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2014-04-28 Agenda
g_„ of Grove REGULAR MEETING NOTICE /AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T, FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM (The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pni is set aside for Executive Session per 1 -5 -7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code, If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7.00 pm,) 1. Call to Carder 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session (if requested) 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes — Special Meeting of April 7, 2014 Regular Meeting of April 14, 2014 8. Special Reports r. ,,,_ ,. ,, a,,,,�_, ,,; P, resentationand. Iutrcc�da�c�an- ofdate, �, A! ioxtan�ix�uo- L;ibrar3F,ExecutrveD3rector DebraStomtares. by Morton Gove Library President Novick Is. Presentation of Plan Commission Case PC14 -03 Requesting a Special Use Permit to Operate a Daycare and Establish On -site Shared Parking of 20 Spaces at the Address Commonly kEown as 5645 Dempster Street Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Ccnter 6101 Capulma Avenue o Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 -2985 , -= Tel: (847) 965 -4500 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 �' 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report — Administration, Northwest Municipal Conference, Council of Mayors Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan a. Administrative Appointment of New Police Chief Michael Simo for Calendar Year 2014 b. Mayoral Update Review 12. Clerk's Report — Community Relations Commission 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by `trustees a. Trustee Grear — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency, RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, Police Department, Police Facility Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Witko) I) Resolution 14 -18 (Introduced April 28, 2014) Authorizing the Annual July 4 Parade and Closure of Dempster Street b. Trustee Marcus — Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Condominium Association, Social Service Committee (alternate) (Trustee Toth) c. Trustee Pietron — Appearance Commission, Building Department, IT Communications, Communaty and Economic Development Department, Branding /Marketing (Trustee Thill) d. Trustee Thill — Public Works Department, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIE, Lehigh/Ferris TIT, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Pietron) 1) Resolution 14 -19 (Introduced April 28, 20J 4) Authorizing the Purchase of a New 2014 international 7400 SFA Dump Truck with a. Salt Spreader and Snow Plow through the Smt,, of Illinois Central Management Services Procurement Program 2) Resolution 14 -20 (Introduced April 28, 2014) Authorizing the Purchase of a 4x4 2014 Ford F -450 XL Truck through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) d_ Trustee Thill (continued) 3} Resolution 14 -21 (Introduced April 28, 2014) Authorizing the Purchase of a 4x4 2015 Ford F -250 XL through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program 4) Resolution 14 -22 (Introduced April 28, 2014) Authorizing an Amendment to the Residential Solid Waste Collection Contract with Groot Recycling and Waste Services, Inc. 5) Resolution 14 -23 (Introduced April 28, 2014) Authorizing the Execution of a Purchasing Agreement for a New L,eeBoy Model 10001, Paver from Casey Equipment Company, Inc. 6) Ordinance 14 -06 (Introduced April 18, 2014) (First Reading) Amending Title 5, Chapter 9, Section 9 and 10, and the Addition of Section 11, of the Municipal Code of the Village e. Trustee Toth — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource Commission (Trustee Marcus) Jr. Trustee Witko — Legal, Plan Commission/Zoning Board ofAppeals, NIPSTA, Strategic Plan Committee, Economic Development Commission, Social Service Committee (Trustee Grear) 1) Ordinance 14 -05 (Introduced April 14, 2014) (Second Reading) Approving a Special Use Permit to Operate a Physical Fitness and Health Service Greater than 1,000 Square Feet and Establish the Number of On -Site Shared Parking of Thirty Spaces at the Property Located at 5814 Dempster 2) Ordinance 14 -07 (Introduced April 28, 2014) (Request for Waive of Second Reading) Approving a Special Use Permit to Operate a Daycare and Establish the Number of On- Site Shared Parking at 20 Spaces at the Property Located at 5641 -45 Dempster 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants: $539,778.58 17. _. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19 Adjournment - To ensure. ll aecessibdt y and equal oriici ado 3 fu t) q p p n far all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe andlor participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. MINUTES OF THE APRIL 7, 2014, SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTFES RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Pursuant to proper notice in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the special meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria who led the assemblage in the pledge of allegiance. Cleric Ed Ramos called the roll. In attendance were: Elected Officials: Mayor Daniel P. DiMaria, Trustees Bill Gear, Sheldon Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth, Janine W itko, and Clerk Ed Ramos Absent: None. Village Staff: Village Administrator Ryan J. Horne, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston Also Present: Fire and Police Commission Chairperson Mike Simkins and Daniel McCollum, DMAT Services, Inc. Mayor DiMaria gave an overview of the process for the police chief search. He thanked the assigned recruitment committee for all of their hard work, and the Village Board for being open - minded. He believed all concerned had one goal and that was to find the best and right person for the Village of fviorton Grove. He believed such a person has been found. Mr. McCallum stated the process was refreshing in that everything was above board. There was absolutely no attempt to sway him or any assessor by any Village representative. Approximately forty applications were reviewed independently by Ryan Home. Terry Liston and Mr. McCollum, with almost identical recommendations. Fifteen candidates were then given a set of questions to complete. The group was then narrowed to seven candidates who participated in a day long assessment. The assessment was conducted by Gary O'Rourke, Village Manager of Streamwood. who also had been its Police Chief, Roger Mabbit, the Assistant Village .administrator of Glendale'rleights. who had spent the predominance of his career in Glendale Heights as a Police Officer and Police Chief. and John Carptnd who also had substantial experience as a Police Chief and Village Manager. The assessment consisted of a group exercise on 2 topics. Then each candidate gave a presentation on his background, experience and how 11 -'slie would approach community relations Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulma Avenue. = Morton Grove, Illinois 60053_ ) , Tel: (847 +965 -4100 Fax: (847) 965 -4162 '' and crime prevention. The panel then asked them questions on those submissions. Mike Simo was the unanimous selection of the panel. Mr. McCallum stated no one had any prior affiliation with Mr. Simo Trustee Thill stated that from the start he was very impressed with Deputy Chief Fennell), but was also very impressed with Mr. Simo. Trustee Great was impressed with tine selection of candidates. There were several quality people and he thought the process worked very well Trustee Pietron reviewed the videotapes and was impressed with the candidates. He thought the process was excellent and it was important to put subjectivity aside. Trustee Thill noted candidate Simo had experience managing the construction of a public safety facility. Trustee Marcus asked Mile Simkins forms comments. Mr. Simkins stated he was very comfortable with the candidates and was impressed with the process. He then asked whether the consultant had received any feedback from the Village of Addison. Mr. McCollum stated Mr. Simo had a spotless record. Cleric Ramos congratulated the Mayor for hiring a skilled consultant and implementing an excellent process. Trustee Marcus then moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Trustee Toth seconded the motion which was approved unanimously pursuant to a roll call vote at 5:10 pm The special meeting resumed at 5:30 pm at Giordano's Restaurant in Morton Grove. The entire Village Board was still in attendance. Also present were the following individuals: Village Administrator Ryan J. Horne, Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, Fire Chief Tom Friel, Public Works Director Andy DeMonte, Deputy Police Chiefs Brian Fennelly and Norm Stromberg, and Michael Simo. A general discussion ensued regarding the interests and background of police chief candidate Michael Simo. Mr. Simo was also given an idea of the general characteristics of the Village. Trustee Thill moved to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Pietron and approved unanimously via voice vote at 6?4 pm. S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois [N %I�i�7sT:7�37 I & Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m, in the Trustees II. Conference Room and led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll, Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, John Pietron, Maria Toth, and Janine Witko , Trustees Shel Marcus and John Thill were absent with notice. EXECUTIVE SESSION III. Trustee Toth moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss labor negotiations, personnel, real estate, and to review Executive Session Minutes. Trustee Witko seconded the motion, Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Grear afire Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Pietron acre Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko aye The Executive Session adjourned at 6.26 and the meeting recessed until 7:00 p.m. where it resumed in Council Chambers. RECONVENE MEETING Village President Dan DiMaria reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the March 24, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Grear, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. V. 1. SPECIAL REPORTS Minutes of pri114,=14MoaM Klee a. Plan Commissioner Ed Gabriel presented this case. He explained that the Applicant, Boris Jozic, owner and operator of Steel Fitness, is proposing a 2,400 square foot personal training studio at 5814 Dempster. According the Village's Code, all physical fitness and health services greater than 1,000 square feet located in the C1 General Commercial District reauire a Special Use Permit. b. Steel Fitness would be operated as a one -on -one personal training studio, Mondays through Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The only staff will be three licensed professional trainers, and in general, there will only be two licensed 'trainers at a time in the studio. Training would be scheduled based on clients' needs. The Village's Code requires 1 space for every 150 square feet of gross floor area for physical fitness and health services; however, the studio would be located within a small shopping center which includes three other businesses (a dry- cleaner, a retail fish tackle and bait store, and a realto s office). The combined uses would require 35 spaces at peak times, where only 30 are provided. As such, the Applicant is requesting the Board to establish the number of parking spaces for these combined uses at 30 spaces through the Special Use process. There is also a free municipal parking iot across the street. d. Commissioner Gabriel said that no one from the public spoke aboutthis matter at the hearing. The Plan Commission voted unanimously to recommend the approval of this Special Use Permit, with the caveat that, if at any time, the number of trainers or clients per session increases, or the services expand to include more traditional fitness center activities (such as group exercise classes, open gym, etc.), the owner shall provide notice of such proposed changes to the Director of Community and Economic Development, who, in turn, shall consult with the Village Engineer to determine if such changes result in a significant intensity of the use, which may necessitate an amendment to the Special Use Permit. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE VIL RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE VIII, _ Minutes nlApri ^IA,:2014�BOard M PRESIDENT'S REPORT Proclamations Mayor DiMaria said he had several proclamations for this evening a. First he proclaimed April 19, 2014 as "Ryan Smith Day" in the Village of Morton Grove in honor and acknowledgement of Ryan's service to his country in Afghanistan. Ryan and his partner were on guard duty when they observed two Taliban insurgents approaching the base, pulling a cart filled with weapons. Ryan radioed his commanding officer and was told to engage the individuals, and as a result, the targets were neutralized and the specia! forces recovered the weapons. These actions taken by Ryan and his partner saved lives and earned them both the Combat Infantry Badge. Mayor DiMana urged all citizens to recognize the dedication and commitment individuals such as Ryan give to their country , Next, Mayor DiMaria proclaimed April 22, 2014 as "Earth Day' in Morton Grove. He noted that it is the responsibility of each of us to safeguard the environment, and urged everyone to be mindful of local, state, and national lawswhich protect the environment and asked everyone to join in efforts to preserve the beauty and wonder of the lands, skies, and waters of the Earth. C, Mayor DiMaria then proclaimed April 25, 2014 as "Arbor Day" in the Village. He pointed out that this holiday was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska. and commented on the benefits of trees: they reduce the erosion of precious topsoil, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and are a source of joy and spiritual renewal. Mayor DiMaria said he was proud that Morton Grove has been recognized as a "Tree City USA" by the National Arbor Day Foundation, and urged all citizens to support the efforts to protect Morton Grove's trees and woodlands, and to support the Village's urban forestry program. Lastly, Mayor DiMana proclaimed the month of April 2014 as "National Donate Life Month" in the Village of Morton Grove. He said that the need for organ donors is greater than ever before. Today, more than 110.000 Americans await an organ transplant, and an average of eighteen people a day will pass away before an organ becomes available. Mayor DiMaria said that we can all play a part in ending this unacceptable loss of life, and called upon health care professionals, volunteers, educators, other government agencies, faith -based and community groups to join forces to boost the number of organ and tissue donors throughout our community. Trustee Liaison Assignments a. Mayor DiMaria announced mveral assignments /reassignments of Trustee Liaison positions: Trustee Witko will now be the liaison to the Economic Development Commission and the new Social Services Committee, and Trustee Pietron will be the liaison to the Branding and Marketing Committee. . _. MlnotesmfAPd174,12Df49Dard BlleeBn -. VII!. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued; 3. Mayoral Update a. Mayor DiMana reiterated his pride in the fact that Morton Grove was named a 2013 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation becaus? it met the four requirements: it has a tree board or department, a tree -care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita, and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation. b. Mayor DiMaria congratulated the Morton Grove Garden Club for having a window box displayed at an exhibit at this year's Flower and Garden Show at Navy Pier. c. Mayor DiMaria noted that there would be a " drug recycling" at 3500 Howard Street in Skokie on Saturday, April 26, from prescription 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. d. Mayor DiMana said that he would be attending a ground - breaking ceremony on April 23 for McGrath Audi of Morton Grove, and commented that Mr. McGrath had mentioned quite often that it's a pleasure to work with Morton Grove's staff and officials. The mayor said this new business would really be helpful in moving Morton Grove forward. e. Mayor DiMaria thanked the Board for attending the ribbon - cutting ceremony for Carson's Clearance Center this past Friday. He said that it's an honor to have Carson's in the Morton Grove community. f. Mayor DiMaha said that one of the reasons Morton Grove is "on the map" is because Burt's Place is a "destination restaurant," Burt's Place is now on the list of "Best Restaurants Not In Chicago according to Thrilllist.com. Mayor DiMaria congratulated owner Burt Katz, who has quite a "pizza legacy" around Chicagoland, ranging from The Inferno in Evanston to Gullivers in Rogers Park to Pequod's in Lincoln Park. IX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Ramos encouraged everyone to shop at Village Plaza at Harlem and Dempster and said it was an indication of Mayor DiMaria's vision for Morton Grove. -^ X. STAFF REPORTS A. Villaoe Administrator: Village Administrator Ryan Horne said that, at the Board's May 12 meeting, the Village's engineering consultant would be making a presentation on alternative water supply sources. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. MinutesvIAPAI 14,20148wd Moen XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear presented Resolution 14 -17, Authorizing the Purchase of a Manual External Cardiac Monitor /Defibrillator. He explained that this Resolution authorizes the Village Administrator and Fire Chlef to execute a contract with Zoll Medical Corporation for the purchase of a new manual external cardiac monitor /defibrillator to be placed in service on Ambulance 5. This equipment is necessary to meet the minimum equipment standards for an Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance as defined by the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Emergency Medical System. Once this defibrillator is purchased, a 13 -year old M- series defibrillator will be retired. The cost will be $27,897, which includes trade -in value of old equipment Trustee Grear moved, seconded by Trustee Toth, to approve Resolution 14 -17. Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Grear age Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko ave 2. Trustee Grear welcomed several members of the mayor's family, visiting from out -of -town. 6. Trustee Marcus: Trustee Marcus was absent —no report. C. Trustee Pietron: In the absence of Trustee Thill, Trustee Pietron presented Resolution 14 -15, Authorizing the Execution of a Contract With Trees "R" Us, Inc. For the 2014 Tree Trimming Program. He explained that this contract is to perform necessary tree - trimming of trees in rights -of -way and public properties for which the Village is responsible for maintaining. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code. The estimated contract value is $27,055, but since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed, Trustee Pietron moved to approve Resolution 14-15, - seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko aye ... _.. Minutes qfApril 14,2014.11eardMeeti xl. C. Trustee Pietron: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 2. Next, Trustee Pietron presented Resolution 14 -16, Authorizing the Purchase of Two (2) Ford Fusion SE Hybrids Through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program. He explained that, because the Village is a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC), it can take advantage of the NWMC's competitive bidding program. The purchase of these two extremely fuel efficient vehicles will repiace two existing "pool" vehicles, one assigned to the Fire Department, the other assigned to Village Hall administration. Trustee Pietron moved, seconded by Trustee Witko, to approve Resolution 14 -16. Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth ave D. Trustee Thill. Trustee Thill's report was covered by Trustee Pietron. E. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. F. Trustee Witko: Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Witko ave Trustee Witko presented Ordinance 14 -04, Granting an Amendmentto the Special Use Permit for the Property Located at 9341 Austin Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois, For the Replacementand Installation of Antennas on an Existing Transmission Tower. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Witko explained that this ordinance will grant an amendment to the special use permit, issued in 2006, to allow the replacement of three antennas and an additional three antennas on the Commonwealth Edison tower located at 9341 Austin Avenue. The applicant is Verson, and these changes are proposed to increase the quality of service for cellular customers and to accommodate newer cellular technologies Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 1404, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Great ave Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth aye Tr. Witko ave s: . ... I I :Minutes of April 14v201490aMMeetin' XI F, Trustee Witko� (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) 2. Next, Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 14-05, Approving a Special Use Permit to Operate a Physical Fitness and Health Service Greater Than 1,000Square Feet (One -on -One Personal Training Studio) and Esablish the Number of On -Site Shared Parking at 30 Spaces at the Property Located at 5814 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. She explained that this Ordinance is the recommendation of the Plan Commission in its cam PC 14 -05, presented earlier this evening. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 14 -05, OTHER BUSINESS NONE WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented this evening's Warrant Register in the amount of $1,302,128.55. She moved to approve these Warrants, seconded by Trustee Grear. Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Pietron Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko RESIDENTS' COMMENTS NONE ADJOURNMENT Trustee Toth moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed: 4 ayes 0 nays, 2 absent. Tr. Grear acre Tr. Marcus absent Tr. Pietron Tr. Thill absent Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. to aye ave PASSED this 28th day of April, 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietror. Trustee Thill T rustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 28th day of April, 2014, Daniel P, DiMana, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29th day of April, 2014, S. Lattanzi, Deputy Villaoe Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois MinutesifliPdl'14,.20i card Meeting Minutes by Teresa Cwsar 13"N MORTON GROVE PUBLIC LIBRARY .. 6140 Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 -2989 847- 965 -4220 www.nngpl.org April 22, 2014 Ryan Horne, Village Administrator Morton Grove Village Hall 6101 CapuIina Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Dear Mr. Horne: I am writing to you as the recently elected president of the Morton Grove Public Library Board of Directors. We are very anxious to introduce our newly employed Executive Director, Debra Stombres. It is our hope that You will provide us with an opportunity to make a brief presentation to the Village Board of Directors and the attendees at the April 28, 2014 Board Meeting, Ms. Stombres comes to us with a solid background, an understanding of our present strengths and needs as well as ideas for the future. She has a strong sense of community and I have no doubt will soon be a major asset in the daily lives of Morton Grove residents. We. are looking forward to malting regular announcements about the library and its happenings at the Village Board Meetings. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to seeing you on April 28. Respectfully, Barbara J. Novick President MGPL Board of Directors Le2isfative Summary Resolution 14 -18 AUTHORIZING THE ANNUAL JULY 4 PARADE AND CLOSURE OF I3EMPSTER STREET Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: April 28, 2014 This resolution will authorize the 2014 July 4 Parade on Dempster Street, Route 58, at 2:30 pm on Friday, July 4, 2014, which will require the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58; either partially or completely between Cen al and Ferris Avenues between 2:00 pm and 4.30 pm The Illinois Department of Transportation requires the Village adopt a resolution approving the closing of Dempster Street. The resolution also authorizes the Village Engineer to file an application through the Illinois Department of Transportation for the closing of Dempster Street, Route 58, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Friday, July 4, 2014, for the Annual July 4 Parade. The July 4 Parade is a Morton Grove tradition, and each year aresolution is developed authorizing the parade and assuming full responsibility for tille direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said state route. Public Works— Placement of barricades and directional information Police Department — Enforcement and traffic control Overtime associated with above activities General Fund dollars will be used to support the manpower and equipment costs All Village Departments will provide their usual support for this activity Approval None required None Administrator Monte, Public Works Director Reviewed by Teresa Hoffman List n, Corporation Counsel Resolution 14 -18 FOURTH OF JULY PARADE CLOSURE OF DEMPSTER STREET WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Days Commission is planning a parade as part of its animal celebration on Friday, July 4, 2014, at 2:30 p.m.; and WHEREAS, the parade will require the closinb of Dempster Street, either partially or completely between Central Avenue. and Ferris Avenue from approximately 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and WHEREAS, the State of Illinois requires the Village to assume all responsibility and Liability involved in closing of said State Route. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Public Works Director will file an application with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the closing of Dempster Street on Friday, July 4, 2014, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. SECTION 3: The Village will assume full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of said State Route. It is further agreed that efficient, all we detours will be maintained, conspicuously marked and judiciously police patrolled for the benefit of traffic deviated from the State Route. PASSED THIS 28`x' DAY OF April 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Great Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 29'h day of April 2014, Daniel P. DiMaria, `Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook Cowity, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29'' day of April 2014. S. Lattanzi, Deputy Viliaga Clerk Village of Morton Grove. Cook County, Illinois AC®rctt,.. CERTIFICATE ®� LIABILITY INSURANCE D03/1912014 Y) DVOCATE INSURANCE GROUP, INC. -- - 137 MCHENRY RD. SUITE #206 7INSURED Seral # 103573 UFFALO GROVE, IL. 60089 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE - HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, 47 - 229- 9840/FX847- 808 -2154 I INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INAIC# MORTON GROVE POST INSURERA: C APITAL INDEMNITY THE AMERICAN LEGION, INC NC. INSURER S. CHUBB GROUP OF INSURANCE CARRIERS , 6144 DEMPSTER INSURER C HARTFORD INSURANCE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 INSURER D: INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCY POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. wsE I NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE PO! ICY EFFECTIVE JR NSRDI POLICY NUMBER pATo MMIp01VY1 PDATE MM100mIN I LIMITS A A GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE O OCCUR LIQUOR LIABILITY CP02129827 -01 06/01/2013 06/01/2015 I aCH OCCURRENCE S 1,000,000 X DAMAGE TD RENTED PREMISES(Ea oceurencel IS 100,000 WED EXP (AnV one person) X PERSONAL A ADV INJURY s 1,000,000 $1'000'000 GENERAL AGGREGATE !_. 2,000,000 DEVIL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER POLICY PRO JFGT LOC I PRODUCTS - GOMPIOP FlGG 5. 2,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Re acdaent) a ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULEDAUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per person) 5 HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS BODILYI (Peraccioent) S, ROP amen(AMAGE , S, GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY. EA ACGOEN "' Is ANY ALTO I OTHER THAN A AC- F AU TO ONLY -. AGO " A EXCESSIUMSELLA LIABILITY OCCUR ICtLMMS MADE CP02129827 -01 06/0112013 06/01(201$ oacH OCC URRENCE s 3,000,000 AGGREGATE IS 3,000.000 DEDUCTIBLE PRODUL, 'DM IS 3,000.000 RETENTION 5 10,000 X c D WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 83tkJVEC JL2338 04119!2013 04/19/2015 X TORY LIMPS ER EL EACH ACCIDENT �$ 100,000 B ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OPFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? It yes deemed under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER 8223 -9034 06/01/2013 06/01/2015 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S 100.000 EL DISEASc - POLICYIIMIT 900.000 $1,000,000. LIABILITY LIMIT DIRECTORS & OFFICERS DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS ILOCATIONSNEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS 4TH OF JULY PARADE THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY 0= THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN 6101 CAPULINA NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TOTH- LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHAG MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY DF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPftE9ENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TED WANXOYSXY I Ied ZJlld4ovsly 25 (2001108) © ACORD CORPORATION 198E Legislative Summan Re sotution 14 -14 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SFA DUMP TRUCK WITH A SALT SPREADER AND A SNOW PLOW THROUGH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROCUREMENT PROGRAM Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Worldoad Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: l �d Pay'i Tohiii r� April 28, 2014 The Village of Morton Grove partieinates in the State of Illinois Central Management Services Procurement Program, known as the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program. This Joint Purchasing Program is an opportunity for local government agencies to take advantage of the State of Illinois competitive bidding process. This is contract k PSD4016932 To authorize the purchase of anew 2014 International 7400 SFA Dump Trucl< with a Salt Spreader and Snow Plow to replace a 1987 Ford L8000 Dump Truck used by Public Works that has reached the limit of its usefulness. Li January 2014, the engine expired in the 1987 Ford Dump and Public Works staff determined the truci: was not worth the necessary repairs which were estimated to exceed S 15,000.00 The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost. Replacing or eliminating equipment that no ionger meets the department's needs. Public Works, and Finance Departments, The vehicle being replaced at this time is in the amount of $1527192.00 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Grove (approved as Ordinance 14 -02, on March 10, 2014) The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works and Finance Departments, Approval as presented. Not required. None. _ Reviewed By. Administrator Andy De Monte, Director Public Works Superintendent Reviewed 'by: _ Teret Corporation Counsel Resolution 14 -19 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SFA DUMP TRUCK WITH A SALT SPREADER AND SNOW PLOW THROUGH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS CENTRAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of IIlinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt: and FIEREAS, the State of Illinois Central Management Agency conducted a bidding process for the purchase of the 2014 International 7400 SFA Dump Truck with Salt Spreader and Snowplow, and the low bidder was Rush Truck Centers, 401 S. Dirkson Parkway, Springfield Illinois 62703; and WHEREAS, the Village has previously utilized the State of Illinois Central Management Agency Procurement Program for purchases of vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Village on March 10, 2014, approved Ordinance 14 -02 which provides funding in the amount of $1,415.000 as General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Gove, Cook County, Illinois, in -order to fund general municipal improvements; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicle is as follows: 1 — 2014 International 7400 SFA 6x4 Dumn Truck with Salt Spreader and Snow Plow: $152.192.00 Total:-S.1.52,19 0.1.00 NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED 1317 THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE, OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution forthe purchase of a New 2014 International 7400 SFA Dump Truck with Salt Spreader and Snow Plow be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and Finance Director of the Village of Morton Grove is hereby authorized to execute the purchase of a New 2014 International 7400 SFA Dump Truck with Salt Spreader and Snow Plow for the amount of 5152,192.00, from Rush Truck Centers, 401 S. Dirkson Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62703. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 28th day of April 2014. Trustee Great Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 28`h day of APRIL 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 28"' day of APRIL 2014 S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois New Truck Proposal Tandem Axle Dump Truck Specifications State of Illinois Solicitation # 225684 ' Contract # PSD4016932 Paul Tobin __— CDNTACT NAM E Village Of Morton Grove BUYER INFORMATION 6101 Calnullna ADDRESS Morton Grove, IL 60053 DATE: 03/21/14 Contact: Kevin Burden Municipal Fleet Sales 401 South Dirlcsen Pkwy Springfield, IL 62703 Do: 217 -523 -5631 ext. 1003 Fax: 217 -S23 -0797 Email: BurdellK @rushenterprises.com CITY /STATE /ZIP 847- 663 -3903 847 - 815 -1686 cel I Please Circle Cab Color: PHONE/ FAX/ EMAIL Red -2303 / IDOT Orange Omaha Drange 36- 6006007 E9998- 1491 -04 Cook School Bus Yellow /Blue /Blue met -6E12 FEIN 4/ TAX EXEMPT# / COUNTY Green -6047 / White/ Black 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SEA 6x4 / 177" WHEELBASE/ 102" CAB TO AXLE :.20,000 PSI/ 2,654,000 RBM single frame rail w/ 20" front frame extension MAXXFORCE 10/HT570 310HP/ 10500 TORQUE w/ GRID HEATER 3000RDS Allison Six (6) speed trans. w/ T- Handle & External Trans. Copier Extended Life Oil Pan/ Transmission TCM mounted inside cab Transmission temp. gauge/ Hour meter/ Plow light Switch Warning; igms & Alarm for Low Coolant, Low Oil PSI, Engine Temp. "Winter /Summer" Air Cleaner w/ in -Dash Filter Minder Horton Two -Speed Fan Drive/ From Engine PTO/ Block Heater 16,000# Front axle & suspension w/ 2000# sox. overloads & HD shocks 40,000# Rear axle w/ Hendrickson HMX 400 -52 susp. & HD shocks/ SPL drivelves Air Brakes w/ 13.2 compressor/ Bendix air dryer/ DV2 Heated drain valve Automatic slack adjusters/ Oil bath wheel seats/ Stationary front grille Trailer brake package w/ 7 -way ADS trailer plug/ Bodybuilder wires @ BOC Tilt & Telescoping steering column/ Leece- Neville alternator/ Delco starter 100 gotten aluminum fuel tank (driver side) w/ fuel water seperator Three (3) Batteries @ 1950 CCA w/ battery box mounted right side BDC Horizontal muffler mounted under cab w/ vert. exhaust pipe & 36" turn out Air horn/ Jump start stud / L.E.D. cab marker lights/ Air ride cab AM /FM /Weatherband radio/ Air conditioning/ Cigar lighter Black heated mirrors w/ Black tender mounted convex mirrors Air ride driver seat w/ arm rest/ Fixed passenger seat/ Daytime lights 315/BOR22.5 Continental HSU2 (20PLY) steer tires w/ Grey powder coat wheels 11R225 Continental HDR -2 (14PLY) drive tires w/ Grey powder coat wheels PLEASE CIRCLE DESIRE TIOT 6.14 (67 mph) / 6.43 (64 mph) 6.83 (60 mph) 7.17 (57 mph) Please include copy of tax exempt form w/ your order. All prices are RO.B, 401 S. Dirksen Pkwy. Springfield, Illinois Payment in full is due at time of delivery. Kevin Burdell- Municipal Fleet Sales Representative Signature of Buyer Purchase Order Number (if applicable) Sales price $75,906.00 Options $871.00 Body price 575.310.00 Freight $0.00 Sub -total ;152,087.00 Trade License/ Title $105.00 Total 5152,192,00 189" WE / 114" 7, Omit Front PTO Adaptor Plate u 183 (171) Trans Dipstick- move to right side $ 23 70 Gallon Fuel Tank $ (153) Heated Windshield 5 459 Cowl Tray Cover S 145 6 pack upfitter switches S 386 New Truck Proposal Tandem Axle Dump Truck Specifications State of Illinois Solicitation # 225684 ' Contract # PSD4016932 Paul Tobin __— CDNTACT NAM E Village Of Morton Grove BUYER INFORMATION 6101 Calnullna ADDRESS Morton Grove, IL 60053 DATE: 03/21/14 Contact: Kevin Burden Municipal Fleet Sales 401 South Dirlcsen Pkwy Springfield, IL 62703 Do: 217 -523 -5631 ext. 1003 Fax: 217 -S23 -0797 Email: BurdellK @rushenterprises.com CITY /STATE /ZIP 847- 663 -3903 847 - 815 -1686 cel I Please Circle Cab Color: PHONE/ FAX/ EMAIL Red -2303 / IDOT Orange Omaha Drange 36- 6006007 E9998- 1491 -04 Cook School Bus Yellow /Blue /Blue met -6E12 FEIN 4/ TAX EXEMPT# / COUNTY Green -6047 / White/ Black 2014 INTERNATIONAL 7400 SEA 6x4 / 177" WHEELBASE/ 102" CAB TO AXLE :.20,000 PSI/ 2,654,000 RBM single frame rail w/ 20" front frame extension MAXXFORCE 10/HT570 310HP/ 10500 TORQUE w/ GRID HEATER 3000RDS Allison Six (6) speed trans. w/ T- Handle & External Trans. Copier Extended Life Oil Pan/ Transmission TCM mounted inside cab Transmission temp. gauge/ Hour meter/ Plow light Switch Warning; igms & Alarm for Low Coolant, Low Oil PSI, Engine Temp. "Winter /Summer" Air Cleaner w/ in -Dash Filter Minder Horton Two -Speed Fan Drive/ From Engine PTO/ Block Heater 16,000# Front axle & suspension w/ 2000# sox. overloads & HD shocks 40,000# Rear axle w/ Hendrickson HMX 400 -52 susp. & HD shocks/ SPL drivelves Air Brakes w/ 13.2 compressor/ Bendix air dryer/ DV2 Heated drain valve Automatic slack adjusters/ Oil bath wheel seats/ Stationary front grille Trailer brake package w/ 7 -way ADS trailer plug/ Bodybuilder wires @ BOC Tilt & Telescoping steering column/ Leece- Neville alternator/ Delco starter 100 gotten aluminum fuel tank (driver side) w/ fuel water seperator Three (3) Batteries @ 1950 CCA w/ battery box mounted right side BDC Horizontal muffler mounted under cab w/ vert. exhaust pipe & 36" turn out Air horn/ Jump start stud / L.E.D. cab marker lights/ Air ride cab AM /FM /Weatherband radio/ Air conditioning/ Cigar lighter Black heated mirrors w/ Black tender mounted convex mirrors Air ride driver seat w/ arm rest/ Fixed passenger seat/ Daytime lights 315/BOR22.5 Continental HSU2 (20PLY) steer tires w/ Grey powder coat wheels 11R225 Continental HDR -2 (14PLY) drive tires w/ Grey powder coat wheels PLEASE CIRCLE DESIRE TIOT 6.14 (67 mph) / 6.43 (64 mph) 6.83 (60 mph) 7.17 (57 mph) Please include copy of tax exempt form w/ your order. All prices are RO.B, 401 S. Dirksen Pkwy. Springfield, Illinois Payment in full is due at time of delivery. Kevin Burdell- Municipal Fleet Sales Representative Signature of Buyer Purchase Order Number (if applicable) Sales price $75,906.00 Options $871.00 Body price 575.310.00 Freight $0.00 Sub -total ;152,087.00 Trade License/ Title $105.00 Total 5152,192,00 189" WE / 114" 7, Omit Front PTO Adaptor Plate 5 $ 183 (171) Trans Dipstick- move to right side $ 23 70 Gallon Fuel Tank $ (153) Heated Windshield 5 459 Cowl Tray Cover S 145 6 pack upfitter switches S 386 MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC 1051 WEST 7TH, STREET MONROE WI 53566..:.. :.. 608 -326 -8127 FAX 608- 328 -4278 CUSTOMER: 5092000 Snip to: MORTON GROVE,VILL OF 61011 CAPULINA ATTN: PAUL TOBIN MORTON GROVE IL 60053 QUOTE # 1519080 DATE: 03/21/14 CUST PO # TERMS: NET 30 SALES REP: 6 QUOTED BY: ITS WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE FOR ACCEPTANCE WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF QUOTE PRICES & TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH. SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIBED IN QUOTE. STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES WILL BE ADDED WHERE APPLICABLE. 13'- 14 YARD CRYSTEEL ELLIPTICAL DUMP BODY - SIDES: 42 ", 3/16" AR400 - FRONT: 52 ", 3/16" AR400 - REAR : 42 ", 3116" AR400 - FLOOR: 1 /e" AR4001 9" RADIUS - FULL RIBBED TAILGATE BRACING - FULL WELD ON STEEL ENDERS - NO DOG HOUSE IN FRONT OF BODY - 1/2 X 7 GA. X 84" CAB SHIELD 100£ WELDED - AIR TRIP TAILGATE RELEASE - S & B LADDERS; DRIVERS SIDE FRONT & REAR - EACH ADDITIONAL 12" LONG STEP OR RUNG - FRONT OF BODY BELOW FENDER - GRAB HANDLE - TWO STEPS INSIDE DRIVERS SIDE FRONT CORNER - 13' BODY - BUSTIN STEP (1 FULL LENGTH PIECE, BOTH SIDES) - REFLECTIVE TAPE ACROSS THE BACK OF THE CAP AND SIDES OF BODY - SELF ADUSTABLE 67 -107 DB BACKUP ALARM - RUBBER REAR FLAPS - BLASTED /PRIMED /PAINTED ONE COLOR & UNDERCOATED CRYSTEE7 M63138 MARATHON BAIL -MOUNT TELESCOPIC HOIST - 46 TON CAPACITY - 2500 P.S.I. - SINGLE ACTING LIGHTING PACKAGE: - (4) SINGLE STEEL BOXES ON CABSHIELD - 2 FORWARD FACING & 2 SIDE FACING - L.E.D. SELF CONTAINED 4 LIGHT STROBE SYSTEM ON CABSHIELD L.E.D. SELF CONTAINED 2 LIGHT STROBE SYSTEM IN REAR POST - RECESSED L.E.D S /T /T AND BACKUP LIGHTS WITH SEALED WIRE HARNESS IN REAR POST SPREADER LIGHT PINTLE MOUNT; '_" PLATE WITH 3/4" D -RINGS - PREMIER MODEL 2200 PINT LE HOOK -- - 7 -WAY CONNECTOR, ROUND SOCKET, ROUND PIN * ** CONTINUED NEXT PAGE * ** MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC - 1051•WEST 7TH. STREET MONROE WI 53566 608- 328 -8127 FAX 608 - 328 -4278 CUSTOMER: 5092000 Snip to: MORTON GROVE,VILL OF 6101 CAPULINA ATTNr PAUL TOBIN MORTON GROVE IL 60053 QUOTE # 1519080 DATE: 03/21/14 =T PO # TERMS: NET 30 SALES REP: 6 QUOTED BY: JPS MONROE PF91 -QL1; QUICK LINK HITCH; TRUCK PORTION; WITH FLAT FOLD LI F'"ARM; 630# - CYLINDER; 4X10 DA; NITRIDED ROD - UNIVERSAL 1/2: CHEEK. PLATES; MOUNTING SYSTEM FOR TRUCKS WITH FRAME EY.TENTIONS - HOOD MOUNTED BRACKET KIT; PLOW LIGHT; NAVISTAR- WORKSTAR - PLOW LIGHTS; TRUCK -LITE; BLACK PLASTIC HOUSING PTO, HOTSHIFT, ROTATABLE FLANGE; NEW WORLD TRANSMISSON; INSTL FORCE AMERICA TXV92 -RE W /FITTING ICIT - 5.6 CUBIC INCH 92CC LOAD SENSE - 24 GPM FLOW @ 1000 RPM - 5,000 PSI OPPERATING PRESSURE - DIN 5462 - 4 BOLT FLANGE MOUNT FORCE, IGRIP JOYSTICK, ARMREST + 6100 CAN BASED SPREADEF. CONTROLS FORCE ADD -A -FOLD VALVE ASSSEMBLY - SPREADER MANIFOLD, INSIDE REAR CORNER POSTS - ENCLOSURE /0I7L RESERVOIR, ' FRAME MOUNTx MILD STEEL - SA - HOIST - DA - PLOW LIFT - DA - PLOW ANGLE - 14GPM - AUGER - 7GPM - SPINNER - 7GPM - PRE -WET MONROE MCV- 156- 84 -56; 201SS; 13' X 84 "; 56" SIDES; 9 YD; SINGLE AUGER - 45 DEGREE SLOPED SIDES - 10 GA. 201SS SIDES AND ENDS - 10 GA. 201SS VERTICAL SIDE BRACES - SINGLE 7" AUGER WITH PLANETARY DRIVE - INTREGAL SPEED SENSOR IN AUGER MOTOR - INVERTED "V" 201SS INSTALLED OVER AUGER - FRONT BEARING GREASE EXTENSIONS TO REAR - 3/8" TOP SCREENS WITH CENTER 6" H BEAM, MILD STEEL POWDER COATED BLACK - HYDRAULIC SHUT -OFF Y.IT FOR TOP SCREENS - BOLT -ON 201SS SPINNER ASSEMBLY WITH BOTTOM MOUNT MOTOR & POLY DISK - NO DOG HOUSE IN FRONT OF .SPREADER - STANDARD SLIP -IN MOUNTING KIT - (4) 4" RATCHET STRAP KITS & TAILGATE LATCH KIT - INSTALLED * ** CONTINUED NEXT PAGE * ** MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC 1051 WEST 7TH. STREET.. MONROE WI 53566 606 -328 -8127 FAX 608- 328 -4278 CUSTOMER: 5092000 Ship to: MORTON GROVE,VILL OF 6101 CAPULINA ATTN: PAUL TOBIN MORTON GROVE IL 60053 QUOTE # 1519080 DATE: 03/21/14 CUST PO # TERMS: NET 30 SALES REP: 6 QUOTED BY: JPS PRE -WET SYSTEM - CLOSED LOOP HYD PLUMBING KIT; 7 GPM. PUMP; FORCE /GRESEN FLOW METER (2) 100 GAL POLY TANKS WITH STAINLESS STEEL MOUNTING HARDWARE - BULK FILL KIT; CROSS -OVER KIT; V -BOX - ENCLOSURE MTG KIT; STAINLESS STEEL; LARGE V -BOX - FLUSHER KIT; - SPRAY BAR KIT; 314" STAINLESS STEEL TUBE MOUNTED TO FRONT OF SPINNER ASSEMBLY MONROE MPPJ45R10 -ISTT; TORSION TRIP "J" STYLE REVERSIBLE POLY PLOW; 1880# - 3/8" POLYMER MOLDBOARD WITH INTEGRAL SHIELD (10) 112" ONE -PIECE FLAME CUT RIBS 2" X 3" X 3/8" TOP ANGLE - 4" X 4" X 3/4" BOTTOM ANGLE (6; ADJUSTABLE 3/4" TORSION TRIP SPRING ASSEMBLIES FOR A TWO - SECTION TRIP - 5/8" X 8" ONE -PIECE CENTER PUNCH CUTTING EDGE - 4" X 4" X 3/8" CROSS -TUBE SUPPORT - 3 -112" X 3 -1/2" X 1/2" SEMI - CIRCLE i2) 3" X 10" DOUBLE ACTING REVERSE CYLINDERS WITH CUSHION VALVE - BUILT -IN MONROE LEVEL LIFT ASSEMBLY - MOLDBOARD AND PUSHFRAME TO BE 1001 CONTINUOUSLY WELDED - MOLDBOARD POWDER COATED ORANGE - PUSH FRAME POWDER COATED BLACK - 36" FLUORESCENT ORANGE FLEXIBLE PLASTIC MARKERS, INSTALLED - 10' RUBBER SNOW DEFLECTOR, 12", SIT INSTALLED - QUICK LINK SWIVEL PLATE, PLOW PORTION; 100# - SCREW ADJUSTABLE PARK SACK; S &I INSTALLED; 30# TOTFv, QUOTE Quote Accented By: Y. Date: F.C.: Submitted By: _JEFF SCHWAB_ for MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT Make /Model: _INC 7400 Transmis sior. Chassis Color: Chassis ETA: VIN $: 6X4_ W.B. C.A. _114" Engine: _ A /C: Y / N Brakes: Air / Hyd. Painf Code: Stock #: 75,310.00 Legislative Summary Resoiution I4 -20 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 4X4 2014 FORD F -450 XL THROUGH THE SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM Introduced: April 28, 2014 Synopsis: As a member ofthe Northwest Municipal Conference, the Village of Morton Grove takes advan age of the Conference's competitive bidding process known as the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program which is a joint purchasing I program for local governmental agencies representing If 43 municipalities. Purpose: To authorize the purchase of a 4x4 - 2014 Ford F -450 XL from Currie Motors of Frankfort Illinois. This purchase will replace a 2001 Dodge used by the Street Department. Background: The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost. Replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the Deparmuent's needs. Programs. Departments Public Works, and Finance Departments. or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: The vehicle being replaced at this time is in the amount of $60,885.00 Source of Funds: i General Obligation Bonds, Series 20j4, of the Village of Morton Grove (approved as Ordinance 14 -02, on March 10, 2014) Workload Impact: I The implementation of the program is done as part ofthe normal operations of the j Public Works and Finance Departments. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not required. Special Considerations or None. Requirements: i Respectfully submitted: Reviewed By: _Z — Ryak/'7. Horne, Village Administrator ' n Prepared by: i %F�J Reviewed by: / And�'De Monte, Director of Public Works Teresa Director of Finance Corporation Counsel Resolution 14 -20 TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A 2014 Ford 4x4 F -450 XL THROUGH THE NORTH SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of goverm-nCm under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative representing 143 municipalities conducted a bidding process for the purchase of a 2014 Ford 4x4 F -250 XL and the low bidder for said purchases was from Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, Illinois 60423:and WHEREAS, the Village, as a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference, has previously utilized the North Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program for various vehicle purchases; and WHEREAS, the Village on March 10, 2014, approved Ordinance 14 -02 which provides fundins in the amount of $1,415,000 as General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Gove, Cook County, Illinois, in -order to fund general municipal improvements; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicles is as follows: 2014 Ford 4X4 F -450 XL: 560.885.00 Total: 560.885.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do he incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as nereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase of a 2014 Ford 4x4 F -450 XL be approved in this Resolution. . SECTION 3 Morton Grove are h total amount of $60, 60423. SECTION 4 and approval. The Director of Public Works and Finance Director of the Village of ereby authorized to execute the purchase of a 20 i4 Ford 4x4 F -450 XL fora 885.00 from Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway. Frankfort. Illinois This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage Passed this 28th day of April 2014 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 28th day of APRIL 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria, Vi lage President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 28th day of APRIL 2014 S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Villaue of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois e e id ''Ca d"x$Cn a SS 4;e4 SD ?eguia! Cab 14 1" WD DRVV Fat;pnre " % -or: Mr. Paul Tobin Thomas F. Sal(ivan pwc , f )n. April 14 2014 Prepared For. -._ ter. Pau Train Vif2ce Of Vernon Grove 784D N. Nacle Morton Grove. Illinois 60053 Prepared By. T-omas F Sullivan - Gurne Motors Fleet 9423 VV. Lincoln Highway Frankfort. illinols 60423 r 4x4 SD Regular Crab 941" VVB DRW XL (F4H) Powertra in. Teton oo ".BL V -10 SOHO SMPI 30 valve engine " 175 amp altemain r' 75D amp 78 amp Hours (Ah1 HD battery with nm down protection ` Transmission oil cooler' S -speed electronic SeleetSirl automatic transmission with overdrive . lock -up, driver selection' Part-time four wneel drive with manual Transfer case shift, manual IOcklno hubs ` Gmrtea Slip differential, Cheshire traction control' 4.88 axle ratio' Stainless steel exhaust Steering and Suspension Hydraulic power - assist re circulatmg bairr steering t 4 -wheel disc brakes with front and rear vented discs' Firm ride suspension ' Mono-beam non - independent front ..suse lon' Froni an6 -roll bar' HD front coil spnnos ` HID rront shocks' Rigid rear axle, " Rear leaf suspension ° Rear anti -rol( bar " ID rear ieaf springs " HD rear snacks r Front and rear 19.5" x 6.00" argent steel wheals' LT225l70SR19 -5 BSVV AS front and rear tires Safety 4 -wheel ar Hock braking system ` Dual airoags, passenger sloe front - Impact cancellable airbag, seat mounted driver and passenger side- imoacl airbags: curtain 1st row overhead airbag' Front neight adjustable seatber's SecuriLock immobl dente alarm, security system Comfort and Convenience Air conditioning 7 AMlFM stereo . clock, seek -scan, 2 speakers. fixed antenna ' Power door hocks with 2 shape unlock keyfob (ali doors) keyless entry `2 12V DC power outlets, retained accessory power . back -up alarm ' Analog Instrumentation display includes tschomeier, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge. transmission fluid temp gauge engine hour meter, exterior temp, systems monRUr . trip odometer ` Warning Indo -alors Include oil pressure, engine temperature- battery or, key, tow fuel door aiar.. serwce Interval, bake fluid " Steering wheel with flit and telescopic adjustment' Power front windows with fight trot driver and passenger '1 -touch down' Variable intermittent front windshield wipers' Passenger side vanity mirror Day -night rearview mirror ` interior lights Include acme light with fade, front reading' rights. Illuminated entry ` Glove boy, front cupholder . instrument panel ton, noehnn-.aM etnrana An „p- anA n�ccann -.r Annr hint • I In4rlcr curt_ln»- Seating and interior Seating capacity of 3' 40 -20.40 split -bench front seat with adjustable heed restraints, cenie= armrest with storage' 4-way adjustable driver seat includes lumbar support' 4 -way adjustable passenger sea!' Vinyl faced front seats with vinyl back maieral' Full cloth headliner, full vinyilrubber floor covering, urethane gear shift knob chrome interior accents Exterior Features Side impact beams front license plate bracket tul(y galvanized steel body malrerial side steps ' Biack tender ;area Blade side window moldings. 'aleck front winash:eld moteins ` Black coor handles' Black graie ' 2 goers 'Trailer harness, brake controller' Driver and passenger Dower- remote -pence reeled convex spotter folding manual extendable trailer outside mirrors with turn signal indicators `Front black bumper with front tow hooks ” .;.qna. a.eMIIlee�r .. :,mail ,uilm nref -. r or nnx @a, lyti:apeenq on. Ire nirrmikre' PerlrBUEOW9IXq -..ID (: L^.J 9.3civil ��0�Gttl ,la Bni9[gi( Pltl vOfo@ fTI -.r <Y, $ 2.SpydOO l(ft Oti12V rB1.If10rt'�PtOr Ret =anco CTC511o6P[ &12J14 Printed on April 14, 2094 at 07:615 Price Level. 420 QuotsI ^v: mgt450 Page 2 i ChL'Ve 1J01111E' C- (9dliii tt eoi Prepared Foe Orr. rlTobin - Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Uealershi p: Currie Motors Fleet Exterior Features (Contin tied) Aaro- composite halogen headlamps ' Additional axierior lights induce cab clearance fights undarnood light remote activataa penmetersipproach lights ' C!earcoal monotone pant . Snow plow orovision Warranty Output.__. ........ ._. ...... ....... . Basic,.,,_. _,_1111 _. 36 month13G000 miss Powerin r 1111. ,. 60 r, month /6� 000 miles Corrosion .__ _ 60 month /unlimited mileage Roadside 60 month /60,000 miles Dimensions and Capacities Output.__. ........ ._. ...... ....... . 302 hp 4,750 roar Torque 1571b. -fl. C 3,250 'i at gear ._._...._..... _._........... 1111 3.110 .,.. 2n4 gear .. .. _ _ ......... torn 2.220 3rd gear ..,....... _1_111 '.550 44h aear ..,. 1111.. 1.000 5th aear ._.,.,...,_., 1111 .,,., 0.7,0 1111.., Reverse gear _.. 1111... ,_,,,._, 2880 Curb 1111_.. 6.932 Jos. G�nNR . .. 16, 000 ibs. Front ....... 0,.5DC lbs. Rear _1111.. _. _�.. 12,000 its Payioa .- 9,161 Ibs Front curb 3,9391rs. Rear out ......... ...,..... 111,1_. Z.9931be - Front axs ..._ 7, 0001os. 1111. Rearaxie ___._.. .._. ....., 12,0001bs. Front spring .. _._.. 6,500 Ins Rear spring, _. _.__. ._._...._.,__ 12,000lbs, Front tirelwheel .._,._........_ 7.500Ibs_ Rear tire /wneel ........_ ................. 15.000 Ibs. Towing _. .._........ 16,000 Ins. 5th -whee', towing ._...__..... _... 18,000 Ibs. Front d,t Fron[ _.. 1111 _... _11_11_ 40.7" 11_11 Front 1111.. ........ ._._ 1111 _. 57.6 Front shoulder ... .., 66.0 " Passenger area .. 05 9 ^u. ft. Lang' 1_111. __ 1111.. 11— 226.5" Body _. ........ _. ,.,., 1111.. 9391. Body .. ... . _. 1111. . .. 80..3 Wheelbas _1 11 1111 ._ ........ 14 ^ .0 ' Car to 1 1 are f 6_.. .. _........,.._ =roof 6 1111..4.0,. 111. 74.6 Rear _41 Turning ___1111 .._ 111__1 21.2' 6.1 'rue! ... 40.0 oat. Rear frame height ,,,- „._,., 28.3 ' 1_111.._ Rear frame height _1111 _. 334 ” 1111.. .. _1_161_. i co 11 7t c .r or Grill o lrolll, Do, alb � I'l0 a oT;M?.2r tr d aoouiTi 10M, eil ;; vau.o ry or orwma saws rw s- ,c_reneruo V t`vt aw.e n. syv. c esre o-onr To., amv:r,o ama a crwr.os r 2ou ' Printed on April 14, 2014 at 07:08 Price Level: 420 QuateID'. mgf45C p age 3 Prepared For Mr, Paul Tobin - Village Ot eloncn Grove 7840 N. Naaie Marion Grove. Illinois, 60053 Prepared By: Thomas F. Sullivan Curve Motors Fleet 9423 W_ Lincoln Highway FrankrorC Ilimoa, 60423 i r ,. s..,..� 21114 For -4'. -5V Chassis 149" WS DR W XL t F4H) Vehicle Snapshot Engine: 6.8_ 3 -V21ve SOHO ER V10 Transmission: TorgShiH 5 -Speed Auto w /OD Rear Axle Ratio: united -Slip w14,88 GVWR: 16 000 ID Payload Package Code Description Class M1IISRP F4H Base Vehicle Price (174H) STD 37270.00 Packages 650A Order Gone 650A (99Y) Engine: 6.6L 3 -Valve SOHC EPf VIO; f44T1 Transmission: TdmShlfi OPT N/C 5 -Speed Auto w /OD includes SelectShlff_- 0<48) 4.88 A,rte Ratio; (STDGVJ GVWR: 16,500It Payload Package. (TFB) Tires. 225170R,19.5G 55WAS (61 ; (647) Wheels: Y9.5 ' Arc door Pointed Steel (6): (A) LJD Vinyi 40120140 Sort' Bench Seer: lnculdeu driver slue manual lumber center armrest, cup-older and storage.; (557) Radio: AM1FM Statue wlDlgital Cam, Powertrain 99Y Engine: 6.81 3 -Valve SOHO EFI V10 Torque: 457 uirts. @ 3250 rpm. INC roused 44T Transmission: TordiShift 5- Speed Auto w10D Includes SetecfShro INC Included XEL Limited -Slo w14.88 Axle Ratio Our 350.00 66L GVWR 16,00016 Payload Pao kage On- NIC Wheels &. Tires TFB Tires: 226l70Rx1 9.5G BSW AS (6) INC Included 642 Wheels: 19.5" Argent Painted Steel (6) INC Included Seats & Seat Trim A HD Vtnvi 40120140 Split Bench Seat Includes drver stoe manual a it ar, center armrest, cuyhelder and _storage . INC Included n o o IS . S rr, c. — .._ es a rI sp I inr:cn'i 3 o (rn'u c nJ S - .. rwirN' e , a3xSc n� anY rc - - Noer_on [or n mom. ReY rcfuY,,ip >ZSpgS / )ra _.. per..,. Printed on April 14, 2014 at 07:08 Price Leveh 420 QuotelD' mri Page 4 Eo(aL','iril Ipie'd d7i ' r f7 °J2:filL,'4;f Code Description Other Options Prepared For: Mr. Paul, Tobin Prepared By Thomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Curie Motors Fleet Class PAINT Monotone Paint Application 141W8 141" Wheelbasel60" Cab to Axie 90L Power Equipment Group OPT Accessory Delay Power Locks; Remore Keyless -Entry: Penmeler Anu-The , OPT Aram, Pouver Front Side Wuldi wome3 i-bi/chii driver's rude OPT window.; Myll intrudes owner controls feature Manual Telescoping ,: Trailer Tell Mirrors : Includes power heated glass. heated convex conifer mirror and intee,/rated clearance lighulanurn signals.: SecunLrl Passive Anti -Tneft System (PATS). Includes upgrades door -trim panel. Deletes 473 Snow Plow Prep Package Page 5 Includes pre- se.lect rd springs (see Order Guide Supplemental Reference for springsyFGAWR of specific vehicle (on6guratorm NOTE 7: Restrictions apply: see Supplemental Reference or Body- eullders Layout Book for oetalet NOTE 2: Also ails for the adachmeal of winch. 98G CNGlLPG Gaseous Engine Prep Package includes hardened engine Intake valves and valve seats. NOTE: Tnis package does not frivude. CNGILPG -fuel tanliz . ll etc. Vehicle An fl be equipped with the standard factory gasoline fuel system_ Addih'onal equipment combined with a certified calibration refiash is required, from an external upfitter to convert the vehicle to a CNGILcrG4ueled vehicle. Ford Motor Company does not provide an exhaust or Qlraponsurve emission. carttiicete with this option when eprrverted YO use CNG or LFGfuel. Ford does nor represent that a vehicle convened to use CNG or LPG will compiv with all applicable U. S. or Canadian safety standards. It is the respons offly of the final stage manufacturer (body - build{ rocaller, alfemr or suesequenl stage manufacturer) to determine that any venlme converted to use CNG or LPG complies with U. S Federal California or Canadian exhaust and 52B ?railer Brake Controller Verified to be corkicaluble with electrgm6 actuated drprq brakes only 18B 6" Angular Mofded -in -Color Black Running Board 587 Radio: AIII Stereo wlDlghal Clock Includes 2 speakers. 76C Exterior Back -Up Alarm (Pre- Installed) Cusmm accessory. _ Interior Colors For: Primary w1XL (Regs) AS Steel Primary Colors FFor: Primary w/XL (Begs) Z1 Oxford White Accessories and Aftermarket Options MG -01 Monroe Quote k 9SWB000025 MSRP STD N/C STD N/C OPT 895 00 OPT HOC. OPT 315 -00 OPT 230.00 OPT 320.60 INC included OPT 125.00 OPT N/C OPT N1C $28.768.00 P'rer all ..- aft, vilte. a emsc to mope onosn -uoee rairoi areszl y'a „r cas.2e aae,eir0 2 -finer +'ly — w - t as u. n,_ avf morlt �r pc¢ ,J.JnPM_o 2¢fkC4e0l,.1 iva eapt .r._ n2{wl¢ ,y.nd t_Se _6pPl:on I_ Jsi wrlanl arcn. e tc if 211212 aa2wacra craszfes�: znrsm� Printed on April 14, 2014 at 07:08 Price Levitt: 420 QuotoiD: mgM50 Page 5 r 1r C�IBff 7aC. £2S �', F?tt €AL'l? Prepared For: ilnr. Pau' Tooir .. Prepared By: Tnomas F Sullivan Dealership: Curne Nromrs Real Code Description Class MSRR Vehicle Subtotal 568.366.00 Destination 195.00 Vehicle Vehicle Subtotal lincluding Desdrtationj $69.561.00 l '11 p 11 - SUJ�- 1 P 9 fU q Id sil M 5 Aziu a, rE5 pC Sp aqv SlIe, 01 f y 6 mm hp E RHC Ds, a I-se 6f {.p IG Ip _ /B ?�:'i /p/p�['Ip JfIT y�01 rq0 C Ib t3n:' ^1ryla. 6yS.gIFl SBe 53P C.S9p 1G rtl 1P Irf pld of Rolsrevp . ,, '521099! 2111"0 Prinpa on April 14, 2014 at 07:08 Price Level: 420 QoofeiD: mgf450 Page 6 Prepared For: - Prepared 9y+ Mf. Paul Tooln Thomas P Sullivan V±flage Qt Morton Grove Curne Motors Feel 7840 N. Nagle 9423 W- Lincoln Highway Morton Grove, Illinois, 60053 Frar -Kor!, Illinois. 60423 o r„ Jw °c;T 2014 Ford i ° -4 C v aasis ti 4x4 SD Regular Cab 144" WB DRW XL (F4H) MSRP Base Vehicle Price 37270.00 rectory Options 2,330.00 Accessories 8 Other Items 28,766.00 Vehicle Total 69,661.60 Pre -Tax Adjustmens ee,,.e ra - Bttvl S., !;gooJID .,u BVSIem " Discount - 8.676.00 Total Pre -Tax Adjustments - 8,676.00 Grand Total 60,886.00 u I 8VIILIoNfly n I w -, a 0 al Ita...Vty HMareo 'l5)ltl?9 )V26td a w nocPJn � t alelablty dr pry ppo uA➢OnIN toY ee,,.e ra - Bttvl S., !;gooJID .,u BVSIem " e u .' c ev.asflnl w y nil n, most fAAfA91,nYwmd oG Printed on ARrif 14, 2014 at 07:06 Price Level: 420 QuoteiR mgf4so Page 7 f sr'Y J rLicrch lII, 201k '— — Currie Motors Mr. lam Sullivan, 9423 Went I,ineoin Tlighwuy rrankforL.. IJ 60423 C=r Mir, Suitivmn; 71tis lettc, is to infbnn you that the Suburban Purchasing Coop=five's Governing Soard has approved the award o` the PC 20 15 Fbtd F450XL Chassis Cab CDOhruut d145 to CutTie Motors, Z.,=LrorL 1L isay. I oo your response being sound to be the sowed responsive, respoassbia laid and mash advermgcuus to the SPC.. With acespaoce of thia oonaaot, Currie Motam Frankfort, IL agrees to all terms mad condition, set forts. in the s7teciCicatinns contained within the Rcgnest for protxnatg to which yoa. responded, The S.nC looks forward to a productive year working with Currie Motors, N'unkfart, ti., pleaee sign and date rh is agme.tn.nf below, retaining copies Frn• your files and reNming the original (o my attention, Toe n and d to this ¢oac bd it Marcb IS. 2014 through March 17, 201 S, The SPC reserv.s the right to extend this eomract fo.* up;o t3j tine rely, artsl one terms upon lautual agreement of tit. both fie vMdar and the.SPC; an a negotiated basis. Sincerely, Tj Ellen Day= NW MC Progzam Mernager (br purch:ssitt�+ 10 A Noun— �Ehcn Day" n - Northwest Murnisipat Conicrenec Date 7dmjnc: Totn Su711von Cnrric Motors 6ato 6uPnce bfap» A Not ! .. hsfl mo is G'o-%f ncr 7 ?10 Oak Bmak Ruud Oak fimot, fL 60323 .S=vjfv Cuinle NlOne,' (6,36) 571.fXrBDj rs (630) sr).Wt 4 ho00 /C000 r F WIIT Mtrnfcdptfl .S'ouln 5'v Conferrnry 8urhun Mgrora W7Ii C'aentr 1600 S'mt riulJ'!t ✓., S+ti /r lJ70fi .9nd @lnrtu&ersfjnterxlntlon Gnlxr +nrhnfnt8cpgnn t 9(l,l West !7 ^+" 5'treat Uete Flatnec, 1(, GfMf p frost Nu;e7 Crarc, 1 3ffi0 Dlendwe ,SfrCY.P, .SulfA l0( F,Yfvn Lngnn L f>C!C?,9 ✓Vti4 !L 60 ,?,t Plwrtc: (Sl7) 296 -9200 cd Parrot Ann" jy :1nW F114' (&7) 7P6,9Zr,7 Phrmc: MK 2R( -1 /,i,5 Plinn<: 15115) 72 % %76✓ F'a:: Oft 206 -1133 n'oz; (R15J IZ2 0 05_,1 Sni'07 SIhUID o0"M'219T %63 ltd BZ Z Slog /5Z /CD Leeislative Summary Resolution I4 -21 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 4x4 2015 FORD F -256 XL THROUGH THE SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommend: First Reading: April 28, 2014 As a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference, the Village of Morton Grove can take advantage of the Conference's competitive bidding process known as the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative. Procurement Program which is ajoint purchasing program for local govemrnental agencies representing 143 municipalities. To authorize the pure hase of a 4x4 2015 Ford F 250 XL from Currie Motors of Frankfort Illinois. This purchase will replace a 2000 Ford truck used by the Meter Department. The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy; safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost and replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the department's needs. Public Works, and Finance Departments. The vehicle replaced at this time is in the amount of 5491747.00 General Obligation. Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Grove (approved as Ordinance 14 -02, on March 10, 2014) The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works and Finance Departments. Approval as presented. Not required. Special Considerations or None. Requirements: J� Respectfully submitted: RyAn j. Horne, Village Administrator Rev iswed By: Prepared by: Reviewed by: ARfiytDe Monte, Director of Public Works Teresa ulc?o, ze Director of Finance Corporation Counsel Resolution 14 -21 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2015 Ford 4x4 F -250 XL THROUGH THE NORTH SUBURBAN PURCHASING COOPERATIVE PROCUREMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its govemment affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative representing 143 municipalities conducted a bidding process for the purchase of a 2015 Ford 4x4 F -250 XL and the low bidder for said purchases was Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, Illinois 60423; and WHEREAS, the Viliage, as a member of the Northwest Municipal Conference, has previously utilized the North Suburban Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Program for vehicle purchases; and WHEREAS, the Village on March 10, 2014, approved Ordinance 14 -02 which provides funding in the amount of $1,415,000 as General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Gove, Cook County, Illinois, in -order to fund general municipal improvements; and WHEREAS, the description and purchase price for the vehicle is as follows: 2015 Ford 4X4 F -250 XL: $49,747.00 Total: $49.747.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the endings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase of a 2015 Ford 4x4 F -250 XL be approved in this Resolution. SECTION 3: The Director of Public Works and Finance Director of the Village of Morton Grove are hereby authorized to execute the purchase of a 2015 Ford 4x4 F -250 XL for a total expenditure of 549,747.00 from Currie Motors, 9423 West Lincoln highway, Frankfort. Illinois 60423. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 28th day of April 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 28'h day of APRIL 2014 Daniel P. ge DiMaria, Villa President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 280' day of APRIL 2014 S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois r� s a`n s i 4x4 SD ReuWar Cab 3` box 137" tFVB SKIRT / uanrvd Mr_ Paul Tobin ThomasF - Sullivan "—"'' IcnnCai;n. April 14 . 2014 Prepared For Mr. Paul _Tobin ... Village Or Morton Grove 7a40 N. Naole Moron Grove, iilmco s, 60053 vr Prepared By: Thomas r. Sullivan C.vrrie Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Highway Frar-Kiori, Illinois, 60423 2015 1. rood F -250 4x4 SD Regular Cab E' box 137" WB SRW XL (F2e) Powertram 6.2L V -8 SGHC SMPI 16 valve engine with variable valve contra! " 157 amp alternator ° 650 amp 72 amp hours (Ph) HD battery with run down protectlon `Tramanat ion oil cooler `6 -speed electronic SesctShift automatic transmission with overdrive, lock -up, driver selection' Part -fires four -wheel drive with electronic transfer case ship auto Iocong hubs * ABC & driveline traction control' 3 -73 axle ratio" Stainless steel exhaust Steering and Suspension Hydramlc power- assist re- circulating ball steering' c -wheel disc bikes with front and rear vented discs " Firm ride suspension, with AdvanceTrac wlRoll Stability Control electronic stability senility contro l with anti -roll - Mono-beam non- indepengent front suspension - Front anti roll bar `,HD front cod springs " HD front shocks " Rigid rear axle' Rear (eaf suspension * HD rear lea! springs " HD rear shocks ` F; ont and rear 17.0' ): 7.50" argent steel wheels with hub covers " LT245175SR17. U BSW AS front and rear fires * Underbody wicrankdown mounted full-size steel spare wheel Safety 4 -wheel anti -lock braking system " Center high mounted stop light " Duai airbags. passenger side front impact cancellable airbag, seat mounted driver and passenger side - impact airbags, curtain 1st row overhead airbag' Front neigh' adjusfable seatbelts " Securk -ock immobilizer Comfort and Convenience Air conditioning' AMIFM stereo . clock, seek -scan, 2 speakers, fixed antenna "2 12V DC power outlets * Analog instrumentation display includes tachometer, oil pressure gauge, engine temperature gauge, transmission fluid temp gauge, engine hour meter, exterior temp systems monitor, trip odometer "Warning Indicators include oil pressure . engine temperature, battery , lights on, key, low fuel doer ajar, service interval, brake fluid, low tire pressure Steering wheel with tilt and telescopic edlustmenf' Manual front windows with deep tint ` Vanabte Intermittent front windshield wipers, sliding rear window" Passenger side vanity miner" Day -nicnt rearv!ew mirror . lntenor Ilchts include dome light with fade, front reading tans.. Glove box, front cuphopi instrument panel bin, dashboard e {nrarm ° I InaBgr awirmirl Seating and Interior Seating capacity of 3 " 40 -20 -40 spilt -bench front seat with adjustable head resmarnts, center armrest with storage ' 4 -way adjusta6,e buyer seat includes lumcar support ' 4 -way adjustable passenger seat `Clofn faced front seats with carpet back material - Full clom headliner, furl vinyl/ rubber floor covering. urethane gear shift knob, chrome interior accents Exterior Features Sloe impact beams, front license plate bracket fully galvancrul steel body material, side steps " Black side window moldings . black front w!ndshie!d molding - Black door han=dles `Black grille' 2 doors' Class V tralferng. trailer hitch, trailer sway control ` Driver and passenger manual black foiding manual extendable trailer outside mirrors' s c o .. zIa im sr.nw,.ae. J Io CI nge a n 'I to Towiw a.' in _. o I i t .. z '11 0 p ... —. m/ f Otr'iE6 e0maic vecwseVs QLICalN,CrOq 01 pilar}dUi4 *S6Oa mire1C1 Ins UaCLS IMwvel r' TOe_M.r1. n1o5. CUROnl R . IDS2Me)- 21312014 plonrunon. Printed on April 14, 2014 at 08:18 Price Level: 515 QuotoID: MGF250 Page 2 Prepared For: Mr. Pau: Toor Prepared BV: Tnomas F. Sullivan Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Exterior Pastures {Continued) Output._ .... ................ ._._,._. 385 hp (15 500 rpm Torque Front black bumger w to front tow hooks "Aero- Iatgear .... __...... composite halogen neadiamps ' Additional exterior Iiehts include cab o clearance lights, pickup cargo box light underhood light" Clearcoat monotone paint ` Scow plow prowsicn Warranty Basic........ 36 month /36.000 miles Powertrai• 60 month /60,000 miles Corrosion „_.,. _. GD monthluminited mileage Roadside _. _...... 60 monthi6G, 000 miics Dimensions. and Capacities Output._ .... ................ ._._,._. 385 hp (15 500 rpm Torque 1051b. -ft. @4,500 rpm Iatgear .... __...... 3.974 ........ 2ndgear .......... ..............._ 2.318 3rd gear ._........,.. ..,.. _,. 1.516 4hr gear 5.149 Sin gear ............... . _._....,. ..,,_..., 0. °58 .._... 61h gear .._.., ...... _..... _... .... ............ D.674 Reverse gear ..,_. _.. ....,.._........ ....... 3,128 Curb ...... ..,..... ..,......_ 5,014.. 1bs. GVWR ........ .............. ........... .,...... 10,0001bs. Front 5.000 Iba Rear .. ............. ..._.,,._ . _.,- 6;100 Us. Payloa .............. .............. _... _........_ 3.760165. Front curb ........... ... _....,.__.__._.... 3, 744 se Rear curb 2,299 ins Front axle _......__....._ .............. 6,0001bs. Rear axle ..,...._...,..._... ... _.__........ 6.200165. Front spring ..._,.... ._..._.. ....... 5,6001bs. Rear spring .. .............. 6,100 1bs. Front tire /wheel 6,390 lbs. Rear fire /wheel 6.39D Ids Towing 12,500 Jos 5th -wheel towing 12,500 lbs F mnt .__.__...,_ ..._..... _.. _.._... 41.1 " Front ,,. _,,,_ ._,,,_„ Front ..._ ....... ....................... 67.6" Front shoulder 68.0'. Passenger area _..,. 65.9 cu,ft. Leon .,_...... _.....,..,. _........ 227.6'. Body .. ..........._ ..... _. _...._. 79.9" ... Body ......... ...._. ....___. .._.......... 79.2 .� Waeelbas _ .............. ............ .......... 137.0" Can to 56.3 .� Axle to end of ......_ ......................... 47. F," Front.... ....�. .... _.._.._.. Rear... ...__..,.... ..__. ._...._..... 67.2" Turning _.... ..... .............__.. 23 .1, I ue; .._....... __. .................. _. _......... 35.0 gal. PlAr, . Is anr[ i to cr nr To -,Frrsr- lroftr SitoolO l oiF h -u r r v o r. nee sec ce ra ,.. va loo:q ores r�rre. is r._rr .n.rne ieu r;.ee »a,.r. 5_ srovoerson re .s,Ur,ou f Herr e GT052ID5 r 3 II'a -' Printed on April 14, 2014 at 08:16 Price Level: 515 quotef0: MGF250 Pace 3 Prepared For. Prepared By' M, .. Pau: Tobin Village Of Morton T.�orras = SuilIVan Grove Currie Moicrs Reel . 7846 N Nagle 942 W. 3 Lincoln Highway g Morton Grove, IOinols, 60053 Franktor. iillnois, 60423 201 S Foy d F -2501 4x4 SO Regular Cab 8' box. 137" WE SRW )(L (F2e1 Vehicle Snapshot Engine: 52L 2 -Valve SQHC EFI NA V8 Flex-Fuel Transmission: TorgShiii 6 -Speed Automatic O/D Rear Axle Ratio: Electronic Locking w/373 GVWR: 10,0001b Payload Package � �MSRP Code Description Class P2B Base Vehicle Price (F2B) STO 33,840.00 Packages 60OA Order Code 600A OPT N/C (996) Engine: 6.2L 2-Valve SQHC EFI MA V8 Flex -Fuel: 144P) Transmission TorgSh& 6 -Speed Automatic OID :7nclades SeieCIShdt.: (,X37} 373 Axle Ratio, (STDGV) GVWR: 10,000le Payload Package; (TBK) Tires. L7'245P5Rx17E SSW A/S (8); (64A) Wheels: 17' Argent Painted Steel' lnciudes painted huh covers/center ornaments; (A) Heavy Duty Vinyl 40120140 Split Bench Seat Intrudes centerarmresL cupnolUer antl storage.: Powertrain - --. _ .. ...._.. _. ._... _. 996 Engine: 621. 2 -Valve SQHC EFI NA VS Flex -Fuel INC Included Torque: 405 R.(bs. @ 4500 bin-,. 44P Transmission: ToricShift. 6 -Speed Automatic Q/D INC Included includes Select5hith X3E Electronic Locking w13.73 Axle Ratio OPT 390.001 STOGV GVWR: 10,600 to Payload Package INC Induced Wheels &, Tires TBK Tires: LT245176Rx17E SSW AIS (5) ItdC included 64A Wheels: 17" Argent Painted Steel INC included moludes painted hub covers/cenYei ornaments. 512 Spare Tire, Wheel & Jack OPT 295.00 Spare tin_ is siandard ego7pmenr, becomes opphe when (66D) Pickup Box Delete is ordered . Price o contgnt . nMjfbliO Ito .nHrq tl !1 B d d. P 1t I➢G f 6 dOtl d. 07 C J iisi Man or "Se O. p C a I io.fino 9vHl£IIr') of Onoi (J a Olvsm R' o cl oef cCC P M. Ono:_ MdJii'Ivivi- S iff 'Ii25ifs on of inm oss ciorom H! &Sly Rvfi,"!e' -,o 2![ej1 2M32G:4 Printed on April 14, 2014 at O8:16 Price Level: 515 Quote{D: MGF25C Page 3CICCiN` 'Pz7o;r?S- {�o! fz1, p-Ff'lir 137' Wheelbase STD N/C 473 Prepared For Mr, Paul Tobin 85.00 ee .c,szro >a r amr< Prepared By: Thomas F Sull,van Talon. Dealership: Currie Motors Fleet Code 11 Description Builders Layout Book for details. Class MSRP 36D Pick -Up Box Delete, w Seats L Seat Trim Rear Bumper Delete, Spare Wheel, Tire, Camera Jack Delete. Deleras Cloth 40120140 Sp6r Bench Seat OPT 100.00 Includes center armrest . cupno/der and emrape. Other Options vehicle package - requires leather manufacture ancr certification all a final 137WE 137' Wheelbase STD N/C 473 Snow Plow Prep Package OPT 85.00 ee .c,szro >a r amr< Includes computer selectad springs drsnowpfoev application and heavy - duly c s . , e[Spn O 10 Mail uurtent m/i Talon. alternator NOTE: Restraiions apply. see Supple Mantel Reference or Bodv Builders Layout Book for details. 36D Pick -Up Box Delete, OPT (625.00) Rear Bumper Delete, Spare Wheel, Tire, Camera Jack Delete. Deleras tie -drnvn hooks, tailgate, bodyside moldings and 7/q pin connector Includes 17.5K trailer agar ree9%Ver (see Trailer Towgvide for rating), Incomplete vehicle package - requires leather manufacture ancr certification all a final stage manufacturer Jr. addition. Ford urges manufacturers to foAew ele recommenda5ons of the Forrf Incomplete Vehicle Manual and the Fore, 213 4x4 Electronic-Shift -On- The -Fly (ESOF) Op— 185.00 Inctpdes Manuel locking hubs and aura rotary control on instrument panel. 188 6" Angular Black Moided -ln -Color Running Boards OPT 320,00 592 Roof Clearance Lights OPT 55.00 PAINT Monotone Paint Application STD N 1 433 Manual Sliding Rear Window wlPrivacy Glass (Fleet) OPT 125.00 665 Upfitter Switches (4) OPT "25.00 Located on instrument panel 587 Radio: Al Stereo wlDictal Clock INC Included Includes 2 speakers. Interior Colors For : Primary III (Reg) 1S Steel OPT NIC Primary Colors For: Primary WIXL (Reg) Z7 Oxford White OPT NIC Accessories and Aftermarket Options ESP -01 Extended Warranty $1 440.00 G -03 Shop Manual 5325.00 MG -012 Monroe Quote #BES000716 523.862.00 Vehicle Subtotal Destination Vehicle Subtotal (including Destination( $61,022.00 51,195.00 $62,217.00 Printea on April 14, 2014 at 08:46 Price Level: 515 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 5 esrm l =rwa 01 smcjal of B 1 4.1_ _. pI n lien,.. 2, n e a ee .c,szro >a r amr< . -aC) A �/f em c s . , e[Spn O 10 Mail uurtent m/i Talon. Printea on April 14, 2014 at 08:46 Price Level: 515 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 5 Prepared For: Prepared By Mr. Paul Tobin Thomas F. Sullivan Village Of Morinn Grove Cume Motors Fkeet 7840 N. Nagle 9423'V. Lincoln Highway Morton Grove_ lillnots, 60053 Frankfort, Mimics. 50423 rT `r,3t= 2015 Ford --250 .� 4x4 SD Regular Cab 8' box 137' WE SRW XL (F2B) MSRP Base Vehicle Price 33.840.0( rn<�eoas eamea- Factory Options 1.055.00 ava 1301'} P pnc, en.4 Mt Accessones & Other Items 26,127.00 R¢re:ence CTxc! ?0991 2! ^W2114 Destination _ 1 195 00 Vehicle Total 62.217.00 Pre -Tax Adjustments Municioal Discount - 12575.00 Total Pre -Tax Adjustments - 12,575.00 Pest -Tax Adjustments Mumcical Title /MP Plates 105 00 Total Post -Tax Adjustments 105.00 Grand Total 49,747.00 ...+ o. e e^nocnan w¢ rn<�eoas eamea- 1�;ace.nn.o ion csagpamm �o_ va9rmvnns - V1obs=scn pcJai o.d MM ava 1301'} P pnc, en.4 Mt 'el e, .E- e"I +e.'k]It ,PJal6y9u. i' - aaNemmor.r, mu nos ULre "rno[m=.I, R¢re:ence CTxc! ?0991 2! ^W2114 Page 6 Printed on Aprit 14, 2014 at 08:16 - Price Level: 515 quotelD: MGF250 Page 6 Prepared For. Mr. Pau!Tndlr VIIIage Of Morton Grove 7840 N. Nagle Moron Grove, iliincia, 60053 e.vr ,vsy:. y(rs.r , ea `,� z1!vS Description Prepared By TPlcrnas F Sullivan Cume Motors Fleet 9423 W. Lincoln Hlenw:av Frankfort, 1!linais- 60423 as 1 1 µa' 4P 4 ;J 4x4 SD Regular Cab B' box. 137" WH SRW XL (F26) Value Dimensions and Capacities Output_...._. _..... .... _. .,.,...... ........ .,.__.,.. _. 385ho @5, 500 rPm. Torque _. _. _....._ _._... ........ _. �. *51b. -ft . r`q 4 500 rpm 151 gear ......,._. ......_ .. 3 974, 2nd gear ....... _...... _...._. ........ .._..__..,..._....318 3rd gear ......... ._. __.. ...._ ___. 1516 4th gear ....... _. ............ .__... ...__ ......... ...... o 14 _....._ __. _... _. 1... 5thgear __._.. ......._ _._.._ _._. _.... ._.. _.. _....__.......... 0.858 6th pear ....,.._.. .. _._._ _. _._..0.674 ReverseSea- .... I 1 11 ......_.. ....... _. __._.._ .. _.... .. _ ........ ........3.128 Curb _......_.. ........ ........... __.. ..... _... _. 6043 lbs. ..._ GVWR ... ... ._. .... - _.. 10.0001bs. Front 5,600 bin Rear _... __._. ......._ _...... .. _._... "e. 1001bs. Payba ...... .. ._.__ .. . �,7aC lips F rant curt, ...__... 3, 744 Ins Rear curb ......._ _.... _. _... ..__. .. ,_. 2,2991bs. Front: axre _........ ._._... ...... .. _._.. __.._ ..._. __. _... 6.0001bs. Rear axle _........ Front spring .._... _.__. ........ ........ .... ...... ..... 00 Rear suring ..,...._ ......... ...__. ...,... 6.1. 6 100 t lbo F ront tireWneel _ ..__._ .......__ ..._.. ........ .... ...,.___. 6.3901bs. Rear drehvnee! _... 6,390 Ins, Towing .._,,..... ......._ ._._ _.._ .... 5th -Wheel lowing 12,5001us. ..... ..,.. ..... 12,500 !bs. Front . _. _,.. ... _ _.....,.. _............ 40 i 41 From __.._ __. _.. ......__ ...,..._ .__.407" Front F rant shoulder _...,_ _....._ _.._._ ..__... __... _....__...._. 68.0 �. Passenger area ._.. _._.... 65.9 .._.._. _._._._ ...._.... .._...... _. cu. ft. Lengt ......... ....._._. .... _.. __.. _....._. _._. _. ...,........_. 227.6 Body.... .�. ... _...... ... _.... ......... _... .___ __.... 75.9 Body... ....__.. _. _.. __._.. ...._._. ....._.. ...._. .... Wheelbas ..__...... ....__, .._.79.2'.. .._ ... _.. _.. ......_. __.... ....137.0 ". Ceb to �.. .. ......... ._... _.. .........._ ..,.... ,, Axle to end of . __. ..,_...._.5E.3. _. _...... _.... ...___.. ..,,..._ _ _. 47.8 P �'_� lab Sn t 1 e-eV.o Ora ffvl t f e Intimates ( t nc "lr a 'y v a1 ie E aE y AUSP Of SPecW rr.a ppCRy 19..f 1} 4 r ticifg ao mrrer.s rot r 11e:{EO A ryisd iE C 9 C S•btfT SP9 .vl 6ri .lp0010 � TOa R -rtEn tOrrser ROeralc iW..iim of ..Via Printed an Apr!! 14. 2014 at 08:15 Price Level: 515 QuotelD: MGF250 Page 7 eWd77l3f; it " F r 171: lOA 1 r,:g:i.'r;, Prepared For M, Paul Tobin Prepared By Tnomas P. Sullivan Dealership: Curve Motors Fleet Description Value caul plat an mm o l s o i. om a o .n se a r E r a ni o. a esn w.cauee o so11"I'o e cao,y, ava oo.y Gnc nv a., us,rro i,:, nu f_.tc neaye; _a YC. s "�.a. > sae.uemanro._mos. arteri- �.+rooron. aa�"aee ernszivon, v"srn,a Printed or. April 14, 2014 at 08.16 Price Level: 515 QuotelD: MGP250 Page 8 Pronared Por: rVi Paul Tobin Village Of Morion Grove 7840 N. Nagle Morton Grove, Illinois. 60053 Prepared By Thomas c. Sullivan Currie Motors Meet 9423 W. Liccoln Highway Prankfort. Minci s, 60423 201fj Fwd F-250 4x4 3D Regular Cab 8' box 131" VNB 9RW XL (P2B) Description Months{Distance 6as•c .,._,... __._.. ...___. ._._._ __........ 36 roonth,r36.000 miles Powearain .. _.__. .... ....__. .. .. _..___. 60 monthl60, 000 miles Corrosion Perforation _..... __.. _..... ... _... _. _. ._...._. 30 month /unlimited mileage Roaosice Assistance...._. .__.. ._....,_ _...__ _........ ....._.... 6O monthl60,000 miles 7f �Te c2 . Re'mr=,'T 555091f a OIIlY 'S00 U im I o : r=11 e 21131201 < -: soo,ec o_na .BOC eyyld D..r p. e .� etl'sr ns nm rd6 ci.1¢a.c .nuv,.:enc 4a- iie-..en J. ➢n,.nym --- R,t m o9v, m ine aea'E l.pme. s/. es. s q¢uo.i 4. n v rKi wrtom nro'mexoi+ Printea on Agri[ 14, 2014 at 05:16 Price Level'. 515 QuonalD: MGF25D Page 9 CURRIE MOTORS- FRANKFORT customer f2134450) 9423 W LINLOLN HWY FRANKpORT IL 60423 Contact: SHERYLAF -PH- 708 -479 -1100 Phone: 51S -464-9200 Fax: 815.463 -7500 Email: Dealer Code: P.C. Numner. Accepted by: Date: Lnscnmm must /ill Out themfo?mollon anuvv odor e the cram con her Chassis Information Year, 2014 Mole. FOOD Mode( r 250 Chassis Color CaUTypc RfYML. KT single /Dual. SR;V Cab CO Axle 5G.0. Wireelnosr- p370 T. 0. Number a prrz - Comments: MORTON GROVE Monroe Truck Equipmenp Inc. is pleased to offer the following quote for your review: DESCRIPTION READING SL SERVICE BODY 98" At/STAN LESS STEEL ROTARY PADDLE LOCKS FITS BE" CA SRW TRUCKS LO PROFILE BODY I3C' OVERALL HEIGHT) —STEEL U'NDERSTRJ6TURE INDUSTRY, DFZU- IV <A40 -AEU GALVANNEALED DIAMOND PLAT,' FLOOR - 18 GA OUTLR DOOR, SK N, OOUBL E PAN EI DOOR CO NSTR i/iTION STA:NLCSS STES 1 ROTARY PADDLE I.ATCFI ES ✓i BDLT —ON JDOR FIINOT SPRING - LOADED 000R HOLDERS ON As L VERTICAL ROD RS — ALITOMOTIPE BU IBLL. TYPE P: MEGHANiCA.L DOOR SEALS ADJUSTABLE COMPARTMENT TRAYS7SHELVES — (2) SHELVES IN EACH FRONT COMPARTMENT, IV SHELF IN EACH REAR CGMPARTIYRENT, HORIZONTAL EMPTY KNHBRACED SLAM ACT;OP! TAILGATE - SEAMLESSWHEELHOCS, PANEL INCANDESCENT c/TJT LIGHTS RECESSED IN BODY END PANELS - PO06HED STEP BUMPED - ACRYLIC ECOAT IMMERSION PRIMER SYSTEM & POWDER COATED WHILE FINISH - MANUAL MASTER LOCKS DURA "ID SPRAY ON BED LINER MATERIAL APPLIED -D THE COMPLETE. LOAD EPA.C.L AND TOPS DF COM PARTM ELATE ALUMINUM H )ENACHE RACK MOUNTED TO FRONT OP BODY (BARE ALUMINUMf WILL RE -US1, FACTORY H ITCH - AWAY PV STYLE TRAILER FLOE - INSTALLED WEATHER GUARD ITESLL TRANSFER TANK 100 GALLON CAPACITY - MOUNTED IN FRONT LOAD SPACE OF THE 90DY FIL ! RITE ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP (?5 GPM) INSTALLED °THIS TANK WKI BIT APPRD %3 -4' HIGHER THAN THE SID -'_S OF THE BODY. WELL N MINI LIGHT BAR MOUNTED TO ALU MINUIOT HEADACHE RACK W HELPN ARROW STICK (TAL85) MOUNTED TO ALUMINUM HEADACHE RACY. WHELN MINI STROBES (2( IN R, AR OF BODY (2j R, FRONT GRILL- AREA 8'G "WESTERN IUVP PLUS STEEL PLOW -HIGH CARBON STEEL CUTTING F :DGL RLINFOR ZED V -PLOY! BLADE STRUCTURE DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDERS STEEL CENT'FR GAP COVER LHAIN LIFT SYSTEM - INTUITIVE PLOW CONTROLS INSTAL ED AMOUNT y vF? is r ✓'° n,}' /... s. iuUF3URHAM ry'JRC}GA lWCs� _ '`� '� f F .ate rF' 7 C i- YWk h- ° t Y 7 a n, a../.:. ✓3r.� f ..! f.l'w.. �E _..r:r- • --- -_— rte._.– ..,.�...._... hNarch 18, 2014 Curie Motors Mr. 'Yom gubivNn 4423 W est Lmeuin Highway Frankfort, li 60421 Dear Mr. Sulllvac: This (utter is to inform you that the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative's Governing Board has approved the award of the SPC 2015 Ford F25() Super Duty Pick L1p Tmck Contract H 142 to Curric Winters, Frankfort, IL bmced on your res mist Being round to be the Lowe a responsive, rosponsihie Laid and moat sdvantagcatts to lm. SPC. With occepmnce of thin cemtrnct, Currie Motors, Frankrum 7I, agrees ro alt l rmx and conditions see forth itt the specifications somamcd within tl:e }z`equ:Nt for Proposal; to which YOU responded. wilt be a.mceo•d r,`p Ig0.00 adm %nw.trutive 1ue SPC bake forward to a productive year workine with Cssrrie Motots, F.ankfort. P Pitwu sign and date Ihiv agreement below, retaining copies for your Him and returning the oriWat to my attentiol:, 7hc duration of the contract is Mare(1 1 L`, Z(li4 thmuph March 17, 26(5, 'd itc SPC ralterVes the emend this contract for up to w right tar (3 tiuec additional oile -yr tents upon mutual agreement oFthe boTlt the vendor and the SpC cm negotiated basis. r $inCCPety, L Wien Dayan 14WMC Program Manager loon Purchasing � 1 Name: Ellen Dayan Date Northwest Municipal Conference f Name: tom Sullivan � Currie Motors Date LuFase Mayors .4 Msnbmgl Munici nJ 4 .� a� hfowgara G'onfrrrnce P u'ovB�yapurtirrrl hfnDrnr WIN Conroy 1210 CctY'Pe4, And ,gVanagcry.,,granciatfun Oak CJct Aruok Road Jbth7 Ensr a n", I, Sack ft70p w Gn`rTnmcatul P.nagrtc Oak d'MU�. T/: d032i 4 IYIN N4.a'f l7�J .1}rtx 315W'RrandoroSYn6e6 $kite trl! Gnr Yfuinea, IL GOON P =r R0271 CK.4r, 11 042( Se:(63).171 -0 6JIvn / pagan Fit Paerel d6lirt!L 60435 Ykare: l530/.t7J -0.f5'6 PBonr,L (,Sf7) 296.9200 Anna hunger Phwc (N1k130G -!lSS Fur: (6301 s7! -fldRJ Fps: /T.d?i 1,907207 F¢r, (7DdJ dfib -1 L91 1'Lnnn: (5'1$! 72%-7350 40t7D /T00DC - ,.,SY.OLON $ISVID OOSLbB " ✓ "ai£T. ^st;'8 R4 L3tt SLDZ /,Z„ Legislative Summary Resolution 14 -22 AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTRACT WITH GROOT RECYCLING AND WASTE SERVICES, INC. Introduced: Synopsis Purpose: Background: Programs, Depts or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Worldoad Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: April 28, 2014 To amend and extend the Village's current contract for the collection of residential solid waste and recycling services. Extending an additional five -year agreement for solid waste collection services will provide the Village residents with the continued reliable service at a very favorable price. The Village has contracted with Groot Recycling and Waste Services since 1987. in general, the service provided by Groot has been of excellent quality and customer service requests are handled in a timely and professional manner. The Village's current contract with Groot expires on April 30, 2015. Based on the attached amendment to the May I, 2010, contract, Village staff recommends the Village enter into an additional five -year agreement with Groot. Under the terms of this extension, the Village will agree to a five year extension beginning May 1, 2015 and ending April 30, 2020, The contractor has already provided 65 gallon totes to each household and will at no additional charge will change out the 65 gallon recycling tote for a 95 gallon recycling tote for single fami ly residences for a first request. Multiple requests will result in a $25 switch -out fee. Rates will not increase until May 1, 2016, whereupon they will be adjusted on each anniversary date thereafter pursuant to the agreement. Such adjustments shall be tied to the Consumer Price Index and will not exceed a maximum annual increase of 2.5% per year. Upon request by homeowners associations, condominiums shall also be offered recycling service collections at no additional charge. Legal, Finance, and Administrative Departments The total per household cost for solid waste collection will not initially be increased. Residents will pay for solid waste collection services directly. The management and implementation of the agreement and amendment will be performed by the Legal, Finance, and Administrative Departments as pan of their normal work activities. The Finance Department will undertake the responsibility for billing residents. Approval as presented. Not required None Respectfully submitted:�%B -- Ryain J "rlortle, Village Administrator Prepared by Teresa floffman/l/isvqi `1, Corporation Counsel OMMEEMM AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTRACT WITH GROOT RE'CYCLII'SG AND WASTE SERVICES, INC. WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and Groot Recycling and Waste Services, Inc. currently are parties to a Residential. Solid Waste Collection Contract originally dated May 1, 1987, as authorized by Ordinance 87 -10 for the provision of residential solid waste collection services within the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, certain amendments to the contract were made pursuant to Ordinance 89 -5 adopted on February 13, 1989, Ordinance 90 -25 adopted on March 26, 1990, Ordinance 92 -28 adopted on May 1 I, 1992, Ordinance 94 -6 adopted on March 28, 1994, Ordinance 97 -10 adopted on April 14, 1997, and Ordinance 99 -48 adopted on November 22, 1998, and Ordinance 04 -03 adopted on January 26, 2004; and WHEREAS, in December 2009, the Village issued a Request for Proposal to solid waste collectors for a new five year agreement with the Village for solid waste collection services; and WHEREAS, the Village received four proposals; and WHEREAS, at that time, the Village conducted a thorough analysis of municipal solid waste and recycling collection rate structures and reviewed all the supplemental information provided by the waste hauler with the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (S WANCC) and the Village's Solid Waste Ad Hoc Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the Village entered into a contractual agreement with Groot Recycling and Waste Services, Inc. on May 1, 2010, through Resolution 10 -13, to provide residential solid waste collection services to the residents of the Village of Morton Grove; and WHEREAS, the Village wishes to extend this contractual agreement for residential solid waste service beginning May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2020, with amendments as shown on the attached "First Amendment to Exclusive Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Service° document which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A ": and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate pile foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth, SECTION 2: The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk to attest to the "First Amendment to Exclusive Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Servic " agreemcnt with Groot Recycling and Waste Services, Inc. to provide residential solid waste collection services to the residents of the Village of Morton Grove. The Agreement for the "First Amendment to Exclusive Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Service" is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for reference. SECTION 3: The referenced Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Collection Services between the Village of Morton Grove and Groot Recycling and Waste Service, Inc. will take effect on May 1, 2015. SECTION 4: The Corporate Authorities Cleric to attest to the "First Amendment to Exelu between the Village of Morton Grove and Groot SECTION 5: The Village Administrator implement and manage said contract. hereby authorize the Village President to sign and the sive Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Service" Recycling and Waste Management. is hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to SECTION 6: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon the date of its adoption., approval and publication according to lava. PASSED this 28"' day of APRIL 2014 Trustee Great Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 28`x' day of APRIL 2014 ATTESTED and FILED in my office this 28"' day of APRIL 2014 S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois r,: EXHIBU 44A" FIRST AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE SERVICE This First Amendment to Exclusive Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Service is made this' 8" day of April 2014, by and between the VILLAGE OF 1v4ORTON GROVE, (the "Municipality ") and GROOT INDUSTRIES, INC., an Illinois Corporation ("Contractor") WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into an Exclusive Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Service, dated May I, 2010, (the "Agreement ") which the parties wish to now amend by this First Amendment thereto. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby mutually understood and agreed by and between the Municipality and the Contractor as follows: I . Section 3.1 of the Agreement shall be amended to reflect the following terms: "The term of this Agreement shall be extended for an additional five -year period from 12:00 A.M. on May 1, 2015 and end on 11:59 P.M. on April 30, 2020, unless terminated at an earlier date pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 2. Section 9.1 (A)(3) or Agreement shall be amended to reflect the following term: "The Contractor has provided either one (1) 65- gallon two - wheeled cat or one (1) 35- gallon two-wheeled cart for each of a Single Fanily Residence for the collection of Recyclable Materials. Each cart has been clearly marked "Recyclable Material." Upon request, at any time during the tern of the Agreement and any extensions, the Contractor shall offer each single family customers, at no charge, a 95- gallon recycling cart, in place of the existing 65- gallon recycling cart. The 95 gallon recycling cart will be optional to each single family residence. In the event that any customer receiving a 95- gallon recycling cat desires to switch back to a 65- gallon reeycing cart, there shall be no charge to do so for the first request. Multiple requests from the same single family residence will incur a $25.00 switch -out fee. 3. Section 5.2 of the Agreement shall' e amended to reflect the following terns: "The Contractor shall not increase the rates for services set forth in Section 5.1 (A).,on May L 2015 as otherwise provided for in the original Agreement dated May 1, 2010, The Contractor shall be entitled to increase the rates set forth in Section 5.1 (A) on May 1, 2016 and on each araiiversaty date thereafter (an "Adjustment Date) pursuant to this Section 5.2. The adjustment will be the percentage increase, if any, in the CPI (as defined below) between [March] of the preceding calendar year and [March] in the year of the Adjustment Date. The annual adjustment of the rates shall not exceed 2.5% and shall not fall below 0% in the event of deflation in the CPI. The CPI means the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI -U) for Chicago - Gary - Kenosha, IL- IN -WI, issued by the United States Department of Labor (1982-84 = 100)." 4. In addition to the terms above, the Contractor shall offer recycling collection services at no charge to all Condominium locations within the Village. Recycling collections will be provided upon request by the condominium homeowners associations and will begin at their request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have entered into this First Amendment the date and year first above written. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE GROOT INDUSTRIES, INC. Daniel P. DiMaria, Viliage President ATTEST: Ed Ramos, Village Clerk President ATTEST: Leaislatiye SLIrnmary Resolution 14 -23 —1 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASING AGREEMENT FOR A NEW LFEBOY MODEL IOOOF PAVER FROM CASEY EQUIPNIENT COMPANY INC. Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Prepared by: April 28, 2014 To authorize the Village President to execute a purchasing agreement with Casey Equipment Company, me. for the purchase of a New Lee Boy Model 1000F Paver used by the Public Works Street Division to maintain the Village's roadways and alleys. To authorize the purchase of a new asphalt paver used for maintenance of Village owned roadways and alleys within the Village. The Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair costs. Replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the department's needs. Public Works, Street Division, Finance Department $69,000.00 including ],year warranty. General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Grove (approved as Ordinance 14 -02, on March 10, 2014) The purchase will enhance the performance of maintenance operations of the Public Works Department, Approval as presented. Not required None J. Piocne, Village Administrator Reviewed by: ision Superintendent u r" r. Reviewed by: ' ./ p` Teresa Hoffman Liston. %Corporation Counsel DeMonte, Director of Public Works RESOLUTION 14 -23 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF A NEW LEEBOY MODEL 1000F PAVER WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is ahome rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove, Public Works Department advertised on the Village's web site inviting bids for the purchase of a new Leeboy Model I OOOF Paver; and WHEREAS, during the process, the Public Works Department reviewed four (4) different specirication manuals (Caterpillar, Mauldin, Layton, and Leeboy) then conducting demonstrations with two (2) pavers (Leeboy and Mauldin), and WHEREAS, Public Works Department found the LeeBoy paver Model I OOOF better suited to its needs; and WHEREAS, Public Works Department specified a 2014 LeeBoy Model I OOOF in its bid documents: and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department received four (4) bids that were publicly opened and read on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, at 10:00 am in the Public Works facility, located at 7840 Nagle Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois with the following results: Casey Equipment 2014 LeeBoy I OOOF Paver 571.500.00 Company Inc. Less Trade in: S 1500.00 Total: $69,000.00 Doug Thompson 2014 LeeBoy ]GOOF Paver S73,749.00 LeeBoy Equipment No Trade in: S 0.00 Total: $739749.00 Cate Rental & Sales LLC. 2014 LeeBoy 1000F Paver $78,200.00 No Trade in: S 0.00 Total: $78,200.00 Finkbiner Equipment Co. 2014 Mouldin 690G Paver 568,379.00 Less Trade in: 512,000.00 Total: $56,379.00 (Disqualified) and WHEREAS, the bid from Fihkbiner Equipment Company was rejected for failure to comply with the specifications; and WHEREAS, the Village, on March I0, 2014, approved Ordinance 14 -02 whioh provides funding in the amount of $1,415.000 as General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014, of the Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois, in order to fund general municipal improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. Only those companies listed and described on this Resolution for the purchase ofaNew LeeBoy Model 1000F Paver be approved in this resolution. Section 3. The Director of Public Works and the Finance Director of the Village of Morton Grove are hereby authorized to execute a purchase agreement with Casey Equipment Company, Inc., 1603 E. Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005 for the purchase of a "New LeeBoy Model 1000F Paver" in the total amount of sixty -nine thousand dollars ($69,000). Section 4. This Resolution shalt be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 28`x' DAY OF APRIL 2014: Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grcar Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 28th DAY OF APRIL 2014: Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office. This 28th DAY OF APRIL 2014 S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Su rnmary F� Ordinance I4 -06 AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 9, SECTION 9 AND 10, AND THE ADDITION OF SECTION II, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: April 28, 2014 This ordinance will amend Title 5, Chapter 9, Section 9 and 10 and add anew Section 11 to the Municipal Code To better define the municipal parking zones, commuter lot, municipal parking not and the use of said parking areas. The Public Works Department routinely reviews parking ordinances throughout the Village in order to ensure ordinances accurately reflect the needs of the community. Public Works, and Police Departments. $2,200 for signage General Fund The ordinance review was conducted by the Public Works Department. If approved, signaae will be installed by the Street Department and enforced by the Police Department on aroutine basis.. Approval as presented. Required, Municipal Code Book change None. Respectfully submitted: Ryan J. Horne; Village Administrator Prepared by: Reviewed by: Anay}DeMonte,Public Works Director a'Hoffaiatd'Liston, Corporation Counsel Ordinance 14 -06 AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 9, SECTION 9 AND 10, AND THE ADDITION OF SECTION 9.1 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village is continuously reviewing and as it deems necessary updating existing Village of Morton Grove Municipal Codes (Code) to assure they are kept cwaent and relevant: and WHEREAS, a survey was conducted by Public Works staff with the intent of better defining the municipal parking zones, commuter lot, and municipal parking lot, and their uses; and WHEREAS, following that review, staff recommends a change to the Village Code to better define the designated parking areas and their uses; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees believe the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove will be served by concurring with the preceding recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities no hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby malting the findings as hereinabovc set forth. SECTION 2. Title 5, Chapter 9, Section 9, entitled MUNTICIPAL PARKING ZONES is hereby amended by repealing the current Section 9 and replacing it with a new Section 9 to read as follows: 5 -9 -9 A. MUNICIPAL PARKING ZONES: Definitions: MUNICIPAL PARKING ZONE An off street parking area owned or maintained by the Village where vehicles may be temporarily parked free of charge as determined by the Village Administrator. B. Use of Panting Space: It shall be unlawful for any person to park within or otherwise use a municipal panting zone of the Village of Morton Grove except pursuant to the nrovisions of this chapter. C. Overmaht Restrictions: I. No vehicle shall be parked in any of the municipal parking zones listed below between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) A.M. Dempster and Austin - north - east and west (parallel) Dempster and Fernald - south - east and west (angle) Dempster and Major - south - east and west (angle) - north — west (angle) Dempster and Mansfield - north — east (angle) Dempster and Mason - north - east and west (angle) Dempster and Meade - north — east (angle) Dempster and Menard - north - east and west (parallel) Dempster and Parkside - north — east (angle) Dempster and School - south — west (parallel) 5714 Dempster parking lot 5821 -5831 Dempster parking lot 6055 -6061 Dempster parking lot Waukegan and Church — west — north and south (angle) Waukegan and Emerson — west — north (angle) D. Overnight and Time Restrictions: No vehicle shall be parked in any of the municipal parking zones Iisted below between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and five o'clock (5:00) A.M. In addition no vehicle shall be parked in any municipal parking zones listed below for more than four (4) hours. Dempster and Lincoln - south - east and west (parallel) Lincoln and Callie — north — west (angle) Lincoln and Fernald — north — east and west (angle) 6238 -6248 Lincoln parking lot E. Special permission for extended parking in municipal parking zones may be given by the Chief of Police or his designee. F. Vehicles Permitted: Use of municipal parking zones shall be limited to passenger automobiles and trucks with a passenger or 'B" license plate, and in no event shah a commercial or freight- carrying vehicle, trailer, or a vehicle exceeding eight feet (8') in width or twenty feet (20') in length including attachments thereto, be parked in a municipal parking zone. C. Any person convicted of a violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 4 of this Municipal Code for each separate offense. Any vehicle parked in violation of this chapter shall be considered an unlawful vehicle and shall be subject, in addition to any other penalty, to towing pursuant to Chapter 7 of this Title. SECTION 3. Title 5, Chapter 9, Section 10, entitled ELECTRONIC FARE COLLECTION DEVICES is hereby amended by repealing the current Section 10 and replacing it with a new Section 10 to be entitled COMMUTER PARKING LOT to read as follows: 5 -9 -10: COMMUTER PARKING LEST A. Definitions: COMMUTER PARKNG LOT An off street numbered parking area located at 8501 Lehigh Avenue adjacent to the METRA station including the east side of Lehigh Avenue from 8421 to 8121 and the north side of the 6300 and 6400 block of Elm Street and any future numbered parking facilities constructed and designate to serve commuter parking needs which are owned or maintained by the Village where commuters' vehicles may be temporarily parked for a daily fee as determined by the Village Administrator. Use of Parking Space: It shall be unlawful for any person to park within or otherwise use the commuter parking lot except pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. Corranuter Parking Fee: There is here'ey charged a daily fee for parking in the commuter parking lot to be determined from time -to -time by the Village Administrator and posted at the METRA station. No person shall park in a commuter parking lot without depositing the appropriate fee into the electronic collection device system at the METRA station. No person shall tamper with, damage, or deface an electronic fare collection device system or insert any slugs, metallic devices or substitutes for legal U.S. tender required to pay the parking fee into an electronic fare collection device system. 2. Marking and Numbering of Panting Stalls; Administration; Collection of Fees: The Director of Public Works is authorized to designate, stripe and number parking spaces as set forth in this section, and to install fare collection devices. 4. Exemptions: The provision of Subsection R i relating to the payment of daily fees shall not apply to residents of the 6300 and 6400 block of Elm Street displaying a Zone 2 sticker on their motor vehicle. Additionally, parking shall be allowed in the commuter parking lot without the requirement of a payment of a fee each year on the 4th of July and on other days as designated from time -to -time by the Village Administrator, Vehicles Permitted: Use of commuter parking lot shall be limited to passenger automobiles and trucks with a passenger or "T " license plate, and in no event shall a cormnercial or freight - carrying vehicle, trailer, or a vehicle exceeding eight feet (8') in width or twenty feet (20') in length including attaclunems thereto, be parked in the commuter parking lot. Any person convicted of a violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be subject to a fine in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 4 of this Municipal Code for each separate offense. Any vehicle parked in violation of this Chapter shall be considered an unlawful vehicle and shall be subject, in addition to any other penalty, to towing pursuant to Chapter 7 of this Title. SECTION 4. Title 5, Chapter 9, is amended to add a new Section 11, entitled MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT to read as follows: 5 -9 -11: MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT A. Definitions: MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT An off street panting area located at 8550 Lehigh Avenue owned and maintained by the Village where commuter vehicles may be temporarily parked for a pre -paid fee as determined by the Village Administrator. B. Use of Parking Space: Itt shall be unlawful for any person to park within or otherwise use a municipal parking lot of the Village of Morton Grove except pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. C. Parking Fee Required: There is hereby charged a fee for any vehicle parking in the municipal parking lot, proof of that payment will be the proper display of a Village provided tag. Fees will be determined by the Village Administrator. 1) Exemptions: Parking shall be allowed in the municipal parking lot without the requirement of a payment of a fee on weekends, holidays, after 5:00 pm weekdays, the 4tn of July and other days as designated by the Village Administrator. 2) Vehicles Permitted: Use of a municipal parking lot shall be limited to passenger automobiles and trucks with a passenger or "B" license plate, and in no event shall a commercial or freight- carrying vehicle, trailer, or a vehicle exceeding eight feet (8') in width or twenty feet (20') in length including attachments thereto, be parked in a municipal parking lot. D. Any person convicted of a violation of any provision of this Chapter shall he subject to a fine in accordance with Title 1; Chapter 4 of this Code for each separate offense. Any vehicle parked in violation of this Chapter shall be considered an unlawful vehicle and shall be subject, in addition to any other penalty, to towing pursuant to Chapter 7 of this Title. SECTION 5. The terms and conditions of this ordinance shall be severable and if any section, term, provision, or condition is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sections, terms, provisions, and conditions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. In the event this ordinance or any part thereofis in conflict with any statute, ordinance, or resolution or part thereof, the amendments in this ordinance shall be controlling and shall supersede all other statutes, ordinances, or resolutions by only to the extent of such conflict. SECTION T This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption, approval, and publication as provide by law. SECTION 8. The Director of Public Works and /or his designee are hereby authorized and directed to implement and enforce this ordinance and to remove any conflicting signs and erect such signs. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 12th day of May 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 12th day of May 2014. Daniel DiMaria, Village President Village ofMorton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this I3`h day of May 2014. S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Clerk Village of Monon Grove Cook County, Illinois Legislative Summary APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A PHYSICAL FITNESS AND HEALTH SERVICE GREATER THAN 1,000 SQUARE FEET (ONE -ON -ONE PERSONAL TRAINING STUDIO) AND ESTALISH THE NUMBER OF ON -SITE SHARED PARKING AT 30 SPACES AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5814 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Introduction: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements:, j Submitted by: 2 . Ry J. v' Prepared by: April 14, 2014 This ordinance will approve a sl)cciaj use permit, with conditions to allow for the operation of a Physical Fitness and Health Service greater than 1,000 square feet for a one. -on -one Personal tra n rag studio and establish the on -site shared parking for the mix of uses at 30 spaces at 5814 Dempster Street for Steel Fitness Ltd. The property is zoned Cl General Commercial Distract. To allow for the operation of a one -on -one personal training studio with a maximum of three (3) personal trainers, at any one time, by Steel Fitness Ltd., at 5814 Dempster Street and to establish the on -site shared parking for the mix of uses at 30 spaces. Steel Fitness Ltd, filed an application for a special use permit (PC 14 -05) to allow for the operation of a one-one-one training studio and establish the number of on -site shared parking spaces at 30 spaces at the property located at 5814 Dempster Street. The property location is in a commercial development on the north side of Dempster Avenue between Mansfield and Menard Avenue. The proposed use would share 30 off- street parking spaces with three (3j other businesses in the commercial development (Century 21, Fish Tech and Press This). Per the Unified Development Code (Section 12- 7 -3 -K), the required parking spaces for the uses of the commercial development are 35. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on March 21, 2014 and recommended approval of this application (vote: 7 -0) with conditions. Community and Economic Development and Building Department N/A N/A Community and Economic Development and the Building Departments in the normal course of business. Approval as presented April 28, 2014 Vone Reviewed by —L Administrator Teresa Hoffman and Economic Deelnpmpepl Director Counsel ORDINANCE 14 -05 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PHYSICAL FITNESS AND HEALTH SERVICE GREATER THAN 1,000 SQUARE FEET FOR A ONE - ON -ONE PERSONAL TRAINING STUDIO AND TO ESTABLISH THE NUMBER OF ON- SITE PARKING AT 30 SPACES FOR THE SHARED USES AT 5814 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a I ome rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1470 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs., including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Steel Fitness Club Ltd., 8558 N. Oriole Avenue, Niles, Illinois 60714, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under case number PC 14-05 requesting the approval of a special use permit to operate a Physical Fitness and health services greater than 1,000 square feat for a one -on -one personal training studio and to establish the number of on -site parking for the shared uses at the property commonly known as 581.4 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the Cl General Commercial District; and WHEREAS, Section 12 -4 -3 -D of the Village ofMorton Grove Unified Development Code allows Physical Fitness and Health Services greater than 1,000 square feet to be located in the C 1 General Commercial District pursuant to a special use permit; and WHEREAS, Section 12 -7 -3 -13 of the Village ofMorton Grove Unified Development Code allows the final parking required for a special use to be decided by the Village Board, through the recommendation of the plan commission; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Niles- Morton Grove Patch, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove which publication took place on February 27, 2014, and pursuant to the posting of a sign on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on March 17, 2014, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission. And, as result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report dated April 1, 2014, a copy of which is attached 'hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit "A "; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find_pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove UniJied Development Code, _ this Special Use for a Physical Fitness and Health Services greater than 1,000 square feet for a one -on -one personal training studio has been designed and located and will be operated such that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the other properties in the surrounding neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the proposed one-on -one training studio is a. compatible commercial use with the other commercial uses along this part of Dempster Street whose customers may in turn patronize other area businesses; and WHEREAS, the proposed use will be operated solely through scheduled one-on -one appointments with trainers and will not have open access to equipment or group fitness classes and, as such, will have a less intensive parking demand than a traditional fitness center; and WHEREAS, the parking demand lot- complementary with the parking demands o space on -site parking lot based on respective street parking along Menard Avenue; and the one -on -one training studio will be compatible and the other three (3) businesses that share the thirty (3 0) client need, hours of operation, and availability of public WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village ofMorion Grove Municipal Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the Special Use permit for the Physical Fitness and health services gareater than 1,000 square feet for a one- on-one personal training studio at 5814 Dempster Street and associated parking as recommended for approval by the Plan Commission shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 5814 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted a special use permit to allow a Physical Fitness and health Services Greater than- - 1,000 square feet for a one -on -one personal training studio and establishes the required parking for the mix of uses on -site at thirty (30) parking spaces and such special use shall be located and operated at that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners /lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special.use: _ The one -on -one personal training studio shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the application filed on (February 24, 2014) and associated documents on file with the Department of Community and Economic Development, including the plan entitled `Floor Plan, Steel Fitness Club, Ltd." Dated February 24, 2014. 2. All client use of this facility shall be through one -on -one personal training sessions, with up to a maximum of three (3) personal trainers and associated clients, at any one time. Should the applicant seek to increase the number of trainers and/or number of clients per session, or expand the services to include more traditional fitness center activities such as open gym hours, group exercises, etc, he/she shall provide written request for such a proposed change to the Director of Community and Economic Development (CED). The Director of CED, in consultation with the Village Engineer, shall determine if such change(s) to the pro,=m result in a significant increase in the intensity of the use and will determine if an amendment to the Special Use Permit is required. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, occupants, and users of 5814 Dempster Street, their successors and assigns allow employees and authorized agents of the Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of this special use permit have been met. SECTION 4: The special use permit is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 5: The Village Cleric is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent records of the Village of Morton Grove to show and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 6: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 28" day of April 2014. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Witko APPROVED by me this 28`x' day of April 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29`' day of April 2014. S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Cleric Village of Morton Grove Cook Comity, Illinois From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairperson, Plan Commission Community . to Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/ Land-Use Date. March 27, 2014 Re: Plan Commission Case PC14 -05 — Steel Fitness, (8558 R. Oriole Avenue, Niles, IL), Request for a Special Use Permit to operate an Physical Fitness and health services greater than 1,000 square feet to allow for a personal training studio and to establish the number of on -site shared parking at 30 spaces in accordance with Section 12 -4 -3 -D and Section 12 -7 of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code (Ordinance 07 -07) at 5814 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL Commission Report Public Hearing Notice and Application In accordance with applicable requirements, the Village provided Public Notice for the Plan Commission public hearing of PC14 -05, a request for a special use permit and associated parking requirements in accordance with Section 12 -4 -3 -D and Section 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code for a Physical Fitness and health service greater than 1,000 sq. ft. at 5814 Dempster Street. Steel Fitness flied the application. The Niles- Morcon Grove Patch published a public notice on February 27, 2014; the Village mailed letters to surrounding property owners and placed a public notice sign on the subject property on March 7, 2014. Public Hearing — Staff Overview On March 17, 2014, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing for PC14 -05. Dominick Argumedc, Zoning Administrator /Land -Use Planner, presented the case on behalf of the Village. Boris )ozic, owner and operator of Steel Fitness, proposes to operate a personal training studio at 5814 Dempster Street, in the CI General Commercial District, Per Section 12 -4 -3 -D of the Unified Development Code, all physical fitness and health services greater than 1,000 square feet require a special use permit within the Cl District. The proposed studio will be 2,400 sq. ft. The applicant proposes to operate Steel Fitness as a one -on -one personal training studio. Unlike a tr,4j-tional fitness center such as Baliy's or LA Fitness, they are not proposing any "open.'.,.gym hours or unsupervised training. Steel Fitness is proposing to be open Monday through Saturday from 7AM- 9PM and will have three licensed professional trainers. There will be no additional staff besides the licensed trainers. According to the applicant, each training session will last approximately 45 -60 minutes. While the owner, who is a certified personal trainer, would be at Steel Fitness during the day, another trainer would be scheduled for the morning and a different trainer for the afternoon, In limited situations, based on client need, all three trainers would be on -site; however, the applicant does not foresee such a scenario as their standard operating practice. Mr. Argumedo noted, the proposed use is within a small shopping center, which includes three (3) other businesses: a realtor office (Century 21), a dry- cleaner (Press This), and a retail fish tackle and bait store (Fish Tech). Since there is not a specific parking standard for one -on -one training, the parking requirement for this use would be classified as "Physical Fitness and health service" which requires 1 space for every 150 square feet of gross floor area. Based on the Unified Development Code shared parking regulations, Section 12- 7 -3 -H, the combined uses would require 35 spaces at peak time periods where 30 are provided, see attachment A. As such, in accordance with Section I2 -7 -3 -K the applicant is requesting the Board, through a recommendation from the Plan Commission, to establish the number of parking space for these combined uses at 30 spaces, the number of spaces available in the parking lot, through the special use process. The available parking spaces in the off - street parking lot provide 5 spaces less than what is required per the unified development code. Public Hearing — Applicant Presentation Chairperson Farkas swore in Mr. Boris Jozic, the applicant, and Ms. Cristina Gatia, and Peter Hoffman Jr. who represented Steel Fitness. Ms. Gatia explained that Steel Fitness would be a one -on -one personal Fitness training studio with three licensed personal trainers on site. The facility would not operate as an 'open' gym with unsupervised clients. The total number of staff would be three personal trainers. Mr. Jozic, a licensed personal trainer, would be at the site full time. Two other licensed personal trainers would work in generally staggered schedules, with one trainer scheduled for the first part of the day and the other for the second part of the day. Although, there could be limited times when all three trainers work on site at the same time. The trainers would work with clients for 45 minutes to 60 minutes per session. Mr. Jozic has been a licensed personal trainer for four years. Public Hearing — Commission Questions Chairman Farkas asked for Commissioner questions of the applicant. Commissioner Gabriel inquired how one becomes a client of Steel Fitness. Would someone Just walk into the facility and ask for a trainer? Ms. Gatia replied that clients would buy one on -one training sessions. Steel Fitness, in contrasts to health facilities that provide unsupervised, open exercise equipment like Bally's or LA Fitness, will not offer monthly memberships. A client of Steel Fitness would purchase 10 individual sessions or even 100 individual sessions and then schedule each session. A resident could not walk in; pay a fee and start working out unsupervised. Ms. Radzevich; Community and Economic Development Director, noted that the one -on -one personal training studios are -becoming an increasing trend in health fitness industry compared to large workout centers. Commissioner Blonz noted that Fish Tech (5802 Dempster) was quite upset about removal of parking along Dempster street. He noted that Fish Tech stated that people that would drive down Dempster and would stop in for equipment at Fish Tech on impulse. He asked if the applicant or staff had spoken to Fish tech of how the current proposal would impact their parking situation. Mr. Argumedo stated he had spoken to all three businesses currently in the shopping center that would share the 30 parking spaces in the on -site lot. Per his conversations, Century 21 (5800 Dempster) informed him that most of the branch office's 10 employees work off site. Further, when those employees do come to the office, they typically use the on street parking along both sides of Menard Avenue. Fish Tech responded that their business tends to be seasonal, and peak periods during the busy season occur during early mornings and on weekends. Press This (5810 Dempster) described their clientele as limited to quick drop off and pickups of necessary dry cleaning. in addition, Mr. Argumedo noted that the businesses close at different times, Century 21 at 6PM , Press This at 7 PM, and Fish Tech at 8 PM. Mr. Gabriel inquired if the other two personal trainers would be Steel Fitness employees or would be simply leasing space from Mr. Jozic to train their own clients. Mr. Jozic responded that the other trainers would be using space to train clients independently, Commissioner Shimanski followed up to ask Mr. Jozic if the trainers would be employees of Steel Fitness or renting space from the facility to train clients. After a brief darification with his team members, Mr. Jozic stated that the other trainers would be employees of Steel Fitness. Chairperson Farkas asked of the physical improvements needed by Steel Fitness of the 5814 Dempster Street space. Ms. Gatia stated that Steel Fitness simply required painting. The site already had two functioning bathrooms and a divider wall to provide trainers added privacy. Cairperson Farkas asked if there were any showers on site, Ms. Gatia responded that there were no showers. Public Hearino — Public Comment Chairperson Farkas asked if anyone from the general public else wanted to speak. No members of the general public asked to speak. Public Hearino— Commission Discussion and Vote With no further testimony and no additional commissioner discussion, Chairperson Farkas asked for a motion on the application. Commissioner Gabriel made a motion to recommend approval of PC14 -05, Steel Fitness reauesting a Special Use permit to allow for a Physical Fitness and health service greate, than 1,000 sq, ft, at 5814 Dempster Street, with the following conditions: 1. The Physical fitness and health service shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the submitted Special use Permit application on file including the document titled "Floor Plan, Steel Fitness Ciub, Ltd." Dated 2127/2014. 2. All client use shall be through one -on -one personal training sessions, with up to a maximum of three personal trainers and associated clients, at any one time. Should the applicant seek to increase the number of trainers and /or number- of clients per session, or expand the services to include more traditional fitness center activities such as open gym, group exercise classes, etc., he /she shall provide such proposed changes to the Director of Community and Economic Development (CED). The director of CED, in consultation with the Village Engineer, shall determine if such changes to the program result in a significant increase in the intensity of the use and will determine if an amendment to the Special use Permit is required. Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion. The motion passed (Yes 7; No 0). Business Address Sq, Ft, I Parking Standard Shared Rate Parking Parking i Requirement i Requirement' 7AM -6PM ( ) Steel Fitness 5814 2400 1/150 sq. ft. 16 6 ' Dempster Press This 5810 3008 1/300 sq. ft. 10 9 Dempster Fish Tech 5802 3290 i 1r250 sq. ft. q �I 10 Dempster i Century 21 1 500 Dempster 3008 t 1/300 sq. ft. 1 10 10 Fot ®fs I I I 47 35 � The shared parking calcuiation reflects Century 21 (Office 100% of required parking 7AM -6PM); Fish Tech and Press This (Retail /Commercial Services -90% of required parking 7AM -6AM); and Steel Fitness (Recreation- 40% of required parking 7ANr6PM). Village of Morton Grove Department of Community Development 6101 Canulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 (847)470 -5231 (p) (847)865 -4162 (f) CASE NUMBER: !" C i I"t' Dls DATE APPLICATION FILED: APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: bo eI S J-07-1c. Applicant Organization: �TEeL ' i S L7l b z4-,4 Applicant Address: �d��` %�' orr 0 �f V'' Applicant City / State / Zip Code: /it, >L Applicant Phone: Work: Home: 0122) S �� Mobil / Other: (%7F)j c2 U UA�I Applicant Fax: Work : ) Home:( Applicant Email �rls� , 1Je g r� t/W Gr7 Applicant Relationshi o Property O r: A) /if Signature: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (IF DIFFERENT FROM APPLICANT Owner Name: IlV )L(( MALI-A U Owner Address: —5�t G' D pb7)7) �S V'' S 1 Owner City / State / Zip Code: 14 ��o %✓ �7b t/E , Owner Phone: Work: (�A4-7) GIG I' SJGd Home: (_) Mobil/ Other. ( ) V D y Owner Fax: W ark :LL V2) S (6 C> U Home:(_) Owner Owner PROPERTY INFORMATION PCommon Address of Property: �7' /iev� (s k lr {,,,� tnk4e Property Identification Number (PIN): �D °��'4��?-b3oO -bD0C> Legal Description (Attach additional sheets as necessary): APPLICANT's REQUEST (ATTACH ADDITIONAC'SHEETS AS NECESSARY) 1. Applicant is requesting a Special Use permit for DIIC CM DW 4rtirnrn � ���" h is listed as a Special Use for the l✓� zoning district of the Village of M on Grove. 2. Provide responses to the seven (7) standards for Special Use as listed in Section 3.11 -5 of the Village of Morton Grove Zoning Ordinance. The applicant must present this information for the official record of the Zoning & Planning Commission. The seven Special Use standards are as foliows: a. The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the Special Use will not be detrimental to, or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare; b. The Special Use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values within the neighborhood; IL c. The establishment of the Special Use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district; WE d. Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage andlor necessary facilities have been or are being provided; SCE C— r, a. Steel Fitness will not only preserve; but also has great potential to improve, public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare. The Special Use permit is for the operation of an insured facility that will provide one -on -one fitness training services, in a more private and less intimidating space, to clients of a group of 3 licensed professional personal trainers. /kIthough initially not open to public membership, the presence of a fitness facility will evidently impart positive encouragement and inspiration to a majority of people & contribute to the image upliftment of the surrounding area. b. Steel Fitness will definitely take into consideration its adjacent properties. It will be occupying a space in an already established one -story building on Dempster Street. It will replace a discount convenience store and will have a real estate office and a dry cleaning facility in its neighboring vicinity. Steel Fitness mostly caters to a group of well- respected professionals and, as such, will provide greater exposure and more business potentials to surrounding establishments. Almost always, a fitness training facility positively impacts a neighborhood. Its curb appeal may contribute to increase in property values. c. Steel Fitness will not, by any means, hinder orderly development and improvement of surrounding properties. On the contrary , neighboring businesses could benefit from the services provided by the Special Use facility. Stee/ Fitness is an insured facility and will be operated during normal business hours by grained, licensed team members. d. Steel Fitness will have adequate facilities since it will continue to use already existent utilities, drainage, and other necessary facilities. There are no major construction or restructuring required for the facility to be fully operational. All proposed changes are aesthetic such as painting of walls and interior /exterior decorating. Steel Fitness is accessible from Dempster Street and will be easily located by navigating existing roads. There are no proposed changes to the already established and safe traffic flow. Steel Fitness will be easily identifiable by proper signage in conformity to the building and /or village requirements. Employees and clients /customers of Steel Fitness and the neighboring businesses will be sharing 30 parking spots in the building. There are also 14 parking spaces across the street provided free of charge by the village making parking more than adequate. e. Besides continuing the use of existing pavements and traffic flow regulations , the inherent nature of the Special Use facility will favorably affect traffic control. Steel Fitness will be operated by 3 licensed professional personal trainers that will conduct 45 -60 min sessions to a set number of clients during normal business hours. As such, traffic congestion, if at all present, is kept to a minimum. The facility will not draw substantial amounts of traffic on local residential streets. f. Steel Fitness is not at all counterproductive to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the village of Morton Grove. In fact, Steel Fitness, having Dempster Street 611 �.Vo x� n'S 3s. 42e 4 \> d kl t,.rt G.. -:µ Y. 1 V Y wv wu} Legislative Summary Ordinance 14 -07 APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A DAYCARE AND ESTALISH THE NUMBER OF ON -SITE SHARED PARKING AT 20 SPACES AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5641 -45 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 Introduction: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special-Consider or Requirements: April 28, 2014 This ordinance will approve a special use permit, with conditions, to allow for the operation of a daycare center and establish the on -site shared parking for the mix of uses at twenty (20) spaces at 5641 -45 Dempster Street for a Poko Loko Early Learning Center ("Poko Loko "). The property is zoned CI General Commercial District. To allow for the operation of a daycare center for up to 100 children by Poko Loko Early Learning Center, at 5645 Dempster Street and to establish the on -site shared parking for the mix of uses at twenty (20) spaces for 5641 -4 5 Dempster Street. Poko Loko Early Learning Center filed an application for a special use permit (PC 14 -03) to allow for the operation of a daycare center for up to 100 children and establish the number of on -site shared parking spaces at twenty (20) spaces for the property located at 5641 -45 Dempster Street. The proposed daycare use (5645 Dempster) would share 20 off - street parking spaces with a nail salon (5641 Dempster). Poko Loko hired a traffic consultant, Gewalt Hamilton & Associates, who evaluated the parking demands and operation of their existing day care facility in Glenview as well as the parking demands of the existing nail salon, which shares the on -site parking spaces, and determined the parking requirements can be met through the twenty spaces on -site, the eight public spaces on the east side of Major Avenue, and with the implementation of the parking operations plan included in their Parking Study dated April 8, 2014. Based on the application, supporting documents including but not limited to the Traffic Study, and testimony presented at the March 17, 2014, and April 21, 2014, public hearing meetings, the Plan Commission recommended approval of this application with conditions. (vote: 5 -0; absent Dorgan, Icahn) Community and Economic Development and Building Department N/A N/A Community and Economic Development and The Building Departments in the normal course of business. Approval as presented April 28, 2014 (Applicant has request to waive the second reading) None Submitted by: GI/ s --- ' Reviewed by r Ryan .T. Horne, Village Administrator Teresa Hoffman Prepared by: Counsel ORDINANCE 14 -07 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DAYCARE AND TO ESTABLISH THE NUMBER OF ON -SITE PARKING AT 20 SPACES FOR THE SHARED USES AT 5641 -5645 DEMPSTER STREET, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS 60053 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Poko Loko Early Learning Center ( "Poko Loko "), 300 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Illinois 60025, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in the Village of Morton Grove under case number PC] 4-03 requesting the approval of a special use permit to operate a Daycare and to establish the number of on -site parking for the shared uses at the property commonly known as 5641 -5645 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the Cl General Commercial District; and WHEREAS, Section 12 -4 -3 -D of the ➢'illage of Morton Grove UnifedDevelopment Code allows a Daycare to be located in the Cl General Commercial District pursuant to a special use permit; and WHEREAS, Section 12 -7 -3 -B of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code allows the final parking required for a special use to be decided by the Village Board, through the recommendation of the plan commission; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Niles - Morton Grove Patch, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Morton Grove which publication took place on February 27, 2014, and pursuant to the posting of a sign on the property and written notification sent to property owners within 250 feet of the subject property as required by ordinance, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to the above referenced case on March 17, 2014 and April 21, 2014, at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to be present and express their views for the consideration of the Plan Commission. And, as result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions through a report 'dated April 25, 2014, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibir, "A "- and WHEREAS, the Poko Loko day care center will provide services for up to 100 children, which will provide a benefit to area residents and workers who are in need of day care services; and WHEREAS, Poko Loko hired a traffic consultant, Gewalt Hamilton & Associates, who evaluated the panting demands and operation of their existing - daycare facility in Glenview as well as the parking demands of the existing nail salon, which shares the on -site panting spaces, and have determined that the panting requirements can be met through the twenty spaces on -site, the eight public spaces on the east side of Major Avenue, and with the implementation of the parking operations plan included in thew Parking Study dated April 8, 2014, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and marked as Exhibit ".B*', and WHEREAS, Poko Loko is committed to hiring area residents, as they have done at other locations, which would assist in the reducing the on -site parking demand, as such local employees would be encouraged to use public transit, walk, or be dropped off, and WHEREAS, in addition to the public parking along Major Avenue, there is also a municipal parking lot at 5714 Dempster, which can provide additional parking options for this and other businesses in the area: WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission reviewed the application and original Parking Study at their meeting on March 13, 2014 and recommended approval of the project subjects to conditions, included herewith; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a Public Meeting and find pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, this Special Use for a day care center, with twenty shared on -site parking spaces and associated parking operation plan will be used and operated in such a way that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and will not cause substantial injury to the other properties in the surrounding neighborhood; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Village ofMorton Grove iVlunicipal Code, the Corporate Authorities have determined the Special Use permit for the daycare center, with twenty on- site shared parking spaces, at 5641 -45 Dempster Street shall be issued subject to the conditions and restrictions as set forth herein. TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY; ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance, as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the findings as herentabove set forth: SECTION 2: The property located at 5645 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, is hereby granted 'a special use permit to allow a Daycare useJor up to 100 children, and establishes the required parking for the mix of uses on -site at twenty (20) parking spaces and such special use shall be located and operated at that address subject to the following conditions and restrictions which shall be binding on the owners /lessees, occupants and users of this property, their successors and assigns for the duration of the special use: 1. The daycare use shall be developed and operated in accordance with the plans and supporting documents in the application, including: a. Proposed First Floor Plan/Site plan, submitted by H. Wolff & Associates, LTD., dated 2/24/2014: b. Proposed Partial Site Plan, submitted by H. Wolff & Associates, LTD., dated 2/24/214; and c. Parking Impact Study, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., dated April 8, 2014, 2. The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations suggested by the Traffic Safety Commission at their March 13, 2014 meeting, including; a. Installing a stop sign with a mirror where the southbound drive land meets the alley; b. Moving parking curb stops to prevent encroachment of vehicles over the sidewalk: and c. Installing a sign prohibiting northbound left turns onto Dempster Street from 4PM to 613M, if future conditions warrant. 3. Poko Loko staff shall not park within the adjacent residential neighborhoods. If additional off -site parking is needed to accommodate staff parking needs and safe and efficient drop off/pick up activities, such parking shall be accommodated, through private agreement with surrounding commercial property owners, and /or municipal parking area. 4. Poko Loko shall use the outdoor playground between the hours of 9AM -5:30 PM. 5. Poko Loko shall work with their vendor to ensuree that delivery vehicles arrive no earlier than I DAM or later than 2:30PM. 6. Poko Loko shall not expand the outdoor play area without seeking an amendment to this special use permit. 7. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and/or Village engineer be advised of any significant vehicular /pedestrian traffic and/or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this daycare center, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village Administrator within 30 days of such notice, which outlines a plait with specific ways to address such issues. Such plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Community and economic Development, Village Engineer and Police Chief, who will be charged with making suggested changes and /or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this approved use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 8. Poko Loko shall provide traffic control monitors in the on -site parking lot during peak hours or as directed by Village Staff. 9. When the parking lot is 90% full, Poko Loko shall locate a sandwich board sign on the inbound lane from Dempster Street stating, "Lot Full Use Alley Entrance," Poko Loko's traffic control monitors shall then direct vehicles to Major Avenue and to enter the lot via the alley. Poko Loko shall advise all parents of this policy and procedure. 10. Poko Loko's traffic control monitors shall direct vehicles to the northbound drive -lane for temporary parking of vehicles for 3 -5 minutes should the need arise, during peak pick -up or drop off times. 11. Poko Luke's teacher and staff should be encouraged to park in the spaces along the building in order to minimize turnover of those spaces when parents may be staging in the northbound drive aisle behind said parking spaces. 12. Poko Loko shall encourage some employees to park in the municipal lot at 5714 West Dempster Street if a shortage of on -site parking occurs during peak pick -up or drop -off hours. 13. In the case of heavy snow events, Poko Loko shall remove snow from the site to ensure that all twenty on -site parking space are clear and available for use. SECTION 3: The owners, lessees, occupants, and users of 5645 Dempster Street, their successors and assigns allow employees and authorized agents of the Village of Morton Grove access to the premise at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said premise to verify all terms and conditions of this special use permit have been met. SECTION 4: The special use permit is granted so long as the owner, occupant and users of this property utilize the area for the purposes as herein designated. SECTION 5: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend all pertinent "records of the Village, of Morton Ch-ove to snow and designate the special use as granted and amended hereunder. SECTION 6: The Applicant/Owner shall comply with all requirements of the Village of Morton Grove Ordinances and Codes that are applicable. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 28' day of April 2014, Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thill Toth Wince APPROVED by me this 28`x' day of April 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 29th day of April 2014. S. Lattanzi, Deputy Village Cleric Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois 04/25/2014 10:26 FAX 16476667246 MMT /CRACI(— UPS/CITYSCAPE e March 6, 2014 Properties 5649 Dempster Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 847.965.4458 FAX 847.966.7280 Mayor Dan Dilvaria Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 RE: Special Use Permit for Poko Loko School, 5645 Dempster Street, Morton Grove Dear Mayor DiMaria: As you know, Poko Loko School has applied for a Special Use Permit for the above location. A traffic study, interior plan, site survey, along with the necessary application has been submitted. Currently it is scheduled to be heard at the March 131" Traffic Safety Commission hearing and the March Jr Plan Commission hearing. I am writing you to ask that the Second Reading of the Special Use Variance be waived. The prospective tenant, as 1, would like to get this project underway in the most timely manner. I was hoping that this case would appear in front of the Village Board on March 24`", but received notice today that April 141h would be the soonest it could be reviewed and heard. Thank you for your consideration. Co I ply Randall Israel CityScape Properties _._ Z 002 /002 EXHIBIT "A" cl ' "rom: Ronald L, Farkas, Chairperson, Plan Commission ( L Nancy Radzevich, AICP, Community and Economic Development Dir�ve'c. Dominick A. Argumedo, AICP, Zoning Administrator/Land-Use Planner Date: April 25, 2014 Plan Commission Case PC14-G3 — Pokc Loko Early Learning Academy, 0 Waukegan Road, Glenview, IL), Request for a Special Use Permit to operate a Da . - spaces accordance in and Section 12-7 of the Villaae of Morton p •. i Dempster Grove, Morton Commission Report Public Hearing Notice and Application In accordance with applicable requirements, the Village provided Public Notice for the Plan Commission public hearing of PC14 -03, a request for a special use permit and associated parking requirements in accordance with Section 124-3 -D and Section 12 -7 of the Morton Grove Unified Development Code for a Daycare at 5645 Dempster Street Poko Loko Early Learning Center filed the application. The 10 5- Morton Grove Patch published a pubiic notice on February 27, 2014; the Village mailed letters to surrounding property owners and placed a public notice sign on the subject property on March 7, 2014. Plan Commission Public Hearing —March 17 2014 Staff Dverulew On March 17, 2014, the Morton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing for PC14 -03. Dominick Argumedc, Zoning Administrator /Land -Use Planner, introduced the application on behalf of the Village. The current 5645 Dempster Street site is a vacant 8,153 so. ft. commercia! space with a 25 space parking lot directly to the west of the building. The parking lot is accessed from Dempster Street and from an alley along the south of the property. There are also eight (8) public parking spaces on the eastern portion of Major Avenue adjacent to the parking lot. Dayid.Clatch, Director. of Poko Loko Early Learning Center Academy (Poko Loko), is proposinc•10 - operate a Daycare facility for 100 children at 5645 Dempster Street. in the Cl General Commercial District. Per C1 Section 12 -4 -3 -D of the Unified Development Code, all Daycare facilities require a special use permit within the C1 District. Mr, Argumedo stated that Poko Loko currently operates daycare centers in °Glenview, Libertyville and Wheeling. The applicant proposes that their Morton Grove location would provide day care for 100 children (aged from 6 weeks to 5 years old) and would operate with one director and a maximum fourteen (14) teachers, at any given time. The hours of operation would be 6:30 AM to 6 PM. The interior space would be divided into 11 classrooms, a 1,162 se. ft. enclosed interior play area and separate areas for general operation such as an employee lounge and reception area. Mr. Argumedo explained an 655 so. ft. outdoor play area located in the southeast portion of the existing parking lot is proposed to be used from 9AM -12PM and 2:30PM- 5:30PM. The area would be protected by a wood 6' narrow picket fence with a steel guard rail on the outside. Based on the state regulations which require 75 sq. ft. of play space per child, a maximum of eleven (11) children, would be allowed on the playground at one time. As a result, outdoor play area times will be staggered among the classrooms. Mr. Argumedo noted that the State of Illinois Department of Children and Family Services require an outdoor play area be able to accommodate 250/b of day care center`s licensed capacity for children. For the proposed capacity of 100 children, this would result in a required play area of 1,950 sq. ft. Poko Loko will be seeking a waiver through the State of Illinois to allow for a reduction in the required outdoor play area, which they intend to supplement with a 1,162 sq, ft, indoor play area. Mr. Argumedo stated children will be provided catered meal. Catered delivery trucks would arrive around 11 AM after the peak drop off hours of SAM- 9AM. Other than distribution of small snacks and beverages, no food' preparation is proposed on -site. Mr. Argumedo explained that in order to accommodate the outdoor play area, the parking lot would be reconfigured. The total number of on -site parking spaces would be reduced from 25 to 20 spaces. With the special use for the daycare center, the application also seeks to establish the number of on -site shared parking spaces at 20 spaces per Section 12 -7 -3 -13 of the Unlined Development Code. The applicant submitted a parking study conducted by Gewalt Hamilton Associates. The Poko Loko parking study identified the peak traffic hours would be 8AM -9AM and 4PM -5PM. The Traffic and Safety Commission reviewed the Poko Loko special use application at their March 13, 2014 meeting. Through discussion with the applicant, the Traffic and Safety Commission recommended approval of the proposed daycare facilty as presented, with three additional conditions: • A stop sign with a mirror should be added where the southbound drive lane meets the alley; • The curb stops for individual parking spaces should "be moved to prevent encroachment over the sidewalk along Major Avenue; and • The applicant should install a -sign prohibiting northbound left turns from the lot onto Dempster Street -from 4PM to 6PM if future - conditions warrant it. Public Hearing — Applicant Presentation Chairperson Farkas swore in Mr. David Clatch, Poko Loko owner; Mr. Horatiu Wolf, H. Wolf and Associates, Ltd.; Kelly Conolly, Gewalt Hamilton & Associates; and Randy Israel, property owner. Mr, Wolf began the,.Poko Loko .presentation with Dempster Street Mr. Wolf explained that the sii previous tenant did not stripe 2 additional parking in the southeast corner of the parking lot, Poko ieave the on -site parking lot with 20 spaces. discussion of ,the -on -site parking lot at 5645 11 e currently has 25 striped parking spaces; the spaces. To provide the 855 sq. ft. outdoor play Loico would remove rive (5) parking spaces to Chairperson Farkas directed a question to staff why a shared parking calculation has not been referenced in the staff report since Technicoiour (5641 Dempster Street) shares the orr -site parking lot. Chairperson Farkas inquired to staff about the size of Technicoiour and upon being informed that it is 5,500 sq. ft., and that the Unified Development Code requires retail land uses to provide one parking space for every 250 so. f., Chairperson Farkas then noted the parking requirements I or Technicoiour itself would be over 20 spaces. Chairperson Farkas continued that if the Village Board is going to grant a variance for parking, then the Board should grant a waiver from whatthe Unified Development Code normally requires for each land use. Nancy Radzevich, Director of Community and "Economic Development, stated that it is important to note that this is not a request for a parking waiver but a request to establish the appropriate level of parking that is specific to this site for this use. She continued that per Unified Development Code section 12- 7 -3 -K, the petitioner through the special use process can ask the Plan Commission to recommend to the Board of Trustees to establish a specific number of parking spaces for an applied for special use. Ms. Radzevich stated this is distinct from a parking variance. The special use process, established to provide more scrutiny and oversight to specific uses, allows the Village Board to establish an appropriate number of parking spaces for a special use permit taking into consideration all mitigating factors. For PC 14 -03, the Board would not be providing a parking variance for this site, but establishing the appropriate number of parking spaces for the proposed uses specific to its location,. The special use process requires a traffic study which provides more detailed information on the parking demands and usage for these speciric uses, versus the more general parking demand requirements for classifications of types of use. By providing a traffic study based on actual usage it allows the Plan Commission and Village Board to establish the appropriate number of parking spaces for these specific use(s) F the assodated special use is granted final approval. Further, a daycare center is identified as a special use because it is a challenge to identify general parking needs. With a special use and parking study they are providing more accurate estimates pertaining to pick up and drop off schedules. Kelly Conoliy, Gewalt Hamilton & Associates, added that the submitted parking study does take into account the actual use of the on -site parking lot by Technicolour. Overall, she noted the submitted parking study for the proposed Dempster Street location was developed in three distinct steps: understanding the parking demand for Poko Loko at the Glenview location, determining a parking demand -at the Dempster iocapon for the existing shared use, The parking study y looked, existing parking demand rate that could be applied to the Morton Grove site and examining the existing existing at a Monday at the Glenview location, Poko Loko s busiest day. Commissioner.,Dorgan..asked if.the nall.salon.was open on the weekends because he drove py there on Sunday and there were 7 cars in the lot, Randy ?srael stated the salon is open on weekends. Commissioner Shimanski asked in addition to the parking lot's 20 on -site parking spaces how many of street parking spot- would be available. Ms. Conoliy stated that there are 8 spaces on the east side of ,Major Avenue and Poko Loko included these spaces -into the available- parking spaces for Poko Loko parking consideration which brings the total available parking spaces to 28 spaces, Commissioner Dorgan noted his concern that the parking survey was done only for one day and is not very broad. Commissioner Shimanski agreed that there is a need for a broader traffic stuay of at least two additional days, not just a snapshot of one day to establish existing parking demand. Commissioner Dorgan then asked about the limited amount of playground outdoor space. Mr. Clatch stated that he has already made a preliminary inquiry to the State about a waiver and was told it should not be a problem to get approved. Commissioner Gillespie inquired if there are restrictions for the off street parking on Major. Mr, Argumedo responded the parking is limited to 3 hours. Ms. Conolly provided an overview of the Poko Loko traffic operations plan during drop off and pick- up, during busiest times of day; early morning, mid -day and evening. Parents would be advised of the parking procedures prior to enrolling. Under a scenario where the lot is full at 4PM, a traffic control monitor (a Poko Loko employee) would be dispatched to the parking lot. A 3 ft. tent -sign would be placed at the inbound lane from Dempster that will close off the entrance to the parking lot. There would be a sign stating "Parking Lot Full, Piease Use Alley Entrance ". The parents would use Major to come in off the alley so they are facing northbound along the east side of the lo*_. This would create 3 temporary parking spaces for parents to use when going in to pick up their child, The average pick up time is 3 'fz minutes. There would be an additional traffic control monitor by the staged parking spaces to control the use of the spaces should there be a customer from the nail salon. Commissioner Dorgan asked if the parking lot was one way with ingress access of, the alley and then with cars only being allowed to exit onto Dempster; would that not serve as a permanent traffic control method. Ms. Conolly stated they did not want to disrupt the customers who come to the Waif salon business, and this potential staging will only be during high peak times. Commissioner Gabriel stated his Poko Loko and that the nail salon nail salon customer would have Commissioner Gabriel stated that problems with the proposed trafn the other business customers. concern that the parking lot would appear to be controlled by is not being considered. As such, a scenario could arise where a to wait to pull out of a parking space due to child pick, up. if the parking lot was solely for Poko Loko he would not have any measures, but his concerns are of the safety of the children and Ms. Conolly stated the problem is not with the parking demand from the parents picking up their children; it's that the teachers would potentially take up 12 spaces in the parking lot. if there could be employee parking only where this- stacked Commissioner 5nimans { <i parking would be staged and that would eliminate any customers from the nail salon being blocked in during peak times. In addition, Commissioner Shimanski suggested that in order to alleviate poten" tial- ,oarkinq confiicts - during the - peak. "pick . up /drop ,off tames, Poko Loko - might -want to consider designating the parking stalls adjacent to the building as staff parking only. Mr. Clatch stated that he would like to hire locally as done at other locations which could assist in the reducing the on -site parking demand, as some employees may use public transit, walk, or be dropped off, in addition, he would encourage employees that drive to park on the eastern portion 4 of the parking lot to. diminish the potential. foC nail salon customers frpm being,;blocked in during pick up and drop off times for five minutes. Commissioner Bionz inquired how the size of the outdoor play area is determined. Mr. Catch stated that there has to be 75 sq. ft. per child at 250/() of the capacity, It is a combination of the indoor and outdoor play area. DCFS wants it to be even in both locations. It`s approximately 800 sq, ft. on the outside and 1200 sq. ft, or, the inside. Commissioner Bionz wanted to know, ii the play area outside could be longer and narrower and then be able to paralie! park 3 cars. Ms. Conolly stated they want the staging to be closer to the Dempster St exit so it would be more direct exit, and by doing the paraliel parking as the Commission proposes it would restrict the lot to one way only travel Mr. Catch stated he would do everything he can as a business owner to prevent this stacking within the parking lot and make it as easy as possible during these peak times. Again, Mr. Catch noted that he would do his best to hire teachers that are local and could walk to work and also encourage car pooling or taking public transportation to help minimize the problem in the lot. Commissioner Khan asked If the neighbors have been informed of the traffic flow and using the alley. Ms. Radzevich stated a letter was sent to the surrounding addresses with information regarding the daycare proposal. Mr. Aroumedo stated his direct phone number is listed on the letter and he did not receive any phone calls. Commissioner Gabriel inquired about meal catering for children. Mr. Clatch stated there will be one delivery each day dropping of= the meals and there would not be a pick up. Anything remaining would be picked up the next day at the time of delivery and if necessary he would arrange for an extra pick up each week for garbage. Commissioner Shimanski asked if there had to be a recommendation on this case today. He would prefer the applicant have time to complete an updated traffic study with an additional day or two of existing parking demand data at the site. Mr, Catch stated he prefers to move along as quickly as possible bu% if the Commission desired an updated study then he will do that. Mr. Israel stated he only wants what is best for his tenants. All of his properties are maintained well and have had long term tenants. If he felt it would be devastating to his other tenant then this use would not even be considered. Chairperson Farkas asked if there was anyone that wanted to be heard on this case. No one from the public asked Chairperson Farkas asked for order for the applicant to pn nays„ of parking oara, with Technicolour. to speak on this application. a motion to continue Case PC14 -03 to the April 21, 2014 hearing in wide additional parking data. The Commission requested two more at, least one - day. specifically to include; the busiest weekday-for Commissioner Shimanski made a motion to continue Case P214 -03 to April 17, 2014 with the motion carrying 5 -2 (Commissioners Bionz and Dorgan dissented). 5 Public Hearing – April 21, 2014 Srafi` Duel-Wew Dominick Argumedo, zoning Administrator /Land -Use Planner provided a brief recap of the application he presented before the Commission at their March 17, 2014 hearing. Mr, . Argumedo noted that at the 'last hearing members of the commission expressed some concern that the study only included one day worth of data regarding the existing parking demands for the salon and asked for additional parking demand data for the existing parking demand associated with the nail salon. Specifically, the Commission requested two additional days of existing parking demand data for the on-site parking lot and adjacent public parking along Mal Avenue. T he Commission further requested that one of the days analyzed include the weekday Technicoiour identifies as is busiest. Mr. Argumedo stated that Poko Loko has submitted an updated revised parking study that includes two (2) additional days of existing parking demand data for the subject property. One of the additional days analyzed was conducted on a Friday, the day Technicolour identified as is busiest weekday. Specincally, the revised parking study includes the following days of observation at the Dempster location, Monday, January 27, 2014; Wednesday, April 2, 2014; and Friday, April 4, 2014. The additional observed days do not indicate an increased demand above the original' report. Applicant Presentation Horatiu Wolff, Architect, provided a recap of the Poko Loko proposal similar to that presented at the March 17, 2014 hearing and that Poko Loko has completed two additional days of parking study of the existing site, per the Commission's request. Tim Doron, Gewalt Hamilton & Associates, testified that his company completed two additional days of study of the existing parking demand of the proposed site, Wednesday April 2, 2014 and Friday April 4, 2014. Technicolor indicated that their busiest weekday is typically on Fridays. The results of the additional parking demand data indicate that their parking demand does not exceed the narking demand observed as par- of the original study. Mr, Doron again provided an overview of how the parking study was completed. Mr. Doron stated the proposed parking configuration only works with the implementation of the parking operations plan included in their Parking Study dated April 8, 2014, in addition, the site must be cleared of snow to prevent the loss of any parking spaces during the winter months; the property owner has agreed to have the snow removed off site. Mr. Doron then provided another Poko Loko employees) afg open do parkin plan. he operations plan calls for two rafErc control peopie ( in p 9 4 PM onwards, at least for the first month. When the monitors sees the parking iot is almost full —they would place a tent sign that instruct thntlot are fullf thprafne monitors eoetdnrough the alley via Major Avenue. If all parking spaces ° e parking instruct ca s to park in the northbound drive aisle. Mr. Doron also noted the revised study includes the municipal parking lot at 5714 Dempster as an alternate parking location that ;Laff would be encouraged to use, in order to free up parking spaces on-site. As the highest parking demand results from staff parking, any reduction of such demand from the parking lot will diminish the need for the stacking in the northbound parking 6 ane, Mr. Doron aiso,noted, - that while not_in on the west of Major Avenue would probably parking demand pressure nn -site. He also n spaces would experience rapid turnover that of Major Avenue, the parking study the eight (8) public parking spaces be used by some parents which would again alleviate )ted as 'Dick -up times are less than 5 minutes, public would not inhibit customer access to businesses east Commissioner Gabriel asked Mr. Doron if there should be a concern that the parking lot a not exclusive to Poko Loko; that Technicolor consumers may be unaware of the amount of children exiting the facility. Mr. Doron noted that traffic monitors will be assisting in safety of the parking lot. He also emphasized that moving staff off site to the municipal parking lot should diminish the need for any stacking in the northbound drive aisle, a no as such that the safety of the parking lot should be no different than other shared parking lots along Dempster Street. Commissioner Gabriel asked if the site had the potential to increase the amount of children it served and how the parking lot could accommodate that Mr. Argumedo clarified that per Department of Child and Family Services' regulations pertaining to site size per child, the site could not accommodate any more chiidren than t'ne proposed 100. Commissioner Bionz asked about the potential condition noted in the staff report that states, "Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community.and Economic Deveiopment and /or Village engineer be advised of any significant vehicular /pedestrian traffic and /or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this daycare center, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village Administrator within 30 days of such notice, which outlines a plan with specific ways to address such issues. Such plan shall be reviewed by the Director of Community and economic Development, Village Engineer and Police Chief, who will be charged with making suggested changes and /or approving such a plan.. Any remedies which alter the nature of this approved use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission." Mr. Clatch stated that if there are any problems, Poko Loko would work with staff. Commissioner Bionz also asked about waiver for play area. Mr, Clatch stated they had received a verbal agreement to their proposal from the stare. Chairperson Farkas asked if there would be any vehicle backup /stacking near the outdoor playground because of possible carbon monoxide emissions. Mr. Doron confirmed there will be no idling when the parents go in. He further noted that he expect; the 3 spaces near the play area would be rareiy used. If there is a car waiting for someone to pull out, perhaps there could be a moment where a car is temporarily stopped near playground, but he does not expe cars to be idling there. Mr. Clatcrl stated the same set up exists at their Glenview location with parking near the play area. The y have a strict provision there ` that cars must be turned off when parents go inside to pick up children and have had no complaints about possible emissions. Chairperson Farkas asked if anyone ..present wished to speak. ,No one from the public asked to speak on this application. Pubiic Hear! no— Commission Discussion and Vote With no further testimony and no additional commissioner discussion, Chairperson r"arkas asked Tor a motion on the application. i 1. The Poko Loko daycare shall be developed and operated in accordance with the plans and supporting documents in the application, including: a. Proposed First Floor Plan /Site plan, submitted by H. Wolff & Associates, dated 2/24/2014; b. Proposed Partial Site Plan, submitted by H. Wolff & Associates, LTD., dated 2/24/214; and c. Parking Impact Study, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., dated February 25, 2014, revised: April 8, 2014. 2 The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations suggested by the Traffic Safety Commission at their March 13, 2014 meeting, including; a. Installing a stop sign with a mirror where the southbound drive land meets the alley; b. Moving the parking curb stops to prevent encroachment over the sidewali:; c. Installing a sign prohibiting northbound left turns onto Dempster Street from 4PM to 6PM, if future conditions warrant such added restrictions. 3. Poko Loko staff shall not park within the adjacent residential neighborhoods. If additional off -site parking is needed to accommodate staff parking needs and safe and efficient drop off/pick up activities, such parking shall be accommodated, through private agreement with surrounding commercial property owners, and/or municipal parking area. 4. Poko Loko shall use the outdoor playground between the hours of 9AM -5:30 PM. 5. Poko Loko shall work with their vendor to ensure that delivery vehicles arrive no earlie~ than 10AM nor later than 2:30PM 6. Poko Loko shall not expand the outdoor play area without seeking an amendment to this special use permit. 7. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and /or Village engineer be advised of any significant vehicular /pedestrian traffic and /or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this daycare center, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village to address such issues. Such plan shall . be reviewed by the Direct with specific ity and Administrator within 30 days or _such notice, which outlines a ° rector of Community and economic Development, Village Engineer and Police Chief, who will be _charged with making suggested changes and /or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this aggro "ved' "use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 8. Poko Loko shall provide traffic control monitors in the on -site parking lot during peak hours or as directed by Village Staff. 0 Commissioner Blonz made a motion to recommend approval of PC' 4-03, Poko Loko Early Learning Center requesting a Special Use permit to allow for Daycare at 5645 Dempster Street, and to establish the on -site parking at the location for 20 parking spaces with the following conditions: 1. The Poko Loko daycare shall be developed and operated in accordance with the plans and supporting documents in the application, including: a. Proposed First Floor Plan /Site plan, submitted by H. Wolff & Associates, dated 2/24/2014; b. Proposed Partial Site Plan, submitted by H. Wolff & Associates, LTD., dated 2/24/214; and c. Parking Impact Study, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., dated February 25, 2014, revised: April 8, 2014. 2 The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations suggested by the Traffic Safety Commission at their March 13, 2014 meeting, including; a. Installing a stop sign with a mirror where the southbound drive land meets the alley; b. Moving the parking curb stops to prevent encroachment over the sidewali:; c. Installing a sign prohibiting northbound left turns onto Dempster Street from 4PM to 6PM, if future conditions warrant such added restrictions. 3. Poko Loko staff shall not park within the adjacent residential neighborhoods. If additional off -site parking is needed to accommodate staff parking needs and safe and efficient drop off/pick up activities, such parking shall be accommodated, through private agreement with surrounding commercial property owners, and/or municipal parking area. 4. Poko Loko shall use the outdoor playground between the hours of 9AM -5:30 PM. 5. Poko Loko shall work with their vendor to ensure that delivery vehicles arrive no earlie~ than 10AM nor later than 2:30PM 6. Poko Loko shall not expand the outdoor play area without seeking an amendment to this special use permit. 7. Should the Morton Grove Police Department, Director of Community and Economic Development and /or Village engineer be advised of any significant vehicular /pedestrian traffic and /or parking issues on adjacent public ways, related to the operation of this daycare center, the owner shall be required to develop and submit a plan to the Village to address such issues. Such plan shall . be reviewed by the Direct with specific ity and Administrator within 30 days or _such notice, which outlines a ° rector of Community and economic Development, Village Engineer and Police Chief, who will be _charged with making suggested changes and /or approving such a plan. Any remedies which alter the nature of this aggro "ved' "use may require an amendment of the special use permit and further review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 8. Poko Loko shall provide traffic control monitors in the on -site parking lot during peak hours or as directed by Village Staff. 0 When the .parking lot i� the inbound lane from should then proceed to all parents of this policy 90 percent full, Poko Loko shall locate a sandwich board sign oh Dempster Street stating, "Lot Full Use Alley Enrance ". Venicies Major Avenue and enter the lot via the alley. Poko Loko snail advise and procedure. 10. Poko Loko's site monitors shall direct additional temporary parking in the northbound drive - iane for temporary parking of vehicles for 3 -5 minutes should the need arise. i1. Poko Loko`s teacher and staff should be encouraged to park in the spaces along the building in order to minimize turnover of those spaces when parents may be staging in the northbound drive aisle behind said parking spaces. 12. Poko Loko shall encourage some employees to park in the municipal lot at 5714 West Dempster Street if a shortage of parking occurs during peak pick -up hours. 13. in the case o` heavy snow events, Poko Loko shall remove snow from the site to ensure that all Twenty on -site parking spaces are clear and available for use. Commissioner Gabriel seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed (5 -0; absent: Dorgan, Kahn), 9 Parking impact Study To: David Clatch Poko Lokc From: Date: Subject: I 1 s 11 0 Kelly Conolly, P.E. Tim Doron, Director of Planning February 25, 2014 Revised ADril 8, 2014 Poko Loko Daycare Morton Grove, Illinois CONSULTING ENGINEER S 850 Pores[ Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, 11,60061 TEL 847.478.9700 c FAX 842478.9701 820 Lakeside Drive, Suite 5, Gurnee, IL 60031 I El 847.855.1100 e FAX 847.855.1 115 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 924, Chicago, IL60604 Trdi. 3(2.329.0577 E FAx 312329.1942 mw .gha- engineers.ami GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. (GHA) has prepared a parking demand analysis study for a proposed Poko Loko daycare facility located near the corner of Dempster Street and Maior Avenue (SE) in Morton Grove, Illinois ( "site "). The proposed use is to be located within an existing building that shares a parking lot with Technicolour, a hair and nail salon. Poko Loko will provide services to 102 children and currently operates a daycare in Glenview. The Glenview location was used as a model in this study. This study was performed to provide information and an opinion as to the parking availability on or near the site and to provide an estimate of parking demand based on the Glenview model. Within the study, comments are also provided as to traffic generation, the adequacy of circulation, and traffic control. This revised version of the study was conducted based on a reeuest by the Plan Commission for additional narking survey data. Accordingly, two additional days of count data are included, The results of those counts suoport the original conclusions and recommendations, thus the findings of this report are not significantly different than those in the February resort. 1. PARKING Two key areas of parking are identified as potential supply for the new site. The main location for Poko Loko parking is the redesigned 20 -space parking lot located on the property. Note: The site oreviously contained 22 spaces plus two spaces not striped in the southeast comer of the lot. These will be lost due to construction of the -outdoor play area resulting in a new lot supply of 20 spaces. This lot is shared with another commercial use (nail salon) within the same building, but located in the easterly portion. The second location is on- street along the east side of Major Avenue where there are eight public spaces. Discussions with the Village indicate these can be used for calculations of potential parking for the daycare The Village does not want the west side spaces used in "the tabulation since they are to remain for other area commercial uses, 'A third "offsite" location is the municipal lot located further west at 5417 W. Dempster. Although this was not considered in the parking evaluation, Poko Loko will encourage some employees to park in the municipal lot if a shortage of parking is identified. GHA initially conducted a parking occupancy survey of the site parking lot and also the east side of Major Avenue for 12 hours from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Monday, January 27, 2014. At the request for additional weekday data by the Plan Commission, supplemental parking surveys were conducted on Wednesday, April 2 and Friday, April 4, 2014. Discussions with the nail salon indicate Friday is its busiest weekday. Saturday is the busiest day overall for the nail salon, but Poko Loko will not be open and will not generate any parking demand. The highest occupancy of both these areas was surveyed on a Monday in January showing 17 of the 30 spaces filled during the 4PM to 6PM hours. Wednesday and Friday data show 13 -15 spaces filled at peak. Accordingly, the new data indicates other weekdays experience less or similar demand than the Monday (highest) counts. The hourly results for all three days are shown in Exhibit 1, Site Parking demand Glenview Model Staff at Poko Loko Glenview conducted an arrival and departure survey of all traffic in and out of the facility by time period, for the same 12 hour period on Monday, January 27t.n (busiest day for Poko Loco). The survey also showed if the trip was a teacher or parent (drop- off /pickup) and the amount of time they spent either picking up or dropping off students (dwell time). From that information, GHA was able to determine the maximum number of vehicles parked at any given time at the Glenview site from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. These were then identified for the highest snapshot within that hour. The highest demand in Glenview was 27 required spaces which occurred in only a few instances during the Monday 8AM to 9AM hour. The results are shown in Exhibit 2. Morton Grove Projection of Sunoiy and Demand Based on the relationship of maximum enrollment between the Glenview site and the proposed Morton Grove site, the study estimated the future parking demand numbers at the proposed Poko Loko Morton Grove by adjusting the Glenview numbers by a 60% factor. o Glenview: 194 children o Morton Grove: 102 children 0 102/194 = 53 %, say 60°% This 60% demand figure was applied to a projection of the parking required. The table below shows the future estimated parking demand at the very Peak of each hour of the Morton Grove center compared to the available parking in the lot and on the east side of Major Avenue. The numbers in bold show hourly peaks when the projected demand will not be accommodated by the available supply (on a Monday), 6AM 7AM 8AM RAM 10AM 11AM 12PM. 1Pm 2PM 3PM ...4PM 5PM Spaces Available in Lot & On- sheet 28 27 23 19 18 16 13 16 15 13 11 11 (Monday data) Estimated Pokc Loko Parking Demand 14 16 14 13 13 14 13 74 11 13 11 'Accounts for spaces removed from the existing lot for the proposed play area and reflects the new lot total of 20 spaces GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Page 2 Discussion: • The table above shows the worst -case snapshot within each hour period and on the busiest (worst -case day) of the week. ® Poko Loko peak morning and evening periods have a very high turnover of parking as parents quickly gc inside to drop -off or pick -up students. The high parking turnover leaves an opportunity for several vehicles to use any given space during the hour. Furthermore, vehicles will arrive and depart ouickly, actually leaving more spaces free during most of the hour than shown in the above table. • An analysis of average dwell time was done for the two highest hours: • Period 8 -9 AM: 3.9 minutes • Period 5 -6 PM: 5.8 minutes • For hourly tabulations, and under most conditions, there are only two time periods (hours) in the day when Poko Loko will need 1 to 2 more parking spaces than are available in the lot and on the east side of Major. This only occurs on a Monday, as both Wednesday and Friday demand was lower. • It should be noted that during winter snow plowing and storage on the site for a significant portion of the after negative 5 spaces 4 -5PM. 11. TRAFFIC months as much as 10% of the parking supply can be lost due to This new supply would mean that there could be a projected deficit loon. The oeak hourly deficit would range from no surplus to a Although the scope of this study did not include a detailed traffic study, the institute of Transportation Engineers' Trio Generation Manual was referenced to obtain an order -of- magnitude number of trips in and out of the site during the peak hours of the site, which generally correlates with the peak hour of the street. These are shown below: ® AM peak hour: 44 trips in and 38 trips out ® PM peak hour: 39 trips in and 44 trips out Additionally, a review of arrivals and departures at the Glenview site was tabulated during the typical 8AM to 9AM and 5PM to 6PM peak period of traffic along Dempster Street. A prorated tabulation is shown below as representation of the Morton Grove site: • AM peak hour: 29 trips in and 25 trips out • PM peak hour: 22 trips in and 30 trips out These volumes are not dissimilar from other commercial uses along the street (Subway, McDonalds, and Dunkin Donuts) that exit onto Dempster Street. While recognizing that Dempster Street is a busy arterial, the existence of traffic signals approximately 600 feet to the east and 700 feet to the west provides gaps for left turning vehicles outbound. It should also be recognized that many exiting vehicles will turn right to the east. GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Page 3 III. RECOMMENDATIONS The key to efficient traffic and parking will be a strictly defined and executed operations plan if needed. Since anticipated parking deficits are relatively small and occur only during a few peak hours and only on the Monday when Poko Loko is busiest, we recommend the following operations plan be put into effect during the pick -up 4- 6PM hours. The recommended plan is shown on Exhibit 3 and discussed below: 1. Provide two traffic control people in the lot during those peak hours. These people will monitor safety operations and extra vehicle queuing, if needed. It may be appropriate to have two people during the first few months of operation, but reduce it to one person once operations are running smoothly. 2. When the lot is 90 percent full, locate a tent sign on the inbound lane from Dempster Street stating "Lot Full Use Alley Entrance ". Vehicles should then proceed to Major Avenue and enter the lot via the alley. Although not anticipated, this will ensure no queuing onto Dempster Street. All parents should be briefed on this procedure. 3. The new site plan dated 2 -25 -14 shows parking for 20 spaces on site in the stalls. We recommend an additional temporary parking area in the northbound drive -lane for temporary parking of vehicles for 3 -5 minutes should the need arise. Although the need is not anticipated, this extra supply can be monitored and controlled bythe operations person. 4. Site plan dimensions are adequate to accommodate all parking movements. 5. Teacher and staff parking should be encouraged to park along the building in order to minimize turnover of those spaces when parents will be staging in the drive aisle behind said spaces. 6. Arrange for additional off -site parking for teachers and staff, to the extent possible. Encourage some employees to park in the municipal lot at 5714 W. Dempster Avenue (as well as along the building) if there turns out to be a shortage of parking for parent pick -up. IV. CONCLUSION As previously stated, the key to the successful operations of this site is implementation of a parking and traffic operations plan as discussed above. With the operations p{an in pace as needed, the site can operate efficiently and accommodate parking on site and in the adjacent public parking area. GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Page 4 Exhibit 1 - Parking Occupancy Counts Morton Grove 6 :00 AM =6:00 PM Wednesday, April 2, 2014 1. Parking Lot 2. Major Avenue - East Side WEDNESDAYTOTAL Friday April 4, 2014 1. Parking Lot Z. Major Avenue -East Side Key w M is t00 ° /. -BS °/n Occupied 85 °1 >d0% Occupied 50% 4% Occupied Y I l GEWALTAHAMILTON 4 i Bic . P Parking Demand (no. of spaces occupied) c a Parking Description m < g < g ¢ Q 4 C G 2 2 - s n m m a 0- N M G a a 1p m f0 h W ,S Q �' O v s N C [iv Monday, January 27, 2014 1. Parking Lot 20 0 WO 7 SO T B SO 72 112 2. Major Avenue - EastSide MONDAY TOTAL 28 3,0 11 11112 A Z ;12 "T3 ".^I'S f 17 17 „', Wednesday, April 2, 2014 1. Parking Lot 2. Major Avenue - East Side WEDNESDAYTOTAL Friday April 4, 2014 1. Parking Lot Z. Major Avenue -East Side Key w M is t00 ° /. -BS °/n Occupied 85 °1 >d0% Occupied 50% 4% Occupied Y I l GEWALTAHAMILTON 4 i Bic . s� O CJs{ N .rz Wd 9-9 CD { Wd B-t ti p N Wd 4-£ r Wd £ -Z N N cv WdZ4 N N ca. c Wd VZL N m N Y t6 IL Wd U-M LL N $ N N d � W�` ��'d� y 7 p N N d C = O. wv OV6 N N 0) O N ep� V co Wi+'fi8 N N cc� C � Q Y W�BL m N ® O cD Wv L-S M 0) r K > u.! s m a m a m m Z a h 47 u U d > C. � C O � *' De G cn ® V F O UD 0 ® a4 N s� O CJs{ N .rz m n O i � FIL, m W w I i 9 ;s on zzac CA c�aa m m< Z N I r m m Cy tlyz� z N I m a z '® C ?' o m r aGa m �IiI sl m m If I i Z I Iii y I �II �OOID I rr �� J Ou rI i EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK 194.30' EXSTING. LOT LINE i n °z z ci i m p FB ymy Z N v� y z ym � n n c o 2�b tom � �o� O 194.45' EXIS n LI nj ti I r I 9 r I J �i EXIST. 3'-B 0) lip G O �Q d up 5 O k