HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC84-4 323 ORDINANCE NO. 84 -33 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR A DAY CARE CENTER IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, LOVING AND LEARNING, INC. , the lessee of property at 8944 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois, the legal description of which being attached hereto; said property being zoned and classified in the R-2 Zoning District under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Morton Grove, and WHEREAS, the said lessee'with the consent of the owner has made proper applica- tion to the Plan Commission and the Village of Morton Grove under Case No. 84-4 Ofor a Special Use in the existing R-2 Zoning District to operate a day care center, CO and Q WHEREAS, pursuant to Division 13 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code Q and the applicable provisions of the Morton Grove Zoning Ordinance, upon public notice duly published in the Morton Grove Champion, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which publication took place on May 30, 1984, and upon notice sent to the adjacent landowners pursuant to law, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held public hearings relative to the above referred case on May 30, 1984, at which time all concerned parties were present and all who desired expressed their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission and as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recom- mendations through a report dated July 9, 1984, a copy of said report being attached hereto and made a part and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove have con- sidered this matter at public hearings, and find, pursuant to Section II, Para- graph H-4 that the proposed Special Use is deemed necessary for the public con- venience at that location, is so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the value of other property in the neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section II, Paragraph H-4 of said Zoning Ordinance, the Corporate Authorities have determined that the Special Use as applied for shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 329 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this ordinance, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2: The property described on the Exhibit attached hereto, which is classified in the R-2 Zoning District be and hereby is granted a Special Use Permit for the operation of a day care center subject to the conditions and re- strictions as set forth in the report and recommendations of the Plan Commission dated July 9, 1984, which is attached hereto, which conditions and restrictions shall be binding on the owner, lessee, occupant and users of this property, CO Otheir successors and assigns, for the duration of this Special Use Permit . If O any of the aforementioned conditions and restrictions of this Special Use Permit are not fully performed and complied with, after 30 days written notice of said failure, to the owner, occupant, or lessee of the property, during which time said failure is not corrected, then the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove may, by ordinance, forthwith terminate this Special Use Permit which shall then have no further force and effect. Section 3: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend and change the zoning map of the Village of Morton Grove, and all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove, to show and designate the special use granted hereunder. Section 4: That this Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form. Said pamphlet shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this ordinance. Section 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 23 day of July , 1984. Trustee Cashman AYE Trustee Dechert ABSENT Trustee Hohs AYE Trustee Greenberg AYE Trustee Sneider AYE Trustee Youstra AYE APPROVED by me this 23 day of July , 1984. President of the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, Cook County,Illinois - 2 - 353 ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 23 day of July , 1984, and published in pamphlet form this 23 day of July , 1984. IP _.rte _ �� r Cie . of S VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, Co'- Coun• , llinois. Published in pamphlet form this 23 day of July , 1984, by order of the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, Cook County,Illinois. W OMM • l Q Q f - 3 - 323 ORDINANCE NO. 84 -33 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE FOR A DAY CARE CENTER IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, LOVING AND LEARNING, INC. , the lessee of property at 8944 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois, the legal description of which being attached hereto; said property being zoned and classified in the R-2 Zoning District under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Morton Grove, and WHEREAS, the said lessee'with the consent of the owner has made proper applica- tion to the Plan Commission and the Village of Morton Grove under Case No. 84-4 O for a Special Use in the existing R-2 Zoning District to operate a day care center, CO and QWHEREAS, pursuant to Division 13 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code Q and the applicable provisions of the Morton Grove Zoning Ordinance, upon public notice duly published in the Morton Grove Champion, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove, which publication took place on May 30, 1984, and upon notice sent to the adjacent landowners pursuant to law, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held public hearings relative to the above referred case on May 30, 1984, at which time all concerned parties were present and all who desired expressed their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission and as a result of said public hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recom- mendations through a report dated July 9, 1984, a copy of said report being attached hereto and made a part, hereof, and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove have con- sidered this matter at public hearings, and find, pursuant to Section II, Para- graph H-4 that the proposed Special Use is deemed necessary for the public con- venience at that location, is so designed, located and proposed to be operated that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the value of other property in the neighborhood in which it is located; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section II, Paragraph H-4 of said Zoning Ordinance, the Corporate Authorities have determined that the Special Use as applied for shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE .. 329 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this ordinance, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2: The property described on the Exhibit attached hereto, which is classified in the R-2 Zoning District be and hereby is granted a Special Use Permit for the operation of a day care center subject to the conditions and re- strictions as set forth in the report and recommendations of the Plan Commission dated July 9, 1984, which is attached hereto, which conditions and restrictions shall be binding on the owner, lessee, occupant and users of this property, OM their successors and assigns, for the duration of this Special Use Permit. If•any of the aforementioned conditions and restrictions of this Special Use Permit are not fully performed and complied with, after 30 days written notice of said failure, to the owner, occupant, or lessee of the property, during which time said failure is not corrected, then the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove may, by ordinance, forthwith terminate this Special Use Permit which shall then have no further force and effect. Section 3: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend and Il change the zoning map of the Village of Morton Grove, and all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove, to show and designate the special use granted hereunder. Section 4: That this Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form. Said pamphlet shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of this ordinance. Section 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 23 day of July , 1984. Trustee Cashman AYE Trustee Dechert ABSENT Trustee Hohs AYE Trustee Greenberg AYE Trustee Sneider AYE Trustee Youstra AYE APPROVED by me this 23 day of July , 1984. Presiden�rILLAGE0 MORTON GROVE, Cook County,Illinois - 2 - 353 ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 23 day of July , 1984, and published in pamphlet form this 23 day of July , 1984. - _.es A_ :i Cle , of _ VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, Coo Coun. , llinois. Published in pamphlet form this 23 day of July , 1984, by order of the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, Cook County,Illinois. CO OM M Q a • t t - 3 - 5 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL JULY 9, 1983 CALL TO ORDER 1 . President Richard Flickinger called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. PLEDGE/ALLEG and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. On roll call by the Village Clerk, Jerry Schuhrke, the following were: ROLL CALL Present: (4) Trustees Greenberg, Hohs, Sneider, Youstra. Absent: (2) Trustees Cashman & Dechert . O 3. The following corrections were requested for the minutes of the CPRRECTIONS June 25 meeting: CO 7 Page two - 3rd paragraph - the word "Attorney" was mis-spelled. QPage six - item 2,e - the phrase "premium service" should have read "basic service". Trustee Hohs moved that the minutes of the July 25 meeting be approved as corrected and reading dispensed with, seconded by Trustee Sneider. Roll Call: Ayes - 4 (Greenberg, Hohs, Sneider, Youstra) Nays - 0 Absent - 2 (Cashman & Dechert) Motion passed. 4. SPECIAL REPORTS a. ESDA Mr. David Smith, Associate Director, Field Services/Operations, ESDA State of Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, presented Frank Selzer a State of Illinois ESDA Certification and to the Mayor, Richard Flickinger, an Accreditation Certificate. Mr. Frank Selzer introduced Ms. Gerry Grubman, Regional Director. He also stated that the Accreditation made the Village eligible for funding from the State. Mr. Selzer then thanked all on the Board, Mr. Arft, and all Department Heads. b. Plan Commission - Mr. Bloomfield presented the following: 1) Plan Commission Case No. PC 84-2 - wherein the Applicant, Aaby PC 84-2 Builders, Inc., 6126 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, Illinois is requesting final approval to a proposed subdivision of the property at 6025 W. Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. Trustee Sneider moved that Plan Commission Case No. PC 84-2 be approved, seconded by Trustee Youstra. Roll Call: Ayes - 4 (Greenberg, Hohs, Sneider, Youstra) Nays - 0 Absent - 2 (Cashman & Dechert) Motion passed. • 2) Plan Commission Case No. PC 84-3 - wherein the Applicant, Mr. PC 84-3 Forest Shields, 4528 N. Seeley Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, is requesting to rezone from B-2 to R-3 District, the area along the North East corner formed by the intersection of Lincoln and Ferris Avenues, with the alley parallel to Lincoln being the Northern boundary, and the buldings fronting on Lincoln being the Eastern boundary. Trustee Sneider moved that Case No. PC 84-3 be approved, seconded by Trustee Hohs. Roll Call: Ayes - 4 (Greenberg, Hohs, Sneider, Youstra) Nays - 0 Absent - 2 (Cashman & Dechert) Motion passed. 3) Plan Commission Case No. PC 84-4 - wherein the Applicant, Loving PC 84-4 and Learning, Inc., 8266 Monroe, Niles, Illinois, is requesting - a Special Use Permit to operate a Day Care Center on church property in the R-2 Zoning District at the address commonly known as 8944 Austin Avenue. Trustee Greenberg moved that Case No. PC 84-4 be approved and Special Use granted, seconded by Trustee Youstra. Roll Call: Ayes - 4 (Greenberg, Hohs, Sneider, Youstra) Nays - 0 Absent - 2 (Cashman & Dechert) Motion passed. 5. REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICIALS a. Village Planner - C. Scheck - no report . b. Village Administrator - L. Arft - no report . c. Village Clerk - Jerry Schuhrke - no report . d. Corporation Counsel - M. Ashman - no report. 6. REPORTS OF TRUSTEE COMMITTEES a. Trustee Cashman - no report - absent . b . Trustee Dechert - no report - absent. c . Trustee Greenberg - presented the following: 1) Gave the Police Department and Fire Department totals. PD/FD TOTALS 2) The Mobil Eye Unit had logged 50 hours. d. Trustee Hohs - had received an extensive report from the Public PWD REPORT Works Department for the month of June which included - Street Sweeping - Sewer Department and Water Department. e. Trustee Sneider - presented the following: 1) Had received a complete report from the Health Department for HD/REPORI the month of June which included Food Service & Inspection and Environmental Control . page two 7-9-84 • 7 2) Had received a complete report from the Health Educator. HE/REPORT f. Trustee Youstra - no report . g. . President Flickinger - no report . 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Fireworks Ordinance would be taken up at the next meeting. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Trustee Hohs was still troubled by the Hand Gun Ordinance 81-11 ORD. 81-11 and requested that it should be re-considered . He suggested that an advisory referendum be implemented at the next meeting cCr to take place at the elections in November. Corporation Counsel- stated that a petition signed by registered voters (number to be 0 determined) was necessary requesting a referendum. Trustee Hohs (� stated that if the people voted to keep the Hand Gun Ordinance then he would also vote to keep the Ordinance. 'Cr 9. RESIDENTS COMMENTS a. Mr. Bloomfield came forward and stated that bringing up the Hand Gun Ordinance 81-11 again was a "back door" way for negative publicity. b. Mr. David Selzer stated that he was all for the Hand Gun Ordinance but didn't see anything wrong with having a petition for placing an advisory referendum in the November election. He volunteered to get the petition started. 10. PRESENTATION OF WARRANTS Trustee Greenberg presented the following for authorization: WARRANTS GENERAL FUND: Total Warrants - General Fund $125,194.38 WATER FUND: Total Warrants - Water Fund 2,361 .10 REVENUE SHARING FUND: Total Warrants - Revenue Sharing Fund 49.97 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: Total Warrants - Capital Projects Fund 4,076.54 DEBT SERVICE FUND: Total Warrants - Debt Service Fund 10,079.23 GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND: Total Warrants - General Employee Pension Fund 246.62 GRAND TOTAL DEMANDS: $142,007.84 page three 7-9-84 g Trustee Greenberg moved that the warrants be approved as submitted and reading dispensed with, seconded by Trustee Hohs. Roll Call: Ayes - 4 (Greenberg, Hohs, Sneider, Youstra) Nays - 0 Absent - 2 (Cashman & Dechert) Motion passed. There being no further business to come before the Board of Trustees ADJOURN Trustee Youstra moved that this meeting be adjourned at 8:55 p.m., seconded by Trustee Hohs. Roll Call: Ayes - 4 (Greenberg, Hobs, Sneider, Youstra) Nays - 0 Absent - 1 (Cashman & Dechert) Motion passed . Richard Flickinger, Presil Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois Jerr Sch ke; Village Clerk c:11.. cmj Boar of rstees, Morton Grove, Illinois page four 7-9-84 • • Village of Morton Grove PLAN COMMISSION 6101 Capulina Avenue ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2902 (312) 965-4100 July 9, 1984 Village President Members of the Village Board Morton Grove, Illinois Dear Mayor Flickinger and Members of the Village Board: On June 18, 1984, a public hearing was conducted after having been duly published in the Morton Grove Champion Newspaper on May 30 , 1984 regarding : Plan Commission Case No. 84-4 , wherein the Applicant , Loving and Learning, Inc. , 8266 W. Monroe, Niles , Illinois , is requesting a Special Use Permit to operate a Day Care Center on church property in the R-2 Zoning District at the address commonly known as 8944 Austin Avenue. The Applicants were represented by Mr . & Mrs . Steven Miller, owners. They related their goal was to provide quality Community Day Care service to families employed outside the home and for children who would like to participate in the part-time program. The hours of operation would be 6 :45 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. , year round except for eight (8) legal holidays . Children of all denominations are welcomed. State laws in reference to staff and meals would be adhered to as well as all licensing requirements. Board of Health requirements have been met , but direct hook-up to the Morton Grove Fire Department must still be cleared with the State. Additional Smoke Detectors are being installed in other areas of the building. It is also noted that both Applicants have State Licensing. Space for fifty (50) children is planned and ages anticipated range from 2-12 years . The programs provided will be in the areas of Math, Art , Music, Science and Motor Development . Parents will pick-up and deliver children as no bus service will be provided. The Commission indicated a definite area be indicated and a traffic pattern be established. Page L of On a motion by Commissioner Walsh, duly seconded by Commissioner Brenner and by a vote of 4 to 0, it is recommended to the Village Board a Special Use Permit be granted to Loving and Learning, Inc. to operate a childrens ' Day Care Center at the address commonly known as 8949 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois Respectfully Submitted, Leonard A. Bloomfield, Chairman Morton Grove Plan Commission LEGAL DrsCnIPTION - PC 84-4 Lots 24 , 25 , 26 . 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , and 35 in Oliver Salinger 1 Company ' s second Dempster Street subdivision in the East half ( ) of the Southwest Quarter (a ) of Section 17 , Township 41 North , Range 13 , East of the third principal meridian , tocether with - _ l - .__ i . ..:�. :. part of the vacated alley , lying between said Lots o 31 , and Lots 32 to 35 , as recorded on October 31 . 1955 as Document No . 16405892 . All in Cook Count' Illinois . i Village of Morton Grove PLAN COMMISSION 6101 Capulina Avenue ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2902 (312) 965-4100 June 1 , 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Miller 8266 West Monroe Niles, Illinois 60048 RE: MORTON GROVE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO. PC 84-4 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Miller: Please be advised that your case, as numbered above, has been published for a Public Hearing on Monday, June 18, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois. It is our understanding that you are requesting a Special Use Permit to allow Day Care services to be provided at 8944 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois in the R-2 Zoning District. It is necessary that you or your authorized representative be present at this hearing. Information concerning this case, as submitted, may be reviewed prior to the hearing date at the Building Department. Sincerely, Elaine Sonkin, Secretary Morton Grove Planning Commission cc: See Attached List RALPH GUDD1 3 JOHN DYRNE RICAN IAT'L Dank #22770360 33 N. LaSalle St. Chicago 60602 ROY ANDERSON ERIC SOHN SAM CALIDRARO BARBARA LAUNICx JOHN NIEMAN FRITZ SCHMIEGELT Wm. WESTFEHLING MARTIN CURRY WALTER BOHN JOSEPH BUCK TETSUO DAI JOSEPH ALESSI J. E. COURSEY DOR0ThA GAWRYLEWSKI ROBERT PORTER J. TAORMINA - 3 MICHAEL LAULETTA THOS. HU2CHa1SON MICHAEL DIBIISILLO FANNIE APPEL • • • JAMES WENDT SAMUEL VARGHESE • HENRY MRDAS X. VIANI ROBERT COURTNEY E.C. BAUMM ARDT VICTOR GISCHMAN GESRGE MALTEZOS ANTON ROOM JOSEPH HATZEL "F- MOR1„1 GROVE CHAMPION CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF ILLINOIS}SS COUNTY OF COOK f LEGAL PIONEER PRESS INC.,an Illinois corporation,does hereby certify that wpm TARE NOTICE•THE NORTON MOM PLANNING tll lobe mica 111.1904 at it is the publisher of MORTON GROVE CHAMPION, a secular newspaper of Owe Nince.ID 7.10170 in Ooucl=bat he loll 6101 pp6N,Yoebn 42O consider `6i�At general circulation published weekly in the Village of Morton Croce. County of USE NO.PC Nsquesting- ..----)t p�ab F2��p3tamm�, Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to the first lets in the tosare Ws else Miebies. publication of the notice appended hereto.and is of general circulation throughout SASE NO.PC143 - . Iaq`tmm `IsiNOistrsibMeR-3 the above-named Village. that it is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the TotingDistrict sot rwera-lortRSUU..e-TSGNnowrai law in relation to notices" as amended by Act approved July I7. 1959. Illinois Peens As Laing-3 NC(10 eC wyied-tl3 to Revised Statutes, Chapter 100, Paragraphs I and 5, that the notice hereto was +erkedM published in the said MORTON GROVE CHAMPION nne times,once each Penes MOM Char Men• rte a9 MAINS ee _____ ieOiO•1°1o°e�aO toe Mee week for successive weeks, the date of the first publication being flea P g �r ak mite North East corner etlieab Nana AAny 3� 1984 ,and the date of the last publication being mart en Myth in o'e°"22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, has esiiv_Mown es R�fir'Pent caused this Certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affixed at Wilmette, .AE iieneed yateete mind to acted and be Isd. ILB:W DARlOINNE1D Illinois. this 3—day of May , A. D. 19 . P NEER PRESS INC. 7 i Vice President Corporam Tit le Village of Morton Grove PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6101 Capulina Avenue ■ Morton Grove,Illinois 60053-2902 (312) %5-4100 f May 23, 1984 Ms . Sandy Hapkowskyj Pioneer Press 130 S . Prospect Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 Dear Ms. Hapkowskyj : Attached are two legal notices for publication in the May 30, 1984 edition of the Morton Grove Champion. Please print the notice in single-column width. Set the case in 7 point solid type and the heading in bold-face type, observing the usage of upper and lower case as indicated on the copy. Please mail a tear sheet to me at the Village. Your invoice may be forwarded to the Village of Morton Grove, 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois . Sincerely, 41)7 ". .,tom Elaine Sonkin Secretary,Village Planner Attachment : No legals for May 30 publication `. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE - THE MORTON GROVE PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on June 18, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers , 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois, to consider the following cases : CASE NO. PC 84-2 (Continued from 4-16-83) Requesting sub-division of property at 6025 W. Lincoln Avenue into eleven (11) lots in the R-2 and R-3 Zoning Districts . CASE NO. PC 84-3 Requesting a Re-Zoning from the B-2 Zoning District to the R-3 Zoning District and variation as follows : Front Yard - 10 feet (25 required - 15 feet requested) Parking Area Lighting - .5 FC (1.0 FC required - 0.5 FC requested) . Parking Module Dimensions - 3 feet (19 foot stalls and 25 foot aisle required - 18 foot stalls and 24 foot aisle requested) . Parcel is located on the North East corner of Lincoln Avenue and Ferris Avenue. Requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a Day Care Center to operate on Church property in the R-2 Zoning District commonly known as 8944 Austin Avenue. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. • LEONARD A. BLOOMFIELD LEGAL FOR PUBLICATION Chairman IN THE MAY 30, 1984 ISSUE OF THE CHAMPION OFFICIAL IUTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE - THE MORTON GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing on June 18, 1984 at 7 :30 P.M. in the Council Chambers , 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois , to consider the following cases : CASE NO. 1072 Requesting the following variations to allow the construction of a garage : Sub-standard lot - width 15 feet (45 feet required - 30 feet actual) ; Front Yard - 2 . 7 feet (25 feet required - 22.3 feet requested) ; • Side Yard - 4.33 feet (5 feet required - 0.67 feet requested) . All variations requested are after the fact. Parcel is in the R-2 Zoning District and commonly known as 8547 Mansfield Avenue . CASE NO. 1073 Requesting the following variations to allow the construction of a garage: Sub-standard lot area - 1,280 square feet (5000 square feet required - 3, 720 square feet actual) ; Front Yard - 11 feet (25 feet required - 14 feet actual) . Side Yard - North - 2 feet, South - 0.9 feet (5 feet required - North 3 feet actual; South - 4.1 feet actual) . All variations are after the fact. The Parcel is in the R-3 Zoning District commonly known as 8644 Georgiana. CASE NO. 1074 Requesting the following variations to Rehabilitate and expand the principal structure: Rear Yard - 24 feet (30 feet required - 6 feet requested) Side Yard - 2 inches (5 feet required - 4 feet 10 inches requested) . All variations are after the fact. Parcels in the R-2 Zoning District commonly known as 8610 School Street. All interested parties are invited to attend and be heard. LEONARD A. BLOOMFIELD LEGAL FOR PUBLICATION Chairman IN THE HAY 30, 1984 ISSUE OF THE CHAMPION MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING MORTON GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JUNE 18, 1984 The Hearing was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. on Monday , June 18, 1984 by Acting Chairman Emil Kanzer. Commissioners Present : Brenner Kanzer Karp Walsh Commissioners Absent : Bloomfield Arkus Blonz The Clerk called Case No. 1072 APPLICANT: Petroula Katsikaris 8547 Mansfield PROPERTY LOCATION: 8547 Mansfield PETITION Requesting the following variations to allow the construction of a garage : Substandard Lot - width 15 feet (45 feet required - 22 . 3 feet requested) ; Side Yard - 4 . 33 feet (5 feet required - 0.67 feet requested) ; All variations requested are after the fact . Parcel is in the R-2 Zoning District commonly known as 8547 Mansfield Avenue. The Applicant was sworn in by the Clerk. It was noted that this case being after the fact made it necessary to establish for public record, that the condition of the property was not due to work done by current owner, but previous owners . Some of the work done could have been entered into before existing Code standards. No further variations will be permitted after the construction of the garage . Applicant informed Commissioners she received a list of contractors familiar with the Village Code, an inspection was made by builder selected from that list , and was informed no problem existed in meeting the requirements demanded by the Village Code. Subsequently, the builder contacted the Village to prepare for the necessary paperwork and submit Plat , and was informed there was some question regarding the size of the lot and its proximity to the alley and adjacent property on opposite side of alley . Mr. Kanzer clarified the existence of variations which were in place-before Applicant purchased property . The proposed size of the new garage would be 18 X 20 - which would place it 3 feet off the alley. The diagram did not show how far off the property line the garage would extend. The Applicant stated the distance was 5 feet . It appeared the distance on both sides would be approximately 5 feet as attested to by a Neighbor, Mrs. Neuall. This would not interfere with existing property lines or structures. The measurements for which the variation was being requested were read by Mr. Kanzer - front yard instead of being 25 feet is 22. 3 feet ; Side Yard is 4. 33 feet and should be 5 feet ; the lot size is 30 feet instead of the required 45 feet . The garage proposed would leave 5 feet on either side. The Clerk asked for interested parties. A Mr. Kapparill , 5807 South Park stated he had a comment but no objection. There being no further objections Commissioner Walsh made the motion to grant approval to the Applicant based on the previous variances being in place before Applicant ' s purchase of the property . Commissioner Karp seconded the motion. The Applicant was granted permission to build a garage as requested - 18 X 20 feet which will be 3 feet back from alleyway and 5 feet from each property line. THE VOTING: Brenner Yes Kanzer Yes Walsh Yes Karp Yes MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE OF 4 TO 0 ABSENT: 3 The Clerk called Case No. 1073 APPLICANT: Paul Lau 8644 Georgiana PROPERTY LOCATION: 8644 Georgiana PETITION: ; Requesting the following variations to allow for the construction of a garage : Substandard lot area - 1,280 square feet (5000 square feet required - 3, 720 square feet actual) ; Front Yard - 11 feet , South - 25 feet required - North - 3 feet actual ; South - 4. 1 feet actual) . All variations are after the fact . The Parcel is in the R-3 Zoning District commonly known as 8644 Georgiana. Applicant was sworn in by the Clerk. Existing diagram did not show location of intended garage . Commissioner Walsh pointed out an overhang would extend beyond Mr. Lau' s property line if the current dimensions were used. Applicant stated 10 additional inches would be required with the size garage intended. Commissioner Walsh recommended a change from the proposed 4 inches to 3. 2 inches. Commissioner Karp reminded those present that the gutters would create additional length to the overall footage by at least 4 inches . The overall footage would then be 14 inches , ending up with less than 3 feet clearance. Mr. Kanzer stated 5 feet from each side is usually required, however, he suggested reduction of the width of the garage to allow the minimum of 3-3Z feet from the extended overhang. This would leave enough room to work in the small area that would be left . Mr. Kanzer suggested cutting down the size of the intended garage to 20 feet , then 22 feet would be left from the end of the gutters which would give the Applicant a little less than 4 feet on either side . In this way , what the Applicant lacked in width, he could compensate for in depth. Interested neighbors were called by the Clerk. There being no objections, Commissioner Kanzer made a motion to allow the Applicant the variation requested with the stipulation the width of the garage be shortened to allow for the overhang. Commissioner Walsh seconded the motion. THE VOTING: Brenner Yes Karp Yes Kanzer Yes Walsh Yes THE MOTION WAS CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4 TO 0. ABSENT: 3 `■ The Clerk called Case No. 1074 APPLICANT: Joseph R. Hedrick 8610 School Street PROPERTY LOCATION: 8610 School Street PROPERTY OWNERS : Joseph R. Hedrick & Donna R. Hedrick PETITION: Requesting the following variations to Rehabilitate and expand the principal structure : Rear Yard - 24 feet (30 feet required - 6 feet requested) ; Side Yard - 2 inches (5 feet required - 4 feet 10 inches requested) . Applicant was sworn in by the Clerk. Applicant stated he first had to give the Board $50.00 in order to have changes made on his property that were in place 50 years ago. He has been the owner for the past 10 years . Applicant understood that he had to appear before the Zoning Board in order the apply for a Building Permit , but did not agree with changes that have come about . Commissioner Kanzer clarified the situation by stating the changes made were for the good of both the community and the individual . He further pointed out that the Board was not singling out any one person for harassment and took exception to Mr. Hedrick' s attitude. Applicant continued to take exception with the $50 .00 permit fee and said it was somewhat extravagant and did not feel other communities or municipalities had to pay at all . Commissioner Kanzer reminded the Applicant the Zoning Board had no control over fees, and that the rules and regulations of the Village had been established for a number of years . Inspection and paperwork accounted for a part of the fee and insured a qualified inspector making an on-site assessment of work being done according to Village Codes. Mr. Hedrick's criticism was unfair and not based on knowledge of existing or past problems created by poor community planning. Applicant insisted he had no intention of attaching an addition or changing the basic principal structure. He made mention of Chicago Title Insurance stating his policy did not show any objections to changes being made. At this point , Charles Scheck, Village Planner interjected that the Applicant had requested a rehabilitation and addition to his principal structure. `■ `■ Further, the addition was to be put in on a lot that was substandard, and because the building is situated where it is , the tillage finds it necessary to provide these variations to accomodate specific problems. The Applicant ' s appearance before the Board was solely to insure that the rules and regulations of the Village, which have been in place since 1959, are adhered to. Residents appearing before the Board in the past have registered no objection and have willingly complied with the standards set forth - Mr. Hedrick' s remarks and attitude were out of place. Additionally , Commissioner Brenner did not know what the purpose of Mr. Hedrick' s appearance before the Board was and wished to know what kind of changes were being requested. The Applicant stated plans were still up-in-the-air and he was not sure what kind, if any, changes would be made. ,He stated an addition on the front of the home may be undertaken - he was not sure. Commissioner Kanzer stated that until such time as Mr. Hedrick could make an appearance before the Board with something more definite the problem could not be addressed. Mr. Hedrick stated he had submitted some "things" to the Planning Depart- ment and not yet received them back from Mr. Scheck. Mr . Scheck acknowledged receipt of material received from Applicant and informed those present that the reason Mr. Hedrick had not heard from the Village was that the right to proceed had not yet been ascertained. It was not in the best interest of the Village or Mr. Hedrick to continue with the requested project until that right had been established. The Applicant was unable to answer what he would or would not do if his request were granted, all would depend on what could "be worked out . " Mr. Scheck reminded those present that the present variations being in place prior to the time of the existing Code was in effect , made this case part of the public record. Commissioner Kanzer requested a motion approving the "after the fact" variations. Commissioner Brenner asked for clarification - was Mr. Hedrick working in conjunction with the Village on some of the issues regarding the property? Commissioner Kanzer answered in the affirmative. Commissioner moved that Mr. Hedrick be allowed to continue working with the Village in order to upgrade and rehabilitate his property granting the existing variations . Interested parties were called by the Clerk. There being no objection to the Applicant ' s request , the motion was seconded by Commissioner Walsh with the addition that this case was after the fact . THE VOTING: Brenner Yes Karp Yes Kanzer Yes Walsh Yes THE MOTION WAS CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4 TO 0. ABSENT: 3 Leo loomfie Chairman Emil Kanzer 0 Executive Secretary /es 6/26/84 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING MORTON GROVE PLAN COMMISSION JUNE 18, 1984 The Hearing was called to order by Acting Chairman Emil Kanzer. Commissioners Present : Brenner Kanzer Karp Walsh Commissioners Absent Bloomfield Arkus Blonz The Clerk called Plan Commission Case No. PC 84-2 APPLICANT: Aaby Builders, Inc. 6126 N. Northwest Highway Chicago, Illinois 60631 PROPERTY LOCATION: 6025 W. Lincoln Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois PROPERTY OWNERS : Heirs at Law or Devisees of Elizabeth Yehl, deceased. PETITION: Requesting subdivision of property into 11 lots in the R2 and R-3 Zoning Districts . Applicants Lawyer, John Pikarski , was sworn in by the Clerk. Applicant ' s lawyer stated it was his understanding that certain trade-offs had been discussed, including the resurfacing of the entire street . Mr. Scheck stated certain discussions, at length, had taken place involving a number of items that needed to be included as part of the Engineering Plans. The Village did not feel they were trading-off anything for street lighting. Four lights were to be included. These would be placed at intervals of 150 feet , located on the property line. Mr. Pikarski indicated that $2000 per light was not an insigni- ficant amount , and mentioned the material had been handed to him earlier in the meeting, so he was unaware of the implications . Mr. Scheck stated that before June 8th, the comments were not available. Commissioner Kanzer also pointed out that he was not aware of the comments before this evening. It was hoped that the final Plat Review would have taken place at this meeting, rather than hold it up for another month. The installation of a 36 inch storm sewer conflicted with earlier indications that a 10 inch sewer would be required. Mr. Kanzer pointed out the storm sewer requirements had been discussed at a preliminary meeting, at which time the Applicant was in agreement with the Village requirements. A drainage swale at the rear of the lots, less than 1%, would cause drainage problems unless the slope can provide adequate run-off. Drain Tiles would be required to be installed along the rear lot to adequately provide for excess run-off . It was agreed that drainage problems would be handled by the Applicant ' s Engineers working in conjunction with the Village . Attorney Pikarski requested abeyance of street lighting and the provision that unless grading can be done by normal means of construction; bulldozing, etc. , a waiver be requested from the Department of Engineering. Mr. Walsh pointed out that he felt it was not in the best interest of the Village to waive drainage considerations or the lighting because the residents who came to the last meeting were concerned about these two particular issues. Additionally , rather than burden the Villagers with higher taxes to take care of problems which develop from poor planning done years ago, it appears the burden of responsibility falls with the builders and their Engineers to see that adequate drainage and lighting be built into work done for the Village now and in the future. In view of the fact that major issues were left unresolved, the case could not be brought before the Board of Trustees. Interested parties were called by the Clerk. There being none present, a motion was made to approve the list Plat of the subdivision with the stipulation that agreement'be reached on providing lighting, sewers, and drainage or grading. Engineers from the Village working with Aaby Builders are to work out an equitable solution to the problem or compromise solutions, whichever would be in the best interest of the Village. Commissioner Walsh abstained from voting because he felt that since neighbors from the last meeting were not present , they may have felt the issues had been resolved. In an attempt to deal fairly with those residents , he wished them to be notified of the next meeting and so state the issues in question would then be resolved. Commissioner Karp offered to word the request : To grant Aaby Builders their petition to request a subdivision on the property into 11 lots in the R-2 - R-3 Zoning Districts, provided that an amicable agreement can be reached with the Village Engineers in regards to the four points as outlined by the Engineering Department , namely ; 1) Street Lighting - a minimum of at least four; 2) Storm Sewer - whether it be 30 or 36 inches it should be agreed upon by both the Engineers of the Village and the Applicant ' s ; 3) Drainage Swale - 1% grading requested in the rear yards ; 4) Elevations to be provided for the curbs. The time frame was set at two weeks. Negotiations should be completed by July 2, 1984 - then presented to the Board of Trustees at their meeting on July 9th. A report of those results should be made available to the Plan Commission and residents involved. Commissioner Brenner seconded the motion to approve Plat subdivision as submitted with the provision that the Applicant work out an equitable solution with the Village Engineers regarding all of the above . THE VOTING: Brenner Yes Karp Yes Kanzer Yes Walsh Yes THE MOTION WAS PASSED BY A VOTE OF 4 to 0. ABSENT : 3 The Clerk called Case No. PC 84-3 APPLICANT: Forest C. Shields 4528 N. Seeley Avenue Chicago, IL 60626 PROPERTY LOCATION: North East corner of Lincoln Avenue and Ferris Avenue PROPERTY OWNERS : J. W. O'Brien, Inc. PETITION: Requesting a rezoning from the B-2 Zoning District to the R-3 Zoning District and variation as follows : Front Yard - 10 feet (25 feet required - 15 feet requested) ; Parking Module Dimensions - 3 feet (19 foot stalls and 25 foot aisle required - 18 foot stalls and 24 foot aisle requested) ; Parking Area Lighting - . 5 FC (1 .0 FC required - 0. 5 FC requested) . Parcel is located on the North East corner of Lincoln Avenue and Ferris Avenue. The Applicant was sworn in by the Clerk. Thomas Draths , Attorney for the Petitioner Mr. Forest Shields, address 77 W. Washington Street , Suite 1100, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Concerned neighbors presented questions regarding the quadrupling of traffic in the alley. Increased alley usage by the addition of eight families would put a strain on the already much used alleyway. Attorney Draths pointed out the parking problems experienced at present , would diminish as a result of adding parking spaces for owners of the condos. In this way , parking spaces currently being used by commuters , would be off-street parking for residents of the complex. Further, additional commuter parking is planned for mid-summer or late summer. This will add an additional 100 spaces . The anticipated construction should get underway either this Fall or next Spring. Mr. Shield' s Attorney expressed concern about the Village 's requiring 1 foot candle lights giving the effect of a McDonald' s to the parking area and neighbors complaining about the amount of light. Mr. Kanzer pointed out that the standards required by the Village would be met without compromise. A business man, Mr. Berg, voiced concern about the effect rezoning would have upon other businesses in the area. Commissioner Kanzer stated rezoning from B-2 to R-3 would actually be beneficial to the residents and businesses in the surrounding area. In a B-2 area condominiums could be built - the height of a building could be more than what is being proposed by this particular developer. Also, density would be a definite plus factor - the number of people living in a given area could be greater than the proposal. Mr. Scheck pointed out that the zoning on the East side of Ferris Avenue is already R-3, which is not commercial zoned. The proposed development would have a tendency of continuing that residential zoning down Ferris Avenue to the corner. The section not affected would be that which Rosie' s sits on now. Storm water run-off was discussed with Mr. Shields indicating detention for adequate drainage would be provided. The parking came up again as well as the ingress and egress to the condo. Neighbors continued to be skeptical about traffic on the corner of Callie. If entry is to be made through a widened alley, the residential streets would not be greatly affected by the increased movement of traffic. It being difficult to ascertain how many trips would be made by the condo dwellers, it was a mute point . 2. 25 parking spaces per owner would be installed. It was explained that not every owner would have 2 cars. It being difficult what parking problems would develop, Mr. Scheck pointed out parking permits for the residents already there would be issued, as well as signs being posted. Lincoln Avenue could also be used for visitor and guest parking. Right-of-way was brought up and since the Village Administrative complex was, at one time , going to be built on the proposed site , the Village owned the right-of-way. The developer who purchased the property, now owns the above. Residents in attendance were : Bert Katz - 8543 N. Avers , Skokie Clarence Ledwon - 8600 Callie Martha Varrous - 8546 Callie Vasilios Xentaras - 8540 Callie Victor Nelson - 5434 Callie Commissioner Walsh made a motion that the meeting be continued until July, if solutions could be found through negotiations . Lighting, Alley Paving, and Landscaping had not yet been discussedy as pointed out by Mr. Scheck. Also, the depth of the parking aisles was not mentioned. As a result , Mr. Scheck indicated his willingness to continue with the case, and get as much of it out of the way as possible. Commissioner Karp pointed out that since many of the neighbors were represented at the meeting, they should not have to come back again in July. Continuing, the issue of Sanitary Sewer Tap and one Water Main Tap was resolved by the developer being in complete agreement to supply same. Water detention also received complete agree- ment by the developer. Alley improvements represented a major stumbling block as approximately 101 feet is adjacent to the site. Attorney Draths pointed out that since the Village had scheduled alley improvements for sometime in ' 85 with grant funding, the Village Engineer did not want to see a section of alley going in. When work begins in ' 85 , some arrangement could be reached between the developer and the Village regard- ing the alley. Property owners would be required to pay for the alley at that time. One half of an alley was not suggested by Mr. Gary Wiss, Village Engineer. All of the alley is to be done at the same time, and the entire width was what was requested. Mr. Scheck stated he had not had the opportunity to communicate with Mr. Wiss on the matter in question . It was his understanding that the width of the alley would be paved to 16 feet rather than 8 feet . Mr. Draths felt the Village would be placing an economic burden on the future owners who would be paying for the alley in the form of higher prices for their property. Mr. Scheck pointed out that commercial developers in the past had been responsible for paving the entire width of a given alley. While Lincoln/Ferris development was not commerical , it feel well within being akin to it . Therefore, the Village saw no reason to depart from its previously set policy. Attorney Draths stated in conversations with Gary Wiss he asked if any other developments which had gone up in the area had required the developer to pave the width of the alley. Mr. Wiss said commercial developers had. It was found this issue would be negotiable. It was ascertained that the old sidewalk should be retained until the roadway improvements were made. Inconvenience to commuters and residents would result if pavement were to be torn up during construction. It was agreed that a Site Plan with Water and Sewer locations would be submitted. • The down-sizing of cars preempted the reduction in the parking module. It was pointed out that the variance is not great enough to present insoluble problems . Additionally, cars that are 19 feet long are, indeed, rare birds . • A 5 foot landscaping strip along the alley right-of-way was to have plant material or fence screening as it bordered the parking area. Mr. Droths pointed out that the developer designed the parking area so that the 30 feet from the rear yard would preclude any landscaping. If landscaping was done to this area it would eliminate two parking spaces . For safety sake, landscaping should not be put up in this particular area. The issue was found to be negotiable. The proposed right-of-way dedication is very desirable in order to improve traffic flow and subsequent intersection improvement . Access via alley rather than from Lincoln/Ferris is an excellent feature of the site plan. These remarks were submitted by the Traffic Safety Committee. A recommendation to decrease the front yard from 25 feet to 15 feet was made by the Applicant . The Building Commissioner indicated this would seem reasonable to compromise on given the development north of property, along Ferris , and the development immediately to the east of this commerical development , all the way to the street line . The present site configuration would make 15 feet of landscaped front yard acceptable . The developer indicated they would be working with 5 foot side yards after their architect finalized the variations . The alley paving remained unresolved. Whether the entire alley width of 16 feet was to be paved, or only the developer ' s side, was left to further negotiations . Commissioner Walsh made the motion to approve rezoning with the stipulation that the question of paving the alley be resolved with the Village. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brenner to approve the Applicant ' s request to rezone from B-2 to R-3 and that the Applicant ' s responsibility for paving the alley , whether it be the 8 foot width or 16 foot width, be resolved. The time frame for negotiating was set for July 2, 1984 . It was hoped that by July 9th the Board of Trustees would be in receipt of the Report so the issues could be voted on at their next meeting. THE VOTING: Brenner Yes Karp Yes Kanzer Yes Walsh Yes THE MOTION WAS CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4 TO 0. ABSENT 3 The Clerk called Plan Commission Case No. PC 84-4 APPLICANT: Mr. & Mrs . Steven Miller 8266 West Monroe Niles, Illinois 60648 PROPERTY LOCATION: 8944 Austin Avenue PROPERTY OWNERS : Morton Grove Community Church PETITION: Requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a Day Care Center to operate on Church property in the R-2 Zoning District commonly known as 8944 Austin Avenue . Mr. and Mrs. Steven Miller were sworn in by the Clerk. The Applicant stated their goal was to provide quality community Day Care services to families employed outside the home and for children who would like to participate in the part-time program. In addition, before and after school care would be available for children who have not completed grade school and a Day Camp . The Center would operate between the hours of 6 :45 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. , year round except for 8 legal holidays . The Miller ' s stated they had no religious affiliation and would welcome children of all denominations. State of Illinois daily meal standards would be adhered to in regards to School Lunches. Staff requirements according to State Law would also be met . Programs according to age group would be provided for the children to improve their skills in Math, Art , Music, Science and Motor Development . Working in conjunction with the parents, the necessary elements would be provided to give the children creative and imaginative outlets . All State Licensing requirements would be met . Clearance from the Board of Health has already been obtained. A direct hook-up with Morton Grove Fire Department has already been undertaken, and this should be in place by June 21, 1984 . All State Licenses are in place . Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller have State Licensing and are well qualified. Commissioner Karp indicated concern over a diagram which showed only 1 entrance to the entire area the children would be using. Diagram did not show additional stairwell . Mr. Miller pointed out the location of second stairwell . The Applicant indicated space for 50 children is planned. There is to be no bussing provided. Children will be picked up and dropped off by parent or guaridan. The anticipated age range will be between 2 - 12 years of age . In the State Fire Marshall 's Review, an inquiry was made into the area the children would be taking their naps in. It was learned that ample room existed in the play - instruction area, and this would also be used for naps. Lt . Hildebrandt , Morton Grove Fire Depart- ment , instructed the Applicants they would have to get back to the State Fire Marshall concerning the requirements for direct line hook-up to the Fire Department . The installation of Smoke Detectors was also strongly suggested, to other areas of the building as well . Mrs. Miller related that the Reverend was planning to take care of the installation of additional Smoke Detectors. Commissioner Walsh indicated part of the Village ' s requirements would be that the necessary number of Smoke Detectors be installed. Mr. Scheck directed his line of questioning to the lighting for the walkway where the children would be dropped off and picked up by their parents . He felt it may not be adequately lighted. His recommendation was to have additional lighting installed. Mrs . Miller pointed out that in the past , since the Church has many evening functions, the lighting that was already in place had always been adequate . Children will be supervised at all times. Consideration should be given to using paved area on South side of Lake Street as a drop-off and pick-up area, this would require some parking restri- ctions. For the safety of the children getting in and out of cars, it would be important to have a proper traffic pattern. There appears to be ample parking and it will more than meet the needs required. A fenced in driveway would be utilized for some play. It appeared the Applicants had done their homework as far as the necessary Licensing and familiarity with State Laws . A motion was made to grant the Applicants their Special Use Permit as applied for. As outlined, they will comply with all Village Codes and State Laws governing Day Care Centers. Motion made by Commissioner Walsh. Commissioner Brenner seconded the motion. THE VOTING: Brenner Yes Karp Yes Kanzer Yes Walsh Yes THE MOTION WAS CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4 TO 0. ABSENT 3 The meeting ad adjourned at 11: 15 p.m. t . __ Emil Kanzer eonard Bloomfield I Executive Secretary Chairman Village of Morton Grove PLAN COMMISSION 6101 Capulina Avenue ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2902 (312) 965-4100 June 1 , 1984 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Miller 8266 West Monroe Niles, Illinois 60048 RE: MORTON GROVE PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NO. PC 84-4 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Miller: Please be advised that your case, as numbered above, has been published for a Public Hearing on Monday, June 18, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, Illinois. It is our understanding that you are requesting a Special Use Permit to allow Day Care services to be provided at 8944 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois in the R-2 Zoning District. It is necessary that you or your authorized representative be present at this hearing. Information concerning this case, as submitted, may be reviewed prior to the hearing date at the Building Department. Sincerely, Elaine Sonkin, Secretary Morton Grove Planning Commission cc: See Attached List RALPH GUDDI AMERICAN NAT•L lank $22770360 JOHN BYRNE 33 N. LaSalle St. Chicago 60602 ROY ANDERSON ERIC MOHR SAM CALIBRARO DAMARA LAUNICX JOHN NIEMAN FRITZ SCHMIEGELT We. WESTFEHLING MARTIN CURRY WALTER BOHN JOSEPH BUCK TETSUO TWAI JOSEPH ALESSI J. E. COURSEY DOROTIA GAWRYLEWSXI ROBERT PORTER J. TAORMINA THOS. HUTCHINSON HIGHSEL LAULETTA FANNIE APPEL MICHAEL DIBASILLO JAMES WENDT SAMUEL VARGHESE HENRY KARDAS X. VIANI ROBERT COURTNEY E.C. BAUMHARDT VICTOR GISGOGN GUNGE MALTEZOS ANTON RODISH JOSEPH HATZEL LIST OF INTERESTED PARTIES 8935 McVicker 10-17-3;3-009 RALPH GUDIN 8931 McVicker 10-17-313-010 JOHN BYRNE 8927 McVicker 10-17-313-011 ROY ANDERSON 8923 McVicker 10-17-313-012 SAM CALIBRARO 8936 Austin 10-17-313-021 JOHN NIEMAN 8932 Austin 10-17-313-022 Wm. WESTFEHLING 8928 Austin 10-17-313-023 WALTER BOHN 8924 Austin 10-17-313-024 TETSUO IWAI 8944 McVicker 10-17-312-020 J. E. COURSE? 8940 .McVicker 10-17-312-022 ROBERT PORTER 023 8936 McVicker 10-17-312-024 MIONIEL LAULETTA 8932 McVicker 10-17-312-025 MICHAEL DIBASILLO 8924 McVicker 10-17-312-027 JAMES WENDT 8928 McVicker 10-17-312-026 X. VIANI 9012 Austin 10-17-309-038 E.C. BAUP*IARDT 034 9016 Austin 10-17-309-032 VICTOR GISCHIOIN 031 9020 Austin 10-17-309-052 GEORGE MALTEZOS 9019: McVicker 10-17-309-046 ANTON RODISH 9017 McVicker 10-17-309-047 J0SEPH HATZEL 9013 McVicker- 10-17-309-048 AMERICAN NAT'L Bank #22770360 33 N. LaSalle St. Chicago 60602 9011 McVicker 10-17-309-049 ERIC MOHN 9005 McVicker 10-17-309-050 BARBARA LAUNICX 9001 McVicker 1017-309-019 FRITZ SCHMIEGELT 9015 Austin 10-17-408-056 MARTIN CURRY 9011 Austin 10-17-408-057 JOSEPH BUCK 9009 Austin 10-17-408-058 JOSEPH ALESSI 9003 Austin 10-17-408-059 D0RO14A GAWRYLEWSXI 9001 Austin 10-17-408-060 J. TAORMINA 8945 Austin 10-17-416-001 THOS. HUTCHINSON -, 8941 Austin 10-17-416-051 FANNIE APPEL 8937 Austin 10-17-416-052 SAMUEL VARGHESE 8933 Austin 10-17-416-042 HENRY KARDAS 8929 Austin 10-17-416-043 ROBERT COURTNEY • • • Village of Morton Grove PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6101 Capulitu Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2902 MEMORANDUM (312) 965_41 00 TO: MORTON GROVE PLAN COMMISSION FROM: CHARLES S . SCHECK, PROCEDURAL CONTROL COORDINA OR /A. DATE: MAY 25, 1984 iii , / RE: APPLICANT/STAFF MEETING PC 84-4 Special Use Permit For Day Care Center Operation In Morton Grove Community Church PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE : Steven Miller, Applicant Margaret Miller, Applicant Bill Zimmer, Building Department Chuck Scheck, Village Planner Ed Hildebrandt, Fire Department The information presented below summarizes the discussion and/or agreements reached relative to the staff comments , which are attached: ATTACHMENT I - BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No Comment . ATTACHMENT II - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: Informational Comment. ATTACHMENT III - FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 . State Fire Marshall and Morton Grove Fire Department requirements will be met . 2 . Children will take naps in same room as they play . ATTACHMENT IV - HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES No Comment. Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT V - POLICE DEPARTMENT No Comment ATTACHMENT VI - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Applicant will check with Church and obtain electrical estimate for exterior lighting . ATTACHMENT VII - PUBLIC WORKS No Comment . ATTACHMENT VIII - APPEARANCE REVIEW COMMISSION Applicant agrees to comply with sign modifications recommended. ATTACHMENT IX - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 1. Children will be supervised in a fenced area. 2 . Angle parking off-street would seem to serve the needs of drop-off and pick-up , especially since the movement is intermittent over an extended period. DEPARTMENT REVIEWING BUILDING ATTACHMENT: DAY CARE CENTER i 1 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS F PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1, 1984 CASE. No: PC 84-4 APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles , IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn your review to the Planning Department by May 11, 1984 . (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner • COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) l • . 1 I I These comments accurately represent existing Village Ai n cies s ' �� Plan Review O icer Date • I i DEPARTMENT REVIEW\rr,;: ENGINEERING ATTF‘..0,1ENT: DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: Nay 1, 1984 CASE NO: PC 84-4 APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles, IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn- your review to the Planning Department by May ll, 1984 . (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) 1 , t ocA-taory Of New yikti 11-1- sOvrtfeiltr car p of 1,19r Zio P%'rm rs quo fgoticem foe- s«r )15171A/C OM l SCIN /-VE/Vii 1 - These comments accurately represent existing Village regulations or policies. /d4- Plan - -view mi ficer Date DEPARTMENT REVIEW,: FIRE ATTAiENT: DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1, 1984 CASE NO: PC 84-4 • APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles , IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn-your review to the Planning Department by May 11, 1984 . (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) • 1. See requirements outlined on State Fire Marshal's letter dated 8-23-84, and Morton Grove Fire Dept:letter dated 8-17-84. 2. Where in building will chi` en take the required naps? These comments accurately represent existing Village re• =tions •r polices. Zdz Plan Rev ew Officer Date ti., 0 C MORTON GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT 6250 Lincoln Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-1902 AL Business Telephone. (312) 965-5030 +''t I August 17, 1983 Rev. Conway Ramseyer Morton Grove Community Church 8944 Austin Av Re: Fire Alarm System Morton Grove, IL 60053 Morton Grove Community Church Dear Rev. Ramseyer: Representatives of the State Fire MArshal's office and myself visited your church last week to determine the feasibility of using the meeting room under the sanctuary as a child day care center. After reviewing local fire and life safety codes, the following changes will be required to operate a child care center. 1. The existing fire alarm system shall be modified to automatically transmit alarm signals to the Fire Department (State Fire Marshal Regulations) . 2. Battery operated emergency lights shall be provided in the day care area, including exits (Life Safety Code, 10-7.2.9) . Should the above changes be made so that a day care center may begin operation, I strongly suggest that the congregation investigate the feas- ibility of adding smoke detection to other areas of the building. Due to the day care requirements, the fire alarm system will automatically . transmit signals to the fire department. However, detectors are currently located in limited areas such as the kitchen, boiler room, and small closets in the basement. These limited area detectors may lull members into thinking the entire church facility is protected by a fire alarm system. Our recommendation is to install additional detection in the first flour and basement multipurpose rooms and any storage areas not currently protected. Detection would not be required in the sanctuary. Should you wish to pursue this recommendation, we will be available t0,meet with church representatives. to review current equipment and suggested locations for additional detectors. Sincerely, // / 06 e6/-,cis �3 Ed Hildebrandt, Lieutenant EH:eh Fire Prevention Bureau #,.. Office Of The State Fire Marshal Division of Fire Prevention kowits 1722 State of Illinois Building 160 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 CERTIFIED MAIL N P-454-846-878 312-793-2694 , tele August 23 , 1983 Carolyn Lutgen 1022 Austin Avenue Park Ridge , Illinois 60068 FILE N CN-331 -028-005 RE : Loving & Learning Day Care & Kgn . PROPOSED DAY CARE CENTER 8944 Austin Morton Grove , Illinois-COOK COUNTY Dear Carolyn Lutgen : At the request of the Department of Children and Family Services , Fire Inspector Sheldon E . Abrams made an inspection of the above-captioned premises on August 10th , 1983 . This inspection was made subject to the Illinois Rules and Regulations for Fire Prevention and Safety , as adopted and promulgated pursuant to Section 9 , Chapter 1271/2, Captioned State Fire Marshal of Illinois Revised Statutes , 1981 , as amended , effective January 1 , 1980. This inspection revealed the following conditions in need of correction and/or fire hazards needed to place these premises in compliance: 1 . A complete fire alarm system with pull stations is presently installed in the building however it is not connected to either the local fire department , or central station , but the church wishes to provide this direct line to the fire department. These corrections must be made prior to occupancy of the above-captioned premises . When the violations have been corrected , please notify the Chicago Office and a reinspection will then be scheduled . • page two Questions relative to this inspection should be directed to this office within ten ( 10) days of receipt of this letter. If a meeting is desired to discuss this inspection , please submit a letter requesting an appointment. . I Sincerely , Dwight R. Elliott , Deputy State Fire Marshal DRE : ERB : gs CC - Inspector Abrams CC - Supervisor Driscoll CC - Fire Chief Brady CC - Willye Coleman , Dept . of Children and Family Services (2 ) • •_ DEPARTMENT REVIEW... ;: HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES AflA ENT: DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1 , 1984 CASE NO: PC 84-4 APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles , IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn-your review to the Planning Department by May 11 , 1984 • (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) NO COMMENT . These comments accurately represent existing Village regulations or policies. - - - S - 1/P an Review Officer Date DEPARTMENT REVIEW_: PLANNING A7TAL#ENT DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1, 1984 CASE NO: PC 84-4 • APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles, IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn-your review to the Planning Department by May 11, 1984 • (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner • COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) 1. It is not clear either as to the entrance to be normally used by client to this' facility, or the adequacy of lighting from the sidewalk to the entry-way. I would recommend that additional lighting be installed to illuminate the walkway, and that the additional lighting be placed on a separate circuit so it could be turned on without having to light the entire church exterior. These comments accurately represent existing Village regulations or policies. ' / S— 14-F4- Plan Review Officer Date • DEPARTMENT REVIEW:• POLICE Ate, ,_ DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT } DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1, 1984 4 a CASE NO: PC 84-4 1• APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles, IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn-your review to the Planning Department by -May ' ll, 1984 . (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) No crime prevention concerns at this time . These comments accurately represent existing Village regal sons or policies. ic Plan Review Officers Date 3 1 DEPARTMENT REVIEW: PUBLIC WORKS A1Tke,SENT: DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS - PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1 , 1984 CASE No: PC 84-4 • APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles, IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn-your review to the Planning Department by /44337 . 11, 1984 . (10 working days after receipt) . - Charles S. Scheck Village Planner COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) No Comment These comments accurately represent existing Village regulations o ci P1 eview Officer Date DEPARTMENT REVIEW: : APPEARANCE REVIEW COMMISSION ATTAC�'NT: DAY CARE CENTER /' ` r r VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS i i PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT 1 i DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1, 1984 CASE No: PC 84-4 APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles, IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church a The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn-your review to the Planning Department by May 11, 1984 . (10 working days 7 after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) j.e€ 4+6;;LeJt Ci /Wiwi-fie:5- These comments accurately represent existing Village regulations or policies. • .-r;/AP Plan Review Officer Date/ Morton rove Appearance Commission Meeting May 7, Page 5. EE PC 84-4 , Day Care Center Present were Steven and Marge Miller, presenting a proposal O9, for a day care center in the existing Community Church. The Commission made the following suggestions regarding signage: 1. Eliminate phone number 2. Move or reduce illustration to fit in with size of sign 3. Use professionally prepared materials The petitioners agreed with suggestions and will work with the Building Department. Other Morton Grove Historical Society - Relocation of "Yehl House" • Fred Heuscher made an informal presentation regarding the proposed relocation of the Yehl house on the Park District property next to the Morton Grove Bank. A motion was made by Commissioner Wolinsky to support the Morton Grove Historical Society with the relocation of the "Yehl House" , seconded by Commissioner Schrader. Unanimously approved. Faust of Italy The Commission gave Bill Zimmer permission to allow Faust of Italy to raise the lettering on their building up by 2 feet due to the vandalism problems that have been occurring. Angelic Imports Commissioner Hirsch noted that two trees were cut down on this property when signage was installed and they will have to be replaced. Bill Zimmer to contact Angelic Imports. A motion was made to adjourn meeting at 10:25 p.m. Unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Ilene Stevens DEPARTMENT REVIEW TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ATT ..AEBT : DAY CARE CENTER VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENTAL COMMENT DATE DISTRIBUTED: May 1, 1984 CASE No: PC 84-4 APPLICANT: LOVING & LEARNING, INC. , 8206 W. Monroe, Niles, IL 60648 Special use permit for Day Care Center in Morton Grove Community Church The site review plans attached have been submitted for Plan Commission Action. Please re- turn -your review to the Planning Department by May 11, 1984 . (10 working days after receipt) . Charles S. Scheck Village Planner • COMMENT NUMBER COMMENTS OR CONCERNS (Discuss Briefly) it GFFLLD(ZeA) fvu(.➢ 13.6 duferVlf p ki ALL- T1A4e5 )U(/Ntf ourq( ur- CL-Y 2. co/uSoEur-alou fbMvc-) 3e a- uex To USI fAwa' rn -u-ei- A A old SouNtf Scvf or &AYE sit 4s DRoP-ocf 4 Pict � P A1A , -t lk1S /pout-) 4u116" ,6sr-i/cvO,Vc, These comments accurately represent existing Village regula ' •ns or pol'cies. AtaleV,/ 64/0 Plan 4kevi- /O`£icer Date MORTON GROVE APPEARANCE COMMISSION MEETING MAY 7, 1984 The fiftieth meeting of the Appearance Commission was called to order at 8 :02 p.m. Commissioners present were: D. Hirsch J. Rossmann W. Heine O. Schrader M. Wolinsky E. Eckhardt Commissioner absent: J. Brim (Chairman) Commissioner Heine acted as Chairman in Chairman Brim' s absence. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Commissioner Hirsch noted the following corrections to the April meeting minutes: SA222, Ground Round (Pickle Lily' s) - It should be noted that the Architects provided the material requested by the Commission and the material used for the pylon sign face is vinyl. V109 , Popeye' s Chicken, Pg. 3 , 4th line, should be changed from "over-large" to "over-sized" A motion was made by Commissioner Wolinsky to approve the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Schrader. Unanimously approved. Public Comment - None Correspondence - None Commissioner Heine mentioned the addition of two procedural control cases to the agenda and the informal presentation from the Morton Grove Historical Society would be heard at the end of the procedural control cases. SA 226, Popeyes Chicken, 6939 Golf Road Present was Mr. Ed Grate, Grate Sign Company, resubmitting building and street signs that meet the sign ordinance size requirements. Mr. Grate also submitted photographs of other Popeyes location for the Commission to review. Morton Grove Appearance Commission Meeting May 7, �J4 • Page 2. Popeyes Chicken (cont. ) Commissioner Hirsch stated that even though the Commission does not agree with the Popeyes' logo, the sign code require- ments have been met with the signs falling into the 50 sq. ft. limit. The petitioner agreed to the color of the pylon being black. A motion was made by Commissioner Schrader to approve signage, seconded by Commissioner Hirsch. Unanimously approved. Mr. Grate stated that the work on the building, landscaping and signage will hopefully be completed within 45 days. SA 227 , Il Forno, 5832 Dempster Present was Mike Rudolph, part owner of I1 Forno. A proposed replacement panel was submitted in accordance to the existing sign program for the strip stores. A motion was made by Commissioner Eckhardt to approve. Seconded by Commissioner Hirsch. Unanimously approved. SA 228, Diamonds & Gold, 6753 Dempster Present was a representative from Kieffer Sign Co. presenting replacement lettering for Golden Touch, part of the Prairie View Sign program. Commissioner Hirsch stated that since the architects were no longer involved with sign program, it was up to the Commission to follow the program. The proposed signage will have an ivory face, 18" lettering and meets the requirements for the center. Commissioner Hirsch stated that the requested signage meets the code as presented and moved to accept Diamonds & Gold as replacement for Golden Touch. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wolinsky. Unanimously approved. SA 229, Papa Pizza, 6019 Dempster Present was Devora Friedman, part owner, presenting a proposed replacement panel for the old I1 Forno location. Commissioner Hirsch suggested that the lettering for Papa Pizza be reduced to 10" from 12" to make the sign more legible. Commissioner Eckhardt suggested the word "catering" on the second line be eliminated and just use the words "carry out" and "delivery" , which would be centered under Papa Pizza. The Petitioner agreed with the Commissioners ' suggestions. Morton C'rtve Appearance Commission Meeting May 7, 1984 Page 3. Papa Pizza (cont. ) Commissioner Schrader made a motion to approve SA 229 with the following stipulations : size of letters on "Papa Pizza" to be 10" ; eliminate the word "catering" ; sign colors will be white letters on a red backround; lower letters will be 5" in height. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wolinsky. Unanimously approved. Commissioner Hirsch stated that the words carry out and delivery should be added to the sign application; drawing from the sign company to be labeled #SA 229 to refer back to and the box will match other boxes in finish and color (dark brown or bronze) . It was also noted that the Petitioner will submit a final revised drawing to the Building Department for the permanent files. SA 230 , Tubbos, 9510 Waukegan Representing Petitioner was Marty Shaner, Sure Light Service Co. , submitting a replacement face for sign. Commissioner Hirsch stated that there was a problem with landscaping for this location. Mr. Shaner presented an estimate and proposal for landscaping including sodding on two triangles in front of the building and placing boulders in them. The Commission suggested shrubbery in place of the boulders. Commissioners Eckhardt and Wolinsky agreed to contact the owner and assured the Commission that the owner will cooperate with a new landscaping plan. A motion was made by Commissioner Wolinsky to approve sign. Seconded by Commissioner Rossmann. Unanimously approved. It was noted that if the landscaping was not completed, the sign would have to be removed. V 110, Hair Performers, 6733 Dempster Present was a representative from Doyle Sign Co. , submitting a proposal for a variation to allow smaller, stacked letters. Bill Zimmer explained there was a problem due to the smaller store front not being able to accomodate the name on one line. A motion was made by Commissioner Eckhardt to approve, seconded by Commissioner Schrader. Unanimously approved. It was noted ivory and brown illuminated plexi-glass letters will be used and the existing box will be removed. Morton C ve Appearance Commission Meeting May 7 , 1'4 Page 4. Procedural Control Strip Stores Austin-Dempster Bill Zimmer presented preliminary plans for the Commission to review. Mr. Zimmer noted that the landscaping plans were not included and he would advise the building department that they were waiting with bated breath for the landscaping program. Commissioner Hirsch noted signage will be needed to show access and egress and there should be a one way entrance and right turn only exitr due to traffic conjestion on that corner. Commissioner Wolinsky will check into the possibility of a bus shelter on that corner. Commission noted that they would need a sign program proposal for signage on the south and east sides of the stores . Bill Zimmer to give comments to the Building Department. Office Building Lincoln-Mansard Presentation made by Otis Associates of Northbrook, Architects. Proposed building will be for a single tenant, I .R. I . Industrial Distributors. The Commission made the following comments to be given to the Building Department: 1. Landscaping along Lincoln Avenue, 2 or 3 hard-wood trees. 2. Sign lettering material to be presented to Commission for approval. 3. Staff to review to see if dumpster will be required. 5700 Dempster - New Mansard Present were Gus Gustapolos, Architect and Jim Sadarias , Owner, who presented materials and photographs for new mansard on strip stores. Commission noted there were openings in the mansard for sign identification and a sign program should be developed and submitted to Commission. �/ PC 84-3 , Rezoning - Lincoln and Ferris �/ A presentation was made for 8 , 2 story townhomes on the corner of Lincoln and Ferris. It was noted that landscaping plans could not be projected due to the fact that the state will be reconstructing the curb. The Commission noted that the balance of the presentation was not applicable unless there is future signage to look at. Morton C -nve Appearance Commission Meeting • May 7, k4 Page 5. PC 84-4, Day Care Center Present were Steven and Marge Miller, presenting a proposal O9for a day care center in the existing Community Church. The Commission made the following suggestions regarding signage: 1. Eliminate phone number 2. Move or reduce illustration to fit in with size of sign 3. Use professionally prepared materials The petitioners agreed with suggestions and will work with the Building Department. Other Morton Grove Historical Society - Relocation of "Yehl House" • Fred Heuscher made an informal presentation regarding the proposed relocation of the Yehl house on the Park District property next to the Morton Grove Bank. A motion was made by Commissioner Wolinsky to support the Morton Grove Historical Society with the relocation of the "Yehl House" , seconded by Commissioner Schrader. Unanimously approved. Faust of Italy The Commission gave Bill Zimmer permission to allow Faust of Italy to raise the lettering on their building up by 2 feet due to the vandalism problems that have been occurring. Angelic Imports Commissioner Hirsch noted that two trees were cut down on this property when signage was installed and they will have to be replaced. Bill Zimmer to contact Angelic Imports. A motion was made to adjourn meeting at 10:25 p.m. Unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Ilene Stevens v June 8, 1984 PC 84-4 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REQUEST FOR PLAN COMMISSION ACTION PETITIONER: Loving and Learning, Inc. 8206 W. Monroe Niles , Illinois 60648 SUBJECT PROPERTY: Morton Grove Community Church 8944 Austin Avenue LOCATION MAP : i y n- _ -'� 11,2 � / i -1 ? Ig N e p ==.- in aIIIII •a I 11111 URI F RI _;= uuuum ®® 0=1 Fun t Ell I l_Ia lHU �d0�MEEgHEN n , - -- __ =- F4R< VIEW - I- ����I I d SCHOOL - __- _ _ _. -_ r - __ r %_ GEORGE MAR G - ��`i.RER ARK r Mw•. ' F r ;# - -I,-=- 11 -a_-:-AIIIIII �—•-- —:m5-- .72 — Zr. -- - _ so no u r�I.1� 11.11/ .1m1� .isin "r�41111111111111E •�11#111!r•_•L 4u•1lullnnaimou.nnl.lmoimkllnluinIU L. r 4E_.,=r-'n11vole n- =.inrn11 1111111111 111111-IM III/OI O Id : _ =111: ■ Ho =_�p11m1 :N1111111 Illllmllll 111111111 - _r gm; 1111111 �� mun11 111111N111 W n u n i i � '`,_= namnnnnq _III�mm muumuu I' umilp; p ■ U C� r E. =®®H0111111-0 _:!Will 111111111111 m1 ,r k. C i= _ -1= SOROOL ® E.KL:111111 Minim SCHOOLi pp -III '• ,-3.— – - _111111111 11mma11 d 111 ®:- " e' fl.411111,r 1 rin.an m n • ■ • 1T771 1IZ7F 7 REQUEST: Petitioner is requesting Special Use Permit to operate a Day Care Center in the Church. ATTACHMENTS : Plan Commission Application Staff Comments Memorandum - Staff/Applicant Conference Applicant Materials Supporting Request VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION �- ZONING AMENDMENT SPECIAL USE PERMITS SUBDIVISION PLAT CASE NO: ?CPA -4 DATE: S t 4 1. Street Address of Property \'' 1 .4-4 A vs jN' Legal Description of Property: Existing Zoning District: A _ %!v (/-L C .C/1/11,C. / 'T G.?/9% & ', 77 2. Requested Action (Please Describe Briefly) : r'Cce./4 /2L-RNI %O %LLOW Pit)Vc_7-4/? it c)r, T ,4A/7 A CA/1PM&x/j 44 >'56 t'(./e/W/ T 7) / �(>> lt/ % c r�4,v /i',./�� 3. Name of Applicant: Lc j',✓7 j L_51,C7/J/,141( rill's" f�N%% / 7;e�i1✓."jt�!✓� /,� p /r Address: :?2G4, r�(/ /C44 e /l✓,•'GJ, %' 'CG:�' U 9 4 4VJ7i, . K vc -7/ . Telephone: ?23 - ,Y 75 / (a ,j-Z Y ' /4. Name of Property Owner: 714641 O4E L �O/f/J/4// Address: 44 /vJT /✓ ��1 ly/�i,�!✓/r/ Y Telephone: 96r- ,,Z 5. Twenty-four (24) Conies of the Following Materials Must Be Submitted to Make This Application Complete: REQUIRED SUBMITTED Sheet 1. Plat of Survey (not older than six months, prepared by registered Land Surveyor --- angles, dimensions, ease- ments, buildings, structures, driveways and other existing surface improvements shall be shown.) PC 79-01 Sheet 2. Engineering Data REQUIRED SUBMITTED a. Topography (one foot contour intervals or elevations on a 25 foot grid based on U.S.G.S. datum within 100 feet of parcel) . /17/4 b. Existing Utilities (all within 100 feet of parcel) . c. Proposed Utilities (sanitary and storm sewer with placement of manholes and retention areas; water main with placement of valves and hydrants) . 474 d. Streets, Alleys, Public Easements and Utility Rights-of-Way (location, width and names) . �A e. Flood Plain or Area Subject to Flooding. X Sheet 3. Site Improvements a. Building Location (Set-backs) X b. Access and Egress (Traffic Circulation on and around site) . ^/A c. Parking - Stall and Aisle Specifications (all stalls numbered consecutively; typical stall dimensions) . d. Fire Lanes (As Required) ;Lt Vim; ..,,421)14R,44/7-) x e. Loading Docks (As Required) /V'4 Sheet 3A. Site Improvements a. Landscaping (detailed planting plans and plant list) . b. Lighting (location, type of light head, wattage, and spread) . X Sheet 4. Site Environs (location and distances from property lines of structures on adjacent propertiez; uses of adjacent properties should be noted) . ; SNti�c'L t ) Sheet 5. Building Elevation, including type of materials, construction, and specifying building height from A/ 14 grade. Sheet 5A. Typical Floor Plan X XSheet 6. Sign Package (identify existing signs; fully describe proposed signage (size and location) on structure or site) . PC 79-01 Sheet 7. Data Analysis REQUIRED SUBMITTED a. Gross Site Area Z-b. Net Site Area X c. Ground Coverage Areas and Percentage 4 k( Building Floor Area Total and Floor Area Ratio X e. Numbers of Units and Composition 1-` E: f. Proposed Use of Structure and/or Parcel g. List of Names of All Contiguous and Adjacent -� Property Owners within 150 feet of property boundary) Sheet 8. Evidence of Ownership, including a "paid" tax bill 3 - <4 for previous taxing year. /4 T/dxES REQUIKE'D. /(v Sheet 9. Miscellaneous Information: a 89 X /4"it 8. Fa• F. 4. R . / �b ! 15; 1381tfif 3.35 - ! /61 6. Conditions Affecting Application Review: A. If represented by counsel, or another party, 'applicant shall forward evidence of authority with representative. B. Improper or inaccurate completion of this Application shall cause a postponement from the scheduled hearing, or, if realized prior to publication of legal notice, refusal to include in such legal notice. C. This application shall not be accepted for publication prior to review and acceptance by the Village Planner of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois. 7. I certify that I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this Application, and have complied with all provisions. Applicant's Signature The materials submitted for review with this Application Form were found complete and accepted for "Plan Review Processing" as of —1-172, 4- Date Village Planner Fee Paid: $ Z JO Per: Employee Date Legal Notice Published: (Date) Plan Commission Hearing: (Date) Plan Commission Disposition Board of Trustee Action: Date Approve/Reject/Modify PC 79-01 TO THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE PLANNING COI' M STPN._ We_wish_ o_provide_ to yaur community the service of -a -Day Cara Center, to be located in-The _Morton Grove Community Church, 8944 N. Austin Avenue. The centerwi 11 algo_.offer__bra-Scho9li.nd_a befor_e_and_alter _- -_-- _— -- school_rare _s ervice - Ile will offer this service to children_ of ages 2-12 .years. We will __ .. provide--a--hot,_ mid-day-meal -along with -a. morning and afternoon snack. We will_alsa- offer_ breakfast when necessary._ The _.center _program_ far the day care and pre-school children- will be one__of.. simple _and _basic learning skills in a relaxed atmosphere. There _._ will be__indoor-_ and__outdoor-_play,__.The. school age children will be provided -_ _areas of interest according to age along with space and help with school work. The _teacher-student ratio will conform to that required by the State_of_Illinois Children_and Family Services . The licejtr capacity will also conform to the state regulations . We thank you for this opportunity and hope to be a credit to you community._ SIGNED: Steven Miller Margaret Miller /�, ..� - -- - - ---- --- SIGN PACKAGE _EXTSTTNG SIGN: Located on North East corner of Lot 28. (See Plat of Survey) . SIZE: 72x48 inches high. Sign is mounted on a_ 10x2 feet high stone base. PSCPO.SED SIGD: - S ocated on :Louth East corner _af Jot_ SIZE:_ _48x36-inch s_hi h,__Ta beYnounted_appr_oximately _ - -- 6.3.nches_above the ground_. --- — The proposed sign shall conform to Ordinance 72-18._____ Sign Code of the Village of Morton Grove, passed_ June 20 , 1972 . 0 -- 0 I U 0 Zw z � wn z ct Q °6 0 ° oww �� t� z � Q rn ZQ 0 6:s, (--"Zs awissio tom ) �. .7,..:111lusid..., Ira. ) \F sc ' \\ 1 -'c_ ,, l Sec. 153. 050 Sign Regulations Ii 8. Signs which contain or consist of banners , posters , pennants , j'', ribbons, streamers , strings of light bulks , spinners, or similar v.- I moving or sign devises , unless they are specificly permitted by li� another section of this Ordinance. IL 9. Signs which have hazardous projections or are otherwose unsaf< ',';j insecure, or create a traffic or pedestrian hazard. H jl 10. Signs which have blinking, flashing, rotating or fluttering lights or other illuminating devises which have changing light iij intensity, brightness or color. ii II 11. Signs at the rear of the premises facing residential property 4( Sec. 153. 055 Exempt Signs I The following types of signs are exempted from all the provision; ll, of this Ordinance except for provisions relating to construction, height, location, and safety regulations , and the following requirements. 1. Signs of a non-commercial nature and in the public interest , ' Il erected by, or on the order of, a public officer in the performance o_ l his public duty, such as safety signs , danger signs , trespassing sign' , traffic signs , memorial plaques , signs of historical interest and 1 other similar signs . 2. Announcement signs for any public , charitable , educational or religous institution, located entirely within the premises of that institution, up to a total of thirty (30) square feet. However , if a two sided sign is used, that sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square ' feet per side. If building mounted, these signs shall be flat wall 1 ft signs and shall not project above the roof level . If ground mounted, the top shall be no more than five (5) feet above ground level. No sign shall be closer than eight (8) feet to any side or rear lot line .'1 and no closer than four (4) feet to the front lot line or one half the depth of the front yard, whatever is greater. 3. Names of buildings , dates of erection, monumental citations , commerative tablets and the like, when carved into stone, concrete, cn similar material, or a plaque made of bronze or aluminum, and made an integral part of the structure, not to exceed a total area of thirty (30) square feet. 4. Signs directing traffic movement , located entirely within the premises or lines of said lot, not exceeding three (3) square feet pe, side in area for each sign. Illumination of these signs shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions relating thereto, and ` location shall be approved by the Building Commissioner and Police Department. 5. One non-illuminated real estate sign per lot , not exceeding five (5) feet in -height and not exceeding two sides and not exceeding five (5) square feet per side in area, which advertises the sale, rental, lease or management of thr residential property on which that sign is located. In case of subdivisions , in place of a sign for each lot a non-illuminated sign or signs aggregating not more than two sides and a total sign area not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area shall be permitted; provided, however, that a permit shall be required, together with a cash bond of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100. 00) to pay all costs of removal in the event the sign is not removed IF pursuant to this Ordinance. Said bond shall be returned upon demand after the applicable sign has been properly removed. No sign shall be 8935 McVicker 10-17-3;3-009 RALPH GUDIM 8931 McVicker 10-17-313-010 JOHN BYRNE 8927 McVicker 10-17-313-011 ROY ANDERSON 8923 McVicker 10-17-313-012 SAM CALIBRARO 8936 Austin 10-17-313-021 JOHN NIEMAN 8932 Austin 10-17-313-022 Wm. WESTFEHLING 8928 Austin 10-17-313-023 WALTER BOHN 8924 Austin 10-17-313-024 TETSUO THAI 8944 McVicker 10-17-312-020 J. E. COURSEY 8940 McVicker 10-17-312-022 ROBERT PORTER 023 8936 McVicker 10-17-312-024 MICHAEL LAULETTA 8932 McVicker 10-17-312-025 MICHAEL DIBASILLO 8924 McVicker 10-17-312-027 JAMES WENDT 8928 McVicker 10-17-312-026 K. VIANI 9012 Austin 10-17-309-038 E.C. BAUMHARDT 034 9016 Austin 10-17-309-032 VICTOR GISCHMAN 031 9020 Austin 10-17-309-052 GEORGE MALTEZOS 9019: McVicker 10-17-309-046 ANTON RODISH 9017 McVicker 10-17-309-047 JOSEPH FATZEL 9013 McVicker 10-17-309-048 AMERICAN NAT'L Bank #22770360 33 N. LaSalle St. Chicago 60602 9011 McVicker 10-17-309-049 ERIC MOHN 9005 McVicker 10-17-309-050 BARBARA LAUNICK 9001 McVicker 10=17-309-019 FRITZ SCHMIEGELT 9015 Austin 10-17-408-056 MARTIN CURRY 9011 Austin 10-17-408-057 JOSEPH BUCK 9009 Austin 10-17-408-058 JOSEPH ALESSI 9003 Austin 10-17-408-059 DOROTHA GAWRYLEWSKI 9001 Austin 10-17-408-060 J. TAORMINA C 8945 Austin 10-17-416-001 THOS. HUTCHINSON 8941 Austin 10-17-416-051 FANNIE APPEL 8937 Austin 10-17-416-052 SAMUEL VARGHESE 8933 Austin 10-17-416-042 HENRY KARDAS 8929 Austin 10-17-416-043 ROBERT COURTNEY • t %9f9 Office Of The State Fire Marshal , )) �k!� Division of Fire Prevention 1722 State of Illinois Building 160 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 CERTIFIED MAIL # P-454-846-878 312-793-2694 August 23 , 1983 Carolyn Lutgen 1022 Austin Avenue Park Ridge , Illinois 60068 FILE # CN-331 -028-005 RE : Loving & Learning Day Care & Kgn . PROPOSED DAY CARE CENTER 8944 Austin Morton Grove , Illinois-COOK COUNTY Dear Carolyn Lutgen : At the request of the Department of Children and Family Services , Fire Inspector Sheldon E . Abrams made an inspection of the above-captioned premises on August 10th , 1983 . This inspection was made subject to the Illinois Rules and Regulations for Fire Prevention and Safety , as adopted and promulgated pursuant to Section 9 , Chapter 1271/2, Captioned State Fire Marshal of Illinois Revised Statutes , 1981 , as amended , effective January 1 , 1980 . This inspection revealed the following conditions in need of correction and/or fire hazards needed to place these premises in compliance : 1 . A complete fire alarm system with pull stations is presently installed in the building however it is not connected to either the local fire department , or central station , but the church wishes to provide this direct line to the fire department. These corrections must be made prior to occupancy of the above-captioned premises . When the violations have been corrected , please notify the Chicago Office and a reinspection will then be scheduled. page two Questions relative to this inspection should be directed to this office within ten ( 10) days of receipt of this letter. If a meeting is desired to discuss this inspection , please submit a letter requesting an appointment. ancere • Dwi t R. Elliott , Deputy State Fire Marshal DRE : ERB : gs CC - Inspector Abrams CC - Supervisor Driscoll CC - Fire Chief Brady CC - Willye Coleman , Dept . of Children and Family Services (2 ) • Attention: Rev. Conway Ramseyer } za Nat,onak tlarthaYT Alarm Services October 24th, 1983 Installation of a Fire Alarm System for Morton Grove Community Church, 8944 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053. Protection to be provided: 1 - Fire Panel , 1 Zone 2 - Smoke/Heat Detectors, in Basement Day Care Center Tie in existing Protection 1 - Heat Detector, Kitchen 1 - Heat Detector, Furnace 1 - Heat Detector, Storage 2 - Existing Pull Stations 1 - Existing Bell The above system would be installed, leased and maintained by National Guardian Alarm Services on a 24 hour basis, everyday of the year upon your request. The system would be directly connected to the receiving panel at the Morton Grove • Eire Department. : Upon activation of the Fire Alarm System, the Fire Department would receive a;signal immediately. The cost of this installation would be $540.00 plus $ 36.00 per month for service and maintenance fee. Illinois Bell Telephone Company would bill you approximately $179.00 for the installation of their line plus $15.00 per month for the line rental fee. The Fire Department connection charge is $150.00 plus $8.00 per month. OPTION Additional Fire Protection to be installed as follows: 1 - Smoke/Heat Detector, Upper Level Meeting Room 2 - Smoke/Heat Detectors, Lower Level Meeting Room 1 - Smoke/Heat Detector in Church Office 1 - Smoke/Heat Detector in Nursery Upper Level 1 - Smoke/Heat Detector in Choir Room The cost of this additional installation would be $ 510.00 plus $18.00 additional per month for service and maintenance fee. Thank you for allowing me to present this proposal to you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours xik: cc Sharon Lewis Security Consultant SL/mh , r._ _ 6C€?1 x"2!775-8600 ' - 00K COUNTY,ILLINOIS t'J. ii• ,FILED FOR RECORD RECORD:ICU( DEEDS U ST E COLE w Co CHICAGO No. 821 I _?SL BLANKS � 2 1 077 1 1 !' (NEW MARCN IaeT) E6 9 '7U 2 12 PM QUIT CLAIM DEED—Statutory °Liam+, (CORPORATION TO CORPORATION) 21 01( I 1 0 ACpro•ed BY (Chiesgo Title and Trust Co. 1 ChieaEO Real Estate Board (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) ,' THE GRANTOR CHURCH EXTENSION BOARD OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO, an Illinois not-for-profit r; V Xlcorporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois ll and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Illinois , for the consideration I : of Ten and no/100ths ($10.00) DOLLARS, \ and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid. n and pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation CONVEYS I and QUIT CLAIMS unto MORTON GROVE COMMUNITY CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) , a N religions corporation 1 a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois having its principal office in the Village of Morton Grove County of Cook and State of Illinois all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in TN the County of Cook and State of Illinois, to wit: J L Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 , 33, 34 and 35 (except the West 60 feet of Lots 32 to 35 inclusive) and the 16 foot vacated alley lying between Lots 28 to 35 inclusive in Oliver Salinger and Company 's 2nd Dempster Street Subdivision in the East half of the South West quarter of Section 17, Township 41 0 North, Range 13, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in a '\ Cook County, Illinois. x �C Zto Subject to easements, restrictions and covenants appearing e ■ of record El o 'w ec ct 11 In E, - la ' Ad id Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixedd o 'e kese tsbts President,and attested by its N presen 1 15th day of January - , 19 70. x • i L� EXTENSION BOARD OF THE PRE EYTER • CHICAGO q ■e IN j)y! - i K RA of t JI 'RS.; i PRESIDENT ya' -. a.rr,i 'A. *Pi r . r W. H. L� 6 WAta t �' zeTTest .fhM O-1n F SECRETARY • r 9�� - J. Vernon oyo State lib it 'grudnty of Cook I, the undersigned, a Notary Public,in and for the County and State aforesaid,DO HEREBY CERTIFY,that W. H. Lowe personally known to me to be the President of the CHURCH EXTENSION BOARD OF THE PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation,and J. Vernon Lloyd personally known to me to be the Secretary of said corporation, and personally known to i M h4ti� me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Y ;, r ,. Q,• instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowl- o rT A�I .: +-4\el .} Y edged that as such President and Secretary, thgy n `y ,$t T'.. ' yr s signed and delivered the said instrument as President and , c -r r( X'a Secretary of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of - In -t. kkW` ?' 4 ;i I U r' `said corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the y k'',•• ,;y, . Board of Directors of said corporation as their free and voluntary 2 "":-t, <Ci ril "1 '. act,and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the c ,, r „ - '� uses and purposes therein set forth. 1 X to 1 Given under my hand and official seal, this— 1 6th day of January-_ /f, 19 70 a+ Commission expires Q0 Sc &- a t 1970 geo-- ' S�� Qi a TARP YBLIC Della M. Gander ADDRESS OF PROPERTYS 6 .r,a NAME Orphan and Berrafato Y9 A4 5T° (719 14.6 Attorneys at law MAILTO: ADDRESS5945 West Dempster Street THE ABOVE ADDRESS IS FOR STATISTICAL CITY ANDMOrton Grove, Illinois 60053 PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT A PART OF STATE 1 -- THIS DEED. OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO. 5 33 1 UNIT J 123073 888988 * 1' * .. [31-688 ALTA 1978 LOAN FORM 5 67-71-885 CUSTOMER INFO: MORTON GROVE COMMUNITY CHURCH SCHEDULE A NUMBER DATE OF POLICY AMOUNT OF INSURANCE 67-71-885 APRIL 8r 1988 $186,888 .88 1. NAME OF INSURED: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MORTON GROVE, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION. 2. A FEE SIMPLE ESTATE IN THE LAND COVERED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN: MORTON GROVE COMMUNITY CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) , A RELIGIOUS CORPORATION OF ILLINOIS. 3. THE MORTGAGE, HEREIN REFERRED TO AS THE INSURED MORTGAGE. AND THE ASSIGNMENTS THEREOF. IF ANY ARE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: TRUST DEED DATED APRIL 1, 1988 AND RECORDED APRIL 8. 1988 AS DOCUMENT 25917755 MADE BY MORTON GROVE COMMUNITY CHURCH (PRESBYTERIAN) A RELIGIOUS CORPORATION OF ILLINOIS TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MORTON GROVE. A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION. TO SECURE A NOTE FOR $186. 888 , 00. 4. THE LAND COVERED BY THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 28, 29. 38. 31. 32r 33r 34 AND 35 (EXCEPT THE WEST 60 FEET OF LOTS 32 10 35. INCLUSIVE) AND 16 FOOT VACATED ALLEY LYING BETWEEN LOTS 28 TO 35 INCLUSIVE IN OLIVER SALINGgR AND COMPANY'S SECOND DEMF'STER STREET SUBDIVISION IN THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTH WEST 1/4 OF SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH. RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN!. IN COOK COUNTY' ILLINOIS. i'131-688 -1- 1481 5 67-71-8E 67-71-885 888908 123873 S C H E D U L E B 18318 38 C31-688 ALTA 1978 LOAN FORM 5 67-71-085 SCHEDULE 8 THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY REASON OF THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. TAXES FOR THE YEARS 1979 AND 1980 . NOTE: 1988 TAXES NOT DELINQUENT BEFORE MARCH 2, 1981 . PERMANENT TAX NUMBERS 18-17-313-838, LOTS 28 TO 31: 18-17-313-884, LOT 32; 18-17-313-803, LOT 33; 10-17-313-002, LOT 34; 18-17-313-081, LOT 35. 2. GRANT TO THE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY AND THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 28, 1953 AS DOCUMENT 15706897 OF AN EASEMENT TO ERECT AND MAINTAIN THEIR EQUIPMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES UPON, OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS A STRIP OF LAND 6 FEET WIDE ADJACENT TO AND PARALLEL WITH AND NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 31 . COUNTER`SSIGNED )92. AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY 31-688 -2- 1401 5 67-71-885 SIGN PACKAGE 77XISTINC SIGN: Located on North East corner of Lot 28. (See Flat of Survey) . • SIZE: 72x48 inches high. Sign is_ mounted_on._a_10x2_feet __- high stone base. D :POSED SIGN: _-Located_on_South_East_corner -af_,ot_30_ SIZE: __ 4$x35 _inches—high_ Tq_bQinounted approximately___—_ _-- - _6 Inches abovo the_ground-- ------- --- -- .--- ___ The_ proposed sign shall conform toOrdinance72-18 Sign Code_of_ the Village of Morton Grove, passed June 20 , 1972 . \.... \./ I 0 __ 0 U 000 Zw zo_ z0 Q °6 0 0 co cc W C' Q Cl/ o Z < U 0 F O Q W W 3 . E NNNNNN r` W al (r..---Z._. SO it \ --.. *ant 14 tr �, •ins 0 I, V ■ .ft- ,C i. ea • I Sec. 153.050 Sign Regulations I; 8. Signs which contain or consist of banners , posters , pennants , ribbons, streamers, strings of light bulks , spinners, or similar , moving or sign devises, unless they are specificly permitted by another section of this Ordinance. 9. Signs which have hazardous projections or are otherwose unsaft insecure, or create a traffic or pedestrian hazard. 10. Signs which have blinking, flashing, rotating or fluttering lights or other illuminating devises which have changing light intensity, brightness or color. !I 11. Signs at the rear of the premises facing residential property 4( Sec. 153.055 Exempt Signs li The following types of signs are exempted from all the provisionr :,,,,1 of this Ordinance except for provisions relating to construction, height, location, and safety regulations , and the following requirements. 1. Signs of a non-commercial nature and in the public interest, ' i erected by, or on the order of, -a public officer in the performance o. his public duty, such as safety signs , danger signs , trespassing sign: ' traffic signs , memorial plaques , signs of historical interest and other similar signs. 2. Announcement signs for any public , charitable , educational or religous institution, located entirely within the premises of that institution, up to a total of thirty (30) square feet . However, if a two sided sign is used, that sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square ' feet per side. If building mounted, these signs shall be flat wall It signs and shall not project above the roof level.If ground mounted, the top shall be no more than five (5) feet above ground level. No sign shall be closer than eight (8) feet to any side or rear lot line . i and no closer than four (4) feet to the front lot line or one half the ; depth of the front yard, whatever is greater. Jr. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental- citations , ! commerative tablets and the like, when carved into stone, concrete, o: similar material, or a plaque made of bronze or aluminum, and made an integral part of the structure, not to exceed a total area of thirty (30) square feet. 4. Signs directing traffic movement, located entirely within the premises or lines of said lot, not exceeding three (3) square feet pe' l side in area for each sign. Illumination of these signs shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions relating thereto, and location shall be approved by the Building Commissioner and Police Department. 5. One non-illuminated real estate sign per lot, not exceeding five (5) feet in-height and not exceeding two sides and not exceeding five (5) square feet per side in area, which advertises the sale, rental, lease or management of thr residential property on which that 'I sign is located. In case of subdivisions, in place of a sign for each lot a non-illuminated sign or signs aggregating not more than two sides and a total sign area not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area shall be permitted; provided, however, that a permit shall be required, together with a cash bond of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100. 00) 11 to pay all costs of removal in the event the sign is not removed pursuant to this Ordinance. Said bond shall be returned upon demand after the applicable sign has been properly removed. 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"'Y.:w'";e e _ ".a ..:..• =, ?, :fi.,E4 ^.x e; , >��.ryq .,:: '�k.,vr d... a +'s �C IMF I'�'���IYF���rs'4, �, rx1'._.. 3`:rl a 'ei.f� k t } >xt i °�k [ { 6 S+�-s�a ehY'PY wv� "Y. .+ 10 G'tiViN1AXMIT tFFF �AdY�*I�iYlldii . �����i -tJ O u -�I I APPR. 6Y: 4 �.' iZ.."� PRINTED ON NO 1000H. 10 CLEARPRINT 1ADE On' 1 found iron pipe at lot corner i 010 ft south & 0 18 ft east oveoheud etecNaisaP i'� e %._ - -_ - -� ,4,1 P. to , �rqqI rf aP ?ac hd — frame \araye\ >r 1 Sty Brk Residence 9012 N. Aus�n Ave. X36.90 27.87 fance c°nreB is 0,06 it �� noN'iir and 0,73 f4 eag9 fence 0,30 k soo? 5.94 l6 '+ c�rat;c — °6 -i5 7(.e 2 fool wide L/ � • blck k �gv North lineof lot 24 88 °31'3 LOT 24 ( b l a c k t o p p a v e m e'a t) n rL LOT 12- 5 Scale 1" - 20 feel \J. pole Area of lots 24 to 27 is 17,464 Square feet \frame or 'garage u O D` E:::Edscaped area 2 N 4 9 total painted parking a s p a c e s Z ,o ( b I a c k t a p p avement ) v j V \Rttipole LOT 27 c vpo t ° o V ui+ � r� Q` o. N N M m C5 T— N v 3 3.00 I ` louth ed walk is 2..36 R, IT ,h cr snotch in walk is 3 feet eastl # of lot corner & 06 ft west of a cro SSnotch 1 Q LJ D PLAT. OF SUIRVEY E 1 J..M.HANK &'A S S 0 IIATE S O land,marine, aerial surveys 33 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 6060`2, Telephone 372 4644 F 696 0010 O'Hare Area Field Office ®� ° N LOTS 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 31 32 33 34 AND 35 IN OLIVER SALINGER & COMPANY'S SECOND DEMPSTER STREET SUBDIVISION v 88 50`" 91'27'2 ' - , - „ �' IN THE EAST HALF (!4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (!ci) OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD II PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOGETHER WITH ALL THAT PART 9F THE VACATED ALLEY, LYING BETWEEN SAID LOTS 28 TO 31, AND LOTS € South line of lot 27 �/ 33.00 32 TO 35, AS RECORDED ONiOCTOBER 31, 1955 AS- DOCUt1NT NO, 16405842, ALL IN COOK COUNTY; ILLINOIS, 9 €IPno Bell To oPhona Company t'/ Y. manholl e and �. vndergoound IEnes �• — _. -- . - -- — � r—+ __��— ��"LL•���I landscaped area . >30 , 5Yi7 39j i V.11 Is 1,25 ft fi' ea P -- _— conaiais walk , "­.11I ft south 5 -3 concrete Wald an i r ,a r ` 1 R I _cxysl atck --ir v�u1k -ls -3 fet e -o•1 .curb ds 1. i/ r M rd— E rh ass at h in wall: is 2 feet north 2 feet test of lot c'rner � walkis89`- v -�, and 1, 6 r 33.0 33, 0 1� ,wb Is 1812 west.:/ �r 29; 5 o I � I b�M a o .. c n 0 0 U > o C w 3 a O y U b _ o a v 2 Yi o iJJ c O` V i w 2 ' III m O i tv e I. 2ri it walk or I 2 it c,alk 1 � 2554 o I� dl[HVe MconcPOre paved i �33 03 crib f: 17.,60 wesi ., vall 1.08 ores crossn tch in w alklis i west f lot cornet i 33:0, 33.,0 G -U I O O Cu r Ea i ° aJ J ° 2 N .-s - - -- — r r ' rs2 eh Hood pole south of lot corner oveetrical and iL„ wood po.e 2 feet south pf lot carrier i ,- IelophPh.ne one f !Foes -._ .• -._ - � ,- :n - ", curb Is 11a 10 ft sw h I �� • ... '. -� e .: z�` - =a 4,� eoneaeae cuab .:. .J I a` L - ( b l a c k t o pl , p a v e m e n t } I Oliver Salinger &Company's Second Dempster Street Subdivision« recorded on February 24, 1926 curb Is 17 60 it no r6 v, ',0 rP noWth 1 I as Docunfant No, 9187509, in Book 224, on panes 4 and 5 °o� I CWE underground line per records a v e d a r k i JYi a -r e -a -- -- —� -- — - M - I , oral is felt tan Area of S' '< b l a C k t O p p p 9— __ _ —� concteua paye3s.3p - -�� -- rossnotch i k 3 � urveys concrete walk walk Is 1,20eas2& 2 feet so ith of lot corner orihsc 3 _5.35 -concrete walk _ . —.__ -- ._ Q�Jo-na" - Area of lots -24 to 27 is 17,464 Square feet or 0.401 Acres of land, — Gon< 16 UOa gored 123 65 j curb Is 14,: it eag4 ! Area of Ikts 28 to 35, and vacated alley 33,343 Square feet or 0.765 Acres of land, 123 65 ao: it onataP¢p €aPfn =; r; w �� fl f 33,00 total area of survey s and stteeps i--., — Iondseoyed lJ y 50a207 Square feet or 1,166 Acres of land ,rev \ /18405 xT,b7 I n M m , 3832 40' , (/^y� F 9.42 �f 9:30 {/"''�j ry/ Yy1 4'40` LOT 3 Vcunmb'dg hs��- �' � 34X79 � � -i � L �/ T 28 I 10 rf x 2 Ft��� l m _ C'i16 un{l ePyroflnd-.11112 ItidiCat25 a (,oIIt111oIPNealfh Edi50n COlrlplrly. llnd el'y YOtltld line per r2r0Y(1„ 1 Yr ens4 - l cbw:h sign _ T02, 9 � _ This prop fly is not in a flood plain, according to Village offical information. DID ( N o < g 7n 3 oYO'aI? , ( / v j ; a Water and ewer information according to Village records and field measurements, * �/ _.. e Gas main nformation according to Northern IllinoisG e n JJ. J as Company records, § �1 L conGate 14,30 o W N walk -- 1,i- I, d' _ o ap ° ..�T 2� /23000 / 30,57 o i°, o ° / T /�[qj N y/ N N M "� LOT { f: C V Lcorideie tadickm r L, — ^vr 4. Slate Of i )Cook 21 fY conx walk 1... \.J J /.- ei �_ O and sk Ps P r y i COUnfy 0 Cook 5.5. -. o C Avi I (coon :aia °nPng watt 57I m a awa for basemen9 Pavel _ 'j 302 m XT 26,69 t so x 1s7 s tI, h aJohn MI Hank, an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify t I a surveyed the above described property a nd th at this p at here on 74,35 \ T^ C oM drawn is {r� correctcepresentatlon of said survey. 1'1 ly Brk l FG" st I s to 6as.T.E.i o V N `v .v o Morton Grove Community Church / ;o m cap, March 6„ 1984 ti / o ° _ tare) Chl Residence - o Presbyterian ) 8945 N,McVicker II _ r u ° 8944 P1; Austin Avenue 5,8 conece6e wa!© ua M Avenue ® ' j� Morton Grove, Illinois 18,59 o u N i� >r I�.., u s ca're,ed `ton c' : 39- 3 o 30:19 — nT \\L. o o on porch /i G .`G+ ' a ° \ ¢ s Illlnoi Regis er d an Surveyor No 1715 a1»vdy fov tow voof � g Eiw @Y - os°bose ef�i � I � � � k � � - IT ec4elcal ne ?ea - L F 26,67 2A5 r I 64,64 paved ,v �` II d9dt3 — E 2:4 iE 4aPG walk' ga3 v , :27,p,i- j ...: -:: r,als�va� "'.. I'._ � �- a4 »vaY fou basemeriPIavel o I /� L -O�i 32 cr e b semmE f •+„ �. BrICrt I onr. e?a p1a8t' nn G r ' 91'24 °50'° 0 • s - /Gafa o _\'.. ::conG Pm2o " v and steps L V - l V !` 9le �� :{ bin¢kgj N blacktop ved drivew i ( ®V n & Le a r:n i n 27.01 ,. p p y CWE undevground ine Pea yecovds -�' Iss, r0 iCh In ❑11C I s 3 feet �j .,�Z `Paa 12"rF,, is ------ �-- east- of -lot-c rner —_ ..... ;:, „, @Re. I @na - -I V, -,�:r 263LL2� ° 23TbQ t 1 .,: r.! ,. ' 16� - 123.6 fe�ica ¢s QolS: fE SOU4' V I vma� �I - a'y "Care : fVl• i .. r V j'Y 1 ®b' S ' 1 ° I I I *V Y 4x11 � I I wood s?nckada fence � -- -- fence Is p) N. -./ 4 I , �. .. rl i�a7 tit iT„� north f �e Eence•.&s § :< a ,59tRn ¢> o CAR PORT toncxeie paved daave d ma I � r � :. rconcre ?e. paved de9va�,roY "' 24j on.PSna � �� 0;.20 iee9 souPh � I r - — frame / -: '- �/lnrton Cyr ®v� I' 1�i1 0 i N � � ��y,raahead elecPr9coS ¢nd 35003 —, 35,7 �: garage 1 U telephone l6nes \ \ I I \ & j RI 1 Sty Brk Residence z' 33.00 \rk R' / ° 8936,N. Austin AV, N 8935 N, Ausijn' Ave, 3 I SCALE: APPROY ED BY: DRAWN BY o I Q O -O �`. N CWE er %y'round .DATE: REVISED Und line ° y' E v, C e w DRAWING NUMBER ,. wood pole j 84.- ,1.829