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Budget 2006 - Adopted
Village of&lorton grove OF Office of the Village Administrator MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Richard T. 'Crier, Village President and Board of Trustees FROM: Joseph F. Wade, Village Administrator DATE: December 15, 2005 RE: Adopted Calendar Year 2006 Budget Transmittal Letter This correspondence serves as an overview of the Adopted Budget for Calendar Year 2006 and is provided to the Mayor and Board of Trustees as a planning and guidance tool for Village operations. The document, as prepared, follows the same formatting and organization as used in prior years. The Transmittal Letter provides an overview of the budget document noting significant budget changes with summaries for each of the funds. Also included in the Transmittal Letter are several charts and graphs to assist in understanding the Adopted Budget. Following the Transmittal Letter there are detailed tabs for all of the departments and activities �.. which comprise the General Fund, followed by tabs for each of the remaining funds which together comprise the total budget document. Also, attached is the Budget Summary, Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, and the Appendix section which provides background information about Village operations. This year's budget contains three areas of significant increase. These are: 1. Budgeted pension contributions to the three pension (Police, Fire and General) funds increased by over$ 800,000. 2. Budgeted legal expenses have increased by$270,000 for 2006, due to the negotiation of three and possibly four collective bargaining agreements with organized labor groups. This represents negotiations with fire and police personnel along with public works mechanics and possibly police sergeants. Legal expenses for collective bargaining can be difficult to anticipate because at this point it can not be determined how long the process will take. 3. Annual increases for health insurance, salaries and capital improvement requirements also represent a primary source of increase to this year's budget. Together, these factors have required evaluation of several revenue sources to support the General Fund this year as will be discussed in greater detail on the next few pages. In the General Fund, Sales Tax, Income Tax, Telecommunications Tax, along with other revenue L... sources are coming in much stronger than budgeted for in 2005. The Village also diverted Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center 6101 Capulina :Avenue • Morton Grove. Illinois 60053-2985 ifl Tel: (8471 965-4100 • TDD (847) 470-5249 • Fax: (847) 965-4162 $250,000 from the Debt Service Fund for 2005 to help balance the General Fund. As a result of development within the Village's Lehigh Ferris TIF and other development within the Village, revenue items such as Building Permits and Real Estate Transfer Taxes are also exceeding budgeted amounts; however, this trend may not continue in 2006 as large projects are completed. A reduction in certain General Fund expenditures has also contributed to the projected 2005 surplus. In 2005, several key staff positions remained vacant for most or all of the calendar year reducing payroll expenses in certain departments. Also, the contribution for liability insurance to IRMA (self insurance pool) came in below budget as a result of the Village's liability experience. The Village's health insurance expense reflects a 15% increase for the 2006 budget. Based on the previously mentioned items, the 2005 General Fund is projected to have a surplus of approximately $840,000 rather than the originally anticipated S501,000 deficit. These figures are based on actual receipts received through September with the rest of the year being projected based on historical trends. Any unexpected changes in revenues or expenses will cause variances between these figures and actual year end amounts. SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES There were several changes in the preparation of the budget this year which are itemized as follows: Fund Balance Utilization 1. In 2005, $250,000 was not transferred to the Debt Service Fund to assist in balancing the General Fund. The transfer to the Debt Service Fund has been reinstated to its full amount for the 2006 budget to eliminate further reduction of fund balance in the Debt Service Fund. 2. The following funds currently require a reduction of their fund balance in order to balance the 2006 budget: a. Lehigh Ferris TIF Fund (155,707) b. Debt Service Fund ( 39,316) Note: 2005 TIF Property Tax Increment receipts were stronger than budgeted for in 2005. Significant Budget Changes from Proposed to Adopted Budget 1. The resident paid portion to SWANCC tipping fees has been eliminated. This increased the budget deficit by $177,773. 2. The Solid Waste Assistance Program was increased from $30,000 to $50,000. 3. The employer contribution to the Police and Fire Pensions was increased by an additional $50,000 to each plan. II 4. The amount budgeted for Police Department renovations was increased from $100,000 to $120,000 to provide for interior painting. 5. The projected health claims expenses for health insurance was increased to reflect the actual 15% increase instead of the proposed 10% increase. This resulted in an increase of about$95,000. 6. The Local MFT tax was increased from $.Ol to $02 per gallon. This will bring in an estimated additional $160,000. 7. The Village's portion of the Property Tax levied to homeowners will increase 20% from the prior year. In recent years, the increase was at 5%. Without an increase in property tax, the Village would be in a deficit situation and be required to utilize its fund balance to pay typical operating expenses, or reduce service levels The Village's current fund balance can only cover approximately four months of employee wages (excluding all other necessary expenditures). The Adopted Budget includes property tax and gasoline tax increases. Redevelopment Efforts Contained in the Adopted Budget to Stimulate the Community 1. Redevelopment along the Dempster Street Corridor is expected to continue in 2006 with design and engineering work to assist planned improvements to the roadway. This project will include the addition of a center turning lane to promote better safety and traffic flow. The project also involves the construction of off-street parking lots to replace street parking. Progress on this project will be dependant on the receipt of State and Federal funding. If the grants are not received, the corresponding expenditures in the Capital Projects fund will not be spent. 2. Work in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District will resume in 2006. With the development of the Framework Plan by staff and the Subarea Development Team, we anticipate additional development, infrastructure enhancements and designed progress in the subarea. It should be noted, TIF incremental revenues and a planned TIF Bond which are restricted for use within the redevelopment area along with various grants and private development will pay for the planned improvements within the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. (This area intentionally left blank) III Summary of Appropriations and Prior Year Comparison Calendar Year 2006 Adopted Adopted $ % Budget Budget Change From Change From Fund CY 2006 CY 2005 Prior Year Prior Year General Corporate 21,505,758 19,618,980 1,886,778 9.62% Motor Fuel 658,814 644,000 14,814 2.30% Enhanced 911 225,251 252,065 (26,814) -10.64% Library 22,986 19,159 3,827 19.97% General Employee Pension - 272,024 (272,024) -100.00% Commuter Parking 132,495 121,645 10,850 8.92% Debt Service 1,623,157 1,788,711 (165,554) -9.26% Sub-Total Operating Funds 24,168,461 22,716,584 1,451,877 6.39° TIF - Lehigh/Ferris 14,015,707 13,472,053 543,654 4.04% Economic Development Fund 667,241 738,479 (71,238) -9.65% TIF -Waukegan Road 255,238 166,000 89,238 53.76% Capital Projects 1,392,697 717,501 675,196 94.10% Enterprise-Water/Sewer 4,144,308 4,125,647 18,661 0.45% C.N.A. Fund 233,000 - 233,000 #DIV/0! --h Firefighter's Pension 1,546,062 1,461,871 84,191 5.76% Police Pension 1,749,181 1,582,765 166,416 10.51% Sub-Total Non-Operating Funds 24,003,434 22,264,316 1,739,118 7.81% Grand Total -All Funds 48,171,895 44,980,900 3,190,995 7.09" IV BUDGET SUMMARY TABLES As in past budgets, several charts and graphs have been included to assist the reader in further understanding this document. Review of Table "A" Review of Table"A"provides a fund-by-fund breakdown of proposed revenues including available fund balances and interfund transfers, as well as anticipated expenditures for the Calendar Year 2006 Budget. Each fund will be discussed in specific detail later in the Transmittal letter. Appropriations for all Operating Funds total $24,168,461. This represents an increase of$1,451,977, or 6.4% from the prior year. The largest reason for this increase is related to the General Fund, which increased $1,886,778 or 9.6%. The General Fund total includes a 15%increase for group health insurance premiums of$250,000, a proposed 3% salary adjustment estimated at $335,000, and an increase for the Police, Fire and General Employee pensions contribution expense of over$800,000 (offset by additional property tax revenue allocated to the General Fund), and an increase of$270,000 for legal services. Table"A"also provides a total for all funds, which in addition to the operating funds includes the Enterprise, Capital Projects, Economic Development, and Police/Fire Pension Funds. These funds may fluctuate greatly from year-to-year depending on the cost of projects allocated for each fiscal period. This year's budget was no exception with the total allocation for non- operating funds at$24,003,434. This is $1,739,118 more than the 2005 non-operating fund budget, due to increases in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Capital Projects, and Police/Fire Pensions. In addition, included under this classification is a new Fund- C.N.A. Pension Fund, which is used for those employees who decided to continue participating in the Village's original General Employee Pension Plan. This Fund has budgeted 2006 expenditures of approximately$233,000. (This area intentionally left blank) V TABLE A SUMMARY OF CALENDAR YEAR 2006 BUDGET GENERAL CORPORATE ...was\ Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures General Corporate 0 7,309,064 13,667,798 528,895 21,505,757 119,127 119,127 Legislative Administration 488.863 488,863 Legal 487,015 487,015 Comm.&Econ.Develop. 136,322 136,322 Finance 1,749,536 83,829 1,833,365 MIS 415.416 415,416 Reserves 406,349 406,349 Police 6,728,094 6,728,094 Fire 6,135,430 6,135,430 Civil Preparedness 11,411 11,411 Streets&Sidewalks 1,785,021 1,785,021 285,570 285,570 Engineering 638,033 636,033 Solid Waste Collection Vehicle Maintenance 685,181 685,181 Family&Senior Services 457,737 457,737 Civic Center 112,329 112,329 Building&Inspectional Serv. 467,714 467,714 Municipal Buildings 314,781 314,781 Total 0 7,309,064 13,667,798 528,895 21,505,757 21,421,929; 83,829 21,505,758 MOTOR FUEL TAX Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Motor Fuel Tax 0 658.814 658.814 Snow Removal 105,000 75,000 180,000 Asphalt Patching 115,814 80,000 195,814 'Th Street Sweeping 80,000 80,000 Catch Basin Cleaning 55,000 55,000 Street Lighting/Traffic Signals 65,000 65,000 Concrete Replacement 48,000 35,000 83,000 Total 0 658,614 658,814 333,814 325,000 658,814 ENHANCED 911 TELEPHONE SYSTEM Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Enhanced 911 0 225,251 225,251 Enhanced 911 225,251 225,251 Total 0 225,251 225,251 225,251 225,251 PUBLIC LIBRARY Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Public Library 22,986 22'986 Public Library 22,986 22,986 Total 22,986 22,986 22,986 22,986 COMMUTER PARKING LOT Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total .-..% Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Commuter Parking -3,505 136,000 132,495 Commuter Parking 33,600 98,895 132,495 Total -3,505 136,000 132,495; 33,600 98,895 132,495 VI TABLE A SUMMARY OF CALENDAR YEAR 2008 BUDGET DEBT SERVICE \__- Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Debt Service 39,316 1,007512 492,500 83,829 1,623,157 Debt Service --_-_ 1,623,157 1,623,157 Total 39,316 1,007,512 492,500 83,829 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,623,157 Sub-Total Operating Funds 35,811 8,318,578 15,203,349 612,724 24,188,480 23,880,737 507,724 24,188,481 TIF FUND-LEHIGH/FERRIS Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance a Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures TIF Fund-Lehigh/Ferris 155,707 1,355,000 12,505,000 14,015,707 TIF Fund-Lehigt/Ferris 14,015,707 14,015,707 Total 155,707 1,355,000 12,505,000 14,015,707 14,015,707 14,015,707 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Economic Development Fund 667,241 667,241 Redevelopment Area"A" 319,085 319,085 Admin 8 General Activities + 348,156 348,158 Total 667,241 667,241 667,241 687,241 TIF FUND-WAUKEGAN ROAD Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures TIF Fund-Waukegan Road 250,238 5,000 255,238 Redevelopment Area"B" + 255,238 255,238 Total 250,238 5,000 255,238 255,238 255,238 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund - Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Capital Projects Fund -846,870 351,226 1,688,341 1,392,697 Local Street Resurfacing 585,118 585,118 Neighborhood Str Lighting 0 Alley Paving 0 Municipal Facilites 35,000 35,000 Municipal-Design/Planning 0 0 Dempster Street Conidor 772,579 772,579 Total -848,870 351,226 1,888,341 1,392,897 1,392,697 1,392,697 ENTERPRISE-WATER&SEWER FUND Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Enterprise Water/Sewer -247,110 4,376,418 15,000 4,144,308 Water 2,710,346 2,710,346 Sewer 889,000 889,000 Admin 8 Overhead , 424,962 120,000 544,962 Total -247,110 4,376,418 15,000 4,144,308 4.024,308 120.000 4,144,308 VII TABLE A SUMMARY OF CALENDAR YEAR 2006 BUDGET .-•%,‘ CNA PENSION FUND Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures C.N.A.Pension -604,217 0 837,217 233,000 C.N.A.Pension 233,000 233,000 Total -604,217 0 837,217 233,000 233,000 233,000 FIREFIGHTER'S PENSION FUND Mailable Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Fire Pension 0 1,546,062 1,546,062 Fire Pension 1,546,062 1,546,062 Total 0 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,546,062 POLICE PENSION FUND Available Property Other Fund Total Anticipated Fund Total Sub-Department Fund Balance Taxes Revenue Transfers Revenues Expenditures Transfers Expenditures Police Pension 0 1,749,181 1,749,181 Police Pension 1,749,181 1,749,181 Total 0 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,749,181 Sub-Total Non Operating Funds -1,342,490 1,956464 23,374,460 15,000 24,003,434 23,883,434 120,000 24,003,434 Grand Total•All Funds 1.306.879 10.273.040 38.577.809 627.724 48.171 894 47.544.171 827.724 48.171.695 VIII Review of Table`B"- General and Enterprise Funds Table`B"provides a more detailed comparison between the Adopted Calendar Year 2005 and the Proposed Calendar Year 2006 Budgets for both General and Enterprise Funds. Table `B" shows the differences not only at the fund level,but also for individual departments and by account classification. This table indicates a General Fund increase of$1,886,778, or 9.6% from the previous year. The increase is primarily due to an increase in the Police, Fire and General Employee pension contribution expense(offset by additional property tax allocated to the General Fund), as well as anticipated salary increases, an increase in health insurance premiums, and higher anticipated legal fess for 2006. The Enterprise Fund portion of Table"B" shows total appropriations of$4,144,308 which is an increase of$9,511 from the previous year. (This area intentionally left blank) IX n � , e m , Ng m gmogg8vo A il m4 5 me g. mmEA R m • ° °I N _ N to P M OPtv•C mmm NINPO N-m000{7-n if LPN ml�l°V lNV Of�nmD��PN nm .N- ° mm ry v. ^'� Rg DVS n"cl, C mR Ni e 1 R� mom o mR o g o m N EE°_ S gL1 8 , , , § ' moEg_ °sA a °s $ mss' 1 g" • NI l dR n A-11 a A 00 iI : :: : n s ms aya 8S ' 8Oe em88 ' ninon :; R: ry c SI 6 Rg 3 $g pi I M -n n a° N mR o _4 ne m 1373i I N n i N m7_ m - y ^� J N E,' 0 o < iwm°• ovono eom ei EH ni a Y�_E$ m - mmmm ry - of N N1 08-2.8 8 RI 8° @m re o R8r:nomrvgs 8immm,o.m"ot8— f HE Ell ma 28. PRVI rn "n NmF° 'Rry RJ n8iry rv� °m y nI N - _ N N pp �(s 3I ( 7 V O R n O m N°ry m N S n O n 2 87-• 1g a 9 ° ry f - Ni M 1 8 X - m' ox x Fimm = o ry -o n n°m n °N fl, re o�, °438 ° mr yyP V 1 vr 4 m i o v - e n I m "I 1 I w I C r em 0 n e�v m nm tmo in vv I Th 2 a c 2 4 s •2 n • - may° •+ P c 4 ° °N - q c w e c e c R a ee'' `o Q a r V E 1- V • O • V• ° V i e a °m“Z T • .m - O O i O `e O • c _c_ E °u n y^ °c y-•°>U a°c i s e g c ° o "0'g ° o m Ern o °c m r y E s E °-t a g ° - E g • e w g c o °-e!laf ld-Oviw`m°>•1om� a`u w 3m$ ..(0 o <o X Review of Table"C-1"through "C-4" Real Estate Taxes Tables "C-1"to "C-4"provide detailed historical information regarding the Village's property tax levies, as well as, a breakdown of the 2004 property tax bill (paid in 2005) for Morton Grove residents in Niles and Maine Townships. Table"C-l"is a summary of the annual property tax levy from 2001 to 2004 and includes the proposed levy for 2005 (payable in 2006). The total Village levy for 2005 is $8,667,802. This is an increase of$1,444,633 or 20% from the prior year's levy. This increase is necessary to help fund the unfunded liability in both the Police and Fire Pension Funds, as well as to support general Village operations. To place this tax increase in context, for a market home value of $350,000-$375,000, this property tax increase equates to an estimated annual additional cost to the homeowner of approximately$170 per year. Table"C-2" compares the Village's actual property tax levy from 1994 to present with a hypothetical levy if the Village had adjusted the levy to keep pace with the consumer price index. This table is included to compare the Village, a home-rule community, to non-home rule jurisdictions which State statute mandates utilize the lesser of either the consumer price index or a 5% annual cap as the basis for restricting growth in property tax levies. Please note that the Village's actual levy remained below the CPI (Consumer Price Index) for several years, but in recent years the gap between the two reversed. Cumulatively, as of the end of Calendar Year 2005,if the CPI and the Village's tax levies were increased at the same rate during the years of tabulation, the Village would have received an additional $1,556,564 in property tax revenue since 1993. Tables "C-3" and"C-4" show the breakdown of property taxes allocated for Morton Grove residents in Niles and Maine Townships from an estimated 2004 tax bill. The percentage of total property taxes paid to the Village in Niles Township is estimated at 13.03%, and the percentage allocated to the Village in Maine Township is estimated at 13.66% of the total tax bill paid by property owners. (This area intentionally left blank) XI N L O L O O O M O M V e C A LONLONOO LO M CO V' LO 'Tr 'T- CO CO LO O) O O CO N CO 7 COO. .� M Ni CD O LO LO O) r O CO V r 3:>.o O) M M O) N N O O) O co 63 haa p O O N LO r r N W N N -i`N r r W O wt<\ � (O as`. Co NYLL o O t as `a" r Coo LO MN V 0 •V LOo � LO CO co N N. M to cm NnC m x M M V W CO M V LO O N O :ks N M CO cd l N. r O O O N f. r X O CD > p O) M V O) O V N 0) r co f!f So O O N LO M N LO 0 Co r CD V a, N V r O N CO LO m 'm0 N Da_ co 5 2 a` 4:° w m 0 �� o IC CO IO O O O a in a e LO > $ O CO CD 1- O LO N- N 0 N. CO CO m CA W M CO N O r N r M 0 m m -O r r co- Co O) M N- O O O r p W '.,o Co LO CO O CO CO CO O N- 0) ' Cfl C U V O N M M M CO r O) N- m C C y �N r CG N O N m D to _ c -°o U =Cn a m IN CD 0 CD - a M LO o r a) r O N e O �_ V .0`.`3 M M O O CO N- CO LO - m Cq a fi` V N O LO O N. M I.- CA > -O 0 L ;�`:C CT V LO V M M co O V O m 'O > F- LO LO 1- M N N- 0) N. r O a CO m N co o r e N r M F- C o Lb r 0) g o J• t i N. a m o r co L E x K �, m > as CO O:e V N l CO ' ' N CO LO r C O Q R Ks# (O r N O O O) CO O O I% _0 O) SS O LO N CO CO V O O V' y m 0 C V t.+ in * O O O Lf) CCD CO V CCD r r 7 OS .c C m m i� Il.l d p xh0 co o co Co N a CO m J O. p rt.N N r CO N O CO E C m CO O N 5*. r LU O 2 2 ;C 0_ :0.us aJ `m o @ r e e e e e e m . . L 0 '0 La C o r V 0 O O Ln F- A U m > C N )- Divci LU o 14) co x m C 4 Q. e N O N r m 5 C O E e 6 o C tL m co w a. LL F- a ccs m > 03 D .0 C co M O LO M N LO m > CO E C6 0 N 0 N 0 CCOO N E 0 EC V 7 U y O C D O CO CO v n r V CO M v 0 LO 0 > C a 0 m Cl) CO '- r LO cc O V r r r a) O. O e 7 O N n j 0 e L.. —a m O �- r co o C 3 m m 0 C RI W w 3 V as m = a O m o U -D Q f q V m m } b3 m e U> CD m iJ o6 m m o m m a a :N O m m m m m y O N O > C - mw2 - O. O0 O m . > m 0 U E a m m < m X , 0 m CL m m m N co 7- a >. -m mtm o m L CL 'N m m O L U 2 m u on 0_ I c ca c o_ m -° , c m m m m o a Q o - v CO XII V O 0 n cN N 0) LU • kaa.a.csaatagsamaaystancefeaS 1/4-4.ablialcatatana::-.ASItS: --k e --V"`:-,-, °.`. S `U.`§ O w 0 oNntp. ❑ „ j C G,. . x m m .tau. [7 w' N da. e : :-. . ❑ . = m .x •;< - = `- o ,.;• o e e as I • ti""..emu `` :�-'. ❑ U "'�. o ..-; U S-: c in in ci \ _ 3 B f \ \ / Cl) ; 4 � ° $ m k / < g F- 3 . . . . . . ? %n a 6 §6 � --& uoo a co \ f \ \ ti a \ \ & a _ c \ § (_ § § ( J ± / j Z c cp in A - - o ) � L ) _ a - - ) ` N j > 22 o ¥ + ( \ . ƒ % \ ) ] } 0 a , o o 2 / / my M co U c N o a)> Q O N O p Co a+ (J o C c U O h C w C o m C m O E N O M( CO cf) — CO o Q V — O L n� lii TS Q v o CO t6 ;� Illc9 ;: .c 0 o a C 0 'm 0 0 0 0 N 0 CO• CD H C o N • Q O i Tables "D-1" and "D-2"illustrate total revenues and expenditures for all Village Funds for the Calendar Year 2006 Budget. General Fund expenditures for 2006 account for 41.7% of the total budget for the Village. This is consistent with the previous year. Property taxes are the Village's largest revenue source, followed by sales taxes. Other major sources of revenue include license and permit fee revenue, as well as income, electric utility, and telecommunications tax revenues. An increase in the water/sewer rates is necessary to keep pace with the increased cost to purchase water from the City of Chicago. Additionally, the Village must begin building up fund balance in the Water Fund for future projects and/or emergency purposes. Table"D-3" and "D-4"illustrate budgeted revenues and expenditures for the General Fund for the Calendar Year 2005 Budget. The top two sources of revenue for the General Fund are Sales Taxes ($5,140,238) and Property Taxes ($7,309.064). Total expenditures for the General Fund increased approximately$1,886,778. The reason for this increase was previously explained under the Review of Table"A" section of this letter. (This area intentionally left blank) XVI O o o • N rn v Lo v ( k 7 C 69 N 0 H m m m O m m D O N Tr O) C p m O o N O U 7 OC C m m W f9 a m W 1:13 > m m O 1 \\V\ \b\A\e�� y \ee� W_ '(1:3 03 IS - \ \o a \ \ s\ \V r Q �• to IL 0 J E 673 03 C I CD Ce O F C5 o m w a 7 co ea H r co U 69 U N m W N 'C 0 y C H a E J o p G C a V ma r LL r `m » L O XVII c N r N O Let N 69 C N LL 49 l0 9 C C J O LL N F- > 0 LL r O In o r) N N- a) ro a N o, O n C 7 LL > O U a 2 O > LL N N d to 0 W 0 o c a LL ra . A . u_ , u,— a Q U c 0 m d `� _N p E S t p O N F C > co Q H 0 69 X 0 o W LL E o to c R o 0 >• M w T o CO m y O n M N •cr CO O r a t < c O s i € 0) O U U) LL C > > y C O n C N > L > V L7 C I - 06 0 > O a XVIII p o 2 o 4. o 2 0 0 o oi O o M 8 �% 0 N F F- y 0 `m °u co E 2 LL C a` e \ 0 4 co 0 \ \ :�\'� \\�� \ o N '6 �\ \\ u LLto L d a� �\. \ \\ \ o W in (0 m N 1- c 7 N_ Nd w N R E r, .. O a g > 1 _ F r3 N C 1 m a J 1 1* P �e p N O O m 2 N Fm- N a N to% N m 11 o ti m F W o FA m m m c # 0 0) N m` 0 EC C I 0 t0 I—m C \ 3 V L m 0= XIX ci ui 06 E ( ) & \ kj \ - < . : . : « » ' § « \ \ :� \ . � yy , : it . } ) «6 0 . $ : / . : - . ... ] f . d § ? < t . °: CO « '- A\ / & we ( 0 w ! ) \\ 5 N. wc co N - \ > rei CT 0 Er / CO nr k k fno ci- & o w ; } i ; rrLU / 05 cn / Review of Table "E" Table"E"provides additional information about projected beginning and ending fund balances for the Calendar Year 2006 Budget period. The list of funds in Table "E"is separated into operating and non-operating funds as they are in Table"A". The expenses and revenues are projected, at the conclusion of the year based on the information available at the time the budget is prepared. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which will be audited by an independent accounting firm, will incorporate the final actual fund balances for this calendar year. While it is not anticipated there will be major deviations from the projected balances incorporated in Table"E", revenues and/or expenditures may fluctuate more than anticipated during the year which may impact final balances. (This area intentionally left blank) XXI ' , ! l 0 'm Ia 10 O I i N A IW 51-$:o irilrn r r i0 v o m 0 ° Imlni°1"li 1^ .7, I I I 1 -01 1 IN i I ! a � 1 1 LL! I !. • 061m n1�,1R1 NIh Q W7,3-101010 I ',n cm!cm_y e.N N N!co in N M I N c .0 I r C O 3 U m m m .�..,m�,0 Nim N �lm III LL m 'LI o 3lcm!al N 'llr IIH I� u $ EI ,2 o x o 8 !lulu_ I I Nh N m r I Ala cl I « m n < N o r- 1,001.51 l w 'yJ G� 1�° El:N ass, NIIcs lQ m',mI 1 ''nitl m1�. aN 1010,013-1 I1 v n F! m m I 01 WI.m,,..16 ,NI N n i6 cI 'N 1 > Iw m Q QI1 a -; m D 0 C I N 'I'L a, =I>' w }l1 ! cal �1'ai Io 'el m m a' óc m m I ',0 'NIA N o w t0 0 S,u o > a $�iro1, m 'Ir m n o 0 m c m,c 1 t Im. '1 $ m'i 010 INIm NIN l7 T > m:._ j 10 m I l ElW N HI1m IN1IN b O m,6 U ICI O, c almr 1 't4 9'I� Oc'I ml� "m ml 'm c, o 111011 'N IT°�IIB ml ml I$ a m, I •w'� I�.LL 'rn c�� 3, E �'m £I .-J t m 1 a tp a 3 w D I ' 512 1-0! I L.-1 :op 1 .-m M.m 1''N c.� of 0_:!- C' 3 c m cI 'I. IIL'I CIC 1G JIO in LL a1 9 16 C U m' 0 co 0..„2 m 'I m !y ° m o1 W W LLI 111 1 1¢1 1 1 11 m1 c QI � m,`m I`m1 I J t ml. , - Im c1-m > ^1-',m C m,_I= cop c I I omm °Irn r°v '^ Irr. 'E'm !IO ILLLL � ''.m H y 0.! 1 ImIN ¢i Ii0.1 AIM < O Ha:0Ir 01"' ,.c c c �j 0,0 N N NIN a c ItA > >IL m1� Im EIm _�' I2Oi 013'0 ; mN � N w m. w m $ m 1a f,LLlm r id, 'IH ciGi3 c E a m1 Im u Iml "0 `s I 1 11 m ,`mr >. 8 I m a's °1 1E I , I � ' I it'11EI,m 1° ��'.�«1m a E ■ 01'1, =, 1' 0 0i' 0 HT), p I m a 12 I 81 Im NI ! m m c vii n FaF alt_ >'a (s)!0; o,. lw aim \ °m w SI'1�1'S 21, rd £ m'. n yLL'm �. 1 Q yl ❑ C p HI 8.-a 1 ,�;I !101 dU m,'-O m 3 c� m m'. `m O I II 'Im0ONIN W 0U'.� ` IL 13 a!E I V h Q rn to U -m C O 10_12, a 1 "2 c 'O' U C 01 W N N I O m (s m I'm m 0 a .E OI' J 01��` N � N 10 � 5,� � "> ,a O ? 1 ' O'ILL ml!V -161.- O Im U IU I 11 :LA CI, 1 w c1m C!0 Ac 0IEI 1.y p I j m _ m w Z 1 IE m'jm Imp', rd Itl of ml —,C9 I 1 0 0. 0 I o10 0 X101 :12 Iml0 `�I N ,V,!2.1 IOI I,51 pi I i 1 10 0''5.1 1'01011 � V � INI < 1 1. 1 I- -$ BI_ E m c a z -IA: 03E c a • mLL ml a m $.VFW 4',1) aF- c i�•O , 'El Imo m ma o 2 m m 'm i .6 al c Iatf E� ° cn ci L1 11 co11 it ci 0 �' mi c ' ml m� 11 ' a !, c ml a'210:01 1 cal m 'CO 1 2 0 m c c m b1 1_0!9i 0I 'a _ 1 m Elmg m'i. IF`m I c W f I ',, rn LL u 0 m.'"�+ a-mo 1 r w I ILL 1. z! ;J.18 ! 1 F- I m a. m 01 I,m 4.,,,_°!-, m �� a' 0'LL U E m 0:0! N 0:> >I c Q t.Elul I 1H'FF---'� 'IH1a H o!). II- ' F 1 XXII 1 101 I I00 m■N'i0.•1 h IN. In I ' C U O IfDIN MIN ojN!00> m 111- 10 I m' 0 ICI r-.101101. m 10i1 I m iS i • ol'I0 $ a 18 g ° N m�rnllrn 41 'a .'l a 'LL � 'v I I I 1 1 0f m ��10 In,m OINI m O I ' Im O.O '41,131,92;8- C' 'W h m 0 IN- O I,- {my obit I O O'r 0IO NI'in_ A m O m 0140 0 Ic 39 F fV j.1 11 �� v '1.- r Iri m a a b OI I E' m m a O N Q L III g m,LI 0 LI W 1i 1w c-1' I"II �'Iyl Ill p n 0 niml0 N m 0 O 2'm h6 1313 'JI .51 0O IO10 N 40114001 OIm IF' m ti CI'-0 'L =1 ' m I ( 0I0�1'm 0 O N m m V MFCIV r0 V 1 =1 "-I ° 1 1140 IO ml jN §-H9 O.- mn 1Nj ZOh co 10 ILL c ~'¢1 nlb `..4 I� N a IIO'I I� m: i IEI 1140 IQi a.c 21 4' li�l o n m!co!g1 c' a ;u I0 lolo P m1N. N CO IC' O.C1 0' 1� N 0 :Cr 0000 .-!� CO CO ;CO a m Et t 1 401 m O;O NIILO <,N O Ito N p1 O U 4011-' ! `a Im•5 W O N!.b co 40 W!Ml< V !Q jN pC'' 3 3 '10 co,1 co ' oil L N IoIr o o VI.0Ii0 P .N :C1 0 0 0 C O L I I I c N V lie '10) L "' . 5..0 1V1 F 1m:W''�I � I� � N + ° ° ° 1 ° l0'o 8 LI : 'LL ! LL 0,401 0�., 1 401 p, Q m 1 _0 U. ( m., m -8H ,I1 m I-p ^ o O � ' O W 0L0 m'O 01 -C a1 '-OO 101 j� 1c° 'lV IS R. i alt O ° O 0 a U c ILLIC L L 4010 Ii° 10 111(Op 1 p m }1� 0 U J1 T'N O m a N VS-ILL LL��°101r 1 j'r1 C 3:0: �Im 1:0,CL o �' `FO p c m 1401 c. c tur c t 11¢1 I 1 1 1 I^ w a-mi m!. -o 01140 0 2101 . I I 1 J m nt of ='S ,p'.'�m p; 6 N`O 140 N.C) � r A N L LL'0 o m Ni01�1m Wcin:d' 17 m "22 mL 101>I I" 0 co co cO Cl a c010_,m m a p� m m d J �I m 1„1 0 Of h N i oil l vi= o W mil-I m 11 b 0.i 0 m' a CL � -0 LL11im o I�Im mI°1� nia vi Iim co_ �'ol�l cl10 181b ignio Itio I Iml0 I i N ;n In 1C 2 W EI 1 w Q 1 �1,3 TI m m m ILM r a v,w Im o• f El Em i . I m m -$ 0-F . l 0 S°.I a I y�1 m ° n 1 IM CO I m O,,m .01 I CI �L m a �. c a 1 • a nIm 91 1 J, 1 es, min 1540 °. °�'� m � a 1 !a CO o 40140 Ei a31c ml0 I I I-°ILLIm m 405 '' 1-0 c LjILINI 'p0.IL 1 I 11 1 lm �Io51 ' m iIc�' � : N O NIC) V h PM m m L C c 0 ml I C IN..o h O) f10 O 1C Y 40 0 J a ml ml N. 21 Imio 11a11� o rliumi'.olooi IN W le c;c111E '.. E1 c'A:0 '�'£ i C1119110 Naa, Oh o10 ,co Ih la-04 m ▪ a1m 0 a 315 1^I.ol a1w1 a . m1.a m' a m m m, o 0 Ica © 1 1 n�m,N vo w cm's 2'10 oc 401 ImIl a al c I J L L a.` Lr W H1. 1,12 w: . 1 I �9 U T: 1 I m TI Q C) 0. m 1i J. L.- m ICJ-3 mlm1 r m I c, G I 0 Im1LL1 L -Im a 17 :$. J U'N1L m af9 6 3 :t c°'U. c 1tY 1 _ tY p,O,m 4040 U pC O1X °: 21- 0 0�a ° m � 4010 al 1 C Q 81 C;V L__O IQ 1C FD L,„H c IEI ml 3'I w'E ° c >1.9.1O a'm p v c :-c He Im n clo YVW m :a mj•-Is 1 Z• I LLII 01EK131 11 ' L n 1 0' 0, It 40 0. 31 0a =I m Ur 1.10. I cil 0.1�1 C. L Y 110 401010 I L E,�..m d mO mT Ci�:. 8 Vm I la. i wl1 RIU a NLL.5 01 '=1 LL ' EFCo 1 a-�I 140dim 11i,1c 0 11 1�3' o5 mlQ a m Ls' ''o H' , g.a cg-' cal 1e 3'rl slm•�iiOj i �Ila1 � ma ml?I``m o '� .� i0 1m ~'I m: a1 a. Ia '.zl . 1 I IR-IR-!WIO 31o.ii_ a 1 1 , :`?, i ! ''I'nl XXIII NARRATIVE REVIEW OF EACH FUND "1 General Fund There will be increases in certain expenses for calendar year 2006 which are key components of Village operations such as health care/insurance expenses, Police and Fire Pension Fund contributions, cost-of-living increases for salaries, etc. In order to balance the General Fund, it is proposed the Village increase its property tax levy by 20%rather than 5% as in previous years. The Local Motor Fuel Tax increase is from $.01 to $.02 per gallon. The resident portion of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County(SWANCC) disposal fee has been assumed by the Village in the amount of$177,000. Motor Fuel Tax Fund This Fund accounts for street maintenance supported by the State Motor Fuel Tax. Using estimates provided by the Illinois Municipal League,the Village expects to receive approximately$29.30 per capita($658,000) in 2006. This is consistent with the prior year of $28.64 per capita amount distributed to the Village during 2005. E9-1-1 Telephone System The E-911 budget has been consolidated to account for the move to Central Dispatch. The only appropriations in this Fund are payments to Ameritech for line charges and the portion of the •—■ charges for Central Dispatch that can be supported by the E911 surcharge revenue. The total appropriation for Central Dispatch is approximately$722,000. This Fund covers $225,251 of this cost and the remaining balance is appropriated to the Police Department budget found in the General Fund. Library Fund This Fund is used to record the transfer of the Personal Property Replacement Tax to the Morton Grove Library as provided for in the past. The amount of the transfer for Calendar Year 2006 was increased to $22,986 based on the tax expected to be received by the Village. The Library will continue to prepare a separate budget, including a property tax levy, which will be included in the fmal Budget Ordinance and Tax Levy Ordinance approved by the Village Board. Commuter Parking Lot Fund Appropriations for this fund increased $10,850 from the prior year primarily due to increased construction services and/or maintenance costs. In order to fund increasing costs and build up additional fund balance for future projects,the daily parking rate will be increased by $.50 to $1.75 per car per day. A $.15 per day discount will continue to be offered to those utilizing the Metra debit cards to pay for parking. XXIV Debt Service Fund The Debt Service Fund includes appropriations necessary to meet the Village's annual principal and interest payments to be made with general operating revenues. The budget for the fund for Calendar Year 2006 is $1,623,157. This is a decrease of$165,554 from the prior year due to the payoff of some installment loans. Lehigh/Ferris TIF Fund This fund includes appropriations needed to fund redevelopment activities for the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. Several redevelopment projects are expected to begin during 2006. It is probable that support of this effort will require a TIF bond. Repayment of the bond will be paid from TIF incremental revenues. Economic Development Fund The Economic Development Fund budget decreased by approximately$71,000 from the prior year due to a lesser amount of Waukegan debt payments being allocated to this Fund. Waukegan Road TIF Fund The only appropriations needed in Calendar Year 2006 are for debt service payments. The debt service is partially supported by the incremental Property Taxes generated by the TIF District. The balance of the debt service payment will be covered by the Economic Development Fund using Sales Tax revenue. As property taxes increase incrementally in future years, a greater portion of the debt service payments will be paid out of the TIF Fund. Capital Projects Fund The budget for the Capital Projects Fund increased $675,196 from the prior year. Federal grants totaling $1,518,579 are anticipated, although this is not certain. If the grants are not received or only partially received, projects costs will be lowered or eliminated in order to match expenditures to revenues available. Water and Sewer Fund The total Calendar Year 2006 budget for this fund is $4,144,308 which includes a 5% water and sewer rate increase. Included in this budget is $247,000 of budgeted surplus revenues which will be rolled into fund balance for future anticipated projects. Police, Firefighters' and C.N.A. Pension Funds Both the police and fire pension funds require an increase in the contributed tax levy from the General Fund based on the actuarial recommendation to fund each plan. Also, an additional amount of the tax levy is necessary to pay down the unfunded liability that exists in both the Police and Fire Pension Plans. Recently, the General Employee Pension Fund was eliminated XXV and a new fund entitled C.N.A. Pension Fund has been created. This Fund serves basically the same purpose as the old General Employee Pension Fund, except we now record the assets and liabilities of the fund using the same method as the Police and Fire Pension Funds. In the future, the amount of the contributed tax levy required for all three pensions will largely depend on investment experience, Village contribution level, and the number of beneficiaries. CONCLUSION Through the budget process, the Village Board and staff determined that expenditures could not be further decreased without having a substantial negative impact on the general operations and service levels of the Village. Many expenditures continue to increase due to inflation and other factors and many capital improvements will be necessary to keep the Village's infrastructure in good condition. Health insurance costs continue to rise and wages are increased for cost-of-living to retain current employees and stay competitive in attracting quality new employees. Unfunded pension liabilities/obligations need to be addressed. Based on these factors, the General Fund was balanced for 2006 primarily by increasing the Village's Property Tax Levy by 20% and by increasing the Local Motor Fuel Tax to S.02 per gallon. In reviewing this document, it should be noted in the General Ledger Budget Summary for each section of the budget, there is a 2006 Requested, a 2006 Proposed column, and an Adopted column. The Requested amount reflects the amount desired by department directors. The Proposed amount reflects expenditures that are matched to forecasted revenues and the Adopted total reflects the final amount approved by the Board of Trustees. I would like to thank the Department Directors and their staffs, especially Scot Neukirch, Finance Director and Steve Drazner, Assistant Finance Director for the amount of time and effort devoted to preparation of this year's proposed budget document. A special note of appreciation is also necessary for Executive Secretaries Susan Lattanzi and Marlene Kramaric for their invaluable assistance in the preparation of this document. Respectfully Submitted, Joseph F. Wade Village Administrator XXVI I. _4, ,.... :,.,.. ,...9,- rt.._ ...4.,m.,,,, ....... \--\i3 qu©H © ow LL-_,: pu r:,(' :: DD3u _tig E GENERAL FUND (02) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 17,932,949 $ 16,363,831 $ 15,291,077 License & Permits $ 1,205,200 $ 1,195,332 $ 1,157,687 Fines $ 288,000 $ 294,352 $ 253,663 Charges for Services $ 553,465 $ 567,830 $ 478,228 Grants $ 225,288 $ 175,000 $ 79,915 Investment& Rental $ 157,960 $ 182,394 $ 120,666 Debt Proceeds $ 326,000 $ 285,000 $ - TransfersIn $ 528,895 $ 536,557 $ 526,747 Misc $ 288,000 $ 471,274 $ 395,909 Total $ 21,505,757 $ 20,071,570 $ 18,303,891 Expenses Personal Services $ 13,986,850 $ 13,256,629 $ 12,346,633 Contractual Services $ 5,607,939 $ 4,474,895 $ 4,571,245 Commodities $ 625,642 $ 656,201 $ 601,016 Machinery& Equipment $ 795,148 $ 632,363 $ 157,844 Reserves $ 406,349 $ 96,732 $ 249,495 Transfers Out $ 83,829 $ 112,478 $ 166,891 Total $ 21,505,757 $ 19,229,299 $ 18,093,124 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 842,271 $ 210,767 Opening Fund Balance $ 4,682,302 $ 3,840,031 $ 3,629,264 Ending Fund balance $ 4,682,302 $ 4,682,302 $ 3,840,031 Cash balance at the end of 2004 was $1,664,837. 1 • trt Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 GENERAL FUND REVENUES DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The General Fund is used to account for the day-to-day operations of the Village. The Fund includes the operations of Police&Fire,Public Works, Conununity and Economic Development,Code Enforcement, Municipal Building Maintenance,Family and Senior Services, and General Governmental Functions (Administrative, Legislative,Finance&Legal). Special Village operations which include Water/Sewer, Library, Enhanced 9-1-1 System,Motor Fuel Tax,Police,Fire, and Civilian Pension Programs, Debt Service, Commuter Parking,Capital Projects,Tax Increment Financing(2)and Economic Development are explained in separate fund sections. This is required by generally accepted accounting principles. The balance of this budget summary section will explain the various revenue items in the General Fund. BUDGET COMMENTS The total General Fund revenue increased from$18,803,544 to$20,137,529, an increase of$1,333,985 or 7% from last year's budget. This increase is primarily due to additional property taxes being allocated to the General Fund for Police,Fire and General Employees'Pension employer contributions. Property Taxes 02-00-00-41-1010 Property Tax Income represents the largest source of funding for General Fund Operations.After all the necessary expenditures are reviewed and appropriated and other revenue sources are projected,the Village Board sets the necessary Property Tax Levy.The official Property Tax Levy is approved at the first meeting in December and filed with the County by the last Monday in December.The projected property tax receipts for General Fund Operations for Calendar Year 2006 are based on the 2005 levy. A complete summary of all property tax levies and a related analysis for the various funds including an analysis of the impact to the taxpayer can be found in Tables C and D. Total $7,309,064.00 Real Estate Transfer Tax 02-00-00-41-1030 The Village collects$3 for every$1,000 of real estate sales within its boundaries. Annual revenues will fluctuate based on real estate sales during the course of the year. It is anticipated that real estate sales will remain fairly constant compared to the previous year. Total $634,000.00 Hotel/Motel Tax 02-00-00-41-1040 Projected tax assessed to users of local motels in the Village at 5%of the room rental rates. Total $25,000.00 Telecommunications Tax 02-00-00-41-1050 The Village Board adopted a telecommunications ordinance effective July 15, 1996,to establish clear local guidelines, standards,and time frames for the exercise of local authority with respect to the regulation of telecommunications providers and services.The telecommunications ordinance permitted the Village to 2 rt, Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 manage reasonable access to public rights-of-way for telecommunications purposes on a competitively -� neutral basis. As a result of the implementation of this ordinance,the Village enacted a telecommunications tax ordinance which imposes a 5%tax on all local,intra-state and interstate telecommunications services (phone, fax,modem)which either originate or are received within the corporate limits of the Village. This ordinance creates a level marketplace between cable television firms which already collect and pay a 5% franchise fee and telecommunication companies which compete in similar business enterprises. Total $1,149,000.00 Electric Consumption Tax 02-00-00-41-1055 Beginning September 1, 1999,the Village instituted an electric consumption tax payable from both commercial and residential users. The additional revenue is to be used to support operating expenses in the General Fund Based on a varying tax schedule for usage levels,the estimated total amount to be received in Calendar Year 2006 is$880,000. Total $880,000.00 Gas Use Tax 02-00-00-41-1060 Effective July 2002,the Village instituted a gas use tax payable from both commercial and residential users. The additional revenue is to be used to support operating expenses in the General Fund. The tax is currently set at .02 per therm consumed. Total $295,000.00 Sales Tax 02-00-00-41-2010 Represents total gross sales tax and share of use tax for Calendar Year 2006 less a portion for the payment due School District#67 under that agreement($108,107-see fund 16),a portion due School District#70 under that agreement($48,353-see Fund 16)&an amount due to Charter One Bank for relocation costs ($25,000 -see fund 16). Three economic development agreements with McGrath Acura,Menards, and Osco totaling$166,696 are also supported by sales tax revenue generated by their respected businesses. The Village automatically receives I%of all retail sales within its boundaries as provided by State law. On September 1, 1992, a local option sales tax became effective at a rate of%z%excluding sales of food to be consumed off premises,prescription and non-prescription drugs, and items required to be registered with the State(vehicle purchases). The Village increased the local option sales tax 1/4%effective January 1, 1995 and another 1/4% effective January 1,2004 bringing the total local option sales tax to 1%. The '/<%increase on January 1, 1995 is exclusively for the retirement of debt for public improvements and capital expenditures and is shown separately in the Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. This account also includes $247,000 in use tax shared with the Village which is based on per capita amounts. The local share of state use tax in fiscal year 2006 is estimated at$11.00. Regular and local option sales tax $4,893,238.00 Share of use tax from state distribution $247,000.00 Total $5,140,238.00 Share of State Income Tax 02-00-00-41-2020 Illinois municipalities currently receive 1/10th of all State income tax paid by individuals and corporations. These monies are distributed to municipalities on a per capita basis. Per capita population is 22,451. The 3 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 overall breakdown in the share of income tax includes: Regular Income Tax @ $71.00/per capita $1,594,000 The per capita rate increased from the$64.12 used in the prior year. Total $1,594,000.00 Personal Property Replacement 02-00-00-41-2030 Additional tax charged to corporations which replaced the personal property tax in 1976.These monies are collected by the State and distributed to municipalities based on tax levy information from 1976,the last year there was a personal property tax assessment.The estimate is based on projections supplied by the Illinois Department of Revenue and actual historical tracking. The revenues are allocated to the following five funds: General Fund $290,647 Library 22,986 Capital Projects 29,262 Fire Pension Fund 9 Total $352.555 Total $290,647.00 Gasoline Tax 02-00-00-41-2040 This tax is $.02 per gallon on the retail purchase of motor fuel within Village boundaries. This tax �-' became effective February 1,2004. Total $320,000.00 Food&Beverage Tax 02-00-00-41-2050 This tax is 1%on all prepared food and beverages purchased within Village boundaries. This tax became effective February 1, 2004. Total $275,000.00 Foreign Fire Insurance Tax 02-00-00-41-2055 State statutes provide for a collection of a 2%tax on insurance companies located outside the State of Illinois for fire insurance premiums on property located within the municipality. Total $21,000.00 Engineering Fees 02-00-00-42-1010 Total $38,000.00 4 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Building Permit Fees 02-00-00-42-1020 -''■ Various fees collected for construction or rehabilitation of commercial and residential units throughout the Village. Total $300,000.00 Other Permits 02-00-00-42-1029 Other miscellaneous permit fees collected for various purposes not covered elsewhere(garage sales, etc). Total $1,500.00 Motor Vehicle Licenses 02-00-00-42-1030 Licensing fees collected for registration of all motor vehicles within the corporate boundaries expected to be collected during calendar year. Growth in this revenue source is due to a follow-up mailing to residents who had not responded to the initial mailing. This is a new procedure to ensure all Morton Grove residents maintain a current vehicle sticker. Total $485,000.00 Liquor Licenses 02-00-00-42-1040 Various licensing fees collected from any establishment selling alcoholic beverages within Village limits. There are charges for initial or transfer fees which make up the balance of this account. Total $104,000.00 Business Licenses 02-00-00-42-1050 Licensing fees collected for various business registrations within corporate boundaries. Revenues include various fees for vending devices.Also includes licenses issued to contractors for work to be performed at private locations. Total $175,000.00 Contractor Business Licenses 02-00-00-42-1055 Total $35,000.00 Burglar Fire Alarm Licenses 02-00-00-42-1067 Licensing fees collected for registration of burglar alarm systems by residents or commercial establishments within the Village corporate boundaries.The Village has approximately 900 licenses for this service. Projected revenues include additional late and pro-rated fees collected throughout the calendar year budget. Total $55,000.00 5 t Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Animal Licenses 02-00-00-42-1068 Licensing fees collected for registration of dogs,cats and ferrets within the Village's corporate boundaries. Total $4,100.00 Zoning Variance Fees 02-00-00-42-1080 Fees collected for hearings related to requests for zoning variances. Fees range from$50(residential)to$250 (business&manufacturing)depending on current zoning status. Total $2,100.00 Planning Commission Fees 02-00-00-42-1081 Fees collected for hearings to come before the Planning Commission.Fee is$500 per application. Total $5,500.00 Fines -Parking&Other 02-00-00-43-1010 Fines collected for traffic and other violations processed through the County Circuit Clerk's Office as well as parking fines collected in-house. Total $140,000.00 • - Fines-Moving Violations 02-00-00-43-1015 Total $108,000.00 Fines -Adjudication 02-00-00-43-1020 Total $40,000.00 Copy Machine Income 02-00-00-44-1010 Copying charges for police reports required by such parties as attorneys and insurance companies. Current charge is $5 per report. Total $7,000.00 Alarm Maintenance Fees 02-00-00-44-1020 Miscellaneous fees for the maintenance of alarm circuits in the Village. Total $200.00 6 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Public Works Misc Income 02-00-00-44-1030 Public Works miscellaneous income not accounted for in other account line items. Total $500.00 Sidewalk Replacement Fees 02-00-00-44-1040 Village charge to residents for replacing public sidewalks where the sidewalk crosses the public right-of- way. The Village charges 50% of the projected cost of the project. This partially offsets the expense found in the concrete replacement account (025017-552230)of the Streets and Sidewalks Department. Total $20,000.00 Ambulance User Fees 02-00-00-44-1050 A fee is assessed to any non-resident of the Village who utilizes a Village ambulance. The fees range from $206 to$333 depending on the type of service required Total $329,000.00 Sale of Yard Waste Stickers 02-00-00-44-1060 Represents sale of special stickers to residents who wish to dispose of their yard waste through the Village disposal program instead of utilizing private landscape services or their own composting program. The revenues generated offset the expense found in the yard waste expense account(account 025019-552100)of the Solid Waste Collections Department. The cost of a yard waste sticker is$1.55. Total $85,000.00 Fire Code Enforcement Fees 02-00-00-44-1070 Fees earned for fire code enforcement performed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Total $4,900.00 Social Work Consultation Fees 02-00-00-44-1080 Projected revenues anticipated from resident use of social consultation services. Fees began to be collected in December 1992 and are based on the sliding scale method and a resident's ability to pay for the services. Total $1,500.00 Civic Center Rentals 02-00-00-44-1081 This line item was created in CY2002 to account for room rentals at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center. Senior Citizen Groups,Civic Organizations and private parties will be able to rent space in the Civic Center throughout the week during specified hours of use. The projection was based on current levels of use at the Center. Total $57,000.00 7 • ti, Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Sr. Center Membership Fees 02-00-00-44-1082 This line item was created to account for the Senior Center Membership program. Some of the benefits of an annual membership include: annual subscription to bi-monthly"Seniors in Morton Grove"newsletter,free diabetes screening;free passage on Seniortran bus,priority registration for senior programs and annual "members-only"function. Membership is open to all adults age 50 and older. The fee for membership is $15/525 for an individual resident/non-resident and$20/$35 for a married couple resident/non-resident. Identification cards will be provided with membership. This budget amount is based on current membership levels. Total $6,000.00 Programming& Activity Fees 02-00-00-44-1083 This line item was created in CY2002 to account for senior programming which the Village has taken over from the Park District as part of the Civic Center renovation. The programs to be offered range from one-day and extended trips for seniors to arts&crafts and senior discussion type classes. Except for senior trips,all programs will be scheduled for the Civic Center. The budget projection is based on current programming levels. Total $33,465.00 Non Member Fees 02-00-00-44-1084 This line item was created in CY2002 to account for miscellaneous fees collected from non-member users of senior programs such as Seniortran use and newsletter. Total $200.00 Civic Center Misc Income 02-00-00-44-1085 Miscellaneous fees related to Civic Center use(i.e.,security deposit forfeitures,donations, etc.) Total $1,200.00 Health Screening Fees 02-00-00-44-1086 Total $4,500.00 Advertising Revenue 02-00-00-44-1087 Total $3,000.00 Grants St Reimbursement Police 02-00-00-45-1001 The State allocates a certain sum to be reimbursed to all municipalities for training programs undertaken by police personnel. The actual amount depends on what the total State appropriation is and how many other claims are received from other municipalities. State formula for training grants has been modified to reflect only basic training for newer police officers. As a result,a larger percentage of monies have been going to larger cities with new trainees.Reimbursements are historically distributed in September and October. 8 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $1,000.00 Grants St Reimbursement Fire T 02-00-00-45-1002 Like Police reimbursement for training,the fire reimbursement grant depends on what the State appropriates and what other municipalities and fire protection districts request. Amounts are historically received in September or October. Total $1,000.00 L-uerest Income 02-00-00-46-1010 Projected earnings from monies invested in State Treasurer's Pool(IPTIP)and other bank depositories. Estimate based on current earnings rate on surplus funds available for investment. Total $35,000.00 Interest Undistributed Property 02-00-00464020 State statutes require the county to refund any interest earnings on monies collected but not distributed back to units of local government. Total $0.00 Lease And Rental Income 02-00-00-46-3010 Projected revenues from lease agreements with Steris,Cellular One,and Bus Shelter advertising. Bus Shelter Advertising $7,000.00 Cingular $19,000.00 Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals $26,772.00 Steris $70,188.00 Total $122,960.00 Installment Note Proceeds 02-00-00-47-1010 Total $326,000.00 Transfers From MFT Fund 02-00-00-48-1020 Allocated labor costs performed by Public Works personnel for the following functions in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. The increase reflects services provided for Calendar Year 2005 MFT budget. Snow Removal Asphalt Street Patching Street Sweeping Catch Basin Cleaning Concrete Replacement Total $325,000.00 9 t Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Transfers From Water/Sewer Fun 02-00-00-48-1040 Transfer of monies from Water/Sewer Fund to reimburse General Fund for various personnel and/or other administrative services provided. Total $120,000.00 Transfers From Commuter Parking 02-00-00-48-1050 Allocated costs charged to Commuter Parking Facility Fund to provide labor and administrative support of the commuter parking lot. Detail information on the calculation of the transfer can be found under account 182031-811010. Total $83,895.00 Sale Of Surplus Equipment 02-00-00-49-1010 Projected sale of surplus vehicles and equipment. Total $20,000.00 Cable TV Franchise Fees 02-00-0049-1030 The Village receives a 5%franchise fee for cable television service based on gross revenues collected within the Village corporate boundaries. Projected revenues are based on four quarterly payments made to the Village throughout the entire calendar year budget. Total $180,000.00 Miscellaneous Income 02-00-00-49-1040 Other miscellaneous revenues not covered elsewhere. Total $5,000.00 State Reimb: Maint Traffic Signals 02-00-00-49-4010 Reimbursements from DOT for maintenance charges of certain traffic signals located on state highways within the Village Corporate Boundaries. Total $15,000.00 State Highway Reimbursement 02-00-00-49-4020 Projected revenues to be received from DOT for maintaining various State highways within the Village limits of Morton Grove pursuant to written agreement. Amounts reflect projected monies to be received from IDOT during 2005. Total $68,000.00 10 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 • 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'anal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description = Reouested Proposed Adopted 02 General Corporate 02-00-00 Unassigned R1 Tax Revenue 4,859,357 5,329,650 5,659,433 0.00 41-1010 Property Taxes 0.00 6,168,488 6,225,589 7,309,064 593,146 570,709 450,000 0.00 41-1030 Real Estate Transfer Tax 0.00 634,000 634,000 634,000 15,695 24,956 11,000 0.00 41-1040 Hotel/motel Tax 0.00 . 25,000 25,000 25,000 1,001,149 990,550 1,035,000 0.00 41-1050 Telecommunications Tax 0.00 1,149,000 1,149,000 1,149,000 890,896 878,208 905,000 0.00 41-1055 Electric Consumption Tax 0.00 880,000 880,000 880,000 326,871 299,766 301,000 0.00 41-1060 Gas use tax 0.00 295,000 295,000 295,000 4,273,955 5,330,619 5,182,000 0.00 41-2010 Sales Tax 0.00 5,035,000 5,035,000 5,140,238 1,284,251 1,296,747 1,440,000 0.00 41-2020 Share Of State Income Tax 0.00 1,594,000 1,594,000 1,594,000 159,695 171,513 186,066 0.00 41-2030 Personal Property Replacement 0.00 290,647 290,647 290,647 0 128,266 160,000 0.00 41-2040 Gasoline Tax 0.00 156,000 160,000 320,000 0 270,093 275,000 0.00 41-2050 Food&Beverage Tax 0.00 275,000 275,000 275,000 0 0 21,000 0.00 41-2055 Foreign Fire Insurance Tax 0.00 21,000 21,000 21,000 13,405,015 15,291,077 15,625,499 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 16,523,135 16,584,236 17,932,949 R2 License&Permit Revenue 0 0 0 0.00 42-1010 Engineering Fees 0.00 38,000 38,000 38,000 268,467 209,917 175,000 0.00 42-1020 Building Permit Fees 0.00 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,170 1,404 1,500 0.00 42-1029 Other Permits 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 486,057 494,570 485,000 0.00 42-1030 Motor Vehicle Licenses 0.00 485,000 485,000 485,000 159,088 150,068 133,000 0.00 42-1040 Liquor Licenses 0.00 130,000 130,000 104,000 228,982 221,567 210,000 0.00 42-1050 Business Licenses 0.00 175,000 175,000 175,000 0 0 0 0.00 42-1055 Contractor Business Licenses 0.00 35,000 35,000 35,000 52,143 63,709 55,000 0.00 42-1067 Burglar Fire Alarm Licenses 0.00 55,000 55,000 55,000 3,330 3,030 3,900 0.00 42-1068 Animal Licenses 0.00 4,100 4,100 4,100 1,588 4,171 2,000 0.00 42-1080 Zoning Variance Fees 0.00 2,100 2,100 2,100 3,500 9,250 4,000 0.00 42-1081 Planning Commission Fees 0.00 5,500 5,500 5,500 1,204,324 1,157,687 1,069,400 0 License&Permit Revenue Totals: 0.00 1,231,200 1,231,200 1,205,200 R3 Fines Revenue '148,919 253,703 122,000 0.00 43-1010 Fines-Parking&Other 0.00 140,000 140,000 140,000 0 (40) 93,000 0.00 43-1015 Fines-Moving Violations 0.00 108,000 108,000 108,000 0 0 0 0.00 43-1020 Fines-Adjudication 0.00 40,000 40,000 40,000 248,919 253,663 215,000 0 Fines Revenue Totals: 0.00 288,000 288,000 288,000 R4 Charges for Services 3,467 4,100 6,000 0.00 44-1010 Copy Machine Income 0.00 7,000 7,000 7,000 863 50 200 0.00 44-1020 Alarm maintenance fees 0.00 200 200 200 0 0 500 0.00 44-1030 Public Works Misc Income 0.00 500 500 500 21,753 12,421 17,000 0.00 44-1040 Sidewalk Replacement Fees 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 76,653 293,652 298,000 0.00 44-1050 Ambulance User Fees 0.00 329,000 329,000 329,000 80,120 75,704 86,800 0.00 44-1060 Sale Of Yard Waste Stickers 0.00 85,000 85,000 19,882 225 0 0.00 44-1062 Sale Of Trash Stickers 0.00 85,000 0 0 0 2,826 2,646 2,000 0.00 44-1070 Fire Code Enforcement Fees 0.00 4900 4,900 1,747 1,900 0.00 44-1080 Social Work Consultation Fees 0.00 1,500 900 4,900 34,873 48,807 43,000 0.00 44-1081 Civic Center Rentals 7,500 1,500 0.00 57,000 57,000 57,000 7,004 6,512 5,000 0.00 44-1082 Sr.Center Membership Fees 0.00 8,000 6,000 6,000 28,087 27,262 32,500 0.00 44-1083 Programming&Activity Fees 0.00 24,000 33,465 33,465 368 271 300 0.00 44-1084 Non Member Fees 0.00 200 200 200 1,029 1,333 1,200 0.00 44-1085 Civic Center Misr Income 0.00 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 3,497 3,500 0.00 44-1086 Health Screening Fees 0.00 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0 0 0.00 44-1087 Advertising Revenue 0.00 1,500 3,000 3,000 279,346 478,228 497,900 0 Charges for Services Totals: 0.00 544,500 553,465 553,465 R5 Grant Revenue 7,345 5,387 1,000 0.00 45-1001 Grants St Reimbursement Police 0.00 1,000 1000 1,000 859 56,773 1,000 0.00 45-1002 Grants St Reimbursement Fire T 0.00 1,000 1,000 49,288 0 17,755 0 0.00 45-1003 Police Block Grant 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 0.00 45-1005 Grants-Fed Assistance to Fire 0.00 0 0 175,000 8,204 79,915 352,000 0 Grant Revenue Totals: 0.00 2,000 2,000 225,288 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue '19 - 7,273 11.000 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 35,000 35,000 0 - 0 1,000 0.00 46-1020 Interest Undismbuted Proper( p 00 35,000 fie.528 113,393 91,988 0.00 46-3010 Lease And Rental Income 0 0 0 0.00 122,960 122,960 122,960 • 11 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description Ff Reouested Proposed Ado _te"....NN 121,647 120,666 103,988 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 157,960 157,960 157,960 R7 Installment Note Proceeds 0 0 285,000 0.00 47-1010 Installment Nom Proceeds 0.00 326,000 326,000 326,000 O 0 285,000 0 Installment Note Proceeds Totals: 0.00 326,000 326,000 326,000 R8 - Transfers In 316,821 332,662 332,662 0.00 48-1020 Transfers From Mft Fund 0.00 325,000 325,000 325,000 O 0 0 0.00 48-1030 Transfer from Revolving Equip 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0.00 48-1035 Transfer from General Pension 0.00 0 0 0 115,000 120,000 120,000 0.00 48-1040 Transfers From Water/sewer Ftm 0.00 120,000 120,000 120,000 78,500 83,895 83,895 0.00 48-1050 Transfers From Cormnuter Parkin 0.00 83,895 83,895 83,895 0 (9,810) 0 0.00 48-1060 Transfer from Economic Dev Fd 0.00 0 0 0 510,321 526,747 536,557 0 Transfers In Totals: 0.00 528,895 528,895 528,895 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 13,228 18,905 0 0.00 49-1010 Sale Of Surplus Equipment 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 98,289 182,000 0.00 49-1015 Resident Tipping Fees 0.00 162,1100 177,773 0 53 0 0 0.00 49-1021 Infrastructure Maintenance Fee 0.00 0 0 0 166,418 178,520 175,000 0.00 49-1030 Cable Tv Franchise Fees 0.00 180,000 180,000 180,000 O 0 0 0.00 49-1035 Irma Member's Reserve 0.00 0 0 0 41,134 32,122 5,000 0.00 49-1040 Misc Income 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 300 0 0.00 49-1045 Vacation-Streets/Alleys 0.00 0 0 0 100 0 0 0.00 49-2020 Miscellaneous Donations 0.00 0 0 0 198 250 0 0.00 49-3010 Fire Dept Training Classes 0.00 0 0 0 5,285 18,289 5,000 0.00 49-4010 State Reimb:Maine Traffic Sig 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 O 0 65,200 0.00 49-4020 State highway reimbursement 0.00 68,000 68,000 68,000 101 0 0 0.00 49-5010 Police-MEG Revenue 0.00 0 0 0 245 1,160 0 0.00 49-5011 Police-Treasury Revenue 0.00 0 0 0 115,950 48,105 0 0.00 49-5012 Police-Justice Revenue 0.00 0 0 0 O (32) 0 0.W 49-9000 Cash(Over)/Short 0.00 0 0 0'"-■ O (1) 501,436 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 0 809,749 342,711 395,908 933,636 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 450,000 1,275,522 288,000 16,120,489 18,303,890 19,618,980 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 20,051,690 20,947,278 21,505,757 12 trejli r Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION This account provides the appropriations necessary for the Village President and Board of Trustees to carry out their important policy making and community leadership functions. Appropriations for the various Boards and Commissions, and the Village Clerk are also included. In order to serve as a foundation for setting policy and directing the community's future growth and development,the Village Board of Trustees adopted both Vision and Mission Statements as follows: Vision Statement To preserve and enhance the overall quality of life within the Village. To provide quality municipal services and infrastructure improvements in a cost effective manner so the Village is held in high esteem by residents, municipal organizations and professional associations. To participate in advantageous intergovernmental activities and maintain positive relationships with other government agencies. To provide quality and affordable housing in livable residential neighborhoods. To preserve and enhance the open space and recreational facilities now available within the community. To promote positive economic development within the framework of reasonable codes and zoning standards to facilitate future business and industrial development. To be an innovative "leadership"community while avoiding highly experimental policies or programs. Mission Statement To provide municipal services,public improvements and economic development activities in an efficient and effective manner in order to preserve and enhance the quality of life within the community. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES While much has been accomplished during the preceding fiscal year, it is more relevant to discuss performance assessment within each individual department or activity budget included in this document. The reader will note various performance assessment information incorporated within each department, activity or fund included in the overall budget document. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Following careful deliberation and analysis, continue to make prudent policy decisions. a. Continue Board Committees/Liaisons to insure effective review of policy choices prior to scheduling Board action. b. Continue policy of joint staff/Board Committees to deal with many significant policy issues. c. Continue to liaison with Village Advisory Boards and Commissions to insure effective communication between the Village Board and its Boards and Commissions. 2. Provide sufficient supervision and require the accountability necessary to insure all Village operations are conducted in an efficient and effective manner with both quality of service and cost containment as ongoing goals. a. Continue using the Board's own committees and the Administrator's office to insure a liaison is maintained with all line departments on a regular basis. 13 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 b. Continue having a Village Trustee serve as Finance Liaison to participate directly in the review of all warrants prepared by the Director of Finance. c. Continue, as a committee of the whole,to direct and continue extensive involvement in review and approval of the Village's annual operating and capital budgets. 3. Continue active participation in regional government organizations and joint action agencies, and continue to promote good relations with other local governments. a. Continue to actively participate in the Morton Grove Local Officials Meetings and, as necessary, to communicate on an individual basis with other local governmental units located both within and around our community. b. Continue active participation in the Northwest Municipal Conference, including not only attendance at Board meetings and other major events but also participation on Conference committees as well. c. Continue to have Trustees as active participants on the Board of Directors for both SWANCC and RED. d. Continue the strong cooperative relationship and service sharing arrangements with the Morton Grove Park District. e. Encourage the professional staff to also participate in regional government activities and joint action agencies as well as their individual professional associations. 4. Promote continued economic development and redevelopment throughout the Village. a. Continue working through staff and the various committees and commissions to promote economic development along Waukegan Road, the Dempster Street Corridor, and the Lehigh/Ferris Avenue area. In conjunction with the Department of Community and Economic Development, continue ongoing programs to promote the community and implement successful business retention and recruitment strategies. b. Concentrate efforts on fording available funding for the Dempster Street Corridor plan to offset the costs of this project and complete the engineering plans for the infrastructure improvements. c. Continue to work closely with the Department of Community and Economic Development to focus on business recruitment and retention efforts, as well as, general community promotion activities. 5. Continue to evaluate the progress of the Village's Master Plan. a. The adoption of the Master Plan in 1999 will continue to serve as a guide for continued planning for redevelopment and rejuvenation of various target areas identified in the planning process. b. The Lehigh/Ferris Avenue sub-area study was completed in 2002. The focus of efforts in 2006 will be to continue negotiations with various jurisdictions regarding the roadway realignment, replacement of commuter parking, and the construction/remodeling of the commuter station. Continue to work with the developer consultant to redevelop the parcels within the area. Funding options will continue to be explored to help offset the cost of these planned improvements. 6. Continue evaluation of the Village's public facilities and the appropriate construction/renovation required to meet Village facility needs. a. During 2002,the space needs analysis for the Police station was completed. Due to funding limitations, architectural design services have been delayed. Funding options will continue to be explored to address the construction of these facility needs. b. Continue to evaluate various other facilities needs to accommodate space requirements. In addition to these general goals, each individual department and activity budget incorporated within this document contains more detailed goals and objectives related to all the Village's various service obligations and capital improvement plans. Those sections of the budget should also be reviewed for a thorough understanding of the Village's goals and objectives for this fiscal year. 14 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Dues& Subscriptions 02-10-10-55-1120 This account includes memberships for the Village Board,the Village Clerk and all Boards and Commissions. 2005 IML $300.00 Fire and Police Commission $375.00 Village Clerk memberships $70.00 Total $745.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-10-10-55-1130 This account includes appropriations sufficient for the Village Board,the Village Clerk and members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to attend training and professional meetings and seminars. The appropriation provides for pre-planned attendance at several conferences and seminars as noted below. NWMC institute $900.00 Clerk's meetings $100.00 Fire and Police Commission Training $400.00 IML Conference $1,120.00 Total $2,520.00 Official Village Business 02-10-10-55-1140 This account contains appropriations necessary to cover the normal monthly expenses for the Mayor, Trustees and the Village Clerk. Also appropriated are necessary business expenses which are incurred by the elected officials and appointed officials while engaged in official activities related to the legislative functions of municipal government. Specific expenses include the annual recognition dinner for Village volunteers, activities in support of the Chamber of Commerce and attendance at the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC)sponsored events and activities. Chamber of Commerce Functions $1,500.00 Mayor,Trustee and Clerk Expenses $3,300.00 Miscellaneous Business Expenses $1,000.00 NWMC Annual Functions $950.00 Recognition Reception $1,000.00 Total $7,750.00 Community Relations 02-10-10-55-5140 This account includes appropriations adequate to cover the expenses for a number of community relation's activities sponsored by the Village each year. Specific projects include a children's Halloween Party, one Chamber of Commerce Meet and Greet,the Annual Appearance Commission Awards,the Morton Grove Foundation,and other related activities which arise during the budget year. All Community Relations Commission activities including new resident receptions and new resident packets(except for postage which is funded through the postage account in Administration)are also funded through this account. Appearance Commission Awards $250.00 Chamber Meet and Greet event $700.00 Children's Halloween Party $500.00 Community Relations Comm Activities $1,500.00 15 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Miscellaneous Brochures $500.00 ^1 New Resident Packets $4,000.00 New Resident Receptions $600.00 Total $8,050.00 Northwest Municipal Conference 02-10-10-55-7120 This account includes appropriations adequate to cover the annual cost of membership for the Village in the NWMC. The NWMC has been very effective serving as a counsel of governments(COG) for the north and northwest suburbs. In addition to legislative lobbying activities and the development of SWANCC, the NWMC has been instrumental in monitoring the fast-paced changing environment of telecommunications and developing solutions to other regional problems that have proved beneficial to the Village. The Conference also handles joint testing for police and fire applicants and has a very successful joint purchasing program that has benefited the Village thousands of dollars over the years. The Village's contribution is based on population determined by the 2000 census. The per capita rate is$0.405. Total $10,200.00 NIPC Membership Contribution 02-10-10-55-7160 This account contains the annual appropriation for the Village's membership in the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission(NIPC). Total $2,800.00 Rlinois Municipal League Dues 02-10-10-55-7180 This account includes the Appropriation necessary to provide for membership dues to the Illinois Municipal League(IML). Total $1,300.00 Operational Supplies 02-10-10-56-2110 This account includes appropriations adequate to cover the cost for providing miscellaneous operational supplies which may be required by the Village Board, Clerk,or any of the Boards or Commissions during the calendar year. Total $1,500.00 Th 16 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 ctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FIE Requested P Adopted 02-10-10 Legislative \*.-• El Personal Services 5,985 5,985 6,000 0.00 54-4100 Salary Mayor/President 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 1,995 1,995 2,000 0.00 54-4110 Salary Liquor Commissioner 0.00 1,980 1,980 1,980 27,750 26,867 27,000 0.00 54-4120 Salaries Board Of Trustees 0.00 27,000 27,000 27,000 4,500 4,738 5,000 0.00 54-4130 Salary Village Clerk 0.00 4,500 5,000 5,000 19,500 20,279 23,500 0.00 54-4140 Stipend Advisory Boards 0.00 18,700 23,500 23,500 14,255 17,046 13,678 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 12,893 14,393 14,825 0 0 0 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 1,090 1,318 1,442 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 5,437 5,957 5,957 75,075 78,227 78,620 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 76,510 83,830 84,262 E2 Contractual Services 340 375 445 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 745 745 745 906 171 2,520 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 2,520 2,520 2,520 8,183 5,330 7,750 0.00 55-1140 Official Village Business 0.00 7,750 7,750 7,750 5,557 4,426 7,800 0.00 55-5140 Community Relations 0.00 8,050 8,050 8,050 8,419 9,093 9,100 0.00 55-7120 Northwest Municipal Conference 0.00 10,200 10,200 10,200 4,958 2,603 2,700 0.00 55-7160 Nipc Membership Contribution 0.00 2,800 2,800 2,800 1,209 1,209 1,275 0.00 55-7180 Illinois Municipal League Dues 0.00 1,300 1,300 1,300 29,572 23,206 31,590 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 33,365 33,365 33,365 E3 Commodities 1,439 366 600 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 2,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 56-4380 Seasonal Decorations 0.00 0 0 0 1,439 366 600 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 2,500 1,500 1,500 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 106,087 101,800 110,810 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 112,375 118,695 119,127 17 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Legislative Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Mayor/President/Liquor Comm. 8,000 0.5 7,980 0.5 Village Trustee (6 PT) 27,000 3.0 27,000 3.0 Village Clerk 5,000 0.5 5,000 0.5 Advisory Boards/Committees(34&34 PT) 23,500 17.0 23,500 17.0 Clerk/Typist(6&7 PT) 13,678 3.0 14,825 3.5 Total 77,178 24.0 78,305 24.5 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 1,442 3.0 5,957 24.5 Total 1,442 5,957 Department Total 78,620 24.0 84,262 24.5 '1 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. '1 18 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Department of Administration is to assure the efficient and effective management of day-to-day Village operations and,through the Village Administrator, implement the policies of the Village President and Board of Trustees. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON FISCAL YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. A significant amount of the Administrator's time this year was expended in assisting the Village President and Board of Trustees with policy development and implementation. This year brought a transition in the preponderance of the Village Board and the election of a new Mayor. The Administrator's office assisted in this transition and provided the new and existing Board members with transitional support. The Administrator's office also assisted with many economic development activities, along the Dempster Street and Waukegan Road Commercial Corridors and in other pockets of development throughout the community. - 2. The Office of the Administrator continued to provide effective,efficient,responsive and economical day-to-day management of all Village departments. 3. Successful recruitments were accomplished for the positions of Director of Community and Economic Development and the newly established Human Resources Coordinator position. Both recruitments were conducted in-house and highly qualified individuals were placed in both positions. 4. Economic Development activities continue to be a high priority of the Administrator's office as new projects develop and existing projects progress. 5. Expenditures were controlled through close interaction with the Finance Director and all Department managers. These activities included audits of services provided and evaluation of expenditures and revenues. 6. The Village implemented the IMRF pension capability for its existing and future employees. 7. The Capital Improvement Program and projects scheduled for engineering and construction during 2005 were completed on schedule and within budget. 8. The American Legion Memorial Civic Center continued its success as a community center and as an asset of the Village. 9. Necessary remodeling and enhancements were conducted in municipal facilities with an eye towards long term use and affordability. The preponderance of work on the Richard T. Flickinger Center and other municipal facilities were of a maintenance nature as we analyzed alternatives for space utilization and remodeling. 10. The Administrator's office continued to work closely with the Executive Safety Committee, the Cable and Telecommunications Commission, and other various Boards and Commissions of the community. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to assist the Village President and Board of Trustees in developing policy alternatives and implementing Board policy decisions. a. Under the direction of the Village Board complete and implement the operating and capital budget for the next calendar year. b. The Administrator's office will continue to manage the Municipal Code including review of existing ordinances in an effort to update and make revisions as necessary to the Code 19 rtiy Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 to meet organizational changes and policy decisions. The Administrator's office will also ^� provide for periodic comprehensive updates to the on-line Code service to make sure all of the Code modifications are current and usable. c. Continue to evaluate the Village's technology needs and plan for system upgrades to be done on an ongoing basis to keep system costs economical from year-to-year. Upgrades to the website will continue to be a priority to enhance service to the community. 2. Continue to provide effective, efficient and economical day-to-day management of all operations and public services with special attention given to ongoing analysis and modifications necessary to maximize productivity and efficiency. a. Specifically continue working with all Department Directors to oversee department operations and service provisions and to insure all expenditures remain within budget parameters. b. To insure a certain amount of the Administrator's time is spent out of the office inspecting other Village facilities, checking on various construction and ongoing maintenance activities, as well as, interacting with employees on an appropriate basis to adequately supervise all Village operations. 3. Economic development activities will continue to be a high priority of the Administrator's Office. a. Continue to work closely with the Community and Economic Development Director to promote the Village's ongoing business recruitment and retention programs. b. Continue to place emphasis on significant redevelopment opportunities within the Village's commercial corridors. 4. Cost containment will be a high priority for the Village during the coming fiscal year. a. Continue to work with Department Directors to manage Village services and programs as efficiently as possible with cost containment as an objective. b. Implement the Village's financial transition plan focusing on a continuous evaluation of services to ensure they are being provided cost efficiently and identifying revenues to support operations. 5. The Capital Improvements Program will be updated and projects scheduled for engineering or construction during the fiscal year and completed when scheduled and within budget. a. In conjunction with the Capital Improvements Program Committee,the Director of Finance and the Director of Public Works, complete and maintain a realistic five year Capital Improvements Program for integration into the Village's Adopted Budget. b. Implement the annual element for that program utilizing available resources so projects scheduled for engineering and construction can proceed during this fiscal year. c. Work with the Engineering Division of Public Works as well as the Department of Community and Economic Development to move forward with actual engineering and design services for the planned Dempster Corridor Improvement Project. In addition, grantsmanship work will be completed this year to make sure available resources are in place to continue forward with the project. d. Continue implementation of the recommendations in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District Subarea Study. While part of this work will involve the redevelopment of private parcels,there are also a number of public facilities which will require modification. We will continue to communicate with the Forest Preserve District in an effort to permit the development of a shared parking lot on their property which will also serve the commuter station. Negotiations will also be continuing with Metra regarding the reconstruction/remodeling of the Metra Commuter Station. We will continue efforts with engineering and design firms to begin work on the remaining public facilities including the reconstruction of Lehigh Avenue,the extension and reconstruction of Ferris Avenue, and the possible reconstruction of Lincoln Avenue, all toward the enhancement of the Lehiah/Ferris Subarea. 20 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 6. The American Legion Memorial Civic Center will continue to be a high priory for the Administrator's office. a. Working with the Family& Senior Services Department to insure the facility is being utilized to its maximum potential both for senior programming,hosting community events and activities, and private rentals. b. Monitor the operations of the Civic Center including the ongoing evaluation of policies and procedures. 7. Plans for the Remodeling of the Flickinger Center with an emphasis of providing additional space for Police Department operations. a. Look at various funding options that could be available to help off-set the cost for the Police Department remodeling. 8. The Village Administrator's office will work closely with each department and the Executive Safety Committee to further reduce loss and liability exposure in the areas of worker's compensation, general liability and property damage. 9. The Village Administrator's office will continue to work with the Cable and Telecommunications Commission to ensure Comcast Corporation provides responsive cable services and customer service. 10. Staff will continue to coordinate with the Village Board of Trustees,the Community Relations Commission,the departments,the Park District,Library, and Chamber of Commerce to provide two New Resident Receptions during the year to welcome new residents, educate them on Village services and introduce them to local officials. Dues & Subscriptions 02-10-11-55-1120 This account includes appropriation requests for various memberships for the Village Administrator and his staff. This account also includes memberships in human resource organizations, as well as, IL NATOA, a professional organization for cable franchise administrators. There are also a number of subscriptions primarily to local newspapers and related public interest publications included in this account. ICMA membership(Administrator) $1,200.00 ILCMA and METRO(Administrator) $350.00 ILNATOA membership $75.00 Intern memberships (ILCMA& IAMMA) $100.00 IPELRA membership $250.00 IPMA membership $300.00 Miscellaneous Subscriptions $150.00 On-line salary survey $350.00 Performance Measurement Survey $525.00 Total $3,300.00 Meetinus And Conferences 02-10-11-55-1130 This account includes appropriations necessary for the Administrator and the Assistant to attend professional association conferences at the national, state and local level. Out-of-state travel was removed from the 2002 -2005 budgets as part of our response to the reduced revenue flow caused by the Abt departure and the weak economy. Attendance at association conferences is important for the continued professional development of the management staff. Monies for the Administrator and the Assistant will remain in the budget for attendance at the state association conferences and trainings. 21 • , re, Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 IAMMA conference(2) $175.00 '1 ILCMA Conference(2) $1,700.00 IPELRA Annual Conference (1) $825.00 Local Meetings &Misc. expenses $300.00 Total $3,000.00 Trainina&Instructions 02-10-11-55-1150 This appropriation is used by the Administrator and staff to attend a variety of training and instructional seminars to continue developing and enhancing the skills needed to effectively implement the policies of the Village President and Board of Trustees. These seminars or meetings are often sponsored by the Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC), Illinois City/County Management Association(ILCMA), Illinois Government Finance Officers Association(IGFOA), and the Illinois Public Labor Relations Association(ILPLRA). Training Manuals $175.00 Training Sessions $175.00 Total $350.00 Employee Relations 02-10-11-55-11 60 This appropriation is sufficient to fund the comprehensive Employee Relations Program which the Mayor and Board of Trustees requested be implemented to acknowledge employees for the excellent services provided the community and to insure good communication is maintained between management and line employees. Distinguished/Safety employee awards $250.00 Employee of the year $500.00 Flu shots $1,000.00 Miscellaneous(plaques, flowers, etc) $300.00 Service awards $4,000.00 Total $6,050.00 Personnel Recruitment 02-10-11-55-1170 This account includes the cost of advertising and related expenses incurred in recruiting new employees for the Village with the exception of the Fire and Police Departments,which are handled through their respective departmental budgets. Expenditures to be made under this account are very difficult to project from year to year. While we do not anticipate high personnel turnover,this account has been placed at a realistic level, which hopefully, will be adequate to meet recruitment needs during the year. Total $2,500.00 Professional Services 02-10-11-55-2110 This appropriation provides for public relations assistance. Total $1,800.00 22 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Postage&Meter Rental 02-10-11-55-2120 This account includes postage for mailing the quarterly Morton Grove Exchange Village newsletter. As with other appropriations related to the Public Information Program,this account includes postage for other public information related needs,such as the mailing of the New Resident Packets. The mailing of the New Resident Packets is coordinated with the Chamber of Commerce. Postage for New Resident Packets $800.00 Postage for Newsletter $5,000.00 Total $5,800.00 Newsletter Printing 02-10-11-55-2320 This account includes the appropriation necessary to print the quarterly Village of Morton Grove Exchange Newsletter. The Village also prints some special editions and lengthier editions from time-to-time. This appropriation should be adequate to meet the anticipated printing costs during this fiscal year. Total $12,000.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-10-11-55-4130 This account provides for the repair of all non-computer equipment located in the Administrator's office.The appropriation is unchanged from last year which was adequate for this purpose. Total $500.00 Operational Supplies 02-10-11-56-2110 This line item now includes both operational supplies and office supplies. This appropriation reflects the cost of binders,dividers,transparencies and other material needed during the budget preparation process. No increase is requested in this appropriation for this fiscal year. Total $3,000.00 Photo Supplies 02-10-11-56-2120 This account provides for the purchase of film, other photo supplies and development costs in support of the public education function. Total $100.00 Machinery& Equipment 02-10-11-57-2010 These expenditures are for the video taping equipment needed to film meetings and other Village events. This programming will be broadcast on the Village's Community Bulletin Board, Channel 6. Total $3,000.00 23 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 steal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description fil Reaueste 1 Pmoosed Adoote4 02-10-11 Administration � i El Personal Services 113,231 125,799 122,004 0.00 54-4200 Salary Village Administrator 0.00 122,004 122,004 133,900 77,639 90,861 95,481 0.00 54-4431 Salary Assistant Village Adndn 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 54-4435 Salary HR Coordinator 0.00 70,000 70,000 72,100 11,855 11,837 16,542 0.00 54-4657 Salaries Intern 0.00 26,250 26,250 27,038 94,228 97,919 99,203 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 99,204 99,204 102,180 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 3,800 3,800 2,100 0 0 6,000 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 6,365 6,365 6,365 23,595 22,911 25,768 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 24,576 24,576 25,805 40,783 44,861 49,347 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 54,282 54,282 56,749 0 487 18,972 0.00 548150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 12,830 12,830 20,065 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contrib 0.00 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 54-8170 Employer Contribution 457 Plan 0.00 0 0 0 1,078 1,609 1,203 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 1,101 1,101 1,161 365,909 399,785 438,020 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 420,412 420,412 447,463 E2 Contractual Services 0 1,200 1,200 - 0.00 55-1100 Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 1,200 0 0 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 1,692 2,092 4,020 0.00 55-1120 Due&Subscriptions 0.00 3,300 3,300 3,300 2,353 1,032 3,000 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 249 35 300 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 350 350 350 10,278 2,741 7,200 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 6,050 6,050 6,050 37,235 2,832 2,000 0.00 55-1170 Personnel Recruitment 0.00 2,500 2,500 2,500 253 3,076 3,300 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 1,800 1,800 1,800 3,833 5,437 6,920 0.00 55-2120 Postage&Meter Rental 0.00 5,800 5,800 5,800 6,632 9,414 12,000 0.00 55-2320 Newsletter Printing 0.00 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 403 500 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 500 500 500 63,725 28,261 40,440 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 35,300 35,300 35,300 E3 Commodities 4,403 2,991 3,000 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0.00 56-2120 Photo Supplies 0.00 100 100 100 4,403 2,991 3,000 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 3,100 3,100 3,100 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 13,000 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 13,000 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 434,037 431,036 494,460 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 461,212 461,812 488,863 24 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Administration Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Village Administrator 122,004 1.0 133,900 1.0 Assistant Village Administrator 95,481 1.0 0 0.0 Human Resource Coordinator 0 0.0 72,100 1.0 Executive Secretary 99,203 2.0 47 102,180 2.0 Intern (182 PT) 16,542 0.5 27,038 1.0 Total 333,230 4.5 335,218 5.0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity-Auto Allowance 6,000 1.0 6,365 1.0 Longevity 3,500 3.0 2,100 3.0 Social Security 25,768 4.5 25,411 5.0 Hospitalization Insurance 49,347 4.0 56,749 4.0 Life Insurance 1,203 4.0 1,142 4.0 IMRF 18,972 2.0 20,065 3.0 Total 104,790 111,832 Department Total 438,020 4.5 447,050 5.0 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 25 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 LEGAL DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Legal Department is a component of the Village Administrator's Office. Its mission is to provide and manage the legal needs and services of the Village staff and elected and appointed officials in a professional, effective, and cost efficient manner. Corporation Counsel provides general legal services for the village; attends all meetings of the Village Board of Trustees and commission meetings as needed; responds to all freedom of information requests; drafts and/or reviews Village ordinances, resolutions, policies, contracts and legal documents; represents the Village in all housing court cases, liquor control hearings, and if needed Fire and Police Commission proceedings, and administrative hearings. Corporation Counsel also represents the Village in certain litigation and provides management and supervision to independent and outside counsel regarding all litigation(except for litigation managed by the Village's self-insurance pool). Under the supervision of Corporation Counsel, two Village Prosecutors represent the Village in the prosecution of local ordinance tickets in the Second District of Cook County. Corporation Counsel provides management and oversight for the Village's labor relations counsel for labor and personnel related matters. The Village also utilizes outside legal services and professionals not part of the Legal Department for the Lehigh/Ferris TIF,Waukegan Road TIF, Police Pension Board, and Fire Pension Board. Corporation Counsel monitors the activities and bills from these attorneys. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The legal services provided by Corporation Counsel in 2005 to date included: I. Attended all Village Board meetings and Plan Commission and other committee and commission meetings as requested or necessary; 2. Assisted in drafting of numerous Village Ordinances,and amendments and updates to the Municipal Code including amendments to sections relating to Noise Control,Trees and Shrubs, Peddlers,Abandoned Vehicles, Civic Center Fees,Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, and the Village Zoning Code; 3. Assisted in drafting approximately nine Special Use Permits and two ordinances approving Plats of Subdivision. 4. Assisted in the preparation of legislation to create a new Economic Development Commission and Natural Resources Commission, and to establish an Affordable Housing Plan. 5. Revised and updated the Village's Freedom of Information Act Policy and Procedure. 6. Prepared comprehensive revisions to the Village's Liquor Control Act and assisted the Village President to assure compliance by holders of Village liquor licenses of Village ordinances and state statutes. 7. Monitored and reported to the Village Administrator and Village Board on new state legislation and Appellate Court and Supreme Court cases which had an impact on the laws or operations of the Village. 8. Assisted in drafting leases and license agreements for Village owned property. 9. Prepared and initiated litigation to enforce Village's rights and to collect obligations owed to the Village. 10. Monitored and provided supervision for special labor counsel and special counsel hired with respect to 111 matters. 26 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 The Village Prosecutors and Administrative Hearing Officers have continued to provide professional --h legal services in a cost effective manner, which has shown respect for complainants and defendants alike. The Administrative Hearing Officer's workload increased significantly as the adjudication proceedings were expanded to include violations of local ordinances,with respect to fire prevention and police regulations. The Village successfully transitioned its labor law representation to the law firm of Seyfarth Shaw. Labor Counsel represented the Village in the completion of collective bargaining agreements with the FOP,Firefighters Association and Local 107. Labor Counsel has also represented the Village regarding a petition by the Metropolitan Alliance of Police to represent the Morton Grove police sergeants. Village staff has worked with Special Counsel to prepare for collective bargaining for all three union contracts for 2006. Labor Counsel also successfully negotiated a settlement of a substantial PSEBA litigation. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to provide professional and effective general legal services. a. Attend all Village Board meetings, and commission and committee meetings as required. b. Review and assist in the drafting of all Village ordinances and code amendments. c. Monitor new state legislation and cases and advise the Village of any impact. d. Draft all contracts,leases,deeds, or other documents as required by Village staff. e. Assist in the collection of obligations owed to the Village through appropriate legal means. £ Maintain the register of all pending cases in which the Village is a plaintiff or a defendant. g. Represent the Village and give counsel to the Local Liquor Control Commissioner. h. Attend meetings of the NWMC Attorneys Committee and the Illinois Municipal League Home Rule Attorney's Committee. i. Directly represent the Village in matters of litigation and/or supervise the services of special counsel as necessary. j. Perform such other duties as directed by the Administrator, Mayor or Board. 2. Provide supervision and management to the Village Prosecutors and Administrative Hearing Officer to insure all local ordinance violations are prosecuted and adjudicated in a professional cost effective manner. 3. Provide management supervision and oversight to the retention and service provided by outside Village attorneys as needed. a. Labor Relations Counsel 1) Collective Bargaining Agreements with Police Officers, Firefighters, and Public Works Mechanics will expire December 31,2005. Counsel will work with negotiating teams and the Village Administrator's Office to begin negotiations for new contracts. 2) Review all fees and services provided by labor counsel with regard to current and new grievances, and other personnel matters. b. Monitor the services provided and fees charged by TIE attorneys and pension attorneys and other attorneys not included in the Legal Department budget. c. If necessary evaluate the need for specialized counsel. 27 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Dues& Subscriptions 02-10-13-55-1120 Subscriptions to periodicals,purchase of books and annual updates regarding court rulings represent the expenditures made from this account. This account also reflects the costs of codification of the Village's Municipal Code. Codification Services $1,500.00 Miscellaneous $250.00 Total $1,750.00 Meetings And Conferences 02-10-13-55-1130 This appropriation allows the Village Prosecutor or Corporation Counsel to attend continuing education courses, meetings, seminars,and conferences. Total $1,425.00 Publication and Misc Fees 02-10-13-55-2130 Includes the cost of publishing various legal notices in local newspapers required under State statutes and Village ordinances for public hearings of Zoning Board of Appeals,Planning,Appearance and Traffic Safety Commissions, etc.;bid notices;recording and miscellaneous court filing fees;and various other pertinent legal matters needed from time-to-time. Plan Commission applicants pay for a portion of these publication costs through required escrows. Total $3,000.00 Retainer of Village Prosecutor 02-10-13-55-6110 Village Prosecutors receive a base compensation of$16,000 per year to prosecute local ordinance violations in the circuit court of Cook County. They are paid an hourly rate for additional duties including court follow- up, and juvenile outreach,and prosecution of liquor control ordinances. Total $20,000.00 Additional Legal Fees 02-10-13-55-6120 This account reflects special counsel,litigation costs,and costs for the labor relations attorney. Labor relations costs include labor negotiations,grievances,and miscellaneous personnel matters,and includes finding to begin contract negotiations in the fourth quarter of 2005 which are expected to extend into fiscal year 2006. Labor Relations Attorney $200,000.00 Special Counsel $150,000.00 Total $350,000.00 Administrative Adjudication 02-10-13-55-6125 The Administrative Adjudication Hearing process requires a hearing officer who is an Illinois licensed attorney, a hearing clerk,and administrative costs related to preparation of citation books and forms necessary to conduct hearings. Fines that are collected are used to offset the cost of operating the hearing system. The 28 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 costs of the hearing clerk is funded through the Finance Department. Currently,citations issued by Building and Inspectional Services inspectors,Fire Prevention Officers,and the Environmental Health Inspector. Village staff,in particular the Police Department,is working to transition the prosecution of additional local ordinance violations within the Administrative Adjudication system. ($300 month x 12 months) Total $6,000.00 29 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz - Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'ctuai Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FIE Reouested Proposed Adopted 02-10-13 Legal El Personal Services 0 85,043 87,550 0.00 54-4205 Salary-Corporate Counsel 0.00 87,550 87,550 90,177 o 6,506 6,698 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 6,698 6,698 6,899 o 0 0 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 7,764 7,764 7,764 0 91,549 94,248 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 102,012 102,012 104,840 E2 Contractual Services 162 375 1,250 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 1,750 1,750 1,750 323 145 1,425 0.00 55-1 t30 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 1,425 1,425 1,425 7,341 2,603 2,400 0.00 55-2130 Publication and Misc Fees 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 64,174 0 0 0.00 55-6100 Retainer Of Corporation Counse 0.00 0 0 0 25,584 - 17,190 20,000 0.00 55-6110 Retainer Of Village Prosecutor 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 112,164 203,056 80,000 0.00 55-6120 Additional Legal Fees 0.00 350,000 350,000 350,000 3,600 3,353 3,600 0.00 55-6125 Administrative Adjudication 0.00 6,000 6,0M 6,000 213,348 226,721 108,675 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 382,175 382,175 382,175 213,348 318,270 202,923 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 484,187 484,187 487,015 30 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois "1 Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Legal Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Corporate Counsel (1 PT) 87,550 0.5 90,177 0.5 Total 87,550 0.5 90,177 0.5 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 6,698 0.5 6,899 0.5 IMRF 0 0.0 7,764 0.5 Total 6,698 14,663 Department Total 94,248 0.5 104,840 0.5 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 31 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Division of Community and Economic Development is a component of the Administrator's office. The mission of the division of Community and Economic Development is to coordinate land use planning, commercial and mixed-use redevelopment,and commercial revitalization, all to promote a comprehensive development and redevelopment strategy for the Village. The primary focus of this division is economic development, including retention and recruitment of new businesses to maintain a strong economic base,new residential development, marketing,job retention,creation of community shopping opportunities for residents,and community development activities such as affordable housing. A Community and Economic Development Director heads the division with appropriate support staff reporting directly to the Village Administrator. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Staff continued to work with the Economic Development Commission to develop an action plan that achieves the goals and objectives of the Commission. 2. Village staff continues to work with the engineering/urban design consultants for Phase I and II engineering work in the Dempster Street Commercial Corridor. 3. The Village and consultants work to guide redevelopment in the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. Staff also continued its efforts to attract new businesses especially retailers to the Waukegan Road TIF District and to the commercial sites on Oakton Street. 4. Village staff and consultants also worked on determining the best mechanism for redeveloping the south Waukegan Road Subarea. 5. Additional progress on some goals was slowed by an eight month staff vacancy. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES -CALENDAR YEAR 2006 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1. The Economic Development Commission will develop an economic development master plan. The master plan will guide staffs activities in economic development in the year's to come. 2. Staff will examine how the Village can market its commercial corridors more effectively to businesses targeting consumers of diverse ethnic origins. 3. Staff will broaden the Sites Available Inventory database to include information on every commercial and industrial property in the Village. This database is essential so staff can calculate total commercial, industrial, and retail space in the Village and market that data in its economic development materials. (The GIS Consortium Community Development Committee has been working on the creation of a business database that would contain much of the information required to answer inquiries from realtors and brokers.) 4. Staff will examine proposed redevelopment sites along the Dempster Commercial Corridor as identified in the Master Plan to determine whether or not economically feasible reuses currently exist for any of those sites and follow through with appropriate marketing where relevant. 5. Staff will work with state and federal political representatives to secure grant funding to assist in the revitalization of the Dempster Street Corridor. 6. Staff will determine cost-effective ways to host commercial,industrial, and retail brokers, realtors, and developers, in order to publicize the Village's efforts in transit-oriented redevelopment and commercial revitalization. 7. Staff will continue to revise the economic development portions of the Village's Web site, including insertion of GIS, so users can receive data in the quickest, easiest way possible. 8. Staff will monitor the redevelopment of the Village's housing options in an effort to fulfill the Affordable Housing Plan adopted in 2005. 32 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 TIF DISTRICTS 1. Determine whether the south Waukegan Road Subarea should be a TIF District, or use other development mechanisms to spur redevelopment in that part of the Waukegan Road Corridor. 2, Examine the south Waukegan Road Subarea to determine redevelopment potential in that area. 3. Along with the Administrator and Director of Finance,continue coordinated administration of the Waukegan Road and Lehigh/Ferris TIF Districts including completion of various state mandated reports and the annual Joint Review Board meeting. Examine the south Waukegan Road Subarea to determine whether or not an additional sub-area study should be undertaken to determine redevelopment potential in that area. 4. In the Ferris/Lehigh TIF Subarea, continue work with the Development Consultant to assemble the team(legal,engineering,planning/design, environmental, appraisal)required to acquire and redevelop sites in the Subarea. Also, staff and consultants will continue the effort to secure federal and state funding sources for environmental remediation, infrastructure, construction,and preservation of natural resources during the redevelopment of properties within the Subarea. 5. Work closely with existing residential developers concerning appropriate reuse strategies for adding additional transit-oriented housing within the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District. Please visit the Village's Web site(www.mortongroveil.ore)to access the Sites Available Inventory of available commercial and industrial space for lease and for sale. Please visit the Lehigh/Ferris TIF District and Waukegan Road TIF District pages for more information about the history and future plans for each district. Please visit the Community Profile for more information about our business environment and demographics. Auto Allowance 02-10-28-55-1100 The Economic Development Director position receives an auto allowance to compensate for the use of their personal auto on Village business. Total $1,200.00 Mileage Allowance 02-10-28-55-1110 Some employees(other than the Director who receives an auto allowance)in the Department will occasionally use their personal vehicles on Village business. Reimbursements at the current rate per mile will be made from this account. Total $100.00 Dues& Subscriptions 02-10-28-55-1120 The associations in which staff will continue to participate give the Village additional avenues for marketing, promotion,and assistance. A breakout of the dues for those professional organizations is as follows: American Institute of Certified Planners $225.00 American Planning Association $275.00 economic development publications $150.00 Enterpriz Cook County $100.00 Illinois Development Council $200.00 Illinois Tax Increment Association $375.00 International Council of Shopping Centers $175.00 -� International Economic Development Council $375.00 33 - � " Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Urban Land Institute $225.00 Total $2,100.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-10-28-55-1130 The appropriations in this account will permit the Village Administrator,the Economic Development Director,and the Village Planner to staff the Village's booth at the ICSC Illinois Alliance/Midwest Deal Making Session in February and the ICSC Chicago Deal Making Session in October.Both sessions include attendance fees and booth registration fees. The ICSC trade shows allow the Village the opportunity to market its redevelopment areas to national and regional retailers,developers, site selection consultants, and brokers. The Director also attends the IDC conferences in the spring and fall of each year. Those conferences provide opportunities to learn about new and revised programs offered by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs(DCCA)and other state and federal agencies regarding technical assistance in municipal economic development. They also provide networking opportunities for the Village's redevelopment efforts. The appropriations in this account also allow for attendance by the Economic Development Director and Village Planner at local conferences and for the Economic Development Director to attend one national conference. ICSC February session $800.00 ICSC October session $2,000.00 IDC conferences $800.00 Local conferences $600.00 National professional conference $0.00 Total $4,200.00 Printing and Publishing 02-10-28-55-2130 An advertising program for attraction and retention continues to present the Village as a desired community for national and regional retail chains,site selection consultants,realtors,and brokers. The budget will allow staff to use a marketing consultant for ad creation and placement. The account shows a decrease from previous years,due to the need for the Economic Development Commission to review and revise the Village's economic development marketing program. Ad preparation $1,000.00 Advertising program for retail attraction/retention and $3,500.00 mixed-use redevelopment Printing of Business Resource and Business Regulations $1,500.00 brochures Total $6,000.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-10-28-55-4130 All service or repairs needed for computer equipment will come from the Management Information Systems account. This appropriation should be adequate to handle any miscellaneous repairs required during the year. Total $300.00 34 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Econ. Dev. Commission 02-10-28-55-5140 The amount in this account will allow for the Economic Development Commission's activities, such as printing, attendance at conferences, and materials at special workshops and meetings sponsored by the Commission. Total $1,000.00 Operational Supplies 02-10-28-56-2110 All office and operational supplies needed by the Department have been incorporated into this account. The following list of needs should be adequate to support operations for the coming year. Economic development supplies $250.00 Promotion materials $500.00 Total $750.00 Photo Supplies 02-10-28-56-2120 This account includes a small appropriation for photo supplies which may be needed during the year in support of planning and economic development activities. Total $50.00 35 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report - For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 ^ctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description Fit Requested Proposed Adopted 02-10-28 Community&Econ.Development El Personal Services 63,933 66,562 67,913 0.00 54-4410 Salary Economic Development 0.00 68,000 68,000 70,040 0 0 0 0.00 54-4657 Salary-Econ Dev Intern 0.00 0 0 0 41,752 17,571 22,318 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 22,315 22,315 22,984 o 0 0 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 0 0 0 8,282 6,825 6,903 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 6,909 6,909 7,116 13,281 11,215 12,337 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 13,571 13,571 14,188 0 240 6,022 0.00 54-8150 LMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 6,022 6,022 6,030 0 o 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contrib 0.00 0 0 0 395 245 253 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 253 253 264 127,643 102,658 115,746 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 117,070 117,070 120,622 E2 Contractual Services 1.200 1.200 1.200 0.00 551100 Auto Allowance 0.00 1.200 1.200 1,200 0 0 - 100 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 100 100 100 1,320 1,906 1.725 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 2,475 2,100 2,100 2,725 2,287 3,625 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 4,200 4,200 4,200 0 27,706 0 0.00 55-2115 Economic Dev Planning 0.00 0 0 0 8,874 10,077 5,000 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 300 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 300 300 300 0 0 2,500 0.00 55-5140 Econ.Dev.Commission 0.00 2,500 1.000 1,000 14,118 43,177 14,450 0 Contractual Services Totals; 0.00 16,775 14,900 14,900 E3 Commodities 503 591 1,400 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 1,400 750 750 0 0 50 0.00 56-2120 Photo Supplies 0.00 50 50 50 503 591 1,450 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 1,450 800 800 142,265 146,426 131,646 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 135,295 132,770 136,322 36 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois ''1 Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Community& Economic Development Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Director of Comm. & Econ. Dev. 67,913 1.0 70,040 1.0 Admin Secretary Aide I 22,318 0.5 22,984 0.5 Total 90,231 1.5 93,024 1.5 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 6,903 1.5 7,116 1.5 Hospitalization Insurance 12,337 1.0 14,188 1.0 Life Insurance 253 1.0 264 1.0 IMRF 6,022 1.0 6,030 1.0 Total 25,515 27,598 Department Total 115,746 1.5 120,622 1.5 Th Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 37 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 FINANCE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Finance Department is to provide effective and efficient methods for conducting the day-to-day business affairs of the Village and to insure financial goals and objectives are satisfactorily met. Responsibilities include collection and disbursement of Village resources; budget, debt, employee benefit and retirement administration; insurance and risk management; data processing; payroll and personnel; treasury management and administration; purchasing and accounting. The Department provides support in performing these services and assists other departments in meeting public service goals within established budget parameters. The Department also provides financial analysis,trend information and recommendations to the Village Administrator,Village President and Board of Trustees on all matters relating to the fiscal operation of the Village. As such, it is imperative that financial analysis and advice be maintained to the highest of professional standards along with providing timeliness and accuracy in financial reporting. In addition to supporting the operations of other line departments,the Finance Department also has the responsibility to directly serve the public in such areas as general reception at Village Hall; cashiering, information dissemination,processing and issuance of business, liquor, vehicle and other Village licenses, real estate transfer stamps,water billing and other revenue collection. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Finance Department continues to provide accurate and timely reports of information to all its internal and external customers even as reporting and processing requirements grow. During 2005,the Village received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the period ended December 31, 2003. This was the sixteenth consecutive year in which the Village has received the award. The comprehensive annual financial report will continue to be submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association for evaluation. The Department began its search for a new Vehicle Licensing Software and a decision is expected to be made by the end of the year. Finance Department employees were encouraged to better their skills in various software applications and one employee attended the annual Springbrook conference for additional training in various modules. The Department continues to accept feedback from Trustees and the Public regarding ways to simplify and create more user friendly financial reports and progress was made in this area with the monthly Treasurer's Report. The Finance Department continues to improve work efficiency as there is one vacant position(Chief Accountant) within the Department. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Review current Village Purchasing Manual and Travel Regulations and revise as needed. This review would cover all aspects of purchasing including purchase orders, bidding procedures and travel reimbursements and utilize the expanded features of the new financial software package. This is a carryover goal from the prior year. 2. Implement a newer version of Springbrook and train employees as necessary. 38 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 3. Continue to provide accurate and timely financial information to Village Trustees,Village "\ Administrator, Department Directors and other internal customers as well as to the external customers (other governmental agencies, residents, etc.). 4. Submit Annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Government Finance Officers Association Awards Program. 5. Cross-train finance department employees. 6. Research alternatives to current operating procedures to reduce costs and improve efficiency amongst all Village departments. 7. Implement new business licensing and accounts receivable software. Dues and Subscriptions 02-20-12-55-1120 This account includes appropriation requests for various memberships for the Finance Director and department staff. There are also some subscriptions used by the Finance Department included in this account. In addition,this account includes the fee to apply for the GFOA certificate of achievment award. GFOA certificate of achievement award fee $415.00 ICPA/AICPA $450.00 Miscellaneous other subscriptions $220.00 National GFOA-2 $325.00 State GFOA-2 $330.00 Wall Street Journal $210.00 Total $1,950.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-20-12-55-1130 Attendance at professional conferences to keep up-to-date on pertinent developments in the profession and participate in various risk management committees. Includes sending two employees to either a National or State conference and sending one employee to the National Springbrook conference. Total $3,500.00 Training and Instructions 02-20-12-55-1150 Seminars for Finance Department staff for continuing professional education credit,payroll,and other accounting related classes. CPA-Continuing Professional Education $1,200.00 General Training $1,700.00 Total $2,900.00 Professional Services 02-20-12-55-2110 Professional fees related to annual actuarial analysis and funding levels of Police,Firefighter and General Employee Pension Funds and administration of Section 125 Plan to employees.The cost of the Section 125 is partially offset by lower employer FICA costs on non-sworn personnel based on amounts set aside for the employee cost of health care or dependant care expenses. Firefighters Pension Actuarial $4,000.00 General Employee Pension-CNA $4,000.00 Police Pension Actuarial $4,000.00 39 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Sec 125 Administration $9,000.00 Total $21,000.00 Postage&Meter Rental 02-20-12-55-2120 All Village postage costs(except for water billing&quarterly newsletters)are charged directly to the Finance Department.Amount includes annual mailings of vehicle,business,and alarm license applications, delinquent parking notices, and all Village correspondences.Also includes rental charges for postage meter. Postage meter rental $1,500.00 Regular postage $25,000.00 Special delivery&bulk presort fees $1,300.00 Vehicle sticker applications $3,900.00 Total $31,700.00 Printing And Publishing 02-20-12-55-2130 Forms and printing of materials used Village wide for identification or licensing of general public and businesses. Also includes annual cost of publishing annual Treasurer's Report in newspaper as required by law. Annual publication of Treasurer's Report $800.00 Liquor,business,animal&other certificates $1,300.00 Payroll &A/P checks, W2&1099 forms $1,600.00 Vehicle stickers, application forms, other $11,300.00 various forms Total $15,000.00 Auditing Services 02-20-12-55-2200 Audit and related professional fees projected for Village accounting records is$31,100 of which$23,300 is allocated to the General Fund and$7,800 to the Water/Sewer Fund. Total $23,300.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Pvmts 02-20-12-55-2330 This account includes the cost to lease the large volume digital copier @$1,162 per month.The new digital copier will be able to be connected to the Village's network to allow more efficient copying of larger jobs such as the budget and Board agendas. Total $14,000.00 Utilities Telephone 02-20-12-55-3100 All Village telephone costs, except special lines for alarms at water pump stations and vaults,are charged directly to the Finance Department.The costs include day-to-day telephone use for Village related matters; extra emergency telephone lines at Police&Fire stations; and cellular telephones for designated personnel. This account was increased to include cell phone charges from other departments paid out of Finance, as well as a one time payment of$110K per a court ruling for infrastructure maintenance fees. 40 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $112,000.00 Maintenance of Non-Auto Equip 02-20-12-55-4130 This account includes maintenance and repair on various Village equipment. We are currently paying for repairs and maintenance strictly on a time and material basis. Maintenance agreement on high-volume copier in Finance Dept. $4,800.00 Phone system maintenance-Midco (New) $6,000.00 Various repairs to off warranty office equipment $6,000.00 Total $16,800.00 Self Insurance/IRMA Pool Contr 02-20-12-55-7130 The Village is currently self-insured for workers compensation,general liability,public officials liability, property and casualty, auto collision&liability, theft, and boiler and machinery under the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency(IRMA). IRMA is a self-insured group consisting of municipalities and other taxing districts through an intergovernmental cooperative agreement. The annual contribution is made in January for each calendar year. Annual contributions are based on a certain rate per$100 of net adjusted revenues (per the most recent audit-i.e. the 2006 contribution utilizes the 2004 audit)and a credit(debit) for experience modification. The IRMA rate used in this 2006 contribution calculation will be estimated as the same rate used in 2005. The experience modifier rate used is the average of the modifier rates during the previous three years. General Fund $640,000 Water/Sewer Fund 56.000 TOTAL $696,000 In addition to the above, additional coverage is being obtained for areas involving clean up and liability coverage caused by losses due to underground storage tanks and medical and AD&D coverage for injury to ESDA and other volunteers in the course of their volunteer work. Also,the Village has committed to implementing various loss prevention programs within the various departments. AD&D/Medical insurance for volunteers $600.00 General share of IRMA contribution $640,000.00 Loss prevention programs $2,000.00 Underground storage tanks(2 @ $600/ea.) $1,200.00 Total $643,800.00 Lone Term Disability Insurance 02-20-12-55-7230 Total $9,300.00 Bank Card Service Charges 02-20-12-55-8125 Beginning with June 1993,the Village began accepting Visa/Mastercard for payment water bills,yard waste &trash collection stickers,vehicle stickers,parking tickets,real estate transfer tax stamps and virtually any other Village service payment. Utilization of Visa/MC continues to increase from prior years as more and more residents fmd credit cards as a convenient method of payment. 41 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $7,100.00 Bank fees 02-20-12-55-8130 . MB Financial Bank fees for the Village's primary operating/checking account are approximately$850 monthly. Total $13,300.00 Contribution to CNA Fund 02-20-12-55-8140 Property taxes for the General Employee Pension Plan are allocated to the General Fund. Therefore,the actuarially calculated amount is paid out of the General Fund through the Finance Department and credited to Fund 51. Total $326,579.00 Operational Supplies 02-20-12-56-2110 Various supplies and miscellaneous equipment needed to maintain efficient operations of copy machines, cash registers,personal computers,etc. Also includes copy paper,computer stock paper, envelopes, • letterhead&business cards used by all departments;budget preparation material,cover sheets and bindings for ordinance,resolution,and minutes books,etc. General office supplies for both the Finance Department and to an extent other departments,are included in this account. Increase in this year's appropriation reflects normal cost increases for supplies and based on recent history tracking. Total $15,000.00 Transfer to Debt Service Fund 02-20-12-81-1010 2005-Five Crown Victorias (1 of 5) $24,103 2005-Quint (1 of 5) $38,744 2003 Ford F250 Super Cab(3 of 3) $11,165 2003 Ford F350 Cab w/Dump (3 of 3) $9.817 TOTAL $83,829 Total $83,829.00 42 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger 11/15/2005 15:06 sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fis ca l Year:20 06 2003 2004 2005 2005 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description 2006 2006 2006 FrE Requested Proposed Adopted 02-20-12 Finance v El Personal Services 54,769 90,420 92,700 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 92,700 67,570 82,179 68,331 0.00 54-4430 Salary Assistant 70,844 99,189 55,724 40,274 51,606 0.00 54-4440 Salary Chief Accountant 0.00 0.00 66,758 70,844 72,969 46,716 48,420 49,602 0.00 54-4441 Salary Principal Account Clerk 0.00 49,602 2 0 108,765 113,429 96,338 - 0.00 54-4700 Salaries Clerical 55,816 51,090 4,300 3,800 0.00 155,816 155,816 160,490 1,500 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 24,847 29,126 27,426 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 28,028 28,028 35,804 46,314 53,419 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 29,471 0 534 19,750 0.00 54-8150 IMRE Employer Conmbution 0.00 13,91 58,761 13,911 14,823 0 0 0.00 13,9]1 13,911 14,823 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Conmb 0.00 p 0 0 1,108 1,276 1,257 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 1,272 1,272 1,343 399,603 455,772 461,929 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 468,348 472,434 492,307 E2 Contractual Services 1,966 1,549 1,905 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 1,950 1,950 1,950 943 128 3,500 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 3,500 3,500 3,500 2,117 1,873 2,950 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 2,900 2,900 28,060 11,037 11,400 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 1,000 21,781 25,684 29,500 0.00 55- 0.00 21,000 21,000 21,000 2130 Postage And 0.00 31,700 31,700 31,700 12,202 15,774 15,000 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 0 0 - 0 21,400 25,661 25,200 0.00 55-2200 Auditing Services 0.00 23,300 8,803 8,825 8,760 0.00 55-2330 14,000 23,300 Equryrnenelephon entil Pymts 0.00 14,000 14,000 14,000 106,224 94,862 105,000 0.00 55-3100 Utilities Telephone 0.00 222,000 112,000 112,000 20,645 43,937 25,400 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 16,800 16,800 0 0 0 0.00 554160 Maintenance Of Computers 000 16,800 572,279 722,540 723,800 0.00 55-7130 Self lnsurancdirma Pool Contr 0.00 737,800 643,800 643,800 0 0 0 0.00 55-7132 Safety&Loss Control 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-7230 Long Term Disability Insurance 0.00 0 5,579 6,118 6,000 0.00 55-8125 Bank Card Service Charges 0.00 9,300 9,300 9,300 8,727 11,246 12,000 7,100 7,100 7,100 0.00 55-8130 Bank fees 0.00 13,300 13,300 13,300 0 311,098 - 0 0.00 55-8140 Contribution to CNA Fwd 0.00 326,579 326,579 326,579 724 1,280,332 970,415 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,446,229 1,242,229 1,242,229 V E3 Conmodities. 12,088 10,581 17,000 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 12,088 10,581 17,000 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Machine ry&Equipment ment 7afals: 0.00 0 0 0 E5 Interest Expense 0 0 0 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E7 Transfers Out 0 170,000 65,612 0.00 81-1010 Transfer to Debt Service Fund 0.00 0 (3,109) 0 0.00 81-1020 Transfers to/from MERE 83,820 83,829 83,829 0.00 0 0 0 O 166,891 65,612 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 83,829 83,829 83,829 1,222,415 1,913,575 1.514,956 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 2,013,406 1,813,492 1,833,365 43 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Finance Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Finance Director 92,700 1.0 99,189 1.0 Assistant Finance Director 68,331 1.0 67 72,969 1.0 Staff Accountant 51,606 1.0 53 53,155 1.0 Principal Account Clerk 49,602 1.0 47 51,090 1.0 Receptionist/Cashier 30,838 1.0 36 35,771 1.0 Account Clerk 41,505 1.0 39 44,477 1.0 Clerk/Typist(1&2 PT) 9,855 0.5 12,523 1.0 Receptionist/Cashier(1 PT) 14,140 0.5 14,564 0.5 Total 358,577 7.0 383,738 7.5 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 1,500 2.0 1,500 2.0 Social Security 27,426 8.0 29,471 7.5 Hospitalization Insurance 53,419 6.0 61,432 6.0 Life Insurance 1,257 6.0 1,343 6.0 IMRF 19,750 4.0 14,823 2.0 '" .. Total 103,352 108,569 Department Total 461,929 7.0 492,307 7.5 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 44 c Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Management Information Services Department accounts for all costs related to the Village's computer system for all general government departments and activities. Expenses for computer hardware and software maintenance for Water and Sewer will be charged to this account but will be included in the transfer for administrative expenses from the Enterprise Fund to the General Fund. Expenses related to specific department operations that are independent and not part of the general network will remain in each department activity center. The Management Information Services Department will centralize costs related to the computer network to better track expenditures for all departments. Various expenditures related to computer hardware; software programming; cabling and wiring for local area networks and the wide area network; and maintenance of the equipment are all itemized within this department. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2004 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Three new servers were implemented into the network in the first quarter of 2005 completing a complete network renovation. The network remains stable with a bare minimum of downtime for maintenance. 2. The Network Manager monitored the system resources to ensure the network was operating at optimal levels. Several network modifications were implemented to improve network performance and increase employee productivity. 3. The Village's website was completely redesigned to add content, information, and allow for better usability. 4. The Village completed its third year of membership in the GIS Consortium. The consortium is formed by an intergovernmental agreement to take advantage of economies of scale to provide each respective community with GIS services by a third party vendor. The GIS consortium allows each participating community to reap the benefits of GIS in a cost efficient and effective way. This year,the Village's water utility coverage was attributed and field notebooks were created,the zoning map was updated,the master address database was created, floodplain coverage was added, and the fire grid and police beats were included. The street center-line map was completed, the zoning and utilities maps updated,and a master address database created. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. The Network Manager will continue to monitor system resources to ensure the network is operating at optimal levels. a. Develop a network Disaster Plan to be incorporated into the Village's Emergency Operations Plan in order to prepare for a network failure, as well as anticipate the need to have network resources available in the Village's Emergency Operations Center. b. Maintain a standard for all equipment purchases and develop an asset inventory system. c. Continue to monitor all service on network equipment and review replacement schedules for all issued equipment. 2. Continue to provide ongoing computer network training for all levels of users in the organization. 3. Continue to appropriately develop the Village's web site to allow for more resident interaction and e-commerce. 4. The GIS program will continue to develop including the addition of photogrammetric mapping. 5. Update and replace core router and firewall technology. 45 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 6. Implement a customer service program to manage and track resident inquiries and needed services. Ideally this program will include a web-interface. 7. Implement a new vehicle sticker licensing program to replace the outdated AEK program. Dues & Subscriptions 02-20-25-55-1120 This appropriation covers annual dues and subscriptions for professional organizations and user groups. The funds for these membership fees provide for a network of resources for general network management and GIS activities in the Village. GMIS - IT National Association $100.00 ILGISA-GIS State Association $25.00 ILGMIS—IT State Association $25.00 Microsoft Tech Net $500.00 URISA-GIS National Association $125.00 Total $775.00 Meetings And Conferences 02-20-25-55-1130 This account provides funds for state and national information technology conferences. Specifically, monies are allocated for staff attendance at the Illinois government information technology conference and Illinois GIS conference. ILGISA(1) $300.00 ILGMIS (1) $600.00 Total $900.00 Training& Instructions 02-20-25-55-1150 This account is used to provide training in the various software application programs available on the Village network. Training improves user capability,productivity, activity, and efficiency. The Village values computer training as a high priority throughout the organization. End user training $5,650.00 Network Administrator training $5,000.00 Springbrook(1 IT) $1,350.00 Total $12,000.00 Professional Services 02-20-25-55-2110 This account represents estimated costs associated with various professional services needed to maintain and develop the Village's computer network. The expenses include contracted services for network management consultation, GIS staffing through the GIS Consortium vendor, GIS contracted services, and any special projects which require professional services. Photogrammetric mapping captures full planimetric features such as building footprint, roads,parking, and sidewalks with a 1-foot contour which will be included in the Village's GIS. Finally,this account includes funds to outsource archiving Village documents in an Electronic Document Management System. GIS Staffing $48,171.00 —� Network Management Contract $30,000.00 Photogrammetric Mapping $25,633.00 46 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $103,804.00 Proeramming and Software Fees 02-20-25-55-2170 This account represents estimated costs associated with the purchase of various network related software and annual support/user fees for various department specific programs that reside on the Village's network. In addition to regular annual expenses, there are expenses associated with adding a customer service request module, to the network as well as GIS software purchases to expand our current GIS system. All other budgeted amounts are for reoccurring expenses to maintain the software already in place. Software specific to a department that is not on the Village network is reflected in the respective department's budget. E-pay software support $8,200.00 Electronic Management Software $16,000.00 GIS Software $4,369.00 GIS software licenses $6,000.00 Microstation Maintenance $1,300.00 Network Monitoring Software $5,000.00 Norton Anti-virus $4,400.00 Parking Ticket Software $1,000.00 Paver $600.00 Software Modifications - $2,000.00 Springbrook contract $20,000.00 Springbrook software update $32,450.00 Support and User Fees for FireHouse $1,490.00 Veritas Maintenance $1,164.00 Total $103,973.00 Utilities Internet Connection 02-20-25-55-3150 This account covers associated estimated costs for the Internet Service Provider(ISP),website hosting lease, and the annual costs for leasing Ti Lines from SBC for the wide area network and remote access to the Village's computer network. The Livescan T-1 line charge for the Police Department is allocated to the Police Department. Monies are also allocated for network drops for additional network connections as needed throughout all village facilities. Internet Access $5,160.00 Network Cabling $7,500.00 WAN Interconnectivity/Remote Access $15,000.00 Webhosting service $480.00 Total $28,140.00 Maintenance of Computers 02-20-25-55-4160 This account represents anticipated costs related to maintenance and warranty contracts for existing computer hardware and peripheral equipment. The expenditures are dedicated to both village network and specific department needs.The funding for the hard drive arrays is dependent upon the growth and expansion of the computer system As the number and size of files and databases stored on the system increases,the village will need to expand these hard drive arrays. The processor upgrade and RAM upgrades will be needed as the users place more demand on the system especially if e-commerce begins to take place on the website. The 47 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 processor and RAM upgrades will compensate for the additional load placed on the system. UPS devices "1 will need to be replaced when clean power supplies to the network are repeatedly compromised. Cisco Smartnet maintenance $500.00 CSU/DSU $1,500.00 Maintenance& license of GIS hardware $750.00 Network Switches $2,000.00 Printer repair $1,000.00 Processor,hard drive array,RAM $5,000.00 Router/PIX replacement $15,000.00 Total $25,750.00 Operational Supplies 02-20-25-56-2110 This line item includes office supplies and cleaning supplies for the Management Information System's division. Total $500.00 Operational Equipment 02-20-25-56-4200 This appropriation covers the replacement of end-user computer equipment that is not considered capital expenditures. Cables $300.00 Keyboards/Mice $150.00 Monitors $4,500.00 Total $4,950.00 Machinery and Equipment 02-20-25-57-2010 These expenses are for the development and ongoing maintenance of the Village's computer network, as well as additional peripheral equipment that is added to the computer system. The replacement schedule assumes a 3-5 year replacement schedule. Document Storage $10,000.00 Color Laser Printer $4,000.00 Dell Lease Agreement $16,000.00 GIS Workstation replacement $5,500.00 Laptop replacements $7,500.00 System Printers $2,000.00 Total $45,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 02-20-25-57-2040 This account is to supply the replacement of computer-related furniture and fixtures. Total $1,500.00 48 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 1 1/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 +tual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description = Requested Proposed Adopted 02-20-25 Management Information System El Personal Services 58,434 48,489 63,876 0.00 54-4300 Salary-Net Administrator 0.00 69,455 69,455 71,539 4,441 3,821 4,886 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 5,313 5,313 5,473 3,397 3,086 4,073 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 4,480 4,480 4,684 0 198 5,469 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 5,980 5,980 6,160 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-VIg Contnb 0.00 0 0 0 195 169 241 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 260 260 268 66,468 55,763 78,545 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 85,488 85,488 88,124 E2- Contractual Services 0 205 775 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 775 775 775 475 236 900 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 900 900 900 12,328 59 11,350 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 16,350 12,000 12,000 80,382 143,549 119,158 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 113,804 113,804 103,804 22,225 110,393 81,901 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 108,973 103,973 103,973 40,614 29,442 31,360 0.00 55-3150 Utilities Internet Connection 0.00 28,140 28,140 28,140 4,278 9,251 12,250 0.00 55-4160 Maintenance Of Computers 0.00 25,750 25,750 25,750 160,303 293,134 257,694 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 294,692 285,342 275,342 E3 Commodities 0 0 300 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 500 500 500 1,431 4,843 3,750 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 4,950 4,950 4,950 1,431 4,843 4,050 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 5,450 5,450 5,450 E4 Machinery&Equipment 35,490 35,351 47,600 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 35,000 35,000 45,000 0 0 300 0.00 57-2040 Furniture &Fixtures 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 35,490 35,351 47,900 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 36,500 36,500 46,500 i91 389,092 388,189 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 422,130 412,780 415,416 �e 49 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois 'at\ Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Management Information Services Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Network Administrator 63,876 1.0 70 71,539 1.0 Total 63,876 1.0 71,539 1.0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 4,886 1.0 5,473 1.0 Hospitalization Insurance 4,073 1.0 4,684 1.0 Life Insurance 241 1.0 268 1.0 IMRF 5,469 1.0 6,160 1.0 Total 14,669 16,585 Department Total 78,545 1.0 88,124 1.0 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 50 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 RESERVES DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Reserve Account has been established to provide funds for unanticipated and emergency needs which may arise during the year and for which it is difficult to provide a reasonable forecast as part of the budget preparation process. The Reserve Account also includes additional monies appropriated for health self- insurance needs,retirement/SLI payments and the Village's deductible required by IRMA. Each of these programs are explained in detail below. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Due to the nature of reserve accounts, it is not possible to predict the extent that reserves will be expended during the remainder of the year. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 The management of the day-to-day affairs of Village operations have and continue to be run utilizing the most efficient and effective methods reasonably possible. However,unforeseen and emergency circumstances do occur from time-to-time for which utilization from current revenues or fund balances will be necessary. The Village will continue to carefully monitor these occurrences and expenditures if and when they occur. Reserve For Emergency/Extraordinary Expenses 02-20-89-58-1010 The appropriation for emergency and extraordinary expenditures provides and accounts for unforeseen circumstances and such other contingencies as snow storms, floods, or other extraordinary or emergency situations that may occur. This contingency is less than 1%of the total General Fund budget for 2006. Total $100,000.00 Reserve For Unemployment Compensation 02-20-89-58-1020 We maintain this appropriation in the event there is a claim the Village would be liable for. (The Village is under the reimbursement program for its unemployment obligations and does not pay an unemployment tax). Total $3,000.00 Reserve For IRMA Deductibles 02-20-89-58-1030 Village's share of first $2,500 in deductibles of claims under IRMA. There is$70,000 in estimated total claims deductibles,of which$65,000 is for General Fund purposes and$5,000 is for Enterprise Fund purposes. The breakdown of this appropriation reflects actual loss experience. Total $65,000.00 51 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Reserve For Health Insurance 02-20-89-58-1050 The Village is self-insured for purposed of funding its group health insurance program. Blue Cross/Blue Shield is the third party administrator who processes claims. From time-to-time,benefits may exceed premiums paid resulting in a supplemental charge for the Village. This account reflects the appropriation necessary to make supplemental payouts and also reflects any reimbursement received. Total $100,000.00 Reserve For Retirement (sli) 02-20-89-58-1061 This appropriation will be used to cover any payments as a result of the Sick Leave Incentive(SLI) program. As with the Reserve for Health Insurance account, monies to support this line item are set aside in reserve as part of the General Fund balance. Total $50,000.00 Reserve for hosp. increase 02-20-89-58-1070 This represents the estimated increase in the Village share for health insurance premiums. Total $0.00 Reserve For TIF Expenditures 02-20-89-58-1140 Total $0.00 Reserve For Capital Purchases 02-20-89-58-1065 Total $88,349.00 T 52 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year: 2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FIE Requested Proposed Adopted 02-20-89 Reserves E6 Reserve Expense 0 100,000 0.00 58-1010 Reserve For Emergency/extra Ex 0.00 100,000 100,000 100,000 3,064 1,28 3,000 0.00 58-1020 Reserve For Unemployment Comp 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 41,123 27,12 35,000 0.00 58-1030 Reserve For Irma Deductibles 0.00 65,000 65,000 65,000 (126,026) 221,08 100,000 0.00 58-1050 Reserve For Health Insurance C 0.00 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0.00 58-1060 Reserve For Compensation 0.00 350,000 335,000 0 0 50,000 0.00 58-1061 Reserve For Retirement(sli) 0.00 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0.00 58-1065 Reserve-Capital Purchases 0.00 0 0 88,349 0 0 0.00 58-1070 Reserve for hasp.increase 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 58-1140 Reserve For Tif Expenditures 0.00 0 0 0 (81,840) 249,495 288,000 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 668,000 653,000 406,349 (81,840) 249,495 288,000 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 668,000 653,000 406,349 ‘Nirr 53 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the police department is to prevent and/or control behavior that is threatening to life and property; to assist individuals who are in danger of physical harm or are a victim of crime; to protect constitutional guarantees; to perform all duties and responsibilities in an unbiased, indiscriminate and objective manner;to assist persons who cannot care for themselves such as the physically challenged, mentally impaired, the old and the very young; to be fiscally responsible in providing services to our community;to create and impart a feeling of safety and security within the community. DEPARTMENT VALUES • Honesty: Truthfulness in our words and deeds. • Integrity: Our service will be fair to all and our actions will be legally and morally correct. • Accountability: The acceptance of responsibility for our conduct and performance is vital to our effectiveness,credibility and respect. • Accuracy: Honest and accurate communication recognizing that we impact the lives of others by what we do or fail to do. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Each department component derives from the Mission Statement specific goals and objectives covering their areas of responsibility. Each component supervisor continuously monitors component activity related to the accomplishment of the goals and objectives and does an annual assessment. The ability to provide a high level of effective and efficient police service requires a constant review of all areas of activity; performance and the quality of service delivery in conjunction with the support of an adequate and realistic budget. COMMUNITY LIAISONS The department's management team is responsible for overseeing frequent personal and telephonic contact with representatives of schools, religious institutions, businesses, and other government or community organizations. This continuous communication helps the police department reach out to the community to provide immediate response to community needs and to confront problems before they become major situations. It helps the community impart to the police their concerns that otherwise might not be reported. CRIME PREVENTION/COMMUNITY RELATIONS The Community Awareness Network(CAN) is a key part of the Morton Grove Community based policing program. Through the CAN program the Crime Prevention component assists local merchants& citizens in the community by offering many programs geared towards reducing crime. Participating in community events are just some of the ways that the crime prevention efforts strive to raise citizen awareness and promote proven crime prevention ideas. Some of the programs offered include neighborhood watch, the telephone check"Are You O.K.?"well being computer program, officer contact-Walk and Talk program, home and business security surveys and the Citizen Police Academy. 54 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 ENFORCEMENT AND CONTROL "1 The department investigates all reports of criminal activity; establishes intelligence information and takes enforcement action related to gambling,prostitution, alcohol and narcotics, licensing laws and organized crime An aggressive traffic enforcement effort has been shown to deter crime and has also resulted in felony arrests. While the level of enforcement is always dependent on other calls for service,personnel make every effort to take appropriate enforcement action when encountering any traffic or ordinance violation during their non-assigned time. - We also maintain a selective traffic enforcement list of areas and/or violations that are consistently reported as a problem that require the attention of our officers on a regular basis. With limited personnel and time restraints our selective enforcement list allows us to deploy our officers when and where it will have the most impact In addition to the enforcement of a wide range of parking laws the department pays special attention to fire lane,handicap parking,timed and permit parking zones, vehicle tag and seat belt violations. Other areas of enforcement and control include inspections of liquor license holders,motels for compliance with all laws, and tobacco sellers. These inspections give the department an opportunity to identify potential problems and work with the businesses to reduce or eliminate those problems. 2006 ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Review throughout the year all activities,programs and operations as to their value and cost effectiveness in conjunction with the continuous monitoring of budget expenditures. 2. Use planning and research processes to find improved methods to deliver police services and other proggramg jihat would benefit the department and the village. 3. Monitor the efficient and effective delivery of services by personnel with a focus on attitude, demeanor and courtesy as they deliver those services either through personal contact or via telephone. 4. Monitor operations with a focus on the safety of personnel as they fulfill their duties and responsibilities. Develop or modify policies and provide training,when applicable,that will reduce or eliminate injury. 5. Aggressive enforcement of illegal liquor and tobacco sales and traffic and ordinance violations. BUDGET COMMENTS—POLICE DEPARTMENT-2006 The preparation and management of the police budget is never taken lightly or thought of as routine. The budget is funded by other people's monies, the taxpayers of Morton Grove. That fact magnifies the significant responsibility we have in the management of our budget. Much time and many people are involved in researching,planning and preparing the budget. The constant review of programs and practices is never ending. The review is designed to reduce, modify or eliminate ineffective programs and practices thereby striving to provide police services in the most cost efficient manner. 55 ' C Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 In addition, a number of tools for effective budget management are in place. These include ledger sheets for each account that mirror real time expenditures and account balances, in-house purchase requisition in addition to village purchase orders and check requests, searching for less costly products and services than what the budget was based on and not spending if no longer needed. Budget preparation begins 6 months before the start of the next budget year projecting, in some cases, what is needed 15-18 months down the road. To help with projections the department tracks each account's expenditure history for at least three years and can track back for up to eight years, if necessary. Although we use historical tracking in budget preparation we have 11 accounts that can be and many times are impacted by unanticipated activities and events thereby causing unplanned expenditures. Unanticipated expenditures in one account are compensated for by delaying spending in other areas and prioritizing so that we remain within our total budget. Our efforts over the years have had a positive effect on our spending. Overall,when comparing the totals for the same contractual and commodities accounts for 1999 with 2005, we budgeted less in"05 than we did in"99. Dues and Subscriptions 02-30-14-55-1120 The publications and associations supported by this account allow members of the police department to stay current with changes in laws, federal acts and other governmental mandates. It also keeps information flowing through the department related to new programs, innovative technology and modern management techniques. The information obtained is critical for guiding our training,policies and procedures. a. IACP Net-Model Policy/Research Program $975.00 b. Haines Criss-Cross Directory $485.00 c. International, State&Local Dues $750.00 d. IACP Training Keys $425.00 e. IL Criminal Law&Procedures $375.00 f. Criminal Justice Publications/Literature $300.00 g. Criminal/Constitutional Law Publications $225.00 h. State&Federal Training Publ./Literature $225.00 i. IL Law Enforcement Bulletin $210.00 j. AED Medical Oversight&File Management Fee $150.00 Total $4,120.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-30-14-55-1130 Communication and networking with fellow practitioners from area, state,federal and international law enforcement agencies is of vital importance in view of the world we live in these days. The interaction stimulates an exchange of strategies, ideas and problem-solving concepts,which are critical to providing public safety services to our community. a. Association Meetings, State&Local $1,200.00 b. Crime Prevention Meetings $200.00 c. Juvenile& Supervisor Meetings $200.00 d. Security& Crime Study Meetings $250.00 e. IACP Conference $0.00 56 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 f. LEADS &LiveScan Conferences $0.00 g. International Police Liaisons $0.00 Total $1,850.00 Training&Instructions 02-30-14-55-1150 The overall training goal is to maintain a high level of training for all department members. Training is based on laws, court decisions, mandates, employee needs, liability consideration and our five(5) year comprehensive training plan. In view of our litigious minded society;the amount we expend per employee on training is inexpensive insurance. a. Police Law Institute(PLI Computer) $0.00 b. Northeast Multi-Regional Tmg. Program(NEMRT) $5,525.00 c. Supervisor&Administrative Training $7,800.00 d. Sworn Officer Recruit School,Police Academy for $5,850.00 THREE Officers e. Training Days, CPR&AED, HazMat, Ethics $3,000.00 I Tuition Reimbursement $3,100.00 g. General Training-CSO, Secretarial, Clerk,Report $3,750.00 Writing, Court Testifying, Civil Liability, WMD, etc. h. Defensive Tactics, Firearms-Armorer $4,100.00 i. Criminal &Juvenile Investigation $1,350.00 j. Emergency Vehicle Operation $900.00 k. Criminal Law, Arrest, Search& Seizure $800.00 1. Traffic& D.U.I. Enforcement $500.00 m. Crime Prevention Training $1,000.00 Total $37,675.00 Employee Relations 02-30-14-55-1160 To comply with O.S.H.A. requirements to protect police personnel from blood borne infection it is necessary to provide inoculations to at-risk department members. The monies in this account allow us to comply with the requirements related to newly hired at-risk members and blood testing for lead content of all Range Officers on a regular basis. The department received Avon Gas Masks from the Department of Homeland Security. OSHA requires that all personnel are Fit Tested on an annual basis. Although the cost for fitness for duty medical examinations is charged to this account, no monies are budgeted due to the unpredictability of when such examinations are required. a. Hepatitis Inoculations $564.00 b. LEAD Testing-Gun Range Officers $400.00 c. Gas Masks -Fit Testing $2,000.00 Total $2,964.00 Personnel Recruitment 02-30-14-55-1170 This account covers the testing required for the hiring of personnel and promotional testing. 57 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 The next police officer testing will occur in 2007. The next Sergeant's promotional testing will occur in 2007. a. Sergeant Promotional Test $0.00 b. Police Recruit Testing NWMC $0.00 c. Exams, Psychological $4,200.00 d. Medical Exams $1,400.00 e. NWMC,NW Municipal Conf Consortium Dues $1,000.00 f. Polygraph Exams $1,000.00 Total $7,600.00 Printing and Publishing 02-30-14-55-2130 This account covers professional printed forms such as parking and warning tickets, report forms, incident cards and other printing that cannot be developed and printed in-house. Total $6,252.00 Abandon Auto Removal 02-30-14-55-2220 This account is used to remove abandoned vehicles from Village streets. It provides monies for tagging, towing, processing charges,legal notifications and disposal. In addition, covers the costs of criminal impoundment and relocation of vehicles due to construction or weather related emergencies. Total $500.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 02-30-14-55-2330 Lease Copy Machine(2nd of 4 year lease, 1st floor) $4,200.00 Lease Copy Machine(3rd of 4 year.lease, 2nd floor) $4,200.00 Total $8,400.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-30-14-55-4130 This account covers expenses for the maintenance agreements for office equipment, E911 phone and computer equipment that is maintained in our facility, digital recording equipment,line charges and other repairs not covered by the agreements. Expenses incurred for building maintenance, fire extinguisher replenishment,and other services are also covered. Monies required for gun range maintenance was moved to the Guns &Ammunition account. a. Gun Range Maintenance $0.00 b. Computer Equip. &E911 Motorola Phone $5,579.00 c. Digital Recording Equipment $2,550.00 d. Business Machine Repairs $1,765.00 e. Comm Center Emergency Alarm Monitoring Fee $300.00 f. Building Maintenance $300.00 Total $10,494.00 58 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Maintenance of Radio Equipment 02-30-14-55-4150 Maintenance contracts for radio equipment, closed circuit TV system,pagers and radar are all included in this account. Parts or other expenses not covered by the contracts are also covered in this account. a. NORCOM Equipment Maintenance $23,400.00 b. In-Car Video Cameras $3,500.00 c. Maintenance of Radio Sc.Telephone Equip.-Install.-Parts $1,225.00 d. NORCOM Consultant, System Checks $2,500.00 e. Building Security Video Cameras &Monitors $1,500.00 f. Pagers/System $1,500.00 g. Radar Maintenance $800.00 h. TAC-5 Upgrade Intergovernmental Agreement $8,825.00 Total $43,250.00 Maintenance of Computers 02-30-14-55-4160 This account covers the maintenance contract and user fees for the ALERTS Mobile Data Terminals and the LiveScan Fingerprint System. The software support for the Evidence Program and the LiveScan line connection is also included. a. Contract, LiveScan Maintenance $12,575.00 b. Fees, ALERTS Users $8,452.00 c. LiveScan Charge,T-1 Line $3,500.00 d. Evidence Software Support $350.00 Total $24,877.00 Community Relations 02-30-14-55-5140 Monies in this account provide citizen awards,department service achievement and yearly attendance awards. It also provides for two officers to attend the Police Memorial ceremony in Springfield, Illinois, and other community oriented recognitions. Community Relations $850.00 Police Memorial, Springfield, Illinois $350.00 Total $1,200.00 Mutual Aid 02-30-14-55-7140 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM,NIPAS/EST/MOBILE FIELD FORCE: Provides the availability, from other police agencies,manpower and equipment for short-term response to natural disasters (tornado, flooding) and man-made disasters (plane crashes,train derailments,major crime scenes, etc.). Ln addition to NIPAS, the Emergency Service Team(EST)has officers from various agencies available to handle barricaded offender(s),hostage situations, terrorist, high risk warrant service, and dignitary protection. Mobile Field Force provides member agencies with officers trained in the field force concepts of riot control and suppression of civil disorder. MAJOR CRIMES TASK FORCE: Provides the funds for participation in a multi jurisdictional unit that is available for use by a member department to handle any complex major crime investigation that may extend beyond the resources of a member agency. 59 A Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 a. NIPAS /EST/Mobile Field Force $4,400.00 b. Major Crime Task Force $3,400.00 c. Mutual Aid Support Equipment $350.00 Total $8,150.00 Central Dispatch 02-30-14-55-7151 This account provides part of the yearly operating costs related to Central Dispatch. The balance of the operating costs has been provided for in the E911 Budget. Costs include the Personal Services, Contractual Services, Commodities and Capital Outlay required for the operation of the North Suburban Emergency Communications Center(NSECC). Total $496,767.00 NE IL Public Safety Training 02-30-14-55-7155 The Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy(NIPSTA)has been adopted as an intergovernmental entity with charter membership by 17 municipal jurisdictions in this permanent agency. With Morton Grove's municipal membership,the 21-acre training complex is available to all Village employees for classroom and practical training. The facility,with its existing classrooms and practical training facilities, is located in Glenview, on the northwest portion of the former Glenview Naval Air Station. This partnership in training provides a unique opportunity to develop the site and its existing structures,to jumpstart the complex with a multi-decade, essentially no cost lease through the Village of Glenview. With this partnership,the site can be built-out over time to its full potential and will be a premier facility from a regional and national standpoint. With membership by both public safety departments, the other municipal employees of the jurisdiction can also participate in available programs. Some programs at the Academy will have associated tuition and fees,however, as a member,these costs will be reduced. The Police Department's annual membership fee is based on 46 authorized sworn members at$229 each. Total $10,534.00 Special Investigations 02-30-14-55-8100 This account funds the resources and equipment necessary for investigations,the surveillance, identification and regulation of drugs, liquor,vice, organized crime and gang activity within the Village. The account additionally covers the expense of transporting the deceased to the Cook County Medical Examiner's facility in Chicago. Total $2,695.00 Drug Enforcement Act-MEG 02-30-14-55-8101 The law requires an account be established to provide a record of monies seized and forfeited to the Police Department as a result of drug enforcement by the Metropolitan Enforcement Group(M.E.G.). It is also a requirement the utilization of the funds in this account are for drug related investigation and enforcement. This account is offset in Fund Balance from revenues collected in prior budget years. M.E.G. was disbanded and the Morton Grove Police Department does not anticipate future revenues. Total $1.00 60 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Seized/Forfeited Prop-Treasury 02-30-14-55-8102 From time-to-time, cooperative investigations with federal law enforcement results in a share of seized property or monies. The law requires an account be established to provide a record of monies seized and forfeited to the Police Department as a result of drug enforcement through the U.S. Department of Treasury. It is also a requirement that the utilization of the funds in this account is for law enforcement purposes only and cannot supplant existing monies. Expenditures from this account are offset in Fund Balance from revenues collected in the current and prior budget years. Total $1.00 Department of Justice-Justice 02-30-14-55-8103 From time-to-time cooperative investigations with federal law enforcement results in a share of seized property or monies. The law requires an account be established to provide a record of monies seized and forfeited to the Police Department as a result of drug enforcement through the U.S. Department of Justice. It is also a requirement the utilization of the funds in this account is for law enforcement purposes only and cannot supplant existing monies. Expenditures from this account are offset in Fund Balance from revenues collected in the current and prior budget years. Total $1.00 Pension Contribution Expense 02-30-14-55-8140 There is not a separate levy for the Police Pension Fund. A portion of the General Fund levy is allocated to the police pension fund. Total $657,032.00 Operational Supplies 02-30-14-56-2110 Daily supplies and equipment needed by the department to provide and maintain the level of police service are covered under this account. Portable batteries,microphones,prisoner expense,DUI testing, supplies needed for infectious disease prevention and other expenses are included in this account. Roadway flares needed by our officers for their safety are included here. Also included is the cost of disposal for biohazard evidence,property and other contaminated material. In addition to an on-going replacement of in-car video tapes, additional tapes are being purchased due to tapes being taken out of service as a result of court orders, subpoenas, evidence, and the new State mandate requiring the recording of interviews and interrogations of certain crimes. a. Flares $2,000.00 b. Prisoner Lodging Expense $1,700.00 c. Vendor/Vending Services $1,500.00 d. Radio,Emergency Equipment& Supplies $1,200.00 e. Blood Borne Infection Prevention& Supplies $750.00 f. In-Car Video Cassettes $750.00 g. Vehicle Registrations $750.00 h. Laptop Batteries $600.00 i. Bio-Hazard Evidence Disposal $450.00 j. Video-Audio Interrogation Tapes $170.00 61 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $9,870.00 Photo Supplies 02-30-14-56-2120 This account supports the cost and development of film required by patrol,investigations, evidence technicians and crime prevention sections. Evidence technicians are provided with the latest up-to-date technological equipment and supplies required to perform their duties for the identification, collection and preservation of evidence. a. Evidence Technician-ET $2,600.00 b. Photo Supplies $2,000.00 c. Identi-Kit $408.00 Total $5,008.00 Animal Control Supplies 02-30-14-56-2170 This account provides for the emergency relocation and rescue service of animals, animal hospital expenses, supplies, equipment and other related expenses. a. Animal Hospital Expenses $2,000.00 b. Wildlife Relocation&Rescue Service $2,000.00 c. Supplies&Equipment $1,100.00 d. Wildlife Disposal $500.00 Total $5,600.00 Office Supplies 02-30-14-56-2180 This account covers the cost of office supplies such as photocopy paper,machine and laser printer toners. It also covers repairs and replacement of office furniture. a. Office Supplies $4,063.00 b. Copy Machine Paper $2,675.00 c. Toner Supplies $2,135.00 d. Computer Supplies $1,375.00 e. Office Furniture&Replacement $500.00 g. Laminating Machine Supplies $325.00 Total $11,073.00 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 02-30-14-56-4300 All employees are required to purchase and maintain a complete uniform, as required. Sworn personnel are also required to purchase and maintain soft body armor. This account provides the appropriate wearing apparel for sworn police officers, civilian police employees and school crossing guards. This account also provides for repair and replacement of stars and shields and the purchase of department arm patches-and insignia, along with other required department uniforms or protective clothing. The increase in this account resulted from labor contract negotiations. a. 46 Sworn Police Officers @$850 each $39,100.00 b. 11 Community Service Officers @$510 each $5,610.00 c. Department Purchases,Patches,Insignia, etc. $800.00 d. 3 Clerks @$480 each $1,440.00 62 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 e. Part Time CSO's $960.00 f. Stars & Shields $900.00 g. Crossing Guards $200.00 h. Replacement Uniforms $0.00 Total $49,010.00 Guns& Ammunition 02-30-14-56-4360 This account supports our firearms training and qualification program along with providing equipment for tactical response situations. This directly impacts on liability issues. It also provides for re-load ammunition for recruit training and monthly training. It is further used for maintenance and/or purchase of shotguns and rifles. Training is paramount to maintaining an acceptable level of proficiency in an effort to avoid costly litigation. This account also supports the defensive tactics and less than lethal force programs. This account now provides for maintenance required for the gun range facility. The range maintenance line item was transferred to this account from Maintenance of Non-Auto Equipment in order to provide better control and oversight of maintenance monies. The facility must comply with EPA mandates and requirements for cleaning and removal of lead contaminates. a. Ammunition $5,900.00 b. Supplies&Weapons $1,500.00 c. Defensive Tactics Supplies & Equipment $0.00 d. Range Maintenance $6,300.00 e. Carbine Training Program $300.00 Total $14,000.00 Crime Prevention Expense 02-30-14-56-4365 The program is responsible for raising awareness issues with citizens, schools,businesses, and community groups. The overall program promotes effective prevention techniques designed to reduce criminal activity and enhance the quality of life within the community. The Unit is also designed to be flexible enough so as to adapt to all aspects of community and departmental needs as they arise while still maintaining the quality of the existing programs. The programs provided to the public through the Community Awareness Network—C.A.N., includes community crime prevention seminars, school safety programs, security surveys,burglary/theft prevention and personal safety, and the"Are You O.K.?" senior well-being program. Total $2,700.00 Machinery& Equipment 02-30-14-57-2010 A. NINE Motorola HT1250 Portable Radios, (a� $800 each TWO-Battery Charger Racks (holds 6 batteries) a,$700 each $ 8,600 This is the final year of the MT1000 portable radio replacement program. This purchase will replace all the MT1000 portable radios that were purchased from 1989—1993. Motorola has discontinued the HT1000's and replaced them with the HT1250's which could mean a similar replacement program may be started in 2007. The first batch of HT1000 radios were purchased in 1995. The department currently utilizes 62 portable radios. 63 .� t Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 B. THREE In-car Video Systems @ $4,000 each $12,000 This is the first year of a five year replacement program. The system is of value in documenting police activity, evidence documentation, court testimony support and refuting claims of police misconduct. The life expectancy for the current systems is five to eight years. Historical data shows we purchased three in 1998 and 1999, five in 2000, one in 2001, 2003 and 2004. The replacement program will purchase three in 2006, four in 2007, five in 2008 and possibly two in 2009 or 2010. C. TWO Squad Car Lightbars with Deck&Corner Strobes @ $ 3,000 each $ 6,000 Two existing lightbars are deteriorating and replacement parts are becoming difficult to fmd. A replacement program was recommended by Public Works to replace nine lightbars and was started in 2001. One lightbar was purchased in 2001 and two were purchased in 2002. Two lightbars were purchased in 2003 and 2004. The department currently utilizes nine(9) lightbars. D. FIVE ABS Plastic Rear Transport Seats 0$290 each $ 1,450 Our patrol vehicles are equipped with the plastic transport seats. The replacement of the existing seats is needed for two reasons. The seats have been in use for many years and are cracking from use and age. The current seats will not fit into the new squads due to a change in the configuration of the rear seat compartment. E. THREE Push Bars(n,$170 each $ 510 Our patrol vehicles are equipped with front push bumpers. The replacement of the existing push bars is needed due to a change in the configuration of the front vehicle bumper and under carriage, on the 2006 police vehicles. A. NLNE Motorola HT1250 Portable Radios @$800 $8,600.00 each& TWO Battery Chargers @ $700 each B. THREE In-car Video Systems @$4,000 each $12,000.00 C. TWO Squad Car Lightbars @$3,000 each $6,000.00 D. FIVE ABS Plastic Rear Transport Seats @$290 each $1,450.00 E. THREE Push Bars @ $170 each $510.00 Total $28,560.00 Motor Vehicles 02-30-14-57-2030 FIVE—2006 Police Squad Cars 0$23.000 each We have deferred purchase of police vehicles the past few years. We had been rotating our marked squads, after two years, into usage by other Village departments. We now use our police vehicles for three plus years. We will be into the three plus year mark for five of our squads next year. A determination has been made by Public Works that based on high mileage and maintenance concerns five vehicles need to be purchased in 2006. These five vehicles will replace five vehicles purchased in 2003. Total $115,000.00 64 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 kctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FfE Requested Proposed Adopted 02-30-14 Police Y El Personal Services 99,846 110,103 109,231 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 109,231 109,231 112,508 88,727 91,521 93,477 0.00 54-4421 Deputy Chief 0.00 93,477 93,477 96,281 330,723 331,456 338,660 0.00 54-4500 Salaries Commanders 0.00 338,660 338,660 348,820 418,478 447,477 460,101 0.00 54-4540 Salaries Sergeants/police Dept 0.00 460,104 460,104 473,907 1,938,910 2,016,894 2,166,801 0.00 54-4600 Salaries Police Patrol Officer 0.00 2,175,921 2,175,921 . 2,240,959 59,740 62,044 62,907 0.00 54-4620 Support Services Supervisor 0.00 62,907 62,907 64,794 o 0 0 0.00 544621 Salaries Commnun/ieads Supervis 0.00 0 0 0 41,034 42,325 43,182 0.00 54-4622 Salaries Pima Mgr/records Coor 0.00 43,182 43,182 44,477 0 0 0 0.00 54-4624 Salaries Radio Operators/dispa 0.00 0 0 0 (432) 40,990 42,335 0.00 54-4630 Salaries Animal Control Office 0.00 42,335 42,335 43,605 279,723 304,317 335,320 0.00 54-4642 Salaries Cso Workers 0.00 351,104 351,104 361,637 18,059 47,042 69,285 0.00 544645 Salaries-CSO Part Time 0.00 67,095 67,095 69,108 48,574 47,671 64,978 0.00 54-4663 Salaries Crossing Guards 0.00 46,476 46,476 47,870 39,352 39,886 41,505 0.00 54-4700 Salaries Clerical 0.00 41,505 41,505 42,750 45,196 47,345 47,676 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 47,676 47,676 49,106 231,476 136,546 150,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 150,000 150,000 150,000 81,387 88,178 103,000 0.00 54-5200 Holiday Pay 0.00 86,148 B6,148 88,708 46,137 48,623 46,500 0.00 54-5400 Police Court Time 0.00 46,500 46,500 46,500 0 0 0 0.00 54-5500 Holiday Premium Pay 0.00 5,500 5,500 5,500 32,500 35,600 38,900 0.00 546100 Longevity 0.00 37,100 37,100 37,100 0 0 0 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 70,093 79,290 89,508 0.00 547100 Social Security 0.00 85,995 85,995 88,470 458,651 519,922 562,712 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 618,983 618,983 647,119 0 619 29,633 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 16,974 16,974 17,843 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contrrb 0.00 0 0 0 50,263 62,272 61,640 0.00 54-8200 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 67,804 67,804 70,886 12,372 13,226 14,495 0.00 548300 Life Insurance 0.00 14,553 14,553 14,962 0 0 0 0.00 54-9100 Patrol Detail 0.00 0 0 0 4,390,808 4,613,347 4,971,846 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 5,009,230 5,009,230 5,162,910 E2 Contractual Services 0 0 0 0.00 55-1100 Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 906 3,971 3,755 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 4,120 4,120 519 962 2,300 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 1,850 1,850 4,120 X1,100 24,616 38,280 0.00 55-1150 1,850 1160 Emploge Relations 0.00 37,675 32,964 37,675 1,041 3,716 2,780 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 2,964 2,964 2,964 16,833 13,489 17,900 0.00 55-1170 Personnel Recruitment 0.00 7,600 7,600 7,600 1,689 5,097 6,252 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 6,252 6,252 6,252 0 0 0 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 0 0 0 252 469 500 0.00 55-2220 Abandon Auto Removal 0.00 500 500 500 3,608 4,638 8,400 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/Rental Pyma 0.00 8,400 8,400 8,400 15,423 19,424 18,919 0.00 554130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 10,494 10,494 10,494 31,474 41,919 37,427 0.00 55-4150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 43,250 43,250 43,250 26,615 21,907 24,877 0.00 554160 Maintenance Of Computers 0.00 24,877 24,877 24,877 2,125 555 1,200 0.00 55-5140 Community Relations 0.00 1,200 1,200 1,200 7,559 7,592 8,15 0.00 55-7140 Mutual Aid - 0.00 8,150 8,150 8,150 386,307 394,752 410,12 0.00 55-7151 Central Dispatch 0.00 449,776 496,767 496,767 0 10,534 10,53 0.00 55-7155 NEIL public safety training 0.00 10,534 10,534 10,534 4,217 2,865 2,45 0.00 55-8100 Special Investigations 0.00 2,695 2,695 2,695. 117 342 0 0.00 55-8101 Drug Enforcement Act-MEG 0.00 1 1 1 16,185 0.00 55-8102 Seized/forfeited Prop-Treasury 0.00 1 1 1 520 15,998 0.00 55-8103 DeparunentofJustice-Jusdce 0.00 1 1 251,356 376,618 456,14 0.00 55-8140 Pension Contribution Expense 0.00 607,032 2 607,032 657,032 804,944 949,465 1,049,999 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,227,372 1,274,363 1,324,363 E3 Commodities 9,736 8,154 10,352 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 9,870 4,048 3,375 5,208 0.00 56-2120 Photo Supplies 0.00 5008 5,008 5,008 4,295 8,767 5,600 0.00 56-2170 Animal Control Supplies 5,008 5,008 10,022 7,750 9,834 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies uPp 0.00 5,600 5,600 5,600 0 19,817 uPP 0.00 11,073 11,070 11,073 0 0.00 56-4025 Block Gmn[Pmchases 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 56-4200 0 0 41,196 39,749 49,270 0.00 564300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 49,010 49,010 49,010 6,591 5,574 6,800 0.00 56-4360 Guns&Ammunition 0.00 14,000 1,684 2,276 2,700 0.00 56-4365 Crime Prevention Expense 14,000 14,000 Pense 0.00 2.700 2,700 2,700 573 94,462 89,764 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 97,261 97,261 97,261 6.075 18,126 54 Machinery&Equipment 5,500 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 87,836 22,040 110,000 0.00 57-2030 Equipm 000 28,560 28,560 28,560 2030 Mohr Vehicles I1S,000 115,000 115,000 103,911 40,166 115,500 0 Machinery Be Equipment Totals: 0.00 143,560 143,560 143,560 5,377,237 5,697,440 6,227,109 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 6,477,423 6,524,414 6,728,094 65 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois .. Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Police Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Chief of Police 109,231 1.0 112,508 1.0 Deputy Police Chief 93,477 1.0 79 96,281 1.0 Commander 338,660 4.0 74 348,820 4.0 Police Sergeant 460,101 6.0 69 473,907 6.0 Police Officer 2,166,801 34.0 2,240,959 34.0 Support Services Supervisor 62,907 1.0 59 64,794 1.0 PIMS Manager/Records Coord. 43,182 1.0 39 44,477 1.0 CSO/Animal Warden 42,335 1.0 39 43,605 1.0 CSO Worker 335,320 9.0 38 361,637 9.0 Principal Clerk 41,505 1.0 38 42,750 1.0 Admin Secretary/Aide I 47,676 1.0 45 49,106 1.0 School Crossing Guards (19&14 PT) 64,978 9.5 47,870 7.0 CSO (4&5 PT) 69,285 2.0 69,108 2.5 Total 3,875,458 71.5 3,995,822 69.5 Additional Personnel Services: " . Salaries - Overtime 150,000 150,000 Police Court Time 46,500 46,500 Retiree Health Insurance 61,640 70,886 Total 258,140 267,386 Fringe Benefits: Holiday Pay 103,000 46.0 94,208 46.0 Longevity 38,900 34.0 37,100 30.0 Social Security 89,508 45.0 88,470 45.0 Hospitalization Insurance 562,712 62.0 647,119 60.0 Life Insurance 14,495 62.0 14,962 60.0 IMRF 29,633 9.0 17,843 5.0 Total 838,248 899,702 Department Total 4,971,846 71.5 5,162,910 69.5 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 66 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Morton Grove Fire Department strives to find ways to affirmatively protect and preserve life and property,while promoting and delivering a feeling of security, safety and quality service to members of the community. It is the mission of the Department to provide a range of programs designed to educate the business and residential community in the principles of fire prevention and risk reduction, and train the people who serve the community, thereby protecting the lives and property of the citizens of our community from the adverse effects of fire, sudden medical emergencies or exposures to dangerous conditions created by man or nature. The Department is a service-oriented organization with three main areas of concern: Fire//Hazard Prevention,Field Operations and Support Services. Fire/Hazard Prevention This aspect includes activities for inspectional services,plan review and public education with regard to life and home safety and risk reduction in the community.Public education efforts focus on school, senior and public presentations. Field Operations Concerns include fire suppression,rescue,hazardous materials control, emergency medical services and the provision of less-than-emergency level services, which are important to the community and its citizens. Field operations also encompass preparation to assist in mitigation of homeland security emergencies. Support Services Encompasses personnel development and training; record keeping and reporting systems to document and evaluate services provided; proper maintenance of departmental facilities, apparatus and equipment; and interaction with other fire related departments and support agencies. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. The Department continued its efforts to coordinate, evaluate and effectively manage day-to-day operations. This was accomplished with internal sub-committees that were charged with self- evaluation and the use of available quality control measures from a regional, state and national aspect. 2. The Department has committed itself to maintaining its high standards in the delivery of fire hazard mitigation and EMS services to the community. This was accomplished with significant effort by a continual review of the Department's operational and organizational processes and the application of innovative methods to maintain and improve services at reasonable costs. The methods of applying continuing education, response to specialized incidents and the sharing and group purchase of tools and equipment with other agencies and departments were a few of the activities continued and expanded. 3. The Department cares for its personnel and highly values the selection and retention of quality, dedicated and loyal employees. The new employees hired in the Department during this period were carefully selected and have proven to be assets to the Department and its future. Significant effort has been put forth to make all positions challenging, interesting and rewarding. 4. A leadership role was taken in the continued development of the role played in operations by several regional organizations. Valuable partnerships were improved with the NWMC, N PSTA, RED Center and the MABAS. Examples of activity include our continued participation in the State-wide Response Plan,participation in MABAS-wide training programs,and the continued cooperative development of public education material. 5. Before the end of the evaluation period,the Department will place in-service the equipment allocated in its capital equipment plan and operational equipment budget. The transition and training needed to place the new equipment in operation will be conducted without service 67 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 interruption to the community. In addition to a FEMA Grant,Morton Grove matching funds were used to begin construction of a quint apparatus. Completion and delivery is expected by early 2006. 6. With regard to the community's ISO rating, efforts continued to determine the most cost effective manner of attaining an enhanced rating while maintaining a cost effective, realistic operation, meeting the needs of the service area. Officer training continues to be intensified and considerable effort was placed on the development of NIPSTA, which will have an impact on the enhancement of the Department's overall training program. 7. The updating of Departmental rules,regulations and operational guidelines is a continuing effort with several revisions being developed during this assessment period in the area of emergency operations and the general administration of the department. 8. While attaining our functional goals for the assessment period,the Department continued to provide services with a high level of proficiency.This effort was maintained in spite of an active call load for emergency services and the continuance of a very effective and proactive training schedule. 2000—2004 2004 2005 (5—Year Average) (Projected) Total Alarm Response 2,922 3,072 3,190 Total Emergency Medical Incidents 1,600 1,635 1,658 Total Training Hours 18,472 21,056 18,957 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to provide efficient and economical services to the community consistent with the values and standards expressed in the mission of the Department and the directives of Village leadership. a. Coordinate with Department supervisors and staff support personnel to evaluate and effectively manage the day-to-day operations of the Department. b. Strive to maintain a value structure in the Department that emphasizes teamwork, trust, loyalty,compassion and excellence in service to the community. c. Emphasize public education by Fire Prevention Bureau and line personnel,refining established programs to meet the needs of the community. d. Evaluate and continue contemporary training programs for Department personnel to support operational need and the safety and well being of our personnel. e. Endeavor to accomplish the goals and objectives of IRMA programs and recommendations with regard to injury prevention as a department and as part of the Village's safety program. 2. Enhance efficiency and cost containment of operations at Fire Department facilities. a. Work closely with line officers and personnel to coordinate the development of operational spaces to provide efficiency and readiness. b. Coordinate with the Building Department to effectively maintain department facilities in order to extend the life cycle of facility components and reduce repair and replacement costs. c. Analyze the use of regionally purchased supplies and the pooling of resources with other agencies to cost effectively operate the Department's facilities. 3. Continue an active role in the development of cost containment and regional programs with an eye toward the conservation of resources and maintenance of safety, efficiency and effectiveness in Department operations. a. Work with other area fire departments to develop specifications for the group purchase of communications equipment, apparatus, suppression equipment and operational supplies and services. b. Take an active role in the support and development of regional intergovernmental programs that provide enhanced community services in a cost effective manner. Efforts 68 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 to attract additional members into the RED Center and NIPSTA organizations will continue. 4. Effective implementation of approved capital equipment, and the transition of existing supplies and equipment. a. Systematic replacement of authorized radio equipment with transition of older units to a reserve or out of service status. b. Place the quint apparatus into active service and retire Engine 4. 5. Continue the development of a comprehensive officer-training program to improve operational efficiency through enhanced communication of roles,responsibilities and methods of leadership. Efforts will be toward the continued development of an accountability partnership in departmental management while also providing enhanced ISO credit for officer training. a. Coordinate with the training officer to develop lesson plans to facilitate officer training for both existing and future officers. b. Formulate a resource effective training plan on a local and/or regional basis to provide this activity in as cost effective a manner as possible. c. Prepare an evaluation tool to ascertain the value of the program and to determine ongoing improvements. 6. Continue with the revision and updating of the Department's rules, regulations and operational guidelines. a. Work with Village and departmental staff to develop personnel and operational standards providing consistency of performance in the Department. b. Develop policies that provide an objective means for measuring work performance while fostering efficiency, effectiveness and safety. c. Cooperate in the development of emergency response and operational procedures on a regional basis to ensure safety during automatic and mutual aid incidents. 7. Continue evaluation of equipment, quality control systems and computer hardware/software that impact data retrieval and the compilation of information necessary for effective departmental operations and planning. Dues & Subscriptions 02-40-15-55-1120 This account includes the request for various memberships and subscriptions for department personnel and MABAS Special Teams support and dues as well as a new organization—the Cook County Fire Chiefs Assoc. MABAS Special Team support includes Technical Rescue Team(TRT)assessment, Haz Mat Team maintenance and upgrade and Mass Casualty Incident Trailer supplies. This budget contains the fourth of five annual payments to support the replacement of the MABAS TRT and Haz Mat vehicles. Adm. Staff Organizations $1,255.00 Local Newspapers $50.00 MABAS Dues New Vehicles $4,400.00 MABAS Support Team Dues $5,500.00 Other Organizations $750.00 Professional Periodicals $500.00 Total $12,455.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-40-15-55-1130 This account includes appropriations for the various meetings, conferences, seminars and related expenses incurred by members of the department. Attendance at meetings and conferences provides exposure to new ideas and an atmosphere for fact finding,problem solving and interaction. Ann. FP Week/IFSA Mtg. $350.00 Fire Investigators Seminars $200.00 69 st Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Haz Mat Seminars $300.00 "1 IL Fire Chiefs'Ann. Conf. $700.00 IL Fire Chiefs'Symposium $650.00 IL Fire Insp. Meetings $100.00 Misc. EMS Seminars $100.00 Misc. Monthly Meetings $100.00 Sec. Assoc. Seminars $50.00 Total $2,550.00 Training&Instructions 02-40-15-55-1150 The level of training supported by this account spans from entry to administrative in nature. The department's personnel are subjected to a changing and challenging environment. To keep pace, ongoing maintenance and specialized instruction is essential and is summarized in the following. NOTE: A portion of the CPR training supplies money will be reimbursed from the fees charged for the CPR classes. Auto Extrication $400.00 _ Challenge& Competition Entry $1,000.00 CPR Training Supplies $500.00 Discretionary Housing $3,000.00 Discretionary Training $3,000.00 Driver Training(NAPD) (2) $350.00 FF-II&Haz Mat(2) $2,800.00 Fire Investigation $1,000.00 Haz Mat Training $750.00 Incident Command Training $1,000.00 Leadership Training $1,900.00 Officer Training $1,500.00 Special Rescue(trench/structure) $750.00 Tech Support Training $500.00 Training Equipment $500.00 Training Videos $250.00 Total $19,200.00 Employee Relations 02-40-15-55-1160 This account contains appropriations for physical exams on an annual basis to comply with current IDOL requirements. It also covers the department's wellness program and miscellaneous medical examinations. Challenges & Competition Support $1,000.00 Miscellaneous Medical $600.00 Phys. Exams/NFPA IDOL $9,600.00 Safety/Wellness Programs $200.00 Total $11,400.00 Personnel Recruitment 02-40-15-55-1170 Included in this account are all fees associated with the potential recruitment of 2 eligibles as replacement personnel as well as costs for establishing a Lieutenant Promotional Eligibility List,per state statutes. 70 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Hepatitis Immunization(2) $500.00 Lt. Promotional Testing $9,000.00 Medical &Fitness(2) $1,000.00 Polygraph Test(2) $250.00 Psychological Test (2) $1,250.00 Total $12,000.00 Printing and Publishing 02-40-15-55-2130 This account reflects the preparation of an annual supply of professionally printed departmental forms. This includes a standardized ambulance report designed by the EMS office of the resource hospital, St. Francis, which provides documentation and legal protection on medical incidents. Annual Report $150.00 FPB Information Forms $250.00 HIPAA Pamphlets $300.00 Inspection Report Forms $350.00 MICU Forms &Bubble Sheets $1,100.00 Public Ed. Pamphlets $350.00 Stationery/Business Cards $500.00 Total $3,000.00 Programming& Software Fees 02-40-15-55-2170 This account represents costs associated with the maintenance of utility software for remote access to facility and site pre-plan data from vehicle on-board laptop computers and administrative workstations. The data is managed and presented in a digitized, layered format supportable by a GIS mapping program and RED Center's dispatching software. In addition,this account supports Drop Chute dispatching interface software. Total $1,500.00 Cleaning& Laundry Services 02-40-15-55-2190 Cleaning of rugs and furniture, and specialized cleaning of turnout gear. Total $1,500.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 02-40-15-55-2330 Alpha/Numeric Pager Rental (47) $3,800.00 Copy Machine Lease(3rd of 4 yrs) $4,860.00 Nextel Service $3,000.00 Total $11,660.00 Maintenance of Alarm Equipment 02-40-15-55-4100 Labor,parts, etc. for station intercom system and tone alert. Total $1,600.00 71 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-40-15-55-4130 ^� This account covers the testing,repair and maintenance of tools and equipment for the department which includes maintenance and testing of the department's SCBA units and the breathing air compressor along with two sets of extrication equipment and air bags. The budget includes the maintenance of atmospheric and heat monitoring devices and the scheduled hydrostatic testing of SCBA cylinders. Ann. Insp./Rep. of Extinguishers $800.00 Flow Test SCBA Units&Regulator Test $2,400.00 Hydro Test Cylinders $1,500.00 OSHA/IDOL Crain Hoist Testing $800.00 Preemption Eau. Repairs $600.00 Repair of Meters,Tools & Appliances $2,000.00 Rescue Tool Testing $800.00 SCBA Air Test/Compressor Maint. $1,200.00 Service Agreement Copy Machine $1,100.00 Testing Ground Ladders $400.00 Total $11,600.00 Maintenance of Radio Equipment 02-40-15-55-4150 Battery Replacement Program $950.00 Maintenance Contract—Motorola $1,500.00 Non-Contract Repairs $2,600.00 Radio Accessory Parts $9i0.00 Total $6,000.00 Community Relations 02-40-15-55-5140 This account provides for citizen awards/presentations, and participation in civic functions. Total $500.00 Regional Emergency Dispatch 02-40-15-55-7150 RED Center is a cooperative venture consisting of nine contracting units of local government for the purpose of providing the equipment, services, and other items necessary and appropriate for the establishment, operation, and maintenance of a centralized fife service communications center; providing for automatic aid response to emergency medical and fire emergency alarms by the closest unit to the emergency, regardless of jurisdiction; and providing a forum for discussion, study, and implementation of other forms of intergovernmental agreement and cooperation between the respective Fire Departments. Budgeted amount reflects Morton Grove's share of the operating and capital replacement costs for the dispatch center. Both are calculated on 10.5%of the whole,based on the percentage of alarms handled for Morton Grove. The Ameritech fees for dedicated phone lines to our stations and Police Department are also included, along with funding for service for remote access of information in apparatus and the capability to transmit Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) information. AVL Medium (6 units) $6,000.00 Dispatching Services $148,000.00 Phone Line Charges $6,000.00 Total $160,000.00 72 40Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Ne II Public Safety Training A 02-40-15-55-7155 The Northeastern Illinois Public Safe ty Training Academy(NIPSTA)has been adopted as an intergovernmental entity with charter membership by 17 municipal jurisdictions in this permanent agency. With Morton Grove's municipal membership, the 21-acre training complex is available to all village employees for classroom and practical training. The facility, with its existing classrooms and practical training facilities,is located in Glenview, on the northwest portion of the former Glenview Naval Air Station. This partnership in training provides a unique opportunity to obtain the site and its existing structures,to jumpstart the complex with a multi-decade, essentially no cost lease through the Village of Glenview. With this partnership the site can be built-out over time to its full potential and will be a premier facility from a regional and national standpoint. The annual member contribution is $229.00 per authorized sworn member of a participating Fire or Police Department. With membership by both public safety departments,the other municipal employees of the jurisdiction can also participate in available programs. Some programs at the Academy will have associated tuition and fees,however, as a member,these costs will be reduced. The Fire Department's annual membership fee is based on 43 authorized sworn members at $229.00 each. Total $9,847.00 Pension Contribution Expense 02-40-15-55-8140 A portion of the General Fund levy is allocated to the fire pension fund. Total $854,807.00 Auto repair equipment/parts 02-40-15-56-1100 Parts for minor repairs made on apparatus and staff vehicles by fire department personnel. Total $1,000.00 Fire Prevention Supplies 02-40-15-56-2100 Appropriations in this account are sufficient to fund reference materials for research, application, and enforcement of adopted Village Codes during the processes of plan review, code enforcement and technical review. Funds will support the purchase of Fire Prevention Education materials for public dissemination and maintenance of RED's Fire Safety Trailer. Daily operational supplies for inspections and investigations as needed by the Fire Prevention Bureau are also included. This amount also includes funds to initiate community risk reduction actions as determined to be necessary through a combination of demographic and statistical alarm history. Community Risk Reduction $2,800.00 Fire Inspection&Investigation Supplies $600.00 Manuals,Fire Codes& Subscriptions $1,255.00 Pub Ed Supplies&Trailer Maint. $3,700.00 Total $8,355.00 Operational Supplies 02-40-15-56-2110 This account provides for supplies used daily to support various activities in emergency and non- emergency aspects of the fire department. Misc. expenses such as refreshments during emergency 73 • Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 incidents and meetings; also state licenses and titles,tolls,parking,hardware supplies,flashlight batteries, "1 coffee, and kitchen support supplies. Total $8,500.00 Photo Supplies 02-40-15-56-2120 Supplies to document incident scenes and other activities for fire investigations, training,public education and emergency medical scene documentation for information transfer to emergency room physicians. Total $700.00 Chemical Supplies 02-40-15-56-2130 Appropriation will maintain a supply of chemical additives to enhance the capability of water during specific extinguishment and control activities, along with the testing of these agents to ascertain shelf-life potency of on-hand product. Bulk of this request is contingent on need—one major spill could wipe out our supply of foam. A-FFF Foam $700.00 Emulsifier $700.00 Recharge Extinguishers $600.00 Total $2,000.00 Janitorial Supplies 02-40-15-56-2140 Supplies as needed to maintain a clean and disinfected environment in the two stations; laundry soap, along with other janitorial necessities, such as toilet paper,paper towels, etc. Total $4,200.00 Paramedic Program/Supplies 02-40-15-56-2160 This account supports the operation of three advanced life support ambulances, and the provision of medical equipment and supplies on all other departmental apparatus. It also supports the training of two new firefighters as EMTs,three fighters as paramedics and associated preceptor costs,per CBA. Required continuing education for incumbent paramedics is also included. Administrative Fee- St. Francis System $1,000.00 Ambulance Supplies $1,215.00 Biannual non-para Training(AED) $1,500.00 Continuing Ed thru St. Francis $3,000.00 Disposable Equ Infec Dis Control $1,050.00 Equipment Repair&Parts $800.00 Medical Exygen service $1,515.00 Patient Transfer Equip. $450.00 Repl of Specialized Equ $325.00 Telemetry Equip Repair&Parts $900.00 Training for Paramedic(2) EMT(2) Preceptor(2) $6,200.00 —� Total $17,955.00 74 IP i ^Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Office Supplies 02-40-15-56-2180 Fax, printers and copy machine supplies, station logs and journals and miscellaneous supplies for department support. Total $4,500.00 Hazardous Material& Supplies 02-40-15-56-2200 This account provides for protective gear replacement and up-grade based on hazard potential and service life. Purchase of haz mat monitoring devices and materials and the replacement of protective gear as needed to provide a safe work environment for response personnel and maintenance of haz mat mitigation supplies to ensure operational readiness. A significant haz mat incident without reimbursement could exhaust our on-hand supplies. Haz Mat Mitigation Supplies $800.00 Haz Mat Monitoring Supplies $2,000.00 Protective Gear $500.00 Reference Manuals $200.00 Total $3,500.00 Non Auto Repair Parts 02-40-15-56-4100 Hurst Tool Parts/Hoses $800.00 Misc. Accessories for SCBA $750.00 Misc.Parts for SCBA/Compressor $500.00 Parts for Small Tools $500.00 SCBA/CBRN Mask Test Supplies $1,000.00 Total $3,550.00 Small Tools 02-40-15-56-4190 Hand tools for repairs and station support activities. Total $900.00 Operational Equipment 02-40-15-56-4200 This account covers the purchase of support equipment in an annual attempt to provide replacement and upgrade based on the department's operational needs. Forcible entry and rescue equipment will be purchased to support fire and rescue operations with new equipment being placed on front line apparatus. Forcible Entry Tools $2,800.00 Hardware/Rope Rescue Equipment $1,000.00 Replacement Response Equipment $1,900.00 Replacement Station Equipment $1,900.00 Total $7,600.00 75 SLR' Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Hose Fittings/Suppression Equipment 02-40-15-56-4210 This account reflects an on-going replacement program for hose, fittings, and fire suppression support equipment, whenever possible, combined equipment purchases with other communities are utilized to maximize an economy of scale by purchasing as a group. The hose and fitting replacement program is based on a scheduled and systematic replacement plan that will span 12 years. This represents the 8th year of this program. Hose& Fittings Replacement $5,000.00 LDH Discharge Valves $1,800.00 Repl/Repair Suppression Tools $1,500.00 n=,^,ue Shoring $500.00 Total $8,800.00 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 02-40-15-56-4300 This account includes an annual clothing allowance for 3 non union personnel for station uniforms. It also provides for the on-going replacement of protective gear as may be required. Clothing Allowance(39770) $2,310.00 Equip 2 New Firefighters $4,500.00 Fire Gear Replacement (10) $12,400.00 Safety Equipment $750.00 Total $19,960.00 Machinery& Equipment 02-40-15-57-2010 Portable Radio—Funds to support the purchase of portable radios as part of a systematic communications equipment replacement strategy. This purchase would allow for the replacement of authorized radio equipment,with a transition of older units to a reserve or out of service status. Funds are also included for the purchase of one SCBA compressor. Total $53,788.00 Motor Vehicles 02-40-15-57-2030 Purchase of a new ambulance. The purchase will be financed over a number of years. For 2006, bond proceeds offset this expense. Also includes the final payment of$175,000 on the Quint truck. Total $386,000.00 Furniture& Fixtures 02-40-15-57-2040 To support on-going replacement of furniture and fixtures at both Fire Department facilities in living, office, training, maintenance and public areas. Total $3,300.00 76 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Ads pted 02-40-15 Fire \.... El Personal Services 82,197 105,706 108,737 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 107,979 107,979 111,218 270,836 270,638 275,761 0.00 54-4420 Salaries District Fire Chiefs 0.00 275,761 275,761 283,961 449,355 441,299 471,332 0.00 54-4530 Salaries Lieutenants/fire Dept 0.00 473,352 473,352 487,550 109,907 114,444 134,194 0.00 54-4550 Salaries Fire Prevention 0.00 124,415 124,415 126,940 1,990,492 1,961,579 2,141,990 0.00 54-4603 Salaries Firefighters 0.00 2,199,337 2,145,375 2,209,729 37,827 37,403 39,894 0.00 54-4700 Salaries Clerical 0.00 39,893 39,893 41,090 45,197 48,429 47,676 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 47,676 47,676 49,106 280,344 242,928 285,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 235,000 285,000 285,000 134,374 142,538 116,914 0.00 54-5200 Holiday Pay 0.00 131,234 131,234 132,861 0 0 10,114 0.00 54-5300 Shift Diferential Pay 0.00 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.00 54-5500 - Holiday Premium Pay. 0.00 0 0 0 29,500 29,500 32,600 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 32,200 32,200 32,200 0 - 0 0 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 36,492 39,683 43,869 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 46,100 46,100 46,320 393,766 425,343 410,780 0.00 54-8 l' 150 HosF Employer Insurance 0.00 521,458 521,458 552,897 0 67 3,538 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Conmbution 0.00 1,458 1,458 1,699 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contrib 0.00 0 0 0 89,423 109,348 93,689 0.00 54-8200 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 103,058 103,058 107,742 10,796 11,219 12,372 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 12,741 12,741 12,890 3,960507 3,980.125 4498.460 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 4,409,062 4,355,100 4,481.203 E2 Contractual Services 0 0 0 0.00 55-1100 Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 11,541 11,472 12,705 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 12,455 12,455 72,455 1,301 1,525 2,550 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 2,550 2,550 2,550 14,650 15,957 19,200 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 19,200 19,200 19,200 15,858 12,880 13,710 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 11,400 11,400 11,400 16,608 2,793 73,400 0.00 55-1170 Personnel Recruitment 0.00 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 2,000 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00. 0 0 0 3,997 2,063 - 3,000 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 703 1,500 0.00 55-2170 Programing&Software Fees 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 264 779 1,500 0.00 55-2190 Cleaning&Laundry Services 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 872 9,604 12,660 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0.00 11,660 11,660 11,660 72) 956 1,600 0.00 554100 Maintenance Of Alarm Equipment 0.00 1,600 1,600 1,600 ••■14,388 8,718 12,075 0.00 554130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 000 11,600 11,600 11,600 5,305 5,969 6,700 0.00 55-4150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 125 89 500 0.00 55-5140 Community Relations 0.00 500 500 500 136,611 153,117 162,300 0.00 55-7150 Regional Emergency Dispatch 0.00 160,000 160,000 160,000 0 9,847 9,847 0.00 55-7155 Ne R Public Safety Training A 0.00 9,847 9,847 9,847 326,853 393,373 493,734 0.00 55-8140 Pension Contribution Expense 0.00 804,807 804,807 854,807 557,700 629,845 768,981 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,069,619 1,069,619 1,119,619 E3 Commodities 100 1,084 1,000 0.00 56-1100 Auto repair equipment/parts 0.00 1,000 1000 1,000 3,855 5,201 8,355 0.00 56-2100 Fire Prevention Supplies 0.00 8,355 8,355 8,355 7,115 7,933 8,500 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 8,500 8,500 8,500 450 91 700 0.00 56-2120 Photo Supplies 0.00 700 700 700 0 1,082 2,000 0.00 56-2130 Chemical Supplies 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,968 4,054 - 4,200 0.00 562140 Janitorial Supplies 0.00 4,200 4,200 4,200 18,429 18,158 20,755 0.00 56-2160 Paramedic Program/supplies 0.00 17,955 17,955 17,955 4,364 4,146 4,500 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies 0.00 4,500 - 4,500 4,500 2,101 1,152 3,500 0.00 56-2200 Hazardous Material&Supplies 0.00 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,254 1,511 2,550 0.00 56-4100 Non Auto Repair Parts 0.00 3,550 3,550 3,550 162 1,084 900 0.00 56-4190 Small Tools 0.00 900 900 900 24,926 7,112 7,600 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,406 7,890 8,800 0.00 56-4210 Hose Fittings/suppression Equi 0.00 8,800 8,800 8,800 21,532 20,844 19,750 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 19,960 19,960 19,960 98,661 81,342 93,110 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 91,520 91,520 91,520 E4 Machinery&Equipment 3,930 10.277 5,500 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 5,500 5,500 53,788 0 0 525,000 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 217,000 211,000 386,000 6,934 1,389 3,300 0.00 57-2040 Furniture&Fixtures 0.00 3,300 3,300 3,300 -"864 11,666 533,800 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 219,800 219,800 443,088 raw 132 4,702,977 5,694,351 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 5,790,001 5,736,039 6,135,430 77 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois 'Th Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Fire Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Fire Chief 108,737 1.0 111,218 1.0 District Chief 275,761 3.0 77 283,961 3.0 Captain- FPB 84,908 1.0 73 87,484 1.0 Lieutenant/Paramedic 471.332 6.0 487,550 6.0 Firefighter/Paramedic/EMT 2,141,990 32.0 2,209,729 33.0 Principal Clerk 39,894 1.0 36 41,090 1.0 Admin Secretary/Aide II 47,676 1.0 45 49,106 1.0 Salaries- Fire Prevention (3&2 PT) 49,286 1.5 39,456 1.0 Total 3,219,584 46.5 3,309,594 47.0 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries - Overtime 295,417 285,000 Retiree Health Insurance 93,689 107,742 Total 389,106 392,742 Fringe Benefits: Holiday Pay 116,914 43.0 132,861 44.0 Longevity 32,600 30.0 32,200 27.0 Social Security 43,869 34.0 46,320 35.0 Hospitalization Insurance 480,780 45.0 552,897 46.0 Life Insurance 12,372 45.0 12,890 46.0 IMRF 3,538 1.0 1,699 1.0 Total 690,073 778,867 Department Total 4,298,763 46.5 4,481,203 47.0 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 78 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 CIVIL PREPAREDNESS-ESDA DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION To assist all departments of the Village in case of an emergency or other situation in which they might have need of our skills and resources. To assist neighboring towns, and counties, if need be,in case of an emergency. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005& GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Increase level of training and, therefore, capabilities of ESDA volunteers. 2. To advise and alert the citizens of Morton Grove on what to do in case of an emergency or disaster. This is to be done by personal appearances at clubs, senior housing, etc. 3. Provide support staff services to all departments during an emergency situation. 4. To advise the Village Administrator, Village President, and Board of Trustees on matters relating to Civil Preparedness. 5. Increase the awareness of ESDA's value to the community and recruit new volunteers into service. Mileage Allowance 02-40-16-55-1110 Mileage allowance for events when ESDA vehicles are not available for use. Total $50.00 Dues & Subscriptions 02-40-16-55-1120 Dues for various organizations(includes insurance coverage) for all unit members. Total $55.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-40-16-55-1130 Total $120.00 Training&Instructions 02-40-16-55-1150 We have not had a Hazardous Materials Awareness class in two years,with new members we need to have the class,as well as give a refresher course to those who have taken the course. We have never had a radiological monitoring course, even though we have 14 monitoring kits throughout the Village. We now have a trained instructor within the village/fire department to teach both courses. We also need to do CPR recertification on an annual basis,as well as first aid training prior to the various fests within town. First Aid Training $200.00 Haz Mat Awareness Training $200.00 Radiological Monitoring $300.00 Total $700.00 79 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Personnel Recruitment 02-40-16-55-1170 Funds to promote and advertise for new ESDA members. Total $500.00 Printing and Publishing 02-40-16-55-2130 Stationery for the unit. Business cards for the Director. Total $100.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 02-40-16-55-2330 Rental of telephone pager units so all ESDA members may be contacted instantly in case of an emergency. Total $1,782.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-40-16-55-4130 Check both warning sirens to insure good operating status. This is done every other year. The annual subscription for monitoring weather conditions from national service for warnings for major storms, etc. National Weather Service Monitoring $912.00 Warning Siren Maintenance Check $800.00 Total $1,712.00 Maintenance of Radio Equipment 02-40-16-55-4150 To keep all portable radios and the base station radios in proper working order. Replace 2 antennas at EOC(1'of a 3 year project). Total $750.00 Operational Supplies 02-40-16-56-2110 For purchase of materials needed for day-to-day internal operations. Total $600.00 Medical Supplies 02-40-16-56-2190 To purchase ice packs,bandages and other replacement items needed to keep medical supplies at current levels. Total $250.00 80 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Small Tools 02-40-16-56-4190 Purchase of hand tools, shovels, brooms, hand axe and other such it necessary to an emergency operation. Total $500.00 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 02-40-16-56-4300 Purchase of uniforms for any new members. Replacement of protective gear that is no longer usable. Total $2,000.00 Machinery&Equipment 02-40-16-57-2010 Portable Radios—This purchase would allow for the replacement of authorized radio equipment to accommodate technological changes and maintain standardized equipment. Total $1,000.00 81 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'etual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description F1F, Recuested Proposed Adopted ` 02-40-16 Civil Preparedness v El Personal Services 626 650 688 0.00 54-4666 Salary Esda Coordinator 0.00 668 668 1,200 47 53 50 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 51 51 92 674 703 738 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 719 719 1,292 E2 Contractual Services 0 25 50 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 50 50 50 59 61 55 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 55 55 55 110 115 120 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 120 120 120 0 40 600 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 700 700 700 0 0 0 0.00 55-1170 Personnel Recruitment 0.00 500 500 500 1,547 0 100 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 100 100 100 2,381 2,059 1,782 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0.00 1,782 1,782 1,782 984 1,029 1,712 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Or Nun Auto Equip 0.00 1,712 1,712 1,712 1,011 941 750 0.00 55-4150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 750 750 750 6,092 4,269 5,169 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 5,769 5,769 . 5,769 E3 Commodities 760 119 500 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 600 600 600 0 0 0 0.00 56-2120 Photo Supplies 0.00 0 0 0 0 85 150 0.00 56-2190 Medical Supplies 0.00 250 250 250 460 440 500 0.00 56-4190 Small Tools 0.00 500 500 500 633 1,354 2,000 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,853 1,998 3,150 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 3,350 3,350 3,350 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 1,700 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 16,325 0 0 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 0 0 0 '5,325 0 1,700 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 •19,943 6,971 10,757 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 10,838 10,838 11,411 82 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Civil Preparedness Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number ESDA Director(1 PT) 688 0.5 1,200 0.5 Total 688 0.5 1,200 0.5 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 52 0.5 92 0.5 Total 52 92 Department Total 740 0.5 1,292 0.5 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 83 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 PUBLIC WORKS - STREETS/SIDEWALKS DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Public Works Street Department is to provide both maintenance and construction services related to the maintenance of all public rights-of-way, including municipal streets,many state and county roadways and alleys located within the corporate limits of the Village. The Department also provides numerous services related to forestry, maintenance of landscaping on Village owned properties and is responsible for the excellent snow removal services provided the community each winter. The Department is under the management of the Director of Public Works who insures daily operations are conducted in an efficient and effective manner and that all policies of the Village are carried out with regard to operation of the Public Works Department. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS IN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. As usual the Street Division did an effective and efficient job in repairing and maintaining the Village arteries along with the state and county roadways. Street repairs, street sweeping, snow plowing and repair of excavations were done expediently and efficiently. Snow plowing and deicing programs were as effective as usual. 2. Once again,this Division provided the residents with the ability to participate in giving Morton Grove a safe and pleasant appearance.The 50/50 Sidewalk and Tree Programs were successful. The program of planting a tree whenever possible for every one removed was pleasing to the residents. The residents responded favorably to the Village's in-house tree trimming and tree removal as well as the contracted tree trimming. The leaf pick-up program was again enthusiastically received by the residents and was successful as usual. 3. A great deal of effort was again expended in managing the visual appeal of the Village's municipal buildings, entry signs and parking lots. Shrubs,plantings, and greenery were planted at the particular sites to enhance their visual appeal. 4. Alley ways were maintained and repaired. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to maintain and repair 270 lane miles of Village streets and 57.99 lane miles of state and county roads. a. Hot mix asphalt will be used most of the year to repair Village streets, alleys and all state and county roads when needed. b. Cold mix will be utilized when the hot mix plants are closed to temporarily repair potholes and excavations on all streets under the Village's jurisdiction. c. The two Village street sweepers will function until inclement weather disrupts their functional capabilities. d. During the winter months snow plowing and the deicing of streets is a major priority. We will continue to excel in keeping the roads drivable and safe during inclement weather. e. Continue to increase the safety and aesthetic appeal of the Village of Morton Grove. f. Continue the 50/50 Sidewalk Program with the residents of the Village. g. To upgrade and repair the various types of signage within the Village. h. Continue to contract out a private company to trim Village trees. i. Continue the Village's 50/50 Tree Planting Program. j. Continue to concentrate on an in-house tree trimming and tree removal Village program 84 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 k. Continue the program of planting a tree whenever possible for every tree removed. "Th 1. Continue leaf pickup operations within the Village during the fall months. 2. Continue to maintain and care for the areas surrounding the municipal buildings,parking lots and entry signs,three Garden Club areas,McVicker's lift station, South Tower,North Tower, Civic Center,Meta,Waukegan Rd.,Moody and Davis dead end,two Fire stations,Public Works facility and Village Hall complex. a. The implementation of grass cutting, fertilization, as well as weed control will be provided at all locations. b. Landscaping, flower and shrub replacement and other plantings will continue at these locations. 3. Continue the maintenance of alley rights-of-way to make these arteries safe and more useable. a. This Department will continue to stone, grade, and pave existing alleys. b. When petitioned, this Department will excavate and install a paved alley providing a garage is to be built and utilized. 4. All repairs and maintenance functions are to be made as expediently as possible with a minimum of inconvenience to the community. 5. Continue to provide effective, efficient day-by-thy management of Street Department operations and public services. Dues& Subscriptions 02-50-17-55-1120 Includes the cost of four employees'membership dues to APWA, and magazine subscriptions and CDL renewals for all Street employees. APWA memberships 4 @$100 ea. $400.00 CDL renewals $500.00 Subscriptions $100.00 Total $1,000.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-50-17-55-1130 Various APWA(American Public Works Association) Seminars during the year. Forestry seminars $200.00 IRMA seminars $300.00 NWMC conferences $300.00 Total $800.00 Training&Instruction 02-50-17-55-1150 Various IRMA training(ie driver training, fall protection, confined space, forestry training seminars, etc.). Total $900.00 Employee Relations 02-50-17-55-1160 This account contains a small appropriation to cover any employer required physical examinations, miscellaneous employee relations activities,and drug and alcohol testing according to a CDL federal mandate. 85 , Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Drug and alcohol testing for CDL holders $600.00 Holiday Recognition Event $400.00 Total $1,000.00 Tree Replacement 02-50-17-55-2240 Replacement of removed trees and the Village's 50/50 Tree Planting Program. The Village Board passed an ordinance in July 1995 to replace parkway trees that are removed if possible,pending available space and location. Total $15,000.00 Tree Trimming 02-50-17-55-2250 The Public Works Department has implemented and continues a yearly contractual tree trimming program. Total $25,000.00 Landfill Expense 02-50-17-55-2260 This account reflects costs incurred due to hauling debris to landfill. This includes street sweepings, trees, chips, and excavation debris. Total $29,000.00 Construction Services 02-50-17-55-2290 Street markings by an outside contractor to renew worn out street markings on Village streets. Total $18,000.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Pymts 02-50-17-55-2330 This covers the cost of pager rental for Street Department employees. The rental of weather forecasting equipment and weather notification service(Murray&Trettle)necessary to forecast high wind, rain, snow and ice. This also includes the lease payment for the Departmental copier. Copier lease $3,520.00 DTN(Weather Radar)rental $1,500.00 Murray&Trettle $1,500.00 Pager rental $1,200.00 Total $7,720.00 Utilities Street Lighting 02-50-17-55-3130 Covers the cost of electrical power to operate the street lighting. Total $115,000.00 86 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-50-17-55-4130 Maintenance of office equipment-copiers and fax machine and shredder. Total $250.00 Maintenance of Radio Equipment 02-50-17-55-4150 Communications equipment including base station,mobile units. Total $200.00 Operational Supplies 02-50-17-56-2110 Hardware and medical supplies for all Street crews. Includes tools,trowels,tarps and miscellaneous items for the Concrete crew. Concrete& asphalt saw blades $2,500.00 Grass catcher bags $600.00 Hardware for Street Crews $1,300.00 Replacement chain saw blades, chains $550.00 Ropes&chains $750.00 Safety equipment $1,000.00 Wooden forms, nails, expansion joints $4,500.00 Total $11,200.00 Janitorial Supplies 02-50-17-56-2140 Purchase of janitorial supplies for Public Works. Total $1,200.00 Office Supplies 02-50-17-56-2180 Supplies purchased to keep records and reports such as pens,paper, legal pads, envelopes, calculators, staplers,film for camera. Total $1,100.00 Landscaping Materials 02-50-17-56-3100 Sod and black dirt for all parkway maintenance and restoration. Total $6,500.00 Construction Materials 02-50-17-56-3110 Stone and gravel for maintenance of alleys and roadways. Asphalt and concrete other than MFT $8,000.00 Stone and gavel for streets and alleys $5,000.00 Total $13,000.00 87 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Street Sign Materials 02-50-17-56-3130 Repairing and installation of signs and posts,reflective sign faces,miscellaneous signs, letters and numbers, channel posts, square posts and aluminum blanks. This account is also for striping streets and curb painting. An increase in this account is necessary due to projected increase by suppliers. Paint for streets and curbs $4,000.00 Repair and installation of street signs and posts $22,000.00 Total $26,000.00 Non-Auto Repair Parts 02-50-17-56-4100 Yearly projected cost for street sweeping equipment. This account was reduced by the Administrator during the budget review process. 10 main brooms $2,900.00 12 sets dirt shoes $900.00 2 conveyor belts $900.00 20 gutter brooms $2,900.00 Total $7,600.00 Snow Removal Repair Parts 02-50-17-564110 Repair of plow blades.moboards, springs, hardware, and salt spreader parts. Total $9,000.00 Small Tools 02-50-17-56-4190 Small tools for the street and concrete crews. Hammers, screw drivers,hand saws, wrenches. Total $500.00 Operational Equipment 02-50-17-56-4200 Purchase of barricades to replace broken, old equipment to maintain safety at job sites. Purchase of the water tank and water pump is necessary to continue watering Village owned properties and ornamental fixtures. Equipment used by the Concrete, Paving and Forestry Crews within the Street Department to perform their everyday duties. The additional equipment listed below to be replaced is necessary due to the lifespan of the equipment. This account was reduced by the Administrator during the budget review process. backpack blower $1,000.00 barricades type I and II $1,000.00 chain saw $1,200.00 gas pruner saw $1,200.00 misc. operational equipment $1,000.00 partner saw $1,500.00 steel concrete forms $1,400.00 traffic cones $1,000.00 88 Vat p Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $9,300.00 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 02-50-17-56-4300 For the purchase of safety orange shirts, uniform jackets, safety shoes, insulated coveralls and pants. Total $4,500.00 Machinery& Equipment 02-50-17-57-2010 Total $7,000.00 \ 89 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'ctual Actual ' Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Adopted 02-50-17 Streets&Sidewalks El Personal Services 28,004 45,571 46,680 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 46,680 46,680 48,080 22,33] 0 0 0.00 54-4430 Salary Assistant Dept Director 0.00 0 0 0 849,839 882,736 907,675 0.00 54-4606 Salaries Public Works:labor 0.00 909,978 909,978 937,277 33,772 29,977 30,900 0.00 54-4654 Salaries Seasonal Workers 0.00 31,000 31,000 31,000 o 0 0 0.00 54-4658 Salary-Admin Assistant 0.00 0 0 0 35,523 36,387 38,655 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 38,655 38,655 39,816 63,512 51,891 95,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 95,000 95,000 95,000 11,850 12,450 12,900 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 13,850 13,850 13,850 o 0 0 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 78,099 81,845 91,913 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 86,842 86,842 89,125 145,919 156,193 176,670 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 194,337 194,337 203,171 0 0 14,202 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contrb 0.00 0 0 0 9,404 10,521 11,385 0.00 54-8200 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 12,524 12,524 13,093 3,560 3,598 3,724 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 3,732 3,732 3,839 1,281,815 1,311,168 1,429,704 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 1,432,598 1,432,598 1,474,251 E2 Contractual Services 0 0 0 0.00 55-1100 Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 318 779 1,200 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 170 322 1,000 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 800 800 800 285 516 1,000 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instruction 0.00 900 900 900 1,299 1,030 900 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0.00 55-2230 Concrete Replacement 0.00 0 0 0 18,236 14,041 15,000 0.00 55-2240 Tree Replacement 0.00 18,000 15,000 15,000 52,764 35,886 35,000 0.00 55-2250 Tree Trimming 0.00 35,000 25,000 25,000 23,500 25,920 36,000 0.00 55-2260 Landfill Expense 0.00 29,000 29,000 29,000 14,487 14,830 15,000 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 18,000 18,000 18,000 6,730 5,527 7,720 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0.00 7,720 7,720 7,720 114,391 114,724 105,481 0.00 55-3130 Utilities Street Lighting 0.00 115,000 115,000 115,000 0 117 700 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 250 250 250 13 0 500 0.00 55-4150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 200 200 200 0 0 0 0.00 55-4170 Maintenance Of Street Lights 0.00 0 0 0 is...i 0 0 0 0.00 55-4180 Maintenance Of Traffic Signals 0.00 0 0 0 232,194 213,691 219,501 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 226,870 213,870 213,870 E3 Commodities 7,176 10,253 11,200 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 11,200 11,200 11,200 0 1,468 1,000 0.00 56-2140 Janitorial Supplies 0.00 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,131 1,140 1,100 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies 0.00 1,100 1,100 1,100 5,954 6,211 6,000 0.00 56-3100 Landscaping Materials 0.00 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,502 8,292 18,000 0.00 56-3110 Construction Materials 0.00 13,000 13,000 13,000 22,877 23,239 30,000 0.00 56-3130 Street Sign Materials 0.00 26,000 26,000 26,000 4,598 7,682 6,500 0.00 56-4100 Non Auto Repair Parts 0.00 7,600 7,600 7,600 9,073 5,967 9,000 0.00 56-4110 Snow Removal Repair Parts 0.00 9,000 9,000 9,000 0 283 700 0.00 56-4190 Small Tools 0.00 500 500 500 7,994 6,003 8,400 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 9,300 9,300 9,300 6,371 5,625 4,500 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0 0 0.00 57-2040 Furniture&Fixtures 0.00 0 0 0 71,675 76,162 96,400 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 89,900 89,900 89,900 E4 Machinery&Equipment 5,600 5,186 28,300 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0 0 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 0 0 0 5,600 5,186 28,300 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 7,000 7,000 7,000 1591,284 1,606,207 1,773,905 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 1,756,368 1,743,368 1,785,021 90 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois '...\ Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Streets &Sidewalks Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Director of Public Works(split) 46,680 0.50 48,080 0.50 Division Superintendent 83,005 1.00 73 85,495 1.00 Maintenance Supervisor 266,543 4.00 62 275,044 4.00 Crew Leader 60,465 1.00 57 62,279 1.00 Equipment Operator 445,535 8.00 53 459,159 8.00 Maintenance Worker III 52,127 1.00 53 55,301 1.00 Admin Secretary/Aide I (split) 23,838 0.50 45 24,553 0.50 Total 978,193 16.00 1,009,911 16.00 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries -Seasonal Workers 30,900 31,000 Salaries - Overtime 95,000 95,000 Salaries - Secretarial (1 PT) 14,817 0.5 15,262 0.5 Retiree Health Insurance 11,385 13,093 Total 152,102 0.5 154,355 0.5 "\ Fringe Benefits: Longevity 12,900 14.00 13,850 14.00 Social Security 91,913 17.00 89,125 16.50 Hospitalization Insurance 176,670 16.00 203,171 16.00 Life Insurance 3,724 16.00 3,839 16.00 IMRF 14,202 3.00 0 0.00 Total 299,409 309,985 Department Total 1,429,704 16.50 1,474,251 16.50 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. --h 91 • Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Engineering Division's primary mission is the identification, analysis, and repair or replacement of deficiencies within the Village's infrastructure. The Division's secondary mission is the assemblage, maintenance, and dissemination of the information incorporated within the Geographic Information System. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Plans and specifications for the local street resurfacing program,the MFT maintenance program and Greenwood Avenue Reconstruction. 2. Coordination and/or assistance were provided to the Public Works Department and Building Department in review and inspection of public and private improvements. 3. Assistance and technical recommendations have been provided to Administration,Building Department,Police Department, Public Works, Community Development, and Finance Department in support of the Village's computer systems,both GIS related and otherwise. 4. Participated in the Village's Computer Systems Management Standing Committee. 5. Bids were received and the following projects were completed: Storm and Sanitary Sewer Televising, Street Light and Traffic Signal Maintenance, 2005 Street Resurfacing Program, sewer lining and the MFT Maintenance Program. 6. Development plans submitted by the Building Department have generally been reviewed within ten(10) working days of their receipt. 7. Construction monitoring on all publicly contracted improvements was undertaken. 8. The Traffic Safety Commission will meet approximately ten(10)times during this year. Department staff provided support to the Commission through the analysis of petitions presented to the Commission,and in general administration of Commission activities. 9. Illinois Department of Transportation staff has been contacted regularly as issues related to traffic movement on the state highways have been raised. In addition, an excellent working relationship with the Motor Fuel Tax auditor has been developed to ensure the Village receives expeditious processing of resolutions, etc., as the need arises. 10. Coordinated with GIS consortium to implement and install the G.I.S. system. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Undertake the engineering and analysis of all data available to facilitate the resolution of problems or issues raised by other departments, Village officials, or residents. a. Provide administrative and technical support to the Traffic Safety Commission, attending a monthly meeting and coordinating the development of documents and other materials required to assist the Commission in reaching decisions; b. Review all development plans and specifications to ensure compliance with Village specifications and policies; c. Provide construction monitoring on locally designed and bid projects; inspect private developments to ensure compliance with Village standards; d. Prepare"Request for Proposal"or"Request for Qualification"documents on projects for which consulting engineering assistance will be requested. 92 x Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 e. Prepare plans and specifications for Village construction projects to the extent that -� technical and professional qualifications allow--local street resurfacing, street lighting, storm sewer drainage, sanitary sewer maintenance,and water system improvements. f. Identify the infrastructure deficiencies,then design and implement the appropriate corrective measures. g. Institute protective measures deemed to be cost effective in order to extend the useful life of the various infrastructure facilities. h. Provide the Public Works staff with assistance and direction on technical engineering matters. Assist the Village Board with matters regarding the Village's infrastructure system. i. Provide assistance to the public with all requests pertaining to the infrastructure. j. Review and update the Village's Construction Standards. k. Review Engineering Ordinances. 2. Address requirements of Federal, State, or Regional agencies. a. Maintain contact with Illinois Department of Transportation staff to ensure proper administration of the various programs controlled by that agency, including Motor Fuel Tax; b. Continue the monitoring of sanitary sewer and combined sewer systems to ensure compliance with the inflow/infiltration of storm water restriction as imposed by ICAP, and the sewer maintenance agreements approved by the Village Board of Trustees. Perform periodic reviews regarding ICAP issued and sewer monitoring data. 3. Coordinate with Consortium to implement the G.I.S. System. Dues & Subscriptions 02-50-18-55-1120 Included in this account are membership fees for full-time staff in professional organizations relating to engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers $1,000.00 APWA $400.00 Total $1,400.00 Meetinas and Conferences 02-50-18-55-1130 Includes the cost of attendance at a conference,which is sponsored by professional societies, dealing with subject matter directly applicable to the operations of the division. APWA Seminars $500.00 ASCE luncheons $100.00 Total $600.00 Training and Instructions 02-50-18-55-1150 Training in the various programs utilized by the Village staff is necessary to provide better technical support for all Village Departments. Personnel will attend IDOT provided training courses, along with various training courses also provided by ASCE and APWA. Total $1,200.00 93 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Employee Relations 02-50-18-55-1160 This account contains a small appropriation to cover any employer required physical examinations or miscellaneous employee relations activities,and to cover drug and alcohol testing according to a CDL federal mandate. Drug& alcohol testing $200.00 Misc. employee relations $100.00 Total $300.00 Printing and Publishing 02-50-18-55-2130 All printing necessary for the division is included in this account. This includes obtaining blueprints of Village projects for bidding purposes. Fees charged for plans and specifications are returned to this account. Total $500.00 Engineering Services 02-50-18-55-2140 Use of outside consultants where time constraints and/or specific expertise require the use of independent consulting firms. Total $12,000.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Pymts 02-50-18-55-2330 Covers cost of department's share of copier lease agreement. Total $200.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-50-18-55-4130 The division is responsible for maintenance of the copier used to copy engineering plans and drawings up to 40"x 36". Total $500.00 Operational Supplies 02-50-18-56-2110 This account provides supplies for engineering, surveying, and all day-to-day operational supplies. Accessories and supplies for the Transit (stakes, linker rod), construction inspection, (spray paint, field books, safety vests)and blueprint supplies are purchased through this account. Supplies for the large document copier(Xerox 2515) are needed to provide sufficient materials to copy old documents that are in danger of being lost. Construction inspection supplies $300.00 Misc. operational supplies $200.00 supplies for 4MV $350.00 Supplies for Xerox 2515 $450.00 Surveying supplies $300.00 94 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $1,600.00 Office Supplies 02-50-18-56-2180 All miscellaneous supplies consumed in the ordinary operation of any office are covered by this account...pens,pencils,tape,paper,paper clips, and file folders. Total $400.00 Uniform Purchase and Replacement 02-50-18-56-4300 For the purchase of shirts,jackets,boots and insulated gear. Total $700.00 95 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 2006 'etual- Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Pry Adopted 02-50-18 Engineering \**.m., El Personal Services 0 0 0 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 0 0 0 1,065 0 0 0.00 54-4430 Salary assistant Dept Director 0.00 0 0 0 82,700 43,834 105,551 0.00 54-4606 Salaries Public Works:labor 0.00 109,615 109,615 112,903 11,401 80,290 58,396 0.00 54-4651 Salary Village Engineer 0.00 58,659 58,659 62,765 22,296 23,260 23,838 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 23,838 23,838 24,553 7,799 1,667 6,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 300 300 450 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 300 300 300 9,609 12,123 13,755 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 15,179 15,179 15,798 13,265 15,423 28,746 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 31,621 31,621 33,058 O 361 16,838 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 9,611 9,611 10,072 O 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contrib 0.00 0 0 0 360 537 655 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 721 721 721 148,795 177,795 254,229 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 255,544 255,544 266,170 E2 Contractual Services 155 842 2,000 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 1,400 1,400 1,400 84 190 1,100 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 600 600 600 497 1,009 1,500 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 267 250 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 300 300 300 (177) (383) 500 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 500 500 500 14,733 15,463 21,000 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 12,000 12,000 12,000 O 1,035 2,000 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 1,500 0 0 O 0 300 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Inca/rental Pymts 0.00 200 200 200 462 395 550 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 500 500 500 15,754 18,816 29,200 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 18,200 16,700 16,700 E3 Commodities 1,208 1,306 1,360 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 1,600 1,600 1,600 O 0 200 0.00 56-2120 Photo Supplies 0.00 400 0 0 738 362 500 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies 0.00 400 400 400 855 731 600 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase_&Replacement 0.00 700 700 700 `..4,800 2,399 2,660 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 3,100 2,700 2,700 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 167,350 199,010 286,089 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 276,844 274,944 285,570 96 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Engineering Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Village Engineer(split) 58,396 0.67 62,765 0.67 Public Works Inspector 54,957 1.00 57 58,686 1.00 Engineering Technician 50,594 1.00 57 54,217 1.00 Admin Secretary/Aide I (split) 23,838 0.50 45 24,553 0.50 Total 187,785 3.17 200,221 3.17 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries -Overtime 6,000 6,000 Total 6,000 6,000 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 450 0.50 300 0.50 Social Security 13,755 3.17 15,798 3.17 Hospitalization Insurance 28,746 3.17 33,058 3.17 -Th Life Insurance 655 3.17 721 3.17 IMRF 16,838 2.67 10,072 1.67 Total 60,444 59,949 Department Total 254,229 3.17 266,170 3.17 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.S. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 97 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Solid Waste Collection accounts for the cost attributed to the Village's solid waste and recycling disposal programs. This includes disposal services to residents (including curbside recycling and yard waste collection) as well as the Village's participation in the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC). SWANCC is a consortium of twenty-three(23)municipalities formed for the purpose of providing an efficient and environmentally sound method for transporting, storing, and disposing of solid waste. Various aspects of the solid waste program are detailed in each of the accounts within this fund. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. In 2004 the Village completed negotiations for a new contract with Groot Recycling and Yard Waste services to provide solid waste and recycling services. This contract will be in effect from 2004 through 2009. 2. The Village's Public Works (and the Health Officer in the Building and Inspectional Services Department when required)continued to carefully monitor the performance of the contractor by responding to all citizen complaints and requests for service to insure all contract terms and conditions were met. Staff worked with supervisors from the contractor to handle resident calls for service during collection days when a residential unit was missed or not properly serviced by the contractor. Extra time was also spent during the critical summer months to insure garbage and trash were properly stored on site and that refuse and recyclables were properly containerized and placed at the curb for collection on the appropriate date. 3. The Village continued to promote the recycling program with the goal of increasing household unit participation and increasing the amount of material recycled. 4. Residents in need of financial assistance due to extraordinary circumstances were directed to the Village's Financial Assistance Program.After review and when warranted, assistance was provided. 5. Actively participated in SWANCC to coordinate with neighboring communities to insure SWANCC serviced the needs of its member communities with regard to solid waste disposal. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES—CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to closely monitor services provided by Groot Recycling and Waste Services, Inc., the solid waste collection contractor. Monitor contractor performance to insure quality services are provided to residents and that all terms and conditions of the contract are met. 2. Promote recycling during the year as a way of lowering overall costs by reducing the amount of solid waste. 3. Continue to actively participate in SWANCC by having a Village Trustee serve as an active board member of the organization. 4. Assist qualifying residents in need of financial assistance. Yard Waste Program 02-50-19-55-2100 Pursuant to State Statutes,all yard waste(including grass clippings, leaves,twigs,branches, etc.)is now required to be separated from the normal trash collection stream. This program has been in effect in the Village since June 1, 1990. The Village will continue to provide services for residents wishing to dispose of their yard waste instead of using a private landscape service or their own composting program. The 98 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 agreement with the hauler calls for a sticker fee of$1.60 for Calendar Year 2006. Based upon prior sales,the a.' Village anticipates selling 56,000 yard waste stickers during the fiscal period. The offsetting revenue to support this program is reflected in account 4441060 in the General Fund Revenue Section. Total $89,600.00 Solid Waste Finance Assist Program 02-50-19-55-2150 The Solid Waste Financial Assistance Program provides financial assistance to residents who are unable to pay for their garbage collection due to extraordinary circumstances. Eligibility for this program is based on income. This program is administered by the Social Worker in Family and Senior Services. Total $50,000.00 SWANCC Tipping/Disposal Fees 02-50-19-55-7101 The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County(SWANCC)has been established as a result of an intergovernmental agreement to provide efficient and environmentally sound disposal of municipal waste. Effective March 1, 1994,all Village non-recyclable/non-landscape waste began delivery to a transfer station in Wheeling Township constructed by SWANCC.A monthly amount is paid to SWACCC under a project use agreement based upon the estimated amount of trash delivered to the transfer station. At the end of each year,there will be a"true up"comparing the estimate in which the Village was billed and the actual trash delivered. The amount projected for the budget calendar period beginning January 1,2006,and ending December 31, 2006. Total $464,123.00 SWANCC Debt Contribution 02-50-19-55-7105 SWANCC members are required to make debt service fee payments to pay for its share of SWANCC's debt service issuance used for the balefill project. The debt was issued originally for both the balefill site and the transfer station. The balefill site was sold to the state of Illinois in 2001, and the total debt service was reduced. Total 532,310.00 99 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 \ctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description 1-1h Requested Proposed Adopted 02-50-19 Solid Waste E2 Contractual Services 70,781 78,668 86,800 0.00 55-2100 Yard Waste Program 0.00 89,600 89,600 89,600 0 570 0 0.00 55-2130 Printing and Publishing 0.00 0 0 0 0 1,654 30,000 0.00 55-2150 Solid Waste Finn Assist Prgm 0.00 30,000 30,000 50,000 571,809 48,897 0 0.00 55-2280 Trash Collection Services 0.00 0 0 0 248,241 21,097 0 0.00 55-2300 Curbside Recycling Program 0.00 0 0 0 379,622 420,726 446,272 0.00 55-7101 Swancc Tipping/disposal Fees 0.00 450,059 464,123 464,123 74,948 45,323 53,017 0.00 55-7105 Swancc Debt Contribution 0.00 31,331 32,310 32,310 1,345,402 616,935 616,089 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 600,990 616,033 636,033 23 Commodities 747 537 0 0.00 56-4330 Purchase Of Garbage Frames/bag 0.00 0 0 0 (482) (7) 0 0.00 56-4333 Purchase Of Recycling Bins 0.00 0 0 0 266 530 0 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 1,345,667 617,465 616,089 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 600,990 616,033 636,033 100 rti Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 PUBLIC WORKS - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Vehicle Maintenance Department is to assure all Village motor vehicles and other related equipment, is maintained in a dependable and reliable condition and insure all equipment remains safe and operable. Striving for minimum downtime for Village equipment thereby reducing any adverse impact on operations and community services. The Department is under the supervision of the Director of Public Works who insures the operation is conducted in an efficient and effective manner and that all policies of the Village are carried out with regard to operation of the Vehicle Maintenance Department. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. The division continued to keep the motor vehicle fleet and related equipment operating in a safe and dependable manner. 2. Preventive maintenance was conducted on all of the 130 major motorized units. 3. Public Works trucks and Fire Department trucks were inspected by the State Safety Lane Inspection. 4. Squad car replacement and turnovers were done by in-house personnel. All repairs were done cost effectively and expediently as possible. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. To continue to maintain and service the approximately 130 major motorized vehicles and pieces of equipment. a. The Public Works Department has approximately 89 motorized vehicles or pieces of equipment. b. The Fire Department has approximately 13 motorized vehicles. c. The Police Department has approximately 20 motorized vehicles. d. The Village Hall has six vehicles. e. ESDA has two pieces of motorized equipment. f. All of these pieces of equipment or vehicles are to have preventive maintenance performed on them. 2. To continue to use an outside contractor to inspect the larger vehicles of the fleet. a. Certain vehicle-weighted trucks will go to the State Safety Lane for inspection. b. These safety inspections are conducted bi-annually. 3. To continue to provide effective and efficient day-to-day management of all operations in this Department. a. There are three mechanics and one automotive technician in this Department in which 95%of the work is conducted. b. The automotive technician doubles as a body and fender man. 4. To continue to evaluate equipment in need of replacement. Dues& Subscriptions 02-50-27-55-1120 Includes magazines,association dues, and other periodicals. Shop manuals and other instructional materials. Total $500.00 tot Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Training&Instructions 02-50-27-55-1150 "1 Education of Mechanical Staff to update them in the constantly changing technology. Includes Detroit Diesel school, Cat Diesel school,Allison Transmission, and various GM and Ford Training schools. Napa offers an extensive training menu which is utilized by maintenance staff for a nominal cost. IRMA safety training $300.00 NAFA training $300.00 NAPA training $400.00 NWMC training seminars $200.00 Total $1,200.00 Employee Relations 02-50-27-55-1160 This account covers costs for CDL renewal and drug and alcohol testing. Total $200.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 02-50-27-55-2330 Rental of pager units. Total $250.00 Maintenance of Auto Equipment 02-50-27-55-4120 This includes testing and repair of pumps, front-end alignments, repair and recapping of tires, safety lane inspections. Washing of Village owned vehicles, welding repairs, miscellaneous sublet repairs. Car washes of Village owned vehicles $4,500.00 Front end alignments $1,500.00 Pump & valve repair on Fire Engines $3,500.00 Repair&recap tires $15,700.00 Safety lane inspection of P.W. &Fire vehicles $3,300.00 Seat& carpet repairs $1,000.00 Squad car change over $13,000.00 Welding repairs $2,500.00 Total $45,000.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-50-27-55-4130 Repair costs for overhead crane, greasing equipment, air compressors, fuel pumps and leak monitoring equipment. Total $17,500.00 Auto Equip Supplies/Repair Par 02-50-27-56-1100 Includes purchase of tires for Village vehicles and equipment, replacement parts, corrosion repair, and interior repair, and additional costs for squad car maintenance and replacement which includes wiring, 102 AP Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 antennas,spare wheels, headlights, flashers, and relays. Also note all other Village owned vehicles including Building Department, EDSA, Senior Tran,Public Works, and Fire Department are included. Auto filters $6,000.00 Batteries $3,000.00 Car and pick-up parts $15,000.00 Electronic parts $9,000.00 Paint and body material $8,000.00 Specialized parts&supplies $5,000.00 Spring repair $6,000.00 Tires $26,000.00 Truck parts $15,500.00 Warning lights $9,000.00 Total $102,500.00 Gas, Diesel,Fuel, &Oil 02-50-27-56-1110 This account includes gas, diesel, fuel, oil and other solvent and lubricants used to maintain vehicles. Antifreeze $700.00 Diesel fuel $47,586.00 Grease&gear lube $3,390.00 Hydraulic oil $1,500.00 Sintolux oil $4,000.00 Trans oil(s) $3,310.00 Truck engine oil $2,210.00 Unleaded gas $62,338.00 Washer solvent $700.00 Total $125,734.00 Operational Supplies 02-50-27-56-2110 Materials used in the daily repair of Village vehicles and equipment. This account was increased to show squad car changeovers requiring markings and decals as well as the addition of the Village's website to vehicles. Fabricating materials and supplies $2,000.00 Oil-Dri supply $600.00 Oxygen&acetylene $2,000.00 Parts wash solvent $1,000.00 Safety equipment $1,000.00 Sweeping compound $500.00 Truck wash soap $1,300.00 Village seal emblems& striping $2,500.00 Welding rod&wire $1,000.00 Welding supplies $1,000.00 Wyp-alls paper $2,800.00 Total $15,700.00 103 ` ^Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Office Supplies 02-50-27-56-2180 Supplies purchased to keep records and reports such as pens, paper, copy paper. Total $300.00 Non Auto Repair Parts 02-50-27-56-4100 Includes all repair parts for tractors, stump grinder,rollers, sweepers,chippers and all trailers. Replacement tires for equipment included. Total $36,000.00 Small Tools 02-50-27-56-4190 Itemized tools are new additional tools and replacements. This item includes funds to update computerized automotive testing equipment and purchase specialty tools, ie.,pullers,hex keys and air conditioning tools. Also included in this price are scan tool software updates and connectors that will enable the Vehicle Maintenance staff to properly diagnose the highly complex systems that are present on the newer equipment. Certain units are falling out of factory warranty. These software updates will be a necessity. Total $4,000.00 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 02-50-27-56-4300 For the purchase of pants, steel toed shoes,vests, safety orange shirts, coveralls, and jackets. Total $2,000.00 104 • Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 ^teal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FfE Requested Proposed Adorned 02-50-27 Vehicle Maintenance V El Personal Services 220,482 222,806 233,584 0.00 54-4606 Salaries Public Works:labor 0.00 233,586 233,586 240,594 10,571 10,067 22,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 22,000 22,000 22,000 2,100 1,500 2,100 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 2,100 2,100 2,100 17,532 17,89 19,768 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 19,713 19,713 20,249 27,124 29,83 32,820 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 36,102 36,102 37,743 0 5,154 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 1 I I 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-V1g Conmb 0.00 0 0 0 o 0 0.00 54-8170 Mechanics Pen-Employer Conti 0.00 10,702 10,702 10,702 798 83 885 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 889 889 908 278,606 282,931 316,311 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 325,093 325,093 334,297 E2 Contractual Services 538 945 395 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subsc riptions 0.00 500 500 500 624 1,033 1,150 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 1,200 1,200 1,200 165 59 300 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 200 200 200 280 254 300 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Leaselrental Pymts 0.00 250 250 250 40,700 25,486 41,523 0.00 55-4120 Maintenance Of Auto Equipment 0.00 55,300 45,000 45,000 5,975 4,107 6,500 0.00 554130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 17,500 17,500 17,500 0 0 0 0.00 55-7200 DO NOT USE 0.00 0 0 0 48,282 31,883 50,168 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 74,950 64,650 64,650 E3 Commodities 96,630 107,750 100,000 0.00 56-1100 Auto Equip Supplies/repair Par 0.00 102,500 102,500 102,500 104,489 131,817 119,002 0.00 56-1110 Gas,Diesel,Fuel,&Oil 0.00 125,734 125,734 125,734 15,786 17,515 14,600 - 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 15,700 15,700 15,700 246 315 300 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies 0.00 300 300 300 34,533 39,386 35,000 0.00 56-4100 Non Auto Repair Parts 0.00 36,000 36,000 36,000 7,115 653 9,500 0.00 564190 Small Tools 0.00 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,682 2,199 2,000 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 -7,481 299,635 280,402 - 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 286,234 286,234 286,234 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 29,500 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 29,500 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 587,370 614,449 676,381 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 686,277 675,977 685,181 • 105 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois '� Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Vehicle Maintenance Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Maintenance Supervisor 66,757 1.0 62 68,761 1.0 Auto Mechanic 116,233 2.0 55 119,722 2.0 Auto Technician 50,594 1.0 48 52,112 1.0 Total 233,584 4.0 240,595 4.0 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries -Overtime 22,000 22,000 Total 22,000 22,000 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 2,100 3.0 2,100 3.0 Social Security 19,768 4.0 20,249 4.0 Hospitalization Insurance 32,820 4.0 37,743 4.0 Life Insurance 885 4.0 908 4.0 '� Mechanics Pension 5,154 0.0 10,702 4.0 Total 60,727 71,702 Department Total 316,311 4.0 334,297 4.0 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.S. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. Th 106 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND SENIOR SERVICES DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Department of Family& Senior Services is to provide residents of the Village of Morton Grove with a comprehensive array of social services that will enhance their day-to-day activities. The Department is divided into three key human service areas: Social Services,Nursing Services, and Senior Citizens Services. The Department's staff consists of: Full-Time Part-Time Administrative Secretary Bus Drivers (4) Coordinator Custodians(6) Interim Director/Social Worker Information &Referral Officers (4) Nurse Outreach Workers(2) Senior Citizen Activities Coordinator Social Services provide social and psychological supportive services to individuals and families within the community in the form of short-term counseling, case management, crisis intervention, and public education. Nursing Services provide a range of health programs to promote the health and wellness level of residents. Senior Citizens Services provide assistance to senior residents and seeks to enhance their individual existence,community involvement, and quality of life during their later years. The Department is responsible for the planning, scheduling, and supervising of senior citizen activities provided at the Morton Grove Senior Center. In addition,private rentals and civic events at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center are managed through the Department of Family and Senior Services. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Morton Grove Senior Center. The Morton Grove Senior Center continues to be the focal point for the delivery of the Village's services to the senior citizen community. The variety of senior citizen recreational activities changed resulting in an increase in participation by both members and non-members of the Senior Center. The Senior Center continued to provide an enticing membership benefit package that included: free passage on the Seniortran, free Diabetes Screenings, free use of Senior Center computers, six bi-monthly issues of the Seniors in Morton Grove newsletter, the Members-Only Function(Social), three issues of the Travelin' Times newsletter, and a 15% discount on classes and trips. The Center experienced an increase in membership from residents of nearby communities. 2. American Legion Memorial Civic Center(Private Rentals). In addition to functioning as a multi- purpose Senior Center,the Civic Center continues to be utilized as a rental facility for civic,private, government, and American Legion Post#134 events. The Village aggressively pursued the establishment of a yearlong rental schedule. For more details see PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES for the American Legion Memorial Civic Center budget. 107 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 3. Social Services. The Social Worker continued to provide professional family and individual "\ counseling, crisis intervention, case management services, support groups and educational programming. Through participation in interagency meetings, the Social Worker continued to be up-to-date on available services and service delivery to residents of Morton Grove. In October, 2005,the Social Worker completed a 2-year term of office on the Executive Board of the Association of Police Social Workers and serves as a Member-at-Large on the Board of Directors of the North Suburban Service Council. The Social Worker provided service to an average of 34 new referrals per month and held an average of 41 counseling sessions with individuals/families per month. The Social Worker provided consultation services to the Police and Fire Departments with an average of 15-20 referrals per month.The Social Worker also provided Employee Assistance services on an average of two per month either through self-referrals or supervisory referrals. The Older Adult Woman's Support Group and the Visually Impaired Motivators Group remain well-attended support groups for senior residents with an average of six and 18 participants, respectively. Overall,there was an increase in referrals and clinical contacts in each area. As the coordinator of the Morton Grove Salvation Army Service Extension Unit, the Social Worker was able to provide $5,763.00 in financial assistance to needy families in Morton Grove. The Social Worker completed the supervision and training of a graduate-level social work intern from Dominican University. In May, the Social Worker served on a panel as part of a training program for municipal social workers on Critical Incident Management. This program was part of an on-going educational program for participants in the Intergovernmental Mental Health Assistance Agreement, facilitated by the Association of Police Social Workers. 4. Nursing Services. The Nurse maintained the promotion of wellness through health screenings, home visits and assessments of homebound residents, office visits, medical case management and health education programs. Approximately 85-100 residents participated in the health clinics each month. Health education programs were held on Hearing Loss,"Five Wishes",Insulin Pumps, Fall Prevention and Arthritis. Other health related programs for seniors included a senior exercise class and a foot lecture with a foot screening. The Nurse was able to organize the Flu and Pneumonia Immunization Program for seniors and effectively addressed the impact of a national crisis of flu vaccine shortages on our community. The Nurse actively promoted and organized six Community Blood Drives with LifeSource. The Nurse provided health articles on blood pressure and diabetes for the Better Living section in the Morton Grove Exchange. In collaboration with the Fire Department, the Nurse coordinated an educational program on heart attacks. The Nurse remained active in the Village's Executive Safety Committee, contributing health and wellness expertise to the Village's safety programs. Health programs for village employees included cholesterol screenings,blood pressure screenings and flu and pneumonia immunizations for employees. The Nurse oversaw the cleaning of medical equipment in the Lending Closet according to bloodbome pathogen guidelines. 5. Senior Citizens Services. a. Advisory Commission on Aging: The Department Coordinator, Social Worker, and Senior Activities Coordinator worked with the Commission to promote membership in the Senior Center, identify needed programs and services, and planned the integration of existing programs and services with new programs and services to benefit the senior citizen population. The Commission provided input into the annual Senior Center Members-Only event in August this year. This year's theme was country western that included square 108 t, Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 dancing and food fit for a"hoedown". The Commission assisted in reviewing the issue of equity in the rental fees for senior citizen clubs. b. Information and Referral: Information and Referral Officers managed the Senior Hot Line. The Senior Center Reception Desk is the central location for many different bits of "information"and"referral." The Lending Closet anticipates providing approximately 250 pieces of hospital equipment to mobility-impaired individuals by the end of 2005. The subsidized taxicab program anticipates providing approximately 1,600 rides for Morton Grove seniors by the end of 2005. c. Senior Outreach Workers: In April,the department filled the vacant,part-time Outreach Worker position with a master's level social worker who could also augment the counseling and case management services provided by the Social Worker. The Senior Outreach Workers continued to educate the senior citizen population on resources currently available through local, county, state and federal governments. The Outreach Workers connected an average of 22 referrals a month of teenage chore workers with senior residents through the Chore Program. Review of this program showed a slight decline in the number of referrals, however,the program has also experienced a reduction in the number of teens involved. The Outreach Workers conducted an average of 9 new outreach contacts, 8 follow-up contacts, 15 office visits and 1 home visit per month. In 2005 the Outreach Workers put together a new information booklet for residents that combined information regarding local, state and federal government contacts and social service agencies. The booklet also included answers to "frequently asked questions". The Outreach Workers prepared themselves to respond to questions regarding the new Medicare Part D program and assisted seniors in applying for the financial assistance program associated with it. d. Seniortran: The Village utilized two vehicles to provide transportation for Morton Grove seniors. The Seniortran buses averaged 597 one-way rides per month. During 2005, the buses were fitted with frames to allow for advertising thus providing an additional revenue generating opportunity. e. Community Nutrition Network(CNN): The CNN"Lunch Bunch"rents space within the Morton Grove Senior Center to provide low-cost, nutritious hot lunches to senior citizens with an average of 816 meals provided per month. Family& Senior Services works closely with CNN to coordinate space use,programs and services for diners who also participate in the Village's recreational activities and senior services. 6. Senior Citizen Activities Coordinator: The Senior Activities Coordinator plans and implements recreational, educational, instructional and cultural opportunities at the Senior Center for Morton Grove senior citizens. The Senior Center has a base of classes and clubs scheduled for various periods throughout the year that are managed by the Activities Coordinator. These activities and their participant numbers avenged per month: AARP Mature Driving Program 50 Issues in the News 105 Bridge Club 87 Mah Jongg Club 27 Bridge Lessons 49 Men's Poker 29 Computer Classes 26 Morton Grove Senior Citizens Club 99 Crochet Classes 24 Pinochle Club 60 Golden Senior Citizens Club 52 Tax Counseling for the Elderly(Season) 199 Humanities Treasures 114 Special events that focus on particular areas of interest for seniors included the following topics: Trip Previews,Estate Planning,"Eleanor Roosevelt"Biography,"Joy of American Art"Lecture, Understanding Property Tax Lecture, Social Security Subsidy Application Seminar,"WWII Memorial"Lecture,"Coca Cola"Party,"Self Expression in Later Life"Lecture and"Protect Your 109 ' Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Assets"Lecture,as well as,health-related lectures and seminars. In addition to these programs,new -� clubs formed including the Women's Poker Club and the Book Club. 7. Public Information. Published six bi-monthly Seniors in Morton Grove newsletters, generated weekly senior citizen news releases,provided articles for the quarterly Morton Grove Exchange newsletter,published three issues of the Travelin'Times newsletter, distributed Department and Civic Center brochures as requested, and networked with local press to cover ongoing stories and events. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Morton Grove Senior Center. The Senior Center is a focal point where the Department of Family & Senior Services provides a multiplicity of social,health and recreational services in a caring and professional manner designed to keep individuals as healthy,productive, and independent for as long as possible. The key areas of Social Work Services,Nursing Services, Senior Citizen Services, and Senior Citizen Activities will be coordinated within the Senior Center to achieve this goal. 2. Social Services. The Social Worker will continue to provide professional individual and family counseling, crisis intervention, case management, support groups and educational programming. The Social Worker will continue the collaboration with the Village Fire Chief to develop a"Risk Reduction"program for senior citizen residents. In coordination with the Village Nurse, the Social Worker will continue to develop wellness programs targeted at Village employees as part of the Employee Assistance Program, including an employee health fair. "Th 3. Nursing Services. The Village Nurse will continue to promote wellness through community health screenings, home visits and assessments of homebound residents, office visits,medical case management and health education programs. She will continue to organize six community blood drives. She will continue to organize and implement the flu and pneumonia immunization program for Morton Grove seniors in the fall. The Village Nurse will work in collaboration with the Senior Activities Coordinator to provide speakers and health presentations,thereby promoting health education to the residents of Morton Grove. The Nurse will continue to give mini-health talks to the seniors at the Community Nutrition Network lunches. The Village Nurse will continue to participate in the Executive Safety Committee. In association with the Social Worker, the Nurse will continue to promote employee wellness,which will include cholesterol screenings, blood pressure screenings, flu and pneumonia immunizations and health presentations. The Village Nurse will assess the structure needed to hold an employee health fair. 4. Senior Citizens Services. a. Advisory Commission on Aging: The Commission will continue to monitor programs and services to benefit the senior citizen population with assistance from the Department Coordinator, Social Worker, and Senior Activities Coordinator. b. Information and Referral: The Information and Referral Officers will manage the Senior Hot Line, coordinate class and trip registration,and provide reception and information for Senior Center activities and rentals. c. Senior Outreach Workers: The Senior Outreach workers will maintain current information on community resources and programs/services provided by local, county, state and federal governments and local social service agencies. The Outreach Workers will address the 110 ti Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 decreased participation of teens in the Chore Program and will develop and implement a plan to revitalize this program. The Outreach Workers will work with the Activities Coordinator in developing informational programs for residents on federal, state and local entitlement programs that impact Morton Grove residents. d. Seniortran: Drivers will provide safe transportation services to the Senior Center and other destinations within the Village for senior citizen riders. An additional frame will be put on Seniortran bus#2 to increase advertising revenue. Fees for the Seniortran advertising spaces will be increased. e. Community Nutrition Network: CNN is a major provider of services to seniors through its provision of nutritious,hot lunches. Family& Senior Service staff will continue to work with the CNN Site Director in the coordination of programming for the lunch program attendees. 5. Senior Citizen Activities Coordinator. The Senior Citizen Activities Coordinator will develop and implement activities for senior citizen residents of Morton Grove that reduce social isolation of an at-risk population to achieve a broader participation among Morton Grove senior citizens in the Senior Center. The Senior Activities Coordinator will refine registration materials and implement and monitor use of computer software designed for program registration purposes. The Senior Activities Coordinator will organize day-and extended-trips,using a Travel Advisory Committee to gain input on potential destinations. These efforts will be achieved through the following: a. Increase Senior Center membership by 5%over 2005. b. Broaden senior community participation through the introduction of four new programs or courses during calendar 2006. c. Publish Travelin'Times newsletter three times per year to inform senior residents of day-and extended-trips available through the Senior Center. d. Streamline the registration process by maintaining open lines of communication with all Information and Referral officers and monitoring the established system. e. Participate as the department representative at the monthly Computer Committee by providing input on the Village's website design and other issues regarding the computer network. 6. Public Information. Produce promotional materials that amplify the qualities of the Village's services and leisure activities for families and seniors. Mileage Allowance 02-60-26-55-1110 Mileage reimbursement is provided for Family and Senior Service staff for use of their personal vehicles for village-related business purposes. Total $600.00 Programming&Activity Exp 02-60-26-55-1111 Programming and activities provided to the community as functions of the Morton Grove Senior Center. Classes and Day Trips for senior citizens have a corresponding revenue account. Extended Trips are no longer booked through the Senior Center but through the individual travel companies, however, the Village organizes marketing to local seniors and realizes a commission of approximately$1,000.00 for all trips. The Senior Center Members Function is a benefit of Senior Center Membership; and annual Membership dues offset its expense. 111 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Classes $6,500.00 Day Trips $20,000.00 Senior Center Members Function $2,600.00 Total $29,100.00 Dues& Subscriptions 02-60-26-55-1120 This account represents fees for memberships in professional organizations and professional licenses for the nurse and social worker. Subscriptions to publications for the Senior Center Library and health- related newsletters utilized by the nurse for health education are included in this account. In addition,the department is required to purchase a motion picture license to show movies as part of the Senior Center activities and a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendmens/Certificate of Waiver required by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Notary Public fees include fee to Cook and Lake Counties and bonding, notary stamper and filing fee. American Diabetic Association $30.00 American Journal of Nursing $25.00 Association of Illinois Senior Centers $100.00 Association of Police Social Workers $40.00 Chicago Sun Times $60.00 DHHS - CLIA license $0.00 Eldercare Activities Guide $45.00 Illinois Parks & Recreation- Senior Committee $0.00 Illinois Social Worker License $0.00 Interagency Network of Niles Township $20.00 Mayo Clinic Health Letter(2 yr Subscription) $50.00 Motion Picture Licensing Corporation $250.00 Notary Public Fees $118.00 Pioneer Press (MG Champion) $25.00 Total $763.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-60-26-55-1130 This account reflects expenses for educational and networking conferences attended by the Department Coordinator and Senior Activities Coordinator and for continuing education programs attended by the Nurse and Social Worker to fulfill licensing requirements by the State of Illinois Department of Professional Regulation. For CY2006, a one-time training class for the department's two notary publics. Annual Seminar for Illlinois Senior Centers $600.00 Continuing education programs for Nurse $200.00 Continuing education programs for Social Worker $200.00 IL Parks & Recreation- Senior Committee-Conf $0.00 Training Class for Notary Public $150.00 Total $1,150.00 Employee Relations 02-60-26-55-1160 New candidates for hire within the Department of Family& Senior Services are required to undergo medical physical examinations and drug and alcohol testing prior to an official job offer. Additionally, Seniortran drivers, all of whom possess Commercial Drivers Licenses, are required by the Department of 112 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Transportation Safety regulation 382.305 to submit to random drug and alcohol testing. These examinations are administered by the Advocate Occupational Health Center in Niles. Total $300.00 Postage &Meter Rental 02-60-26-55-2120 This category reflects the costs for the bulk mailing of the Seniors in Morton Grove newsletter, the "Travelin' Times"newsletter and the Members Only event to senior center members,as well as bulk mailings related to nursing or social service events. Total $720.00 Printing and Publishing 02-60-26-55-2130 This account represents expenses related to the printing and publication of the departmental brochure, taxicab discount coupons, lending closet labels and department letterhead and envelopes. Department brochure $250.00 Letterhead, Envelopes,Business Cards $700.00 Senior Center Members Only Party Invitations $100.00 Travelin'Times Paper $450.00 Total $1,500.00 Senior Citizen Cab Fares 02-60-26-55-5100 The Village of Morton Grove provides a subsidy to the discount taxicab fare through the American Taxi Company. The Village pays $2.25 for each ride taken by a senior citizen rider. Total $4,000.00 Counseling& Social Services 02-60-26-55-5120 The Village Social Worker provides supportive services to residents. Expenses include materials for support groups and educational workshops and resource directories of social service agencies. Human Care Services Directory of Metropolitan Chicago $0.00 Maine Township Social Services Directory $0.00 Support Group and Workshop materials 100.00 Total $100.00 Operational Supplies 02-60-26-56-2110, This account reflects expenses related to office supplies and miscellaneous supplies needed to operate the Department and the Senior Center on a daily basis. Items such as disposable dishware,paper goods, cleaning supplies,medical waste pick-up, senior center membership supplies and lending closet equipment repairs are included in this account. Biohazard clean-up supplies $200.00 General supplies(Coffee,paper products, creamer, etc. $1,000.00 Lending Closet equipment & repairs $500.00 113 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Office supplies $3,032.00 Stericycle Pickup $220.00 Total $4,952.00 Medical Supplies 02-60-26-56-2190 This account reflects expenses for community health screenings,medical equipment, medical reference literature and first aid supplies. The cholesterol screening program is outsourced to Swedish Covenant Hospital in order to provide improved assessment to residents and has a corresponding revenue account. AED Defibrillation Pads $0.00 Cholesterol Clinic fees to Swedish Covenant Hospital $2,500.00 Durable Medical Supplies $100.00 First Aid Supplies $50.00 Health Fair $150.00 Medical Reference texts $100.00 Screening Clinic supplies $850.00 Total $3,750.00 Blood Program Expenses 02-60-26-56-4385 The Village Nurse organizes six blood drives each year. Currently, LifeSource provides the supplies and refreshments for this program. Total $0.00 114 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'steal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Adopted 02-60-26 Family&Senior Services �r El Personal Services 64,514 69,117 68,093 0.00 54-4433 Family&Sr.Services Coordina 0.00 68,093 68,093 75,000 57,247 56,789 60,465 0.00 54-4613 Salary Family Counselor 0.00 69,534 69,534 71,620 27,118 25,413 27,053 0.00 54-4614 Salary-sr Citizen Coor/prog 0.00 28,848 28,848 31,141 83,140 85,022 90,721 0.00 54-4633 Salaries Senior Citizen Servic 0.00 99,342 99,342 102,323 44,309 46,709 46,741 0.00 54-4710 Salaries Secretarial 0.00 46,741 46,741 48,143 2,100 2,100 2,100 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 2,600 2,600 2,600 20,536 22,218 22,585 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 24,165 24,165 25,309 21,780 25,092 25,765 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 28,342 28,342 39,007 0 267 5,359 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 10,701 10,701 12,198 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-VIg Conmb 0.00 0 0 0 1,870 2,229 2,263 0.00 54-8200 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 2,489 2,489 2,602 603 645 666 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 699 699 859 323,218 335,600 3511,811 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 381,554 381,554 410,802 E2 Contractual Services 0 (4) 0 0.00 54-4639 Janitorial Service 0.00 0 0 0 1,006 409 600 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 600. 600 600 20,767 25,549 32,140 0.00 55-1111 Programming&Activity Exp 0.00 29,100 29,100 29,100 690 523 939 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 763 763 763 710 748 800 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 1,150 1,150 1,150 0 0 300 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations - 0.00 300 300 300 289 396 720 0.00 55-2120 Postage &Meter Rental 0.00 720 720 720 731 1,687 1,550 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 0.00 55-2160 Janitorial Services 0.00 0 0 0 4,039 3,672 3,600 0.00 55-5100 Senior Citizen Cab Fares 0.00 3,600 4,000 4,000 7 135 100 0.00 55-5120 Counseling&Social Services 0.00 100 100 100 0 0 0 0.00 55-5130 Park District Senior Services 0.00 0 0 0 (1,240) (2,438) 0 0.00 55-5160 Meals On Wheels 0.00 0 0 0 26,998 30,677 40,749 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 37,833 38,233 38,233 E3 Commodities '.50 5,198 4,058. 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 4,952 4,952 4,952 ` 98) 2,723 3,750 0.00 56-2190 Medical Supplies 0.00 3,750 3,750 3,750 v 246 0 0 0.00 56-4385 Blood Program Expenses 0.00 0 0 0 4,398 7,921 7,808 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 8,702 8,702 8,702 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 354,615 374,198 400,368 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 428,089 428,489 457,737 `r 115 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Family&Senior Services Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Family& Senior Services Coord. 68,093 1.0 75,000 1.0 Family Counselor 60,465 1.0 57 71,620 1.0 Admin Secretary/Aide I 46,741 1.0 44 48,143 1.0 Senior Citizen Activities Coord. 27,053 1.0 31,141 1.0 Senior Info/Referral Officer(5&4 PT) 16,089 2.5 16,366 2.0 Senior Outreach Worker(2 PT) 16,524 1.0 18,425 1.0 Seniortran Driver(3 PT) 30,509 1.5 31,998 1.5 Village Nurse (1 PT) 27,600 0.5 35,535 0.5 Total 293,074 9.5 328,228 9.0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 2,100 2.0 2,600 2.0 Social Security 22,585 9.5 25,309 9.0 Hospitalization Insurance 25,765 3.0 39,007 4.0 Life Insurance 666 3.0 859 4.0 Retiree Health Insurance 2,263 1.0 2,602 1.0 ^1 IMRF 5,359 1.0 12,198 3.0 Total 58,738 82,575 Department Total 351,812 9.5 410,803 9.0 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 116 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 AMERICAN LEGION MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Village of Morton Grove has created a unique multi-purpose facility known as the American Legion Memorial Civic Center that has become a community focal point for senior citizen activities and services, service club meetings and fundraisers, civic and government events and private functions such as anniversary celebrations,birthday parties, wedding receptions, concerts, theatrical productions, dances, classes, seminars, picnics, fundraisers, support groups, board meetings, etc. The Village of Morton Grove's Department of Family& Senior Services has been assigned the duties of maintaining, scheduling, managing and cultivating activities within this facility. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. American Legion Memorial Civic Center Attendance and Rental Revenue. The following chart outlines the history of attendance and rental revenue activity at the Civic Center through the first eight months of its four years of operation. As is evident, a steady increase in both areas is being experienced as the community realizes the value and amenities the Civic Center offers for a wide variety of functions. Year Attendance Rental Revenue 2005 25,316 $41,614 2004 23,358 $30,875 2003 18,210 $21,381 2002 16,130 $16,752 2. Morton Grove Senior Center Activities. The following chart depicts the senior citizen activities and social service events both public (provided by the Village's Department of Family& Senior Services) and private; offered at the Morton Grove Senior Center during the first eight months of calendar year 2005. The term, "Morton Grove Senior Center," is used when the Civic Center is operating Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or any other period when senior citizen activities or services are offered. At all other times the building is referred to and functions as the American Legion Memorial Civic Center. Number Type of Number of of events event participants Revenue 6 meetings Advisory Commission on Aging 112 $0 4 series AARP Mature Driving Program 173 $0 4 drives Blood Drives 105 $0 8 screenings Blood Pressure Screening 233 $0 8 classes Book Club 127 $76 32 meetings Bridge Club 699 $356 32 classes Bridge Lessons 392 $1,442 8 screenings Cholesterol Screening 266 $3,067 8 meetings CNN Nutrition Advisory Council 85 $0 160 days CNN Lunch Bunch 6,528 $5,280 29 classes Computer Classes 104 $1,549 20 classes Crochet Classes 123 $330 12 meetings Crochet Club 66 $17 117 ' :i x Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 7 screenings Diabetes Screening 99 $56 -....„ 32 meetings Golden Senior Citizens Club 417 $0 32 classes Humanities Treasures 915 $0 32 classes Issues in the News 845 $955 20 events Lectures/Seminars/Workshops/Presentations 552 $0 32 meetings Mah Jongg Club 219 $162 32 meetings Men's Poker Club 232 $111 20 meetings Morton Grove Hadassah Meetings 620 $158 32 meetings Morton Grove Senior Citizens Club 794 $0 3 shows Movies 43 $22 30 meetings North Shore Players Rehearsals 324 $563 6 shows North Shore Players Shows 810 $750 32 meetings Older Women's Support Group 167 $0 32 meetings Our Basic Text A.A. Support Group 320 $576 32 meetings Pinochle Club 481 $0 1 event Sr. Ctr.Members' "Country Western"Party 146 $0* 32 meetings Sunday Morning Wanderers A.A. Group 960 $768 30 days Tax Counseling for the Elderly 199 $0 1 sale "Trash&Treasure"Rummage Sale 500 $1,387 3 meetings Trip Previews 63 $0 8 meetings Visually Impaired Motivators Support Group 138 $0 10 meetings Women's Poker Club 113 $39 17,790 $17,664 3. "Regular" Private Rentals. The Village of Morton Grove has established business relations with the following organizations who have chosen to renew rental agreements for "regular" gatherings, i.e. annually, monthly, weekly or periodically at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center. These repeat renters are calling the Civic Center their home base for business meetings, socials, and/or related events; creating a flow of visitors with private rental potential and consistent revenue. The following chart depicts the "regular" private rental commitments (through August 2005) within the Civic Center for the entire 2005 calendar year. Number Type of Number of of events event participants Revenue 1 American Brain Tumor Association 200 $143 4 Asian American Acupuncture Assn. 240 $450 2 Assyrian Athletic Club 125 $360 4 Bread of Life Christian Church 120 $125 1 Chicago Belizean Health Care Org. 130 $255 2 Chicago NISEI Post#1183 150 $295 1 Chicago Swedish Glee Club 150 $128 5 Chicagoland Jewish High School 336 $375 4 Children's Learning World 235 $188 2 Cook Co. Forest Preserve Task Force 30 $0 2 Delaine Farm Condo Association 60 $50 5 Evanston Cricket Club 500 $1,275 5 Friends of the M.G. Forest Preserves 75 $0 1 Golf School District 67 PTA 85 $30 15 Junior Cancer League 720 $444 --.. 1 Luxembourg American Social Club 50 $75 6 Morton Grove AYSO 70 $30 118 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 4 Morton Grove Lions Club 620 $471 8 Nutrition for Optimal Health Association 587 $655 1 Park View School PTO 80 $0 1 Philippine Basketball Association 170 $219 1 Polillians of the Midwest 15 $25 2 Scholastic Book Fairs 30 $175 17 Skomor Soccer Club 512 $471 10 Spares Sunday Evening Social Club 400 $417 5 Starlight Stitchery 75 $125 1 Swiss Club of Chicago 180 $75 2 Tabernacle of Praise 370 $510 2 United Auto Workers Local 890 66 $100 1 Unites States Soccer Federation 30 $50 3 Woodlands of M.G. Condo Association 500 $225 6,911 $7,741 4. Private Rentals. The Village of Morton Grove has marketed the American Legion Memorial Civic Center for the purpose of attracting private party rental events. The following chart identifies the frequency, type, attendance and revenue from private rentals through the first eight months of calendar year 2005. Number Type of Number of of events event participants Revenue 2 Anniversary Celebrations 260 $1,320 2 Baby Showers 80 $310 3 Baptismal Celebrations 220 $1,127 13 Birthday Celebrations 1,500 $7,198 2 Bridal Showers 125 $585 3 Business Events 170 $295 5 Civic Events(private) 255 $869 1 Family Celebration 50 $40 2 First Communion Celebrations 210 $1,215 5 Fundraisers 610 $872 2 Graduation Celebrations 200 $860 2 Henna Parties 230 $1,920 1 Memorial Reception 125 $460 1 Nikah Party 40 $200 6 Quinceaneras 1,000 $6,854 1 Retirement Celebration 125 $1,060 3 Scouting Events 230 $205 9 Wedding Receptions 1,077 $5,788 1 Welcome Home Celebration 150 $430 6,657 $31,608 5. Government and American Legion Uses. The following chart identifies the frequency, type, attendance and revenue from Village of Morton Grove, Other Government and American Legion Post #134 space usage within the American Legion Memorial Civic Center through the first eight months of calendar year 2005. The American Legion, as outlined in the 2001 building purchase contract, is allowed free space usage but does reimburse the Village for room set-up and cleaning services. 119 C,L[ Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Number Type of Number of -"h of events event participants Revenue 14 Village of Morton Grove 745 $0 15 Other Government 2,275 $110 138 American Legion Post#134 4,662 $921 7,682 $1,031 6. Public Information. Activities involving the promotion of the Civic Center for private rentals involved paid advertisements in the SBC Yellow Pages, Yellow Book, and the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce&Industry Community Guide. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. American Legion Memorial Civic Center/Morton Grove Senior Center. The Village of Morton Grove acquired and developed the American Legion property for the purpose of creating a Civic Center that will be utilized as a focal point for the delivery of the Village's services to the senior citizen community as well as to provide a first-class banquet facility for civic events and private rentals. The ultimate goals of the Department are to fully activate the American Legion Memorial Civic Center bringing together the necessary components that will make the Civic Center a multi- functional facility that generates civic energy and reflects community pride. 2. American Legion Memorial Civic Center/Private Rentals. The Department of Family & Senior Services will aggressively pursue the establishment of a year long rental schedule and implement the fees and regulations outlined in the Municipal Code Book as well as the policies and regulations set forth in the American Legion Memorial Civic Center Operations Manual. Staff will review these policies and procedures on an on-going basis to ensure they are appropriate. 3. Public Information. Promotional materials and advertisements will be distributed that will magnify the potential of the American Legion Memorial Civic Center for private rentals. Advertising through the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce membership and yellow pages listings will be implemented. 4. Building Preservation. In an effort to perpetuate the appeal and diverse functional-ability that enhances the Civic Center's marketing attractiveness, the Department of Family & Senior Services will maintain the facility's architectural and aesthetic appearance and efficiency through maintenance contracts, custodial attention, expedient repairs, and equipment acquisition. Dues & Subscriptions 02-60-29-55-1120 Membership dues with the Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce& Industry entitling the Civic Center exposure to the community that will enhance room rental opportunities. Total $180.00 Printing&Publishing 02-60-29-55-2130 Advertising that will attract rental event activity and revenue from use of the Civic Center. SBC Yellow Pages listing $600.00 Yellow Book USA listing $600.00 Total $1,200.00 120 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Janitorial Services 02-60-29-55-2160 Daily cleaning of the Civic Center administered through the general contract with Best Quality Cleaning, Inc. for all Village municipal buildings. Floor maintenance includes scrubbing and shampooing of Main Hall carpet, and scrubbing and waxing of vinyl tile floors by Best;plus scrubbing of ceramic tile floors by Metro Maintenance Services, Inc. Contract service $11,000.00 Floor maintenance $2,000.00 Total $13,000.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 02-60-29-55-2330 Monthly lease agreement for the Civic Center Lather Worldwide Inc. copy machine. Please note the maintenance contract (also with Lanier) expenditures for this copy machine are taken from the Maintenance of Non-Auto Equipment account (026029-554130). Total $3,500.00 Utilities-Municipal Facilities 02-60-29-55-3120 Natural gas utilization throughout the American Legion Memorial Civic Center and including the set- aside space of the American Legion Post#134. Total $12,000.00 Maintenance of Buildings 02-60-29-55-4110 Unanticipated maintenance expense calculations based upon 2005 expenditures. Total $14,000.00 Maintenance of Non-Auto Equipment 02-60-29-55-4130 Service of machinery and equipment necessary for efficient Civic Center building operation, including annual maintenance contracts. Backflow preventer contract $465.00 Copy machine contract $700.00 Elevator contract $4,802.00 Exterminator contract $579.00 Fire alarm contract and monitoring $662.00 Fire extinguisher contract $70.00 Generator contract $750.00 HVAC contract $3,048.00 Total $11,076.00 121 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Operational Supplies 02-60-29-56-2110 -- '■ Office supplies and building maintenance supplies such as light bulbs, repair parts and devices, snow removal materials, and miscellaneous building materials related to the operation of the Civic Center on a daily basis. Total $3,000.00 Landscape Supplies 02-60-29-56-2130 Floral, fertilizer, soil and other landscape items used to maintain and further beautify and maintain the Civic Center grounds. Total $2,000.00 Janitorial Supplies 02-60-29-56-2140 Toilet paper, paper hand towels, hand soap, and other supplies not provided under contract with janitorial services. Total $1,500.00 Operational Equipment 02-60-29-56-4200 Equipment necessary to enhance the functionality and decor of the Civic Center particularly as it applies to appealing to potential renters. Total $4,000.00 Seasonal Decorations 02-60-29-56-4380 Miscellaneous seasonal decorations for the Civic Center. Total $750.00 122 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year: 2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 4ctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Adopted 02-60-29 Civic Center El Personal Services o 0.00 54-4433 Family &Sr.Services Coord. 0.00 o 0.00 544614 Salary-Sr.Citizen Coodprog 0.00 0 0.00 54-4633 Salaries-Senior Citizen Servi 0.00 32,057 38,61 36,67 0.00 - 54-4639 Salaries-Custodians -0.00 41,59 41,59 42.84 0 0.00 54-4710 Salaries-Secretarial 0.00 0 73 0.00 54-5100 Salaries-Overtime 0.00 0 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 2,513 3,14 2,80 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0,00 3,18 3,18 3,27 o 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 0 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Conmb 0.00 0 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 34,570 42,491 39,484 - 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 44,780 44,78 - 46,123 E2 Contractual Services 0 0 160 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 180 180 180 0 0 0 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-2120 Postage&Meter Rental 0.00 0 0 0 0 590 1,077 0.00 55-2130 Printing&Publishing 0.00 1,200 15,601 12,998 12,128 0.00 55-2160 Janitorial Services 1.200 1,200 0.00 13,000 13,000 13,000 3,335 3,425 3,500 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Leasdrental Pymh 0.00 3,500 3,500 3,500 9,877 7,771 10,800 0.00 55-3120 Utilities-municipal Facilities 0.00 10,800 12,000 12,000 6,800 19,586 14,500 0.00 55-4110 Maintenance of Buildings 0.00 14,000 14,000 14,000 9,281 10,537 10,223 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non-auto Equip 0.00 11,274 11,076 11,076 44,894 54,908 52,388 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 53,954 54,956 54,956 E3 Commodities 3,851 3,159 2,500 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 2,500 0.00 56-2130 Landscape Supplies 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,402 2,088 1,500 0.00 56-2140 Janitorial Supplies 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 4,598 4.038 5,000 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 4,000 4,000 4,000 31 356 250 0.00 56-4380 Seasonal Decorations a00 250 750 750 \rawe' 9,882 9,640 11,750 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 10,750 11,250 11,250 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00. 0 - 0 0 89,346 107,038 103,622 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 109,484 110,986 112,329 V 123 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Civic Center Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Custodian (6 PT) 36,678 3.0 42,845 3.0 Total 36,678 3.0 42,845 3.0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 2,806 3.0 3,278 3.0 Total 2,806 3,278 Department Total 39,484 3.0 46,123 3.0 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FIT=the split percentage. 124 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 BUILDING AND INSPECTIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Department of Building and Inspectional Services is to assure property and structures are developed and maintained to the standards of Village building and zoning ordinances and to complete all environmental health and food services inspectional activities. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Inspectional services staff spends a considerable amount of time each year with architects, contractors, and property owners discussing code interpretations and building and zoning requirements for new construction and remodeling. Twenty-seven Zoning Board of Appeals cases and twenty-six Plan Commission cases were handled in CY2004. Building Permit Comparison Permit Type 99-03 Ave. CY2004 Jan-Jun 2005 Single Family 95 140 72 Detached Garages 54 45 22 Multi-Family 3 3 3 Commercial 23 25 26 Industrial 6 9 4 Miscellaneous 625 667 386 Total 806 889 513 Major construction and redevelopment projects handled by department personnel in CY 2005 included: • Inspect construction on the third and fourth(final) condominium building at the Woodlands. • Twenty-one townhome units(four buildings)were started at the Woodlands. • Remodeling of the former Abt Electronics site on Waukegan Road into a medical facility for Illinois Bone&Joint Institute continued. • Construction began on the Trafalgar Square P.U.D.townhomes and first of two 75 unit condominium buildings. • We anticipate plan review and construction to begin on the Crossings of Morton Grove (65 unit townhouse development in the Ferris/Lehigh T.I.F.) and M.E.C. school and mosque expansion. The Planning Coordinator, in conjunction with the Deputy Building Commissioner, developed and implemented design guidelines and a design workbook for all single-family redevelopment. The Planning Coordinator and Deputy Building Commissioner now review all single-family redevelopment with regards to the design guidelines and compatibility with the surrounding area. Assistance was provided to the Community and Economic Development Director and Village Administration regarding development of an affordable housing plan. Assistance was also given to the Economic Development Director with activities related to the Ferris/Lehigh T.I.F. and Dempster Street Redevelopment district. Procedural control review of the Unified Development Code continued. Major redevelopment projects handled by the Planning Coordinator • Trafalgar Square—portion of the Schwarz Paper property as a P.U.D. and subdivision for 150 condominiums and 113 townhouses • Crossing of Morton Grove—the Schutz International property as a P.U.D. and subdivision for 65 townhouses 125 tii Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 • Revell Monogram property as a P.U.D. for 110 townhouses The Environmental Health Officer again spent considerable time dealing with resident concerns regarding West Nile virus and potential breeding areas. A rat infestation problem continues in the southeast section of the village near Edens Expressway. Routine inspections of all food service establishments were conducted. Property maintenance inspections and resident complaints continue to generate considerable volumes of work. Each residential property is visited yearly for an exterior inspection of the building and yard, with follow-up visits as needed,to prevent unkempt properties that lead to rundown neighborhoods and blight. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to work with contractors and Village departments to assure the orderly and efficient processing of building permits. 2. Provide staff support to the Appearance Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals,Plan Commission, and Board of Environmental Health. 3. Remain informed of current scientific data related to the recognition of environmental health problems and the development of programs for their control. 4. Work as necessary with the Economic Development Department to coordinate land use and construction pu units in various redevelopment areas throughout the Village. 5. Assist the Community and Economic Development Department in implementing the affordable housing plan. 6. Adopt the Unified Development Code to centralize and coordinate all land use and building codes adopted by the Village. 7. Work in conjunction with the Waukegan Road and Dempster Street redevelopment plans to aggressively enforce the property maintenance code in commercial districts. 8. Work with the Economic Development Department and Ferris/Lehigh T.I.F. Committee as needed. 9. Update Title 8 of the Municipal Code,"Health Regulations." BUDGET COMMENTS Expenses incurred for the semiannual elevator inspections are recouped through invoices and are included in the appropriate revenue account. Structural engineering plan review and inspection fees are recouped through building permit fees. Participation in NFPA Technical Committee meetings has been placed back in the budget. CALENDAR YEAR 2007 BUDGET COMMENTS The budget is similar to CY2006. Line items where a cost increase is anticipated were raised 3% from the previous year. CALENDAR YEAR 2008 BUDGET COMMENTS Line items where a cost increase is anticipated were raised 3%from the previous year. The biannual license renewal for the Environmental Health Practitioner is included. Dues and Subscriptions 02-80-23-55-1120 Membership in professional organizations are required to remain current with code changes and technical Th issues related to code enforcement, environmental health,and planning. Included are the subscription 126 siM,Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 fees for codebooks, technical journals, handbooks, and zoning and planning update services related to departmental operations. The Sanitarian's license renewal is included. ICC $120.00 ICSC $100.00 IL Assoc of Code Enforcers $25.00 III &Natl EHA $120.00 Ill Assoc Plumbing Insp $30.00 LEHP Biannual License $220.00 Misc Technical Handbooks and Publications $250.00 NFPA $135.00 Northwest Building Officials $45.00 Planning& Environmental Law $315.00 Suburban Building Officials $60.00 Urban Land Institute $190.00 Zoning Practice $65.00 Total $1,675.00 Meetings and Conferences 02-80-23-55-1130 Attendance at various professional conferences and seminars to keep the code enforcement staff up-to- date with current construction and enforcement techniques. The Environmental Health Practitioner attends the EHA conferences. The Building Commissioner is currently a member of three NFPA technical committees dealing with the storage and use of flammable liquids. The Planner attends various regional seminars related to zoning and planning. LACE Quarterly Meetings $80.00 IEHA Annual Conference $500.00 Misc Planning Seminars $400.00 NFPA Committee Meetings(2) $2,800.00 NWBOCA Monthly Meetings $100.00 Various Technical Seminars $400.00 Total $4,280.00 Printing and Publishing 02-80-23-55-2130 Cost of printing various forms, support material, and stationery. Total $650.00 Engineering Services 02-80-23-55-2140 Review of structural engineering design for large and/or complex buildings, including field inspection. We recoup this expense as part of the building permit fee. Also included is the cost of the third party elevator inspection service for private elevators in the Village. We recoup this expense by invoicing property owners for the semiannual inspection service. Consultants Structural Plan Review $500.00 Elevator Inspection Fees $3,900.00 Total $4,400.00 127 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-80-23-55-4130 "ss Cost of service and repairs for office equipment. Total $300.00 Operational Supplies 02-80-23-56-2110 Annual fee for Sidwell Company updates to the Village real estate maps. Office stationery supplies,toner cartridges, and supplies used by inspectors. Inspector supplies $250.00 Office supplies $700.00 Sidwell Update $100.00 Total $1,050.00 Uniform Purchase and Replacement 02-80-23-56-4300 Purchase of uniform shirts and jackets for the inspectional staff. Total $500.00 128 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Recuested Proposed Adorned 02-80-23 Bldg.&Inspectional Services ha./" El Personal Services 88,684 91,690 93,646 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 93,646 93,646 96,454 63,252 65,395 66,757 0.00 54-4432 Deputy Building Commissioner 0.00 66,757 66,757 68,761 39,805 43,078. 60,465 0.00 54-4435 Salary Planner 0.00 60,465 60,465 62,279 53,994 55,927 56,978 0.00 54-4612 Salary Sanitarian 0.00 56,978 56,978 58,686 21,014 18,536 43,023 0.00 54-4636 Salaries Building Dept 0.00 15,641 15,641 16,110 20,216 16,348 24,287 0.00 54-4660 Salary Code Enforement Officer 0.00 21,816 21,816 22,470 44,308 45,807 46,751 0.00 54-4710 Salary Secretarial 0.00 46,751 46,751 48,143 0 0 0 0.00 54-5100 Overtime 0.00 0 0 0 4,600 4,600 4,600 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 - 4,600 4,600 4,600 24,728 26,120 29,670 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 29,245 29,245 28,878 33,953 37,348 41,083 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 45,191 45,191 47,245 0 0 0 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Contnb 0.00 0 0 0 916 972 1,339 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 1,233 1,233 1,233 395,470 405,822 468,599 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 442,323 442,323 454,859 E2 Contractual Services 835 1,731 1,680 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 1,675 1,675 1,675 649 562 1,480 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 4.280 4.280 4,280 2,823 0 0 0.00 55-2112 Public Health Services 0.00 0 0 0 370 694 650 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 650 650 650 34,537 8,992 6,304 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 4,400 4,400 4,400 0 0 0 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-2180 Microfilming Services 0.00 0 0 0 248 249 255 0.00 55-2330 Equipmentlrw/rental Pymts 0.00 0 0- 0 15 65 400 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 300 300 300 39,477 12,293 10,769 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 11,305 11,305 11,305 E3 Commodities 222 901 2,000 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 1,050 1,050 1,050 0 591 0 0 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies coo 0 0 87 301 500 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 500 0 500 500 1,000 1,203 2,500 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 1,550 1,550 1,550 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 435,947 419,318 481,868 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 455,178 455,178 467,714 129 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois '1 Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Building & Inspectional Services Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Building Commissioner 93,646 1.0 96,454 1.0 Deputy Building Commissioner 66,757 1.0 62 68,761 1.0 Sanitarian 56,978 1.0 54 58,686 1.0 Building Inspector 27,382 1.0 0 0.0 Planner 60,465 1.0 62,279 1.0 Admin Secretary/Aide I 46,751 1.0 44 48,143 1.0 Code Enforcement Officer(3 PT) 24,287 1.5 22,470 1.5 Plumbing Inspector(1 PT) 4,474 0.5 4,609 0.5 Assistant Plumbing Inspector(1 PT) 4,278 0.5 4,405 0.5 Electrical Plumbing Inspector(1 PT) 6,889 0.5 7,096 0.5 Total 391,907 9.0 372,903 8.0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 4,600 4.0 4,600 4.0 Social Security 29,670 9.0 28,878 8.0 Hospitalization Insurance 41,083 4.0 47,245 5.0 ". Life Insurance 1,339 4.0 1,233 5.0 Total 76,692 81,956 Department Total 468,599 9.0 454,859 8.0 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 130 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 BUILDING AND INSPECTIONAL SERVICES MUNICIPAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of Building and Inspectional Services-Municipal Building Maintenance is the coordination of maintenance and repairs at Village owned properties. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Two part-time custodians work daily completing miscellaneous janitorial functions not included in the cleaning services contract. They also perform routine maintenance tasks such as snow removal, changing HVAC filters, and small carpentry, electrical, and plumbing repairs. Supplies for the Flickinger Center along with selected supplies for the Fire Department and Public Works are purchased jointly. Vendor prices are continually compared to assure the best quality for the lowest prices. All major and most minor repairs to Village buildings are coordinated through the Building and Inspectional Services Department including preparation of bid documents. For budgeting purposes this department/activity includes all Village buildings other than the water pumping stations (enterprise fund), Civic Center,and properties located in T.I.F. districts. Maintenance items identified in the CY2005 budget will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Maintenance service contracts cover multiple departments at various locations. Issuing a single contract for similar services provides lower unit costs, consistency of service between facilities, and a single \.. source to contact for service. Contracts are reviewed and bid on a periodic basis to assure the best service at the lowest price. Individual department safety committees and Building and Inspectional Services Department staff continually inspect our buildings to identify defects before they become major problems. These inspections are made using regulations from IRMA, IDOL,Village Safety Manual, and general building and fire safety regulations. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES—CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to assure Village owned buildings are clean and aesthetically pleasing, setting an example for residents and businesses. a. Supervise the custodial staff at Flickinger Center b. Continue with the central purchase of selected maintenance and janitorial supplies. 2. Respond to repair requests from other departments. a. Prepare specifications and bid documents for specific repairs listed in the budget. b. Coordinate regular maintenance and repairs. 3. Coordinate contractual services related to building maintenance such as janitorial services, fire alarm,HVAC, fire extinguisher, backflow preventers, and pest control. 4. Identify building maintenance items for inclusion in the capital improvement plan. BUDGET COMMENTS The Maintenance of Buildings account reflects projects approved from the Capital Improvement Program, items identified during building safety inspections, and departmental requests. Costs for building 131 `T Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 maintenance in general are rising each year due to construction cost increases,vendor contract price -� increases, and the increasing age of village buildings. As the structures and equipment age, maintenance and repair costs continue to escalate. The janitorial service contract and HVAC maintenance contract expire in CY2006. CY2007 BUDGET COMMENTS The Maintenance of Buildings account reflects projects approved from the Capital Improvement Program, items identified during building safety inspections, and departmental requests. Services not covered by contracts have been increased 3%from the previous year. CY2008 BUDGET COMMENTS The Maintenance of Buildings account reflects projects approved from the Capital Improvement Program, items identified during building safety inspections, and departmental requests. Services not covered by contracts have been increased 3%from the previous year. Janitorial Services 02-80-24-55-2160 Daily janitorial service for the Flickinger Center(including Police Department), Public Works offices, and Fire Department offices. Additional funds are included for non-contract items such as carpet cleaning,tile waxing, and window washing. The current janitorial service contract expires May 31, 2006. Contract Service $27,500.00 Floor maintenance not in contract $5,000.00 Total $32,500.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 02-80-24-55-2330 Cost of periodic rental of maintenance machines. Total $50.00 Utilities Municipal Facilities 02-80-24-55-3120 Electric and natural gas costs for municipal buildings. Electric costs are limited to charges for electric heat in selected areas of the Flickinger Center. Natural gas costs are reduced due to franchise agreement discounts. ComEd $8,000.00 NICOR $7,000.00 Total $15,000.00 Maintenance of Alarm Equipment 02-80-24-55-4100 Maintenance of fire alarm equipment at Flickinger Center, Public Works, Public Works Truck Garage, Fire Station 4, and Fire Station 5. RED Center monitoring fees are waived for the fire stations. Contract Service $1,500.00 RED Center monitoring fees $1,080.00 Total $2,580.00 132 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Maintenance of Buildings 02-80-24-55-4110 Maintenance of Village owned buildings other than the Civic Center,pumping stations, and properties within T.I.F. districts that are funded elsewhere. Proposed CEP projects for 2006 have been moved to the Capital Improvements section of the budget. Misc decorating $2,000.00 Misc electrical repairs $3,500.00 Misc plumbing repairs $2,500.00 Miscellaneous repairs $8,000.00 Overhead door service $2,500.00 Paint exterior, 6101 Capulina $10,900.00 Public Works Tuckpointing $11,500.00 Total $40,900.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 02-80-24-55-4130 Service of machinery and equipment necessary for efficient building operation, including annual maintenance and service contracts. The HVAC service contract expires September 30,2006. Backflow preventer service $1,800.00 Elevator inspection&testing fee $1,250.00 Elevator maintenance service contract $4,500.00 Emergency generator service contract $3,100.00 EOC water system maintenance $950.00 Extermintor service $2,000.00 Fire extinguisher service $1,200.00 HVAC service contract $18,300.00 Miscellaneous maintenance and repairs $5,000.00 Total $38,100.00 Janitorial Supplies 02-80-24-56-2140 Purchase of toilet tissue,paper towels,hand soap, and other supplies not provided under the janitorial services contract. Total $1,550.00 Snow Removal Materials 02-80-24-56-3120 Purchase of calcium chloride for removal of ice and snow on walkways at the Flickinger Center. Total $300.00 Building Maintenance Materials 02-80-24-56-3140 Purchase of light bulbs,ballasts, floor mats, HVAC filters, and other cyclic materials other than janitorial supplies. Purchase of small tools necessary to maintain the building. Total $5,350.00 133 4-0 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 02-80-24-56-4300 "\ Purchase of replacement uniforms for the Flickinger Center custodians. Total $125.00 Capital Improvements To Buildings 02-80-24-57-1030 Detailed explanations of the various building renovation projects is found in the Municipal Building Maintenance section of the CY2006 Capital Improvement Program Fire Station 4 Renovations $6,000.00 Fire Station 5 Renovations $3,000.00 Police Dept Remodeling $120,000.00 Public Works Renovations $32,000.00 Total $161,000.00 Th 134 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'ctual Acpg Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Il000sed Adopted 02-80-24 Municipal Buildings Nomi El Personal Services 12,130 11,967 15,626 0.00 54-4639 Salaries Custodians 0.00 15,626 15,626 16,095 933 935 1,195 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 1,195 1,195 1,231 0 0 0 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 0 0 0 13,063 12,901 16,821 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 16,821 16,821 17,326 E2 Connsctual Services 0 0 0 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 0 0 0 28,590 30,709 34,000 0.00 55-2160 Janitorial Services 0.00 32,500 32,500 32,500 0 0 0 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0.00 50 50 50 10,760 9,280 15,000 0.00 55-3120 Utilities Municipal Facilities 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 2,278 1,963 2,580 0.00 55-4100 Maintenance Of Alarm Equipment 0.00 2,580 2,580 2,580 56,159 36,878 91,000 0.00 55-4110 Maintenance Of Buildings 0.00 40,900 40,900 40,900 26,484 34,798 37,381 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 38,100 38,100 38,100 124,271 113,628 179,961 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 129,130 129,130 129,130 E3 Commodities 1,647 1,493 1,500 0.00 56-2140 Janitorial Supplies 0.00 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,315 0 0 0.00 56-3100 Landscaping Materials 0.00 0 0 0 361 259 400 0.00 56-3120 Snow Removal Materials 0.00 300 300 300 4,144 4,539 5;350 0.00 56-3140 Building Maintenance Materials 0.00 5,350 5,350 5,350 0 30 0 0.00 56-4190 Small Tools 0.00 0 0 0 0 33 125 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 125 125 125 7,467 6,353 7,375 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 7,325 7,325 7,325 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-1010 Land 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 57-1020 Capital Acquisitions/buildings 0.00 0 0 0 0 65,475 13,300 0.00 57-1030 Capital Improvements To Bldgs 0.00 209,550 141,000 161,000 0 0 0 0.00 57-2040 Furniture&Fixtures 0.00 0 0 0 \4...- 0 65,475 13,300 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 209,550 141,000 161,000 144,801 198,358 217,457 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 362,826 294,276 314,781 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested - Proposed Adopted 16,120,489 18,303,890 19,618,980 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 20,051,690 20,947,278 21,505,757 17,046,293 18,093,124 19,618,980 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 21,251,523 20,947,278 21,505,758 (925,805) 210,766 0 0 General Corporate Totals: 0.00 (1,199,833) 0 (1) 135 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Municipal Buildings Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Custodian (2 PT) 15,626 1.0 16,095 1.0 Total 15,626 1.0 16,095 1.0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 1,195 1.0 1,231 1.0 Total 1,195 1,231 Department Total 16,821 1.0 17,326 1.0 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 136 It itktaIda.y n .DA:16 rn—\ --Vi C H ig _i&ijw pw liri 133R3 Thig Hiv MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND (03) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 657,814 $ 649,227 $ 640,750 Investment $ 1,000 $ 2,471 $ 1,609 Misc. $ - $ - $ - `, Total $ 658,814 $ 651,698 $ 642,360 Expenses Contractual Services $ 200,814 $ 94,651 $ 174,924 Commodities $ 133,000 $ 114,445 $ 122,350 Transfers out $ 325,000 $ 301,831 $ 445,162 Total $ 658,814 $ 510,927 $ 742,437 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 140,770 $ (100,077) Opening Fund Balance $ 351,967 $ 211,197 $ 311,274 Ending Fund balance $ 351,967 $ 351,967 $ 211,197 137 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Motor Fuel Tax Fund has been established to account for the Village's share of Motor Fuel Tax monies received from the State. State statutes provide for a State imposed tax on motor fuel sales. These monies are restricted as to their use by State law ad audited by a State agency. Therefore, a separate fund is used to account for the source and use of these monies. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Continued to maintain programs supported by the MFT Funds. Performance assessment of the activities provided for by this Fund is included in the General Fund—Public Works—Streets and Sidewalks performance assessment. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 Specific goals and objectives for the use of MFT Funds are contained in the General Fund Public Works Department(streets)budget. All of the items incorporated in this budget are used in the Village's street Department operations. Appropriations will continue the maintenance of traffic signals and streetlights through out the Village and continue the micro-surfacing and or street patching program to extend the expected bituminous pavement life of various streets within the Village. Share of Motor Fuel Tax 03-00-00-41-2040 Projected motor fuel tax allotment from the State of Illinois. Allotments are based on the municipal share of state-wide gasoline sales. The monies are distributed on a per-capita basis. Amounts projected are based on IML projections. For 2006,the Village estimates a per-capita amount of$29.30. Total $657,814.00 Interest Income 03-00-00-46-1010 Projected interest earnings from investment of surplus funds on hand. Total $1,000.00 Snow Removal Materials 03-50-66-56-3120 Appropriation for the acquisition of salt and other snow removal chemicals. Total $105,000.00 Transfers To General Fund 03-50-66-81-1010 Transfer to General Fund to cover a portion of the costs for salaries required to support snow removal operations. Total $75,000.00 138 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Asphalt Street Patching Construction Services 03-50-67-55-2290 Appropriation for the outsourcing of street patching, street resurfacing, and micro-surfacing to an outside contractor. Total $87,814.00 Construction Materials 03-50-67-56-3110 Appropriation for the purchase of construction materials (hot and cold mix)to be used for street patching activities. Total $28,000.00 Transfers To General Fund 03-50-67-81-1010 Transfer to General Fund to cover a portion of the costs for salaries required to support street patching operations. Total $80,000.00 Street Sweeping Transfers To General Fund 03-50-68-81-1010 Transfer to General Fund to cover a portion of the costs for salaries required to support street sweeping operations. Total $80,000.00 Catch Basin Cleaning Transfers To General Fund 03-50-69-81-1010 Transfer to General Fund to cover a portion of the costs for salaries required to support catch basin cleaning operations. Total $55,000.00 Maintenance of Street Lights 03-50-70-55-4170 Appropriation for the anticipated cost for an outside contractor to maintain the Village's street lights and traffic signals during the coming year. Total $65,000.00 139 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Concrete Replacement 03-50-71-55-2230 Appropriation to cover the purchase of concrete used for curb and gutter replacement, sidewalk replacement and concrete street repair throughout the Village. Total $48,000.00 Transfers To General Fund 03-50-71-81-1010 Transfer to General Fund to cover a portion of the costs required to support concrete replacement operations. Total $35,000.00 140 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 Jser: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'ual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FT@ Requested Proposed Adopted 03 Motor Fuel Tax tom/ 03-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 637,174 640,750 643,000 0.00 41-2040 Share Of Motor Fuel Tax 0.00 657,814 657,814 657,814 637,174 640,750 643,000 0- Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 657,814 657,814 657,814 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 1,437 1,609 1,000 000 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,437 1,609 1,000 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 0 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 638,611 642,360 644,000 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 658,814 658,814 658,814 03-50-66 Snow Removal E3 Commodities 79,045 98,352 103,338 0.00 56-3120 Snow Removal Materials 0.00 105,000 105,000 105,000 79,045 98,252 103,338 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 105,000 105,000 105,000 E7 Transfers Out 25,570 26,848 75,000 0.00 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 0.00 75,000 75,000 75,000 25,570 26,848 75,000 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 75,000 75,000 75,000 104,615 125,200 178,338 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 180,000 180,000 180,000 \w4.-. 03-50-67 Asphalt Street Patching E2 Contractual Services 106,473 66,190 70,000 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 87,814 87,814 87,814 106,473 66,190 70,000 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 87,814 87,814 87,814 E3 Commodities 14,200 23,999 35,000 0.00 56-3110 Concoction Materials 0.00 28,000 28,000 28,000 14,200 23,999 35,000 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 28,000 28,000 28,000 E7 Transfers Out 49,505 51,980 - 85,701 0.00 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 0.00 80,000 80,000 80,000 49,505 51,980 85,701 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 80,000 80,000 80,000 170,178 142,168 190,701 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 195,814 195,814 195,814 03-50-68 Street Sweeping • E7 Transfers Out 44,360 46,578 80,299 0.00 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 0.00 80,000 80,000 80,000 44,360 46,578 80,299 0 Transfers Out Totals: 000 80,000 80,000 80,000 44,360 46,578 80,299 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 80,000 80,000 80,000 \N..I 141 1%illage of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 iser:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Ac.onn Descriotion FTE Requested Proposed Adopter...1\ 03-50-69 Catch Basin Cleaning E7 Transfers Out 26,611 27,942 61,662 0.00 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 0.00 55,000 55,000 55,000 26,611 27,942 61,662 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 55,000 55,000 55,000 26,611 27,942 61,662 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 55,000 55,000 55,000 03-50-70 Maint-St Lights/Traffic Signal E2 Contractual Services 61,082 65,246 55,000 0.00 55-4170 Maintenance Of Street Lights 0.00 65,000 65,000 65,000 61,082 65,246 55,000 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 65,000 65,000 65,000 61,082 65,246 55,000 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 65,000 65,000 65,000 03-50-71 Concrete Replacement E2 Contractual Services 110,604 43,489 48,000 0.00 55-2230 Concrete Replacement 0.00 48,000 - 48,000 . 48,000 110,604 43,489 48,000 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 48,000 48,000 48,000 E7 Transfers Out 0.00 35,000 35,000 35,000 170,775 179,314 30,000 0.0D 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 170,775 179,314 30,000 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.00 83,000 83,000 83,000 281{379 222,803 78,000 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: • 638,611 642,360 644,000 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 658,814 658,814 658,814 688,225 742,437 644,000 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 658,814 658,814 658,814 (49,614) (100,077) 0 0 Motor Fuel Tax Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 142 \-\1([ fft:011 lc-TV HI DOW -')R HIV E911 FUND (07) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 225,000 $ 222,000 $ 218,913 Interest $ 251 $ 50 $ 57 Total $ 225,251 $ 222,050 $ 218,970 Expenses Contractual Services $ 225,251 $ 246,607 $ 203,948 Machinery& Equipment $ - $ - $ - Total $ 225,251 $ 246,607 $ 203,948 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ (24,557) $ 15,023 Opening Fund Balance $ 87,710 $ 112,267 $ 97,244 Ending Fund balance $ 87,710 $ 87,710 $ 112,267 143 e Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 POLICE E911 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION To provide public safety services and response through the use of the Emergency 911 telephone system. The E911 system provides community residents with the three digit emergency telephone number which will access police, fire or ambulance services. The enhanced system allows the E911 dispatcher to immediately know the address and phone number of most callers. The E911 computer screen can provide special information related to the caller's address that can assist responding emergency crews as they arrive at the scene. PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES-PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT/STATUS Central dispatch operations began on February 18, 2003. The activation immediately increased the efficiency of our public safety E911 dispatching services while giving us long-term savings as a result of shared costs with our other central dispatch participants. Participation provided us with a computer aided dispatch system and an upgraded records system. Central dispatch provides dispatching backup and support during peak periods or for disaster type incidents that was lacking before and not only exposed the village to liability risks but had the potential for jeopardizing the safety of our residents and police officers. Another upgrade is the 24/7 availability of a supervisor. Calls to E911 are now answered and processed by dispatchers that have no distractions, are not handling customer service at the front desk, are not checking on prisoners and are not inundated with non- emergency business calls or completing other responsibilities that are not related to emergency dispatching. 2006 ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Continuous monitoring of the operation of the emergency telephone system to assure quality service and response for all E911 users. 2. Strive for the highest level of communication's effectiveness and efficiency that assures officer safety and allows the officer to deliver quality service. 3. Maintain communications and networking with our joint dispatch partners to insure a continuous flow of information as it relates to E911 planning, research and problem solving thereby providing the most effective and efficient E911 service in the most cost-effective manner. BUDGET COMMENTS The E911 budget is totally supported by revenues received from the E911 telephone line surcharge fees and the E911 wireless surcharge fees. The E911 budget has two active accounts. One account covers the SBC E911 line charges. The other account covers part of the operating expenses related to central dispatch. The additional funds required to cover the balance of the operating costs is provided for in the central dispatch line item in the police department budget. 144 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 E 911 Telephone Surcharge Fees 07-00-00-44-4010 "\ Monthly surcharge fee assessed per telephone line within Village boundaries. The fee is $.75 per month per line and is based on an estimated 12,000 lines less processing fees and uncollectibles assessed by SBC. Total $133,000.00 E911 Surcharge Fees-Wireless 07-00-00-44-4020 Wireless E911 fees provide for the utilization of 911 emergency responses for cellular phone users. The fee is 5.75 month,per line. Total $92,000.00 Interest Income 07-00-00-46-1010 Projected interest earnings from deposited cash during the calendar year budget. Total $250.00 Available Fund Balance 07-00-00-49-9999 Surplus funds on hand and designated reserves utilized to supplement renewing sources of revenue to cover the proposed level of appropriation. —� Total $1.00 Ameritech E911 Line Charges 07-30-37-55-2210 This account covers SBC line charge fees for E911 service. Wireless 911 calls are received at a central switching station and then forwarded via landline to the E911 dispatch center. There is a line charge that covers the transfer of the wireless 911 calls. Total $23,300.00 Central Dispatch 07-30-37-55-7151 This account provides part of the yearly operating costs related to Central Dispatch. The balance of the operating costs has been provided for in the Police Department budget. Total $201,951.00 145 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'ctual Actual Adopted Esfimated Account Description FEE Requested Proposed Adopted 07 Enhanced 911 Phone System N.,...' 07 00 00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 142,930 141,981 138,000 0.00 44-4010 E 911 Telephone Surcharge Fees 0.00 133,000 133,000 133,000 84,724 76,932 90,000 0.00 44-4020 E911 Surcharge Fees-Wireless 0.00 92,000 92,000 92,000 227,653 218,913 228,000 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 225,000 225,000 225,000 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 471 57 250 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 250 250 250 471 57 250 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 250 250 250 R7 Installment Note Proceeds 0 0 0 0.00 47-1010 Installment Loan Proceeds 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Installment Note Proceeds Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 23,815 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 1 I 1 O 0 23,815 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 1 1 I 228,125 218,970 252,065 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 225,251 225,251 125,251 07-30-37 Enhanced 911 Telephone System El Personal Services 0.00 54-4624 Salaries Radio Opeatorsidsptc 0.00 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 0.00 54-5200 Holiday Pay 0.00 0.00 547100 Social Security 0.00 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 0 0 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E2 Contactual Services 0 0 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 0 0 0 2,693 0 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 0 0 0 24,756 22,52 28,000 0.00 55-2210 Ameritech E911 Line Charges 0.00 23,300 23,300 23,300 0 0 0.00 55.4130 Maintenance Of Non-auto Equip 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 554150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 163,847 181,42 224,065 0.00 55-7151 Central Dispatch 0.00 201,951 201,951 201,951 191,297 203,948 252,065 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 225,251 225,251 225,251 E3 Commodities 0 0 0 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 564200 Operational Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E4 Machinery&Equipment 35,202 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 57-2040 Furniture&Fixtures 0 °0° 0 0 0 35,202 0 0 D Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 226,500 203,948 252,065 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 225,251 225,251 225,251 228,125 218,970 252,065 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 225,251 225,251 225,251 226,500 203,948 252,065 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 225,251 225,251 225,251 1,625 15,023 0 0 Enhanced 911 Phone System Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 146 .5;4 .. rt, .. t, ... ,--r-, \-yicr: qv ,j H g .D\ ,.1/42y 1 VW cA0,i) ).3U J)� P I PUBLIC LIBRARY (11) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 22,986 $ 19,710 $ 17,651 \..... Expenses Contractual Services $ 22,986 $ 19,710 $ 17,651 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ - $ - Opening Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund balance $ - $ - $ - 147 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 PUBLIC LIBRARY DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Public Library is an autonomous administrative operation having its own directly elected Board of Trustees. By statute, the Village Board must approve the annual budget and tax levy for the Library and must also approve any indebtedness. With the exception of those financial matters, the Library is totally autonomous although the Village has closely cooperated with the Library providing vehicle maintenance, lawn care,and related support services and periodically assisting with building maintenance functions. The property tax levy for the Library is now a separate item on the County tax bill and receipts are remitted directly to the jurisdiction. Therefore,the Library's tax levy no longer appears in the municipal budget. Traditionally, some Personal Property Replacement Tax has been provided to the Library by the Village. The sole purchase for this fund is to allocate and provide for the remittance of that Replacement Tax to the Library. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES AND GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - CALENDAR YEAR 2006 Since the Library is an independent entity, goals and objectives and performance evaluations are conducted by the Library Board and the Executive Librarian. TAX REVENUES PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLACEMENT TAX-412030 S22 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TAX DISTRIBUTION TO LIBRARY-558130 $22,986 BUDGET COMMENTS This appropriation represents an allocation of the Personal Property Replacement Tax which replaced the personal property tax last distributed in 1976. The allocated amount is based on the percentage of the total when last received by the Village. The amount will fluctuate year-to-year based on IML projections. Personal Property Replacement 11-00-00-41-2030 Share of replacement tax to Fund. See General Fund for further information. Total $22,986.00 Tax Distribution of Library 11-I0-41-55-8130 Tax distribution to Library. Total $22,986.00 148 BUDGET SUMMARY '1 Fund Balance Summary - 1- Summaries by Fund - 2- Exhibits -19- FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPENDIX Budget Notes Budget Calendar- Calendar Year 2005 xi Organizational Chart xiii Salary Schedules xiv Glossary of Terms and Acronyms xviii Ten Year Summary of Part-Time Employees xxi Ten Year Summary of Full-Time Employees xxii Principal Officials and Officers xxiii EAV and Other Demographic Information xxiv Map of Morton Grove xxvi Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 FERRIS/LEHIGH TIF DISTRICT DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY/DESCRIPTION The Lehigh/Ferris TIF District was created on January 24, 2000 as a means to promote orderly redevelopment of numerous properties near the Metra commuter rail station at Lehigh and Lincoln. The TIF District will expire in 2023. The development focus includes a mixture of uses including commercial, multi-family residential and public/institutional uses.Numerous improvements to public and private property that contribute to a vibrant and safe working, living, and shopping environment are anticipated. General redevelopment is guided by the Lehigh/Ferris Subarea Plan that was finalized in October 2002 and subsequent framework plan. This TIF Districts is roughly bounded by Dempster Street on the north,the Cook County Forest Preserve on the west,Main Street on the south and Ferris Street on the east.The District also extends eastward along Lincoln Avenue terminating at the alley between Georgiana Avenue and School Street. The precise boundaries are identified in the Lehigh Avenue/Ferris Avenue Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project and Plan dated October 22, 1999 as adopted in January 2000. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Construction and occupancy of the Woodlands condominium and townhouse project is proceeding according to plan.The third condominium building has been built and occupied. The final condo building and group of townhouses are under construction with occupancy expected by mid-year 2006. The residential project to be undertaken by Toll Brothers continues to move forward. Subdivision approval for Site A was granted in 2005 and construction is anticipated to begin in 2006. The Village continued condemnation/eminent domain proceedings against the owner of two warehouses located in the TIF District. The Village hopes to assemble numerous parcels so that site assembly and significant redevelopment can proceed. Legal documentation was submitted in 2004 and despite numerous delays and continuances, the Cook County Circuit Court is expected to make a ruling in 2005. Infrastructure improvements in the TIF District are temporarily on hold pending the outcome of the court case. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Reach a decision on the pending court case concerning property acquisition in the TIF District and implement the framework plan developed for the District. 2. Issue bonds to finance site assembly costs and infrastructure improvements within the TIF District. 3. Issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ)to solicit development partners for the construction of an affordably-priced senior housing complex in the Subarea. 4. Continue consensus building and approvals from local, state,and federal agencies. 5. Continue grantsmanship to partially finance infrastructure, transportation, and housing development. 6. Begin construction on Site A(Toll Brothers project) 151 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 7. Assemble and develop Sites B and C. 8. Promote redevelopment of Site J. 9. Develop key infrastructure, including extending Henning westward, improving the intersection of Lincoln and Ferris by extending Ferris Avenue southwesterly, gaining approvals from Metra for new rail crossings, and reconstructing Main Street. Property Tax-T1F-Lehieh/Ferris 15-00-00-41-1012 Incremental property taxes generated due to the formation of the TIF District. Total $1,355,000.00 Grants: State &Federal 15-00-00-45-1005 The Village will apply for$200,000 in state and federal grants to fund environmental testing,analysis, and remediation of"brownfield"sites in the Subarea. Total $0.00 Interest Income 15-00-00-46-1010 Total $5,000.00 Lease and Rental Income 15-00-00-46-3010 It is assumed that no property owned by the Village will be leased out for commercial or industrial occupancy. Total $0.00 Installment Note Proceeds 15-00-00-47-1010 The amount in this account reflects the estimated total of a bond issued in 2006 to pay for expenses incurred in the Subarea. Total $9,500,000.00 Sale of Real Property 15-00-00-49-1015 Properties at 8600, 8608, 8612, 8614, 8618,and 8620 Ferris will be sold to a developer for residential or mixed-use redevelopment. The funds will go to reimburse the Village for the prior purchase of these properties. Total $3,000,000.00 Available Fund Balance 15-00-00-49-9999 Total $155,707.00 152 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Dues& Subscriptions 15-10-79-55-1120 Dues to the Illinois Tax Increment Association will be paid from this account. This association provides training, information and legislative services regarding the TIF Statute and related TIF activities in the State of Illinois. Total $750.00 Meetings & Conferences 15-10-79-55-1130 Attendance fees and related costs for Village officials attendance at TIF conferences and workshops comes from this account. Total $1,250.00 Professional Services 15-10-79-55-2110 This is the anticipated cost for services to be rendered by the Subarea Development Consultant,legal counsel, engineering consultant,environmental consultant,planning/design consultant,and appraiser.Those services include acquisition of redevelopment sites,redevelopment agreements,and planning/design of infrastructure, streetscape, landscaping,and signage elements in the Subarea.. Total $2,390,000.00 Cook County Property Tax 15-10-79-55-2111 Property taxes for the properties cited in the Revenue Account(150000-463010)will be due during the fiscal period. Total $0.00 Woodlands Econ Dev Agreement 15-10-79-55-3000 The Village and the Elliott Group entered into an economic development agreement to reimburse the Elliott Group for eligible redevelopment project costs under State statutes governing tax increment financing. The amount shown is estimated based upon 50%of total projected increment generated by the Woodlands residential development in the 2004 tax year payable to the Elliot Group in early 2006. Total $903,565.00 Utilities Municipal Facilities 15-10-79-55-3120 Estimated utility costs for the various properties purchased by the Village in the Feuis/Lehigh TIF District. Total $2,500.00 Capital Acquisitions/Buildings 15-10-79-57-1020 The Village anticipates that properties will be acquired in sites B and C during 2006 for redevelopment. Total $8,111,000.00 153 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Improvements Other Than B1de 15-10-79-57-2020 ^ %, Various funds needed for roadway and intersection construction,new water mains, and construction of a new railroad crossing. Total $2,383,000.00 Note Redemption 15-10-79-59-1030 Principal payments on the note proceeds used to purchase of 8608, 8612, 8614 Ferris Avenue. Total $195,000.00 Note Interest 15-10-79-59-1040 Interest payments on the notes used to finance the purchase of 8608, 8612,and 8614 Ferris Avenue. Total $28,642.00 154 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'teal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description f Requested Proposed Adopted 15 Lehigh/Ferris TIE 15-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 303,609 619,411 952,658 0.00 41-1012 Property Tax-tif-lehigh/ferris 0.00 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 40,368 0 200,000 0.00 45-1005 Grants:State&Federal 0.00 0 0 o 343,977 619,411 1,152,658 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 3,626 2,604 0 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 9,360 10,120 0 0.00 46-3010 Lease And Rental Income 0.00 0 0 0 12,986 12,724 0 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 R7 Installment Note Proceeds 0 0 3,300,000 0.00 47-1010 Installment Note Proceeds 0.00 9,500,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 0 0 3,300,000 0 Installment Note Proceeds Totals: 0.00 9,500,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 3,000,000 0.00 49-1015 Sale of Real Property 0.00 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 o 0 6,019,395 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 155,707 155,707 155,707 0 0 9,019,395 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 3,155,707 3,155,707 3,155,707 356,963 632,135 13,472,053 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 14,015,707 14,015,707 14,015,707 15-10-79 Admin&General Activities E2 Contactual Services 435 375 750 0.00 55-1120 Dues&subscriptions - 0.00 750 750 750 601 720 1,250 0.00 55-1130 Meetings&conferences 0.00 1,250 1,250 1,250 180,468 851,729 2,340,926 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 2,390,000 2,390,000 2,390,000 6,666 9,402 17,500 0.00 55-2111 Cook County Property Tax 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 0 0 0 0 311,959 271,127 0.00 55-3000 Woodlands Econ Dev Agreement 0.00 903,565 903,565 903,565 4,028 1,396 2,500 0.00 55-3120 Utilities Municipal Facilities 0.00 2,500 2,500 2,500 37,559 0 0 0.00 55-4110 Maintenance Of Buildings 0.00 0 0 0 104,399 0 0 0.00 55-6120 Additional Legal Fees 0.00 0 0 0 332,155 1,175,581 2,634,053 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 3,298,065 3,298,065 3,298,065 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 7,913,000 0.00 57-1020 Capital Acquisitions/buildings 0.00 8,111,000 8,111,000 8,111,000 0 0 2,325,000 0.00 57-2020 Improvements other than bldg 0.00 2,383,000 2,383,000 2,383,000 0 0 10,238,000 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 10,494,000 10,494,000 10,494,000 E5 Interest Expense 0 195,000 0 0.00 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 195,000 195,000 195,000 70,563 69,579 600,000 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 28,642 28,642 28,642 70,563 264,579 600,000 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 223,642 223,642 223,642 402,718 1,440,160 13,472,053 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 14,015,707 14,015,707 14,015,707 356,963 632,135 13,472,053 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 14.015,707 14,015,707 14,015,707 402,718 1,440,160 13,472,053 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 14,015,707 14,015,707 14,015,707 (45,755) (808,025) 0 0 Lehigh/Ferris TIE Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 155 \—. arffih7".` Man TTri„ .°\ :3W I Effi u 0 0 o J ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND (16) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Tax Revenue $ 664,741 $ 737,479 $ 724,020 Interest $ 2,500 $ 2,734 $ 4,597 Total $ 667,241 $ 740,213 $ 728,617 Expenses Contractual Services $ 348,156 $ 332,705 $ 314,223 Principal and Interest $ 319,085 $ 395,925 $ 397,580 Total $ 667,241 $ 728,630 $ 711,803 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 11,583 $ 16,814 Opening Fund Balance $ 162,371 $ 150,788 $ 133,974 Ending Fund balance $ 162,371 $ 162,371 $ 150,788 156 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY/DESCRIPTION The Economic Development Fund is a special revenue fund created to account for all non-TIF economic development activities undertaken by the Village. Economic Development activities outside of the la District are totally independent and financed by non-TIF Village revenues and are also appropriated within this Fund. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. The ninth payout to School District 67 was made under that Intergovernmental Agreement. 2. The sixth payment to Charter One Bank under the Relocation Assistance Agreement was made, with completion of the relocation of the business. 3. The fourth payout to School District 70 was made under the Intergovernmental Agreement between the District and the Village pertaining to the Lehigh Ferris TIF District. 4. The third payment to Menard's under the Economic Development Agreement was made, to reimburse the retailer for the extension of Kirk Street. 5. The second payment to McGrath Acura will be made under the Economic Development Agreement with the car dealership. 6. The second year of payments to Osco Drugs was made under the Economic Development Agreement with the retailer. 7. The Village continues to increase resources available to support general economic development activities. General operational costs were funded in the Community and Economic Development Department Budget in the General Fund. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Additional payments will be made to School Districts 67 and 70, Menard's, Charter One Bank, McGrath Acura,and Osco Drugs under Intergovernmental and Relocation Assistance agreements executed with those three organizations. 2. Trustees will note a portion of the debt service of Waukegan Road Redevelopment Areas "A"& "B", is paid from sales tax revenues and is appropriated in this Fund. As noted when the TIF District was formed, all sales tax revenue from TIF projects will be deposited in an Economic Development Fund and used to service the debt for the Village's portion of the cost of those redevelopment projects. As noted previously, it is inappropriate to include local sales tax funds into the TIF District Fund which is set-up specifically for TIF produced property taxes as well as bond and bank financing for improvement projects. Debt service that is to be covered from the property tax increment will be included in the appropriate TIF Fund. Sales Tax 16-00-00-41-2010 Sales taxes will be used to pay economic development agreements as listed: Area "A"debt payments $164,658.00 Area"B" debt payments $154,427.00 Charter One Relocation $25,000.00 Dist. #67 Agreement $108,107.00 Dist.#70 Agreement $48,353.00 Interest earned $-2,500.00 McGrath Agreement $71,696.00 Menard's Agreement $75,000.00 157 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Osco $20,000.00 '`•■ Total $664,741.00 Interest Income 16-00-00-46-1010 Interest income projected for Calendar Year from funds on hand. Total $2,500.00 Note Redemption 16-10-44-59-1030 Plojected payments of principal on non-bonded debt for 2005. Total $229,658.00 Note Interest 16-10-44-59-1040 This account provides an appropriation to cover the interest cost for the loan used to purchase homes adjacent to but outside of the TIF that were added to TIF redevelopment area"A"to create a large enough site for the planned project. Total $89,427.00 St. Paul Relocation Agreement 16-10-79-55-8141 According to the Economic Development Agreement(Ord.99-43)this is the payment amount to Charter One Bank(formerly St.Paul Savings and Loan). Total $25,000.00 District 67 Revenue Agreement 16-10-79-55-8149 The Village and School District 67 entered into an agreement to help mitigate some of the financial impact of the Waukegan Road TIF on the elementary school district. Since this in an"area" I IF,a significant portion of the District's tax base is now part of the TIF.While the school district is still contributing to the redevelopment program from which the district will also benefit,the Village wants to insure there is no adverse impact on the educational process as a result of this redevelopment effort. Since payments under the agreement may not be TIF eligible,this account has been established in the Economic Development Fund. The amount represents the ninth payment to the school district under the terms of the agreement. Total $108,107.00 District 70 Revenue Agreement 16-10-79-55-8150 The Village and School District 70 entered into an agreement to help mitigate some of the financial impact of the Lehigh/Ferris TIF on the elementary school district. Since this in an"area"TIF,a significant portion of the district's tax base is now part of the TIF.While the school district is still contributing to the redevelopment program from which the district will also benefit,the Village wants to insure there is no adverse impact on the educational process as a result of this redevelopment effort. Since payments under the agreement may not be TIF eligible,this account has been established in the Economic Development Fund.The amount represents the fourth payment to the school district under the terms of the agreement. 158 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $48,353.00 McGrath Economic Dev Agreement 16-10-79-55-8151 The Village and McGrath Acura car dealership entered into an economic development agreement to reimburse McGrath for extraordinary infrastructure improvements on the business' site on Waukegan Road. The site required underground detention,perimeter fencing,and grading,in order to maximize the site's potential for a location for a major automobile franchise.The amount represents the second payment to the dealership under the terms of the agreement. Total $71,696.00 Menards Economic Dev Agreement 16-10-79-55-8152 The Village and Menard's entered into an economic development agreement to reimburse Menard's for building a roadway on the newly extended Kirk Street. The roadway allows the store's suppliers to deliver merchandise to the store without inconveniencing Menard's customers.The amount represents the third payment to the company under the terms of the agreement. Total $75,000.00 Osco Economic Dev Agreement 16-10-79-55-8153 The Village and Osco entered into an economic development agreement to reimburse Osco for building underground stormwater detention on the site to maximize commercial space on the property, and for paving the entire alley right-of-way along the site's southern property line. The paved alley allows the store's suppliers to deliver merchandise to the store without inconveniencing Osco's customers. The payments will continue annually until the retailer is reimbursed for the cost of the detention or fourteen years,whichever occurs first. Total $20,000.00 159 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 -foal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Prg Adopted \.,...... 16 Economic Development 16-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 678,900 724,020 737,479 000 41-2010 Sales Tax 0.00 769,979 769,979 664,741 678,900 724,020 737,479 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 769,979 769,979 664,741 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 2,207 3,157 1.000 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,207 3,157 1,000 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 2,500 2,500 2,500 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,306 1,440 0 0.00 46-5012 Net lncrse(dcrse)Fv Imet 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49-1040 Misc Income 0.00 0 0 0 1,306 1,440 0 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 0 - 0 0 682,413 728,617 738,479 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 772,479 772,479 667,241 E7 Transfers Out O 0 0 0.00 81-1010 Transfer to General Fund 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 81-1020 Transfer to Revolving Equip Fd 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 81-1030 Transfer to Fire Pension Fund 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 16-10-44 Redevelopment Area"A" E5 Interest Expense 144,686 176,495 208,099 0.00 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 229,658 229,658 229,658 ',920 221,085 187,825 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 194,665 194,665 89,427 X6,606 397,580 395,924 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 424,323 424,323 319,085 486,606 397,580 395,924 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 424,323 424,323 319,085 16-10-79 Admin&General Activities E2 Contractual Services 0 0 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-5140 Economic Development Commiss'n 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-8140 Abt Economic Development Agmnt 0.00 0 0 0 35,00 35,000 30,000 0.00 55-8141 St.Paul Relocation Agreement 0.00 25,000 25,000 25,000 74,16 85,063 89,586 0.00 55-8149 District 67 Revenue Agreement 0.00 108,107 108,107 108,107 23,22 30,851 39,636 0.00 55-8150 District 70 Revenue Agreement 0.00 48,353 48,353 48,353 71,696 83,333 0.00 55-8151 McGrath Economic Dev Agreement 0.00 71,696 71,696 71,696 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.00 55-8152 Menards Economic Dev Agreement 0.00 75,000 75,000 75,000 16,614 25,000 0.00 55-8153 Osco Economic Dev Agreement 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 207,385 314,223 342,555 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 348,156 348,156 348,156 207,385 314,223 342,555 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 348,156 348,156 348,156 682,413 728,617 738,479 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00. 772,479 772,479 667,241 693,991 711,803 738,479 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 772,479 772,479 667,241 (11,578) 16,814 0 0 Economic Development Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 160 :0.4iii. tiki O acH D C CCC p1 qfl C , WAUKEGAN TIF FUND (17) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Property Tax Increment $ 250,238 $ 440,000 $ 132,421 Interest Income $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,503 `, Total $ 255,238 $ 445,000 $ 133,924 Expenses Contractual Services $ - $ - $ - Principal and Interest $ 255,238 $ 166,000 $ 141,180 Total $ 255,238 $ 166,000 $ 141,180 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 279,000 $ (7,256) Opening Fund Balance $ (402,350) $ (681,350) $ (674,094) Ending Fund balance $ (402,350) $ (402,350) $ (681,350) 161 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 WAUKEGAN ROAD TIF DISTRICT FUND DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY/DESCRIPTION The mission of the Waukegan Road Tax Increment Financing District is to promote the redevelopment of certain parcels to a higher and more productive land use and to promote the conservation and continued development of the commercial potential inherent along this business corridor. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. The Village entered into an Economic Development Agreement with McGrath Acura in 2002 to construct a new automobile dealership at the former site of Rohrman Oldsmobile. The dealership began operations in November 2003. Also,the Saab Exchange opened a dealership in the TIF District in Jannnry 2004. ? The Village continued to market the south portion of Redevelopment Area`B." Although there is still interest in the site by commercial businesses, nothing has materialized to date. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to market the south portion of Redevelopment Area`B,"attracting potential developers and businesses. 3. Use the recently completed roadway enhancements and improvements to attract and retain businesses and developers in the corridor. Property Tax-TIF-Waukegan 17-00-00-41-1011 Property tax revenue for the TIF is estimated using a base year EAV of $12,156,906 as established by the County Clerk's office.This projection is based upon the amount collected during the 2005 fiscal year. Total $250,238.00 Interest Income 17-00-00-46-1010 Total $5,000.00 Note Interest 17-10-45-59-1040 Interest from area`B"debt. The outstanding debt is$5.215,000. Total $255,238.00 162 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger - Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 -teal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FIE Requested Proposed Adopted 17 Waukegan TIF 17 00 00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 105,306 132,421 166,000 0.00 41-1011 Property Tax-tif-waukegan 0.00 145,000 145,000 250,238 105,306 132,421 166,000 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 145,000 145,000 250,238 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 564 1,503 0 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0.00 46-1020 Interest Undistributed Propert 0.00 0 0 0 564 1,503 0 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0,00 5,000 5,000 5,000 R7 Installment Note Proceeds O 0 0 0.00 47-2021 Note Proceeds 0.00 0 0 O 0 0 0 Installment Note Proceeds Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue O 0 0 0.00 46-5012 Net Incrse(dcrse)Fv Imet 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49-1015 Sale Of Real Property 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 105,870 133,924 166,000 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 150,000 150,000 255,238 17-10-45 Redevelopment Area"B" E2 Contractual Services 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 16,04 0.00 55-2111 Cook County Property Taxes 0.00 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 0.00 554110 Maintenance Of Buildings 0.00 0.00 55-5140 Community Relations 0.00 ‘,.......'98 0.00 55-6120 Additional Legal Fees 0.00 17,028 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 0 0 E4 Machinery&Equipment O 0 0 0.00 57-1020 Capital Acquisitions/buildings 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E5 Interest Expense 0 0 0 0.00 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 0 0 0 61,850 141,180 166,000 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 150,000 150,000 255,238 61,850 141,180 166,000 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 150,000 150,000 255,238 78,878 141,180 166,000 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 150,000 150,000 255,238 105,870 133,924 166,000 0 Find REVENUES 0.00 150,000 150,000 255,238 78,170 141,180 166,000 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 150,000 150,000 255,238 27,700 (7,256) 0 0 Waukegan TIF Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 163 u A \-ADuv--TH @G. (-51 ,1 vw ,00g 00 J) HI L j COMMUTER PARKING FUND (18) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Parking Fees $ 135,000 $ 98,478 $ 92,623 Interest $ 1,000 $ 3,042 $ 1,379 Misc. $ - $ - $ - Total $ 136,000 $ 101,521 $ 94,001 Expenses Contractual Services $ 19,600 $ 1,905 $ 1,585 Commodities $ 12,000 $ 8,691 $ 12,440 Machinery & Equip $ - $ - $ - Emergency $ 2,000 $ - $ - Transfers Out $ 98,895 $ 97,295 $ 97,295 Total $ 132,495 $ 107,891 $ 111,320 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 3,505 $ (6,370) $ (17,319) Opening Fund Balance $ 123,498 $ 129,868 $ 147,187 Ending Fund balance $ 127,003 $ 123,498 $ 129,868 164 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Commuter Parking Facilities Fund has been established as a special revenue fund to account for all revenues received by the Village from the operation of the commuter parking lots on Lehigh Avenue. This will be the seventeenth full year of operation for Morton Grove. The parking fees for individuals using the commuter parking lots generate revenue used exclusively for the care,maintenance, and future expansion of the commuter parking lot. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. General maintenance services, including snow removal, sweeping, cleaning of the lots, restriping and asphalt repair were completed as needed and on a timely basis to insure commuters were well served by the facility. 2. Electronic payment devices maintained in peak operating condition. 3. Landscaped areas mowed, flowers planted, and trees trimmed. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. The Village will continue to provide the necessary staff and resources to insure the commuter parking lots are maintained in good operating order, including landscaped areas,which enhance the appearance and effective use of the facility. 2. The Village will continue to provide a sufficient number of maintained parking spaces to serve the commuting public which utilizes the Morton Grove Metra Station. Additional parking located on the railroad right-of-way should continue to insure adequate parking space for all commuters who want to utilize this facility. 3. Build available fund balance for future enhancements to commuter lot. Commuter Parking Lot Fees 18-00-00-44-3040 Projected revenues from commuter parking lot on Lincoln and Lehigh. Projections based on daily rates of$1.35 to $1.50 per day with average utilization of 290 spaces per day per 5 thy work week plus some weekend use for the entire calendar year budget. Total $135,000.00 Interest Income 18-00-00-46-1010 Projected revenues from invested unspent cash balances during the calendar year budget. Total $1,000.00 Available Fund Balance 18-00-00-49-9999 Total ($3,505.00) 165 `Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Construction Services 18-20-31-55-2290 '\ Crack filling, sealing, lane marking, and numbering. Total $17,000.00 Utilities Street Lighting 18-20-31-55-31.30 Electricity costs for lighting at commuter parking facility. Total $2,000.00 Maintenance of Street Lights 18-20-31-55-4170 The direct costs for maintaining lighting fixtures in the Commuter Parking Lot. Total $600.00 Operational Supplies 18-20-31-56-2110 These tools will be used to maintain the landscaping and facilities at the Commuter Parking Facility. Total $1,500.00 Landscaping Materials 18-20-31-56-3100 The landscaping materials will be used to maintain the existing landscaping surrounding the parking facility. Black dirt and mulch $500.00 Plantings $1,000.00 Total $1,500.00 Construction Materials 18-20-31-56-3110 Purchase of supplies and materials for lot repair and maintenance. Concrete repair $500.00 Miscellaneous $500.00 Total $1,000.00 Street Sign Materials 18-20-31-56-3130 Replacement of parking signs and maintenance of signage for the Commuter Parking Facility. Total $1,500.00 166 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Non-Auto Repair Parts 18-20-31-56-4100 Costs for maintaining electronic parking devices. Total $6,500.00 Reserve For Emergency 18-20-31-58-1010 Represents funds set aside for any unforeseen or extraordinary expenditures that may occur throughout the year. Total $2,000.00 Transfers To General Fund 18-20-31-81-1010 Commuter Parking Lot share of allocated labor&supply costs paid directly out of the General Fund. The amount has been increased based on the share of costs allocated to this fund. The estimated share of personnel costs include both salaries&benefits. CSOs are used to collect monies and issue citations; Patrol Officers accompany the CSOs and do daily patrols; Finance Department counts monies each day,prepares the deposit, sells tokens over the counter,pays bills directly attributed to the lot,prepares the budget of the fund, etc.;the Village Administrator and Community Development Director perform general planning,major upkeep or expansion functions and other overhead related duties;the Public Works crews(mostly street dept) are used for landscaping, snowplowing,asphalt patching, stall painting, sign placement,and other overall grounds maintenance. Total $83,895.00 Transfers To Water/Sewer Fund 18-20-31-81-1040 Allocated labor costs for providing Public Works related functions(from personnel of the Water/Sewer department)for such tasks as landscaping, grounds maintenance, snowplowing,administrative& supervisory, etc. The account consists primarily of the Water Fund share of the Public Works Director, assistant director,and secretary salaries and benefits. Total $15,000.00 167 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 1 1/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 -tuai Actual Add Estimated Account Description FIE Requested Proposed Adopted \,..... 1S Commuter Parking 18-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 90,521 92,623 89,000 0.00 443040 Commuter Parking Lot Fees 0.00 98,000 98,000 135,000 90,521 92,623 89,000 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 98,000 98,000 135,000 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 1,517 1,379 1,000 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,517 1,379 1,000 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 31,645 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 33,495 33,495 (3,505) 0 0 31,645 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 33,495 33,495 (3,505) 92,038 94,001 121,645 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 132,495 132,495 132,495 18-20-31 Commuter Parking E2 Contractual Services 1,495 0 0 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 17.000 17,000 .17,000 1,601 1,585 2,600 0.00 55-3130 Utilities Street Lighting 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 529 0 600 0.00 55.4170 Maintenance Of Street Lights 0.00 600 600 600 3,625 1,585 3,200 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 19,600 19,600 19,600 E3 Commodities 606 225 2,950 0.00 56.2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 4,353 857 4,000 0.00 56-3100 Landscaping Materials 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 424 1,815 5,300 0.00 56-3110 Construction Materials 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 700 0.00 56-3130 Street Sign Materials 0.00 1,500 1,504 1,500 162 9,542 6,200 0.00 56-4100 Non-auto Repair Parrs 0.00 6,500 6,500 6,500 9,544 12,440 19,150 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 12,000 12,000 12,000 E4 Machinery&Equipment 162 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E6 Reserve Expense 0 0 -2,000 0.00 58-1010 Reserve For Emergency 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 E7 Transfers Out 78,500 83,895 83,895 0.00 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 0.00 83,895 83,895 83,895 13,400 13,400 13,400 0.00 81-1040 Transfers To Water/sewer Fund 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 91,900 97,295 97,295 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 98,895 98,895 98,895 105,232 111,320 121,645 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 132,495 132,495 132,495 92,038 94,001 121,645 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 132,495 132,495 132,495 105,232 111,320 121,645 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 132,495 132,495 132,495 (13,194) (17,319) 0 0 Commuter Parking Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 168• , •ice -\y/ p\ilff0 @_D\irr:\2W J)' Hari DEBT SERVICE FUND (20) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 1,482,512 $ 1,265,000 $ 1,540,002 Investment $ 15,000 $ 13,595 $ 7,267 Transfers in $ 83,829 $ 65,612 $ 217,317 Misc. $ 2,500 $ 1,762 $ 2,573 Total $ 1,583,841 $ 1,345,969 $ 1,767,158 Expenses Principal & Interest $ 1,623,157 $ 1,788,711 $ 1,707,830 Total $ 1,623,157 $ 1,788,711 $ 1,707,830 Revenues Minus Expenses $ (39,316) $ (442,742) $ 59,328 Opening Fund Balance $ 554,924 $ 997,666 $ 938,338 Ending Fund balance $ 515,608 $ 554,924 $ 997,666 169 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 DEBT SERVICE FUND DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Debt Service Fund has been established to account for all general obligation debt of the Village which is financed through the full faith and credit of the Village of Morton Grove. This includes: 1. All General Obligation Bonds of the Village (1999 Issue) 2. IEPA Capulina and Parkview Flood Control Loans 3. Installment notes financing public safety,public works and other municipal heavy equipment. The Fund excludes debt financed by non-general obligation such as installment notes on Water/Sewer Department related equipment and the IEPA loan for mandated sewer rehab work. Both of these types of debt are obligations of the Enterprise Fund and are financed directly through water/sewer use fees. See Fund#40 for further information on these debt issues. Further excluded is debt incurred for economic development activities which is accounted for and reported either through the Economic Development Fund or,if relevant,through the Waukegan Road and Ferris/Lehigh TIF Funds. This debt was incurred specifically to support economic redevelopment projects in the community and not for traditional government services. The Summary Schedule provided in this Section lists all debt requirements and appropriations necessary to fund the debt,as well as, each debt funding source. The property tax requirement is net of the estimated abatements from interfund transfers and sales tax revenue. The abatements are usually made at the meeting when the actual property tax levy is adopted. There is also a more detailed schedule of additional debt requirements in the Appendix Section at the back of this book. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Due to the nature of this fund, actual expenditures should be very close to budgeted amounts since most debts are at a fixed rate of interest. This fund will continue to receive the appropriate allocation of property and sales tax as budgeted in order to make required debt payments. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue with the timely payment of all debt requirements to maintain the Village's credit rating. Property Taxes 20-00-00-41-1010 Projected property taxes net of abatements to be levied in December 2004 per attached schedule. Abatement is expected to total$811,720($335,720 from Water Fund Share of 1999 G.O.Bonds and$475,000 from the 1/4%local option sales tax). Total $1,007,512.00 Sales Tax 20-00-00-41-2010 The Village increased the local option sales tax from 1/2%to 3/4%effective January 1, 1995,to finance the debt on the 1994$7 million G.O.Bond issue. In January 1999,the 1994 Bonds were refunded with a $15,495,000 GO Bond Issue.The local option sales tax allocated for the'94 Bonds will now be used to abate 170 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 the 1999 issue. The 1/4%additional home rule sales tax is expected to generate$622,534 during Calendar '1 Year 2005. The amount indicated of$475,000 represents the portion of revenues which will be allocated to the Debt Service Fund. The remaining balance will be allocated to the Capital Projects Fund. Total $475,000.00 Interest Income 20-00-00-46-1010 Projected revenues from unspent cash balances.The surplus cash is invested in both short-term pooled money market type bank accounts(this account)and a pooled intermediate bond type money market accounts,the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund(account 465012). Investment earnings from these funds are used for payment of current and future debt service. The total investment earnings projected for this account are based on current interest rates and cash balances. Total $15,000.00 Net Increase(decrease) Fmv Im 20-00-00-46-5012 Represents earnings from the increase/decrease in market value of Village's investment in the Illinois Metropolitan Fund(IMET). This is an additional investment pool the Village uses for unspent monies and consists primarily of U.S.government securities of between 1-3 years in maturity. The total projected increase in value for IMET is based on current interest rates and existing cash balances. Total $2,500.00 Transfer from General Fund 20-00-00-48-1010 Total $83,829.00 Available Fund Balance 20-00-00-49-9999 Surplus funds on hand to supplement renewing sources of revenue to cover the proposed level of appropriation. Total $39,316.00 Bond Redemption 20-20-38-59-1010 See"Summary of Debt Service Payments &Revenue Source" schedule which is included with this Fund for details on this account. Total $648,750.00 Bond Interest 20-20-38-59-1020 See"Summary of Debt Service Payments &Revenue Sources"schedule included with this Fund for details on this account. Total $358,410.00 171 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Note Redemption 20-20-38-59-1030 Principal Payment on various Notes issued by the Village 6055 Dempster $50,000 Various installment notes 73,123 IEPA Capulina 228,293 IEPA Parkview 149,844 Total $501,260.00 Note Interest 20-20-38-59-1040 Interest Payment on various notes issued by the Village Various installment notes $10,706 IEPA Capulina 56,671 IEPA Parkview 40,545 6055 Dempster 6,215 Total $114,137.00 Agent Fees 20-20-38-59-1070 Paying Agent fees on '99 G.O. Bond issue. Total $600.00 172 'illage of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 Iser: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 ` ml Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Reouested Proposed Adopted `.. 20 Debt Service 20-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 1,093,365 1,064,802 1,037,296 0.00 41-1010 Property Taxes 0.00 1,046,828 1,007,512 1,007,512 475,080 475,200 225,000 0.00 41-2010 Sales Tax 0.00 475,000 475,000 475,000 0 0 0 0.00 41-2020 Share Of State Income Tax 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 41-2050 Foreign Fire Insurance Tax 0.00 0 0 0 1,568,445 1,540,002 1,262,296 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 1,521,828 1,482,512 1,482,512 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 9,056 7,267 10,000 0.00 46-1010. Interest Income 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 9,056 7,267 10,000 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 R8 Transfers In 0 0 65,612 0.00 48-1010 Transfer from General Fund 0.00 83,829 83,829 83,829 212,452 217,317 0 0.00 48-1060 Transfers From Revolving Equip 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 48-1095 Transfers From 1999 Bond Fund 0.00 0 0 0 212,452 217,317 65.612 0 Transfers In Totals: 0.00 83,829 83,829 83,829 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 8,952 2,573 10,000 0.00 46-5072 Net Increase(decrease)Fmv Im 0.00 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0.00 49-4020 State Reimb:Maint-State Hwy 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 440,803 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 0 39,316 39,316 8,952 2,573 450,803 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 2,500 41,816 41,816 1,798,904 1,767,158 1,788,711 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,623,157 20-20-38 Debt Service E5 Interest Expense 100 600,000 626,250 0.00 59-1010 Bond Redemption 0.00 648,750 648,750 648,750 ` _310 407,460 383,460 0.00 59-1020 Bond Interest 0.00 358,410 358,410 358,410 X97,592 546,136 647,177 0.00 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 501,260 501,260 501,260 185,174 153,716 131,224 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 114,137 114,137 114,137 200 0 600 0.00 59-1070 Agent Fees 0.00 600 600 600 0 518 0 0.00 59-1073 Payments-Escrow Agent 1994 Bo 0.00 0 0 0 1,891,776 1,707,830 - 1,788,711 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,623,157 E6 Reserve Expense 0 0 0 0.00 58-1090 Reserve For Debt Service 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 1,891,776 1,707,830 1,788,711 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,798,904 1,767,158 1,788,711 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,891,776 1,707,830 1,788,711 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 1,623,157 1,623,157 1,623,157 (92,872) 59,328 0 0 Debt Service Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 173 • • \xf© DEcinM g u J °)u CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (30) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Tax Revenue $ 507,988 $ 468,251 $ 492,132 Grants $ 1,518,579 $ - $ 336,562 Interest&Rental $ 13,000 $ 33,129 $ 40,057 Not Proceeds $ - $ - $ _ Transfers In $ - - $ - $ 282,500 Total $ 2,039,567 $ 501,380 $ 1,151,250 Expenses Contractual Services $ 1,392,697 $ 535,000 $ 910,273 Principal&Interest $ - $ - $ - Total $ 1,392,697 $ 535,000 $ 910,273 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 646,870 $ (33,620) $ 240,977 Opening Fund Balance $ 479,388 $ 513,008 $ 272,031 Ending Fund balance $ 1,126,258 $ 479,388 $ 513,008 Note: $772,579 of Dempster St expenses are contingent on the receipt of grant funding. If the grant revenue does not come in,the projects will not be done this year. If the grants do come in as budgeted,the resulting fund balance increase is the result of the reimbursement for properties purchased out of the General Fund plus a designated fund balance for grants already received but not spent in the fund. 174 a Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Capital Projects Fund is established to provide a central account within the budget structure to identify all non-enterprise public improvements scheduled for design or construction during the fiscal year. The Village maintains an aggressive infrastructure maintenance and reconstruction effort, including improvements to local streets and alleys, sewer systems,the maintenance of street lights, and occasional improvements to public facilities as required in order to support the Village's operating departments. Due to the extended time often required to facilitate design, locate affordable funding, and preparation for construction, it is normal for major capital improvement projects to continue beyond a single year. Some of the projects contained in this year's budget have been carried forward from prior years and several that are included for the first time will require several years of effort before construction is completed. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Local Street Resurfacing. Morton Groves street resurfacing program was completed in a successful manner. LUST project Morton Grove was issued a no further remediation letter from the IEPA for its past Leaking Underground Storage Tank. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 The goals and objectives are identified by the projects described on the following pages Property Taxes 30-00-00-41-1010 Projected property taxes expected to be received in 2006 based on the 2005 levy. Total $351,226.00 Sales Tax 30-00-00-41-2010 Total $127,500.00 Personal Property Replacement 30-00-00-41-2030 Additional tax charged corporations which replaced the personal property tax in 1976. These monies are collected by the State and distributed to municipalities based on the levy information from 1976, the last year was a personal property tax assessment. The estimate is based on projections supplied by the Illinois Department of Revenue. Total $29,262.00 175 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Grants: Federal 30-00-00-45-1005 Dempster grants $1,272,579.00 Grants excluding Dempster $246,000.00 Total $1,518,579.00 Interest Income 30-00-0046-1010 Anticipated interest to be earned on unspent monies (fund balance). Total $13,000.00 Available Fund Balance 30-00-00-49-9999 Total ($646,870.00) Local Street Resurfacing Construction Services 30-50-51-55-2290 Funds available for reconstruction, resurfacing, and general maintenance. Total $585,118.00 Municipal Facilities Engineering Services 30-50-60-55-2140 The street resurfacing and MFT maintenance program require an engineering consultant to provide technical inspection and testing of all bituminous and concrete mixtures at various times during project construction. Funds also available for engineering services connected to repaving of streets. Total $35,000.00 Dempster Corridor Improvements Engineering Services 30-70-53-55-2140 Dempster Street Corridor Improvements. Total $772,579.00 176 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 -nal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FEE Requested Proposed Adopted 30 Capital Projects s./ 30-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 621,418 314,612 334,501 0.00 41-1010 Property Taxes 0.00 351,226 351,226 351,226 0 0 0 0.00 41-1055 Electric Consumption Tax 0.00 0 0 0 141,921 155,061 108,750 0.00 41-2010 Sales Tax 0.00 127,500 127,500 127,500 0 0 0 0.00 41-2020 Share Of State Income Tax 0.00 0 0 0 20,063 22,459 24,389 0.00 41-2030 Personal Property Replacement 0.00 25,398 29,262 29,262 783,402 492,132 467,640 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 504,124 507,988 507,988 R5 Grant Revenue 0 136,562 0 0.00 45-1005 Grants:Federal 0.00 246,000 1,518,579 1,518,579 0 200,000 0 0.00 45-1006 Grants:State Grants 0.00 0 0 0 0 336,562 0 0 Grant Revenue Totals: 0.00 246,000 1,518,579 1,518,579 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 10,536 5,147 3,000 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 13,000 13,000 13,000 31,200 34,910 15,600 0.00 46-3010 Rental Income 0.00 0 0 0 41,736 40,057 18,600 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 13,000 13,000 13,000 R7 Installment Note Proceeds 0 0 0 0.00 47-2030 Loan Proceeds-Public Improve 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Installment Note Proceeds Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 R8 Transfers In 0 170,000 0 0.00 48-1010 Transfer from General Fund 0.00 0 0 0 0 112,500 0 0.00 48-1020 Transfer from MIT 0.00 0 0 0 0 282,500 0 0 Transfers In Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 231,261 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 1,809,153 (646,870) (646,870) 0 0 231,261 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 1,809,153 (646,870) (646,870) 825,138 1,151,250 717,501 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 2,572,277 1,392,697 1,392,697 30-50-51 Local Street Resurfacing E2 Contractual Services 17,623 0 0 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 0 0 0 1,342,023 643,413 564,501 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 1,009,818 585,118 585,118 1,359,646 643,413 564,501 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,009,818 585,118 585,118 1,359,646 643,413 564,501 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 1,009,818 585,118 585,118 30-50-60 Municipal Facilities E2 Contractual Services 18,886 22,056 19,000 0.00 55-2111 Cook County Property Taxes 0.00 0 0 4,415 35,220 34,000 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 50,000 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 Acquisitions/buildings 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 57-1020 Capital isitignsNuildings p,pp 0 0 0 23,301 57,276 53,000 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 50,000 35,000 35,000 E5 Interest Expense 0 0 0 0.00 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 .31 57,276 53,000 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 50,000 35,000 35,000 • 177 Tillage of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 Jser:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Add - Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed AdooteK—Ns 30-70-53 Dempster Corridor Improvements E2 Connacmai Services 5,737. 0 0 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 0 0 0 152,219 64,688 100,000 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 1,512,459 772,579 772,579 0 0 0 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 0 0 0 157,956 64,688 100,000 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,512,459 772,579 772,579 E4 Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 0.00 57-1020 Capital Acquisitions/Buildings 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 157,956 64,688 100,000 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 1,512,459 772,579 772,579 825,138 1,151_50 717,501 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 2,572,277 1,392,697 1,392,697 1,525,242 910,273 717,501 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 2,572,277 1,392,697 1,392,697 (700,104) 240,977 0 0 Capital Projects Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 178 r. t"\ : pi o u u off] � U ( co D) .7 HU WATER/SEWER FUND (40) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Charges for Services $ 4,246,303 $ 4,331,292 $ 4,036,687 Interest& Rental $ 114,808 $ 110,300 $ 86,622 Transfers In $ 15,000 $ 13,400 $ 13,400 Misc. $ 15,307 $ 41,455 $ 29,747 Total $ 4,391,418 $ 4,496,446 $ 4,166,456 Expenses Personal Services $ 1,232,473 $ 1,148,485 $ 1,053,469 Contractual Services $ 2,034,023 $ 2,077,056 $ 1,928,991 Commodities $ 262,642 $ 250,096 $ 193,788 Machinery& Equip $ 2,000 $ 16,400 $ 211,553 Principal and Interest $ 488,170 $ 435,856 $ 148,655 Misc. $ 5,000 $ 1,263 $ 647 Transfers Out $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 Total $ 4,144,308 $ 4,049,156 $ 3,657,102 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 247,110 $ 447,290 $ 509,354 Opening Fund Balance $ 1,187,081 $ 739,791 $ 230,437 Ending Fund balance $ 1,434,192 $ 1,187,081 $ 739,791 179 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 ENTERPRISE FUND - WATER DIVISION DIVISION/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The mission of the Water Division is to maintain the Village's water supply and distribution system and its appurtenances,to maintain the public fire hydrants,and to maintain the residential water service line from the B-box to the Village's water main. This Division will assist the homeowner with information regarding maintenance problems and assist those who may be experiencing problems with private contractors. The Water Division will promptly, and with a minimum amount of inconvenience to the residents and community, repair broken water mains, service lines,water valves and fire hydrants. It will continue to seek and reduce unaccountable water loss. The Division will maintain the above-ground and below-ground storage reservoirs and pumping stations. We will insure consumers of the Village's water system that they will have quality water for consumption. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT—PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. A great deal of effort was again expended in maintaining the Village's water supply and distribution system and its appurtenances. The Water Division,under adverse weather conditions,repaired many water main breaks,water service line leaks, water valves, fire hydrants and B-boxes. 2. The Water Division continued to fulfill its state and federal mandates by implementing its bacteriological sampling, lead sampling, and trihalomethane sampling. This Division always works in conjunction with EPA, OSHA and the Department of Labor. 3. Once again,this Department assisted other departments/divisions. The Street Division was assisted in snow plowing and deicing procedures. The Sewer Division was assisted in the installation of sewers, catch basins, and manholes. 4. Maintained the Pumping Stations,reservoirs, elevated tanks and their appurtenances. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to maintain the Village's water supply and distribution system and its appurtenances. a. Under the direction of the Division Superintendent,all water main breaks, service lines from the water main to the B-box will be repaired as quickly as possible. b. All broken fire hydrants, water main valves and B-boxes are to be repaired by this Division. c. The repairs are to be made as expediently as possible with the least amount of inconvenience to the community. 2. To continue to comply with all state and federal mandates. a. The federal mandated lead and copper testing will begin at the 60 mandated sites. b. Bacteriological and trihalomethane sampling will continue. c. Any other sampling that is called upon by the state or federal governments will be complied with. d. The Division has and will work with the EPA, OSHA and the Department of Labor. 3. To continue to assist other departments/divisions in helping them achieve satisfaction and accomplishment. a. To assist the Sewer Division in its installation of sewer lines, catch basins and manholes. b. To assist the Street Division in its snow plowing and deicing programs. c. To inspect various jobs of private contractors when called upon by different departments. 180 Ct- Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 4. To continue to seek and reduce the amount of unaccountable water that is supplied through its distribution system. a. Leak surveys will be conducted by in-house personnel using electronic equipment. b. To foster the water conservation measures during the summer months. c. To repair all leaks quickly and expediently. 5. To continue to maintain the two pumping stations and their appurtenances. a. Update computer system for stations. 6. To continue to insure water customers will have quality water for consumption. a. To continue to chlorinate or disinfect the water at the two pumping stations. b. Water sampling will continue to be practiced by this Department. c. Strict compliance will be adhered to as far as all rules and regulations concerning its water supply. d. Inquiries and complaints will be investigated and resolved. 7. To continue to provide effective and efficient day-by-day management of the Water Division operations and public services. Sale of Water 40-00-00-44-2010 Projected revenues from sale of water to Village residents and industrial users as well as users outside the corporate boundaries who have contracted the Village for water needs for the entire calendar year period. Increases were made to water and sewer fees in response to rate increases from the City of Chicago for the purchase of water. Total $3,381,553.00 Sewer Use Fees 40-00-00-44-2020 Projected revenues based on water consumption by customers within Village boundaries. Excludes users who are outside the Village boundaries and would therefore not be subject to fee. Total $834,750.00 Water Meter Sales 40-00-00-44-2030 Projected sales of meters to residential and commercial water users. Total $30,000.00 Interest Income 40-00-00-46-1010 Interest earnings on surplus funds held throughout the year. Total $7,000.00 Lease and Rental Income 40-00-00-46-3010 AT&T Lease $17,735.00 Nextel Lease $19,527.00 Sprint Lease $45,020.00 Voicestream Lease $25,526.00 Total $107,808.00 181 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Installment Note Proceeds 40-00-00-47-1010 Revenue anticipated from the issuance of installment notes for the purchase of various vehicles to be used in the Water/Sewer Department. Total $0.00 Transfers From Commuter Parking 40-00-00-48-1050 Annual transfer of funds from Commuter Parking Fund to cover a portion of the labor provided by the Enterprise Fund for maintaining the commuter parking lot. Total $15,000.00 IRMA Member's Reserve 40-00-00-49-1035 This account was set up to recognize the credit received from IRMA to be applied towards the annual IRMA contribution. In the past,the credit was netted against the contribution expense account (#405035- 557130). Total $0.00 Misc Income 40-00-00-49-1040 Miscellaneous revenue received throughout the year not covered elsewhere. For 2003 it also includes an amount from the State for the underground storage tank remediation project. Grant-Underground $14,807.00 Miscellaneous Income $500.00 Total $15,307.00 Available Fund Balance 40-00-00-49-9999 Total ($247,110.00) Employee Relations 40-50-33-55-1160 It includes an OSHA required Spirogram test for respirator use for seven employees. Includes funds for federally mandated testing of CDL drivers for drugs and alcohol. CDL drug& alcohol testing $300.00 CDL renewal fees $200.00 Misc. employee relations $150.00 Misc. seminars $400.00 OSHA spirogram testing $350.00 Water operator seminars $400.00 Total $1,800.00 182 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Engineering Services 40-50-33-55-2140 -� Engineering consulting fee for water system improvements and maintenance that might be needed throughout the year. Planning/design(12" water main) $20,000.00 Reservoir#2 inspection $3,600.00 Water distribution leak location $10,000.00 Total $33,600.00 Concrete Replacement 40-50-33-55-2230 Repair of driveways, curbs, and sidewalks damaged from repair of water leaks. Total $2,000.00 Landfill Expense 40-50-33-55-2260 Covers the cost of disposing of construction debris from repair of water leaks done by Village personnel. Total $13,500.00 Water&Chemical Testing 40-50-33-55-2270 Cost of testing the Village water system according to EPA standards. Total $6,000.00 Equipment Lease;Rental Pvmts 40-50-33-55-2330 Rental of specialty equipment that may be necessary during the year. Total $250.00 Purchase of Water 40-50-33-55-2340 Projected cost of water purchased from the City of Chicago. Because of varying usage from year to year the formula used to anticipate expense for this account is as follows. Averaging the actual cost of water for years 2002, 2003, 2004 and the budgeted amount for 2005. Then adding an anticipated 3%increase from the City of Chicago. Total S1,485,000.00 Utilities Water System 40-50-33-55-3110 Cost of electric, gas, and telephone service for the Village's two pumping stations. The telephone lines are used for alarms at the various water pumping stations, vaults and sewer lift stations. Also METRA rental fee for water main running under the tracks with a 3% increase from last year. ADT monitoring $900.00 Electric power $76,640.00 183 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 J.U.L.I.E. $4,200.00 ME IRA fee $2,000.00 Natural gas $7,000.00 Red center monitoring $800.00 Telephone(RTU) $5,000.00 Total $96,540.00 Maintenance of Buildings 40-50-33-55-4110 These items are for the general repair and maintenance of the facility. Miscellaneous $1,000.00 Outside services(heaters, electrical, etc.) $1,000.00 Total $2,000.00 Maintenance of Auto Equipment 40-50-33-55-4120 The Enterprise Fund's share for any automotive equipment that has to be repaired by outside concerns, and cannot be done in-house. Total $1,000.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 40-50-33-55-4130 Maintenance of leak locating equipment and meter reading equipment. Maintenance of emergency generators, which provide emergency power at the two Pumping Stations to allow for an uninterrupted supply of water. Maintenance of 4 emergency generators $4,500.00 Maintenance of JULIE equipment $1,000.00 Maintenance of leak locating equipment $1,000.00 Maintenance of meter reading equipment $1,000.00 Total $7,500.00 Maintenance of Radio Equipment 40-50-33-55-4150 For the maintenance of our base station, mobile units and pagers. Total $300.00 Maintenance of Water System Ta 40-50-33-55-4190 Routine maintenance is required on reservoirs to insure they are operating at peak efficiency. Total $3,000.00 Maintenance of Water System Pu 40-50-33-55-4200 Alarm system maintenance and inspection. Outside pump and electrical repair service for repair of pumps. 184 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Alarm system maintenance $1,500.00 -� Maintenance of SCADA system $2,000.00 Maintenance of Vacuum Priming System $1,000.00 Maintenance on pressure reducing stations $1,000.00 Outside pump&motor elec. service $2,000.00 Pump &motor rebuilding $5,000.00 Total $12,500.00 Maintenance of Water System Ma 40-50-33-55-4210 The hiring of an outside contractor by the Village if minor maintenance cannot be done in-house. Total $8,000.00 Auto Equip Supplies/repair Par 40-50-33-56-1100 Mechanical vehicle parts for the maintenance of Water Division equipment. Total $12,000.00 Gas,Diesel, Fuel, & Oil 40-50-33-56-1110 Amount consists of the Enterprise Fund's share of fuel and oil purchased for use in Water Department vehicles. Total $42,000.00 Operational Supplies 40-50-33-56-2110 Purchase of material to perform all necessary repairs and installation of water mains and services (i.e. water main piping, repair clamps, curb stops,brass fittings, welding and hardware, copper pipe and fittings). Total $28,000.00 Chemical Supplies 40-50-33-56-2130 Purchase of chemicals for the Pumping Stations for chlorination, analyzers and daily samples. Total $6,000.00 Pumping Stations Supplies 40-50-33-56-2150 Purchase of repair parts and supplies necessary for the upkeep of the North and South Pumping Stations. (i.e.bearings, gaskets, seals,paint and graphing supplies, etc.). Total $9,000.00 185 , C " Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Landscaping Materials 40-50-33-56-3100 Restoration materials required for the repair of damaged parkways and areas after water leak repairs have been completed. (i.e.black dirt, sod and seed). Total $2,000.00 Construction Materials 40-50-33-56-3110 Purchase of sand, stone,black dirt, asphalt, and other related materials for water main repair and installation. Total $14,000.00 Non Auto Repair Parts 40-50-33-56-4100 Repair parts-water meters and ECR outside Touch Reads. Total $1,000.00 Fire Hydrants&Repair Parts 40-50-33-56-4120 Purchase of fire hydrants and repair related parts. Also materials for hydrant painting and flushing programs. Total $10,000.00 Small Tools 40-50-33-56-4190 Tools used by Water Department to repair leaks on water mains, hydrants,valves, and pumping station. This account was reduced by the Administrator during the budget review process. Total $1,500.00 Operational Equipment 40-50-33-56-4200 Purchase of meters for new buildings and replacement equipment needed throughout the year. 1" meters $3,090.00 1.5"meters $2,730.00 2"meters $1,545.00 3/4"meters $2,575.00 5/8"meters $56,650.00 Barricades and cones $1,339.00 Compound meters $5,150.00 Concrete saw $1,329.00 Hydrant meter $1,648.00 New ECR meter gun $1,500.00 Safety equipment $1,236.00 Total $78,792.00 186 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 40-50-33-56-4300 " •■ Purchase of steel toed shoes, pants. Vests, shirts and jackets are bright orange to provide a measure of safety while conducting Village business on the streets. 3%increase. Total $3,900.00 Improvements other than Buildi 40-50-33-57-2020 Upgrades to Pumping Station Alarm system. Total $2,000.00 Bond Redemption 40-50-33-59-1010 Total $216,250.00 Bond Interest 40-50-33-59-1020 Total $119,470.00 187 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:17 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'cntal Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FI£' Requested Proposed Adopted 40 Enterprise-Water d Sewer \smi 40-00-00 Unassigned R4 Charges for Services 2,807,305 3,192,193 3,150,000 0.00 44-2010 Sale Of Water 0.00 3,300,000 3.225,000 3,381,553 665,778 814,269 800,000 0.00 44-2020 Sewer Use Fees 0.00 820,000 795,000 834,750 13,535 30,225 15,000 0.00 442030 Water Meter Sales 0.00 30,000 30,000 30,000 3,486,617 4,036,687 3,965,000 0 Charges for Services Totals: 0.00 4,150,000 4,050,000 4,246,303 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 2,321 3,042 3,000 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 7,000 7,000 7,000 113,380 83,580 103,835 0.00 46-3010 Lease And Rental Income 0.00 107,808 107,808 107,808 115,700 86,622 106,835 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 114,808 114,808 114,808 R7 Installment Note Proceeds 0 0 0 0.00 47-1010 Installment Note Proceeds 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Installment Note Proceeds Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 R8 Transfers In 13,400 13,400 13,400 0.00 48-1050 Transfers From Commuter Parkin 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 13,400 13,400 13,400 0 Transfers In Totals: 0.00 15,000 15,000 15,000 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue O 0 0 0.00 49-1035 Irma Member's Reserve 0.00 0 0 0 25,631 29,747 15,307 0.00 49-1040 Misc Income 0.00 15,307 15,307 15,307 O 0 25,105 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 (174,957) (59,957) (247,110) 25,631 29,747 40,412 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 (159,650) (44,650) (231,803) 349 4,166,456 4,125,647 - 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 4,120,158 4,135,158 4,144,308 L 188 Tillage of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:17 Jser:sdraz Budget Proposal-Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 Actual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FfE Requested Proposed Adopted^ \ 40-50-33 Water El Personal Services 163,739 158,427 161,904 0.00 54-4606 Salaries Public Works:labor 0.00 164,121 164,121 169,044 112,994 116,873 119,744 0.00 54-4609 Salaries Pumping Station Atten 0.00 119,744 119,744 123,336 18,459 16,756 51,500. 0.00 54-4654 Salaries Seasonal Worker 0.00 51,000 51,000 51,000 38,730 28,456 45,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 45,000 45,000 45,000 3,550 4,400 3,800 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 4,650 4,650 4,650 o 0 0 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 25,288 25,261 26,778 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 29,416 29,416 30,068 34,410 44,861 49,347 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 54,282 54,282 56,749 0 0 0 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-VIg Contrib 0.00 0 0 0 12,580 5,850 9,117 0.00 54-8200 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 10.029 10,029 10,485 854 917 951 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 1,083 1,083 1,112 410,604 401,800 468,141 0 Personal Services Totals: - 0.00 479,325 479,325 491,444 E2 Contractual Services O 0 0 0.00 55-1100 Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 0 0 0 599 1,467 2,775 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 1,800 1,800 1,800 36,207 38,793 28,000 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 33,600 33,600 33,600 3,894 0 3,000 0.00 55-2230 Concrete Replacement 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,150 13,080 13,500 0.00 55-2260 Landfill Expense 0.00 13,500 13,500 13,500 5,605 5,549 7,200 0.00 55-2270 Water&Chemical Testing 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 o 0 0 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 0 0 0 1,934 0 500 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0.00 250 250 250 1,425,956 1,352,139 1,501,500 0.00 55-2340 Purchase Of Water 0.00 1,485,000 1,485,000 1,485,000 100,952 86,248 110,887 0.00 55-3110 Utilities Water System 0.00 96,540 96,540 96,540 1,200 1,217 2,875 0.00 55-4110 Maintenance Of Buildings 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,880 0 1,500 0.00 55-4120 Maintenance Of Auto Equipment 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,923 5,779 11,225 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 7,500 7,500 7,500 208 200 450 0.00 55-4150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 300 300 300 186 19,929 3,000 0.00 55-4190 Maintenance Of Water System Ta 0.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,503 11,663 19,100 0.00 55-4200 Maintenance Of Water System Pu 0.00 12,500 12,50D 12,500 3,51D 0 3,000 0.00 55-4210 Maintenance Of Water System Ma- 0.00 3,000 8,000 8,00f � 0 0 0 0.00 55-8130 Bank fees 0.00 0 0 6 1,604,708 1,536,064 1,708,512 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,667,990 1,672,9% 1,672,990 03 Commodities 850 15,809 16,750 0.00 56-1100 Auto Equip Supplierrepair Par 0.00 12,000 12,000 12,000 22,984 12,947 31,038 0.00 56-1110 Gas,Diesel,Fuel,&Oil 0.00 22,000 42,000 42,000 24,739 27,538 27,323 0.00 56-2110 Operational Supplies 0.00 28,000 28,000 28,000 4,070 4,922 7,215 0.00 56-2130 Chemical Supplies 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 9,986 7,665 11,350 0.00 56-2150 Pumping Stations Supplies 0.00 9,000 9,000 9,000 2,218 0 4,000 0.00 56-3100 Landscaping Materials 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 13,945 12,979 15,000 0.00 56-3110 Construction Materials 0.00- 14,000 14,000 14,000 144 850 1,957 0.00 56-4100 Non Auto Repair Parts 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 7,746 9,610 10,000 0.00 56-4120 Fire Hydrants&Repair Parts 0.00 10,000 10,000 10,000 3,707 1,427 2,100 0.00 56-4190 Small Tools 0.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 11,105 35,376 81,365 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 78,792 78,792 78,792 3,744 3,829 3,950 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 3,900 3,900 3,900 105,238 132,952 212,048 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 188,192 208,192 208,192 E4 Machinery&Equipment - O 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 0 14,000 16,400 0.00 57-2020 Improvements Other Than Buildi 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 0.00 57-2030 Motor Vehicles 0.00 0 0 O 14,000 16,400 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,009 E5 Interest Expense O 0 208,750 0.00 59-1010 Bond Redemption 0.00 216,250 216,250 216,250 - 145,399 135,153 127,820 0.00 59-1020 Bond Interest 0.00 119,470 119,470 119,470 O 0 0 000 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 0 0 0 (266) 0 0 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 59-1070 Agent Fees 0.00 0 0 0.".\ 145,133 135,153 336,570 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 335,720 335,720 335,720 2,265,683 2,219,970 2,741,671 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 2,673,227 2,69 8,227 2,710,346 189 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary- CY 2006 Enterprise Fund -Water Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Division Superintendent(split) 39,287 0.5 73 42,747 0.5 Maintenance Supervisor 66,757 1.0 62 68,761 1.0 Equipment Operator 55,860 1.0 53 57,536 1.0 Crew Leader 60,465 1.0 62,279 1.0 Pumping Station Operator 59,279 1.0 56 61,057 1.0 Total 281,648 4.5 292,380 4.5 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries - Seasonal Workers 51,500 51,000 Salaries -Overtime 45,000 45,000 Retiree Health Insurance 9,117 10,485 Total 105,617 106,485 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 3,800 4.5 4,650 4.5 Social Security 26,778 4.5 30,068 4.5 Hospitalization Insurance 49,347 4.5 56,749 4.5 Life Insurance 951 4.5 1,112 4.5 Total 80,876 92,579 Department Total 468,141 4.5 491,444 4.5 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 190 rt Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 ENTERPRISE FUND - SEWER DIVISION DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Sewer Division's responsibilities lie in maintaining the sanitary, storm and combinations sewers and their appurtenances. This Division maintains all Village catch basins, storm, sanitary, and combination manholes so they are free of debris and obstacles. The Sewer Division also assists Village residents and homeowners who are experiencing maintenance problems and gives them advice, if necessary, for their private sewer problems.All repairs and new sewer installations are to be made as expediently as possible with a minimum of inconvenience to the community. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. A great deal of effort was expended this year on maintaining the sanitary, storm and combination sewers. Catch basins were cleaned, sewers rodded, and manholes were inspected and cleaned. Recordkeeping was maintained on all of the cleaning activities as prescribed by the Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Sewers were televised and those lines that showed cave-ins were excavated and repaired by Public Works crews. Sewer lining was preformed on existing sanitary sewers for much needed pipe rehabilitation. 2. The Sewer Division assisted the residents with draining their back yards and sump pump problems. The crews answered inquiries and complaints. 3. The Sewer Division assisted other departments. The Sewer Division assisted the Water Department in the repair of water main breaks and service line leaks. They assisted the Street Department with snow plowing and deicing programs. 4. 160 homes were inspected in the department's ongoing flow monitoring program to determine the amount of homes that had reinstalled their sump pumps to theft sanitary sewer connections. Out of the 160 homes inspected it was determined 5 of the homes had illegal connections. 5. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. To continue to maintain the sanitary, storm and combination sewers and theft appurtenances. a. Under the maintenance program sewer lines will be rodded, catch basins and sewer manholes will be cleaned. Manholes will be inspected. b. Flow metering of sewer lines will continue. c. Inspections of homes for illegal sump pump hookups will continue. d. Inspections of development projects throughout the Village will continue. e. Damaged sewer lines will be repaired this coming calendar year. f Rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewers will continue with Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining. g. Continue to maintain records on all work done on the sewer system by Public Works crews. 2. Continue to assist Village residents with advice in solving private sewer problems. a. All inquiries and complaints will be investigated by our crews. b. Residents experiencing sump pump flooding will be advised of the options available to mitigate the problem. c. Residents experiencing back yard flooding will be advised of the options available to mitigate the problem. 3. Continue to lend assistance to other departments. a. Assist the Engineering Division with their flow monitoring meters. b. Assist the Street Division in snow plowing and deicing programs. c. Assist the Water Division in repairing water main breaks and service line leaks. 191 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 4. Continue maintenance and construction, where necessary,to support other public improvement projects and preclude damage to streets and alleys. a. Sewer lines and manholes will be installed in the alleys scheduled for paving this year. b. New catch basins will be installed in various locations, as necessary, to drain the street. 5. All repairs, installations are to be made as expediently as possible with a minimum of inconvenience to the community. 6. Continue to provide effective, efficient day-by-day management of Sewer Division operations and public services. 7. Coordinate the state mandated J.U.L.I.E.program. 8. Design and implement an effective storm water management program in accordance with NPDES Phase II Standards. Employee Relations 40-50-34-55-1160 Includes an OSHA required program test for respirator use for four employees. This includes alcohol and drug testing for CDL drivers, according to a federal mandate. Reimbursement for the CDL cost to employee. CDL -drug&alcohol testing $400.00 CDL renewals $100.00 OSHA required spirogram $300.00 Seminars and training $200.00 Total $1,000.00 Engineering Services 40-50-34-55-2140 Sewer testing and monitoring for sanitary sewers to reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration of storm water into the sanitary sewer system which is mandated by the Metropolitan Sanitary Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Total $10,000.00 Storm Water Program 40-50-34-55-2150 In accordance with all regulations with the IEPA NPDES Phase II permitting program including detection of illicit connections, program planning, education, training,public awareness and required engineering services. Total $20,000.00 Landfill Expense 40-50-34-55-2260 Covers costs in disposing of construction debris from installation and repair of sewers done by Village personnel. Total $35,000.00 Construction Services 40-50-34-55-2290 Sewer Lining: Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining for rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewers throughout the Village. 192 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Total $65,000.00 Equipment Lease/Rental Payments 40-50-34-55-2330 Pager rental for Sewer Department employees. Total $500.00 Lease Agreement-IEPA 40-50-34-55-2335 Required fees to the Illinois EPA for general storm water and combined sewer permits. Combined Sewer Overflow permit $5,000.00 Storm Sewer Outfall permit $1,000.00 Total $6,000.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 40-50-34-55-4130 Repair of flow monitoring equipment. Bands and attachments for flow monitors. Also included are batteries and desiccants. Flow monitoring equipment $500.00 Miscellaneous equipment $400.00 Total $900.00 Maintenance of Radio Equipment 40-50-34-55-4150 For the maintenance of our Base Station,mobile units,and pagers Total $100.00 Construction Materials 40-50-34-56-3110 Sand and stone purchased for the backfmlling of excavations for sewer repairs. Tile is purchased to repair broken sewer pipe. Blocks,rings, and covers are purchased to rebuild manholes and catch basins. Also includes the repair of inlets on resurfaced streets. Storm sewer materials for alleys. Piping and structures to install and maintain sewers $18,000.00 Sand and stone purchased for backfmlling or sewer $17,000.00 excavations Total $35,000.00 Non Auto Repair Parts 40-50-34-56-4100 Replacement of sewer rodding equipment (knives,hoses, etc.). Total $5,000.00 193 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Small Tools 40-50-34-56-4190 Hand tools used by the Sewer Department. Total $500.00 Operational Equipment 40-50-34-56-4200 The purchase of new saw blades for the removal of asphalt and concrete. The purchase of a new suction pump to replace the old pump. Due to extensive use,these pumps last approximately one year. The purchasing of aluminum shoring will provide safety for workers in trenches. This is an OSHA requirement. Total $9,000.00 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 40-50-34-56-4300 For the purchase of pants,vests, steel toed shoes,insulated coveralls, and bright orange shirts and jackets. Total $4,750.00 Note Redemption 40-50-34-59-1030 Foster/Oliphant Sewer Rehab $0.00 IEPA Sewer Rehab $68,759.00 MB Bank installment Loan $44,549.00 OakBrook Bank Installment Loan $21,288.00 Note Redemption Total $134,596.00 Note Interest 40-50-34-59-1040 IEPA Loan Interest $8,611.00 MB Bank Loan Interest $8,615.00 Oak Brook Loan Interest $628.00 Note Interest Total $17,854.00 194 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:17 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 ctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Adopted 40-50-34 Sewer �i El Personal Services 299,024 341,456 354,166 0.00 54-4606 Salaries Public Works:labor 0.00 362,465 362,465 373,338 4,230 9,900 10,300 000 54-4654 Salaries Seasonal Workers 0.00 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,219 32,507 38,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 38,000 38,000 38,000 4,450 3,600 5,000 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 3,550 3,550 3,550 25,155 29,919 33,823 0.00 54-7100 Social Security 0.00 31,672 31,672 32,504 49,607 55,969 73,902 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalization Insurance 0.00 81,292 81,292 84,987 O 0 7,584 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Vlg Conmb 0.00 0 0 0 1,170 1,380 1,475 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 1,373 1,373 1,421 413,855 474,731 524,250 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 528,352 528,352 543,800 E2 Contractual Services 197 770 1,875 0.00 55-1160 Employee Relations 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 68,527 51,802 28,000 0.00 55-2140 Engineering Services 0.00 20,000 10,000 10,000 O 0 20,000 0.00 55-2150 Storm Water Program 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 O 0 0 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 0 0 0 27,376 26,860 28,943 0.00 55-2260 Landfill Expense 0.00 29,000 35,000 35,000 O 114,261 60,000 0.00 55-2290 Construction Services 0.00 65,000 65,000 65,000 424 460 65,600 0.00 55-2330 Equipment Lease/rental Pymts 0.00 500 500 500 O 6,000 7,000 0.00 55-2335 Lease agreement-IEPA 0.00 6,000 6,000 6,000 134 0 3,000 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 900 900 900 O 0 300 0.00 55-4150 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 0.00 100 100 100 96,657 200,152 214,718 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 142,500 138,500 138,500 E3 Commodities 14,450 43,279 35,500 0.00 56-3110 Construction Materials 0.00 35,000 35,000 35,000 2,152 5,570 6,557 0.00 56-4100 Non Auto Repair Parts 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 295 404 2,000 0.00 56-4190 Small Tools 0.00 500 500 500 6,993 8,672 9,150 0.00 56-4200 Operational Equipment 0.00 9,000 9,000 9,000 2,724 2,883 4,750 0.00 56-4300 Uniform Purchase&Replacement 0.00 4,750 4,750 4,750 513 60,808 57,957 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 54,250 54,250 54,250 E4 Machinery&Equipment O 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery and Equipment 0.00 0 - 0 0 O 0 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E5 Interest Expense - 0 0 87,749 0.00 59-1030 Note Redemption 0.00 134,596 134,596 134,596 18,074 13,502 11,537 0.00 59-1040 Note Interest 0.00 17,854 17,854 17,854 18,074 13,502 99,286 0 Interest Expense Totals: 0.00 152,450 152,450 152,450 555,199 749,192 896,211 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 877,552 873,552 889,000 195 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois ''1 Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Enterprise Fund - Sewer Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Division Superintendent (split) 39,287 0.5 73 42,748 0.5 Crew Leader 60,465 1.0 57 62,278 1.0 Equipment Operator 55,860 1.0 53 57,536 1.0 Maintenance Worker I 89,128 2.0 45 95,343 2.0 Maintenance Worker II 48,960 1.0 48 53,154 1.0 Utility Inspector 60,465 1.0 57 62,279 1.0 Total 354,165 6.5 373,338 6.5 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries - Seasonal Workers 10,300 10,000 Salaries - Overtime 38,000 38,000 Total 48,300 48,000 Fringe Benefits: --∎ Longevity 5,000 4.5 3,550 3.5 Social Security 33,823 6.5 32,504 6.5 Hospitalization Insurance 73,902 6.5 84,987 6.5 Life Insurance 1,475 6.5 1,421 6.5 IMRF 7,584 2.0 0 0.0 Total 121,784 122,462 Department Total 524,249 6.5 543,800 6.5 Note: Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents(FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 196 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 ENTERPRISE FUND - ADMIN/OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The function of the Administrative Department in this Enterprise Fund is to assure the efficient and effective management of day-to-day operations of the Water and Sewer Department. Areas of responsibility include water meter readings;billing and collection for water and sewer usage; and general customer service related to this operation. Appropriations for this fund include all administrative and overhead costs related to the Water and Sewer Departments. This includes all costs related to the water billing process (there are over 7,800 metered accounts which are billed on a bi-monthly basis); a portion of the costs for the annual audit related to this fund; a portion of the costs for annual insurance requirement; i.e., property, liability, casualty and worker's compensation; pension and disability costs for Water and Sewer Department personnel; and allocation of personnel costs originating from the General Fund for Water and Sewer Department functions (Vehicle Maintenance, Engineering,Finance, Administration, and Legislative). PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON CALENDAR YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. This Department continued to provide the services noted above on a timely, effective, and efficient basis. 2. The Department monitored Third Millenniums printing and mailing of the Village's water bills, with no major problems occurring. Ensuring that all bills were received and paid in a timely manner. 3. The Department assisted Groot waste haulers by notifying them of property transfers once a month. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to provide service related to the efficient and effective management of the day- to-day operations of the Water and Sewer Departments. 2. Monitor the progress of the Village's meter replacement program. 3. Assist residents with questions regarding their water bills. 4. Provide training to meter reader for pumping station operations. 5. Continue to monitor for unaccountable water loss. Dues& Subscriptions 40-50-35-55-1120 Includes dues to American Water Works Association,renewal for EPA Certification, and periodical subscription dues. Total $500.00 197 ' re Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Meetings And Conferences 40-50-35-55-1130 This account covers the cost of attending local meeting and area conferences for key personnel to gain additional information regarding Municipal utility operations. Total $200.00 Training &Instructions 40-50-35-55-1150 Miscellaneous training for Water and Sewer Department staff. Total $500.00 Professional Services 40-50-35-55-2110 Includes an appropriation for the processing of the water bills by an outside vendor. Total $22,000.00 Postage &Meter Rental 40-50-35-55-2120 Cost of mailing water bills and other miscellaneous items for Water/Sewer Department for the entire calendar year budget period. This account increased with the change from postcards to#10 envelopes with a return envelope for water bills. This new process has improved delivery to Village residents. Total $18,500.00 Printing And Publishing 40-50-35-55-2130 Blank cards for water/sewer billing, flyers and resident notifications, as needed from time-to- time. Total $400.00 Auditing Services 40-50-35-55-2200 Includes the portion of the annual audit costs charged to the Water/Sewer Department. See detail for account 022012-552200 for more information on the line item. Total $8,000.00 Maintenance of Non Auto Equip 40-50-35-55-4130 Miscellaneous repairs to office type equipment related to water billing/collections and other water/sewer related functions for the entire calendar year budget period. Total $300.00 198 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Self-Insurance/IRMA Pool Contr 40-50-35-55-7130 This account provides for the payment of the Enterprise Fund's share of the annual IRMA insurance premium. More information is provided under account 022012-557130. The Village allocation between the General and Enterprise Fund's share is based on each Fund's net revenues and is as follows: Total $56,000.00 Village Share of Pension 40-50-35-55-7200 Total $1.00 Long Term Disability Insurance 40-50-35-55-7230 Water/Sewer Department's share of premiums for employee Long Term Disability insurance premiums. Total $2,000.00 Bank Fees 40-50-35-55-8130 Total $20,000.00 Contribution to CILIA Fund 40-50-35-55-8140 Total $94,132.00 Office Supplies 40-50-35-56-2180 Supplies purchased to keep records and reports for the entire calendar year budget period. Total $200.00 Reserve For IRMA Deductibles 40-50-35-58-1030 As a member of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Pool(IRMA),the Village is responsible for the first $2,500 on all claims filed and paid thru IRMA. This amount represents the Water Fund share of these deductibles. See account 022089-581030 for more detail. Total $5,000.00 Transfers To General Fund 40-50-35-81-1010 Represents the annual salary, overhead and other administrative expenses of the General Fund to be charged by the Enterprise Fund. The increase reflects expected changes in labor and supplies costs. Total $120,000.00 199 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:17 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 oval Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FIE Requested Proposed Adopted 40-50-35 Administration&Overhead El Personal Services 28,004 45,844 46,680 0.00 54-4300 Salary Dept Director 0.00 46,680 46,680 48,080 22,331 0 0 0.00 54-4430 Salary Assistant Dept Director 0.00 0 0 0 37,535 41,473 42,335 0.00 54-4611 Salary Meter Reader 0.00 45,825 45,825 47,200 86 28,106 29,154 0.00 54-4651 Salary Village Engineer 0.00 28,892 28,892 30,914 0 0 0 0.00 54-4658 Salary-Adrnin Assistant 0.00 0 0 0 22,034 24,348 17,193 0.00 54-4700 Salary Clerical 0.00 24,361 24,361 25,092 1,248 4,231 4,000 0.00 54-5100 Salaries Overtime 0.00 4,000 4,000 4,000 850 850 850 0.00 54-6100 Longevity 0.00 850 850 850 0 0 0 0.00 54-6110 Longevity-Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 9,156 11,039 11,855 0.00 54-7100 Social Security. 0.00 11,522 11,522 11,945 20,099 20,524 22,617 0.00 54-8100 Hospitalisation Insurance 0.00 24,879 24,879 26,010 o 93 4,962 0.00 54-8150 IMRF Employer Contribution 0.00 2,562 2,562 2,662 0 0 0 0.00 54-8160 General Pension-Mg Conmb 0.00 0 0 0 298 429 506 0.00 54-8300 Life Insurance 0.00 458 458 - 476 141,640 176,938 180,152 0 Personal Services Totals: 0.00 190,029 190,029 197,229 E2 Contractual Services o o 0 0.00 55-1100 Auto Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 55-1110 Mileage Allowance 0.00 0 0 0 501 439 500 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 500 500 500 157 22 300 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 200 200 200 350 415 500 0.00 55-1150 Training&Instructions 0.00 500 500 500 19,141 21,113 19,000 0.00 55-2110 Professional Services 0.00 22,000 22,000 22,000 13,964 18,339 18,000 0.00 55-2120 Postage&Meter Rental 0.00 18,500 18,500 18,500 154 0 1,000 0.00 55-2130 Printing And Publishing 0.00 400 400 400 o 0 0 0.00 55-2170 Programming&Software Fees 0.00 0 0 0 4,250 7,887 8,400 0.00 55-2200 Auditing Services 0.00 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 196 500 0.00 55-4130 Maintenance Of Non Auto Equip 0.00 300 300 300 0 0 0 0.00 554160 Maintenance Of Computers 0.00 0 0 0 54,217 60,052 62,000 0.00 55-7130 Self Insurance/irma Pool Contr 0.00 65,000 56,000 56,000 52,610 63,153 52,691 0.00 55-7200 Village Share Of Pension 0.00 I 1 1 2,037 2,085 1,722 0.00 55-7230 Long Term Disability Insurance 0.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 4 637 19,074 17,000 0.00 55-8130 Bank Fees 0.00 17,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 - 0.00 55-8140 Contribution to CNA Fund - 0.00 94,1132. 94,132 94,132 164,018 192,775 181,613 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 228,533 222,533 222,533 E3 Commodities 190 - 28 1,000 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies 0.00 200 200 200 190 28 1.000 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 200 200 200 E4 Machinery'&Equipment o 0 0 0.00 57-2010 Machinery&Equipment 0.00 0 0 0 205,913 197,553 0 0.00 57-2020 Depreciation Expense 0.00 0 0 0 205,913 197,553 0 0 Machinery&Equipment Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 E6 Reserve Expense 0 0 - 0 0.00 58-1010 Reserve For Eme r,ency/extra Ex 0.00 0 - 0 0 1,773 647 5,000 0.00 58-1030 Reserve For Irma Deductibles 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0.00 58-1060 Reserve For Compensation 0.00 25,617 25,617 0 0 0 0 0.00 58-1070 Reserve for hosp.increase 0.00 0 0 0 1,773 647 5,000 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 30,617 30,617 5,000 E7 Transfers Out 115,000 120,000 120.000 0.00 81-1010 Transfers To General Fund 0.00 120,000 120,000 120,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 0 Transfers Out Totals: 0.00 120,000 120,000 120,000 628,535 687,940 487,765 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 569,379 563,379 544,962 3,641,349 4,166,456 4,125,647 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 4,120,158 4,135,158 4,144,308 3,449,417 3,657,102 4,125,647 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 4,120,158 4,135,158 4,144,308 `/32 509,354 0 0 Enterprise-Water&Sewe Totals: - 0.00 0 0 0 3,641,349 4,166.456 4.125,647 0 Report REVENUES 000 4,120,158 4,135,158 4,144,303 3,449,417 3,657,102 4,125,647 0 Report EXPENSES 0.00 4,120,158 4,135,158 4,144,308 191,932 509,354 0 0 Report Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 200 Village of Morton Grove, Illinois Personnel Schedule Summary-CY 2006 Enterprise Fund -Administration &Overhead Department Adopted Adopted 2005 2006 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Director of Public Works (split) 46,680 0.50 48,080 0.50 Meter Reader 42,335 1.00 45 47,200 1.00 Village Engineer(split) 29,154 0.33 30,914 0.33 Billing Clerk(1 PT) 17,193 0.50 25,092 0.50 Total 135,362 2.33 151,286 2.33 Additional Personnel Services: Salaries -Overtime 4,000 4,000 Total 4,000 4,000 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 850 0.50 850 0.50 Social Security 11,855 2.33 11,945 2.33 Hospitalization insurance 22,617 1.83 26,010 1.83 "'-■ Life Insurance 506 1.83 476 1.83 IMRF 4,962 2.00 2,662 0.33 Total 40,790 41,943 Department Total 180,152 2.33 197,229 2.33 Note:Headcounts above are reported as Full Time Equivalents (FTE). If part-time, the FTE=.5. If salary split the FTE=the split percentage. 201 K . , • :i. ificit u 0 _TT0u @ _ o y Hi Eiv /�/ O U O D) J U\ HI / I&e� J \ J AJ LIv GENERAL EMPLOYEE PENSION FUND (C.N.A.) (51 ) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 420,711 $ - $ 395,036 Interest $ 357,000 $ - $ 347,171 Employee Contributions $ 59,506 $ - $ 91,212 ■ . Total $ 837,217 $ - $ 833,419 Expenses Contractual Services $ 233,000 $ - $ 231,898 Total $ 233,000 $ - $ 231,898 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 604,217 $ - $ 601,521 Opening Fund Balance $ 7,034,296 $ 7,034,296 $ 6,432,775 Ending Fund balance $ 7,638,513 $ 7,034,296 $ 7,034,296 202 --h -"N Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 CNA GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Village provides retirement benefits for all civilian (non-sworn) employees who work at least 1,000 hours per year. The coverage is provided through a private insurance retirement plan underwritten by the CNA Insurance Company. During 2005, employees employed with the Village on or before December 31, 2004, were provided the option to remain in the CNA Insurance Co. Pension Plan or transition to IMRF,while any new employees hired on or after January 1, 2005 are required to join IMRF. The purpose of this fund is to account for all activity in the CNA Insurance Company Pension Plan for those employees who opted to remain in the plan. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON FISCAL YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I. Resources were allocated to this fund to meet all pension obligations. 2. Actuarial reports were completed by an independent actuary and the Village set aside those resources recommended by the actuary. 3. The fund continues to make payments to retirees. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES-CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to allocate the necessary funds recommended by the actuary to insure adequate future funding of all pension liabilities. 2. Continue to pay benefits to retirees and/or their dependents. Contrib-Prop Tax-Gen'l Fund 51-00-00-41-1015 The property tax receipts are recorded in the General Fund and expensed out of the General Fund (Finance Department)as a contribution to the appropriate pension fund. This contribution is based on a yearly actuarial calculated contribution amount necessary for the fund to obtain a 100% funding level. Total $420,711.00 Interest Income 51-00-00-464010 This is the estimated amount of interest earnings on pension annuity investments maintained by C.N.A. Total $357,000.00 Employee Contributions 51-00-00-49-5010 Projected revenues from contributions to C.N.A. pension based on 2.0% of salaries withheld from participating employees. Total $59,506.00 Available Fund Balance 51-00-00-49-9999 Total ($604,217.00) 203 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Reserve for Pension Benefits 51-00-00-58-1040 This is the additional amount contributed which will decrease the unfunded liability as annually calculated by the actuary. Total $0.00 Retirement Benefit Payments 51-20-40-55-7210 The estimated amount to be paid to retirees directly from C.N.A.during 2006. Total $213,000.00 CNA Advisory Fees 51-20-40-55-8123 Total $20,000.00 204 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User: sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 kctual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Adopted �� 51 CNA Pension 51-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 0 395,036 0 0.00 41-1015 Connib-Prop Tax-Gen'l Fund 0.00 420,711 420,711 420,711 0 0 0 0.00 41-1020 Contnb-Repl Tax-Genii Fund 0.00 0 0 0 O 395,036 0 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 420,711 420,711 420,711 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 0 347,171 0 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 357,000 357,000 357,000 O 347,171 - 0 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 357,000 357,000 357,000 R9 - Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 212 0 0.00 49-5010 Employee Contributions 0.00 59,506 59,506 59,506 0 0.00 49-9000 DO NOT USE 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49-9999 Available Fund Balance 0.00 0 (604,217) (604,217) 0 91,212 0 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 59,506 (544,711) (544,711) O 833,419 0 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 837,217 233,000 233,000 E6 Reserve Expense 0 0 0 0.00 58-1040 Reserve for Pension Benefits 0.00 604,217 0 0 O 0 0 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 604,217 0 0 0 0 0 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 604,217 0 0 51-20-00 E2 Contractual Services O 0 0 0.00 55-7200 DO NOT USE 0.00 0 0 0 0 212,139 0 0.00 55-7210 Retirement Benefit Payments 0.00 213,000 213,000 213,000 0 0 0 0.00 55-8121 Professional Fees 0.00 0 0 0 ` 0 19,759 0 0.00 55-8123 CNA Advisory Fees 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 231,898 0 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 233,000 233,000 233,000 O 231,898 0 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 233,000 233,000 233,000 O 833,419 0 0 Fund REVENUES 0 231,898 0 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 837,217 233,000 233,000 837,217 233,000 233,000 O 601,521 0 0 CNA Pension Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 205 94411L- tfr \_\([ ri (2J D5ncji JJig H1 FIRE PENSION FUND (52) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes& Contributions $ 864,468 $ 504,604 $ 400,775 Investment $ 350,741 $ 388,449 $ 1,498,313 Misc. $ 330,853 $ 302,139 $ 269,232 Total $ 1,546,062 $ 1,195,192 $ 2,168,319 Expenses Contractual Services $ 1,443,462 $ 1,385,294 $ 1,312,308 Commodities $ 2,600 $ 2,929 $ 1,124 Reserve Expense $ 100,000 $ - $ - Total $ 1,546,062 $ 1,388,223 $ 1,313,432 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ (193,031) $ 854,887 Opening Fund Balance $ 18,951,954 $ 19,144,985 $ 18,290,098 Ending Fund balance $ 18,951,954 $ 18,951,954 $ 19,144,985 206 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 FIREFIGHTERS PENSION FUND DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Firefighters Pension Fund is a pension find trust separately accounting for and specifically regulated by Illinois law(Chapter 40 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Article 4). The Fund accounts for benefits paid to retired and/or permanently disabled firefighters or their widows pursuant to State law. Revenues are derived from property and replacement taxes,investment earnings on assets and a mandatory 9.455%payroll deduction by current sworn personnel. The Firefighters Pension Fund is governed by a separate nine person board. Pursuant to State law noted above,the Board consists of two firefighters elected among "their own ranks," the Village President,Village Attorney, Village Clerk, Village Treasurer,Fire Chief and one beneficiary elected from the current beneficiaries. The Pension Board is responsible for approving(or denying)disability or retirement benefits. The dollar amount of pension benefits paid to retired and/or permanently disabled firefighters (or their survivors) are set by State law. The Board also has the responsibility to invest the monies of the Pension Fund(and retains the services of an investment advisor). The monies are under the custody of the Village Treasurer. There are currently forty-two (42)active participants contributing to the Firefighters Pension Fund and thirty-one(31)persons who will be receiving either retirement, disability or survivor benefits during the upcoming fiscal year. As of the December 31,2004, audited financial statements for this fund, show net assets exceeded $19.1 million. An independent actuary is retained by the Village each year to determine current funded levels and any contributions necessary to maintain the plan accordingly. The actuarial report as of December 31,2004, showed a funded level of 59.1%. Last year's funding level was 67.1%. Based on the actuary's recommendation and with the funded level below 100%, the Village will increase its monetary contribution to this pension program. We have proposed an increase in the property tax levy from$493,734 to $807,808 to help address this issue. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON FISCAL YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Continued to provide service to current active participants (sworn personnel) with retirement projections and other questions that arise. 2. The Pension Fund was audited by auditors as part of the annual Village audit. 3. Annual actuarial valuation was performed to determine finding level. 4. Personnel received training on the new Illinois Department of Insurance software that was utilized for filing the December 31, 2004,Annual Pension Fund Statement. ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to meet or exceed the benchmark for investment return on the current portfolio (Lehman Intermediate Government Bond Index and S&P 500 Equity Index). 2. Continue to follow-up on the advice of the Board's investment advisor as he evaluates the recommendation/activity of the investment manager within the guidelines of the investment policy. 3. Insure benefit checks to current retirees and/or beneficiaries are distributed on a timely basis. 4. Continue to provide service to current active participants (sworn personnel) with retirement projections and other questions that arise. 5. Begin using the IDOI web site to take advantage of information regarding upcoming events, reference laws, rules and legislative bills, biennial reports and the benefit calculator. 207 ' et Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 BUDGET COMMENTS '\ Total appropriation requests have increased from$1,461,871 to$1,546,062, an increase of $84,191 or 5.8% from the prior year. This was due mainly to 1 more person being paid benefits in 2006 than in 2005. As in past years, we have appropriated funds sufficient to cover all anticipated operating expenses of the pension program, including a substantial reserve to cover any needs unanticipated at this time but which may arise during the year. Contribution From Fire 52-00-00-41-1015 As of CY 2004,the pension funds no longer directly report receipt of property tax in the pension funds. The property tax receipt is recorded in the General Fund and expensed out of the General Fund as a contribution to the appropriate pension fund. This contribution is based on a yearly actuarial calculated contribution amount necessary for the fund to attain a 100%funding level. Total $854,808.00 Personal Property Replacement 52-00-00-41-2030 Share of replacement tax to fund. See General Fund for further information. Total $9,660.00 Interest Income 52-00-00-46-1010 Estimated earnings from the fire pension portfolio. This includes Interest and Dividend Income and '1 changes in the market value in the Fixed Income and Equity holdings. Total $350,741.00 Miscellaneous Donations 52-00-00-49-2020 Donations given by appreciative recipients of service from Fire personnel historically credited to this account. Total $100.00 Employee Contributions 52-00-00-49-5010 Projected revenues from contributions to Fire pension based on 9.455%of salaries(including longevity,holiday pay and shift differential)as pursuant to State Statutes. In 2004,the contribution increased by 1%. Total $330,753.00 Dues & Subscriptions 52-20-40-55-1120 Projected expenditures for periodicals related to pensions. Total $200.00 208 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Meetings And Conferences 52-20-40-55-1130 Projected expenditures for attending seminars related to pensions. Total $2,000.00 Additional Legal Fees 52-20-40-55-6120 Annual retainer for pension fund attorney and additional legal fees projected during the calendar year for items not covered under the retainer. Additional legal fees $10,000.00 Pension attorney retainer $1,500.00 Total $11,500.00 Retirement/Service Benefits 52-20-40-55-7210 Revised generally accepted accounting principles require a separate line item to account for each type. They are summarized as follows: Total $908,344.00 Duty Disability Benefits 52-20-40-55-7212 See account 52-20-40-55-7212 for further information. Total $288,630.00 Surviving Spouse Benefits 52-20-40-55-7214 See account 50-20-40-55-7212 for further information. Total $105,740.00 Occupational Disease Pensions 52-20-40-55-7218 Total $53,048.00 Refund of Employee Pension Con 52-20-40-55-7300 Projected refund of pension contributions of terminated employees ineligible for pensions. Total $20,000.00 Medical Exams&Expenses 52-20-40-55-8122 Projected expenditures for medical exams related to investigating medical fitness of new employees (50%share with Village General Fund)and firefighters applying for disability pension and for those firefighters currently receiving a disability pension. Total $10,000.00 209 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Investment Advisor Fees 52-20-40-55-8123 Projected investment advisory fees for advisory and custodial services. Fees based on market value of investments managed. Amuescap 8,500 Northern Trust Quantitative Advisors 21,000 Becker,Burke&Associates 10.500 Total $40,000.00 Department of Insurance Fees 52-20-40-55-8128 The Department of Insurance assesses a fee of.0002%on the funds net assets. Total $4,000.00 Other Miscellaneous 52-20-40-55-8129 Secretarial fees and other expenses not covered by accounts above. Total $2,500.00 Office Supplies 52-20-40-56-2180 —� Office supplies for the calendar year budget period. Total $100.00 Reserve For Pension Benefits 52-20-40-58-1040 Reserve for additional disability/retirement pensions and other expenditures which may be incurred during the calendar year budget period. Total $100,000.00 210 Village of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 User:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 -teal Actual Ad_ opted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested Proposed Adopted 52 Firefighters Pension v 52-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 320,240 0 0 0.00 41-1010 Property Taxes 0.00 0 0 0 0 393,373 493,734 0.00 41-1015 Contribution From Fire 0.00 804,808 804,808 854,808 6,613 7,402 8,053 0.00 41-2030 Personal Property Replacement 0.00 8,385 9,660 9,660 326,853 400,775 501,787 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 813,193 814,468 864,468 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 438,812 378,303 659,281 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 402,016 400,741 350,741 14,074 16,390 0 0.00 46-1030 Dividend Income 0.00 0 0 0 452,886 394,694 659,281 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 402,016 400,741 350,741 Re Transfers In 0 0 0 0.00 48-1060 Transfer from Economic Dev Fd 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers In Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 R9 Miscellaneous Revenue (205,480) (38,409) 0 0.00 46-5010 Net Aprtn(dpm)Fv Fixed Inc S 0.00 0 0 0 2,057,166 1,142,028 0 0.00 46-5020 Net Aprm Fv Equity Securities 0.00 0 0 0 100 140 100 0.00 49-2020 Miscellaneous Donations 0.00 100 100 100 250,111 269,092 300,703 0.00 49-5010 Employee Contributions 0.00 330,753 330,753 330,753 2,101,897 1,372,851 300,803 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 330,853 330,853 330,853 2,881,636 2,168.319 1,461,871 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,546,062 52-20-40 Firefighters'Pension E2 Contractual Services 0 0 200 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 200 200 200 710 0 2,000 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 2,000 2,000 2000 274 14.147 11,500 0.00 55-6120 Additional Legal Fees 0.00 11,500 11,500 11,500 1e1,738 862,929 885,105 0.00 55-7210 Retiremenbservice Benefits 0.00 908,344 908,344 908,344 240,442 282,953 286,068 0.00 55-7212 Duty Disability Benefits 0.00 288,630 288,630 288,630 7,306 0 0 0.00 55-7213 Non-duty Disability Benefits 0.00 0 0 0 83,577 94,659 105,740 0.00 55-7214 Surviving Spouse Benefits 0.00 105,740 105,740 105,740 4,364 3,856 0 0.00 55-7216 Childrens'Benefits 0.00 0 0 0 0 7,135 0 0.00 55-7218 Occupational Disease Pensions 0.00 53,048 53,048 53,048 0 0 20,000 0.00 55-7300 Refund Of Employee Pension Con 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 6,466 2,458 10,000 0.00 55-8122 Medical Exams&Expenses 0.00 10,000 10,000 10,000 35,540 40,796 35,000 0.00 55-8123 Investment Advisor Fees 0.00 40,000 40,000 40,000 1,192 3,375 3,658 0.00 55-8128 Department Of Insurance Fees 0.00 4,000 4,000 4000 1,083 1,124 2,500 0.00 55-8129 Other Miscellaneous 0.00 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,141,691 1,313,432 1,361,771 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,445,962 1,445,962 1,445,962 E3 Commodities - - 0 0 100 0.00 56-2180 Office Supplies 0.00 100 100 100 O 0 100 0 Commodities Totals: 0.00 100 100 100 E6 Reserve Expense 0 0 100,000 0.00 58-1040 Reserve For Pension Benefits 0.00 100,000 100,000 100,000 O 0 100,000 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,141,691 1,313,432 1,461,871 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,546,062 2,881,636 2,168,319 1,461,871 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,141,691 1,313,432 1,461,871 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,546,062 1,739,944 854,887 0 0 Firefighters'Pension Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 211 *.da .TUEH g N"7 Z-�� � °3JIJ� gI ,� POLICE PENSION FUND (53) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes & Contributions $ 657,032 $ 456,146 $ 376,618 Investment $ 760,359 $ 550,426 $ 821,651 Misc. $ 331,790 $ 323,777 $ 305,169 �. Total $ 1,749,181 $ 1,330,348 $ 1,503,437 Expenses Contractual Services $ 1,649,181 $ 1,472,920 $ 1,417,949 Commodities $ - $ - $ _ Reserve Expense $ 100,000 $ - $ 24,424 Total $ 1,749,181 $ 1,472,920 $ 1,442,373 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ (142,572) $ 61,064 Opening Fund Balance $ 23,409,647 $ 23,552,219 $ 23,491,155 Ending Fund balance $ 23,409,647 $ 23,409,647 $ 23,552,219 212 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 POLICE PENSION FUND DEPARTMENT/ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Police Pension Fund is a pension trust fund separately accounting for and specifically regulated by Illinois law(Chapter 40 of Illinois Compiled Statutes, Article 3). The fund accounts for benefits paid to retired and/or permanently disabled police officers or their widows pursuant to State law. Revenues are derived from investment earnings on its assets and mandatory 9.91% payroll deduction by current sworn personnel. The Police Pension Fund is governed by a separate, five person pension board. Pursuant to State law, the Board consists of two sworn police officers elected among"their own ranks,"two mayoral appointments, and one beneficiary elected from the current beneficiaries. The Pension Board is responsible for approving(or denying) disability or retirement benefits. The dollar amount of pension benefits paid to retired and/or permanently disabled police officers (or their survivors)are set by State law. The Board also has the responsibility to invest the monies of the Pension Fund(and retains the services of an investment advisor). The monies are under the custody of the Village Treasurer. There are currently forty-six(46)active participants contributing to the Police Pension Fund and thirty-seven(37)persons who are recently receiving either retirement, disability or survivor benefits during the upcoming fiscal year. As of the December 31, 2004, audited financial statements,net assets exceeded$23.6 million. An independent actuary is retained each year by the Village to determine current funding levels and any contributions necessary to maintain the plan accordingly. The actuarial report for the fiscal year ending December 31,2004, indicated a funded ratio of 72.1%. Based on the actuary's recommendation and with the funded level falling below 100%,the Village will have to increase its monetary contribution to this pension program. We have proposed an increase in the property tax levy from$456,146 to 607,032 for the Calendar Year 2006 budget to help address this issue. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT-PROGRESS ON FISCAL YEAR 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Continued to provide service to current active participants(sworn personnel) with retirement projections and any other questions that arise. 2. The pension fund was audited by auditors as part of the annual Village audit. 3. Annual actuarial valuation was performed to determine funding level. 4. Personnel received training on the new Illinois Department of Insurance software that was utilized for filing the December 31, 2004,Annual Pension Fund Statement ANNUAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES-CALENDAR YEAR 2006 1. Continue to meet or exceed the benchmark for investment return on the current portfolio (Lehman Intermediate Government Bond Index and S&P 500 Equity Index). 2. Continue to provide service to current active participants (sworn personnel)with retirement projections and any other questions that arise. 3. Insure benefit checks to current retirees and/or beneficiaries are distributed on a timely basis. 4. Begin using the IDOI web site to take advantage of information regarding upcoming events, reference laws,rules and legislative bills, biennial reports and the benefit calculator. 213 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 BUDGET COMMENTS "'"N Total appropriation requests have increased from$1,582,765 to $1,749,181, an increase of $166,416. As in past years,we have appropriated funds sufficient to cover all anticipated operating expenses of the pension program, including a substantial reserve to cover any needs unanticipated at this time but which may arise during the year. Contribution From Police 53-00-00-41-1015 As of CY 2004,the pension funds no longer directly report receipt of property tax in the pension funds. The property tax receipt is recorded in the General Fund and expensed out of the General Fund as a contribution to the appropriate pension fund. This contribution is based on a yearly actuarial calculated contribution amount necessary for the fund to attain a 100% funding level. Total $657,032.00 Interest Income 53-00-00-46-1010 Estimated earnings from the police pension portfolio. This includes Interest and Dividend Income and changes in the market value in the Fixed Income and Equity holdings. Total $760,359.00 Employee Contributions 53-00-00-49-5010 Projected revenues from sworn police contributions based on 9.91%of salary (plus longevity and as. holiday pay)pursuant to State Statutes. Total $331,790.00 Dues& Subscriptions 53-20-39-55-1120 Projected membership to Illinois Police Pension Fund Association and other miscellaneous subscriptions. Total $750.00 Meetings and Conferences 53-20-39-55-1130 Projected costs for Police Pension board members to attend pension related seminars. Total $500.00 Additional Legal Fees 53-20-39-55-6120 Projected legal costs on police pension related matters during the calendar year budget period. Total $5,000.00 214 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Retirement/Service Benefits 53-20-39-55-7210 There are a total of 37 persons budgeted to receive pension benefits during Calendar Year 2006. Revised generally accepted accounting principles require a separate line item for each type of benefit. They are summarized below: Total $1,392,683.00 Duty Disability Benefits 53-20-39-55-7212 See account 53-20-39-55-7210 for further information. Total $69,158.00 Surviving Spouse Benefits 53-20-39-55-7214 See account 53-20-39-55-7210 for further information. Total $127,490.00 Refund of Employee Pension Con 53-20-39-55-7300 Projected refund of pension contributions from terminated sworn personnel ineligible for pension benefits. Total $20,000.00 Medical Exams&Expenses 53-20-39-55-8122 Projected costs for pension fund's share of physicals on new police officers and physicals on those who are on disability as required by law. Total $1,000.00 Investment Advisor Fees 53-20-39-55-8123 Projected fees to investment advisor/manager on investment portfolio during Calendar Year. Total $27,000.00 Secretarial Services 53-20-39-55-8124 Projected expenditures for secretarial support. Total $500.00 Department of Insurance Fees 53-20-39-55-8128 The Department of Insurance assesses a fee of.0002%on the Fund's net assets. Total $5,000.00 215 71 Village of Morton Grove Calendar Year 2006 Other Miscellaneous 53-20-39-55-8129 Other expenditures for items not covered by accounts above. Total $100.00 Reserve For Pension Benefits 53-20-39-58-1040 Projected reserves for additional disability/retirement pensions and other expenditures which may be incurred during the calendar year budget period. Total $100,000.00 216 /illage of Morton Grove General Ledger Printed: 11/15/2005 15:06 Iser:sdraz Budget Proposal Report For Fiscal Year:2006 2003 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 'ual Actual Adopted Estimated Account Description FTE Requested ProptiQ:1 Adopted V 53 Police Pension 53-00-00 Unassigned RI Tax Revenue 251,356 0 0 0.00 41-1010 Property Taxes 0.00 0 0 0 0 376,618 456,146 0.00 41-1015 Contribution From Police 0.00 607,032 607,032 657,032 251,356 376,618 456,146 0 Tax Revenue Totals: 0.00 607,032 607,032 657,032 R6 Investment and Rental Revenue 849,727 641,018 802,324 0.00 46-1010 Interest Income 0.00 810,359 810,359 760,359 6,586 8,724 0 0.00 46-1030 Dividend Income 0.00 0 0 0 856,313 649,742 802,324 0 Investment and Rental Rev Totals: 0.00 810,359 810,359 760,359 Miscellaneous Revenue (373,816) (165,482) 0 0.00 46-5010 Net Aprtn(dpm)Fv Fixed Inc S 0.00 0 0 0 654,659 337,390 0 0.00 46-5020 Net Aprtn Fv Equity Securities 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49-2020 Miscellaneous Donations 0.00 0 0 0 296,803 305,169 324,295 0.00 49-5010 Employee Contributions 0.00 331,790 331,790 331,790 577,647 477,078 324,295 0 Miscellaneous Revenue Totals: 0.00 331,790 331,790 331,790 1,685,316 1,503,437 1,582,765 0 REVENUES Totals: 0.00 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,749,181 53-20-39 Police Pension E2 Contractual Services 219 750 700 0.00 55-1120 Dues&Subscriptions 0.00 750 750 750 1,150 0 500 0.00 55-1130 Meetings And Conferences 0.00 500 500 500 3,844 350 5,000 0.00 55-6120 Additional Legal Fees 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,135,933 1,189,350 1,226,617 0.00 55-7210 Retirementservice Benefits 0.00 1,392,683 1,392,683 1,392,683 44,800 69,158 69,158 0.00 55-7212 Duty Disability Benefits 0.00 69,158 69,158 69,158 127,490 127,490 127,490 0.00 55-7214 Surviving Spouse Benefits 0.00 127,490 127,490 127,490 18,725 0 20,000 0.00 55-7300 Refund Of Employee Pension Con 0.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,746 403 1,000 0.00 55-8122 Medical Exams&Expenses 0.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 728 25,513 27,000 0.00 55-8123 Investment Advisor Fees 0.00 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 0 500 0.00 55-8124 Secretarial Services 0.00 500 500 500 ,591 4,685 4,700 0.00 55-8128 Department Of Insurance Fees 0.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 250 100 0.00 55-8129 Other Miscellaneous 0.00 100 100 100 1,362,525 1,417,949 1,482,765 0 Contractual Services Totals: 0.00 1,649,181 1,649,181 1,649,181 E6 Reserve Expense 0 24,424 100,000 0.00 58-1040 Reserve For Pension Benefits 0.00 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 24,424 100,000. 0 Reserve Expense Totals: 0.00 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,362,525 1,442,373 1,582,765 0 EXPENDITURES Totals: 0.00 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,685,316 1,503,437 1,582,765 0 Fund REVENUES 0.00 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,362,525 1,442,373 1,582,765 0 Fund EXPENSES 0.00 1,749,181 1,749,181 1,749,181 322,791 61,064 0 0 Police Pension Totals: 0.00 0 0 0 29,989,122 32,979,802 44,980,900 0 Report REVENUES 0.00 48,474,439 47,604,265 48,171,894 30,860,914 32,845,651 44,980,900 0 Report EXPENSES 0.00 49,674,272 47,604,265 48,171,895 (871,793) 134,151 0 0 Report Totals: 0.00 (1,799,833) 0 (I) 217 ....... VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE SUMMARY BUDGET Proposed Budget o1. VE 4 o 0 o O Fbi.i _ January 1, 2006 to December 31 , 2006 Prepared by Scot Neukirch,Finance Director �a: �. rte; , -\.y . ffiTH 0 Evw VU 2C)(7„ „„, o5� Jl HIV FERRIS/LEHIGH TIF FUND (15) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Property Tax Increment $ 1,355,000 $ 952,658 $ 619,411 Grants $ - $ 15,464 $ - Interest& Rental $ 5,000 $ 11,506 $ 12,724 Note Proceeds $ 9,500,000 $ - $ - '. Misc. $ 3,000,000 $ - $ - Total $ 13,860,000 $ 979,628 $ 632,135 Expenses Contractual Services $ 3,298,065 $ 333,755 $ 1,175,581 Capital Purchase $ 10,494,000 $ - $ - Principal and Interest $ 223,642 $ 567,151 $ 264,579 Total $ 14,015,707 $ 900,906 $ 1,440,160 Revenues Minus Expenses $ (155,707) $ 78,722 $ (808,025) Opening Fund Balance $ 759,322 $ 680,600 $ 1,488,625 Ending Fund balance $ 603,615 $ 759,322 $ 680,600 150 vil 1 is ro ..„'m rt. 7 1 It F- i ism Fun r. N et. n. . ,,, , ,--,..-- , -st pit tr SUMMARY BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS FUND BALANCE SUMMARY 1 SUMMARIES BY BY FUND General Fund 3 General Fund by Department 4 Public Works Expense Summary 5 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 6 E911 Fund 7 Public Library 8 Ferris/Lehigh TIF Fund 9 Economic Development Fund 10 Waukegan TIF Fund 11 Commuter Parking Fund 12 Debt Service Fund 13 Capital Projects Fund 14 Water/Sewer Fund 15 General Employee Pension Fund 16 Fire Pension Fund 17 Police Pension Fund 18 EXHIBITS Property Tax Summary 20 Sales Tax by Fund 21 2005 Debt Service Summary 22 General Fund Reconciliation of Changes (2005 Projected to 2005 Budget) 23 General Fund Reconciliation of Changes (2006 Budget to 2005 Projection) 24 General Fund Reconciliation of Changes (2006 Budget to 20050 Budget) 25 N m m r O N m O m m 0 0 0 0 0 00 Om, m ° ' m m In 0 co.N m Y1 m$ r -C C C m N m 0 m 0 N m N. CO m 10 W P m c m m N r n " a O. m m " mC a P e--0 0 N N O 69 69 400069 6940 w 069 00 69 000 B O O N 1- N -yye�t 0 a Y On N tl m r N m N�+I� s NC9PnO °o 0 is +[�jy��.L LL O N n fD I,S° C m Coy a a a a a a a 40040»»69 0 0 69 069 mn▪ m NN ° NON « 0100 000100 C u, Lel pp N N N m N N N ' ' P p m 0 m O n y C 1[ m N O O N r 0 M) 10 N N F k N 0 P d P O W I3 w 00040 64 006969 6906940 0 69 69 69 in On 0 N 0 0 ,- 070 .- n m m n 0 N N O in ' O N 0 A 0 N O E O- N 0 0 m N 0 n n 0 m to E. N N N m 0 N 8 N 0 10 A O N 0 N a. 0 N 1 P w a 69»w w w 69 69 w w w»w w 69 w CO _ y N 0 N r O P N 0 0 N m 0 m N t O O 0 00) n A OI N �N0 0' 0 0 0 0(0 i C W V 0 N 0 4.0 r• 0 0 < m O 0 C CO LL m a < )n n 0 N N- emu? . 0 w 069 69 6906969 069 40 w 6969 69 69 6969 F < ib N 0 O O P N N N 0 O O• U N • N n N O N n b N r4.0 ' O N W C , m y ryy O N 0 r N 0 b NP =Q p N W LL - m r r N P P 'Cb ,- .- m > cq D = m O C H 69 696969»»w»»»69 69»69 »»w» ,0 .. 0 ILI O N N n d O P N O 0I` OC ; • N m N V J V p N in O CE O ° n - 00 O0 m < o d N N z W r r ' N O m aDm M p .- f N Q0] N u 0 069 4064 06969 00 w 69 19 69 69 069 69 Ct UCC) O LL n ° m . On ° N m0 - 000 ° N m Nm m e m N. P ' O O.ol OC.PP °m NP Z N NN CCN NCN °' °-01001000) 0 m10m m N N r m N Y t0 n 0410. en O /yam V- 040 69ww69 69»»ww69069 w 4069 69 0 W W LL `.°'�'+.- N m ^ 0 '60 ,0000 0 m m O 0 0 mod` :-.,C °cn °a m r Om On r co t.-' 0PO PN PP LC) CO Q yw'aa'3 0 r m N r m r 0 r 0 n F O O r n h Q "°:LL �0 r N h 0 N co nal• W/ » »w»40 040 69 069 6969 69 69 w w 69 QV T' m n m CO N N 2 P N T N co n N O r 0 m n •an-'0 9 0 n O m O • 0 O m N N N O N N N m .N C LL C O 0 0J ,. N 0 m 1�'- 0 N 0 1- 0 m m N N r 0 r n n L Be 0 S m° a a a as a a a»a a a a a a a 4069 .6' h N. 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 010 N O m N N P - - h0 ^ P N 0 m On •- 0 m 0 CO N m CO P m n `' N n n N C 0 0 ^ 0 n 0 r * r O N P CO P N 00 N N 0 * N- r ' O m P N N'P W m m N _.a w a»a a a a a a a w w w» w 69 0 0 d O N m 2 n 2 2 ' N O 0 0 m 0 m P O m Tn., 9 m N N r m 1O O r N m rd.0 - N.0 a n 0 N 10 O m Q C O N N N r 0 0 1N� m n C m 0 0 n r . N Nrm O0 N 69 040 6969 6969»6969 69696969 69696969 O P N N p 000.0.4- °.000.m P O Cn 0 0 n m P m N m ID CO t o)O N • n0 9 0 0 N O n m N O Nor,0 0 C m th N N Q N O Q 01 0 N 0 Y O O 0 C. m r N 0 o m 0 N P 0 as 69 0 69 6969006969 4069 69696969 Z. 2 m O O E o c ~ 4 9 C C 1 LL 1'c 9 a' 0 669 m m O a m.LL O C d O LL• X'= OH j1_Y � � CC `' ~w E E r om 40 0 `m m o c a s m o a w m u g `m.2 o%Z m N ▪ O C J-IL -' 0 0_o d c : m o 'm m a m m $ m E m -m r ?m 'o U• M EC w0-03 w 88 0ii u SUMMARIES BY FUND FISCAL YEAR 2006 * "we tie 1\yf Li IT ‘.., H g ,D2 rod y r PW U U l °9 M Th-jig U GENERAL FUND (02) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 17,932,949 $ 16,363,831 $ 15,291,077 License & Permits $ 1,205,200 $ 1,195,332 $ 1,157,687 Fines $ 288,000 $ 294,352 $ 253,663 Charges for Services $ 553,465 $ 567,830 $ 478,228 Grants $ 225,288 $ 175,000 $ 79,915 investment& Rental $ 157,960 $ 182,394 $ 120,666 Debt Proceeds $ 326,000 $ 285,000 $ - Transfers In $ 528,895 $ 536,557 $ 526,747 Misc $ 288,000 $ 471,274 $ 395,909 Total $ 21,505,757 $ 20,071,570 $ 18,303,891 Expenses Personal Services $ 13,986,850 $ 13,256,629 $ 12,346,633 Contractual Services $ 5,607,939 $ 4,474,895 $ 4,571,245 Commodities $ 625,642 $ 656,201 $ 601,016 Machinery& Equipment $ 795,148 $ 632,363 $ 157,844 Reserves $ 406,349 $ 96,732 $ 249,495 Transfers Out $ 83,829 $ 112,478 $ 166,891 Total $ 21,505,757 $ 19,229,299 $ 18,093,124 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 842,271 $ 210,767 Opening Fund Balance $ 4,682,302 $ 3,840,031 $ 3,629,264 Ending Fund balance $ 4,682,302 $ 4,682,302 $ 3,840,031 Cash balance at the end of 2004 was$1,664,837. - 3 - General Fund Expenses by Department Budget 2006 orarllpnderl oeedlpaer) �� Personal Contractual Machinery Trenton vs 2005 vs 2005 Deaarbnent Services Services Commodities &Equipment Reserves Out Tobl Proietllon Rec Rest Budget Roc Re10 Legitlabt 64,26200 33,28500 1500.03 6 - 119,127.0 10.63955 S 821)0 y V^ .y MnWYNtivn 447,463.0 35.30.0 3,10.0 9 305040 189.863.0 78,8040 5 (5S%95)-} Legal 104,8400 302,175.00 487,015.0 216,400 r Community Oevekpmem 120,62155 14100.0 80.0 135321.55 45,25637 4 S 4. 5.55 - r Finance 4923035 1242229.0 1500.0 - $ 83,8290 1,63,3610 116,13618 2 $ 30640.85 .141151`k---Li Management Information Services 85123.70 2053420 5,450.0 36,500 415,415.76 0.00073 . S 2722679 A 1 g� Resents S 40,34913 406,349 13 309,6160 �5 $ 115249.11 £ F -.. Police 5.162,1309 76 1,324,363,0 9726100 143500 6728.09316 551,07025 '°' S 5998472 1 F08 4,45120.69 1119.619.0 915200 443,0880 6,135,420.08 01,07165 j 441076.95 'Y Cud Prepardess 1291.0 5769.0 3,30.9 1,030 11,410.50 4,16636 , S 65380 . 3 Sheets&Sidewalks 147425039 2133700 89,60.0 7,00 9 179120.38 50,6000 $ -'j 11115]9 w jn Erykeerro 26617020 1670.0 2,70030 28557020 1506545 s Y 9 (51580) ,fir 5091 Waste Collection 636.9320 - 635,03320 9527293 $ 18,94420 Vehicle Marnienance 134296.32 64,650.0 286234 t0 685,1032 (43,5063) I )' 6 079932 y F Family and Senor Services 410,60252 35233.0 5702.0 457,73252 5724597 1 570952$ �ta., Se Services 46,123.9 51,9569 1120.0 11232800 `52035 him S &7070 ,4?_",:. 94 And Inspectional Services 454,0945 1130.0 1,550.9 467,714.45 22,86129 ray S (1110 SS)'lz-s i°s.. Municipal Buluvsos 173260 1291300 7325.9 16109.0 314,751.9 66,3530 9.8' .`:5 97,324.0 -1,4 ";'k' 13086,849.67 5,607,93920 625,642,0 70,14800 S 406.349.13 5 63,826.9 2150,757.0 227645822 9 1,06,776.9 General Fund Expenses by Department Projected 2005 Person& Contractual Machinery Transient Dewrtrent Service Santos Commodities &Equipment Reserves Out Total Le906l5606 7539.57 28,887.0 4,90.9 S 10,487.42 859040488e90 361.31529 32,732,51 3,90.9 S 13,000.00 410,08.96 Legal 101,7034 138,78827 240,554.11 Community Development 80393,45 947143 1,90.9 9806528 Finance 39423832 1,196.023.66 12,188.16 5 112477.71 1,717228 67 • Management'Nomalkn Selvtes 75119.76 237,905.07 426023 47,3905 365365.06 Resents $ 9,732.45 9.732.45 Police 49348137 1110.059.79 0257.02 115.115.9 6.1770338 Floe 4383.50436 746336.73 0,368.0 350,1460 5574158.14 CIW Pnpydrev 520.08 3.61427 200.70 7222.14 56ee6&Sidewalks 1404548.01 20,455.53 62320.40 75130,0 1725324.0 Engineering 250,025.44 18188.66 22915 - 270504.75 Solid Waste Collection 540.76027 540,76027 Vehicle Maintenance 3115051 45,55126 342279.18 295910 729.0169 Family and Senior Seniors 36057625 32570.94 7.34428 - 4949135 Senor Services 44,073.71 57.14551 10589.07 • 111.08.35 Bldg.And lrspe45mWl Services 435,047.0 567032 92411 44350.16 • MuNtlpal Buildings 13 391,06 155,44.62 626122 43300.0_ 21639710 13256,626 IC 447489.34 8020146 63220.0 S 9,73245 S 112477.71 1922920.78 General Fund Expenses by Department Budget 2005 Personal Contractual Machinery Transfers Department Senices Services Conned6Ms &Equipment Reserves _ Out Total Lsgsadse 76,620.9 31,590 00 89.9 S 110,810.9 AdnvasaaWn 438,020.9 40,440.9 3,0000 S 13000.0 494,10.9 Legal 94248.0 10,675.9 39,82 .06 Community Development 115,746,00 14,450.0 1450.0 131,646.00 FYNne 461,029.0 070,415.9 17,0.0.9 $ 65,612.9 1.514.06.0 - Management Information Services 75,545 00 257,694.00 4,00.0 47,900.0 385,189.0 Reserves $ 299.000.02 388,09.@ Police 4,971,846.0 1,019,9090 89.764.00 11550.0 6227,100,04 Fire 429649.01 75691.0 0110.9 533.800 CO 5.8&25101 CFA PRpardress 70.9 5,160.9 3,150.00 1,79.9 10.757.00 Streets&Sdewalks 1,429,704.0 219501.00 9,49.0 23,30.9 1,773,95.9 Eryveertg 254510.0 2920.9 2,00.00 - 266,99.9 509 Waste Collection 6160690 6161188.9 VeNMe Maintenance 316,31100 50.188,9 29,402.9 29.50.00 676161.0 Family end Senior Services 351,611,00 40,746.9 7,8900 - 49,3000 Senor Services 39,454.0 52,3003 11750.0 • 10,632.0 949.And Oryspwnal Services 460599.9 10760.9 2500.01 M11,8155 DO • Maicpal BLAU:nos 16321.03 179.961 t0 7275.9 133050 217457.9 13,415,111.02 4,46135.03 621,019.9 763.93.9 $ 20,90.0 5 65.612 9 19,618.99.07 * See rec ref#in the reconciliations in the exhibits section for more detail on variances. '1 - 4 - Public Works Expenses by Department Budget 2006 overqunder) over/(under) Personal Contractual Machinery vs 2005 vs 2005 Department Services Services Commodities &Equipment Total Projection Rec Ref It Budget Rec Ret# Streets&Sidewalks $ 1,474,250.39 $ 21337030 $ 89,900.00 $ 7300.00 $ 1,78532039 $ 5939636 $ 11,11639 Engineering $ 266,170.20 $ 16,700.00 $ 2,700.00 $ - $ 285,570.20 $ 15,08545 *` ,-g-cn $ (518 80) Solid Waste Collection $ 636,033.20 $ - $ 636,033.20 $ 95,272.93 $ 19,944.20 Vehicle Maintenance $ 334,296.32 $ 64.650.00 $286.234.00 S • S 685,180.32 $ (43,83663) 'i4;:lek $ 879932 $ 2,074,716.91 $ 931,253.20 $378,834.00 5 7,000.00 $ 3,391,804.11 $ 126,198.11 $ 39,340.11 Public Works Expenses by Department Projected 2005 Personal Contractual Machinery - Department Services Services Commodities &Equipment Total Streets&Sidewalks $ 1.404,548.01 $ 208,45533 $ 87,320.49 $ 25,000.00 $ 1,725,324.03 Engineering $ 250,025.44 $ 18,188.66 $ 2,290.65 $ - $ 270,504.75 Solid Waste Collection $ 540,760.27 $ - $ 540,760.27 Vehicle Maintenance $ 311,586.51 $ 45.55126 $342,379.18 $ 29,500.00 $ 729,016.95 $ 1,966,159.98 $ 612,955.72 $431,990.32 $ 54,500.00 $ 3265,606.00 Public Works Expenses by Department Budget 2005 Personal Contractual Machinery Department Services Services Commodities &Equipment Total Streets&Sidewalks $ 1,429,704.00 $ 219,501.00 $ 96,400.00 $ 26,300.00 $ 1,773,905.00 Engineering $ 254229.00 $ 29200.00 $ 2,660.00 $ • $ 286,089.00 Solid Waste Collection $ 616,089.00 $ - $ 616,089.00 Vehicle Maintenance $ 316.311.00 $ 50.168.00 $280,402.00 $ 29.500.00 $ 676.381.00_ $ $ 914.958.00 $379,462.00 $ 57,800.00 $ 3,352.464.00 sr * See rec ref# in the reconciliations in the exhibits section for more detail on variances. 5 — . , r mjn _grc-j, gull 1 ,_ilw fl, 6,1 .) -_-,, g HL rl MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND (03) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 657,814 $ 649,227 $ 640,750 Investment $ 1,000 $ 2,471 $ 1,609 Misc. $ - $ - $ - Total $ 658,814 $ 651,698 $ 642,360 Expenses Contractual Services $ 200,814 $ 94,651 $ 174,924 Commodities $ 133,000 $ 114,445 $ 122,350 Transfers out $ 325,000 $ 301,831 $ 445,162 Total $ 658,814 $ 510,927 $ 742,437 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 140,770 $ (100,077) Opening Fund Balance $ 351,967 $ 211,197 $ 311,274 Ending Fund balance $ 351,967 $ 351,967 $ 211,197 — 6 — u UUU LI�I g gy z � - org- E911 o �U °)U FUND (07) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual _ Revenues Taxes $ 225,000 $ 222,000 $ 218,913 Interest $ 251 $ 50 $ 57 Total $ 225,251 $ 222,050 $ 218,970 Expenses Contractual Services $ 225,251 $ 246,607 $ 203,948 Machinery & Equipment $ - $ - $ - Total $ 225,251 $ 246,607 $ 203,948 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ (24,557) $ 15,023 Opening Fund Balance $ 87,710 $ 112,267 $ 97,244 Ending Fund balance $ 87,710 $ 87,710 $ 112,267 — 7 — w� r r rif pEri priW Co LJO J PUBLIC LIBRARY (11) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 22,986 $ 19,710 $ 17,651 Expenses Contractual Services $ 22,986 $ 19,710 $ 17,651 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ - $ - Opening Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - Ending Fund balance $ - $ - $ - — 8 — g 1;i icl ,1 n D m I �L LFIV �I U uI, 1 1 I , D, �J I l7 I FERRIS/LEHIGH TIF FUND (15) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Property Tax Increment $ 1,355,000 $ 952,658 $ 619,411 Grants $ - $ 15,464 $ - Interest & Rental $ 5,000 $ 11,506 $ 12,724 Note Proceeds $ 9,500,000 $ - $ - Misc. $ 3,000,000 $ - $ - Total $ 13,860,000 $ 979,628 $ 632,135 Expenses Contractual Services $ 3,298,065 $ 333,755 $ 1,175,581 Capital Purchase $ 10,494,000 $ - $ - Principal and Interest $ 223,642 $ 567,151 $ 264,579 Total $ 14,015,707 $ 900,906 $ 1,440,160 Revenues Minus Expenses $ (155,707) $ 78,722 $ (808,025) Opening Fund Balance $ 759,322 $ 680,600 $ 1,488,625 Ending Fund balance $ 603,615 $ 759,322 $ 680,600 — 9 — i \-\li (A\ li [ff 1-1 0 1:)i(2.. Vir nil pv ©0), 0D3j J �,�� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND (16) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Tax Revenue $ 664,741 $ 737,479 $ 724,020 Interest $ 2,500 $ 2,734 $ 4,597 Total $ 667,241 $ 740,213 $ 728,617 Expenses Contractual Services $ 348,156 $ 332,705 $ 314,223 Principal and Interest $ 319,085 $ 395,925 $ 397,580 Total $ 667,241 $ 728,630 $ 711,803 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 11,583 $ 16,814 Opening Fund Balance $ 162,371 $ 150,788 $ 133,974 Ending Fund balance $ 162,371 $ 162,371 $ 150,788 — 10 — . P„ r s of _ o u 0_D n� l U _� o )©� iO'@ � . , ,L J�) WAUKEGAN TIF FUND (17) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Property Tax Increment $ 250,238 $ 440,000 $ 132,421 Interest Income $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,503 Total $ 255,238 $ 445,000 $ 133,924 Expenses Contractual Services $ - $ - $ - Principal and Interest $ 255,238 $ 166,000 $ 141,180 Total $ 255,238 $ 166,000 $ 141,180 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ 279,000 $ (7,256) Opening Fund Balance $ (402,350) $ (681,350) $ (674,094) Ending Fund balance $ (402,350) $ (402,350) $ (681,350) 11 — t., w ST;r , )( ii, , ... , zilist, A--\r/i zgLt, g ;irc-v L u i , n, 1 `JCJ �J I� L I I COMMUTER PARKING FUND (18) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Parking Fees $ 135,000 $ 98,478 $ 92,623 Interest $ 1,000 $ 3,042 $ 1,379 Misc. $ - $ - $ - Total $ 136,000 $ 101,521 $ 94,001 "'-. Expenses Contractual Services $ 19,600 $ 1,905 $ 1,585 Commodities $ 12,000 $ 8,691 $ 12,440 Machinery & Equip $ - $ - $ - Emergency $ 2,000 $ - $ - Transfers Out $ 98,895 $ 97,295 $ 97,295 Total $ 132,495 $ 107,891 $ 111,320 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 3,505 $ (6,370) $ (17,319) Opening Fund Balance $ 123,498 $ 129,868 $ 147,187 Ending Fund balance $ 127,003 $ 123,498 $ 129,868 — 12 — ..tra M O ffoRri (LEiW f ) JH DEBT SERVICE FUND (20) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 1,482,512 $ 1,265,000 $ 1,540,002 Investment $ 15,000 $ 13,595 $ 7,267 Transfers in $ 83,829 $ 65,612 $ 217,317 Misc. $ 2,500 $ 1,762 $ 2,573 Total $ 1,583,841 $ 1,345,969 $ 1,767,158 Expenses Principal & Interest $ 1,623,157 $ 1,788,711 $ 1,707,830 Total $ 1,623,157 $ 1,788,711 $ 1,707,830 Revenues Minus Expenses $ (39,316) $ (442,742) $ 59,328 Opening Fund Balance $ 554,924 $ 997,666 $ 938,338 Ending Fund balance $ 515,608 $ 554,924 $ 997,666 — 13 — r ENC:\ PV ?Z: (1 ,)g1 y CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (30) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Tax Revenue $ 507,988 $ 468,251 $ 492,132 Grants $ 1,518,579 $ - $ 336,562 Interest&Rental $ 13,000 $ 33,129 $ 40,057 Not Proceeds $ - $ - $ - Transfers In $ - $ - $ 282,500 Total $ 2,039,567 $ 501,380 $ 1,151,250 Expenses Contractual Services $ 1,392,697 $ 535,000 $ 910,273 Principal&Interest $ - $ - $ - Total $ 1,392,697 $ 535,000 $ 910,273 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 646,870 $ (33,620) $ 240,977 Opening Fund Balance $ 479,388 $ 513,008 $ 272,031 Ending Fund balance $ 1,126,258 $ 479,388 $ 513,008 Note: $772,579 of Dempster St expenses are contingent on the receipt of grant funding. If the grant revenue does not come in,the projects will not be done this year. If the grants do come in as budgeted,the resulting fund balance increase is the result of the reimbursement for properties purchased out of the General Fund plus a designated fund balance for grants already received but not spent in the fund. Th — 14 - Lt-* pret E\f© g .D\Ly n 2 FQ -)) WATER/SEWER FUND (40) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Charges for Services $ 4,246,303 $ 4,331,292 $ 4,036,687 Interest& Rental $ 114,808 $ 110,300 $ 86,622 Transfers In $ 15,000 $ 13,400 $ 13,400 Misc. $ 15,307 $ 41,455 $ 29,747 Total $ 4,391,418 $ 4,496,446 $ 4,166,456 Expenses Personal Services $ 1,232,473 $ 1,148,485 $ 1,053,469 Contractual Services $ 2,034,023 $ 2,077,056 $ 1,928,991 Commodities $ 262,642 $ 250,096 $ 193,788 Machinery& Equip $ 2,000 $ 16,400 $ 211,553 Principal and Interest $ 488,170 $ 435,856 $ 148,655 Misc. $ 5,000 $ 1,263 $ 647 Transfers Out $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 Total $ 4,144,308 $ 4,049,156 $ 3,657,102 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 247,110 $ 447,290 $ 509,354 Opening Fund Balance $ 1,187,081 $ 739,791 $ 230,437 Ending Fund balance $ 1,434,192 $ 1,187,081 $ 739,791 — 15 — rt D riiatzt C C _CCC C CCC n D ^ I C` � I CCC (4 CSCCC GENERAL EMPLOYEE PENSION FUND (C.N.A.) (51 ) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes $ 420,711 $ - $ 395,036 Interest $ 357,000 $ - $ 347,171 Employee Contributions $ 59,506 $ - $ 91,212 Total $ 837,217 $ - $ 833,419 Expenses Contractual Services $ 233,000 $ - $ 231,898 Total $ 233,000 $ - $ 231,898 Revenues Minus Expenses $ 604,217 $ - $ 601,521 Opening Fund Balance $ 7,034,296 $ 7,034,296 $ 6,432,775 Ending Fund balance $ 7,638,513 $ 7,034,296 $ 7,034,296 — 16 — J � Tffr-: p© J g JJ � J1 J JJJ D5D)J J _ FIRE PENSION FUND (52) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes & Contributions $ 864,468 $ 504,604 $ 400,775 Investment $ 350,741 $ 388,449 $ 1,498,313 Misc. $ 330,853 $ 302,139 $ 269,232 Total $ 1,546,062 $ 1,195,192 $ 2,168,319 Expenses Contractual Services $ 1,443,462 $ 1,385,294 $ 1,312,308 Commodities $ 2,600 $ 2,929 $ 1,124 Reserve Expense $ 100,000 $ - $ - Total $ 1,546,062 $ 1,388,223 $ 1,313,432 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ (193,031) $ 854,887 Opening Fund Balance $ 18,951,954 $ 19,144,985 $ 18,290,098 Ending Fund balance $ 18,951,954 $ 18,951,954 $ 19,144,985 — 17 — frn Ltifc Acre _EgK 10) F IT U �JUUIDbI ) i LI POLICE PENSION FUND (53) SUMMARY 2006 2005 2004 Budget Projected Actual Revenues Taxes & Contributions $ 657,032 $ 456,146 $ 376,618 Investment $ 760,359 $ 550,426 $ 821,651 Misc. $ 331,790 $ 323,777 $ 305,169 Total $ 1,749,181 $ 1,330,348 $ 1,503,437 Expenses Contractual Services $ 1,649,181 $ 1,472,920 $ 1,417,949 Commodities $ - $ - $ - Reserve Expense $ 100,000 $ - $ 24,424 Total $ 1,749,181 $ 1,472,920 $ 1,442,373 Revenues Minus Expenses $ - $ (142,572) $ 61,064 Opening Fund Balance $ 23,409,647 $ 23,552,219 $ 23,491,155 Ending Fund balance $ 23,409,647 $ 23,409,647 $ 23,552,219 — 18 — mx .' i -r FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 19 - r N tO tO O O M O M • o O) tO N 0 N O O l!) 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SeniorTran Bus Replacement 43-45 Public Works Department Dempster Street Redevelopment Project 47-48 Pumping Station Improvements 49-50 Replacement of Pumps and Motors at the North Station 51-52 Sewer Improvement Program 53-54 Street Improvement Program 55-57 Street Lighting Program 58-59 Water Main Improvement Program 60-61 Main Street Roadway and Water Main Reconstruction 62-63 Water Tower Cleaning and Painting 64-65 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CY 2006—CY 2010 Introduction A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a multi-year plan identifying capital projects to be funded during the planning period. It identifies each proposed project to be undertaken, the year in which the project will be initiated, the amount expected to be expended on the project each year, and the proposed method of financing these expenditures. The CIP is a tool that can help elected officials ensure that decisions on capital projects are made wisely and are well planned. The CIP should not be confused with the Capital Projects Fund included in the annual budget. The Capital Projects Fund budget is the annual appropriation for spending on public improvements projects, and is legally adopted by the Board of Trustees. The Capital Projects Fund budget authorizes specific projects to be undertaken and appropriates specific funding for them. The two government finance documents are linked, since the first year of the CIP identifies projects which are the capital projects to be funded in the operating budget. Purpose of the Capital Improvements Program The basic reasons for developing a Capital Improvement Program include providing a financial management tool for elected and appointed officials, linking the comprehensive planning process with the fiscal planning process, providing elected officials with a formal method for decision making, and providing a public relations document for reporting the intentions of elected officials to community residents and business leaders. • Financial Management Tool — An overriding consideration in developing a capital improvement program is to prioritize current and future needs of the community. Capital improvement programming considers not only what the community needs, but, equally important, what it can afford. By explicitly recognizing the jurisdiction's financial outlook and the revenues and financing mechanisms that are anticipated to be available for the capital improvement program, projects can be prioritized to ensure that the most important needs and 1 goals of the community are achieved. Developing a fiscally constrained capital improvement program based on realistic estimates of revenues, enhances the ability of the capital improvement program to serve as a planning and management tool rather than as a wish list of projects that cannot be fully implemented. • Link to Comprehensive Plan— The preparation of the capital improvement program considers not only repair and replacement of existing utilities and other public improvements, but also identifies facilities expected to be needed in the future. Changing population characteristics and land uses may require additional improvements to the water and sewer systems, public buildings, and other public services and facilities. In developing the capital improvement program, these new demands must be weighed against the need to maintain existing infrastructure with the final financing decision based upon the goals and objectives established through the comprehensive planning process. • Formal Mechanism for Decision Making — The capital improvement program provides Village officials with an orderly process for planning and budgeting for capital needs. During the process of developing and implementing the capital improvement program a wide range of issues must be addressed, including agreeing on policies which will shape the program, estimating and prioritizing the capital needs, identifying funding sources, and implementing and monitoring the project delivery. • Public Information Document — The capital improvement program report presents a description of the projects proposed to be undertaken during the program period. This document can be used to communicate to residents, business owners and operators, and other stakeholders in the community the Village's public improvement priorities and implementation schedule. By using this process the community is given a better understanding of Village needs and the means for addressing them. There are significant benefits to be derived by the preparation of a capital improvement program; it is this promise that makes the staff time and effort necessary to participating in the development of the program worthwhile. 2 Capital Improvement Project Defined A capital improvement project is a major, non-recurring expenditure that meets the criteria identified in one of the categories described below: 1. Site Acquisition—Acquisition of land for a public purpose. 2. Facility Construction or Repair—Construction of a new facility or an addition to or extension of an existing facility; a non-recurring major repair of all or part of a building, its grounds, or its equipment. The cost of the project must be at least$10,000, and the improvement must have an estimated useful life of at least ten(10) years. 3. Equipment Purchase — Purchase of a piece of equipment or a number of pieces of the same equipment whose total cost is at least $10,000 and whose estimated useful life is at least five (5) years, (three [3] years for computer equipment). 4. Planning or Design—Planning feasibility, engineering, or design studies related to an individual capital improvement project or to a program that is implemented through an individual capital improvement project. 5. Software — Purchase of new software or version upgrades needed to maintain the network at optimal levels. Capital Improvement Program Development Each project included in the Capital Improvement Program is described on the "Project Description" and the "Project Cost Summary" forms. An assessment of project priority should be determined by the CEP Ad Hoc Committee in light of anticipated fiscal constraints and Village needs. Each set of Village Department project descriptions is organized by the fiscal year in which the project is expected to begin. This organization becomes evident when scanning the summary table "CY 2006-CY 2010 Capital Improvements Program Summary by Department." Summary Tables The table entitled "CY 2006-CY 2010 Capital Improvements Program Summary by Department" found on pages 6 and 7 lists all projects submitted for funding consideration during the next five (5) calendar years. 3 Should the Committee make modifications during the Capital Improvement Project review process, a revised Capital Improvement Program will be provided for final review by Department Heads. The CIP will then be prepared for inclusion in the operating budget documents for calendar year 2006. Evaluation Criteria As each project description was being developed, the submitting department was asked to identify the benefits derived from the project and to indicate all of the "Evaluation Criteria" which would be satisfied by the project's implementation. The evaluation criteria were developed to assist both administrative staff and elected official in judging the importance of the project. The "Evaluation Criteria' which were to be used in completing the "Project Description" form are listed below: 1. New or Substantially Expanded Facility. Construction or acquisition of a new facility (including land), acquisition of new equipment, or major expansion of an existing facility that provides a new service or a level of service not now available. 2. Rehabilitate Deteriorated Facility. Reconstruction or extensive rehabilitation to extend a facility's useful life which will avoid or postpone replacing the facility with one which is new and/or more costly; if rehabilitation or reconstruction is not feasible, replacement of the facility with one which will provide the same level of service. 3. Systematic Replacement. Replacement or upgrade of a facility or piece of equipment as part of a scheduled replacement program. This investment assumes the facility or equipment will be replaced to provide approximately the same level of service as is currently being provided. 4. Protection and Conservation of Resources or Existing Investment. A project that protects natural resources that are at risk of being reduced in amount or quality, or an investment in existing infrastructure which protect against excessive demand or overload that threatens the capacity or useful life of an existing facility or piece of equipment. 5. Coordination. A project which must be undertaken to insure proper sequencing or scheduling with another project (e.g., scheduling a sewer project to coincide with a street reconstruction project so that the newly surfaced street is not disturbed the year after it is completed); or a project that is necessary to comply with requirements imposed by another jurisdiction (e.g., a 4 court order, a change in federal or state law or administrative ruling, an agreement with another village or governmental agency). 6. Reduce Risk to Public Safety or Health. A project which protects against a clear and inunediate risk to public safety or public health. 7. Improvement of Operating Efficiency. A project that substantially and significantly improves the operating efficiency of a department; or one which has a very favorable return on investment with the promise of reducing existing or future increases in operating expenses. 8. Equitable Provision of Services or Facilities. A project that serves the special needs of a segment of the Village's population identified by public policy as deserving of special attention (e.g., the handicapped, the elderly, or low- and moderate-income persons); or a project that, considering existing services or facilities, makes equivalent facilities or services available to neighborhoods or population groups that could be considered to be underserved. 9. Maintenance or Increase of Property Value. A project which benefits the adjacent properties to the extent that property values will either stabilize or increase (e.g., street resurfacing or alley paving directly benefit the properties adjacent). Capital Improvement Program Project Detail A detailed description of each project shown on the preceding tables is included below. The project descriptions are presented in the order in which they appear on the table "CY 2006-CY 2010 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Department." Projects, which are proposed for funding in calendar year 2006, are followed in order by projects proposed for each of the remaining fiscal years. The project description includes both text and financial information presented on facing pages of this document to provide for easier reference. CIP\06 manual -introduction 5 o °o o ° °o °O ° °op °o o 0 00 v o 0 o 0 N r° o p0 O o p o c el o p o n o 0 o i°n, rm n in o m °m, °o, �v m o n `° 0 ° S°.0.°1°.° O °v° N. e ° a ct in U �I O • ly ti NNV Cl m N n N N b ' O m q R n 1O M N O 0 ,- n im O g O 0 O m 0. .- N- 0 ' N° 0, O H N r V < r m a. Or o • • • • r • ' 888 . 8 . . 0 • 21 O 0, 0.0.01 O p� C 0 m' o meN CO N CO CD 0 g • O r r r pO op � 0 NI N , N o`18.8.R8.38 o �j' • m� • o CD CD CD CV N fr- 03 0000 00- 1 • evi 4 • 8 • N - J R ° N� N 1 o . 0 1- 0 to r to O 1 O '0 m O 0 O O O O O 0 �- O ' 0 O 0 y p o L a o 0 b • N • • Oo • N IN 8 ' 88 . 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D. 6 N N N N N 0 0 N N 0 o o@ o o o o N o o 0 ca C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 7 U v] 0 0 0 W W W W W C0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0' C9 C0 CD 0' 0 0' C7 C7 J COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program Am PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: June 20,2005 Department: Community&Economic Development Project Name: Lehigh/Ferris Subarea Reconstruction Proiect Type of Project: Site Acquisition [X] Facility Constniction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [X] Description of Project Acquisition of property for residential/mixed-use redevelopment; potential extension/realignment of various streets within project area; improvements to stonn/sewer infrastructure; construction of additional commuter parking. Project general boundaries are Dempster Street on the north, Cook County Forest Preserve District property on the west,Callie Avenue on the east,Main Street on the south, &a section of Lincoln Avenue east to the Morton Grove Library. '1 Project Benefits: Enhancing opportunities for attracting new investment and development; supplying additional parking/improved train station facility for commuters; supplementing customer base for new retail and service businesses; improving amenities for commuters,including those employed at nearby companies in industrial sector; substantially improved aesthetics/infrastructure for this area of the Village. Implementation Schedule: 2006 engineering/design study for Metra commuter train station Property acquisition Phase I engineering for infrastructure improvements, with Framework Plan for improvements and redevelopment Installation of infrastructure required for current business operations and future redevelopment 2007 Phase II engineering for infrastructure improvements Property acquisition Project letting 2008 Construction of Metra parking lot and new entrance in Forest Preserve District 2009-2010 Construction of train station, platforms, and parking — Construction of grade crossing Street extension/reconstruction completed 9 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Department: Community& Economic Development Project Name: Lehigh/Ferris Subarea Reconstruction Project -Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design 1,481,519 - To Be Determined TBD TBD TBD Site Acquisition 1,375,000 8,111,000 TBD TBD TBD TBD Equipment TBD TBD TBD TBD Construction/ Repair 2,383,000 TBD TBD TBD TBD Miscellaneous 388,653 - TBD TBD TBD TBD I otal Project Cost 3,245,172 10,494,000 - - - o usie I Funding - ( - - - - Cost to the Village of Morton Grove 3,245,172 10,494,000 - - - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [X] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [X] Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided TIF increment, Illinois Operation Green Light, CMAQ from FHWA, transportation grants from METRA, IEPA & USEPA brownfield remediation grants, TIF notes/bonds Impact on Operating Costs: Continuous maintenance for arkin lots (structure), streetscape, and landscaping. P 9 ._ 10 FIRE D EPARTMENT Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July, 2005 Department: FIRE Project Name: Mobile Computing for Fire Apparatus Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ ] Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [X] This expenditure continues the program that will enable rapid transfer of various public safety information to field units during emergency operations. Appropriate notebook computers will be purchased for each frontline, and (2) reserve, emergency vehicles. The information in the drawings and database will be activated by wireless connection from the RED Center CAD system,opening the program and the appropriate files for use by personnel. This information will also be integrated with the Village's GIS data. The "ruggedized" notebook computers with associated communications equipment will be placed in seven fire department vehicles. '1 Project Benefits: Emergency operations and personnel safety will be greatly enhanced by providing current information pertaining to specific site issues including hazardous materials locations, utility shutoffs, fire suppression system information, hydrant locations, and special features relative to an occupancy or incident location. Implementation Schedule: Purchase vehicle laptops and train personnel in 2' quarter; deploy laptops in 4s'quarter. 12 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Jul-05 Department: Fire Project Name: Mobile Computing for Fire Apparatus - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - Site Acquisition - - - _ Equipment 30,000 Construction/R epair - - - Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Nroject Cost - - - - 30,000 - I otai Outside Funding - - - - N.... Cost to the Village of . Morton Grove - - - - 30,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Jul-05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 13 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July. 2005 Department: FIRE Project Name: Command Vehicle Replacement Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ ] Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: This project is the replacement of the department's incident command vehicle and the downgrading of the existing unit to a utility vehicle status specifically assigned to support fire safety public education. The currend command vehicle will be 12 years old with approximately 67,000 miles. With a vehicle rotation plan, of which this purchase would be a part, the department's support vehicles would have an 18-year life cycle. This type of rotation provides the department with a back up command vehicle during maintenance. This also includes the purchase and installation of an optional all wheel drive system, emergency lights/warning devices '1 and communications equipment on the new vehicle. Project Benefits: Scheduled replacement of department apparatus provides optimal readiness for emergency operations and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Labor or applicable safety standards governing fire apparatus. Systematic Replacement Scheduled replacement will provide for effective budgeting. Coordination To maintain operational readiness consistent with current village standards and intra-governmental response agreements. Health and Safety Risk Incident command is essential to the proper handling of emergency incidents and a vehicle of this type is necessary to perform this activity. Implementation Schedule: Review Proposals and Order Vehicle- Second Quarter of 2007 Receive Delivery of Unit-Fourth Quarter of 2007 14 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Jul-05 Department: Fire Project Name: Command Vehicle Replacement - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment 58,350 Construction/R epair - - Miscellaneous - - _ - I otal Project Cost - - 58,350 - _ I otal Outside Funding - - - - Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - - 58,350 - _ Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X ] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Jul-05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: None 15 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July. 2005 Department: FIRE Project Name: Ambulance Replacement— Station#5 Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ Description of Project: This proposed expenditure would support the replacement of the front line advanced life support ambulance at Station #5, which will be 9 years old at the time of this expenditure which is based on the department's emergency apparatus replacement schedule. The existing ambulance would become the department's reserve unit. The existing reserve,which will be 16 years old at the time of this replacement, would be traded in or sold. The funds requested in this proposal would support the purchase of the vehicle, associated communications equipment and miscellaneous necessary equipment and supplies. Project Benefits: Scheduled replacement of department apparatus provides optimal readiness for emergency operations, and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Public Health or the regional Emergency Medical Services office. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED APPARATUS: Front line life expectancy for emergency operations is being approached by this point. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Continuation of a high level of emergency medical care equipment. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Timely replacement will ensure service life of the vehicle for use in a reserve capacity. SYSTEMATIC REPLACEMENT: Replacement is based on the Fire Department's vehicle replacement schedule, as amended. COORDINATION: To maintain operational readiness consistent with current village standards andintra-governmental response agreements. SAFETY & HEALTH: A vehicle of this type is needed to support advanced life support activities. Implementation Schedule: Purchased in Fiscal Year 2006 (Construction- April through September 2006) 16 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July-O5 Department: Fire Project Name: Ambulance Replacement-Station#5 -Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning Design - - - _ - Site Acquisition _ - _ Equipment 211,000 Construction/ Repair Miscellaneous _ - - - I oral Project Cost - 211,000 - - I otal Outs:oe Funding - - - Cost to the I Village of Morton Grove - 211,000 - _ Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X ] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Aug-03 Cost estimate based on NWMC"Joint Purchase"ambulance bids, contract signed on August 22,2003, as amended in 2004,with a 3%annual increase applied to provide the projected cost. Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: Reduced maintenance costs associated with the reserve unit being replaced. 17 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 2005 Department: FIRE Project Name: Replacement of Breathing Air Compressor and Fill Station Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ Description of Project: Removal and replacement of existing breathing air compressor and support equipment, which is located at Station#4. The existing compressor, at the time of this replacement, will be 20 years old. We have experienced maintenance concerns with the current unit, and parts replacement will become a significant issue for maintenance past the date of request. The current unit has a maximum working pressure of 5,000 psi, which was the standard pressure for units of this type when it was originally purchased. The proposed unit has an operating pressure of 6,000 psi which doubles the storage capacity of available breathing air and would enhance our operational readiness. Project Benefits: Improvement of Operating Efficiency Elimination of maintenance and parts availability concerns on existing equipment. Doubling of the available breathing air supply for the department. Planned purchase of a critical piece of department equipment. Implementation Schedule: Review Proposals - Second Quarter of 2007 Th Installation - Third Quarter of 2007 18 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Jul-05 Department: Fire Project Name: Replacement of Breathing Air Compressor and Fill Station - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - _ Site Acquisition - _ _ - Equipment 38,500 Construction/R epair - - Miscellaneous _ - - I otal Project Cost - - 38,500 - - I otal Uutsiae Funding _ - - _ ••-•." Cost to the Village of Morton Grove . _ - 38,500 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Apr-O5 Cost estimate based on original plus 3% annual increase applied to provide the projected cost. Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: Decrease in maintenance expense on existing compressor. 19 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program '1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July. 2005 Department: FIRE Project Name: Enhancement of Mobile Breathing Air Cascade System on Squad#4 Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: The enhancement of the Breathing Air Cascade on Squad 4 will increase the operating pressure of our system from 5,000 psi to 6,000 psi. This up-grade would double the mobile cascade system's capacity to fill breathing apparatus cylinders during emergency and training operations. The current system can fill 30 cylinders from empty to their operating pressure of 4,500 psi; with the proposed enhancement the system will be capable of filling 65 cylinders. The proposed up-grade would include replacement of existing fill panel components that are not rated for the higher pressure and the replacement of the six (6) air cylinders that make up the cascade. Project Benefits: Improvement of Operating Efficiency The proposed enhancement would match this equipment's rated capacity to the proposed breathing air compressor that is also being requested. The filling capacity of our mobile cascade will be increased by 100%, enhancing operational readiness and the efficiency of our system. Implementation Schedule: Th Proposals Reviewed-First Quarter- 2007 Installation of New Equipment- Second Quarter-2007 20 Village of Morton Grove -Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Jul-05 Department: Fire Project Name: Enhancement of Mobile Breathing Air Cascade System on Squad#4 - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment 14,500 Construction/ Repair - - Miscellaneous I otal Project Cost - - 14,500 - - o a utsice - Funding Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - - 14,500 - - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Apr-05 Cost estimate based on original bid plus 3% annual increase applied to provide the projected cost. Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: No direct cost, level of service increased with undetermined monetary impact. 21 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION '1 Date: July. 2005 Department: FIRE Project Name: Ambulance Replacement - Station#4 Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ Description of Project: This proposed expenditure would support the replacement of the front line advanced life support ambulance at Station #4, based on the department's emergency apparatus replacement schedule. The existing ambulance, which will be 10 years old at the time of the replacement,would be converted for use by another Village department or could be traded in or sold. The funds requested in this proposal would support the purchase of the vehicle, associated communications equipment and miscellaneous necessary equipment and supplies. "1 Project Benefits: Scheduled replacement of department apparatus provides optimal readiness for emergency operations, and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Public Health or the regional Emergency Medical Services office. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED APPARATUS: Front line life expectancy for emergency operations is being approached by this point. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Continuation of a high level of emergency medical care equipment. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Timely replacement will ensure service life of the vehicle for use by another department. SYSTEMATIC REPLACEMENT: Replacement is based on the Fire Department's vehicle replacement schedule. COORDINATION: To maintain operational readiness consistent with current village standards and intra-governmental response agreements. SAFETY & HEALTH: A vehicle of this type is needed to support advanced life support activities. support Schedule: Purchased in Fiscal Year 2008 (Construction- April through September 2008) 22 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Jul-05 Department: Fire Project Name: Ambulance Replacement-Station #4 -Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design _ - - - Site Acquisition _ - - - Equipment 220,000 Construction/ Repair - - _ Miscellaneous _ - - - I oral Project Cost - - - 220,000 iota'Outside • Funding - _ _ - Cost to the I Village of Morton Grove - - - 220.000 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Jul-05 Cost estimate based on NWMC"Joint Purchase"ambulance bids,contract signed on 8-22-03, and amended in 2004,with a 3%annual increase applied to provide the projected cost. Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: Reduced maintenance costs associated with the reserve unit being replaced. 23 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION "1 Date: July. 2005 Department: Fire Project Name: Self Contained Breathina Apparatus Replacement &Up rade Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ ] Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: This proposed expenditure would support the replacement/upgrade of front line and spare Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and associated masks. SCBA in use at the time of this replacement/upgrade would be 13 years old. Normal frontline service life is 12 years. This proposed replacement/upgrade would allow the department to offer firefighters the highest quality breathing air delivery system, thereby, enhancing safety during work within dangerous atmospheres. Additional technical enhancements to these personal protective devices (i.e. Heads Up Display, and temperature display) will also increase safety and reduce the risk of injury. Project Benefits: Increased Capability: Planned modifications increase the equipment's capability to resist chemical and biological agents. Safety Enhancements: Technical enhancements will increase firefighter safety by increasing visual information available i.e. HUD & temperature display. Implementation Schedule: Review Proposals: Second Quarter 2010 Receive Equipment: Last Quarter of 2010 24 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Jul-05 Department: Fire Project Name: Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Replacement& Upgrade - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment 180,000 Construction/R epair - - - Miscellaneous _ - - - I otal Project Cost _ - - _ - 180,000 ota utsi e Funding _ _ _ _ - Cost to the Village of - - Morton Grove - - 180,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Jul-05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 25 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES 26 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION '1 Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Management Information Services Project Name: Village Computer Network Hardware Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ ] Equipment Purchase [Xi Planning/Design [ [ Description of Project: Maintain the hardware and software required to keep the Village's computer network functioning and up to date. All mission critical and most non-mission critical hardware that the Village owns has a three-year warranty. Sometime after the third year of a device's warranty the Village should, as a matter of prudence, plan for the replacement of the device in question. This will provide a quick solution, and consequently minimize down time, in the event of a hardware failure outside of the manufacturer's warranty. All hardware has a life-span of three to four years due to the speed at which technology advances. The department is leasing hardware equipment will need replacement every three years. It is also important to note that the funds budgeted for the major equipment replacement(servers, workstations, etc.) will only be used on an as-needed basis. Project Benefits: Increase productivity by maintaining an up to date and effective network to support staff in their primacy responsibilities and generate user capabilities to increase efficiency. Implementation Schedule: Replacement of existing server hardware and security hardware is strictly on an as-needed basis. CY 2006 — CY 2010: Continue regular preventative maintenance program to maintain maximum efficiency. The replacement of servers was accomplished in FY2005 and will not need to be budgeted for again until FY2008. The replacement schedule is calculated based upon the age of the server. Replacement of core routers within the village will need to be scheduled for next year. CY 2006—Replace routers(4-2600s and 3-1700s)-$12,000;replace GIS workstation-$5,500 CY 2006—Replace the PIX firewall-$3,000 CY2007—Network attached storage devices for electronic document management-$5,000 CY 2008—Replace E-mail server-$3,000;Replace Global Controller $10,000 CY 2009—Replace GIS Server-$3,000;replace I-prisim-$10,000 End user PCs and laptops are replaced on a three year replacement schedule. Generally,three laptops are replaced each year- $7,500 and most PCs are on a three year lease- $16,000 27 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Management Information Services Project Name: Village Computer Network Hardware - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design 65,130 - - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment 570,582 20,500 5,000 13,000 13,000 Construction/R epair 32,084 - - - Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Project Cost 667,796 20,500 5,000 13,000 13,000 - I oral Outside Funding - - _ - - %■..-- Cost to the Village of Morton Grove 667,796 20,500 5,000 13,000 13,000 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ ] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 28 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 18. 2005 Department: Management Information Services Project Name: Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [X] Description of Project: The project will consist of evaluating EDMS and choosing a vendor to provide hardware and software to develop and maintain an in-house EDMS or contract with a professional service to outsource EDMS needs. The budgeted amounts will provide the opportunity to conduct a pilot project and then expand the system according to determined needs. This project had originally been planned for commencement in 2005 but was delayed due to insufficient funding. -a\ Project Benefits: An EDMS will enhance elected officials and staff accessibility to historical documents while reducing the need to retain original paper documents thereby, saving physical storage costs. Implementation Schedule: CY 2006: Choose a vendor and implement one department as a pilot project. CY 2007—CY 2009: Add additional departments to the EDMS as determined appropriate. 29 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 18, 2005 Department: Management Information Services Project Name: Electronic Document Mangement System (EDMS) - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design Site Acquisition _ - - - Equipment - 10,000 Construction/R epair - 16,000 - Miscellaneous - _ - 1 otal Protect Cost - 26,000 - - I otal Outside Funding `r Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - 26,000 - _ Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X ] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 30 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: September 2004 Department: Management Information Services Project Name: Village Computer Network Software Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ ] Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [X] Description of Project: A programmer will develop a customized database for a customer request database. This programmer has worked with the Village before, having developed the administrative adjudication software and parking ticket software. In 2004, the AEK parking ticket system was replaced with a Windows compatible database. In 2006, AEK modules for building department permits and vehicle licensing stickers will be incorporated into the Springbrook accounting software package already utilized by the finance department. The Springbrook accounting software package will need to be upgraded in FY2006. This will allow village staff to incorporate the building permit, vehicle licensing, and general financial data to more effectively share data. This will also eliminate the need for AEK and its support contracts. Finally, the Village will need to renew its Microsoft Office licenses every three years. When Microsoft restructured its licensing in 2002, the Village purchased the Software Assurance and Software Advantage program to minimize its costs for future software upgrades and licenses. Project Benefits: Appropriate software assists Village personnel in executing their responsibilities in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Implementation Schedule: CY 2006: Springbrook software upgrade- $32,450 CY 2007: Microsoft licenses - $50,000 31 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Management Information Services Project Name: Village Computer Network Software - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning / Design - - - - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment Construction/R epair - - - Software 109,009 32,450 50,000 - I otal Project Cost 109,009 32,450 50,000 - - I otal Outside Funding - - �' Cost to the Village of Morton Grove 109,009 32,450 50,000 - - - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 32 MUNICIPAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 33 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Am Date: July 15 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Flicldnger Center Renovations Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: In July, 2002 Teng and Assoc. prepared a Phase I space study for the renovation of the Police Department and entry to Village Hall. The Police Department portion of the study recommends a complete remodel of their first floor space and incorporates the Council Chambers and former Senior Citizens Center into the Police Department area. Basement and second floor areas would also be remodeled to reflect current department training and evidence storage needs. Remodeling the Village Hall main entry corridor is proposed to correct ADA accessibility issues and availability of adequate public washroom facilities. The Phase I report also addresses replacement of Village Hall HVAC. (Relocating the Council Chambers, and a small addition at the Police Department for additional evidence storage and building maintenance materials have not been included in the following project cost estimates.) The renovation project has been placed on indefinite hold pending Village Board approval and availability of funding. An immediate need is replacement of Police Department interior finishes such as carpeting, floor tile in selected areas, and repainting walls. The floor finishes and some wall finishes are original from the 1980 remodeling of the building. Funds are also being requested for CY 2006 to renovate the former Senior Citizen's Room into more efficient and usable space for the Police Department. These improvements will not solve the Police Department's space needs as identified in the Teng report. Should we stay in the building for an extended period of time without completing the major renovation, improvements will be required such as replacement of HVAC equipment, electrical system upgrades for MIS systems, and replacement of the emergency generator. These costs have not been included in the following projections since they will most likely be handled on a"fix what breaks"basis. Project Benefits: Rehabilitate a deteriorated facility; systematic replacement of equipment; coordination of remodeling in the Police Dept and Village Hall; improvement in operating efficiency;reduce a risk to public safety. Implementation Schedule: CY2006 Finish redecorating Police Dept; Remodel Police Training Room (former Senior Center) CY2008 Resurface parking lots; design documents for work in Teng Phase I study CY2009 Remodel Police Dept and Village Hall entry 34 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Flickinger Center Renovations - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design 112,225 12,000 - 170,000 - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment 7,600 Construction/R epair 232,600 108,000 39,800 3,500,000 - Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Project Cost 352,425 120,000 - 209,800 3,500,000 - oa usi e I �-unding - - - ' - - `'Cost to the Village of Morton Grove 352,425 120,000 - 209,800 3,500,000 - - Basis of Project Cost Estimate Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: August, 2002 with 3% COLA added per year Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided If the building renovation project moves closer to reality, we will research the availability of federal or state grants for police department facilities and back up communications facilities. Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Progam PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Public Works Buildine Renovations Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Consfruction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: A multi-year renovation project designed to upgrade the Public Works main facility. Work includes relocating of emergency generator to the exterior, which will reduce heat and noise when unit is operating, also adding additional space for equipment. Upgrade the main garage/mechanics shop ventilation system to meet current standards for emissions in garages. Extend the vehicle exhaust system so that additional bays can be used for vehicle maintenance. Replace wail copings over maintenance shop, Replacement of windows in sign shop and garage. Project Benefits:- -. Rehabilitate deteriorating facility, code compliance, systematic replacement of equipment. Implementation Schedule: CY 2006 Relocate emergency generator; relocate emergency exit door; extend vehicle exhaust system; replace windows in sign shop. • CY 2007 Upgade shop ventilation system; add CO detectors; replace window in garage. CY 2008 Replace wall copings over maintenance shop. 36 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Public Works Building Renovations - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date i 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 Planning/ Design _ - - - Site Acquisition - - - Equipment Construction/R epair 32,000 65,000 10,000 _ Miscellaneous _ - - - I otal Project Cost - 32,000 65,000 10,000 - _ I otal Outside Funding - - - - - •• Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - 32,000 65,000 10,000 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 37 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 15. 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Fire Station 4 Building Renovations Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: The emergency generator powering the south side of the station is original equipment from 1974, and it only provides partial power during an outage. A new 40KW generator and transfer switch capable of fully powering the south side of the building is planned. Replacement of the original building windows in the Crew Quarters side that are not insulated and do not seal well. Replacement will improve the efficiency of the building's temperature control systems. The Fire Department has requested extensive redecorating at both fire stations. The work includes painting of all areas, new counter tops, and replacement of floor tile in washrooms. Project Benefits: Rehabilitate deteriorated facility; systematic replacement; reduce risk to public safety; improvement in operating efficiency; coordination with similar projects at Fire Station 5. Implementation Schedule: CY2006 Paint and tile work in Admin and living areas CY2007 Paint apparatus room ceiling, walls, and floor CY2008 Replace crew-side emergency generator CY2009 Replace windows in crew-side (original windows) 38 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Fire Station 4 Building Renovations -Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment Construction/R epair 6,000 19,800 27,600 27,400 - Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Project Cost - 6,000 19,800 27,600 27,400 I ate(Outside ' Funding - - - - - \%► Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - 6,000 19,800 27,600 27,400 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ I or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: CY2008 & CY2009 are based on August, 2001 estimates with 3% COLA CY2006 & CY2007 are based on July, 2005 estimates Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 39 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Fire Station 5 Building Renovations Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ X ] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: The Fire Department has requested extensive redecorating at both fire stations. The work includes painting of all areas, new counter tops, and replacement of floor tile in the washroom. Project Benefits: Coordination with similar projects at Fire Station 4. Implementation Schedule: CY2006 Paint and tile work in crew living areas —Th. CY2007 Paint apparatus room walls and floor 40 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Fire Station 5 Building Renovations - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - _ _ - _ Site Acquisition _ _ - - Equipment Construction/R epair 3,000 14,200 - - - Miscellaneous - - _ I otal F'roject Cost - 3,000 14,200 - - I otal Outside Funding - _ - - L." Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - 3,000 14,200 - _ Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: July, 2005 with 3% COLA for CY2007 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: 41 FAMILY & SENIOR SERVICES 42 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 7/14/05 Department: Family& Senior Services Project Name: SeniorTran Bus Replacement Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction Repair [ ] Equipment Purchase [X ] Planning/Design [ Description of Project: The purchase of a new 22 seat SeniorTran bus, with the ability to convert seating for one wheelchair bound rider, along with a wheelchair lift. This bus would replace the 1991 Ford E350 SeniorTran bus (Unit#9141) that does not have a wheelchair lift and has been determined to need replacement. Project Benefits: Please refer to the attached Memorandum, dated July13,2005, from Paul Tobin,Division Superintendent of '1 Streets,with the Village of Morton Grove Public Works Department regarding age issue's and maintenance requirements of the 1991 Ford E350 SeniorTran bus. In 2004,the Village of Morton Grove provided 7,477 rides to senior citizen residents needing transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping,banking, transit to the Senior Center, etc. During the first six months of 2005, the SeniorTran program has already provided 4,111. Our senior population in Morton Grove is beginning to rely more heavily on alternate forms of transportation to driving their personal vehicles due to decreased vision and limited mobility. With the increased usage of the Seniortran buses by residents with limited mobility, the need for a second SeniorTran bus that provides a wheelchair lift becomes more imperative. As part of programming of activities for senior citizen residents, the Morton Grove Senior Center organizes day trips to plays, tours, and similar special events, i.e., Chicago Architectural tour, Millenium Park, "City of Angels"production, etc. Due to the condition of the 1991 Ford E350 and lack of a wheelchair lift, we have been unable to accommodate residents with limited mobility for these activities. In addition,we have had to contract with a local bus company resulting in an additional cost to our department and the activity participants. Implementation Schedule: Purchase in CY2007 43 MEMORANDUM To: Jackie Walker O'Keefe, Interim Department Director From: Paul Tobin, Division Superintendent Streets Date: July 13, 2005 Cc: Andy DeMonte, Director Public Works John Genovesi, Maintenance Supervisor Vehicles Re: Senior Bus Replacement We currently have two van style busses in service transporting seniors; a 1999 Ford E350 with a chair lift that is numbered 9950, and a 1991 Ford E350 numbered 9141. Unit# 9950 was purchased new in 1999 and currently has 80,000 miles on the chassis, and over 24,000 hours on the drive train. This bus recently has undergone extensive corrosion repair totaling around $5,000, and maintenance to restore the bus both esthetically and mechanically. The life expectancy of this bus is 10 years or 150,000 miles. The second bus, #9141 was purchased used from the Park District in January of 2002, at the time the chassis had 60,000 miles, now 3 years later the chassis has 76,000 miles and 22,600 hours on the drive train. The Vehicle maintenance Department at the time of purchase repainted and mechanically repaired this bus to bring it to serviceable standards. This bus is not equipped with a chair lift, and was intended at the time to temporarily replace the 1988 unit that was in major disrepair. I have reviewed the condition of both busses with John Genovesi and we have concluded that the Village needs to budget for a replacement bus in 2006 for unit#9141, the current bus is 14 years old, out dated, requiring maintenance much of the time. Parts are becoming more difficult to find both from Ford for the chassis and the company that built the bus is no longer in business, meaning coach parts would have to be purchased at another manufacturer and retrofitted. If the intention is to provide service to our seniors utilizing two busses, the new bus would also be equipped with a chair lift making both busses equal in service levels. 44 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program M PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15,2006 Department: Family & Senior Services Project Name: Senior Bus Replacement -Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY II Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 i Planning/ Design - - - - - - Site Acquisition - Equipment - 60,000 Construction/R epair - - - _ Miscellaneous - - _ - I otal Project Cost - - 60,000 - Total Outside 'Th Funding - - - - Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - - 60,000 - - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X} Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: July, 2005 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Potential future grant Impact on Operating Costs: Decrease in maintenance expense 45 (This page intentionally left blank) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 46 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: June 29,2004 Department: Public Works Project Name: Dempster Street Redevelopment Project Type of Project: Site Acquisition [X] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [X] Description of Project: Acquisition of property; demolition of existing structures; construction of parking lots; removal of current on- street parking spaces; installation of bi-directional turning lane; new curbs, sidewalks and traffic signals; installation of streetscape elements (kiosks, lighting, furniture, signage, etc.) and landscaping; restriping of roadway; project boundaries are Dempster Street from Central Avenue on the east to the Metra tracks on the west. Project Benefits: Economic revitalization of corridor; upgraded appearance of corridor. Implementation Schedule: 2006 Phase II engineering completed; Parking Lot Acquisition and Construction 2007 Roadway Construction 2008 Roadway Construction 47 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program `' PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 11,2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Dempster Street Redevelopment Project -Project Cost- Cost Estimated Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Total Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design 489,711 I 217,1321 272,579 - - - - Site Acquisition 3,624,500 1,169,240 500,000 1,955,260 - Equipment - - - - - - Construction/ Repair 4,207,847 - - - 4,207,847 - - Miscellaneous - - - - - i otal Project Cost _ 8,322,058 1,386,372 772,579 1,955,260 4,207,847 - - I otal Outside - - Funding 7,768,580 217,132 1,518,579 2,600,000 3,678,869 - - Cost to the Village of "Morton Grove 553,478 1,169,240 (746,000) (644,740) 528,978 - - 'asis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chidago Area Date of Cost Estimate: 6/20/05(note:all figures are in 2006 dollars) Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided IMPORTANT NOTE: The Village expects to receive$1,518,579 in outside funding during 2006 but this is not certain. Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 1. 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Pumping Station Improvements Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [X] Description of Project: Design and installation of a new generator that can run all equipment and pumps, with an automatic transfer switch at the North Pumping Station. Replacing two generators. One thirty years old (480 volts)that can only run 75% of station pumps with a manual start and one forty four years old (110 volts) that runs all other equipment also a manual start. CY 2007 Design and specification CY 2008 Installation of generator and transfer switch Project Benefits: The design and installation-of a new generator and transfer switch will greatly improve dependability replacing old—manual equipment. While reducing time needed to restore power during unforeseen power outages. Implementation Schedule: January 2007 Design specifications completed February 2007 Out to Bid April 2007 Implementation Design and Planning July 2007 Completion January 2008 Specifications completed February 2008 Out to Bid April 2008 Implementation Installation of Generator and Transfer switch September 2008 Completion Th CY 2009 Valve replacement CY 2010 SCADA upgrades 49 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 1, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Pumping Station Improvements - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 1, 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design 40,000 - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment - 75,000 30,000 40,000 Construction/R epair - - 35,000 5,000 8,000 Miscellaneous _ - - - I otal Project Cost - - 40,000 110,000 35,000 48,000 I otal Outside Funding _ - - - _ Cost to the Village of Morton Grove _ - 40,000 110,000 35,000 48,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: 7/1/05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Enterprise Fund Impact on Operating Costs: Reduction in overtime cost due to automatic start and stop of generator 50 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 1, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Replacement of Pumps and Motors at the North Station Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [X] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: Replacements of the four pump and motor sets located at the National Street pumping station. The equipment was installed in the early fifties with parts being difficult to obtain. The project will entail replacing all pumps and motors, pump controls, electrical wiring, with one pump being a variable speed pump that will allow us more flexibility in our pumping capabilities. Project Benefits: Replacement of pumps and motors will allow for increased pumping capacity, increase fire flow demands, increase efficiency, and help reduce electrical cost from more efficient electrical motors being installed. Implementation Schedule: May 2009 Specifications Completed June 2009 Out to Bid October 2009 Implementation December 2009 Completion 51 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 1, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Replacement of Pumps and Motors at North Station - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 , 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - 15,000 - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment 210,000 Construction/R epair - - - 60,000 - Miscellaneous _ - - - - I otal Froject Cost - - - - 285,000 - I otal Uutsiae Funding - _ - - _ _ • • Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - - - 285,000 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: 7/1/05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Enterprise Fund Impact on Operating Costs: Electrical cost lessened due to efficiency of electrical motors 52 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 9/16/2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Sewer Improvement Program Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ X ] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ X ] Description of Project: The Sewer Improvement Program is divided into two types of improvements: reconstruction and lining. Reconstruction generally consists of removing and replacing the sanitary or storm sewer pipes, which could include removal of pavement, trees, parkways, driveways and sidewalks. Generally reconstruction projects coincide with the Street Improvement Program to minimize disruption to residents. Lining projects generally consist of rehabilitating an existing sewer by utilizing a technology called Cured-In-Place Pipe that provides a new structurally sufficient pipe within the existing sewer. Cost Est. Budget Funding Type Size Street From To * Year Source ** Reconstruction Storm 72" Capulina Austin Marmora $564,000 2009 CPF Storm 72" Capulina Marmora Menard $564,000 2010 I CPF Lining Sanitary 8" Simpson Sayre Golf $25,000 2006 Enterprise Sanitary 8" Palma Marion Sayre $20,000 2006 Enterprise Wilson Sanitary 8" / 10" Sayre Ter. Emerson $20,000 2006 Enterprise * Cost Estimates are in 2006 dollars ** CPF = Capital Project Fund Project Benefits: Project benefits for sewer separation include an increase in storm sewer capacity and subsequent reduction in sewer backups in combined sewer areas. Project benefits for sewer lining include improvement of deteriorated facilities, increased operating efficiency through decreased maintenance,reduction in ground water infiltration and reduction in sewer exfiltration. Implementation Schedule: Typical project implementation is as follows: October—December 2005 —Development of plans, specifications and estimates January—March 2006—Bidding and contract execution April— September 2006—Construction September—October 2006—Project close-out 53 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 11, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Sewer Improvement Program - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 _ 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - 40,000 40,000 - Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment - - - - Construction/R epair 60,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 629,000 629,000 Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Nroject Cost 60,000 65,000 65,000 105,000 669,000 629,000 I otal Outside - Funding - - - - - Cost to the Village of Morton Grove 60,000 65,000 65,000 105,000 669,000 629,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: 6/20/05 (note: all figures are in 2006 dollars) Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided The lining portions of the Sewer Improvement Program is funded through the Enterprise Fund. Future major reconstruction projects may be funded through either the Capital Project Fund or Enterprise Fund. Impact on Operating Costs: 54 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program '"1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 9/16/2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Street Improvement Program Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ X ] Description of Project: The Street Improvement Program is divided into three types of improvements: reconstruction, resurfacing, and interim maintenance. Reconstruction generally consists of removing and replacing all pavement, curbs and gutters, and most drainage structures, sidewalks and driveways. Resurfacing generally consists of removing and replacing several inches of bituminous material, and intermittent removal and replacement of drainage structures, sidewalks and driveways. Street patching and crack filling are considered to be interim maintenance. -RECONSTRTJC TON Cost Est. * Budget Year Funding Street From To Source ** Osceola Beckwith Foster $603,580 2007 CPF Greenwood Oriole Ozark $324,450 2008 CPF Wilson Oketo Ten Lyons $129,780 2008 CPF Keeney Marmora Menard $123,600 2008 CPF Hoffman Ten Nashville Narragansett $290,460 2009 CPF Linder Church Emerson $141,625 2009 CPF Natchez Beckwith Hoffman Ten $115,360 2009 CPF Main Parkside Gross Point $375,787 2009 CPF Foster Harlem Sayre $280,160 2010 CPF Suffield Ozark I Oleander $192,610 2010 _ CPF RESURFACING Harlem Ave. I Golf Dempster $350,618 2006 CPF Greenwood Waukegan Harlem $234,500 2006 CPF Cleveland Austin Marmora $55,620 2007 CPF Shermer Ave. Golf Harlem $222,004 2007 CPF Lyons Mango Harms $94,760 2007 CPF Austin Ave. Church Oakton $478,344 2008 CPF Major , Church Lyons $71,070 I 2008 1 CPF Wilson Ter Washington I Merrill I $66,950 I 2008 CPF 55 Neenah Churchill Hazel $48,410 2009 CPF New England Beckwith Davis $124,955 2009 Ave CPF McVicker Austin Lake $106,090 2009 CPF New Castle Beckwith Davis $122,733 2010 CPF Mason Austin Marmora $56,650 2010 CPF Wilson Ter Marion I Sayre $84,460 2010 CPF INTERIM MAINTENANCE Street Patching, Crack Sealing, $70,000 2006 MFT Microsurfacing, etc. * All figures are in 2006 dollars ** CPF—Capital Project Fund MFT—Motor Fuel Tax Fund GF— General Fund Project Benefits: Project benefits include improvement of deteriorated facilities, increased operating efficiency through decreased maintenance, elimination of hazards to the driving public, cyclists and pedestrians and increased property value in the vicinity of the improvement. Implementation Schedule: Typically, reconstruction and resurfacing projects are bid under the same project. Since the 2006 program includes federal money, the Harlem Avenue project will be bid separately. The Street Patching program is also bid separately since it involves MFT funding. Finally, the Village participates in the crack sealing program through the Northwest Municipal Conference. Typical project implementation is as follows: October—December 2005 —Development of plans, specifications and estimates January—March 2006—Bidding and contract execution April— September 2006—Construction September—October 2006—Project close-out 56 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program --s. PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 11, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Street Improvement - Project Cost- emet Coat to I 2�6 I 2�7 2�8 20 9 2010 Elements Date J Planning/ Design - 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Site Acquisition - - - - !Equipment - - - - Construction/R epair - 585,118 975,964 1,194,194 1,154,277 736,613 Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Project Cost - 625,118 1,015,964 1,234,194 1,194,277 776,613 I otal Uutsiae —I _ I Funding - I 246,000 70,000 70,000 I 70,000 70,000 '--. Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - 379,118 945,964 1,164,194 1,124,277 706,613 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: 6/20/05 (note: all figures are in 2006 dollars) Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided For 2006, the Village anticipates reimbursement of$246,000 in Federal money for the resurfacing of Harlem Avenue and $70,000 in MFT funding for the Street Patching Program. Impact on Operating Costs: 57 (This page intentionally left blank) Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Street Lighting Program Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Consuctiom epair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: In the past street lighting was constructed on a block-by-block basis, as petitioned by the residents. When the program is resumed Public Works will first begin by completing the petitions it has on file, when all petitions have been honored Public Works will then determine locations of future street lighting. The ultimate goal would be to have street lights constructed throughout all Village streets. CY 2009 Base Bid Streets Reba Street Menard Avenue to Marmora Avenue Keeney Street Menard Avenue to Marmora Avenue Alternate Bid Streets Madison Street Marmora Avenue to Austin Avenue Project Benefits: Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of Village streets and neighborhoods. Night visibility increased providing for improved safety to pedestrians and vehicular traffic. Implementation Schedule: CY 2009 Bid Documents Available June 2009 Execute Contract July 2009 Complete Construction October 2009 58 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Street Lighting Program -Project Cost - Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY , Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design _ Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment Construction/R epair - - - 85,000 85,000 Miscellaneous _ - - - I otal Project ' Cost _ - - - 85,000 85,000 ota utsi e Funding - - _ \ft.- Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - - - - 85,000 85,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Impact on Operating Costs: Additional energy and maintenance charges of approximately $2,000 per year. Le 59 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 9/16/2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Water Main Improvement Pro ram Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [ X ] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ X ] Description of Project: The Water Main Improvement Program generally consists of the removal and replacement of deteriorated water mains,which could include removal of pavement, trees, parkways, driveways and sidewalks. Generally water main projects coincide with the Street Improvement Program to minimize disruption to residents. WATER MAIN REONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Cost Est. * Budget Year Funding Size Street From To Source Frontage Lincoln $20,000/ 12 Rd. Ave. Main St. $180,000 2006 /2007 Enterprise 12" Alley N. of Marmora Menard Ave. $20,000 Dempster Av. $280,000 2007/2008 Enterprise 12 Lake St. Harrer Park Austin Ave. $20,000/ $508,000 2008 / 2009 _ Enterprise * Cost Estimates for each project are divided into two components, design and construction. Cost estimates are in 2006 dollars. Project Benefits: Project benefits include improvement of deteriorated facilities, increased operating efficiency through decreased maintenance and improved water supply capabilities. Implementation Schedule: Typical project implementation is as follows: October—December 2005 —Development of plans, specifications and estimates January—March 2006—Bidding and contract execution April—September 2006 — Construction September—October 2006 —Project close-out 60 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 11, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Water Main Improvement Program - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment - - - _ Construction/R epair - - 180,000 280,000 508,000 300,000 Miscellaneous _ _ - I otal Project Cost - 20,000 200,000 300,000 528,000 320,000 I otal outside Funding _ - _ - �. Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - 20,000 200,000 300,000 528,000 320,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: 6/20/05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Future water main reconstruction projects may be funded through either the Capital Project Fund or Enterprise Fund. Impact on Operating Costs: 61 Village of Morton Grove—Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 15, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Main Street Roadway and Water Main Reconstruction Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [X] Description of Project: The design and total reconstruction of the roadway and water main on Main Street, From Lehigh Avenue west to Morton Grove Pharmaceutical. Project Benefits: Roadway Reconstruction: Deteriorated Facility — The Street, curb and gutter, drainage structures are in the advanced stages of -Th deterioration. Improvement of Operating Efficiency — This will provide for a reduction of maintenance as required by the Public Works Department. Risk to Public Safety or Health—Elimination of hazards to the driving public, cyclists and pedestrians. Increase of Property Value — This improvement should provide for increased or stabilized property values due to the street rehabilitations Water Main: New of Substantially Expanded Facility—Improvements to water distribution system will improve pressure and volume throughout the Village. Risk to Public Safety or Health— System improvement will improve fire flow, and ensure compliance with IEPA regulations. Improvement of Operating Efficiency—New main will reduce the overtime required for the Water Division personnel conducting repairs to the existing system. [mplementation Schedule: Phase I and phase II engineering to begin in April 2007 62 Village of Morton Grove-Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 12, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Main Street and Water Main Reconstruction - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - 60,000 Site Acquisition - - - - Equipment Construction/R epair - - 544,000 - Miscellaneous - - - 13,000 I otal Project Cost - - 60,000 557,000 I otal Outsiae Funding _ - I - _ - Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - - 60,000 557,000 Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [ Comparable Facility Cost [X j Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ Date of Cost Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided TIF eligible funds Impact on Operating Costs: 63 Village of Morton Grove— Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: July 1. 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Water Tower Cleaning and Painting Type of Project: Site Acquisition [ ] Facility Construction/Repair [X] Equipment Purchase [ ] Planning/Design [ ] Description of Project: The draining, cleaning, inspecting, repair, painting, and replacement of cathodic protection system at existing elevated storage tanks. CY 2008 —North Water Tank CY 2009— South Water Tank Project Benefits: Maintain structural integrity and appearance of water towers Implementation Schedule: January 2008 Specifications Completed February 2008 Out to Bid April 2008 Implementation North Water Tank June 2008 Completion January 2009 Specifications Completed February 2009 Out to Bid April 2009 Implementation South Water Tank June 2009 Completion Th 64 Village of Morton Grove- Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: July 1, 2005 Department: Public Works Project Name: Water Tower Cleaning and Painting - Project Cost- Cost Cost to CY CY CY CY CY Elements Date 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Planning/ Design - - - - Site Acquisition - _ - - Equipment Construction/R epair - - 310,000 310,000 - Miscellaneous - - - - I otal Project Cost - - - 310,000 310,000 - I otal Uutsioe I Funding - I - - - - `' Cost to the Village of Morton Grove - _ - 310,000 310,000 - Basis of Project Cost Estimate: Engineer,Architect Bids Received [ ] or Vendor Estimate [X] Comparable Facility Cost [ ] Standard Cost- Chicago Area [ ] Date of Cost Estimate: 7/1/05 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Note: Please indicate the portion of project cost that the Village must pay on the Project Cost Table line provided Enterprise Fund Impact on Operating Costs: 65 BUDGET NOTES ABOUT THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS The Village of Morton Grove,Cook County, Illinois was incorporated in 1895. It is a northern suburb of Chicago located ten miles northeast of O'Hare International Airport. The Village encompasses an area of five square miles (20%of which is Cook County Forest Preserve). Based on the 2000 census, the Village has a population of 22,451 with a median family income of$72,778 and the median value of an owner occupied single-family home is $303,000. The Village is a diversified and balanced community. The Village's boundaries are served by five elementary and two secondary school districts. Morton Grove's principal growth took place during the late 50's and early 60's when the population increased from 7,427 to 20,533 residents. The population peaked in 1970 at 26,369. The Village is predominantly"built out" and is primarily comprised of residential land uses. Over twenty(20%) percent of the land i.-t the community is owned by the Cook County Forest Preserve District and is set aside for preservation and recreation uses. Significant industrial,office, and commercial land users are also located within the community. Very little vacant land remains for commercial and office development or light manufacturing. The Village of Morton Grove is governed as a home rule community under Illinois law and operates under a President/Trustee form of government with a full-time Administrator. Under home rule powers, the Village is permitted to carry out its own governing procedures except where it is specifically prohibited by the State legislature. The Village President and the six member Board of Trustees are elected at large for four-year terms. The President, with concurrence from the Board, appoints the Village Administrator and all Department Directors. The Village Administrator is the chief administrative officer who oversees the day-to-day operations of the Village. The Village currently has 163 full-time employees and 54 permanent part-time employees who work at any one of seven departments(Police,Fire, Public Works, Community and Economic Development, Family and Senior Service/Civic Center,Building and Inspectional Services, Finance), or in the Administrator's office. Each of these department activities is coordinated by a Department Director who reports directly to the Village Administrator. The following table lists the ten largest taxpayers based on the most recent Equalized Assessed Valuation(EAV) (for the 2003 tax year). Percent of Total Taxpayers Type of Business Assessed Valuation Assessed Valuation Federal Center, Inc. Shopping Center $ 15,814,313 2.42% Rose Real Estate&Develop Office&Warehouse Bldgs 18,560,870 2.84 Bell& Gossett Pumps, Compressors&Valve Mfg 11,502,100 1.76 Avon Cosmetics, Beauty Aids 9,203,439 1.41 Marvin F. Poer& Co (Crane) Packing Materials Mfg. 9,652,251 1.48 Schwartz Paper Co Paper Goods Distributor 9,224,922 1.41 Kraft Foods 7,385,639 1.13 Lawnware Products Patio Furniture 5,440,575 0.83 Method K. Partners Shopping Centers 4,540,073 0.70 Menards Retail 11,541,704 1.77 Commonwealth Edison Utility 4,013,260 .61 Gendell Office Building 3,644,928 .56 Schwinge Family Ltd Shopping Centers 9,545.731 1.46 Total of Principal Taxpayers S 120.069.805 18.38% Total Village Equalized Assessed Valuation 652 79 74 100.0.0% Source: Cook County Tax Extension Office BUDGET PROCESS Introduction What is a Budget? Budgets are generally recognized as the most significant financial document produced by a governmental entity. It is a process of allocating resources in order to determine which government activities are to be supported. The spending side of the budget process establishes which public goods and services and infrastructure improvements are to be provided, how they are to be provided, and determined those groups entitled to receive the goods or services and infrastructure improvements provided. The revenue side determines how individuals will share the burden of providing for those goods and services and infrastructure improvements. In a world of resource scarcity, the budget process can also be seen as a process of conflict resolution. Resource allocation processes differ between the public and private sector due to the following factors: (1)the profit motive is not generally applicable to the public sector, (2)resources in the private sector are limited to the amount available to the individual or firm while, in the public sector,the only limit is the amount of resources available to society as a whole, (3)the reason that government exists is because certain goods or services cannot be at all or as well provided by the private sector,and(4)the resources to be allocated in the public sector are based on political and economic values while the private sector can match the cost of resources to be provided against the revenue to be earned by those resources. Budgets are plans of the executive and legislative branches of government translated to dollars. They provide a control and review structure for executive implementation of legislatively approved plans. There are two basic types of budgets: (1)The operating budget identifies the level of revenues needed to support the expenditures for governmental operations. (2) The capital budget identifies the funds necessary to support capital expenditures. These expenditures are necessary to provide the governmental infrastructure for the public goods and services desired, i.e.,roads and buildings. This budget will be discussed more extensively in the session on capital budgeting. Budgeting helps to integrate the following functions of government: (1)Policy Development, (2)Financial Planning, (3) Service/Operations Planning, and(4) Communications. These functions are achieved in the process of developing and executing the budget, an ongoing, cyclic activity which can be summarized in the following steps: (1)Planning/Preparation, (2) Integration, (3) Selling/Passage,and(4)Execution/Feedback. In most governments these steps are undertaken annually, however,there is growing interest in adoption of a biennial budget and/or a multi-year planning process,due to concerns about the time-consuming nature of preparing and adopting a budget and the difficulty of achieving a long-term planning horizon with an annual process. The Village currently utilizes an annual budget preparation cycle; however,the Capital Improvements Program(CIP) is for five years with annual updates. The Process Itself The budget process begins with the Department Directors meeting with their staff to analyze each department's performance during this current fiscal period and outlining realistic goals and objectives for the upcoming year, then projecting out costs to meet these goals. The amounts initially requested by the Department Director are reflected in the "REQUESTED" (or Department Request) column of the Proposed Budget Detail. From that point, the budgets are further reviewed by the Village Administrator,Finance Director, and Department Directors with any revisions reflected in the "PROPOSED" (or Manager Recommendation) column of the same document. Following this process, the Proposed Budget is sent to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. In addition, the Proposed Budget amounts are published by fund under a"Legal Notice" announcing the date of the formal Public Hearing. At this point,the Board of Trustees meet in a number of workshops to review and discuss the budget with the Village Administrator, Finance Director, and appropriate Department Director. These meetings are open to the public. Following the initial workshops, a formal Public Hearing is held where citizens may provide input and/or testimony to the budget process. The workshop discussions are wide ranging, including discussions on all operating expenditures, existing and potential revenue sources, and on-going and future requirements of the existing Village infrastructure. In addition with its review of specific programs and services,the budget workshop also includes discussions of present and future needs of the Village's citizenry. A complete Budget Calendar is included later in this Appendix. Basis of Accounting The Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB) is the current ruling body which promulgates the financial reporting standards for all state and local levels of government. These financial reporting standards are commonly referred to as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The Village prepares its budget utilizing GAAP for all its funds. As required by GAAP, governmental funds utilize the modified accrual basis. This simply means revenues are projected when they will become "measurable and available". Measurable means when these revenues are projected to be in the "hands" of the intermediary collecting governmental agency--although not necessarily physically in the hands of the Village itself(to illustrate, sales tax is collected by the State and physically distributed to municipalities over a two and one-half month period. For example, retail sales made in November by a store in Morton Grove are paid to the State in December. The State will deliver the monies to the Village by mid-February. Even though February falls in the subsequent budget calendar year, the Village recognizes this as revenue in the current budget calendar year.) Expenditures under this method of accounting are projected when they will occur--not when they will be paid. (To illustrate, commodities purchased, services rendered, or construction work performed during December will typically be paid in January or early February. Even though January and February falls in the subsequent budget calendar year, the expense will be recognized in the current budget calendar year.) Also pursuant to GAAP,the Enterprise and Pension Funds use the accrual basis of accounting. The accrual basis recognizes both revenue and expenditures for the period they will be projected to occur--not when the actual cash is received or expended. Accrual or modified accrual based accounting is required by GAAP for financial reporting purposes in order to receive an unqualified opinion from independent auditors that the financial statements are "fairly presented". It maintains the Village as a "going concern" and reports the revenues and expenses to the fiscal year by which it carries out its operations. This basis of accounting prevents the Village from deferring the recognition of expenses to a subsequent fiscal year by simply deferring the timing on the payment of bills. Following GAAP and receiving an unqualified opinion from independent auditors are mandatory to maintaining banking relationships and bond ratings by which our ability to incur and maintain debt is measured by other independent bodies. Budget Documents Utilized There are three separate documents submitted to the Village Board for formal review during the budget preparation process. Those documents are: the Proposed Budget(Operating and Capital Budgets) the Expanded Budget; and the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. The Proposed Budget provides the Village Board with a detailed document showing all revenue projections and appropriation requests necessary to continue providing the current level of services now offered to the community. The document includes an overall budget message prepared by the Village Administrator along with Summary Tables which include highlights and totals from the budget document. There is also a listing of performance criteria along with various goals and objectives for each fund and/or department along with explanations on various line item accounts. The Expanded Budget will include requests from Department Directors for additional staff,new programs, additional equipment, and other requests which are not essential to the continuity of the current level of service. The Expanded Budget may also include Capital Outlay Requests which could not be accommodated in the Operating Budget(Proposed Budget). iii I'C 1I 1 IN N.e o eI °' NI oIN ' IN co-' m In O O on no.0 I OIN O N N NN N O O ILL!„0 ININ N1N 'N'NIN OIN (� a al 11 p'.. 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The CIP document is prepared by a CIP committee which includes the Mayor, a Trustee, the Village Administrator, Director of Finance, along with input from the Department Directors. Priorities for major,non- • -- recurring projects using a multi-year schedule are established and a Five Year Proposed Capital Improvement Program report is submitted to the Village Board of Trustees. A budget workshop is devoted to discussing the CIP document during budget deliberations. A summary of the main areas to be discussed during the budget process/workshops is included in the budget document under the tab "CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN." Budget Approval,Control,and Amendments At the conclusion of the budget review process, the Mayor and Board of Trustees directs the Village Administrator to prepare a final budget incorporating the appropriations found necessary by the Board during the Budget Workshops. A formal al Appropriation Ordinance is then presented to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration. State statutes require the Village to approve the Appropriation Ordinance by at least the conclusion of the first quarter of the calendar year. The Village typically approves the Appropriation Ordinance at the first Board of Trustees meeting in December. The Board of Trustees,Village Administrator, Finance Director,and Department Directors monitor their budgets very closely throughout the budget calendar year. A monthly report is generated comparing year-to-date operating expenditures and revenues with projected year-to-date budgets. The budget authority is flexible in that the Village Administrator may make transfers within department or activity budgets when considered necessary for the proper administration of the Village government. The Village Board may revise the budget any time through interdepartmental transfers within any fund by passage of a resolution upon recommendation by the Village Administrator. The resolution would not affect fund totals. Transfers, however,between two or more funds or additional appropriations to any fund require the passage of a Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance. BUDGET POLICY Infrastructure and Major Equipment Replacement The Village believes that ongoing maintenance of its infrastructure and equipment is of prime importance to reduce the risk of emergency repairs and avoids the cost increases of deferral. To finance capital projects or major equipment replacement,the Village utilizes standard capital raising techniques such as General Obligation and Revenue Bond Issues; special loan programs established by intergovernmental agencies such as the IEPA; standard borrowing from local financial institutions; and"pay as you go" using current revenue (through the property tax levy or from other tax sources)when possible. User Charges Budgetary policy of the Village also allows for the reasonable utilization of user fees when appropriate. Examples of some of the user fees currently utilized and imposed by the Village include water fees (for providing water to Village residents); sewer charges (for maintaining the storm, sanitary and combined sewer collection systems under the Village's jurisdiction); commuter parking lot fees (daily parking fee charge for users of the commuter parking lot for maintenance and upkeep); ambulance fees;Civic Center and senior and social service fees; and E9- 1-1 fees (monthly service charge to users of telephone systems within the Village's jurisdiction for maintaining the emergency 9-1-1 telephone system.) Revenue Estimates The Village's budgetary policy requires revenue estimates be based on conservative projections. It is normal for actual Village revenues to be at or very close to original projections. There have only been a couple of fiscal years when actual revenues deviated from the budget by a significant amount. As the calendar year progresses,major vii revenue sources are continuously compared to original revenue estimates to insure initial projections will be reasonably met. The operating budget is developed with a focus on long-term solvency. This is demonstrated by the conservative nature of initial revenue projections, as well as, limitations to the utilization of available fund balances in"balancing the budget". DEBT POLICY AND ANALYSIS OF OUTSTANDING DEBT The Village of Morton Grove is a home rule municipality and, as such, has no debt limitations. If, the Village was a non-home rule municipality, according to Illinois statutes, its available debt limit would be as follows: %of EAV Assessed Valuation(EAV)—2004 $749 170 377 Legal Debt Limit for Non-Home Rule—8.625%of EAV $ 64,615,945 (8.625%) Total Regular Village Debt for Governmental Operations' $ 14,447,451 (1.93%) Total Debt for Economic Development' $ 9,263,067(1.24%) Total All Village Debt Applicable to Lirnit3 $ 23,710,518 (3.16%) Total Non-Home Rule Debt Margin Available $ 40,905,427(5.46%) The above Table demonstrates the Village continues to be frugal in its use of home rule debt authority. The schedule on the following page summarizing the current Village debt along with current interest rates as well as new debt that is proposed for meeting the requirements of the upcoming Calendar Year Budget. The first section summarizes the installment note financing debt incurred on equipment acquired for the Public Works and Public Safety Departments, and provides the reader with a summary of short term borrowing. The next section on the following pages provides the reader with a summary of both short and long term debt outstanding and the related repayment schedule over the next five years. The Village's outstanding General Obligation Bonds issued in 1999 have an underlying rating of Aa3 from Moody's Investors Service. The rating for this issue was upgraded from Al. The increased rating reflects the Village's mature economic base that is supported by above average wealth levels and strong financial operations, which include healthy reserves and a moderate debt burden. The actual 1999 GO Bond issue is Aaa rated—FGIC insured. MAJOR REVENUE ITEMS (Also See Graph in TABLE D-1 Under Transmittal Letter Section) Sales Tax This revenue source includes the 1%municipal tax, 1.0%home-rule sales tax and the State use tax. The Village automatically receives 1% of all retail sales within its boundaries as provided by State law. In addition, the local option sales tax of 1.0%provides additional sales tax on all retail sales, except food to be consumed off premises (grocery stores), prescription and non-prescription drugs and titled items(motor vehicles, etc.). A portion of the home rule tax (1/4 or.25%)has been earmarked for debt service and capital improvement projects. The use tax is distributed to municipalities based on population. It is collected on purchases of personal property from out of state retailers (excluding titled items). Total sales tax budgeted for CY2006 is $6,253,000. This total is made up from the following: 1 As of January 1, 2006,the total regular Village debt for governmental operations will be $14,808,981. The debt limitation governing non-home rule communities excludes debt incurrent due to mandates of the EPA or Federal Clean Water Act. The Village has$361,530 in loans outstanding from the IEPA for complying with sewer mandates which are excluded from the —� formula used to determine the debt applicable to the non-home rule limit. 2 As of January 1, 2006,the total economic development debt,which includes the TIF Funds and Economic Development Fund will be$9,263,067. 3 As of January 1, 2006,the total of all Village debt(includes regular Village debt for governmental operations and total economic development debt)applicable to the limit is$24,072,048 or 3.21%of EAV. viii 1%Municipal Portion $3,750,000 1%Local Option $2,410,000 Use Tax $ 247,000 $6.407.000 ‘••-' This is a increase of$154,000 or 2.46% from the prior year. Of the amount allocated to the Economic Development Fund$424,323 is for retirement of debt related to Area"A" and`B"debt payments, $108,107 is for the SD#67 Revenue Sharing Agreement, $25,000 is for the Charter One Relocation Agreement, $48,353 is for the SD#70 Revenue Sharing Agreement, $75,000 is for the Menard's Economic Development Agreement, $71,696 is for the McGrath Economic Development Agreement and$20,000 is for the Osco Economic Development Agreement. Property Tax Property taxes are the largest revenue source in the Village. The Village proposes levying a total of$7,206,230 for the upcoming 2005 Calendar Year Budget period. Morton Grove is a home rule municipality, and as such,has no limit on the amount it could levy for property taxes. Further, it is not under any"tax cap" limitation at this time. The Village's collection rate on its property tax levy has averaged greater than 99.0%over the last five years. Despite increases in operating expenses; increased cost to repair deteriorating infrastructure; and complying with ongoing state and federal mandates; the Village's increase in the property tax levy over the past ten years has been kept well below the annual rate of inflation(see "Table C-1"in the "Transmittal Letter"section). Share of State Income Tax The Village's share of State Income Tax for the 2006 Calendar Year Budget period is $1,594,000. This is an increase of$154,000 from the Calendar Year 2005 Budget($1,440,000). Income taxes are distributed by the State on a per capita basis. The increase in income tax is based on a per capita average projection of$71.00 versus $64.12 used in the prior year as projected by the Illinois Municipal League (IML). Telecommunications Tax The Village adopted a Telecommunications Tax Ordinance on September 1, 1996. The ordinance imposed a 5% tax on all local, intrastate, and interstate telecommunications services (telephone, fax, long distance carriers, pagers, etc.)which either originate or are received within the corporate limits of the Village. The ordinance creates a level marketplace between cable television firms which already collect and pay a 5% franchise fee and telecommunications companies which may in the future complete in similar enterprises. Projections for the 2006 Calendar Year Budget period total $1,149,000. The projections are based on averages for full months of collection received for the last twelve months. To date,the Village collects a varying amount from over forty different entities. The major carriers include Ameritech,AT&T, Cellular One, Sprint, and MCI. Water and Sewer Fees The Village projects a total of$4,020,000 in water sales and sewer charges for the 2006 Calendar Year Budget period. This is an increase of$70,000 or 1.8% from the$3,950,000 budgeted in the prior year. The residential water/sewer rate was $4.66 per thousand during calendar year 2005. For major commercial users, rates per 1000 gallons increase for excess water usage over 250,000 gallons per month. Residents over the age of 65 who both live in and own their own home are given a discount of 50% for up to 12,000 gallons used in a two month billing period. ix FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE FUNDS All funds shown have a self-balancing group of accounts which include revenues, expenditures, assets, liabilities and a fund balance. Each fund has a specific purpose either funding a pension,providing for the distribution of water and treatment of sewerage, finding major equipment replacement programs, capital projects programs,or accounting for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. At January 1,2006, the Waukegan Road TIF Fund carries a negative balance. While the Village has adopted sound financial policies that have allowed it to continue to provide a high level of customer service to residents, further efforts are needed to increase and diversify its revenue base to provide municipal services while keeping increases in property taxes to a minimum into the future. x BUDGET CALENDAR �.. FISCAL YEAR 2006 t ° As of 10/04/2005 DAY(S)OF DATES WEEK TIMES ACTIVITIES 6/14/05 Tuesday 'Capital Improvement Program,Procedure Manual"distributed to Department Directors 6/14/05 Tuesday Deliver Budget Manuals to Department Directors(Include review of budgeting software and procedures). 7/15/05 Friday CIP Project Detail submitted to Finance Department for compilation. 7115/05 to 8/13/05 Department Directors to complete at budget submittals into oomputertzed budget system. 720/05 Wednesday 5:30 Budget Workshop 7/27/05 Wednesday 5:30 Budget Workshop 7/21/05 Thursday Distribute CIP materials to CIP Committee. 7/29/05 Friday Distribute Salary Budget Worksheets to Department Directors. 8/12/05 Friday Salary Budget Worksheets due to Finance Department. 8/24/05 Wednesday 6:00 CIP Committee meets for departmental presentations and to set initial priorities. Any changes will be reviewed as part of the budget meetings. 9/6/05 to 9/9/05 Tues-Friday Department Directors to meet with Finance Officer and Administrator to review appropriations requests. Key staff who can help answer questions regarding initial budget submittals should be present. Draft copies of Expanded Budget requests should also be brought for initial review and discussion. Meetings will be held in the Trustees'Conference Room on the second floor of Village Hall. Dates and times are as follows: 9/6/05 Tuesday 8:30 AM Family and Senior Services,Civic Center 10:30 AM Community Development and Economic Development 9/7/05 Wednesday 8:30 AM Public Works Department and Capital Projects 3:00 PM Building and Inspectional Services Department/Municipal Buildings 9/8/05 Thursday 8:30 AM Fire Department/ESDA 10:30 AM Police Department 9/9/05 Friday 8:30 AM Finance&MIS 9:30 AM Administration 9/9/05 to 10/3/05 Finance Officer and Administrator to complete budget document. 10/14/05 Friday Completed Budget document distributed to Board of Trustees. 10/24/05 Monday TBD Initial Budget Workshop for Board of Trustees to be conducted by Administrator and Finance Officer as part of the regular Board meeting agenda. CIP materials available for Board of Trustees'review with operating budget for Village's Calendar Year 2006 Budget document. The following dates are reserved for departmental presentations to the Village Board. These meetings will be held in the Police Training Room at the following dates and times: err e? r edaesd srp ;t tsTtoe"3Depadmertt - 4"" . .g- "� '"*`- -Tre u s :tit t` r`' a-s—T 'T' `sng # � � .M nmr*8boh5espons:le. 1 . -may ,a .#._. ;,a' ; tiek' 16/29 atu 74. 3ommu �atx arndSevelopmart�-" -�a �- 01 e SA S filbe.90.74SvesNliiii i4 Wgi e,,, � : ,: v- Ott AE9s.a and:Jenuviar es enrfc,ivlc ,�:` .r °' �.+°, ^a. F'�nancs-ana=,'NflS.Yes.,pgnsFieCYions� � `°" xi BUDGET CALENDAR "_* FISCAL YEAR 2006 '' f As of 10/04/2005 DAY(S)OF DATES WEEK TIMES ACTIVITIES ririr Fp r. are ieN@sT a. = : 11/2/05 Wednesday E-mail Public Hearing notice to the paper for publication next week 112/05 Wednesday Proposed budget changes,summary budget and Springbrook detail distributed to the Board of Trustees. 11/10/05 Thursday Publish notice of Public Hearing for annual Budget scheduled for November 28. Must be at least 10 days prior to hearing. 11/16/05 Wednesday E-mail tax levy to the newspaper 1128/05 Monday 7:30 PM Public Hearing on budget to be conducted as part of the regular Village Board meeting held in the Civic Center. 12/1/05 Thursday Publish notice of Public Hearing—Tax Levy scheduled for Dec. 12. 12/1/05 Thursday Distribute Budget Ordinance,Tax Levy and Abatements to Village Board with other Agenda materials. 12/12/05 Monday 7:30 PM Public Hearing on Tax Levy to be conducted as part of the regular Village Board meeting in the Civic Center(pending legislative approval). Budget(Appropriations Ordinance)is formally adopted by Board of Trustees. Tax Levy Ordinance and Abatement Resolution adopted. 12/13/05 Tuesday Deliver approved ordinances to the County.(Appropriation,Tax Levy,Abatements and Revenue Certification) 12/15/05 Thursday Completed budget document is distributed to all Department Directors and Board of Trustees. 1/1/06 Sunday New budget year begins(publish notice of adoption of Calendar Year 2006 Budget and availability of copies for inspection). X11 U te ' .• ,.. `. 7 O L y h 0 O C V a) .tJ • C, � � ? a v .a) - ❑ � M u w U "7 • " V.V 1N. C o `o N Uk ZC4CnUO .m u — a. _' " .co• C Q .) y• O� .. t. a - m - 4.)co .i5 0 r.74 U y "J So.G C DD. w v U d p C :4V C w V 7 � N U O 42 1 a v _ 0 7 O V O - ^ • C = - ra 0 w a y _ 7 / . L DL © u ^ v . tad y � ..V . ` . / „ - .a C Uj on'0 • CZ on � I L -. UC' 474 0.1 N - 7 �, O El -0 r, u i J o be — y bq n L H _ c > '� u m C a2 u f° a Imo. p 0o •*-. cy \ I A • \ LN . \ , 0 g c \ _C w >., \ I y ' Uu, U � ab= a _\ I r. V L a) .ri .' :J \ I 7 a y 7 ,_ N n A.. \I C) t m C 0 U 4 v j ` U 7 • U —, r a) � O O •U o a t � C C Iiii � te. xiii• SALARY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE ASSIGNMENT BY CLASSIFICATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006 ADMINIS I RATIVE AND PROFESSIONAL Human Resource Coordinator 67 Family and Senior Services Coordinator 63 Assistant Finance Director 62 Deputy Building Commissioner 62 Village Planner 57 Social Worker 57 Chief Accountant 56 TECHNICAL Network Administrator 70 Public Works Inspector 57 Public Works Technician 57 Utility Inspector 57 Sanitarian 54 Building Inspector 54 LABOR AND TRADES Assistant Director of Public Works 76 Division Superintendent of Public Works 73 Maintenance Supervisor 62 Crew Leader 57 Pumping Station Operator 56 Auto Mechanic 55 Equipment Operator 53 Maintenance Worker III 51 Maintenance Worker II 48 Auto Technician 48 Maintenance Worker I 45 CLERICAL AND OFFICE Executive Secretary 47 Principal Accounting Clerk 47 Administrative Secretary/Aide II 45 Administrative Secretary/Aide I 44 Accounting Clerk 40 Principal Clerk 36 Receptionist/Cashier 36 Water Meter Reader 35 PUBLIC SAFETY Deputy Chief 79 Commander 74 Sergeant 69 Police Officer per the collective bargaining contract Support Services Supervisor �9 Records Coordinator/PIMS Manager 40 Community Service Officer/Animal Control 39 Community Service Officer I 38 Principal Clerk-Police 38 FIRE DEPARTMENT District Chief 77 Captain(Director of Fire Prevention Bureau) 73 Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic per the collective bargaining contract Fire Lieutenant per the collective bargaining contract Firefighter with Firefighter/Engineer Pay per the collective bargaining contract Firefighter/Paramedic (EMS Director) per the collective bargaining contract Firefighter/Paramedic per the collective bargaining contract Firefighter per the collective bargaining contract admin budget 2006 budget documents salary schedule pay grade assign xiv LO 0 o 0 Y 00 m o +D N N ,- ti N CO Y 0 0 0 0 \Sir c O N > N " 0 0 O• b O/� 0 P J j: 0 0 O + w m N O 0 0 I O O N r O c'> O + N N O _0 CO W 0 , 0 CO N 0 CO CO O N N CO 0 i0 .- N 0 W 0 P W 0 CO m CO 0 P CO 010 CO 0 0 CO O 0 0 CO OD 10 0 W CO 0 m l0 CO O N r N CO. 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N co N 0_ N O N O_ N O CO O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m m 10 0 0 0 a .- 0) O 0 N m LO 0 O a m O a a N O O N 1- O 0 0 0 0 O N 0 a O 0 N 0 0 0 0 _0 O 0 O O m m N N OD CO 0 0 .- N 10 N N- 0 CO m N- m O N N 0 0 0 7 Or O N I. Cr. 0 0 0 m a N- m Cr. m 0 a 0 N 0 N CO C) CO N N 0 0 O N N N m N 0 m N 0 0 0 O N O O m m O r N .- O.- a N N 0 a co CO.0) C) m c' N 0 O a N O a)0 0 a 0 N a N N m O N N O N_N O m_N CDC N (O m_N O a_CO 0 a_m 0 0 17 0_m O N_m 0 0_m N0 0_CO N N_CO N 0_m N- 03 m NCO m N 0 m 0 0 CO N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m LC 0 oo LO CO Fr 0 0 0 , 0 m 0 0 a N 0 N CO NO co CO co CO 0 N N 1b 0 0 N O) O) N .- N a (0a (O 0 m a N m a m O a O N fO N0 0 0 I) m N N r a O N m N N m N.0 m N 0 0 0 0 N O O m m O 1- N .- O a N N "a m a N m m r a'.a 0 N a N O a.O 0 a 0 N 0 a O 0 N O N N O N N N co N 0 m N co co N 0 a m 0 nr co a m 0 O m 0 O co 0 0 co r o co co m N N co N 0 co N- C co m N 0 co N 0 co 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 A 0 0 N CO 0 0 N N V> n a) 0 N 0 0 0 LI 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N m 0 0 XVii GLOSSARY OF TERMS \--" ABATEMENT -- A complete or partial cancellation of a levy imposed by a government. ACCOUNT — A term used to identify an individual asset, liability, expenditure,revenue, or fund balance. • ACCOUNTING SYSTEM —The total structure of records and procedures which discover, record, classify, summarize, and report information on the financial position and results of operations of a government or any of its funds, fund types, balanced account groups, or organization components. ACTIVITY — The smallest unit of budgetary accountability and control which encompasses specific and distinguishable lines of work performed by an organizational unit for the purpose of accomplishing a function for which the government is responsible. APPROPRIATION—A legal authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and as to the time when it may be expended. APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE—The official enactment by the governing board to legally authorize the government administration to obligate and expend resources. APPROVED —Abbreviation for "Approved/Adopted by Board of Trustees" found in the "Proposed (or Adopted) Budget Detail" throughout the Budget Book. Column of numbers represent the final funding levels adopted by the Board of Trustees at the conclusion of all budget deliberations. Those amounts are filed with the County Clerk in the annual appropriation/budget ordinance. ASSESSED VALUATION —A valuation set upon real estate or other property by a government as a basis for levying taxes. ASSETS —Property owned by a government which has a monetary value. AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE —In a governmental fund, the balance of net financial resources that are proposed or approved for appropriation in the upcoming fiscal year. BOND —A written promise, to pay a specified sum of money, called the face value, at a fixed time in the future, called the date of maturity, and carrying interest at a fixed rate, usually payable semi-annually. BONDED DEBT --That portion of indebtedness represented by outstanding bonds. BUDGET --A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period and the proposed means of financing them. BUDGET AMENDMENT --A legal procedure utilized by the governing board to revise a budget. BUDGET DOCUMENT --The instrument used by the budget-making authority to present a comprehensive financial plan of operations of the governing board. BUDGET MESSAGE --A general discussion of the proposed budget as presented in writing by the Village Administrator to the legislative body. BUDGET REVIEW PROCESS --A description of the review process of the entire budget(including the Expanded Budget and five year Capital Improvement Budget) by the Board of Trustees. Through a series of budget workshops, the Board of Trustees reviews the budget with the Village Administrator and appropriate Department Directors. Changes and adjustments made by the Board to line item accounts during the budget review process are entered in the "approved" column. xviii ENTERPRISE FUND --A fund established to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, -� including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. The "Water and Sewer Fund" is an example of the Enterprise Fund. EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUATION--The assessed valuation of real property, raised or lowered by an equalizing factor as applied by a countrywide and a statewide authority, so that all property is assessed at a consistent level for purposes of levying taxes. Currently, equalized valuation of real property is 1/3 of fair market value. ESDA --Emergency Services Disaster Agency (a.k.a. Civil Defense or Preparedness). A primarily volunteer department of the Village to assist other Village Departments and the general public in the case of an emergency, natural disaster or other appropriate situation where their skills and resources would be needed. ESTIMATED REVENUE — The amount of projected revenue to be collected during the Calendar year. The amount of revenue budgeted is the amount approved by the Board of Trustees. EXPENDITURES --Decreases in net financial resources. Expenditures include current operating expenses which require the current or future use of net current assets, debt service, and capital outlays. EXPENSES —Decreases in net total assets. Expenses represent the total cost of operations during a period regardless of the timing of related expenditures. FISCAL PERIOD —Any period at the end of which a government determines its financial position and the results of its operations. "Th FIXED ASSETS — Assets of a long term nature which are intended to continue to be held or used, such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings,machinery and equipment. FUND —A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations (e.g. Motor Fuel Tax Fund, Water/Sewer Fund, etc.). FUND BALANCE --The difference between fund assets and fund liability in a governmental or trust fund. FUND EQUITY —An equity account reflecting the unreserved accumulated earnings of the Enterprise Funds. GENERAL FUND -The fund used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The most common General Fund is the Corporate Fund. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS —Bonds for the payment of which the full faith and credit of the issuing government are pledged. GENERAL REVENUE —The revenues of a government other than those derived from the retained earnings in an Enterprise Fund. If a portion of the net income in an Enterprise Fund is contributed to another non-Enterprise Fund, such as the Corporate Fund, the amounts transferred constitute general revenue of the government. GOAL—A statement of broad direction,purpose, or intent, based on the needs of the community. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE --Revenue received from another government, such as the State of "Th Illinois, or other political subdivisions, for a specified purpose. xix REVENUES --Increases in governmental fund type, net current assets, and residual equity transfers. REVISED -- Contained in the"proposed budget detail summary printout found in each fund or department section. Reflects any revisions to the original adopted budget for the fiscal year. SOURCE OF REVENUE --Revenues classified according to their source or point of origin. SPECIAL REVENUE FUND --A fund used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. SWANCC — Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, a consortium of twenty-three (23) municipalities located in Northern Cook county and organized pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement for efficient and environmentally safe disposal of solid waste. TAX LEVY --The total amount to be raised by general property taxes for operating and debt service purposes specified in the Tax Levy Ordinance. TAX LEVY ORDINANCE —An ordinance by means of which taxes are levied. TAX RATE LIMIT —The maximum rate at which a government may levy a tax. Overall tax rate limits usually restrict levies for all purposes and of all governments, state and local,having jurisdiction in a given area. TAXES -- Compulsory charges levied by a government for the purpose of financing services performed for the common public benefit. This term does not include specific charges made against particular persons or property for current or permanent benefits such as special assessments. TRUST FUNDS --Funds used to account for assets held by a government in a trustee capacity for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and/or other funds. USER CHARGES OR FEES —The payment of a fee for direct receipt of a public service by the party benefiting from the service. admin bud;t\2004'budget documens\glossary of terms • XX j = 1r = e 1 rn \ N I @ r § / / ( = . r = 2 , = = r � N g 2 O O 2 ' I m CO [ 0 . r _ , _ w a « 0 < 2 7 0 _ -J b \ r = I , = er > � & w 0 -. 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