On going. Morton Grove currently has few long- eandingrelatioaships with existing bassiles es. The Vista net recently undertaken several uritiatives to abandon and strengthen these relantaid me the continuation of such onitterseas is announce, on sale level, continuedcommonicatlon can provide an aPpe n entry for band parties to identify problems, collaborate on soiudons, End W eimately help Season and tread these b,sinesses. Each retatlonships can also nwvsinon into long -term publiop eau It eersh!ps that will help busness retention expansion and re ck hunt goals, commended tai :at ride VROF onchrind Men,. Grove Economic Deveiop. ant Commission (ED C), possibly in patmerstdp Aril the Chamber of Commerce, came rostraffic industrial business breakfasts. These events wound allow for direct rdcatiorrs among the Vdiageand me business es as such as provide rhamorking opponun!ties amongst businesses. In addition, the Village should develop a regular reach One wasm would Include in person meetings as well as phone and mail co 'cations with ai of the treasury treasury businesses road ma theiedustrial areas . Thracian Innon Aware and success of the amardratbu chess breakfast fn mIV, 2013 Ill match ra the need Endeparket for such interactions. Cmateparmershipawlth industrial Mat envtebrokersshor. -term (o- ;years)/ Ongoing. The Visage should develop a partnership with industrial brokers in keen abteast of the industrial market end properniso The Village staffsiaould my ro Satredote meetings va;mti,a unchadtwlce ayear to nrovitleupdi tes on opportuNdes for redevelopment as well as ormaidep and aphowerion rates, properties for sale and recent tremendous. of addition hrokem ca, also utilize this plafforram discuss any inheritance, challenges, or opponuNries regarding Development and properties within the marginal arzkw Meet infonzm[im: canhelp update the impression properties inventory depressed order Land Use and Development) and convince me discussion of Motion Grave's position mine iargcrindosonal submarket. Hncoural the local indh albun'nessesto create their ward indusinal bkdzdczwdLtertgk aaronaHOn. Sharp tend yams). The objective ofthe industrial business interim association (rBDA) would be to create a business -m- business ne kmggroup whom businesses can discuss common challenges , develop ampopmethem, and /or fimulam coined goals for their businesses. The Village of Morton Grove can support businesses in the creation of a business G.smer teem Cnin antl long-term preferability of Seem groups unclear the local bust va m essestonotonly partticipate, but also lead the association. Traditionally, such assodanonswJtrequire afdgherlood ammi rig to help drema n itwr m Exception toestablisfmrenL Village staff antl Mmtdn Grove EDC, with possible assistance from Chamber smffcan help lead this transitory process. Given me amount agrees, needed upfront, do launch such an effon, it la expected that Fire Village would needed reallocate current staff from otherprofems andfor lure temporarystaffm facilitate the creation of an IDEA, if the businesses are commned to such an endeavor. Once me asst canon is established and operational, me most ost of such Sutton needed is typically - educed to attendance at meetings and serving as a liaison between the assoclationandtl a Vnage 6nvournge[heuHlieaHon Of the Cook Cwvrzty Clars6bdesigrmMOn. Shon -Term (o-3 "am). Although the Cook Cancer Class 66 tax incentive pm amhasme een utilized in Motion Grove, it has cautioned in other areas of me near north submamet. This type ofincencivecouldhelp businesseswhowammimprove rzeroantlmeirbuiltlkrgs/ businesses Which Moron Grove versus seeking locations outs!m of Cook County, where taxes am much lotvm. According to the Cook GO until ASsessoit's office the Class 617 program ._. cdcsv„mred to m ^ago Mdus cat dc�hoo nrandsphour Cook eaunnm Inw ojfunnyrzr makeJoy the dologpmant fncw vrdusrHaifatitidep, th tIpecMlfmdon tyer lsmrvind¢ prlal. nmemres .andrhoindusMniraumfzaaon rfa gaspened buildings. nee voat ofcklor 66 Ford nrntta new indvsrrlc sr1nvtnto Cheerers and ripmovicat ofex¢M:gindumyon2/ncreaso rmadynern oobbionrenno The creation and maintenance Of a resource centerwhchd be best implemented through Partnership betweenrhe Chamber, Village sup antl /orche proposed local IBDA Demodulation me level of tapport charcon!d beprovidedbythe Chamber or proposed IEDii, the successful creation and long-mnn implemencamn either Trapeze team, would require additional or demeaned Village staff. Land Use and Development Gael: Land rt5e and deveopme¢t within Morton Grave's intlustrial areas will be appealing, funct!wnal, annual and contribute tothe area's rnmpeHHVa position within the h adeaiel market. The Sal behold competitiveness of Motion Grove's in dnsmal Soon are lactudy re parture of Fire areas' land uses antl the quality antl Stretchability of Lee built eme romnenc. Actions and poutlet towards land use antl darderpm cut most memory gromh in terms of redevelopment, improvements, expansion, con retenaoa M rmoven such actions and policies must be designed in such way to ensure that any counted development review p Threaten am streamlined to allow such developments to ^break ground a as quickly a s possible. The htdusmfal areas See memorably coed to tie nom us es, sum as the downtown antl open space within me Forest Preserve Desmm. Embedding Fite app cal, utility, and annuity of these used cane m Ch important andempless that can contribute m the immunenazld attraction of industrial businesses and development. Develop an indunrialproperNes inventory . Short -derm may years). R emparsnps between industrial businesses, ovmea, and brokers accusation dam sources (CC- focused Cook Counryassessorhdozmat iron) can assistibe Village Same creation and maintenance of an industna! prrpemes invenory. Through chemvenmry, the Village can dassHy and analyze properties based al condition, age, Size, ownersbkp, antl when possible, me cwneYafurvreplansformelazbrL such a tool could help identify opmorzmmVx for furore redevelopment antl bookcase expansion The inventory should be established wimht a database as wen as displayed visually on map. Given the amount of time needed upfront to launch such an effort; it is expected that the Village Grand dead to reallocate ounce smfffarm order projeas. hire cempoary staff atvd /or make this a pre ariry prgiea for The Morton Grove ED C members for dic required dam coils Sion N order m creation of this inventory. Once a ba spline inuenmry is establish ad It should be updated on a assume l basis; updarm could be done by Village smffwith assistance from the MOann Grove ED C. Develop an industrial buainawdireet C, daMbara S'hmukerm to I appear ire additiontoapropenyandbuildinginventory ,irlsimpcnantforthe Vi!lagerocreamand maintain an industrial famines. thorn... T,om.e ..............rn u.....n......,..__.___ uvdn'nc�incam[veprovidu] by Clss66 gavinhrgimirsmta]rvnlemure would u Vmblofor the Coats6t lot ptofnss nr room EGerm mat nnv ,, catan ne the visa o nn Hal ,unaYililarlon u conpfe¢d add o inlria;Frasveesed r, f obnndonetlp mthzaar.'ofsubimnnai tit pope zi3rq Class soVon h ..ed at rock ormmdermenc up, the sr5%h the rid: Centers go %famarml'es,: This wnsdmresasubdaptsl reduafes tn_Melm,a opussasrmmrnsd resulma signlhamttrzxsavknyt. In rbeatuence ofthiSlncmnvn lndvsrrl¢1 real esinre WOVdHndrnmlly bea�rusedor;5 %oiirsmarLereaFuc° The responsfpniym apply fora Class 61, thesincadrn through Cook Cowry is ultimarely vp m the p top gay own eq however, the mvmcipatiry mu n pass a. resriuvion or ordinance which e:mmssly sixes tour it "suppous and Centel m the Judger a Class 6b Application and that it finds Class 6b fieoessary for clear opmem to ocimroft me subject ' '^ Guidance.and infhrncatio onrheapplicanonandpmce ss is'oenecoa:avdwouid be best protdtled by V rage staff Maintain avmrenessfreyn'onalinift Hvesthatsuppommanufa a inggn 1, anddevelwj ten Shomtem(o-3yeart)/ ongoing. anrwnGrove'Satmanaooms subjec::o policies and regional nentls inmanufarmrngacs recomamntleL daaca representative MOrt from the Village ofon Curve (staff or EDC member) stay abreast of anufa=nu issues and initiatives that are discussed inregotW forams and reporz backnom Village. An appropriate mgional fwmm is CMAP's Ecommic Development Commind e, which is trendy focusing on manufacturing and the region's long pp. The Committee hadlandy discusses and sb area irrformadonon Serious mmufa ,unngganm acrd pm)eca an help sour manufa=ring gmwm antl development. The Village staff, a representative of the Suggested land IBDA, or an Economic Development Gargantuan member would be an appropriate representative for these riponed discussions. Depending on the level of pardcipadoutt t canbeprovidedby, fellow tanners, the successful long -xerm panicipation ti regional lampooned may require oalloation of Village scaffdme and duties oraddicionul Village staff. Creatman iruluseryresourrnoentar . Mid.'erte C4-yyeazs). Gordon Grove Sumitoml businesses an benenvfrom a osoumecenarforvavingoperadonai, workforce, busbeess,fm tial. and property needs. This center could also drove to cmmea Motion Grove businesses with Sudan me developmenvprograms and providmo Ondo. dozens) and business programs, as well as Organtaes and ten -podas in me area Given the older industrial buildings stock, me center druid also refer made businesses to order agencies mac can help them mrorove their energy et5 cienry and ionization of mnewable en s yc:. 9. GnkCaumy Assm< e r - � .,.a,. vl_IPGE OF mo ok GROVE vFavTcu„ ARxiS k Aft measured businesses and provide base level information such as address and industry dassfamosm as well as employment ago ,workforce development needs, and orotlua .vet.To's culminated can be lemered through the staved business compliance e mid Edtea as wen as Expands meeti 'fomenters .antlphoarecoLLSwithbusinesses. Given the limited staff resources, it he expected this work may regpi rd reauocadon of current staEforhhingof atlditiowlmmpomrystaff. Duce eeaxed, [he Vipagesmffshoutd regulazlyupaamantlmamain ehetlarabase. CoaHrtuetwrefineMwrrwn Grove'spermi[ review /apyrmml promssand paw., r,,. mumtarnwwa. ngainvemnenssbna- cemt(o-3yaacs). w tie amend l eery of regulatory changes, how mguimiovs are mdptemenrm plays a role mceating a cminstu e, industrial charter. Me length middle demand froma project to progress from application to' breaking around is a key fact or in businesses retention, axe tai nt and mlocamn. Therefore, the commodity should continue ,.o explore OPPOmMdes to simpluy We Village's existing development review and p ^rmJnh:gprocess. For example, under Motion Grove's cunem regutacions, industrial applicants renovating Of temotlelinean Ransil srru m are requvea to obtain an appearance certificate from me Appearance CQMm. Gsion." Ate composed admodihadened but propors would be to omit in a appeared e cenifiad on on landscaping and screev hnPzwem evict (fneluding me landscaping recommendation above) as well as order minor remodeling improvements and allow adminlsiadve approval of these applications sensed. SUCK Izeamlinetl processes arc presenein order communities. For example, me City of Bar a sland adopted carcinoma structurewim its Uptown Turn, Car Ore verse, ccophtisrttc that onlyreowms admhu8=a ve approvalfor min or remodeling within the ciatricc" St shouidbenomd ehacme Villagehas aluady pursvetl sneamliningeffons- Thenewsign anInoI igmer.UMDe Ozmoaliowswho sigt tocom before pro vedearancetrarivety, reduchbgmenumberofapplimnmwhoneedtocome before Fine Appearance Contraction. aft addition, the Valued has recently adopted amendments cc the coring crdi to l improved the internal orocess for m e devei oilmen t review, and the tired staff Ed process reviews and inspections in- house. These irddatives represent important steps of reducing Race dedicated to permit' review, it should be aomd tut containing to b Pr and streamline the Pwkddngprocess should be a too prodtyfurme VIE act only for me manufacturing and industrial businesses, lost for all Cambodia) uses throughoutme Vlluge. 10 -3xr11 nimbi.; Investigate and update zoning disaitdv to ensare compatibility with adjacent sand the optimality mfdesired baAdwcdesandauociatedgrowth. Mld-te vin (49yearm. The Visage should conduct a comprsberesive review of the awning districts and codes to achieve the goals Outlined In ruffs plan as well as oo erplans. Upon full predicts, the Village should consider the merits And temptations for code updates and revumns. specaicissuesch be addressetlinois reviewmdude e potamdprUy rez eemermttLs noreawen of Washington Court and AUSNn Avenue. As shown on Map zg,m counter mep eels n Cancroem 0fWashingmn Court and Auadd Avenue ere zoned MC, the more flexible ofine[wp martmaPNNAB Coming districts. MZ psmuts a wide range of light manef amusing uses as wart as warehousing, decreaslingnumerous, and related Lndusmel services. Clean me period close prmxir to transient and the crunhna buffer between the tvm uses, it is co ended Chat rite VigageinvesdgamtF, e peretviv of rezoningrhese paneis to dtesore esdttiverranufacnvingdiana , Mr mrooerzoningdismastltatvroWtl be ompadble with bock the adj acern reshdendal and mmufam ring uses. A full analysis of me merits and implications of this type of aotdng change can provide Ne Visage with a more specific direction assidingthis issue. • Reception aftlestancremi districts. ¢ is recommended chat the southern i dustdal areas C rcial mother whhch is located just much of Damon Street and west Lehigh Avenue should be retained. The area enjoys visibility and socessib!nry from both 0union and letugb and is well buffered from adjacent induedal businesses. C -y general commercW, is me areas cutrena ormigand it allows for the red range of retailantl commer< ialuses.".' heseuses suppaveadj2cantmana facmzfngbesirzesses aswellas [henearbyresidentia: areas. Stakeyederinterveriss revealed that industrial businesses evinythemnvenience ofede Mecords curren[lyoccuuyingthecormnercal debtor antlpatrotriezthescore. The othervacant properties within this cnmmercial area shmdtl captureF tote demand forcwmmercial uses and development The Village should considereiese recommendations rand mndua a comprehensive rev wofthemanufacmdnganticunmta cial tlismcts'perniaeduses mtl tlimensional c taw eO rends Suchancouples mpeny Lnvenmry, code encourages Pipe markettrends. needed soanalysiswille:a mdydry code eert cry bas thetype e tlevelopmem'neetled rosusainthe indusaiW areas. Thiseffo¢whllbuild off once V lliage's recem apprwel M several wrung mtl e tern a-nendments which are aimed vo help the Village become more business friendly. Given nif:'levels, me comprehensive painew could be performed incrementally by so-how so arem, Over the navy several years. Alternatively, if fire Hoard wants to make this a sllcner-term priority, the Vill age could hire cnnsukant to perform the review and reserve Of me during code and associated lemons of the Chun ad Development Coca (I life 12), Create a lively and accessible downm ten. on-Going1ong- term (8-1 o years). Continuing efforts to redevelop the mmmercdu areas along Wooln and Lehigh into a Transportation Goa: The industrialazeaswtll be supported by tzansporraHoninftaserucnue Which van Positively cancribare to she industrial area's valor, operatlans, and appeal. Sivittandayd able freigreis integral mmtlay'smznufacm. =.nghusinesses. Motion Grove hndustred b risings as generally uNize cracks ever most fret alit carrier motley, in resting Nat local and regional track and other freight tamspormtion neetvorks are =on shut to the future Of these pulppriai areas . In addition to t he movement of goads, memrfaauzem valu a rite movement of people, specific ay their employees. Sh did i ccupancyvehicles are me most frecroom commme mode Orrthe industrial areadviddiers, especially N the a Do Chem industdai area. Decreased usage of autwmddgpd and effective surywoes in mold -modal tramvhaa Ian almmanves can help reduce automonEa congestion and expand access to a isrgerlabor Pool. nndarTake atra+ pormtr'on needs assessment Mid- peso[ di 7press). To an curAykA6 roof muse travel behavior,' business needs, and develop a framework to o3er almmadve nansportation oar ms, a transit needs assessment should be performed Stich an assessment should beanderraken through pannersh!ps between Pace, the Viliand the Chamber, the Economic Development Cmmmiss!on, or in a suggested local indnstral Dusf ties s tlisma association. The assessmentAdd!d survey employees and businesses to identify mays it needs and develop Concern for providing more diverse mobility options. Depending on the level of support rho ran be Processed by she entices named above, oe completion ntz canto prmntm assessment rould r squire oe hiring of additiozui empomrystaHor consukant [orehe assessmencphases antl zeallocadov of staff[ime oz Iihing of additional saH i'or ion g-terzn operation antl impletronmtion. Improve andpromaee thetrnrwporeafion network Long- [emy(iimiscom. The needs assessment can reveal travel needs and paeems and may prompt discussions to change cnmspoaation behavior, setvi cry, iriresrruaum, znd markedng to ultimately eatlivemetrausitnetworlc The fogowingare suggescedimprov emencsmbe included in such discussions amongtfanspomadon partners and the Village of Me non Grove, the Chamber. err the suggested loci IeDA. a MOdi/icrctiomesoexisringroutes. Niorme[ion from the assessment can help . .. motliF.canonsmoeeaisdng TAand Pnce busrwve.^mc -u . schedules. The needs assessment may help model altereaffirm mutes, Candriso. and transportation apehons that cmAromde unproved mobility to lhoulti er NITUN worsen, brit on a scale :hoc is efficient erns emnomittl. SunnottincinHnctnrenern imnm.x+.......r.� livery cOm vrdi and residerrial downtown district is advantageous for the industrial areas. Raworm downmwn Cinder offering eateries, goods, services, and limas mg vrrs'n walking distance of me !oticstrial area is an amenity trial can'neip retain and attract industrial businesses end talent. Arms same came, mmanlal empieryees are potential cestomersro business and occupants.orresidenceswithinthe redevelmpmenr area. The departure murder, me souedem Indusmai area and the proposed tom men area creates the basis for a refund SVmbeci re!perncip'consent the two drecooswhichisbeneficial totheviaage. -' The Monon Grove DDC antl /cr Chanabercanhelp expioremareetingantlpromotionai pmgmmsfbrfumredrnvnmwn businesses. Forexample, (uturedovsnmwn businesses could afierismarial employees discounts, special rewdM programs, or promorionai ev suchas "L dust rid!➢ aye "wieddiscoentedimms.orotherrypes ofspeciW rogtzms. EttNanccpark andopan apaceutOity. LongYer»e (£- soyeea). Theopenspace within the Forest Preserve can also be a valuable amenirymthei ymo nial areas. Open space provides f rru dnal,aesthenc,and mo c utodind relief frommemucem, Lnpervious surfaces, and hate edge, found in industrial romps es. Srunf othe Proposed down mvm area, p arks and open space can help retain w a atrraa intlusmal busv:essen and nlenf. Employees eanenjoy the benefitsofnicks and been Peace for recommin rimq thetr lunch and oft work hours and also potentiauy use [mils and pedestrian paedsin thevrivem commute The Forest Preserve Distinct of cook County is inrereredL iraeasinquses antl morknom widtra its system. As pan of this oucreach effon, the Forest Preserve Duda is sundow working in partnership until several communities toachheve this objemve. The Dsera has recently granted permits for spores and recreation leaguesin aescusped involved varied in resmmtion clean -up efform, displaced bend an and morels Mundemacam, and implemented other effon's to increase traverstand rearm in volt ryes. Declare pact mauenges, case crecommended tidethe [Triple obscures its eHom to work with the District to enhance the uc!llry of me op on space Climb anprograswings volunteer effort and vreilness events. Eeuaby impoaant to me unary of the open space is its accessibility. As rated above, there are a number of key iitems= cmm gaps that reduce the III 0iryto take advantage Of SC Paul Woods and Miami Woods as an amenity for the, PLAN mial area Netvmrk gaps occur On streets maintain ad by ID OT (Cakmn Street) and Marvin Grove (L!ncein Avenue, Lemon A venue, Natchez Avenue) at ong ve in Forest Preserve Distrf a laud Therefore, the V W age will continu a to encourage In oti; ID OT and ffie Forest Preserve hard tc to improve thesecomocnona including the possibility of ccst model a No improvements wh ere appropcaes. vianeeof MORTON aanVCwop,vreutAaeas ew. ndeal the need [Or;tvasemrmre improvements each as sidewalks actions shelters, which help mantle connectivity and add appeal to various imperialism options. Partners' Partners far this pipe of improvement would Lrd ids the Northwest Mumdpa!COrlference. wbichvrovidesfunrlingior such lmprovernentnmprodgh their Surface Trznsparatlon Program (STP). . Vanpodaupitimmustree dintittttvanpoolingprograms (TmdiMonaiVanaool, Employer Shuttle, and Mena Fee der) may also appmpriamty address the issues ended in the transportation needs assessment. The madh ono! Vrepooi is designed foryig employes day I've and work In similar areas and rave similar schedules. in this program, one of the participants is a primary driver of a Pace van and an ddem pay low monthly face which ewers the van maMteroncetimes and associated es gnu ea. In consider, me Employer Shuttle allows vans to be leased to Push voided 0 arm IS 0 or group of businesses forwork-relatectmeasnements for a flat neoptmyfee. Eirauy, the Mmm Feeder permits a Pace Van to be parked at aaddy, Seddon near a work site, enabltnggt3 parmpants to as me co nett from the Mein Started cc door try move wied a purchase of a Meta monthly pass or to -ride ticket as well as Rat monthly ere. Tltis program could be initiated though data coiieaed @ore the assessment by the CF.araber or the eggested local M A in partnership with Pace. Ridesharingpogrom . A decOnfareprOg mmention mrsdayeas wed similaro: iglu and designations and may also be a piaunble and advantageous rranspmrtatfon improvement. TheFacedide5harecpre websirepmvidesa &ee matchingservice Add can be prompmdto Communes by rite Chamber Cache Prudential tocid mDA is petmetshipvnth Pace. Carsharingprogrnmc Car- sharingpmgmmsurhasl -GOantl Zi ?carmayalso be beneACial tone Monon Grove htdnariW areasvtd adjacent fummdmvntmm area. Such programs can be utiized I yinducmW humpback met have a limited need fora c Dany car dissident TO industrial ages who need a cOnvearimt connection Noma m mnlocanon(such as altetmsation) than iedivicauchummor This program m W tl be facuicated by she intlividual 'businesses, the Monon GZwe LDC, the Chamber and /errthe sugges[xl loratSHDA. MarkeNng.Informacon gathemdrhrbugh the aseessmemcanbeustdmteiior marketing campaigns for employers and empl eryees interested in vmmotng non - edtseoilmoivbiidieutW m addresses, TOO Chalaromeryind me suggested dr cgW couldbetacaieatedby [3DA vadvagorcc horas/ngnrodv. A growingrumber of businesses across the region am sensibility expand the presence of workforce makerignear their business loco on. The Chambernrdtesuggestet l iocalSH➢ ACVUldwodcwishbushtessesrountlersrantl m owhichfi,m seeamtsmatch bervenninc bosomy and housingcoo or eerrentt behalf of their eaployees can reach out m the Meaop of itch Pi mnmg Council (ACCT, which has assisted mar000mmumnes on n :dyer- assisted housing issues. Dependingom the level ofsuppertrttatcan be? ervided by the Champed the Manor. Grave COO, andtor the suggested!fcalIBD$time sucmearth implemenmrion of the action ms bared above may require allocation ofadditional re sources by the crikere,!ome fame ofadd!donatsra[f(mmpoanycr Schfome), reallocation of evsdng mae0trom other reforms, andtor bir!ngofeonsulvants. Regional Recommendations Given the benefits deregional partnerships and activism, Oi$ plan also presents rerlonai recommendation ch s at are Temporal to ram the tillage achova its vision aiacdve and compeLnve!ntlustral other In contract to the local recommendations, these mendatlons morrieeinmr govemmentat hunmor+ms par, emb, potentiniv here hual orM Village and ae!eadmortM areas, are beyond run tUdlage'sconarotAdd purview. As ears, the fcrnowing rerommevtlanms should o e supported dRo d implemented by local, - regional, and regional pamrerz. As one of the many regimes Franchise, CMAP too to some of role mobo! ees for ed bather. An mm m implevanon timeline is not specified ifor Drove action as may are dependens on amilmade,ofcancer, scare, or other agency hurtling and leadership. however, the Or ages voll need to support and pan yelps te in the initiatives impeachments presented below for them to be, successful Develop a enanufucriringbusinesrconsorefumnoth other indusr need businesses and communities motion the near north submarket The formation of anufemurin g business mnsorteum represents a series of panncreep s Throughout me ..umemnl t The objective Of the consardun would bet, effictoldir, ... represent me submarketwIIidn the greater (!dcago reglun, andprovideleederahigguidance :and services within the Container. Batch is anaagregamd list of The COMO vum's potenvib mmces and £unarms. • Pmvidingmfotmational and industry resources to businesses. •MaintaWng, n' rengtieertting, andpromo [ingmarkefwodeforcedeve!opment. •EdNmMgand.pidmgall pmperryownersthen enengyeF.'.cienryand tenewable enentylop res. •PamicipatLnginvegional indusMaliritianves. • C ompreihensiveiy reviewing mrd¢outes. tt is recommentled rhanff such a consortium is developed cad imarced byhe ccnnry, state ororhezmanuaauring- relaredagencytiracazepresenmtivefmm tole Vivage of M.onon GrevecoWdpariseason an this group. Socha representative could be spurred fromthe st aid, Chamber Po atlagennesnod r/tohrentereted localindeusmnb luudsienesCook County and The Nononven Mun[pal Conference, the coprnok mirmvereem eais (COG) for Me area. Iris R , oared that me consortium would have a steering contained that can depermhe, osser, and canablsh the overall seat of the consortium,where the tour communiries and heir businesses woNd be represented Potential Ardembred can Id mdutle creaxihhg a veld - membership cf nsorrivm, which would require businesses m vutAOmF MORTON GROVE INDUereNt AREAS P LAN gain enayiom the darrom !um iharch a octa lrO nu ent Membership- gandrumd Maintain and sbmgthm warkfomedevelOpm t Tile robust and aaessible evenuesalongvnth oeherpublic Emdingsouaes can beutliized mfundmeconsonium 's workfare development programs available to MOnon Grove atdEae Eacromoer are staff. Member coormuntener or Devoted to serve on the board Ofdirectonewhich would ovgthe area'agr'eetestassms.Atthougb these programs can heap meet me men be the official deosion- making body of the orgatuzatioa. evolving skills and e° ^ ngneeded by today's mantcmmuengbusinesses, may are not The lnduscrial Council ofSmareasc Chicago GONG) isa Mat model for such an yet cmnecredwith major employer:. ApazmersNpamongmthechambers in[he region organization The lCNcorovides servic overa,000 cOmpaMes m(Tabogres Near orthe suggested business consorcummuld rake tine lead to better coordinate these West Side. It is funded Through membership fees, and other sources which include programs and provide keyconneaens to majorette Cole Ctry of Chicago Department of Primerica And Droelooment (DPD), State ofthatoes Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), the Eleanor Foundation, Public Allies, and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LIST). Anatherargmrizrtion battle Golden CorridorManufac indEg Group(GCMG),whichis a group ofmanufarnsers OngI -9f inthenorthwestregicnof tole Chicago metropolitanarea. ItRom estab!thed coq to :xpresene and organize twrufaau ring in tlhe area CMAP's LTA pmgraa zrentlyassistitrg GCMG m expandirtgantltlevelopingworEfonedevelapment pzogramsanaresovmes. CreaNOnofa Regionatlndur[ ryResourceCmter .3ndvetial bvsinesseswichim tsenearncrthsubmarkeecanaisobm :efitim regicraLeseu :cecenrerforvarying operational, workforce, business, andfinantlalneeda.Shni3arxo Cie local resoune mand suggested abov e butwith an expanded scope, this regional ce Mrw Mu serve sagateway TOpubticfinancialand businesspmgram0 including more offered by the Editors D epatanmt of Commerce and Economic Opparncrdry (D CEO), Cook County, and The member govemmenn In able tiogthis center could link businesses dies he r. rmfe network efventuee capital and private egtr!ry firms specialised inuunufiautirrg workforce develupmens progatne and providers, as well as consrltanes and n on- profits in the area chat can provide businesses wih growth. Demonsiw, paductearty supply chain aanagemenr, and other related business concerns. Seveml ben Model connexions and Thempre s can me found within the onbmarket's mdsting indvanial businesses. Alteough the businesses am speech him,,t hely have tint ered shaped p amounts, mope ologies, and challenges which tatr help lead to . avanon, efficienry, andadvancemenT. I, or an indnsmal business producing fabricated morals and enhane grotivcing paper have vaned oumunce but am likely to both have maravrable research and development (R &D) stages in dteirprocesses and could pot enrially ben eGt from abroad RBD resources that to, loan to on. Identifying and imptemennngsuch Aftembndusty application is economical and nenefidal. The recommended becomes s consortium or a cmraparable partnership among local C=m poll At to both third this role antl p rovide Do on services ter the con on near each submarket Etldorser rtnaPYorcyroYarh' owners in theirefJoris on mergyaff�ciencv and rmewablemergyopNOns. lduyofrheiMusrrial buudiagsin MaROn Grove and the Near of the near north schnnothred room built in The rakes and 1070a. The older b Talent amock represents an eppormmW to help current occupants reduce energy cormuchm antl costs, making The trashing building stock and ocmmyrogbusinesses more competitive.. The proposed business mils artiumor a compamblepar tnership amens munitlpalides can uncertain iNOtinauce support, and help indusvreel businesses radical dinaligh patch NO improve weirenmgy Armom a, and uMi nm of renewable angry. Such stand are. descrlbedbelow: • Performing araaudit Audits are generally the Mat step in The path towarres enetgy effitlencyand can help- bu!lding owners asseecthe energy, and Mgt saviagGa patepthm improvements before anymodifiacons are made, Orwell as ldmdfvf tiding opportunities. For lndumrial businesses, audios generally tend to Ibok affighr!n g on onalsymems. antl rM1e Wildingtotargecoppommines fo eenerpj +rfhcienry Businesses an cpimea tviTh representatives at Ne v[itiry compardes (GOmEd antl North Share Gas) to identefy appreepreace comparries to per fora the audits and ensure mnenv eopportunioiesapeappropdat elypairedmthework eheyre<ommentl. • Implenrennngn retrofit't'lteaudit will identify energycores ervatioemeasures (ECMS) antlapnletableunliry IR2 eivesprogmms. Examples otenergycortservation. ea inclutlelighimgandfixtureupgatles . instavingoeeepanrycontois antlbui TherutervePon to upgrades. Becaoaeuenman becommetherenexgy reduction !ncmrtive pogrdms to meet dente requirements and beause made cencvesesangehomyearmvca omEadand NOrrrAlMoe Gascompanies vrould he the nest source of information on incentives antl programs for ECMS and other audit recommendations. a /rtagynNngrmewnblaerterga., Once buildings have reached their opnmsl mrergy effrenry More, N roes can also look into emegtavngrenewable energylnfmstumhre into Their buildings. Such oopnmm!nes are mast chat effective when imam! led three the building has reduced its energy cotvsumption As much as possible, ensuring the renewable energy upgrade TO not oversized forthe modlugs needs, Hremplea of oppfnuzd;iesinduderhe installation cinassivesoiarmnri<+n�+.�.. rte...:::_,..;._ added ldng'swatersapply. In addinonm or Independent from, irrf srmaura msrallamors,containel grope yowners may than' be Lnverested!n purchasing .enewable enezgysour[es or gre shown r. Interested phaddecum can aheck for resources listed onrhe Dasmare of State Incentives for Reoewab!e and lificiomy OSIRE) weosf2° The sate-evel decred officials amen good resource detestation sucYtprogsms. • Evalaalingtleimp/ emrneatiov ofcombined heat andpower (CRP) yyYems, Lessem.anuffambachighmsmeades should discuss the prevalence of combined heat and powe:(CHP) looddre antl r m chef asidmiyof. nsvalotion. CHP emo escan only meg b be feasibly implemented aca- Failloss su as hostione, nnvernmes, of large manuacmarlvgpianrsthat can both afford the cost of their own power generation on,, also have Fee demand to coastme what is produced. Vuretre feasible, me CHP does prov!dea significant' energyerN. cienrvbene6rs. Traditional powerplants emirwasts . heat to the carbon environment through measures such ac cooling towers dulan g the electrical generation pfocess.la intrinsic CHP sy¢temscapmre and utlilzetbe canal energy dreingthe electrical generation process thereby generating continence, nd chairman energy from one We!mirmi. Addimmada CHP cogeneration systems tend to minor on -site instead of at a remain power p lant where electricity has to tnvei longdistances overrsmsmissiantines '. Up carrier dsoftheenergy protluned in amp ea can telan iorhe dsv ciLshouio the enduse:ansine enetwprodvmon funkier mammiaes energy eft henry Oomprehma velyreoiew ckroures. MotionGrweandmidthercemmurecas within the cearmrth ioduslobbb suhntarke[ have created crack routes, whether by explicitly namorgparmarair road engineers as appropriate for tracks or by prebib!ting ruck usage ofterrain roadpANeu ingm mass routes anon oftrvtit rottee,ldon ifylvg sually displaying, and undemanding ranee routes and deft mmteaions m rain pother s challenging Cynseenently, ehe business consottium ors comuarable baanemhip should assess the micerepriaabtimedtrucsrounes anacreaceacoaraws, comprehensive, well- marked network of truck routes and comremans. This nidnUVe shauidbe perfarzned N conjunction vAth the Illinois Deneitmem of iranspon'ation and Cook County. Cook County's Parmanillfor£rchoerity: An Pconornic C- rowrh.6cNOn Agenda for COOk Counryr mponernahasizes ce. importance ofmaintainurg a complete network and recomments increase Cmurs, establish a'biretxorofTraffic 5eevices "who coulduvdrxeke proJeasm was °colleboadongwlth municfpaudesm opevnize the County's truck zcuresP'= 14 'AAhAph trt,v, _Lswdo.vl,eht Cmei rv.,..c- t, t -- it C114 C11111Y Caimtl l it ECOhotta A m.lm.c(Apt 12013)ith rro ch hopvay: nn fmoomm GOwth "I", Apse ar C... C.oA cook E Par[inpaeein regonaf industrini initiatives. industdal'ouelnesses we[hn Morton Grove and the nezr north m hmzrkex are imps sad by regional freight mfmstmcmn issues CMAP's GOTOioga+wdthe reeevdyreleasetl hmghec]¢tter Dr!(! -Doan report Dude Nat freighx is nomNy imFonan¢'o the region, but n'vae freight demand will snbstandallyincrease werzhe nexcw ...o address scchissues mllaboa tivey,GO RG ZO¢ozecommevtls e.�plor!ngxhc establishrvent ofagovemancestnaavre ,suchass FreightAt'domiry,toidentify, freight mobOrm issues, guide investmene, and advocate an fousumf Ne region. OInn' has established a Regional Freight Leadership Task Force (Freight Task Force) which Includes public, ptivete, add other each stakeholders involved in freight and hic mareacer aure. The Freight Task Force analyzes pomntial m1hreons to the mrsiPlex issues of arialimprom betwee weight sakemewre gyve.. and Unneed farraven .o support the development ofine freight mobility system inn &s Chicago metzopoflint. area, ana odust a reconunerrhown to the CMAP Board onfurzher steps. Attention to the outcome and recommendations from the Freight Task Force roaid be heirml`mr[hosemissionaries in rho bear north submariner. Aleader artand me suggested business mnsonium should review and separate to my conson!am key!deas from the Freight Uses Force. Participation in regional icitiat!ves may also provide examinations ferfurchad, causrgy and gmwd' For example, the va me tsiry of Illinois, the Ninols Science and'Ceoenotogy Collat et,industry leaders and other makeholtlers were recently awarded funding for le Lalos, adig! W- mzatrtaauzingoed:nologrresea[ch cen[erta beiycatedin Chicago The h:ndingvms pan of me Nano pers perpro mfo[Manui'a2unnglcuiova[ron, dominance ty eta b ti rah a three new mabufatt-uring formation tiledmtes with a federal commitment ofq coo 1pn across shoes? @deral agendas. The nemnyahsubmarkemouttl benefit from such regional development. Section Four: Viral Monreucmvewel AREASPIAN Table 4.1. Short-term Recammendations (od years) mmendation Subsection lead' (Partners• Action Steps Requirement of Village Staff Re. e pa r[orrsM1lps with anomie Growth MG start antl CDC CDC, thus I lntlusl of trial businesses. -Hold regular badness breakfasls Reudiereslimltetlellocatonot Vlllagesmff if 'antl pmVerty {pnruLtantl vse keyinvustria nand dudestv ours n 'a aeerinA p 1 hip ith Emnerno Growth BIGsID(I L tb uslro Yealadve H Id q IM6mkms. R ial fate brokers. bmkerstl imitedaloc 1 of V'Hope star, Record and track broke¢' reetlbeck time antl eu6os 9 9 ketcsomfornsfurniture th I'd (' lSirowtb MG Stoll antl COD Local lno Ibusiness'r CDC f t tbllshmnt k DA. carehaltown a' Dependent uponeve r (stance do CC, r el business disMct - Servead a liason between[RDA and or EDCGis would require more sontpont ebon. KGrp�tfiMG m niy_ ago s2lvllmeantl tluliezor hallof mu is brzino oRemporaryshH ody the function of Economic CrowN MGCop LVed indoor al Property -trends information Cllto ak Courtly Cass 6b on RepuimsllmltetlanocaYionof Vllage atmn. ners pmperryown2 tau time and dudes. as needed. when on p,pcess[o amleve -0ss6 agpLCatipns a,e M14daaszabrabi b states ln awareness of Economic Growth MG V1aN,MG EGC CMAP al Initiatives that support -0elermine dre lal conversional for Dependent upon level atfouniation nog growth antl uAr senIDtiva or loDA (r m ed) pheinllaOe by EGCrepresen4ativa etM/nr IBDA (i( pmal - coTClpent end review rrrial mad]; may wool some relonahl fincensons and documents Village staff time and Julies or irking addltm is Yf op anlndestnol Land"" and MC hour ape Dl Local industrial besineow, - Gather data throlrgfl Col and Initial developmentwourd require PmpedlesmvenIDry. Development vrnpert y owners bmxers. eyo, soff eOld Dinners. yignn¢- enrseaglocaaon aDevelogdalaraza otsaHl[mo, Hiring and pmiearonamae. pf re you *vs;arCmeior;rmnmement a,pn EDCfV rence amlamabdrevme - aeaase raoe Vklage database andlmrted zael�eam flows , with uliU asslsmwfrom EDC. Door sod le novel rated Use ano MG Coal detdow Development Staff r Gai noustr el dri nesses Gatler data through completes print deroul ll readocrour hoarsen . Meetings ,s rveys, and chose of Villose 'Taff time or of temporary calls. staff Periodically inontdm and raNSe Maintenance reunion limned a lrovat6n awsa of vfuage staff time and duress of -a ^ C dul ABC Cup BDA G worker Displacement L 1 p t d R r .an pr VillageataH rudd t [ arid duties . structure o co ce -C modfireMOb Manuel stmcmratoenaudge inno vestment 11 iOo "I ry Cr...u.., orride or too e.ono D aa- nsil rprimic .BDP_in ousil suarldrosinhem, stupid, you n r hL fe plc, Table 4.2. Mid -term Recommendations(4Vyears) Recommendation Subsection Lead• Partners Action Steps Requl ent of Village m eStaff 'I Create whoostry resource End I, GmwP MG Res rce mina- land Ilse and Development stoH,COC, anU /er!EDA(if Puhllc -Determine canter's scope of Tissues fees level downtown !armed) consultants and panned floviciod . of eaustria: busieesses C LI EDC for E vibrant and accessible Partners Arby coC Pro 'O -le fuyapprepdatepardep lBDA (If form em:may gora'e act tln the des goated scope of Raycoatbn c VlllaBeztaifFme Services are tlutles or addtl!onai stall. 9 d Update r g land Loss and Development MG staff TRUTT tl'Fr4 to ensure compatibility ecserfaressez and properly Rev p mo cdtl¢ nelaborations" on c with 'parent uses ndme rs aw evauteammodfvcodeaz of Vlnagezentricandaunes bar imaf!ty of deand businossex needed or ranged for a consultant . End associated gremtfi . itease delsch000l harriers toot. urecraff, a transportation Trammel MG staff Pace EC Co - Develop steps to century v r r m -Villa u Iphalo ' -- Initial, D p nn .ease aodportanioc i(If formed) t vzvkeho]de. tin t t U I. e of rt P ton bvP ®,ca network IRDA oraeszez, Rod 5 eryt pad tar (DC a/ ie3A<rf w); Of form@) Pace. NWMC, and inner R t m t y "QUIP, nuing e -sod transportation partners Lose werecords t p y t rr IW+it p .asst to t'. d ponsportaffer, inforoverenday to stall( seeress Issues n,rmg pf admHnnalsfavlm mnearrm ape2enn ape Immem <nreenn. rA",e c.worronD ,y nnba-ojC crca, EDL: MOrten Grin +e GAnom -.D rrloymrn: Can na?DA- ivdv "!6 - sesmr .o,.nnon (propured) SPEARS GE maaaoM PROVE INDUSTRIAL AREAS awn Table 4.3. Long-term Recommendation fA-ID years) Recommendation Subsection Lead• Partners' Action Steps Requirement of Village Stall Resources Ge ilvelY and eccesible land Ilse and Development MG stall Pehato tlovelepers,loal downtown LonMUC to Lmplement plans PeoWres alwcaticrol eaustria: busieesses C LI EDC for E vibrant and accessible Village shelf [me and duties. downtown -Cnamberdicel Promotional Programs for downtown Enhance and concede Dark one [and Flse and Develepmem MG S-aff TRUTT en space daily and]DOT - Develop Programming, Reduied aUeceson of Vlilage vufvnteer eEOh; and events to staff time and dupes antl ingena ova one Direct, partic]pa6en Ly BPOcC and itease delsch000l harriers toot. - Develop steps to century xma¢y harmers Improve and promot¢nensif aodportanioc MG staff. EDC COC, and/or Impanel m aAxsesc*nding: network IRDA oraeszez, from, Depentlenh: Pon level of Of form@) Pace. NWMC, and inner transcending needs pe[bCipahcn by CO C, I80A G! transportation partners ess meet blamed) and oD[ may reyvre -Evaluate the pceards; reahappon ofstaff time and ponsportaffer, inforoverenday to duties, additional temporary seeress Issues staff anNor mnm0ant 'm6:MOr L CCC_{ .cry Care ('vim J Capsy SIRC Elderly or. G accuranneac "Cur Someone 'fm .on, IDUA- d�xrraL.uairsd}i: o ^ (r PLPTCC£ t punster e ogCLUck County, IDOEET l D lanmrnro T. .9mTni'(on, jVW CAdeffMtvosr El ConJ'etmnee 5 °ainn cr_ Appendix The Vntage ofMOrron Grwe was awarded a pumy al assiaance gram to Needle an i ad cod ial areas subarea plan from me Chicago M erropolitan Agency for Planning's (CMGP) Lo ®1 Technlce I Assisranrz (LTA) program. A sigd( cant feature of CMAP'. LTA program is She ccmml entm broad -based public twou omedur The hook riatmhng projects that result from the program's competitive application process we strengthened by me engagement of residence, business carvers, and other local stakeholdem, in ?aR:wtaSthe LTAnrogamfocuses on Ooeb reachLCg andinvolvingintlivitlualsma tare tmditlonally herder to reach and underepasented in Pending processes, including fate iz:comeperspns,minotltie s, non - English speakingpersons,andpersonswlth disabuties. This app eadie provid es a summary of the steps taken m enga f e me Morton Grove communiryinhe planningprocess. Developing a Public Engagement Strategy The LTA program strives to fornulete a public engagement approach that is muered to each LTA commutdry, This way, IS auto CMAP and Village staff can set on [reach goals for The proffer, and keep black of me effectiveness of various was tepee to determine what is Subarctic for furore pvb:IN engagement This approach IN caotwoul in a docomtut sailed a "proje t (n rsaxit strategy" (PROUST), which des Tribes outreach faces and amviiies as They align wick the treys of the prod ea scope. The PROUST is a maveab to document That can and shouted be updated Throughout the project, according to which methods are effective and which target groups dimbAT furher outreach efforts. For the Village o£ Moron G rove, rids PROUST domrnent was Pope Crow by background research and initial centered offers with the Vill age sidffvtd other Now stakeholtlers. The fu dal seeps in developing the public engagement wrafef, for Morton Grove were: to piedn duping a romprabodowe list of the key stance sirens to involve in meplamdm Proceed to fl no our or at types of pit blio perforation had occurred In FEE ePUage prior to this ptmetxUse Figure afar a Thevennviefbroec); to team more about he vemogep ELI cs of The community, and (see Figure z for a reledidyearksheat). From this background research the inumI nirrnino n.roo Front RAT ....,� A.,.a....a VIJ AGE OF MORTON GROVE WaaARAI AREAS PLAN establishing an ovemmhinggoW that the project's public ouv achwmdd draw court a wide ofpe le with different Find erstandurpe of and preferences about me future of he communitv.Basedon Village goalsfoatheplan, the teamf tit Itwasimporarutc reach industrial area businessespropeiryovme[ s, sawee As residems..SUpplemenrary aaaeach included burwes nor limited to: real estate brokers. market experts, add workforce muelopmenr providers. The Morton Grove induaniaf Flreaz Plan bud Video by a steermgcO -m . of representauves from the Plan COmmia siORZON Rig Hoard of Appe W a. The S teenrius Committee Gleeful and confirmed Cie wdoSwT Mr reyry winworkerdas a aeMaid boa to to Peter Village and CMAP staffthroughadrme process. How Public Input Helped Shape this Plan Deveinping aM executing a PROUST helps to ensure ther the plan itself serves as a Id ide AP mil' refiernthe community's desied There were many instances Throughout the public engngemerttpro�ess wham srafffook into account srakeholtlem'feeaback and devearkor strampus; to address these conscious, SNAP scoff amp Toyed vazious engagemenr eEOrs to redeye public oninicrvs and feedback Face- to- face commuacaxionconsistendyprovetlm be one of the NOn successful ways TO gather in put and identify kevstrenghs and weaknssses for the Morton Grove mtheartel Arms Plan. A few cent ral themeswere mnsiucculy brougheup through conversations with stakeholders. Representativesofpublic and Pulses cry- artizamns and businesses voiced Free needfor In¢usmal meevniopment and inhe8mu maintenance in order to keep and attract new businesses and increase empiaymerd and tax revenue forth¢ccmmunty. Key considerations oftF.e Plan incutle recommendations for epnmal fart use, industdai development said mdevelon=tlt, and industrial business attraction, retention mid growth. Anther cenumntheme heard was related to transportation and the counum,rys ssibiGty to maiOrtrdnsportaden modes including the Moron Grwe Meard Station, r ce, and cache orormiry to the roes ere[ system The plan makes a number or no endadorrs m seaport emittingiaTasnuctum , uses and its development. PRITho opinion arui feed back — discussed both defingiaterviews and a vorirmints— shaped each sector, of me Plan and am romi cad in theoolicies per forth. Lessons Learned. The Vnlage of Moron Grwe strives TO maintain a baidra e between The mined population of residents and businesses ownem in the community. To distance an inclusive p Ian[ mat serves he needs of all stakeholders, it was important had he plarming process so ring both gaups into the plamun f conversadoc. To do rldsNiLLage safe cad CMAP me rinsinfoumanon at nigh tmfnc locations and capping Into corcumnan wing iced Theo idea team found that direct, personal Togas and traditional methods of such as ep hone That antl makers proved to he more sco cssi in reaching rel hing keystakeludders and business rnvnegs. Additionally, it was found that developingpamtersfups between intergovernmental departments, agencies antl meant cations and j oinsly reaching out to the community s an effective may of drawing aaentOn to the plan and gaidng aaendance at oubitc meetings. Therefore, is is f rmuaended thanrhe Village ofMOrton Grove and key rgmnizaxiours continuem e awcrkingrelationship vdih key bumness owners, and esidonrs for furore planning processes. Outreach Tlterevrezeswerairaean ' cationandprojeaawa .•eressituouglrnm tie onT.Tlm dwelonment of the plan: de sans and posmards ,face —ttrfice outreach and dome web-based commuaicarioas and small updates and tea rk main. ITT advance of the oubui an eerings, CMAP staff placed posers antl postcards at highly visib in locations tluoughouc the VGling month fing; ISOppy's Pancake House; St. Manna's CF.nrch,and Monrm Grove Pazk Disns,PUblic Library,and Village Hal: People receive irrfn mmnm i'i a variety of ways; m bin aden ouneadt efforts bush traditional news media and ounce web -based media were applied in this prof erx. no breach team, consisdngofthe Village of Motion Grove antl CMAP si ... media advisories, emailed lasers to local business and property owners, and uul! eetl social media m inro k u ni The project, receive input and to promote and remind people of upcnmingevenrs. CMAP sin @Developed antl nminczined a pmjeaweb ales (vxnv,cmnp.inimis.gw/ morron - gTcAO for the Motion Grove lndamnalFA as Plan where stakeholders could find Scandal infarmation about the nuclear and cocombogevens. Tote VNage placed lmDm ation about upcomMgmeesmgs off vheirV.ilagewebsire, logivi ok page, cable access channel, and sent an electronic email antl newsletter blasts to their man dung business antl pmpeny owner contact Ise Omer Face book pages were utilized m posting ixiforzneti nn abom upcoming meetings indntling. Pamhe om, Moamar Gmve Library Chamber of Commerce, Morton Grove Community Aelanores, Eap py's Pancake Kovse, and me M on'on Grove FarmeYS Marks page. In be effort to keep pazecipanis hformed ofprojeaupdares, email addresses evere captured at each public meeting. These email addresses were added to the Plan's master database of contacts at the of each meeting so mat panidnens would continue to receive project uptlm'es. me Opera and als u div rushed with the board and staff sirengme, weaknesses, and an overall vision for the industrial areas. North Shore Sertiar Center CMAP s2R attended an event far senors residing in She commuury in the Morton Grove Civic Center on fund un aide. At this event, CMAP passed out maps of the Industrial antl Eacilim <edaconversationregaNingthe saengchs, weaknesses andvisirm.for N eindvsmalarrs. The fotiowinglist highlights comments and brat received from patchannts. Strengths: The Village's assistance andwiltingness to workwldb changeling newindidenal bu=t. es . Entry cransnobxavion a¢ess via mxjor stress . Close proxiadry to Eden Expresav+ay Weaknesses: .Agingbuudings anaweak iu4astrurnre .Impact Of Cook Cntmty tad ayseem compared To neighboring conanunitle Vtchato . Provident stable and base yr hourdems =.d for Increased services . Mabnain cormnemad and indvIvn al areas Key Person [ntecviews In orderto gain funherinsight into the issues and opportunities that exisforMOnon s indusmalareas .CMAPstaffandmeadpareasn VelmaS conviction As rof es, Inc�.and Chicago Jobs COUmril conducted interviews bevweendvnngihesumm erof vim severs! key stakeholders throighon[ he community. Comactvras made to every business m Monoa Gmve, slang wiM several brokers, pmpetry aw:tets. workforce development admbusaarobs chmughpMne cabs, enaJS. antl /or lasers. inuviauals or groups interested participation represented a widevariery ofinteresca and Perspectives, andprwided keeninsight into the industrial Rings iPJresenmtmVR Scott, ThefollowingmmpabUes and cliff erentdepanmenrs panidpaietl indte sak ¢holder inmzviewpzocess. .American LandmarkPropemes, Ltd. eAwnvl .Ci 'Collins Public Engagement and Results Tneplannsgprocessforihe Morton Grweindu smalAreas Plan included interviews withkeystakeholders ,meetings vnnc�heEUCVtive Cr bar cf Commerce Board, PlarudngCOmmissicn /ZOningBOartl of Appeals,Advisory Commissiononpgibg, andtwo public vmrkshops. Since the Ivan of the community engagement process in May of hoe, over !ISO residents and streamlined; have participated. labial Public P rt. ,nation Numbers Public Input Opportunity V IIg fM. rtenC B d.T [ei Meeting sr pc nmery meetngs - -b deb Perron Infi �Awa Motlon Gmve Chamber nl CO ce and Industry MeeYinq MIZ Advlinry Cgren'swn en Aging Meeting Kick off PEWS Meeting Industdsr Areas Meeting ana Networking 2reakhst(2013) IndushiatAras Meetingana Networking RreaNyt(2014) {ril3age of Morton G rove Ha azd of lteatees Meetirtg CMAP met wion the Mage Boars ON Feb rut ry r3, zmy to innnduce the Industrial Areas Plan remond The porpose of the presenmcion was to lnnodncethe project team discuss the mission of CMAP, highlight me GO TO 1141 Plan. and review the scope of work for the rodeo tlwsAreaspim, SteMng committee Meetings The Magi's Plan COmmfssion/Zoning Board of Appeals serves as The? dusma!lneap Plan's Steering Comm ee. The SteeringCofm ee met muleNie times throughout me planutngprocess re provide feedback and direction on draft project deliverables. The kick- oHSteering Committee meetingmras held anApnl t6, zmz m!ntroduce be steeringcomtn embetsmmeprojeaantlreceivetheiiimbi issues and opponuninesformelndusmmOmas. Dn ApbSfigzm3,the Steerng Commi¢eereviewed and providetl feetlba ckfordueinitiairecommendaxionsfosthedrafr plart .TheymenmeT on Mayrg,ymq[o reviewazttl provide inpumnlne d[aif Intlnsnalgreas P @a Ongngnst vdcF ..mesteerirbGCOmmiaeemokafinal ceviewoftbedocumenr. and recommended the plantvheadovtetl 'nythe HOaedoflTUSrees. Modern Grove Chamber Of COnanerce and I m W say onhme 6, zmz, CMAPStaffmawith aboard andsmffEOm me Morn Grote Cho oeernf Com:e,ercemche Chamber regw'arme tins. DUringthis Ines •'ebg,CMAP Staffdiscussetl VT AGE OF MORTON GROVE wol4t At AREAS Edd .Elder Prooemes .Fearciar .Jewishvocntior services .Newrrurkltnlghrantl Fra ,k . Chnom community College •Repnnal WorkNet Center e Steriingpropeaies .Wng!mcollege .yearn Sob Center ofEvansmn tick -off Public Meeting OnJUtrez6 ,zoggihefirstpublicworkshop fortbe MOrcnn Grue lntlusinal Areas Plar. was heitl az me V illage of Morton drove American Legion M emorial Civk Center from 7 Odto830p.m. Theme mgwas intended m in traduce the plan andplamiegitmcess Robot gnmerioput about issues and opportunities fbrogme industrial areas. Thirteen ttendeesconsistingofresidenm, business w ,mebs,andcommurvryieadersprovidetl chair thoughts and concerns about the e:dsr.ingcmdicions and mmre records,bm and ormal areas in Morton Grove through vivo activities. HeypadPOtling PanicipanID mspovtled m survey questions through an el em'onic real time anonymous urveyio e called keypad poaingto identlfywho was in me room (age, gender, etc) and howfa Mar the participants were with the indusenai areas in The conummiry. The majodry ofandendees gkdAdfied Noemseives as male,whim, residents wino haveilved in MOROn Grweferwerzoyears. Workshopparticipv-bm intlicated [natawwem familiar with the mdustTialareas inmecormnutury. Crushed results am moved birds following charts. WhatisyourgeM¢t4 Female ys�s Male )5d, Howoldamyov? t9orunder 7% zo -34 7°/ ;449 l4 e So 64 43% 6579 al% So crbercer 9% What is yotrr ethnicity /race? (multipe choice) AfncanAmencan American health AsianAmencan Hispanic Pacdtc islander White aria �r¢feruoaoendwer 7% o% 7% o% o6 71% r4% Which afthe following beat represents you ? (multiple choice) Residents qb% Bugrair owner 8% 6lnployed In the Village e Both live and work in the Village. z3% Student e% otnar B% How long have you lived in Morton Grave? 1-43mam 15% 5 -myems 8% n zoyeam >3% Cannuoyears 54% SIR . Serve esaneconomc and crnployrnencbase 6. What am some possible impmvemenm or mategies that can be implemented in industmO areas to help achieve that vision ? (en. Sibmage,larztlscapivg, greerting, lighting, mobllity, energy, water) • Landscnpingmaimm�ance Moresuscainablebuildinnr • lndusnin areas domain in caurent designated areas and do nor miring, on beer adjusted uses Industrial Areas Meeting and NetworWag Breakmst (moral ID orte .. ) engage the larger manufaamrmgand business carom in the Industrial Areas Plan, a meet and greet breakfadrme.evng between local region alma scare c and business deveiopmen [pazmers and the Mtrtov Grov im m e hacnring o' ca. unirywas held on)ttlyv,zot3ffom83oroto :3oa.m_ T1mrAmvingwas helve, TherenindaDpm properv(03ov LesOurneenue)owentaties ndSt cfMOrton Grove. Therewere approximareiy55 business ownem. represenra[ivesantlsmfiin anentlance The pvmose oPtl»s meerng was fn r the manufacturing business cormnuniry to meet BE newly ee¢ed MayorrefMOnon Grove, Daniel Dildram, alongwith key staff and representatives from cofiabomong agencies and organization8—VM2a of Motion Grove, Monon Gone Chamber of Commeme, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Pla:ming, olinois Depzclmem of Commerce and Emnomi c Oppormniry, and the Illinois Manufaaudng Excellence Center —and learn about the va ubbs,A ogmms and services each group offers for business owners and their employees. Anotherimporanro bit curve of the Detecting was to gmherfeedback on Lie opportunities d challenge a the manufa¢ nng business commr Icy believes czar as a means to Better understand and address the needs of the mmmfamuring, pmdu coon and related business community in Henn Grove. The admismos had the opponunlry to Team about core current care of the manufacturing disaia and hear a bout Line proposed recommenoanen, for due Industrial areas. nndustrial Areas Meeting and NetworWng Bmalivat (za tp) Due m the Strong muncet and success Of the imersrial arm smrsoral Lamy III A Villa, e of Monon Grove hosted the second =u AT Lndusmal Areas Martine antl NetworlMg 2reakfas[on iulyrG,zorgnom Agvmlogo a.m, artlte:acanrindnsmal prepare (63oo Lehigh Avenue) banedbefthe ViIGIGa This meeting Book local stakehalde ,in Opportunity m reoiaw and comment on the dra ftlanluseizl Areas plan learn about mviylarenhed VWaotion ram and Invemawirtrfellov ✓mReegues indte manu6cmdng cc body, 55 Now famitim are you with the irrdustrf a) areas in the community? Vuyfu star a5% Familiar Su% :infamiliar 2,5°% Veryurrfamiliar 17% Discussion Panfapan's were asked to individually anv ra workshivicArhamingthese sin .questions and cdllaboradvely shared and discussed their responses in smaller gribos. H group sperampa vsohwed nominr.ed to report back to the larger group on the most Impottamissues discussed ar each table The achmo ng summarizes the top three results r. WhatwordsorphrasescometomiMwbenyouth oftlreindusnial am How do the mean CurmnrlyconMbute to Marcos Gmve ?How do they Complement the esistl tOmmtndry ohmmeter? . Prcvideoppom;niryfvr incrnasetl revenue and tliversirosreve :cue sourms Gvodcoerceofecraboo em . Pinanoavyroduandulniry Z. What are some of the man hs ofee industrial areas? • Btlngemploymrmtandmxrevenverothe comamviry • Green spaces and sv5tainab5iry Locamend 3. What are some of the wealmesses of the indumtlalareas? • Areasareiandlocketl wl thmfinrhetmomfrrdevelovmenr • Agmgbnitlines and inhasrmu re • Lack OfparlYng for some businesses ¢ W haY is your tdsion ar the fmvre of Morton L:rave? • To become aneconomiaJverhmm emearres • To be known as agrear community rework and rase a family • A good and of commercial,indumal and residential properties 5 Howmthe indust[iat meazfitwithinfharvisiov? • BrrengNdrene between the lvdustrialmmmunlryaztdrherea2ofrhe Vibage . Re[a:i:cie chatacrerofrheccrtmuniry el, III TRUST INDUSTRIAL ADDS PLAN Attie meeting,a CMAP represen aeve delivered a brief brecommmal ofthepr fn e¢and Ne local and regional goals andrecommevtlariore If role Wart. Participants had the Opportunity to share rheirinple and ask Village and CMAP Stafrquesrans about the dahpuv. Participants were encouregetlrorevie tv [ hemcommendationsnosters 4er ere presentation and continue to intense input mere Bare apprcxinutely q4 Panaceas overt r, sertmtrves and staff in anenderem. Therecommendattohs posters were set vp at Village Hall afternhe erector additional community renew sad input. Figure I. Stakeholder ASalysis Form eemmwme sonardn A.wyav corm Figure 2. Public Participation Form Chicago Metropolitan ^•^ ^w Agency for Planning Public Perticipabon Ouesllonnaire The iolWvinB Assmons 1:1111ssz The Cnva8o Menopoliran agenev has Phmmrs :CNInhm anduce0mmehin' mrndecs and pap guideenyaNeme ^zaltort:. ftus hummation rvitl le used tou¢velop auaponue� WuLetlmvcipavlun nn:egvimthizP ntt:. waaso mo tarp Wdi be Toroodhek Thorpe, :dn..th exAl nah:t aeuum stair his a mmoma wwers+n mRnttachansvn Genera Q',Ad oaa a. \saearem:eevumpks oi[mrmwnid. pannpaner.. Thai h"' wawoni o Tian Tied reU:e T, ma por t:antl hush wAeruah n Est eLot e" ous in[ov uo planes% T's"Ase denTnew Inrical oubiic .. Hna e:here _ tiu vd, nahaawmaller:ea.:o enft+4u:NC Mmm..n n'rewin:h' me ,.aT�- „b,aaarm:a;�a,ana�enaaand an.apaae;a NOai: a.nanpea:.„,;,aea :n'PUns ., t\iu�misdo a,w.wzmN.uaelo angagea .onm: avam aurae p,pn Are de"N All 'ha: hamen namo Thal low to eah.ardea earthed and pm reopen to ?"'ax dnaiM+cvons ep ea i ren hads The ads Mang comet amrt som:mgz : ev. nnaekvm"'an, sit net .ubraav runwn bwd wmf",hou ao vet have, media a omaain, vmsrcWZez S Tviu a <nam:o dooihme uutenak in pnguage, wea,"Tan Erleoh' 9. Isa ncamnp:rter.liM !O. Should av�n avnntm:amanm nwiaryalavehirt. uwnno:z:ha RaonTact person. Tie V HAtge Of Morton Grove lnduscrla! mess Plato weF tem is: h¢ {vnvcv.clwe.dlivols.gsrJprowms- and- mswrcev /Itarmorovg ve V e webaine connotes project deliverables such ac the existing mndnahns momr,me recommend a bons memo, aetl the Than. Laeirtias L Pleaselis:: fur\+ i3ealvo :mnuninio[avionsfmpublicm[xsg.: .. tlTaure:he Art'[apabitineeoi:hexvmhez' a. Cme:p:her b P:m . Scra�o bUN::vallz <oproim mro n, Torrence To o. ItLen eemtdays roW :iaT¢zniAaa roW'a toa ytlaaee¢�w:e([v[YI- d:Tti'ZhF aa_ hvcfe: -Sao Sw Tare . Tum G Hmninq(9am -11 onn: vehuavol am. -lp Mi G fpm eur,erTgls p.T:. when robaae 3. All Jterape schedule, TAmrc:urtieSe aNSm eh, caninsmonn:l:s mArave thnuld scat, + W ut ro cm:dL:a:e pub4c parziaprzw: ,item” VILLAGE OFMORTOhhcQVF'RDU$TNAL ARFASSLAN