HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-13 AgendaUpdated Agenda vi111w_te� REGULAR MEETING NOTICE /AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM (The hour between 6 :00 and 7: 00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1 -5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7: 00 pm.) Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session (if requested) 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes — September 22, 2014 8. Special Reports a. Presentation Regarding the Upcoming 8t" Annual Navy Day Thanksgiving Dinner to be made by Joe Gesicki from American Legion Post 4134 b. Swearing in Ceremony for New Firefighter/Paramedic Kurt J. Lipa to be Presented by Fire and Police Commission Chairperson Michael Simkins 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council ofMayors, Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Mayoral Update /Review b. Branding Research Report by North Star Destination Services 12. Clerk's Report — Community Relations Commission a. Approval of Executive Session Minutes (09/23/13, 10/07/13, 10/28/13, 11/25/13[pre and post], 01/13/14, 02/24/145 04/07/14, 04/14/14, 04/28/14, 05/14/14, 06/23/14) b. Release of Executive Session Minutes — None c. Destruction of Tapes of Executive Sessions as Authorized by the Illinois Open Meetings Act (10/08/125 10/22/12, 11/12/127 11/26/12, 12/10/12, 03/11/13, 03/25/13) 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Scheduling of Remaining Budget Workshops for the 2015 Budget Cycle October 18, 2014 from 10:00 am to 12 noon October 23, 2014 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (if needed) 2) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear —Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, Police Department, Police Facility Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Witko) b. Trustee Marcus — Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Condominium Association, Social Service Committee (alternate) (Trustee Toth) C. Trustee Pietron — Appearance Commission, Building Department, IT Communications, Community and Economic Development Department, Branding /Marketing (Trustee Thill) 1) Ordinance 14 -23 (Introduced October 13, 2014) (First Reading) Amending Title 10, Chapter 10 of the Village's Municipal Code Entitled "Sign Regulations" 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) d. Trustee Thill — Public Works Department, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIT, Lehigh /Ferris TIF, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Pietron) 1) Resolution 14 -49 (Introduced October 13, 2014) Authorizing a Highway Authority Agreement and a Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives Supplemental Agreement between BP Products North America, Inc. (BP) and the Village Relating to the Property Located at 7153 Golf Road 2) Resolution 14 -50 (Introduced October 13, 2014) Authorizing the Extension of an Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of the Commuter Parking Facility in the Village 3) Resolution 14 -51 (Introduced October 13, 2014) Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with A -Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for the 2014 Street Patching Program e. Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource Commission (Trustee Marcus) f. Trustee Witko — Legal, Plan Commission /Zoning Board of Appeals, NIPSTA, Strategic Plan Committee, Economic Development Commission, Social Service Committee (Trustee Great) 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants: $413,993.20 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and /or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. IV. CALL TO ORDER During the Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees held on September 22, 2014, Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, personnel, and real estate matters, and review of executive session minutes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Pietron and approved unanirrously pursuant to a roll call vote at 6:01 p.m. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, and Janine Witko. Staff present included Village Administrator Ryan Horne and Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston. EXECUTIVE SESSION At the conclusion of the meeting, Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the executive session and recommence the regular Board meeting in the Council Chambers. The motion was seconded by Trustee Marcus and approved unanimously via a voice vote at 6:56 pm. RECONVENE MEETING Village President Dan DiMaria reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. nagrm_nr.»vIi'mIEg Regarding the Minutes of the September 8, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Witko, to accept the Minutes as presented. Upon the voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. V. SPECIAL REPORTS 1. Plan Commission Case PC14 -14 Proposes a Text Amendment to Section 12 -17 -1 of the Unified Development Code to Modify the Definition of "Entertainment Uses ". a. Plan Commission Chairman Ron Farkas presented this case, noting that it was the first of two cases that are related. b. The Applicant in these cases is Virtuoso Performing Arts LLC (VPA), who is requesting an amendment to the "Entertainment Uses" definition to clarify the inclusion of the performing arts center uses, with an instructional accessory use. V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) Minutes of August 11, 2014 Boats Meetin c. Mr. Farkas said that VPA concurrently submitted a Special Use application to operate a Performance Arts Studio at 8120 Lehigh Avenue. VPA wants to relocate their performing arts studio from 8700 Waukegan Road. Staff said that this type of use could fall under the existing definition of an Entertainment Use, but felt that the training /education component should be added to the definition to distinguish performing arts centers (which focus on performance and preparation thereof) versus schools. The new definition being proposed is: "Entertainment Use: A for - profit establishment or use that provides live performances, shows, or productions, which may include ancillary educational programs. Adult live entertainment and adult entertainment facilities are specifically excluded from this definition." 2. Mr. Farkas said this revised definition allows both Fear City and VPA to operate without the definition itself being verbose. References to gambling and intertrack wagering are in the current definition. Mr. Farkas explained that those references have been dropped as they are no longer within the parameters of the language used in the new definition. Also, in the Village's Unified Development Code, if a use is not specifically provided for or included, then it's not a permitted use. References to alcohol consumption, also listed in the current definition, were dropped because alcohol licenses are under the purview of the Liquor Commission, and therefore didn't belong in the definition anyway. Mr. Farkas said that no one at the hearing spoke to this matter. The Plan Commission approved it unanimously, 5 -0, with two Commissioners absent. Chairman Farkas said this was the case related to the above Text Amendment request. Virtuoso Performing Arts LLC (VPA) is seeking a Special Use Permit to operate a performing arts studio at 8120 Lehigh Avenue in the M2 General Manufacturing District. b. VPA provides four distinct shows per year, with each show having multiple performances. VPA offers dance, acting, voice, and music instruction to children and teens from pre - school age through 12'h grade. The center employs eleven faculty members and two office staff and serves 200 -250 participants each season. They have two larger shows each year, which are held at Niles West. c. Mr. Farkas said that the hours would be 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Instructional hours begin at 4:00 p.m. Parking at the facility includes 35 designated parking spaces adjacent to the facility, with 22 more "undesignated" spaces, so parking is more than adequate. This facility is 8,600 square feet of industrial area. Mr. Farkas said that this facility lives up to the "vision" in the draft Morton Grove Industrial Areas Plan, a study undertaken by the Chica- go Metropolitan Area for Planning. e. Mr. Farkas said that no one from the public addressed this matter at the Plan Commission hearing, and the Commissioners found that the seven standards for Special Use were met. They voted 5 -0 to recommend approval of this request, with two Commissioners absent. VI. NONE Minutes of August 11, 2014 Board Meeting VII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) Eric Poders spoke regarding Resolution 14 -47 (Authorizing the Purchase of 5,500 Tons of Roadway Salt). He asked how the procurement process with Central Management Services (CMS) worked and wondered why the Village purchased salt from the State of Illinois. He said he had done some research and had found two other companies (North American Salt and Central Salt) from which the Village could buy its salt. He felt the Village was paying a lot for its salt, noting that Arlington Heights was paying a lot less ($74.52 per ton) than Morton Grove is ($109 per ton). Mr. Poders wondered why Morton Grove would pay the State for salt when the State isn't paying its bills. a. Director of Public Works Andy DeMonte responded, saying that the Village purchases its salt from Morton Salt. He said the State gathers 500 municipalities and goes to bid on the salt. Central Salt, Morton Salt, all the known salt companies bid on it. b. Mr. DeMonte said he couldn't speak to why the cost per ton of salt varies so much from municipality to municipality (from $74 per ton to $140 per ton). He said he had asked the State and they said they had nothing to do with the pricing. The salt companies themselves set the price. Mr. DeMonte said he called Morton Salt and is still waiting for a return call. But, he added, if we want salt this year, we're committed to this purchase. 2. Debra Stambres, Executive Director of the Morton Gove Public Library, updated the Board and assemblage on the renovations going on at the Library. A facility needs assessment was done which concluded that some of the roof's trusses were failing and needed to be reinforced. There was also a finding of asbestos which needs to be abated. The Library is trying to have all the work done simultaneously. Ms. Stambres thanked the Board for their support and for providing storage space for some of the Library's collections. She said that currently, the public Internet computers are still available and the children's section is still available. The Baxter Room is closed, and a number of programs have been cancelled. As of October 1, the main floor will be closed. The Library hopes to be fully reopened by mid - November, with the final roofing work completed in December. \. Trustee Thill asked Ms. Stambres if the Library has the funds to complete the needed repairs. She responded that the Library is drawing down some of its reserve funding and they also qualify for some grant monies. VIII. Mayor DiMaria presented Resolution 14-46, Authorizing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proceedings "Hazardous Materials: Enhanced Tank Car Standards and Operational Controls for High- Hazard Flammable Trains," which is currently before the Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration in Docket No. PHMSA- 2012 -0082 (HM -251). He explained that this resolution formalizes the Village's support for stricter regulations for enhanced tank car standards and operational controls for "high hazard flammable trains" that operate on railways traveling through the Village of Morton Grove. Mayor DiMaria said that safe rail operations are of critical importance to the safety of communities, and cited several cases where freight trains carrying hazardous materials had derailed, causing evacuations and deaths. Trustee Pietron moved to approve Resolution 14 -46, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus awe Tr. Pietron aae Tr. Thill aae Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye Mavoral Update Mayor DiMaria noted the passing of Fred "Ike' Huscher, one of the original settlers of Morton Grove, and a former Fire Chief, who has passed away at the age of 92. Chief Huscher served in the Navy during World War II and was active in the Village's volunteer fire department. In 1949, he became the first paid member of the Morton Grove Fire Department. He became Chief in 1975 and retired in 1980. Among other things, Chief Huscher served on the Police and Fire Commission and on the Morton Grove Centennial Commission as the chairman of the book commemorating the history of the Village. He also coordinated the relocation of the Haupt -Mehl house. Mayor DiMaria asked for a moment of silence to honor his passing. Trustee Marcus commented that he had worked with Chief Huscher on the Centennial book. He said the chief had a fantastic wealth of knowledge about Morton Grove's history. He was always proud of Morton Grove and will be missed. Trustee Grear congratulated Mayor DiMaria on his wedding anniversary, which is today Community Development Updates a. Mayor DiMaria said that Wright -Way Rescue's grand opening would be this Saturday, September 27`h. He complimented the Building Department for moving this venture along, and congratulated Wright -Way on doing a wonderful job of fixing up their new residence. He encouraged residents to stop by Wright -Way Rescue! b. Mayor DiMaria announced that an online local business directory will be launched this week. It will be searchable by business name and /or business type. He urged all residents to "shop locally!" f� Minutes of August 119 2014 Boats Meetin'' (continued) c. Mayor DiMaria noted that the Village and Chamber of Commerce have partnered to come up with a Banner Program, which was announced a few meetings ago. The banners will be put up on the light poles starting on east Dempster Street in the next week or so. d. Mayor DiMaria said that development in Morton Grove is increasing; the number of permits issued this year for both residential and commercial is higher than last year at this same time. He said the economy is finally turning around and businesses are investing in Morton Grove. e. Mayor DiMaria thanked the Library for hosting a "How To" fest, which featured vendors from Fear City, Culvers, Pequods, and the MG Fire Department were all featured. f. Mayor DiMaria also thanked Reps. John D'Amico and Laura Fine for doing an interview show which will be scheduled on Channel 6. Rep. D'Amico is, in part, responsible for the Park District receiving $75,000 to renovate the playground at Jacob Park. Mayor DiMaria said more interview shows will be done thoughout the year to help keep residents informed. g. Mayor DiMaria stated that ComEd is scheduling a transformer move this coming Saturday. State police will be escorting the transformer. h. Mayor DiMaria announced the Village will hold a Community Outreach forum to listen and re- spond to residents' concerns. It will be held on November 5 at 6:00 p.m. at the Oriole Pool Aquatic Center. Mayor DiMaria remarked that a revamped Village website launched this past June. It is more graphically appealing, better organized, and is more user - friendly. Development of two addi- tional Village websites, one for the Police Department and one for the Economic Development Department, is In process. j. Mayor DiMaria noted that the Marketing & Branding Initiative is at a midpoint. After extensive research, NorthStar will present the strategy platform in early October. The strategic platform provides the basis for the brand and identity marketing. k. Mayor DiMaria wished his wife Melodee a happy 24`" anniversary! IX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Ramos reported that St. Martha's would be holding an Oktoberfest this Saturday from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Admission is free, but there is a charge for food and beverages. The Park District is simultaneously holding a Oktoberfest weekend on Friday, September 26 and Saturday, September 27. Entertainment will be provided and there's no cost for admission. X. STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Ryan Horne announced that the first two Budget Workshops would be held on October 8 and October 9. Other budget workshops will be scheduled for mid- and late October. a Corporation Counsel: STAFF REPORTS (continued) Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XI. A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report. B. Trustee Marcus: TRUSTEES'REPORTS Minutes of August 11, 2014 8'aaM Meetin ` Trustee Marcus had no formal report, but wished all the Jewish residents of Morton Grove a happy Rosh Hoshana. C. Trustee Pietron: Trustee Pietron had no report. D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill presented Ordinance 14-19, Amending Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A -2 and Title 5, Chapter 13, Article A -4, Entitled "Traffic Schedules" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Thill explained that the Traffic Safety Commission received and reviewed a request for a four -way stop sign on Greenwood Avenue at its intersection with Ottawa. The Commission voted in favor of the request. Trustee Thill moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -19, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus awe Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye 2. Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 14 -47, Authorization for the Purchase of 51500 Tons of Roadway Salt. Xi. Minutes of August 119 2014 Board Meetin" (continued) Trustee Thill: (continued) Trustee Thill explained that the estimated value of this contract is $604,670. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of salt purchased at a price of $109.94 per ton). The Village must purchase a minimum of 80% of its order, which can go as high as 120 %. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 14-47, seconded by Trustee Toth. Trustee Marcus commented that, cost -wise, over the years, it's been to the Village's advantage to work with CMS. We should follow through with our commitment. Mayor DiMaria asked Gerk Ramos to call the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Eye Tr. Marcus 2Ye Tr. Pietron acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witko aye 3. Next, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 14 -48, Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Property Owned by the Village of Morton Grove on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, Through the Northwest Municipal Conference /Manheim Auction Services. He explained that Public Works annually reviews vehicle and equipment conditions for all Vil- lage departments. After review, some of the equipment is determined to be no longer useful for a variety of reasons; including cost of maintenance, outdated, no longer used, or scheduled for replacement. The Village is allowed by Ordinance 05-27 to sell surplus motor vehicles pursuant to a resolution approved by simple majority of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 14 -48, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus afire Tr. Pietron acre Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witko aye Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. Minutes of August 11, 2014 Board Meeting XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko presented Ordinance 14 -18, Amending the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, Section 12 -3 -5, To Modify Regulations Regarding Fences Within Front Yard Setbacks. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Witko explained that the Village's code currently prohibits fences in front yards and any side or rear yard that abuts a street. This ordinance will approve a text amendment to allow for a by -right review process for limited fencing within portions of street side yards, on eligible corner or multi- frontage lots, while preserving the intent of the original ordinance —to promote open yards and enhanced streetscapes along streets, and to ensure pedestrian and vehicular safety along sidewalks, streets, alleys, driveways, and other access ways by minimizing visual obstructions. b. Such by -right fences would be limited to 42 inches in height, have a minimum of 50% opacity; provide 10 -foot by 10 -foot sight line triangles at any point where two pedestrian or vehicular access ways intersect, and only enclose that portion of the street side and adjacent rear yard that is in line with and behind the rear portion of the principal structure, closest to the street side yard property line. Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -18, seconded by Trustee Pietron. c Trustee Toth asked Economic Development Director Nancy Razdevich what type of fencing materials would provide 50% opacity. She responded that these guidelines are specifically geared to by -right corner side yard fences. Ms. Razdevich said there are many varieties of fencing materials, including picket fencing made of wood or vinyl, or aluminum or wrought iron fencing. Some fencing materials are more cost - effective and easier to maintain than others. The intent is to maintain the streetscape and the openness. d. Trustee Marcus asked if the State has restrictions for fencing of residences along major arteries. Ms. Razdevich said the Ordinance was developed with the assistance of the Village Engineer. The height regulation of 42" is a traffic engineering standards, and the sight line re- quirements are established for visual safety. A higher fence would require more of a set -back. Mayor DiMaria said it would be good to get a link to this verbiage on the Village's website. He felt it was a topic that could come up a lot for residents. Ms. Razdevich said that she could set up a page strictly on fencing requirements that would also include graphics of examples. Upon the vote, the motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aae Tr. Marcus Ue Tr. Pietron afe Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye f. Mayor DiMaria said before Trustee Witko moved on to Ordinances 14 -20 and 14 -21, he want- ed to call attention to the fact that, included in each Board Member's packet, was a letter from the attorney representing Virtuoso Performing Arts, LLC, asking that the second reading of both ordinances be waived. He said the attorney was present this evening, and asked if any of the Board wanted to discuss his reasons for the request further. No one did. XI. Trustee Witko: (continued) Minutes of August 119 2014 Board Meetin TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 2. Trustee Witko next presented for a first reading Ordinance 14 -20, Approving a Special Use Permit for an Entertainment Use to Allow for the Operation of a Performance Arts Studio With Ancillary Instructional Courses at 8120 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. She explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case 14 -15, reported out earlier this evening. Trustee Witko moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 14 -20, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Trustee Toth said that she usually objects to waiving the second reading, noting that often times, residents will watch a Board meeting on Channel 6, find out about something, and want to come to the next Board meeting to address it. Waiving the second reading does not give the public that opportunity. She said she understands that residents did have the chance to speak to this project at three public meetings, and understands that VPA has pressing timeline issues. She said she would support the waiver of the second reading in this case. Trustee Marcus said that he shares Trustee Toth's objections and that he, too, often objects to waiving the second reading of an ordinance. In this case, since he's a fan of the performing arts, and since this won't affect any residents, he too will support the waiver. Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on waiving the second reading of Ordinance 14 -20. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear a ee Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron awe Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aae Tr. Witko aye Trustee Witko then moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -20, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear acme Tr. Marcus aae Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill acre Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye 3. Next, Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 14 -21, Amending Ordinance 11 -27 That Granted a SpecialUse Permit to Allow an Entertainment Use for a Haunted House at the Property Located at 8820 N. Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. She explained that Ordinance will approve a rrinor amendment to the Special Use permit to allow private parking attendants in lieu of off -duty police officers to direct traffic to /from Austin Avenue and the subject property. All of the required staff and commissioners have reviewed the requested amendment, in consultation with the Morton Grove Police and Public Works De- partments, and it was determined that this requested amendment is in substantial compliance with and does not change the intent of the original special use permit. Trustee Witko moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 14 -21, per the request of Fear City, Trustee Toth seconded the motion. XI. F. Trustee Witko: (continued) Minutes of August 11, 2014 Board Meeting] TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) b. Trustee Marcus wondered if the residents in the area needed to be notified of this change. Ms. Razdevich said there was no requirement of notification in a case such as this, which is approving a minor amendment. Mayor DiMaria called for the vote. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye Trustee Witko then moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -21, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron acre Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witko aye 4. Lastly, Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 14 -22, Amending the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, Section 12 -17 -1, to Modify the Definition of "Entertainment Uses." XII. She explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case 14 -14, reported out earlier this evening. Trustee Witko moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance 14 -22, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear aye Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill ayre Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko gyre Trustee Witko then moved to adopt Ordinance 14 -22, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear awe Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye NONE 10 Xlll. Xlv. Xv. Trustee Toth presented tht $717,533.73. She moved to approve the Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 Tr. Grear aye Tr. Thill aye Minutes of August 11, 2014 Board Meeting, Warrant Register for September 22, 2014, in the amount of Warrants as presented, seconded by Trustee Thill. nays. Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Larry Strybel, 6029 Capulina, noted that the address on Ordinance 14-21 was incorrect; it should be listed as 8240 Austin Avenue. Mayor DiMaria thanked him for catching the error. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Marcus. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear afe Tr. Marcus aye Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill aye Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko aye The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. 11 PASSED this 13th day of October, 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 13th day of October, 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 14th day of October, 2014. Edilberto Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Minutes of August 11, 2014 Board Meeting.: Minutes ty: Teresa Co sar 12 October 6, 2014 President & Board of Trustees VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 ire and Police Commission Direct Telephone 847/470-5226 Pax 847/965-7711 In accordance with directives issued by you, competitive examinations were conducted in accordance with 65ILCS 5/10- 2.1 -19 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, 2011 (Revised). The following person has qualified and is herewith appointed to a probationary status of Firefighter /Paramedic in the Morton Grove Fire Department of the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Fire and Police Commission, effective on the date following his name. Effective date of appointment is October 7, 2014, at the hour of 7:00 a.m., at which time he will report to District Chief Scott Exo. Formal swearing in will be conducted at the Village Board meeting on October 13, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at the Village Council Chambers. Submitted by: a Michael Simkins, Chairman Fire & Police Commission C: K. Lipa T. Friel, Fire Chief R. Horne, Village Administrator Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue ® Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 Tel: (847) 965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 - 4162.` Legislative Summary Ordinance 14 -23 - AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10, OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "SIGN REGULATIONS" Introduced: Objective: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: October 13, 2014 To update the Municipal Code regarding Sign Code regulations. To clarify the definition of a "nonconforming sign ". The Appearance Commission has made a request to recommend to the Village Board that Section 10 -10 -9 of the Sign Code be amended to clarify that an existing nonconforming sign will no longer be considered a nonconforming sign if the text, logo, or colors of the face of the sign are changed. Community and Economic Development Not Applicable Not Applicable The implementation of this Code Change will be handled through the Community and Economic Development Department as part of their normal daily workload Approval as presented. Required, Code Book Change (October 27, 2014) None Respectfully submitted: 41 �;�-�— ___ Ryan n J. )` Vil`Ia e diinistrator Prepared by: _ .sip Reviewed by: _ Nancy Radzevy H, C6mm3nn y a l,co nnic Development Dir Teresa E Corporation Counsel AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10, OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "SIGN REGULATIONS" WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village has a policy of regularly reviewing and revising its Municipal Code, as necessary, to insure the provisions of the Code remain compliant with contemporary statutes and relevant to the current operations and requirements within the Village; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 10 -14, the Village adopted a new Sign Code to be more "user friendly ", to streamline the process for the application and review of signs, to conform with current business trends and current technology, and to incorporate specific criteria for the approval of signage within the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, at the request of the chairperson of the Village's Appearance Commission, Village staff has recommended that Section 10 -10 -9 of Sign Code be amended to clarify that an existing nonconforming sign will lose no longer be considered a nonconforming sign if text, logo or colors of the face of the sign are changed. WHEREAS, in order to keep the Municipal Code current and to protect and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of persons within the Village of Morton Grove, it is reasonable, necessary, and appropriate to update the Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRIsSIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Title 10, Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove entitled Sign Regulations is hereby amended to now read as follows: 10 -10 -9: NONCONFORMING EXISTING SIGNS: A well maintained and safe sign which was existing and in full compliance with all applicable ordinances and regulations immediately prior to the effective date of this chapter or any subsequent amendments, but does not comply with current provisions of this chapter is a nonconforming sign. Such sign shall be allowed to remain in place so long as it is maintained in good condition, so long as the text, logo or colors of the face of the sign is not changed, or the sign is not otherwise changed, altered, modified or reconstructed, and is not considered an abandoned sign by this code; otherwise unless approved by the appearance commission as part of its design review process, the sign shall immediately be brought into full compliance with this chapter or shall be removed. Normal cleaning, refurbishing and painting which does not change the original appearance of the sign shall not be considered an alteration, modification or reconstruction. (Ord. 10 -14, 8 -9 -2010) SECTION 3: This Ordinance is an exercise of the home rule authority of the Village of Morton Grove and is intended to and, to the fullest extent allowed by the constitution of the State of Illinois, shall be construed as to supersede any contrary or conflicting state, county, or local rule or regulation. SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Chapter is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTION 5: In the event this ordinance or any part thereof is in conflict with any statute, ordinance, or resolution or part there, the amendment in this ordinance shalt be controlling and shall supersede all other statutes, ordinances, or resolutions but only to the extent of such conflict. Except as to code amendments set forth above in this ordinance, all chapters and sections of the Morton Grove Village Code as amended shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6: In all other respects not inconsistent with this ordinance, all Village Codes are hereby reaffirmed. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED this 13`" day of October 2014 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Great Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 13`x' day of October 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 14`x' day of October 2014. f.. Ede RamosY, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative SuMMary Resolution 14-49 AUTHORIZING A HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT AND A TIERED APPROACH TO CORREC'T'IVE- ACTION OBJECTIVES SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA, INC. (BP) AND THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE RELA'T'ING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7153 GOLF ROAD Introduced: September 22, 2014 Synopsis: The Highway Authority Agreement to be approved pursuant to this resolution will limit access to soil on Harlem Avenue which might be contaminated as a result of underground storage tanks which are or were r at 7153 Golf Road. The supplemental agreement requires BP Service Station No. 15515 to indemnify and hold the Village harmless from losses directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the release of contaminants from the site, or the existence of contaminants from the site and to reimburse the Village. Purpose: ` This Highway Authority Agreement is a requirement of the IEPA in order for the property owners at 7153 Golf Road to receive a no further remediation letter and will protect human health, and the environment in the event there are contaminants within the right- of-way. Background: BP Service Station No. 15515 owns a gas station located at 7153 Golf Road. At one time underground storage tanks were present at the site and contaminants were released from the underground storage tanks. BP Service Station No. 15515 has the responsibility of removing these contaminants to IEPA standards. In order for HP Service Station No. 15515 to receive a no further remediation letter from the IEPA, the agency requires BP Service Station No. 15515 and the Village to enter into a Highway Authority Agreement with respect to that part of Harlem Avenue near the gas station. The Highway Authority Agreement will prohibit potable and domestic uses of ground water within the right -of -way, limits access to the Village and others to soil within the right -of -way, with respect to conditions where human health and the environment are protected. The Agreement does not prohibit the Village from constructing, reconstructing, improving, repairing, or maintaining the right-of-way. The Agreement shall remain effective until the right -of -way is demonstrated to be suitable for unrestricted use and the IEPA issues a no further remediation letter. This resolution will also approve the supplemental agreement between BP Products North America, Inc. (BP) and the Village whereby BP Service Station No. 15515 will reimburse the Village for reasonable costs incurred in performing site investigations and for costs incurred by the Village to remove any contaminants, and will indemnify and hold the Village harmless for any loss associated with the release of contaminants or the txMence of contaminants in the right -of -way. Programs, Departs Public Works Department, and Legal Department or Groups Affected Fiscal impact: None Source of Funds: N/A Worldoad Impact: The Public Works Department shall administrate and monitor this contract as part of its normal workload. Admin Recommend: Approval as presented. Second Reading: Not required Special Consider None or Requirements: Respectfully submitted:° Ryan .I Horw„e, V Age Admirlaistrator Pro Tern Reviewed by: ( ae Andy DeMonte, Public Works Director Prepared by: Teresa Hoffman Li Counsel a; AUTHORIZING A HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT AND A TIERED APPROACH TO CORRECTIVE- ACTION OBJECTIVES SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BP PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA, INC. (BP) AND THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE RELATING TO THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7153 GOLF ROAD WIIEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, BP Service Station No. 15515, also referred to in this agreement as owner /operator are the owners or operator of that property commonly known as 7153 Golf Road, Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois (the site); and and WHEREAS, underground storage tanks presently are or formerly were located at the site; WHEREAS, BP Service Station No. 15515 has completed an evaluation of the site and has determined there is no risk to human health and the environment with the use of proper institutional controls; however, soil and ground water concentrations at the property boundaries may extend into the right -of -way of Harlem Avenue; and WHEREAS, Harlem Avenue is a Village owned right -of -way under the Village's jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, as a result of one or more releases of contaminants from the referenced underground storage tanks, soil and /or ground water contamination at the site exceeds the Tier One Residential Rcmediation. Objectives of 35 Ill. Admin. Code Part 742; and WHEREAS, the soil and /or ground water contamination exceeding Tier One Residential Remediation Objectives extends or may extend into the Village owned public right -of -way; and WHEREAS, the owner /operator is conducting corrective action in response to the above referenced releases; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to prevent ground water beneath the Village's right -of -way which exceed Tier One Residential Remediation Objectives from use as a supply of potable or domestic water and to limit access to soil within the right -of -way which exceeds Tier One Residential Remediation Objectives; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has required the owner /operator to enter into the attached Highway Authority Agreement with the Village of Morton Grove in order to receive a closure letter; and WHEREAS, the Highway Authority Agreement will protect human health and the environment: and WHEREAS, the Supplemental Agreement will reimburse the Village for any costs which it incurs regarding the investigation or removal of contaminants, and will indemnify and hold the Village harmless from any loss associated with the release of contaminants from the site or the existence of contaminants in the right -of -way; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities believe it is in the best interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the community to enter into these agreements. NOW "THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities of the Village of Morton Grove hereby approve the attached Highway Authority Agreement and Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives Supplemental Agreement between BP Products North America, Inc. (BP) and the Village of Morton Grove relating to that property commonly known as 7153 Golf Road, Morton Grove, Illinois, and regarding the Villages right -of -way commonly known as Harlem Avenue. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and /or his designee is hereby authorized to execute, and take all steps necessary to implement and enforce the agreements. SECTION 4: This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 22nd day of September 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 22nd day of September 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED AND FILED in my office This 23`d day,,pf September.' 0 14. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Keith T. Wilcoxson Operations Project Manager August 15, 2014 Mr. Andy DeMonte Director of Public Works Village of Morton Grove Public Works Department 7840 Nagle Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 150 West Warrenville Road Mail Code 200 -1 N Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: (630) 420 -5153 E -Mail: keith.wilcoxson @bp.com Via UPS: S T v 0 R' . 9(k l 3 q(, 3 e: a, ,$oee. Re: Village of Morton Grove Highway Authority Agreement BP Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Road Morton Grove, IL LUST Incident No. 20002272 Dear Mr. DeMonte: BP Products North America Inc. (BP) is sending this correspondence to inform you of the environmental status of the above referenced Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Incident Number. In November 2000, BP reported a release of petroleum hydrocarbons from the underground storage tank system located at the above referenced service station to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, and that agency assigned LUST Incident Number 20002272 to the release. As you may be aware, Parsons Corporation (Parsons), on behalf of BP, has been conducting environmental tests on the right of way (ROW) adjacent to the service station property. BP Products North America Inc. prepared and submitted a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Report under the guidelines of the Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The IEPA granted BP conditional CAP approval for LUST Incident Number 20002272, in accordance with 35 Illinois Administrative Code Part 742. An institutional control, specifically a Highway Authority Agreement (HAA) with the Village of Morton Grove, is required to be placed on the right -of -way known as Harlem Avenue located adjacent to the above referenced station (Site). BP Service Station No. 15515 Highway Authority Agreement Page 2 of 2 To provide you with a little more background, BP has entered into HAAS similar to this one with the Village of Morton Grove for ROW'S within Village limits in the past. For your review, I have enclosed duplicate execution originals of a Highway Authority Agreement, also known as a Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives Agreement. I will call you in the near future to be sure that you received this package and to set up a convenient time to meet with you to discuss the details of the site, if that would be helpful. If, however, you approve of the documents, please have both originals signed by an official that has the authority to sign for the Village of Morton Grove and return them to me in the enclosed self addressed envelope. We appreciate your cooperation on dais matter and respectfully request to have your response by April 30, 2014. Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at (630) 420 -5153. Sincerely, Keith T. Wilcoxson, PG, CHMM, CSP Operations Project Manager Contract Professional Attachments Attachment A - IEPA Correspondence Letter dated February 28, 2014 Attachment B - Highway Authority Agreement Exhibit A - Figure 1 — Estimated Soil Impact Map - Figure 2 — Estimated Groundwater BTEX/MTBE Impact Map Exhibit B - Table 1 — Soil BTEX/MTBE Analytical Data - Table 2 — Groundwater BTEXIMTBE Analytical Data Exhibit C - Figure 3 — Highway Authority Agreement Location Map cc: Jason Price, Parsons Attachment A IEPA Correspondence dated December 2, 2010 BP Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Road Morton Grove, Illinois ILLIN01s ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 North Grand Avenue East, P.Q. Box 19276, Springfield, Illinois 627949276+ (21 7) 782 -2829 James R. Thompson Center, 100 West Randolph, Suite 11 -300, Chicago, IL 60601 a (312) 8146026 PAT QUINN, GOVERNOR 2171782 -6762 DEC 0 2'2010 13P Products North America, Inc. Attention: Diane Diks 28100 Torch Parkway, 2S Warrenville, IL 60555 DOUGLAS R SCOTT, DIRECTOR CERTIFIED MAIL 7009 2820 0001 7494 7330 Re: LPC 90311955070 -- Cook County Marton Grove / Amoco Oil Service Station #155I5 7153 West Golf Road Leaking UST Incident No. 20002272 Leaking UST Technical File Dear Ms. Diks: The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) has reviewed the Corrective Action Plan (plan) submitted for the above - referenced incident. This plan, dated September 6, 2010, was received by the Illinois EPA on September 9, 2010. Citations in this letter are from the Environmental Protection Act (Act), as amended by Public Act 92 -0554 on June 24, 2002, and Public Act 96 -0908 on June 8, 2010, and Public Act 96 -0908 on June 8, 2010, and 35 Illinois Administrative Code (35 III. Adm. Code), The Illinois EPA requires modification of the plan; therefore, the plan is conditionally approved with the Illinois EPA's modifications. The following modifications are necessary, in addition to those provisions already outlined in the plan, to demonstrate compliance with Title XV I of the Act (Sections 57,7(b)(2) and 57.7(c) of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 734.505(b) and 734.510(a)): Pursuant to 35 111. Adm. Code 742, Appendix C, Table B, the proposed soil bulk density value of 1.65 Kg/L is not an accepted value. Please use the accepted values listed in Table B. 2. Pursuant to 35 III. Adm. Code 742, Appendix C, Table A, The Agency calculated a site- specific mass -limit soil component of groundwater ingestion remediation objective (Class 1I) for benzene and ethylbenzene using equation S28. Benzene remediation objective is 2.0 mg/kg and ethylbenzene remediation objective is 80 mg/kg. These objectives were calculated using the default value (1.5 g/cm ) for soil bulk density and a thickness of source of 2.1 m. The groundwater ingestion exposure route is excluded with the Tier 2 calculations and Class 11 groundwater designation. Further evaluation is not necessary. Rockland 0 4302 N. Main St., Rockford, IL 61103 a (61 51 937-77M Des Plaines a 9511 W. Han!aan St., Des Plaines, IL 60016 • (347) 294 <900 Elgin • 595 S. Slate, Elgin, IL 60123 a (847) 6083131 Peoria a 5415 N. Uri' e"ily SL, Peoria, IL 61614 a (309) 693 -5463 Bureau of Land — Peoria m 7620 N. Universh/ SL, Peoria, It 61614 *(30) 693 -5462 Champaign 0 2125 S. Pint St., Champaign, IL 61820 a (217) 276-5800 Page 2 3. Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742. 1015. a groundu ester ordinance or other groundwater use restriction is not required to exclude the groundwater ingestion exposure route. SoiI contamination resulting from the release does not exceed the calculated site - specific remediation obiectives. A Highway Authority Agreement is still required to ]unit access to soil in the roadway above Tier 1 remediation objectives. 4. Pursuant to 35 111. Adm. Code 742, Appendix C, Table A. the Agency calculated a site- specific mass -limit construction worker inhalation remediation objective for total xylenes using equation S5. Total xylenes remediation objective, is the soil saturation limit for the contaminant. The exposure route is excluded with the Tier 2 calculation. Further evaluation is not necessary. Please note that all activities associated with the remediation of this release proposed in the plan must be executed in accordance with all applicable regulatory and statutory requirements. including compliance with the proper permits. Pursuant to Sections 573(b)(5) and 57.12(c) and (d) of the Act and 35 111. Adm, Code 734.100 and 734.125.. the Illinois EPA requires that a Corrective Action Completion Report that achieves compliance with applicable remediation objectives be submitted within 30 days after completion of the plan to: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Land - #t24 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Section 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794 -9276 Please submit all correspondence in duplicate and include the Re: block shown at the beginning of this letter. If within four years after the approval of this plan. compliance with the applicable remediation objectives has not been achieved and a CorrecliN e Action Completion Report has not been submitted, the Illinois EPA requires the submission of a status report pursuant to Section 57.7(b)(6) of the Act. Please be advised that, pursuant to Public Act 96 -0908, effective June 8, 2010, all releases of petroleum from USTs are subject to Title XVI of the Act, as amended by Public Act 92- 0554 on June 24, 2002, and Public Act 96 -0908 on June S. 2010, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 734. The regulations at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 732 no longer exist, and the only releases subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 731 are those from hazardous substance USTs. Page 3 An underground storage tank system owner or operator may appeal this decision to the Illinois Pollution Control Board. Appeal rights are attached. If you have any questions or need further assistance. please contact Carol Hawbaker at 217n82- 5713. Sincere! 60 *( "I I Harry A. Chappel, P.E. Unit Manager Leaking I Jnderground Storage'rank Section Division of Remediation Management Bureau of.Land HAC: CLH c: Parsons BOL Pile Appeal Rights An underground storage tank owner or operator may appeal this final decision to the Illinois Pollution Control Board pursuant to Sections 40 and 57,7(c)(4) of the Act by filing a petition for a hearing within 35 days after the date of issuance of the final decision. However, the 35 -day period may be extended for a period of time not to exceed 90 days by written notice from the owner or operator and the Illinois EPA within the initial 35 -day appeal period. If the owner or operator wishes to receive a 90 -day extension, a written request that includes a statement of the date the final decision was received, along with a copy of this decision, must be sent to the Illinois EPA as soon as possible. For information regarding the request for an extension; please contact: IIIinois Enviromnental Protection Agency Division of Legal Counsel 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, IIL 62794 -9276 217/782 -5544 For information regarding the filing of an appeal, please contact: Illinois Pollution Control Board, Clerk State of Illinois Center 100 West Randolph, Suite i 1 -500 Chicago, IL 60601 312/814 -3620 Attachment B Highway Authority Agreement BP Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Road Morton Grove, Illinois Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT This Supplemental Agreement ( "Supplemental Agreement') is entered into this day of 2014 by and between BP Products North America Inc. (BP "), formerly known as Amoco Oil Company, as owner or operator of underground storage tank(s) (`Owner /Operator "), and the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois (`Village "), as follows: 1. This Supplemental Agreement is not binding upon the Village until it is executed by the undersigned representative of the Village and prior to execution, this Supplemental Agreement constitutes an offer by Owner /Operator. 2. Owner /Operator stipulates: a. Owner /Operator is pursuing a corrective action of a Site and of the right -of -way adjacent to the boundary of the Site located at 7153 West Golf Road, Morton Grove, Illinois (the "Site ") b. Attached as Exhibit A is a site map that shows the area of estimated contaminant - impacted soil and groundwater at the time of this Supplemental Agreement in the right -of -way above Tier I residential levels under 35 I11. Admin. Code Part 742. Also attached as Exhibit A is a table that shows the concentration of contaminants of concern, hereinafter "Contaminants," in the soil and groundwater within the area described in Exhibit A and that shows the applicable Tier 1 soil remediation objectives for residential property and Tier I objectives for groundwater of the Illinois Pollution Control Board that are exceeded. The right -of -way, and only the right -of -way, as described in Exhibit B, hereinafter the "Right -of- Way," adjacent to the Site is subject to Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 this Supplemental Agreement. As the drawings in the Exhibits are not plats, the boundary of the Right -of -Way in the Exhibits may be an approximation of the actual Right -of -Way lines. c. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency has assigned incident number 20002272 to this release at the Site. d. Owner /Operator intends to request risk- based, site specific soil and /or groundwater remediation objectives from Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ( "IEPA ") under 35 Ill. Admin. Code Part 742. e. Under these rules, use of risk - based, site- specific remechation objectives in the Right -of -Way may require the use of a Highway Authority Agreement as defined in 35 Ill. Admin. Code Section 742.1020. 3. The Village stipulates: The Village holds a fee simple interest or a dedication for highway purposes in the Right -of -Way, or the Right -of -Way is a platted street, and the Village has jurisdiction of the Right -of -Way. As such, the Village exercises sole control over the use of groundwater beneath the Right -of -Way and over access to the soil beneath the Right -of- Way because a permit is required for said access. 4. The parties stipulate that: a. They have agreed to enter into a Highway Authority Agreement regarding the Right -of -Way in the form attached as Exhibit C, and this Supplemental Agreement is intended to supplement the parties' rights and obligations provided for in the Highway Authority Agreement. 2 Fortner BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 b. This Supplemental Agreement shall be null and void should the IEPA not approve the Highway Authority Agreement or should the Highway Authority Agreement not be referenced in the "No Further Remediation" letter for incident number 20002272. 5. Except for ordinary maintenance consistent with that performed by the Village on other Village highways, the Village does not agree to perform maintenance of the Right- of -Way, nor does it agree that the Right -of -Way will always remain a Village highway or that it will maintain the Right -of -Way as an engineered barrier. 6. Provided that the Village notifies Owner /Operator within thirty (30) working days of receiving a claim, and further provides Owner /Operator with an opportunity to defend said claim, the Owner /Operator agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Village, and other highway authorities, if any, maintaining the highway Right -of -Way by an agreement with the Village, and the Village's agents, contractors or employees for all obligations asserted against or costs incurred by them, including attorney's fees and court costs, associated with the release of Contaminants from the Site by the Owner /Operator. 7. This Supplemental Agreement shall be binding upon all successors in interest to the Owner /Operator and to the Village. A successor in interest of the Village would include a highway authority to which the Village would tratsferjurisdiction of the highway. 8. This Supplemental Agreement shall continue in effect from the date of this Supplemental Agreement until the Right -of -Way is demonstrated to be suitable for unrestricted use and there is no longer a need for a Highway Authority Agreement for incident number 20002272, and the IEPA has, upon written request to the IEPA by the Owner /Operator and notice to the Village, amended the notice in the chain of title of the Site to reflect unencumbered future use of that highway Right -of -Way. 3 Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 9. The Highway Authority Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement do not limit the Village's ability to construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, maintain and operate (collectively "Work ") a highway upon its property or to allow others to use the highway Right -of -Way by permit. To the extent necessary for its Work, the Village reserves the right and the right of those using its property under permit to remove contaminated soil and /or groundwater above Tier 1 residential remediation objectives from its Right -of- Way and to dispose of them as they deem appropriate not inconsistent with applicable environmental regulations so as to avoid causing a further release of the Contaminants and to protect human health and the environment. Prior to taking any such action, the Village will first give Owner /Operator no less than sixty (60) days' written notice prior to a letting for Work, unless there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of any individual or to the public, that it intends to perform Work in the Right -of -Way which may involve removing and disposing of contaminated soil or groundwater to the extent necessary for its Work. During this period, which may be extended by agreement of the parties, the Village and Owner /Operator will engage in a good - faith, collaborative process to arrive at a consensus approach to managing the impacted soil or groundwater in the Right -of -Way in an attempt to reconcile Owner /Operator's preference for performing as much of this work as possible with the Village's engineering and other constraints in doing so. Work performed by Owner /Operator would be performed under a permit from the Village. The final decision for management will be in the discretion of the Village. Failure to give notice is not a violation of this Supplemental Agreement. The removal and disposal shall be based upon the site investigation (which may be modified 4 Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 by field conditions during excavation), which Owner /Operator may review or may perform at no cost to the Village, if requested to do so by the Village. If practicable, as determined by the Village, the Village may request Owner /Operator to remove and dispose of the contaminated soil or groundwater necessary for the Village's work in advance of that work. The Owner /Operator shall reimburse the reasonable incremental costs incurred by the Village to perform a site investigation of the Right -of -Way, to monitor the removal, and to transport and dispose of any Contaminant- impacted .soil or groundwater from the Right -of -Way; provided, however, that if Owner /Operator has not been given notice and an opportunity to engage in the consensus process allowing it to perform that investigation and that disposal within the process described in the preceding paragraphs and there was no immediate threat to health or .safety, reimbursement shall be limited to actual costs not to exceed $10,000.00. There is a rebuttable presumption that the Contaminants found in the highway Right -of -Way arose from the release of Contaminants from the Site. Should Owner /Operator not reimburse the reasonable costs under the conditions set forth herein, the Highway Authority Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement shall be null and void, at the Village's option, upon written notice to Owner /Operator by the Village that those costs have not been reimbursed. Owner /Operator may cure that problem within forty -five (45) working days by making payment, or may seek to enjoin that result. 10. Written notice required by this Supplemental Agreement shall be mailed to the following: if to Owner /Operator: BP Products North America Inc., Attn: Operations Project Manager, 150 W. Warrenville Road, Mail Code IN, Naperville, Illinois, 60563, 5 Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 and if to Village: Village Clerk, Village of Morton Grove, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053. 11. Provided that the Village provides Owner /Operator with notice within thirty (30) working days of receiving a claim, and further provides Owner /Operator with an opportunity to defend said claim, Owner /Operator hereby releases the Village from liability for breach of the Highway Authority Agreement by others under permit and indemnities the Village against claims that may arise from others under permit causing a breach of the Highway Authority Agreement. Owner /Operator also agrees that its personnel, if any, at the Site who are aware of the Highway Authority Agreement will notify anyone they know is excavating in the Right -of -Way about the Highway Authority Agreement. 12. Should the Village breach the Highway Authority Agreement, Owner /Operator's sole remedy is for an action for damages. Any and A claims for damages against the Village, its agents, contractors, employees or its successors in interest arising at any time for a breach of paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Highway Authority Agreement are limited to an aggregate maximum of $20,000.00. No other breach by the Village, its agents, contractors, employees and its successors in interest of a provision of the Highway Authority Agreement or this Supplemental Agreement is actionable in either law or equity by Owner /Operator against the Village, and Owner /Operator hereby releases the Village, its agents, contractors, employees and its successors in interest for any cause of action it may have against them, other than as allowed in this paragraph, arising under the Highway Authority Agreement, this Supplemental Agreement, or environmental laws, regulations or common law governing the contaminated soil or groundwater in the 6 Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 highway Right -of -Way. Should the Village convey, vacate or transfer jurisdiction of that highway Right -of -Way, Owner /Operator may pursue an action under the Highway Authority Agreement or this Supplemental Agreement against the successors in interest, other than a State agency, in a court of law. 13. The Highway Authority Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement are entered into by the Village in recognition of laws passed by the General Assembly and regulations adopted by the Pollution Control Board that encourage a tiered- approach to remediating environmental contamination. The Highway Authority Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement are entered into by the Village in the spirit of those laws and under its rights and obligations as property owner. Should any provisions of the Highway Authority Agreement or this Supplemental Agreement be struck down as beyond the authority of the Village, this Supplemental Agreement shall be null and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village has caused this Supplemental Agreement to be signed by its a duly authorized representative, and be binding upon it, its successors and assigns. Village of Morton Grove, Illinois BY: (Printed) Its: 7 DA'L'E: Former BP Service Station No. 15515 IEMA Incident No. 20002272 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner /Operator, BP Products North America Inc., has caused this Agreement to be signed by its duly authorized representative, and be binding upon it, its successors and assigns. BY: (Printed) 8 CHI 3828 -SM"i DA Exhibit A I t If rsi r z 1 t .. r+ r x .. e, GUR 1 l LL u1R _. "JiM4iGil S7L lAdi'A( ..�.' ... C GU21 i It _.. •_ m 2 It .. u. A GU21 i Table I Soil HTGX Analytical Results Former BP Service Station No, 15515 7153 West Golf Avenue Morton Grove, IL Snnlplc ltlmrtlllezliuu Number Dn(c Depth of sallple eer) Deazoet Toluene Lr@y1ben'unc fool Xylenes SHi lPldo() 0 -5 N.U061 A 0041 N,(IU61 <0.0SS AS 110700 8 <o 01 d,Ot" 6 e(LUI& �t1012 .Si3 -'_ 1 113 !0 -12 NI11 4 <pllf IN14 dAUln S1, -5 fl /'i /UO 2,4 p24`' 0.(11 i4aV0 dlpltl SL (: I UG11 YS 11,1111! 15.01! !; (eb dVGII, 511 11 'hN GS A00" .A006 x100! cti a1N SIf ' /!I /UI 0SI d) Or, I c0 006 (I Of S6A "DIIUI U _O " 1 706 .rY11 10 U1 SR U ] 111 /OL Nr! NA_ U. i N' +10 1'HN1 d) , 411I MW -9 55/01 6 -F <0 0011, 0.10 1 10 It IOfd, d1w va /01 II- IA <A / x1,001 41006 c(l0(d MW -5 !RIAt d.fi 09 =.i9'0 1100 < if Mri So if th /III LO <IIO Ke f 0,011 " N.0(YSr "LLOIf�' SIB 12 641101 '-b 01 b '011 I I '114011 SS "tJ b/ < /01 I , ( gllf0 O U t J 3 UNIX A 1 UItl 6u-Ih "/ 00 /19/G 119eId - A .063 [ ° ZI 9.13" iF M4 c00<il1 ,.. 0.I UO _ 1eZ190 5H -15 116 /IU /(I) `O ` •ViU( "* Illf GII, (,)'I UI 10 'fArl I It 1 If W fit H -1( I /1(M l6 M) It i 1 W)OO 4l(I(N11 41"0 YS i I (d/Ok 2J 00, <UO6t 1 9 Den 41S UON11 0 rrll " 86 S11 011417f 4�l 9.6( "J.OIl iii " IS S" S13 411 01 11 1, c! <0 A 1 l`1h 0 1 :SOIL COit (DIN'rl OL ,iO1NDVVKIIiI( INGF.Sf106 (I+nxf� —l1 II Id 150 Clae 11 OA 3Y 19. 60 INGMIReARIVILDLA 'PIO.N ORJGC11 Vl6 _ Iv'Idt, IUII 12 Made 1.A06 WON __ Conm¢m1nl Io0 41oLOO 301,000 am -oou INHA1- "I 10N RFlII fIIA'I10N 01fjI( i1,' RIO, fitod OA ($0 400 320 Comexrcial ]b 1 650 no 3M CO NS'f2lC'I InNA RIIIt REM II11A'rI OR Oltlhl'rlvls tldIion .3:100 410.000 211,oU0 dl,0oo Inhilti on 31 G? 58 1 516 :dJ11 IS'I ClIff"11101 If CrIllZ IdIldl r1c1cJIjcI mn III NA - 3"'1 Idt'n c'6 "d 2 t, 1 1 ll I I SO I I CIA OAM 11 dol I,( d A If, 'RC:d�d JI xrvu¢tlW vold,d tlS JS,1 R,,11e1'1 1111 01R+*1rn A c"Jdro nlc"wd'u, iodshlo x1, ]Id 4 con1 11 n RAlcl b rx..WW 5- RUIJwi101"It"Ll on RMainiiao Oblmi" cl' dr,t 6ibm11111, t InfiWUlian R111tliu10u 01,111,11, cwclrv! ' Cd1lcLI1tLIdl W1111111 I Oati tl ,Oryowrv.malWl tlfi,wmanon W oMa ln1,elwioo Rmie'll 1,1101,Ia1111 11.-111 W Runlu "U..c ...("At, All GSCPA M11LOA 5UJSX't6!) Table 2 Groundwater BTEX Analytical Results Former BP Service Station No. 15515 71.53 West Golf Avenue Morton Grove, IL Sample Identification Number Date Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total XVlenes SB -6 11/7/00 0.0066' <rW05 <0.005 <0.010 SB -7 11/7/00 <0.001 <0,005 <0.005 <0.010 MW -1 4/10/03 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.003 MW -2 4/10103 <0001 <0.001 <0 -001 <0.003 MW -3 4/10/03 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0 -003 MW-4 4/10/03 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.003 MW -5 4/10/03 0.0024 <0.001 <0.001 <0.003 GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION OBJECTIVES CLASS I 0.005 1 0.7 10 CLASS 11 0.025 2.5 1 10 I = Class 1 Remediation Objectives exceeded 2= Class II Remediation Objectives exceeded '< "- analyte (s) absent or present at concentrations below the method detection limits NS = Not Sampled Results in milligrams per liter (mg /1) Analytical Method: EPA 8020 Bolded cell exceeds Groundwater Remedial Objectives Exhibit B HIGHWAY AGREEMENT LOCATION MAP PARSONS / /zo6 ill, ill li Will .I ple ij ill 1 HIGHWAY AGREEMENT LOCATION MAP PARSONS / /zo6 ill, ill li Will 1 A I HIGHWAY AGREEMENT LOCATION MAP PARSONS / /zo6 ill, ill li Will Exhibit C Section 742.APPENDIX D Highway Authority Agreement HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this day of 2014 pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742.1020 by and between the (1) BP Products North America Inc. the owner /operator of the tank ( "Owner /Operator ") and (2) Village of Morton Grove, Illinois ( "Highway Authority "), collectively known as the "Parties." WHEREAS, BP Products North America, Inc. is the owner or operator of one or more leaking underground storage tanks presently or formerly located at 7153 West Golf Road, Morton Grove, Illinois ( "the Site "); WHEREAS, as a result of one or more releases of contaminants from the above referenced underground storage tanks release ( "the Release(s)"), soil and /or groundwater contamination at the Site exceeds the Tier I residential remediation objectives of 35 III. Adm. Code 742; WHEREAS, the soil and /or groundwater contamination exceeding Tier 1 residential remediation objectives extends or may extend into the Highway Authority's right -of -way; WHEREAS, the Owner /Operator or Property Owner is conducting corrective action in response to the Release(s); WHEREAS, the Parties desire to prevent groundwater beneath the Highway Authority's right -of -way that exceeds 'Tier I remediation objectives from use as a supply of potable or domestic water and to limit access to soil within the right -of -way that exceeds Tier I residential remediation objectives so that human health and the environment are protected during and after any access; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: The recitals set forth above are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency has assigned incident number 20002272 to the Release(s). Attached as Exhibit A is a scaled map(s) prepared by the Owner /Operator that shows the Site and surrounding area and delineates the current and estimated future extent of soil and groundwater contamination above the applicable'fier I residential remediation objectives as a result of the Release(s). Groundwater is not contaminated above the applicable Tier I residential remediation objectives. Attached as Exhibit B is a tablets) prepared by the Owner /Operator that lists each contaminant of concern that exceeds its 'Fier I residential remediation objective, its Tier I residential remediation objective and its concentrations within the zone where Tier I residential remediation objectives are exceeded. The locations of the concentrations listed in Exhibit B are identified on the map(s) in Exhibit A. Attached as Exhibit C is a scaled map prepared by the Owner /Operator showing the area of the Highway Authority's right -of -way that is governed by this agreement ( "Right -of- Way "). Because Exhibit C is not a surveyed plat, the Right- of-Way boundary may be an approximation of the actual Right -of -Way lines. The Highway Authority stipulates it has jurisdiction over the Right -of -Way that gives it sole control over the use of the groundwater and access to the soil located within or beneath the Right -of -Way. The Highway Authority agrees to prohibit within the Right-of-Way all potable and domestic uses of groundwater exceeding Tier 1 residential remediation objectives. 8. The Highway Authority further agrees to limit access by itself and others to soil within the Right -of -Way exceeding Tier 1 residential remediation objectives. Access shall be allowed only if human health (including worker safety) and the environment are protected during and after any access. The Highway Authority may construct, reconstruct, improve, repair, maintain and operate a highway upon the Right -of -Way, or allow others to do the same by permit. In addition, the Highway Authority and others using or working in the Right- of-Way under permit have the right to remove soil or groundwater from the Right -of -Way and dispose of the same in accordance with applicable environmental laws and regulations. The Highway Authority agrees to issue all permits for work in the Right -of -Way, and make all existing permits for work in the Right-of-Way, subject to the following or a substantially similar condition: As a condition of this permit the permittee shall request the office issuing this permit to identify sites in the Right -of -Way where a Highway Authority Agreement governs access to soil that exceeds the Tier 1 residential remediation objectives of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742. The permittee shall take all measures necessary to protect human health (including worker safety) and the environment during and after any access to such soil. This agreement shall be referenced in the Agency's no further remediation determination issued for the Release(s). 10. The Agency shall be notified of any transfer of jurisdiction over the Right-of-Way at least 30 days prior to the date the transfer takes effect. This agreement shall be null and void upon the transfer unless the transferee agrees to be bound by this agreement as if the transferee were an original party to this agreement. The transferee's agreement to be bound by the terms of this agreement shall be memorialized at the time of transfer in a writing ( "Rider ") that references this Highway Authority Agreement and is signed by the Highway Authority, or subsequent transferor, and the transferee. 1 1. This agreement shall become effective on the date the Agency issues a no further remediation determination for the Release(s). It shall remain effective until the Right -of -Way is demonstrated to be suitable for unrestricted use and the Agency issues a new no further remediation determination to reflect there is no longer a need for this agreement, or until the agreement is otherwise terminated or voided. 12. In addition to any other remedies that may be available, the Agency may bring suit to enforce the terms of this agreement or may, in its sole discretion, declare this agreement null and void if any of the Parties or any transferee violates any term of this agreement. The Parties or transferee shall be notified in writing of any such declaration. 13. This agreement shall be null and void if a court of competent.jurisdiction strikes down any part or provision of the agreement. 14. This agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements or understandings between the Parties on the subject matter addressed herein. It may be altered, modified or amended only upon the written consent and agreement of the Parties. 15. Any notices or other correspondence regarding this agreement shall be sent to the Parties at following addresses: Manager, Division of Remediation Management Bureau of Land Illinois Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62974 -9276 Village of Morton Grove Superintendent of Streets and Alleys Divisions Public Works Department Attn: Andy DeMonte 7840 Nagle Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Property Owner or Owner /Operator BP Products North America, Inc. Attn: Keith T. Wileoxson 150 W. Warrenville Road Mail Code 200 -1N Naperville, It, 60563 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives. Date: Date: Village of Morton Grove Its: Property Owner or Owner /Operator Title (Source: Added at 31 Ill. Reg. 4063, effective February 23, 2007) EXHIBIT A BF Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Road Morton Grove, Illinois Figure 1 — Estimated Soil impact Map Figure Z — Estimated Groundwater Impact Map 1 Q u..v.L v IF 1 21 1 1 Q u..v.L IF 1 21 1 If EXHIBIT B 13P Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Road Morton Grove, Illinois 'fable I —Soil BTEX /MTBE Analytical Data Table 2 — Groundwater BTEX/MTBE Analytical Data Table 1 Soil BTC%Analyticml 12 suits Former BIN Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Avenue Morton Grove, 11 Sample Idenlilicnlion Ni Oalc cut I I 5hmple Ineu Oemene Toluene AIAylbi Total Xy ame IN 1 II(121U 66 m0661 <Qli(161 a16U(.1 .+I (?IN 96 -2 M /00 y -10 <n (Ip+o 1 005f <0001f )01 i 511-1 NIU 1012 <0003 <IIOOO9 JJ015 SIlS nem0 4 n341 ' oOI .0 pq(l0u aIA I,Y So f, IItAM 40 NOOb (1 DON <0OW <R01 SR 1 I IRNO 6t (I WIN :00116 cO WI cg01ti IN SLINi 03 G) (NIDI ODIV alU0p1 aO U:F }li -9 ?;NMI _ I2 -16 <0Wil .WAIN '0XA 41pIM Nf -0 SE I /01 NA 0.53'' <pfoo 000 1t(1 10 A9AS'i i'ffUA OI <0 ON, 1) 1 OAO 1 <1 (1019 'OfAN MNZ MINI Ib-18 c01O6 A,OON .WUW .U.OIN nIIV `pl /OI a.n a.iS ,_0316 / 000 f)"Co 5B -Il o /a /pl (*4 <0 LA 00, NAQV . {t0I8 Sn I- 6 /41iI :F <O1' D31 111 c9O(1 .f 1W .Sfl L /4Nt B(IA OPUn O.SFOO OVIN So 14 04/19609 099_° +0.06'1 3 %101' p.13" ' F 0,141 (1 Of, I115A11 8B 15 0:119117 4 -5 <0 IS I)of, S aLOd'.N ZN OJ IU0 c006 lillif fl'In $B if (VI <d09 CJ f NFIGW N.Onlp =(IJ?O fir 1 09/06406 e, <Of 606h 4 =0 0051 '315 NH [ti (Cl _ W C �0.U(01 5119 O /OC(IN 4 4,66 ` .W 13 iJ.J" IJ tl' Su.IOIt n Or ..mod `4 ml <Om6 NOR. COMA MaeT r 10 C ROUNOwNrcsu mrCSllon = =:_ v n. +l 0,03 I2 13 tla (LUV. IF Ob E9 U Is0 JNtIL$fION ILL M1 CIAl' ION OBJICI VCS R l t 1 C 'al I1 1110 161000 4140011 7.N)U 100,1100 16,040 610,000 IOHALAI ION of�_YHUIll ION olin( IYvpS R,dtjn nl 0.N 6S0 400 EO _ Comma i� vl Id 650 4(q .II0 CON"OuttIIDN WOIiKfli Willi I ION ORJFC: OVEN IIi roYYw 2,JU0 20,IIU11 41000 L�haln8nn 2? _YIIhOIIU 42 CN i.6 IOf ... II"I Gain .... e.0i III fflW 1114141 ii I'll 1 ¢ .- I. Impl orOd 2OmT119''C"INN I" ( +calill. ux i.JUl tlMln d5 I.nefiuJe lbla'nvu 3 ROmllrn >n Rrn m06P euWpJ . -(An II 6 R" cl 1b N' IONJL LJ 5 -RnI @O dII I IM1.Joll II n l i,"C imiun Obj¢'n 21 wl� C 11 7 Cl191 Ill lWlr'11 nN mn.iwlm�06Av II. eC"J" muter 4'100 �melSV mOh - ueuWUJ BCon WI km ILm I<vl Jljm(.I.ea:WN IISVmo. ) ptp111y AoW;,,Jy zJ Utin4 UN0FnM ho43e]NPGSU Table 2 Groundwater BTEX Analytical Results Former BP Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Avenue Morton Grove, IL 1 = Class I Remediation Objectives exceeded 2= Class II Remediation Objectives exceeded "< "- analyte(s) absent or present at concentrations below the method detection limits NS = Not Sampled Results in milligrams per liter (}ng /1) Analytical Method: EPA 8020 Bolded cell exceeds Groundwater Remedial Objectives Sample Identification Number Date Benzene Toluene 'Ethylbenzene local X lenes SB -6 11/7/00 0.00661 <0.005 <0.005 <0.010 SB -7 11/7/00 <0,001 <0.005 <0.005 <0.010 MW -1 4/10/03 <0.001 <0.00I <0.001 <0.003 MW -2 4/10/03 <0.001 <0.001 <0-001 <0.003 MW -3 4110103 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.003 MW -4 4/10/03 <0.001 <0001 <0.001 <0.003 MW -5 4/10/03 0.0024 <0.001 <0.001 <0.003 GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION OBJECTIVES CLASS I 0.005 1 0.7 SO CLASS II 1 0.025 2.5 1 10 1 = Class I Remediation Objectives exceeded 2= Class II Remediation Objectives exceeded "< "- analyte(s) absent or present at concentrations below the method detection limits NS = Not Sampled Results in milligrams per liter (}ng /1) Analytical Method: EPA 8020 Bolded cell exceeds Groundwater Remedial Objectives EXHIBIT C BF Service Station No. 15515 7153 West Golf Road Morton Grove, Illinois Figure 3 - Highway Authority Agreement Location Map FIGGRE 3 urtu_ FO O HIGh WAY AGREEMENT LOCAI(Ok MAP I FIGGRE 3 urtu_ FO O HIGh WAY AGREEMENT LOCAI(Ok MAP Legislative Summary Resolution 14 -50 ---- - - - - -- AUTHORIZATION TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: Objective: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or October 11, 2014 To authorize the extension of an existing agreement with the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (METRA) and the Village of Morton Grove. The purpose is to extend an existing agreement with METRA that provides for the operation and maintenance of the METRA owned. Commuter Parking Facility by the Village of Morton Grove. On May.), 1994, the Village of Morton Grove and METRA entered into a twenty year agreement which provided for the operation and maintenance of the existing commuter Parking Facility. That agreement is now expired. The Village of Morton Grove believes it is in its best interest to continue this vital public service by renewing the agreement. All Village Departments Approximately $140,000 per year Special Revenue Fund, derived from parking fees Moderate. Approval as presented. Not required. None Requirements: q �j ? /2 Respectfully submitted: _ ; � -'� Rya J I eia Village Administrator Prepared by: Reviewed by ri y De Monte, Director of Public Works r° Teresa Hoffriian Li'sion, Corporation Counsel 1 � '1 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COMMUTER RAIL DIVISION OF THE REGIONAL. TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY ( METRA) FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is ahome rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, for the past twenty years the Village of Morton Grove's Public Works Department has successfully maintained and operated the Commuter Parking Facility, in agreement with the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority; and WHEREAS, on May 2, 2014, the existing agreement between METRA and the Village of Morton Grove expired which provided for the operation and maintenance of the METRA owned 363 space Commuter Parking Facility; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and METRA both desire the continuation of this partnership updating the past agreement; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove believes it is in the best interest of it residents, the public, and serves a vital public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOT'I'ON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority, a division of an Illinois Municipal Corporation ( METRA). Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 13`x' day of October 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 130' day of October 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 14m day of October 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clefk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of this 20th day of October, 2014, by and between the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority, a division of an Illinois municipal corporation ( "Metra ") and the Village of Morton Grove, an Illinois municipal corporation ("Municipality"), Metra and Municipality are hereinafter sometimes individually referred to as a "Party" and jointly referred to as the "Parties." RECITALS A. Metra owns the commuter parking facility serving the Morton Grove Station, described as Metra Lot #1, Metra Lot #3 and Metra Lot 14, Located south of Lincoln Avenue, north of Park Avenue, east of Lehigh Avenue and west of the Milwaukee North right -of -way in the Village of Morton Grove, County of Cook ( "Commuter Parking Facility" or "CPF ") on the property owned by Metra identified by permanent index numbers 10 -20 -500 -001, 10- 20 -500- 002, 10 -19- 205 -001 and 10 -19- 205 -002, as delineated on Exhibit A attached to and made a part of this Agreement (`Premises "). B. Metra desires to grant to Municipality the right to manage, operate, and maintain the Parking Facility on the Premises. C. r the Parties have determined that the management, operation, and maintenance of the CPF on the Premises is in the best interest of the public and serves a valid public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing Recitals, which are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and accepted by the Parties, Metra does hereby grant to Municipality the right to manage, operate and maintain the CPF subject to and in accordance with the following terms covenants and conditions: 1. FEE AND TERM. Municipality covenants and agrees to pay Metra the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) as an annual use fee for the CPF. Municipality's obligations and right to use the CPF under the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall commence on the day and year first above written or upon written notice from Municipality, with written recognition and acceptance by Metra, of the 'first day of operation, or another date mutually accepted by the Parties, and shall continue in force and effect for a period of forty (40) years from said date (`Use Term ") unless otherwise terminated as provided under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Either party may at any time terminate this Agreement by giving the other party ninety (90) days prior written notice of its intention to so terminate. Morton Grove 052814 2. PURPOSE OF USE. (a) The Parties agree that the purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the Premises is protected, maintained and operated as a CPF with daily rates for public parking. Municipality desires to control access to said Premises and operate and maintain the CPT pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (b) Parking lot fees set and collected by Municipality shall be standardized for all patrons of the CPF and Municipality shall under no circumstances discriminate against non- residents of the Municipality in setting parking fees. The CPF shall be operated as a daily fee parking lot with spaces available on a first come, first served basis. Municipality shall have the right to issue monthly convenience passes, with Metra's written consent. Parking shall remain on a first come, first served basis with no spaces designated or segregated for holders of the convenience passes. Metra reserves the right, at any time, to review and approve the amount of the parking fees charged by Municipality, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld provided, however, that the proposed fee is consistent with regional standards for Metra parking lots. Metra shall upon request, provide the Village with a list of parking fees charged for regional Metra parking lots. (c) Municipality shall be permitted to use the CFP, or any lesser portion thereof, on Saturdays and Sundays for Municipal events provided Municipality assures that adequate alternative commuter parking is provided if necessary. Any other entity wanting to use the CFP shall be required to enter into a Right of Entry Agreement with Metra. 3. USE BY METRA AND PUBLIC. Metra further reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, pennittees and licensees the right to use said Premises in the general conduct of its railroad business including endeavors for the convenience of its commuters and the public. Municipality shall not interfere with or infringe upon Metra's or the public's lawful use of the said Premises so reserved. Municipality further agrees that Municipality and Municipality's employees and invitees in and about said CPF shall be subject to the general rules and regulations of Metra relating to said commuter parking facilities and to Metra's railroad operations. Metra reserves the nonexclusive right to regulate and control the people who enter said Premises and their conduct and reserves the right to enter upon said Premises at any time and to eject therefrom any disorderly person or persons. 4. MAINTENANCE, ACCESS, AND RELOCATION. (a) Municipality, at its own cost and expense, shall manage the CPF and shall be responsible for the performance of "Routine Maintenance" throughout the Use Term. Routine Maintenance shall include but shall not be limited to snow removal, salting, insurance, lighting upkeep, sealing and patching pavement, restriping as needed (but, no less than every five years), repairing and replacing parking signage, patrolling the Premises and payment of utility expenses associated with the operation of the CPF on the Premises. Municipality shall also be responsible for capital improvements to the CPF including but not limited to major rehabilitation, excavation, demolition of structures. new construction, light standard placement or replacement necessitated by damage to a structure. 2 Morton Grove 052814 (b) In the event Municipality fails to manage, operate or maintain the Premises and the Parking Facility in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement, Metra may provide, or cause to be provided, such management, operation and maintenance services and Municipality shall reimburse Metra for the cost of said management, operation and maintenance services within thirty (30) days of Municipality's receipt of a written demand for payment from Metra. (c) Municipality, at its own cost and expense, shall be responsible for the "Standard Maintenance" of all landscaping on and along the Premises. For purposes of this Agreement, Standard Maintenance shall include without limitation watering, weeding, mowing, trimming, mulching as dictated by the specific plantings on the Premises and CPF, and the replacement or removal of dead shrubs and trees pursuant to municipal ordinances regarding landscaping. (d) Metra reserves the right to relocate the CPF or any portion thereof, at its own cost and expense, in the vicinity of the Premises with no liability for damages to Municipality's interest in the CPF resulting from such relocation; provided, however, that Metra shall give Municipality one hundred and eighty (180) days prior written notice of its intention to relocate the existing CPF or portion thereof. 5. RAIL SERVICE. Metra makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, as to continued rail service to the Premises. 6. PARKING REVENUES. (a) All parking fees or other revenue derived from Municipality's use of the Premises and the CPF ( "Revenues ") shall first be utilized for Routine Maintenance, Standard Maintenance and administrative expenses incurred from the operation of the CPF. The remainder shall be deposited in a capital improvement account, designated specifically for the CPF or Metra improved facilities to be used for future renovation or rehabilitation of the CPF. Municipality agrees not to use the revenues from the CPF or from Metra improved facilities for capital improvements to non - Metra facilities. Upon termination of this Agreement, Municipality shall deliver all remaining revenues, including, without limitation, those on deposit in such capital improvement account, to Metra no later than one hundred and eighty (180) days after termination. (b) Municipality shall establish and maintain adequate accounting records of all Revenues collected and expenses incurred based on generally accepted accounting principles consistent with the manner Municipality maintains records of its other accounts in order to ensure compliance with this Agreement. Municipality shall permit and shall require its contractors to permit Mena, the Regional Transportation Authority ( "RTA "), the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation ( "NIRCRC") or any other agency authorized to perform such audit and inspection, to inspect all work, material and other data and records with regard to the Revenue collected and to audit the books and accounts of Municipality and its contractors with respect to said Revenues. Municipality shall submit to Metra, by the end of the 3 Morton Grove 052814 first quarter of each year, a statement of revenues CPF for the preceding year, and shall make its Municipality shall immediately notify Metra if the different from that intended by this Agreement. At shall conduct a yearly joint inspection of the Premis terms of this Agreement. collected and spent for the operation of the records available to Metra. Furthermore, CPF is to be used in a manner substantially the option of Metra, Metra and Municipality es and the CPF to assure compliance with the 7. LICENSE TO OPERATE. Municipality shall pay for the cost of any licenses, permits, or fees required by federal, state or local rule, regulation, ordinance or law necessary to manage, operate and maintain the CPF. 8. SIGNS. (a) Municipality shall not post or place any signs on the Premises without having first received Metra's approval of the content, design and location of the sign, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (b) Metra reserves the right to post or place signs of any type or design on any property owned or controlled by Metra within the Municipality. Further, Municipality shall not cause any tax or fee to be assessed against the signs or be required of Metra or Metra's contractor(s) for the installation and maintenance of any signs. 9. COMPLIANCE (LEGAL AND INSURANCE). (a) Municipality shall not use or permit upon the Premises anything that will invalidate any policies of insurance held by Metra or Municipality now or hereinafter carried on or covering the Premises, the CPF or any improvements thereon. Municipality shall manage, operate, maintain, and use the Premises and the CPF in compliance with the requirements of all local, state, and federal ordinances, laws, rules, and regulations in effect during the Use Term. (b) Throughout the Use Term, Municipality agrees to furnish insurance in form and in such amounts as required by Metra's Risk Management Department (312- 322 -7093) and shall deliver to Metra's Risk Management Department certificates of insurance or such other documentation acceptable to Metra's Risk Management Department evidencing the acquisition of the required insurance. Such policies of insurance or self- insurance shall include commercial general liability, automobile, workers compensation, and when required, railroad protective liability insurance coverage as stated on Exhibit R attached to and made a part of this Agreement ( "Insurance Requirements "). To the extent permitted by law, said insurance shall show The Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority, a division of an Illinois municipal corporation, and its affiliated separate public corporation known as the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation, both operating under the service mark Metra, as now exists or may hereafter be constituted or acquired, and the Regional Transportation Authority, an Illinois municipal corporation, as additional insureds and shall be endorsed to assume the contractual obligations of Municipality as set forth in this Agreement. A duplicate copy of such insurance policy or a certificate of insurance and signed copy of a report showing established insurable value shall be furnished to Metra and must show on the insurance 4 Morton Grove 052814 policy or the certificate of insurance that Metra will be properly notified in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to any modification or cancellation of such policy. (e) Municipality and its agents shall not permit the existence of any nuisance on the Premises or during the operation of the CPF; shall not create dangerous or hazardous conditions on the Premises, nor allow dangerous, explosive, flammable, or combustible materials on the Premises which would increase or tend to increase the risk of fire; and further, the Municipality or its agent shall keep, observe and comply with all federal, state and local rules, regulations, ordinances, and laws having jurisdiction over the Premises or the CPF. If, as a result of the Municipality's occupancy of the Premises hereunder, any such rule, regulation, ordinance or law is violated, the Municipality shall protect, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Metra, RTA and NIRCRC from and against any and all losses, penalties, fines, costs, damages or expenses, including court costs and attorneys' fees, caused by, resulting from, or connected with such violation or violations. (d) Municipality and its agents agree to use their reasonable best efforts to prevent the occurrence of contamination, hazardous materials or any related environmental damage or condition on the Premises during the Use Term. Should any contamination or other environmental condition occur or result from Municipality's use or occupancy of the Premises, Municipality will be responsible for all costs associated with its mitigation, cleanup and any related liability. Municipality specifically agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Metra, RTA and NIRCRC from all such toss, damages, costs or liabilities, including court costs and attorneys' fees, arising from Municipality's use or occupancy of the Premises. (e) Municipality's failure to obtain or to cause its contractors to obtain proper insurance coverage or to insure Metra, the RTA or the NIRCRC as additional insureds shall not, at any time, operate as a waiver to Metra's right to indemnification and defense against any claims, damages or injuries covered under the terms and provisions of this Agreement. (f) During the Use Term, Metra may make commercially reasonable increases in the amount of insurance required by Municipality or its contractor(s) and/or sub-contractor(s) under the terms and provisions of this Agreement. 10. WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION. (a) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Municipality hereby assumes and agrees to release, acquit and waive any rights which Municipality may have against and forever discharge Metra, the RTA and the NIRCRC, then respective directors, administrators, officers, employees, agents, successors, assigns and all other persons, firms and corporations acting on their behalf or with their authority, from and against any and all claims, demands or liabilities imposed upon them by law or otherwise of every kind, nature and character on account of personal injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, and on account of damage to or destruction of property arising out of or in any way relating to or occurring in connection with the activities permitted under the terms and provisions of this Agreement or which may occur to or be incurred by the Municipality, its employees, officers, agents and all other persons acting on the Municipality's behalf while on the Premises or arising from the condition of the 5 Morton Grove 052814 Premises during the term of this Agreement, except to the extent such injuries or damages are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Metra, the RTA, or the NIRCRC. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the releases and waivers contained in this paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. (b) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Municipality agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Metra, the RTA and the NIRCRC, their respective directors, administrators, officers, agents, employees, successors, assigns and all other persons, firms and corporations acting on their behalf or with their authority, from and against any and all injuries, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, payments and expenses of every kind and nature (including, without limitation, court costs and attorneys' fees) for claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgments, settlements arising out of or in any way relating to or occurring in connection with: (i) the activities permitted under the terns and provisions of this Agreement; (ii) the condition of the Premises; (iii) the failure to investigate claims; or (iv) which may occur to or be incurred, by the Municipality, its employees, officers, agents, and all other persons acting on its behalf while on the Premises, or, except to the extent such injuries, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, payments or expenses are caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Metra, the RTA or the NIRCRC. Metra agrees to notify the Municipality in writing within a reasonable time of any claim of which it becomes aware which may fall within this indemnity provision. The Municipality finther agrees to defend Metra, the RTA, the NIRCRC, their respective directors, administrators, officers, agents and employees against any claims, suits, actions or proceedings filed against any of them with respect to the subject matter of this indemnity provision provided, however, that Metra, the RTA and the NIRCRC, may elect to participate in the defense thereof at their own expense or may, at their own expense, employ attorneys of their own selection to appear and defend the same on behalf of Metra, the RTA, the NIRCRC, and their respective directors, administrators, officers, agents or employees. The Municipality shall not enter into any compromise or settlement of any such claims, suits, actions or proceedings without the consent of Metra, the RTA and the NIRCRC, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the indemnities contained in this paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement and the indemnification and hold harmless provisions set forth in this Agreement shall not be construed as an indemnification or hold harmless against and from the negligence or willful misconduct of Metra, the RTA or the NIRCRC with respect to any construction work performed by the Municipality or those performing on behalf of or with the authority of the Municipality in violation of the Illinois Constriction Contract Indemnification for Negligence Act, 740 ILCS 3510.01 et seq. 11. CONTRACTOR INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE. (a) In all contracts executed by Municipality for maintenance of the Premises and the CPF (including snow removal) or for the construction, rehabilitation, improvement, repair or maintenance of structures, facilities or improvements located on the Premises, or to be located on such Premises, Municipality will require appropriate clauses to be inserted requiring contractors to indemnity, hold harmless and defend Mena, RTA and NIRCRC, their directors, 6 Morton Grove 052814 employees, agents, licensees, successors and assigns from and against any and all risks, liabilities, claims, demands, losses, and judgments, including court costs and attorneys' fees, arising from, growing out of, or related in any way to work performed by such corrtractor(s), or their officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, and their agents or employees or the failure to perform such work. (b) Municipality will further cause appropriate clauses to be inserted in all such contracts requiring contractors to procure and maintain comprehensive policies of insurance, insuring contractor, Metra, RTA and NIRCRC, their directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all risks, liabilities, claims, demands, losses and judgments, including court costs and attorneys' fees, arising from, growing out of or in any way related to the work performed or to be performed by such contractor(s), whether or not any such liability, claim, demand, loss or judgment is due to or arises from the acts, omissions or negligence of such contractor(s), or their officers, employees, agents or subcontractors and their agents or employees.. 12. IMPROVEMENTS. Municipality shall not make any improvements to the Premises without having first obtained the prior written consent of Metra. Municipality shall submit to Metra all plans and specifications for improvements on or to any portion of the Premises and the CPF to Metra for review and approval (improvements shall not include such items of Routine Maintenance and Standard Maintenance as described in section 4 of this Agreement). Metra reserves the right to require Municipality's contactors to enter into a Right of Entry Agreement prior to commencing work on the CPF, the Premises, or any other Metra property. Metra further reserves the right to have its employees, agents or independent contractors perform such work set forth in the plans and specifications it approves and Municipality agrees to pay the cost of all such improvements performed by or on behalf of Metra, whether by Metra's employees, agents or independent contractors. 13. LIENS. Municipality agrees not to suffer or permit any lien of mechanics or materialmen to be placed against any portion of the Premises or CPF, and in case of any such lien attaching to the Premises or Station Facility, Municipality shall, at its own cost and expense, cause the same to be discharged of record within thirty (30) days or provide a bond or security acceptable to Metra sufficient to discharge such lien and any interest accrued thereon. It is further agreed by the Parties hereto that Municipality has no authority or power to cause or permit any lien or encumbrance of any kind whatsoever, whether created by act of Municipality, operation of law, or otherwise, to attach to or to be placed upon Metra's title or interest in the CPF, and any and all liens and encumbrances created or suffered by Municipality or its tenants shall attach to Municipality's interest only. 14. TAXES. Municipality shall be responsible for payment of all real estate taxes and special assessments, if any, assessed against the Premises, including but not limited to real estate taxes assessed as a result of Municipality's assignment or license of all or any portion of the Premises to a third party. Municipality shall protect, indemnify, defend and forever save and keep harmless Metra, R'TA, NIRCRC, and their directors, employees and agents licensees, successors and assigns against and from, and to assume all liability and expense, including court costs and attorneys' fees, for failure to pay real estate taxes or special assessments assessed 7 Morton Grove 052814 against the Premises on or before the date payments of such taxes are due. Metra represents that the Premises is currently exempt from real estate taxes and Metra shall use its reasonable best efforts not to take any actions during the Use Term that would result in the loss of the tax exempt status of the Premises; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prohibit the lease or license of the Premises, or any portion thereof, to a third party as long as such third party is responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes assessed against the leased or licensed premises. 15. CAUSE FOR BREACH. If Municipality defaults in any of Municipality's undertakings or obligations of this Agreement and Municipality receives written notice of such default from Metra, then such event or action shall be deemed to constitute a breach of this Agreement and if such default remains uncured for thirty (30) days after notice in writing, this Agreement and Municipality's use of the Premises shall automatically cease and terminate unless such cure period is extended in writing by Metra. 16. WAIVER OF REMEDIES. No waiver of any default of Municipality shall be implied from omission by Metra to take any action on account of such default. No express waiver shall affect any default other than the default specified in the express waiver and that only for the time and to the extent therein stated. No receipt of money by Metra from Municipality (a) after any default by Municipality, (b) after the termination of Municipality's use, (c) after the service of any notice or demand, (d) after the commencement of any suit, or (e) after final judgment for possession of the Premises, shall waive such default or reinstate, continue or extend the Use Term or affect in any way such notice or suit, as the case may be. 17. SURRENDER OF PREMISES. Upon the termination of this Agreement or Municipality's use of the Premises by any manner, means, or contingency whatsoever, Municipality shall, if required by Metra, remove all of Municipality's improvements and /or property from the Premises, fill all excavations that have been made by Municipality and deliver possession of the Premises to Metra in as good a condition than that which existed immediately prior to the commencement of the Use Tenn, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Should the Municipality fail to perform such removal or restoration, then Metra, at its election, may either remove the Municipality's improvements and property and restore the Premises to its former state at the sole expense of Municipality or may retain the Municipality's improvements and property as Metra's sole property. Should Municipality retain possession or use of the Premises or any part thereof after the termination of Municipality's use by Metra or as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, any such holding over shall not constitute an extension of Municipality's use and Municipality shall pay Metra all damages, incidental or consequential as well as direct, sustained by Metra, RTA and NIRCRC and their respective directors, employees, agents and licensees by reason of such retention of possession or use. The provisions of this Section 17 do not exclude the Metra's rights of reentry or any other rights to recover use and possession of the Premises afforded Metra by law. 18. REENTRY. If Municipality sball breach or default in any of the terms of this Agreement and if such breach or default is not cured as provided in Section 15 above, or if Municipality's use of the Premises shall expire or terminate in any manner, it shall be lawful for Metra then or at any time thereafter to reenter the Premises and take possession thereof, with or P, Mortan Grove 052814 without process of law, and to use any reasonable or necessary force for regaining possession of the CPF; provided, however, that :Municipality shall have the right to remove certain of Municipality's property as hereinabove provided and to use its property in any manner that does not reasonably interfere with Metra's property rights. No termination of Municipality's use shall release the Municipality from any liability or obligation that accrued prior to said termination. 19. CUMULATIVE RIGHTS. All rights and remedies of Metra shall be cumulative, and none shall exclude any other rights and remedies allowed by law. 20. SALE OR ASSIGNMENT. Any assignment or transfer of this Agreement or the Premises by Municipality without the written consent of Metra its successors and assigns shall be void. Unless specifically released in writing by Metra, Municipality shall remain primarily liable to Metra regardless of Metra's consent to an assignment or sublicense by Municipality. No act of Metra, including acceptance of money by Metra from any other party, shall constitute a waiver of this provision. 21. NOTICES. All notices, demands, elections, and other instruments required or permitted to be given or made by either Party upon the other under the terms of this Agreement or any statute shall be in writing. Such communications shall be deemed to have been sufficient- ly served if sent by certified or registered mail with proper postage prepaid, hand delivered or sent by facsimile transmission, with proof of successful transmission sent by regular mail by Metra or Municipality at the respective addresses shown below or to such other party or address as either Party may from time to time furnish to the other in writing. (a) Notices to Metra shall be sent to: Commuter Rail Division 547 W. Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60661 Attn: Director, Real Estate and Contract Management Phone: (312) 322 -8006 Fax: (')12)322-7098 (b) Notices to Municipality shalt be sent to: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Attn: Village Administrator Phone: (708) 965 -4100 Fax: (708) 965 -4162 Such notices, demands, elections and other instruments shall be considered delivered to recipient on the second business day after deposit in the U.S. Mail, on the day of delivery if hand delivered or on the first business day after successful transmission if sent by facsimile transmission. Morton Grove 052814 22. USE RESTRICTIONS. Municipality agrees that none of the Premises and the CPF will be used, nor will Municipality permit them to be used, for parking within twenty (20) feet of the centerline of any trackage. Any portion of the Premises within twenty (20) feet from the nearest rail of any trackage shall be used only for the construction, maintenance, repair and renewal of platforms and other railroad improvements located within the railroad right of way (subject to legal clearance requirements and Metra's clearance requirements) and for no other purpose whatsoever. Any construction, rehabilitation or repair work performed by or on behalf of the Municipality occurring within twenty (20) feet of the outer rail of any track will require flagging protection provided by Metra at Municipality's sole cost and expense. Municipality and/or its contractors shall also purchase and keep in full force and effect railroad protection liability insurance during the performance of any such work. 23. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (a) This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties, and their respective successors or assigns. (b) The captions of the Sections of this Agreement are for convenience and are not to be interpreted as part of this Agreement. (c) Whenever the context requires or permits the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine, feminine and neuter shall be freely interchangeable. (e) This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. 24. SEVERABILITY. Metra and Municipality agree that if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms, purposes and requirements of applicable law and does not represent a material change to the rights or obligations of the Parties. 25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. All of the representations and obligations of Metra are contained herein. Metra and Municipality agree that no change or modification to this Agreement, or any exhibits or attachments hereto, shall be of any force or effect unless such amendment is dated, reduced to writing, executed by both Parties and attached to and made a part of this Agreement. No work shall be commenced and no costs or obligations incurred as a consequence of any amendment to this Agreement or any attachments hereto unless and until such amendment has been executed and made a part of this Agreement. 10 Morton Grove 052814 (d) In the event the time for performance hereunder falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the actual time for performance shall be the next business day. (e) This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. 24. SEVERABILITY. Metra and Municipality agree that if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid for any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms, purposes and requirements of applicable law and does not represent a material change to the rights or obligations of the Parties. 25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. All of the representations and obligations of Metra are contained herein. Metra and Municipality agree that no change or modification to this Agreement, or any exhibits or attachments hereto, shall be of any force or effect unless such amendment is dated, reduced to writing, executed by both Parties and attached to and made a part of this Agreement. No work shall be commenced and no costs or obligations incurred as a consequence of any amendment to this Agreement or any attachments hereto unless and until such amendment has been executed and made a part of this Agreement. 10 Morton Grove 052814 SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. THE COMMUTER RAIL. DIVISION OF THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY: By: Donald A. Orseno, Executive Dlrector/(,EO Morton Grove 052914 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE: By: Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Lel4islative 5,ulnmary Resolution I4 -51 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH A LAMP CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, INC. Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommend: Second Reading: FOR THE 2014 STREET PATCHING PROGRAM October 7, 2014 To authorize the Village President to execute a contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for the 2014 Street Patching Program. The 2014 Street Patching Program is necessary to maintain the quality, drainage, and drivability of the streets in the Village. The scope of work developed for this program was reconstructing a segment of street on Marmora Avenue from Carol Avenue to Dempster Street and constructing surface patches on Beckwith Road from Lehigh Avenue to Austin Avenue and Hazel Street from Oak Park Avenue to Lehigh Avenue. This contract was bid through a public process in which the contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. Ten bid packages were obtained and two bids were submitted (bid tabulation attached as Exhibit "A "). A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder. A Lamp's qualifications and availability were verified. The proposal price is $146,832.00. The budgeted amount is $90,000. The bid amount exceeds the budgeted amount by $56,832. Village staff considers it to be a higher priority to complete the work on Marmora Avenue than the work on Beckwith Road and Hazel Street. Eliminating the work on Beckwith Road and Hazel Street could reduce the contract amount to $83,582. The contract documents include a provision to reserve the right of the Village to reduce and /or omit any items set forth in the contract documents. A Lamp has indicated to Village staff they find it acceptable to proceed with the contract that includes a reduced scope of work. Public Works, Engineering Division The estimated contract value is $83,582.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. 2014 Capital Projects Fund (Account 9305060- 553300) The Public Works Department, Engineering Division, as part of their normal work activities, performs the management and implementation of the program. Approval as presented. N/A Special Considerations or None Requirements: / r Respectfully submitted: n✓ - �,7� /d:-�t Rya . . Horn', Village Administrator Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel Prepared by: Reviewed by: Chris Tomich, Village Engineer `Andy DeMonte, Director of Public Works r I � � AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH A LAMP CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR THE 2014 STREET PATCHING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the 2014 Street Patching Program is necessary in order to maintain the Village's infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the scope of work developed for this program was reconstructing a segment of street on Marmora Avenue from Carol Avenue to Dempster Street and constructing surface patches on Beckwith Road from Lehigh Avenue to Austin Avenue and Ilarel Street from Oak Park Avenue to Lehigh Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised on the Village's website beginning September 23, 2014, inviting bids on the "2014 Street Patching Program "; and WHEREAS, the bidding procedures comply with purchasing requirements of Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Article A, Section 2; and WHEREAS, the terms of this contract will comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act; and WHEREAS, 10 bid packages were purchased or downloaded; and WHEREAS, two bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 7, 2014, with the corrected bid results as shown in Exhibit "A" and as follows: ; and and Contractor Total A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. $146,832.00 J.A. Johnson Paving Company $234,735.00 WHEREAS, the low bidder is A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois; WHEREAS, the qualifications and availability of the tow bidder have been verified; and WHEREAS, the 2014 Adopted Budget contains an allocation of $90,000 in the Capital Projects Fund Account 305060 - 553300 for street patching; and WHEREAS, the low bid of A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. is $56,832 more than the budgeted amount; and WHEREAS, Village staff evaluated the amount work that could be performed at the bid unit prices for a total cost equal to the budgeted amount and considers it practical to eliminate the surface patching from the scope of work in order to reduce the amount of work to be performed to approximately $83,582.00; and WHEREAS, the contract documents include a provision to reserve the right of the Village to reduce and /or omit any items set forth in the contract documents; and WHEREAS, A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. has indicated to Village staff that they find it acceptable to proceed with the contract that includes a reduced scope of work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONN 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $146,832.00. SECTION 3. The Corporate Authorities desire to exercise the Village's reserved right to omit any items set forth in the Contract Documents to eliminate the construction of surface patches on Beckwith. Road from Lehigh Avenue to Austin Avenue and Hazel Street from Oak Pak Avenue to Lehigh Avenue in order to reduce the contract amount to $83,582.00. SECTION 4. The Village President of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to a contract with A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., based upon their bid for the 2014 Street Patching Program in the amount of $83,582.00. SECTION 5. The Village Administrator, Director of Public Works and Village Engineer and their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to oversee, implement this contract. SECTION 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 13 " DAY OF OCTOBER 2014 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thili Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 13t' DAY OF OCTOBER 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 14" DAY OF OCTOBER 2014 Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ) E e, § In In In VI c CD } . In In I