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PAY ONLY THIS_AI UNT - 2010 Second Installment Property Tax Bill 0.00 Property Index Number(PIN) volume Code Tax Year (Payable In) Township BY 11/01/11 (on time) 10-20-100-009-0000 117 24062 2010 (2011 ) NILES 2733 AlarizR6'A7" s Ei1 IF PAID LATE 11/0211 - 12/01/11 IF PAID LATE 12/02/11 - 01/01/12 IF PAID LATE 01/0212 - 02/01/12 $ 0.00 $ 0 .00 $ 0.00 (TAX CALCULATOR PAYMENT>> THANK YOU FOR YOUR FIRST INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF: LATE PENALTY i T INFO $ 3,091.27 ON 03-18-11 1 IS 15%PER MONTH, 1 2009 Assessed Value 19, PAY THIS BILL AT COOKCOUNTYTREASURER.COM OR ANY CHASE BANK. I BY STATE LAW. i 13 23,048 . - .Property location and dagifivliort for this PIN 2010 Property Value C 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVE MORTON GROVE IL 60053 2847 Property Classification 2-02 203,760 wv 2010 Assessment Level rfl Taxing District 2010 Tax 2010 Rate 2010% Pension 2009 Tax 2009 Rate X 10% MISCELLANEOUS TAXES 2010 Assessed Value O North Shore Mosquito Abatement 6.05 0.009 0.00% 6.21 0-008 = 20,376 Metro Water Reclamation District 184.24 0.274 0.00% 10.08 202.73 0.261 2010 State Equalization Factor 7i Morton Grove Park District 209.12 0.311 0.00% 21.51 220.59 0.284 X 3.3000 Miscellaneous Taxes Total 399.41 0.594 0.00% 429.53 0.553 2010 Equalized Assessed Value(EAV) 0 SCHOOL TAXES - 67,241 Z OaMon Community College Dist 535 107.59 0,160 __. 0.00% - ._ _ _ _ 108.74 C114¢_-_ __._. _ -Community-High School-District 213 - 1,/06.58 2.538 0.00% 1,760.87 2.267 2010 Local Tax Rate -n School District 70 1,943.26 2.890 0.00% 59.17 1,999.33 2.574 X 8.048% 0 School Taxes Total 3,757.43 5.588 0.00% 3,868.94 4.981 2010 Total Tax Before Exemptions 'A MUNICIPALITY/TOWNSHIP TAXES - 5 41156 11F-Morton Grove-Ferris/Leigh "' ^' "' 0.00 0.000 , . O Morton Grove Library Fund 225.26 0.335 0.00% 208.94 0.269 Homeowners Exemption Village of Morton Grove 686.53 1.021 0.00% 254.17 727.81 0.937 Road&Bridge Niles 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.00 0.000 - .00 C General Assistance Niles 2.69 0.004 0.00% 2.33 0.003 Senior Citizen Exemption 'A Town Niles 21.52 0.032 0.00% 22.53 0.029 Municipality/Township Taxes Total 936.00 1.392 0.00% 961.61 1.238 - .00 'A Senior Assessment Freeze Exemption rn COOK COUNTY TAXES Cook County Forest Preserve District 34.29 0.051 0.00% 0.67 38.06 0.049 .00 0 Consolidated Elections 0.00 0.000 0.00% 16.31 0.021 County of Cook 153.31 0.228 0.00% 55.81 152.24 0.196 X Cook County Public Safety 75.98 0.113 0.00% 88.55 0.114 Q Cook County Health Facilities 55.14 0.082 0.00% 65.25 0.084 Cook County Taxes Total 318.72 0.474 0.00% 360.41 0.464 2010 Total Tax After Exemptions MI • (Do not pay these totals) 0.00 8.048 0.00% 5.620.49 7.236 - 0.00 First Installment 0.00 Second Installment + 0.00 Total 2010 Tax(Payable In 2011) = 0.00 Non-Homestead IL Property Tax Exemption reduced your tax by 85.411.56 VLG OF MORTON GROVE Refund Due 6101 CAPUL INA AVE Complaint E 97337-001 MORTON GROVE IL 60053-2902 IF YOUR TAXES ARE PAID BY MORTGAGE ESCROW,BE SURE NOT TO DOUBLE PAY. "'Visit cookcountycierk.com for information about TIFs and.for TIF revenue distributions. PAYMENT COUPON ..i PAYMENT INFO Tlu Property Index Number(PIN) Volume n 10-20-100-009-0000 117 rn 0.00 Use of this coupon authorizes the Treasurer's Office to reduce the Amount Paid y BY 11/01/11 (on time) check amount to prevent overpayment. Include only one check and i n If paying later,refer to amounts above. 1 one original coupon per envelope. , SN 0020100200 RTN 500001075 AN (see PIN)TC 008922 Include name.PIN,address.location,phone and pi Name/Mailing Address change?Check box and complete form on back to update your name and/or mailing address. e-mail on check payable to Cook County Treasurer. Z A- T r C 00201002000102010000900000008922400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 m 1I 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII COOK COUNTY TREASURER I 2010-20-100009-00000 t C 4 92411 PO BOX 4488 VLG OF MORTON GROVE CAROL STREAM IL 60197-4488 OR CURRENT OWNER 1T 6101 CAPULINA AVE )JkuII III.1..I..JdxJ.LJLl1.Irxldr,IJrd.111111 Z MORTON GROVE IL 60053-2902 1 ).II..IIur1Iun1kI.,,II,,.I,II,Ir.II I III 1611111 10201000090000/0/10/F/0000000000/2 FOUR WAYS To PAY PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS ONLINE ✓ Complete and sign the check,payable to Cook County Treasurer. Mail/submit only one check per original payment coupon. Visit cookcounytreasurercom and go to"Online Payment'to pay You must include on your check: from your checking or savings account. (This is the only •Taxpayer Name,Mailing Address,Telephone Number, authorized online payment method.) For your convenience, E-mail Address (if available) payments can be made year-round. • Property Index Number (PIN) • Property Location,including unit number CHASE •Tax Year/Installment You may submit your original payment coupon and payment ✓The Cook County Treasurer's Office reserves the right to reduce at any of the nearly 400 Chase Banks throughout Chicagoland. your check amount as necessary to prevent overpayment. This is a free taxpayer convenience. Locations are available ✓If paying by mail: through cookcauntytrearurercmn. • use the enclosed,return envelope • do not send cash MAIL • do not staple,paperclip,tape,glue or fold your check Complete mailing instructions appear on the enclosed return or payment coupon envelope. Late payments must include any penalty due as of the .e T PIN 12-34-567890.1234 0000 date envelope is postmarked by the US Postal Service.Only USPS ,,, Pioperly location,unit*,town Date postmarks(not postage meter dates)prove timely payment. ®° 300x%.., m Cook County Treasurer MORTGAGE ESCROW xxx Thousand xxx hundred xxx-xxx&xx/I00 cow woo wax c00000moo woo o If your taxes are paid from a mortgage escrow account, confirm Tax Veer/Iretallment rade = that your lender is paying on time and on the correct PIN. sample check ANSWERS AND HELP FROM. . . COOK COUNTY CLERK COOK COUNTY TREASURER cookcountyclerk.com tel. 312.603.5656 cookcountytreasurer.com tel. 312.443.5100 Local tax rate calculations,past years'tax delinquencies, To pay bills,find balances,search for refunds,verify exemptions, redemption procedures,maps,legal descriptions of parcels. confirm payments,and for property tax information in 22 foreign Tax Increment Financing(TIF) information now available at languages.TRANSPARENCY ALERT-A Cook County cookcountyclerk.com/tsd/tifs ordinance,urged by the Treasurer,requires taxing districts to ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT ON AGING provide their financial statements to the Treasurer's Office.Visit state.iLus/aging tel. 800.252.8966 cookcountytreasurercom to review those financial statements. Property tax relief for qualifying Seniors and disabled citizens, COOK COUNTY ASSESSOR and information on the Pharmaceutical Assistance Act. cookcountyassessor.com tel.312.443.7550 Applications are available at the Illinois Department on Aging. Information and forms regarding tax calculations,assessments, CHICAGO HOMEOWNER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM exemptions and appeals.Certain taxpayers may be eligible for tax tel. 312.744.1000 exemptions,abatements,and other assistance programs.For more Low interest loans to qualified Chicago homeowners whose information taxpayers should consult with the office of their township assessments have recently sharply risen. or county assessor or with the Illinois Department of Revenue To update the name and/or mailing address, check the box on the front of this coupon and complete this form. Upon oath and under penalty of perjury,I hereby certify to the Office of the Cook County Treasurer that I have the legal authority to execute this NAME(Do not exceed the spaces on this form.) instrument as the owner,recent owner or for the owner of the property on the reverse side of this coupon. MAILING ADDRESS(Include Unit Number,if needed.) Signature of applicant Date CITY Printed name of applicant II VALID ONLY IF NOTARIZED—IF SUBMITTED BY MAIL. + I STATE ZIP a 4 (ITT) I „ Signature of Notary WE 1 PHONE(Include area code) Notary:State of County of I 1 , My commission expires E-MAIL - Illinois Department of Revenue 23 ) )���� c- :�-�. ,- '�. off, > ,, P 'Ss 'a t Office of Local Government Services, 3-520 r �m 101 West Jefferson Street `,'`• 4 ° `/ Springfield, Illinois 62702 Illinois Department of Revenue _ ,„- docket no.: 10- 16- 392 �� Telephone: 217 785-2252 County reference no.: 97337 Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption Certificate (35 ILCS 200/8-35, 16-70, and 16-130) Property owner or applicant: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE County: Cook Property index number, legal description, or both: 10-20-100-009-0000 Based on the statement of facts and supporting documentation in the application, we hereby issue this certificate approving the exemption for 100% of the 2010 assessment year. For most exemptions, 35 ILCS 200/15-10 requires the filing of an annual affidavit or certificate of exempt status form with the chief county assessment officer on or before January 31 of each year. This form is available at the county assessment office. The Illinois Department of Revenue docket number shown above is your exemption certificate number. Refer to this number on the annual certificate of status form and in all future correspondence regarding this property. If you do not agree with this decision, you must send us a written request for a formal hearing within 60 days after the decision date show below. In your request, concisely state the mistakes alleged to have been made or the new evidence to be presented as required by 35 ILCS 200/8-35. Decision date: July 7, 2011 Illinois Department of Revenue Brian Hamer, director This is an important legal document and should be retained as part of your permanent records. PTAX-301-C (R-7/02) IL-492-1158 10-0000013 - -- Page 1 of 1 A. a �' *1.244, 3 PPAe1 } w 11 ::i . IX 3Y. # of ; ` x 10201000090000 05/21 /2007 7/11/2011 http://www.cookcountyassessor.com/Property_Search/Property_Large_images_Output/10... ;x m. gas O .. lac"` [ '� a F� . ,, 3¢c milli :1 I t+. \ -$ 0. q` ?7 0 g ' ca of v� a 'p s° . - Di Z COP. t , '-•-• r.si -ao, iii ti : F cm 1 al 0 4 I ! 3 s al tbv f e A $ � ' " _ EEor ..� a o O . t _° x 0 3 tl r. ; rt ' HI!.d i IIh C4 1 r4 en g A E3 0 _ _ z 0 j �pg�� y � E g roe 9 1 Z d U c co 00 5 m � 8V 8`.-i' ULL o 4 L1 a .a _ °.-Ig' - .- C e6 : ..I I ii . _ _ -Sltadoid alp Jo Eons l¢maxa paaape apt 8alwaauoa uouttnuammOa*MI 3ugelu in Pmt ag►01 pgdlag 09 oscstdopetuautnaop tagto dae lmtgnp fpm _ Lq pauasa#dai ag UR'S gatail03 aogdUPxa TIV i r' JN!'I d 3O J,V LIr x a at(IIQ'IO&LW 8'$S NI «II x JAI aa3.WIIII uas wis�ilt�A(f TIV '91 P eau :IO as,leueip4-10 aNuIlr ►*04)NV7d$0073 NMVII(C awn '$1 i ssn t> s7-#3a113Qel (IJampitq Pump seam pe glut Pena*ub mtueD0I s.Bmp[!n4 pea BUIMpgs ue[d ml4Jo satdoa000gd(dorm adds-m -pi f e I. -slanted 8unaape`asustagtoito pgaaptaut'await a[4emt Ile`siolaat stl s ` pae 8uu.oqs uoijez mata atp jo modal lenuae tb'lua dalels;pnaueug teak tussle)a9P Jo sa doao1i4 °*L "01 _- _SttaaDlggd (T) auo pin loin s ewg4 q meme damn aql 3q punts aOeuuonsanb lanuo7 io 02euosmd pa aCiat0a AI$t`a1�p-mm�31 - j. ` -ala`suub3 uoneagdde`sla dm gd. oieue-,ta `st)galluq gam$a SepunJ -a$ sagutgae 3o uteatud s,uoilezloedto atp atottasap mnletalq m saingao ASJo Ow V ' l -aatntaS ampnal le�pakq Sams paauf aql Ai Pans! l uoudmaxa t(3)10S t0 Z(J)IoS mod Jag?30 sot4oa(Z)0ML -pi _ Laded«I I Y«4158 NO CHI JSRN1OauBttIIIS SCU.LOIM TN' -CELLIADDV 34 TIIM SO.).OHd dO SdId03010Hd ON - :oJl&e Via?III W& !! $_at 1-` -1.3ue w.3l ua _asn lcn as dap mirslm,PQ 3! .SICUL1n sgs ad Io sglo4d '6 " __--- -snlns ldpaaxe.8ut4aat st memeidmoa tegt spaced cep Jo`uogepgosuoa e tQ tmtstnlp R$mpsanbat abgio saaassassV,alp 01 pauduqns=uouetuagtnamnitto s4 don(z)0 i`algeaddde 31 '8 i i Suadosd aql$agnate uofepgosuoa,ro uoMptip luaant'eJo asneaaq mq xet atp e0 ragamu input mauemtad alp m ap$aei ea alagl pagM anq Psis Si spit pajg s<lp►eldutBa'agl uagM Awdoid aqt 0 Aanms cgs,*0l Paoemoaua Arduous si jueu dmoa a p(jl q xel auo amp at i ptuaso4spautd mustas too to pin Jo aaae a8Sj jug papaol St an m(s)Buipj a gpdm*ca anditt ?6.lessa3au ad item;41004 MT 34 nen>gs s `sasta altos ur 1100 103 lidritledtdome lsnmi uogdmaxa JOJ Matsu p uttsituaatoo mated gaea m3.*tutor*put lbaaemlad alp$u!;►4tts toatagl satdlo !qd a slltq xel mama(Z)0ML 'L Sun otd a p 3o an aqt Jo aapalmoutl Moyne 2utioni uoniiueato aqt p nomad pazuoylnemd?Aq pads aq lsnm*temp agi. _ s ale(r atp ?sogl ottnd'LCpadoid a`g1,3 ,s d atp`Sall[ a p`n0 uj a A.)Cel .' - (t) u_ 0 i- eP' pazuelou pue pa is Icm2uo LW -g -uoneziue&o iflmoxa2cdt all p asodmefatp$uunogs sMeq-Ag pin taueq lle4eoa alp 30 saidoa(Z)0ML "S -C C I ' -paap ao;lammoa 10 paeatmla luamllmsut`wamaatZe-piluarso areal- ' tpaap_soy luau**3o!alattre art'aodtnd pituaxa ao3 digstauno _` Sit8eq$ lueggep gatga mating* app (0 omt A1ddits gags`paap Ac Azalea un nu op luvmeldmoa 31 -q - mopaa tp 3o Mahal atp pin nun a**saAlm!maga* 4 atp Jo SIDNoq agt . BmMogs luaam, lssem pramaada 1s94 atppue lsnij ut paap alp 3osaidobosald(z)o*l w qrt as ald `.?slut feel e m st d gsr�ao 31 -lmeldmoa&tp 4ued03033V diuul 034 01433u 34 ateILP0.0 dalftauM9 unsaid qtgetsa dI miap am$30 stdoaologd (Z) oMj -£ a £d0a0100(Ijauo PuuJu0I0ld03 4[01a lmoa 4(14p3` a ts/t (}ad($d'O0£-XVi i°snom2ga2I(WOOL _,,,, a -whir algelpe%)(00£- vJ+d m `mold napattO gondola*p uoginp tP3-QnuubbnamJalUau4tedaattou}I1I 1eu!$u0 Lw 'Z s' 'O1 1141301N)I.I.3Bsys5o HV `( 3.LV7di +1.1140 SI naawcli +tiP3a-14 anflt) ' HO '$IOuvgt s `N ISIem v id -mq-xej ' ` Suit at Tinged sR> -n$do ptllp lts10*act* !idtuaxo IT sls$nba I:aml1 7satkit u0Udmata alp m sa p201*3 oa laded gaga utio4I3*0-Tpuu tI0 pang£paauuaaq 3S m1/'44a10 nuijo ugeldtao4 Malcall3o'9tvof pis?gJ. 'I - ; ameldgoa aql 414*Pall s og34m 6WVUma4J/tin!;win atr+Matnar?[:3o jteos 4 im itImidma uomdmaia amen leaf a atH 0J 6 a . -Mat mt st tatnsea alp m slae3 il ge 3p-:utatuays alaldmoa pue:mg a at nag 30113a edaQ ells 01 Imemm3 III44449100 Preog 3411-13003/01130 10041030 urinal NI A4Panc}dde SUFI pmt Wu Si/OWN 3°$ 0a app gmstaap atu`"suonipuan .apon Sj0W fl do ales atp-JO s el ag1'tgPun al(Qeae stvuot maxa MaIEa2130 Preowalelsa V z :UN t ¢1 eitivi 111177-4 • 4 u T"i UF--it r = O.4 ':-A t.Z4. '( VOH r c I f Er1 " 0:00-4 tt� > 's\ r r y e Villag 44 e;Ir.. ' llage of alorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 October 13, 2010 Tracy Callaghan Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago, Illinois 60602 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove. Illinois For Non-Homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-100-009-0000 Commonly known as: 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove,IL 60053 Dear Ms. Callaghan: To support the application of the Village of Morton Grove to exempt the above referenced property please find two sets of the following documents: 1. Property Tax Exemption Local Government Ownership Quick Check List; 2. Board of Review Real Estate Exemption complaint (B.R.Form R.E.E#7); 3. Illinois Department of Revenue Application(PTAX-300) (R-3/03): 4. Notarized Affidavit of Use; 5. Board of Review Exemption Petition: 6. Proof of Ownership(title insurance policy and deed); 7. Current tax bill; and 8. Original photographs. If further documentation or information is needed, do not hesitate to contact me. \Sincer / Vii--_ Teresa Hdffman Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk cc: Daniel J. Staackmann. Village President Joe Wade. Village Administrator VHAdmm\LegahReal Estate'.8733 Narragansett Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053-2985 dl Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 Property Tax Exemption Cook County Local Government Ownership Board of Review Required Documents Expedite your complaint by referring to the Quick Check List below. ?mil Board of Review Real Estate Exemption Complaint* (B.R. Form R.E.E. #7) *This triplicate-copy form can be picked up at any B.O.R. office or by calling 312-603-5542. • Illinois Department of Revenue Application (PTAX-300) (R-3/03) V Affidavit of Use • Notarized & dated statement signed by a government official detailing the specific activity by the owner and any lessees that took place on the property during the year. • Specify Street Address &all Permanent Index Numbers (P.I.N.$) that form the property. S. Board of Review Governmental Exemption Petition (Ex. 5) 2r Recorded Proof of Ownership • Deed, Title Insurance Policy, Contract for Deed and Proof of Current Installment Payments, Memorandum of Contract, or Lease. • A Mortgage or Release of Mortgage does not prove that you own your property. • If you acquired parts of your property on different dates or if subject parcels are not beside each other, fiie separate applications for each parcel. • Cook County Recorder of Deeds http://www.cookctyrecordencom/ j Leases • Required when anyone other than the owner used the property. 3- Current Tax Bill for Each Parcel • Cook County Treasurer http://www3.cookcountytreasurer.cominfo/faq/detail.wu?faq_id=281&search=&page=1&total=3&topic=39& PHPSESSID=bc5c2f 2eab5ccddb32d55531e06c10ae tx.i Original Photographs • Including the interior& exterior of all buildings. Attached to 8-1/2" x 11' sheets of paper (maximum 2 photos per page) • 3 Plat of Survey J Hand-Drawn Floor Plan • Showing use &approximate dimensions of each room in the building. ©2004 B.O.R.E. (L.G.) s > M C j m P0 ' 00 :, -, gin Cr 'A w C M 9 n a z w in m "5 5 'b R7 m ' -- I<O rn m P -p ,. 9i .f n C m O O �m 7 m 7 C - Q. m O i �b5 _. �, _ ,C 7 3 a c■ �n rF r? w CD w ,-< nb a ° 7 n 2 0 nz -. 'S > Q) 0 `-,.p �f —Di 'C td m• m ^ Ei, PJ,' m 'O O C az �. N U A V] �' ?: :Y . . 4n -,. t paw y m n m �'., m ^p a w �� w ° • 3 W-c%n O .g. 9 c9 m rD n . 5. C' a a. g e m ui 7• . o 0 E r • m m w m (D O 7 'e°. m 'C ,< u m I 0 oI - in ,^ 'x c 0` n o,. m 0 °. a `. 3 n O 'r–' G-) m -5 t`: m p = •e m a x as _ a .0 I m e k+ O o sv o ' < 57M z 7 Nnm S a 0 :� a j 1 i ry – 2 f<D c+ f CD co^� n \ �< n 7 �C O ?� < '�' m h. m O m n° m w x = c o aac z a m 0 r m 2, w w 0 = m -a1 m a, n I u, ,o a Z PE r 9 ,� m m 3 n',D a+ ° °- N o 5- . 0 y m 0 " 7 c a � n ao (!� 0 a __ v 0 CDw. M m n N w e s p I7:1 1 O co d a . F w w `.� c N n, G S w m T. "-". 3 R ._. co rt et N 0 m i m fmi1 ;� 0 t w o 0 7 o w m I p m < Pa - z? ,'o - a a .r m o 7. n m AI w o a a m o c t E w j D 3 ^ c c w �° m •t O ao m 7 O j 1 m X P c 2, m Z n C CC. Z - O O ft m ' 5 m m x I a? cn O Z O 0 0 3' co 3 `� -, C "` m n 0 o .� � � < r C S a OX in � � J 7 , , m �. m wG n -^ D m .z n • .mom C m m x - 0 , rD v.�• c 3 m y co m - w 'r ^ m z m n m a W ..., .< Ul a 0W w k! f p I ^" a, .0 m co C. O ihiO O O 7' O S m N o e0 m v a 0, co ti .- G .� Z '�" `-' n ay 3 � � ry 4 ^,'- • ,,.p W 'J' I — L ,c m C r GS N 0 Ip m n e+ 06 O D a 7C O a :..'. �. i S m '7 u Z m '- 7 7 5 i_+ `�'p7p�,• t G Z x ry a¢ as n ' y M 0 C w K ,~^- O n M 1 m C u i U 5 m 0 To o m co 'md' vT IC ^ `C-• � M m �° x " V1 n O .5' m p w o c a, °: 0 .z. jl o o �. o m C m 0 ,< li o` % 7 o to o o eb '- 0cm y V "'' c B n C as .- p, G '0 c m n m •N, 0 e0-e m m `< m A r a o w °� ,.0 2 Cr �. C m C `< 7 n m < - m 0- " m ,mx rD C, Illinois Department of Revenue C,; PTAX-300 Application for Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption — County Board of Review Statement of Facts Complaint no.: Volume no.: IDOR docket number: County use only IDOR use only Part 1: Identify the property 1 Cook 6 10-20-100-009-0000 County in which property is located Parcel identifying number 2 Village of Morton Grove t.Attach a copy of the property's legal description if the county Property owner has not assigned a number or if the property is a division. 3 8733 Narragansett Ave. 7 Dimensions or acreage of this property 30 x 121 Street address of property Morton Grove, IL 60053 8 12-22-2008 City ZIP Date of ownership 4 Village of Morton Grove t,,,Attach a copy of proof of ownership(deed,contract for deed, Name of organization applying for the exemption(i.e.,"applicant") t►ti insurance policy,condemnation order and proof of payment,etc.) 5 Yes No Is the applicant on Line 4 the lessee of the property? If"Yes,"write the dates the lease is in effect. From N/A To L Attach a copy of the contract or lease. Part 2: Identify any previous exemptions or applications (Providing this information will expedite processing.) 9 X Yes No Does the 4 ppliicant8have an Illinois sales lesltax exemption number?If"Yes,"write the exemption number. — E 1 10 Yes No Has a previous application been filed for this property or by this applicant? If"Yes,"write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number. if known. Part 3: identify the property's use 11 Identify the I in.i . .p. - r. citation for this application. 35 ILCS 200/ 15/60c Or ILCS / n n: 1 -: Yes p a j afl ncome dived from this property? If"Yes,"explain in detail. ya; con 13 X Yes No Does a unit of local government own this property? If"Yes."is the property located within its corporate boundaries? X Yes No 14 Yes No If granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100.000 or more, has the municipality. 4-Attach a copy school district,and community college district in which the property is located been notified that this application has of the notices been filed? and postal return receipts. 15 Describe the specific ctivi t les that take place on this property.Write the exact date each activity began and how frequently it takes place. The Village demolished the improvement (single family residence) on 12-8-2009. " 16 Yes No Did the activities described on Line 15 begin on the same date as the effective date of the lease on Line 5 or the date of ownership on Line 8,whichever is applicable? If"No,"explain in detail how the property was used between the lease or ownership date and the date these activities began. 17 Identify each building's use. square feet of ground area (SFGA), number of stories, and whether or not there is a basement. Use SFGA No.of stories Basement? (Y/N) Building 1 vacant N/A N/A N/A Building 2 Building 3 This torte is authhorize°as outlined by the Illinois Complied Statutes.35 LOS 200/15-5.16-7G.and 16-130.Disclosure PTAX-300 front(R-3/03` of this information is REQUIRED.This tone has been approved by the Forms Management Center. IL-492-1157 ' Part 4: Attach documentation The following documents must be attached: • Proof of ownership (copy of the deed, contract for deed,title insurance policy, condemnation order and proof of payment, etc.) • Picture of the property • Notarized affidavit of use • Copies of any contracts or leases on the property The documents identified on Lines 18 through 23 may be attached to expedite processing.Mark an"X"next to any documents that are attached. 18 Audited financial statements for the most recent year 21 Plot plan of each building's location on the property with each 19 Copy of the applicant's bylaws and complete certified building and land area labeled with parcel identifying numbers recorded copy of Articles of Incorporation, including purpose and specific uses clause and all amendments 22 Copy of any Illinois Department of Revenue Exemption 20 Copy of the notices to the municipality,school district, and Certificate community college district in which the property is located 23 Other(list) and postal return receipts if granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more Part 5: Identify the person to contact regarding this application 24 Teresa Hoffman Liston 25 Village of Morton Grove Name of applicant's representative Owners name(if the applicant is not the owner) 6101 Capulina 6101 Capulina Mailing address(incluae rural route or P.O.box.if applicable) Mailing address(include rural route or P.O.box, if applicable) Morton Grove, IL 60053 Morton Grove, IL 60053 City State ZIP City State ZIP (847 ) 470 — 5220 -(847 )470 — 5220 Phone number Phone number Part 6: Signature and notarization State of Illinois ) SS. County of Cook ) h Teresa Hoffman Liston, . Corporation Counsel being duly sworn upon oath. say that I have read (Name) - (Position) theieregoing plicatio ry6I t t all of the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 7 bi --_ / ix_ a (Affianfs signature) //, L, SAM LAITY Subscribed and s'worc/to before met 's /3n,day of (xt/Ib�+/L" , 20/0 . NOTARY it( -Vag ILt g �t�l NW (Notary Public Part 7: County Board of Review statement of facts 26 Current assessment S For assessment year 20_ 27 Yes No Is this exemption application for a leasehold interest assessed to the appiicant? If"Yes,"write the Illinois Department of— Revenue docket number for the exempt fee interest to the owner, if known. _ 28 State all of the facts considered by the County Board of Review in recommending approval or denial of this exemption application. 29 County Board of Review recommendation Full year exemption Partial year exemption From To Partial exemption for the following described portion of the property: Deny exemption 30 Date of Board's action Part 8: County Board of Review certification I hereby certify this to be a correct statement of all facts arising in connection with proceedings on this exemption application. Mail to: OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES EXEMPTION SECTION (3-520) Clerk(or Secretary in Cook County)of the County Board of Review's signature ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 101 WEST JEFFERSON STREET PTAX-300 pack(R-3/c3) SPRINGFIELD IL 62702 fr. R fi- 4L Village of Dorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 October 13, 2010 Fax 847/965-4162 Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago. Illinois 60602 Illinois Department of Revenue Office of Local Government Service Exemption Section 3-520 101 W. Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois 62702 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PIN No: 10-20-100-009-0000 Commonly know as: 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 AFFIDAVIT OF USE State of Illinois 1 SS County of Cook 1 Teresa Hoffman Liston being duly disposed and sworn on oath and states as follows: 1. I am the Corporation Counsel for the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois, and I have investigated the facts surrounding the above referenced application and am knowledgeable of the following information. 2. The Village of Morton Grove is seeking to exempt that property identified as PIN No: 10-20-100-009-0000. This property has been identified by the Cook County Assessor as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove. Illinois and is legally described as follows: LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION. BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19.TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAH ROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) LN COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 6005t-'985 ai Tel: (84Th 965-4100 Fay_: (847) 965-4162 to On or about December 22. 2008, the Village of Morton Grove acquired that property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue. Morton Grove, Illinois. 4. The property is located in the Lehigh/Ferris TIE District. 5. The Village of Morton Grove has demolished all improvements including the building located on the property and is holding the property for a future undetermined public use. Further affiant saveth not. Teresa Haffiuit Liston Corporation/Counsel Village of'Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove, IL 60053 Subscribed and sworn before me this /51/2 day of iciA,( `1 w/g OFFICIAL SEAL /52-L4177/ i*Z , " i SUSAN LATTANO i —Notar\ -atvlic NOTARY PUBUC-STATE OFIL NOIS i/N i SSY I,fY p 3 MV C0.'llmtsslOn expires: %L/4 , , 41 \'HAdmin Legal Real Estme\5733 Narragansett.Affidavit of Use GOVERNMENTAL EXEMPTION PETITION State of Illinois County of Cook } ss TO THE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT PROPERTY IDENTIFIED ON THE LATEST REAL ESTATE TAX BILL BY PERMANENT REAL ESTATE INDEX NUMBER 10-20-100-009-0000 TOWNSHIP Niles VOLUME Ii (A) Ixj FULL IS NOW ENTITLED TO (B) ❑ PARTIAL EXEMPTION (SEE NOTE A & B BELOW) FROM GENERAL REAL ESTATE TAXES: ACCORDING TO 35 ILCS 2001 5/35 THAT SAID PROPERTY IS OWNED AND USED BY THE PETITIONER EXCLUSIVELY FOR ITS PUBLIC GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES: THAT SAID PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY THE PETITIONER IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: (1) BY DEED DATED 12/22/2008 , RECORDED ON 01/05/2009 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 0900533050 COPY OF DEED TO BE SUBMITTED (2) BY CONDEMNATION CASE NUMBER FILED ON AND AWARD DEPOSITED ON (3) OTHERWISE AND DESCRIBED AS LOT 2 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION.BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366 FEE! OF LOT3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH CITE NORTH I( I FEET OF I OT - 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST WARIER OF SECTION I S_ TOWNSHIP 4; NORTH.RANGE 13 EAST Of THE THIRD PRIFLIPAL NIrRiDiAN,LYING LAS J GF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO.MILWAUKEE AND ST.PAUL RAILROAD[EXCEPT TIIEREERO i - THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEE!'OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION)IN COOK COUNTY.ILLINOIS- NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER OF REMAINDER PETITIONER Vi 11 aqt-of Marton. Grove/ By Subscribed and sworn to before Inc s+:_:fovaraB°' this /3IJ day of (�ti1//;l AUTHORIZED AGENT Teresa H©'ffnian Liston (AFFIANT 20 /G p i ADDRESS 6101 Ca ulina. Morton Grove, IL 60053 �/ gi o,4 847/47D-5220 B NO'•- PUBLIC PHONE A. FULL TAKING Where all of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was taken for Q z i E public government purposes, attach hereto said legal description. 41-} B. PARTIAL TAKING Where only a part of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was fO taken for public governmental purposes, the following must be attached to this petition; 0 1. A Plot of Survey showna all dimensions and the location and ownership of any buildings thereon: 2. the legal descriptions of the part taken and the part remaining in private ownership. Ex. 5 J 1 WARRANTY DEED IA., MAIL TO: IIIIIIilllllillllllli IIII II Illl llln �) Teresa Hoffman Liston (�� , ) Office of the Corporation Counsel Doc#: 0900533050 Fee:$ 40.00 " V ` 6101 Capulina Ave. Eugene "Gene" Moore RHSP ree:$10.00 Morton Grove. IL 60053 Cook County Recorder of Deeds Date: 01/05/2009 09:39 AM Pg: 1 of 3 NAME AND ADDRESS OF TAXPAYER: Village of Morton Grove ✓� 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 n .0 The Grantor(s). SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, of the Village/City of Morton Grove. State of Illinois, for and in consideration of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid Convey(s) and Warrant(s) to the Grantee(s) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, of 6101 Capulina Ave.. Morton Grove, IL 60053, all interest in the following described real estate situated in the State of Illinois, as follows: n SEE EXHIBIT "A"ATTACHED HERETO. Subject only to the following, if any: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of closing, covenants, conditions. and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, if any. so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. Commonly Known As: 8733 Narragansett Avenue. Morton Grove, IL 60053 Permanent Index Number: 10-20-100-009-0000 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. To have and to hold said premises forever. Dated this do day of ,lam Ck '1 l . 2008. 1/2 ( SFLANN✓ ZA L RAI EXEMPT-PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-11-5 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP EXEMPTION NC 06'` 7 DATE J,''_�- / AE DRESS 'I 7 f\I�� ir/"�I• rl tern Pt under provisions of paragraph .SeoMOII Reel.Eetate Transfs: Tax rtoc. UU STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) I. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said County. in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that SHANNEN ZARATE. a single person. personally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument. appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed. sealed. and delivered the said instrument as a free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Q Given under my hand and official seal. this ,1 ' 1-��7 day of Lryj 2008. y'4�� v Nc(tary Public "OP:CIA! SEAL" C SUSAN MMANROSE. ■ a COMMISSION EXPIRES OB/I8/09p, \.uAAAAk Asa.....-.aa,.. Ae.+.aaae I Exhibit A LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ..OMjv4i t1-. :N! FOR -rTV L, l `lArvC --------- — j 0 j I Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation.herein called the Company,for valuable consideration,commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A.in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A. as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in Schedule A.upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Tide Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUSAN M MANROSE AM AT LAW ay 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE, ILLINOIS 60069 I1!i uthonzed Signatory (847)955-2300 y Commitment No.: 1409 ST5107957 VNC COMCVP06 ❑ MDG0 FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 ., �-: M _ .Ur . < Oi: TI_ c__ INSURANCE SCHEDULE: A YOUR REFERENCE: 8723 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE. MORTON GROVE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNG EFFECTIVE DATE: NOVEMBER 21 , 2008 ISSUED BY: SUSAN M MANROSE A.TTY AT LAW 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE,ILLINOIS 60069 I. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: PHONE: (847)955-2300 FAX: (847)808-1221 OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: $290,000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS FEE SIMPLE,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: SHANNEN ZARATE COMA4 6/O? Dcc FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 SCHEDULE 7 A ;CONTINUED) 1 INUED ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC I 4k LOAN POLICY 1 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED NONE 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE COMZMTG6 13/06DGG FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 COMMITMT:Nil `,`:R ; TLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER NC : '!409 515107957 VNC 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366. 17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100. 17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COML GOO 12/96 DGG FE PAGE A2 FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 • TTfl TILE N C ON'IPA_N'_' - COMMITMENT FOR =LT. NS 'RA Vi/a, SCHEDULE B ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5iO7957 VNC SCHEDULE B OE THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN AIN EXC EPTIONS TO THE FOL'.OWING i MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. I I GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 . RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES iN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. 3 . EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. _ , 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR J HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. �`, 6. WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT AND, UNLESS THE LAND 0 J2 p} �� INSURED IS A CONDOMINIUM UNIT, A SURVEY IF AVAILABLE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. 7. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. B 8. 1 . TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2008 2008 TAXES ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2007 FIRST INSTALLMENT WAS DUE MARCH 04, 2008 NOTE: 2007 FINAL INSTALLMENT WAS DUE NOVEMBER 03, 2008 PERM TAX# PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 2ND INST STAT 10-20-100-009-0000 1 OF 1 2007 $1 ,802. 15 PAID $1 ,602.34 PAID h x x x # t x Y • t x x x ♦ x * * x Y x : x a x x M x x x x x x C 9. AS OF FEBRUARY 1 , 2008, THE COOK COUNTY TREASURER NO LONGER PROVIDES DUPLICATE t TAX BILLS FOR CURRENT YEAR TAXES TO PARTIES OTHER THAN THE TAX ASSESSES. THE \,3 COMPANY REQUESTS THAT ORIGINAL TAX BILLS BE FURNISHED WHENEVER THE COMPANY IS �� REQUESTED TO PAY TAXES. ORIGINAL BILLS SHOULD BE FURNISHED AT OR BEFORE THE TIME THE COMPANY IS REQUESTED TO MAKE PAYMENTS. 0 10. NOTE: THE LAND LIES WITHIN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALL OF WHICH IS SUBJECT TO THE PREDATORY LENDING DATABASE PROGRAM ACT (765 ILCS 77/70 ET SEQ.) (THE ACT) . ON AND AFTER JULY 1 , 2008, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACT OR A ,1l}°/,� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION THEREFROM MUST BE OBTAINED AT TIME OF CLOSING IN ORDER FOR THE COMPANY TO RECORD ANY INSURED MORTGAGE. IF THE CLOSING IS NOT CONDUCTED BY THE COMPANY, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE OR A CERTIFICATE OF 'Y \I \alt EXEMPTION MUST BE ATTACHED TO ANY MORTGAGE TO BE RECORDED. �J \,\lam coMaIas 12i06 ncc FE PAGE B1 FE 12/05/08 i2:5$'S9 CHIC A > TIT; E T 'SL FRAINCil COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE -j SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC E fl. MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST AS 1 nb ST 26, 2004 r, DOCUMENT Nn. \i 0423935011 , MADE BY SHANNEN J . ZARATE, TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. , TO SECURE A i ��/.�- ' 111111 NOTE FOR $228,000.00. i VF 12. MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0423935012 MADE BY SHANNEN J. ZARATE TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. TO SECURE AN > 5\b INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,500.00. G 13. MUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST ti��0 ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN }' MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS 1 ` SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR *, OTHER APPROVALS. H 14. NOTE FOR INFORMATION (ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS) : ALL ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE PRIOR TO CLOSING TO ALLOW AMPLE TIME FOR THE COMPANY TO EXAMINE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. (THIS NOTE WILL BE WAIVED FOR POLICY) . I 15. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: TITLE INSURANCE AGENT: (847)955-2300 (847)808-1221 AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY SERVICE PROVIDER: CHICAGO LAND AGENCY SERVICES 1279 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE SUITE 310 CHICAGO, IL. 60622 (773)384-8200 (773)384-8242 ** END ** FE PAGE B 2 FE 12/05/08 12:58:59 COM61C06 12/06 DGG • 'T C j _ t H1 _ G t 1 1i 1 NSU AN11 COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage.when used herein.shall include deed of trust. trust deed,or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect.lien.encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien.encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof,or (h) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B.or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties.You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at http://www.alta.org/>. cOMcoN06 12/06 OGG FE FE 12/05/08 12:58:59 Eff ective Date: May 1. 2008 Fidelity National Financial, inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial. Inc. and its subsidiaries ("FNF") respect the privacy and security of your non-public personal information ("Personal Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNFa privacy practices. including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources.and to whom it maybe disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and. depending on the business performed, FNF companies may share information as described herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: Information we receive from you on applications or other forms.such as your name address,social security number.tax identification number, asset information and income information: Information we receive from you through our Internet websites.such as your name,address email address.Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites.and your activity while using or reviewing our websites: information about your transactions with or services performed by us. our affiliates. or others, such as information concerning your gotta_ premiums,payment histop'.information about your home or other real property. information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions.account balances.and credit card information:and Information we receive from consumer or other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies)to various individuals and companies,as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include,without limitation,the following: To insurance agents,brokers,representatives.support organizations,or others to provide you with services you have requested,and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity,fraud,material misrepresentation.or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions', To third-part' contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or providing you with services you have requested: To an insurance regulator'authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority.in a civil action,in connection with a subpoena or a governmental investigation; To companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements and/or To lenders, lien holders,judgement creditors,or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined,settled,paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. We may also disclose your Personal Information to others when we believe.in good faith.that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers,employees.or property and/or to comply with ajudicial proceeding.court order or legal process. Disclosure to Affiliated Companies-We are permitted by law to share your name, address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies,such as insurance companies,agents,and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, for marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do not,however,disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent.in conformity with applicable law,unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to NonafTdiated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated third parties,except as outlined herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information We restrict access to Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical.electronic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Personal Information/ Requests for Correction,Amendment,or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law,we will afford you the right to access your Personal Information.under certain circumstances to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed.and request correction or deletion of your Personal Information. However.FNF's current policy is to maintain customers'Personal Information for no less than your sates reouired record retention requirements for the purpose of handling future coverage claims. For your protection.all requests made under this section must be in writing and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Where permitted by law,we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to: Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,FL 32204 Changes to this Privacy Statement This Privacy Statement may he amended from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement,we will post a notice of such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement.as stated above,indicates the last time this Privacs Statement was revised or materially changed. PRIVACY 5/08 AIL -2:---'="1-4,7,-7.-1:2._.`':..:33091 .27' = 2010 First Installment Property Tax Bill $ Property Inc e)Number(PINT "r l,nro Cede In Inn (Fantle In) TownSl iF BY 9101,11 (on time) 10-20-100-009-0000 117 24062 2010 (2011) NILES IF PAID LATE 041211 - 05703_11 IF PAID LATE 05.12111 - 08:0111 IF PAIR LATE D&02,11 07701111 ra-; $ 3,137-64 $ 3,184.01 $ 3 ,230.38 rr'L- PAY THIS BILL AT C00K000NTYTREASURER.COM OR AT ANY CHICAGOLAND CHASE BANK. i; • I t TOTAL TAX -c c+. . a 14 ,- -+, 5.620.45 6733 NAARAGANSE1 f AVE LIORTOt: GROVE IL '00055. Prorbariy CIansolrauon 2-02 X 55' 2212 1ST It2STALLMENT '-4' 7;711t, , DUE DATE APRIL 1 , 2011 = 3,09,.27 ; Dear Fellow Taxpayer, +L. (r, CUtint, lit'?si;rL- ". The 2010-First Installment-Tax Bitt-is due Fnday—Aprii 1, 201 I. -- took(otintrt easurer.con A law recently passed by the Illinois Legislature changes the First Installment due date for Tax Year 2010 property taxes (payable in 2011) to April 1, 2011. 12.# 'lut) This"is a one-time change to the First Installment due date, which will revert back to March 1 for future First Installment collections. The Tax Year 2011 ` First Installment tax bill will be due March 1, 2012. Fst Sincerely,- -: I» �. Mans Pappas Cook County Treasurer NOTICE: 2009 taxes (due in 2010) on this PIN are delinquent. Contact us at cookcountytreasurer.com or call 312.443.5100. _ ` VLG OF MORTON GROV<-, m -sr 6101 CAPULINA t MORTON GROVE U 60053-2902 _.-"`I t 1 TI ,.:?-ii"s 3r'r filtlattifailtii.i F R€f, ` ti r-air'Y?iw" ..:.>,,,,..a.....<,. ,.,_. - , r 4 t.t1 ,., , ;,'t Propery Index Numoe;(PIN) Vclumc ;.,_' $ 3,091 .27 . '-6 10-20-100-009-0000 117 BY 0:0111 (on time) R paying later. refer to amounts above 00003091273 102010000900000 01018 00003137644 00003184017 00003230389 l h g(rF fig[ ID�p€ �1tf 1µr IyI �It` C (C �pF tt I ;�� I ill dEFK1r 4LL -ekl 11IIt1Ur[�UI II,I-31 COOK COUNTY TREASURER r•L:'. VLG OF MORTON GROVE PO BOX 44E8 k?-v. OR CURRENT OWNER CAROL STREAM IL 60197-4466 M-.. ; 6101 CAPULINA AVE Lllloll,.o„llh1..I.,,1Jul.Ivlrllnl,,Inli,d.dnulll MORTON GROVE IL 60053-2902 IJI„II„dL,..i.L,.Ii...Id61,dh,,,,i,111..,,.,11„IJf mow���•' 10201000090000/0/10/E/0000309127/1 s , n Y - s { � t +�k e ✓Yfi _F "k _ 7 Fx t! , _.H 1.: ' i'r fri -}yv E - =< ,1N^ Yt -ec• -z ) �Y e ,. tN 3L A e ki. � _� la i ee < .1{ 5s. , �s , •,4 r S f1'. � ry 1 1 1' i Ie. �V• ,- .1'4'---;'z';', ,' rMyeJ r s y.+ -i + ,, ✓� F " 1 v1 t s 'Li ✓ ' `� 1ry r -auz �y q - 97 - R ' '.-1 s. - .ms s '\ 'f >> 115x+, tY ',�} k .".r � „t ` �}�i! ` � 1 + �% N+) �� - � f,`i� "/ p 3' .3(��•.yy�g Ifj ��•1l 4` , 41:d'. • 1 t .,--„lr 1 _ t .z_} . . 7 ,. SRS -.. �1� -1- Py t � v t r: ''.. ?i3; Iii p r s yes �,' 1,lrt t, "� v'� ill A � J ✓ 9 { t 'p _ } t rt` - ------r& 1 r r`V r'_ s / - - AREA OF SURVEY: °CONTAINING 3.643 SQ. FT. 0.08 ACRES MORE OR LESS" W CONCRETE AALK g 1.00' AE5T / AT CORNER Lu n CONCRETE Q CURE, V n/ SET CROS5 LC- AT CORNER Z STATE OF ILLINOIS ® EAST LINE OF NARRANGANSETT AVENUE AS MONUME AND OCCUPIED PER RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT. N 0 °00'00" E (A) LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION. OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER. OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 1.00' BRICK AALL5 W O ct� O O o 0 0 0 0 z 1�1 15.70' FENCE 0.40' SOUTH .FENCE 0.10' SOUTH LOT 23 FENCE FENCE 0.10' NORTH / 0.'70 SOUTH FENCE / 1.00' SOUTH 12,1.65' (R /M) �o 41 FENCE 0.50' SOUTH CONCRETE WALK 1.60' NORTH 4 1.00' EA5T 2W LOT Q 22 121.6'4' (R /M) O LOT 21 F.I.P. 1/2" 0.60' Ye5T 4 ON LINE FENCE uJ F'IR' J R AT CORNE ON LINE � CONCRETE 4 6RAN/EL 1.00' Yla5T FENCE 0.40' VdE5T 4 0.20' SOUTH r� rK 0 (D o a 0 K) 5.50' 0 CONCRETE 4 GRAVEL 0.50' REST GONGRETE WALK 020' EAST 4 1.30' NORTH F.I.R. 1/2" AT CORNER }SS i I COUNTY OF WILL I, THE UNDERSIGNED, AN ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT "THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONFORMS TO THE CURRENT ILLINOIS MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR A BOUNDARY SURVEY," AND THAT THE PLAT HEREON DRAWN IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. LEGEND DATED, THIS 9TH DAY of DECEMBER , A.D., 2008, AT BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS. = CHAIN LINK FENCE (R) = RECORD (NW) = NORTHWESTERLY X-- = WIRE FENCE (M) = MEASURED (NE) = NORTHEASTERLY XE ZARATE (D) = DEED (SW) = SOUTHWESTERLY �- --�- -- T- = WOOD FENCE CLIENT (C) = CALCULATED (SE) = SOUTHEASTERLY -- -0-4 -- = SPLIT RAIL FENCE C L1 0 6 79 - 08 (L) = ARC LENGTH (RAD)= RADIUS = WROUGHT IRON FENCE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 035_ 3482 JOB NO. - (CH)= CHORD (A) = ASSUMED P.U. & D.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY & (R.O.W.) = RIGHT OF WAY (F.I.P.) = FOUND IRON PIPE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (F.I.R.) = FOUND IRON ROD B.S.L. = BUILDING SETBACK LIB ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM NO. 184 -2961 FIELDWORK. DATE. 12-08-08 SCALE:1" =20 PROFESSIONAL-, , 0 ' d = LAND SURVEYOR NO. 35 -3482 - - BOLINGBROOK, r 3 N ?, ILLINOIS �A 9F OF LICENSE EXPIRES ON NOVEMBER 30, 2010 12/9/2008 10.17'.09 AM, Mark i I as • rANA; r 1_ 11 Village of oVtorton grove P ,±i Office of the Corporation Counsel R Telephone 847/663-3003 Fax 847/965-4162 October 13, 2010 Tracy Callaghan Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street,Room 601 Chicago. Illinois 60602 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove. Illinois For Non-Homestead Property Tax Exemption PLN No: 10-20-100-009-0000 Commonly known as: 8733 Narragansett Avenue,Morton Grove, IL 60053 Dear Ms. Callaghan: To support the application of the Village of Morton Grove to exempt the above referenced property please find two sets of the following documents: 1. Property Tax Exemption Local Government Ownership Quick Check List; 2. Board of Review Real Estate Exemption complaint(B.R. Form R.E.E#7); 3. Illinois Department of Revenue Application(PTAX-300) (R-3/03): 4. Notarized Affidavit of Use: 5. Board of Review Exemption Petition: 6. Proof of Ownership (title insurance policy and deed); 7. Current tax bill; and 8. Original photographs. If further documentation or information is needed. do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,/ /, Teresa Hoffman Liston Corporation Counsel THL/mk cc: Daniel J. Staackmann_Village President Joe Wade,Village Administrator VHAdmin`.Legai Real Estate A8733 Narragansett Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 le Clod Pa.,_- Property Tax Exemption Cook County Local Government Ownership Board of Review Required Documents Expedite your complaint by referring to the Quick Check List below. B• oard of Review Real Estate Exemption Complaint* (B.R. Form R.E.E. #7) *This triplicate-copy form can be picked up at any B.O.R. office or by calling 312-603-5542. Illinois Department of Revenue Application �X (PTAX-300) (R-3/03) 4 A• ffidavit of Use • Notarized & dated statement signed by a government official detailing the specific activity by the owner and any lessees that took place on the property during the year. • Specify Street Address &all Permanent Index Numbers (P.I.N.$) that form the property. Board of Review Governmental Exemption Petition (Ex. 5) 2r R• ecorded Proof of Ownership • Deed,Title Insurance Policy, Contract for Deed and Proof of Current Installment Payments, Memorandum of Contract, or Lease. • A Mortgage or Release of Mortgage does not prove that you own your property. • If you acquired parts of your property on different dates or if subject parcels are not beside each other, file separate applications for each parcel. • Cook County Recorder of Deeds http://www.cookctyrecordencom/ • Leases • Required when anyone other than the owner used the property. Current Tax Bill for Each Parcel • Cook County Treasurer http://www3.cookcountytreasurer.com/info/faq/detail.wu?faq_id=281&search=&page=1&total=3&topic=39& PHPSESSID=bc5c2f2eab5ccddb32d55531e06c10ae W O• riginal Photographs • Including the interior & exterior of ali buildings. Attached to 8-1/2" x 11" sheets of paper(maximum 2 photos per page) j. Plat of Survey 'U Hand-Drawn Floor Plan • Showing use &approximate dimensions of each room in the building. ©2004 B.O.R.E. (L.G.) s F° `, = — m a - o O .^, R ; n cn w nm a n a z R' Qi O -S c O O a 0 c 0"� a w .L GO Q 6.O / H'. ° n ory G m OO '.0.7 ° N C N <' ° G"`� A 9 m r 1 .< J a o 7 N'+ m o z Cr7 e n • (:O 2 W '0 e v rSO ha _ 'O TS =. , a w KO m s -�, �.% n w` w v: .� p s ew -m ; .< n Ds a c r w a 0 ,. _ a n n v o a » f, m .. o ro - m 5 mw e o .° E. 7 w w 00 y p-,-._„0.' o _�. n '-h '3 I0 A E a w 'O c N .o th n x to R E is `' 3, �n O '` a w a " CD n en M a a R 7 H m ee r O :a i .. 2 Z ^' �A 7 ("j,' n = c m C 'fJ V: m J] z S c < a m a a c c o .< _Cn 7 Z z O w _ < ,c. = a =;i: t ''P' m -5i a C Ce, X et 2 i N _CD tli .r.° ^ ,n n 3 w a° c c m s ° 9 n+ 'a a Z k c m CO SP rD D m 0 r a F a ^ O. = CD .7 U ' n L. 7 a z ..`N.' 1 1 CL 0 • y �', m m N o n o O 1 O O.'• 7 a. o m n w w w Z Y� Eo m J] n is N c _I 0 m rD m o 7. O�. 7 m C T TACO m < P " z n Cr rD a °. b CO e re o n Fo X m F me m s ° _ z- a C+ q w as ._ ° O r D I 3 ° a x B rD w o a p. z m o z O O o n _ n t7 a ,n Eg m ro n .` o w w -"' w rkD _. v' o ZOO r. m R �' ,m 3 m "� 7 .s .3 O e.13 co��� m _ 3 m o m PE n m K - m z 3 0 en s \.:. n a m r a CD ° m r o � O °o ?0 C ° m •± n M M - lJ L- r C m V w 5 o - n m m n a m a T w D Z Et Ui P. as ,G - CD N v' 7 C kD W N re "+ p a n O m N O ee o an `� jn �' G ry S n En i 0- J y p O _ I a . , a O - 7 n e = e" x 0. o o w U. r E. N N a m • _ r 2 0 S W N O 2 2 J T w a W N "D W 7 c V. a O in m 5 c co- n 4 co it o w m o pa 7 .c te.'a \ . N n 7i 7 c n� -cg f:. a ti m y - rD a o n (it Z • t, a m ri' Oct a m , z m 7 5-� m 7 m en• �7 � z w on n ° o m a CD o B n + k c 1 Z S a m U ° °" m O y o r.• \m r z P a a 0 • g�� m ge 3 as CD + nee m a. .a, m m r. o 7 b R M. rD � 0'0 o P1 ° I= 0 II A iy rD _ Fj' ,mom p, 0 A < G K m .. 1-0 m c C n c < a -. ti 7"� N Il Illinois Department of Revenue G, PTAX-300 Application for Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption — County Board of Review Statement of Facts Complaint no.: Volume no.: IDOR docket number: County use only IDOR use only Part 1: Identify the property 1 Cook 6 10-20-100-009-0000 County in which property is located Parcel identifying number 2 Village of Morton Grove ta Attach a copy of the properly's legal description if the county Property owner has not assigned a number or if the property is a division. 3 8733 Narragansett Ave. 7 Dimensions or acreage of this property 30 x 121 Street address of property Morton Grove, IL 60053 8 12-22-2008 City ZIP Date of ownership 4 Village of Morton Grove Z,Attach a copy of proof of ownership(deed,contract for deed, Name of organization applying for the exemption(i.e.,"applicant') title insurance policy,condemnation order and proof of payment,etc.) 5 Yes No Is the applicant on Line 4 the lessee of the property? If Wes,"write the dates the lease is in effect. From N/A To `Attach a copy of the contract or lease. Part 2: Identify any previous exemptions or applications (Providing this information will expedite processing.) 9 X Yes No Does the applicant have an Illinois sales tax exemption number? If"Yes,'write the exemption number. E— 9 9 9 8 _ 1 4 9 1 10 Yes No Has a previous application been filed for this property or by this applicant? If"Yes,"write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number. if known. Part 3: Identify the property's use 11 identi the I in.i . •/••' -• citation for this application. 35 ILCS 200/ 15/60c Or ILCS_/ 1 -. Yes „ •p,ia'•aay,jncome.d4ived from this property? If"Yes,"explain in detail. _l(app i y-..e :Y in c ::t:• con •«t • 13 X Yes No Does a unit of local government own this property? If"Yes."is the property located within its corporate boundaries? X Yes _ No 14 Yes No If granting this appiication will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more, has the municipality, to ehnat.0Pes school district,and community college district in which the property is located been notified that this application has and postal been filed. return receipts. 15 Describe the specific ctivi ies that take place on this property.Write the exact date each activity began and how frequently it takes place. The Village demolished the improvement (single family residence) on 12-8-2009. 16 Yes _ No Did the activities described on Line 15 begin on the same date as the effective date of the lease on Line 5 or the date of ownership on Line 8.whichever is applicable? If°No,"explain in detail how the property was used between the lease or ownership date and the date these activities began. 17 Identify each building's use, square feet of ground area (SFGA), number of stories,and whether or not there is a basement. Use SFGA No.of stories Basement? (YIN) Building 1 vacant N/A N/A N/A Building 2 Building 3 This form is authorized as outlined by the Illinois Compiled Statutes.35 ILCS 200/15-5,16-70.and 16-130.Disclosure PTAX-300 front(R-3/03) of this information is REQUIRED.This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center. IL-492-1157 • Part 4: Attach documentation The following documents must be attached: • Proof of ownership (copy of the deed, contract for deed, title insurance policy, condemnation order and proof of payment. etc.) • Picture of the property • Notarized affidavit of use • Copies of any contracts or leases on the property The documents identified on Lines 18 through 23 may be attached to expedite processing.Mark an"X"next to any documents that are attached. 18 Audited financial statements for the most recent year 21 Plot plan of each building's location on the property with each 19 Copy of the applicant's bylaws and complete certified building and land area labeled with parcel identifying numbers recorded copy of Articles of Incorporation, including purpose and specific uses clause and all amendments 22 Copy of any Illinois Department of Revenue Exemption 20 Copy of the notices to the municipality, school district, and Certificate community college district in which the property is located 23 Other (list) and postal return receipts if granting this application will reduce the property's assessed valuation by$100,000 or more Part 5: Identify the person to contact regarding this application 24 Teresa Hoffman Liston 25 Village of Morton Grove Name of appiicants representative Owners name(if the applicant is not the owner) 6101 Capulina 6101 Capulina Mailing address(include rural route or P.O.box,if applicable) Mailing address(include rural route or P.C.box. if applicable) Morton Grove, IL 60053 Morton Grove, IL 60053 City State ZIP City State ZIP (847 ) 470 — 5220 (847 )470 — 5220 Phone number Phone number Part 6: Signature and notarization State of Illinois ) SS. County of Cook I, Teresa Hoffman Liston, . Corporation Counsel , being duly sworn upon oath.say that I have read (Name) (Position) the-foregoing plicatio nfl that all of the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . _ , l' (Affianfs signature) /1 SUSAN LATTANZI Subscribed and s'worrt to before me j s !3n'day of afrii2 �/ . 20/0 . NOTARY Putt-Sonar u (Notary Public Part 7: County Board of Review statement of facts 26 Current assessment $ For assessment year 20_ 27 Yes No Is this exemption application for a leasehold interest assessed to the applicant? If"Yes,"write the Illinois Department of Revenue docket number for the exempt fee interest to the owner, if known. — 28 State all of the facts considered by the County Board of Review in recommending approval or denial of this exemption application. 29 County Board of Review recommendation Full year exemption Partial year exemption From To Partial exemption for the following described portion of the property: Deny exemption 30 Date of Board's action Part 8: County Board of Review certification I hereby certify this to be a correct statement of all facts arising in connection with proceedings on this exemption application. Mall to: OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES EXEMPTION SECTION (3-520) Clerk(or Secretary in Cook County)of the County Board of Reviews signature ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 101 WEST JEFFERSON STREET PTAX-300 pack(R-3/03) SPRINGFIELD IL 62702 err , r 3 ,;- Village of or on grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/663-3003 October 13, 2010 Fax 847/965-4162 Cook County Board of Review 118 N. Clark Street, Room 601 Chicago. Illinois 60602 Illinois Department of Revenue Office of Local Government Service Exemption Section 3-520 101 W. Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois 62702 RE: Application by the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois For Non-homestead Property Tax Exemption PLN No: 10-20-100-009-0000 Commonly know as: 8 733 Narragansett Avenue. Morton Grove. IL 60053 .AFFIDAVIT OF USE State of Illinois SS County of Cook Teresa Hoffman Liston being duly disposed and sworn on oath and states as follows: 1. I am the Corporation Counsel for the Village of Morton Grove. Illinois. and I have investigated the facts surrounding the above referenced application and am knowledgeable of the following information. 2. The Village of Morton Grove is seeking to exempt that property identified as PLN No: 10-20-100-009-0000. This property has been identified by the Cook County Assessor as 8733 Narragansett Avenue. Morton Grove. Illinois and is legally described as follows: LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION. BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNLNG'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 4.4 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH. RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST.PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 E HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Iliinot 6005;-'985 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847 965-416^_ On or about December 22. 200S. the Village of Morton Grove acquired that property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue. Morton Grove. Illinois. 4. The property is located in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. 5. The Village of Morton Grove has demolished all improvements including the building located on the property and is holding the property for a future undetermined public use. Further affiant sayeth not. Teresa Hoffman Liston Corporakion/Counsel Village of-Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove. IL 60053 Subscribed and sworn before me this /-3117 day of nl J/1,h//% pry-, OPTICAL S AL TTAIa Nta / 77 /% SUSAN LA votary Phkic NOTARY COMMISSION STATE My Commission expires: 2 ,/ -20/ l \'HAdmin Legal Real Esmte\8733 Narragansett.Affidavit of Use GOVERNMENTAL EXEMPTION PETITION State of Illinois County of Cook } S S TO THE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF REVIEW THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT PROPERTY IDENTIFIED ON THE LATEST REAL ESTATE TAX BILL BY PERMANENT REAL ESTATE INDEX NUMBER 10-20-100-009-0000 TOWNSHIP Niles VOLUME ri ! (A) FULL IS NOW ENTITLED TO (B) I PARTIAL EXEMPTION (SEE NOTE A & B BELOW) FROM GENERAL REAL ESTATE TAXES: ACCORDING TO 35 ILCS 2001 5/35 THAT SAID PROPERTY IS OWNED AND USED BY THE PETITIONER EXCLUSIVELY FOR ITS PUBLIC GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES: THAT SAID PROPERTY WAS ACQUIRED BY THE PETITIONER IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: (1) BY DEED DATED 12/22/2008 , RECORDED ON 01/05/2009 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 0900533050 , COPY OF DEED TO BE SUBMITTED (2) BY CONDEMNATION CASE NUMBER FILED ON AND AWARD DEPOSITED ON (3) OTHERWISE AND DESCRIBED AS LOT IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION.BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366 11 : Oi LOT3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION ISION O LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FELT OF I "?" - 44IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION I°- TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,..LING E..S�uF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO,MILWAUKEE AND ST PAUL RAILROAD(EXCEPT TI'FREER'DI THE NORTI 1 100-17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOTS IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION)IN COCK COUNTY. II LINOIS. (� I NAME AND ADDRESS OF (� !OWNER OF REMAINDER PETITIONER Vi 11 ao -of Morton Grovel B"r Subscribed and sworn to before me nl Teresa Hdffman Liston this /3715 day of -_ AUTHORIZED AGENT (AFFIANT) 20 /C ADDRESS 6101 Capulina, Morton Grove, IL 60053 NO •- PUBLIC PHONE 847/470-5220 A. FULL TAKING Where all of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was taken for public government purposes, attach hereto said legal description. LL 6 ci e B. PARTIAL TAKING Where only a part of the property covered in the latest real estate tax bill was `O taken for public governmental purposes, the following must be attached to this petition; 1. A Plot of Survey showlne al! dimensions and the location and ownership of any buildings thereon: 2. the legal descriptions of the part taken and the part remaining in private ownership. Ex. 5 L1 N WARRANTY DEED II � MAIL TO: IIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIII II ILA • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Teresa Hoffman Liston Office of the Corporation Counsel Doc#: 0900533050 Fee: $40.00 N- 6101 Capulina Ave. Eugene "Gene` Moore RHSP Fee:$10.00 Morton Grove. IL 60053 Date: 01/06/2009 09:39 AM Deeds 1 or 3 lr) NAME AND ADDRESS OF TAXPAYER: Village of Morton Grove ✓� 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove. IL 60053 n The Grantor(s), SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, of the Village/City of Morton Grove. --- State of Illinois, for and in consideration of Ten and 00/100 Dollars (510.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid Convey(s) and Warrant(s) to the Grantee(s) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, of 6101 Capulina Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, all interest in the ,' following described real estate situated in the State of Illinois, as follows: SEE EXHIBIT `A"ATTACHED HERETO. v Subject only to the following, if any: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of closing, covenants. conditions. and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, if any, so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. Commonly Known As: 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Permanent Index Number: 10-20-100-009-0000 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. To have and to hold said premises forever. I1C� Dated this day of �k /7�.�3Cs . 2008. 471(Y..killt- STNNEy ZARATE EXEMPT-PURSUANT TO SECTION 1-11-5 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP EXEMPTION NO 0h '6777 /p ADD _S5 ) 313 ILO Virg- DE:. Szempt under provisions of paragraph...11_,Se*on 4, ._i r x- e Reel.Estate Trensfa - 72:a act. imam Joao STATE OF ILLLNOIS )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) I. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, personally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument as a free and voluntary act. for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and official seal. this ik7 day of ?t4). 2008. 7u Ngtary Public i "vF-iCIAL SEAL" " • ",�OF!SUSAN M MANROSE" "s CONWISS{ON EXPIRES 08/18/09 •Aa?AAaA 4AAaAAAA Exhibit A LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CO MM4 a %ENT FOR TITLE tN SURANC I I 0 Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY.a Nebraska corporation.herein called the Company,for valuable consideration,commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A,in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A. as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in Schedule A,upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue.whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown ir,Schedule A. Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW By 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE, ILLINOIS 60069 09" Refer Inquiries To: �`trea �` uthorized Signatory (847)955-2300 Commitment No.: 1409 ST5107957 vote coMCVPOS uiosoGG FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 OOMMITMEN'T VCi, SCHEDULE E A YOUR REFERENCE: 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE ORDER NO. : 1409 5;5107957 'VNC EFFECTIVE DATE: NOVEMBER 21 , 2008 ISSUED BY: SUSAN M MANROSE AM'AT LAW 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE.ILLINOIS 60069 1. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: PHONE: (847)955-2300 FAX: (847)808-1221 OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: $290,000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS FEE SIMPLE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: SHANNEN ZARATE COMA406 6/07 OGG FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 J Ii ENT FOR TrYLE iNSURANCF SCHEDULE A (CONTI.NUED) ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 MC I 4A. LOAN POLICY I MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED' NONE 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE COMMITC4 wGHDGG FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 COMMITMENT FL? TIT[ E INSURANCE SCHEDULE (CnNTINUED) ORDER N'C. _ "I 409 515107957 VNO E � 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 356. 17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 95 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMI.GO6 12/0S OGG FE PAGE A2 FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 OMtViI 1 \: N';j FOR TITLE 1S.. ,RANnv SCHEDULE B -. ORDER NO. : 1 409 ST5 1079``7 VNC SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POCK IES TO B ISSUED V LL CON;AIN EXCE!TIONS 1 O THE FOL , ININ` I MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED O: T 0 THE S ATISF.ACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 . RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS, 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. 3. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS, 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. ^U 6. WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT AND, UNLESS THE LAND \ INSURED IS A CONDOMINIUM UNIT, A SURVEY IF AVAILABLE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE 0 ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. 7, NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. B 8. 1 . TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2008 2008 TAXES ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2007 FIRST INSTALLMENT WAS DUE MARCH 04, 2008 NOTE: 2007 FINAL INSTALLMENT WAS DUE NOVEMBER 03, 2008 PERM TAX# PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 2ND INST STAT 10-20-100-009-0000 1 OF 1 2007 $1 ,802. 15 PAID $1 ,602.34 PAID C 9. AS OF FEBRUARY 1 , 2008, THE COOK COUNTY TREASURER NO LONGER PROVIDES DUPLICATE q _ TAX BILLS FOR CURRENT YEAR TAXES TO PARTIES OTHER THAN THE TAX ASSESSES. THE COMPANY REQUESTS THAT ORIGINAL TAX BILLS BE FURNISHED WHENEVER THE COMPANY IS ��\ REQUESTED TO PAY TAXES. ORIGINAL BILLS SHOULD BE FURNISHED AT OR BEFORE THE TIME THE COMPANY IS REQUESTED TO MAKE PAYMENTS. 0 10. NOTE: THE LAND LIES WITHIN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALL OF WHICH IS SUBJECT TO THE PREDATORY LENDING DATABASE PROGRAM ACT (765 ILCS 77/70 ET SEQ.) (THE ACT) . ON AND AFTER JULY 1 , 2008, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACT OR A CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION THEREFROM MUST BE OBTAINED AT TIME OF CLOSING IN ORDER ( ) FOR THE COMPANY TO RECORD ANY INSURED MORTGAGE. IF THE CLOSING IS NOT tC CONDUCTED BY THE COMPANY, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE OR A CERTIFICATE OF .\\)) \-ail EXEMPTION MUST BE ATTACHED TO ANY MORTGAGE TO BE RECORDED, CDMB106 12/06 DGG FE PAGE B1 FE 12/05/08 12:58.59 CHICAGO TIT' 7 INSL`j NOI COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1405 ST5107957 VNC E \1 . MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NC, 1 to I`pb 0423935011 , MADE BY SHANNEN J. ZARATE, TO CHARTER ONE BANK. N.A. , TO SECURE A Jr (lk NOTE FOR $228,000.00. I J Vi F 12. MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. �6,D� 0423935012 MADE BY SHANNEN J. ZARATE TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,500.00. i G 3. MUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST \ 0 ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS Of\telP SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR OTHER APPROVALS. H 14. NOTE FOR INFORMATION (ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS) : ALL ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE PRIOR TO CLOSING TO ALLOW AMPLE TIME FOR THE COMPANY TO EXAMINE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. (THIS NOTE WILL BE WAIVED FOR POLICY) . I 15. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: TITLE INSURANCE AGENT: (847)955-2300 (847)808-1221 AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY SERVICE PROVIDER: CHICAGO LAND AGENCY SERVICES 1279 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE SUITE 310 CHICAGO, IL. 60622 (773)384-8200 (773)384-8242 ** END ** FE PAGE B 2 FE 12/05/08 12:58:59 COMB1C06 12/06 DGC 1 t TI TI INST TRANCE i U_, \,Y COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC CONDITIONS • 1. The term mortgage.when used herein,shall include deed of trust. trust deed.or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect.lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing. the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect. lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B.or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is 52.000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties.You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <http://www.alta.orgi>. comconoe l2/U6 oGG FE FE 12/05/08 12:58:59 Effective Date: May 1. ZOOS Fidelity National Financial.Inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial. Inc. and its subsidiaries ('FNF"i respect the privacy and security of your non-public personal information rPersona: Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNF's privacy practices. including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources.and to whom it may be disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and. depending on the business performed. FNF companies ma} share information as described herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: Information we receive from you on applications or other forms.such as your name, address,social security number. tax identification number. asset information and income information: Information we receive from you through our Internet websites.such as your name.address,email address.Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites.and your activity while using or reviewing our websites'. Information about your transactions with or services performed by us. our affiliates. or others. such as information concerning your polio:, premiums,payment history'.information about your home or other real property.information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions,account balances,and credit card information:and Information we receive from consumer or other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies)to various individuals and companies.as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include.without limitation,the following: To insurance agents.brokers,representatives.support organizations.or others to provide you with services you have requested.and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity,fraud,material misrepresentation.or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions: To third-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and'or providing you with services you have requested: To an insurance regulatory authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority,in a civil action,in connection with a subpoena or a governmental investigation: To companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements andior To lenders. lien holders,judgement creditors.or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined,settled,paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. We may also disclose your Personal Information to others when we believe.in good faith.that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers.employees,or property and/or to comply with ajudicial proceeding,court order or legal process. Disclosure to Affiliated Companies -We are permitted by law to share your name,address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies,such as insurance companies.agents,and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, for marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do not,however,disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent.in conformity with applicable law.unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to Nonaffiliated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated third parties.except as outlined herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information We restrict access to Personal Information about You to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical.electronic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Personal Information/ Requests for Correction.Amendment,or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law,we will afford you the right to access your Personal Information.under certain circumstances to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed,and request correction or deletion of Your Personal Information. However.FNF s current policy is to maintain customers'Personal Information for no less than your states reouhed record retention requirements for the purpose of handling future coverage claims. For your protection all requests made under this section must be in writing and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Where permitted by law.we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to: Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,FL 32204 Changes to this Privacy Statement This Privacy Statement may be amended from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement.we will post a notice of such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy'Statement as stated above,indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revised or materially changed. PRIVACY 5/ui ML m 2010 First Installment Property Tax Bill 3,091 .27 Pmaerry that,Nimbi.,(PIN. 'Duce '.Cr in Year (Payable IN torinsluc BY 04O111 (on time) 10-20-100-009-0000 117 24062 2010 (2011) NILES ,:_- „ ' -_ IF PAID LATE 04/0211 - 06/0111 IF PAID LATE 051211 - 06.0111 - IF PAID LATE 0610211 07/61"11 - $ 3, 137.64, $ 3, 184.01 $ 3,230. 38 PAY THIS BILL AT COOKCOUNTYTREASURER.GOM OR AT ANY CHICAGOLAND CHASE BANK. t -tut I t TOTAL T,ik. :::--° _° r _'! ='s t '-*0,00,,, -. 5,820.49 .. ,5 s,IGiATE c733 NARRAGAN:ETT AVE MORTON G9OV'c I L L 60053 . Property CI.assitcat, 92�" X 55:: 727: 1ST INSTALLMENT i<_ .:-h: DUE DATE APRIL 1 , 2011 3,097.2; r Dear Fellow Taxpayer, -nzi= ,..i . i. L.,L.Ga IItm5,.rt' The-2010 first Installment Tax fiilhis due rnday,Aprii-1, 2011. COO1('Outlt)'I rea.urer.cocl t:.:4, A law recently passed by the Illinois Legislature changes the First Installment 12.44 L5100 11E-ti:'due date for Tax Year 2010 property taxes (payable in 2011) to April 1, 2011.. This is a one-time change to the First Installment due date, which will revert back to March 1 for future First Installment collections. The Tax Year 2011 `c: First Installment tax bill will be due March 1, 20122. e„, ' Sincerely, ter: 1 / J 4 Maria Pappas °° Cook County Treasurer NOTICE: 2009 taxes (due in 2010) on this PIN are delinquent. Contact us at cookcountytreasurer.com or call 312.443.5100. _' I_G OF MORTON ORM': 6101 CAPULINA AVE MORTON GROVE 11. 60053-2907 , : ° " ,:0),t -. Property Index Number PIN) VnIumer _,r $ 3,091 ,27 10-20-100-009-0000 117 BY 04'0111 (on time) _ - - li paying later, rein to amounts above L 00003091273 102010000900000 01018 00003137644 00003184017 00003230389 qg Iµtf{ l{[�kp [ R F[ l�kr IpL 1ryr' If r{ Q k— illi u I11111i1[rRr_1111 11111 [:ItICf1 IIII111 COOK COUNTY TREASURER >. !.. PO BOX 4468 VLG OF MORTON GROVE CAROL STREAM IL 60197-4468 OR CURRENT OWNER .' 6101 CAPULINA AVE 1.11..0 II1 l 1,. I l I h ,l,ll I l 1l l l 111 --j n „ n , ., uv un uu MORTON GROVE IL 60053-2902 °.^ " <m ItIla,litmlim ,l,I„,llrulellel .11mnleilirtmell .1.11 t 10201000090000/0/10/E/0000309127/1 F- ( „t•m.. +x .. -- ' .. ¢ 9fh , 4 y' • �' $.J f j J ''15-1.4611;'41' !i* � IA''SJ k^' � 'eir"^�_ t s S ^r' 4e' j l I cry fi+ J• • �.f :.' � uyi i>, i �,. \ 3 b Cb Z1 it41, 3 1 t �cr�*u �'r 4 n x +' aka. �,: --,- ri - 5 < 1 y , t_ I,i _ s✓ "� s v 1 1 l __-: . a, A q'.I E ( ' (tr.'-ma y,dilly, I 1 :- '^ x - r ' CIS+ 1 N ,-, J Y'�S ^ar�' 'E.-9 .es k.fot 5, h� 1 ! 'N 8 i t j'. i)3 � +1 xV_y �n+L1 �}' Yr�} � t :.{.e,c a� +d\, r n` q, >4 Y2#' m1 'i J(I f n"1 y + - as -t t1 :sy .> . i Is.. rkr '`ray E`✓d y x a " -s< id x,?I+ +J d K$l J 'f 17 :'J a TA 'Pr'. „r= c Y p 8 ya..) ,. ;r� '§set:.” `i' rthky= 5tss a yu qq a+..:tir f 1' T 'i x d$ a ; Esc-s a a� 13 r • z-' 8 i97 + iF; 1+11'4;2';- }" - f > �- ybtl b! 1 , , -'r"°�k'!- art y - sr _- J .a c y • B 4 p' . I I r yt t3 , Y: f' i• 3 Y - ,i y Cook County Assessor's Office ool� County Ass- r�ssoit Cf'iie� Cool, 4' Joseph Be rigs 8733 Narragansett Ave PIN 10-20-100-009-0000 `r'fG(l'c Cit+ norexis Exemptions fertitfca'v_4£1=r. City 'MSN vrfi Morton Grwe qN,a li'4%w S� i Township E: Niles NBHD. t ( 32 t Taxcode f. .. ,!. 24062 Class 2 0 1 O2O1 O0QO9OOOO 05/21/2007 Assessed valuation 2010 2009 Assessor Certified Board of Review Assessment Certified Land Assessed Value 2,928 3,019 Building Assessed Value 17,448 20,029 Total Assessed Value 20,376 23,048 Property Characteristics Estimated 2010 Market Value 203,760 Estimated 2009 Market Value 230,480 Description one Story Residence, Any Age, up to 993 Sq, Ft. Residence Type One Story Use Single Family Apartments None Exterior Construction Masonry Full Baths 1 Half Baths o Basement' Full and Unfinished Attic Full and Unfinished Central Air Yes Number of Fireplaces 0 Garage Size /Type 2.5 car detached Age: 84 Land Square Footage 3,660 Building Square Footage 798 Assessment Pass Assessor Certified 'Excluded from building square footage, except apartment a Excluded from building square footage Page 1 of 2 http : / /www.cookeountyassessor.comI Property _SearchIProperty_Details.aspx ?Pin= 10201000090000 2/24/2011 EAST LINE OF NARRANGANSETT AVENUE AS MONUME Vi( AND OCCUPIED PER RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT. N 0 100'00" E (A) LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION`OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYII(G EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET! OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. AREA OF SURVEY: CONTAINING 3 648 SQ. FT. 0.08 ACRES MORE OR LESS" —' FENCE 0.40' SOUTH - _. .1.00' "SRIGK.. FENCE - WALLS 0.10' 50UTH LL.1 CONCRETE WALK LOT 23 1.00' WEST )"ENNCE Z FENCE 0.10' NORTH 0:10 SOUTH FENCE W F.I.P. 1/2" e ' 1.00' SOUTH >( AT e36 121/.65 1.80' - �' � a 1o5o'�O Iq.00' O O5.40' a. 0� \1 1/2 5T RY \o o v LOT I r- o RESID NGE p 22 0 O No. 8733 0 - S:--I Nf 1 CONCRETE Z CURS Q 121.64' (R /M) 0 FENCE O_ 0.30' SOUTH n/ LOT 21 WA SET CROSS CORNER 4 1. CONCRETE LK Lx NORTH 4 I.00' EAST Z F.I.P. 1/2" 0.60' WE5T 4 ON LINE ON LINEI ATRCORNER FENCE 0.40' WE5T 4 020' SOUTH ro ry V m O D 0 5.50' GONGRETE 4 &RAVEL 1.00' WE5T GONGRT 4 GRAVEL 0.50' WEST GoNGRETE WALK 020' EAST 4 1.30' NORTH F.I.R. 1/2" AT CORNER STATE OF ILLINOIS }ss COUNTY OF WILL I, THE UNDERSIGNED, AN ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT "THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONFORMS TO THE CURRENT ILLINOIS MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR A BOUNDARY SURVEY," AND THAT THE PLAT HEREON DRAWN IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. LEGEND DATED, THIS 9TH 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER , A.D., 2008, AT BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS. CHAIN LINK FENCE (R) = RECCRD (NW) = NORTHWESTERLY XX (M) = MEASURED (NE) = NORTHEASTERLY — 36 WIRE FENCE ZARATE (D) = DEED (SW) = SOUTHWESTERLY --r- -r = WOOD FENCE CLIENT (C) = CALCULATED (SE) = SOUTHEASTERLY - o- - SPLIT RAIL FENCE 3482 C L1 06 79 - 0 8 (L) = ARC LENGTH (HAD)= RADIUS - --o-- = WROUGHT IRON FENCE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 035- JOB NO. runnn (A1 = ASSIRAPD P.U. & D.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY & ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM NO. 184 -2961 FIELDWORK DATE. 12-08-08 P.....L 'ND II QPROFESSIONAL =90 =- = = LAND SURVEYOR = = NO. 35 -3482 BOLINGBROOK, _ 5 N ILLINOIS 5 9TF0 LICENSE EXPIRES ON NOVEMBER 30, 2010 12/9/2008 10:17:09 AM, Vmrk i 1 ::.Cook County Treasurer's Office - Chicago, Illinois :: Page 1 of 2 '' ., MARIA PAPPAS LOOK [ORRTV Tk cc jaunty TRER511RER`5 OFFIL£ as rer Chi car "inn's J• {y +m. ste- rb&.W�bn-s4i ry tc S1 Understanding Tax Dat=s T Party 1:111=1101 Gortact us Sav Your M Cook County Property Tax and Payment Information PAYMENTS Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bill. Payment Status Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. Online Payment Property Index Number(PIN): 10-20-100-009-0000 By Mail View Prior Tax Year Information At Chase Bank 2010 Tax Year Information - Payable in 2011 Tax Year 2010 Tax Type: Current Tax Volume: 117 PCL: 2-02 Community Bank Property Location In Person — _8733 NARRAGANSETT AVE Get a Copy of Bill MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2847 (To update contact the Cook County Assessor's Office at 312-443-7550.) Returned Checks Mailing Information Exemption Information Prior Years VLG OF MORTON GROVE Exemptions do not become effective until the 2nd Prepayment 6101 CAPULINA AVE installment. MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2902 For last years exemption data please scroll down to If Taxes Were Sold To update your mailing information c'.ick here. 2009 taxes due in 2010. --- - To request a duplicate tax bill crick here. To check if you received exemptions on previous tax Home years,c ick here_. Research Topic: Tax Payment Information Research our ever- Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date Last Payment Date Received Received expanding library of useful topics. 1st $3,091.27 04/01/2011 $0.00 Click Here. Balance Due: $3,091.27 Pay Current Taxes J Printabe Version The balance due,including any penalty,is as of:2/21!2011 Payments processed are posted through:2718/2011 view Current Tax Year Information 2009 Tax Year Information - Payable in 2010 Tax Year 2009 Tax Type: Current Tax Volume: 117 PCL: 2-02 Property Location 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVE MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2847 (To update contact the Cook County Assessor's Office at 312-443-7550.) Mailing Information Exemption Information VLG OF MORTON GROVE Homeowner Exemption Received: NO 6101 CAPULINA AVE Senior Citizen Exemption Received: NO MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2902 Senior Freeze Exemption Received: NO http://www.cookcountytreasurer.com/paymentresults.aspx?ntopicid=3&banktype=1 2/21/2011 -1/Es Pa. 4e Village of alorton grove Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/965-4100 x-6228 Fax 847/965-4162 MEMORANDUM TO: Richard Krier, Village President and Joseph F. Wade, Village Administrator FROM: Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel`" CC: William Neuendorf, Community and Economic Development Director Ryan Home, Assistant Finance Director DATE: January 5, 2009 RE: Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois — On December 30, 2008, the Village closed on its contract to purchase 8733 Narragansett Avenue from Shannen Zarate. The purchase price for this parcel was $290,000.00. The Village also incurred the following additional charges: • Escrow fee $ 350.00 • Commitment update fee $ 75.00 • Recording fee $ 50.00 • Total Costs including purchase price $ 290,475.00 At the closing, the Village received the following credits in the form of a reduction against the purchase price: • Earnest money previously paid I $ -0_ • Real estate tax pro ratios for 20082 $ 3,734.71 • Total Credits $ 3,734.71 Therefore, the total funds owed by the Village at closing were (Purchase price - $290,000.00 plus additional charges— $475.00 less credits 3,734.71) $ 286,740.29 I Although the contract stated that the Village would pay earnest money in the amount of$25,000, no funds were paid prior to the closing. 2 Pursuant to the contract, the seller gave the Village a credit for 2008 real estate taxes in an amount equal to 110% of the 2007 real estate tax bill. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2985 0 Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 9654162 Rawx_r The legal work for this closing was performed by me as part of my normal duties; therefore,no additional legal fees were incurred. On December 26, 2008, the Village wire transferred $290,000.00 to the closing agency, Chicago Title and Trust. At closing, I received an overpayment check in the amount of$3,259.71 (check no. 9501338950) payable to the Village of Morton Grove. This check was returned to the Finance Department with the request that it be credited to the Lehigh/Ferris TIF account. The following issues remain open: 1. When the 2008 first and second installment real estate taxes become due for this property, it is the Village's responsibility to pay these taxes. 2. The Village should apply for a property tax exemption for this property as soon as possible. All closing documents and property keys have been tendered to the Director of Community and Economic Development. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. THL/mk M:\legal\Real Estate\8733 Naragansett(Zarate to Village)\8733 Narragansett purchase memo 12-31-08.doc WARRANTY DEED vim MAIL TO: 11111111111 UI I Q , Teresa Hoffman Liston Qb Office of the Corporation Counsel Doc#: 0900533050 Fee: $40.00 61 O1 Capulina Ave. Eugene 'Gene' Moore RHSP Fee:$10.00 Morton Grove, IL 60053 Cook County Recorder of Deeds Date:01/05/2009 09:39 AM Pg: 1 of 3 t / NAME AND ADDRESS OF TAXPAYER: Village of Morton Grove ✓� 6101 Capulina Ave. Ci"" Morton Grove, IL 60053 JThe Grantor(s), SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, of the Village/City of Morton Grove, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid Convey(s) and Warrant(s) to the Grantee(s) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, of 6101 Capulina Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, all interest in the following described real estate situated in the State of Illinois, as follows: SEE EXHIBIT"A" ATTACHED HERETO. Subject only to the following, if any: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of closing, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, if any, so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. Commonly Known As: 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Permanent Index Number: 10-20-100-009-0000 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. To have and to hold said premises forever. Dated this dc; day of C.E /1 2_ , 2008. S'TTANNEE ZARATE EXEMPT-PURSUANT TO SECTION 1.11-5 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP 06 - 9-013 08 tempt under provisions of paragraph ,Seo11of s. 4a-1 Real.Estate Transfer Tax Act. 3330 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, personally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument as a free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and official seal, this A d �'-�day of 2008. i if LL �� / N.tary Public • .OFFICIAL SEAL" C :An SUSAN M MANROSE : ° COMMISSION EXPIRES 08/18/09: ■ • Exhibit A LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Cook County Treasurer's Office p Property Tax &Payment Information Page 1 of 1 a#1N1 on k Office of Cook County Treasurer-Maria Pappas a• Click I _ ---- - icon to Cook County Property Tax 8 Payment Information send Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bill. page to 'tine` Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. printer Property Index Number(PIN): 10-20-100-009-0000 2010 Tax Year Information -Payable in 2011 Tax Year: 2010 Tax Type: Current Tax Volume: 117 PCL: 2-02 Property Location 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVE MORTON GROVE, IL 60053-2847 Mailing Information VLG OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA AVE MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2902 Exemption Information Exemptions do not become effective until the second installment. Tax Payment Information Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date Last Payment Date Received Received 1st $3,091.27 04/01/2011 $0.00 Balance Due: $3,091.27 The balance due,including any penalty.+s as oh 2242011 Payments processed are posted through: 2123/2011 2009 Tax Year Information -Payable in 2010 Tax Year 2009 Tax Type: Current Tax Volume: 117 PCL: 2-02 Property Location 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVE MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2847 Mailing Information VLG OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA AVE MORTON GROVE,IL 60053-2902 Exemption Information Homeowner Exemption Received: NO Senior Citizen Exemption Received: NO Senior Freeze Exemption Received: NO Tax Payment Information Installment Tax Amount Billed Tax Due Date Last Payment Date Received Received 1st $2,980.41 03/02/2010 $2,980.41 02/11/10 2nd $2,640.08 12/13/2010 $0.00 Balance Due: $2,758.88 The balance due,including any penalty,is as of: 21242011 Payments processed are posted through: 223/2011 Printed copies of this information may not be used as a tax bill. Payments must be submitted with original tax bill. http://www.cookcountytreasurer.com/paymentpri ntout.aspx?type=prior&pin=10201000090000 2/24/2011 to** 0,4. `a COOK COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE ft ASSESSOR JAMES M . HOULIHAN NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSED VALUATION 's{Is* FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 201 1 Property Index Number: 10-20-100-009-0000 Notice Date: July 26, 2010 Property Location: 8733 Narragansett Ave Notice Reason: Reassessment of Township Mail To: VLG OF MORTON GROVE OR CURRENT OWNER Notice of Reassessment 6101 CAPULINA AVE MORTON GROVE IL 60053-2902 The value on this notice reflects your home's proposed 1111 11'11111 reassessment value. It is important that you carefully review the notice, as any change in your assessed value will be reflected on your second-installment tax bill payable in 2011 . Your Assessed Valuation If this property is your primary residence, it may be Proposed 2010: $ 20,376 eligible for a Homeowner€xemption, which provides Previous 2009: $ 23,048 additional savings off your second-installment tax bill. Assessor Houlihan developed the 7% Expanded Your Property Characteristics Homeowner Exemption in 2003 to provide immediate relief to homeowners facing skyrocketing assessment Property Class: 2-02 increases. In 2006, the Illinois General Assembly One story residence, any age, up to 999 square feet decided to phase out the 7% provision, resulting in significant increases in taxes for many homeowners. Township: Niles North suburban homeowners will receive a maximum Neighborhood Code: 032 exemption amount of $20,000 in equalized assessed Apartments: none value on taxes payable in 2010. The maximum Commercial Units: none exemption will remain $20,000 for taxes payable Exterior Construction: masonry in 2011 and will be reduced in subsequent years. Garage Size/Type: 2.5 car detached To learn more about the Homeowner Exemption Building Type: one story savings or other property tax exemptions available Building Sq. Ft: 798 to taxpayers, please visit our Web site at: Land Sq. Ft: 3,660 Age: 84 years www.cookcountyassessor.com Please visit the Cook County Assessor's Web site in order to: • understand the impact of your new, proposed assessment, • download an appeal form or file an appeal on-line, • check the status of your property tax exemptions, • correct inaccurate property characteristic information, The appeal deadline for your township is: J • retrieve pictures of nearly every Cook County property and • receive numerous pages of additional assessment August 27, 2010 information. Where To Find Property Comparisons Visit the Assessor's interactive Web site at www.cookcountyassessor.com. Visit your local Niles Township Assessor: 5255 W. Main St. Skokie, IL 60077 847-673-9300 Check the following newspapers (a copy of these newspapers can be found at your local library): Niles Bugle on July 29, 2010 (or a following issue) 4l coot , COOK COUNTY ASSESSOR' S OFFICE • JAMES M. HOULIHAN , ASSESSOR 118 NORTH CLARK STREET,C HICAGO,I L 60602 • <, x o`h PHONE: 312.443.7550 WEBSITE:WWW.COOKCOUNTYASSESSOR.COM Dear Homeowner, Our office is required by law to reassess your property every three years. This is the first step in determining your share of local property taxes. On the reverse side of this letter you will find your property's proposed 2010 reassessment value. It is important that you carefully review the information in this notice as any change in assessed value will be reflected on your second-installment tax bill payable in 2011. In 2009, you received an assessment notice during a non-reassessment year. This notice reflected a downward adjustment which was applied to all 2009 suburban residential assessed values. The Assessor's Office has evaluated foreclosures and changes in the market when determining the proposed 2010 reassessment value indicated in this notice. Many factors contribute to calculating value, but the main consideration is sales of similar properties in your area. We strive for fairness and accuracy in our work. However, if you believe we have made an error, please file a residential appeal form by the deadline indicated on the reverse side of this letter. You may file this appeal online at www.cookcountvassessor.com/appeals. If you have any questions, please visit our Web site. It will provide information on properties comparable to yours, which may be used in an appeal. It is not necessary to hire an attorney to appeal your assessment. Our office has worked to make the assessment process more transparent and accessible. As a result of these efforts, information regarding your property and the assessments of some 1.8 million parcels is now available by visiting our Web site at www.cookcountyassessor corn. Sincerely, James M. Houlihan Cook County Assessor Esta es su "Notificacion de Avaluo To jest twoje "Zawiadomienie o proponowanym Propuesto". Si necesita ayuda, oszacowaniu". Jezeli potrzebujesz pomocy w para hacer su apelacion, favor zlozeniu odwolania, prosimy o de Ilamar al: (312) 443-7550 kontakt pod numerem: (312) 443-7550 ...... ,. I NJ, ,.., . i . . i-..,..,. .;., ' . , 7 • ..r.:#--- t'''' -- -- ,., t.: -, •a ' _ .v.. roz.,. .- . • -,,,,-.1..... -..h,...! - , .1'''.' ''''----='r - .,,, .1_ - _ __. : : , f: 7 , r , r t i • t • 1 ‘-,, , ,., '' 7 . itt_i t . , . . .. -:-.. t ' • ' I 1 __ • ... • . ., .1 It. R'5, 7-,i'':. • ' • i • It- - si- 4 • '......)..., • 1 ,,,..„,...._-,.. -,, -.i...t.,,k, ,, 1 .,, •,,,,. ., . ..,...,.— , .4-.; . . 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WARRANTY DEED MAIL TO: Teresa Hoffman Liston Office of the Corporation Counsel 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 NAME AND ADDRESS OF TAXPAYER: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 The Grantor(s), SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, of the Village/City of Morton Grove, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid Convey(s) and Warrant(s) to the Grantee(s) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, of 6101 Capulina Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, all interest in the following described real estate situated in the State of Illinois, as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. Subject only to the following, if any: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of closing, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, if any, so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. Commonly Known As: 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Permanent Index Number: 10-20-100-009-0000 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. To have and to hold said premises forever. *CA-- ��. , 2008. Dated this �� day of A SHAANNE ZARATE EXEMPT PURSUANTTO SECTION 1-11-5 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP EXEMPTION NO 067 7� _ D�'� ✓ d- ADDRESS r 3• I DIFFER}/E�M,TF(J/�M(�jl'EEDI BY STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, personally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument as a free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. / o Given under my hand and official seal,this A)rJ' day of 1° ,` 2008. 4 , % U N Mary Public 0 r "OFFICIAL SEAL" SUSAN M MANROSE uwon COMMISSION EXPIRES 08/18/091 • Exhibit A LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. i COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,a Nebraska corporation,herein called the Company,for valuable consideration,commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A,in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in Schedule A,upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs,provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY e SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE,ILLINOIS 60069 Refer Inquiries To: uthorized Signatory (847)955-2300 Commitment No.: 1409 ST5107957 VNC COMCVPO6 uinsncc FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 Cli;t ;A: iL ':SLR ti Cn ; MT r:ETT FORTITLE NS `RANCE SCHEDULE A YOUR REFERENCE: 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC ISSUED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE: NOVEMBER 21 , 2008 SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE,ILLINOIS 60069 PHONE: (847)955-2300 FAX: (847)808-1221 1. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: $290,000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS FEE SIMPLE,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: SHANNEN ZARATE WMA406 6/07 DGG FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 TI r COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER N0. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC 4A. LOAN POLICY 1 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSUREL NONE 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE COMZMTG6 12i06 mG FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 CHICAGI; _ iLIvi _is2 ?' 0M),Ad . CO L!vII1M:_,NT FOR TITLE L NS )'tl' l'. .�.['. SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER NO : 1409 ST5107957 VNC 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMLG66 1Z/66OGG FE PAGE A2 FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 CHICAGO ;' TL EINSURANCE. '-.�OM?ANY O1.z'. 11.1 N IF NT FOR TITLE INS`L;RANCE SCHEDULE B ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 . RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE, VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. 3. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4 b 6. WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT AND, UNLESS THE LAND INSURED IS A CONDOMINIUM UNIT, A SURVEY IF AVAILABLE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. 7. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. B 8. 1 . TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2008 2008 TAXES ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2007 FIRST INSTALLMENT WAS DUE MARCH 04, 2008 NOTE: 2007 FINAL INSTALLMENT WAS DUE NOVEMBER 03, 2008 PERM TAX# PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 2ND INST STAT 10-20-100-009-0000 1 OF 1 2007 $1 ,802.15 PAID $1 ,602.34 PAID * C 9. AS OF FEBRUARY 1 , 2008, THE COOK COUNTY TREASURER NO LONGER PROVIDES DUPLICATE J TAX BILLS FOR CURRENT YEAR TAXES TO PARTIES OTHER THAN THE TAX ASSESSES. THE � � COMPANY REQUESTS THAT ORIGINAL TAX BILLS BE FURNISHED WHENEVER THE COMPANY IS \��\, REQUESTED TO PAY TAXES. ORIGINAL BILLS SHOULD BE FURNISHED AT OR BEFORE THE TIME THE COMPANY IS REQUESTED TO MAKE PAYMENTS. D 10. NOTE: THE LAND LIES WITHIN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALL OF WHICH IS SUBJECT TO THE PREDATORY LENDING DATABASE PROGRAM ACT (765 ILCS 77/70 ET SEQ.) (THE ACT) . t ON AND AFTER JULY 1 , 2008, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACT OR A CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION THEREFROM MUST BE OBTAINED AT TIME OF CLOSING IN ORDER FOR THE COMPANY TO RECORD ANY INSURED MORTGAGE. IF THE CLOSING IS NOT 1� CONDUCTED BY THE COMPANY, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE OR A CERTIFICATE OF • \ �I` EXEMPTION MUST BE ATTACHED TO ANY MORTGAGE TO BE RECORDED. 1\�J COMB106 12/06 DGG FE PAGE B1 FE 12/05/08 12:58.59 CHICAGO TPILE INSURANCE C OM PANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER MO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC E pnJ. MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. / 0423935011 , MADE BY SHANNEN .1. ZARATE, TO CHARTER ONE BANK. N.A. , TO SECURE A il9filA NOTE FOR $228,000.00. F 12. MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. - ` ,,b/ 0423935012 MADE BY SHANNEN J. ZARATE TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. TO SECURE AN `�l`d 1b INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,500.00. G \ 3. MUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST V ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN l�`4� MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS \ SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR OTHER APPROVALS. H 14. NOTE FOR INFORMATION (ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS) : ALL ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE PRIOR TO CLOSING TO ALLOW AMPLE TIME FOR THE COMPANY TO EXAMINE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. (THIS NOTE WILL BE WAIVED FOR POLICY) . I 15. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: TITLE INSURANCE AGENT: (847)955-2300 (847)808-1221 AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY SERVICE PROVIDER: CHICAGO LAND AGENCY SERVICES 1279 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE • SUITE 310 CHICAGO, IL. 60622 (773)384-8200 (773)384-8242 ** END ** FE PAGE B 2 FE 12/05/08 12:58:59 COMB1C66 11/66 DGG GI": s TLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC CONDITIONS The term mortgage,when used herein,shall include deed of trust.trust deed,or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing,the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof,or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B,or(c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties.You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <http://www.alta.org/>. COMCON00 12/00 DGG FE FE 1 2/05/08 12:58:59 Effective Date: May 1, 2008 Fidelity National Financial.Inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries ("FNF") respect the privacy and security of your non-public personal information ("Personal Information") and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top priorities. This Privacy Statement explains FNF's privacy practices, including how we use the Personal Information we receive from you and from other specified sources,and to whom it may be disclosed. FNF follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and. depending on the business performed, FNF companies may share information as described herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: Information we receive from you on applications or other forms,such as your name,address,social security number,tax identification number, asset information and income information; Information we receive from you through our Internet websites,such as your name,address,email address,Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites,and your activity while using or reviewing our websites: Information about your transactions with or services performed by us, our affiliates. or others. such as information concerning your policy. premiums,payment history,information about your home or other real property,information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions,account balances,and credit card information;and Information we receive from consumer or other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or other credit reporting agencies)to various individuals and companies,as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do not allow consumers to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may include,without limitation,the following: To insurance agents,brokers,representatives,support organizations,or others to provide you with services you have requested,and to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity,fraud,material misrepresentation,or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions; To third-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or providing you with services you have requested; To an insurance regulatory authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority,in a civil action,in connection with a subpoena or a governmental investigation: To companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements and/or To lenders,lien holders,judgement creditors,or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest must be determined,settled,paid or released prior to a title or escrow closing. We may also disclose your Personal Information to others when we believe,in good faith,that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers,employees,or property and/or to comply with ajudicial proceeding,court order or legal process. Disclosure to Affiliated Companies-We are permitted by law to share your name,address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies,such as insurance companies,agents, and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, for marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do not,however,disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent,in conformity with applicable law,unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to Nonaffiliated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated third parties,except as outlined herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information We restrict access to Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical,electronic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Personal Information/ Requests for Correction,Amendment,or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law,we will afford you the right to access your Personal Information,under certain circumstances to find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed,and request correction or deletion of your Personal Information. However,FNF's current policy is to maintain customers'Personal Information for no less than your state's required record retention requirements for the purpose of handling, future coverage claims. For your protection,all requests made under this section must be in writing,and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Where permitted by law,we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to: Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,FL 32204 Changes to this Privacy Statement This Privacy Statement may be amended from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement,we will post a notice of such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement.as stated above,indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revised or materially changed. PRIVACY 5/OB ML. Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:48PM; Page 2 SUSAN M MAN ROSE ATTY AT LAW Policy Issuing Agent of Chicago Title Insurance Company 103 SCHELTER ROAD, LINCOLNSHIRE,ILLINOIS 60069 Date of Invoice: December 5,2008 Order Number: ST5107957 Buyer/Borrower: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Seller/Owner: SHANNEN ZARATE Property Address: 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Policies Applied For. $0.00 Policies Applied For: ALTA OWNERS 2006 $290,000.00 BILL TO: ATTENTION SELLER CHARGES OWNER'S POLICY PREMIUM: $1,255.00 STATE TRANSFER TAX: $290.00 COUNTY TRANSFER TAX: $145.00 RECORD OF PAYMENT RECORDED: $50.00 OVERNIGHT FEE: $25.00 STATE REGISTRATION FEE: 53.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE: $75.00 BUYER CHARGES AGENCY ESCROW/CLOSING FEE: CONTACT CT DEED RECORDING FEE: $50.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE: $75.00 CHAIN OF TITLE FEE: $0.00 TO CLEAR TITLE MATTERS PRIOR TO CLOSING, PLEASE CALL (847)955-2300. TO SCHEDULE YOUR CLOSING, PLEASE CONTACT ANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CLOSING OFFICE LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE. CM/OICE 03/98 ''j Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:48PM; Page 3 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CLOSING INFORMATION In order to properly facilitate your closing: 1. Please contact the office of your choice to schedule a closing appointment. All appointments must be confirmed with the lender. 2. Please contact us prior to closing regarding endorsements and specific requirements. 3. Please furnish closing figures at least 48 hours prior to the closing. 4. Please make sure all payoff letters are ctrrent through the date of disbursement. 5. Please brig in buyers funds in the form of either a certified or cashier's check payable to the buyer for endorsement to Chicago Title. 6. Please provide proper identification(i.e.,picture I.D.with signature or driver's license)which is required to notarize documents at closing. CHICAGO 171 N.Clark Street,Chicago, IL 60601(Residential) PH: (312)223-2800 FAX:(312)223-2815 !. 3121 N.Ashland Avenue,Chicago,IL 60657 PH: (773)528-1816 FAX:(713)528-3977 1030 W. Higgins Road, Suite 200,Park Ridge, IL 60068 PH: (847)384-2600 FAX:(847)318-0078 NORTH& NORTHWEST SUBURBS 85 W. Algonquin Rd.Ste 400,Arlington Heights, IL 60005 PH: (847)758-4800 FAX: (847)758-4750 4425C U.S. Route 14,Crystal Lake,IL 60014 PH: (815)455-1570 FAX: (815)455-1739 950 N.Western, Lake Forest,IL 60045 PH: (847)735-2840 FAX: (847)735-9974 1 First Bank Plaza,Suite 309, Lake Zurich,IL 60047 PH: (847)540-1850 FAX: (847)540-1855 2031 E. Grand Avenue, Lindenhurst, IL 60046 PH. (847)265-3030 FAX: (847)265-3040 '.. 5404 W. Elm Street,Suite C,McHenry,IL 60050 PH: (815)479-7003 FAX: (815)479.5934 500 Skokie Boulevard, Northbrook,IL 60062 PH: (847)509-3322 FAX: (847)509-9886 5215 Old Orchard Rd, Suite 400,Skokie,IL 60077 PH: (847)677-3410 FAX: (847)677-3421 175 E. Hawthorn Parkway,Suite 225,Vernon Hills, IL 60061 PH: (847)367-5820 FAX: (847)367-0084 32 N.West Street,Waukegan, IL 60085 PH: (847)625-2000 FAX: (847)625-4233 244 N.Throop Street, Suite 120.Woodstock,IL 60098 PH: (815)479-7000 FAX: (815)479-7007 SOUTH,WEST&SOUTHWEST SUBURBS 1971 W. Downer Pl.Aurora, IL 60506 PH: (630)892-3775 FAX:(630)892-9241 6432 W.Joliet Road,Countryside, IL 60525 PH:(708)482-2900 FAX: (708)4823044 2175 Point Blvd.,Ste 165, Elgin,IL 60123 PH:(847)844-1166 FAX:(847)844-1775 1795 W.State Street,Geneva,IL 60134 PH:(630)232-2750 FAX(630)232.2341 '.. 8821 W.87th Street,Hickory Hills,IL 60457 PH: (708)237-3030 FAX:(708)237-3051 1820 Ridge Road,Suite 202, Homewood,IL 60430 PH: (708)957-8000 FAX:(708)9578940 167 N. Ottawa Street,Joliet,IL 60432 PH: (815)774-1445 FAX:(815)726.4702 2760 Caton Farm Rd,Joliet, IL 60431 PH: (815)577-8585 FAX:(815)577-7519 124 E.Jefferson Street,Suite 101,Morris, IL 60450 PH: (815)942-3678 FAX: (815)942-8650 2720 W.Hassert Blvd,Ste 302, Naperville, IL 60564 PH:(630)904-0700 FAX: (630)369-3030 55 5. Main Street, Ste 396,Naperville, IL 60540 PH: (630)871-3800 FAX: (630)848-1133 326 Alana Drive, New Lenox, IL 60451 PH: (815)462-3057 FAX: (815)462-5342 1100 Lake Street, Suite 165,Oak Park, II60301 PH: (708)383-3322 FAX: (708)383-3399 15255 S.94th Avenue, Suite 604,Orland Park,IL 60462 PH: (708)226-0700 FAX: (708)226-5261 1952 Aberdeen Court,Sycamore, IL 60178 PH: (815)758-5900 FAX: (815)758-5907 5 Westbrook Corporate Center,Suite 100,Westchester, IL 60154 PH: (708)409-9039 FAX: (708)409.9914 1725 S. Naperville Road,Wheaton, IL 60189 PH: (877)284-2006 FAX: (877)284-2009 For directions to any of these offices,please call us or visit our homepage at:www.cmetro.ctic.com CI SEW() Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:49PM; Page 4 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CONTROLLED BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT (By a Producer of Title Insurance Business or Associate thereof) This Disclosure is made to:(Check one or both) Seller/Owner Buyer Seller(s)/Owner(s) SHANNEN ZARATE Buyer(s) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Regarding the Property Located at:8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE.MORTON GROVE,ILLINOIS For Tile Insurance Company,Trtle Insurance Agent,and/or Escrow Agent (Company Name)SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW In connection with the property described above,the undersigned has recommended,or is about to recommend,the above named title insrrance company,tide agent.and/or escrow agent to the above named partylies)to provide title insurance and/or escrow services. The undersigned producer has a financial interest in the above named company/business,or is an associate of the party or entity which has said financial interest and therefore,makes,or has made,the following estimate of the fees and charges that are 1010Hift and which will be made in connection with the recommended title and/or escrow services. Only those charges which may be paid by the party(ies)to whom this disclosure is made,are(were)disclosed herein. If there areadditional parties who choose to utilize services from the above named company/business,there may be additional charges for those services. •Owner's Title Policy: S ▪Mortgage Tide Policy: 5_. Escrow or Closing Fee: $ Other Fees. E._...._..._ $ Total Estimated Charges: $ These estimated Figures include all charges/services such as tide search,title examination,title insurance premiums,and final issuance of Policy(ies). These estimates may be revised if any unusual circumstances occur,unusual risks are"insured over-,and/or lenders require special endorsements which extends their coverage. You are not required to use SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW(name of provider)as a condition for,settlement of your loan on,ef puchase, sale.or refinance of,the subject property. There are frequently other settlement service providers available with similar services. You are free to shop around to determine that you are receiving the best services and the best rate for these services. The undersigned does hereby certify that the above disclosure was made to the above named party(ies)on Signalise of Producer: _ _ _-._Date: ACKNOWLEDGMENT Vwe have read this disclosure form and understand that (referring party)is referring ire/us to purchase the above described settlement services from SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW(provider receiving referral)and may receive a financial or other benefit as a result of this referral. Seller/Owner: ___ Date'. Date: Buyer: _ _ _ _. - Dale: Date: (NOTE: PURSUANT TO SECTION 18.(h)OF THE TITLE INSURANCE ACT,THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY.INDEPENDENT ESCROWLE, OR TITLE INSURANCE AGENT SHALL MAINTAIN THIS DISCLOSURE FORM FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS.) ost4/ee Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:49PM; Page 5 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Chicago Title Insurance Company CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY,a Nebraska corporation,herein called the Company,for valuable consideration commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance,as identified in Schedule A,in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A,as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the Land described or to in Schedule A.upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Requirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue,whichever first occurs,provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY e SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW diAr '... 103 SCHELTER ROAD LINCOLNSHIRE,ILLINOIS 60069 r � 1 s>of fr8i71itl7F uthorized Signal vy Refer Inquiries To: „t -ac (847)955-2300 r Commitment No.: 1409 575107957 VNC COMC P O waDGG FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:50PM; Page 6 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A YOUR REFERENCE: 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC ISSUED BY: EFFECTIVE DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2008 SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW 103 SCHELTER ROAD ',.. LINCOLNSHIRE,ILLINOIS 60069 PHONE: (847)955-2300 FAX: (847)808-1221 1. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: OWNER'S POLICY: ALTA OWNERS 2006 AMOUNT: $290,000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS FEE SIMPLE,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN: SHANNEN ZARATE ccmaws 6107 C. PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:50PM; Page 7 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 YNC 4A. LOAN POLICY I MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED: NONE 4B. LOAN POLICY 2 MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO RE INSURED: NONE CoMZMTG6 ILwxC FE PAGE Al FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:50PM; Page 8/16 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC 5. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH. RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100. 17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMLal6 IVNI i,c FE PAGE AZ FE 12/05/08 12:58:58 Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:50PM; Page 9/16 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE - SCHEDULE B ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOLLO WING MATTERS UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 . RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. • 2. ANY ENCROACHMENT, ENCUMBRANCE. VIOLATION, VARIATION, OR ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTING THE TITLE THAT WOULD BF DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LAND SURVEY OF THE LAND. 3. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 6. WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMENT AND, UNLESS THE LAND INSURED IS A CONDOMINIUM UNIT, A SURVEY IF AVAILABLE. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY 'HE ABOVE DOCUMENTATION WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. 7. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THIS COMMITMENT AND ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID. B 8. 1 . TAXES FOR THE YEAR(S) 2008 2008 TAXES ARE NOI YET DUE OR PAYABLE. 1A. NOTE: 2007 FIRST INSTALLMENT WAS DUE MARCH 04, 2008 NOTE: 2007 FINAL INSTALLMENT WAS DUE NOVEMBER 03, 2008 PERM TAX71 PCL YEAR 1ST INST STAT 2ND INST STAT 10-20-100-009-0000 1 OF 1 2007 $1 ,802.15 PAID $1,602.34 PAID • y 9. AS OF FEBRUARY 1 , 2008, THE COOK COUNTY TREASURER NO LONGER PROVIDES DUPLICATE TAX BILLS FOR CURRENT YEAR TAXES TO PARTIES OTHER THAN THE TAX ASSESSEE. THE COMPANY REQUESTS THAT ORIGINAL TAX BILLS BE FURNISHED WHENEVER THE COMPANY FS REQUESTED TO PAY TAXES. ORIGINAL BILLS SHOULD BE FURNISHED AT OR BEFORE THE TIME THE COMPANY IS REQUESTED TO MAKE PAYMENTS. • • 0 10. NOTE: THE LAND LIES WITHIN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ALL OF WHICH IS SUBJECT TO THE PREDATORY LENDING DATABASE PROGRAM ACT (765 !LCS 77/70 ET SEQ. ) (THE AC-6) . ON AND AFTER JULY 1, 2008, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACT OR A CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION THEREFROM MUST BE OBTAINED AT TIME OF CLOSING IN ORDER FOR THE COMPANY TO RECORD ANY INSURED MORTGAGE. IF THE CLOSING IS NOT CONDUCTED BY THE COMPANY, A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE OR A CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION MUST BE ATTACHED TO ANY MORTGAGE TO BE RECORDED. cnMxiur iWWu.DOG FE PAGE 81 FE 12/05/08 12:58:59 Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:51PM; Page 10/16 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC E 11 . MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0423935011 , MADE BY SHANNEN J. ZARATE, TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. , TO SECURE A NOTE FOR 4228,000.00. F 12, MORTGAGE DATED AUGUST 3, 2004 AND RECORDED AUGUST 26, 2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0423935012 MADE BY SHANNEN J . ZARATE TO CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,500.00. G 13. MUNICIPAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX STAMPS (OR PROOF OF EXEMPTION) MUST ACCOMPANY ANY CONVEYANCE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY LOCATED f IN MORTON GROVE. PLEASE CONTACT SAID MUNICIPALITY PRIOR TO CLOSING FOR ITS SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE PAYMENT OF FEES, AN INSPECTION OR OTHER APPROVALS. H 14. NOTE FOR INFORMATION (ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS) : ALL ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE PRIOR TO CLOSING TO ALLOW AMPLE TIME FOR THE COMPANY TO EXAMINE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. (THIS NOTE WILL BE WAIVED FOR POLICY) . I 15. NOTE FOR INFORMATION: TITLE INSURANCE AGENT: (847)955-2300 (847)808-1221 AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY SERVICE PROVIDER: CHICAGO LAND AGENCY SERVICES 1279 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE SUITE 310 CHICAGO, IL. 60622 (773)384-8200 (773)384-8242 END FE PAGE 8 2 FE 12/05/08 12:58 59 COMBJC& ;VOL DOC Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:51PM; Page 11 /16 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ORDER NO. : 1409 ST5107957 VNC CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage,when used herein,shall include deed of trust.trust deed,or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof,and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing,the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,or if the company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,lien,encumbrance,adverse claim or other matter,the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly,but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 or these Conditions. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss .. incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (h) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B.or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the polity or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. t This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title.Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause.All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties.You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <http://www.alta.org/>. comeonuu 12/05 Dee FE FE 12/05/08 12:58.59 Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:52PM; Page 12/16 • Effective Date: May 1.2008 Fidelity National Financial,Inc. Privacy Statement Fidelity National Financial,Inc. and its suhsidianes ('FNF") respect the privary and security of vu r tun-publle personal information lnlonnanou') and protecting your Personal Information is one of our top (PErsorei including how we use the Personal Information we receive front urn and from other specified sources.and to homit lay be disclosed. FINE follows the privacy practices described in this Privacy Statement and depending on the business performed, FNF companies may share infurnaidot as descnl,ed herein. Personal Information Collected We may collect Personal Information about you front the following sources: Information we receive from you on applications or other forms.such as your name,address,social security number,tax identification number. asset information and income information; Information we receive front you through our Internet websites,such as your name,address.entail address,Internet Protocol address,the website links you used to get to our websites,and your activity while using or reviewing our websites; Information about your transactions with or services performed by us, our affiliates,or others,such as information concerning your policy. premiums,payment history,information about your home or other real property,information from lenders and other third parties involved in such transactions,account balances.and credit card information;and Information we receive from consumer or other reporting agencies and publicly recorded documents. • Disclosure of Personal Information We may provide your Personal Information(excluding information we receive from consumer or outer credit reporting agencies)to various indisiduak and companies,as permitted by law,without obtaining your prior authorization. Such laws do nut allow contsurners to restrict these disclosures. Disclosures may Include,without limitation.the following: To insurance agents,brokers,representatives,suppcat organizations,or others to provide you with services you have requested.and to etlahle Its to detect or prevent criminal activity.fraud,material misrepresentation.or nondisclosure in connections with an insurance transactions; Tu third-party contractors or service providers for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an insurance benefit or payment and/or providing you with services you have requested; To an insurance regulatory authority,or law enforcement or other governmental authority,in a civil action,in connection with a sub ena or a governmental investigation; subpoena 1'o companies that perform marketing services on our behalf cr to other financial institutions with which we have had joint marketing agreements and/or To lenders,lien holders.judgement creditors,or other parties claiming an encumbrance or an interest in title whose claim or interest Must he derernlned.settled,paid or re teased prior to a title or escrow closing. We may also disclose your Personal Information to others when we believe,in good faith,that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or to protect the safety of our customers,employees,or property and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding court order or legal process. Disclosure to Affiliated Companies-We are permitted by law to share your name,address and facts about your transaction with other FNF companies.such as insurance companies,agents.and other real estate service providers to provide you with services you have requested, foe marketing or product development research,or to market products or services to you. We do nor,however.disclose information we collect from consumer or credit reporting agencies with our affiliates or others without your consent in conformity with applicable law,unless such disclosure is otherwise permitted by law. Disclosure to Nonaffiliated Third Parties- We do not disclose Personal Information about our customers or former customers to nonaffiliated thud parties.except as outlined herein or as otherwise permitted by law. Cutdidentiality and Security of Personal Information We restrict access to Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical,electronic,and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard Personal Information. Access to Personal Information/ Requests for Correction,Amendment.or Deletion of Personal Information As required by applicable law,we will afford you the right to access your Personal Infonnatio.under certain rircumstances to find out to who') your Personal Information has been disclosed,and request correctton or deletion of your Personal Information. However,FNF's current policy is to maintain customers'Personal Information for no leas than your slate's required record retention requirements for the purpose of handling future coverage claims For your protection all requests made under this section must be in writing and must include your notarized signature to establish your identity. Where permitted by law,we may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cogs incurred in responding to such requests. Please send requests to. '.. Chief Privacy Officer Fidelity National Financial,inc. 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville,Fl,32204 '.. Changes to this Privacy Statement this Privacy Statement may be amended from tune to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. When we amend this Privacy Statement,cafe will post a notice of such changes on our website. The effective date of this Privacy Statement,as stated above.indicates the last time this Privacy Statement was revised or materially changed. • • • PntVACY 5/11t Ati Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:52PM; Page 13/16 1 WARRANTY DEED MAIL TO: Teresa Hoffman Liston Office of the Corporation Counsel 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 NAME AND ADDRESS OF TAXPAYER: Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 The Grantor(s), SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, of the Village/City of Morton Grove, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid Convey(s) and Warrant(s) to the Grantee(s) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, of 6101 Capulina Ave., Morton Grove, IL 60053, all interest in ':the following described real estate situated in the State of Illinois,as follows: SEE EXHIBIT"A" ATTACHED HERETO. Subject only to the following, if any: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of closing, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, if any, so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. Commonly Known As: 8733 Nanagansett Avenue, Morton Grove, IL 60053 Permanent Index Number: 10-20-100-009-0000 Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Illinois. To have and to hold said premises forever. Dated this day of , 2008. SHANNEN ZARATE Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:53PM; Page 14/16 STATE OF ILLINOIS )SS COUNTY OF COOK L the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that SHANNEN ZARATE, a single person, personally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed, sealed, and delivered the Said instrument as a free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, including the release and waiver of the right of homestead. Given under my hand and official seal, this day of 2008. Notary Public Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-18-08 2:53PM; Page 15/16 RS —1 A SURVEYING SER VICES, LLC siva OP SW 108 LEE LANE LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISIO! BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS 60.440 WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'. PH:(630) 226-9200 FAX: (630) 226-9234 THEREFROMETHE ST OF NORTHE100.17 FEET OF THE EASTA85 FEi AREA OF SURVEY: "CONTAINING 3,648 50. FT. 0.08 ACRES MORE DR LESS' 1.00' ER2ICK FENCE 50 WA LLI CONCRETE WALK LLS 0.10501/114 D Loa. WEST Z FENCE F 0.10' NORTH / C In Fir'. I/2 / AT CORNER - 6e Q 121 .65' - C 15A0' .4.70. 11/2 STORY • Chi 0 ERICK o 0 w I 0 o RE51004E N 0 o O ,p NO. 8133'': Li o • 15.70'n.kj zCONCRETE Z i —•— CURS U1 4 4 12 4 FENCE - 0.30' SOUTH Q CZ CZ SET CR055 CONCRETE WALK L AT GORIVER I.50' NORTH < t I.00' EAST z STATE OF ILLINOIS }SS COUNTY OF WILL I, THE UNDERSIGNED, AN ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 'THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE THAT THE PLAT HEREON DRAWN i5 A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY. DATED, THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER , A.D., 200B, AT BOLINGBROOK, ILLINOIS. _ (R) = RE C CLIENT ZARATE (M) = MEC (D) = DEE ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 635- 3482 (C) = CAL JOB xo. CL10679-08 IL) = ARC (CH)= CHO ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM NO. 184-2961 FIELDWORK DATE. 12_08-08 (R.O.W.) S BASIS OF BEARING: N P EAST LINE OF NARRANGANSETT AVENUE AS MONUMENTED %51!i ::: AND OCCUPIED PER RECORDED SUBDIVISION PLAT. , 4k N 0°00'00" E (A) W ;�. E THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER �It [VISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT S )F SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SCALE:1 "=20' Fit'. 1/2" 0.40'F E OW' PEST 4 SOUTH— ON LINE: LO 123 }• Ui E: FENCE F.IR In' Ii'1 if',... ON LINE -1 AT CORNER FENCE LOO' 50JTI4 Q CONCRETES &RAVEL /M) LOO' PEST N i� 6.15' .V �� �:. ,\� \ 5 LOT 4 2.: 8 BARA6E 8` 9 m 22 $ o D CONCRETE GRAVEL p050' PEST 4' (R/M) CONCRETE )%N.s 0.20' EAST s 13O' NORTH LOT 21 FENCE 0.40' VEST S 0.20' SOUTH F.IR. 1n' AT CORNER FORMS TO THE CURRENT ILLINOIS MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR A BOUNDARY SURVEY,' AND �- P' OST '. 3 , Q j PROFESSIONAL.90 a LEGEND - s AN ; LAND SURVEYOR -- , = O. 35-3482 = _ (NW) =!NORTHWESTERLY X K x K = CHAIN LINK FENCE - = BOLINGBROoK, : ° D (NE) =;NORTHEASTERLY XX XX xx --vac— = WIRE FENCE . N : ILLINOIS - (S'N) =;SOUTHWESTERLY = �' .TED (SE) = SOUTHEASTERLY o 0 o . = WOOD FENCE ?9T' :01'0 IGTH (RAD)=':;RADIUS o Q = SPLIT RAIL FENCE '' OF IL 00 (A) =:1 ASSUMED = WROUGHT IRON FENCE ,,,,,,.� -GHT OF WAY P.U. & D.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY & (F.I.P ) = FOUND IRON PIPE DRAINAGE EASEMENT LICENSE EXPIRES OM NOVEMBER 30, 2010 (F.I.R.) = FOUND IRON ROD B.S.L. - BUILDING SETBACK LINE -- _ 12/9/2008 :0.12 CS AM u=s 91./91 06Bd `WdE9:Z so-91.-OaO : LEEL-9O9-LtR •`O11 AA3l 3 13INtl0 AR 1DaS Legislative Summary Resolution 08-61 AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Introduced November 24, 2008 Objective To authorize the purchase of property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue which is located within the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. Purpose: This property will be land banked for future redevelopment. Background: Since the creation of the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District in 2000, the Village has acquired numerous pieces of property for possible future development. The property located at 8733 Narragansett Avenue recently became available for purchase. Village staff has negotiated a contract with the owner for Village Board approval. The terms of the contract include: - 1. The Purchase Price$290,000, 2. Closing on or before December 31, 2008. Funds for the purchase and acquisition of this property are contained in the 2008 Budget, in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund. Programs,Departments Finance Department, Village Administrator, Legal Department, Community and or Groups Affected Economic Development Fiscal Impact: $290,000 Source of Funds: Funds have been budgeted for in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund. Workload Impact: Corporation Counsel will handle the closing of this transaction as part of her normal workload. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not Required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Administrator Approval M, / j Joseph F ade, Village Administrator ,—> / l r% / Prepared by: /YX''"' ,.//.'--- Reviewed by:' / ), -. //`k j. Teresa Ho ntlston, Corporation Counsel BiitNeuendorf, cammuni - & Economic Development Director RESOLUTION 08-61 AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY --- COMMONLY KNOWN AS 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue,Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 is located in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District; and WHEREAS, to date, as part of the Lehigh/Ferris Redevelopment Plan, the Village has acquired and land banked certain properties for future redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the it is in the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove to acquire the property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 to be land banked as stated above; and WHEREAS, the Village, in its 2008 budget, appropriated sufficient funds for the purchase and acquisition of these properties; and WHEREAS, the cost to acquire these properties shall be paid from the Village's Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund; and WHEREAS, the Village staff and the owner of the property have negotiated a"Contract" for the purchase of the properties subject to the approval of the Village Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the terms of the contract include: 1. The Purchase Price $290,000, 2. Closing on or before December 31, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth herein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President and Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove are hereby authorized to execute a contract between the Village and the Ms. Shannen Zarate for the purchase of property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois for the sum of$290,000 with a closing to occur on or about December 31, 2008,with additional terms and conditions in substantial conformity with Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel and/or their designees are hereby authorized to prepare, execute, and deliver any documents or take any steps necessary to purchase said properties pursuant to such contract. SECTION 4: This Resolution is an exercise of the home rule authority of the Village of Morton Grove and is intended to and, to the fullest extent allowed by the constitution of the State of Illinois, shall be construed as to supersede any contrary or conflicting state, county, or local rule or regulation. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED this 24th day of November 2008. Trustee Brunner A-I4 E Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus g Trustee Minx /el Jr Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill w c. APPROVED by me this 24th day of November 2008. Richard 'Crier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of November 2008. Carol A. Fritz shall, Village `lerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois -- -_ M:Vegislative\resolutions\res 2008\8733 Narragansett purchase.doc CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND SHANNEN ZARATE The VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of government located in Cook County, Illinois ("Village"or"Buyer) hereby agrees to purchase and Shannen Zarate ("Seller") hereby agrees to sell that property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois and legally described in Exhibit A and all improvements thereon ("the real estate")pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1) PURCHASE PRICE: The Village shall pay Seller the sum of Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($290,000)to be paid as follows: A Within two (2) business days of the execution and delivery of this Contract, the Village shall deposit with the Seller or its designated agent the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) as and for"Earnest Money". B Payment at Closing. The balance of the Purchase Price, as adjusted by agreed or customary credits and prorations including tax prorations, security deposits, and unpaid utilities shall be paid in good funds at Closing. 2) CLOSING: The Closing shall take place no later than December 31, 2008, at a location mutually agreed upon by the Village and the Seller. 3) CONTINGENCY PERIOD AND INSPECTIONS. A The Seller shall make available to Village for Village's inspection, copies of all environmental reports, soils tests, maps and plats for the subject property leases, contracts, rent rolls, surveys, environmental reports, soils tests, maps and plats for the subject property in its possession and control before 5:00 PM on November 28, 2008. B The Village and its agents shall have until 5:00 PM on December 1, 2008, (the"Contingency Period")to conduct, at Village's sole cost and expense and subject to the terms hereof, its "Inspection"of the Subject Property which may include without limitation physical inspections of the Subject Property, surveys, soils tests, site analyses, engineering studies, examinations of the building and improvements thereon (including structural and mechanical tests) environmental studies and investigations and appraisals. C The Village may terminate this Contract for any reason prior to 5:00 PM on December 1, 2008, and in such event, the Earnest Money(and any interest earned thereon) shall be returned to Village. D Seller represents and warrants that there are no tenants occupying the real estate, and that the real estate shall be vacant at closing: Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 2 of 5 E Unless the Village has terminated the contract pursuant to 3C above, the Earnest Money shall - — become non-refundable at 5:00 PM on December 1, 2008, except in the event of a default by Seller, and shall be applied to the Purchase Price at the closing. 4) TAX PRORATIONS: At closing, Seller shall submit proof that all real estate taxes through 2007 have been paid in full. The Seller shall pay all 2008 real estate taxes as follows: at closing Seller shall pay the Village an amount equal to 110% of the 2007 tax bill. The 2008 real estate taxes shall be re- prorated upon the ascertainment of the actual 2008 tax bill. 5) TITLE: At Seller's expense, Seller will deliver or cause to be delivered to the Village within five (5) days in advance of Closing, as evidence of title in Seller, a title commitment for an ALTA title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price with extended coverage by a title company mutually acceptable to the parties issued on or subsequent to the Date of Acceptance of this Contract, subject only to items listed in Paragraph 7. The parties shall each pay their respective usual and customary share of any requested additional title charges and the parties shall-equally pay for any deed in money closing bscrow incurred as a result of this transaction. If the title commitment discloses any exceptions not acceptable to Village, then Seller shall have said exceptions or encroachments removed, or, with the Village's approval, have the title insurer commit to insure against loss or damage that may be caused by such exceptions or encroachments. If Seller fails to have unpermitted exceptions waived or title insured over prior to Closing, Village may elect to take the title as it then is, with the right to deduct from the Purchase Price prior encumbrances of a definite or ascertainable amount as shall be reasonably agreed by the parties. Seller shall furnish Village at Closing an Affidavit of Title covering the date of Closing, and shall sign any other customary forms required for issuance of an ALTA Insurance Policy. 6) SURVEY.Within seven days prior to closing, Seller shall furnish a staked ALTA survey dated within 90 days of closing showing all boundaries, rights of way, easements, and set back lines and evidencing that the property is free of all encroachments. 7) DEED: Seller shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the Village good and merchantable title to the Real Estate by recordable Warranty Deed subject only to: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of Closing, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, applicable zoning and building laws, ordinances, restrictions and acts suffered or done by the Village if any, so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. 8) POSSESSION: At closing, the Seller shall surrender the property devoid of any tenancies and free and clear of any leases.The property shall be in broom clean condition with all personal property not transferred to the Village pursuant to this contract removed. 9) SELLER REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents that all leases and tenancies have been fully disclosed to Village, that Seller has not received written notice from any Governmental body of(a) zoning, building, fire or health code violations that have not been corrected; (b)any pending Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 3 of 5 rezoning; or(c)a proposed or confirmed special assessment and for special service area affecting the Real Estate. Seller further represents that Seller has no knowledge of boundary line disputes, easements or claims of easement not shown by the public records, any hazardous waste on the Real Estate or any improvements for which the required permits were not obtained. 10) MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. The property (including the building and the grounds)shall be maintained in the same condition as found on the date of the contract, normal wear and tear, excepted. 11) DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE OF PROPERTY. If prior to the closing of the subject property, or any part thereof shall be destroyed or materially damaged by fire or other casualty, the Village shall have the option to terminate this Contract, upon written notice given to the other party within ten (10) days after such material damage. In such an event, the eamest money shall be returned to the Village. If the foregoing option to terminate is not exercised, this Contract shall continue in full force and effect, and the Seller shall assign its interest in any insurance policies covering the property at the time of the fire or casualty to the Village. — 12) DEFAULT: Seller shall be responsible for all damages, reasonable costs and expenses including attorney's fees due to the failure of the Seller to comply with the terms of this Contract. The Village shall be responsible for all damages, reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred by the Seller, in excess of any earnest money retained by Seller due the failure of the Village to comply with the terms of this Contract. 13) NOTICE: All notices required shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal delivery; by certified mail, return receipt requested which shall be effective on the date of mailing; or by sending facsimile transmission which shall be effective as of date and time of facsimile transmission, provided that the notice transmitted shall be sent on business days during business hours (9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Chicago time). In the event fax notice is transmitted during non- business hours, the effective date and time of notice is the first hour of the first business day after transmission. Notices to the Seller shall be mailed or faxed to Susan M. Manrose, Attorney at Law, 103 Schelter Road— First Floor, Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069; fax: 847-808-1221. Notices to the Village shall be mailed or faxed to Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053; fax: 847-965-4162. 14) MISCELLANEOUS: A Time is of the essence of this Contract. B The Seller shall pay for all County, State and Municipal transfer taxes to the extent required by law. C All disputes related to the construction or enforcement of these terms and provisions shall be Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 4 of 5 governed by the laws of the State of Illinois and are subject to the covenant of good faith and fair dealing implied in all Illinois contracts. D All fixtures, mechanical equipment and appliances within the real estate as of November 1, 2008, with the exception of the washer and dryer, refrigerator in the basement and freezer in the basement shall remain at the real estate and shall be transferred to the Village at closing in "AS IS"condition pursuant to a Bill of Sale. E The terms of this contract and all related negotiations shall be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law until this transaction has closed. F The parties agree to comply with the reporting requirements of the applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974, as amended. THIS CONTRACT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE. This Contract has been executed as of ( /uj77t 2i c' , 2008 (the Contract date). "Seller" "Buyer" SHANNEN ZARATE VILLAGE OF t •- S GROVE, I INOIS n r —✓ J By: _ ) /•t` ( ,x '1 By: Name: `J1'1u((11Ili 11 Z{ (L Name: Richard Krier Title: Title: Village President Attest: Attest: By A)ii ia 7//r-G rj i / By ,/ Name: hL,',/}/v L.-An/Qv z Name: Carol A. Fri tzshal]- Title: r' fr((C v CRf=TIM7 Title: Village Clerk M:\legal\Real Estate\8733 Naragansett(Zarate to Village)\Purchase Agreement.doc Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 5 of 5 Exhibit A INSERT PIN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE itimra N if i -- ' -_ Village of cWIorton grove A 0 s Office of the Corporation Counsel Telephone 847/965-4100 z-6228 Fax 847/965-4162 December 2, 2008 Ms. Susan M. Manrose, Attorney at Law 1 580 North Northwest Highway, Suite 312 Park Ridge. Illinois 60068 Dear Ms. Manrose: Per your discussion with Corporation Counsel Teresa Hoffman Liston, I have enclosed an original of Resolution 08-61 Authorizing the Village to Acquire Property Commonly Known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois along with an original of the contract for the purchase of the aforementioned property between the Village of Morton Grove and Shanner Zarate. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed documents. please do not hesitate to contact Corporation Counsel directly at 847/663-3003. Sincerely, Z Y Susan Lattanzi Executive Secretary Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center s cap a Avenee • lc.. o; CiToise Illinois 600 53-2935 4i1".90. _ -. � �a 72:: ,v ; J J yak LTi/ `� �' b _.._., • • Legislative Summary c k E Resolution 08-61 AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE,MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS Introduced November 24, 2008 Objective To authorize the purchase of property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue which is located within the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. Purpose: This property will be land banked for future redevelopment. Background: Since the creation of the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District in 2000,the Village has acquired numerous pieces of property for possible future development. The property located at 8733 Narragansett Avenue recently became available for purchase. Village staff has negotiated a contract with the owner for Village Board approval. The terms of the contract include: 1. The Purchase Price$290,000, 2. Closing on or before December 31, 2008. Funds for the purchase and acquisition of this property are contained in the 2008 Budget, in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund. Programs,Departments Finance Department, Village Administrator, Legal Department, Community and or Groups Affected Economic Development Fiscal Impact: $290,000 Source of Funds: Funds have been budgeted for in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund. Workload Impact: Corporation Counsel will handle the closing of this transaction as part of her normal workload. Administrator Approval as presented. Recommendation: First Reading: Not Required Special Considerations or None Requirements: Administrator Approval M, friri� r ' Jo�eph Mid Village Administrator �" Prepared by ,f- T! �a"J � Reviewed by ..-e �5. Teresa Hgf nan it ston, Corporation Counsel Bi Neuendorf, Communit i'&Economic Development Director RESOLUTION 08-61 AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS WHEREAS,the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue,Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 is located in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District; and WHEREAS, to date, as part of the Lehigh/Ferris Redevelopment Plan, the Village has acquired and land banked certain properties for future redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the it is in the best interest of the Village of Morton Grove to acquire the property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 to be land banked as stated above; and WHEREAS,the Village, in its 2008 budget, appropriated sufficient funds for the purchase and acquisition of these properties; and WHEREAS, the cost to acquire these properties shall be paid from the Village's Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Fund; and WHEREAS, the Village staff and the owner of the property have negotiated a"Contract" for the purchase of the properties subject to the approval of the Village Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, the terms of the contract include: 1. The Purchase Price $290,000, 2. Closing on or before December 31, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth herein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President and Village Clerk of the Village of Morton Grove are hereby authorized to execute a contract between the Village and the Ms. Shannen Zarate for the purchase of property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois for the sum of$290,000 with a closing to occur on or about December 31, 2008,with additional terms and conditions in substantial conformity with Exhibit"A". SECTION 3: The Village Administrator, Corporation Counsel and/or their designees are hereby authorized to prepare, execute, and deliver any documents or take any steps necessary to purchase said properties pursuant to such contract. SECTION 4: This Resolution is an exercise of the home rule authority of the Village of Morton Grove and is intended to and, to the fullest extent allowed by the constitution of the State of Illinois, shall be construed as to supersede any contrary or conflicting state, county, or local rule or regulation. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED this 24th day of November 2008. Trustee Brunner Trustee Kogstad Trustee Marcus Trustee Minx Trustee Staackmann Trustee Thill APPROVED by me this 24th day of November 2008. Richard Krier, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 25th day of November 2008. Carol A. Fritzshall, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois M:\legislative`resolutions\res 2008\8733 Narragansett purchase.doc CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND SHANNEN ZARATE The VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, a municipal corporation and a home rule unit of government located in Cook County, Illinois ("Village"or"Buyer") hereby agrees to purchase and Shannen Zarate("Seller")hereby agrees to sell that property commonly known as 8733 Narragansett Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois and legally described in Exhibit A and all improvements thereon ("the real estate") pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1) PURCHASE PRICE: The Village shall pay Seller the sum of Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($290,000)to be paid as follows: A Within two (2) business days of the execution and delivery of this Contract, the Village shall deposit with the Seller or its designated agent the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) as _ and for"Earnest Money". B Payment at Closing. The balance of the Purchase Price, as adjusted by agreed or customary credits and prorations including tax prorations, security deposits, and unpaid utilities shall be paid in good funds at Closing. 2) CLOSING: The Closing shall take place no later than December 31, 2008, at a location mutually agreed upon by the Village and the Seller. 3) CONTINGENCY PERIOD AND INSPECTIONS. A The Seller shall make available to Village for Village's inspection, copies of all environmental reports, soils tests, maps and plats for the subject property leases, contracts, rent rolls, surveys, environmental reports, soils tests, maps and plats for the subject property in its possession and control before 5:00 PM on November 28, 2008. B The Village and its agents shall have until 5:00 PM on December 1, 2008, (the"Contingency Period") to conduct, at Village's sole cost and expense and subject to the terms hereof, its "Inspection"of the Subject Property which may include without limitation physical inspections of the Subject Property, surveys, soils tests, site analyses, engineering studies, examinations of the building and improvements thereon (including structural and mechanical tests)environmental studies and investigations and appraisals. C The Village may terminate this Contract for any reason prior to 5:00 PM on December 1, 2008, and in such event, the Earnest Money (and any interest earned thereon) shall be returned to Village. D Seller represents and warrants that there are no tenants occupying the real estate, and that the real estate shall be vacant at closing: Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 2 of 5 E Unless the Village has terminated the contract pursuant to 3C above, the Earnest Money shall become non-refundable at 5:00 PM on December 1, 2008, except in the event of a default by Seller, and shall be applied to the Purchase Price at the closing. 4) TAX PRORATIONS: At closing, Seller shall submit proof that all real estate taxes through 2007 have been paid in full. The Seller shall pay all 2008 real estate taxes as follows: at closing Seller shall pay the Village an amount equal to 110% of the 2007 tax bill. The 2008 real estate taxes shall be re- prorated upon the ascertainment of the actual 2008 tax bill. 5) TITLE: At Seller's expense, Seller will deliver or cause to be delivered to the Village within five (5) days in advance of Closing, as evidence of title in Seller, a title commitment for an ALTA title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price with extended coverage by a title company mutually acceptable to the parties issued on or subsequent to the Date of Acceptance of this Contract, subject only to items listed in Paragraph 7. The parties shall each pay their respective usual and customary share of any requested additional title charges and the parties shall equally _ pay for any deed in money closing escrow incurred as a result of this transaction. If the title commitment discloses any exceptions not acceptable to Village, then Seller shall have said exceptions or encroachments removed, or, with the Village's approval, have the title insurer commit to insure against loss or damage that may be caused by such exceptions or encroachments. If Seller fails to have unpermitted exceptions waived or title insured over prior to Closing, Village may elect to take the title as it then is, with the right to deduct from the Purchase Price prior encumbrances of a definite or ascertainable amount as shall be reasonably agreed by the parties. Seller shall furnish Village at Closing an Affidavit of Title covering the date of Closing, and shall sign any other customary forms required for issuance of an ALTA Insurance Policy. 6) SURVEY. Within seven days prior to closing, Seller shall furnish a staked ALTA survey dated within 90 days of closing showing all boundaries, rights of way, easements, and set back lines and evidencing that the property is free of all encroachments. 7) DEED: Seller shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the Village good and merchantable title to the Real Estate by recordable Warranty Deed subject only to: general real estate taxes not due and payable at the time of Closing, covenants, conditions, and restrictions of record, building lines and easements, applicable zoning and building laws, ordinances, restrictions and acts suffered or done by the Village if any, so long as they do not interfere with the current use and enjoyment of the real estate. 8) POSSESSION: At closing, the Seller shall surrender the property devoid of any tenancies and free and clear of any leases. The property shall be in broom clean condition with all personal property not transferred to the Village pursuant to this contract removed. 9) SELLER REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents that all leases and tenancies have been fully disclosed to Village, that Seller has not received written notice from any Governmental body of(a) zoning, building, fire or health code violations that have not been corrected; (b)any pending Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 3 of 5 rezoning; or(c)a proposed or confirmed special assessment and /or special service area affecting the Real Estate. Seller further represents that Seller has no knowledge of boundary line disputes, easements or claims of easement not shown by the public records, any hazardous waste on the Real Estate or any improvements for which the required permits were not obtained. 10) MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. The property (including the building and the grounds) shall be maintained in the same condition as found on the date of the contract, normal wear and tear, excepted. 11) DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE OF PROPERTY. If prior to the closing of the subject property, or any part thereof shall be destroyed or materially damaged by fire or other casualty, the Village shall have the option to terminate this Contract, upon written notice given to the other party within ten (10) days after such material damage. In such an event, the earnest money shall be returned to the Village. If the foregoing option to terminate is not exercised, this Contract shall continue in full force and effect, and the Seller shall assign its interest in any insurance policies covering the property at the time of the fire or casualty to the Village. 12) DEFAULT: Seller shall be responsible for all damages, reasonable costs and expenses including attorney's fees due to the failure of the Seller to comply with the terms of this Contract. The Village shall be responsible for all damages, reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred by the Seller, in excess of any earnest money retained by Seller due the failure of the Village to comply with the terms of this Contract. 13) NOTICE: All notices required shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal delivery; by certified mail, return receipt requested which shall be effective on the date of mailing; or by sending facsimile transmission which shall be effective as of date and time of facsimile transmission, provided that the notice transmitted shall be sent on business days during business hours (9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Chicago time). In the event fax notice is transmitted during non- business hours, the effective date and time of notice is the first hour of the first business day after transmission. Notices to the Seller shall be mailed or faxed to Susan M. Manrose, Attorney at Law, 103 Schelter Road—First Floor, Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069; fax: 847-808-1221. Notices to the Village shall be mailed or faxed to Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel, 6101 Capulina Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053; fax: 847-965-4162. 14) MISCELLANEOUS: A Time is of the essence of this Contract. B The Seller shall pay for all County, State and Municipal transfer taxes to the extent required by law. C All disputes related to the construction or enforcement of these terms and provisions shall be Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 4 of 5 governed by the laws of the State of Illinois and are subject to the covenant of good faith and fair dealing implied in all Illinois contracts. D All fixtures, mechanical equipment and appliances within the real estate as of November 1, 2008, with the exception of the washer and dryer, refrigerator in the basement and freezer in the basement shall remain at the real estate and shall be transferred to the Village at closing in "AS IS"condition pursuant to a Bill of Sale. E The terms of this contract and all related negotiations shall be kept confidential to the extent allowed by law until this transaction has closed. F The parties agree to comply with the reporting requirements of the applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974, as amended. THIS CONTRACT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE. This Contract has been executed as of , 2008 (the Contract date). "Seller" "Buyer" SHANNEN ZARATE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS By: By: Name: Name: Richard Krier Title: Title: Village President Attest: Attest: By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: M:\legal\Real Estate\8733 Naragansett(Zarate to Village)\Purchase Agreement.doc Contract for the Purchase of 8733 Narragansett Page 5 of 5 Exhibit A INSERT PIN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE • > . -. Axis Response Group, LLC P.O. Box 597379 Chicago, Illinois 60659 a; Tel: 773-427-b'11 Tax 773-427-6277 P Fnprrnnnrarrtnl Fr Th666litin11 "P'PTiV,c April 15, 2009 Bill Neuendorf- Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove, IL 60053 PH 847.470.5231 FX 847.965.4162 EMAIL bneuendorf@mortongroveil. Re: Asbestos Neshaps Inspection/Sampling/Analysis-@ 8733 Narragansett in Morton Grove, Illinois Axis Response Group LLC.Proposes to conduct a NESHAPS Asbestos Inspection,bulk sampling and analysis to comply with state and federal regulations(National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants)in support of the renovation/demolition projects scheduled for the above referenced sites. An Illinois Department of Public Health Licensed inspector will conduct the survey and all bulk samples will be analyzed by polarized light microscopy by a NVLAP accredited laboratory.A final report will be generated. IDPH inspector travel time, on site survey, sample collection, and report writing $250.00 Bulk samples to be billed at$25.00/per sample $TBD If you have any questions or concerns regarding this proposal,please contact me at 773-427-6811. Sincerely Axis Response Group, Jesse Rodriguez Project Manager Authorization I hereby authorize Axis Response Group LLC to perform an asbestos inspection at 8733 Narragansett in Morton Grove, Illinois.I _ -- •make payment based upon the proposal listed above in full upon successful completion of inspection. iliWO9 Authorized Si. re Date II ' j,J/LC —•+E vc' f- -a�l c°%9 rpe�e proceed a+ p)ur Print Name Date // e. ,-;yr v--Ke Kieyl aVal/ L' Cif /Vl'6• ' /j—ii ",t Tel : 773-427-6811 Fax 773-427-6277 www.Axisresponsegroup.com Message Confirmation Report APR-21-2009 0905 AM TUE Fax Number 8479654162 Name VILLAGE OF MORTON GR Name/Number 17734276277 Page 1 Start Time APR-21-2009 09:04AM TUE Elapsed Time 00'20" Mode STD ECM Results • [0.1C] Axis Response Group, LLC P.O.Box.597379 Chicago, Illinois 60659 I el:773-927-6817 Fax 773-327-6277 F enirnurrt✓ntnl Pit ilG< _ ___ ___ ______ April 15,2009 Bill Neuendorf-Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina , p Morton Grove.IL 60053 r (i'^ PH 847.470.5231 F%847.965.4162 EMAIL bnouondort @mortongroveil. jI Re:Asbestos Neshaps Inspection/Sampling/Analysis-@ 8733 Nerregensei in Morton Grove,Ill J " Aril Response Group LLC.Proposes to conduct a NESHAPS Asbestos kupectbn.buk sapping andanalyed to comply Used regulations(National Emission Standard for Hazardous Alr PoIMMnte)in ppppd of the renovetunreemosupn pre mixadc f la are above referenda!alter.An Iluo%Oeperbnmt el Pubic Heap,Licensed inspector will omen the sal Lek samples will be analyzed by colorized fight mipoxopy oy a MVtAP accredited laboratory.A final report cola bo gamy IDPH inspector travel time,on site survey,sample collection,and report wrrb g $250.00 Bulk samples to be billed at$25.00/per sample $TBD II pat have any questions or;noems regarding this proposal,please contact me at 773-127-6011. Sincerely Ass response Group. Hero Rodnpuo Pcion Manager .. Asihonzation hereby etherize Pais need....Gmw ire in peep.,an asbestos inspector at 8733 Narragansell 0 Moos+emus,Isirna I make payment based upon Ise proposal bteo above in Jul upon successful completion of impeclim. %/U9 AMnrized / V re Wra DOFF .4h(0/%1 eta* 'weed s+7 re Print Narm Dale vnyLewate. Kryt aValiC6le of M•6, ;1.f--,_ Tel: 773-427-6811 Fax 773-427-6277 J www.Axisresponsegroup.com 12/24/2008 10:10 FAX 0001/0001 C) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY S215 OLD ORCHARD ROAD, SUITE 400, SKOKIE, ILLINOIS 6007G EMAIL: CTSKOKIE @CTT, COM PHONE: 847 677 3910 FAX: 847 673 0645 WIRE TRANSFER FUNDS TO: X02 C.LOS(r1Gl Bank of America Illinois f5 231 S. LaSalle Street qQm Ent�I 30 � -o� Chicago, Illinois 60697 S r12/} Gat p e_, ABA Routing Number 0260-0959-3 `� S-733 i4 arrct cFt;r152-(-�- FOR CREDIT TO: t(JJ Chicago Title and Trust Company, N.W. Account Number: 8765-1-60514 Notify: Escrow Number: vi SO S�laOc Escrow Officer: 54pryta_ 1219 Xi) Closing Division: SK Phone: (947 )677 '3410 • ESCROW NUMBER MUST BE INCLUDED ON WIRE The above instructions relate to closings taking place in the following offices: Arlington Heights Lake Forest Northbrook Woodstock Crystal Lake Lake Zurich Skokie Elgin Lindenhurst Vernon Hills Higgins Road McHenry Waukegan If you have a closing which is not taking place in one of the above offices,please call the office of your closing for the appropriate instructions. - Wired—) October 6, 2008 ry` re/ co rl,ain s �.. r .v Shannen Zarate sees lye real es,,. 8733 Narragansett Avenue _ Morton Grove, IL 60053 �n RE: PURCHASE OFFER 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE (PIN 10-20-100-009) Dear Ms. Zarate, I am pleased to submit this purchase offer for your property on Narragansett Avenue as a follow up to our previous conversations. As mentioned, the Village is not in a particular hurry to acquire your property but is interested in purchasing it for future growth and development in the community. The proposed purchase terms follow: 1. Sale price to be determined by closing date selected by the seller as noted below: Sale Price Determined by Closin?Date On or before 12/31/08 1/1/09 to 6/30/09 7/1/09 to 12/31/09 $280,000 $282,500 $285,000 2. Village will accept property in"as-is"condition. Os o-7"` fa be_ de(l a''rC GI 0+ 01 'h S 3. Village will deliver$5,000 earnest money with the signed contract. 4. Village has no financial contingencies. 5. Final purchase contract subject to review& approval the Village Board of Trustees. 6. This-uffer to remain confidential til closing( -wit .1 1 ' . . . _ . . _ 't7,e e. iteSot aihers.c ie T c �y� . 0 .;;O!.. Jo st /c If these terms are acceptable,please indicate on the space below and return to the Village at your convenience. Upon reaching mutually agreeable terms, the Village will prepare a formal contract to purchase the property. Sincerely, Joseph Wade (GCi\ K\ The purchase terms noted above are acceptable. Village Administrator j 14,z/ L1^� Printed Name of Property Owner X a V P ��� 'kb 'Pe Signature of Property Owner � � b� ���t \ l �1S 7� At. Date c. Bill Neuendorf,Community&Economic Development Saved as: 8733 purchase offer 10-6-08 sr er Village of MViorton grove SHANNEN ZARATE / Billing Date: 01/06/2009 2713 BELKNAP LANE I , t 'r,_ Due Date: 01/23/2009 MISHAWAKA IN 46544 , �- ' / Service Address: 8733 NARRAGANSETT / d - Account Number: 008941-000 _ ?- " _ Meter Reading 1 IPrevious Present Consumption From: To: Billing Amounts 136 140 4 01/03/2009 12/30/2008 Previous Balance 38.36 Payments 0.00 Adjustments 0.00 Amount past due 38.36 WATER 17.92 SEWER 4.00 Total Amount Due $60.28 *** FINAL PAYMENT IS PAST DUE IF RECEIVED AFTER THE DUE DATE Due Date: 01/23/09 Service Address Account Number Total Amount Due 8733 NARRAGANSETT 008941-000 $60.28 Remit to: Village of Morton Grove Billing Address 6101 Capulina SHANNEN ZARATE Morton Grove, IL 60053 2713 BELKNAP LANE MISHAWAKA IN 46544 Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053 2985 i Tel: (847) 965-4100 Fax: (847) 965-4162 bir Recycled Paper FOR SECURITY PURPOSES THIS DOCUMENT HAS VISIBLE&FLUORESCENT FIBERS&A TRUE WATERMARK-HOLD TO LIGHT TO VIEW. lC t TITLE DI-RUST COMPANY 95013$8950 Q 52150(TI QA ORCHa�D 'SUITE 400 BANK OF +MEPoCA 742328/]19 SKOKIE IL 60077 847/677-3410 COMMERCIALDISBURSEMENTACQ"Pir DECEMBER 30,2008 NOR HeROOKLL OM_ rLENOe - �JRL e{ _ sl _ �R eT Q290S92f _ 001,_4K-_,--,1:40181081__, _ Pay ■ THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED Ht IYNME AND 71/100 ,x. $3,259.71 To the ■ aE-0F r.,t,W3R15- _ Orderot - _ '. tFems .. - _ 09 50 1 3 389 50v I:07 L9 23 2810: 8765L1116O5Lilo • • t ao. -0 o COOK COUNTY REVENUE STAMPS REAL ESTATE TRANSFER DECLARATION The following is required by the Cook County Real Property Tax Ordinance effective Date September 1, 1993. Any transferor or transferee who fails to file with the Recorder a real property transfer declaration as required by Section 7 of this ordinance, or a supplemental Doc No. transfer declaration as required by Section 10 of this ordinance or willfully falsifies the value of transferred real estate,shall be subject to a penalty equal to the amount of the applicable tax, and shall be fined an amount not to exceed$1000.00 or imprisoned for a period not to exceed six months,or both. Except as to Exempt Transactions, the Recorder is prohibited by law from accepting any deed, assignment or other instrument of transfer for recordation unless it is accompanied by For Recorder's Use Only a declaration containing all of the information requested therein. PROPERTY IDENTYFICATION: Address of Property 8733 Narragansett Ave.,Morton Grove,IL 60053 Street or Rural Route City Zip Code 10-20-100-009-0000 Township Niles Date of Deed 12/08 Type of Deed Warranty Deed E. OF PROPERTY: INTEREST TRANSFERRED: Q� Single Family ❑ Commercial ❑ Fee title ❑ Controlling Interest in real ❑ Condo,co-op ❑ Industrial ❑ Beneficial Interest in a land trust estate entity(ord.Sec.2C) ❑ 4 or more units(residential) ❑ Vacant Land ❑ Lessee interest in a ground Ipace ❑ Other(attach description) ❑ Mixed use(commer.&resid.) ❑ Other(attach description) q LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Full actual consideration $ Z' l 0 i (Tl Sec. Twp. Range Less amount of personal property I (Use additional sheet,if necessary) included in purchase $ Net consideration for real estate $ Z "LE 0../–6 Less amount of mortgage to which property remains subject $ SEE ATTACHED &xgmpf # ,3 Net taxable consideration $ Amount of tax stamps r Q ($.25 per$500 or part thereof) $ COMPUTATION OF TAX: ATTESTATION OF PARTIES:We hereby declare the full actual consideration and above facts contained in this declaration to be true and correct Shannen Zarate 8733 Narragansett Ave.,Morton Grove,IL 60053 Name and Address of Seller(Please Print) Street or Rural Route City Zip Code Signature: (1/*Seller or A�t Villacp . Orton Gro - 6101 Capulina Ave,Morton Grove,IL 60053 Name-•,• •.• _ :u g&P-ase M`) _ Street or Rural Route City Zip Code say ��'a Signature: --- — Buy- or t Use space below for'. mailing address,if different from above. Name Street or Rural Route City Zip Code Exhibit A LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PTAX-203 ''t Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration zo Please read the Instructions before completing this form. a'c.''i'j- This form can be completed electronically at tax.illinots.gov/retd. `m ov/retd. =o Step 1: Identify the property and sale information. 0i Vol.- 1 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVE. 05r' r. Street address of property(or 911 address,II available) C) MORTON GROVE 60053 Fheei.,°r: City or village ZIP NILES 9 Identify any significant physical changes in the property since Township January 1 of the previous year and write the date of the change. 2 Write the total number of parcels to be transferred. 1 3 Write the parcel identifying numbers and lot sizes or acreage. Date of significant change:_ / p fy' g 9 Month Year Parcel identifying number Lot size or acreage (Mark with an')C1 a 10-20-100-009-0000 30 X 121 Demolition/damage _Additions Majorremodeling b New construction Other(speedy): 10 Identify only the items that apply to this sale.(Mark with an°x:') c a Fulfillment of installment contract—year contract d Write additional parcel identifiers and lot sizes or acreage in Step 3. initiated 4 Date of instrument: 1 2 / 2 0 0 8 b Sale between related individuals or corporate affiliates Month Year c _ Transfer of less than 100 percent interest 5 Type of instrument(Mark with an le): - X Warranty deed d Court-ordered sale _Quit claim deed Executor deed _Trustee deed e Sale in lieu of foreclosure Beneficial interest Other(specify): f Condemnation 6 Yes X No Wit the property be the buyer's prindpal residence? g Auction sale 7 Yes X No Was the property advertised for sale? h Seller/buyer is a relocation company (i.e.,media,sign,newspaper,reahor) I X Seller/buyer is a financial institution or government agency 8 Identify the property's current and intended primary use. j Buyer is a real estate investment trust current Intended(Mark only one item per column with an'x.') a Land/lot only k Buyer is a pension fund b X Residence(single-family,condominium,townhome,or duplex) I Buyer is an adjacent property owner c Mobile home residence m Buyer is exercising an option to purchase d Apartment building(6 units or less) No.of units: n Trade of property(simultaneous) e Apartment building(over 6 units) No.of units: o Sale-leaseback f Office p Other(specify): g _ Retail establishment h Commercial building(specify): q Homestead exemptions on most recent tax bill: f _ Industrial building 1 GeneraVAlternative $ 0.00 j Farm 2 Senior Citizens $ 0.00 k Other(specify): 3 Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze $ 0.00 Step 2: Calculate the amount of transfer tax due. Note: Round Lines 11 through 18 to the next highest whole dollar.If the amount on Line 11 is over$1 million and the property's current use on Line 8 above is marked'e,"'1,""g;"h,""i,"or"C complete Form PTAX-203-A,Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration Supplemental Form A.If you are recording a beneficial interest transfer,do not complete this step.Complete Form PTAX-203-B,Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration Supplemental Form B. 11 Full actual consideration 11 $ 290, 000.00 12a Amount of personal property included in the purchase 12a $ 0. 00 12b Was the value of a mobile home included on Line 12a? 12b Yes X No 13 Subtract Line 12a from Line 11.This is the net consideration for real property. 13 $ 290, 000.00 14 Amount for other real property transferred to the seller On a simultaneous exchange) as part of the full actual consideration on Line 11 14 $ 0.00 15 Outstanding mortgage amount to which the transferred real property remains subject 15 $-�� 0.00 16 If this transfer is exempt,use an"X"to identify the provision. 16 1�d k m 17 Subtract Lines 14 and 15 from Line 13.This is the net consideration subject to transfer tax. 17 $ 18 Divide Line 17 by 500.Round the result to the next highest whole number(e.g,61902 rounds to 62). 18 19 Illinois tax stamps—multiply Line 18 by 0.50. 19 $ ---O 20 County tax stamps—multiply Line 18 by 0.25. 20 $ --O — 21 Add Lines 19 and 20.This is the total amount of transfer tax due. 21 $_ - O This form is authorized in accordance with 35 ILCS 2A/1 -rsewC los re of this honer:ioT ! ^TFx-203(R-8/C5) l is REQUIRED.This form has been approeed by tie Forms Mar.agement Center 492-0227 I Page 1 of 4 ID:INT, Declaration Number: Ni22-4:9E--.-"3b-."-:nee Step 3: Write the legal description from the deed.Write,type(minimum 10-point font required),or attach the legal description from the deed.If you prefer,submit an 81/2"x 11"copy of the extended legal description with this form.You may also use the space below to write additional parcel identifiers and lots sizes or acreage from Step 1,Line 3. SEE ATTACHED Step 4: Complete the requested information. The buyer and seller(or their agents)hereby verify that to the best of their knowledge and belief,the full actual consideration and facts stated in this declaration are true and correct.If this transaction involves any real estate located in Cook County the buyer and seller(or their agents)hereby verify that to the best of their knowledge,the name of the buyer shown on the deed or assignment of beneficial interest in a land trust is either a natural person,an Illinois corporation or foreign corporation authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois,a partnership authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate in Illinois,or other entity recognized as a person and authorized to do business or acquire and hold title to real estate under the laws of the State of Illinois.Any person who willfully falsifies or omits any information required in this declaration shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses.Any person who knowingly submits a false statement concerning the identity of a grantee shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor for the first offense and of a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent offenses. Seller Information(Please print.) SHANNEN ZARATE Seller's or trustee's name Sellers trust number(if applicable-not an SSN or FEIN) 2713 BELKNAP MISHAWAKA IN 46544 Street ddre (after sale) n}--�— City State ZIP / -' ( 773 ) 485-5027 Ext. Sellers or ag is signature Seller's daytime phone Buyer Information (Please print.) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Buyers or trust'-'s name Buyers trust number(it applicable-not an SSN or FEIN) 6101 C' •UL EVE. . MORTON GROVE IL 60053 Str•_ -:.mss(ett>I', ) q gyp, City , . State ZIP �► 462—iL� L _? /61'Z- 9/(9" I I ,3 Jr-� Ext. Bu 'rs or a'si. . uredir ) ' Buyers da ime phone Mail tax bill o: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 6101 CAPULINA AVE. MORTON GROVE IL 60053 Name or company Street address City State ZIP Preparer Information(Please print.) SUE MANROSE Preparer's and company's name Preparer's file number(if applicable) 103 CHEL • RD. LINCOLNSHIRE IL 60069 Street dress City State ZIP ( 847 ) 955-2300 Ext. Pr parer's signature Preparers daytime phone Preparer's e-mail address(if available) Identify any required documents submitted with this form.(Mark with an°x:') Extended legal description Form PTAX-203-A Itemized list of personal property Form PTAX-203-B To be completed by the Chief County Assessment Officer 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 Year prior to sale _ l County Township Class Cook-Minor Code 1 Code 2 4 Does the sale involve a mobile home assessed as 2 Board of Review's final assessed value for.the assessment year real estate? Yes No I prior to the year of sale. 5 Comments Land _ , Buildings - ' Total , , L--- ---- - — --- - - Illinois Department of Revenue Use Tab number Page 2 of PTAX-203 f R-8105) Exhibit A LOT 22 IN LUMPP'S SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH 366.17 FEET OF LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 42 AND 43 TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 44 IN COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF SECTION 20 AND THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF LINCOLN AVENUE AND THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD (EXCEPT THEREFROM THE NORTH 100.17 FEET OF THE EAST 85 FEET OF SAID LOT 3 IN HENNING'S SUBDIVISION) IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY 5215 OLD ORCHARD ROAD, SUITE 400 SKOKIE, TL 60077 ESCROW TRUST DISBURSEMENT STATEMENT DISBURSEMENT DATE: December 30, 2008 REFER TO: KISHONA M. BROWN PHONE: (847) 677-3410 FAX: (847)673-0645 ESCROW TRUST NO. SK028059208-001 PARTIES: SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW TITLE ORDER NO. 01409-ST5107957 THERESA LISTON CASH DEAL RECEIPTS: 12/30/08 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE --BORROWERS FUNDS 290,000.00 $ 290,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS: 01) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Seller TAX PRORATION(1) 3,734.71- TOTAL PRORATIONS 3,734.71- PURCHASE PRICE 290,000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $286,265.29 $286,265.29 02) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Seller's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01409-ST5107957 ESCROW FEE 350.00 TITLE INSURANCE 1,255.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 75.00 EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY AND SERVICE FEE 50.00 WIRE FEE 25.00 REGISTRATION FEE 3 .00 $1, 758.00 $1,758.00 03) ARS SURVEY SERVICES, LLC SURVEY FEE 350. 00 $350.00 04) PAYOFF EXISTING LOAN WITH: CCO MORTGAGE BALANCE 27,442.89 $27,442.89 05) PAYOFF EXISTING LOAN WITH: CCO MORTGAGE BALANCE 215, 766.74 $215, 766.74 06) SHANNEN ZARATE NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER - $40, 947.66 KB5 12/30/08 09:35 NOTE: * - Items were Paid Outside of Closing. ESCROW TRUST NO. SK028059208-001 PAGE NO. 2 07) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Buyer TAX PRORATION(1) 3, 734 .71 TOTAL PRORATIONS 3, 734.71 PURCHASE PRICE 290, 000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $286,265.29 $286,265.29 08) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Buyer's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01409-ST5107957 ESCROW FEE 350.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE 75.00 RECORDING DEED 50.00 $475.00 $475.00 09) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TOTAL DISBURSEMENT AMOUNT $286,740.29 TOTAL BUYER RECEIPTS $290,000.00 OVERDEPOSIT TO BUYER $3,259.71 DISBURSEMENTS APPROVED: C� DATE FOR SELLER / •• _U. DATE FOR LENDER DATE a �/r DAZE I.`)-. ( FOR 117 , cO,� Tr i D TRUST KB5 12/30/08 09:35 NOTE: * - Items were Paid Outside of Closing. • CHI at. E AND TRUST COMPANY ESCROW RECEIPT AND DISBURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION PAGE 1 ESCROW NUM: 028059208-001 ORDER NUM: 01409-ST5107957 VNC CLOSER: KI SHONA M. BROWN BUYER: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE SELLER: SHANNEN ZARATE PROPERTY: 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS RECEIPTS - VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 290, 000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 290,000. 00 DISBURSEMENTS A CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE ESCROW FEE 350. 00 ESCROW FEE 350.00 TITLE INSURANCE 188.25 RECORDING FEES 50. 00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 75.00 EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY AND SERV 50.00 WIRE FEE 25.00 REGISTRATION FEE 3 .00 CHECK TOTAL 1, 091.25 B CCO MORTGAGE PAYOFF OF MORTGAGE 27,442 . 89 CHECK TOTAL 27,442.89 C CCO MORTGAGE PAYOFF OF MORTGAGE 215, 766.74 CHECK TOTAL 215,766.74 D ARS SURVEY SERVICES, LLC SURVEY FEE 350.00 CHECK TOTAL - 350.00 E VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE REFUND DUE BUYER 1 3,259.71 CHECK TOTAL 3,259.71 F SHANNEN ZARATE NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER 1 40, 947.66 CHECK TOTAL 40, 947.66 G CLAS AGENT FEE 400.00 CHECK TOTAL 400.00 H SUSAN M MANROSE AGENT SPLIT 741.75 CHECK TOTAL 741.75 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 290,000.00 BALANCE 0. 00 Chu undersigned authorize Chicago Title and Trust Company.as:\eem for CASH DEAL I,)make the expenditures and disbursements as listed above and we hereby appmve the same.jointly and severally.for payment. The undersigned mortgagors certify that the signatures tin the note and mortgage.if any.furnished as security for the loan are genuine and that the consideration therefor was actual and valid without otlset or defense. C-7(\_3bk . Date I is . e462 Chi r-ag . t9 T ust Co. V '� �� �' 4.V ,,v. �,�1 � uttorizatiiini CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY 5215 OLD ORC1iARD ROAD, SUITE 400 SKOKIE, IL 60077 ESCROW TRUST DISBURSEMENT STATEMENT DISBURSEMENT DATE: December 30, 2008 REFER TO: KISHONA M. BROWN PHONE: (847) 677-3410 FAX: (847) 673-0645 ESCROW TRUST NO. SK028059208-001 PARTIES: SUSAN M MANROSE ATTY AT LAW TITLE ORDER NO. 01409-ST5107957 THERESA LISTON CASH DEAL RECEIPTS: 12/30/08 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE --BORROWERS FUNDS 290,000.00 $ 290,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS: 01) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Seller TAX PRORATION(1) 3,734.71- TOTAL PRORATIONS 3,734.71- PURCHASE PRICE 290,000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $286,265.29 $286,265.29 02) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Seller's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01409-ST5107957 ESCROW FEE 350.00 TITLE INSURANCE 1,255.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 75.00 EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY AND SERVICE FEE 50.00 WIRE FEE 25.00 REGISTRATION FEE 3 .00 $1, 758.00 $1,758.00 03) ARS SURVEY SERVICES, LLC SURVEY FEE 350.00 $350.00 04) PAYOFF EXISTING LOAN WITH: CCO MORTGAGE BALANCE 27,442.89 $27,442.89 05) PAYOFF EXISTING LOAN WITH: CCO MORTGAGE BALANCE 215,766.74 $215,766.74 06) SHANNEN ZARATE NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER - $40,947.66 KB5 12/30/08 09:35 NOTE: * - Items were Paid Outside of Closing. ESCROW TRUST NO. SK028059208-001 PAGE NO. 2 07) PRORATIONS/CREDITS - Buyer TAX PRORATION(1) 3,734 .71 TOTAL PRORATIONS 3,734.71 PURCHASE PRICE 290, 000.00 ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE $286,265.29 $286,265.29 08) CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY - Buyer's Charges Re: Title Order No. 01409-ST5107957 ESCROW FEE 350.00 POLICY UPDATE FEE 75.00 RECORDING DEED 50.00 $475.00 $475.00 09) VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE TOTAL DISBURSEMENT AMOUNT $286,740.29 TOTAL BUYER RECEIPTS $290,000.00 OVERDEPOSIT TO BUYER $3,259.71 DISBURSEMENTS APPROVED: it i ' 13- ArCMC 1/1---, 1 ) 1.156 161 DATE FOR SELLER U • • 'U DATE FOR LENDER DATE 1 DA1(� I � 1 FOR AT: /A•.0; i� TRUST KB5 12/30/08 09:35 NOTE: * - Items were Paid Outside of Closing. CHI a . E AND TRUST COMPANY ESCROW RECEIPT AND DISBURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION PAGE 1 ESCROW NUM: 028059208-001 ORDER NUM: 01409-ST5107957 VNC CLOSER: KISHONA M. BROWN BUYER: VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE SELLER: SHANNEN ZARATE PROPERTY: 8733 NARRAGANSETT AVENUE, MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS RECEIPTS - VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 290,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 290,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS A CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE ESCROW FEE 350.00 ESCROW FEE 350.00 TITLE INSURANCE 188.25 RECORDING FEES 50.00 COMMITMENT UPDATE FEE 75.00 EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY AND SERV 50.00 WIRE FEE 25.00 REGISTRATION FEE 3 .00 CHECK TOTAL 1, 091.25 B CCO MORTGAGE PAYOFF OF MORTGAGE 27,442 .89 CHECK TOTAL 27,442.89 C CCO MORTGAGE PAYOFF OF MORTGAGE 215,766.74 CHECK TOTAL 215,766.74 D ARS SURVEY SERVICES, LLC SURVEY FEE 350. 00 CHECK TOTAL 350. 00 E VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE • REFUND DUE BUYER 1 - 3,259.71 CHECK TOTAL 3,259.71 F SHANNEN ZARATE NET PROCEEDS TO SELLER 1 40, 947. 66 CHECK TOTAL 40, 947.66 G CLAS AGENT FEE 400. 00 CHECK TOTAL 400. 00 H SUSAN M MANROSE AGENT SPLIT 741. 75 CHECK TOTAL 741.75 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 290,000.00 BALANCE 0. 00 The undersigned authorize Chicago Title and Trust Company.as Agent for CASH DEAL Li)make the expenditures and disbursements as listed above and we hereby approve the same,jointly and severally.for payment The undersigned mortgagors certify that the signatures on the note and mortgage.if any.furnished as security for the loan are genuine and that the consideration therefor was actual and valid without offset or defense c.6\ Date /j71 wer % _ IP Chicag.: t. l :; ust Co. -i �% /i : i •uthorizat :n Sent By: DANIEL E LEVY LTD; 847-808-1221 ; Dec-3-08 2:46PM; Page 2/2 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT CONTROLLED BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT (By a Producer of Title Insurance Business or Associate thereof) This disclosure is made tc: (Check one�or both) X Seller!Owner X Buyer Seller(s)!Owner(s) Buyer(s) Regarding the Property Located at: 15 a e V 4-fA� For title Insurance Company,Title Insurance Agent,and I or Escrow Agent (Company Name) Chicago Title Insurance Company In connection with the property described above,the undersigned has recommended,or is about to recommend,the above named tine insurance company,title agent,and/or escrow agent to the above named party(ies)to provide title insurance and)or escrow services. The undersigned producer has a financial interest in the above named company/business,or is an associate of the party or entity which has said financial interest and therefore,makes,or has made,the following estimate of the fees and charges that are known and which will be made in connection with the recommended title and/Cr escrow services. Only these charges which may be paid by the par)gies)to whom the disclosure is made,are(were)disclosed herein. If there are additional parties who choose to utilize services for the above named company/business,there may be additional charges for those services .Owner's Title Policy. $ /.Z.SS Mortgage Title Policy: $ 300, Escrow or Clp0ss[ng Fee: $ 7 00- — Other Fees:tpolicv fees $ 406.00 2 endorsements _ 2 updates Total Estimated Charees: S 1358" These estimated figures include all charges!services such as title search,title examination,title insurance premiums,and final issuance of Policy(ies). These estimates may be revised if any unusua;circumstances occur,unusual risks are"insured over",and!or lenders require special endorsements which extends their coverage_ You are not required to use Susan M.Manrose,Attorney at Law (name of provider)as a condirion for,settlement of your loan on,or purchase,sale,or refinance of,the subject property. There are frequently other settlement service providers available with similar services. You are free to shop around to determine that you are receiving the best services and the best rare for these services. The undersigned does hereby certify thar the above disclosure was made to the above party(ies)on Sine of Producer. (hLL .L.�l-Zit-ft--Za__-. Date: 1 - 3 -d t ACKNOWLEDGEMENT /we have read this disclosure form and understand that Susan M.Manrose,Anomev at Law (referring party)is referring me!us to purchase the above described settlement services from Chicago Title Insurance Company (provider receiving referral)and may receive a financial or other benefit as a result of this referral. Seller/Owner: Date: Date: Buyer Date: Date: (NOTE_PURSUANT TO SECTION 18.(b)OF THE TITLE INSURANCE ACT,THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, INDEPENDENT ESCROWEE,OR TITLE INSURANCE AGENT SHALL MAINTAIN THIS DISCLOSURE FORM FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS-) Village of Morton Grove Memo Community and Economic Development September 22, 2008 ' , i,� 54 �( 'Pica ri .—,44 of } To: Joe Wade hf" �. 'FIDENTI � "�" ' From: Bill Neuendo ��' cc :;sins sensitive real estate informs: 3n Z;ra'i � L� 4490 1 RE: 8733 NARRAGANSETT - PROPOSED PURCHASE OFFER In the last week, village staff has met with the owner, toured the site, and researched public records to learn more about this property. The pertinent information is summarized below. • PIN 10-20-100-009 • 3,660 square foot lot (30 ft by 122 ft) • 80+ year old single family residence (brick bungalow) with detached garage • 800 square feet on first floor with unfinished basement and attic • Living area in very good condition, kitchen & bath recently updated, newer deck • C-1 zoning allows repair but not expansion of single-family home • Purchased in 2004 for $285,000 • Mortgage taken out in 2004 for $256,500 (current balance unknown) • Numerous recent improvements including: o new windows, refinished floors & walls, new kitchen & bath in 2004 o New roof & air condition (summer 2008) o Estimated cost of improvements: $20,000 • Asking price is $305,000 (purchase price plus improvements) with no realtor fees • Asking price likely to increase if listed with a realtor • Annual taxes approximately $3,600 • Owner plans to move to a larger home within the next 12 months • Owner approached Village before listing it with a broker • Owner is eager to sell, but in no particular hurry at this time 8733 Narragansett Purchase Offer September 22, 2008 Page 2 of 2 COMPARATIVE SALES Recent property sales were also researched to give a broader understanding of the current real estate market in this neighborhood. This property is unique because it is not in a residential zoning and does not have the ability to be expanded. This lessens the overall value of the property. • $345,000 — median price of single family homes in Morton Grove (Jan - Sept 2008) • $302,000 to $405,000 — range of sales prices of single family homes south of Dempster between the Forest Preserve and Central Avenue (June - Sept. 2008) PROPOSED PURCHASE OFFER Based on this information and the purchasing direction given by the Trustees, I recommend that the Village make the following offer to purchase this property. 1. Accept property in "as-is" condition 2. $5,000 earnest money 3. No contingencies 4. Village to purchase for cash with a closing date selected by the seller 5. Purchase price determined by closing date as noted below a. (sales price is reduced if they are looking for a quick close) Sale Price Determined by Closing Date* On or before 12/31/08 1/1/09 to 6/30/09 7/1/09 to 12/31/09 $280,000 $282,500 $285,000 *These prices may need to be increased based on the seller's motivation and desire to sell. FINANCING AND FUTURE USE If the Village does not have a temporary use for the building, the site should be cleared and declared tax-exempt as soon as possible. This property would be "land banked' for future development. Funds are currently available from the 2007 tax-exempt bond proceeds to purchase this land. L ### contains sensitive real esta. talon Q:\Lehigh Ferris TIF\Site I\8733 Narragansett\proposed offer 9-22-08.doc 8733 Narragansett CONFIDENTIAL Contains sensitive real estate information e Asking price: $305,000 f Reasons to Acquire: , y a imam. • currently for sale by owner; kik , • hold for long-term land assembly; • suitable for future commercial t" development �"` f prevent speculators from buyin MINI g g • and raising price in the future x. -7 Property Description: L PIN: 10-20-100-009 • 1 story plus attic brick bungalow _:. Circa 1920s or 30s - Single-family home 1 � � -~`' Land area= 3,660 SF 2007 taxes =$3,604 T ; _laggsgatimie Purchased in 2004 for $285,000 .._ . - � meter 6321 3r Y <s ,L.:-- et...1 • ,cd - -, 1-6.. `1 i _ i . il a , t :' 1 } ' lik-lhl wS k t • _- ' ,i. it - 0 ili -a: S 0. 1...: .hal Ilt,„ ,;;. I.:: , h bq __ 3!'.R' Imp - j...., , _ - _., A , s . .. , , ,.,.___ 41 ‘ , v 4.-- cp 1'e_ -r "- September 3,2008 i i - Page I of 2 Terry Liston From: Stacy Sopkin Sent: Wed 12/24/2008 10:43 AM To: 'TMatthew @pmanetwork.com';Courtney Rios Cc: Ryan Home;Terry Liston; Bill Neuendorf Subject: RE: Wire Transfer for 8733 Narragansett Attachments: Thank you very much. Stacy Sopkul, From: Tim Matthew [mailto:TMatthew @pmanetwork.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:42 AM To: Stacy Sopkin; Courtney Rios Cc: Ryan Home; Terry Liston; Bill Neuendorf Subject: RE: Wire Transfer for 8733 Narragansett OK...per Ryan's instructions, the wire will execute on Friday, Dec. 26, 2008. If anyone has any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Tim Matthew 630-657-6427 From: Stacy Sopkin [mailto:ssopkin @mortongroveil.org] Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:32 AM To:TMatthew @pmanetwork.com; Courtney Rios Cc: Ryan Home;Terry Liston; Bill Neuendorf Subject: RE: Wire Transfer for 8733 Narragansett Ooops-I forgot to give you an amount that needed to be wired. The amount of the wire should be $290,000.00, and it should be wired on Friday, Dec 26, 2008. The wire instructions are attached again for your convenience. Escrow No. 28059208; Escrow Officer is Kashona Brown. Wire transfer funds to Bank of America, 231 S LaSalle St, Chicago, IL 60697. https://vmgmail.mortongroveil.org/exchange/tliston/lnbox/RE:%20 Wire%20Transfer%20... 12/29/2008 Page 2 of 2 ABA Routing No. 0260-0959-3 -for credit to Chicago Title&Trust Co NW, Acct No. 8765-1-60514. Stacy Sopk.. From: Ryan Home Sent:Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:55 AM To:TMatthew @pmanetwork.com'; 'Courtney Rios' Cc: Stacy Sopkin Subject: RE: Wire Transfer Hello, We will have a closing at 9:00 am on December 30 at Chicago Title. The details will be emailed to you later today from Stacy. The wire should be done on Friday, December 26th. Stacy, when emailing the instructions be sure to also copy in Terry and Bill. Thank you and happy holidays, Ryan J. Home Acting Finance Director Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Morton Grove IL 60053 P. 847.663.3032 F. 847.965.4162 https://vmgmail.mortongroveil.org/exchange/tli ston/Inbox/RE:%20 W ire%20Transfer%20... 12/29/2008 AFFIDAVIT OF TITLE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) The undersigned affiant, being first dully sworn, on oath says, and also covenants with and warrants to the grantee hereinafter named: That affiant has an interest in the premises described below or in the proceeds thereof or is the grantor in the deed dated December 30, 2008 to VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, grantee(s), conveying the following described premises: See Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein. That no labor or material has been furnished for the premises within the last four months that are not fully paid for. That since the title date of November 21, 2008, in the report on title issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company, affiant has not done or suffered to be done anything that could in any way affect the title to the premises, and no proceedings have been filed by or against affiant, nor has any judgment or decree been rendered against affiant, nor is there any judgment note or other instrument that can result in a judgment or decree against affiant within five days from the date hereof. That the parties, if any, in possession of the premises are bona fide tenants only, and have paid promptly and in full their rent to date, and are renting from N/A to N/A, and not for any longer term, and have no other or further interest whatsoever in premises. That all water taxes, except the current bill, have been paid, and that all the insurance policies assigned have been paid for. That this instrument is made to induce, and in consideration of, the said Grantee's consummation of the purchase of the premises. Affiant further states: NOTHING. SHANNE ZARATE Subscribed and sworn to be before me this 3C day of ,��°COrY114/2-,2008. Notary Public • 1:7,FFiCIAL SEAL" it SAN M MANROSE iSSION EXPIRES 08/1 8/091 �tenei•_eA BILL OF SALE Seller(s), SHANNEN ZARATE, of Morton Grove, Illinois, in consideration of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do/does hereby sell, assign, transfer, and set over to Buyer(s), VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, of Morton Grove, Illinois, the following described personal property,to wit: ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY SET FORTH IN REAL ESTATE SALES CONTRACT DATED DECEMBER 2, 2008. Seller(s) hereby represent(s) and warrant(s) to Buyer(s) that Seller(s) is/are the absolute owner(s) of said property, that said property is free and clear of all liens, charges, and encumbrances, and that Seller(s) has/have full right, power, and authority to sell said personal property and to make this bill of sale. All warranties of quality,fitness, and merchantability are hereby excluded If this bill of sale is signed by more than one person, all persons so signing shall be jointly and severally bound hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has signed and sealed this Bill of Sale this 3o 1 day of i)L ,2008. t � �j SHAT> N ZARATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify SHANNEN ZARATE, personally known to me to be the same person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she/they signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument as a free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this O day of / , 2008. �i.,. Notary Public "GFFICAL SEAL" VOTARY =" 3TA7E O ?A7EO F SUSAN M MANROSE a. nutoOrs COMMISSION EXPIRES 08/18/00 ,.,•