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2014-01-13 Agenda
I . Call to Girder 2. Piedge of allegiance 3. moll Call 4 6 I0. Approval of' Minutes — Regular Meeting of December 9, 2013 Special Reports a. Swearing In Ceremony for New Police Officers, Thomas Baricei and Jonathan F Sc�� ti p rrue and Police Commission Chairperson Michael Simkins Pub fie hearings Residents' Comments (agenda items only) President' sRepost-- rldminiYrration,N orthwestMunicipalConference ,Councilof,Valvors Srrara(�fr Plan, Comprehensive Plan hresid nt'sReport (continued) Lt. Mayoral Update/Review Clerk's Report - (,'orrununity Relations Commission `staff. Repots a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b_ Corporation Counsel Cichard T. Flici finger ?Vunicipal Comer 0,01 C OPuit ra !" Vlly . ue ry bt ,to„ G ° v [Bono s 600` 29,11 ; N�r47j 96S-4100 iii "ak` ( 47) 96 - ,"lam_, e.. 1 L Reports by 'trustees a. Trustee Greer — Fire Department, Emergency Management Agency RED Center, Fire and Police Commission, Police Department, Police Facility Committee, Chamber of Commerce (Trustee Witko) b. Trustee Marcus — Advisory Commission on Aging, Family and Senior Services Department, Finance Advisory Commission, Condominium Association (Trustee Toth) c. Trustee Pietron — Appearance Commission, Building Department, IT Communications, nt Community and Economic Developme Department, Economic Development Commission (Trustee Thill) d. Trustee Thill -- Public Works Department, Solid Waste Ageney of Northern Cool, County, Traffic Safety Commission, Waukegan Road TIF, Lehigh /Ferris TIF, Dempster Street Corridor Plan (Trustee Pietron) I) Ordinance 13 -26 (Introduced December 9, 2013) (Second Reading) An Ordinance. Concerning the Addition of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) West Frontage Road to the Municipal Street System at a Future Date 2) 0 -dinance 13 -27 (Introduced December 9, 2013) (Second Reading) An Ordinance Concerning the Addition of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) East Frontage Road to the Municipal Street System at a Future Date 3) Resolution 14 -01 (Introduced January 13, 201-4) Authorizing increased Funding for the Residential Interest Free Loan Program for the Installation of Overhead Sewers or Flood Control Devices 4) Resolution 14 -02 (Introduced January 13, 201 d) Authorizing a Moratorium on the Construction of New Alleyways Throughow the Village 5) Resolution 14 -03 (Introduced January 13, 2014) Authorizing the Execution of'fask Order No, 10 with Ciorba Croup, Inc. for a Design Services for Simpson Street Water Main Replacement and Pavement Reconstruction e. Trustee Both — Finance Department, Capital Projects, Environmental Health, Natural Resource Commission (Trustee Alfarcus) Trustee Witko — Legal, Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals, NIPSTA, Strategic Plan Committee (Trustee Grew 1) Ordinance 13 -28 (Introduced December 9, 201 3) (Second Reading) Amending the Village Unified Development Code Sections 12 -4 -31) to Allow Now "Offices - Business, Contractor, Professional and Public" and "Medical and Dental Offices /Clinics" Uses on the Second Floor or Above in the C/R Commercial /Residential District I 2. Other Business 13. Presentation of Warrants: December 23, 2013 $ 864,519.93 January 13, 2014 S 348.196 -48 Total $-1 � 716_41 14, Residents' Comments 15, Executive Session - -- Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pendinu Litigation, and Rea' Estate 16. Adjournment -To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, indiriduals wr7h disabilities who plan to attend and undo require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (8471470 -5320) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations. CALL a oRDEP & Village President Dan DiMaria called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m and welcomed all li. those in attendance this evening. He then led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silence to honor the late Nelson Mandela. 111. Village Clerk Ed Ramos called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Shel Marcus, John Pietron, John Thill, Maria Toth and Janine Witko. IV. APPROVAL o� MINUT ES a. Regarding the Budget Workshop Minutes of November 6, 2013, Trustee Toth moved to approve those Minutes as presented, Trudree Thil! seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimousiyvia voice vote. b. Regarding the Budge -, Workshop Minutes of November 7, 2013, Trustee Toth again moved to approve the Minutes as presented. Trustee Pietron seconded the motion. Motion passed urianirnouslyvia voice vote. c. Regarding the Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 251 213, Trustee Thill moved io approve the Minutes as presented, Trustee Toth seconded the moficn. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. d. Regarding the Minutes of the November 25, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, Trustee Toth moved, seconded by Trustee Thill, to accept the Minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. V. SPECIAL REPORTS Champion and <eritaae Tree Awards Presentation a. Mary Busch and Sharon Erid son of the Natural Resource Gommisslon presented these awards. Ms. Busch explained the mission of the Commission and noted that the Champion and Heritage Trees Program is a partnership between the Commission, the Park District, and the Historical Society. The Commission seeks nominations of the largest or oldest trees, or the best exampies of a species of tree, from the community at Iarge. The program began in 20J ,and Ms. Busch revevved oastwinnsrs rLefore reveaiine fhe 2p ?3 wYnne:s. A "''Fx " "'. �_ '• ': .. e fi „'�'-' �” .Y to 7 v - a -,p %im' s F f . " kiNhkLYi�b3�' ipY !�dBi7k11i�i�d7�{$iki'�'tl�Fi�i V. SPECIAL REPORTS (continued) b. 2013 winners are: the John Baethke family at 8609 Austin Avenue, for three Burr Oak trees and a towering Elm tree, Sue Anderson, for a Swamp White Oak at 8727 Austin, Don & Vada Latke, for an American Elm at 9521 N. Shermer, the Bill Sonne Family for a Double- Stemmed Red Oak, at least 300 years old, at 8650 Fernald, and two Village parkway trees, nominated by Village Arborist Bill Burns and John Slater: an American Elm at 9115 Mason and a Swamp White Oak and Shagbark Hickory trees at 8839 Parkside Avenue, Ms- Busch noted that acorns from the Baethke oalk trees had been collected, planted, and the baby trees will be distributed this spring by Bill Burns. Dental Offices /Clinics" Uses in the OR Commercal/Residentiai Districr a. Chairman Ron arkas presented ibis case, which, he explaiI Ied a s initially presented at the Plan Commission's October meeting and concluded at its November meeting. The Applicant is the Village of Morton Grove. Dominick Argumedo, the Viliage's Zoning Administrator/Land- Use Planner presented the proposed text amendment, which wouid'allow the use of business, contractor, professional, and public and medical and dental officesichnics on the second floor or above only {not the ground floor) in the OR Comi-nercial /Residential zoning district. The reason for this requested change is that the Village established the C /P, zoning district to "create development which is compact and pedestrian - oriented" and 'to provide higher density uses and associated neighborhood commercial uses which service this higher residential use." The Village's vision was that the ground floor should be used for retail or restaurants to create a pedestrian, flow, as in a downtown area. b. Mr. Farkas said that testimony was given that there are currently seven (7) first -floor businesses located in the C/R zoning district These would become legal non - conforming uses, unless the particular use is interrupted for more than six months or if there is an expansion. One of those businesses is Mafro Electric at 6,200 Lincoln Avenue. It has been operating at that location for over 40 years. The owner now wants to sell and testified that the proposed text amendment has been hindering his attempts to do so, as prospective buyers have expressed reservations about purchasing a legal, non-conforming property. c. Mr. Farkas said that Economic Development Director Nancy Razdevich suggested that the text amendment could read that any offices that are in existence prior to the adoption of this ordinance would be considered permitted uses_ This could be included as a footnote to the "use" chart and could possibly identify the property addresses. d. Mr. Farkas said the Plan Commission voted unanimously (with one absent) o recommend approval of PC 13 -08. e. Trustee Marcus asked if any residents spoke about this matter at the Plan Commission hearing. Mc Farkas said that only Roy Diamond, owner of Malko Electric, spoke. S. V SPECIAL REPOPTS (continued) a. Again, Mr. Farkas presented this case to the Board. He said that the subiect property was a 1.8 acre located on the west side of Concord Drive, south of Lincoln Avenue. It is currently vacant, but was originally intended to be developed with a 78 -unit multi - family residential building as part of the Trafalgar Square Planned Unit Development (PUD). However, the original developer never initiated that phase of the project Now Lexington Station LLC has purchased the property and has filed a PUD application and an amendment to the Trafalgar Square PUD to allow for the construction of 3 townhomes. Lexington Station LLC acquired a permanent easement agreement from the Trafalgar Square Condominium Association which will provide pedestrian access to the new townhomes and will be improved with additional landscaping and visitor parking. b. Mr. Farkas said that the proposed townhome development is designed with three banks of six townhomes: one bank of five townhomes: and two banks of four townhorrtes. Each townhome will be three floors, with 2.5 floors of living space and a two -car garage on the ground floor. They will range in size from 1,600 square feet to 1,900 square feet and will either be two- bedroom or three - bedroom units. There will be 14 outdoor guest parking spaces. The traffic study indicated that about half of the trips approved in the 2004 approved PUD would be generated. The development will include two storm water detention areas. c. Mr. Farkas said that two waiverswere being requested one for 17 units per acre (versus 16 units per acre in the Village's UDC); the other for a setback waiver of about two feet. Mir. Farkas noted that several people spoke regarding this development at the Plan Commission hearing, including Captain Bill Porter from the Village's Fire Department, who pointed out that the drawings submitted by Lexington' Station do not show necessary riser rooms for sprinklers or alarm systems. Captain, Porter also stated that another fire hydrant would be needed on Concord Drive. Another speaker was Sharon Erickson, President of the Foxsquare TOWnhome Association. She was concerned because, when the Trafalgar Square PUD was in development, it had been dectded that the larger detention pond would be funded by the resulting development as a whole. When the decision was made to separate the townhomes association from the condo association, an agreement was made to share financial responsibility for the pond. Ms. Erickson wanted to be sure that the new townhomes would also be part of this financial responsibility, Another neighbor was concerned about visitors parking overnight but the new homeowners'• agreement will prohibit that. e. Mir. Farkas said that the Plan Commission felt that the seven standards had beg': met and that this PUD would be a aood use of the vacant 'and The Plan Commission voted unanimously (with one absent) to recommend approval of PC 13 -14, with severa' conditions, V PUBLIC HEAMNGS NONE sy °;�', - ✓',r . ' A .✓:;` o 44- 't<, > > N17/1tY3e'$,�ctfCYr.E }"9;tii1A' 177sfi9 VII, RESIDEWS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Oniv) a. James and Janice Cha, 12 -year residents, had questions regarding Wright -Way Animal Shelter. The Chas said they both volunteer at Community Animal Rescue E in Evanston. They had submitted some of their ouestions via email. allowed to stay indefinitely if 'they were They said that Wright -Ways website appears to allow people to pre -adopt and then pick -up an animal They wondered how Wright- Way °vets" proper adopters to assure an appropriate and safe match for both the new owners and the animal. They wondered about Wright-Nay s policy if an adoption does notgo wel4 —do they accept the animal back? The Chas noted that, on Wright-Way's pre - screening questionnaire, there is a question about spaying or neutering the animal. They said that, under Illinois law, an animal must be spayed or neutered and micro- shipped before it can be adopted. They also wanted to know how Wright -Way would ensure that a potential adopter would have the anima. spayed or neutered. The Chas said that Illinois law states that it should be about eight weeks before separating a newborn animal from its mother, but it appeared, from Wright -Way's website, that sometimes they were putting animals only one month oie' up for adoption. They wondered what happens to the mother. The Chas also asked for the names of the rural shelters from which Wright -Way plc'o-cs up their animals. They also wanted to know if animals would be allowed to stay indefinitely if 'they were not adopted, or if there some sort of time limit. Mayor DiMaria said he would ask Wright -Way to respond to the Chas questions when the ordinance comes up on the Agenda. .lames Quinn, a residentof Caliie Court, also spoke about the Wright -Way Animal Shelter, commented that the proposed location is the wrong place for this. Mr. Quinn felt the shelter should be located on Oakton by the garbage dump. He did not feel the proposed location will be good for the Village. VIII. PRES;D;=l REPORT Mayor DiMaria sought the Board's concurrence to appoint Finance Director Remy Navarrete to the Fire Pension Board to fill the vacancy left by Paul Minxs move to the Appearance Commission. Trustee Toth so moved, seconded by Trustee Tel Motion passed unanimously via voice vote, Mayor DiMaria announced the dates of the Village Board meetings for calendar year 2014. He noted that the meetings are on the second and fourth Monday of each month. They start at 6:00 p.m., but the first hour is reserved for executive Session. The meeting dates for 2014 are: January 13 and 27, February 10 and 24, NlIarch 10 and 24, Apr? 14 and 28, IUiay 12, June 9 and 23, July 14, August 11 September 8 and 22 Octobei i 3 and 27. November 10 and 24,. and December D. i riese Q2tes are also posted or,, the Village s wens�le and Ir, Village Bali. �.4'r.� S rti ::M "b: SMRIAIK� "�R:�1IiINGJ.,9f'4D�P"iRVnW'!NP VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued; Mayor DiMaria next sought concurrence for his appointments of the following individuals to serve as Chairs of the following commissions. Nancy Lanning for the Advisory Commission on Aging b Bill Zimmer for the Appearance Commission % Ron Fine for the Cable and Telecommunications Commission Samina Hussain for the Community Relations Commission Wayne Youkhana for the Economic Development Commission Georglanne Brunner for the Board of Environmental Health 4 William McFadden for the Finance Advisory Commission e Michael Simkins for the Fire and Police Commission « Mary Busch for the Natural Resources Commission a Ron Farkas for the Plan Commission /zoning Board of Appeals Keith White for the Traffic Safety Commission Trustee Grear moved to concur with these appointments, seconded by Trustee Marcus, Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. 4, Mayor DiMaria recognized Dee Gotta for being a tremendous asset, to the Village by presenting her with a "Key to the Village ". Nis. Gotta senYed on the Appeamnoe Commission from 1993 to 2013. Mayor DiMaria said that without residents stepping up. such as Ms. Gotta had done for so many years, the VilPage would suffer. He said that Morton Grove's "doors" are always open to her. Ms. Gotta responded that it's been an honor to serve the Village and its residents. 5. Mayor DiMaria noted that the schedule of the regular meetings of the various Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Subcommittees of the Village for calendaryear 2014 is posted on the Village's website, along with the time of the meetings and the location where the meetings are held. All of these meetings are open to the public Mayor DiMaha sought the Board's concurrence with the following Administrative appoim- merim a Nancy Razdevich. Community & Economic Development Y Teresa Hoff man Liston, Corporation Counse Remy Navarrete, Finance Director/Treasurer M Tom Friel, Fire Chle`r e Andy DeMonte, Public Works ® Ryan Horne, Village Administrator Trustee Marcus so moved, seconded by Trustee Pietron. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. Mayor DiMaria announced hat Police Chief Mark Erickson, having served the Village for 30 Years in the Police Department.. Ufouid be retiring in early 20,141 VIII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) 7. Niayor DiMana had some final comments on 2013. a. He noted that the Village government had changed hands in April, The transition of Village leadership went smoothly. He acknowledged former Trustee La rry Gomberg, former Mayor Dan Staackmann, and former Trustee Tony Kalogerakos. All three men served the Village for a number of years, doing a great job with dedication to the best interests of Morton Grove. b. Mayor DiMaria said that, as a result of the April elections, the Village had its first Filipino - American elected official in Village Clerk Ed Ramos. He thanked Clerk Ramos for doing as fine job thus tar. c. Mayor DiMaha was proud of the fact that the Village has taken steps to get a Strategic Plan developed, and pleased at the improved communication between the Village and the residents. He noted that the printed Village newsletter has increased in frequency, and subscribers to the Village's eNewsietter number 775. The Village's Facebook page has 300 subscribers, and the Village's website gets about 10.000 hilt a month, d. Mayor DiMare said that the Village has also introduced a smanphone "app" for residents' requests. Additionally, the Economic Development department has launched its own bi- monthly eNewsietter. e. Mayor DIMlarla noted that residents were provided many venues in 2013 in which to express their opinions, outside of Village Board meetings. The Village is more focused than ever on being business - friendly, as demonstrated by the many updates to Village ordinances (for example, flexible parking requirements at strip malisj. f. The manor said that 2013 saw the Village's first "industrial Meet n Greet" which went very we'll. He added that he attended two International Conference of Stropping Center conferences. Other accomailshments include: Maintained and improved infrastructure m Qualified as a "Tree City" for the 13"1 year & 1.200 tons of leaves were picked up C, 5.5 miles of streets were resurfaced in spite of 31 snow and ice storms, Morton Grove's roads were always clear Established the Police Department's 'Expicrer Program" for young people preparing for a career in law enforcement Improved the School Safety Program Fire Department response 'times continue to be under four minutes, they responded to over 3.500 calls in 2013 ® The 2014 Budget is a balanced budget with no property tax increase. Mayor DiMaria said that, together, we have all made a difference for Morton Grove. More residents, new people are getting involved. The strategic planning meetings asking for resident and business feedback had great turnouts. The new assault weapon ordinance is a areal example of compromise —and the discussions on that issue were always respecfful, in spite of differing opinions. ':: VIII PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued) h. Mayor Divlaria said that a lot of new businesses are interested in coming to Morton Grove. H= felt that with the new "can -do' attitude displayed by the Board, Village staff, and the residents, 2014 will be a year where the Village will see many new business endeavors. Mayor DiMaria thanked everyone for their faith and trust in the new Board, saying that this is more than Democrats or Republicans, Action Party or Caucus Party -this is people coming together to do what's right for Morton Grove. He added that he was excited about what 2014 will bring to the Village and wished everyone a safe and happy holiday season. iX. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Ramos had no renort. K STAFF R PORTS A. Village Administrator: Village Administrator Horne announced that the Board Meeting scheduled for December °3 was cancelled. Corporation Counsel', Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XI. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear. Trustee Grear presented Ordinance 13 -e'2, Adding Title 'I, Chapter ON Entitled "Cigarette Tax" to the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove, This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Grear explained that Village staff constantly reviews the Viilaga Code and makes certain recommendations to update provisions in order to keep the Code compiiant with contemporary statutes and relevant . to the Village's current operations and requirements b. Staff has researched and is recommending that the Board consider the adoption of a tar, an the retail sale of cigarettes in the amount of $.25 per pack. Tobacco dealers will be required to purchase tax stamps with the ultimate pavment of the tax to be borne by the consumer. Trustee Thill noted that e- cigarettes are now included in this Ordinance and thanked Corporation Counsel Liston for this addition, which he had suggested at the previous Board meeting. c. Trustee Pietron asked if, in 2014, some consideration -ould be giver to taxing chewing toi;acco, cigars, and cigar( 4ia -types of srnokirEg Iter .. 0 • rr .;. `. aRAinu�s3cen�UFf`Ai36'taMl Xl. A. Trustee Grear: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Grear moved to adopt Ordinance 13 -22, seconded by Trustee Toth. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus ave Ti. Pietron acre Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko aye 2. Trustee Grear said he grew up with Chief Erickson and said that Mark has done a wonaerful job and will be missed. 3. Trustee Grear wished everyone a happy holiday and a great New Year. B. Trustee Marcus: 1. Trustee Marcus had no formal report. He said that he, too, goes "way back" with Chief Erickson, commenting that Mark will be a "tough act to follow". 2. Trustee Marcus wished everyone and their families a happy, healthy New Year. C. Trustee Pietron: 43 Trustee Pietron said that, although he's only had the privilege of knowing Chief Erickson over the past six months, he felt that Mark's retiring would be a great loss for Morton Grove, and thanked him for all he's done forthe Village in his 30 years of service. _. Trustee Pietron than presented Resolution 13 -71, Authorizing the Village of Morton Grove to Enter Into an Economic Incentive and Sales Tax Sharing Agreement With the McGrath Group /McGrath Audi Sales. a. He explained that the McGrath Group /McGrath Audi Sales is currently under contract to purchase approximately seven acres of the Kraft site located in Morion Grove, where they are proposing to build a 60,000 square foot Audi dealership. This dealership will create temporary construction jobs, and once opened, will create permanent full- and part -"time jobs and will generated increased property taxes and saies taxes. McGrath is also in negotiations to open and operate an additional dealership on the property, which would produce additional benefits for the Village. In order to induce McGrath to purchase the dealership property and to construct, open, and operate the Audi dealership, the Village and McGrath entered into a Letter of Intent whereby the Village will waive certain permit fees, contribute $250.000 to the construction costs, and share saies tax revenue generated by the dealership. If lvikcGrath opens a second dealership on the site, it will receive a share of the sales taxes generated by the second dealership as well ; . �' +. , , .k, I ;' , tt + "^ ,, *� „' cN a IUiluEe8,a3f r.5 i20' Y,d Xt. C Trustee Pietron: (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) b. Village Administrator Horne said that this is a very unique opportunity for the Village. The McGrath Group has been impressed with its dealings in Morton Grove as regards its Accura dealership. Mr. Horne said the Village tries to partner with businesses because then when the business is successful, the Village is successful. He noted that the purchase price for the property already was a significant commitment. Trustee ,Pietron moved to approve Resolution 13 -71, seconded by Trustee Grear. Trustee Thill felt the Village should set a $5 million dollar ceiling on the sales tax revenue given to the first deaiership and should notplan on any sales tax sharing for the second dealership at this point. He asked what the ramifications would be if McGrath decided notto open a second dealership. d. Mr. Horne said Mir. i d-Grath doesn't currently own a second dealership. If he doesn't obtain a second dealership, he would sell that part of the property. If a completely different deveioper comes in this tax revenue sharing agreement wouldn't apply tc, the new owner. e, Trustee Marcus said his issue was questioning vvhether this Is the best thing to do. He did think it would be good for the Village in the long run, noting that the McGrath Group is eputabe and very successfu!—in fact, a Veeder in the Chicagoiand area. He felt that, over the long term, this is a "win -win" for the Village, although not necessarily in the short- term. Trustee Thill pointed out that this would be sharing money the dealership has earned. g. IViayor DiMana said that this is an investment in IMonon Grove's future, It should riot be viewed as °giving money away;" it should be viewed as investment— something that's good for both parties involved. Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on Resolution 13 -71. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave T=. Marcus ave Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Thill ave or. 5 oth acre Tr. Witko ave Trustee Thill, Trustee Thill presented Resolution 13 -70, Appropriation of 2Vi4 Motor Fuel Tax Funds For the Maintenance of Streets and Highways, MFT Section 14- 00000 -00GM, e. He explained that each year. the Village receives a portion of the motor fuel tax collected by the State. These funds must be spent on the eligible improvements of roadways. The State requires an estimate and final statement of the maintenance expenses for each year of the program. The total estimated expenses for the 20 14 Motor Fuel Tax Program are $534,7011. xl. D. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill; (continued) t�kiitCSStd #�9Y9;:GID3a8D5i:G9YItICf Trustee Thill moved to approve Resolution 1370, seconded by Trustee Greer Motion passed: 6 ayes; Q nays. Tr. Grear age Tr. Marcus ave Tr. Pietron aye Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witko aye 2, Trustee -hill presented Ordinance 13 -23, Amending T itie 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 2 Entitled "Pao Parking Enuring Certain Hours "; Title 5, Chapter 13, Article F, Section 4 Entitled "Restricted Parking Streets "; Title 5, Chapter 13, Article M, Section 1 Entitled "Parking Zones for Buses" of the Municipal Code of the Village of Morton Grove. This is the second reading of this Ordinance, a. Trustee Thill explained that this ordinance will amend parking restrictions on Gross Point Road and Central Avenue and will add a parking restriction on Reba to accommodate the need for Edison School to have bus parking near their site during school drop -off and pick -up times. Edison School has changed its hours and therefore 'these changes are necessary. Trustee Thill moved to adopt Ordinance 1323. Trustee Thoth seconded the motion Motion passed: 6 ayes, G nays. Tr. Greer ave Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Pietron are Tr. Thill ave Tr. Toth ave T r. Witko ave 3. Next, Trustee Thill presented for a first reading Ordinance 13 -26, An Ordinance Concerning the Addiction of the Edens Expressway (FAI.64) West Frontage Road to the Municipal Street System at a Future Cate. He explained that the Village has maintained the Frontage Roads (snow removal, street sweeping) even though technically they have been County streets The West Frontage Roads are: Major Avenue from Oakton Street to Mango Avenue; Frontage Road from Mango Avenue to Central Avenue, and Frontage Road from Central Avenue to L nder Avenue. The Viliage is now working with the Illinois Department of Transportation and the County to transfer jurisdiction of the West Frontage Road system to the Village. As a condition ofthis transfer, the County has agreed to make certain Improvements to reduce the financial burden of the Village in the future maintenance of the west Frontage Road. T here was no further discussion on Ordinance 1;,-26. Trustee Thill then introduced for a first reading Ordinance 13 -2', An Ordinance Concerning the Addition of the Edens Expressway (FA € -94) East Frontage Read to the Muni ;Cpai Street Systern at a Future bete. v a; eA111 191 1, '' i-' >t kai., was i^ . 4`4£a �,e §r : ,••: �y`�OiY321i�b2ls",�IDi::iD$rd` yl. D. Trustee Thill. (continued) TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Thill explained that, like Ordinance 13 -26, the Village has maintained the Frontage Roads (snow removal, street sweeping) even though technically they have been County streets. The East Frontage Road is between Parkside Avenue and Central Avenue, north of Oakton Street. The Village is now working with the Illinois Depariment of Transportation and the County to transfer jurisdiction of the East Frontage Road system to the Village. As a condition of this transfer, the County has agreed to construct an small patch at a location where there is localized deterioration.. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 13-27 E. Trustee Toth: Trustee Toth had no report. Trustee Ntko: Trustee Ntko presented Ordinance 13 -24, Amending the Vibaege of Morton Grove Unified Development Code, Sections 12 -17 -1 and 12 -4 -3-D to Create a Zoning use Definition "roe Animai Shelter and to Permit Such as a Special Use Within the C9 General Commercial and C1R Commercial/Residential Zoning Districts. This is the second reading of this Ordinance. Trustee Witko explained that this ordinance will approve a text amendment to create a definition for an "animal shelter" and will establish an "anirnal shelter" as an aliowabie special use in the C1 General Commercial and C/R Commercial /Resident al zoning districts. This Is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 13 -12 reported out earlier this evening. The Plan Commission had voted unanimously to recommend approval of this case. Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee T oth, to adopt Ordinance 13?4. Motion passed. 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Rharcus acre Tr. Pietron ave Tv. Thiii ave Tr. Toth ave i r. Witko are 2 Prior to Trustee Witko bringing forward her next ordinance. IVayor DiMarla asked Wright -Way Rescue's Executive Director, Christy Anderson, to address the questions and concerns brought up earlier in the meeting. a Ms. Anderson said she could tell the Chas share her commitment to animal welfare and she. respected and hoped to answer all Inelr questions. nl. - , emu. »..; ry ._. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Witko: (continued) Regarding the adoption process, Ms. Anderson said that when an individual sees a pet on their website and is interested in adopting it, they can either come in and see the pet or reserve it in advance The person would fill out an online application, and a Wrigh =Way Rescue counselor would then tali the person and go over the questions. If the person seems like a good match, the counselor would make an appointment for the person to come In and meet the pet, There is no obligation on Wright -Way's part to provide the pet if it isn't a good match for both the adoptee and the adopter, Hatdnp a resen/atlon doesn't mean a person will be taking the animal home. In fact, Ms. Anderson said, at the top of the reservation confirmation letter that is sent to the interested person, there is a disclaimer stating that Wright -Way P,escue is not obligated to adopt a pet to that person or family if they do not feel it is a good match. a Ms. Anderson said that training for adopters is provided, including a video orientation they must watch before the adoption papers are signed. Wright -Way Rescue also has a free "Good Start Program" held monthly, which Includes tips to help the adopter and the adoptee gel acclimated to each other and, in the adoptee's case, the new environment. They also offer phone consultations and advice and in -house obedience training for dogs. Ms. Anderson said the application form does have a question asking if the person is in agreement with spaying /neutering the animal which can be answered yes or no, and ff no, why. She said they do this because they want to know the person's thoughts and feelings on the subject, it does not refiect Wright -Way's policies. Wright -Way wants to ensure that all their animals are fixed, if they're not prior to leaving the shelter. If the person responds yes, Wriaht -Way will che5c their veterinarian relerence and make sure they have a positive history. The application is not meant to be invasive; rather, to ensure that the animals have good homes where they will be happy. e. Ms. Anderson said that, In terms of Illinois state laws, she is very familiar with them, and in fact, has been approved as an instigator for the State of Illinois. In Wright -Way's adoption contract, the adopter has to agree to spay or neuter the pet if it isn't already —and she added that a majority of the pets adopted out by Wright -Way Rescue have already been spayed or neutered. People have to slon the Spay/Neuter Agreement and have to agree that the animal's, medical information has been provided to them on the animals enclosure. When a person adopts a pet, they must fill out a form stating what veterinarian they'll be taking their pet to within 72 hours of adoption. Two fuH -time employees follow up on this The adopter has to fax back a form indicating the appointment date and time for the anlmaS s spaying or neutering. They have a very high rate of compliance. The adopters are also notified that if they don't follow the terms of the contract, Wright -Way Rescue can take the pet back. g. As far as the adoption age, v1s. Anderson said that Wright- 1/t /ay uses a program called Pet Point, which is a free program (as they are a not - for - profit shelter). If an animal is 7 weeks old, it will show up on their we^osite as being one month old. As soon as the animal turns 8 weeks old, their website will list the animal as being two months old. They as not adopt out pets under 8 weeks of age, They have a three licensed veterinarians on staff who examine each animal prior to its adoption and use dental structure to determine the age of tr.e animal. ^t: xi. F. Trustee Witko: (continued) TRUSTHS' REPORTS (continued) h. In regards to separating these animals from their mothers, Ms. Anderson said that Wright- Way obtains these animals from county -run animal control facilities in rural areas. In the best 01 all worlds, none of these animals would be separated from their mothers before 8 weeks. Unfortunately, she said, that's not the reality of what they're dealing with. They are a rescue, They go these facilities and look at the animals that are available, determine which they think they can adopt out, and then advertise and place them for adoption. Mrs, Anderson stated that Wright -Way Rescue is closely supervised by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. They have always passed their inspections and all of their records are meticulously maintained on a computer database, The mother dogs of the puppies are not left behind. They are fanatical about I'. Ms. Anderson said there is no "end date" if an animal doesn't get adopted. VlRight -Way Rescue is a "no -kill" shelter. The only time they would euthanize an anima! is if one of their licensed veterinarians recommends it. If an animal has been at the adoption facility for an extended period of time, they would bring it back to admission center, which is on 3.5 acres of iand, or put the animal In foster care, Both options give the animal a "brea'r" trom a -shelter environment Me. Anderson pointed out that Wright -Way Rescue's adoption statistics are very good. They adopt out more dogs than any other no kill shelter in Illinois on a very limited budget. Regarding sales tax revenue, Wright -Way Rescue runs a small retail store. Ms. Anderson said they were on track to do $550,000 in sales this year (2013). Trustee Thill asked Ms. Anderson if Wright -Way would be paying real estate taxes, since they're a 501(c13 operation. She said that, because they're a non - profit operation, they are hoping not to have to pay real estate taxes. Trustee Trill commented that that could be a problem. m. Trustee Grear had several questions. He asked Ms. Anderson what the average time is tt;at a pet spends in the adoption facility. She responded that it ranges from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks, typically most pets are adopted within seven days. Fie asked how late the adoption facility is open. Ms. Anderson said they're open until 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and until 5:00 p.m. on weekends. Trustee Grear asked where, specifically, dogs would be walked. Ms. Anderson said that there will be an indoor potty area: but for dogs that absolutely can't get used to that, there is a small grassy strip next to the facility which is where they will be walked. A volunteer In a Wright -Way Rescue shirt, carrying a bag and a water bottle (per Trustee Thill's suggestion) will walk the dogs. Trustee Grear asked BAs. Anderson if she felt the parking was adequate to accommodate potential adopters. She said it was, because they only schedule thee. adopters per hour. T rustee Grear commented that he was glad that this building, which has been vacant for the last five or six years, would finally be put to use. Trustee Toth asked Ms. Anderson where employees would park She said tha: employees would be asked to take parking spaces furthest away, possibly even on the street. T rustee Toth asked what happens if a pet is returned, or if they have an animal that is not adoptable? Will Wright -Way Rescue take the pet back? Ms. Anderson said they will take it back, if an abortion doesn't work_ out. Tire animal will go througr the same verenna:r;an and beriavfcra'! evaluation process upon Its return. She Bald the- will absolutely to Ke 'oac, any n � that dee$n' work out in its adoptive home atw ,�. .,;�. +. "" ':' ,<.'�. n =,, .°:;,' z,,A?;,i •„ �= �Ai11;11Ye5:9[�°,i�ee�m kt�,Y"�L#1,�3.�DA"1"d�@ r, X!. i RUST 4E5' REPE7F T5 (continued) Trustee Witko: (continued) Trustee Marcus also had several ouestions for Ms. Anderson. He asked about the number of staff members on hand on a typical day. Ms- Anderson said that there Is one kennel person, and depending on the number of appointments, up to three adoption counselors daily. Trustee Marcus asked how many animals the shelter takes in every week Ms, Anderson responded that it varies by the animals available. They could take In as few as 25 or as many as 65, typically. She said that 75 animals was the largest number taken in. Trustee Marcus asked about how many of the animals are adopted on the weekends. She answered that about 25 animals are adopted over the weekends. Trustee Marcus asked if they adjusted the number of animals they take in based on the number of animals remaining. Ms. Anderson said that, on Wednesday or Thursday each week, Wright -Way will look at the number of pending reservations. If that number is low. they will adjust the number of available animals they bring in Trustee Marcus said he still has concerns over this proposed location and the size of the facility. He noted that Wright -Way Rescue has a wonderful reputation, so his concerns don't have anything to do with the organization itself. He said he was just concerned that this is the "right ft" for them. P. Trustee Grear noted that the Plan Commission felt this met the Seven Standards for issuing a Special Use Permit. One of those standards is that the Applicant must provide adequate buffering, so as to protect the neighborhood from noise or nuisance. If the Plan Commission felt this standard was met, Trustee Grear felt comfonabie about moving forward on this Trustee Pietron commented that he sees this more as a humane endeavor than a business. Mayor DiMaria invited Economic Development Director Nancy Razdevich to speak to the parking issue. Ms. Razdevich said the parking had been reviewed based on the Village s code, which is based on square footage, Based on the code, Wright-Way would be required to have 17 parking spaces, they have 20. Staff also looked at the parking from a practical point of view. On the busiest times, when the facility is fully staffed, they will need a maximum Of 13 parking spaces. If some reservation appointments overlap, they will need a maximum of 16 parking spaces. In any event, with 20 parking spaces, Ms. Razdevich said she agrees with the Plan Commission that parking is adequate. Lisa Aiken, who is the Chairperson of Wright -Way Rescue's Board of Directors, said that she and her fellow directors volunteer day after day in schools and for community events to support, Wright -Way's mission. She and the 20- person board are passionate about the cause. Ms. Aiken said that she is also proud to be a Wrigh-Way Rescue anima! adopter, Trustee Witi<o presented Ordinance 13 -25, Approving a Special Use Permit to Operate an Animai Shelter in Accordance With Sections 12 -4.3 -D of the village of Morton Grove Municipal Code at 5916 Lincoln Avenue. She noted that this is the second reading of this ordinance. Trustee Witko moved to adopt Ordinance 13 -25, seconded by Trustee Toth. fiic ion passed:: aye=, 1 nay. Great' amore Tr. (@Carc:.ts nay i r. Pietron afire Tn, T hill ? \Pe s C. TgtCt Pve , ". EffFitkt� a' -r <,, ' .wv'� t `,�t� . fi ^.,r,q,. ; ^vet.+ �,S,r, r.k.'i..,ra , �., �} ,r, r., ',•,t „�'. ,= iAllfiltii6�fi�i1 '111B7�.rr'�p'83.. XI TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Witke (continued) Trustee Witko next introduced for a first reading Ordinance 13 -28, Amending the Village of Morton Grove unified development Code, Section 12- 4 -3 -d, to Allow Office- Business, Contractor, Professional, and Public, and Medical and Dental Offices /Clinics Uses on the Second Floor or Above, Only in CIR Commercial /Residential Zoning district. She explained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC 13 -08, reported out earlier this evening. There was no further discussion on Ordinance 15 -28. 5. Lastly, Trustee Witko presented for a first reading Ordinance 13 -20, An Ordinance Granting Approval of a Planned Unit Development Special use Permit and an Amendment to the Trafalgar Square Fianned Unit development (Ord. 04 -26) to Allow For the Construction of a Thirty -One Unit Attached dwelling residential development at BZ21"11342 Concord Drive, Morton Grove, Illinois. a. She expiained that this is pursuant to Plan Commission Case PC IS-14, also reported out earlier this evening. b. Ivilayor DiMara noted that he had received a !eater from the developer requesting that the first reading of this ordinance be waived_ He invited the developer's attorney, Bernard Citron, to explain the reason for this request. C, Mr. Citron =explained that the developer had started this process some time ago, They wanted to get going right after the first of the year, and the Board doesn't meet again until almost mid- January. The developer was hoping for final approval by the Board In December so that after January 1, they can begin signing contractors and start marketing the new development. Mir. Citron pointed out that the developer has agreed to all of the proposed conditions recommended by the Plan Commission and Village staff, d- Trustee Grear moved to waive the second reading of Ordinance ? 5 -29. seconded by Trustee Thill. Trustee Grear said that this is one instance where the Village can demonstrate that 4, s being "business - friendly.” e. Trustee Miarcus asked Mr. Citron what the developer would do between now and the beginning of January He responded that they would begin taking contracts, noting that it is not sound business practice to do so without Board approval. They will aiso sign up contractors. Another representative of Lexington Station said that they planned to have a "sales trailer" In place by January 2, 2014, Mayor DiMana called for the vote on the motion to waive the second reading, Motion passed: 6 ayes, 1 nay.. Y r. `,.-gear ave Ti. (9r°iarcus ave T". F4etron ay€: 'hill eve Tr. Totih 51a @` Tr, Witko aVr T rus?ee Toth salt sne voted no Ga s"d on the principle of r av:ng Lw.- 'earimps. 'A rrl a I �' s 3: ♦ YWIPi�IiCJ�uaRiBVi�%�if XI. F XII. Xiil. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) Trustee Witko (continued) Trustee Thill pointed out that, on page 7 of the contract, where it talks about "snow,' it should read 'remove snow, Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on Ordinance 13 -29. Motion passed: 6 ayes, d hays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus a"- Tr. Pietron y T r. TI nil' ave Tr. Toter En Tr. Witko avre Mr. Citron thanked the Board and Vilbge staff. Mayor DiMaria wished Lexington Station the best of luck. Trustee Thil! told Mr. Citron that his presentations during the Plan Commission hearing were outstanding. OTHER BOSSINESS NONE WARRANTS Trustee Toth presented the yarrants for December 9, 2013, in the amount of $611,008.40, She moved to approve the Warrants, seconded by Trustee Witko, There were no questions on the Warrants. Mayor DiMaria called for the vote on the approval of the'vvarrants. Motion gassed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear ave Tr. Marcus acre Tr. Pietron ave Tr. Th €ll ave Tr. Toth ave Tr. Witko aye XIV. RESIDENTS' COMMENT T S Eric Poders spoke regarding some concerns he's being hearing about at the northeast corner of Oakton and Skokie Boulevard. He said he has been meeting with the Police Chiefs of Skokie. Niles, Evanston, and Park Ridge because he would like to see the creation of a dual township -wide CATS program. He felt that Evanston and Park Ridge were willing to undertake this endeavor. .. q6l: t te$v`G'Ft'`.9s',i�Bl�it1YVIB�t1 XV, ADJOURNMENT /EYECUTIVE SESSION Trustee Marcus moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, © nays. TrG Tr. Marcus T Tr. Thill apse Tr. Toth acre Tr. Witico ave The meeting adjourned at 8:50 o.m. PASSED this 13th day of January, 2014. Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Tilili Trustee Toth ,Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 13th day of January, 2014. Daniel P, DiMarla, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois .APPROVED and FILED In my office this 14th day of January, 2014. Edilberto R2MOS, Village Cleric Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Mlninae 5y: isreea CCSa Deeemna: 30. 20 i 3 Uresident & Huard of Trustees VILLAGE OF 1vI0RTCIi�d GROVE 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton 02-ove., IL 50053 ht accordance kith directives issued by yovu, eolnpeti ±ive examilAatious were co %tducted in aec Ord anc. with 65 ILCS 5110 , i -6 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, 109 (lievtsed), Tice following pez on has 0uallne Brad is irerew tka ap00iilted to a ,r._rebariorar�- >tatzas of Fctir`c Officer in the Morton Grove Police Drparttoent of the Vilaa7e of Morton Grove, Lllinois, pursuant to the t ides an Ile ulatioPYS of *da. Fire ar ^d Police Commission, effaciive on the date zohmAinR hls name. - THO1i!I: y F. EAr •: Str'eative date, of appointment is January —" , 2014 Frnen he wAir> t relsor to T 2ininq OIfficet I en VaralYerllaegen aC 8 :00 a.m. Formal sv.7earink in will be ccnduct.d at the Vilia�e Board meeting on Januarg 1 3, '2014, 7:00 p.m., at tine Council Chantbera, 6101 Capulirie A ve. Submitted by: viichael Sli^altin;, Chairman Eire c4 P'alici Commission C: T, Sarkei Chie' MHrickson R, Horne Sv.9.Cl"1r2rC m. F�itlC4',AB: �s' ief; %III,".2LTitl ",T,en?;; ;' 6502 '"ts�a�tr.a r'"v rseae � 1VSosson CSef1C Tiltnosf a0`�.- i�?�S'.G, �s�u ( ') 0 41x December 125 2013 Aresident & Board of Trustees VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE'. 6101 Capulina Ave. Morton Grove, IL 60053 Fire and Police Commission 7iirece Telephone 847/470 -5226 Pax 8471965-771.1 In accordance with directives issued by you, competitive examinations were conducted in accordance with 65 ILCS 5/10 -2.1 -6 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, 1992 (Revised). The following person has qualified and is herewith appointed to a probationary status of Police Officer in the Morton Grove Police Department ei the ViIIage of Morton Grove, I1Iinois, pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Fire and Police Commission, effective on the date following his name. JONATHAN F. SCHMID z Effective date of appointment is Januarv2, 2014, when he will report to Training Officer IZen VanDerl-laegen, at 8:00 a.m. Formal swearing in will be conducted at the Village Board meeting on January I3, 2014, 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers, 6101 Capulina Ave. Submitted by: Michael Simkins, Chairman I rc & Police Commission C: J. Schmidt Chief Erickson R. Home Ri:i:ard T. FL�'t.inger i`;lunicinai Center ill C;apu'ina ;.ven e F Mo L>� r liii:o o )03 _rc ;, 84 } 965-4100 Faz : (f;4) 9E Le�jsaadve Summa n, (irdira ce I -3-2 — - - -- — AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE ADDITION OF THE EDENS EXPRESSWAY (EAi -44) iVES7 FRONTAGE ROAD TO THE MUNICIPAL STREET SYSTEM AT .A FUTURE DA'Z'E Introduced: December 9, 2012 Synopsis: To authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to execute an ageement with Cook Count') for Cool: County to make certain improvements to wes *_ Frontage Road and to transfer the ju,i =diction of west F; cntage Road from Uakton Street to Linder Avenue from Cool: County to the Village, Purpose: To improve the condition of west Frontage Road pavement and to accept perpetual jurisdictional and maintenance responsibilities for this meet. Background: Cook County bmitthe Edens Expresswav and Frcunage Road systems and opened the roads during or around 1951 Cook County commonly refers to the Fronta z Roads as Ec ens Expressway west Fronta Le Road and Edens Expressway east Frontage, Road. The Vilianc subsequcinly allowed residential doveloprntrnt alomo Edens Expressway west Frontage Road and likely interrupted the commudy of the existing road near Lincoln Avenue and Dempster Street The Vilmae now Commonly refers to t „dens Expresswav west Frontage Road as: Major Avenue from Oakton Street to Mango Avenue, Frontage Road from Mango Avenue to Cenn-al Avenue.. and Frontaee Road from Central Avenue to Linder Avenue, _! J 'The Frontaee Road system within Morton Grove no toneer possesses strate. ^ic value for moving traffic on Cook County 's highway system and they desire to r, ansferjuisdiction of 8dcns Exptesswa11 west Frontaee Road to the Village. :'his Frontage Road does have value to the Village in providing a local street system to 1 Viliage residents living In the immediate vicinity. The Village aheady provides snow removal and sweet sweeping services on these streets as a counesy fell rtlne a.Uutdng V ilfa¢e residents, because a imposes a r.egli_iUle inconvenience on the Vh'age s resources, and because Cool: County directs loci,_ public service efforts toward hiehway,s with higher strategic value, As a condition of the uansferring jurisdiction of Edens Expresswav west Frontage Road to the Village. Cook County agreed to make certain improvements w reduce and deiav tine financial burden of the Village in the Pamre maintenance of Edens Expressway west Frontage Road. i The agt-eementUetwe111 Cool<Counry, and the Village it transfer jurisdiction and mace certain 1 improvements to Edens Expressway west Frontage Road will need to be approved by the State of Illinois. . The attached agreement is a compilation of several document=,. The rnam document is an Illinois Department of Transportation form required by the State of Illinois. This main docum n r::fers to four supplements that are part co -the agreement. Supplement #1 formalizes responsibihtie. of Cool: Conry and the V iliaQe cP tMorton Grove foe accomplisbin_a arid subsequen s1 operzntrg the proposed improv m -'t o('`r}ie Edens Expresswall west Frontage Road. Suoplein nt {:2 is a location map showine the limits of the jurisdictional transfer and construction improvements: although the location map shows discontinuous segments of roadway, it is useful to understand the Village will have uninterrupted jurisdiction of Edens Expressway wet r ronwoc Read from Cakton Street to Greenwood P.venue. This ordinance will be Incorporated into the approved agreement as Suppien _nt 113. Supplement #4 will be a corresponding Cook j County ordinance. 'he agreement stipulates Cook Countv will pay one hundred (100if'O percent of the Improvement costs (estimated cost S?30,000) inc uding design ' and consnvcrion engineering The aeneenent also simulates the Village will pay one hundred percent (100%) of the. cost of any new w relocated Video-, infrasuucture. We junderstand Cook County will pay fifty percent (5O%l of tine cost to construct new sidewalk and nit Villvue 1 will pay the remaining fifty percent (50%). The improvements currently include a few segments of new curb and sidewalk. Programs, Dents Public Works Depatment or Groups Affected ciseai Impact: I I Estimated cost of new'Vil.ag ;e mfrssmuetue isk40000. Source of Funds: j Adopted 2014 Budget Capital Projects 1-und Yi506( 733QG i Workload Inroaet: T c n,pt ,n.enztion ortt project s acv an d, no.m ou ,4tict.S o ;; : uml, WOH” - D Ncrt, i ;rz. Admin Recommen @: First Reading: Special Consider or Requiremews: Approval as presentee_ December 9, 2013 None. RespectfullV submitted: j Ryan . Ham c. Village t"4dminis *mule Cni:c iom; , . Viiia« -ngin�er Review d by: Fy 56 e.e,a Hofrman L icon, 61,66 ration Counsel r Hj.7i?1j DeMOCIL _;a,.�c,), Or Tllbhr ORDINANCE 13 -26 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ADDITIONT OF M %EST FRONTAGE ROAD (FAF -94) TO THE MUNICIPAL STREET S`'S T EM AT A FUTURE HATE WHEREAS, the Village. of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a hone rule unit of governhent under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution o; the State of Illinois. can exercise any power and perform any function per�aiti ng to its government affairs, including i�ut not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and the County of Cook desire to enter into an agreement for the improvement by the Counuv ol the Edens Expressway ("AI -94) west Frontage Road and the transfer of iurisdiction and maintenance of the Edens Expressway (F 'AI -94) west Frontage Road, from Oakton Street to Mango Avenue (south of Lincoln Avenue); and, from Mango Avenue !north of Lincoln Avenue) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street); and, from Central Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue) 'to flit municipal street sysiem of this municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T ORDAINED By" THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF 111 VIL AGE OF MORTON GROVE. COOK COU v I iI LI OIS AS FQL L0 %S: SECTION i : The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses nto 'his Ordinance as though fi 1Iy set for 11 therein thereby making 11e nndillgs as heieinabove set fortJs, SECTION The Village President, Village Clerk, and the Village Administrator or his cl sian e., are hereby authorized to execute a Local Agency State Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer. in substantial conformity with Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and to take such other and fiuther steps as may be neee ssary to effectuate the intent of this Ordinance. SECTION '. Effective (21) days after execution of fne Loca Agen y% State Agreement I:or Jurisdictional '< ransfer b\% the State of Ililncis For the .dens EXpl ssc✓a (FAI-94) West ."rontaaf Road improvement P'O1B lientl'.G as Count Secdon 1 2?U i c) -0141 S, as morc- fully de.-s.- ibed In tut, agreement, the Village will assume maintenance of the Edens Expressv,,ay (I -94) v est Frontage Road, front the north edge of Oakton Street through pavement to the east edge of Miango Avenue (south o'f Lincoln Avenue) through pavement; and, from the east edge o.PMango Avenue (north of Lincoln Rveuue) through pavement to the east edge of Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street) through navemert; and, from the east edge of the Central Avenue - 'north o Dempster Street) through pavement to the south�dg.a of Linder Avcmte (sou` of Greenwood Avenue) tlirough navtmen +. that this V ;lla_re take la.;sdi nr7n oi' the Edens E:cnresswaV (}"f`.I 94) V "J °St IInta RRtr' Road. . OakiDn S4. teL to fviau.Tc Avenue south u L1n,CO111 �v I1ll�); and. h;ango Avenue 'non! Ji ,in Oln AVen j t0 Cerit.d F.v -eh 5.)St11 pf Dempster Street]; and, from Central Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linde- Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue), in its cmireCy, and that it sha11 then and thereafter be a mrnicinal street of the Village . SECTION 4: The Clem of this municipality is directed to see that a certified coph of this Ordinance is attached as SUPPLEMENT i-3 of said Local Aacncy State A_reemern being entered into with the County of Cook (five copies of said Ag eotnent) and to return same to the County. PASSED T THIS 13`' day of Tanuary 20'4 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee 'Trustee Grear Marcus Pictron Trull Tot11 Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 13 1' day of ;anuary 'M 44 Daniel P. DilAari;. Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 14 "" day o'f.lanuary 20? 4 Ed Ramos. y ilia <ze Clerk Viliaee of Morton Grove Cool, Counts Illinois Local Agency Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer In accordance with authority granted In Section 4 -409 of the Illinois Highway Code, this agreement is made and entered into between the above Loca! Agency No 1, hereinafter referred to as "Conveyor' and the above Local Agency No 2, hereinafter referred to as'Reclpient to transfer the jurisdiction of the designated location from the Conveyor to t'ne ReCiplent. Location Description Name Edens Exoresswav west frontaoe road Route FAI -94 (SAR 263% Length 1.37 miles (2.20 KW Termini Oakton Street northeov 0 6" miles to Mango Avenue anC N'argo Avem nortnenv 0 �9 rrue� in Cenf ai Avenue and .,ertral Avenue nor*heaat�Iv [` ,17 des to LIIL�er Averue in itc entirety This transfer ❑ does E, does not include Structure No Include for Municipalities Only WHEREAS, the authority to make changes to the Municipal Street System is granted to the Municipality by Section 7 -101 of the Illinois Highway Code. NOW THEREFORE IT !S AGREED that the corporate authority of said municipality will Pass air ordinance providing for the transfer of the above location and shall attach hereto and make a part thereof a copy of trie ordinance, and Include for Counties Only WHEREAS, the authority to make changes to the County Highway System is granted to the County by Section 5 -105 of flre Illinois Hiohwav Code. that this iurisdlctional transfer will become NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED t'nat the County Board of said County wiL pass a resolution providing for the transfer of the above location and shall attach hereto and make a part thereof a copy of the resolution, and Include for Township /Road Districts Only WHEREAS, the authority to make changes to the Township Road District System Is granted to the Highway Commissioner under Section 0 -201.3 of the Illinois Highway Code- The Conveyor Agrees to prepare a map or the above location and attach a copy of such location map hereto. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED, that this iurisdlctional transfer will become effective- ❑ upon IDOT approval 21 calendar days after !DOT A noroval Supplements Additional information and/or stipulations, if any, are hereby attached and identified below as being a part o` this agreement Supplement #k' ST DU. ATIONS 42.MAP 93 MORTON vROVE ORDINANCE #4 COOK COUNTI RESOLLIT{OIV (insert supoiemeni numbers or Ieuers anu page ium6er, if applicable) iT !S FURTHER AGREED, that the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. APPROVED BY CONVEYOR APPROVED BY RECIPIENT Name Toni Preckwinkle Name Daniel n DiMaria Title President. County Board of Commissioners Title V /ilia e President Cnairman County Board /Mayor /Village Presidenoeic Chairman County Board /IViayor /Vllfage Presloenvetc. Siqnature _ APPROVED STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPAATMEI,u- OP TRANSP�ORTA70 By'. Slgnaiure rer[or Printed 12'51201 3 B P 2,_ r�: v Edens Expressway (FAI -94) west fiontage road SMimt: i3-26',39-01-RS STIPULATIONS To an agreement between the County of Cook and the Village of lvlorton Grove. SUPPLEMENT] This Agreement formalizes responsibilities of Cook Coun y and the Village of Mlorton Grove for accomp i ishing and subsea uently operating the pl opoeed improvement of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94), west fronae° road. The improvements to be built by the County are. described as follows: Full depth concrete and bituminous patching, milling and resurfacing with hot -anix asphalt alone the Edens Expressway (FAi -94) west frontage road, from Oalcton Street to Mango Avenue (south of' incoln Avenue); and, from Mango Avenue (north of Lincoln Avenue) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street); and, from Central Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linder Avenue. (south of Greenwood Avenue), including concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, drainage additions and adjustments, sidewalk manoval and replacement traffic control and protection, pavement marking, landscaping, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances (the till provement). Tile obligations oftlne Village of Morton Grove (hereinafter VILLAGE) and the County oaf Cook (hereinafter COUNTY) areas follows: 1. The Village shah: a. Promptly review plans submitted by the COU3v717; b. Pay one hundred N 00 0/'0) percent of the costs for any new or relocated VILLAGE imnastructure (wafer mains, sanitary sewer, street {igi�ting, etc.) which maybe added to the improvement., said items to be requested by the VILLAGE, in writinsg, and cause for amendment to this agreemen *; Participate in the Final inspection, and the schedulmLr of such Final inspection shall be sorely at the discretion of the County. The Village shall not: cause a condition that would unreasonably deiav the Final lnspeetion. The Village shall submit final punch list items within. seven (7) days prior to the Final Inspection date as determined by the County; d. Grant the COUNTV access to the municipal drainage syst°m for starts water dischar_re from tine I m.nrovement 11" required; e, Twenty -one (2 11 days after execution of this Agreement by the Sate of Illinois, assume jurisdiction and maintenance of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) west frontage road from Dakion Street northerly to 'Mango Avenue (south of Lincoln Avenue); and, frog, Mango Avenue mort-, of Lincoln Avenue) no-flocrlyto Cent-at Avenue ( southofDmosterSiea, and, from CenTL Avenue (north ofDem_ster Street) northeasterh to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue}; Edens Expressway (RAI -o4),, west frontage road -2- SuFPLEMENT »i Section: 13- 26339 -01 -RS Execute five ($) copies of the Local State Agency Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer of which these STIPUL ATI ONS are part, enact an Ordinance, similar to the attached sample Supniement #3.. to accept jurisdiction of the Edens Expressway (FAl -94) west fi outage road from Oakton Street to Maned Avenue (south of Lincoln Avenue); and, from Mango Avenue (north of Lincoln Piv ell ue) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street); and, 6 can. Cenral Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linde Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue), in its entirety, said transfer of jurisdiction t.o be effective tv✓enry -one (2 Odays after execution ofth is Agreement by the State of Illinois for the Edens Expressway (FA!-94) west frontage road improvement Project identified as County Section, '3- 26339- G1 -RS, and attach a certified copy ofthe Ordinance to said Local Agency State Agreement (The Ordinance will t e enacted at the same Village Board meeting a; which the Local Aoerncy State Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer is approved. Additionally, a certified copy of Jig Minutes of Village Board meeting at which the Agreement /Ordinance is approved will be supplied separatelvto the County); g. Coordinate. and eontrolpub' notcauor�fthelmprovementscope ,timingandduration uoughl municipal newsletter, welssite, etc. 2. The COUNTY slid)!: a. Prepaa-e contract plans, obtain the approval of Inc VILLAGE, sacurethe necessary appo ovals. permits, and right -of- way /easements. advertise, lef. award, supervise construction and finance the design engineering, construction and cons *ruction engineering costs of the hnprovenient; Provide the Villagc fourteen (14) days' advance notice of all work constructed as part of the Improven�rem { " Final lnspeetion "j. Pay one hundred (100%) percent of hnprovernent costs (estimated cos* ST0,000) including design and construction enainearine, d. Executeilvo (5) Copies ofthe Local Agency Slats Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer and approve fire Resolution, attached as Supplement %;4, to rendv„ jurisdiction ofF,dens Expressway (c Al -44) west frontage road from Oal¢on Street to Ntango Avenue (south ofL.incoin Avenue); and. NA,ango Avenue (north of Lincoln A. venue) to Cennal Avenue (south of Dempst , Sri act,';: and, Central Avenue (north of Demnste; Street) to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue), in its emn ett', from COUNTY maint nance efi'ective twenty -one (2 i) days after execution of this Agreement uy the State of Illinois for J , Edens Er,pieuay t?-al -04`, wc,- t= outage rode improvement idenrnea as Count} Sectimr . li- 26339- O1 -i2S: F °ollowing execution of this Agreement On five cop order, submit five copies to the Illinois Department change of jurisdictional responsibiflty of the Edens ) by the VILLAGE, and the COUNTY, in that ofTransportatlon for requisite approval as to ,I,, Expressway (FALp4) west frontage road. _. the COUNTY and the VILLA ,a.'thi iesot1CNV- 'successors and assim.s shall be bound hvthr terms of this Agreement. HiTranspertation & Planning \FsammnpWGPEEMYNTSV10 -TM i Sup Eners W'R Oakfm-- Grnenwoca oc, LOCAL AGE NCY - STATE Conveyor Local Agency Local Agency AGREEMENT STATE OF ILINOS Conveyor Recipient FOR DEPARTMENT OF COOK SOJN7 Y MORTON GROVE JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER TRANSPORTATION west frontage road of the Edens Expressway Oakton Street - Linder Avenue APPROVED BY RECIPIENT VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE This—day of Vliage Clerk EXECUTED BY COUNTY: This_day of ATTEST. A.D. 2014_ A.D.2014. County Clerk (authorized signature stamp) RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL- Superintendent Department of Transportation and Filghways �SEA�) (SEA'_) APPROVED AS TO FORMr. Anita Aivarez, State's Attorney Bv. Assistant State's Attorney SUPPLEMENT +2 JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER Edens Expressway (FAE -94), west frontage road Dakton Street to Mango Avenue (south of Lincoin Ave.) 0.61 MILES Mango Avenue (north of Lincoin Ave.) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster St.) 0.59 MILES Centra° Avenue (north of Dempster St.) to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Ave.) 6.47 MILES (IN ITS ENTIRETY) FRO STATE M AND /OR COORS COUNTY 70 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE Y r, SUPPLEMENT #3 ORDIN.kNCE I3 -26 AN ORDINANCE APPRON7INIG THE ADDITION OF WEST FRONTAGE ROAD (FAI -44) TO THE 1V'UNICIFAL STREET SYSTEM AT A FUTURE DATE, WHEREAS, the Village. of Motion Grove (Vitlaae), located iti Cook County, Illinois, ;s a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 ofthe 1970 Constitution of the State of ilhnois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, inciudinp but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and the County of Cook desire to enter into an agreement for the improvement by the County of the Edens Expressway (F.AI -94) west Frontage Road and the transfer of jurisdiction and maintenance of the Edens 'Expressway (F,AI -94) west Frontage i'Zoad. from Oakton Street to Mango Avenue (south of Lincoln Avenue): and, from Mango .Avenue (north of Lincoln Avenue) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street), and, from Central Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue) to the municipal street system of this municipality. NC7W, THEREFORE_, BE 7T ORDAII FD BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEE'S OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Tile Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the imdings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION ?: The Village President, Village Clerl4 and the Village Administrator or his desi� *pees are hereby authorized to execute a Local Agencv State Agreement 'for Jurisdictional Transfer, in substantial conformity with Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and to take such other and fluilher steps as may be necessary to effectuate the intent of this Ordinance. SECFIO'\� 3: Effective tw+cnty -one (31 ) days after execution of the Local Agencv State Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer by the State of Illinois for the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) west Frontage Road Improvement Project identified as County Section: 13- 26339- 01 -RS, as more fully described in the acTreernent, the Village will assume maintenance of the Edens Expressway ; FA[ -94; west Frontage icoad, from the north edge of Oakton Street through pavement to the east edo* of Mango Avenue (south of Lincoln Avenue) through pavement; and, from the east edge of it4anao Avenue (north of l.,incoin Avenuei through pavement to the east ed <ae of Central Avenue (south of Dempster Sheet) through pavement; turd, from the east erlge of the Central Avenue (north m Dempster Street) through pavement to the south edge o °Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue] through pavement; that this Village take jurisdiction of in '. d n ; Ex ( °A; -94) west Frontage Road, fi oir. 0alocir, Streetto Mango !Avenue (south of Lii.colr Avenue;; and, from Man_c Avt ue mmo li . ,`Li scorn Avciuc; to a a: Avcnu (south o` SUPPLEMENT 43 Dempster Street); and, from Central Avenue (North of Dempster Str °et) to Linder Avenue (south o Crreenvood Avenue), in its entirety, and that it shall then and thereafter he a municipal sirCc, of the Vii lace . SECTION 4: Tile Clark of this municivality is directed to see that a certified copy of this Ordinance is attached as SUPPLEMENT t( of said Local AgenC} ',Mat° A�-Yreement Deing enl:ered into with the ,ounrr\ of Cool: (five copies of said Agreement) and to return same. to the County. PASSED THIS t 3`° day of.ianuary 2014 Trustee Trustee T ru stee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Piet on Thili Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS' 13`l' day of January 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria v'ilia <Te President Village of Morton Grove Cool< County, Illinois AT "i ESTED and'r'ii.,ED in III office This l4" day of January 2014 Ed Ramos, Vihace Cleric Village of Mortori Grove Cook County, Minois SUPPLEMENT #4 DAVID D. ORR, County Clerk of Cook County, in the State of Illinois, aforesaid and keeper of the records and files of said Cook County, do hereby certify that The Board Y Commissioners of the County of Cook, at their regular meeting held on 2013, passed the following Resolution 13 -R- RESOLUTION Sponsored by THE HONORABLE TONI PRECKWINKLE PRESIDENT OF T HE COOK COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED by the members of The board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois, on behalf of the County of Cook, to authorize and direct its President to execute, by original signature or authorized signature stamp, five copies of a LOCAL AGENCY STATE AGREEMENT FOR JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER with the Village of Morton Grove and the State of Illinois, wherein the County will Improve the Edens Expressway (FAi -94) west frontage road, from Daldon Street to Mango Avenue (south of Lincoln Avenue); and, from Mango Avenue (north of Lincoln Avenue) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street); and, from Central Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue), (estimated County cost $730,300; and said agreement attached, that effective twenty -one (21) days after execution of this Agreement by the State of Illinois for the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) west frontage road Improvement Project identified as County Section: 13-26339- 01 -RS, the Village of Morton Grove is to assume jurisdiction and maintenance of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) west frontage road, from Oakton Street to IVlango Avenue (south of Lincoln ,Avenue), and from Mango Avenue (north of Lincoln Avenue) to Central Avenue (south of Dempster Street): and, from Central Avenue (north of Dempster Street) to Linder Avenue (south of Greenwood Avenue), In its entirety; that said road segment be deleted from the highway system of Cook County'. and the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways is directed to forward five (5) executed copies of the Agreement to the Illinois Department of Transportation for approval and take the necessary action tallied for under the terms of the agreement. all of which appears from the records and files of my office. (SEAL) IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the SEAL of said County m my office In the City of Chicago, In said County, this day of A. D. 2313. County Clerk: F'1Transpo-'tafaon & Planning \Planing`- hGP_E= "✓cIVTS�1J iM,l AGRNTStGountr RSL \TtA &.: Widen. WFR Oakton- ;reenwoocac. Le .aisiative Summarw- _ _ Ob - dinance 13 -27 AN OREINANCE CONCERNING THE ADDTTION OF T HE EVENS EXPRESSWAY (FAI -94) EAST FRONTAGE ROAD TO THE MUNICIPAL STREET SYSTEM AT A FUTURE BATE introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Backgroond Prourams, Denis or Croups Affected Fisew impact Source of Funds: Workload Impact Admin Rveommend First Readinri: ,Special Considee or Requirements: December 9. 2012 To authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to execute an agreement with Cook Counp, for Cook County to make cent ur, improvements to east Frontage Road and to transfer the wrisdictlon of east Frontage Road between Parkside Avenue and Central Avenue (north of Oakton Street) from Cook County to the V81age. T o accept perpetual jurisdictional and maintenance responsibilities for an approximately 400 -foot segment of this street. Cook County built the Edens Expressway and Frontage Road systems and opened the roads during or around 1951. Cook County commonly refers to the Frontage Roads as Edens Expressway west Frontage Road and Edens Expressway east Frontage Road. Construction ti tkic Edens Expressway and Frontage Road system likely disrupt dtine emstinn ex set layout is rile viclany of Otu(non Street. A 400-loot segment of east Frontage Road was likely constructed in order to avoid creating dead ends on Parkside Avenue and Cennal Avenue. This segment of east Frontage Road Iikely never had strategic value to Cook Coumv but was kept under the jurisdiction of Cool: County- It is practical to accept jur'ediction of east Frontage Road intoehe Village street system. There will be, no adverse. affectto the Village in doin, so. This segment of cast Frontage Road was resurfaced by the Illinois Department ofT!ansportation NDOT) in 2010, so this pavement is in excellent condition, However, as a condition of the traitsfe!ring jurisdiction or Edens Expressway east Frontage Road to the Village, Cool: County agreed to construct a small patch at a location where there is localized deterioration. The agreement: between Cool: County aztd the Village to transfer jurisdiction and make certain improvements to Edens Expressway weetFrontage Road will need to be approved by the State. of Iflinols_ The attached agreement is a cortpilation ofseveral documents. The main documen_ is an Illinois Department of Transportation form required by the State of Illinois, T his main document refers to four supplements that are part of tile, agreement. Supplement ill formahzes responsibilities of Cook loamy and the Village of Normn Grove for acconpllslumg and subsequently operating the proposed improvement of the Edens Expressway west Frontage Road. Supplement i+2 is a location map sliowing the lim its of the jurisdictional transfer and eonsn-uction improvements. This ordinancel will be incorporated into the approved asn"eetnent as Supplement 113. Supplement "4 will be a corresponding Cook County ordinance. Public Works Department Wong. N/A The implementation ofthe project is done as par4 of the norma.i operations of the Public Woycs Deparvnent Approval as presentee'.. December 9- 2M, None. Resocc+ ully submitted. i F.evtewad by: Ryan'7. torn e, Viliaeie Adnimistratoi ergs ric;t "rnz; Ton; c!., f /ilia�g , n <_l't r Reviewed i; M, [se I .3!; e0:01 �. ❑hilt; \h'�: I:S ORDINANCE i '3 -?7 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ADDITION OF EAST FRONTAGE ROAD (FAI -94) TO TIME MUNICIPAL STREET SYSTEM AT A FUTURE DATE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove ( Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of govennnent under the provisions of .Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois. can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its Qovennnent affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and the County of Cook desire. to enter into an agreement for the improvennent riv the County of the Edens Expressway (EAI -94; east frontage road and he transfer of jurisdiction and maintenance of the Edens Expressway (F'AI -94j east frontage road, from Parkside Avenue to Central Avenue (norlffi of Oakton Sheet) to the municipal street system of this municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T HE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE_ COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The Comorate Authorities d.o hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into t1l Ordinance as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 3: Tine Village President, Village Cleric, and such o her persons as t e Village President deems necessary and appropriate, are hereby authorized to execute the Local Agency State Ag eemeia for Jurisdictional "hransfer, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and to take mein other and further steps as may be necessary to effectuate the intent of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: Effective twenty -one (? 1) days after execution of the attached Local Avencv State. Avreemernt for Junsdicional Transf e riv the State o,( Illinois for the Edens Expresswav (FA' -941 eas_ trontag;e road Irru rovenlent P1o_ect identified. as ConntV '3cUion: 1 26_i.i9- V''RC.. as more tuff ' described in the agreement, this Village �uiL assume maintenance of h� Eder Fxpresswap (FAl c41 east frontage road,,fiom the east edge 0'P,1 side Avenue through pavement to the west edge ?r, _ entral Avenue (north of Galcton Street) through pavement, that this Village take jurisdiction of the Edens Expressway (TAI -44) east frontage road. from Parkside Avenue to Central Avenue (north of Oakton Street), in its enthet} and that it shall then and thereat er be a municipal stl'eet of the Villas *e. SECTION 4: The. Clerk of this municinahty is directed to see that a certified cony of this Ordinance is attached as SUPPLr1v1EN' ? of sai Loca Agency State Aurecme'nt - D emg entered into wall tn" COUMV of Cook (nve copies of said Aareemem i and to return same to the County. PASSED TH1S in)"' day of January 2014 Trustee Grear 'I rustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth, Tr'us'tee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS I3m day of January 2014 Daniel P. D DAaria. Villaee:'resident Village of Morton Grove Cook Countt,, Illinois ATT STED and 'HT ED in my office This 14' day ofJanuary- 20i4� Ed Ramos, Village Clerk V iilagc of Moron C ove Cook County, Illinois Local Agency Agreement for Jurisdictional Transfer In accordance with authority granted in Section 4 -409 of t'ne Illinois Highway Code, this agreement Is made and entered into between the above Local Aoency No. 1 hereinafter referred to as °Conveyor" and the above Local Agency No. 2. hereinafter referred to as "Recipient ", to transfer the jurisdiction of the designated location from the Conveyor to tree Recipient. Location Description Name Edens Exoresswav east frontaoe road Route 7AI -94 TSAR 26.,3) Lenqth 0.07 miles 10.17 KMl Termini Parkside Avenue es^:eterly 0 07 miles to ant -al Avenues �nr�th rF Oakro� S�rAet1 it ifs Anf retr This transfer ❑ does IZ does not Include Structure No. Include for Municipalities Only WHEREAS, the authority to make changes to the Municipal Street System is granted to the Municipality by Section 7 -101 of the Illinois Highway Cade. NOW THEREFORE IT 1S AGREED that the corporate authority of said municipality will pass an ordinance providing for the Transfer of the above location and shall attach hereto and make a part thereof a copy of the ordinance, and Include for Counties Only WHEREAS, the authority to make changes to the County Highway System Is granted to the County by Section 5 -105 of *:he Illinois Highway Code. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED that the County Board cf said County will pass a resolution providing for the transfer of the above location and shall attach hereto and make a part thereof a copy of the resolution, and Include for Township /Road Districts Only WHEREAS, . the authority to make changes to the Township Road District System Is granted to the Highway Commissioner under Section 6-201.3 of the Illinois Hiehway Code. The Conveyor Agrees to prepare a map of the above location and attach a copy df such location map hereto. IT IS MUTUAU_Y AGREED, that this lurisdictionai transfer will become eFrecfive. L _ 1 upon ID 07 approval Fn 21 calendar pave after IDOT Aonroval Supplements Additional information and /or stipulations, if any, are hereby attached and identified below as being a part of th!s agreemerrL. Supplement «1 STIDULAT IONS. 92 MAC #3 MORTON GROVE ORDINANCE. #4 COOK COUNTY RFSOL.UTIOIrI Qnsert supplement numbers or letters an0 page nurnoers, If applicable) IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the provisions of this agreement shallop. bind;ng upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto their successors and assigns. APPROVED BY CONVEYOR APPROVED BY RECIPIENT Name Toni Preckwinkle Name Daniel P- DtVaria Title President County Board of Commissioners Title Viliane coresident Chairman County Boartl /MayorNllage PreMent /etc. Chairman County Board/Mayor /Village Presidenbeic. Signatur= _ APPROVED STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Bv, Signature DJ re-w: o; Highwaye 15;20;; :4/05/0_` mimed B_R 6-52 ?2 (Re. <(�. Edens Expresswav (FAl -94) east frontage road SUPPLEMENT at Section:l3- 26339 -02 -RS STIPULATIONS To an agreement between the CbunTy� of Cook and the Village of Morton Grove. This Agreement formahzcs responsibilities of Cook County and the Village of Morton Grove fm accomollshing and subsequently operating the proposed improvement of the Edens Expressway (SAR 363; east fmraaL- road_ The improvements to be built by the County are described as fellows: Removal and replacement ofiselated areas of deteriorated bituminous surface with hot -mix asphalt aIona the Edens Expressway (FAI -44) east frontage road, from Parxside Avenue to Cent-al Avenue inorth a Oakton Street), including concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, drainage additions and adjustments, sidewalk removal and replacement, traffic control and protection, pavement marking, landscaping, engineering and other necessary highway appurtenances (the Improvement }. f C eThe obligations ofthe Village ofMorton Grove(hereinaffrer VILLAGE) and the Comity 000k (heinaf er COLIN T Y) are as fishows: 1. The Village shall: a. Promptly review plans submitted by the COUNTY; b. Pav one hundred (100 %) perc nt of the costs to, any new or relocated VILLAGE innasu uctwe (water mains, sanitary sews., street IightinR. etc.) wh h may be added to the lmprovemenL, said items to be reques+.:ed by ti.e VILLAGE, in wining. and cause for amendment to this asree,nent; U. Participate in the Final Inspection, and the schedulinn of such Final Inspection shall be sola!Y at toe. discretion of the County. The VILLAGE shall notcause a condiuon that would unreasonably delay the Final inspection. The Villaee shall submit final hunch list items within seven (7) days prior to the Final Inspection date as determined by the County: d. Grant the COUNTY access in ss to the munrerpai draaru syst.^m for store; wate✓ disc)I z.I -.e )i ^ore the htrprovement, if required; e. Twenty -one ()1) nays after execution of *his Agreement 6v tilt State of IIIin of �. assum . in lsdicnen and rnaintenance of the Edens Expressway (FA1 -94) cast fronta; i oad from 'arkside Av nu' easterh to Central Avenue {north of Clairton Sneet); f Execute five (5) copies of the Local Agenet State m Agreeent for -im isdicnonai Transfer of which these STIPULATIONS are part, enact an Ordinance, similar to the attached sample Supplement f3 -to acct, urisdiction of the Edens Expressway (F,Ai -94) east frontage road from Parkside Avenue easier) yto Cents Avenup.,(north of Oakto t Street), in its entirety, said transrer of jurisdiction to he effective tweIMN _one (21) dais afterr execution of this Are cement bythe State o,` Illinois fol the Edens Expressway (FAl -94) east frontageroad Improvement Pro) act ide rolled as County Section. L3- 26339- 02 -RS, and attach a certified cony of the Ordinance to said Local Agency State Agreement (The Ordinance will be enacted atthesame Village Board meeting at, winch the Local Agency Agreement for Jurisdictional ansier is approved. Additionalf; . a Certified copy ofthe Minutes of V il'a e Board meeting at which rhr. is appmved v, ,11 be surriiiied s;,parate'y to to 1 -1omrtvi Edens Expressway (FAl -94), east frontage road SUPPLEMENT al Section: 13-26339-02-RS Coordinate and control public notification ofthe improvement scope, timing and duration through its munieinal newsletter, website. etv. 3. Tide COUNTI' shall: a. Preparecontractpians, obtain tire approval ofthe VILLA GE ,securethenecessarvapprova Is, permits, and right- of -wav /easements, advertise, let, award, supervise construction and finance the design engineering., construction and construction engineering costs of !he Irnprovernent It. Provide the village fourteen (14) days advance notice of all wort: constructed as na.-t of the improvement ( "Final Inspection"); Pay one hundred (100 %) percent ofthe Improvement costs (estimated cost 570,000) including design and construction enaincerina: d. Ex,-,cu fve( 5) copiesoftheLocalAgency Slate Agreemertfo; rJurisdictionalTransfer and approve the Resolution, attached as Supplement #4, to remove-Jurisdiction of Edens Expressway (FAI X74) east fronta.ae road from ParlcsideAvenue to Central Avenue (north ofOakton Street), in its entirety, from COUNTY maintenance effective twenty -one (2 1) days after execution of this Agreement by the State of Illinois for the Edens Expressway (FAJ -94) east fi:onrage road hmprovement Project identified as Count's Section: i3- 26339- 02 -RS: and. e. Following execution of this Agreement (in five copies) by the VILLAGE and the COUNTY, in that order, submit five copies to the Illinois Ueparnnent of Transportation for requisite approval as to the change of jurisdictional responsibility of the Edens Exprzssway (F'AI -94) east r "rontage read. _. The COUN', v and the V!LI., A r,E ag+ +tee that their respective successors and assigns shall be bound bvthe tents of this Agreement. H 7 ransponatrc�r & PlannmgT a - mmgAAG E.M cN- 'S\ts -Tio L AGRMTS \Sttpu is tions \TM &.J Sim Ed em EFR. Parks de- central. doh LOCAL AGENCY - STATE Conveyor Local Agency AGREEMENT STATE OF ILLINOIS Conveyor FOR DEPARTMENT OF COOK COUNTY JURISDICTIONALTRANSFER TRANSPORTATION east frontage road of the Edens Expressway Parkside Avenue — Central Avenue APPROVED BY RECIPIENT- VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE This_day of Village Clerk EXECUTED BY COUNTI A.D -2014- TI his_day of A.D. 2014. ATTEST_ County Dan< (authorized signature stamp) RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL. Superinienoem Departmen ±of Transportation and Highways (SEAL) (SEA'_; APPROVED AS TO FORM- Anita Alvarez. State's Attorney By Assistant Sia -e's Attorney Local Agency Recipient MORTON GROVE SUPPLEMENT +2 (III ITS ENTIRETYI FROM ST&TE AND/OR COOK COUNTY TO VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE �i ti, SUPPLEMENT #3 ORDINANCE 0 2`7 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ADDITION OF EAST FRONTAGE ROAD (FAI -94) TO THE MUNICIPAL S'T'REET SYSTEM AT A FUTURE }.ATE WHEREAS, tine `✓illage of Morton Grove (Viliage), located in Cook County. Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution ofthe State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its eovermient affairs, including but not limited to the Power to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove and the County of Cook desire to enter 11110 an agreement for the improvement by the County of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) east frontage road and the transfer of jurisdiction and maintenance of the rdeans Expressway (FA -94) east frontage road, froth Parl<sicle Avenue to Central Avenue (north of Oakton Street) to the municipals get system of this municipality. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T1 IE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE \%ILLAGE OF MORTON GRO \1E, COOK COUNTY.. ILLPVOIS AS FO' LLOV; S: SECTICIN 1 : The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance as though fully set -forth therein thereiw making the findings as he-reimabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Viilane President, yliliage Clerk, and such other persons as the Village President deems necessary and appropriate, are hereby authorized to execute the Local Agency State Agreement for Jurisdictional Trans' r, which is attached h rete and made a part and to eke such other and further steps as may be necessary to effectuate the intent of this Ordinance_ SECTION 3: Effective twenty -one (2 1) days after execution of the attached Local Agency State Ag eemart for Jurisdictional Transfer by the State of Illinois for the Edens Expressway ('rAI -94) cast I road Improvement Project identified as County Section. 13 -26--3Q-02'-RS. as more lull.), described in the agreement, this Village will assume mahiteriance of the rdens Expressway (PAT -94 east fronts ae road, from the east edge of "arks'ide Avenue through pavement to the wt st -ad elf, of Central Avenue (north of Oakton Street) through pavement; that this Village take jurisdiction of the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) east frontage road, from Parkside Avenue to Central Avenue ('north of Oakion Street), in its entirety, and that it shall then and thereafter be a municipal street ofthe Village. SECTION 4: The Clerk o'f this municipality is directed to see that a certified copy ofthis Ordinance is attachaa az. Sl 1PPLE.MEINT. , ofsaid Local A qen. x. Start F1 arecin in bl -ino entered min with the C.olml\ 0 f Cook (five copies of said Agreement) and to return same to the County. SUPPLEMENT #3 PASSED THIS I3`� day of January 2014 Trustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS I3a' day of January 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village ofm), orlon Grove Cools County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 14" day of.ianuary 2014. ,'—Ed Ramos. Village Cierk Villaee of Morton Grove Cook Count}, Illinois SUPPLEMENT #4 I, DAVID D. ORR, County Clerk of Cook County, in the State of Illinois, aforesaid and keeper of the records and files of said Cook County, do hereby certify that The Board of Commissioners of the County of Cook, at their regular meeting held on , 2013, passed the following Resolution: RESOLUTION Sponsored Sponsored by THE HONORABLE TONE PRECYWiNKLE PRESIDENT OF THE COOK COUNT Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED by the members of The Board of Commissioners of Cook County, lHinols, on behalf of the County of Cook, to authorize and direct Its President to execute, by original signature or authorized signature stamp, five copies of a LOCAL AGENCY STATE AGREEMENT FOR JURISDICTIONAL TRANSFER with the Village of Morton Grove and the State of Illinois, wherein he County will Improve the Edens Expressway (FAI -94) east frontage road, from Parkside Avenue to Central Avenue (north of Oakton Street), estimated County cost $70,000 and said agreement attached; that effective twenty -one (21) days after execution of this Agreement by the State of Illinois for the Edens Expressway (F.AI -94) east frontage road Improvement Project identified as County Section: 13- 26339- 02 -RS, the Village. of Morton Grove is to assume jursdiction and maintenance of the Edens Expressway ('FA( -94) east frontage road, from Parkside Avenue to Central Avenue (north of Oakton Street), In its entirety, that said road segment be deleted from the highway system of Cook County; and, the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways is directed to forward five (5i executed copies of the Agreement to the Illinois Department of Transportation for approval and to take the necessary action called for under the terms of the agreement. all of which appears from the records and files of my office. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and affixed the SEAL of said County at my office in the City of Chicago, in said County, this day of A. 7� ^.7 � tu. (SEAL) Couniy .jerk N9Transuortation & Planning APlanning\AGREEMEN- r8V10-TMd ASRMTSVCounty RSL7M &J BSL Eoens EFP, Parkside - Gentral.dec Resolution 14 -01 AUTHORIZING INCREASED FUNDING FOR THE RESIDENTIAL INTEREST PROGRAM FOR THE INSTALLATION OF OVERHEAD SEWERS OR FLOOD CONTROL DEVICES Introduced: Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations Respectfully submitted: January 13, 2014 LOAN This resolution will approve increased funding associated with the Village's no interest loan /cost sharing program and dealing with the instillation of overhead sewers orflood control devices. The 2014 Budget approved funding in the amount of $1 00,000 for this purpose. This will allow for interest free loans of up to 55,000 per installation. The purpose of this program is to financially assist residents with the installation of approved flood control devices in -order to eliminate sanitary sewer back -ups in their horses that occur during heavy rain events and /or sewer blockages. In June 2010, the Village of Morton Grove instituted a program to assist residents with the installation of overhead sewers or other approved flood control devices. Funding in the amount of S50,000 was approved at that time with distribution in the amount of $2,500 per installation. This program is needed because homes constructed prior to the early nineteen sixties were installed with gravitY sewer systems which make their basements more susceptible to flooding from sanitary sewer backups; especially during sever rain falls. The Village of Morton Grove's Public Works Department strives to provide safe, reliable and effective utility services; though its practice of regularly maintaining, repairing and upgrading its infrastructure which is likely to reduce the number and degree of sewer back- up incidents, 5t is impossible for The A tillage to eliminate such bac!< -ups altogether due to the age of the system, the current level of technology, and the limitations of fisca' resources. For this reason, staff recommended the implementation of this program in -order to assist single family residential homeowners with the installation of approved flood control devices Public Works Department, Building Departnent and Finance Department Sl oo,000 has been budgeted for the program, Enterprise Fund. No substantial workload increase is expected due to the increased funding, for the Publi<, Works Deparnnent, Building Department and Finance Department. Approval as presented. Not required None. Ryaii . i-leridc °Village Administrator Prepay ed bv: r d ret� lI% -� orls R.eviev o b � Ten - . yo iA E on, C orpoat:or Coons �'� Any iv ��e 1 out 'Director . °uuh.. RESOLUTION 14 -01 AUTHORIZING INCREASED FUNDING FOR THE RESIDENTIAL INTEREST FREE LOAN PROGRAM FOR THE INSTALLATION OF OVERHEAD SEWERS OR FLOOD CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Village of ]Morton Grove (Village ), located in Cook County, Illmois, is ahonrc rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power ardperform, any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt, and WHEREAS, despite the sanitary sewer system maintenance and repair program, some residents with gravity sewer systems have experienced sanitary sewer backups during sewer blockages or periods ofheavy rainfald; and WHEREAS, the Village has determined the installation of overhead sewers or backfiow prevention devices will prevent future occurrences of' sanitary sewer backups in homes installing said devices; and WHEREAS, the Village has determined an overall public purpose is served in assisting residents that have gravity sewer systems with public funds in order to remediate sewage backups; and WHEREAS, in order to provide public funding, the Village has established a program to assist private property owners with financing in order to car} out approved flood control installation; and WHEREAS, the Village is increasing funding for said prograin to one hundred thousand dollars S 100,004 and WHEREAS, this increased funding will allow for interest free loans to Vi llage homeowners of up to five thousand dollars (55.000) for the installation of approved flood control devices" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUS'T'EES OF TIIE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COC�NTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2. The Village Administrator, Director of Finance" Public Works Director an their designees are hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to implement the funding increase to the nroaram provid ng interest &ee leans for approved flood control devices. SECTION 1 The Village of Morton Grovcreserv" Q' the rightto amend any aspe, o: the pro .ar.". from time to time as it deems necessary. Sp ON 'Fr s. Ins Ilesoluillon :ilia!: be it tali torc and efl:eCl UDo.. __:� l.�c SSt.ge and C.t� pl "Ot %al. PASSED this lia day of January 2014. Trustee Grew Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee Witko APPROVED by nee this 1.3"' day of January 2014. Dane: P. DiN /=r a. Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This I4 "' day of January 2014, Ed Ramos. Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Morton Grove Overhead Sewer and food Control Device Assistance Program Introduction Homes constructed prior to the early nineteen- sixties were installed with g aviry sewer systems that make their basements more susceptible to flooding from sanitary sewer backups: especialiv during heavy and extended rain falls. During intense rains, at times the capacity of the sanitary sewer system is not adequate to carry the peak flow, resulting in pressurized sewers. When pressurized, sewage can backflow through house sewers into basements if there is no backflow prevention device. The Overhead Sewer and flood Control Device Assistance, Program n was authorized to offset a portion of the expense that a homeowner will incur to revise the house plumbing such that sewage cannot backflow into the house when the combined sewer is pressurized. There are three basic options available to the homeowner as listed below: 1) Modification of the soil stack to direct the flow out of the house in a new OVERHEAD SEWER and elimination of all gravity drainage below the basement floor slab. 2) Installation of an interior or exterior BACKFL MA,1 PREVENTION VALVE and bypass pump on the house lateral in an underground vault. 2) LIFT STs4.TION system within an inside or outside underground vault. Each approach has different costs and degrees of homeowner disruption, as well as different implications on the homeowner's use of the revised plumbing. It should be noted; however, that ontior one (l) above, the installation of a new overhead sewer, is strongly recommended to provide the greatest protection available under all weather conditions and storm events to prevent sewage from entering the home. This program does not include uudat r_g or enhancements to current systems, however, on, Public Works Department will inspect your current system for free. If you have an old system and choose to replace the entire system then this program will help cover these costs. Goals and Obieetives This program has several goals. The primary goals are to provide protection from the back up of sewage into basements, increase property values by eliminating detrimental I asement back up, eliminate unsafe sanitary conditions, and to save substantial taxpayer dollars in the long term. a couirements Residential properties in Morton Grove's corporate 'limits constructed prior to 1965, when building codes were revised and required overhead plumbing, are eiigibie for the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Program. 1. ':he Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Program is limited to conversion of salutary sewer gravity systems. I Eligibility for the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Program will be contingent upon the per meter footing drains, driveway drains, outside stairwell drains, downspouts and any other ground water source not benig comlected to the sanitary sewer system. 3. For properties that currently have perimeter footing drawls; driveway drains, outside stairwell drains, downspouts and any other ground water source being directly discharLyed (i.e. connected) into the sanitary sewer system, the property owner must submit confirmation that the above footing drains, driveway drains, outside stairwell drains, downspouts and any other ground water source shall be disconnected from the sanitary sewer system per Title 7. 7 -54A of the Municipal Code and the installation of a separate storm sewer system (i.e. Sump Pit and Pump) to handle these extraneous flows has been included as part of the proposed work 4. The individual seeking participation in the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Assistance Program and seeking Village reimbursement must establish they are the owner of the property of the proposed modification of their plumbing system. Participation in and reimbursement through this Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Assistance Program is limited to one time only per adaress. 5. The property owner must complete and submit an Overhead Seger and flood conrrol device Proo an fippixation Form. A representative from the Village will perform an on -site inspection to determine if the property is eligible for this program_ When a property is approved for the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Assistance Program in writing oy trip Village, the property owner will have 90 days to complete the protect. The 90 days true frame comnen-es with the Pillage Ie e° acknowledging that this sewer work is eligible to participate in the program. 6. The property owner (I I) Illinois licensed in Morton Grove. estimates to Public shall obtain three written detailed estimates from three contractors that have not been bared doing business The property owner shall submit a copy of the 3 Works at the time the building permits are applied for. 7. The property owner shall contract with the plumbing firm for the overhead sewer or flood control device and obtain all required Village permits. All plumbing work must be performed by a licensed plumber. All work must conform to the Village Building Codes and related sections of the Morton Grove Municipal Code. $. The. program is on a first come, first serve basis and applications received will be prioritized and authorized on availability of the Village funding. 4. The Village reserves the right to alter, postpone or cancel program from year to year as funding is dependent on budgetary and financial constraints of the Village. Loan Requirements Loans from the Village for properties that pre - qualified for the Overhead Sewer and Flood Control Device Assistance Program will be processed only upon completion of all work. 2. Loans made by the Village will be limited to 50% of the actual contractual construction cost, up to a maximum of $5,000. If the property owner selects a plumbing firm other than the lowest estimates, then the Village's contribution will be limited to 50% of the lowest bid amount, up to a maximum of $5,000. The property owner shall sinn a promissory note and mortgage for all amounts borrowed. The note and mortgage shall provide that the loan shall not bear interest unless the property owner fails to repay the loan when due. The loan shall be due upon the sale of the property or the (10) year anniversary of the execution of the loan documents. The property owner must submit to Public Works verification of all required inspections aria' final approval of the completed improvements by the Village's Building, Department; a copy of the licensed plum Der 's as- built, signed and dated; (with plumber's state license #) and proof of payment, in the form of paid recite and contractors waiver of lien. 4. Village shall make payments to applicants onjy not to contractors or suppliers. Village of Morton Grove Public Works Department 7840 Nagle Avenue Morton Grove IL 60053 (847)470 -5 .7325 Overhead Seaver and Mood Control Device Assistance Pr9uram TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT PLEASiS PROV 1DE THE FOLLOWING IN FORMA! I ON CI OWNER NAME: ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF WORK N0 V H z w a Y 0a M NE C®¢PVNDM a W de V BnM aPaU P 0666W n09 N N 6Y V 6 R C 09 z R C 0 u n n N g 6 N R 604 e p u. i F Y Y e a OWNEP,'S SIGNATURE. (Ge%FR TO BE FILLED OUT BY VILLAGE STAFF Initial inspection by public works staff in -order to verify eligibility DATE INSPECTED: NSPECTED BY Copies of three estimates received. DATE RECIVED'. LOW EST COST ESTIIUATE Letter sent to resident to proceed. DATE SENT SENT'. BY BUILDING PERMI T APPROVALBY DATE. INSTALLATION INSPECTION BY DATE: RECEIPT OF CONTRACTOR'S FINAL WAVERS OF LIEN: DATE APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO RESIDENT BY DATE Note: Work must be completed m ithin 90 days from iotffication by the Vi3iagc, in-order to remain eliaible for loan. Resolution I4 -02 AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE A MORATORIUM ON TIIE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ALLEYWAYS THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE Introduced: Objective: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: IN t. January 13, 2014 To authorize a moratorium on the construction of new alleyways in the Village of Morton Grove for aperiod of eighteen (18) months. The purpose is to maintain as pervious areas unimproved alleyways throughout the Village. Due to retuning flooding throughout the Village of Morton Grove that causes Village wide flooding of streets and basements staff is recommending a moratorium be placed on the installation of paved alleyways for a period of eighteen (1 8) months. Pervious areas are essential in any flood control or reduction programs. Additionally, a moratorium will allow us to investigate the feasibility of using unimproved easements for storm water storage, which could amount to small detention basins that assist in the storage of storm water. This resolution will allow for the construction of unimproved rights -of -ways which could be developed as impervious areas as tong as the Village Administrator approves with concurrence from the, Director of Public Works and the Economic Development Director once they find such improvement is considered crucial and necessary for economic development and is in the Village's best interest. Public Works and Building Department None N/A Negligible Approval as presented. Not required. This would require the Building Department to not issue building permits for garages with entrances onto a Village owned unimproved right -w, way ❑isuator ra ar c ` - '` c r eview pr. x6 D Mont.. Ducclor oF Pubhc Wori<s ;:ere,u Koff ei,r �iston- Cctp3 utior� Ioc.: RESOLUTION 14-02 AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE A MORATORIUM ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ALLEYWAYS IN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a homerule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not Limited to tile, Dower to tax and incur debt: and WHEREAS, the Loss of pervious areas throughout the Village can contribute to Villaoe wide flooding of basements and streets; and WHEREAS, pervious areas within the Village art essential to any flood reduction prom an4 and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department recommends a moratorium of eighteen (18) months be placed while further investigation is undertaken on the installation of new paved alleyways as opposed to maintaining pervious areas; and WHEREAS, there exists the possibility of using some of this pervious area for detention in the future: and WHEREAS, in order not to hinder development the Village views as crucial to its economic best imerest, development of unimproved rights -of -ways can occur with the Village Administrator's approval after review by the Director of Public Works and the Economic Development Director. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK; COUNTY, ITI INOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the 'foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: A moratorium for eighteen (18) months (March 31.201 d) on the construction of new alleyways on unimproved rights -of -ways throughout the Village of Morton Grove is hereby declared. SECTION". The Village Administrator has the authority to allow alleyway construction on Village owned rights -of -ways with the concurrence of the Director of Public Works and the Economic Development Director. SECTION 4. That this Resolution shah be in fall force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 13"' day of January 2014. Trustee Tr U Ste e Trustee Trustee Trustee. Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thil I Toth Witko APPROVED by ine this 13`x' day of January 20'34. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in. my office this 14t' day o'PJannary 2014. Ed Ramos, Village Clerk Village of Mor ton Grove Cook County, Illinois Lei�fislafive Saga mare Resolution I4 -03 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE TASK ORDER NO. 10 WITH CIORBA GROUP. INC. FOR A DESIGN SERVICES FOR SIMPSON STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AND PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION Introd aced: January 13, 2014 Purpose: To authorize eneineerin, analysis and design services for the replacement of the water main under Simpson Street and pavement reconstruction in 2014. I3ac7sea-01111d: Retail development is planned at the northwest corner of Golf Road and Waukegan Road in 2014 which will require reliable water service and at least one new water service connection, The nearest_ existing water main, is located under Simpson Street and has required 15 water main repairs in the past 12 years. The Public Works Department considers this to be evidence of a failing water main and is concerned that adding a new connection could further reduce the reliability of this water main. `the Public Works Department considers it practical to replace the water main before addine a new service connection_ Simpson Street is approximately hatf the width of a standard Villas =e meet, which males this corridor crowded with utilities. Constructing a new water main will disturb over half of the existing pavement. It is only practical to reconstruct the pavement, including the curb and gutter, median and sidewalk. The scope of the improvements exceeds the ex p„rtise and capacity of Viliao. staff to perform this work. Resolution 12 -25 authorizes d task order conU ac with C io ba Group, Inc. to provide engineering services to the Village and for the Village Engineer to issue individual task orders. Village staff autuori ed Task Order No. 8 with Ciorba Group, Inc. in the amount of 914,215 to perform the necessary survey work in 2013 before the ground features were covered by .snow (as tiney currently are). Exhibit "A" is a proposal from Ciorba GOi.p,inc'. that includes the scope of wort: and cost to Perform the necessary work to be included in Task Order No, 10. Programs, Departs Public. Works Engineering Division or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: 5 75.6 & 8.75 Source of Funds: Enterprise Pund Account Number 405033- 5 72020 Workload Impact: � The management and supervision co this contract will be performed by the Engineering Division of public Works Department as part of their normal operations. Adonin Recommend: 11 Approval as presented. Special Consider or None. Requirements: i Respea fully submitted: I eviewed PI --- Ryai tJ. Horx Nihage Administrator Teresa liofnnan Liston, C /orporatlo i Z,oinl el Prepared by: r ✓s_ ! .?-' � .:evre,r, v n,.. Chris Tomicb, Viliag Engineer �A nt }� Delvioni , .redo : i 16i ;,nano[ RESOLUTION 14 -03 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A TASK ORDER WITIT CIORBA GROUP, INC. FOR A DESIGN SERVICES FOR SIMPSON STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AND PAN7LMENT RECONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and nieur debt: and WHEREAS, retail development is planned at the northwest corner of Golf Road and Waukegan Road in 2014 which will require reliable water service and at least one new water service connection; and WHEREAS, the nearest existing water main is located under Simpson Street and has required 15 water main repairs in the past 12 years; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department considers this to be evidence of a failing water main and is concerned that adding a new connection could further reduce the reliability of this water main; and WHEREAS. the Public Works Department considers it practical to replace the water main before adding a new service connection; and WHEREAS, the water main replacement will disturb over half of the pavement, making it practical to reconstruct the pavement, including the curb and gutter, median and sidewalk, and WHEREAS, the scope of lie. improvements exceeds the expertise and capacity of Village staff to perform this work; and WHEREAS, Resolution 12 -25 authorizes a task order contract with Cior'oa Group. Inc. to provide engineering services to the Village and for the Village Engineer to issue individual task orders; and WHEREAS. Exhibit "A" is a proposal from Ciorba Group. inc. which includes the scope of work and cost to perform the necessary work to he included in Task Order No. 10; and WHEREAS, the 2014 Adopted Budget allocates $ 550,000 in the Enterprise Fund Aecount40- 50 -33- 57- 20 -20. NOW.. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 7HF. PIZESIDENI AND BOARD OF TRLiS T EELS OF T,IE' VILL��; iL, OF MORTON ROy . C(i0i" : J7 1' T ^,g �,�T_,r_L,.VOL,_ FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereb }� making the endings as hereinabovI set forth. SECTION 2: The Corporate Authorities accept the negotiated proposal of Ciorba Groutr. Inc. to provide design services for Simpson Street water main replacement and pavement reconstruction. SECTION 3: The Village Engineer is hereby authorized to execute Task Order No. 10 included in Exhibit "A" with Ciorba Group, Inc. for the engineering services described in Section 2. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its nassagc and approval. PASSED TKIS idr'' DAY OF JANUARY 2014 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Grear Marcus Pietron Thili Toth Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS i ;u, DAY OF JANUARY 2014 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois ATTESTED and FILED in my office This i 03 DAY OF JANUARY 2014 Ed Ramos. Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cools County, Illinois EXHOT "A" Attachment C TASK ORDER 410 MOVIOn Grove In accordance with Article 12 of the Consulting Services Contract dated 4/7/2012 ( "Contract) between the Village. of Morton Grove (`VILLAGE ") and Ciorba Group, ine. (`CONSULTANT "), the CONSULTANT is authorized by the VILLAGE to perform the I ollowing task order as follows: 1. Conti-acted Services: Engineering analysis and design services for Simpson Avenue Water Main Improvements (see attached scope of services) 2. Time of Performance (attach schedule if appropriate): April 7, 2014 3. CONSULT'ANT's Compensation Compensation will be based on time and materials with an upper limit of 57508.75. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. VILLAGE Signature Chris T omich Village Engineer Fate CONSULTANT Signature Gerald W. Heimsoth President Date EXHS1 T "A" SIMPSON STREET IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING STUDY AND DESIGN SCOPE OF SERVICES VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE 117(2014 The Village of Morton Grove is interested in undertaking the Simpson Street Water Main Replacement Project Ciorba Group has completed the topographic survey and base sheet preparation as part of a task order issued on November 13, 2013. The following services will be provided by Ciorba Group to produce Phase II design plans and specifications for watermain replacement and road reconstruction: Attend a kick -off meeting with the Village to discuss the objectives of the project. Obtain information on right -of -way limits, location of public utilities, and aerial photography within the project limits. Request locations of gas mains, electric lines, etc., from utility companies. Collect supplemental survey data as needed, including the unimproved alley east of Savre Avenue. Updated base sheets showing existing conditions will be developed from the supplemental survey data. 3. Perform a traffic safety study of Golf Road and Sayre Avenue and Golf Road and Simpson Street Ciorba will obtain 5 years of police report crash data from the Village for the intersections and input it into a database. Collision diagrams will be developed for the intersections along with tables summarizing the crash data. Analysis will be performed to identify the significance of dominant accident types. Ciorba will visit the project site to assess site conditions at the intersections. Ciorba will set up tube counters at the intersection to determine traffic volumes at the intersection. Ciorba will develop a Technical Memorandum which will summarize the crash analysis and traffic studies that were performed for the intersections.S arety deficiencies will be Identified and countermeasures recommended. 4. Computer modeling of the water main system will not be required. 5. Design of storm sewer or sanitary sewer replacements are not included in this scope. li is assumed that the required separation between water main and sanitary sewer will be achieved in the water main design. n. Attend one meeting with the Village and IDCT regarding the proposed watermain crossings of Golf Road EXHIBIT "A" 7. Attend one meeting with the Village and DOT regarding preferred intersection safety countermeasures . following tables. 8. Develop plans, specifications, and an engineer's cost estimate for the proposed improvements. Improvements will include compiete street reconstruction and watermain replacement along Simpson Street and along Sayre Avenue from Simpson Street to Palma Lane. Watermain connections are also proposed to be provided from Simpson Street across Golf Road for the impending development on the north side of Golf Road (see attached site map). New watermain will be placed under the curb or at the back of curb. Road reconstruction will include both curbs and sidewalk. The plan and profile sheets will be developed at a scale of V = 20 . It is assumed that any new underground structures will be precast concrete produced by local firms, No staff hours or engineering fee for structural design have been included in the proposal at this time 9 Obtain all necessary permits. For this project, permits are expected to be required from the IPA and [DOT. Ciorba's engineering fee for this work order will be $75,689 calculated based on contract hourly rates as shown in the following tables. EXHIBIT "A" �: ������ SIr>rpson Sr Y ✓are, ffal,�Inrprovemerns mnao yam 'L12Ei }C;(Yi :[:'' EXHIBIT' °Bt" 4 4�' e"'wIe'�F'RBA 9'�RO P Cost Estimate of �,.. u,.. C.. 4 f!� f� C,fR 'c.N C.� C" Consultant Services Firm C=na Groua. inc Dare Cheri Vllaoe of Monon Grove CUUON COOK JOb Nc. 20072 XX 01107/'4 i ill ° �rono = ICI ota, 730 t3( is 50 ]E ti0 (K t5 1C � Mieetuff Data Collection & Coordination Task Total: 33 14 { 10 L 1 1 Ot0 Meetings 6ubtotalo1 18 6 6 4 Meetings with Owner (2 mtg x 2 hrslrntg) 6 a n l leefinds with IDOT (1 mrg x 2 nrs /mtg) a I Prepare AgenoalEx ibis for Meetings (3 mtgs x 3 hrsimtg) 6 a 6 i i m1 Coordination subtoak, 14 B 2 a i Coordination with Owner A l u ( l Coordination with Uillities e 2• Topographic Survey Tale TOtm:� 40 j _ is 1 14 ozo Field Survey Subtotal:� az Ti 12 ° Site Visas by Staff a GG - r Supolertarral Survey i U ( 12 1 1 u2i Process Survey information Submeela s - i 7 Down Loading Tota! Sta6OC 2 Existing Ccndhions Updates ! - Base Sheet Updates i ( I 3. Water Resources Task T t [ 144 12 as fD so 031 Stormwater Facility Design SuDootald ;a � 2 , L, � 2a rotor and Sediment Control Plans j it Landscaping Plans as I ^e 1 o t? Water Main System 90 e as i j as i Water Main Aliemaiaes Analysis ie a 1z j r Icentifv & ReDort Conflict Locations - li Water Mai, . Design 1e ,ia 1 Water Main Sheets ( ao 12 l 2c Water Main Details < 1 3 I 034 Reports I Location Drainage Studies s bmtal:) 1e 2 e Water System Technical Memorandum 1r, j a42 Permits subtotal: m 6 s � l Permit - IDOT - I EXHIBIT l I I 1 w V P = ot, cc Permit - (EPA (Water Supply) I II �. Engineering Studies /Clans Tas¢ Tatar 459 46 )a 42 76 10 IDrt 1 G50 TrBtilC SLUdIE9 Subtotal 125 6 15 1 e2 6E Obtain Marione Traffic COJnLS ;Sayre &Simpson? 1 < o Obtain ManuaV traffic Counts (Peak 2 Hr AM /PM)(Sayre /Simpson!, Include Golf Turns to /from Sayre) a 1 6 Traffic Count Reduction & Tabulation s ( a Existing and Proposed ADTS 1 - Crash Analysis -hour Data (Sayre & Golf, Sayre & Simpson) 22 2 w { Crash Analysis - Develop Collision Diagrams &Crash Summary Tables —Cash 12 i a ( !I Hnalysis - Anatyze Data s. 5 1 ! Tech Memo - Preparation 1 ?e ? Tech Memo - Revisions 16 2 t 6 1 Tech Memo - Exhibits (Lee Map, Plan View of 3 Alternatesi az e it 1 as i i ( I 056 Contract Plans Subtotaf:� 120 ?G za 34 39 is . 1 Title Sheet l j Typical Sectors Alignment Iles antl Denchmarks(x no/sneet Genera Noes - ?z ! + s 1 i l I Summary of Quantities }6 Plan Review and Revisions rw s it 1 ?s ?o ! ) Disposition of Qomml t 2 a i I 056 Roadway lans Y subtotal: 132 16 E i 1 � CG I eE . Maintenance of Traffic (Standards and Notes? to e 4 I Proposetl Plan and Profile Sheets (t "=20') ea it 1 I so w Removal Sheet/Existing Conditions 2n [ 2 Jc t Details a � toss Quantity Calculations Subtotal 36 q � p 2 1 I Quantines (Removals) rc ! Quantities (,Proposed P' an) a6 < i Quantities (Water Resources) to s I G5o Specifications & Estimates Subtotal as 7 as 1 I Specifications and Contract Documents Is j ra Soecifications (Water Resources) Estimate o; Time Estimate of Cost Fg. QG /FR€; -look low i 24 2, I ! 1 i ! ran I j oP,C CI A Q Q Subtotal, 24 )n I I i Roadway i2 12 water Resources tt ' 1D. Promet managemen4 (4 Administration Taak Total'. 32 32 i von ProJed Managemen: & Administration stmmtac 12 32 a I AdminIStztion o I _Project Project Management 94 CIORBA GROUP , FIRM NAME PRIME /SUPPLEMENT Client CLASSIFICATION Ciorba Group, Inc. DATE Prime Villaae of Morton Grove ESCALATION FACTOR 0.00% u... Zi "e 5 nae �„ ?or _ ..,. 0 i n Rc z ,as•, CURRENT RATE I ESCALATED RATE D vn7114 $160.00 $143.00 $124.00 :., $114.00 ` $87.00 Q $77.00 ..,.- $68.00 $83.00 $54.00 $100.00 U 0' $80.00 -.,'- ,,_ $90.00 $124.00 ^ S3C $114.00 ........ $87.00 . W $77.00 .0,j $68.00 D vn7114 EXHIBIT "A" IFS - HOUSE. DIRECT COSTS Village of Morton Grove Simpson Street Design PHASE II Meetinas, Data Collection & Coordination Description Unit Unit CostQuant ity Extended Cost Vehicle (mileage) mile 0.55 60 $ 33.00 T000ciraphic Surve Description Vehicle (mileage) Vehicle (day) Water Resources Description CADD Charges Copies Full Size Prints Traffic Steadies Description Total: S 33.00 Unit Unit CostQuant ity Extended Cost mile $ 0.55 40 S 22.00 day $ 45.00 2 90.00 Total: $ 112.00 Unit unit CostQuant ity Extended Cost hour 5 15.00 90 C ",350.00 sheet C 0,10 80 2 8.00 sheet $ 1.25 6 S 7.50 Total: S 1,31;5.50 Unit Unit CostQuant ity! Extender? Cost. CADD Charges Copies Presentation Prints Vehicle (mileage) Postage / shipping Contract Plans Description CADD Charges Copies Full Size Prints Roadwav Plans Description CADD Charges Copies Full Size Prints Specifications & Estimates Description Copies Unit Unit CostQuant hour $ 15.00 sheet $ 010 sheet $ 1.25 Unit EXHIBiT "A" Unit CostQuant hour hour $ 15M $ sheet $ 0.10 125 sheet $ 1_50 sheet mile $ 0.55 dollar $ 1.00 Unit Unit CostQuant hour $ 15.00 sheet $ 010 sheet $ 1.25 Unit S Unit CostQuant hour S. 15.00 sheet $ 0.10 sheet $ 125 Unit $ Unit CostQuant sheet $ 0.10 60 S 900.00 100 $ 10.00 10 $ 15.00 40 $ 22.00 20 $ 20.00 Total: S 967.00 ity Extended Cost 90 $ 1,350.00 50 $ 5.00 7 $ 8.75 Total: S 4,.363.76 ity Extended Cost 110 $ 4.650.00 60 $ 6,00 10 $ 12.50 Total S 1.668.50 ity Extended Cost 300 $ 30.00 'n otal: S 30.00 Legislative Sumrnan, Ordinance 13 -28 AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 12 -4 -3 -D TO ALLOW OFFICE- BUSINESS, CONTRACTOR, PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC AND MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICES /CLINICS USES ON THE SECOND FLOOR OR ABOVE, ONLY, IN C/R COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Introduction Synopsis: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs R va:v, or Groups !affected by Fiscal Impact: Teresa Source of Funds: Floffnian Worfdoad Impact: Adman Recommend: Second Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Submitted b` Rva C4 PC �.'. Pre gat . -plan�lp M. December 09, 2013 This ordinance will approve a text amendment to allow new "Offices- Business, Conuractor, Professional and Public" and "Medical and Dental Offices /Clinics" uses on the second floor or above only, In the C/R Commercial Residential District. Such fast floor uses which are le!rally in existence, prior to the adoption date of this ordinance shall continue to be considered permitted uses within the OR Disn-ict This ordinance wilt approve an amendment to Section L -4 -3 -1) of the Morton Grove Municipal Code to modify how "Offices- Business, Contractor, Professional and Public" and "Medical and Dental Offices /Clinics" uses are allowed within the C/R Commercial Residential District, Specifically, this text amendment will only allow nevi offices uses on the second floor or above within the C/R District. This text amendment is proposed in order to promote the overall goal of creating a more dynamic, pedestrian oriented "downtown" commercial area within the C/R Distrrict. The Morton Grove Unified Development Code (UDC), Title 12, is a. comprehensive set of regulations for the zoning of land grid development of parcels within the Village. The Village established the C/R Commercial /Residential District to `create development which is compact and pedestrian oriented." The Village filed PC413 -18; request for a text amendment to atiow "`Offices- Business, Connector, Professional and Public" and "Medical and Dental Offices /Clinics" uses on the second floor or above, only, within the C/R Commercial /Residential District, This text amendment is proposed in order to promote the overall goal of creating a more dynamic; pedestrian oriented "downtown" commercial ate', within and meets with the intent and purpose of the C/R Commercial /Residential District. PCf i3 -08 was presented to the Plan Commission for public hearing on November 18, 2013. After hearing public testimony, staff suggested a modification to the original text amendment, such that any first floor offices, itually in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, shall be considered permitted uses versus legal non - conforming uses. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of this text amendment, as modifiedatthe public hearing. Community and Economic Development and Building Department N/A N /A. These amendments will be implemented by the Community and Economic Development and the Building Departments in the normal course of business. Approval as presented January 13, 2013.. required — Municipal Code Book change None and Lconornic r�;reloFm�nt :)ire - o, C ou ;et R va:v, ✓sd by Adntinistrarca Teresa Floffnian and Lconornic r�;reloFm�nt :)ire - o, C ou ;et ORDINANCE 13 -28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 22- 4 -3 -I) TO ALLOW NEW "OFFICES- BUSINESS, CONTRACTOR, PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC" AND "MEDICAL AND DENTAL OI{FICES /CL£NICS" USES ON THE SECOND FLOOR OR ABOVE IN THE C/R COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Aticie 7 of the 1.970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village continuously reviews and, as it deems necessary, updates existing Municipal Codes to assure they are kept current and relevant, and WHEREAS, the applicant, Village of Morton Grove, has made a proper application to the Plan Commission in case number PC? ; -08 to consider and recommend the adoption of certain text amendments to the Village. o'fMorton Grove Uniitee' Development Code, Section ?2 -A -3 -D to allow "Offices- business, contractor, processional and public" and "Medical and dental offices /clinics" as permitted uses only on the second floor or above in the CR Commercial/Residential zonin_ district; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code upon public notice duly published in the Pioneer Press, a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Mortor, G,ove which publication took place on September 26.2013., a public hearing was conducted on October 21. 2013 and November 18, 20 I �, relative to the above referenced case at which time all concerned parties were given the opportunity to present and express their views for the consideration o'f the Plat. Commission. As a result of said hearing, the Plan Commission made certain recommendations and conditions Through a report dated December 5, 201 �, a copy of which is attached 'hereto and mule apart hereo" and marked as Exhibit "A' ; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have concluded changing "Offi;,es- business, contractor, professional and public" and "Medical and dental offices /clinics" uses from general permitted uses in the CR Commercial /Residential zoning district to only permitted uses on the second floor or above is in the best interest of the public good and help the Villa <ae to promote he potential development of a downtown area with n the C /P. Dist -ic': and WHEREAS these types of office uses, if allowed on the upper floors of multi -story buIldings, could help support retail and /or restaurant uses that are predominantly found on the ground floor of building within successful downtown commercial areas; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have concluded allowing office uses, winch were le?aiv in existence prior to the adoption of this ordinance, to remain as "permitted uses" is appropriate as these existing office uses are sited in locations within the C /R. District which will not detract from the goal of creating a downtown wrrunareial district within this area and WHEREAS such modifications to the penllitted uses meets the intent of the C/R Commercial /Residential District, which is to "create development which is compact, and pedestrian oriented" and "to provide higher dmshy uses and associated neighborhood commnercial uses which service this higher residential use "; and WHEREAS the C/R Comm crcial/Residential District zoning regulations should serve as a way to implement the V'illage's vision of creating a pedestrian - oriented down commercial district by encouraging neighborhood businesses (restaurants, retail, art galleries, etc.} that generate an active street life; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have considered this matter at a public meeting and find the text amendment. when evaivated in the content of the Whoic Village, serves the Public good; and WHEREAS, the Village is desirous of assuring all policies are kept current and relevant. NOW, THERE FORE, BE IT ORDAINED R Y THE PRESIDENT AND BOA IW OF TRUSTEES OF THE 17IL ,AGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNT', ILLINOIS, AS SECTION l : The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Ordinance. as though fully set forth herein, thereby making the inndings as heremabove set forth: SECTION 2: Title 12 entitled Unified Dcveloj?inew Code, Chapter 4, entitled Zoning Districts, Commercial Districts, Section12 -4 -; -D enhtl d. Uses of the lAunicipal Code is hereby amended by modifying this section as follows: D. uses: 1 Ground floor office uses legally in existence, prior to January 13, 2014, the adoption date. of Ordinance #XX -XX, small continue to be considered permitted uses within the GR District PASSED this 13th day of7anua;y 2014. rustee Grear Trustee Marcus Trustee Pietron Trustee Thill Trustee Toth Trustee witke, APPROVED by me this 113th day of January 2014. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office This 13th day of janaary 2014. Ed Ramos.. Village Clerk Villa_;e of Morton Grove Cook Coumy, Illinois Village Department of Community Deveiapment To: Village President and Board of Trustees From: Ronald L. Farkas, Chairperson, Plan Commission Nancy M. Radzevi&., AICP, Community and Economic Development 6irecior Dominick k, Argurnedo, AMP, zoning Administrator /Land -Use Planner Date: December E, 2013 Re: Plan COm mi3siOn Case PC13-08 — Village of Mofton Grove requests To Amendments to the Un'scaed Deveiop pent Code (title Pa of the municipal Code) section 12 -4- a -D regarding "Offices- Business, Contractor, Professional and Public" and "Medical and Dental Offices/Clinics" Uses in the CR Commerciai /lkesidentlal District Commission Renort Public Hearinc Notice and Application The Village of Morton Grove provided Public Notice for PC13 -08, which was heard at the October 2?1 2013 Plan Commission meeting, in accordance with applicable requirements. Pioneer Press, a local newspaper, published a public notice on September 26, 2613, As this request is for text amendments, not for a zoning amendment specific to a property location, neither public notice signs nor notification letters were required. On October 2i, 2013, the Merton Grove Plan Commission held a public hearing for PC13 -08, a request for text amendments to modify how "Offices- business, contractor, prp esslonal and pu'niic" and "Medical and dental offices /clinics" uses are allowed in the CP. Commercial/Residential zonino dlstnI,1. At present, those_ uses are permited in the GR .ommerdal /Residential zoning dlsr Ct. The proposed amendments would continue to allow those uses as permitted uses on the second floor or above, but will not allow the uses on the ground floor. The Commission opened the public hearino at their Octol]er 71, 2013 meeting and continued the case to their November i8, 20' meeting for additional discussion and consideration. The Village of Morton Grove is the applicant. Public Hearing- Jiafr Oyenliew- 101-Toner 21. 201; `fear inci Dominick Argumedo, Loning Admin'stratoi" /LanG-Lise Manner, presented the ter: .'.Pndmen, application on behalf of the Village. The proposed text amendments would modify "0" - business, contractor, professional and public" and "Medicai and denzal ofnces /clinics" uses in the CR Commerdal /Residential zoning district to allow these ! uses on the second floor or above only, but not on the ground floor. He em ained that the Viliaae established the 'C R. Commercial Residential District to "create development which is compac, and pedestrian oriented" and "to provide higher density uses and associated neighborhood commer ;a' uses which service this higher residential; use," The corresponding CR zoning district land use regulations should serve as a way to implement this vision by encouraging neighborhood businesses (restaurants, retail, art galleries, etd.) that generate an active street Ilia . Plan Commission Report — Case P= -OS December 5, 2013 With this proposed text amendment, staff proposes modifications to certain presently allowed ,and -uses In the C/R District which may detract from the overall goal of creating a more dynamic, pedestrian oriented "downtown." The "Offices- business, contractor, professional and public" and "Medical and dental offices /clinics ('Including laboratories as accessory use, first floor)" uses do not typically contribute to a pedestrian oriented streetscape, but are uses that could help support a downtown pedestrian commercial district, if permitted on the second floor or above, While commercial In nature, most office uses do not promote or encourage commercial pedestrian traffic flows along the street Further, professional offices often do not attract any additional pedestrian traffic to a commercial area, which is desirable to help support adjacent retail and /or restaurant uses. While medical offices do attract more visitors, most serve only as single -stop destinations and similarly do not typically generate pedestrian traffic to abutting commercial uses. in addition, medical office uses tend to have a higher parking demand, which can reduce the number of available spaces for use by patrons of area retail uses and /or restaurants. With that said, these types of office uses, if allowed in the upper floors of multi -story buildings, could provide some benefit to a downtown area as the employees who may opt to shop or eat locally versus driving to other locations for food, services, etc. on their lunch hours and /or to /from work. Public Hearino— Commission Comment /Inquiry- October 21, 201 .3 Haring Commissioner Gabriel asked how the proposed amendment would impact existing office businesses in single story buildings. Mr. Rrgumedo responded that existing office businesses could remain as legal non - conforming uses. As a legai- nonconforming use, a business can remain in operation as long as that particular non - conforming use does not cease operations for more than six consecutive months. The oroper�r owner could continue his office use or could transfer the property and the new owner can continue as a legal non - conforming office use, as long as there is not a six month gap in the transition. If the property did experience a vacancy for six consecutive months, then the proposed text amendment, if passed, would apply and no office use would on permitted in that particular single -story building; moreover, while the code allows for mainte, an--e and /or "remodeiing" of the space in which the non- conforming use is housed, the code does not allow non - confirming uses to be expanded or intensified, Commissioner Blom wondered if office uses in the C/R District should be modified from a Pei mitted use to be allowed through the spec'ai use process, which would allow the Commission to review projects on a caSe by Case basis. Terry tlston, Co,"poratlon ,Counsei, stated that the proposed amendments are for economic development reasons and not for land use reasons. The Zoning COd2 designates Uses as speClai uses t0 Consider their IMDECt Upon adjacent ''land uses. ii special use is examined for its impacts on surrounding properties such as t;a is and noise imvacrw. T'ne text amendments pertaining to office use in the CR District are ,proposed to promote a certain kind of economic development, not to protect surrounding properties from noise and trafnc impacts. Therefore reclassifying these uses as a spedai use process would not be applicable in this La Je. Nancy Radzevich, Community and Economic Development Director, added that through multiple Planning proC°SSes, Morton Grove has envisioned tl1 C/R Commercial /Residential Disthct as Morton Grove's future downtown area. The development of a downtown commercial district will not occur without active pedestrian oriented businesses. In order to encourage these types of businesses and to fa Cilitate the Village's vision for this area, the tlnliled °_VelOpm °_fit Code r!°_eds to be amended. The proposed amendments, to allow office use on the second floor and above Plan Commission Report – Case PCl3 -08 December 512013 only, are a common type of land use reguiation in successful downtown areas across the country. Further, several surrounding communities including Evanston, Glenview and Park Ridge have downtown districts which include zoning regulations which promote pedestrian oriented businesses on the ground floor and office uses on the second Hoar and above. Commissioner Shimanski asked how many impacted office businesses exist on the ground floor in the C/R Commercial /Residential district. \11s. Radzevich responded that Mr. krgumedo found that there are seven existing ground floor office uses within the C/P, District. Under the proposed text amendment, these existing offices uses would become legal non - conforming and would be allowed to continue in operation as previously noted Commissioner Blonz asked for clarincation on the amendments to the code and asked Staff to provide an exhibit showing the 'marked up" text in the C, /R District use table, which staff agreed to provide. Public Heahnc —Board Discussion- D�' Chairperson Parkas suggested case PC November 18, 2013 to allow staff Commissioner Bionz's recommendaton Iber 21, 2013 I learinc 3 -08 be continued to the next Plan Commission hearing on to draft specific text amendment language based on Commissioner Blonz made a motion to continue case PI'M -06 to the next P;an Commission meeting November IS, 2013. Commissioner Gabriel seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously continued the case to the November IS 2013 men'ing. Public Hear Inc'- Stai`i Oval view - November 1Sr 2 ^' 3 i'"`.earina Dominick uraumedo, Zoning .4dm'Inistramr /Land -Use Planner, reviewed the discussion from the October r1 2 3 hr °adng. He provided a brief" overview of `Lee proposed amendments and trier' purpose. He noted the Commission ' lad received updated Information in their pad<ets, speeincahy B reclined" version of the section of the C/R Distrl' use tadle related to this Droxised modification. V;`. Argumedo rioted that slnCe the Octcbhe`." meeting, sta.` has riad seveiai conversations w.tr existing ofrfce businesses In the CR District. t0 explain their rights should their busine. -, I?eComc legal non - conforming uses. Staff also provided copies of that section of the code e,miaining lega nor.- conrorming status to two prope-cY owne "= Oi °xlsilriG o7ice buildings. Public. !- tearin —aggro Comment% I,nQIIirV- iVO \ /emr?er i ��^,. 20' ? Hearinn Chairperson Farkas asked if there was any discussion. Commissioner Gillespie asked if sta could remind the Commission how many existing businesses jr. the CR Commercial /Residential d!srr'- would be afie_cted by the proposed amendments, Mr, nrQ_umedo�responded teat biased on his own Walking tour Of the area, there are seven JCiSting. graU rid floor of11C2 L'S25. `UbIIC Hea rind— !�ubIIC COmmeni- November IR 2:,i 1.''� Hearing Chairperson Farkas asked if there was anyone present that wanted to be heard on this petition. Mi . Roy Diamond stated he owns Malko Electric at 6200 Lincoln ?,venue and has been operating a- 0 IOL IOCatior for over 40 ycar5., M,, Diamond now see KS to sell hi i5 urOD °r i:/ and the DI "obo' >ed Plan Commission R °Dort - Case PCl3 -O8 December 5, 2013 amendments before the Commission have been hindering the potential sale of his property. Mr. Diamond stated he had a perspective buyer, another contractor who would move his office from Niies, who backed out of purchasing 6200 Lincoln Avenue due to the proposed text amendment. He thanked staff for providing a memorandum explaining the property would be a legal non- conforming use and he had forwarded that to the perspective buyer in an effort to rekindle the sale. Even wiI the additional informa on, the perspective buyer, however, has rese vations about buying this property if office uses were to become legal, non - forming uses. Mr. Diamond asked if existing office uses could be "grandfathered" instead. Chairperson Parkas asked Mr. Diamond if his business also being sold. Mr. Diamond stated that the business would continue in Skokie and that Mr. Diamond would remain at the Morton Grove location until the building is sold. M iir. Roy Okiaawa, real estate broker from Chicagoland Commercial Property, who is involved in the potential sale of 6200 Dempster property explained the 6200 Lincoln Avenue building does not have a viable second floor- as such, the only usable space for office use is on the ground floor. Chairperson, Farkas asked if there was anyone else present that wanted to be heard. There was no response. Ms. Radzevich noted that the majority of the businesses impacted by the proposed text amendments are located east of Fernald Avenue, which is the eastern portion of the CP. District and likely will not be in the "heart" of the downtown. As such, given their location, she believes allowing those existing first floor offices tc remain would not adversely impact the Villages goals for establishing a downtown In the CR District. She noted that she consulted with C..orooraUon Counsel as to the best way to allow for these existing uses to be protected use.,, either through a geographlC reverence or throuor a tempOrai footnote_ to the te::t amendment. one and Corporation Counsel concurred that the temporal approach, which would establish a "sta- date" for the text amenament, would be better. Ms. Radzevich suggested that the text amendment language could read that any offices that are in ex tstence prior to the adoption of this Ordinance would be considered Dermitted US°S. j his would be Included as a footnote_ to the use Chart, and could pCsslbly Identify the propemf addreSses. Chairperson `ark =S asked if there was anyone that wanted to be heard on the charrge> to the P, oposed text amendment. No one asked to speak. - Public Hearing —Board Discussion and Vote- November 18 n01° Hearing Chairperson Farkas called for motion to approve Case PC13 -Q8. Comm!ssloner Gabr1d moved to recommend approval of CaSc P: r`%Os, repuns— for a teki amendment to modify Section I2 -z'-,-3 -D of the Village of Morton Grove Unified Development Code (Ordinance 0' -07) such that "Offices- business, contractor, professional and public° and "MediCai and dental offices /clinics (including laboratories as accessory use)" shall be permitted on the second floor or above within the C/R Commercial Residential District effeCPve the date of adoption by the Village Board, and that ground floor office uses, legally in existence prior to the adoption of this ordinance, shall be considered permitted Lases. Plan Commission Repo- -Case PCi3_08 December 5, 2013 Commissioner Dorgan seconded the motion. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the text amendment, as follows: Commissioner Gillespie voting Ave Commissioner Khan voting Aye Commissioner Shimanski voting Absent Commissioner Dorgan voting Aye Commissioner Gabriel voting Ave Commissioner Blonz voting Ave Chairperson Farkas voting Aye Proposed Text Amendment (Iviodified per tree Plan Commission recommendation) 1 Ground floor office uses legally in existence, prior to January XX, 2014, the adoption date of Ordinance #XX -;,X, shall be permirred uses within the C /i2 District.