HomeMy WebLinkAboutCapitalImprovement 1997-2001 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - FY 1997-FY 2001 Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Capital Improvement Project Defined 2 Capital Improvement Program Summary 2 Evaluation Criteria 8 Capital Improvement Project Detail 12 Department of Community Development Beckwith Bridge Repair Beckwith Rd/Church St Engineering CAD/GIS System Lehigh Avenue Local Street Resurfacing Local Street Micro-Sealing Neighborhood Street Lighting Techny Trail Bike Path Water System Improvements Fernald Avenue Reconstruction Gross Point Road Reconstruction Harms Road Reconstruction Lake Street Rehabilitation Miller's Mill Road Storm Sewer Water Main Improvements Beckwith Road-Washington/Oriole Church Street-Linder/Mason Waukegan Road Lighting Beckwith Road-Mason/Lehigh Beckwith Road-Lehigh/Oriole Capulina Relief Sewer Finance Department Telephone System Upgrade Fire Department Ambulance Replacement Fire Station #4 Renovation Engine Replacement Command Vehicle Replacement Health and Human Services Seniortran Replacement Table of Contents (Con't) Municipal Buildings Public Works Garage Roof Public Works Saltdome Waterproofing South Pumping Station Roof Replacement Municipal Center Roof Replacement Public Works Parking Lot Village Hall Remodeling Fire Station #4 Roof Replacement Fire Station #5 Emergency Generator Police Department Renovation Police Department Automatic Vehicle Locator System Computer-Aided Dispatch Livescan Fingerprint Workstation Public Works Department Alley Paving-Asphalt Equipment Replacement Corrosion Control-IEPA Mandate Fuel Storage Monitoring Sewer Rehab-Instituform Storm Water Separation Waste Oil Storage Pump Replacement-North Station Appendix: Capital Improvement Program Participants VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 1997 - FY 2001 Introduction A Capital Improvement Program is a multi-year schedule of proposed physical public improvements setting forth anticipated expenditures for systematically monitoring, upgrading, or replacing the Village's physical plant. The Village of Morton Grove instituted the process for developing a five-year capital improvement program in 1994 . This document is the result of the evolution of the Village's process during this period, resulting in a comprehensive forecasting of expenditures which can be reasonably anticipated during the next five fiscal years. The first year of the Capital Improvement Program is identified as the "Capital Projects Budget" , and it includes all projects for which appropriations will be requested from the Village Board of Trustees for the coming fiscal year. An attempt was made to better relate the proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 with this document by indicating the operating budget account number and page number for projects described here. As you will note, this information is provided only for those projects which have been given a rank of 1, since they are being proposed for funding during Fiscal Year 1996-1997 . The development of a Capital Improvement Program is not intended to replace the operating budget process, but rather to enhance the 1 operating budget by collecting supporting information not normally obtained as a part of the operating budget process. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DEFINED A capital improvement project is a major, non-recurring expenditure that meets the criteria established for one of the categories listed below: 1. Planning or Design - Planning, feasibility, engineering, or design studies related to an individual capital. improvement project or to a program that is implemented through an individual capital improvement project. 2 . Site Acquisition - Acquisition of land for a public purpose. 3 . Equipment Purchase - Purchase of a piece or pieces of equipment totaling $10, 000 or more, and with a useful life of five (5) years or more. 4 . Facility Construction or Repair - Construction of a new facility or an addition to or extension of an existing facility, or a non-recurring major repair of all or part of a building, its grounds, or its equipment provided that the cost is $10, 000 or more, and the improvement has a useful life of ten (10) years or more. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY Two summary tables are provided. Each table identifies projects submitted by the various Village departments by name, estimated project cost by fiscal year, and total project cost for the five year Capital Improvement Program period. 2 • The table entitled "1997-2001 Capital Improvements Program Summary by Department" found on pages 4 and 5 lists all projects submitted for funding consideration, and identifies those projects for which funding was determined to be most critical in Fiscal Year 1996- 1997 . Rank 1 is assigned to those projects which are included for funding in the proposed Operating Budget. Rank 2 identifies projects which were considered important but which could be undertaken only if additional funds are provided. The projects which are identified as Rank 2 include the following: Department Proiect Estimated Cost Community Development Harms Road Reconstruction $ 11, 500 Community Development Lake Street Rehabilitation 330, 000 Community Development Water Main Improvements 34 , 538 Municipal Buildings Public Works Parking Lot 60, 000 Police Automatic Vehicle 87, 171 Locator System Police Computer-Aided Dispatch 238, 350 Police Livescan Fingerprint 60, 000 Public Works Fuel Storage Monitoring 34, 086 Public Works Waste Oil Storage 22, 297 The second table entitled "1997-2001 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Fund" found on pages 6 and 7 lists each project by the • fund in the operating budget which will provide the monies necessary for the project's implementation. The total Capital Improvement Program proposed for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 is $3 , 629, 390, of which $1, 673 , 058 will be supported by funds from the 1994 Bond Issue Fund; $1, 246, 260 will be provided from the Capital Projects Fund; $346, 500 will be provided through the Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund; and the remainder-- 3 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FY1997-FY2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT ESTIMATED COST BY FISCAL YEAR RANK PROJECT NAME 1996-97 1997.98 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-2001 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 BECKWITH BRIDGE REPAIR 57,500 1,500 2.500 1 BECKWITH RD/CHURCH ST ENGINEERING 101.000 91.350 103.000 55.600 1 CADIGIS SYSTEM 21,672 22.400 17.600 19.200' 19600 1 LEHIGH AVENUE 101,500 • 1 LOCAL STREET RESURFACING 917,260 792.500 795,000 797,500 800,000 1 LOCAL STREET MICRO-SEALING 50.000 52,000 54,000 56.000 58.000 1 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING 80,000 76,500 76,500 76,500 76,500 1 TECHNY TRAIL BIKE PATH 7,000 60,000 1 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 1,150,058 FERNALD AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION 23,800 498.800 GROSS POINT ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 39,700 11,280 490,000 2 HARMS ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 11,500 254,500 2 LAKE STREET REHABILITATION 330,000 MILLER'S MILL ROAD STORM SEWER 12,600 200.500 • 2 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS 34,538 161,250 364,500 BECKWITH ROAD-WASHINGTONIORIOLE 230,000 CHURCH STREET-LINDER/MASON 315,000 WAUKEGAN ROAD LIGHTING 496,725 BECKWITH ROAD-MASON/LEHIGH 545,000 BECKWITH ROAD-LEHIGH/ORIOLE 465.000 CAPUUNA RELIEF SEWER 1,770,000 FINANCE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE SYSTEM UPGRADE 45,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT "'"\ 1 AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT 125.000 130,000 1 FIRE STATION#4 RENOVATION 523,000 ENGINE REPLACEMENT 289,000 COMMAND VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 44,500 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 43,000 SENIORTRAN REPLACEMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 125 000 1 PUBUC WORKS GARAGE ROOF 1 PUBLIC WORKS SALTDOME WATERPROOFING 27,000 1 SOUTH PUMPING STATION ROOF REPLACEMENT 15,500 103000 MUNICIPAL CENTER ROOF REPLACEMENT 210,000 2 PUBLIC WORKS PARKING LOT 110,000 60,000 22110,000 550.000 825,000 VILLAGE HALL REMODELLING 61,800 FIRE STATION 44 ROOF REPLACEMENT 61,800 FIRE STATION#5 EMERGENCY GENERATOR 630 100 66 000 POLICE DEPARTMENT RENOVATION POLICE DEPARTMENT 2 AUTOMATIC VEHICLE LOCATOR SYSTEM 87,171 288,17 2 COMPUTER-AIDED DISPATCH 38,350 2 UVESCAN FINGERPRINT WORKSTATION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 ALLEY PAVING-ASPHALT 82,000 75.600 77,700 79,800 83,790 1 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ' 245,900 251,268 288,015 147,000 212,000 CORROSION CONTROL4EPA MANDATE 38,850 2 FUEL STORAGE MONITORING 34,086 SEWER REHAB INSITUFORM 188,900 174,100 167,800 180,300 STORM WATER SEPARATION 94,080 96,915 97,282 101,915 '� 2 WASTE OIL STORAGE 22,297 25,875 PUMP REPLACEMENT-NORTH STATION TOTAL-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 53,629,390 S3,088,987 84,921,860 54,055,907 $4,617,980 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE FY1997-FY2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET TOTAL COST ACCOUNT PAGE 1996-2001 PROJECT NAME NUMBER NO. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 61,500 BECKWITH BRIDGE REPAIR 307062-552290 188 350.950 BECKWITH RD/CHURCH ST ENGINEERING 307072-552140 189 100.472 CADIGIS SYSTEM 027022572010 114 101,500 LEHIGH AVENUE 307086-552290 190 4,102.260 LOCAL STREET RESURFACING 307051452290 186 270,000 LOCAL STREET MICRO-SEALING 037052-552290 134 386.000 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING 307054452290 187 67,000 TECHNY TRAIL BIKE PATH 307073452140 189 1,150,058 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 317092572020 198 522,600 FERNALD AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION 540,980 GROSS POINT ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 266,000 HARMS ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 330,000 LAKE STREET REHABILITATION 213,100 MILLER'S MILL ROAD STORM SEWER 560,288 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS 230,000 BECKWITH ROAD-WASHINGTON/ORIOLE 315,000 CHURCH STREET-UNDER/MASON 496,725 WAUKEGAN ROAD LIGHTING 545,000 BECKWITH ROAD-MASON/LEHIGH 465,000 BECKWITH ROAD-LEHIGH/ORIOLE 1,770,000 CAPUUNA RELIEF SEWER FINANCE DEPARTMENT 45,000 TELEPHONE SYSTEM UPGRADE FIRE DEPARTMENT 255.000 AMBULANCE REPLACEMENT 062036472030 146 523,000 FIRE STATION#4 RENOVATION 317060352290 197 289.000 ENGINE REPLACEMENT 44,500 COMMAND VEHICLE REPLACEMENT HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 43,000 SENIORTRAN REPLACEMENT MUNICIPAL.BUILDINGS 125,000 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE ROOF 028024454110 127 27,000 PUBLIC WORKS SALTDOME WATERPROOFING 028024-554110 127 15,500 SOUTH PUMPING STATION ROOF REPLACEMENT 405033371030 211 103.000 MUNICIPAL CENTER ROOF REPLACEMENT 270,000 PUBLIC WORKS PARKING LOT 1760,000 VILLAGE HALL REMODELLING 61,800 FIRE STATION 94 ROOF REPLACEMENT 30,700 ARE STATION 65 EMERGENCY GENERATOR 726,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT RENOVATION POLICE DEPARTMENT 87,171 AUTOMATIC VEHICLE LOCATOR SYSTEM 238,350 COMPUTER-AIDED DISPATCH 60,000 LIVESCAN FINGERPRINT WORKSTATION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 398,890 ALLEY PAVING-ASPHALT 307055352290 187 1,142,160 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 062036472030 146 38,850 CORROSION CONTROL4EPA MANDATE 34,086 FUEL STORAGE MONITORING 711,100 SEWER REHAB-NSITUFORM 390,192 STORM WATER SEPARATION 22,297 WASTE OIL STORAGE 25,875 PUMP REPLACEMENT-NORTH STATION zraranwsen alma alb=Saran $20,311,924 TOTAL-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS CIPFY96-WK3 11:115MIE it=alilltialtialtiai 21=== LW na_i aa � a - -- _ _ 'a >> - z 8 _ -z FM, 742 neinnAn i<i zo020200 a a ao aa2aoa ` 24222 - o O Z Y i. 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A finally revised Capital Improvement Program will be provided for acceptance as Village policy by the Village Board of Trustees along with the operating budget for Fiscal Year 1996-97 . EVALUATION CRITERIA As each project description was being developed, the submitting department was asked to identify the benefits derived from the project and indicate all of the "Evaluation Criteria" which would be satisfied by the project's implementation. The evaluation criteria were developed to assist both administrative staff and elected official in judging the importance of the project. The ultimate use of "Evaluation Criteria" is to transform the project selection process from a subjective to an objective analysis. This could be accomplished by assigning a numerical weighing factor to each of the criteria identified. By summing the weighing factors for each project, projects with the highest total would be selected for funding during the coming fiscal year. This procedure was not used during the development of the current Capital Improvement Program document, however, it will be presented for consideration by the Capital Improvement Program Committee before the next Capital Improvement Program development cycle begins. 8 The "Evaluation Criteria" which were to be used in completing the "Project Description" form are listed below: 1. New or Substantially Expanded Facility. Construction or acquisition of a new facility (including land) or new equipment, or major expansion thereof, that provides a service, or a level or service, not now available. 2 . Deteriorated Facility. A project which either reconstructs or extensively rehabilitates a deteriorated facility or piece of equipment to extend its useful life to avoid or postpone replacing it with a new and more costly facility, or replaces the facility. 3 . Systematic Replacement. A project that replaces or upgrades a facility or piece of equipment as part of a scheduled replacement program. This investment assumes the facility or equipment will be replaced to provide essentially the same level of service, with some increase in size to allow for normal growth or increased demand over the life of the facility or equipment. 4 . Protection and Conservation of Resources or Existing Investment. A project that protects existing infrastructure against excessive demand or overload threatening the capacity or useful life of the facility or piece of equipment, or other resources that are at risk of being reduced in amount or quality. 5. Coordination. A project that is necessary to insure coordination with another Capital Improvement Program project (e.g. , scheduling a sewer project to coincide with a street reconstruction project so that the newly surfaced street is 9 not disturbed immediately after it is completed) ; a proje that is necessary to comply with requirements imposed b others (e.g. , a court order, a change in federal or state law or administrative ruling, an agreement with another village or governmental agency) ; or a project that implements previously established goals or objectives of the Board of Trustees. 6. Risk to Public Safety or Health. A project which protects against a clear and immediate risk to public safety or public health. 7. Improvement of Operating Efficiency. A project that substantially and significantly improves the operating efficiency of a department; or an expenditure that has a favorable return on investment with the promise of reducing Th operating expenses (e.g. , introduction of a new or improved technology) . 8. Equitable Provision of Services, Facilities. A project that serves the special needs of a segment of the Village's population identified by public policy as deserving of special attention (e.g. , the handicapped, the elderly, or low- and moderate-income persons) ; or a project that, considering existing services or facilities, makes equivalent facilities or services available to neighborhoods or population groups that could be considered to be underserved. 9 . Maintenance or Increase of Property Value. A project which benefits the properties adjacent to the project limits to the extent that property values will either stabilize or increase (e.g. , street resurfacing or alley paving directly benefit the properties adjacent) . 10 These criteria were developed to ensure that responses would become more standardized allowing a comparative analysis of projects to be made. Source: Capital Improvements Programs: Linking Budgeting and Planning, January, 1993 , American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service Report 442 . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT DETAIL A concise description of each project listed in the tables is included in the subsequent sections of this document. The project descriptions are presented in the order in which they appear on the table "1997-2001 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Department" . Projects which are proposed for funding in Fiscal Year 1996-1997 are listed in alphabetic order, followed in order by projects proposed for each of the remaining fiscal years, with each fiscal year's projects also listed in alphabetic order. The project description includes both text and financial information presented on facing pages of this document to provide for easier reference. :AP-IMPR/96MANIAL.FEB 11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/20/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Bridge Repair Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase 77 Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Beckwith Road bridge inspection was completed on April 13 , 1994 . The IDOT and FHWA requirements for inspection have been met, and plans and specifications for repairs have been completed. The Ciorba Group, Inc. provided the cost estimate, and will be required to oversee all repair work on the structure. Th Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Maintenance of bridge to ensure minimum cost of repair. • Compliance with safety mandates of IDOT and FHWA. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Rehabilitate before cost becomes excessive. • Protection and Conservation of Investment - Correct maintenance problems before they become major repairs. • Risk to Public Safety - Ensure continued safe transit for residents and fellow travelers. Implementation Schedule: Engineering, Inspection and Design - Fiscal Years 1995 & 1996 Bridge Repair - Fiscal Year 1997 Engineering Inspection and Report to IDOT - Fiscal Years 1998 & 2000 • 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/20/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Bridge Repair - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $18, 042 $1, 500 $2, 500 $ 4, 000 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $52, 500 52, 500 tion/Repair Misc. Con- 5, 000 5,000 struction Inspection Total $18, 042 $57, 500 $1, 500 $2, 500 $61, 500 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost ❑ Standard Cost - n Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION -1 Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road/Church Street Engineering Type of Project: �1 Planning or Design 'v Equipment Purchase — Site Acquisition 0 Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Beckwith Road/Church Street is the only local street which runs the length of the Village--approximately 3 . 2 miles. Pavement conditions vary from good to very bad. Phase I engineering will provide the analysis necessary to request federal funding for design engineering (Phase II) and construction through the North Shore Council of Mayors. Phase I engineering will include a limited amount of monies for soil borings; Phase II engineering will require more extensive analysis of the base using soil borings. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching and drainage structure repairs) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Rehabilitation of deteriorated streets. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Implementation Schedule: Phase I Preliminary Engineering - FY 1996/FY 1997 Phase II Design Engineering Church/Beckwith, Austin to Linder - FY 1998 Beckwith, Washington to Oriole - FY 1998 Beckwith, Waukegan to Austin - FY 1999 Beckwith, Oriole to Waukegan - FY 2000 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road/Church Street Engineering - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $64, 000 $101, 000 $91, 350 $103, 000 $55, 600 $350, 350 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- tion/Repair Misc. \s""r Total $64, 000 $101, 000 $91,350 $103,000 $55, 600 5350, 950 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost © Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Intermodal Surface Transportation Act (70% matching funds - Phase II engineering only) . Motor Fuel Tax Impact on operating Costs: Reduction in staff time and material cost for maintenance by Public Works crews. Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 1/4/96 Department: Community Development Project Name: CAD/GIS System Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) and Geographic Information System (GIS) provides a system for the storage of data relational to a physical location in the Village, and allows for easy referral or use of the data in reviewing proposals or developing plans and projects. The FY 1997 project is a planned continuation of the GIS as previously outlined, providing access to stored data via network connections or CD ROM Disk to the Police Department, and providing software for the Village Administrator's office. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Provides Village Departments with access to graphics and supportive '1 information within the GIS system. • Allows individual departments to develop personalized databases for specialized applications. • Increases the scope and depth of the supporting information available on the system. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Coordination - Current data on utilities will better ensure that a proposed project will not conflict with one recently completed or to be undertaken. • Improvement of operating efficiency - System access by various departments will ensure sharing of the data and ready access to information will minimize search time. Implementation Schedule: System components to be installed as indicated below: Fiscal Year 1994-1995 Community Development/Engineering - Installed and operational Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Unix Server upgrade - Installed and operational Public Works/Building Dept. /Fire Dept. - Proposals out for bid; opening 11/27/95 Fiscal Year 1996-1997 Police Dept. /software for Village Administrator's office. Fiscal Year 1997-1998 Health and Human Services/Finance Dept. Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Director of Community Development's Office Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Upgrade Hardware - Engineering Computer and Building Dept. Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Upgrade Hardware - Public Works and Administrator's Office CAP-IMPR\96-!T.E 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY \ea-- Date: 1/4/96 Department: Community Development Project Name: CAD/GIS System - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2301 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment $66,475 $ 7, 250 $ 5, 900 $ 6, 900 $ 8, 500 $ 8, 903 $ 37,450 Construc- tion/Repair Misc.- 22, 078 14,422 16, 500 10, 700 10, 700 10, 700 63, 322 Wiring, Programming Software Support — Total $88, 554 $21, 672 $22,400 $17,600 $19,200 $19, 600 $100,472 �'' Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate XI Comparable Facility Cost El Standard Cost - El Area Date of Estimate: 1/4/96 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: Operating costs are anticipated to be $2, 500 per year. This will include all \..- media, ink, and transfer of data to CD-ROM on a monthly basis. Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Lehigh Avenue Reconstruction Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Li Site Acquisition — Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Lehigh Avenue will be reconstructed with curb and gutter, sidewalk, bituminous roadway, drainage, and bicycle lanes. The bicycle lanes are the southernmost portion of the proposed Techny Trail route to Lake-Cook Road. Village funds will be used for a METRA easement required for the installation of a storm sewer outfall to the North Branch of the Chicago River. The installation of a twelve (12) inch water main from Church Street to Beckwith Road on Lehigh will be ' funded from the Water Fund. A six (6) inch water main will require lowering between Dempster and Churchill. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Drainage improvements for neighborhood streets tying into Lehigh. • Safe route for bicyclists between Dempster St. and Beckwith Road. • Reduced maintenance on new roadway. • Installation of water main required in water system improvement study. Evaluation Criteria Met: • New or Substantially Expanded Facility - Installation of the water main as a part of this project, and completion of a complete reconstruction of the roadway • Deteriorated Facility - The roadway base is incapable of supporting traffic; the surface shows significant cracking. • Coordination - Water main installation must be done as a part of the reconstruction or new pavement will be disturbed for subsequent installation. • Risk to Public Safety - Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists are subjected to a rapidly deteriorating facility. Implementation Schedule: Design - Fiscal Years 1995 & 1996 Construction - Fiscal Year 1997 .. 9/95 A2-IMPR\36-CSS Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Lehigh Avenue Reconstruction - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY :997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000. 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $ 5,053 Design Site 20, 000 Acquisition METRA Easement Equipment Construc- $ 91, 500 $ 91, 500 tion/Repair Misc. - Con- 10, 000 10, 000 struction Inspection Total $25, 053 $101, 500 $101, 500 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, X El Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - — Chicago Area — Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Water Fund - $100, 000 (Installation of 12" Main; Lowering of 8" Main) Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION --\ Date: December 19 , 1995 Department: Community Development Project Name: Local Street Resurfacing Program Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction ES or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Repair, recycling, and resurfacing of local streets which are in various stages of deterioration. Streets which are included in the Fiscal Year 1996- 1997 Program are: Base Bid Streets - Churchill St. between Washington St. and Oriole Ave. ; Monroe Ave. between Central Ave. and Long Ave. ; Ozark Ave. between Beckwith Road and Palma Lane; Callie Ave. between Lincoln Ave. and Dempster; and Church Street between Mason Ave. and Lincoln Ave. (patching) . Alternate Bid Streets - Cherry Ave. between Churchill and Church St. ; Enfield Ave. between Ozark Ave. and Ottawa Ave. ; Foster Street between Pa)-^\ Lane and Harlem Ave. ; Osceola Ave. between Arcadia Ave. and Beckwith Road, and Washington St. between Menard Ave. and Marmora Ave. A total of $917, 260 will be available to complete the "1996 Local Street Resurfacing Program" . Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility--Reconstruction of most deteriorated streets • Improvement of Operating Efficiency--Reduction of maintenance costs • Risk to Public Safety or Health--Elimination of hazards to driving public and pedestrians alike. • Protection of Investment - Surfacing provides protection to base. Implementation Schedule: --\ Bid Documents Available - February 1996 Sign Contract - March 1996 Initiate Construction - May 1996 Complete Construction - September 1996 --- _. T_ 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: December 19 , 1995 Department: Community Development Project Name: Local Street Resurfacing Program - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning $ 21, 800 /Design Site Acquisi- tion Equipment Construc- 2,200,000 $875,260 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $750,000 $3,875,260 Lion/ epair Misc.Soil 80,000 42,000 42,500 45,000 47,500 50,000 227,000 S Mat' l Testing Total $2,301,800 $917,260 $792,500 $795,000 $797,500 $800,000 $4,102,260 ' -' Basis of Construction Cost Estimate : ❑ Engineer, Architect, ❑ Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost © Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: October 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Impact on Operating Costs : Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Patching and Micro-Sealing of Various Streets in the Village of Morton Grove Type of Project: Planning or Design El Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition El Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Patching and micro-sealing of various streets, approximately 1. 0 mile. The bituminous pavement is to be removed, the aggregate base is to be compacted with 4" of bituminous material being installed. The streets would then be micro-sealed. Micro-sealing is a latex modified emulsified (liquid) asphalt, with crushed aggregate. The mixture is a liquid that is installed in two lifts (layers) to obtain the 3/8" thickness required. After application of micro-sealing the street may be opened to traffic within approximately foi " (4) hours. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works. • Improved vehicular traction (for vehicle control) . • Extend the life of existing bituminous pavements. • Seals cracks to prevent early pavement failures. • No structure adjustments required. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Sealing of oxidized, worn and cracked bituminous surfaces. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction in maintenance costs. • Protection and conservation of resources or existing investment - Seals cracks and extends the useful life of oxidized bituminous pavement. Implementation Schedule: Bid documents available - June 1996 Sign contract - July 1996 Initiate construction - Aug 1996 Complete construction - Oct 1996 q/qR Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: October 23 , 1995 Department: Community Development Project Name: Patching and Micro-sealing of Various Streets in the Village of Morton Grove. - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1397 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2_21 Total Planning/ Design Site Acau sition Equipment Construc- $50, 000 $52, 000 $54, 000 $56, 000 $58, 000 $270, 000 tion/Repair Misc. Total $50, 000 $52, 000 $54, 000 $56, 000 $58, 000 $270, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, ❑ Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: October 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION --N Date: 12/19/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Neighborhood Street Lighting Type of Project: Planning or Design n Equipment Purchase El Site Acquisition Facility Construction U or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Street lighting is constructed on a block-by-block basis, as requested by the residents. Fiscal 1996-1997 proposes to install twenty-five (25) lights along five (5) blocks of residential streets. Ultimately, this program will provide lighting for all of the residential streets in the Village. The streets which are included in the fiscal year 1996-1997 program are - Elm Street between Morton Avenue and Cul-de-sac, Major Avenue between Lee Street and Frontage Road, Linder Avenue between Oakton Street and Kirk Street, Mansfield Avenue between Lyons Avenue and end (north) , Monroe Avenue between Long Avenue and Gross Point Road. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Improved visibility for both drivers and pedestrians. • Improved surveillance for police patrols. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Equitable Provision of Services - Other residential blocks, having submitted petitions, have been provided with street lighting. • Substantially Expanded Facility - Current lighting is provided at intersections only; this program provides lighting for an entire block. • Risk to Public Safety - Visibility is improved for pedestrians and for police surveillance. Implementation Schedule: The street lighting program is continuing on an annual basis. Projects 1" undertaken on a first-come, first-serve basis by petition. 9/75 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 12/19/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Neighborhood Street Lighting - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $ 5, 768 $ 1, 500 $ 1, 500 $ 1, 500 $ 1, 500 $ 66, 000 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- 243,858 80, 000 75, 000 75, 000 75, 000 75, 000 380, 000 tion/Repair Plan Check- ing & Misc. Electrical Inspection Total $249, 626 $80, 000 $76, 500 $76, 500 $76, 500 $76,500 $386, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, ❑ Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Contractor's Construction - New Subdivision Impact on Operating Costs: Increase in energy b gy char es g by $1, 500 per year. :AP-:MPR\96-MTF Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Techny Trail Bike Path Type of Project: Planning or Design 1-7 Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition El Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: The Techny Bike Trail is proposed to extend from Dempster Street to Lake-Cook Road, generally using the METRA right-of-way for its facilities. This bicycle trail links the Villages of Morton Grove, Glenview, Northbrook, and Deerfield, providing access to commercial, industrial, and residential areas. An application was approved for engineering funds by IDOT in 1994 , and a consulting engineer (Civiltech Engineering, Inc. ) has been selected to undertake the design work. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Access to Beckwith Road bicycle path from Dempster Street. • Access to commuter stations, industrial areas, and commercial districts of each community. • Federal matching funds available - 80% for engineering and construction costs. Evaluation Criteria Met: • New Facility - Lehigh Avenue is used by both pedestrians and cyclists; this provides a separate facility for both. • Risk to Public Safety - Without sidewalks, pedestrians and cyclists must use either the shoulder of the road or the deteriorated pavement to walk or ride on. Implementation Schedule: Engineering Design - Phase I - April 1995 - March 1996 Engineering Design - Phase II - September 1996 - December 1996 Construction - Fiscal Year 1998 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Techny Trail Bike Path - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $127, 933 $170, 000 $ 170, 300 Design Site Acquisition • Equipment Construc- $3, 050, 000 3, 050, 000 tion/Repair Misc. 150, 000 150, 000 Total $127, 933 $170, 000 $3,200, 000 $3,370, 000 Village of $ 8, 533 $ 7, 000 $ 60, 000 $ 67,000 Morton Grove Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - n Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: ISTEA Funding - (80% matching funds) Impact on Operating Costs: CAP-:M2R\96-CSS Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Water System Improvement Type of Project: Planning or Design El Equipment Purchase El Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction X or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: The proposed water system improvements include updating the two (2) pumping stations; construction of two (2) new elevated water tanks at the existing sites (750, 000 and 300, 000 gallon capacities) ; and installation of two (2) pressure reducing valves to tie the north and south water systems together. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Improved fire flow to all areas in the Village. • Compliance with water agreement provisions for storage capacity. • Increased elevated storage should an emergency situation arise. • Minimize overtime for water department personnel after improvements are completed. Evaluation Criteria Met: • New or Substantially Expanded Facility - Improvements to pump stations, new elevated tanks will enhance service. • Deteriorated Facility - Existing elevated tanks require extensive work. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - System improvements will improve fire flow, and ensure compliance with IEPA regulations. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Electronic monitoring will allow north and south systems to be mutually supportive. Implementation Schedule: Water System Studies - Fiscal Years 1991-1995 Water System Design Pumping Stations/Pressure Reducing Stations - Fiscal Year 1995 Elevated Tanks - Fiscal Years 1995 & 1996 Water Main Improvements - Fiscal Years 1996 & 1997 Water System Construction _as\ Pumping Stations/Pressure Reducing Stations - Fiscal Years 1995 & 1 Elevated Tanks - Fiscal Years 1996 & 19, ' Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/23/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Water System Improvement - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $ 189, 362 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- 1,467, 000 $1, 083,558 $1, 083, 558 tion/Repair Misc. 105, 000 66, 500 66, 500 Total $1,761, 362 $1, 150,058 $1, 150, 058 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, ❑ 'a.. Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: 1994 Bond Issue Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Fernald Avenue Reconstruction-Lincoln Avenue to Dempster Street Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase — Site Acquisition n Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Reconstruction, structure replacement and paving of Fernald Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Dempster Street. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching and structure repair) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristic. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Reconstruction of most deteriorated streets. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public and pedestrians alike. Implementation Schedule: Phase II Engineering - Design - Fiscal Year 1998 Construction - Fiscal Year 1999 9/95 ATP-=nPR\35-.SS Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Fernald Avenue Reconstruction-Lincoln Avenue to Dempster Street - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $23, 800 $ 23, 802 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construe- $475, 000 475, 330 tion/Repair Misc. - Con- 23, 800 23, 800 struction Inspection Total $23, 800 $498, 800 $522, 500 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Gross Point Road Reconstruction Type of Project: Planning or Design E Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Gross Point Road through the Village has a rural cross section, with deteriorated base, poorly maintained shoulders, and inadequate drainage. This improvement would totally reconstruct the road, including replacement of sidewalks, installation of drainage, and construction of curb and gutter defining a pavement with two (2) parking lanes and two (2) through lanes. The Village would be responsible for all costs connected with the construction of the two (2) parking lanes per IDOT policy. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Eliminate roadway flooding, which often extends into front yards. • Provide a quality roadway for travelling public. • Eliminate continued maintenance (grading) of shoulders to ensure proper drainage and safe parking area. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Substantially Expanded Facility - Provide safe, clean roadway with parking on both sides of street. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Reconstructed street will minimize traffic hazards, and maximize storm water drainage. • Increase in Property Value - Newly constructed road, with parking lanes will significantly increase values of adjacent properties. • Improve Operating Efficiency - Reduce street patching and repairs to equipment. Implementation Schedule: Phase I Engineering - Fiscal Year 1998 Phase II Engineering - Fiscal Year 1999 Construction - Fiscal Year 2000 9/95 CAP-:NPR\36-CSS Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY �.r Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Gross Point Road Reconstruction - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $39, 700 $37, 600 $ 77, 300 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $ 950, 000 950,000 lion/Repair Misc. 50, 000 50,000 Total $39, 700 $37, 600 $1,000, 000 _ $1, 077, 300 Village of ( $39, 700 $11,280 $ 490, 000 $ 540, 980 Morton Grove Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: ❑ Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Intermodal Surface Transportation Act Funds Illinois Department of Transportation Funds Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Harms Road Reconstruction - Lake Street to Greenwood Avenue Type of Project: Planning or Design — Equipment Purchase U Site Acquisition E] Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Reconstruct Harms Road - Lake Street to Greenwood Avenue: The existing bituminous surface is to be removed, the street section is to be lowered with new storm sewers and structures to be installed. New curb and gutter, and sidewalk are to be constructed the entire length. The new street section is to be 3" bituminous mixture 8" aggregate base. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Provide a uniform paved surface for improved traffic flow • Improved drainage characteristics • Reduction in maintenance costs Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - In 1994 the Department of Public Works paved Harms to provide temporary relief. This Road must still be regraded, paved storm sewers, curb & gutters & sidewalks should be installed to provide a permanent solution to this street's problems. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - The existing street is susceptible to pot holes & flooding which may cause vehicle or pedestrian accidents. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reconstruction will reduce Public Works' maintenance costs. • New Facility - Replace existing county highway constructed over 50 years ago with rural cross-section. Implementation Schedule: ' 4 Bid Documents Available - February 1998 Sign Contract - March 1998 Initiate Construction - May 1998 Complete Construction - September 1998 a2_I:R?A 96-CDC 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Harms Road Reconstruction - Lake Street to Greenwood Avenue - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elem.ents Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $11, 500 > 11, 500 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Constrnc- $240, 000 240, 000 tion/Repair Misc. Con- 14, 500 14, 500 struction Inspection & Soil & Mat' 1 Testing Total $11,500 $254,500 $255, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate:Fl Engineer, Architect, El Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost © Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: • Special Service Area Designation • Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Impact on Operating Costs: CAP-IMPR\95-CDC Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION 'Th Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Lake Street Rehabilitation - Mason Avenue to Central Avenue Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition — Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Lake Street - Mason Avenue to Central Avenue Repair and patching of Lake Street from Mason Avenue to Central Avenue. This street is a concrete street which has been deteriorating over the past several years. The intersections have many spots which are hollow under the existing pavement section. All concrete intersections are to be removed and replaced with bituminous mixture and structures are to be repaired. Various cracked and broken sections of the street are to be removed and replaced with a bituminous mixture. Both sides of the street are to be cold milled 6' wide. The entire length of the project is to be surfaced with 3" of bituminous mixture. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by public works (patching, crack sealing, and structure repair) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - All intersections are in advanced stages of deterioration as well as all drainage structures and manholes at these intersections; street cracking is becoming more evident. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public and pedestrians alike. • Protection of Investment - Roadway is spalling; surface must be protected or street will require complete replacement. Implementation Schedule: Bid Documents Available - February 1997 Sign Contract - March 1997 Initiate Contract - April 1997 Complete Construction - September 1997 4/9s Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY �. Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Lake Street Rehabilitation - Mason Avenue to Central Avenue - Construction Cost - cost Cost to Fv Fv FY FY FY FY :997 - Elements Date .1997 1998 1999 2000 20C1 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construe- $327, 000 5327, 000 tion/Repair Misc.Soil & 3, 000 3, 000 Material Testing • Total $330, 000 $330,000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, n Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 1/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION '-\ Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Miller's Mill Road Storm Sewer Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase U Site Acquisition Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Construction of approximately 1650 lineal feet of storm sewer line on Lincoln Avenue and Lehigh Avenue. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Provide for improved storm water drainage in the area. • Separate the storm drainage water from the combined sewer system. Evaluation Criteria Met: • New or Substantially Expanded Facility - This will provide for a separate storm sewer which will provide relief to the existing combined sewer. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - With reduced flow in the sanitary sewer system this should help alleviate sewage back-up into basements. • Improve Operating Efficiency - Reduce the inflow of storm water into the combined sewer system. Implementation Schedule: Design/Bidding Documents - Fiscal Year 1998 Construction - Fiscal Year 1999 -Ap_imop\96-CSS 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Miller's Mill Road Storm Sewer - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $2, 500 $12, 600 $ 12, 600 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $198, 000 199, 300 tion/Repair Misc. 2, 500 2, 500 Total $12, 600 $200,500 $213, 100 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing_ Other Than Property Tax: • Morton House Escrow Account $40, 000 • Motor Fuel Tax Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 11/30/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Water Main Improvements Type of Project: Planning or Design E Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction 7 or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Water system improvements recommended by the Village's engineering consultant include pumping station improvements, replacement of the elevated storage tanks, and water main improvements. The water main improvements proposed include the following: 12 inch water main installation • Central Avenue, Main Street to 650 feet north of Lincoln Avenue • Menard Avenue/Alley North of Dempster/Marmora Avenue; connecting to Dempster ^\ • Lake Street, Parkview School to McVicker • Beckwith Road, Waukegan to Natchez • Waukegan Road, Beckwith to Greenwood 8 inch water main installation • Beckwith Road, Washington to Ozark • Ozark Avenue, Beckwith to Church Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Improved fire flow to all areas in the Village. • Minimize overtime for Water Department personnel after improvements are completed. Evaluation Criteria Met: • New or Substantially Expanded Facility - Improvements to water distribution system will improve pressure and volume throughout the Village. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - System improvement will improve fire flow, and ensure compliance with IEPA regulations. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - New mains will reduce the likelihood of main breaks. Implementation Schedule: Water Main Design - Fiscal Years 1997 & 1998 Water System Construction - Fiscal Years 1999 & 2000 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 11/30/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Water Main Improvements - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $$95, 000 $34, 538 $ 34, 538 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $150, 000 $339, 000 489,000 tion/Repair Misc. - Con- 11,250 25,500 36,750 s t ruc t ion Inspection Total $95, 000 $34, 538 $161,250 $364, 500 $560,288 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Contractor's Contribution - Beckwith Road, Lehigh to Natchez - $100, 000. 00 Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road Rehabilitation-Washington Street to Oriole Avenue Type of Project: Planning or Design El Equipment Purchase Li Site Acquisition ` Facility Construction X or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Replacement of deteriorated sidewalk, curb and gutter, and drainage structures; the recycling and resurfacing of the bituminous pavement on Beckwith Road between Washington Street and Oriole Avenue. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching and drainage structure repairs) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Rehabilitation of deteriorated streets. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public and pedestrians. • Increase Property Value - Roadway is in poor condition, creating an unnecessarily negative neighborhood image. Implementation Schedule: Design Fiscal Year 1997 Construction - Fiscal Year 1999 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road Rehabilitation-Washington Street to Oriole Avenue - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY F. 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1993 1999 2000 2001 FY 2331 Tozal Planning/ Design gn Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $220, 000 $220, 000 tion/Repair Misc. -Soil 10, 000 10, 000 & Material Testing Total $230, 000 $230, 030 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: ❑ Engineer, Architect, ❑ Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost n Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Intermodal Surface Transportation Act Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Church Street Rehabilitation - Linder Avenue to Mason Avenue Type of Project: Planning or Design El Equipment Purchase n Site Acquisition Facility Construction n or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Replacement of deteriorated sidewalk, curb and gutter, and drainage structures; the recycling and resurfacing of the bituminous pavement on Church Street between Linder Avenue and Mason Avenue. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching and drainage structure repairs) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Rehabilitation of deteriorated streets. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public and pedestrians. • Improve Property Values - Roadway is in extremely poor condition, resulting in an unnecessarily negative neighborhood image. Implementation Schedule: Design - Fiscal Year 1998 Construction - Fiscal Year 1999 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Church Street Rehabilitation - Linder Avenue to Mason Avenue - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2701 Total Planning/ Design — Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $300, 000 $300, 000 tion/Repair Misc. - Soil 15, 000 15, 000 & Material Testing Total $315,000 $315, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost - Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Intermodal Surface Transportation Set Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Waukegan Road Lighting Type of Project: Planning or Design D Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition D Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Remove seventy-eight (78) mercury vapor street lights and poles and replace with sixty-four (64) new poles and high pressure sodium fixtures from Dempster Street to Golf Road along Waukegan Road. The analysis of existing facilities indicates that new conduit and controllers will be required to complete the installation. This will require the removal and replacement of a substantial portion of sidewalk. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : The lighting will be upgraded to current State standards using high pressure , sodium lights. The use of this type of lighting will provide for improved lighting at reduced energy cost. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Many existing poles are cracked or badly deteriorated. • Risk to Public Safety - The existing poles structure integrity has been severely reduced by extensive cracking and missing pieces. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - The new high pressure sodium lights will provide more light at a reduced cost. Implementation Schedule: Design Lighting System along Waukegan - Fiscal Year 2000 Replace Existing Lighting System - Fiscal Year 2000 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Waukegan Road Lighting - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $11, 852 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construe- $471,725 $471, 725 tion/Repair Misc. - Con- 25, 000 25, 000 struction Engineering Total $11, 852 $496, 725 $496, 725 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: El Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: 1994 Bond Issue Motor Fuel Tax Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program '1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 11/20/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road Rehabilitation - Mason Avenue to Lehigh Avenue Type of Project: Planning or Design n Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction Ea or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Replacement of deteriorated sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage structures, and bicycle lanes; the recycling and resurfacing of the bituminous pavement on Beckwith Road between Mason Avenue and Lehigh Avenue. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching and drainage structure repair) . • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Rehabilitation of deteriorated streets. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public, pedestrians and bicyclists. • Protection of Investment - Roadway is in good condition with minor base failure; bicycle paths must be completely replaced. Implementation Schedule: Design - Fiscal Year 1997 Construction - Fiscal Year 2000 C inz Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 11/30/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road Rehabilitation - Mason Avenue to Lehigh Avenue - Construction Cost - Cost_ Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $540, 000 $540, 3.00 tion/Repair Misc. -Soil 5, 000 5, 000 & Material Testing Total $545, 000 $545, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: ‘.. Engineer, Architect, Bids Received II or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Intermodal Surface Transportation Act Bike Path Funding Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 11/30/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road-Lehigh Avenue to Oriole Avenue Type of Project: Planning or Design n Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition — Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Replacement of deteriorated sidewalk, curb and gutter, and drainage structures; full depth patching of the bituminous pavement in various locations, grinding of the edge of the bituminous pavement, installation of area reflective crack control treatment, the construction of 3" of bituminous pavement, and the restripping of the new bituminous pavement. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Improved riding surface for residents. • Improved drainage characteristics. Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility - Rehabilitation of deteriorated street. • Improvement of Operating Efficiency - Reduction of maintenance costs. • Risk to Public Safety or Health - Elimination of hazards to driving public & pedestrians. • Protection of Investment - Roadway is in good condition with minor base failure. Implementation Schedule: Design Engineering - Fiscal Year 1997 Construction - Fiscal Year 2001 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 11/30/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Beckwith Road - Lehigh Avenue to Oriole Avenue - Construction Cost - Cost Cost -o FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construe- $460, 000 $460, 000 tion/Repair Misc. - Soil 5, 000 5, 000 & Material Testing Total $465, 000 $465, 000 "- Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: El Engineer, Architect, El Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost © Standard Cost - n Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/94 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Motor Fuel Tax Intermodal Surface Transportation Act Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program -1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Capulina Storm Sewer Extension Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition Facility Construction ES or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Extend Capulina storm sewer approximately 3 , 640 feet from Austin Avenue to Central Avenue: Capulina - Austin to Marmora - 660 feet of 84 inch RCP Capulina - Marmora to Major - 1, 320 feet of 60 inch RCP Major - Capulina to Crain - 300 feet of 36 inch RCP Crain - Major to Central - 660 feet of 36 inch RCP Lateral Lines on Side Streets - 700 feet of 27 inch RCP This project will be undertaken only after the impact of the TARP project fully assessed. It is anticipated that TARP will be completed in December 1997 . Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • To provide for improved storm water drainage in the area. • Separate the storm drainage from the combined sewer system. Evaluation Criteria Met: • New or substantially expanded facility - This will provide for elimination of storm drainage from the combined sewer system. • Risk to public health - The reduced flow in the combined sewer system should reduce the likelihood of sewage back-ups into basements. • Provide equal services - This will provide storm sewers in a combined sewer area, similar to Parkview and South Central. Implementation Schedule: Design - Fiscal Year 2001 Construction - Fiscal Year 2001 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/25/95 Department: Community Development Project Name: Capulina Storm Sewer Extension - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1397 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $ 30, 333 S 90, 333 Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construe- 1, 600, 000 1, 500, 000 tion/Repair Misc. - Con- 80, 000 80, 000 st ru c t ion inspection Total $1, 770, 000 $1,770,000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate EN Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/92 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Low-interest Loan from IEPA Impact on Operating Costs: FINANCE DEPARTMENT village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 11/15/95 Department: Finance Project Name: GPgrade of Telephone System Type of Project: Planning or Design El Equipment Purchase El Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Upgrade in NEC telephone system software which provides all telephone communication (except 9-1-1) for Village Hall, Police Department, Fire Department (2 buildings) and Public Works facilities in order to take advantage of the latest technological advances and to serve our residents more efficiently. The current telephone system was installed in June 1986 . At the time of purchase, the then telephone system was intended to have a useful life of eight to ten years. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : To utilize advanced telephone systems features which had not been availablem at the time of purchase but are now, and can be utilized to enhance servic to residents. This would include: • Automatic call distribution during peak telephone call periods which would place calls in a "queue" and ensure calls are processed and answered in an orderly fashion. (Similiar when calling the airlines. During peak time caller hears "You have reached the Village of Morton Grove. All lines are busy but your call will be answered. . . "- ) • Establishment of a twenty-four hour special information "hotline" which would be updated and have special telephone numbers for the public (snow removal, civic events, garbage pick-up, etc) . • Voice mail and interactive voice response allowing retrieval of information normally available only during normal business hours. Evaluation Criteria Met: Substantially expanded As discussed above, an upgrade in the equipment/systematic telephone system will allow the Village to replacement utilize advances in the telephone communication industry to serve our public more efficiently. As the current system is approaching its normal "life cycle" , it can be basically retained but significantly upgraded with software improvements and purchase of additional equipment for the improved features (i.e. a "brand new" system may - not be necessary) . Implementation Schedule: Fiscal year 1996-97 or 1997-98 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 11/15/95 Department: Finance Project Name: Upgrade of Telephone System - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to =Y FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1397 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2: Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment $73, 300 $45, 300 545, 033 in June 1986 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total $73, 000 $45, 000 $45, 000 in June 1986 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate LXJ Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 11/8/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Installment note financing of 3-4 years Impact on Operating Costs: Increase in "line charges" of $300-$400 per month to Ameritech (the Village currently pays $900/month) . There would be additional costs to the current maintenance contract of 20-25%. The Village currently pays $7 , 500/year (costs shown in chart are increased costs. FIRE DEPARTMENT Village of Morton Grove – Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Ambulance Replacement Type of Project: • Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition — Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: This project is the replacement of Station 4's ambulance,with a medium duty chassis advanced life support unit, and associated communications equipment. This replacement would allow the vehicle currently being utilized in this capacity to be placed in a reserve status. The department presently does not have a reserve ambulance and has difficulty maintaining operational status when maintenance is required on the primary units,Or when multiple incidents occur and call-back is utilized for manpower. At present when a replacement ambulance is needed it is borrowed from a neighboring community. Their needs certainly take priority over ours and at time it is very difficult to obtain a loaner unit. When a vehicle is obtained a substantial amount of time is spent acquiring it and transferring the necessary equipment. Also it as been noted by our mechanics that repairs are often needed on the replacement unit, and this becomes a burden. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Scheduled replacement of department apparatus to provide optimal readiness for emergency operations, and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Public Health or the regional Emergency Medical Services office. This expenditure would also provide a much needed reserve ambulance for the department. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED APPARATUS: Front line life expectancy for emergency operations would have been reached by this oint. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Continuation of high level of emergency medical care. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Timely replacement will ensure service life of the ambulance for reserve status. SYSTEMATIC REPLACEMENT: Replacement is based on the Fire Department's vehicle replacement schedule. Implementation Schedule: Purchased in Fiscal Year 1997 (Construction - June through August, 1996) Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Ambulance Replacement - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1397 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2201 Total Planning/ � _esien J'1t._ Acquisition - _ ,ent $125,000 $125,000 I Constnic- __on/ReDa_. M isc. Total $125,000 $125,000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received — or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost — Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Revolving Equipment Replacement Loan Impact on Operating Costs: The Public Works Maintenance Supervisor has estimated that the addition of one (1) reserve amublance to the Fire Department' s fleet would have an annual impact of $950. • 3. 35 Village of Morton Grove — Capital Improvement Program —� PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Ambulance Replacement - Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase _X_ Site Acquisition Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: This project is the replacement of Station 5's ambulance,with a medium duty chassis advanced life support unit, and associated communications equipment. Our previous plan of re-chassising the existing Ambulance 5 with a medium duty chassis,has been investigated and it has been determined that limited success has been seen with the re-chassising of a light duty ambulance box to a medium duty chassis. Discussions with the maintenance supervisor and the Fire Department's apparatus replacement committee have indicated that it would be in the best interest of the Village to replace the existing ambulance with a new medium duty chassis advanced life support unit. The existing unit could then be modified in-house by the Public Works' Maintenance Division and utilized by Public Works as a service vehicle for the Water Department. We have observed other departments in their re-chassising efforts and, while this was initially thought to be the most practical method of providing a state-of-the-art vehicle for emergency medical services, the continued maintenance and compatibility of the light duty box and the medium duty chassis have proven to be problematic for both field activities and vehicle maintenance. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Scheduled replacement of department apparatus to provide optimal readiness for emergency operations, and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Public Health or the regional Emergency Medical Services office. This expenditure would satisfy the needs of the Fire Department by providing a vehicle which would meet EMS needs while also providing a cost effective replacement vehicle for Public Works in the vehicle being replaced. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED APPARATUS: Front line life expectancy for emergency operations would have been reached by this point. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Continuation of a high level of emergency medical care. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Timely replacement will ensure service life of the vehicle for use in alternate capacity in the Village. SYSTEMATIC REPLACEMENT: Replacement is based on the Fire Department'svehicle re placementschedule. • Implementation Schedule: '1 Purchased in Fiscal Year 1998 (Construction - June through August, 1997) Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Ambulance Replacement - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2:01 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment $130,000 $130,000 Construc- t_on ReDa__ Misc. Total $130,000 $130,000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate n Comparable Facility Cost — Standard Cost - — Chicago Area — Date of Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Revolving Equipment Replacement Loan Impact on Operating Costs: 3, 95 CAP-:MPR\96 MANUAL Village of Morton Grove — capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire - Project Name: Fire Engine Replacement Type of Project: • Planning or Design D Equipment Purchase LL Site Acquisition C Facility Construction n or Repair • Description of Project/Services to be Provided: This project is the replacement of Station 5's 1500 GPM fire engine. The current Engine 5 would become the department's reserve apparatus,and based upon the expected monetary return for the current reserve apparatus,either as a trade-in or being sold outright, a determination would need to be made if this vehicle would be retained by the department as an additional reserve unit or possibly transfered to the Regional Training Facility, where it could serve as a training aid and back-up equipment for the area. No credit has been taken in the estimated cost of this project for the sale or trade-in of the current reserve unit. The replacement in the year indicated would provide a more staggered approach to the vehicle replacement program'of the department than previously experienced. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Scheduled replacement of department apparatus to provide optimal readiness for emergency operations, and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Labor or applicable safety standards governing fire apparatus. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED APPARATUS: Front line life expectancy for emergency operations would have been reached by this oint. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Continuation of high level of emergency services. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Timely replacement will extend the service life of the department's fleet. SYSTEMATIC REPLACEMENT: Replacement is based on the Fire Department's vehicle replacement schedule. Implementation Schedule: • Purchased in Fiscal Year 1999 Construction - May, 1998 through February, 1999 5 : Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Nnvemher. 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Fire Engine Replacement - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY 99 99 FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1993 2000 2001 FY 2031 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment 1 $289,000 $289,000 If Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total $289,000 $289,000 ~' Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, EE Bids Received ❑ or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost ❑ Standard Cost - Chicago Area ❑ Date of Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Revolving Equipment Replacement Loan Impact on Operating Costs: • 9/95 '_.AP-'MPP`,[M}Vfa, Village of Morton Grove — Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Fire Station #4 - Addition & Renovation • • Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition C Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: This project would include the addition of an administrative and training wing, with provisions for a village Emergency Operations Center. Included in this project would be the renovation of the existing area to meet current/future needs and alleviate safety, ADA, and IDOL concerns. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : The addition would address the following: overcrowded and inefficient work environment; improved and more appropriate facility for the village's ESDA unit; training facility and additional meeting room/community area; village emergency operations center with 911 backup capability;concerns with regard to ergonomics and energy conservation at the facility. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED FACILITY: Numerous improvements and repairs have been postponed pending their inclusion in a facility renovation. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Handicapped accessibility and female accomodations currently not addressed. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Current configuration of administrative and crew's area hamper effective management of the department's activities. CONSERVATION OF RESOURCES: Proposal contains improvements which will enhance energy efficiency of the facility. Implementation Schedule: 1994 - Underground storage tank removal November Planning and design June through November 1995/96 - Construction & Renovation April '95 through July '96 1996 - Telephone 4 P.A. Installation February and July Interior Finishing & Set up March through July • 9/9 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Fire Station #4 - Addition & Renovation - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ anning/ Design 77,130 0 77,130 Site Acquisition- n o ; Equipment 130,000 20,000 150,000 Constnac 1,047,000 503,000 tion/Repair , 1,550,000 Misc. 0 0 0 Total 1,254,130 523,000 1,777,130 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, — Bids Received or Vendor Estimate _X_ Comparable Facility Cost -L Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: Professional Services (Janitorial Service) - $7,200 per year Supplies (Operational ) - $2,000 per year Alarm Monitoring and P.A. Support - $500 per year • 9/95 Village of Morton Grove – Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Command Vehicle Replacement - Type of Project: Planning or Design E Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction — or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: This project is the replacement of the Fire Department's incident command vehicle and the down-grading of the existing unit to a utility vehicle status. With a five year rotation plan, which this purchase would be a part of, the department's support vehicles would have a 15 year life cycle, functioning, for the first 5 years, as the incident command vehicle,the second 5 years as the Fire Prevention Bureau and Public Education vehicle,and the third 5 years as the department's utility vehicle. This type of rotation provides the department with a back-up command vehicle during maintenance and also apparatus which could be utilized to transport patients or equipment as different situations present. The cost of this program is based on the recent purchasing and outfitting of the department's new incident command vehicle. This includes the replacement of all emergency li ts/warning devices and communications equipment. The radio equipment in the support vehicles were initially purchased in the late '70's and, in some cases, the equipment has been remounted in two vehicles, and its service life will have been reached when replacement vehicle is purchased in the year 2000. A 3.5% annual cost increase has been estimated for this project to establish the projected expenditure. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Scheduled replacement of department apparatus to provide optimal readiness for emergency operations, and the inclusion of any enhancements required by the Illinois Department of Labor or applicable safety standards governing fire apparatus. Evaluation Criteria Met: DETERIORATED APPARATUS: Front line life expectancy for emergency operations would have been reached by this omt. EQUITABLE PROVISION: Continuation of a high level of emergency services. OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY: Timely replacement will extend the service life of the department's fleet. SYSTEMATIC REPLACEMENT: Replacement is based on the Fire Department's vehicle replacement schedule. Implementation Schedule: Purchased in Fiscal Year 2000 (Ordered - October, 1999 Acceptance - January, 2000) Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: November, 1995 Department: Fire Project Name: Command Vehicle Replacement - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 F? 2y7 - Total Planning/ 'Design Site Acquisition Equipment $44,500 $44,500 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. _otal $44,500 $44,500 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate -x- Comparable Facility Cost — Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: Financing Other Than Property Tax: Revolving Equipment Replacement Loan Impact on Operating Costs: HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 11/29/95 Department: Health & Human Services-Senior Services Project Name: Seniortran Replacement Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase U Site Acquisition a Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Replacement of the existing seniortran bus which is in its sixth year of service. Currently, this vehicle has a total mileage of eighty-three thousand. We anticipate a continued accumulation of twelve to fifteen thousand miles per year. This vehicle has a useful life of around ten years and well over one-hundred thousand miles. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : To continue the routine, uninterrupted service to our senior residents. Not replacing this vehicle on a timely basis will result in greatly increased maintenance cost & interruptions in service. Evaluation Criteria Met: Systematic replacement: Coordination - meets established goals and objectives of the Board of Trustees. Improvement of operating efficiency. Implementation Schedule: Fiscal Year 1999 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 11/29/95 Department: Health & Human Services-Senior Services Project Name: Seniortran Replacement - Construction Cost - Cost Cost FY FY F° FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 21:1 FY 2231 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Eauipment $43, 000 $43, Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total $43, 000 $43, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 11/1/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Reroof Public 'Forks Building - Garage Roof Type of Project: Planning or Design 0 Equipment Purchase n Site Acquisition C Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Remove existing EDPM (rubber) roofing and insulation. Replace with new insulation boards , modified bitumen roofing, and replace rotten metal roof deck as needed. Area of roof to be replaced is approximately 21, 000 square feet. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Current rubber roofing is in poor condition causing numerous leaks and rotting of metal roof deck. Replacing roof will prevent disruption of Public Works vehicle maintenance operations. Evaluation Criteria Met: Deteriorated facility • Implementation Schedule: Bid opening for the project is 12/08/95 for work to be completed during Fiscal Year 97. GP-:MPR\96MANUAL y� Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Re-roofing Public Works Building - Garage Roof - Construction Cost - • Cost Cost to FY FY FY =Y FY FY 1997 - Elements mate 1997 1993 _399 2000 2201 ?Y =__ Tctal Planning/ -es.gn Site Acquisition Equipment onscn °- 125 , 000 125 , 000 tion/Repair - Misc. Total 125 , 000 i L25 Q0n `- Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 12/08/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: .T P-_MPR\95MANS:AL V Village of Horton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Cate: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance • Project Name: Waterproof Saltdome - Public Works Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition El Facility Construction Lx. or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Prepare surface and apply waterproof coating to exterior of concrete salt dome. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Increase service life of salt storage dome by applying exterior waterproof coating to retard moisture permeation ' into concrete. Evaluation Criteria Met: Deteriorated facility Implementation Schedule: Project bid opening is 12/08/95 for work to be completed during FY 97 3 7AP-: .p '36MAN:AL .'3S R Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Waterproof Saltdome - Public Works - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2031 Total Planning/ Design Site Acauisition Equipment Construe- $27, 000 $27, 000 tion/Repair Misc. Total $27, 000 $27, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, r Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost ❑ Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 12/08/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: December 1995 • Department: MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Project Name: REHABILITATION OF SOUTH PUMPING STATION ROOF Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition C Facility Construction X or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Pumping Station roof is to be repaired. There will be a complete surface tear down, new gutters. Any structural weakness in wood wll be removed and new ones installed. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : By re-roofing the Pumping Station, the Station will last longer and the pumps and instruments will not get wet when it rains or snows thereby continuing to supply water to the customers. Evaluation Criteria Met: Deteriorated facility: to extend the facility's useful life to avoid or postpone replacing it with a new and more costly facility. Implementation Schedule: Fiscal Year 1997. CAP-:MPR\96tM.WAL 9 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date : December 1995 Department: MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Project Name : REHABILITATION OF SOUTH PUMPING STATION ROOF - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construe- 15,500 15,500 Lion/Repair Misc. Total 15,500 15,500 " Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: © Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: December 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Water Fund. Impact on Operating Costs: No additional costs should be incurred. • 9/95 CAP-IMPR\99MANUAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/ 11 /95 Department : M„n_iripal Building maintenance Project Name: Flickinger Center Rnnf Replacement Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition C Facility Construction -X. or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Remove existing EDPM (rubber) roofing and insulation. Replace with new insulation boards and modified bitumen roofing. Area of roof to be replaced is approximately 13 , 000 square feet. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Current roofs are showing early signs of EDPM failure such as brittleness and small tears . Replacement of the roof beforevatastrophic failure will protect building and contents from water damage. Evaluation Criteria Met: Systematic replacement Deteriorated facility. Implementation Schedule: .� Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program ■ -- PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Flickinger Municipal Center Roof Replacement - Construction Cost - , s- co FY FY FY F? F? F? _. - __e°.encs ace :997 1993 1939 2700 _..__ F? 2.:1 Total :esign Site Acquisition Equipment it Conscruc- _ion;aeoair 103 , 000 103 ,000 Misc. Total 103 ,000 103, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - % Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 09/28/95 Financina Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operatina Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: October 25, 1995 Department: Municipal Buildings Project Name: Public Works Parking Lot - Resurfacing Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition El Facility Construction .A or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: The rehabilitation of the front, and rear lots of the Public Works yard. • The front lot is to have the bituminous surface removed, the existing base recompacted, drainage structure adjustments, and 4" of new bituminous surface constructed. • The rear lot is to have the bituminous surface removed, approximately 50% of the lot is to be excavated to a depth of 10" with new aggregate installed and compacted, drainage structure adjustments and 6" of new bituminous surface constructed. The work in the rear lot is extensive due to the amount of heavy equipment (semi-trucks, loaders, sweepers '-N, etc. ) that use this lot on a daily basis. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : • Reduction in maintenance required by Public Works (patching) • Improved drainage characteristics Evaluation Criteria Met: • Deteriorated Facility--Reconstruction of parking lot. • Reduction of maintenance costs. Implementation Schedule: Front Public Works Lot Rear Public Work Lot Bid Documents Available June 1996 March 1998 Sign Contract July 1996 April 1998 Initiate Construction August 1996 May 1998 Complete Construction October 1996 July 1998 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: October 25, 1995 Department: Municipal Buildings Project Name: Public Works Parking Lot - Resurfacing - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acouisition Equipment Construc- $60, 000 $210, 000 $270, 000 cion/Repair Misc. Total $60, 000 $210, 000 $270, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost © Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: October 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Village Hall Remodeling Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition El Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Space relocations are needed due to new or expanded services offered since the facility opened in 1980 . A facility feasibility study has been completed identifying major areas of remodeling required to accommodate more efficient space utilization. Also to be addressed are A.D.A. compliance concerns related to building access from the parking lot and a fire alarm system. Interior finishes such as wall coverings and carpeting will be replaced in areas not being remodeled. Police Department remodeling is covered by a separate project description "-' Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Increased efficiency in operations due to regrouping of functions and relocation of departments so that employees may be located in more convenient areas to interact with other employees and the public. Evaluation Criteria Met: Deteriorated Facility Systematic Replacement Improvement of Operating Efficiency Equitable Provision of Services, Facilities Implementation Schedule: FY 1998 : Final architectural design FY 1999-2000: Phased remodeling 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Flickinger Center Remodeling - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY Fy FY 1397 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ $11,400 $110, 003 $ 110, 00o Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $275, 000 $550, 000 $825, 000 1, 650, 000 '_ion/Repair Misc. Total $11,400 $110, 000 $275, 000 $550, 000 $825, 000 $1,760, 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost ❑ Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 10/31/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dat_e :10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project, Name:Replace Roof Over Apparatus Bays and Crew Quarters Fire Station #4 Type of Project: ET Planning or Design E] Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction 2 or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Remove existing tar and gravel roofing and insulation-boards . Replace with new insulation boards and modified bitumen roofing. Area of roof to be replaced is approximately 7 , 100 square feet. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Roof was originally to be replaced as part of the building renovation. Current roof has exceeded its normally anticipated useful life. Evaluation Criteria Met: Systematic replacement Implementation Schedule: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Replace Roof Over Appartus Bays and Crew Quarters Fire Station #4 - Construction Cost - _13: Cost to r, _ - ___..._ncs :ace :397 1999 :999 2330 2:2: FY L 0 3_ .a.^.- .n3/ Ses:gn Site Atgoiattion Lot :rent Construc- t:on/Repair 61 , 800 61 , 800 Misc. Total 61 , 800 61 , 800 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, 'T Bids Received or Vendor Estimate — Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 09/28/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: - Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Cap-tal Improvement Pr gram. PROJECT GESCRIPTICN Date : 10/31!95 Department : Mun; cipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Emergency Generator - Fire Station_ 1:5 Type of Project : Planning or Design Equipment Purchase --- Site Acquisition Facility Construction C or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Furnish and install new emergency generator and automatic transfer switch. New generator set is to include deisel engine, integral fuel tank, weather enclosure , 30KW, 120/240 volt generator. Transfer switch is to be rated at 150 Amp. Th Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Generator and transfer switch were to be replaced as part of the building renovation currently in progress . New generator will have a largertKW capacity to allow the fire station to remain fully functional during a power failure. Evaluation Criteria Met: Systematic Replacement Improvement of operating efficiency - allows Fire Station #5 to remain fully functional during a power failure. Implementation Schedule: 3 35 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program �.r PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: 10/31/95 Department: Municipal Building Maintenance Project Name: Emergency Generator - Fire Station #5 - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to rY FY FY :Y rY _ _ 1937 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- $30, 700 $30,700 Lion/Repair Misc. Total $30,700 $30, 700 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: �... Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost C Standard Cost - — Chicago Area — Date of Estimate: 10/31/95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Impact on Operating Costs: Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date : Mon. 300ct95 Department: MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Project Name: Remodeling of Police Facility-Furnishings and Cable Installation and Relocation for Telephones & Computers Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction n or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Refurnishing of new office/work areas as needed. Due to consolidation of the Support Services Division, computer work stations will need to be re: located to the first floor. Although counter top desk areas are envisioned, our filing cabinets may be need to be replaced with those that may be more space saving. This had not been researched, due to the late arrival of the architech' final rendition, however, it is necessary to include a guess-timte of costs in this area. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : This project will coordinate with the remodeling of the Police Facility and improve operating efficiency in the affected areas. Properly equipped work areas will also enhance service to the public as provided by the Records Component. Evaluation Criteria Met: Coordination and Improvement With Operating Efficiency. Implementation Schedule: FISCAL YEAR/ 1998-iggg - CONSTRUCTION FISCAL YEAR/ 1999-2000 - FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Mon. 300ct95 Department: MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Project Name: Remodeling of Police Facility-Furnishings and Cable Installation for Telephones and Computers - Construction Cost - Cos_ Cos: tto FY FV F? F? 1397 Elements Daze 1997 1998 1999 2000 200: FY 2::: Total _°_s:gn Sote ACTJ:sition gas .ment $66, 000 $ 66, 000 ConstruC- _ioniRepair $660, 000 660, 000 Misc. Total $660, 000 $66, 000 $72 , 000 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: 30Oct95 ( 10% ' est. ) Financing Other Than Property Tax: Operating Budget Impact on Operating Costs: None anticipated .5 7AP-:'1e3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: Fri . 27Oct95 Department: Police Project Name: Automatic Vehicle Locator System Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition Facility Construction ❑ or Repair ' Description of Project/Services to be Provided: A Automatic Vehicle Locator System (AVL) tracks the current position Of patrol- units via the Global Positioning Satellite operated by the Federal Government. When operating with a CAD system and using the Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs ) in the patrol units, the exact position of each patrol unit is known at all times . This enhances the efficient dispatching of units to calls for emergency service. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : The AVL will enhance police service by providing dispatchers with the closest unit to an incident. It will lessen the need for extended emergency ( lights and siren) responses , thereby reducing the likelihood of collisions while enroute to a call. In addition, it will enhance officer safety by providing the dispatcher/s with the location of a patrol unit during an emergency where the officer is incapacitated or incommunicado. Evaluation Criteria Met: IMPROVEMENT IN OPERATING EFFICIENCY: as described above and is an intro- duction of state-of-the-art public safety technology. Implementation Schedule: .� Fiscal Year/ 1997-1998 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Fri . 27Oct95 Department: Police Project Name: Automatic Vehicle Locator System - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY =Y '.337 - Elements Date_ 1997 1998 1399 2000 2001 FY 2031 Total Planning/ Zesign Site Acquisition Equipment $87, 171 .0) $87, 171 .00 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total $87, 171 . 0 ) $87, 171 . 00 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: Fri . 27Oct95 ( 5% Este ) Financing Other Than Property Tax: Bond issue when bonds for Communications Center Remodeling are paid-in- full . Impact on Operating Costs: Maintenance agreement will be needed; cost unknown at this time. 335 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: Fri . 270ct95 Department: Police Project Name: Computer-Aided Dispatch System (CAD) Type of Project: �I Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition Facility Construction E] or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: A CAD System is a state-of-the-art dispatching system for emergency services. CAD computerizes the basic fuctions of the Dispatcher/s, such as assigning units and conveying pertinent information to the units assigned. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : CAD systems enhance operating efficienct and reduce radio transmissions, reducing chances that sensitive information will be monitored by frequency schanners. It will resut in a reduction in redundant data entry, as incident logging will be automatically done the the dispatch is in progress . Evaluation Criteria Met: IMPROVEMENT IN OPERATING EFFICIENCY: Lowered response times to requests for emergency services and reduction of redundant tasks related to the records function of dispatch personnel. Implementation Schedule: Fiscal Year/ 1997-1998 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Fri . 27Oct95 Department: Police Project Name: Computer-Aided Dispatch System - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY 00 0Y FY ':990 - Elements Date 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ {, Design Site Acquisition Equipment $238, 350 $238, 350 . 00 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total $238, 350 $238, 350. 00 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - ❑ Chicago Area Date of Estimate: Fri. 27Oct95 ( 5% Est. ) Financing Other Than Property Tax: Bond issue when bonds for Communications Center Remodeling are paid-in- full . Impact on Operating Costs: Mainfenance Agreement will be needed; cost unknown at this time. 3i35 :Ap-:vpg Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: Wed. 08Nov95 Department: Police Project Name: LIVESCAN FINGERPRINT WORKSTATION - Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction D or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: LIVESCAN fingerprint process- ing provides the capability to roll inkless fingerprint impressions, electron- ically store those images and transmit them to the ILLINOIS STATE POLICE/BUR- EAU OF IDENTIFICATION for identification. It will also access other identifi- cation databases, such as CHICAGO POLICE, COOK COUNTY SHERIFF"S POLICE and the FEDERAL BUREAU of IDENTIFICATION. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : This new equipment will improve operating efficiency. This technology produces forensic quality ten-print records by electronically scanning and capturing live finger- prints . Because this process requires no ink and uses advance electronics to ensure accurate image capture, classifiable prints are obtained. This will eliminate prints from being rejected which results in no identification of the subject and his criminal history not including the arrest. This process elimin- ates the need to take multiple sets of rolled inked impressions for the various aaanr•iea to ha rinnriPrl, cnrh ac r•hiragn vr\ r•nn4 rritnty 0PD and the FBI. Evaluation Criteria Met: New Equipment for Improvement in Operating Efficiency Implementation Schedule: .� Fiscal Year/1997-1998 3; ) -»--w=c ;=ra-utat Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program L. PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: Wed. 08Nov95 Department: Police Project Name: LIVESCAN FINGERPRINT WORKSTATION - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment $60, 000 $60, 000 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total $60, 000 $60, 000 Village of I $15,000 $15, 000 Morton Grove Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Ei Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: Wed. 08Nov95 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Operating Budget/Federal grant request presently being written. There is a good possibility that 75% funding could be realized. Impact on Operating Costs: Estimated $13 , 800. 00 annually for circuit modem leases and line charges and maintenance contract. ---\ .....-..N. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: ASPHALT PAVING OF ALLEYS Type of Project: Planning or Design R Equipment Purchase — Site Acquisition E Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: The Public Works Department has implemented an asphalt paving program to transform stone alleys into asphalt alleys. Attached is a sheet designating the petitioned alleys to be done. (See final page.) Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Eliminate many of the alley repair complaints and continual repair of alleys with stone. A hard driving surface is easier to maintain. It would be more cost effective by having Public Works crews to do the job. Evaluation Criteria Met: Risk to public health dust factor would be eliminated. Coordination - project that meets established goals or objectives of Trustees. Improvement of operating efficiency in repair and snow plowing. Implementation Schedule: May 1996 - 1997 9/95 CAP-:MPR\96MANUAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: ASPHALT PAVING OF ALLEYS - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY F? .y 1337 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- tion/Repair 139,097 82,000 75,600 77,700 79,800 83,790 398,890 lion/Repair Misc. Total 139,097 82,000 75,600 77,700 79,800 83,790 398,890 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received ❑ or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: OCTOBER 11, 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Bond Fund General Fund Impact on Operating Costs: No additional costs would be incurred. 3195 _AP-.MPR\96MANVAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: October 1995 • Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT • Type of Project: Planning or Design 0 Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition C Facility Construction E or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Following pieces of equipment to be replaced: In FY 1997 (#17) Front End Loader; (#23) 4 wheel Dump Truck; (#31) Blazer; (#68) Bobcat End Loader. FY 1998 (#35) 6 Wheel Dump Truck; (#36) 6 Wheel Dump Truck; (#52) Street Sweeper; (#37) Pick-Up Truck. FY 1999 (#19) End Loader; (#22) Snorkel; (#2) Pick-Up; (#1) Pick-Up. FY 2000 (#10) 6 Wheel Dump; (#11) 6 wheel Dump. FY 2001 (#12) 6 Wheel Dump Truck; (#25) 6 wheel Dump; (#13) Small Dump; (#33) Pick-Up; (#73) Pick-Up. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Continue the services provided to the residents, reduction of costs in maintaining the older pieces of equipment. Evaluation Criteria Met: Meet established goals or objectives of the Board of Trustees, improving operating efficiency. Systematic replacement of equipment. Implementation Schedule: Fiscal year 1997. GP-CMPR\96KANUAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date : October 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name : EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Cate 1997 1993 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment 120,597 245, 900 251,265 286,015 147,000 212,000 1, 142, 18'. Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: El Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: October 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Revolving Equipment Fund - Water & Sewer Fund. Impact on Operating Costs: No additional costs would be incurred. 9/95 CAP-IMPR\96MANUA.L Village of Morton Grove —Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION -� Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: CORROSION CONTROL - EPA LEAD & COPPER MANDATES Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase X Site Acquisition El Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Corrosion Control, if recommended by State EPA. Engineering $10, 500 Equipment & installation for two pumping stations $25, 200 Chemicals for the two pumping stations $3, 150 Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : To reduce or eliminate the lead/copper corrosion within the service lines and houses to meet USEPA & IEPA Standards. A safer drinking water for the consumer. Evaluation Criteria Met: Risk to public safety and health Coordination: A project that is necessary to comply with the requirements imposed by others. Implementation Schedule: Fiscal Year 1998 MkP-:MPR\96-:',JL:.WRK 9/95 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY �- Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: CORROSION CONTROL - EPA LEAD & COPPER MANDATES - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Came 1998 1999 2000 200: FY 2731 Total Planning/ $10, 500 $:3, 5:3 Design Site Acquisition Equipment 25,200 25, 200 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. 3, 150 3, 150 Total $38, 850 $38, 850 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, X i_. Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: OCTOBER 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: Water Fund Impact on Operating Costs: Additional costs would incur because chemicals would have to be purchased on a yearly basis. Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: OCTOBER 1995 • Department: PUBLIC WORKS Proj ect Name: UPDATE FUEL STORAGE TO EPA STANDARDS Type of Project: Planning or Design El Equipment Purchase Site Acquisition Facility Construction or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Install leak detection, spill overflow prevention system. These would be installed on the 12,000 gallon gasoline tank and on the 10,000 gallon diesel storage tank. Also 2 new fuel dispensers would be installed. These should be taken care of by 1998. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : To be in compliance of EPA guidelines. The improvement would make the tanks safer and they would automatically be monitored daily. The over spill devices would protect the environment. Evaluation Criteria Met: Coordination - project is necessary to comply with requirements imposed by others. Implementation Schedule: FY 1998 CAP-:MPR\96MA.WAL 9/E Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: UPDATE FUEL STORAGE TO EPA STANDARDS - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - __e_ments Date 1997 1999 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment 3,235 34,086 34, 086 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total 34, 086 34,086 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, kJ Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: =roBER 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: General Fund Impact on Operating Costs: No additional costs would be incurred 9/95 CA?-:MPR\36MANUAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date : OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: SEWER REHABILITATION Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase D Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction — or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: Insituforming or lining storm sewer lines on Churchill, Lake, Davis and Arcadia to stop leakage of water which may infiltrate sanitary sewer lines. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Stoppage of rain water from entering sanitary lines to try and prevent future basement flooding. Evaluation Criteria Met: Coordination - goals of Board of Trustees & Village Administrator Deteriorated facility - extend storm sewers' life expectancy Risk to public safety & health - flooding basements from sanitary water. Implementation Schedule: FY 1998 Churchill FY 1999 Lake FY 2000 Davis FY 2001 Arcadia Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name SEWER REHABILITATION - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- 188, 900 174, 100 167,800 180,300 711, 100 tion/Repair Misc. Total 188, 900 174, 100 167,800 180,300 711, 100 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: OCTOBER 1995 Financina Other Than Property Tax: Sewer user fee Impact on Operatina Costs: No additional costs would be incurred. 9/95 CAP-:MPR\96:AWAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: SEPARATION OF STORM WATER FROM COMBINATION SEWERS Type of Project: Planning or Design ❑ Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction ❑ or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: South Central neighborhood. Separate storm water from combination sewer system. Sewer construction work will be done by Public Works employees. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : Eliminate basement floodings Evaluation Criteria Met: Coordination - Risk to public safety and health Implementation Schedule: FY 1998 - Georgian - Capulina North to Dempster FY 1999 - Mason - Lincoln to South Park FY 2000 - Marmora - Lincoln to South Park FY 2001 - Menard - Lincoln to Theobald 9/9 GP-.MPR\96MAZNAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date : OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: SEPARATION OF STORM WATER FROM COMBINATION SEWER - Construction Cost - Cost Cost to FY FY FY FY FY FY 1997 - Elements Date 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FY 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment Construc- 199,000 0 94,080 96,915 97,282 101,915 390, 192 tion/Repair Misc. Total 199,000 0 94,080 96,915 97,282 101,915 390, 192 Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: El Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost ❑ Standard Cost - Chicago Area Date of Estimate: OCTOBER 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: - Sewer user fee Impact on Operating Costs: No additional costs will be incurred. 9/95 CAP-:MPR\96:ANUAL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: OCTOBER 1995 • Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: WASTE OIL STORAGE Type of Project: Planning or Design Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition Facility Construction EN or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: The Public Works Department possesses a 5000 gallon waste oil storage tank. we would like to abandon the tank as it is encased in the concrete floor. In its place a 280 gallon double walled tank and a 500 gallon waste oil tank would be installed. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : To be in compliance with EPA regulations Evaluation Criteria Met: Coordination - Project is necessary to comply with requirements imposed by others. Implementation Schedule: FY 1997 UP-:MPR\96MA.WAL 9/9 Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUteIARY Date: OCTOBER 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name : WASTE OIL STORAGE - Construction Cost - Cost Cost co FY FY FY FY =Y =Y 1997 - Elements Cate 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 F? 2001 Total Planning/ Design Site Acquisition Equipment 1,615 22,297 Construc- tion/Repair Misc. Total it Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: `— Engineer, Architect, Bids Received or Vendor Estimate Comparable Facility Cost Standard Cost - El Chicago Area Date of Estimate: OCTOBER 1995 Financing Other Than Property Tax: _ General Fund Impact on Operating Costs: Additional costs could be imposed on this project pending on the amount of oil to be disposed and the time to pump it out. These prices are for abandonment of the tank - Environmental project manager $65.00 an hour. Time amount unknown. 9/95 CAP-_MPR\96YA.`R:AL Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT DESCRIPTION Date: November 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: REPLACEMENT OF PUMPS AT NORTH PUMPING STATION Type of Project: Planning or Design 0 Equipment Purchase ❑ Site Acquisition ❑ Facility Construction gi or Repair Description of Project/Services to be Provided: There are 4 pumps that pump water to the consumers located at the North Pumping Station. Beginning with the year 2001 one pump will be rehabilitated each year until all the pumps are done. Anticipated Benefits (Increase in Service; Reduction in Cost) : The rehabilitation of the pumps would increase its proficiency, increase the pumping capacity and help reduce electric costs. Evaluation Criteria Met: Systematic rehabilitation to provide some level of service. Coordination: a project that meets established goals or objectives of the Board of Trustees. Improvement of operating efficiency. Implementation Schedule: FY 2001 to FY 2005 9 CAP-:MPR\96MA.WAL APPENDIX Capital Improvement Program Participants Capital Improvement Program Ad-Hoc Committee The Committee which provided guidance and the initial prioritization of projects presented for Village Board of Trustee review is comprised of the persons listed below: Richard P. Hohs, Village President Don Sneider, Village Trustee Dan Scanlon, Village Trustee Larry Arft, Village Administrator Charles Scheck, Director, Community Development Jim Dahm, Superintendent, Public Works Ralph Czerwinski, Chief, Fire Department Committee responsibilities included the evaluation of the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Capital Improvement Program development process, the selection and definition of evaluation criteria, the approval of the report format, the selection of the projects to be proposed for funding to the Village Board of Trustees, and other actions necessary to enhance the Capital Improvement Program process . Department of Community Development The Department of Community Development assumed responsibility for assembling the materials presented, and is responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions which may have occurred. Special thanks are given to Diana Neuschaefer, Administrative Assistant, who played the major role in the preparation and assembly of these materials . Village Departments For a Capital Improvement Program to be useful, all departments must participate in the identification of projects that are likely to be undertaken within the five year period covered by the program. The Village' s Department Directors and their staffs must be congratulated on the effort expended, the quality of the materials submitted, and for the cooperation exhibited during this process . Village of Morton Grove - Capital Improvement Program PROJECT COST SUMMARY Date: November 1995 Department: PUBLIC WORKS Project Name : REPLACEMENT OF PUMPS AT NORTH PUMPING STATION - Construction Cost - Cost Elements `� ®® 1997 FY FY 'Y 2000 2001 1997 - _ ?Y 2001 Planning/ ___ Total Design Site Ti _S Acquisition _®®Construc- tion/Repair Ma 1111111 _111111111111 ., all11111 11111111111111111111 \--- Basis of Construction Cost Estimate: Bids Received ❑ Engineer, Architect, or Vendor Estimate II Comparable Facility Cost ❑ Standard Cost - Chicago Area El Date of Estimate: November 1995 Financin Other Than Pro ert Tax: Water Fund Impact on Ooeratina costs: Low electric bills by improving performance CAP-:MPR\96MA.WAL 9/95 ALLEY PAVING 1996 1. Between Major & Parkside North of Lake 2. 8439 Major to 8445 Major 3. 8701 Austin to 8717 Austin 4. Between Carol & Crain Austin to Marmora 5. 8700 Central to Carol 6. Between Crain & Carol Major to Central 7. Between Crain & Carol - 5700 block West of Major 8. Between Central & Luna - 7800 Central Kirk & Mulford '—■ 9. Dempster to Enfield Shermer to Belleforte 10. Between New England & Newcastle South of Beckwith & alley South to dead end 11. Between National & Belleforte Church & Beckwith 12. 8900 Harms 300' & South of Central 13. BEtween Luna & Linder Lake to Davis 14. Between Harms & Linder 2 alleys Lake St. South 15. Between Madison & Monroe 5400 block 16. Between Austin & Mason existing alley South of Lincoln resurfacing APPENDIX Capital Improvement Program Participants APPENDIX Capital Improvement Program Participants Capital Improvement Program Ad-Hoc Committee The Committee which provided guidance and the initial prioritization of projects presented for Village Board of Trustee review is comprised of the persons listed below: Richard P. Hohs, Village President Don Sneider, Village Trustee Dan Scanlon, Village Trustee Larry Arft, Village Administrator Charles Scheck, Director, Community Development Jim Dahm, Superintendent, Public Works Ralph Czerwinski, Chief, Fire Department Committee responsibilities included the evaluation of the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Capital Improvement Program development process, the selection and definition of evaluation criteria, the approval of the report format, the selection of the projects to be proposed for funding to the Village Board of Trustees, and other actions necessary to enhance the Capital Improvement Program process . Department of Community Development The Department of Community Development assumed responsibility for assembling the materials presented, and is responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions which may have occurred. Special thanks are given to Diana Neuschaefer, Administrative Assistant, who played the major role in the preparation and assembly of these materials . Village Departments For a Capital Improvement Program to be useful, all departments must participate in the identification of projects that are likely to be undertaken within the five year period covered by the program. The Village' s Department Directors and their staffs must be congratulated on the effort expended, the quality of the materials submitted, and for the cooperation exhibited during this process .