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VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FAX COVER SHEET Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053-2902 Tel: (847) 965-4100 • Fax: (847) 965-4162 Date: /z ' / 7-73 No. of Pages (Including cover sheet) 3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Confidential I Urgent G Please Reply ❑For Your Information I Per Our Discussion )/As Requested FROM: Name: i //itt X'it MESSAGE: Dept: " yvtt-71"iG-7/ 4 ( - c ,° V TO: Name: Of: T' C � Fax #: — L C_5 v 7 CC: Name: Of: Fax #: CC: Name: Of: If not received correctly, please call the number listed above along with This extension number or direct dial Fax #: number 847/470-5220. Form/Fax-general _ MICHAEL M. CABONARGI BOARD OF REVIEW OF COOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER cook a o`` % ROOM 601 COUNTY BUILDING 1�, Iiti, DAN PATLAK CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60602 COMMISSIONER r Z TELEPHONE 1-312/603-5542 ' LARRY R. ROGERS JR. ���< i R O�a� G' .S i _ �� �i:C CHAIRMAN ( ' ( ,c / / ter, L A: ON {- „L'/N- ` l? I 3 ` 12-09-13 i z L. -S " 735.. c%-P/tA.,. / Dear Exemption Complainant, Your hearing on the exemption complaint listed below will be held at: Time: 9:45 Date: 12-18-13 Place: Room 601 , County Building, 118 N. Clark, Chicago, IL 60602 Please be prepared to answer any questions or supply any documentation concerning the below cited exemption complaint. Failure to attend or to supply sufficient written documentation in advance of the hearing may result in dismissal of the complaint. YOU MUST BRING THIS NOTICE WITH YOU Thank You, ,),2 _,-/3 -73 9:1c � , .): )LF ) X�Ct dc CL COMPLAINT PROPERTY NUMBER COMPLAINT PROPERTY NUMBER ' 200082-001 G 10-20-300-020-0000 200082-002 G 10-20-300-021-0000 ) )1/6 J ,o/ LARRY R. ROGERS, JR. DAN PATLAK MICHAEL M. CABONARGI COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER 2 PROPERTIES ( VC I I T HOFFMAN 0 QUESTIONNAIRES 6101 CAPULINA MORTON GROVE IL 60053-0000 FBAO5 Cook County Assessor's Office Page 1 of 2 Property Characteristics 2013 Tax Year Property Information 143) fair 10203000200000 05/22/2007 Description Value PIN: 10-20-300-020-0000 Address: 8300 Lehigh Rd City: Morton Grove Township: Niles Property Classification:1-00 Square Footage: 67,617 (Land) NBHD: 31 Taxcode: 24017 http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/CaptchaNerificationPage.aspx?Pin=10203000200000 12/13/2013 It. O g °q g to I i + ; R 11 cti� iltt` i:ui :- t7 - m g. i 03 .. r 1 " . 7 0 co tp ry n' m es z Z o r. yf.3F ma � : Lk1 u g 0 1, �.0. m 1 H ti b 101 a- t -- -. I 5 g 1R 1 Bfl:K O- �y a � � 5 mo T 90 i `�+ p C • tl t31 +E G Pill f. I s O f0 N w D m 06 ._ 1 4 .. P iP to - ' il ill:i,'+j"=':'_ 11 8 , 1-_.:1. - O „f oe i , 4 I 32 *Pr cell- $ i 'a " .;Liz . _o., ' i* -. . _it .>._: a sego Ie off'_ ;k. -€< T£ - I. - .:7 t .:. �. ( . . �.. �" - f}13z` r- :... .,ti i • °R.i ., 6. C t B �r OF C n+' - coot - - _ Ot C qq ■amts v 1 1 �Jqq r ~ r � < - - 5' - I_ r Q OF WAL°itiII. ofTIW$OAMWD O*'REV; .' - : =i • FOR CMr�N th • A Real Estate/Board of Review exemption is a ailabletmderthE)aws bfthe State of IMAM,"uncles terte*conditions..The-'decisien of the Board of Review is not final until apprbvedliyythe Illinois Department of Revenue:The board oelteview wii(4 forward to the Department lof Revenue a full and complete statement of all the facts in the case fo itaatvrew on .:, t w�Me Board of Rnvigw a following docymenty Ta lRe neat estate exemption c4mP1 mtis6be sub>Ritted with the complaints 4 < ii I. The standard Baazd f Review poMpla&t form:(R E'E.#7)-nest be correctly fixed ogt Mu executed for each parcel concerned 3` ,r in the exemptIOn Note:Requests for exemption can be considered�`nIp sc}mrceM is they are listed in ihp carte Mall' IF A D�SION, CONSt APATIO1�i OR ; t�DGliSvs: INDEX �* C(N EStn ATFa,PL.RASF{.-ADVI IRE BOARD Arowgikif OW> 2. An original uhInois-.epa>tnentoStevenue-Certification of Exemption Request Form,either PTA f-300)Charitable,; x 300-R)Religious ot(PTAX 300-F$)Feder 7Stote tliency,jfnily co�aug7 •6y coiiiploin*tand Piet))photocopy- 3. Two (2)photocopies of the dejd Io es-fablish prase* ownership mandate a if acqusitiob must Iecewmpaay [hit:complaint. (lf ownership is m a laa„d trust please.gab�dt two(2)pl togoplesof thaosd in`tiusi andMElie bust agteeipent or assignment showhtg s _ the holders of the l ieficial Mee*in the nust:and the posteIof direction, ' - . ; -, 4, If complainant do4not awn mopgrtyby deed, then s ytwo 0)chdtocopies otthe instrua ant which claimant i 9 c i owuets fotexemgit purposes, i.e articles of agieemen as deed; current lease br_renlal agreement installment contract 1 contract for deed. - r c i, 5. Two(2)copies of the Corporate arter and By-)yaws shoving the purpose at the tar�exe mpt organization. 6. An original signed and notarized affidavit of use intone(1) copy describing in;detai4 the esacf of the property during the 1 tax year n quest ion,the gaec(cyof these use3,the portiods of the property,put to t>ses and the date the uses commenced. The affi4avit most be signed byinyauthilrized person'of the organiztition halting;a knowledge of the use of the property. 7. Two(2)Arent tax bills er photocopies thereof showing the permanent lodes wroba for each parcel concerned in the request for exemption must accompany the' complaint, In some cases,a servey ofile property may be necessary. Where exemptible building(s)or use is located on-a large p$ecelof land Or on several parcels(coveted Wane than cane tax bill)the complainant is strongly encouraged to fumishi survey of the property when the ailimbiatis filed. This is also trite when there is a change in the permanent index number on4he.tax bill because of a regent division or consolidation affectipsii the property. 8. If applicable,two(2)copies ofidlalocumentation submittal to the`Assessor°!s offiegeeequesting a division or a consolidation of the parcels that complainant is 3ieking exempt status: __ ' -v:r Photos if the property,liofli exterior and interior depicting.actual use. Pit if vacant land;the Boar`-E4 Will still require a photo. - NOPHOTO.COPIFS OF PHOTQS WILL BE ACCEPTED. ALL PHOTOS SUBMf#TED MUST BB 011IB1h"a 11"paper. 11, Two(2)eopies of either your 501(C)12.or 501(C)3 exemption letter issued by dle United States laterite]Irvgpue Service. s -. Ill Arcopy oCany hures or literature describing the organization's program of activities >.a;Sunday couch bulletilis, est#mpets,application forms,etc. ,r 18- If`apj$i ble,#Ley completed Parsonage or Convent questionnaire signed by the complainant Wore a notary and one (T) 1> Y ij 9. To ch*ocoprgs of the current year financial statement,or anneal report of the organization moiling and*pens* Slants 4filirectos,all available income,incidental or otherwise,affecting parcels. I+ - ! 4 -cable,two(2)photocopies of plot plan showing each building's location on the tract with all a as of*Wand bitdrlin ( ) retool use:. . 1 a - 7 a 15. HAND D FLOOR PLAN(shower chartable or educational use of interior area of bull io ' 16- S SUSMII7TED.MUST B*SW'it li"!N$21 OR FOLDED TO SW'x 117 AT-TI OF HLI All eXe10011 ..3 shallr)e represented by an stprorey. Complainant may submit any other da;umentatio ithat wdl be helpful to t& Board in ntakn`g1 bs reeammen Lion concerning the all ercempt status of the property. i _ . gr 'ir r,� Villa a of aiorton grove .6IL if Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 November 8,2013 Tracy Callaghan - Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago,Illinois 60602 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh Avenue,Morton Grove,IL 60053 Dear Ms. Callaghan: To support the application of the Village of Morton Grove to exempt the above referenced property please find two sets of the following documents: 1. Property Tax Exemption Local Government Ownership Quick Check List; 2. Board of Review Real Estate Exemption complaint(B.R. Form R.E.E#7); 3. Illinois Department of Revenue Application(PTAX-300) (R-3/03); 4. Notarized Affidavit of Use; 5. Board of Review Exemption Petition; 6. Proof of Ownership (title insurance policy and deed); 7. Current tax bill; 8. Original photographs; and 9. Plat of Survey; and 10. Hand drawn floor plan. 11. Registered Mail Notification If further documentation or information is needed, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, j i rJ Teresa Hoff Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk cc: Daniel P. DiMaria,Village President Ryan J. Home,Village Administrator VHAdmin\Legal\Real Estate\8300 Lehigh Avenue Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 R Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 iW Recycled Paper Property Tax Exemption Cook County Local Government Ownership Board of Review Required Documents Expedite your complaint by referring to the Quick Check List below. '//Board of Review Real Estate Exemption Complain? (B.R. Form R.E.E. #7) This triplicate-copy form can be picked up at any B.O.R. office or by calling 312-603-5542. VIllinois Department of Revenue Application (PTAX-300) (R-3/03) Affidavit of Use • Notarized & dated statement signed by a government official detailing the specific activity by the owner and any lessees that took place on the property during the year. / • Specify Street Address &all Permanent Index Numbers (P.I.N.$) that form the property. ld Board of Review Governmental Exemption Petition (Ex. 5) a/ Recorded Proof of Ownership • Deed, Title Insurance Policy, Contract for Deed and Proof of Current Installment Payments, Memorandum of Contract, or Lease. • A Mortgage or Release of Mortgage does not prove that you own your property. • If you acquired parts of your property on different dates or if subject parcels are not beside each other, file separate applications for each parcel. • Cook County Recorder of Deeds http://www.cookctyrecordencom/ Leases • Required when anyone other than the owner used the property. 1 ( Current Tax Bill for Each Parcel • Cook County Treasurer http://www3.cookcountytreasurencom Info/faq/detail.wu?faq_id=281&search=&page=l&total=3&topic=39& PHPSESSID=bc5c2f2eab5ccddb32d55531e06c10ae 'Original Photographs • including the interior&exterior of all buildings. Attached to 8-1/2" x 11" sheets of paper(maximum 2 photos per page) 9 Plat of Survey YHand-Drawn Floor Plan • Showing use & approximate dimensions of each room in the building. ©2004 B.O.R.E. (L.G.) Property Tax Exemption Cook County Local Government Ownership Board of Review Registered Mail Notification to Affected Municipalities, School Districts and Community College Districts • Copies of letters and U. S. Postal Service receipts. • Determine whom to send letters by contacting the Cook County Clerk. http://www.cookctyclerk.com/sub/real_estate_taxes.asp • Required only if property's assessed value is more than $100,000. Cook County Assessor http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/startres.html ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE AND IN PROPER SEQUENCE MAIN OFFICE SUBURBAN BRANCH OFFICES Located in Circuit Court Buildings County Building,Room 601 Bridgeview Markham Office Maywood Rolling Meadows Skokie Office 11 B N.Clark St 10200 S.76th Avenue 16501 S.Kedzie Avenue 1500 Maybrook Drive 2121 Euclid Avenue 5600 Old Orchard Road Chicago.Illinois 60602 Room#237 Room#237 Room#082 Room#237 Room#155 312/603-5542 708/974-4116 708210-4116 708/865-5509 847/818-2067 847-470-7522 ©2004 B.O.R.E. (L.G.) v Q .A .0 W v •y a V C >a u a J A• Y w P .4., " O m [ .5 "o v y ai C ,q Cr 'a C m +.a v o 5 o w m Y ct a a. P3 a a o t a.. w a ao x 3 q •I& m o h ) O — -4 3 c >.. 01 o4 � ata) � o C am Z Q 7 g 0 o ya a t 5 " a a aa d m 3 is a 'o E Z o v an d �z r O 'a a o cm V m a� 1 7 CD CO W C o o Z O C r o - d U C u ri a C O n _ u o ¢ • /� a v 2 u,d G W a y a � I a A C ., 5ao a) Em ' UU Pg 4 22 a 2. d m a N m v °ri CO ti ad W o N-. -. F CO 44 Y 01 c.. 4.-,le C O 6 0 Li ln• t d O O J O el >, P O a o 2 d sA C C a N c _ -J G = .a v S' I o o 0. y fa -m 11 1 Y w ct E° 0• v v Y E 1 tr- m .=: ou " Z Q1 I w K v g .9 W . o M :: 9 . �Z W . w d o ° m ' -L'02 Q F G Q Al y O a O J o g d - k ai 4 0 °I. %< O Z O L a) O v eo k Ito - ` 8 E aUi y 11.1 0• t) LL U O 0 Z y o d - o 5 d E� x 3 C E , o LLF O a+ a O a a) m o �a O v o m o . O a F U .5 o 0 ., . a) a ."'. O M o 1 a m 3 Q 3 a M ° 3 C .o 0 o w a wW o Q U o y — � � o .o ,o d w J X -. 4. O LL o o O o m ❑ ° 3 o 0) C)cd }-1 7 W I _ C ""' C I1 O n0 R o a O O r O E v v°� m H1 v w C„ d ' .G - °' G aCi ow¢ J co w Ct a Z ,n 01 - 0 w N o -. O - c E . a w Q Q v N Q C CO c' G C PI N w p' v C1 0 0 ,O ? O W Z z to;^ " m .o .c a, a a a' a, m E o F `�CC CO O '� O z i E r o o i v >a, a 5 2 ° 3 m a M j 0 F I E ri d ° 5 w _ o CO u W o a. ri, Z Q 411:11,ci' o ° a v y r'',%_, Z a m m " U C 9 a Pt3 p �' Y .o y b 8 : o i g a T W c _ , v >F p, E F l ° O v o V w p a . 5' b o c o a 2 m - ro.O A. 0 4 G. 0 ^ G G G , E d ' u .-- J t N C O 0 (04 4 • 0 "' Cs. w C 8 C O V m 0. O o O F 3 8 y a a E v E C z W as °' ueE z P ' G o E L O g d O.m O c — a -a s. .= d 'o v m o v " - � h �.i < 0 b Ep . v o C o C d co c) co c..) 0 O x < s Illinois Department of Revenue PTAX-300 Application for Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption — County Board of Review Statement of Facts Complaint no.: Volume no.: IDOR docket number: County use only IDOR use only Step 1: Identify the property 1 Cook 5 Is the applicant on Line 4 the lessee of ❑ Yes ® No County in which property is located the p roprn e ? - If"Yes",write the dates the lease is in effect. 2 Village of Morton Grove Property owner From / / to / / t Attach a copy of the contract or lease. 3 8300 Lehigh Street address of property 6 10-20-300-020-0000/10-20-300-021-:0000 Morton Grove IL 60053 Property aecopy number of t(e pr IL copy c a n property's legal properly description if the county . City ZIP has not assigned a number or if the property is a division. 4 Village of Morton Grove 7 Dimensions or acreage of this property 2. 4 Name of organization applying for the exemption(i.e.,"applicant") B 0 5/ 30 /20 1 3 Date of ownership t Attach a copy of proof of ownership(deed,contract for deed, title insurance policy,condemnation order and proof of payment,etc.) Step 2: Identify any previous exemptions or applications (Providing this information En Yes processing.) 9 Does the applicant have an Illinois sales tax exemption number? Yes ❑ No If"Yes",write the exemption number. E— 9 9 9 8 — 1 4 9 1 -06 10 Has a previous application been filed for this property or by this applicant? ❑ Yes El No If"Yes",write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number, if known. __-___- Step 3: Identify the property's use 11 Identify the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation for this application.35 ILCS 200/ 15/60 c Or ILCS_/ _ 12 Is any income derived from this property? ❑ Yes ® No If"Yes",explain in detail. t If applicable,attach a copy of any contracts or leases. 13 Does a unit of local government own this property? Yes ❑ No If"Yes",is the property located within its corporate boundaries? Yes ❑ No 14 If granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more,has the municipality, school district,community college district,and fire protection district in which the property is located been notified that this application has been filed? ® Yes ❑ No tAttach a copy of the notices and postal return receipts. 15 Describe the specific activities that take place on this property.Write the exact date each activity began and how frequently it takes place. Future public use. The exact date to be determined for each activity. 16 Did the activities described on Line 15 begin on the same date as the effective date of the lease on Line 5 or the N/A date of ownership on Line 8,whichever is applicable? ❑Yes ❑ No If"No",explain in detail how the property was used between the lease or ownership date and the date these activities began. 17 Identify each building's use,square feet of ground area(SFGA),number of stories,and whether or not there is a basement. Use SFGA No. of stories Basement?(YM) Building 1 vacant 15, 600 1 ❑ Yes ® No Building 2 ❑ Yes ❑ No Building 3 ❑ Yes ❑ No PTAX-300 front(R-12/09) Step 4: Attach documentation The following documents must be attached: •Proof of ownership(copy of the deed,contract for deed,title insurance policy,condemnation order and proof of payment, etc.) • Picture of the property • Notarized affidavit of use •Copies of any contracts or leases on the property The documents listed on Lines 18 through 23 may be attached to expedite processing.Mark an"X"next to any documents that are attached. 18 Audited financial statements for the most recent year 21 _Plot plan of each building's location on the property with each 19_Copy of the applicant's bylaws and complete certified building and land area labeled with property index numbers recorded copy of Articles of Incorporation, including purpose and specific uses clause and all amendments 22_Copy of any Illinois Department of Revenue Exemption 20 y Copy of the notices to the municipality,school district, Certificate community college district, and fire protection district in which 23_Other(list) the property is located and postal return receipts if granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more Step 5: Identify the person to contact regarding this application 24 Teresa Hoffman Liston 25 Village of Morton Grove Name of applicants representative Owner's name(if the applicant is not the owner) 6101 Capulina 6101 Capulina Mailing address Mailing address Morton Grove IL 60053 Morton Grove. IL 60053 City State ZIP City State ZIP ( 847) 965 — 4100 ( 847) 965 — 4100 Phone number _ Phone number Step 6: Signature and notarization State of Illinois ) SS. County of Cook 1, Teresa Hoffman Liston Corporation Counsel,being duly sworn upon oath,say that I have read Position the for cation and of the inform tion is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and •- OFFICIAL SEAL Affiant's sign ture / CHRISTINE A KOLACZEWSKI Subscribbd and sworn b fore me this 16flday of OeCe•, 6€. 26/,3 NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF ILLINOIS / rt-i MY COMMISSION EXPIRES07/11/16 Notary Public County official use only.Do not write in this space Step 7: County board of review statement of facts 1 Current assessment $ For assessment year 2 2 Is this exemption application for a leasehold interest assessed to the applicant? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"Yes",write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number for the exempt fee interest to the owner, if known. 3 State all of the facts considered by the county board of review in recommending approval or denial of this exemption application. 4 County board of review recommendation Full year exemption Partial year exemption from / _/ / Partial exemption for the following described portion of the property: Deny exemption 5 Date of board's action / / Step 8: County board of review certification I certify this to be a correct statement of all facts arising in connection with proceedings on this exemption application. • Mail to: OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES MC 3-520 Signature of clerk of county board of review ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 101 WEST JEFFERSON STREET • SPRINGFIELD IL 62702 PTAx-300 back(R-12/09) Illinois Department of Revenue PTAX-300 Application for Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption — County Board of Review Statement of Facts Complaint no.: Volume no.: IDOR docket number: County use only IDOR use only Part 1: Identify the property 1 Cook 6 10-20-300-020-0000/10-20-300-021 -0000 County in which property is located Parcel identifying number 2 Village of Morton Grove .:- -copy the property's legal •=- • ptionifthecounty Property owner has not assigned a number or if the . •• Ay is a division. 3 8300 Lehigh 7 Dimensions or acreage of this pros 2. 4 Street address of property Morton Grove 60053 8 Ma 30 2. 13 City ZIP Date of ownership 4 Village of Morton Grove Z•r Attach a copy ofp•• •fof ownership(deed,contract for deed, Name of organization applying far the exemption(te.,°applicant") tititle ay insurance • - icy,condemnation order and proof of era. 5 Yes _ NoX Is the applicant on Line 4 the lessee of the property? If"Yes,"write the dares the lease is in effect. From _ To L Attach a copy of the contract Minn. Part 2: Identify any previous a emptions or applicatio - (Providing this information will expedite processing.) 9 X Yes No Does the applicant have`An Illinois sales tax exempti• number? If`Yes,"write the exemption number. E— 9 9 9 8 — \ 4 9 1 -0y 10 Yes — No Has a previous application bedafiled for thisoperty or by this applicant? If"Yes,"write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number, if know , — — __ Part 3: Identify the property's's use / 11 Identify the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation for this pplica'•n. 35 ILCS 200/ 1 5/6 0 c Or _ILCS / / 12 Yes x No Is any income derived from this property? If i ,"explain in detail. iIf applicable, . attach a cop of any contracts or leases. 13 X Yes _No Does a unit of local go rnment own this property? If"Yes,"is the prope located within its corporate bowls,ries? X Yes _ No 14 X Yes No If granting this application will reduce the property's assess-• valuation by$100,000 or more, has the municipality, 4,Attach a copy school district,and community college district in which the p ••=rty is located been notified that this application has of the notices been filed? / and postal return receipts. / 15 Describe the specific activities that take place on this property.Write the exact date ea• activity began and how frequently it takes place. Future Publi¢ Use. The exact date to be deter fined for each activity. 16 1\1/'des No Did the activities described on Line 15 begin on the same date as the effectiv- •ate of the lease on Line 5 or the date of ownership on Line 8,whichever is applicable? If"No"explain in detail how the pro•-rty was used between the lease or ownership date and the date these activities began. 17 Identify each building's use, square feet of ground area(SFGA), number of stories,and whether or not there is a basement. VkiNnt SFGA No.of stories Basement?(Y/N) Building1 15, 600 1 N Building 2 Building 3 This form is authorized as outlined by the Illinois Compiled Statutes,35 ILCS 200/15-5,16-70.and 16-130.Disclosure; FTAX-300 front(R-3/03) . of this information is REQUIRED.This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center. IL-492-1157 I Part 4: Attach documentation The following documents must be attached: • Proof of ownership (copy of the deed, contract for deed,title insurance policy, condemnation order and proof of payment, etc.) • Picture of the property • Notarized affidavit of use • Copies of any contracts or leases on the property The documents identified on Lines 18 through 23 may be attached to expedite processing.Mark an"X'next to any documents that are attached. 18 Audited financial statements for the most recent year 21 Plot plan of each building's location on the property with each 19 Copy of the applicant's bylaws and complete certified building and land area labeled with parcel identifying numbers recorded copy of Articles of Incorporation, including purpose and specific uses /clause and all amendments 22 Copy of any Illinois Department of Revenue Exemption 20 Jt Copy of the notices to the municipality,school district, and Certificate community college district in which the property is located 23 Other(list) and postal return receipts if granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more Part 5: Identify the person to contact regarding this application 24 Teresa Hoffman Liston 25 Village of Morton Grove Name of applicant's representative Owner's name(if the applicant is not the owner) 6101 Capulina Ave. 6101 Capulina Ave. Mailing address(include rural route or P.O.box,if applicable) Mailing address(include rural route or P.O.box, if applicable) Morton Grove IL 60053 Morton Grove IL 60053 City State ZIP City State ZIP (847 ) - 965-4100 - (847 ) 965-4-100 Phone number Phone number Part 6: Signature and notarization State of Illinois ) SS. County of Cook ) I, Teresa Hoffman Liston ,Corporation Counsel , being duly sworn upon oath,say that I have read (Name) (Position) the foregoing ap icat nd that all of the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. � / (Affiant's signs re)/ / OFFICIAL SEAL bt CHRISTINE A KOLACZEWSKI Subscribed and�w rn before me this day of Sep fa-.�je ,20%3 NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF IWNOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:07/11/16 jl`"Q°`� (Notary Public) Part 7: County Board of Review statement of facts 26 Current assessment $ For assessment year 20_ 27 Yes _ No Is this exemption application for a leasehold interest assessed to the applicant? If"Yes,"write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number for the exempt fee interest to the owner, if known. — — 28 State all of the facts considered by the County Board of Review in recommending approval or denial of this exemption application. 29 County Board of Review recommendation Full year exemption _ Partial year exemption From To _ Partial exemption for the following described portion of the property: Deny exemption 30 Date of Board's action Part 8: County Board of Review certification I hereby certify this to be a correct statement of all facts arising in connection with proceedings on this exemption application. Mail to: OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES EXEMPTION SECTION (3-520) Clerk(or Secretary in Cook County)of the County Board of Reviews signature ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 101 WEST JEFFERSON(STREET PTAX-300 back(R3/03) SPRINGFIELD IL 62702 pp Id 4� • Village of cViorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 September 25, 2013 Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Illinois Department of Revenue Office of Local Government Service Exemption Section 3-520 101 W. Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois 62702 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 AND 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 AFFIDAVIT OF USE State of Illinois ) ) SS County of Cook ) Teresa Hoffman Liston being duly disposed and sworn on oath and states as follows: 1. I am the Corporation Counsel for the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, and I have investigated the facts surrounding the above referenced application and am knowledgeable of the following information. 2. The Village of Morton Grove is seeking to exempt that property identified as PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000. This property has been identified by the Cook County Assessor as 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, Illinois and is legally described as follows: ALL THAT PARK OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE, AND ST.PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST %OF THE NORTHEAST '/ OF SECTION 19, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 3. On or about May 30, 2013, the Village of Morton Grove acquired that property commonly known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue,Morton Grove, Illinois. Said property is Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 0 . Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 ‘4, Recycled Paper located M-2 manufacturing district and is approximately 2.4 acres. The property includes a forty-five (45) year old 15,600 square foot building which is currently vacant. 4. The Village of Morton Grove intends to either demolish the building or reuse it for an undetermined future public use. Further affiant sayeth not. 4--- Teresa •.f, 'an Liston Corpor. io r Counsel Village o` orton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove, IL 60053 Subscribed and sworn before me this 841/4 day of (QC," -2 D /3 cQrypu'.� My Commission expires: 1 311 5 VHAdmin\Legal\Real Estate\8300 Lehigh,Affidavit of Use OFFICIAL SEAL ROSA ZACHBASIO NOTARY PUBLIC•STAFF OF ILLINOIS MY COMMON A1f11A5 • • • • GOVERNMENTAL EXEMPTION PETITION Rate of Illinois 1 )ounty of Cook s.s -O THE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT PROPERTY IDENTIFIED ON THE LATEST REAL ESTATE TAX BILL BY PERMANENT REAL ESTATE INDEX NUMBER 1 0-20-300-020-0000 -OWNSHIP Niles 1 0-20-300-021 -0000 VOLUME (A) FULL S NOW ENTITLED TO (B) _ PARTIAL EXEMPTION (SEE NOTE A & B BELOW) FROM GENERAL REAL :STATE TAXES: ACCORDING TO 35 ILCS 2001 5/35 THAT SAID PROPERTY IS OWNED AND ISED BY THE PETITIONER EXCLUSIVELY FOR ITS PUBLIC GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES: HAT SAID PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY THE PETITIONER IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: 1) BY DEED DATED 5/30/13 , RECORDED ON 8/02/2013 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 1321435027 , COPY OF DEED TO BE SUBMITTED 2) BY CONDEMNATION CASE NUMBER N/A FILED ON AND AWARD DEPOSITED ON 3) OTHERWISE ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH''%OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AND ST. AND DESCRIBED AS — PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERICS DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST'14 OF THE NORTHEAST%OF SECTIN 19,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 10-20-300-020-0000& 10-20-300-021-0000 ADDRESS: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 I:› NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER OF REMAINDER >ubscribed and sworn to before me PETITIONER Village of Mort Grove BY es H man is ton his 64 k day of SPptC•'6'^ AUTHORIZED AGENT�/�/5 WFIANr) 20 IS ADDRESS 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove , IL 60053 ^• NOTARV �c ✓ PHONE 847/965-4100 N b rYZ� 9�gE A. FULL TAKING Where all of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was taken for a public government purposes, attach hereto said legal description. y B. PARTIAL TAKING Where only a part of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was cj a 6 o taken for public governmental purposes, the following must be attached to this petition; aI R. i 1. A Plot of Survey showing all dimensions and the location and ownership of any buildings thereon: co)-0 2. the legal descriptions of the part taken and the part remaining in private ownership. VOm %x. 5 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE 0 Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO'TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,a Nebraska corporation,herein called the Company,for valuable consideration,commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A,in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in Schedule A,upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements;all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs,provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BY 10 C. OLLE ST. 3100 /�i�/�/ CHICAGO,, IL 60603 Refer Inquiries To: attiara htfo , Authorized Signatory (312)223-3005 tit i )n{ iz 1 V‘, ti Commitment No.: 11401 008933371 D2 Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members .wE in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. .TITLE MSOCIATION CoMCVeoo 3/11 ML 1C135 05/30/13 07:39:23 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A YOUR REFERENCE: MWB - 8300 LEHIGH AVE, MORTON GROVE IL ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 16, 2013 1. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: $1,150, 000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: TO COME 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS FEE SIMPLE,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: JOHN D. HINKAMP, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 MID KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Tide Association. COMA406 3/11 ML KBS PAGE Al 05/30/13 07:39:24 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A(CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 4A. LOAN POLICY 1 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE Copyright American Land Title Association.MI rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.Ali other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A(CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members „,,,m7 ., in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. TILE ASSOCIATION rnur r.,K 1 n,.n voc ....-r: .. nuen no rcr.en.ne CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WIT CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MA I thRS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. I . EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. • . ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR AHEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 6 IF EXTENDED COVERAGE OVER THE FIVE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS REQUESTED, WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING: A. A CURRENT ALTA/ACSM OR ILLINOIS LAND TITLE SURVEY CERTIFIED TO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; B. A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT; MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. NOTE: THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR THIS COVERAGE. 7. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. A 8. 1. TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2012 AND 2013 2013 TAXES ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2012 FINAL INSTALLMENT NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE PERM TAX# PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 10-20-300-020-0000 1 OF 2 2012 $4,791.54 PAID 10-20-300-021-0000 2 OF 2 2012 $23,281.67 PAID C "Be advised that the "Good Funds" section of the Title Insurance Act (215 ILCS 155/26) becomes effective 1-1-2010. This act places limitations upon the settlement agent's ability to accept certain types of deposits into escrow. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. .,.."",nn ,,...., 105 PAGE FI 05/30/13 07:39:24 0 L CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 Please contact your local Chicago Title Office regarding the application of this new law to your transaction." . E 9. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: TO SCHEDULE ANY CLOSINGS IN THE CHICAGO COMMERCIAL CENTER, PLEASE CALL (312)223-2707. TO FAX FIGURES FOR A RESIDENTIAL CLOSING IN THE CHICAGO COMMERCIAL CENTER PLEASE DIAL (312)223-5888 F . 0. / - •ULD BE FURNISHED A STATEMENT THAT THERE IS NO PROPERTY MANAGER EMPLOYED 4 .0 MANAGE THE LAND, OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, A FINAL LIEN WAIVER FROM ANY SUCH OPERTY MANAGER. - G �3. ISTING UNRECORDED LEASES AND ALL RIGHTS THEREUNDER OF THE LESSEES AND OF ANY ( / PERSON OR PARTY CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER THE LESSEES. I FOR ALL ILLINOIS PROPERTY: FOR COMMITMENT ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2009, PURSUANT TO PUBLIC ACT 95-988, SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF IDENTIFICATION MUST BE PRESENTED FOR THE NOTARIZATION OF ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NOTARIZED BY AN ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC. UNTIL JULY 1, 2013, SATISFACTORY IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS ARE DOCUMENTS THAT ARE VALID AT THE TIME OF THE NOTARIAL ACT; ARE ISSUED BY A STATE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY; BEAR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S FACE; AND BEAR THE INDIVIDUAL'S SIGNATURE. J FOR COOK COUNTY PROPERTY: FOR COMMITMENT ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2009, IF ANY DOCUMENT OF CONVEYANCE FOR COOK COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY IS TO BE NOTARIZED BY AN ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC, PUBLIC ACT 95-988 REQUIRES THE COMPLETION OF A NOTARIAL RECORD FOR EACH GRANTOR WHOSE SIGNATURE IS NOTARIZED. THE NOTARIAL RECORD WILL INCLUDE THE THUMBPRINT OR FINGERPRINT OF THE GRANTOR. THE GRANTOR MUST PRESENT IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS THAT ARE VALID; ARE ISSUED BY STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY; BEAR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S FACE; AND BEAR THE INDIVIDUAL'S SIGNATURE. THE COMPANY WILL CHARGE $25.00 PER NOTARIAL RECORD. R12. - ICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST .ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR OTHER APPROVALS. Copyright American Land TIOe Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing 3501 the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted underdicense from the American Land Title Association. IANDTMLE AMOOrrnm CMBICOat 3/11 MI. X135 PAGEB 05/30/13 07:39:24 -S CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) / ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 (/ I 13. TERMS, POWERS, PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE TRUST UNDER WHICH TITLE TO Jl THE LAND IS HELD. ** END ** Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members s in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted underjicense from the American Land Title Association. LAND nTLr OZMOXa2 3/lflM KRS ner_aw as/30/11 07:i9724 u=.4.� CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE • ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage,when used herein,shall include deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing,the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith(a)to comply with the requirements hereof,or(b)to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B,or(c)to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <http://www.altaorg/>. • Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members ,,,rte in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ybCImoE COMCON06 3/11 ML KBS 05/30/13 07:39:24 _ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1031 EXCHANGE SERVICES If your transaction involves a tax deferred exchange, we offer this service through our 1031 division, IPX1031. As the nation's largest 1031 company, IPX1031 offers guidance and expertise. Security for Exchange funds includes segregated bank accounts and a 100 million dollar Fidelity Bond. Fidelity National Title Group also provides a 50 million dollar Performance Guaranty for each Exchange. For additional information or to set-up an Exchange, please call Scott Nathanson at (312) 223-2178 or Anna Barsky at (312) 223-2169. `PBS inla ircm i err y Effective Date: May 1,2008 Fidelity National Financial,Inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial, Inc and its subsidiaries ("FN ')respect the privacy and security of your non-public personal information ("Personal Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNFs privacy practices, including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources,and to whom it may be disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and, depending on the business performed, FNF companies may share information as described herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: • Information we receive from you on applications or other forms,such as your name,address,social security number,tax identification number, asset information and income information; • Information we receive from you through our Internet websites,such as your name,address,email address,Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites,and your activity while using or reviewing our websites; • Information about your transactions with or services performed by us, our affiliates, or others, such as information concerning your policy, premiums,payment history,information about your home or other real property,information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions,account balances,and credit card information;and • Information we receive from consumer or other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies)to various individuals and companies,as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include,without limitation,the following: • To insurance agents,brokers,representatives,support organizations,or others to provide you with services you have requested,and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity,fraud,material misrepresentation,or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions; • To third-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or providing you with services you have requested; • To an insurance regulatory authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority,in a civil action,in connection with a subpoena or a governmental investigation; • To companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements and/or • To lenders,lien holders,judgement creditors,or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined,settled,paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. We may also disclose your Personal Information to others when we believe,in good faith,that such disclosure is reasonably accessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers,employees,or property and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding,court order or legal process. Disclosure to Affiliated Companies-We are permitted by law to share your name,address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies,such as insurance companies,agents, and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, for marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do not,however,disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent,in conformity with applicable law,unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to Nonaffiliated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated third parties,except as outlined herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information - - We restrict access to Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical,electronic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Personal Information/ Requests for Correction,Amendment,or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law,we will afford you the right to access your Personal Information,under certain circumstances to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed,and request correction or deletion of your Personal Information. However,FNFs current policy is to maintain customers'Personal Information for no less than your state's required record retention requirements for the purpose of handling future NYerage claims. For your protection,all requests made under this section must be in writing and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Where permitted by law,we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to: Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,FL 32204 Changes to this Privacy Statement This Privacy Statement may be amended from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement,we will post a notice of such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement,as stated above,indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revised or materially changed. PRIVACY 5/08 Ace. ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF POLICY NUMBER: 1401-008933371-D2 ISSUED BY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This Endorsement is shown for Pro-Forma purposes only, and will be considered for issuance upon our receipt, review and acceptance of the following documents: A COMPLETED ALTA STATEMENT AT THE TIME OF CLOSING. PROFORMA POLICY MODIFICATION ENDORSEMENT 4 GENERAL EXCEPTION NUMBER(S) I THROUGH 5 OF SCHEDULE B OF THIS POLICY ARE HEREBY DELETED. THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. Erwmrc 9-11 min IL-FSWM-I bA-T2—MEIRO-1401-0a8933371 RB5 N III III III VIII II IIII IIIIII ThiL9ocument Prepared By: 1 N Doc#: 1321435027 Fee: $46.00 L V Keith J.Wenk. Esq. RHSP Fee:$9.00 RPRF Fee: $1.00 M Mason,Wenk&Berman, L.L.C. Affidavit Fee: $2.00 1033 Skokie Boulevard,Suite 250 Karen A.varbrough CO Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Z � Cook County Recorder of Deeds s....., After Recording Return To: Date: 08/02/2013 09:58 AM Pg: 1 of 5 CO Teresa Hoffman Liston, Esq. 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 C . PACE ABOVE THIS LINE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY - 1 TRUSTEE'S DEED CS--• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that JOHN D.HINKAMP,AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST (hereinafter the"Grantor"), having an address of 8300 Lehigh Road, Morton Grove, IL 60053,for the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars($10.00)and other valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,hereby GRANTS,BARGAINS AND SELLS to THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, a municipal corporation(the"Grantee"),having an address of 6101 Capulina Avenue,Morton Grove, Illinois 60053,and its successors and assigns forever,the land situated in the County of Cook,State of Illinois legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the"Property"). Common Address: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances belonging thereto or in anywise appertaining,and the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the Property, with the hereditaments and appurtenances, unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, for itself and its successors, represents and warrants that the Property has not been alienated or encumbered by Grantor in any way whatsoever, EXCEPT FOR AND SUBJECT TO those matters described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof(the"Permitted Exceptions");and that Grantor WILL WARRANT AND DEFEND the Property against all persons lawfully claiming,or to claim the same,by, through or under Grantor, subject to the Permitted Exceptions. SY._ Pt \ St. EXEMPT-PURSUANT TO CTION 1-11-5 (/�,ti �h VILLAGE OF MORTON GRO • -EAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP I'V 1 j r EXEMPTION Nil 081 0 • DATE A-13 ��J, ADDRESS " 3OD 1—a k 1 ' r C BY 'J S -2.Z�heti)cA• .FEn, /{ N. b£SVZN I bS01709LOS0£LOZ 1 0000-oZ090£-oZ-ol 1\ 00.0$ :TV101 a .t 00-0$ :SIONIZII ! C 00-0$ )1003 a °` - ELOZ/9Z190 dadSNVILL 3101S31V38 °aakz"Sy�l IN WITNESS WHEREOF,John D.Hinkamp,as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 12, 1975 and known as The Joseph A.Hinkamp Trust,has caused this Trustee's Deed to be executed as of this 30th day of May,2013. JOHN D. HINKAMP,AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST By: Jon . Kamp, Trustee Ai— Mail Future Tax Bills T0: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS. COUNTY OF COOK ) I,the undersigned,a Notary Public in said County in the State aforesaid,DO HEREBY CERTIFY that John D. Hinkamp, Trustee of The Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust,and personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that as such s/he signed and delivered the said instrument as her/his free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this day of May,2013. a.. It Notary Pu i • M commission expires ,, [seal] wrM slMarrwMrM KEI1HJt a NOTARY MAUL.sRAM OF L UNN MY 03MMiSS1ONIDIP SSMORT 2 Exhibit Legal Description ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH 1A OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1 OF SECTIN 19,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13,EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 10-20-300-020-0000&10-20-300-021-0000 ADDRESS: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 • v$ 3 Exhibit B Permitted Exceptions TAXES FOR THE YEARS 2012 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS,WHICH ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD BUILDING LINES AND EASEMENTS APPLICABLE ZONING AND BUILDING LAWS, ORDINACES AND RESTRICTIONS ACTS SUFFERED OR DONE BY THE GRANTEE 4 STATEMENT BY GRANTOR AND GRANTEE The grantor or his agent affirms that, to the best of his knowledge, the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person. an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois, or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois.'°`' Dated g , 9 Signature: S_ , Grantor . Agi Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said this 2f5 day of J ni.v EF Notary Public The grantee or his agent affirms and verifies that the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person, an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquir- and hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois. Dated h4.1 243/ , 12 Signature: a `t Subscribed and sworn to before me by the w' Grantee or Agent said M . KrSHONL this it day of " �, -• Notary Public NOTE: Any person who knowingly submits a false statement concerning the identity of a grantee shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor for the first offense and of a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses. [Attach to deed or ABI to be recorded in Cook County, Illinois, if exempt under provisions of Section 4 of the Illinois Real Estate Transfer Tax Act] SGRTOREE NOU-06-2013 14:33 MASON WENK & BERMAN 1 947 659 6010 P.03 TOTAL P.AY'MENI DUE 2012 Second Installment Property Tax Bill $6 0 s 1 O Property Index Number(PIN) Volume Code Tel Year (Payable In) Township Classification I ,63 V 10-20.300-021-0000 118 24017 2012 (2013) Si'00/01/13 (on time) ) NILES 5-93 IF PAYING LATE 08/02/13-09/01/13 09/02/13.10/01/13 10/02/13-11/01/13 LATE PENALTYIS1.5%PER PLEASE PAY 56,729.64 $6,829.09 $6,928.54 MONTH, BY STATE LAW TAXING DISTRICT BREAKDOWN Taxing District 2012 Tax 2012 Rate 2012 % Pension 2011 Tax MISCELLANEOUS TAXES North Shore Mosquito Abatement 29.45 0. 010 0. 10% Metro Water Reclamation District 1 ,089. 63 0. 370 3. 64% 61. 84 1,483.48 Morton Grove Park District 1, 124. 97 0. 382 3. 76% 170. 60 1, 692. 10 Miscellaneous Taxes Total 2, 244.05 0, 762 7, 50% 3,221. 94 SCHOOL TAXES Oakton Community College Dist 535 644. 94 0. 219 2. 16% Community High School District 219 482. 63 School District 70 0, 805.02 3. 256 36. 12% 129. 83 15,482. 64 School Taxes Total 21, 035.72 7. 144 70.34% 329. 83 19, 187. 89 21,038. 72 7. 144 70.34% 29,488. 89 MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP TAXES Morton Grove Library Fund 1 , 110.25 0. 377 3. 71% Village of Morton Grove 3,628. 18 1. 232 12. 13% 1, 280. 43 5, 280.28 Road & Bridge Niles 0. 00 0. 000 0. 00% General Assistance Niles 3. 8 Town Niles 17. 67 0, 008 0,41% 23. 18 MUnicipal/tylTownship Taxes Total 123. 69 0. 042 0. 41% 171. 53 4,879.79 1. 657 16.31% 7, 092. 92 COOK COUNTY TAXES Cook County Forest Preserve District 185. 53 0. 063 0,82% Consolidated Elections 0. 00 O. 000 0. 00% 5.88 115.86 County of Cook 845. 20 0. 287 2. 83% 318 05 133. 90 Cook County Public Safety 533.04 0. 181 1. 78% 1,746. 38 Cook County Health Facilities 185. 53 0. 063 0. 62% 52 301 . 60. 56 2 Cook County Taxes Total 1, 749. 30 0. 594 5. 85% 6, 526. 56 (Do not pay these totals) 29,911. 88 10. 157 100. 00% 42,330. 31 • • TAX CALCULATOR IMPORTANT MESSAGES ' 2011 Assessed Value 156.059 2072 Total Tax Before Exemption; •Thank you for your first Installment payment or: $23,281.67 on 02-27-13 29,911.86 Homeowner's Exemption .00 2012 Assumed Value 104 867 Seim Citizen Exemption .0D Senior Assessment Freeze Exemption 2012 Stare Equalization Factor X 2.8056 ,00 2012 Equalized Assessed Value(EAV) 294,498 2012 Total Tax After EBempaons 2012 Local Tax Rate X 10.1571; 29.911.B8 2912 Total Tex Bohn Exemptions First Installment 23,291,67 Bohn 29,911.86 Secandtnerallmen[ + 6,630.19 PROI ERTI LOCATION rota)2012 Tax(PayaS;e in 2013) MAILING ADDRESS 29,911.86 BOX 0 8300 LEH16H RD P 0 4 HI BO MORTON GROVE IL 60053 2616 MORT O 909 ON GROVE IL 6 0053-0908 TOTAL 9.03 :: Cook County Treasurer's Office-Chicago,Illinois :: Page 1 of 1 Cook County Property Tax and Payment Information Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bill. Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. Property Index Number(PIN): 10-20300-021-0000 2012 Tax Year Information-Payable in 2013 Tax Year 2012 Tax Type:Current Tax Volume: 118 Classification: 5-93 Property Location 8300 LEHIGH RD MORTON GROVE,IL 80053-2616 To update contact the Cook County Assessor's Office at 312.443.7550. Mailing Information J HINKAMP P 0 BOX 909 MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-0909 To update your mating information dick here. Exemption Information Homeowner Exemption Received: NO Senior Citizen Exemption Received: NO Senior Freeze Exemption Received: NO If you are entitled to an exemption you did not receive,click here. To check if you received exemptions on previous tax years,click here. Tax Billing Information Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date 1st $23281.67 03/01/2013 2nd $6,630.19 08/01/2013 Tax Payment Information The balance due,including any penalty,is as of Wednesday,November 06,2013. Payments processed are posted through Tuesday,November 05,2013. Installment Total Amount Tax Amount Penalty Amount Last Payment Received Date Received 1st $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,281.67 02/27/2013 2nd $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,630.19 07/13/2013 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 ritcr Print •Return to PIN Summary The Cook County Clerk's office can help you with redemption and delinquent inquiries on prior year's taxes.You may reach the Clerk at: Main Number.312.603.5656 You may find frequently asked questions and additional information at the Clerk's Office's website:http:bWww.cookcountvderk.com http://www.cookcountytreasurer.corn/paymentresults.aspx?paymenttype=current 11/6/2013 NOV-06-2013 14:33 MASON WENK & BERMAN 1 847 656 6010 P.02 TOTAL PA% ti1FNT DUE 2012 Second Installment Property Tax Bill $4,V 360.93 Properly index Number(PIN) Volume Code Tax Year (Payable In) Township Classification T 10-20-300-020-0000 118 24017 2012 (2013) NILES 1 -00 I By 0A/11/13 Inn time_ IF PAYING LATE 08/02/13-09/01/13 09/02/13-10/01/13 10/02/13-11/01/13 LATE PENALTY IS 1.5% PER PLEASE PAY 54,426.34 $4,491 .75 $4,557.16 MONTH, BY STATE LAW TAXING DISTRICT BREAKDOWN Taxing District 2012 Tax 2012 Rate 2012 % Pension 2011 Tax MISCELLANEOUS TAXES North Shore Mosquito Abatement 9. 01 0. 010 0. 10% 9. 54 Metro Water Reclamation District 333. 41 0. 370 3. 64% 18. 92 305. 31 Morton Grove Park District . 0. 362 3. 76% 52. 28 348.25 Miscellaneous Taxes Tota 686. 64 0. 782 7. 50% 663. 10 SCHOOL TAXES Oakton Community College Dist 535 197. 34 0. 219 2. 16% 187. 00 Community High School District 219 2, 933. 98 3. 256 32. 08% 37. 84 2,770. 71 School District 70 3, 308. 14 3. 689 36, 12% 100. 92 3, 111. 32 School Taxes Total 8, 437.46 7. 144 70.34% 6,069.03 MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP TAXES Morton Grove Library Fund 339. 71 0. 377 3.71% 332. 98 Village of Morton Grove 1, 110. 18 1. 232 12. 13% 385. 97 1,066.72 Road & Bridge Niles 0. 00 0. 000 0. 00% 0. 00 General Assistance Niles 5.41 0. 008 0. 08% 4.77 Town Niles 37. 85 0. 042 0.41% 35.30 Municipality/Township Taxes Total 1, 493. 13 1. 857 16.31% 1,459. 77 COOK COUNTY TAXES Cook County Forest Preserve District 56.77 0. 063 0. 82% 1. 60 55.34 Consolidated Elections 0. 00 O. 000 0. 00z 23. 65 County of Cook 258. 60 0. 287 2. 83% 97. 31 212. 77 Cook County Public Safety 183. 10 0. 181 1.78% 153.81 Cook County Health Facilities 56.77 0. 063 0.82% 74.42 Cook County Taxes Total 535.24 0. 594 5. 85% 519, 99 (Do not pay these totals) 9, 152. 47 10. 157 100.00% 8,711. 89 TAX CALCUL.:I(..R IMPORTANT MESSAGES AGES 2011 Assessed Value 32,118 2012 Tool Tax Before Exemptions •Thank you for your first Installment payment of: $4,791.54 on 0247-13 9,152.47 Homeowner's Exemption .00 Senior Citizen Exemoilon .00 2012 Assessed Value 32,116 Senior Assessment Freeze Exemption 2012 State Equalization Factor K 2.8056 .00 2012 Equalized Assessed Value(EAV) 90,110 2012 Total Tax After Exemptions 2012 Local Tax Raze x 10.157% 9.152.47 2012 Total Tax Before Ex emotions Fret Installment 6,791.54 9,152.47 Second lnslallment+ 4.360.93 PROPERTY LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS Total 2012 Tax(Payable In 2013) 9,152,47 J HINKAMIP 8300 LEHIGH RD P 0 90X 909 MORTON GROVE IL 60053 2610 MORTON GROVE IL 80053-0909 :: Cook County Treasurer's Office- Chicago,Illinois :: Page 1 of 1 Cook County Property Tax and Payment Information Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bit. Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. Property Index Number(PIN): 10-20400-0204000 2012 Tax Year Information-Payable in 2013 Tax Year 2012 Tax Type:Current Tax Volume: 118 Classification: 1-00 Property Location 8300 LEHIGH RD MORTON GROVE.IL 60053-2616 To update contact the Cook County Assessor's Office at 312.443.7550. Mailing Information J HINKAMP P O BOX 909 MORTON GROVE.IL 60053-0909 To update your mailing information dick here. Exemption Information Homeowner Exemption Received: NO Senior Citizen Exemption Received: NO Senior Freeze Exemption Received: NO If you are entitled to an exemption you did not receive,click here. To check if you received exemptions on previous tax years,dick here. Tax Billing Information Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date 1st $4,791.54 03/01/2013 2nd $4,360.93 08/01/2013 Tax Payment Information The balance due,including any penalty,is as of Wednesday,November 06,2011 Payments processed are posted through Tuesday,November 05,2013. Installment Total Amount Tax Amount Penalty Amount Last Payment Received Date Received 1st $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,791.54 02/27/2013 2nd $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,360.93 07/13/2013 BALANCE DUE: j $0.00! '' Print o Return to PIN Summary The Cook County Clerk's office can help you with redemption and delinquent inquiries on prior year's taxes.You may reach the Clerk at: Main Number.312.603.5656 You may find frequently asked questions and additional infomlation at the Clerks Office's website:http://www.cookcountvderk.com http://www.cookcountytreasurer.con/paymentresults.aspx?paymenttype=current 11/6/2013 y=1 rt J J, M1; y. • • .4 tyi le. • FF r ; 1.4 v 9�i. i- 1.:il: , -� iir r.. • yFl�yRr•- e • 1N7� 0E • • x .l • • • s ,. Z�L �P s. ,. a Iii. r�'� {a'�f• (_• r .,} r k r I !,+ t Zri, iy' t s•-1:44:'..4 :.1 li. �+:.,n I-f 41 Vl y�. „e...: :R Ft i 9 e;i. •s Ll M�1, 1 i1',i tt'f r r•, � i L trill :. ,� ti 1 k / F I t, �� �*. y S.' .7 t 5 I .. ' i 4. l 3fr, • it 4 [^Qp YY ,tAM . P:, y�� `„ l �? 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I eS !!1 1° ' 1 : dig[ f 3i ii e e l 5{ [ 3 At I 11 3 id aP r29 {a •.r n's.° 1 Ili o =i p Li F" X3_4'r_,p is:13;3s°11 I I1O o 21 :_ ie;lii " co II GENERAL BANDAGES INC. S3CC Lehigh Ave. - ID# 185 AN / ' WAREHOVgE ' AREA / / co FULLY SPRINKLERE" Sio�2�sh-w, Oven �* , p, 7 i000 -----t'1 .hoop STORAGE r+RG a 0 u S CD d lifir�ALKaM n uii 'AuLT MoN rs ' N° 'd C ' ' KEY: 1' 0IR inn FIRE ALARM PANEL 14-------M---,j_______...___77 • GFIe t_ p ! I SPRINKLER CONTROL ® / - _ '"�•E ELECTRIC 5/0 El i -15' '0S• WATER S/0 • c / FD CONNECTION { i Y L O'44 i 3 i KNOX BOX © ' a CD f Q / GAS S/O * I / I I / L Lehigh Ave. Page 1 of 1 e Village of gMorton grove • Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Jason Ness Niles West High School 5701 Oakton Street Skokie, IL 60077 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Ness: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. 3IYq Teresa Hof i• an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/Legal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 R Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Recycled Paper A."t t + Village of e%lorton grove i Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Ryan McTague Niles North High School 9800 Lawler Skokie, IL 60077 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. McTague: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. Sincerely c Teresa H f an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/LegaVReal Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 n Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Recycled Pape: i% Village of gVIorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Nanciann Gatta, Superintendent Niles Township District 219 7700 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL 60077 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Gatta: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. cerely, Teresa Ho an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdrnin/LegalJReal Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 fl Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Ns If Recycled Paper 44_WiP Village of Morton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Ivy Sukenik, Principal Parkview School 6200 Lake Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Sukenik: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. cerely, 't_ Teresa o i an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VELAdmin/Legal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053-2985 r Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Isielr Recycled Paper Village of gk1lorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Phil Collins, Superintendent School District 70 6200 Lakes Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Collins: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. incerely, Ay Teresa . .• an Liston Corporati en Counsel TIIL/mk attachments VHAdmin/Legal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 fl Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 vim IF Recycled Paper LOOK county Assessor's unite Page 1 of I Cook County Assessor's Office Joseph Berrios 8300 Lehigh Rd PIN 10-20-300-021-0000 Property Appeals Exemptions Certificate Of Error Property Details City Morton Grove Township ° Niles C _ o Here to NBHD. View g 1' a 31 Taxcode 24017 Class 5-93 VIEW LARGER IMAGE Assessed Valuation 2012 2011 Board Certified Board of Review Assessment Certified Land Assessed Value 57,621 57,621 Building Assessed Value 47,346 98,438 Total Assessed Value 104,967 156,059 Property Characteristics Description Industrial Age: 45 Land Square Footage 36,878 Note Partial Assessment http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Details.aspx?Pin=10203000210000 6'4/2013 LOOK county Assessor's UIhce Page 1 of 1 Cook County Assessor's Office Joseph Berrios 8300 Lehigh Rd PIN 10-20-300-020-0000 Property Appeals Exemptions Certificate Of Error Property Details City Morton Grove Township t 0 click ri-were Niles NBHD. • 31 View rnag' � Taxcode 24017 Class 1-00 0. VIEW LARGER IMAGE Assessed Valuation 2012 2011 Board Certified Board of Review Assessment Certified Land Assessed Value 32,118 32,118 Total Assessed Value 32,118 32,118 Property Characteristics Description Vacant Land Land Square Footage 67,617 http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/Property Search/Property_Details.aspx?Pin=10203000200000 6/4/2013 J 6 .. SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SE. U.S. Postal Service r:, ' CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT • Compere helms 1.26 and 3.Ais ul (Domestic.Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) Item 4 H Restricted Delivery is c s • Print your name and address OI In For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comt, so that we can return the card i fi.l P k '"e • Attach this card to the back of i to "° or on the front If space permits. t` Postage $ rR t Article Addressed to: ra Certified Fee 6-1 Postmark a Return Receipt Fee Here T1 L,,. o (Endorsement Required) -D r.Jas.- on Ness 0 Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Niles West High Scho °2 _- 5701 Oakton Street tru ti Total Postage 8 Fees t Skokie, IL 60077 � o _ Dr. Jason Ness ra street,Apt No Niles West High School - - C w PO Box No. N any State,za 5701OaktonStreet - z. Maio Skokie, IL 60077 @mister bare SerVICe label) PS Form 0860. ilininilliiiiiiiiii PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 1025e5u2-M-1540 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS S Trnnr - - - . I U.S. Postal Service • compere items 1,2,and 3.AI RECEIPT Item 411RestritedDelhlaryia CERTIFIED MAIL • Print 1181118 and address c Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverages Providesd) yorr ruin ( s.comv e 5t they is Carl return the Celd tr1 -tom • At�h this card to the back of In For delivery information visit our we�bsde at www.us v won the from H space permits.«I rr fir* F Id a M — — I. Article Addressed to: ` l r Postage rR ra Certified Fee Postmark Here Dr.Ryan McTague O Rehm tecegt,Fee y gu Endoseman Required) 0 Niles North High Scho o Restricted Fe (Endorsement nt Required) 9800 Lawler o co postage&Fe( Skokie, IL 60077 r Total Dr. Ryan McTague n' Sent To Niles North High School rR ----0---- No 9800L a wI er ra orrPO,Apr. 2. Artldetatnnber C erPoaexir. IL 60077 (rrara6ertrom service III '` c%rr.sue ,LP''---- Skokie, See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3811,February 2004 PS Form 3800.August 2006 102595-02-M-1540 U.S. Postal Service-. - t SENDER: COMPLET_°THIS SEC CERTIFIED MAIL-- RECEIPT • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Alsc o- (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is de .-o • print your name and address do uil For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coms so that we can return the card tc ri.t n`� e FACIA ? If n one ttirm • Attach this card to the back of tt Ln -. "" or on,the frond If space permits. N ra Postage g • •1. Article Addressed to: rg Certified Fee - rR Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here c��i anClailIl Gatta, O (Endorsement Required) Superintendent o ted Delivery Fee . (Endorsement Required) Niles Township Distric 2 . Nanciarin Gotta, 77 Gross Point Road fL To a Postage E Superintendent Skokie, IL 60077 0 Sent To Niles Township District 219 ra St met,Apt No.; 77 Gross Point Road 0 Po --Na. Skokie, IL 60077 or City,State.ZiP.,4 2. Article Number- (Transfer from service lobe; r CrartMillalllierStlial PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 10Pc4s^24.4-1540 U.S. Postal Servicemi SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SEC CERTIFIED es fMfAIL,, RECEIPT eProvided) f I'r1 • Complete items'I,2 and 3.Alsc co item 4 H Restricted Deusety is di !n For delivery information visit our websd : e at www.usps corn name and address on rt.l s r t_ g E s. so that we can return the card b LT) • Attach this card to the back of t n- or on the front If space permits. Certified Fee 1. Article Addressed to: a Return Receipt Fee Postmark 0 (Endorsement Required) Here Restricten Delivery Fee Dr. Phil Collins, Supe O (Endorsement Rears/ad) School District 70 r = Total Past 6200 Lake Street ru Sent To Dr. Phil Collins, Superintendent Morton Grove, IL 601 c School District 70 a 0 0,o'er A 6200 Lake Street . — r- oM.State'2 Morton Grove, IL 60053 — 2. Article Number PS Form 3500 August 2008 See Reverse for Instructions (Transfer from service 102595-024a-l5ao PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt — x .• U.S. Postal Service ' CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT SENDFn dONiP'_E7c i IS SE• a Provided)en;Come a items t 2 and 3.Alst (Domestic Mail Only No Insurance Caveragus s oom; item 41F RaShlbled �� information visit our website at wwrt P address For delivery » „ ,en la Pdrtt a tc so that this can return the card rV f to the backoftl • Attach this card In if Pend'' or on the trait— space r i Postage — Cie Add1e6Sed to. rl Certified Fee PostmaM 1 Ad Here OReturn Receipt Fee 0 (Endorsement Required/ Dr. Ivy Sukenik Princ a in ao e ehvew ) parkview School m T Total postage elllkr p crpal I Morton Lake Street N Dr.Ivy Sul. Morton Grove,IL 600. sent m o parkview School C3 s"P` c No. 6200 Lake C3 or Po Box tie. e Street r -6161•sere.21# Morton Grove,IL 60053 2. Article Number 1 -. 102555-02-M-1 SA0 (gender tram service :•• Receipt PS Form 3811,February 2004 • e .�ten Village of Morton grove :s ,� Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 November 8, 2013 Tracy Callaghan Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago,Illinois 60602 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Ms. Callaghan: To support the application of the Village of Morton Grove to exempt the above referenced property please find two sets of the following documents: 1. Property Tax Exemption Local Government Ownership Quick Check List; 2. Board of Review Real Estate Exemption complaint(B.R. Form R.E.E#7); 3. Illinois Department of Revenue Application(PTAX-300) (R-3/03); 4. Notarized Affidavit of Use; 5. Board of Review Exemption Petition; 6. Proof of Ownership (title insurance policy and deed); 7. Current tax bill; 8. Original photographs; and 9. Plat of Survey; and 10. Hand drawn floor plan. 11. Registered Mail Notification If further documentation or information is needed, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 7 C\ yacso r7 Teresa Ho Liston Corporation ounsel THL/mk cc: Daniel P.DiMaria,Village President Ryan J. Horne, Village Administrator VHAdmin\Legal\Real Estate\8300 Lehigh Avenue Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053-2985 A Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 � Recycled Paper Property Tax Exemption Cook County Local Government Ownership Board of Review Required Documents Expedite your complaint by referring to the Quick Check List below. Board of Review Real Estate Exemption Complaint* (B.R. Form R.E.E. #7) *This triplicate-copy form can be picked up at any B.O.R. office or by calling 312-603-5542. /Illinois Department of Revenue Application (PTAX-300) (R-3/03) Affidavit of Use • Notarized & dated statement signed by a government official detailing the specific activity by the owner and any lessees that took place on the property during the year. • Specify Street Address &all Permanent Index Numbers (P.I.N.$) that form the property. at d Board of Review Governmental Exemption Petition (Ex. 5) al Recorded Proof of Ownership • Deed, Title Insurance Policy, Contract for Deed and Proof of Current Installment Payments, Memorandum of Contract; or Lease. • A Mortgage or Release of Mortgage does not prove that you own your property. • If you acquired parts of your property on different dates or if subject parcels are not beside each other, file separate applications for each parcel. • Cook County Recorder of Deeds http://www.cookctyrecordencom/ ❑ Leases • Required when anyone other than the owner used the property. Pi Current Tax Bill for Each Parcel • Cook County Treasurer http://www3.cookcountytreasurer.com/info/faq/detail.wu?faq id=281&search=&page=1&total=3&topic=39& PHPSESSID=bc5c2f2eab5ccddb32d55531e06c10ae Original Photographs • Including the interior&exterior of all buildings. Attached to 8-1/2" x 11" sheets of paper (maximum 2 photos per page) 41 Plat of Survey YHand-Drawn Floor Plan • Showing use &approximate dimensions of each room in the building. C'2004 B.O.R.E. (L.G.) Property Tax Exemption Cook County Local Government Ownership Board of Review / Registered Mail Notification to Affected Municipalities, School Districts and Community College Districts • Copies of letters and U. S. Postal Service receipts. • Determine whom to send letters by contacting the Cook County Clerk. http://www.cookctyclerk.com/subireal_estate_taxes.asp • Required only if property's assessed value is more than $100,000. Cook County Assessor http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/startres.html ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE AND IN PROPER SEQUENCE MAIN OFFICE SUBURBAN BRANCH OFFICES Located in Circuit Court Buildings County Building,Room 601 Bridgeview Markham Office Maywood Rolling Meadows Skokie Office 118 N.Clark St. 1020C S.76th Avenue 16501 S.Kedzie Avenue 1500 Maybrook Drive 2121 Euclid Avenue 5600 Old Orchard Road Chicago,Illinois 60602 Room#237 Room 4237 Room 4082 Room#237 Room#155 312/603-5542 708/974-4116 708/210-4116 708/865-5509 847/818-2067 847-470-7522 ©2004 B.O.R.E. (L.G.) X a> .,: .0 w Dc cga N a) G w ' 0 U a0 ` i 5 3 ° " d a o V 5 0 .d, o e a o v a `3 01 Q 1 d ti 8 e w"" O W 0 1 0 d tm -1 0 0 of v m O — ,q 3 ^ 62 @ zy B D I r! q v ‘.1... E v ca Z Q O ',5 x . .W 0 0 - a , i a o' as no 0 d 0 ..1 ,'t d b d E ? O ; o ) a ° 00 X cc a o m 1: 1 ._ "34 111 w o CD W CO ' o vZ I O C 1 1 o O - '0 Q iro 0 � v ia z a - 4 ii ° a) ^. G w 1 2. 3 ° m a'0.b.O a0 m a 0 F a C) P'., .7 Z d m P. "' ci c5 e' 1ri m ti ao ai o '. Cl -4 F O ce N m - C. .� ° v o ami ami p' o b. 0 , d n 0 :I:Z < 0 G o a o ., . 3 _ 1 a 0 3 o a N 0 u Y - d 1 w m o o '3 F e 6 \I v � 5 ... S ZZ w 0 $J a, v d - a �ci, o d ' , O 0. ° Q O 0 0 `��� O 25 o k m m c. 0 Q c a U z W \- w 1...) V O a € G v S. • O m Q ° m, > A m P. v i o. o y E g U F t. G v m E v G ,,., v O Z O o o % y 2.� a o a W an U O 3 $ 11 ; C v v m a0 a� c v o fn '0 Z y 0 0, C a, o o y m E tl, C3 o ` o O 0- 0 U F C O 0 cu .1 . d m d Urn .x 3 �"") Q v 3 t. 1 v m la W 3 Q LL 41 F w G 4. o C r 3 no " ° N 3 o H W W - v 0 '.' v Psi m IS ;54 Q ~ -1 W v 2' y 9 y H • D. 0 v 1° m H v -2 A' a., m G G v. tt C1 2 @ a_ ct a Z < a a � L ° ° ° E: F. E .5 a te'- i - _ v N p, 0 E O I z t° '4- 4^i m . v v m ° L a z O . ° d a O v V a �+ 2 u 9/ al ' 0 0 o w O d U O Ia ° G G W - O J� O v O Q) T U o .0 � ° d 5 •a , a ` a J Q t L 4, ° 3 o h a PS 111 O W a X d .,., te ? W E 0 N v E. i vy G0 0 - al O U V v 0. O o w .o o a m a Y m O � o` r v 0. d 0 CU Cep^+ a,G o u)G -0 C � f G h d 2 5 0 0 O W W \J a'F a d ?V .G ' O O I ^1 a U d G y w N XI S d ; r ^ o O ai ° 2 � ° 5 am -) .ar jai �a fi U . • . 0 o c o a a_14.. d 'G v a U • O w ❑ R u o 3 W 0. c Gi. w G ° � 4 v m z r>i O v y r a z P, E O O,h O El 0 •"' c W t. E-. C .N v d a! C E b d o o e m U � U 0 N o O s m n ° Z 6 U Q n U C m U U Q .°.' x ce Village of c orton gr ove ve qr Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 September 25, 2013 Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Illinois Department of Revenue Office of Local Government Service Exemption Section 3-520 101 W. Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois 62702 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 AND 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 AFFIDAVIT OF USE State of Illinois ) SS County of Cook ) Teresa Hoffman Liston being duly disposed and sworn on oath and states as follows: 1. I am the Corporation Counsel for the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, and I have investigated the facts surrounding the above referenced application and am knowledgeable of the following information. 2. The Village of Morton Grove is seeking to exempt that property identified as PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000. This property has been identified by the Cook County Assessor as 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, Illinois and is legally described as follows: ALL THAT PARK OF THE SOUTH '/2 OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AM) ST.PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST %2 OF THE NORTHEAST %,OF SECTION 19, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERMAN, IN COOK COUNTY,ILLINOIS. 3. On or about May 30, 2013, the Village of Morton Grove acquired that property commonly known as 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois. Said property is Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 h Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 W Recycled Paper located M-2 manufacturing district and is approximately 2.4 acres. The property includes a forty-five (45) year old 15,600 square foot building which is currently vacant. 4. The Village of Morton Grove intends to either demolish the building or reuse it for an undetermined future public use. Further affiant sayeth not. gbh Teresa Ib,,f an Liston Corpor, io. Counsel Village o* orton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove, IL 60053 Subscribed and sworn before me this 41.111/4 day of C - & /3 otary Pula My Commission expires: I 31— VHAdmin\Legal\Real Estate\8300 Lehigh,Affidavit of Use OFFICIAL SEAL ROSA ZACFASKI NOTARY PUBLIC•STATE OF IMMOIS MY COMMISSKM EIONRESO141A5 GOVERNMENTAL EXEMPTION PETITION ;tate of Illinois 1 s.s county of Cook -O THE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT PROPERTY IDENTIFIED ON THE LATEST SEAL ESTATE TAX BILL BY PERMANENT REAL ESTATE INDEX NUMBER 1 0-20-300-020-0000 -OWNSHIP Niles 1 0-20-300-021 -0000 VOLUME (A) [E FULL S NOW ENTITLED TO (B) TI PARTIAL EXEMPTION (SEE NOTE A & B BELOW) FROM GENERAL REAL STATE TAXES: ACCORDING TO 35 ILCS 2001 5/35 THAT SAID PROPERTY IS OWNED AND ISED BY THE PETITIONER EXCLUSIVELY FOR ITS PUBLIC GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES: HAT SAID PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY THE PETITIONER IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: 1) BY DEED DATED 5/30/13 , RECORDED ON 8/02/2013 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 1321435027 , COPY OF DEED TO BE SUBMITTED 2) BY CONDEMNATION CASE NUMBER N/A FILED ON AND AWARD DEPOSITED ON . 3) OTHERWISE ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH'/OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AND ST. AND DESCRIBED AS — PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERICS DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST%OF THE NORTHEAST V.OF SECTIN 19,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 10-20-300-020-0000& 10-20-300-021-0000 ADDRESS: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 00 NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER OF REMAINDER PETITIONER Village of Mort Grove BY subscribed and sworn to before me IOH, iston H man ston his o2 C4 k day of SepizmA°^ AUTHORIZED AGENT .' / WRANT) / / 20 3 6101 Capulina,//^'0� pulin ADDRESS g, Morton Grove , IL 60053 co NOTARY PUBLIC s PHONE 847/965-4100 Y 2? sittE A. FULL TAKING Where all of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was taken for `c' o,;; public government purposes, attach hereto said legal description. (n8 N B. PARTIAL TAKING Where only a part of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was ci a c3 6 taken for public governmental purposes, the following must be attached to this petition; LT F E g 1. A Plot of Survey showing all dimensions and the location and ownership of any buildings thereon: 8 2. the legal descriptions of the part taken and the part remaining in private ownership. U 2 E %x. 5 C Illinois Department of Revenue PTAX-300 Application for Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption — County Board of Review Statement of Facts Complaint no.: Volume no.: IDOR docket number: County use only IDOR use only Step 1: Identify the property 1 Cook 5 Is the applicant on Line 4 the lessee of ❑ Yes ®- No County in which property is located the property? If"Yes",write the dates the lease is in effect. 2 Village of Morton Grove Property owner From / / to .J / 3 8300 Lehigh t Attach a copy of the contract or lease. Street address of property 6 10-20-300-020-0000/10-20-300-021«0000 Morton Grove 60053 Property index number(PIN) IL t Attach a copy of the property's legal description if the county City ZIP has not assigned a number or if the property is a division. 4 Village of Morton Grove 7 Dimensions or acreage of this property 2.4 • Name of organization applying for the exemption(i.e.,"applicant') 8 0 5/30 /20 1 3 Date of ownership t Attach a copy of proof of ownership(deed,contract for deed, title insurance policy,condemnation order and proof of payment,etc.) Step 2: Identify any previous exemptions or applications (Providing this information will expedite processing.) 9 Does the applicant have an Illinois sales tax exemption number? E I Yes ❑ No If"Yes",write the exemption number. E— 9 9 9 8 — 1 4 9 1 —0 6 10 Has a previous application been filed for this property or by this applicant? ❑ Yes El No If"Yes",write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number, if known. __-___-_ Step 3: Identify the property's use 11 Identify the Illinois Compiled Statutes citation for this application.35 ILCS 200/ 15/60D Or ILCS_/ 12 Is any income derived from this property? ❑ Yes ® No If"Yes", explain in detail. t If applicable,attach a copy of any contracts or leases. 13 Does a unit of local government own this property? Yes ❑ No If"Yes", is the property located within its corporate boundaries? Yes ❑ No 14 If granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more, has the municipality, school district,community college district, and fire protection district in which the property is located been notified that this application has been filed? ® Yes ❑ No '`Attach a copy of the notices and postal return receipts. 15 Describe the specific activities that take place on this property.Write the exact date each activity began and how frequently it takes place. Future public use. The exact date to be determined for each activity. 16 Did the activities described on Line 15 begin on the same date as the effective date of the lease on Line 5 or the N/A date of ownership on Line 8,whichever is applicable? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"No",explain in detail how the property was used between the lease or ownership date and the date these activities began. 17 Identify each building's use,square feet of ground area(SFGA), number of stories, and whether or not there is a basement. Use SFGA No.of stories Basement?(Y/N) Building 1 vacant 15, 600 1 D Yes ® No Building 2 ❑ Yes ❑ No Building 3 ❑ Yes ❑ No PTAX-300 front(R.12/09) Step 4: Attach documentation The following documents must be attached: • Proof of ownership(copy of the deed,contract for deed,title insurance policy,condemnation order and proof of payment, eta) • Picture of the property •Notarized affidavit of use •Copies of any contracts or leases on the property The documents listed on Lines 18 through 23 may be attached to expedite processing.Mark an"X"next to any documents that are attached. 18 Audited financial statements for the most recent year 21 Plot plan of each building's location on the property with each 19 Copy of the applicant's bylaws and complete certified building and land area labeled with property index numbers recorded copy of Articles of Incorporation, including purpose and specific uses clause and all amendments 22 Copy of any Illinois Department of Revenue Exemption 20 y Copy of the notices to the municipality,school district, Certificate community college district,and fire protection district in which 23_Other(list) the property is located and postal return receipts if granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more Step 5: Identify the person to contact regarding this application 24 Teresa Hoffman Liston 25 Village of Morton Grove Name of applicant's representative Owners name(if the applicant is not the owner) 6101 Capulina 6101 Capulina Mailing address Mailing address Morton Grove IL 60053 Morton Grove IL 60053 City State ZIP City State ZIP ( 847) 965 — 4100 ( 847) 96.5 — 4100 Phone number Phone number Step 6: Signature and notarization State of Illinois ) SS. County of Cook I. Teresa Hoffman Liston , Corporation Counsel,being duly sworn upon oath,say that I have read Na '- Position the for "-.... cation and 0. of the in;2:5 tion is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and •- - l OFFICIAL SEAL Affiant's sign.ture // CHRISTINE A KOLACZEWSKI Subbgd and sworn • before me this 1MfJday of De CP•+ 6•- 2p/-3 . NOTARY PUBLIC•STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION D PIRESA7/11/16 Notary Public County official use only.Do not write in this space Step 7: County board of review statement of facts 1 Current assessment $ For assessment year 2 2 Is this exemption application for a leasehold interest assessed to the applicant? ❑ Yes ❑ No If"Yes",write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number for the exempt fee interest to the owner, if known. 3 State all of the facts considered by the county board of review in recommending approval or denial of this exemption application. 4 County board of review recommendation _Full year exemption _ Partial year exemption from__/__/————to / /———Partial exemption for the following described portion of the property: _Deny exemption 5 Date of board's action / / Step 8: County board of review certification I certify this to be a correct statement of all facts arising in connection with proceedings on this exemption application. Mail to: OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES MC 3-520 Signature of clerk of county board of review ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 101 WEST JEFFERSON STREET SPRINGFIELD IL 62702 PTAX-300 back(R-12/09) COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,a Nebraska corporation,herein called the Company,for valuable consideration,commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A,in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in Schedule A,upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements;all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs,provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Issued By: 10ISAGO SILLE IT. 3100E COMPANY //!//� _ CH S. O, IL ST. 3100 �i CHICAGO, IL 60603 0 144,6 . Refer Inquiries To o,/;ppPDi4Tf o'-. Authorized Signatory (312)223-3005 °'• 1s{ !z v. Commitment No.: 1401 008933371 D2 Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members wad in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land-Rae Association. COMCVrus 3/11 MI. KB5 05/30/13 07:39:23 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A YOUR REFERENCE: MWB - 8300 LEHIGH AVE, MORTON GROVE IL ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 16, 2013 1. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: $1,150, 000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: TO COME 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS FEE SIMPLE,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: JOHN D. HINKAMP, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members ,, in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. IAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMA406 3/11 ML KIPS PAGEA1 05/30/13 07:39:24 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A(CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 4A. LOAN POLICY 1 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE • 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members s in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. LAND TITLE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A(CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERK'-S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members ,,m in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. LWO TITLE asocinom rrur m anunr vnc o..-.+ .. nc inn ne nann.nn • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MA T'I'ERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. Cr\k) 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. I . EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. . ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR 4 HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 6 IF EXTENDED COVERAGE OVER THE FIVE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS REQUESTED, WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING: A. A CURRENT ALTA/ACSM OR ILLINOIS LAND TITLE SURVEY CERTIFIED TO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; B. A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT; MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. NOTE: THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR THIS COVERAGE. 7. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY. THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. A 8. 1. TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2012 AND 2013 2013 TAXES ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2012 FINAL INSTALLMENT NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE PERM TAX# PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 10-20-300-020-0000 1 OF 2 2012 $4,791.54 PAID 10-20-300-021-0000 2 OF 2 2012 $23,281.67 PAID C "Be advised that the "Good Funds" section of the Title Insurance Act (215 ILCS 155/26) becomes effective 1-1-2010. This act places limitations upon the settlement agent's ability to accept certain types of deposits into escrow. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. »� -.,. ..nK ,,, .. KB5 PA C417 PI 05/30/13 07:39:24 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 Please contact your local Chicago Title Office regarding the application of this new law to your transaction." . E 9. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: TO SCHEDULE ANY CLOSINGS IN THE CHICAGO COMMERCIAL CENTER, PLEASE CALL (312)223-2707. TO FAX FIGURES FOR A RESIDENTIAL CLOSING IN THE CHICAGO COMMERCIAL CENTER PLEASE DIAL (312)223-5888 F c�. ULD BE FURNISHED A STATEMENT THAT THERE IS NO PROPERTY MANAGER EMPLOYED `4O MANAGE THE LAND, OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, A FINAL LIEN WAIVER FROM ANY SUCH '. PROPERTY MANAGER. - G 1. ISTING UNRECORDED LEASES AND ALL RIGHTS THEREUNDER OF THE LESSEES AND OF ANY C PERSON OR PARTY CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER THE LESSEES. - I FOR ALL ILLINOIS PROPERTY: FOR COMMITMENT ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2009, PURSUANT TO PUBLIC ACT 95-988, SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF IDENTIFICATION MUST BE PRESENTED FOR THE NOTARIZATION OF ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NOTARIZED BY AN ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC. UNTIL JULY 1, 2013, SATISFACTORY IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS ARE DOCUMENTS THAT ARE VALID AT THE TIME OF THE NOTARIAL ACT; ARE ISSUED BY A STATE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY; BEAR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S FACE; AND BEAR THE INDIVIDUAL'S SIGNATURE. J FOR COOK COUNTY PROPERTY: FOR COMMITMENT ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2009, IF ANY DOCUMENT OF CONVEYANCE FOR COOK COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY IS TO BE NOTARIZED BY AN ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC, PUBLIC ACT 95-988 REQUIRES THE COMPLETION OF A NOTARIAL RECORD FOR EACH GRANTOR WHOSE SIGNATURE IS NOTARIZED. THE NOTARIAL RECORD WILL INCLUDE THE THUMBPRINT OR FINGERPRINT OF THE GRANTOR. THE GRANTOR MUST PRESENT IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS THAT ARE VALID; ARE ISSUED BY STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY; BEAR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S FACE; AND BEAR THE INDIVIDUAL'S SIGNATURE. THE COMPANY WILL CHARGE $25.00 PER NOTARIAL RECORD. 12. - ICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR OTHER APPROVALS. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted unde?Aicense from the American Land Title Association. ;�aT.n LE CMB1CDEt 3/11 NEL KB5 PAGER 05/30/13 07:39:24 • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B(CONTINUED) I ORDER NO.: 1401 008933371 D2 i ¢}V, 13 . TERMS, POWERS, PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE TRUST UNDER WHICH TITLE TO 1 THE LAND IS HELD. ** END ** Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members s in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted underjicense from the American Land rile Association. ` CMn1C%R 3/11ML KRS PAC:PR 05/30/13 07:39:21 A uo o CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage,when used herein,shall include deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing,the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith(a)to comply with the requirements hereof,or(b)to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B,or(c)to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at<http://www.alta.org/>. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members ,° in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses am prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. COMCON06 3/11 ML KB5 _ 05/30/13 07:39:24 - a. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1031 EXCHANGE SERVICES If your transaction involves a tax deferred exchange, we offer this service through our 1031 division, IPX1031. As the nation's largest 1031 company, IPX1031 offers guidance and expertise. Security for Exchange funds includes segregated bank accounts and a 100 million dollar Fidelity Bond. Fidelity National Title Group also provides a 50 million dollar Performance Guaranty for each Exchange. For additional information or to set-up an Exchange, please call Scott Nathanson at (312) 223-2178 or Anna Barsky at (312) 223-2169. R73 s 11711FY 115 MCI M! Effective Date: May 1,2008 Fidelity National Financial,Inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial, Inc and its subsidiaries ("FNF') respect the privacy and security of your non-public personal information ("Personal Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNFs privacy practices, including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources,and to whom it may be disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and, depending on the business performed, FNF companies may share information as described herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you hum the following sources: • Information we receive from you on applications or other forms,such as your name,address,social security number,tax identification number, asset information and income information; • Information we receive from you through our Internet websites,such as your name,address,email address,Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites,and your activity while using or reviewing our websites; • Information about your transactions with or services performed by us, our affiliates, or others, such as information concerning your policy, premiums,payment history,information about your home or other real property,information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions,account balances,and credit card information;and • Information we receive from consumer or other r,.pirting agencies and publicly recorded documents. Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies)to various individuals and companies,as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include,without limitation,the following. • To insurance agents,brokers,representatives,support organizations,or others to provide you with services you have requested,and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity,fraud,material misrepresentation,or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions; • To third-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or providing you with services you have requested; • To an insurance regulatory authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority,in a civil action,in connection with a subpoena or a governmental investigation; • To companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements and/or • To lenders,lien holders,judgement creditors,or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined,settled,paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. We may also disclose your Personal Information to others when we believe,in good faith,that such disclosure is reasonably nereacary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers,employees,or property and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding,court order or legal process. Disclosure to Affiliated Companies-We are permitted by law to share your name,address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies,such as insurance companies,agents,and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, for marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do not,however,disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent,in conformity with applicable law,unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to Nonaffiliated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated third parties,except as outlined herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information We restrict access to Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical,electronic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Personal Information/ Requests for Correction,Amendment,or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law,we will afford you the right to access your Personal Information,under certain circumstances to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed,and request correction or deletion of your Personal Information. However,FNFs current policy is to maintain customers'Personal Information for no less than your state's required record retention requirements for the purpose of handling future coverage claims. For your protection,all requests made under this section must be in writing and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Where permitted by law,we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to: Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,FL 32204 Changes to this Privacy Statement This Privacy Statement maybe amended from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement,we will post a notice of such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement,as stated above,indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revised or materially changed. PRIVACY s/08 ML ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF POLICY NUMBER: 1401-008933371-D2 ISSUED BY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This Endorsement is shown for Pro-Forma purposes only, and will be considered for issuance upon our receipt, review and acceptance of the following documents: A COMPLETED ALTA STATEMENT AT THE TIME OF CLOSING. PROFORMA POLICY MODIFICATION ENDORSEMENT 4 GENERAL EXCEPTION NUMBER(S) 1 THROUGH 5 OF SCHEDULE B OF THIS POLICY ARE HEREBY DELETED. THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY AND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, NOR DOES IT INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. ENDIPG 9-11 win IL-FSWM-TEA-72—METRO-14 01-0 08 9 33 371 IO35 `� Thi Oxument Prepared II I IIII I II I I4 IO27D 111111 pared By: . 1 114 ' Doc#: 1321435027 Fee: $46.00 EN Keith J.Wenk. Esq. RHSP Fee:$9.00 RPRF Fee:$1.00 M Mason,Wenk&Berman, L.L.C. Affidavit Fee: $2.00 1033 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 250 Karen A.Yaricrough �r Northbrook, Illinois 60062 ^t A Cook County Recorder of Deeds After Recording Return To: Date: 08/02/2013 09:e8 AM Pg: 1 of 5 CO Teresa Hoffman Liston, Esq. 6101 Capulina Ave. -.\----- Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 PACE ABOVE THIS LINE RESERVED FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY `- TRUSTEE'S DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that JOHN D.HINKAMP,AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST (hereinafter the"Grantor), having an address of 8300 Lehigh Road, Morton Grove, IL 60053,for the sum of ci Ten and No/100 Dollars($10.00)and other valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,hereby GRANTS,BARGAINS AND SELLS to THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, a municipal corporation(the"Grantee"),having an address of 6101 Capulina Avenue,Morton Grove, Illinois 60053,and its successors and assigns forever,the land situated in the County of Cook,State of Illinois legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the Property"). Common Address: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances belonging thereto or in anywise appertaining,and the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the Property, with the hereditaments and appurtenances,unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, for itself and its successors, represents and warrants that the Property has not been alienated or encumbered by Grantor in any way whatsoever,EXCEPT FOR AND SUBJECT TO those matters described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof(the"Permitted Exceptions");and that Grantor WILL WARRANT AND DEFEND the Property against all persons lawfully claiming,or to claim the same,by, through or under Grantor, subject to the Permitted Exceptions. S\ S ��t/ - SC• EXEMPT-PURSUANT TO CTLON 1-11-5 VILLAGE OF MORTON GRO - -EAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP / ry i EXEMPTION H(Q 0810 DATE? "?-�I (3 �I�� ADDRESS ° 300 Lehi F 17 , 010 IF D'IFF; NIFH• •EED) �� het BY - etvi - - YESVZN I t901"09I.OSOEtOZ 1 0000-OZO-00E-OZ-0 I 1\ 00.0$ :1)/10.1. 00.05 :SIONI11I 1 ' _.' e. 00.0$ M003 �• -`x Av `-t EI.OZ/9Z/90 H34SNVaJ.31V1S31V3H AA IN WITNESS WHEREOF,John D.Hinkamp,as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 12, 1975 and known as The Joseph A.Hinkamp Trust,has caused this Trustee's Deed to be executed as of this 30th day of May,2013. JOHN D. HINKAMP,AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST By: 0 _ Jon . HinKamp,Trustee Mail Future Tax Bills To: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove,IL 60053 STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. COUNTY OF COOK I,the undersigned,a Notary Public in said County in the State aforesaid,DO HEREBY CERTIFY that John D. Hinkamp, Trustee of The Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust,and personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that as such s/he signed and delivered the said instrument as her/his free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this 'Cl day of May, 2013. lr. l %1 Notary Pup i M commission expiree [seal] KEN J OINK NOTARY FUSUC-STMOFIWNONI MYCOMMISSIOII T 2 Exhibit Legal Description ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH'/2 OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERICS DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST't4 OF THE NORTHEAST% SECTIN 19,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 10-20-300-020-0000& 10-20-300-021-0000 ADDRESS: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 3 Exhibit B permitted Exceptions TAXES FOR THE YEARS 2012 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS,WHICH ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD BUILDING LINES AND EASEMENTS APPLICABLE ZONING AND BUILDING LAWS, ORDINACES AND RESTRICTIONS ACTS SUFFERED OR DONE BY THE GRANTEE 4 STAIEMENT BY GRANTOR AND GRANTEE The grantor or his agent affirms that, to the best of his knowledge, the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person. an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois. Dated '/A, '1 9 Signature: /� �� Grantor Af�' eeM r v Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said this 1-1-8 day of D SER_� Notary Public The grantee or his agent affirms and verifies that the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person, an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquirand hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois. Dated 2/5 , C Signature: a Grantee or Agent Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said oFF.oit� - -� (ynl, \'SHONE this " )day of it a - t 23 ti . Notary Public NOTE: Any person who knowingly submits a false statement concerning the identity of a grantee shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor for the fast offense and of a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses. [Attach to deed or AM to be recorded in Cook County, Illinois, if exempt under provisions of Section 4 of the Illinois Real Estate Transfer Tax Act] SGRTOREE NOV-06-2013 14:33 MASON WENK a BERMAN 1 847 656 6010 P.03 TO-TAL P/.A1 MEN L DUI 2012 Second Installment Property Tax Bill , $6,630 a 19 Property Index Number(PIN) Volume Cede Tar Year (Payable In) Teeeshlp CIaalNoatlen VV V 10-20-300-021-0000 118 24017 2012 (2013) NILES 5-93 I By 00/01!13(on time IF PAYING LATE 08/02/13-09/01/13 09/02/13-10/01/13 10/02/13-11/01 /13 LATE PENALTY IS 1.5% PER PLEASE PAY 56,729.64 $6,829.09 56,928.54 MONTH, BY STATE LAW TAXING DISTRICT BREAKDOWN Taxing District 2012 Tax 2012 Rate 2012 % Pension 2011 Tax MISCELLANEOUS TAXES North Shore Mosquito Abatement 29. 45 0. 010 0. 10% 46.36 Metro Water Reclamation District 1 , 089. 63 0. 370 3. 64% 61. 84 1,483.48 Morton Grove Park District 1 , 124. 97 0. 382 3. 76% 170. 80 1,692. 10 Miscellaneous Taxes Total 2, 244, 05 0. 762 7. 50% 3,221. 94 SCHOOL TAXES Oakton Community College Dist 535 844. 94 0. 219 2. 16% 908. 63 Community High School District 219 9, 588.76 3. 256 32. 08% 123.68 13,482. 62 School District 70 10, 805.02 3. 669 36. 12% 329. 83 15, 117. 64 School T a x e s T o t a l 21 , 038. 72 7. 144 70. 34% 29, 488. 89 MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP TAXES Morton Grove Library Fund 1, 110.25 0. 377 3. 71% 1, 617. 93 Village of Morton Grove 3, 828. 18 1. 232 12. 13% 1, 280. 43 5,260,28 Road & Bridge Niles 0.00 0. 000 0.00% 0. 00 General Assistance Niles 17. 87 0. 008 0. 06% 23. 16 Town Niles 123. 69 0. 042 0. 41% 171. 53 Municipality/Township Taxes Total 4, 879.79 1. 657 16.31% 7,092. 92 COOK COUNTY TAXES Cook County Forest Preserve District 185. 53 0. 063 0.62% 5.88 268.88 Consolidated Elections 0. 00 0. 000 0. o0% County of Cook 115. 90 Cook County Public Safety 533. 04 0. 28 . 78% 318. 05 1,746. 38 yy 533. 04 0, 181 1 1. 78% 748. 38 Cook County Health Facilities 185. 53 0. 063 0, 62% 361. 80 Cook County Taxes Total 1, 749. 30 0. 594 5. 85% 2, 526, 56 (Do not pay these totals) 29,911. 86 10. 157 100. 00% 42,330.31 TAX CALCIll AICR IMPORTANT MESSAGES 2011 Assessed Value 166.059 2012 Total Tax Before Exemptions -Thank you for your first Installment payment of: $23,281.67 On 02-27-13 29,911.86 Homeoeear's Exemption .00 Senior Citizen Exemption .00 2012 Assessed Value 104,967 Senior Assessment Freeze Exemption 2012 Stare Equalization Factor X 2.6056 .00 2012 Equalized Assessed Value(EAV) 294.495 2012 Total Tax After Exemptions 2012 Local Tex Rate X 10. 157% 29,911.88 2012 Total Tax Before Exemptions First Installment 23,tat 67 29,911.86 Second lnataliment + 6,630.19 PROPERTT LOCATION Toia12012 Tax(Payable In 2013) MAILING ADDRESS 29,911.86 .1 HINKAMP 8300 LEHI OH RD P 0 BOX 909 6O67ON GROVE IL 60053 261$ MORTON GROVE IL 60053-0909 TOTAL P.03 :: Cook County Treasurer's Office-Chicago,Illinois :: Page I of 1 Cook County Property Tax and Payment Information Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bill. Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. Property Index Number(PIN): 10-20-300-021-0000 2012 Tax Year Information-Payable in 2013 Tax Year 2012 Tax Type:Current Tax Volume: 118 Classification: 5-93 Property Location 8300 LEHIGH RD MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2616 To update contact the Cook County Assessor's Office at 312.443 7550. Mailing Information J HINKAMP P 0 BOX 909 MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-0909 To update your mailing information click here. Exemption Information Homeowner Exemption Received: NO Senior Citizen Exemption Received: NO Senior Freeze Exemption Received: NO If you are entitled to an exemption you did not receive,click here. To check if you received exemptions on previous tax years.dick here. Tax Billing Information Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date 1st $23,281.67 03/01/2013 2nd $6,630.19 08/01/2013 Tax Payment Information The balance due,including any penally,is as of Wednesday,November 06,2013. Payments processed are posted through Tuesday,November 05,2013. Installment Total Amount Tax Amount Penalty Amount Last Payment Received Dale Received 1st $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,281.67 02/27/2013 2nd $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,630.19 07/13/2013 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 ;ti Print 1 Return to PIN Summary The Cook County Clerk's office can help you with redemption and delinquent inquiries on prior years taxes.You may reach the Clerk at: Main Number 312.603.5656 You may find frequently asked questions and additional information at the Clerk's Office's website:hop://www.cookceuntvderk.com http://www.cookcountyreasurer.com/paymentresults.aspx?paymenttype=current 11/6/2013 NOV-06-2013 14 33 MASON WENK & BERMAN 1 84? 656 6010 P.02 TOTAL PAYMENT DUE 2012 Second Installment Property Tax Bill $4,360.93 Property Index Number(PIN) Volume Code Tax Year (Payable In) Township Classllln[l4n 10-20.300-020-0000 118 24017 2012 (2013) NILES 1 -00 ity u6Aljf13 fon tlm6) IF PAYING LATE 08/02/13-09/01/13 09/02/13-10/01/13 10/02113-11/01/13 LATEPENALTYIS1.5% PER PLEASE PAY $4,426.34 $4,491 .75 $4,557.16 MONTH, BY STATE LAW TAXING DISTRICT BREAKDOWN Taxing District 2012 Tax 2012 Rate 2012 % Pension 2011 Tax MISCELLANEOUS TAXES North Shore Mosquito Abatement 9.01 0. 010 0. 10% 9. 54 Metro Water Reclamation District 333.41 0. 370 3. 64% 18. 92 305. 31 Morton Grove Park District 344.22 0. 382 3.76% 52.26 348. 25 Miscellaneous Taxes Total 686. 64 0. 782 7. 50% 663. 10 SCHOOL TAXES Oakton Community College Dist 535 197. 34 0. 219 2. 18% 187. 00 Community High School District 219 2, 993. 98 3. 258 32. 08% 37. 84 2,770. 71 School District 70 3, 308. 14 3. 889 36. 12% 100. 92 3, 111. 32 School Taxes Total 8, 437.46 7. 144 70.34% 6,069. 03 MUNICIPALtTY/rOWNSHIP TAXES Morton Grove Library Fund 339.71 0. 377 3, 71% 392. 98 Village of Morton Grove 1, 110. 18 1. 232 12. 13% 365. 67 1,086. 72 Road & Bridge Niles 0.00 0- 000 0. 00% 0. 00 General Assistance Niles 5. 41 0. 006 0. 06% 4. 77 Town Niles 37. 85 0. 042 0.41% 35. 30 Municipality/Township Taxes Total 1, 493. 13 1. 857 16.31% 1,459. 77 COOK COUNTY TAXES Cook County Forest Preserve District 56.77 0. 063 0. 82% 1. 80 55. 34 Consolidated Elections 0.00 0. 000 0. 00% 23. 05 County of Cook 258. 80 0. 287 2. 63% 97. 31 212. 77 Cook County Public Safety 163. 10 0. 181 1.7a% 153. 81 Cook County Health Facilities 56.77 0- 063 0. 62% 74. 42 Cook County Taxes Total 535.24 0. 594 5. 85% 519. 99 (Do not pay these totals) 9, 152.47 10. 157 100.00% 8,711. 89 TAX C/ LCUL..IOR IMPORTANT MESSAGES 2011 Assessed Value 32,118 2012 Total Tex Before Exemptions -Thank you for your First Installment payment of: 54,79154 on 0E-27-13 9,152.47 Homeowner's Exemption .00 Senior Citizen Exemption .00 2012 Assessed Value 32,118 Senior Assessment Freeze Exemption 2012 Slate Equalization Factor X 2.8056 .00 2012 Equalized Assessed Value(EAV) 90,110 2812 Tetal Tax After Exemptions 2012 Local Tax Pate X 10.157X 9.152.47 First Imams: 4,791.54 2012 Total Tex Before Exemptions 9.152.47 Second lnsianment + 4,360.93 PROPERTY LOCATION Toni 2012 Tax(Payable In 2013) MAILING ADDRESS 9,162,47 J HINKMR 8300 LEHIGH RD P 0 BOX 900 MORTCN GROVE IL 60053 2e16 MORTON GROVE IL 60053-0909 :: Cook County Treasurer's Office-Chicago,Illinois :: Page 1 of 1 Cook County Property Tax and Payment Information Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bill. Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. Property Index Number(PIN): 10-20-300-020 4000 2012 Tax Year Information-Payable in 2013 Tax Year 2012 Tax Type:Current Tax Volume: 118 Classification: 1-00 Property Location 8300 LEHIGH RD MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2616 To update contact the Cook County Assessors Office at 312.443.7550. Mailing Information J HINKAMP P 0 BOX 909 MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-0909 To update your mating information dick here. Exemption Information Homeowner Exemption Received: NO Senior Citizen Exemption Received: NO Senior Freeze Exemption Received: NO If you are entitled to an exemption you did not receive,dick here. To check if you received exemptions on previous tax years,dick here. Tax Billing Information Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date 1st $4,791.54 03/01/2013 2nd $4,360.93 08/01/2013 Tax Payment Information The balance due,including any penalty,is as of Wednesday,November 06,2013. Payments processed are posted through Tuesday,November 05,2013. Installment Total Amount Tax Amount Penalty Amount Last Payment Received Date Received 1st $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,791.54 02/27/2013 2nd $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,360.93 07/13/2013 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 4 Print o Return to PIN Summary The Cook County Clerk's office can help you with redemption and delinquent inquiries on prior years taxes.You may reach the Clerk at: Main Number.312.603.5656 You may find frequently asked questions and additional information at the Clerk's Office's website:hltvj/www.cookcountyderkcom http://www.cookcount}measurer.com/paymentresults.aspx?paymenttype=current 11/6/2013 5. Z4 rn • n ..... • • • FRj _iv.4 3vS, xi { F • • } y 1\ 'R I rr '.1 r • • _7 11 7: m i:!,v N° I 4' .3 i.:_. • .',•j^}'•' ..,;1:••:".;]:•:.:;;. tr,- ri.11 :.is : % .:: • • .l x, .: " n :' '114. :'k: A':v _ - r l y. 1 .4: I :. .:.?Na 1 7 a 1 4 1 • y y1 • 9 - Yom: � TR'.n ac�.Ns lr� . "x; +� a 4. iT 1 R )/.. W.. .y .. 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VillVillage of oViorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Jason Ness Niles West High School 5701 Oakton Street Skokie, IL 60077 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Ness: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. eerely, / Teresa Hof e• an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/Legal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 r Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 tr Recycled Paper 'err Village of Morton grove ;o / ` `S .7 Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Ryan McTague Niles North High School 9800 Lawler Skokie, IL 60077 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. McTague: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. Sincerely j____ Teresa H f an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/Legal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 itta Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Tm Recycled Paper ale . � err ,r Village of c�Vlorton grove si or Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Nanciann Gatta, Superintendent Niles Township District 219 7700 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL 60077 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Gatta: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. cerely, if ie -7), Teresa Ho re an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/LegaVReal Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 Sea Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Tele Recycled Paper te 4iiik Ifti Village of Morton rove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Ivy Sukenik, Principal Parkview School 6200 Lake Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10.20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Sukenik: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions,please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. cerely, r Ori--- Teresa o fu an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/Legal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 et Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 NSW Recycled Paper t II, Village of e%lorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 July 8, 2013 Dr. Phil Collins, Superintendent School District 70 6200 Lakes Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 Re: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-301-021-0000 Commonly known as: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Dr. Collins: Please be advised the Village of Morton Grove filed the attached petition to exempt the above referenced property. If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. `cerely, • a? ,Al Teresa • .' an Liston Corporati•n Counsel THL/mk attachments VHAdmin/Legal/Rcal Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053-2985 anik Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Itecvcied Paper "__ Page l of 1 : Cook County Assessor's Office '` Joseph Berrios 8300 Lehigh Rd PIN 10-20-300-021-0000 Property Appeals Exemptions Certificate Of Error Property Details City Morton Grove (//('�1..[gyp{ P Township �,' Y■;t � C V r, Niles NBHD. l View Ima F e 31 Image Taxcode 24017 Class 5-93 as VIEW LARGER IMAGE Assessed Valuation 2012 2011 Board Certified Board of Review Assessment Certified Land Assessed Value 57,621 57,621 Building Assessed Value 47,346 98,438 Total Assessed Value 104,967 156,059 Property Characteristics Description Industrial Age: 45 Land Square Footage 36,878 Note Partial Assessment http://www.cookeountyassessor.com/Property Search/Property Details.asnx?Pin=10201000210000 uanm 1 Loox Lounty Assessors ultice Page 1 of 1 Cook County Assessor's Office Joseph Berrios 8300 Lehigh Rd PIN 10-20-300-020-0000 Property Appeals Exemptions Certificate Of Error Property Details City Morton Grove Township ;/ f L ■ ■ i V to, Niles NBHD. � 31 View iVw Image Taxcode 24017 Class 1-00 0. VIEW LARGER IMAGE Assessed Valuation 2012 2011 Board Certified Board of Review Assessment Certified Land Assessed Value 32,118 32,118 Total Assessed Value 32,118 32,118 Property Characteristics Description Vacant Land Land Square Footage 67,617 http:/iwww.cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Details.aspx?Pin=10203000200000 6/4/2013 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SE. U.S. Postal Servicer, ' CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Ale is c S Restricted Delivery item 4 1f ry (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) • Print your name and address of 'n For delivery information.visit our website at www.usps.coms 1.so that we can return the card f ru r 9i= F • Attach this card to the back of 1 u £ „ (a. z %- TT-- or on the front if space permits. N Postage s — 1-9 1. Article Addressed to: rl Certified Fee r t Postmark Return Receipt Fee o (Endorsement Required) Here Dr.Jason Ness 0 ResMCtee Delivery Fee — (Endorsement Required)Niles West High Scho °m 5701 Oakton Street t` Total Postage&Fees _ N Skokie, IL 60077 Sent To 0 Dr. Jason Ness 'a StreetApt.No. Niles West High School - ci or PO Box No. r` cry.Slate.ZIP- 5701 Oakton Street 2. Article Number Skokie,IL 60077 (Transfer Then service label) Form 3800. - PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595.0214-i540 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS S T'^^' U.S. Postal Service- - -- , • Complete items 1,2,and 3 A MAIL- RECEIP 1tem4if Restricted Delivery is CERTIFIED NofnsuranceCoveragePmvfded) ■ Print yorrr name and address c ru (Domestic Mail Only; so tltat we can return the card ui ■ At tacft iflls Gerd te the back Of in For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coms or on the front it space permits ru 1. Article Addressed to: r- age ra Certified Fee Postmark Here Dr.Ryan McTague o Return Receipt Fee Y (Endorsement Required) Niles North High Scho o Endo ceR qu ) - 9800 Lawler o c0 r- postage&Fee Skokie, IL 60077 r Dr. Ryan McTague r" Sent To Niles North High School rR nreel. i-rw.. 9800 Lawler 2. Article Number Cl or PO Box No. (rrm sferl om service rat e0 N cy.n "s re za a Skokie, Reversetorinstructions PS Form 3811,February 2004 PS.Form 3800.August 2006 See 102595-02-M-1640 • U.S. Postal Service , SENDER: COMPL -T. THIS SEC CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT I • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Alec r (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is de ._o • print your name and address on tr1 For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coms so that we can retum the card tc ru i1 i l ca • Attach this rd to the back of if trf or on the front if space permits. r- a Postage $ 1. Miele Addressed to: '-1 Certified Fee 1-R Postmark 0 Return Receipt Fee Here Dettanciann Gatta, a (Endorsement Required) SSuperintendent im Restricted Delivery Fee up (Endorsement Required) Niles Township Distric °2 r. Nanciann Gatta, 77 Gross Point Road Total Postage i Superintendent Skokie, IL 60077 Q• Sent To Niles Township District 219 rR Street,Apt.No.; 77 Gross Point Road N or yOBOONO. Skokie IL 60077 Orly state.ZIP+O 2. Article Number- (Transfer from service labSi t PS Form 3800.August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt ' 102596-02-14-154 U.S.Postal Services, ` SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SEC CERTIFIED MAIL-., RECEIPT I m (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance.Coverage Provided) • Complete[tams 1,2,and 3.Alsc m item 4 if Restricted peavey b3 dt .t For delivery information visit our website at www.usps come nU 4 F - so that we can return the card t ut _ x_ • Attach this card to the back of t a Postage $ -or on the frond If space permits. r Certified Fee 1. Article Addressed to: o Return Receipt Fee Postmark o (Endorsement Required) Here Dr. Phil Collins, Supe Restricted Delivery reel) - (`cntlorsement Requi o School District 70 IT Total Post — 6200 Lake Street nu Dr. Phil Collins, Superintendent Sent To Morton Grove, IL 6010 School District 70 e a or O'9on 6200 Lake Street — Cay;Sate,2 Morton Grove, IL 60053 — 2. Article Number . - . _ (Pollster from service •• - Domestic Return Receipt 10259&02M-1540 PS Form 3811,February 2004 —i. 1 SENDER ,,OmiPLEra 'His SE. U.S. Postal Service- MAIL RECEIPT CERTIFIED a Provided) 1,2,and 3.Alst No Insurance Coverage ▪ Complete items and Y is di ,_p (Domestic Mai De s.com; _ information visit our website at www. p item 4 if r address on rr For delivery.I «. g • so a Can return g . • Attach this card to the bad ti _ or on the front if spaco Permds• r Postage rl 1 Article Addressed to: 1-1 certified Fee IS Postmark Here Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Dr. Ivy Sukenik, Princ o E a`Oae�m DeAgenz — - Parkview School m _ _ T Total Posag° enik,principal 6200 Lake Street N Dr,Ivy Suk Morton Grove, IL 600_ o sent To parkview School A or PO n6i-o. 6200 Lak 0 or PO Box No Lake Street 60053 r Giry.Siafe,ZIP Grove,IL Morton 2. ANde Number service label) — - ..- 102 2#1540 (Transfer limn PS Form 3811,February 2004 c Mum Receipt e § } % = r ! $ 0 3 I' .r o o ! • _ ~ - - \II u1 l . . rte / j ƒ a 3 - / ; / } \ \ IttI /\ / § t . t § f - ` 6 / ) / ' k = ? ! - :- » � 1 / - `ƒ - 6 E § ! /) /! \ s o & ! / / ! \ \ 9L52 SLIT ¶000 0WL2 OTOL -0 | § ' w • • n!3 a �!a ; � CD/ o m c � | t a lK 'fl) aa! a E 2 y E |\ 22 | K- \ } \ � 0a<a. ' • _ &« /( q -co ni - - /1 0,.'".0 o a 1 ■ o ! | $ % m i ! 0 , 0 .- \0 k ° - _ w — , ! Li @ f ! ^ ! • .• % � 0 !i ) 1 « f ❑00 , P- o co | ! _ \ r ! f ! , ` ` B li : \ \Zkt 6000 § : a x . 4 . ei , _ E • ( \ y / a § 015 02 '0 z • ` ci ° ■ . � . @ cc\ ! -c _ j a ! ci v E 7 \ \ ®!!ka/ o � � / ! ! / \ kac ° °2 7 \\ j \ ! § _§ } ! `!_! ! \ } @ \ \ / ° k� k 62@2 $ f } \ : • . ° w § ( �• ! CD 0 Cn 03 P M Kn ® _ / som - a § ; CO Z. G2 ) \�& % ; \ 0 %/ ) f { )/ j/ / - _ t- , § c - 2 a 0 ( ƒ \ \ / N a -= a 't CD Co X r \/ \ (E ii -65 1 } \r C) a xal � ! 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If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at 847-663-3003. cerely, •il Teresa Hoff, an Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk attachments VFiAdminiLeeal/Real Estate/8300 Lehigh Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 an� Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Recta ed Paper GOVERNMENTAL EXEMPTION PETITION state of Illinois :ounty of Cook ss -O THE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT PROPERTY IDENTIFIED ON THE LATEST SEAL ESTATE TAX BILL BY PERMANENT REAL ESTATE INDEX NUMBER 1 0-20-300-020-0000 -OWNSHIP Niles 1 0-20-300-021 -0000 VOLUME (A) N FULL S NOW ENTITLED TO (B) PARTIAL EXEMPTION (SEE NOTE A & B BELOW) FROM GENERAL REAL :STATE TAXES: ACCORDING TO 35 ILCS 2001 5/35 THAT SAID PROPERTY IS OWNED AND tSED BY THE PETITIONER EXCLUSIVELY FOR ITS PUBLIC GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES: 'HAT SAID PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY THE PETITIONER IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: 1) BY DEED DATED 5/30/13 8/02/2013 RECORDED ON AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 1321435027 , COPY OF DEED TO BE SUBMITTED 2) BY CONDEMNATION CASE NUMBER N./A FILED ON AND AWARD DEPOSITED ON • 3) OTHERWISE ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH'%OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AND ST. AND DESCRIBED AS _ PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERICS DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST%OF THE NORTHEAST%OF SECTIN 19,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 10-20-300-020-0000& 10-20-300-021-0000 ADDRESS: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER OF REMAINDER Subscribed and sworn to before me PETITIONER Village of Morton Grove BY es H Ri his .2 6-4 day of Sepfrmh.- AUTHORIZED AGENT f. man iston 20 3 (AFFIAM) ADDRESS 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove , IL 60053 y NOTARY J PHONE 847/965-4100 Yi svy� E A. FULL TAKING Where all of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was taken for w public government purposes, attach hereto said legal description. a A t a B. PARTIAL TAKING Where only a part of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was o a 6§2 taken for public governmental purposes, the following must be attached to this petition; Omg F m 1. A Plot of Survey showing all dimensions and the location and ownership of any buildings thereon: 8 2. the legal descriptions of the part taken and the part remaining in private ownership. um %x. 5 z � III III I I1S2 I I I 0 1 1.0 1 1 0 3502D�. Thi Document Pr epared By: , Doc#: 1321435027 Fee; $46.00 I•V Keith J.Wenk. Esq. RHSP Fee:$9.00 RPRF Fee: $1.00 CD\ Mason, Wenk&Berman, L.L.C. Affidavit Fee: $2.00 \ 1033 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 250 Karen A.Yarbrough Northbrook, Illinois 60062 (fir � Cook County Recorder of Deeds �, After Recording Return To: Date: 08/02/2013 09:58 AM Pg: 1 of 5 GO Teresa Hoffman Liston, Esq. 6101 Capulina Ave. ."\----.... Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 PACE ABOVE THIS LINE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY en TRUSTEE'S DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that JOHN D.HINKAMP,AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST I (hereinafter the"Grantor), having an address of 8300 Lehigh Road,Morton Grove, IL 60053,for the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars($10.00)and other valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,hereby GRANTS,BARGAINS AND SELLS to THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, a municipal corporation(the"Grantee"),having an address of 6101 Capulina Avenue,Morton Grove,Illinois 60053,and its successors and assigns forever,the land situated in the County of Cook,State of Illinois legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the"Property"). Common Address: 8300 Lehigh Avenue,Morton Grove, Illinois TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property, together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances belonging thereto or in anywise appertaining,and the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the Property, with the hereditaments and appurtenances,unto the said Grantee,its successors and assigns forever. Grantor, for itself and its successors, represents and warrants that the Property has not been alienated or encumbered by Grantor in any way whatsoever,EXCEPT FOR AND SUBJECT TO those matters described on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof(the"Permitted Exceptions");and that Grantor WILL WARRANT AND DEFEND the Property against all persons lawfully claiming,or to claim the same,by, through or under Grantor,subject to the Permitted Exceptions. S P St SC. EXEMPT-PURSUANT TO CTION 1-11-5 ,A/ �r VILLAGE OF MORTON GRO • •EAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP ,V EXEMPTION�}`1(Q 0810 ' DATE ?Cj-f3 ADDRESS o�' )-eht 1E7 alDIFO}FFe-aT=ac •EED. --- - - _ - - / BY J S_j z , la k7 - - - - - - - - - -- - -. trES VZN 1 750109 L0902 OZ 1 0000-020-00E-OZ-O t \ 1 00.0$ :11/101 �,, 00.0$ M003' ,a-•`i 000$ kw :SIONIIII 0 1."4 +w} ELOZ/92790 N3JSNV21L 31V1S3 1V3 t IN WITNESS WHEREOF,John D.Hinkamp,as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 12, 1975 and known as The Joseph A.Hinkamp Trust,has caused this Trustee's Deed to be executed as of this 30th day of May,2013. JOHN D. HINKAMP, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST By: Jon . Hin amp, Trustee Mail Future Tax Bills To: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 STATE OF ILLINOIS SS. COUNTY OF COOK I,the undersigned,a Notary Public in said County in the State aforesaid,DO HEREBY CERTIFY that John D. Hinkamp, Trustee of The Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust, and personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that as such s/he signed and delivered the said instrument as her/his free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this day of May, 2013. J �/ ll , , Notary Public` Mt commission expires:. . [seal] , NDTARYPUSUC. • Q__ If1CGAtnS91 , 2 Exhibit A Legal Description ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH%OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE,AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD IN CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST%OF THE NORTHEAST¼OF SECTIN 19,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13,EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS P.I.N.: 10-20-300-020-0000& 10-20-300-021-0000 ADDRESS: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 • 3 Exhibit B Permitted Exceptions TAXES FOR THE YEARS 2012 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS,WHICH ARE NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD BUILDING LINES AND EASEMENTS APPLICABLE ZONING AND BUILDING LAWS, ORDINACES AND RESTRICTIONS ACTS SUFFERED OR DONE BY THE GRANTEE 4 STATEMENT BY GRANTOR AND GRANTEE The grantor or his agent affirms that, to the best of his knowledge, the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person. an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois, or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois. Dated £"L '2 I3 Signature: .! - ' 7 1 Grantor :"Age' Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said this 28 day of .v 0 • r V . Notary Public The grantee or his agent affirms and verifies that the name of the grantee shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person. an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois. or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois. ' )Dated h LSD 12 Signature: .--- �� i Grantee or Agent Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said o,Fict. $ KISHONA this '2- day of __ _13r,: Notary Public NOTE: Any person who knowingly submits a false statement concerning the identity of a grantee shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor for the first offense and of a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses. [Attach to deed or ABI to be recorded in Cook County, Illinois, if exempt under provisions of Section 4 of the Illinois Real Estate Transfer Tax Act.] SORTOREE eltrif,r Village of&Morton grove • Office of the Village Administrator MEMORANDUM TO: Village President and Board of Trustees Ryan J. Home,Village Administrator FROM: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Couns& CC: Remy Navarrete,Finance Director Andy DeMonte,Director, Public Works DATE: June 3,2013 RE: Purchase of 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois PIN#: 10-20-300-020-0000 and 10-20-300-021-0000 On May 30, 2013, the Village closed on the purchase of 8300 Lehigh Avenue from the Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust. The purchase price for this property was $1,150,000.00. The Village also incurred the following additional charges: • • Escrow fee $ 450.00 • NY Closing Fee $ 150.00 • Policy Update Fee $ 100.00 • Closing Protection Letter S 25.00 • Cost to record deed S 70.00 • Wire transfer fee $ 35.00 • Total Costs including purchase price $ 105,830.00 At the closing, the Village received the following credits in the form of a reduction against the purchase price: • Earnest money previously paid $ 100,000.00 • Exempt stamp (Seller's expense advanced by Village) S 25.00 • Tree removal credit $ 5,000.00 • Real estate tax pro rations for 2012' $ 0 • Real estate tax pro rations for 2013' $ 0 • Total Credits $ 105,025.00 ' The parties also entered into a reproration agreement whereby the Seller's attorney escrowed the sum of 537.608.44 which represents approximately 125%of the projected taxes for the balance of the 2012 taxes and the 2013 taxes through the date of closing. The Seller's attorney will pay these taxes when due. If requested,the Village will cooperate and assist the Seller in applying for a tax reduction or tax appeal of the property taxes due for any period prior to the closing. Since the Village expects to have the property exempt from real estate taxes after the closing, it is anticipated Seller will pay 100%of taxes billed for 2013. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053-2985 a Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 istsr Therefore, the total amount owed by the Village at closing was $1,045,805.00 (Purchase price - $1,150,000.00 plus additional charges—$830.00 less credits $105,025.00). The legal work for this closing was performed by me as part of my normal duties; therefore,no additional legal fees were incurred. On May 30, 2013, the Village wire transferred $1,045,805.00 to the closing agent, Chicago Title and Trust Insurance Company. This was the exact amount owed by the Village at closing. Keys are in the Village's possession. The following issues remain open: 1. The Village should apply for a property tax exemption for this property as soon as possible. 2. Maintenance issues, building security issues, and removal of nuisance trees need to be addressed. 3. The Finance Depaituient should obtain copies of property tax bills and verify that taxes are paid by Seller's attorney for the second installment 2011 (expected in September 2012),the first installment 2012 (expected March 2013), and the second installment 2012 (expected September 2013). Copies of the survey, title commitment, deed, and other closing documents were delivered to the Finance Depaitment for placement in the permanent file. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. /mk M:\legal\Real Estate\8300 Lehigh purchase memo 05-13.doc © CHICAGO TITLE AND"TRUST COMPANY 5215 OLD ORCHARD #400 SKORIE, IL 60077 ESCROW TRUST DISBURSEMENT STATEMENT DISBURSEMENT DATE: May 30, 2013 REFER TO; KISHONA M. BROWN PHONE: (847)677-3410 FAX: (047)673-0645 �iN MP�Q,U ST ESCROW TRUST NO. S1201327112-001 ThzJ`creP1+(a lgiS � s:.i eR� D1}�,� 1 TITLE ORDER NO. 01401-008933371 Th C. vi II Age 0 mot-toil Cr" U't i.tyCr/ - RECEIPTS: 05/30/13 TRANSFER FRM: 01401-201254605-001 01401 BANK: 102-EARNEST MO 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00' DISBURSEMENTS: 01) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Seller EARNEST MONEY 100,000.00- CREDIT RE: MORTON GROVE STAMPS 25.00- CREDIT RE: TREE REMOVAL 5,000.00- TOTAL PRORATIONS 105,025.00- PURCHASE PRICE 1,150,000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $1,044,975.00 $1,044,975.00 02) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Seller's Charges Re: Title order No. 01401-006933371 ESCROW FEE 450,00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 TITLE INSURANCE 1,095.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 100.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 50:.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS TITLE AGENT REG FEE 3.00 $1,848.00 $1,848.00 03) COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. BROKER COMMISSION 28,750.00 $28,750.00 04) JAMES P. EIIIKAMP BROKER COMMSSSION 28,750.00 $28,750.00 05) GRP:MLEY & BIEDERMANN AS DIRECT= 3,250.00 $3,250.00 06) MASON, WENK 6 BERMAN, CLIENT FUNDS ACCT FOR 2012/13 TAXES 37,608.44 $37,608.44 07) MASON, WEER & BERMAN ATTORNEY FEES 5,037.18 $5,037.18 MSS 05/30/13 15:46 NOTE: • - Indicates items Paid Outside of Closing. ESCROW TRUST NO. 3E201327112-001 PAGE NO.- 2 08) JOSEPH A RINEAMP, TRUST NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER $1,039,731.38 09) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Buyer EARNEST MONEY 100,000.00 CREDIT RE: TREE REMOVAL 5.000.00 CREDIT RE: MORTON GROVE STAMPS 25.00 TOTAL PRORATIONS 105,025.00 PURCHASE PRICE 1,150,000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $1,044,975.00 $1,044,975.00 10) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Buyer's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01401-008933371 ESCROW PEE 450.00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE 100.00 WIRE FEE 35.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 25.00 AGGREGATE RECORDING 70.00 $830.00 $830.00 11) Th CALI)10. C OHTIO -+L1'1 G)Z-DVG TOTAL DISBURSE/4MT AMOUNT $1,045,805.00 TOTAL BUYER RECEIPTS $0.00 AMOUNT DUE PROM BUYER $1,045,805.00 DISBURSEMENTS�APPROVED: DATE POE SELLER L BUYER LATE FOR:Y•EDIDER DATE jU 51 / ,1'� DATE GU TITLE AND TRUST EB5 05/30/13 15:46 NOTE: * - Indicates items Paid Outside of Closing. • CHI 'L! AND TRUST COMPANY \fir - ESCROW RECEIPT AND DISBURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION PAGE 1 ESCROW NUM: 201327112-001 ORDER NUM: 01401-008933371 D2 CLOSER: EISHONA M. BROWN BUYER; The\l('Q cif. of riwQ-i&u GA-2(me MP SELLER: JOSEPH A HINKA , TRUST DATED DEC 12 )CrL PROPERTY: 8300 LEHIGH AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS RECEIPTS TRANSFER ERN: 01401-201254605-001 01401 BANK: 102 100,000.00 B300 LEHIGH AVE 1,045,805.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS - 1,145,805.00 DISBURSEMENTS A CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE ESCROW FEE 450.00 ESCROW FEE 450.00 NY CLOSING FEE - 150.00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 TITLE INSURANCE 1,095.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE 100.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE YEE 100.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 50.00 WIRE FEE 35.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS TITLE AGENT 3.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 25.00 AGGREGATE RECORDING 70.00 CHECK TOTAL 2,678.00 B COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. BROKER COMMISSION 28,750.00 CHECK TOTAL 28,750.00 C JAMES P. HINKAMP BROKER COMMISSION 28,750.00 CHECK TOTAL 28,750.00 D GREMLEY fi BIEDERMANN AS DIRECTED 3,250.00 CHECK TOTAL 3,250.00 E MASON, WEN' & BERMAN, CLIENT FUNDS ACCT FOR 2012/13 TAXES 37,608.44 CHECK TOTAL 37,608.44 P MASON, WENT & BERMAN ATTORNEY FEES 5,037.18 CHECK TOTAL 5,037.18 G JOSEPH A HINKAMP, TRUST NET PROCEEDS TO SELI.RR 1 1,039,731.38 CHECK TOTAL 1,039,731.38 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1,145,805.00 BALANCE 0.00 Tne undersigned authorize ChicagoTitle and TRW Company,as Agent for BRIDGE VIEW BANK to make the expenditures and disbumemenla as listed above and we hereby app..,the same,jointly and severally,for payment The wide:signed mortgagors certify that the signatures on the note and mortgage,if any,furnished as secunty for the ben axe gonuioc and that the consideration therefor was actual and valid without orzacl ore/e tas, Date Borrower Se11er iJ `'� 6' Chi ago,Title Co. Authorization • • (::j1 CHICAGO TI'T'LE AND TRUST COMPANY 5215 OLD ORCHARD #400 SKOKIE, IL 60077 ESCROW TRUST DISBURSEMENT STATEMENT DISBURSEMENT DATE: May 30, 2013 REFER TO: KISHONA M. BROWN PHONE: (847) 677-3410 FAX: (847) 673-0645 -7—�,, _ I I A �iv �caMP 12 Li SI ESCROW TRUST NO. SK2 013 2 7112-0 01 t fl '- 7ceP&T ,``C C (` S tpre b u� t2, 1 u7 TITLE ORDER NO. 01401-008933371 I S IC Lei it e c c M�:✓tC'-v cc(ve- eY� RECEIPTS: 05/30/13 TRANSFER FRM: 01401-201254605-001 01401 BANK: 102-EARNEST MO 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000.00 • DISBURSEMENTS: 01) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Seller EARNEST MONEY 100, 000.00- CREDIT RE: MORTON GROVE STAMPS 25.00- CREDIT RE: TREE REMOVAL 5,000.00- TOTAL PRORATIONS 105, 025.00- PURCHASE PRICE 1,150, 000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $1, 044,975.00 $1,044,975.00 02) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Seller's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01401-008933371 ESCROW FEE 450.00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 TITLE INSURANCE 1, 095.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 100.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 50.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS TITLE AGENT REG FEE 3 .00 $1, 848.00 $1,848.00 03) COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. BROKER COMMISSION 28,750.00 $28,750.00 04) JAMES P. HINKAMP BROKER COMMISSION 28, 750.00 $28, 750.00 05) GREMLEY & BIEDERMANN AS DIRECTED 3,250.00 $3,250.00 06) MASON, WENK & BERMAN, CLIENT FUNDS ACCT FOR 2012/13 TAXES 37, 608.44 $37,608 .44 07) MASON, WENK & BERMAN ATTORNEY FEES 5, 037.18 $5, 037.18 KB5 05/30/13 15:46 NOTE: * - Indicates items Paid Outside of Closing. ESCROW TRUST NO. SK201327112-001 PAGE NO. 2 08) JOSEPH A HINKAMP, TRUST NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER $1, 039, 731.38 09) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Buyer EARNEST MONEY 100,000.00 CREDIT RE: TREE REMOVAL 5,000.00 CREDIT RE: MORTON GROVE STAMPS 25.00 TOTAL PRORATIONS 105, 025.00 PURCHASE PRICE 1, 150, 000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $1, 044, 975.00 $1, 044,975.00 10) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Buyer's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01401-008933371 ESCROW FEE 450.00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE 100.00 WIRE FEE 35.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 25.00 AGGREGATE RECORDING 70.00 $830.00 $830.00 11) m e,iM I C`Gie C Iii c'zlc-'1 Gia_cxt-. TOTAL DISBURSEMENT AMOUNT $1,045, 805.00 TOTAL BUYER RECEIPTS $0.00 AMOUNT DUE FROM BUYER $1, 045,805.00 DISBURSSEEMENTS APPROVED: � 'e 3 'ctO ' 5 �/}- 4-- DATE FOR SELLER FOR /BUY/ER (3(.5„,_ s/i2c7•0 u# 1 DATE FOR LENDER n DATE DAT FOR HICAGO TITLE AND TRUST KB5 05/30/13 15:46 NOTE: • - Indicates items Paid. Outside of Closing. • CHI$ _CW E AND TRUST COMPANY ESCROW RECEIPT AND DISBURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION PAGE 1 ESCROW NUM: 201327112-001 ORDER NUM: 01401-008933371 D2 CLOSER: KISHONA M. BROWN BUYER: The Vitt \Cior OF 1iC%kOlU CY'o/c SELLER: JOSEPH A HINKAMP, TRUST 7)/TbD DEC i2 .97 PROPERTY: 8300 LEHIGH AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS RECEIPTS TRANSFER FRM: 01401-201254605-001 01401 BANK: 102 100, 000.00 8300 LEHIGH AVE 1, 045, 805.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,145,805.00 DISBURSEMENTS A CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE ESCROW FEE 450.00 ESCROW FEE 450.00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 NY CLOSING FEE 150.00 TITLE INSURANCE 1, 095.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE 100.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 100.00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 50.00 WIRE FEE 35.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS TITLE AGENT 3 .00 CLOSING PROTECTION LETTER 25.00 AGGREGATE RECORDING 70.00 CHECK TOTAL 2, 678.00 B COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. BROKER COMMISSION 28,750.00 CHECK TOTAL 28,750.00 C JAMES P. HINKAMP BROKER COMMISSION 28,750.00 CHECK TOTAL 28,750.00 D GREMLEY & BIEDERMANN AS DIRECTED 3,250.00 CHECK TOTAL 3,250.00 E MASON, WENK & BERMAN, CLIENT FUNDS ACCT FOR 2012/13 TAXES 37, 608 .44 CHECK TOTAL 37, 608.44 F MASON, WENK & BERMAN ATTORNEY FEES 5, 037.18 CHECK TOTAL 5, 037.18 G JOSEPH A HINKAMP, TRUST NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER 1 1, 039,731.38 CHECK TOTAL 1, 039,731.38 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1, 145,805.00 BALANCE 0.00 The undersigned authorize Chicago Title and Trust Company,as Agent for BRIDGE VIEW BANK to make the expenditures and disbursements as listed above and we hereby approve the same,jointly and severally,for payment. The undersigned mortgagors certify that the signatures on the note and mortgage,if any,furnished as security for the loan are genuine and that the consideration therefor was actual and valid without offset or defense. /3 Date / v Borrower Seller Chicago Title & Trust Co. / i✓ - C) f S. Cr cam"/ �� ; (� Authorization CLOSING STATEMENT SELLER: The Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust dated December 12, 1975 PURCHASER: The Village of Morton Grove PROPERTY: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 CLOSING DATE: May 30,2013 Credit Purchaser Credit Seller Purchase Price $1,150,000.00 Earnest Money 100,000.00 Credit re tree removal 5,000.00 Credit re Morton Grove stamps 25.00 NET PROCEEDS DUE SELLER FROM PURCHASER 1,044,975.00 SELLER'S RECONCILIATION NET SALES PROCEEDS DUE SELLER 1,044,975.00 FROM PURCHASER Plus Earnest Money 100,000.00 Less Seller's Costs and Disbursements: Title Insurance 1,095.00 Escrow Closing &New York Fee(split) 600.00 Other Title Co Fees 153.00 Colliers International, Inc. 28,750.00 James P. Hinkamp 28,750.00 Gremley&Biedermann 3,250.00 Mason, Wenk&Berman, L.L.C. attorneys'fees 5,037.18 Mason, Wenk& Berman, L.L.C. client funds account(for 2012/13 taxes) 37,608.44 Total Seller's Costs and Disbursements 105,243.62 CASH TO SELLER AT CLOSING 1,039,731.38 Seller and Purchaser agree that notwithstanding the terms of Article 4 of the Real Estate Contract dated October 10, 2012,Seller will be responsible for paying 100%of the 2012 real estate tax bill for the Property and 100%of the 2013 real estate tax bill that is applicable to the time period prior to the closing date. The parties further agree that the sum of$37,608.44 shall be deposited into Mason,Wenk&Berman's client funds account for the payment of the 2012 second installment real estate tax bill and the 2013 real estate tax bill (applicable to the time period prior to closing). Purchaser shall immediately forward to Seller's attorney any 2012 or 2013 tax bills for the Property received by Purchaser. Seller's attorney shall, upon receipt, pay such bills prior to their due date and pay to Seller any deposit remaining after the payment of the final tax bill for Page 1 of 2 2013. Immediately upon the closing of this transaction,Purchaser shall file all papers necessary to make the Property tax exempt commencing on the closing date. Purchaser also agrees to cooperate with Seller,at no cost to Purchaser,if Seller contests 2013 real estate fazes. The terms of this provision shall survive closing. 2012 Real Estate Tax for 10-20-300-021 1104,967 Reduced Assessed Value x 2.97061 Equalization.Factor x 9.131 Tax Rate. $28,471.82 2012 Real Estate Tax -23;281.67 2012 first installment $5,,190.15 Estimate of 2012 Tax Still Owing. 2012 Real Estate Tax for 10-20300-020 $8,711.89 2011. Real Estate Tax -4.791.54 2012 first installment $3,920.35 Estimate of2012 Tax Still Owing 2013 Real Estate Tax: 2011 Real Estate Taxes(i)$42,330.31 plus(ii)$8,711.89=$51.042.20 times 150/365=$20,97&25 Total Real Estate Taxes-2"d installment 2012 and 2013 until the closing date: $6,190.15 $3,920.35 $20,97625- $30,086.75 Total Funds to be deposited with Mason, Wank&Berman's client funds account to be used for the payment of 2012 and 2013 Real Estate Taxes: $30,086.75+25%($7,521.69)= $37,608.44 APPROVED BY APPROVED BY L/ on Sellers behalf op'7-chasers behalf Page 2 of 2 RE.Tax Stamp No. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX DECLARATION Check Appropriate Boxes Recorder of Registrar's Deed No. ®Res i den tial 0 Commercial/Industrial - 0 Declaration 0 Multi-Unit No.of Units ElExemption 0 Date Recorded(For Recorder's Use Only) Instructions(Please Read Before Completion) 1. This form must be fully completed and signed by at least one of the transferees/grantees(buyers)and one of the transferors/grantors(sellers)or their designated agents and presented to the Village of Morton Grove,6101 Capulina,Morton Grove,Illinois 60053,at the time of purchase of real estate transfer stamps as required by the Village Real Estate Transfer Tax Ordinance. The stamps must be affixed to the deed,and presented with this declaration,when the title is recorded. 2. The tax is to be computed based on the full actual consideration of the transaction. Both the full actual consideration and the amount of tax stamps required must be stated on this form. Copies of the sales agreement and Illinois Real Estate Transfer Act Declaration must be submitted with this form. If this is for an exempt transaction,the actual document to be filed with the county,along with documentation supporting the exempt status must also be submitted. 3. In cases involving an intermediary buyer,nominee,or"straw man",one form must be prepared for each deed to be recorded. One of these transactions is usually exempt from the transfer tax under section 1-1 1-5 of the Ordinance. 4. No transfer stamps will be issued unless all delinquent water assessments and penalties are paid in full. 5. For additional information,contact the Village Hall Finance Department(847/965-4100)Monday thru Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. 8300 LEHIGH ROAD Address/Zip of Property 10-20-300-020-0000 AND 10-20-300-021-0000 Permanent Property Index No. MAY 30, 2013 TRUSTEE'S DEED Date of Deed Type of Deed Declaration: 1,150,000.00 Full Actual Consideration(Include amount of mortgage and value of liabilities assumed) $ Amount of Tax($3.00 per$1000.00 or fraction thereof of full actual consideration) $ Payment of tax is obligation of transferor/grantor(seller),unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Payment must be made by either cash,certified cashier's check,attorney's check,or Visa/Mastercard. Note: The Village Real Estate Transfer Tax Ordinance specifically exempts certain transactions from taxation. These are listed in Section 1-1 1-5 of the ordinance and are printed at the end of this document. To claim one of these exemptions,complete the appropriate blanks below: Exempt from taxation under the Village of Morton Grove Real Estate Tax Transfer Ordinance by paragraph(s) A. of Section 1-11-5 of said ordinance. Details for exemption claimed: Property is being acquired by the Village of Morton Grove ir Exemption No. 0 1 0 / n p - � � 99,, Approved:Village of Morton Grove,by n -�"+`' Date 5 d-'/—/3 i We hereby attest the full actual consideration and above facts contained on this declaration are true and correct. JOHN D. HINKAMP, TRUSTEE U/T/A 12/12/75 A/K/A THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST Transferor/Grantor(Seller): Name(Please Print) Forwarding Address&Zip Code: 8300 Lehigh Road, Morton Grove IL 60053 / C. Signature of Seller or Agent et c. .rat ,,• , _..,. Date S/24/2271 3 b. THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Transferee/Grantee(Buyer): Name(Please Print) Address&Zip Code: 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Signature of Buyer or Agent: Date: Payment of Delinquent Water Charges(for Village Use Only) Account Number: Delinquent Balance: $ Final Reading Date: (Initials) Amount Paid: $ ❑ Check Cash 1 Charge (Initials) 1-11-5: EXEMPT TRANSACT IONS: The tax imposed by this Chapter shall not apply to the following exempt transactions,provided said transaction in each case is accompanied by a declaration setting forth details of the exemption, or such other certificate of record or sworn statement as the Director may require at the time offiling of the declaration form: A. Transactions involving property acquired by or from any governmental body, or by any corporation, society, association, foundation or institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes; B. Transactions in which the deeds secure debt or other obligation; C. Transactions in which the deeds, without additional consideration, confirm, correct, mod&or supplement deeds previously recorded; D. Transactions in which the deeds are tax deeds; E. Transactions in which the actual consideration is less than five hundred($500)dollars; F Transactions in which the deeds are releases of properly which is security for a debt or other obligation; G. Transactions of partitions; H. Transactions made pursuant to mergers, consolidations, or transfers or sales of substantially all of the assets of a corporation pursuant to plans of reorganization; L Transactions between subsidiary corporations and their parents for no consideration other than the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary corporations'stock; • Transactions wherein there is an actual exchange of real property except that the money difference or money's worth paid from one to the other shall not be exempt from the tax; K Transactions representing transfers subject to the imposition of a documentary stamp tax imposed by the government of the United States; L. Transactions involving deeds executed prior to the effective date of this ordinance; M Transactions involving transfer by an executor or administrator to a legatee, heir or distributee where the transfer is being made pursuant to will or by intestacy; N. Transactions involving a transfer by lease; 0. Transactions involving deeds in lieu offoreclosure, except for the unpaid amount of the mortgage loan, which shall not be exempt from the tax; P. Transactions effected by operation of law or upon delivery or transfer in the following instances: 1. from a decedent to his executor or administrator; 2. from a minor to his or her guardian or from a guardian to his ward upon staining majority; 3. from an incompetent to his or her conservator or similar legal representative, or from a conservator or similar legal representative to aformer incompetent upon removal of disability; 4. from a bank, trust company,financial institution, insurance company, or other similar entity, or nominee, or trustee therefore, to a public officer or commission, or person designated by such officer or commission or by a court, in the taking over of its assets, in whole or in part, under state or federal law regulating or supervising such institutions, nor upon redelivery or retransfer by any such transferee or successor thereto; 5. from a bankrupt or person in receivership due to insolvency to the trustee in bankruptcy or receiver,from such receiver to such trustee or from such trustee to such receiver, or upon redelivery or retransfer by any such transferee or successor thereto; 6. from a transferee under paragraphs I to 5, inclusive, to his or her successor acting in the same capacity, or from one such successor to another; 7. from trustees to surviving, substitute, succeeding or additional trustees of the same trust; 8. upon the death of a joint tenant or tenant by the entirety, to the survivor or survivors. form\real estate transfer tax form RE.Tax Stamp No. VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX DECLARATION Check Appropriate Boxes Recorder of Registrar's Deed No. 0 Residential 0 Commercial/Industrial O Declaration D Multi-Unit No.of Units ©Exemption D Date Recorded(For Recorder's Use Only) Instructions(Please Read Before Completion) 1. This form must be fully completed and signed by at least one of the transferees/grantees(buyers)and one of the transferors/grantors(sellers)or their designated agents and presented to the Village of Morton Grove,6101 Capulina,Morton Grove,Illinois 60053,at the time of purchase of real estate transfer stamps as required by the Village Real Estate Transfer Tax Ordinance. The stamps must be affixed to the deed,and presented with this declaration,when the title is recorded. 2. The tax is to be computed based on the full actual consideration of the transaction. Both the full actual consideration and the amount of tax stamps required must be stated on this form. Copies of the sales agreement and Illinois Real Estate Transfer Act Declaration must be submitted with this form. If this is for an exempt transaction,the actual document to be filed with the county,along with documentation supporting the exempt status must also be submitted. 3. In cases involving an intermediary buyer,nominee,or"straw man",one form must be prepared for each deed to be recorded. One of these transactions is usually exempt from the transfer tax under section 1-11-5 of the Ordinance. 4. No transfer stamps will be issued unless all delinquent water assessments and penalties are paid in full. 5. For additional information,contact the Village Hall Finance Department(847/965-4100)Monday thru Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Address/Zip of Property 8300 LEHIGH ROAD 10-20-300-020-0000 AND 10-20-300-021-0000 Permanent Property Index No. Date of Deed MAY 30,2013 Type of Deed TRUSTEES DEED Declaration: 1,150,000.00 Full Actual Consideration(Include amount of mortgage and value of liabilities assumed) $ Amount of Tax($3.00 per$1000.00 or fraction thereof of full actual consideration) $ Payment of tax is obligation of transferor/grantor(seller),unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Payment must be made by either cash,certified cashier's check,attorney's check,or Visa/Mastercard. Note: The Village Real Estate Transfer Tax Ordinance specifically exempts certain transactions from taxation. These are listed in Section 1-11-5 of the ordinance and are printed at the end of this document. To claim one of these exemptions,complete the appropriate blanks below: Exempt from taxation under the Village of Morton Grove Real Estate Tax Transfer Ordinance by paragraph(s) A. l of Section 1-11-5 of said ordinance. Details for exemption claimed: (Property is being acquired by the Village of Morton Grove _ Exemption No. 0 �0 iii ir 5 , Approved:Village of Morton Grove,by � Date 5 /3 We hereby attest the full actual consideration and above facts contained on this declaration are true and correct. JOHN D. HINKAMP, TRUSTEE U/T/A 12/12/75 A/K/A THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST Transferor/Grantor(Seller): CI Name(Please Print) Forwarding Address&Zip Code: 8300 Lehigh Road, Morton Grove IL 60053 Signature of Seller or Agent jc caI2k l _ te i �/ ( ( ;,,,n Date �7Q1 1/' 3 r ii THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Transferee/Grantee(Buyer): Name(Please Print) Address&Zip Code: 6101 CAPULINA AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, IL 60053 Signature of Buyer or Agent: Date: Payment of Delinquent Water Charges(for Village Use Only) Account Number: Delinquent Balance: $ Final Reading Date: (Initials) Amount Paid: $ S Check 1 Cash LI Charge (Initials) 1-11-5: EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS: The tax imposed by this Chapter shall not apply to the following exempt transactions,provided said transaction in each case is accompanied by a declaration setting forth details of the exemption, or such other certificate of record or sworn statement as the Director may require at the time offiling of the declaration form: A. Transactions involving property acquired by or from any governmental body, or by any corporation, society, association, foundation or institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes; B. Transactions in which the deeds secure debt or other obligation; C. Transactions in which the deeds, without additional consideration, confirm, correct,modem or supplement deeds previously recorded; D. Transactions in which the deeds are tax deeds; E. Transactions in which the actual consideration is less than five hundred($500)dollars; F Transactions in which the deeds are releases of property which is security for a debt or other obligation; G. Transactions of partitions; K Transactions made pursuant to mergers, consolidations, or transfers or sales of substantially all of the assets of a corporation pursuant to plans of reorganization; I Transactions between subsidiary corporations and their parents for no consideration other than the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary corporations'stock; J Transactions wherein there is an actual exchange of real property except that the money difference or money's worth paid from one to the other shall not be exempt from the tax; K Transactions representing transfers subject to the imposition of a documentary stamp tax imposed by the government of the United States; L. Transactions involving deeds executed prior to the effective date of this ordinance; M Transactions involving transfer by an executor or administrator to a legatee, heir or distributee where the transfer is being made pursuant to will or by intestacy; N Transactions involving a transfer by lease; O. Transactions involving deeds in lieu offoreclosure, except for the unpaid amount of the mortgage loan,which shall not be exempt from the tax; P. Transactions effected by operation of law or upon delivery or transfer in the following instances: I. from a decedent to his executor or administrator; 2. from a minor to his or her guardian or f rom a guardian to his ward upon staining majority; 3. from an incompetent to his or her conservator or similar legal representative, or from a conservator or similar legal representative to aformer incompetent upon removal of disability; 4. from a bank, trust company,financial institution, insurance company, or other similar entity, or nominee, or trustee therefore, to a public officer or commission, or person designated by such officer or commission or by a court, in the taking over of its assets, in whole or in part, under state or federal law regulating or supervising such institutions, nor upon redelivery or retransfer by any such transferee or successor thereto; .5. from a bankrupt or person in receivership due to insolvency to the trustee in bankruptcy or receiver,from such receiver to such trustee or from such trustee to such receiver, or upon redelivery or retransfer by any such transferee or successor thereto; 6. from a transferee under paragraphs 1 to 5. inclusive, to his or her successor acting in the same capacity, or from one such successor to another; 7. from trustees to surviving, substitute, succeeding or additional trustees of the same trust; 8. upon the death of a joint tenant or tenant by the entirety, to the survivor or survivors. form\real estate transfer tax form 1 I l I I 1n. , i i 1__ G fide .211 ix s rI 5 :lta ;° II1 a 1 — _ 1 pH6NUE -. 0 _ 3 C +� 0-�' §-� SS ff a fin° +T `'q+: 1 ff @ y i ,y + 3 of \� ' \v A\ 1 i∎ A \ td I Z r — 4 3 r-- a K g$ 2 a- .. e. w �� ~ . s i o' S3 MI ".0 1 14 j msea a I ` °=eos _- a —1 r$.F a'f�Ne 2'�a i$E'F e i I I W _ $„ N Pai, a '0 c I.I� s de i- 1 1 Q :OH : 3 gi g 1 i I `i I i i I IIi , F 1 y 1 Pfd.' ; I3a11s I qD 3 i3 i{ ! i 3 's ;a! ? Ei €ajii i ft8: 1 it :! i 4 s B es 7- n G3 itt !°\ I 7. u ®.�,..........o d d, _1 I {93 "_ .—. =33a .-• 144 Sig 1' a _ .. p•e..ea 3� MI5 e� -a ni t y. , a=Ili 6e s dy � j 1 ei iHr 6P J lilt ik—~'1 , 1/ . P4al x ) 'idi it iy i 3 lgi i `+ 3 'tl " , = Pb ;. i fit; f P �— • 1 S3 E H t E E 2 5o d \� 6 r \f \e e�y�/ ii 2 f ■ d A v i i it \\\'`C' 1 E. N �Pd,yA a a\A\Vv vv\ f1 II I I _Hid\�\\\\\\F 4& gP Tax: ,?z\� ` \\\i`v 1= S Z 2 6E1 zTh e I w o F 9r' 3 i i { w v= ?z t a § I _. 1 a 8; N NH 4 ; l' plc. i= J Og t C I, 9 w J i 3 /n ego 3 c. a _i a Q r aE g i.sa i B ef MI C7 . Jg$aF r - d if 1 , °.$ i f y y f �i _,- ii Ir : I Ili i 1 e s i d e ::4 ! 11 #!1I1 €,. j ;. ial `l 1 s ',_i3? 1 i, i $ Pith i d4 II e e 1 I II 3 €, Pef na mew r .., Q i ,p! J 1 _ i; cj 'f7Ty€' tea--' ' 0l®=1:.,,,1-3;. f� lii oli � , ''I y .. ':'I ie iti II ■ la- ail i 4 `-E�_ 1 i e* 3 W i ,3 '' t till $ �J 3 ,yo'M lu ie 3 3itg hi �3 t. ii<a P i" N I EA °s 1 _u * 1V vv \ S's i V.d 3 z R` I 4 N 16 � 8 ! 6A az W U i b g3=° i - I- a —I a ."3 ern- a < !itl y s z Ba sN '0"e '! ! ! it ! I @ t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i F i h t ! ? £}; i it it i I , i d ! li Ens i ei a'i i 1 i 6 ! A !! A AI i ij ti 1 Y>1 `:t ..�., 5-\ I -- ` iJ f i ta �i ' a v € o 0330433 ili 93 �li V ale pa c.c..aa �'y ' _,..,'"-"p A Iel — OF.It COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,a Nebraska corporation,herein called the Company,for valuable consideration,commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A,in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in Schedule A,upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements;all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs,provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By 10 C. LASALLE ST. 3100 CHICAGO, CHICAGO,, I L 60603 rV_/® \�4,�tM3Ut44� Refer Inquiries To fjOAeOtjtf ir. Authorized Signatory (312)223-3005 )e( 1 °'3g r t 4 Commitment No.: 401 008933371 02 Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. LA,.TITLE ASSOCIATION COMCVFO6 vrr.Irl. LAK 05/08/13 t2:14:18 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A YOUR REFERENCE: MWB - 8300 LEHIGH AVE, MORTON GROVE IL ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 EFFECTIVE DATE: APRIL 18, 2013 1. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: 81 ,150,000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: TO COME 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS .FEE SIMPLE,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: JOHN D. HINKAMP, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 12, 1975 AND KNOWN AS THE JOSEPH A. HINKAMP TRUST Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. VEND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMM% 3/11 ML LAK PAGE AI REL 05/08/13 12:14:18 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 4A. LOAN POLICY I MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the dale of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Lano CoM2MTG6 3/IIML LAK PAGEAI REL 05/08/13 12:14:19 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 02 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOT 27 LYING WEST OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, AND ST. PAUL RAILRAOD IN CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE EAST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members ArICALI in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. COMLGO6 vu w, LAK PAGE A2 REL 05108/13 12:14:19 _x CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 . RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. 3. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 6. IF EXTENDED COVERAGE OVER THE FIVE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS REQUESTED, WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING: A. A CURRENT ALTA/ACSM OR ILLINOIS LAND TITLE SURVEY CERTIFIED TO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; B. A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT; MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. NOTE: THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR THIS COVERAGE. 7. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. A 8. 1 . TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2012 AND 2013 2013 TAXES ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2012 FIRST INSTALLMENT WAS DUE MARCH 1 , 2013 NOTE: 2012 FINAL INSTALLMENT NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE PERM TAX# PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 10-20-300-020-0000 1 OF 2 2012 84,791.54 PAID 10.20.300.021-0000 2 OF 2 2012 823,281 .67 PAID C "Be advised that the "Good Funds" section of the Title Insurance Act (215 ILCS 155/26) becomes effective 1-1.2010. This act places limitations upon the Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members m in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. u^0 Tin COMBNRO6 3/11 ML LAK PAGEBI REL 05/08/13 12:14:19 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 02 settlement agent 's ability to accept certain types of deposits into escrow. Please contact your local Chicago Title Office regarding the application of this new law to your transaction." E 9. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: TO SCHEDULE ANY CLOSINGS IN THE CHICAGO COMMERCIAL CENTER, PLEASE CALL (312)223.2707. TO FAX FIGURES FOR A RESIDENTIAL CLOSING IN THE CHICAGO COMMERCIAL CENTER PLEASE DIAL (312)223-5888 F 10. WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED A STATEMENT THAT THERE IS NO PROPERTY MANAGER EMPLOYED TO MANAGE THE LAND, OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, A FINAL LIEN WAIVER FROM ANY SUCH PROPERTY MANAGER. - 6 11 . EXISTING UNRECORDED LEASES AND ALL RIGHTS THEREUNDER OF THE LESSEES AND OF ANY PERSON OR PARTY CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER THE LESSEES. - 1 FOR ALL ILLINOIS PROPERTY: FOR COMMITMENT ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE 1 , 2009, PURSUANT TO PUBLIC ACT 95-988, SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF IDENTIFICATION MUST BE PRESENTED FOR THE NOTARIZATION OF ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NOTARIZED BY AN ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC. UNTIL JULY 1 , 2013, SATISFACTORY IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS ARE DOCUMENTS THAT ARE VALID AT THE TIME OF THE NOTARIAL ACT; ARE ISSUED BY A STATE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY; BEAR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S FACE; AND BEAR THE INDIVIDUAL'S SIGNATURE. J FOR COOK COUNTY PROPERTY: FOR COMMITMENT ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE 1 , 2009, IF ANY DOCUMENT OF CONVEYANCE FOR COOK COUNTY RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY IS TO BE NOTARIZED BY AN ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC, PUBLIC ACT 95.988 REQUIRES THE COMPLETION OF A NOTARIAL RECORD FOR EACH GRANTOR WHOSE SIGNATURE IS NOTARIZED. THE NOTARIAL RECORD WILL INCLUDE THE THUMBPRINT OR FINGERPRINT OF THE GRANTOR. THE GRANTOR MUST PRESENT IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS THAT ARE VALID; ARE ISSUED BY STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY; BEAR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S FACE; AND BEAR THE INDIVIDUAL'S SIGNATURE. THE COMPANY WILL CHARGE 825.00 PER NOTARIAL RECORD. K 12. MUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted unde2cense from the American Land Title Association. LAND TITLE CMEICO6R 3/11 ML LAK PAGE II REL 05/08/13 12:14:19 - CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 OTHER APPROVALS. N 13. TERMS, POWERS, PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE TRUST UNDER WHICH TITLE TO THE LAND IS HELD. - ** END ** Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted undeCicense from the American Land Title Association. LAN.Tim CMBICO6R 7/1161 LAK PAGES REL 05/08/13 12:14:19 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ORDER NO. : 1401 008933371 D2 CONDITIONS The term mortgage,when used herein,shall include deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing,the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith(a) to comply with the requirements hereof,or(b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B,or(c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties.You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <httpi/www.alta.orgf>. Copyright American Land Title Association.All rights reserved.The use of this Form is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use.All other uses are prohibited.Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. 'mut TIT" AgSOCIATtOti comcor'S6 3/11 ML LAK REL 05/08/13 12:14:19 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1031 EXCHANGE SERVICES If your transaction involves a tax deferred exchange, we offer this service through our 1031 division, IPX1031. As the nation's largest 1031 company, IPX1031 offers guidance and expertise. Security for Exchange funds includes segregated bank accounts and a 100 million dollar Fidelity Bond. Fidelity National Title Group also provides a 50 million dollar Performance Guaranty for each Exchange. For additional information or to set-up an Exchange, please call Scott Nathanson at (312) 223-2178 or Anna Barsky at (312) 223-2169. LAK 1031EX 65/09 MI Effective Date: May 1,2008 Fidelity National Financial,Inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial,Inc. and its subsidiaries ("FNF") respect the privacy and security of your non-public personal information ("Personal Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNF's privacy practices, including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources,and to whom it may be disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and,depending on the business performed,FNF companies may share information as described herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: Information we receive from you on applications or other forms,such as your name,address,social security number,tax identification number, asset information and income information; Information we receive from you through our Internet websites,such as your name,address,email address,Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites,and your activity while using or reviewing our websites; Information about your transactions with or services performed by us, our affiliates, or others, such as information concerning your policy, premiums,payment history,information about your home or other real property,information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions,account balances,and credit card information;and Information we receive from consumer or other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. D{itaicsure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies)to various ladividuals and companies,as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these visclosures. Disclosures may include,without limitation,the following: ;1 1 Ipsurance agents,brokers,representatives,support organizations,or others to provide you with services you have requested,and to enable us *dated or prevent criminal activity,fraud,material misrepresentation,or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions; 71 bird-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or pnvl4ing you with service:you have requested; 'I o tf'insurance regulatory authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority,in a civil action,in connection with a subpoena or a 5gmrijmental investigation; Mq ompanies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements and/it Tosle,dprs,lien holders,judgement creditors,or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be dettrniacd,settled,paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. We may alvttiaciase your.Personal Information to others when we believe,in good faith,that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers,employees,or property and/or to comply with ajudicial proceeding,court order or legal process. Disclosure to%S liated Companies-We are permitted by law to share your name,address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies,sub a; insurance companies,agents,and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested,for marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do not,however,disclose information we collect from consumer or alit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent,in conformity with applicable law,unless such disclosure is otherwise unified by law. Disclosure to,N naffiliated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated third parties,eMpt asoutlaw d herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Confdentialprd Santbaf Personal Information We restrict acuo;to Paste 4formation about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintar pb nirrrl,Meet inic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Pengd itssiolo l Requests for C'mne ion,Autendl■ent,or Deletion of Personal Information As reeii ed by apdirable law,we r,'afford you the right to access your Personal Information,under certain circumstances to find out to whom your Personal In.omatioa nas been,;sclosed,and request correction or deletion of your Personal Information. However.FNF's current policy is tor_intain aiscmcrp'iersonal I.nt rmation for no less than your state's required record retention requirements for the purpose of handling fumryxverage claims: Fqr y+ar protection,all requests madeunder this section must be in writing and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Whet ,ermitted,by law,we may charlva reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to: Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,FL 32204 • Changes to this Puvacy'Statement This Privacy Statement may be amendedi om time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement,we will post a notice o such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement,as stated above,indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revsed or materially chanted. • PRIVACY WOE ML I - CLOSING STATEMENT SELLER: The Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust dated December 12, 1975 PURCHASER: The Village of Morton Grove PROPERTY: 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 CLOSING DATE: May 30,2013 Credit Purchaser Credit Seller Purchase Price $1,150,000.00 Earnest Money 100,000.00 Credit re tree removal 5,000.00 Credit re Morton Grove stamps 25.00 NET PROCEEDS DUE SELLER FROM PURCHASER 1,044,975.00 SELLER'S RECONCILIATION NET SALES PROCEEDS DUE SELLER 1,044,975.00 FROM PURCHASER Plus Earnest Money 100,000.00 Less Seller's Costs and Disbursements: Title Insurance 1,095.00 Escrow Closing&New York Fee(split) 600.00 Other Title Co Fees 153.00 Colliers International, Inc. 28,750.00 James P. Hinkamp 28,750.00 Gremley& Biedermann 3,250.00 Mason, Wenk&Berman, L.L.C. attorneys'fees 5,037.18 Mason, Wenk& Berman, L.L.C. client funds account(for 2012/13 taxes) 37,608.44 Total Seller's Costs and Disbursements 105,243.62 CASH TO SELLER AT CLOSING 1,039,731.38 Seller and Purchaser agree that notwithstanding the terms of Article 4 of the Real Estate Contract dated October 10, 2012,Seller will be responsible for paying 100%of the 2012 real estate tax bill for the Property and 100%of the 2013 real estate tax bill that is applicable to the time period prior to the closing date. The parties further agree that the sum of$37,608.44 shall be deposited into Mason,Wenk&Berman's client funds account for the payment of the 2012 second installment real estate tax bill and the 2013 real estate tax bill (applicable to the time period prior to closing). Purchaser shall immediately forward to Seller's attorney any 2012 or 2013 tax bills for the Property received by Purchaser. Seller's attorney shall,upon receipt,pay such bills prior to their due date and pay to Seller any deposit remaining after the payment of the final tax bill for Page 1 of 2 2013. Immediately upon the closing of this transaction, Purchaser shall file all papers necessary to make the Property tax exempt commencing on the closing date. Purchaser also agrees to cooperate with Seller,at no cost to Purchaser,if Seller contests 2013 real estate taxes. The terms of this provision shall survive closing. 2012 Real Estate Tax for 10-20-300-021 104,967 Reduced Assessed Value x 2.9706 Equalization Factor x9.131 Tax Rate $28A71.82 2012 Real Estate Tax -23 281.67 2012 first installment $5,190.15 Estimate of 2012 Tax Still Owing 2012 Real Estate Tax for 10-20-300-020 - $8,711.89 2011 Real Estate Tax -4.791,54 2012 first installment $3,920.35 Estimate of 2012 Tax Still Owing - - 2013 Real Estate Tax 2011 Real Estate Taxes(i)$42,330.31 plus(ii)$8,711,89 n$51.042.20 times 1501365=$20,976.25 Total Real Estate Taxes-2 a installment 2412 and 2013 until the closing date: $-5,190.15 $3,92035 $20,976-25 $30,086.75. Total Funds to be deposited with Mason, Wenk&Berman's client funds account to be used for the payment of 2012 and 2013 Real Estate Taxes: $30,086.75+25%($7,521.69)= $37,608-44 APPROVED BY - h a—_ q APPROVED BY / / on Seller's behalf j oa P)'rehaser's behalf Page 2 of 2 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ATTENTION: Date:May 29,2013 Property Address:8300 LEHIGH AVENUE MORTON GROVE,IL SETTLEMENT AGENT Commitment Number:8933371 Chicago Title&Trust Company To:CASH DEAL 5215 Old Orchard,Ste.400 5215 OLD ORCHARD RD. Skokie,IL 60077 SUITE#400 Tel:(847)677-3410 SKOKIE,IL 60077 Seller:JOSEPH A HINKAMP,TRUST Buyers/Borrowers:8300 LEHIGH AVE To Whom It May Concern: Chicago Title Insurance Company (the'Company')agrees,subject to the Conditions and Exclusions set forth below,to reimburse you for actual loss,not to exceed the amount of the settlement funds deposited with the Settlement Agent incurred by you in connection with closing of the referenced real estate transaction conducted by the Settlement Agent, provided that the fees for the Company's title insurance and this Closing Protection Letter have been paid prior to or at the closing or settlement and you are: A. a seller,provided title insurance of the Company is specified for the protection of your purchaser or your purchaser's lender; B. a purchaser and/or borrower,provided title insurance of the Company is specified for your protection or for the protection of your lender;or C. a lender secured by a mortgage(including any other security instrument)of an interest in land,its assignees,or a warehouse lender,provided title insurance of the Company is specified for your protection; and provided the loss arises out of: 1. Failure of the Settlement Agent to comply with your written closing instructions to the extent that they relate to(a)the status of the title to an interest in land or the validity, enforceability and priority of the lien of the mortgage on an interest in land, including the obtaining of documents and the disbursement of funds necessary to establish the status of title or lien,or(b)the obtaining of any other document,specifically required by you,but only to the extent the failure to obtain the other document affects the status of the title to an interest in land or the validity,enforceability and priority of the lien of the mortgage on an interest in land;or 2. Fraud, dishonesty or negligence of the Settlement Agent in handling your funds(including funds shown as to be paid to you or on your behalf on the settlement statement prepared by the Settlement Agent)or documents in connection with the subject closing to the extent that fraud,dishonesty or negligence relates to the status of title to an interest in land or to the validity,enforceability,and priority of the lien of the mortgage on an interest in land. Conditions and Exclusions: 1. The Company will not be liable to you for loss arising out of: A. Failure of the Settlement Agent to comply with closing instructions which require title insurance protection inconsistent with that set forth in the title insurance binder or commitment issued by the Company.Instructions which require the removal of specific exceptions to title or compliance with the requirements contained in the binder or commitment shall not be deemed to be inconsistent. B. Loss or impairment of funds in the course of collection or while on deposit with a bank due to bank failure,insolvency or suspension,except as shall result from failure of the Settlement Agent to comply with written closing instructions to deposit the funds in a bank that is designated by name by a party to the real estate transaction. C. Mechanics'and materialmen's liens in connection with your sale,purchase,lease or construction loan transaction,except to the extent that protection against those liens is afforded by a title insurance commitment or policy issued by the Settlement Agent. D. Failure of the Settlement Agent to comply with written closing instructions to the extent that such instructions require a determination by the Settlement Agent of the validity,enforceability,or effectiveness of any document described in subitem(1)(b)of the covered losses described above. E. Fraud, dishonesty or negligence of an employee, agent, attorney or broker. who is not also the Settlement Agent or an independent contract closer of the Settlement Agent. F. Your settlement or release of any claim without the written consent of the Company. G. Any matters created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by you or known to you without your written disclosure to the Company and without the written consent of the Company. 2. When the Company shall have reimbursed you pursuant to this letter,it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which you would have had against any person or property had you not been so reimbursed. Liability of the Company for reimbursement shall be reduced to the extent that you have knowingly and voluntarily impaired the value of this right of subrogation. 3. The Settlement Agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance policies.The Settlement Agent is not the Company's agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services.The Company's liability for your losses arising from closing or settlement services is strictly limited to the protection expressly provided in this letter.Any liability of the Company for loss does not include liability for loss resulting from the fraud,dishonesty,or negligence of any party noted at 1E above of these Conditions and Exclusions or any party to a real estate transaction other than a Settlement Agent;the lack of creditworthiness of any borrower connected with a real estate transaction, or the failure of any collateral to adequately secure a loan connected with a real estate transaction. However,this letter does not affect the Company's liability with respect to its title insurance binders,commitments or policies,except that payment of loss under this letter shall reduce correspondingly any amount of insurance under such binders,commitments or policies. 4. The total cumulative amount of liability of the Company to all parties under this and any and all other closing protection letters relating to this transaction shall not exceed the amount of the settlement funds deposited with the Settlement Agent. 5. This closing protection letter is effective only if the closing is on residential property,or if on nonresidential property,where settlement funds are less than$2,000,000.00 6. You must promptly send written notice of a claim under this letter to the Company at its principal office at P.O.Box 45023,Jacksonville,Florida 32232-5023.The Company is not liable for a loss if the written notice is not received within ninety days from the discovery by you of a matter you believe to be compensable under this letter. 7. Any previous closing protection letter or similar agreement is hereby cancelled. Chicago Title Insurance Company By Donald Cole,Chief Underwriting Counsel LETTER ID:2013. Agent:IL3930.24 For further inquiries please contact the number listed above THIS LETTER IS ONLY AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ILLINOIS Cook County Assessor's Office Page 1 of 2 Property Characteristics 2013 Tax Year Property Information ;.,rte.'M+s . :i:�s� cStt+ a$ 74Py`; ' _' ...rte � 8 f5{i a 1 1 r--,--..-:—..7-="+'�:t",..e-�. .s '°''3 a. ° f .� It .+-- " - -- FPS atr.' t'� 'Ry r'r :-1a �a 10203000210000 05/22/2007 Description Value PIN: 10-20-300-021-0000 Address: 8300 Lehigh Rd City: Morton Grove Township: Niles Property Classifeation:5-93 Square Footage: 36,878( Land) NBHD: 31 Taxcode: 24017 Assessed Valuation Description 2012 Board Certified2011 Board of Review Certified Land Assessed Value 57,621 57,621 Building Assessed Value 47,346 98,438 Total Assessed Value 104,967 156,059 http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Details.aspx?Pin=10203000210000 7/10/2013 Cook County Assessor's Office Page 2 of 2 Property Characteristics Description Value Estimated 2012 Market Value$ Estimated 2011 Market Value$ Description Industrial Age: 45 Note Partial Assessment http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Details.aspx?Pin=10203000210000 7/10/2013 Susan Lattanzi From: Terry Liston Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 2:23 PM To: Susan Lattanzi Subject: Fwd: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL Please print and give me a copy of the purchase contract Teresa Hoffman Liston Corporation Counsel Village of Morton Grove 847-663-3003 office 847-917-5416 mobile tl i ston!a:mortongrovei I.org Begin forwarded message: From: "Priscilla C. Sperling" <PSperlinq(cr�mwblawfirm.com> Subject: 8300 Lehigh, Morton Grove, IL Date: May 17, 2013 12:56:28 PM CDT To: Terry Liston <tliston(a�mortongroveil.orq> Cc: "Keith J. Wenk" <KWenk anmwblawfirm.com> Terry, Here is my calculation concerning the real estate taxes. Please let Keith know next week if you have any comments. 2012 Real Estate Tax for 10-20-300-021 104,967 Reduced Assessed Value x 2.9706 Equalization Factor x 9.131 Tax Rate $28,471.82 2012 Real Estate Tax -23.281.67 2012 first installment $ 5,190.15 Estimate of 2012 Tax Still Owing 2012 Real Estate Tax for 10-20-300-020 $8,711.89 2011 Real Estate Tax -4,791.54 2012 first installment $3,920.35 Estimate of 2012 Tax Still Owing 2013 Real Estate Tax 150/365 of(i) $28,471.82 plus (ii) $8,711.89 = 315,281.00. Total Real Estate Taxes—2nd installment 2012 and 2013 until the closing date: $ 5,190.15 $ 3,920.35 $15,281.00 1 $24,391.50 Total Funds to be deposited with Mason, Wenk& Berman for the payment of 2012 and 2013 Real Estate Taxes: $24,391.50. The closing statement will contain Seller's agreement to pay these taxes and Purchaser's agreement to cooperate with Seller(at no cost to Purchaser) if Seller's contests 2013 taxes. Priscilla C. Sperling Mason, Wenk& Berman, L.L.C. 1033 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 250 Northbrook, IL 60062 Telephone: 847-656-6085 Fax: 847-656-6010 psperlinq(cilmwblawfirm.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: E-mail may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this e- mail if you are not the intended recipient. This e-mail transmission, and any documents, files or previous e-mail messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us by reply e-mail, by forwarding this to psperlinq(a mwblawfirm.com or by telephone at 847- 656-6085, and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. Thank you. 2 'MAY-13-2013 15 46 MASON WENK & BERMAN 1 847 656 6010 P.02 MASON, WENK & BERNIAN, L.L.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1033 Skokie Boulevard Suite 250 Adam F.Berman Northbrook,Illinois 60062 Bruce P.Mason Keith J.Wenk 847-656-6000 • a C n xa. Fax 847-656-6010 Craig S.Coan Leonard Mason Keith J.Wenk Priscilla C.Sperling Direct Dial 847.656.6066 Direct Fax 847-656-6067 May 13, 2013 kxcnlc$mwblawfirm.com WA FAX(847-985-4162) Teresa Hoffman Liston, Esq. Corporation Counsel Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Re: 8300 LeHioh, Morton Grove, IL Dear Teresa: On behalf of my client,the Seller of the captioned property,and pursuant to the terms of the Real Estate Contract for the Purchase of 8300 Lehigh Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois between the Village of Morton Grove and Joseph A. Hinkamp Trust dated December 12, 1975,this letter shall serve as written notice that the Tenant has vacated the Property,and accordingly,the Closing shall take place 21 days after your receipt of this letter. Please contact the undersigned to schedule the Closing. Thank you. Sincerely, etptetht. TOTAL P.02 • MAY-13-2013 15 46 MASON LIENK a BERMAN 1 847 656 6010 P.01 MASON, WENK & BERMAN, L.L.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1033 Skokie Boulevard Suite 250 Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Direct Dial 847-656-6066 Direct Fax 847-656-6067 E-mail Address: kwenkQmwblawfirm.corn Date: May 13, 2013 Time: 2:45 p.m. To: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Esq. 847.965.4162 From: Keith J. Wenk Number of Pages Transmitted (including cover sheet): 2 If all pages are not received, please call 847-656-6000 immediately, THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL, COVERED BY AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivedng the message to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address. Thank Yov. Re: 8300 LeHiah. Morton Grove, IL