HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget 1994-95 - Adopted VILLLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ti ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR MAY 1 , 1994 - APRIL 30, 1995 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S BUDGET LETTER Budget Transmittal Letter I - XII FINANCIAL SUMMARIES Table A - 1994-95 Proposed Budget Summarized by Fund. XIII - XVII Table B - General Fund and Enterprise Fund Appropriation Requests by Account Classification and• Department XVII - XIX Table C - Comparison of Proposed 1994 Tax Levy to Actual 1993 and Prior Year Tax Levys. . . . XX Table D - Summary of Expenditures and Available Revenues XXI - XXIV DETAILED BUDGET INDEX General Corporate Fund Revenues 1 - 13 Legislative 14 - 20 Administrative 21 - 27 Legal 28 - 30 Finance 31 - 39 Reserves 40 - 42 Police 43 - 56 Fire 57 - 70 Civil Preparedness 71 - 75 Public Works - Streets & Sidewalks 76 - 85 Vehicle Maintenance 86 - 92 Garbage Collection 93 - 97 Health & Human Services 98 - 104 Health & Human Services - Senior Services . . . 105 - 110 Community Development 111 - 121 Building Department - Code Enforcement 120 - 125 Municipal Buildings 126 - 131 Motor Fuel Fund 132 - 138 Community Development Block Grant 139 - 145 Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund 146 - 150 Enhanced 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System 151 - 156 Public Library 157 General Employees Pension 158 - 161 Commuter Parking Facility 162 - 167 Centennial Celebration Fund 168 - 175 Debt Service Fund 177 - 181 Debt Service - Special Service Area #1 182 - 184 Capital Projects Fund 185 - 202 Capital Improvement Projects 1994 Bond Issue 203 - 211 TABLE O F CONTENTS (CON•T) Enterprise Fund - Water Department 212 - 225 Sewer Department 226 - 231 Water/Sewer Administration 232 - 239 Firemen's Pension 240 - 245 Policemen's Pension 246 - 249 Appendix Budget Notes i - x Salary Schedule xi - xv Budget Calendar xvi - xvii Principal Officials and Officers. . . . . . . . xxiii Glossary of Terms xix - xxv Organizational Chart xxvi Ten Year Summary of Full-Time Employees xxii Ten Year Summary of Part-Time Employees xxiii Map of Morton Grove/Relation to Chicago xxix Map of Morton Grove Itself xxx Legal Notice for Public Hearing xxxi '"t '1 5 rat: Village of c%forton grove �< Office of the Village Administrator MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable President and Board of Trustees FROM: Larry N. Arft, Village Administrator DATE: May 1, 1994 RE: Adopted Budget Transmittal Letter It is with great pleasure that I submit to you the 1994-95 Fiscal Year Adopted Budget. Preparation for this year's budget ended up being more difficult and considerably more time consuming then was originally envisioned. Within the operating funds there were numerous expenditure increases and a few revenue reductions which contributed to the difficulty in completing this year's budget. The single most prominent increase was for the group health insurance program which resulted in an additional $227, 000 appropriation in the General Fund alone. The increase would have v been larger if employees were not responsible for contributing 10% of the premium cost. The IRMA contribution is projected to increase about $30, 000 next year, while the Regional Emergency Dispatch System will increase $12 , 000 due to increased calls for service. The salaries were adjusted for the three employees shared by both the General Fund and the Enterprise Fund. The compensation was split 50/50 (instead of one-third General, two-thirds Water) between the two funds resulting in an increased appropriation of approximately $37,700 in the General Fund. It was also necessary to add $30,000 to the Street Department budget for tree trimming this year. In Community Development, the first full year of salaries for the restructured Engineering Division resulted in an increase of over $17, 000 while the new computer aided design (CAD) system is projected to cost approximately $62, 000. Professional services for the economic development consultant are projected to cost $10, 000. The existing Economic Development Agreement in the Reserve Account is up over $80, 000 based on projected sales for the coming year. While some revenue growth was noted in the General Fund to offset a portion of these increases, resources were not adequate to cover all of the appropriation requests. Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center A 6101 Capulina Avenue Morton Grove, Illinois 60053-2902 Tel: (708) 965-4100 Fax: (708) 965-4162. u; ,- Much of the discussion during review of this year's budget centered .\ around the need for additional resources for infrastructure maintenance and facility renovation. The Community Development Department completed a five year Capital Improvements Plan which showed the need for a number of significant expenditures, most notably for building additions and renovations to the two fire stations, major water system improvements, and the additional resources to accelerate the Village's Street Resurfacing Program. Following considerable discussion regarding this issue, the Board tentatively authorized the issuance of $7 million in Public Improvement Bonds which were allocated and shown in the new Capital Projects - 1994 Bond Issue Fund which is included in the Adopted Budget. In addition to the Fire Stations renovations, the water system improvements and the Street Resurfacing Program, funds have also been included for alley improvements and for both neighborhood and Waukegan Road street lighting installations. The Board has authorized a one quarter percent increase in the local option sales tax which will provide for the debt service for the first five years of the new Public Improvements Bond Issue. The increase will become effective January 1, 1995. At the end of five years, the Bond Issue will dovetail into the Village's existing debt service schedule and will no longer require use of the local option sales tax revenues. One of the strengths of using the local option sales tax for this purpose is that after the first year, funds remain from this revenue source to continue the alley improvement and street lighting programs on a recurring basis. After the five year debt service commitment, substantial local option sales tax proceeds will be available in the Capital Projects Fund to permanently increase the annual infrastructure maintenance effort. The availability of these additional resources will help the Village to remain current on maintenance responsibilities while minimizing the need to rely on future bond issues or other indebtedness to pay for public improvements. We will still maintain a regular Capital Projects Fund which will be financed with recurring tax revenue and various other grant, intergovernmental and miscellaneous revenues. The Capital Projects Fund, as shown in the original budget, was altered substantially with the removal of a proposed expansion of the Capulina Avenue Relief Sewer and elimination of a proposed increase in the Property Tax Levy for Capital Projects of just over $84,000. There are still a number of improvements scheduled for this year from the Capital Projects Fund including the Washington Street Improvements and the basic Street Resurfacing Program. In the Enterprise Fund, balancing the budget was virtually impossible this year without an increase to the water and sewer rates charged to customers. We have two large manufactures who recently installed water recycling systems combined with the unseasonably wet weather over the last two summers. These combined factors result in some of the lowest water sales figures in the ,4%4 II modern history of the Village. Although we were able to patch together the utility enterprise through fiscal 1993-94, it became immediately clear that a true budget for the coming fiscal year would be impossible without some revenue enhancements. While most of the budget review process concentrated on reducing requested appropriations and a great many cuts were made particularly in the General and Capital Projects Funds, it was clear some additional revenue would be required if we were to continue to operate at current service and manpower levels. The budget, as concluded, includes a property tax levy of $5,650,682 for municipal operations which is an increase of $173,813 or 3. 2% above last year's levy. The levy for the first time in many years includes an appropriation for the Firefighters' Pension Fund based on the actuary's current report. As in past years, a portion of this increase will be made up through growth in the equalized assessed valuation while some of the increase will be passed through to current property owners with the annual increase projected at between $3 and $13 per year for homeowners. The levy was actually reduced by over $92, 000 during the budget review process, primarily because of the planned availability of bond proceeds. During the section of the Transmittal Letter which discusses Table C, we will provide additional detail regarding the Property Tax Levy. The second significant revenue enhancement is to adjust the water and sewer rates to cover the cost of current operations. Rates have not been adjusted since 1991, and while the drop in consumption is partially offset by a lower water purchase from the City of Chicago, the fixed cost for operating the local distribution system must still be provided out of user revenue. The increase would take the sewer fee from $.50 to $.59 per 1, 000 gallons of water consumed and the base water rate from $2 .28 to $2.42 per 1, 000 gallons of water consumed. The water rate increase was reduced during the budget review process following receipt of the results of the leak location survey recently completed on the Village's utility. The survey discovered a number of leaks which were repaired thereby reducing the Village's consumption and making the lower water rate increase possible. The total combined increase for water and sewer services will be from $2.78 per 1, 000 gallons to $3. 01 per 1, 000 gallons or 8.3%. The rate increase should be adequate to fund the system for at least two years unless water rate increases from the City of Chicago are passed along to the Village. The Board also authorized an increase in the Emergency Telephone System User Fee from the current $. 50 per line per month to $. 75 per line per month as authorized in the original referendum. While the Village was able to build the system with the original $. 50 per line fee, which is well below today's average for this service cost, there is a need to add additional staffing to handle the emergency calls which come through the E9-1-1 system. In order to `' III pay for the salary for an additional dispatcher, the fee increase ill -Th is required. At $.75 per line per month, the Village fees lin till have one of the lowest emergency telephone system metropolitan area. Although it is never pleasant to adopt a budget which includes tax or fee increases, it is unrealistic to assume the Village, like any other organization, could operate indefinitely without occasional revenue enhancements. While we have had good growth in the sales tax base and continue to promote business activity within the the Village, it is still necessary from time to ime till adjust the property tax levy and other fees which provid necessary to produce the high quality of services to which Village residents have become accustomed. REVIEW OP TABLE A Table A, attached to this transmittal letter, will provide the and reader with a detailed fund by fund an lysi t of both revenues and appropriations for the coming year. the basic expenditure and revenue side are noted, gists between different breakdown of revenue and appropriation requ departments and activities. A review of S e Tab l le A R showsFoperating funds, which include the General Fund, p ing the Debt Service Fund, appropriated at $15,881,025 which is an increase of $1,260,383 or 8.6% above last year's Adopted Budget. "\ The increases in the General Fund were discussed earlier in the Transmittal Letter. Small increases were also noted in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund while the Community Development Block Grant Fund the increased by over $70,000 as additional grants were obtained by the Village. No major changes were noted in the Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund while the E9-1-1 Telephone System Fund increased significantly to accommodate the additional dispatcher. The General Employee's Pension Fund was up slightly while the Commuter tion Parking Lot showed a slight decrease. he The Centennial celebration ation Fund also increased by over $80,000 approaches. The Debt Service Fund was increased by over $300,000 to reflect initial revenue anticipated in 1995 from the increase in the local option sales tax to finance the Public Improvement Bond Issue. The budget totals for all funds include the Enterprise eaand capital Projects Fund which do fluctuate significantly ycheomled during any depending upon the public improvement projects given fiscal period. This year, we decided to reflect the $7 million Public Improvement Bond Issue in the new Capital Projects - 1994 Public improvement Fund. This was done since the Village should include all known revenues, in this case bond proceeds, in as the budget. Rather than simply set aside much of this money was reserve for improvements planned in future fiscal years, decided to go ahead and set up the budgets now for all of the IV improvement projects. We do anticipate spending a significant amount of the bond proceeds during this fiscal year, however, we envision a three year time period to fully utilize all of these resources. Subsequent fiscal year budgets will be adjusted based upon updated cost projections and use of the bond proceeds as we move from one fiscal year to the next. As a result of adding the Capital Projects - 1994 Public Improvements Bond Fund, the budget total increased significantly to $29,056, 185. In addition to adding the Bond Issue and the related Debt Service income, we also removed the Capulina sewer expansion and part of the original proposed property tax increase which helped offset a portion of the increase attributable to the Bond Issue. REVIEW OF TABLE B - GENERAL AND ENTERPRISE FUNDS Table B provides a detailed analysis of both the General Fund and the Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund which are the Village's two largest accounts. The General Fund includes appropriation requests for all non-enterprise operating departments. The Enterprise Fund includes the appropriations for the Water and Sewer Departments. Table B compares appropriation requests from this year to last year's requests, breaks those appropriations down by account classification and provides department totals as well. The total General Fund appropriations request is $12,413,098. This is an increase of $734,750 or 6. 29% above last year's budget. The opening paragraphs of this Transmittal Letter identified several expenditure increases which accounted for most of this amount. Trustees can review each individual account classification to see the spread in increased costs. Of note, are personnel services which increased a total of 6%, again, due to the large increase in health insurance costs, and a 3% across-the-board pay increase for all Village employees. The reclassifications of some positions and the reallocation of three positions between the Enterprise Fund and the General Fund also contributed to this increase. Contractual Services were up slightly over 5% and the Commodities Accounts actually dropped by 1.62%. Capital Outlay was up by over $68, 000 this year or 34%. The increase was primarily due to additional vehicles for the Fire and Police Departments and the inclusion of the CAD system for Community Development. The "Other" account which primarily includes reserves increased by $79, 000 or slightly over 11%. Virtually all of these increases are attributable to the reserve for economic development and are based upon anticipated sales during the coming fiscal year. The second part of Table B provides the same amount of detail regarding the Enterprise Fund. Appropriations in the Fund increased by $191, 383 or 6.3%. This increase resulted from the development of a budget adequate to meet operating expenses for the system and to provide minimal resources for continuing upgrades to the sewer and water systems. We, of course, are envisioning the V major repairs needed by the aging system coming from the Bond proceeds which will be serviced from the local option sales tax. This program will result in substantial current and future savings to system users and will help keep user fees reasonable. REVIEW OF TABLE C - REAL ESTATE TAX The next table attached to this Letter of Transmittal is Table C, summarizing the real estate tax, which we briefly referred to earlier in this correspondence. Trustees will note Table C follows the reformatting initiated last year to provide a detailed history of the Village's property tax going back to 1986. This existing Table, along with the resulting footnotes, will give Trustees substantial information regarding the proposed, as well as, previous property tax levies. Once again, the General Fund Levy is increased by $140,320 or 3.8% while the Debt Service Levy has actually dropped $11,607 or over 1%. The General Employees' Retirement Fund is up $20,100 and $25,000 has been added to the levy for the Firefighters' Pension Fund for the first time in several years. Both of these amounts are based upon actuarial recommendations as to resources that should be set aside by the Village to provide for future pension benefits. An increase proposed for the Capital Projects Fund in the original proposed budget has been eliminated due to the availability of bond proceeds. The total Village levy is up $173,813 or 3.2% from the prior year. While the levy is up slightly, the actual tax rate is still low, not only by comparative analysis but also as viewed from historical perspective. Due to growth in the equalized assessed valuation (EAV) due to both new construction and reassessment, the Village's tax rates have actually dropped substantially in recent years. The Special Service Area #1 Levy is actually down by $12,480 or 6. 1%. This levy, of course, is paid by those property owners in the North Grove Corporate Center and pays for the cost of improvements provided at the time this property was redeveloped. The Library Levy is up $54, 658 or 5. 1% above the amount requested by the Library for last fiscal year. Once again, by reviewing the information at the bottom of Table C, Trustees will note the impact of the Village's levy on community residents. Based upon an average EAV in the Village of just over $29, 000 for residential property, the average homeowner in the community will be paying slightly more than $6 per year. Other increases will range from $3 to $13 depending upon the assessed value of individual properties. While it is indeed unfortunate to include any property tax increase in a completed budget document, this year's amount has been pared down during budget deliberations to the point where the financial impact on community residents will be minimal. VI MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND The Motor Fuel Tax Fund increased slightly from $481, 300 to $489,900 this year. The basic distribution of these funds remains the same. We did increase salary accounts slightly which results in a transfer to the General Fund to help cover costs expended in that fund for appropriate street maintenance purposes. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND The Community Development Block Grant Fund increased significantly this year from $252 , 373 to $323,261. The increase reflects the growth in the Community Development Block Grant particularly with the addition of the Home Care Services Program which resulted in $50, 000 being available to provide social services in the community. The Residential Rehabilitation Program is funded for yet another year. REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND This Fund again shows a reduction from last year's appropriation request of $238, 322 down to $219,507. The reduction is due to the absence of any new equipment acquisition for this fiscal year. ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE The Enhanced 9-1-1 Telephone budget increased from $78,700 to $116, 800. The budget total is based upon the increase in the surcharge fee from $.50 per line to $. 75 per line. The additional funds will be used to finance one additional dispatcher which is needed to help meet required manning levels in the Emergency Communication's Center. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND The Village's Adopted Budget includes the $20, 000 Personal Property Replacement Tax which we have traditionally shared with the Library. The Village has received and included the Library's budget in the Appropriations Ordinance adopted by the Village Board on Monday, April 11, 1994. Although, by law, the Village must adopt the Library's budget, the Library is an autonomous operation and we do not include the Library's appropriation in the Village's budget. VII GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND This fund has increased from $172,700 last year to $193 ,400 this year, an increase of $20,700 or 11.9%. This amount is based upon the actuary's recommendation of funds that should be set aside in the General Employees' Pension Program to provide for adequate funding of future retirement benefits for current employees. COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY The budget for the Commuter Parking Facility is down slightly this year. This Fund has been established to track revenues generated by the fees charged commuters who utilize the parking facilities made available for this purpose. It should be noted Metra does have a major expansion underway for the parking facilities located along Lehigh Avenue which will be going into service some time in the fall of 1994. The Village will also be operating those parking facilities. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FUND The Centennial Celebration Fund shows a large increase from $239, 000 to $322, 031. The increase is due, of course, to the approaching Centennial year. Many of the Centennial activities including completion of the book, sale of much of the commemorative merchandise and the actual Kickoff Dance/Social will be held during this fiscal year. We also will be making deposits for facilities and spending money for other events during this fiscal period. Consequently, we have gone ahead and appropriated for all of the Centennial events based on the planning information available at this time. Once again, the beginning cash balance is substantial since much of the fund raising for the Centennial Celebration will be completed with funds available before the beginning of this fiscal year. DEBT SERVICE FUND This year's Debt Service Fund increased from $1,382, 098 to $1,706,727 even though the property tax levy for Debt Service is down by over $11,000. This amount represents an increase of almost $234,000 above the amount included in the original proposed budget. As mentioned earlier in the Transmittal Letter, this amount represents the increase in the local option sales tax which we envision receiving during the last quarter of this fiscal year. Those funds will be reserved in the Debt Service Fund and used to make the initial interest payment on the Bond Issue which will be due in November 1995. The Debt Service Fund includes payments due for all of the Village's General Obligation Debt including bond VIII issues, and installment contracts. This year, we have included a detailed worksheet showing all of the Village's debt and related information in the Appendix at the back of this budget document. Although Village debt has grown in recent years due to both the mandated and relief sewer improvements, as well as, the $7 million Public Improvement Program incorporated in this budget, the Village's total debt is still very small for a community of this size. Even with the new $7 million Bond Issue, total debt is only about one-half of the amount authorized for non-home rule statutory communities. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND The Capital Projects Fund changed substantially from the original Proposed Budget as the Capulina Relief Sewer Improvement Project was removed as well as the $84, 000 property tax increase originally proposed. The final budget total is $1,228, 109 which is actually substantially below the $1,765, 042 appropriated last year. Trustees are reminded this budget does fluctuate up and down each year based upon the amount of funds available for Public Improvement Projects. Much of the Improvement Program will also be shifting to the Capital Projects - 1994 Improvement Bond Fund where the bond proceeds will be deposited. In addition to the Street Resurfacing Program, a small amount is appropriated for the Beckwith Road Bridge Repair and the Washington Street Reconstruction Project is also included this year. CAPITAL PROJECTS - 1994 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BOND ISSUE Initial comments included in the Proposed Budget expressing concern about the lack of available resources to address critical infrastructure needs, were dealt with during the budget preparation process. The 1994 Public Improvement Bond Issue, as previously discussed, will indeed go a long way toward meeting the Village's critical infrastructure needs, including a substantial increase in the Village's Street Resurfacing Program. Use of an increase in the Local Option Sales Tax to finance the Bond Issue will make the cost to taxpayers inexpensive considering the size and cost of improvements to be built. At the same time, the Local Option Sales Tax will produce some funds in excess of what is required for debt service, all of which will be retained in the Capital Projects Fund and will permanently increase the commitment to infrastructure care and maintenance. FIREFIGHTERS' AND POLICE PENSION FUNDS The Illinois General Assembly this past year approved some modest upgrades to both the Firefighters' and Police Officers' Pension Programs. The most recent actuarial report completed by the IX Village altered its assumptions to incorporate these benefit upgrades. As a consequence of that change, the Firefighter's Pension Fund showed a local funding requirement in excess of $140, 000 even though the Pension Plan is 109.7% funded. The actuarial report for the Police Officers' Program came in very close to a zero funding requirement and showed the plan as being 115.9% funded. Trustees are aware we have not provided any local property tax support for either of these Pension Programs for about eight years because both programs are well over 100% funded and have substantial annual earnings from current investments. In both funds, annual earnings substantially exceed annual expenditures which means the pension reserves for future benefits are growing by large amounts each year without any additional municipal contribution. In the case of the Firefighter's Pension Program this year, however, the amount of the requested contribution and the fact that the funding level fell back below 110% has caused us to reconsider the Village's position. The budget, as adopted, includes a levy of $25, 000 this year which will be collected and deposited in the pension fund. Although this amount is well below the actuary's recommendation, Trustees are reminded that this plan is still more than 100% funded and there is no short term concern about available resources. The actuarial report for this coming fiscal year can again be evaluated and, if indicated, a further increase in funding authorized so the levy for this retirement plan can be "ratcheted up" over time, thereby setting aside the revenues without creating a substantial one year increase for local taxpayers. DEBT SERVICE SPECIAL AREA #1 Debt Service for Special Area #1 shows a slight reduction from last year's appropriation level of $220,915 to $219,415. The reduction is due to normal fluctuations built into the annual debt service schedule for this project. Trustees are again reminded this project supported the redevelopment of North Grove Corporate Center and that only property owners within that complex are paying this Special Service Area Levy. APPENDIX This year for the first time, we have added an Appendix to the Budget Document. The Appendix is added in order to meet certification requirements that the Government Finance Officer's Association (GFOA) has established for its Distinguished Budget Award. As with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) , the Village will submit this Adopted Budget to that organization for consideration for this Award. Other than the Appendix, we believe the balance of the document meets all of the criteria established for recognition. Many of the documents like the Budget X Notes Calendar, the Debt Service Tables, the Glossary of Terms, the Count of Employees, and the Salary Schedules are relevant to the budget review process. Other items like the list of Principal Officers, the Organizational Chart and the Maps may not be as relevant but are provided for the reader's general information. CONCLUSION I made the comment during the last budget workshop that I was indeed proud of this year's budget. There was a great deal on the Village's "fiscal plate" that needed to be resolved this year. The water rate increase could not be put off another year. The health insurance program needed a significant increase in resources and the Firefighter's Pension Plan needed additional financing for the first time in years. In addition to these operating expenses, the Village needed to allocate additional resources to address its infrastructure maintenance responsibilities. The initial water system study which identified a number of expensive maintenance and rehabilitation requirements is now several years old and the Fire Station Facility Study was done in 1992. This year's severe winter weather graphically illustrated how far we have been falling behind in the Street Resurfacing Program even though considerable resources have been committed to these improvements each fiscal year. Since most of these projects are not eligible for any kind of low interest loan or grants-in-aid from other units of government, only local financing would be available. The additional resources made available through the bond proceeds and the increase in the local options sales tax will not only be able to catch up on the infrastructure maintenance responsibilities, but also have additional ongoing revenue in future years to maintain all of the Village's facilities in good serviceable condition. I was not only proud of dealing with so many difficult fiscal problems during one budget review process, but also to incorporate solutions for these problems without placing an undue burden on local taxpayers. The revenue adjustments made in this budget can quickly be summarized as follows: COST INCREASES FOR AVERAGE MORTON GROVE HOMEOWNER WITH AN EAV OF $29, 000, USING 97,000 GALLONS OF WATER AND MAKING $5,000 OF ELIGIBLE RETAIL PURCHASES ANNUALLY ANNUAL COST TO REVENUE SOURCE AMOUNT OF INCREASE AVE HOMEOWNER Emergency Telephone $.50 to $.75 per $ 3 .00 per year System Fee line per month Local Option Sales Tax 1/4 of 1% $12.50 per year � XI con't ANNUAL COST TO REVENUE SOURCE AMOUNT OF INCREASE AVE HOMEOWNER Proposed Water/Sewer Rate $.23 per 1000 $22.31 per year gallons Property Tax Increase $173,813 or 3.2% $ 6.00 per year Total Annual Increase for Average Homeowner* $43.81 per year *Actual costs will vary, of course, depending upon the EAV of individual properties, water consumption, the number of phone lines entering each residence and, of course, the amount of retail shopping which is done within the Village's corporate limits. While some homeowners will clearly pay more than the average, other homeowners, particularly senior citizens due to the lower water rate structure, will pay considerably less than the average amount shown. The local option sales tax is not applied to purchases of food to be consumed of premises, prescription and nonprescription drugs and items which are registered with the State (automobiles, boats, etc) . Considering the magnitude of some of the financial problems to be addressed and the incorporation of a $7 million Public Improvement Bond Issue, I believe the cost to local homeowners is extremely modest. While we have indicated some homeowners will pay more, many will actually pay less than the averages shown above. Businesses will generally pay a higher amount of the property tax, however, use of the Local Option Sales Tax to finance the Bond Issue is particularly beneficial to business and industrial property owners located in the Village. I would sincerely like to thank all of the Department Directors and their staff, as well as, Spiro C. Hountalas, Director of Finance; Darlene Wrzala, Assistant Director of Finance; and Executive Secretaries Susan Lattanzi and Marlene Kramaric, from my office, for their invaluable assistance in the preparation of this Adopted Budget. Respectfully submitted, 44y N. Arft Vi age Administrator LNA/sl adopted.94 XII TABLE A VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE SUMMARY OF 1994 - 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET GENERAL CORPORATE AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES GENERAL CORPORATE 198,000 3,839,526 7,991,281 384,291 12,413,098 LEGISLATIVE 110,674 110,674 ADMINISTRATION 209,648 209,648 FINANCE 671,402 671,402 LEGAL 83,780 83,780 POLICE 3,633,838 3,633,838 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,856,289 2,856,289 CIVIL PREPARDNESS 9,384 9,384 STREETS 8 SIDEWALKS 1,285,599 1,285,599 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 1,108,064 1,108,064 HEALTH 8 HUMAN SERVICES 254,161 254,161 SENIOR SERVICES 126,352 126,352 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 367,968 367,968 CODE ENFORCEMENT 203,717 203,717 MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS 127,871 127,871 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 607,351 607,351 RESERVES 757,000 757,000 TOTAL GENERAL CORPORATE 198,000 3,839,526 7,991,281 384,291 12,413,098 12,413,098 12,413,098 MOTOR FUEL TAX AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES MOTOR FUEL TAX 489,900 489,900 SNOW REMOVAL 109,916 19,158 129,074 ASPHALT STREET PATCHING 23,400 37,178 60,578 STREET SWEEPING 33,475 33,475 CATCH BASIN CLEANING 19,987 19,987 MAINT-ST LIGHTS/TRFC SIGNALS 22,417 22,417 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT 76,800 147,569 224,369 TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX 489,900 489,900 232,533 257,367 489,900 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLO 323,261 323,261 RESIDENTIAL REHAB 250,870 250,870 " CARE SERVICES 50,000 50,000 L ,ARABLE HOUSING STUDY 22,391 22,391 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPME 323,261 323,261 323,261 323,261 XIII VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE SUMMARY Of 1994 - 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ,--'N AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLA 219,507 219,507 REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 219,507 219,507 TOTAL REVOLVING EQUIPMENT 219,507 219,507 219,507 219,507 ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE 116,800 116,800 ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 77,302 39,498 116,800 TOTAL ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELE 116,800 116,800 77,302 39,498 116,800 PUBLIC LIBRARY .--'\ AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES PUBLIC LIBRARY 20,000 20,000 LIBRARY 20,000 20,000 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION 124,300 69,100 193,400 GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION 193,400 193,400 TOTAL GENERAL EMPLOYEES P 124,300 69,100 193,400 193,400 193,400 XIV VILLAGE Of MORTON GROVE SUMMARY OF 1994 - 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET ' N. COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND 76,300 76,300 COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY 15,056 61,244 76,300 TOTAL COMMUTER PARKING LO 76,300 76,300 15,056 61,244 76,300 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FUND AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FU 182,331 139,700 322,031 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 322,031 322,031 TOTAL CENTENNIAL CELEBRAT 182,331 139,700 322,031 322,031 322,031 DEBT SERVICE - \.i AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE 98,000 1,098,722 251,000 259,005 1,706,727 DEBT SERVICE 1,706,727 1,706,727 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 98,000 1,098,722 251,000 259,005 1,706,727 1,706,727 1,706,727 SUB-TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 478,331 5,062,548 9,696,849 643,296 15,881,024 15,303,409 577,616 15,881,025 DEBT SERVICE-SPECIAL SERVICE AREA #1 AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE-SPECIAL SERV 13,180 202,035 4,200 219,415 I SERVICE 219,415 219,415 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE-SPECIA 13,180 202,035 4,200 219,415 219,415 219,415 XV VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE SUMMARY OF 1994 - 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND LOCAL STREET RESURFACING 30, 000 563,134 15, 000 608,134 608.134 608,134 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS 22,000 ?3,000 45, 000 45,000 45,000 BECKWITH BRIDGE REPAIR 15,000 15, 000 15,000 15,000 WASHINGTON STREET 158,000 401, 975 559, 975 559,975 559,975 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FU 210,000 563,134 454,975 1,228,109 1,228,109 1,228,109 CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND IS 7,125,000 7,125,000 LOCAL STREET RESURFACING 1,500,000 1,500,000 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING 255,400 255,400 ALLEY PAVING 174,150 174,150 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 2,393,000 2,393,00D-,\ RESERVES 132,450 132,4 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS/UPGR 2,670,000 2,670,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJ-1994 B 7,125,000 7,125,000 7,125,000 7,125,000 ENTERPRISE/WATER & SEWER AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENTERPRISE/WATER 8 SEWER 3,207,016 9,320 3,216,336 WATER DEPARTMENT 2,217,134 2,217,134 SEWER DEPARTMENT 586,421 586,421 ADMINISTRATION 8 OVERHEAD 337,781 75,000 412,781 TOTAL ENTERPRISE/WATER i 3,207,016 9,320 3,216,336 3,141,336 75,000 3,216,336 XVI • VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE SUMMARY OF 1994 - 1995 ADOPTED BUDGET FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUN 25,000 559,500 584,500 FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION 584,500 584,500 TOTAL FIREFIGHTERS' PENSI 25,000 559,500 584,500 584,500 584,500 POLICE PENSION FUND AVAILABLE PROPERTY OTHER FUND TOTAL ANTICIPATED FUND TOTAL SUB-DEPARTMENT FUND BALANCE TAXES REVENUE TRANSFERS REVENUES EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES POLICE PENSION FUND 801,800 801,800 POLICE PENSION 801,800 801,800 TOTAL POLICE PENSION FUND 801,800 801,800 801,800 801,800 GRAND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 701,511 5,852,717 21,849,340 652,616 29,056,184 28,403,569 652,616 29,056,185 XVII ■ or CD Co O CO Cr- or P or N CO F .. .�.. O CO - - CO n r- ! O 0 M 0 CO P a .7 In a r- 0.O Cr- -J P a a f r- co N H 1190 H P r 0 r_0 0 6 I I- or y on H M a P V9 CD f .0 r- M A I- H O Cr 0 r D M CO y a O 0-In In 0 K 4 P . N a a 0 N CI tN H N y a,I- Y In .-• ^ I- M N w• N N S .. 0 `- L• O CO N 0 0 r- 4 r- CO ... 0 Y9 . . . . . m n O or r P •f -0 P CO P r- u9 O r- O N E N r- N 1+ 0 CC I - 1f1 M O r- N N In P N CO f .. Y9 f 0 r` M a ro .. ■ .. ■ _ _ .. .. .. ■ ■ .. . 1 P V I!f O N H H m CO N W O a 0 y m a CO W C. . O N D In 0 In y f n 00 I- n C ...I a f a N y N . .. In a a M N 41 • w+ O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P P 0 0 . - f CO r- 119 P r-. a C'4 a+ P n N CC .-I 1 In P W In S P H n O f O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In In 44 P 0 r• I+ a r• H M P P a a P r• co --1 a a O O O O co CO O O O O O O O O N O 0 In O a O O ul O m P O a CO 07 u-> O N H a- I _ C f N a M .. a or .y In J P o f H 1 N Tr H P .-I N 0 > -. P r- o 0 CO J a e- a f O O O O 0 0 r- O O O O O O f 1.17 0 a M H P 09 'C n O. N N 1.17 0 CO CO N L H CA Z 0 P m 1a a In N N S W U y ^ M .-1 O O Z N H CC a a ✓-. a. r- ¢ W O O O O In O O N 0 0 0 0 0 O CO O Y9 LU W 0- C In Y9 O 0 N O 1/9 a O 0 N In a 1- > U• O P In 1.17 0 a 0 .+ CO 0 0 a CO N P■ M_ 4. O 0 ¢ C I -. - w - .. .. _ 4. ¢ J 0- 5 Ul f 4 O F. H CO M 4 N m 1A O a Tr J• S d a P y a P I- f N` P N Yr a C. S J 5 4 a O ¢ O m CO H U W r C ...I CC N b O W 0 4 a a L f 0 0 0 0 Yf O 0 P 0 0 0 O 0 0 I- O J L U. ¢ 0 L P In 0 0 N .-I 0 N 0 0 0 In 0 O I- f -- IL O O I M In O M M 4 N 0 M 0 or P IO P P a U. u. CL W ICJ H -..• I- O P ¢ 4 Cr. .-1 M H H f I- O M .. N a 4 CO y 0 CO ^ 4 a m 1- N 119 N W U a N Y co 6 a I J J J Q U J f ¢ •-• P W a 0 In 0 'C 0 N 0 f 0 In 0 O CO N O N > NZ 5 • ICf f CD Y9 CO a P II'a 0 0 0 .+ f M I- O W = > I CID M I/9 CO CO .-a O m P N 11'9 P 1- - U O W f f 4 M M CO N wf 1- m f H P CO .. 61 1- J U CO P M 4 .-1 CO ^ 5 0 0 . N P C u M M e C CC P f f In S J H 1- ^ - Y a ..n CV Ca. 03 .0 m I- y'9 U O In O N 0 • 0 In N .-1 N In 0 O I- O O P 4 C P a 1- In W a v9 1- ul H 119 O f If CC I Cr. N N 1- a P F- N N P I- WI P 0 O I- M 5 P f a O N 0 O f 4 N O f In m N N P O M - CO CO In ..I N N a P 119 U y M ti ti H .1 N m co 1- O O .-• N P 0 P I- M 1- M P 0 H co In 1- o f M H CD N In M In M f P P W P N I- P ..I19 u9 4 H f O . a N m U I 4 f u9 CD 119 H C. H a -. N M I- r- 1- > P r- co H r- a .. M 0 H .• CO .- a 9.[ W P N N In 0 N N y N f H .-. W CO M N -. m 0 a J 1- a C a 0 f S P M P H m H CO In P P f 1- CV C In O I N V9 N O CO IO CO O a .. a .- ' C M ■ C P P 1- 1- 4 O H f CO O N M1 O .-. W 1- y .w N M O N P O CO 4 CO f 1 ^ N ..4 O P N N 4 N P M N I- In Z W 0 U r. CO H > W In W • 9.0 0 ¢ L CO C.9 Z 6 CO 5 J N CO � Z 0 Z C CD W CC Z S Z W 0 Z W W W -1 W CC S t 0 0 W G C C.9 C 0 > S I- 0 C H 1 C ¢ L W W = Z O. = CC CC W H I- C N W 'J' > O U m CC CJ W I C 0 0 C CC d I- 2 CC CC C 0 CO d 0 4 C. C W .A CD LU 0 C J 5 J 0 W Z W H 4 1 CC C .i COI _ 1 C CO O C 0 J C ` W W 1 CO S S Cl W W C J = C J O W C r- S ¢ S W ' J > Cr I- U CC N ` S J 0 J W S0 4 0 = U 0 CC H CC S W C ¢ W W ' J L W . W W = CC Z CO L S CO J > CC J C S C C S = A 0 S 0 0 W W C W O ` H 0'. 14.1 W 0 0 = W W W S I CO . . . . . . U N {/lI S CO 0 CJ L > CC F. CO C K • • j co u9 y ` h • H ` J P CO ° P CO H, PC d K 10, P- N Yf e N CO . H O I 1- N H s H 0 H r 1 H O P or P • 6 H • O. P 0 P m e H LS 0- m 10 H O O Co _ N H ti • - ,a v • 0 ti N y O n a e O P O H 01 -0 Y H N P H .1 H M - H •a W --4 0 1- H •O P ° so P r O O Cr N r .1 f S N •4 a CO e .i H f Co r• IPA va CO CO ,e CO P P CO O 1 Q 0 H H 0 CO J P •O rHr M K O H as 1-- o- + A O ~ co m N y H sr • r O ma- sr a e O O O O 01 •a 11"4. r. •-• P 0 CO N s i O O e a Cr- a CO N F.- U P N H •G -am a ..1 ¢s CC h 1- O P O Cr • w w O. 0 CO r o ✓ O a P H N O `0 0.o Co C a ° rn a -• •-• c- e re ! LO 0 as CU -" 0I-, - -0 H y J P- O a W CI 0 C _ U A C m- m 0 0¢ ^ W O -D p e H •O O ^ _ LL P N 0 m ¢ O H H O r• W C. H ° 0- H .N 0 e ¢ °cn. . y -, a -a LO a 1 W J a Lai 4 J e ^ H P ¢ O e e C Cr- CC sr CO P H P W cc 1 w _ W e N H e P r ra •O Pe a a, P co H P 0 W P N p ¢ m r J - P n O J a •"1 -'1 Hy • H e . Q 0 N 2 1- 0 e 0 H ti W C P N C _ -O CC T r• P 0- N e O P O N CO ' Li H 0-• -4 H P H .01 H -o N 0 m N 0 O W 0- N -a N ---V e N -O -1 O e Y CO K ? f N •P-1 CO CO O r` N !i N ~ H .-1 0 N CS -a In -1 H V- 0.1 a P P P ` ... P H P o 0 u" P ... e W P t om° N -. CO m I 0 0 ¢ a ¢ La H La H I LIJ • a 0 .O • ¢ 1- 1- SII CC W W 1 2 C a wi• C O Q_ 6_ C 1- a P- 1- W J tJ W - .-•� a W a a a W U Ca a ¢0-0- -W. W d — J -N.. O C O 0 a • LS ¢ O O N a CC = T P- L.f ¢ GC ¢ � P- ¢ a 0 Z W W W W •0- 0 r O O •• Z C W a ° a a W a In a P- W Y i10 C Ca . XIX • I I • >- I <2 ..I2IA W}� <W in U' W0 W 0 w05 0< < IyYrN I-0 CC WJ r O IX •C WOK a IAN 0-•min 1002£0 GU W W Zd W O. 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II A 020301/1 0- > 0. 00 .1 M M 44 N N 00 x IuM J> w 4w II 4 1-X 1- JN UY C r C M P N .- 0 1(� M O N 11 A 0 W O X 2 m W T O O I/� A C 0 M 11 •O M N J 2 f JCC-< W it N m A CD m P 0 1011 O m <m 00 CO 40 O_ w_ mW 0 N. II • 3 < J02 1- p\CC < 40 J P M N •O N p .{ 11 P r J J U O Y 2« W 3 1- P N In .1 .1 A N P CO II C > ><a x C 0 X 0 In O 0 0 0011 C « 3X0 ~W 0 <N < II W > 6 J m J m m a- l- .• In N 11 N < )In uJ > 0 <OO W W 2 N ^26 w N 690 N N J W Wr0 W ILY< I m m J O N O X >0 Y M .• 0 0 CO M 0 r11 In < <I- <0m C m m Y P In 0 r M C r II 0 J 1-•.p1 < x 4 W< W T P >r M P A m CO N. N CO II C J <SP W 0 NO44 NI- 1- mJNN N m CO N •O O H r r > r1- J W 4X- £ J W 2 P N In M `O 0 A pp. II .1 <J CO. 0 O CO. • X"A •0 .1 P N 0 P II P J_W Z 4 <.1 A W U ...00 co - M .1 Y1 11 C N31-r < JPNH Z W 4 < 2 N .J1 X69 V1 0 In M1M� -I >r N LL T N N. V •O 0 •O C d A l 0 A .0 A m a C w M V•0 P.--0 J > M M A 0 0 A 64 1 P M v " v 0 0 O-< P J P M A .1 .5 0 C r I O r LO I- I-J 2 • p .1 P - M N A I P J « mJ N < • V 0 N P r I <W Z W- J r 0 C O. > Jw r M in `O 1 0 2 iN XO > M 44 64 1 M M < �W 0. I- IS 4*K N N I \ J M 0 0 .} 0 M m N 64 1 0 •O 2 • 0 Y 0 0 .1 •O CO M .1 •O I m N a N a a X p > M N M A N. P N P I M .1 0 N 4' 2 O X P _i N "•0 A O 0 A .1 N I •0 r 0 3 CO LL W 4 O <_ O .1 64 0 d P 0 r 0 r 1 N W 0 J 3< ��II 2 J W r X A "0 .1 N N 0 44 1 0 I-O 0 x 0 4 2 4 M r 0 r I A J N S W W• -2 N•F 0 2 0 69 69 64 1 M M • A > Cr � C 1111 C w £ < 0 1f�� .} AM 1 H MM X x CC 1- 0X M LO 0 0 0 6 > 0 In M 0 0 N. m C N 1 1 In 0 N <CO C M M J 0. O -W N ILI £4 6 0 .-N M A CNp in P N W • •I • • w • P \ 2 .1x - I-4 Y < r tw.� K P P J00M•O M p. P 0 in 124- Gr xO NN W •O< = PI- CJ NO Y J P M 0 CJ A .1 0 C. M I I-p'C O U f0 2 V. •O 2 W< W C J £ X< •'•O r q M N O •OI "� WOW.1< lOJ C MO 1~10 pMm4>•-Jr t0 X M• r 0 • C I P > Y = NO W <W Px KO j N P I N O V 64 0 0 O. 3 M CO 64 M X 1 .1 M CO•OON m M < W 0 N W Nor 044 X064 I <0 I N = U N CO 2 J I- C P 0 .1 0 P In 0 .1I N •O • < N N .. ••C•-• w< Y 0 N 0 M 2 r r PI N In •./CO 3 < m 3> > 1- > N M N m IA 0 MI N N NNN X 00. W < WN M I I L ^ .I • 0 CD Y < 1-W 1- Y N J P 0Pn0 .4 M 0 ' P O1 GN 2r MP > 1•- - < > N O• P 0 •O A In 64 1 N CO W W 3 W O N < • X"`0 °'• 0 .1 N mI "O Na- JW OIL JW < 1 NO2 £ 00 4' 1- 1- M - In r 0I .0 0O 0 00 ..P O I M N W 2 U ppO. W 4 2 W m co O_W 0 M N M I • 64 T<W u.I P. = CO I=i O >• f> X VI CI •O N O N 0 N 0 C 44 1 0 1� J W 0 1- 0 N <w < •O M P M•D O > N N O In O f0 M `0 col N A 2 m >J W W 2 J 0. Z I W 0 0•0 m P W> 0 I. M 0 0 0 •0 M I 0 N 0OLU< S x W < • < 0 rNM NN .1 N j 1 2 4' 1- • 0 U a CC w I- 2 I- - Y w P O 0 CO .1 M 0 0 N M •O I b In... W N m N W W x U 0 0 CO O I- O.4 M P N 0 N In O P .1 I 0 C r Y 2 m£ 4 - 2 1- < W CC J O X CO 0 r In C N O I In J 2 W O W 1- < W 4' N I- W W W O< 0 1- W 2 CO 0mf N< 04' 4> 0. 1- M r 0 r •1 N w 0 0 O W < 0 2 W U p. < O I .1 N 2£O O Z O O 0- P x C O 44 44 44 1 • 1 4 O 2<W O N > T N W U N LL •• N O. I- 64 N W 64 N 1 4 < 1-00 IX < pw f0 <_ 2 m X m O M O n, N x tel 4001-00ptin2 NK J 9.01 = W< O Y M " P O n. M • • M i <W 0 m M J Imi1 2 - CO- O U U w r > m P W p N W U x J X O<ILLc TO U W p. W 1- < W m LL W •�. I 2 OP mto 22 U P Y CO 0 J J O A 0 0 0 M 0 CO 1 0 2.1r < m 3I- 0 < CO.I0M0 p. <^ O£ a > 0 2 < C A M 0 A W X M C .- 0 m CO 0O P I J W W•• m J 0 W m W W > 1- W N N P'O M I< 1 J t •< U 4' N LL W <W O W 01- 622 . <r0 O 0 in M N .1 0I <Cen20W < N 2U2 Y.. 40 WW NOCIN W ' N N I� IA I CC 0x WC 0 < <NW 00 NNga 4'm .+ .. N I WO, 0W1- C 0 1- 00 00. PILE • yw U< ^ 64 I (2Wl r 64•-• 00 w C w 6 m 2 H w O I�w 4 p 64•Y M O 0 0 - O y w C x _ _ to v CO W < •+ n O " q 2 > 0. ~W v v v v v 0 X LL ` 0 W I=i 0 N > r • cc LL ii 2 U 0. 4• w It T • xO C.VOi = 00 0000 I- X F J j a < > I-O a • J O 0 0 0 0 > H O Z 2 v 0 o- O 4' W 0 0 W < w > _ 0,, 000 in m N 4' C - J < < < J 064 WT64 0 64I`r�N u. J J 0 N W 0 O.O. 2 W Y 0 a W CO W < - > 4 m 0 0 -0. X X Z 4 < N 4' 0 0 O C U LL N J -- > 4 A A co< < Z m TABLE D-1 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE--ALL FUNDS TOTAL REVENUES AVAILABLE--$ 29,0569184 INTERFUND TRANSFERS PROP TAX SPECIAL $652,616 SERVICE AREA #1 SALES TAX OR 2.2%I $5,294,000 OR 18.2% $202,035 OR 0.7% PROPERTY TAXES SHARE OF /$5,650,682 OR 19.4% STATE INCOME TAX / $1,092,900 OR 3.8°k OTHER TAXES ������� $997,400 OR 3.4% :{;: % s J OTHER FEES ❖: •JJJ. J WATER & ':: " ` �,s" �& INCOME SEWER FEES ". : " $1,948,199 OR 8.9% $3,122,050 OR 10.7% "" LICENSES & PERMITS AVAIL / ` $629,550 OR 2.2°A FUND 1 BALANCE $997,400 POLICE/FIRE PENSION OR 3.4% / INCOME $1,386,300 OR 4.8% LOAN PROCEEDS $7,378,941 OR 25.4°k xxz TABLE D-2 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE--ALL FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES--$ 29,056,184 GENERAL FUND /$12,413,098 OR 42.7% DEBT SERVICE - SPECIAL AREA #1 SPEC/15 OR 027° POLICE & FIRE PENSION FUND $1,386,300 OR 4.7°� DEBT SERVICE FUND 1 $1,706,727 OR 5.9%\ MOTOR FUEL Z2t'//(K "" •::: :::::::\\\\\\ \MMUMnDEVEL. :§::;.:i :: :: :: : :i:i:: :::? :�::: BLOCK GRANT FUND $322,031 OR 1.1% $323,261 or 1.1% FUND D S ND T R FU EC W E J R SE O ATE LP R W CAPITA PIT A / $1,228,109 OR 4.2% $3,216,336 OR 11.1% CAPITAL PROJECTS FROM I -� 1994 BOND PROCEEDS OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUND $7,125,000 or 24.5% $626,007 OR 2.2% XXII TABLE D-3 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE--GENERAL FUND TOTAL REVENUES--$ 12,413,098 LICENSES & PERMITS $629,550 OR 5.1°k PROPERTY TAXES Z$3,839,526 OR 30.9% AVAILABLE FUND $198,000 OR 1.6% \�\\ TERFUND TRANSFERS ,:.,:.:.::;::•...,.,.:'° $384,291 OR 3.1% \ > Uu \INSTALL NOTE $114,200 EEDS OR0.9% FEES & OTHER SALES TAX MISC REVENUE $5,060,000 OR 40.4% ', '' $543,431 OR 4.4% / 1 OTHER MISC. TAXES FINES $448,200 OR 3.6% $260,000 OR 2.1% SHARE OF STATE INCOME TAX $935,900 OR 7.5% XXIII TABLE D-4 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE--GENERAL FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES--$ 12,413,098 LEGIS, ADMIN FINANCE & LEGAL 5800,699 OR 6.5°k\ POLICE j /63,633,838 OR 29.3°� STREETS & SIDEWALKS CODE ENFORCEMENT/ 61,285,599 OR 10.4% \ BUILDING MAINTENANCE 6331,588 OR 2.6°k SELF INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION 6274,805 OR 2.2% Th u 9 ` " a ' COMMUNITY r3e Hs rFF?y c@Ykr' s l ' —DEVELOPMENT n – \ �� 6367,968 OR 3.0% As- Yn H nr^raa'ssc� `� y �ar RESERVES ,.. ,.. zla. .. 6757,000 OR 6.0% �. iz > �sz RAMEDIC p FIR E PA ;; VEHICL E MAINTEN ANC E & CIVIL DEFENSE / j: :":..•-= 62,865,673 OR 23.1% \ $607,351 OR 4.9% / SOLID WASTE COLLECTION HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 61,108,064 OR 8.9% '1 $380,513 OR 3.1% xxiv MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL GENERAL FUND REVENUES The General Fund is used to account for the day-to-day operations of the Village of Morton Grove. It includes the operations of Police and Fire, Public Works, Garbage Pick-up, Community Development, Code Enforcement, Municipal Building Maintenance, and General Governmental Functions (Administrative, Legislative, Finance, and Legal) . Special Village operations which include Water/Sewer, Library, Enhanced 9-1-1 System, Motor Fuel Tax, Police, Fire, and Civilian Pension Programs, Debt Service, Commuter Parking, Capital Projects, Revolving Equipment Replacement, and Block Grant Programs are explained in separate sections. This is required by generally accepted accounting principles. The balance of this Budget Summary Section will summarize the various revenue items in the General Fund. TAX REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES - 411010 Property Tax Income represents the second largest (prior to the local option sales tax, it was the largest) source of funding in General Fund Operations at the Village. After all the necessary expenditures are reviewed and appropriated and other revenue sources are projected, the Village Board sets the necessary Property Tax Levy. The official property tax levy is approved at the last meeting in November or first meeting in December and filed with the County by the last Monday in December. The revised levy requested for General Fund operations for the 1994-95 fiscal year contains an increase of $140, 322 or 3.8% from the 1993 calendar year levy as reflected in the 1993-94 revised budget. REVENUE SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 TAX REVENUES $ 9, 562, 369 $ 9,809,559 $10, 283, 626 LICENSES & PERMITS 606,935 625, 900 629, 550 FINES 246, 135 290, 000 260, 000 SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 182, 641 209, 900 196,200 GRANT REVENUES 16,259 17, 500 26,900 INVESTMENT INCOME 78,435 89,768 86,768 LOAN PROCEEDS 0 24, 077 114,200 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 329,084 346,245 384,291 OTHER REVENUES 552, 637 215,400 233, 563 Total Revenue Projection $11, 574,495 $11,628,349 $12, 215,098 Page 1 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL The Property Tax Levy for General Fund Operations (as well as Capital Projects, Debt Service, Pensions, and Library operations) are formally approved by the Board by no later than their first meeting in December and filed with the Cook Coun property tathe ty Clerk by last Monday in December. A complete summary of levies and ea el dfound analysis in Tables C and D various funds and impact to the taxp y may be $3 ,839, 526 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX - 411030 The Village collects $3 for every $1,000 of real estate sales within its boundaries. The projected amount is increased from the prior year, due to signs of an improving economy. $209 , 000 HOTEL MOTEL TAX - 411040 Proected the? Village @ r5%e of rent. Increase due to more realistic assessment of monies collected annually, and all five hotels being open year round and financially stable (in last two years, one hotel was closed for remodeling and one had gone bankrupt) . $67 ,000 SALES TAX - 412010 Represents total gross sales tax and share of use tax for 1994-95 allocated to the General Fund. The Village automatically receives 1% of all retail sales within its boundariesoas sales tax became law. On September 1, 1992, a local option increasing the rate to 1.5%---with remases extra (raoc.5% excluding sales of food to be consumed off premises fiery stores) , prescription and nonprescription drugs Sme and the growth in to be registered with the State (autos) . Some of the growth in sales tax will be offset due to a prof to ABT TV pursuant to an economic development re o agreement estap until in November 1989 which calls for a 50/5 $2 ,000, 000 is reached. This amount is reflected net the "reserve" section of the General Fund. �Total $4 4ear" net $21s (after ter "reserve for economic development")pris ojected in the prior year. Increase from the same amount growth(net after economic development Increase based on actual net g and agreement) of actual average sales tax for calendar 1993 , assumes no loss of any major retailers. Also includes local option Page 2 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL sales tax and increase in share of use tax. Breakdown as follows: Regular share of 1% retail sales $3,495,900 Local option sales tax 1,434, 300 Share of use tax from state distrib 129.800 TOTAL $5,060, 000 The above amount does not include the increased local option sales tax which will be effective January 1, 1995, and used exclusively in the debt service fund to service the new debt. This item is discussed in the Debt Service Fund (Fund 31) . SHARE OF STATE INCOME TAX - 412020 Illinois municipalities receive 1/12 of all State income tax paid by individuals and corporations. These monies are distributed to municipalities based on population. In addition, municipalities were receiving a share of the income tax surcharge in July 1989. The revenue received by municipalities was changed several times by the Illinois General Assembly. These changes included a reduction in the municipal share of the surcharge (from the original formula of July 1989) by 49% from August 1991 through February 1993 ; by 25% from March 1993 through July 1993; and by 75% from August 1993 through July 1994 . As of July 1, 1994, the municipal share of the surcharge will end permanently and the share of income tax will increase to 1/11th and up to 1/10th in July 1995. The change in the rate for July 1994 will not offset the loss in surcharge revenue and hence, there will be a drop in the overall income tax collected. The income tax projected does build in a modest 3% growth factor. The overall breakdown in the share of income tax includes: Regular Income Tax @ .45/per capita $1, 006,785 Surcharge @ 2 .20/per capita 49,200 Photoprocessing share @ 1. 65/per capita 36.915 Total $1,092 ,900 The breakdown between Village Funds: General Fund 935,900 Revolving Equipment Replacement 157. 000 Total $1. 092 .900 Total General Fund Share $935,900 Page 3 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I—. PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX - 412030 Additional tax charged to corporations which replaced the personal property tax in 1976. Like State income tax, these monies are collected by the State and distributed to municipalities based on population. Utilizing the projections prepared by the Illinois Dept of Revenue for the 1994-95 year and averages maintained by the Village, there is a slight decrease projected for the 1994-95 fiscal year. The revenues are allocated to the following four funds: General Fund $ 172, 200 Library 20, 000 Capital Projects 20, 000 Debt Service Fund -0- Genl Empl Pension 10.000 Total $ 222,200 Up until the upcoming 1994-95 fiscal year, 6.52% of the portion of the tax levy used to retire the 1978 G.O. Bond was automatically abated by the County due to the Personal Property Replacement Tax. Since 1992 was the final year for levying on the 1978 G.O. Bond (and there will be no levy for 1994-95 year) no personal property tax will be allocated to Debt Service. $172, 200 LICENSES 6 PERMITS ENGINEERING FEES - 421010 Fees collected from private developers for reviewing plans related to constructing outside improvements to projects (curbs, gutters, streets, etc) . Fees based on a flat fee of $250 per set of plans plus 1% of the cost for constructing outside, public improvements. $12, 000 BUILDING PERMIT FEES - 421020 Various fees collected for construction or rehabilitation of commercial and residential units throughout the Village. $100, 000 Page 4 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL OTHER PERMITS - 421029 Other miscellaneous permit fees collected for various purposes not covered elsewhere (garage sales, etc) . Village Administrator recommended the amount be increased to $1, 000 during the budget review process. $1,000 MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSES - 421030 Licensing fees collected for registration of all motor vehicles within corporate boundaries. $335, 000 LIQUOR LICENSES - 421040 Various licensing fees collected from any establishment selling alcoholic beverages within Village limits. Our records indicate 41 liquor licenses are issued from which $54,400 is collected as the annual fee. There are also additional charges for initiation or transfer fees which make up the balance of this account. Decreased to reflect prior year collections. $61, 000 --- BUSINESS LICENSES - 421050 Licensing fees collected for various business registrations within corporate boundaries. Revenues include various fees for cigarette and any other coin operated devices. Also includes licenses issued to contractors for work to be performed at private locations. Our records indicate licenses issued for 1, 879 chargeable items with a base of $96, 574. The large amount collected in 1992-93 included penalties imposed for late payment and businesses who were late the preceding year and then on-time during 1992-93. $96, 600 $URGLAR/FIRE ALARM LICENSES - 421067 Licensing fees collected for registration of burglar alarm systems by residents or commercial establishments within the Village corporate boundaries. The annual fee is $25. $18,400 Page 5 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL 1-, ANIMAL LICENSES - 421068 Licensing fees collected for registration of dogs and cats within corporate boundaries. $1, 300 ZONING VARIANCE FEES - 421080 Fees collected for hearings related to requests for zoning variances. Fees range from $50 (residential) to $250 (business and manufacturing) depending on current zoning status. $1,250 PLANNING COMMISSION FEES - 421081 Fees collected for hearings to come before the Planning Commission. Fee is $250 per application. $3, 000 FINES TRAFFIC COURT & OTHER FINES/FEES - 431010 Fines collected for traffic violations processed through the County Circuit Clerk' s Office or parking fines collected in-house. Large amount collected in 1990-91 when 3-4 years of delinquent parking tickets were sent to collection agency. Decrease in budgeted amounts to reflect realistic amounts collected in previous two years. $260,000 SERVICE & OTHER USER PEES COPY MACHINE INCOME - 441010 Copying charges for police reports required by such parties as attorneys and insurance companies. Current charge is $5 per report. Increase to reflect trend of recent collections. $9,000 ALARM MAINTENANCE FEES - 441020 Village's share of fees for alarms connected directly to alarm panel in Police Department. $3 ,700 Page 6 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PUBLIC WORKS MISC INCOME - 441030 Miscellaneous income collected from the sale of sand, stone and other miscellaneous scrap materials sold by Public Works. $10,700 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT FEES - 441040 Village charge to residents for replacing public sidewalk where sidewalk crosses public right-of-way. The Village's charge is 50% and is based on 25, 000 sq ft @ $1.50/sq ft. This is an increase from the $1. 10 rate that has been used over the last eight years. $37, 500 AMBULANCE USER FEES - 441050 A fee of $100 is assessed to any non-resident of the RED District (Village, Niles, Glenview, Northbrook, Prospect Heights, and some unincorporated areas in Des Plaines) who utilize a Village ambulance. $17,500 SALE OF YARD WASTE BAGS/STICKERS - 441060 This account was formally for the sale of special bags pre-printed with the Village name to residents for the on-site storage and collection of all residential yard waste. The Village will be phasing out the sale of these bags to be replaced with stickers. Revenues will be used to offset pre-printed bags the cost of the yard waste program as reflected in the solid waste collection department of the General Fund (Account /552100) . This amount is based on the sale of the remaining yard waste of 15,000 yard waste bags @$1. 30 and the sale of approximately 65, 000 stickers at @$1.10. $ 91,000 SALE OF TRASH STICKERS - 441062 Based on the estimated sale of 12, 000 trash stickers (to those residents who exceed their 2-32 gallon can weekly allotment) @ $1.30. The Village disburses the exact amount to hauler which is included in the Trash Collection Services Expense Account. The decrease reflects actual results from the first full calendar year (1993) of operation. $15,600 Page 7 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL FIRE CODE ENFORCEMENT FEES - 441070 Fee established in February 1992 by ordinance. Plan review for new construction or major remodeling projects which will entail fire code enforcement. Primarily based on square footage or other factors. $7 ,000 SOCIAL WORK CONSULTATION FEES - 441080 Projected revenues anticipated from resident use of social consultation services. Fees began to be collected in December 1992 and are based on resident ability to pay. $4,200 GRANT REVENUES GRANTS:ST.REIM.-POLICE TRAIN. - 451001 The State allocates a certain sum to be reimbursed to all municipalities for training programs undertaken by police personnel. The actual amount depends on what the total State appropriation is and how many other claims are received from other municipalities. Amounts have dropped from prior years due to the elimination of funding for the DARE program by the State. Increase in budget reflects reimbursement of newly hired police officers which receive best chance of reimbursement. $17,500 GRANTS: ST.REIM-FIRE TRAINING - 451002 Like Police reimbursement for training, the fire reimbursement grant depends on what the State appropriates and what other municipalities and fire protection districts request. Increase in budget reflects trend over last two years and higher chance of reimbursement on newly hired firefighters which have best chance of reimbursement. $7,900 GRANTS:ESDA - 451004 Reimbursement projected from State and Federal sources of ESDA program. $1,500 Page 8 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected earnings from monies invested in State Treasurer's Pool (IPTIP) and other bank depositories. Decrease from prior year projections to reflect lower interest rates. $37, 000 INTEREST-UNDISTRIBUTED PROP TAX - 461020 State statutes require the county to refund any interest earnings on monies collected but not distributed back to units of local government. Increase to reflect prior year collections. $7, 300 ___ RENT INCOME ON BUILDINGS - 463010 Rental income received from ISOMEDIX on building on Nagle. $42,468 LOAN PROCEEDS INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS - 471010 Village Administrator recommended the following items be purchased through installment note financing during the budget review process. Police-1994 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck $15, 000 Fire-1994 Command Car & Accessories 37,700 Comm Devp-CAD System Hrdwre/Sftwre 61. 500 TOTAL $114,200 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 'TRANSFERS FROM MFT FUND - 481020 Allocated labor costs performed by Public Works personnel for the following functions in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. Village Administrator increased the annual transfer from the MFT during the budget review process based on increased projected revenues and the initial $8,842 surplus in MFT estimated. Page 9 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Snow Removal $19, 158 Asphalt Street Patching 37,178 Street Sweeping 33 ,475 Catch Basin Cleaning 19,987 Concrete Replacement 147,569 TOTAL $257,367 TRANSFERS FROM WATER/SEWER FUND - 481040 Transfer of monies from Water/Sewer Fund to reimburse General Fund for various personnel and/or other administrative services provided. $75,000 TRANSFERS FROM CMMTR PRKG FUND - 481050 Allocated costs charged to Commuter Parking Facility Fund to provide the functions shown below. The account has been increased in recognition of greater utilization of street department personnel to accomplish these tasks. See Commuter Parking lot's "Transfer to General Fund (182031-811010) for greater detail. CSO 1--(1.5 hr/day or 18.75 %) $5, 061 Patrol Officer-- (1 hr/day or 12 . 5%) 6,412 Finance--(1 hr/day or 12 . 5%) 6,571 Admin/Comm Devp-(1 hr/wk or 2 .5%) 4 , 176 Public Works-- (3 persons 1 day/week May-Nov or 11. 5 %) 13 ,501 Overtime (10%) of Street Dept 7,536 Snow Removal Materials 936 Miscellaneous Operational supplies 1,248 Gas, Diesel, Fuel, Oil (6 %) 6,483 TOTAL $51,924 OTHER REVENUES SALE OF SURPLUS EOUIPMENT - 491010 Projected sale of surplus vehicles and any other surplus equipment or =claimed equipment recovered by police department. Based on 'projected sale of eight cars (1989-92 models) plus one van. Note, 1992-93 actual had additional auction of pick up trucks. $45, 500 Page 10 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL IBT FRANCHISE FEES - 491020 Projected fees collected from Illinois Bell for franchise agreement recently approved. Based on $.38/per 1000 access lines. Based on an estimated 14,900 access lines in the Village boundaries, the Village expects the following amount to be collected. Large collections in 1992-93 were from retroactive adjustment over 1- 1/2 years to new rate per IBT franchise agreement. $67,950 CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEES - 491030 The Village receives a 5% franchise fee from Cablevision based upon gross revenues collected within Village corporate boundaries. Includes rate increase instituted by Cablevision in January 1993. $103, 000 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME - 491040 Other miscellaneous revenues not covered elsewhere. Increased to reflect prior year collections. $6, 613 FIRE DEPT TRAINING CLASSES - 493010 Miscellaneous monies collected from other parties who take part in training classes held in-house by the Fire Department. $1,000 STATE REIMB: MAINT-TRAFFIC SIGNALS - 494010 Reimbursements from IDOT for maintenance charges of certain traffic signals located on state highways within the Village's Corporate Boundaries. This revenue source was formerly indicated in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund but is being moved to the General Fund as explained in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. $9,500 Page 11 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM '-."1 FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 411010 PROPERTY TAXES 3,770,786 3,848,930 3,699,206 3,699,206 2,035,257 3,699,206 3,847,174 3,839,526 411030 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX 192,789 197,340 196,000 196,000 203,261 205,000 209,000 209,000 411040 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX 58,519 62,194 61,000 61,000 51,517 67,000 67,000 67,000 412010 SALES TAX 3,170,504 4,137,553 4,769,734 4,769,734 4,013,252 4,987,300 4,987,300 5,060,000 412020 SHARE OF STATE INCOME TAX 1,142,508 1,190,646 945,619 945,619 1,033,438 935,900 935,900 935,900 412030 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX 120,142 125,707 138,000 138,000 121,254 172,200 172,200 172,200 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 8,455,248 9,562,369 9,809,559 9,809,559 7,457,979 10,066,606 10,218,574 10,283,626 LICENSES & PERMITS 421010 ENGINEERING FEES 4,097 11,394 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 421020 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 102,068 67,505 100,000 100,000 39,218 67,000 100,000 100,000 421029 OTHER PERMITS 339 1,105 350 350 1,158 350 1,000 1,000 421030 MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSES 311,158 319,887 335,000 335,000 52,001 335,000 335,000 335,000 421040 LIQUOR LICENSES 58,417 54,383 61,000 61,000 62,525 61,000 61,000 61,000 421050 BUSINESS LICENSES 95,032 129,348 95,000 95,000 39,983 96,600 96,600 96,6' 421067 BURGLAR/FIRE ALARM LICENSES 17,018 18,343 17,000 17,000 17,909 18,000 18,400 18,4 421068 ANIMAL LICENSES 1,036 1,020 1,300 1,300 614 1,300 1,300 1,300 421080 ZONING VARIANCE FEES 1,300 950 1,250 1,250 700 1,250 1,250 1,250 421081 PLANNING COMMISSION FEES 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 250 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 594,464 606,935 625,900 625,900 214,358 595,500 629,550 629,550 FINES 431010 TRAFFIC COURT & OTHER FINES/FEES 261,910 246,135 290,000 290,000 153,503 260,000 260,000 260,000 TOTAL FINES 261,910 246,135 290,000 290,000 153,503 260,000 260,000 260,000 SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 441010 COPY MACHINE INCOME 7,425 8,555 8,000 8,000 9,502 9,000 9,000 9,000 441020 ALARM MAINTENANCE FEES 3,361 3,630 3,700 3,700 2,635 3,700 3,700 3,700 441030 PUBLIC WORKS MISC INCOME 9,439 10,754 10,700 10,700 8,298 10,700 10,700 10,700 441040 SIDEWALK RELACEMENT FEES 25,710 23,693 27,500 27,500 23,151 37,500 37,500 37,500 441050 AMBULANCE USER FEES 12,987 17,572 17,300 17,300 16,576 17,500 17,500 17,500 441060 SALE OF YARD WASTE BAGS/STCKRS 103,260 91,525 101,600 101,600 90,567 101,600 101,600 91,000 441062 SALE OF TRASH STICKERS 0 18,767 29,900 29,900 11,965 15,600 15,600 15,600 441070 FIRE CODE ENFORCEMENT FEES 2,394 5,698 7,000 7,000 3,802 7,000 7,000 7,000 441080 SOCIAL WORK CONSULTATION FEES 0 2,447 4,200 4,200 2,205 4,200 4,200 4,200 TOTAL SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 164,574 182,641 209,900 209,900 168,701 206,800 206,800 196,200 GRANT REVENUES 451001 GRANTS:ST.REIM.-POLICE TRAIN. 4,671 8,256 9,600 9,600 17,546 17,500 17,500 17,500 451002 GRANTS:ST.REIM-FIRE TRAINING 10,746 6,949 6,400 6,400 12,428 7,900 7,900 7,90 451004 GRANTS:ESDA 618 1,053 1,500 1,500 340 1,500 1,500 1,5 TOTAL GRANT REVENUES 16,036 16,259 17,500 17,500 30,314 26,900 26,900 26,90u Page 12 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE 11156. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 36,788 31,060 40,000 40,000 28,390 37,000 37,000 37,000 461020 INTEREST-UNDISTRIBUTED PROP TAX 8,200 4,908 7,300 7,300 3,579 7,300 7,300 7,300 463010 RENT INCOME ON BUILDINGS 40,385 42,468 42,468 42,468 35,390 42,468 42,468 42,468 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 85,373 78,435 89,768 89,768 67,359 86,768 86,768 86,768 LOAN PROCEEDS 471010 INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS 0 0 24,077 24,077 0 0 114,200 114,200 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 0 0 24,077 24,077 0 0 114,200 114,200 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 481020 TRANSFERS FROM MKT FUND 236,435 255,284 248,525 248,525 186,395 248,525 257,367 257,367 481040 TRANSFERS FROM WATER/SEWER FUND 95,550 46,500 62,000 62,000 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 481050 TRANSFERS FROM CMMTR PRKG FUND 17,600 27,300 35,720 35,720 26,790 51,924 51,924 51,924 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 349,585 329,084 346,245 346,245 213,185 375,449 384,291 384,291 OTHER REVENUES 491010 SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT 37,887 58,223 41,500 41,500 47,643 45,500 45,500 45,500 ?0 IBT FRANCHISE FEES 55,337 80,439 66,100 66,100 56,232 67,950 67,950 67,950 1/2„...ri0 CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEES 94,835 100,649 103,000 103,000 67,909 103,000 103,000 103,000 491040 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 8,515 5,817 4,000 4,000 11,144 6,400 6,613 6,613 493010 FIRE DEPT TRAINING CLASSES 828 807 800 800 1,334 800 1,000 1,000 494010 STATE REIMS: MAINT-TRAFFIC SIGNALS 0 0 0 0 0 9,500 9,500 9,500 496010 RETIREMENT OF MORTGAGE REV BND 0 306,702 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 197,402 552,637 215,400 215,400 184,262 233,150 233,563 233,563 It' TOTAL REVENUE 10,124,592 11,574,495 11,628,349 11,628,349 8,489,661 11,851,173 12,160,646 12,215,098 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 50,000 50,000 198,000 198,000 198,000 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 11,678,349 11,678,349 12,049,173 12,358,646 12,413,098 Page 13 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT SERVICE GOALS . This account provides the appropriations necessary for the Village President and Board of Trustees to carry out their important policy making and community leadership functions. Appropriations for the various Boards and Commissions, and the Village Clerk are also included in this Department. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES Annual objectives for the Board and for the various Commissions are determined by each respective body. BUDGET COMMENTS This budget has again been reduced this year by $3,874 or 3 .4%. The largest reduction was the elimination of social security payments for elected officials. This was done, as Trustee's will recall, when the Finance Officer discovered an exemption for elected officials. The NWMC transportation unit is to be incorporated into the regular organization this year. While dues will increase about $500, the transportation unit will be completely eliminated. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-MAYOR/PRESIDENT - 544100 $6,000 SALARY-LIQUOR COMMISSIONER - 544110 $2,000 SALARY-BOARD OF TRUSTEES - 544120 $27, 000 SALARY-VILLAGE CLERK - 544130 $4,500 BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 78,775 $ 79,233 $ 75,278 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 32,275 34,965 34,846 COMMODITIES 233 350 550 Total Approp. Request $ 111,283 $ 114,548 $ 110,674 Page 14 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I STIPEND-ADVISORY BRDS/COMM - 544140 The annual stipend to the various Boards & Commissions are $700 for the chairmen ($900 for the Fire and Police Commission chairman) and $600 for members. A summary of each advisory board and commission with the number in each committee is as follows: Board of Health (8) $24,800 Appearance Commission (7) Environmental Commission (7) Traffic & Safety Commission (7) Planning Commission/ZBA (7) Fire & Police Commission (5) Rep to NWMC Trans Plnng Unit (1) SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $10, 198 SOCIAL SECURITY - 544100 $780 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 This account includes memberships for the Village Board, the Village Clerk and all Boards and Commissions. The appropriation .-N remains at $400 again this year. Fire and Police Commission $150 Village Clerk 150 All Other 100 TOTAL $400 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 This account includes appropriations sufficient for the Village Board, the Village Clerk and members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to attend training and professional meetings and seminars. The appropriation provides for pre-planned attendance at several conferences and seminars as noted below: 3 Trustees to attend NLC Conf. $5, 000 Clerk's meet. and Institute 250 `Fire and Police Comm. Training 700 1 Trustee to attend IML Conf. 100 1 Trustee to attend NWMC Institute 500 TOTAL $6, 550 Page 15 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL OFFICIAL VILLAGE BUSINESS - 551140 This account contains appropriations necessary to cover the normal monthly expenses for the Mayor, Trustees and the Village Clerk. Also appropriated are necessary business expenses which are incurred by the elected officials and appointed officials while engaged in official activities related to the legislative functions of municipal government. Specific expenses include the annual recognition dinner for Village volunteers, activities in support of the Chamber of Commerce and attendance at Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) sponsored events and activities. The account has increased this year because of the increasing cost of the annual recognition dinner and additional miscellaneous expenses which continue to be a significant expense to this account each year. Village Administrator recommended the account be decreased to $11,300 during the budget review process. Mayor, Trustee and Clerk Expenses $3,300 Annual Recognition Dinner 5, 300 Chamber of Comm. Functions 1,800 NWMC Annual Functions 700 Misc. Business Expenses 200 TOTAL $11, 300 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - 555140 This account includes appropriations ade adequate to cover the expenses for a number of Community Relations Activities sponsored by the Village each year. Specific projects include funding for the Morton Grove Days Festival, a children's Halloween Party, one Chamber of Commerce Meet and Greet, Student Government Day plus the annual appearance awards along with related activities which arise during the fiscal year. Children's Halloween Party $300 7 6D Appearance awards 250 Chamber Meet and Greet (1) 400 Misc. plaques and Comm. Rel. Activ. 800 Morton Grove Days Festival 2, 000 Student Government Day 150 TOTAL $3,900 NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE - 557120 This account includes appropriations adequate to cover the annual cost of membership for the Village in the NWMC. The NWMC has been very effective serving as a counsel of governments for the north and northwest suburbs. In addition to the legislative lobbying activities, the development of SWANCC, and the balefill program Page 16 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL combined with the new Commonwealth Edison Franchise Agreement represent recent successes in developing solutions to regional problems that have proven beneficial to the Village. During the budget review process, it was learned the NWMC Transportation Planning unit fee of $2, 200 will be dropped and absorbed as part of the $8, 500 annual fee. $8,500 NIPC MEMBERSHIP CONTRIBUTION - 557160 This account contains the annual appropriation for the Village's membership in the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC) . $3 , 196 NWMC TRNSPRTN PLANNING UNIT - 557170 As stated in 551140, the Unit has been absorbed as part of the annual increased fee to the NWMC, so no separate appropriation will be required. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE DUES - 557180 "1 This account includes the appropriation necessary to provide for membership, dues to the Illinois Municipal League (IML) . Based upon prior years experience, no increase is expected in this expenditure. $1, 000 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 This modest appropriation is requested to cover any miscellaneous operational supplies which may be required by the Village Board, Clerk or any of the Boards or Commissions during the fiscal year. The appropriation has increased this year but still represents a very small portion of this Departmental budget. $300 Page 17 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL SEASONAL DECORATIONS - 564380 A small appropriation is included for the purchase of holiday decorations. Holiday Banners Seasonal Decorations 250 TOTAL $250 Page 18 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 10 - ADMINISTRATION SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY10 - LEGISLATIVE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544100 SALARY-MAYOR/PRESIDENT 5,965 5,985 6,000 6,000 4,988 6,000 6,000 6,000 544110 SALARY-LIQUOR COMMISSONER 1,982 1,995 2,000 2,000 1,663 2,000 2,000 2,000 544120 SALARY-BOARD OF TRUSTEES 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 22,500 27,000 27,000 27,000 544130 SALARY-VILLAGE CLERK 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 3,750 4,500 4,500 4,500 544140 STIPEND-ADVISORY BRDS/COMM 26,350 25,700 26,000 26,000 20,467 24,800 24,800 24,800 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 10,662 9,819 9,950 9,950 8,698 9,950 9,950 10,198 546100 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 0 33 33 0 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 3,686 3,776 3,783 3,783 1,169 761 761 780 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 80,145 78,775 79,233 79,233 63,235 75,044 75,044 75,278 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS 480 660 400 400 1,025 400 400 400 551130 MEETINGS 8 CONFERENCES 6,482 5,514 6,450 6,450 5,187 6,550 6,550 6,550 551140 OFFICIAL VILLAGE BUSINESS 9,208 10,192 11,000 11,000 12,212 11,950 11,300 11,300 555140 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 5,457 4,294 3,300 3,300 3,240 3,900 3,900 3,990 557120 NORTHWEST MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE 7,395 7,832 8,000 8,000 7,982 8,000 8,500 8,' 557160 NIPC MEMBERSHIP CONTRIBUTION 2,735 2,844 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,015 3,11., 557170 NIMC TRNSPRTN PLANNING UNIT 2,129 0 1,800 1,800 2,129 2,200 0 0 557180 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE DUES 941 941 1,000 1,000 941 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34,826 32,275 34,965 34,965 35,731 37,015 34,665 34,846 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 179 181 100 100 541 300 300 300 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 564380 SEASONAL DECORATIONS 1,220 0 250 250 100 250 250 250 TOTAL COMMODITIES 1,406 233 350 350 641 550 550 550 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 116,377 111,283 114,548 114,548 99,607 112,609 110,259 110,674 Page 19 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Legislative Department 1993-94 1994-95 '\....- Salary Number Grade Salary Number Part Time: Advisory Bd.Commissioner,Chair 4,400 6.0 Mayor/President/Liquor Com. 8, 000 1.0 8,000 1.0 Village Trustee 27, 000 6.0 27,000 6.0 Village Clerk 4,500 1.0 4,500 1.0 Advisory Board Commissioner 21, 600 36. 0 20,400 33.0 Advisory Bd.Commissioner,Chair 4,400 6.0 Clerk/Typist 10, 198 5.0 Secretary-Legislative 9, 950 5.0 Total 75,450 55. 0 74,498 52.0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 3,783 13. 0 780 5. 0 Total 3 ,783 780 Department Total 79,233 55. 0 75,278 52.0 Page 20 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION SERVICE GOALS The mission of the Department of Administration is to assure the efficient and effective management of day-to-day Village operations and, through the Village Administrator, to implement the policies of the Village President and Board of Trustees. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. To continue to assist the Village President and Board of Trustees in developing policy alternatives and implementing Board policy decisions. 2. Continue to provide effective, efficient and economical day-to-day management of all operations and public services with special attention given to ongoing analysis and modification as necessary to maximize productivity and effectiveness. 3. Considerable time and much effort will be required this year in support of the Centennial Commission as well as elected officials and staff as we all prepare for and implement centennial activities. The centennial year will actually begin and many activities will be scheduled during this fiscal year. 4. Economic Development activities will also be a priority this year. Time will be spent with the consulting firm approved by the Board as well as staff, Chamber of Commerce representatives and other interested parties. Special emphasis will be placed on redevelopment of the Northern Telecom site. 5. Public improvement planning will also require considerable effort this fiscal year. Working with the Director of Community Development and the Finance Director I hope to develop an acceptable plan to finance needed improvements to the Fire Stations, the water utility as well as provide additional resources to increase the street resurfacing program. BUDGET SUMMARY -Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 174, 162 $ 177,592 $ 188,768 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,293 16,270 17,380 COMMODITIES 1, 307 1,500 1,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 2, 000 Total Approp. Request $ 191,762 $ 195,362 $ 209, 648 Page 21 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BUDGET COMMENTS The Department of Administration budget increased from $195, 362 to $209, 648, an increase of $14,286 or 7. 3%. The increase is due to hospitalization cost increases, some increases in the Employee Relations Program and a Capital Outlay request for a new personal computer to upgrade the fileserver for the office network. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR - 544200 $85, 126 SALARY-INTERN - 544657 $8, 250 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $64,279 LONGEVITY - 546100 $300 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $10,567 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $19,535 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $711 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES --h DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 This account includes appropriation requests for various memberships for the Village Administrator and his staff. There is also a number of subscriptions, primarily to local newspapers and related public interest publications, included in this account. ICMA Membership $675 Service Club Membership 650 ILCMA Membership 260 Intern Memberships 25 IPMA Membership 230 Warehouse Club 30 Miscellaneous Subscriptions 85 TOTAL $1,955 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 This account includes appropriations for the conferences, meetings and related expenses incurred by the Village Administrator during the course of the fiscal year. As with other Village Officials, the Administrator usually attends only one national conference each year. State conferences include the ILCMA summer and winter conferences which are held each year. I have also included "Th Page 22 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL appropriations necessary to attend Chamber of Commerce meetings, Metro Manager's Association meetings, and related business expenses which are charged to this account. This appropriation is lower this year because the ICMA conference will be held in Chicago thereby saving travel and lodging expenses. Village Administrator recommended the account be decreased to $2,000 during the budget review process. ICMA Conference $1,000 ILCMA Summer Conference 600 ILCMA Winter Conference 300 Local Meetings and Misc. Expenses 100 TOTAL $2, 000 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 This appropriation will provide for additional computer proficiency training for the Administrator and staff. If desktop publishing software is added to the LAN in the Administrator's office, as planned, the additional training will be required. Village Administrator recommended the amount be decreased to $300 during the budget review process. $300 �,. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 The appropriations for this account are sufficient to fund the comprehensive employee relations program which the Mayor and Board of Trustees have requested be implemented to further reward employees for the excellent services provided the community and to insure that good communication is maintained between management and line employees. Changes this year include the transition to the Distinguished Employee Award and elimination of the recognition luncheon, with those activities now scheduled for the annual holiday social. The appropriation for service awards increased because more employees will be reaching service milestones this year. Service Awards $1, 350 Distinguished Employee awards 700 Employee (s) of the year 500 'Employee Picnic 2,400 Employee Holiday Social 3,700 Body Bulletin Newsletter 1, 100 United Buying Service 75 TOTAL $9,825 Page 23 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT - 551170 This account includes the cost of advertising and related expenses incurred in recruiting new employees for the Village with the exception of the Fire and Police Departments which are handled through their respective departmental budgets. Expenditures to be made under this account are very difficult to project from year to year, because employment needs differ. We have increased the request under this account based upon experience this past fiscal year. $2,000 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 This account has not been increased this year. A significant increase last fiscal year has proven to be adequate and no further increase will be required at this time. Miscellaneous Computer Maintenance $800 Miscellaneous Office Machine Repair 500 TOTAL $1,300 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 This appropriation has not been increased and should be adequate to meet departmental needs for this fiscal year. $700 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 Trustees are reminded that in addition to general supplies, most of the binders, dividers, and materials related to the budget preparation process, not to mention the development and continual upgrade of administrative manuals are charged to this account. $800 Page 24 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 572010 The 486 computer requested will have a 66 mgz. processor, 8mg of RAM and a 340mg hard drive. This new machine will replace the file server for the LAN in the Administrator's office. The machine is needed to replace slow and outdated equipment as well as allow additional software to be added to the system. The exiting laser printer is several years old and has had maintenance problems in recent months. The new machine would also update the technology. Village Administrator recommended the laser printer be dropped during the budget review process. 486 computer (file Server) $2, 000 Laser printer Page 25 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM -Th FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 10 - ADMINISTRATION SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY11 - ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER • DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544200 SALARY-VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR 75,652 79,283 81,761 81,761 69,325 81,858 81,858 85,126 544657 SALARY-INTERN 6,381 8,602 7,931 7,931 5,662 8,250 8,250 8,250 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 57,467 61,027 62,406 62,406 52,937 62,406 62,406 64,279 546100 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 9,318 10,042 10,012 10,012 8,350 10,376 10,376 10,567 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 12,399 14,554 14,799 14,799 12,293 19,535 19,535 19,535 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 624 652 683 683 568 683 683 711 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 161,841 174,162 177,592 177,592 149,135 183,409 183,409 188,768 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,662 1,879 1,895 1,895 1,769 1,955 1,955 1,955 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 3,232 3,268 2,700 2,700 2,633 2,200 2,000 2,000 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 908 245 0 0 0 600 300 300 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 7,561 10,900 8,875 8,875 9,659 9,825 9,825 9,825 551170 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT 1,820 0 1,500 1,500 1,607 2,000 2,000 2,C' 552350 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES 0 0 0 0 834 0 0 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 1,831 0 1,300 1,300 555 1,300 1,300 1,300 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,014 16,293 16,270 16,270 17,057 17,880 17,380 17,380 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 647 769 700 700 1,058 700 700 700 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 173 537 800 800 121 800 800 800 TOTAL COMMODITIES 819 1,307 1,500 1,500 1,179 1,500 1,500 1,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 3,400 2,000 2,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 3,400 2,000 2,000 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 179,675 191,762 195,362 195,362 167,371 206,189 204,289 209,648 Th Page 26 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Administration Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number \."' Full Time: Village Administrator 81,761 1. 0 85, 126 1.0 Executive Secretary 62,406 2. 0 42 64,279 2.0 Total 144,167 3 .0 149,405 3.0 Part Time: Intern 7, 931 1.0 8, 250 1.0 Total 7,931 1. 0 8,250 1. 0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 600 2.0 Social Security 10, 012 4. 0 10, 567 4.0 Hospitilization Insurance 14 ,799 3 . 0 19,535 3.0 Life Insurance 683 3 . 0 711 3.0 Total 25, 494 31,413 Department Total 177,592 4.0 189,068 4. 0 Page 27 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL LEGAL DEPARTMENT SERVICE GOALS This activity provides the appropriations necessary to support the Village's legal staff. The goals of the legal department are to provide professional legal representation for the Village in all matters of law including: litigation, prosecution of all cases involving municipal code violations, and drafting or review of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other legal documents. BUDGET COMMENTS This account increased by $8925 or 12% primarily for additional legal fees to support the Corporation Counsel due to higher than anticipated legal support provided the Village last fiscal year and projected to continue this fiscal year. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Subscriptions to periodicals, purchase of books and annual updates regarding court rulings represent the expenditures made from this account each year. Illinois State Statutes $250 Legal Ruling Updates 250 Miscellaneous Subscriptions 150 TOTAL $650 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Includes cost of publishing various legal notices in local newspapers required under State statutes for public hearing of Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning, Appearance and Traffic Safety Commission etc. ; bid notices; and various other pertinent legal matters needed from time to time. $1,500 BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 74, 162 $ 82,780 $ 83,780 COMMODITIES 157 0 0 Total Approp. Request $ 74, 319 $ 82,780 $ 83,780 Page 28 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL RETAINER OF CORPORATION COUNSEL - 556100 The retainer for the Corporation Counsel was formerly based upon twenty-five hours per month at $100/hour. Any hours in excess of twenty-five were then billed out at $85/hour (or $100 for litigation related matters) and reflected in "additional legal fees" below (556120) . Over the last three years, the annual fees have averaged $44,700 per year. There has been no change in the fee structure since counsel was first appointed in March 1991. The total between retainer and additional legal fees were projected at $47, 000/year. Effective May 1, 1994, the retainer has been adjusted to an annual flat fee of $45, 000 with only non-routine or litigation matters being billed out separately at $125/hour under additional legal fees. The additional legal fees have been revised to reflect a reduction of $15, 000. The total between these two line items for the Corporation Counsel remain at $47, 000. $45,000 RETAINER OF VILLAGE PROSECUTOR - 556110 The retainer for the Village Prosecutor represents the total cost for prosecutorial services. $21,630 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES - 556120 The additional expenses for Corporation Counsel has been reduced by $15, 000 as discussed in the above retainer account (556100) . There has been a slight increase for the Labor Relations Attorney for anticipated legal fees for labor negotiations. Additional Exp. for Corp. Counsel $ 2 , 000 Labor Relations Attorney 13, 000 TOTAL $15,000 Page 29 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE Itbling. DIVISION 10 - ADMINISTRATION SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY13 - LEGAL ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,037 1,370 650 650 20 650 650 650 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 1,119 1,275 1,500 1,500 1,005 1,500 1,500 1,500 556100 RETAINER OF CORPORATION COUNSEL 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 22,500 30,000 30,000 45,000 556110 RETAINER OF VILLAGE PROSECUTOR 20,000 20,000 21,630 21,630 15,833 21,630 21,630 21,630 556120 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES 29,949 21,516 29,000 29,000 7,685 32,000 30,000 15,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 82,105 74,162 82,780 82,780 47,043 85,780 83,780 83,780 COMMODITIES 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 157 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 0 157 0 0 0 0 0 0 • •' TOTAL EXPENSE 82,105 74,319 82,780 82,780 47,043 85,780 83,780 83,780 Page 30 • MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SERVICE GOALS The Finance Department is a support service department, which functions to assist other departments in meeting public service goals. The fiscal operation of the Village must be carefully planned, organized, directed and controlled in areas of budgeting, accounting, purchasing, debt administration, insurance and risk management, data processing, and personnel. In addition to supporting the operations of other line departments, the Finance Department also has the responsibility to directly serve the public. These include, but are not limited to, issuing real estate transfer stamps, cashiering, information dissemination, licensing (business, vehicle, animal, alarm, etc. ) and the reception of the general public. The Finance Department is also structured to be "the keeper of the Village purse strings". Financial analysis and advice must maintain the highest of professional standards along with providing timeliness and accuracy in reporting. Most importantly, the Finance Department is charged with the responsibility that financial goals and objectives of the Village are satisfactorily met. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. To continue to provide accurate and timely reports of all financial information to Trustees, Village Administrator, Department Heads, and general public. This will include the continuance of the awarding of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association. We will also be attempting (for the first time) to obtain the achievement award for distinguished budget presentation from GFOA. 2 . To provide administrative support staff services in functional areas which include: a. Budget Administration e. Insurance and Risk Management b. Treasury Management f. Data Processing c. Purchasing g. Personnel d. Debt Administration h. Benefit Administration BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 208,581 $ 217,238 $ 235, 947 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 353,186 380,252 413, 555 COMMODITIES 13,351 13,000 13, 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,700 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 9, 317 9,600 8,900 Total Approp. Request $ 588, 135 $ 620,090 $ 671,402 Page 31 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL k 3 . To advise the Village Administrator, President and Board of Trustees on all matters relating to the fiscal operation of the Village. 4. To develop a specific written investment policy. While the Village adheres to State statutes for investing its available monies, a specific written investment policy should be adopted for the general Village funds as well as its Police and Fire Pension Funds. 5. To investigate utilization of data base and report writing capabilities of the Klawitter System through IDOL. BUDGET COMMENTS The Proposed Finance Department budget has increased by $51, 312 or 8. 3% from the previous year. This was primarily due to an increase in the projected self-insurance/IRMA contribution, an extra part- timer to handle increased front counter services and hospitalization insurance premium increases. There are also additional provisions for telephone costs to accommodate extra phone lines installed in the fire department as well as cellular phones provided to key public safety and health personnel. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $65,932 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR - 544430 $43 ,255 SALARIES-CLERICAL - 544700 $88, 363 LONGEVITY - 546100 $1, 050 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $14,862 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $21, 685 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Memberships to professional organizations and subscriptions (* indicate items bought every two years) include: National GFOA $155 State & Metro GFOA (2) 200 I1 CPA Society 130 Wall Street Journal 150 Kiplinger Newsletter 70 Il Revised State Statutes* 210 "1 Page 32 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Other Pertinent Material TOTAL $1,000 . MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Attendance at professional conferences to keep up to date on pertinent developments in the profession and participate in various risk management committees. This will include: Natl GFOA Conf. , Minneapolis, MN $1,750 Ill GFOA Conf. , Shelbyville, IL 450 Metro monthly GFOA luncheons (2) 300 Misc. & Other committee meetings 100 TOTAL $2, 600 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 Seminars for Director and staff in computer related classes. IDOL data base class--1 person $200 1 addl computer class--3 persons 400 TOTAL $600 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 552110 Village share of professional fees related to actuarial analysis and funding levels of Police and Firefighter Pension Funds. Expenditures formerly undertaken by two respective pension funds. As common in many other communities, the Village began absorbing this charge in its own General Fund effective with the 1993-94 fiscal year. Firefighters Pension Actuarial $3 ,000 Police Pension Actuarial 3 .000 TOTAL $6,000 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL - 552120 All Village postage costs (except for water billing and quarterly newsletters) are charged directly to the Finance Department. 'Amount includes annual mailings of vehicle, business, and alarm license applications; delinquent parking notices; and all Village correspondence. Also includes rental charges for improved postage meter. Increase of 10% projected in postage rates. Detail as follows: Page 33 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL k Monthly postage for regular & special Village mailings inc genl corresp for all depts. , vendor payments ,etc @ 1, 375/mo 16,500 Special-Vehicle sticker applic 4,575 Postage Meter Rental 550 Special-Delinquent Prkg notices 300 TOTAL $21,925 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Forms and printing of materials used Village . wide or for identification/licensing of general public and businesses. Also includes annual cost of publishing annual Treasurer's report in newspaper as required by law. Further breakdown is as follows: Vehicle tags & applic forms $7,270 Village letterhead & Envelopes 1,750 Payroll & A/P checks/W2 & 1099 form 1, 100 Liquor, Business, Alarm and Other Certificates & Applic forms 630 Misc other forms used village wide & employee ID cards 1, 282 Annual publ of Treasurer's Report 350 Zone & parking permit cards/decals dog and motorcycle tags, etc 1,218 TOTAL $13 ,600 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 Various updates and modifications needed for accounting, motor vehicle and business licensing, and other department related software needs. $12 ,000 AUDITING SERVICES - 552200 Audit and related professional fees projected for Village accounting records is $21,500 of which $16, 125 is allocated to the General Fund and $5, 375 to the Water/Sewer Fund. $16, 125 - I Page 34 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL UTILITIES-TELEPHONE - 553100 All Village telephone costs are charged directly to the Finance Department. The costs include day-to-day telephone use for Village related matters; alarm lines at water pumping stations; extra emergency telephone lines at Police and Fire stations; and cellular telephones for designated personnel. Increase from prior year due to extra phone lines added to Fire (DID's) and Police (PIMS) Departments plus three cellular phones added to the Public Works and Health Departments during the 1993-94 fiscal year. $41,800 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 General repairs and maintenance of various office, non-computer related equipment includes: Kodak 150 AF Copier $9,400 NEC 2400 Telephone System 7, 600 Postage Machine 325 Check signing machine 250 Xerox Copier 200 Various repairs to office equipment & telephone system outside maint agreements 1. 525 TOTAL $19, 300 MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS - 554160 Maintenance agreement to service IBM PS/2 Model 95 UNIX file server, HP laser III, Epson DFX 8000 line printer, and miscellaneous other computer related equipment in Finance Department. $3,200 SELF-INS/IRMA POOL CONTRIBUTION - 557130 The Village is currently self-insured for workers' compensation, general liability, public officials liability, property and -casualty, auto collision and liability, theft, and boiler and machinery under the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA) . IRMA is a self-insured group consisting of approximately sixty municipalities in the Chicago Metropolitan Area through an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement. The 1995 projected contribution is based on a projected rate of $2.40 per $100 of net adjusted revenues (per 1992-93 audit) as defined by IRMA's by-laws and deducting a projected credit of 10% for share of interest in Page 35 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL IRMA's loss fund. The $2.40 rate is a 3% increase from the 1994 contribution. The allocation between the General and Water/Sewer Fund's share is based on each fund's net revenues and is as follows: General Fund $ 274,805 Water/Sewer Fund 41, 879 TOTAL $ 316, 684 $274,805 BANK CARD SERVICE CHARGES - 558125 Beginning with June 1993 of the 1993-94 fiscal year, the Village began accepting VISA/MASTER CHARGE for payment of raffle ticket purchases as well as, water bill payments, yard waste bags/trash collection stickers, vehicle stickers, parking tickets, and virtually any other Village service payment. While the raffle ticket sales ended December 1993, utilization is expected to continue when commemorative items are sold on the Village premises during 1994 and 1995. $600 -� COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Various supplies and miscellaneous equipment needed to maintain efficient operations of copy machines, cash registers, personal computers, etc. Also includes copy paper and computer stock paper used by all departments, budget preparation material, cover sheets and bindings for ordinance, resolution, and minute books, etc. General office supplies for both the Finance and to an extent other departments, are included in this account. Increase due to higher amount of paper use and its cost plus supplies needed for copier upkeep. $13, 000 Page 36 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEBT SERVICE NOTE INTEREST - 591040 The Village collects 35-40% of its operating revenue for its General Fund primarily through property taxes. Historically, this occurs in the fifth (Sept) and eleventh (March) month of the fiscal year. This leaves the Village's cash balance weak at certain times of the fiscal year until said revenues are received. The Village has and will continue to temporarily borrow monies during these times. Above cash flow interest is based on borrowing an average of $500,000 over 149 days @ 4.29% (or 66% of estimated prime of 6.5%) . $8,900 Page 37 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM .--.\ FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY12 - FINANCE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 56,763 60,750 63,400 63,400 53,707 63,400 63,400 65,932 544430 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR 37,629 40,859 41,995 41,995 36,108 41,995 41,995 43,255 544700 SALARIES-CLERICAL 70,751 77,112 79,978 79,978 69,933 85,790 85,790 88,363 546100 LONGEVITY 750 750 900 900 0 1,050 1,050 1,050 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 12,892 13,842 13,760 13,760 11,907 14,532 14,532 14,862 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 12,481 14,531 16,428 16,428 13,704 21,685 21,685 21,685 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 686 739 777 777 646 777 777 800 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 191,952 208,581 217,238 217,238 186,005 229,230 229,230 235,947 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 912 1,003 750 750 781 1,000 1,000 1,000 551130 MEETINGS 8 CONFERENCES 2,227 3,077 2,820 2,820 2,963 2,600 2,600 2,600 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 370 264 600 600 1,355 600 600 600 552110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 5,500 7,000 7,000 5,725 6,000 6,000 6,000 552120 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL 20,876 19,410 20,000 20,000 11,986 21,925 21,925 21,971-N, 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 14,234 12,319 14,500 14,500 9,329 13,600 13,600 13,6 552170 PROGRAMMING 8 SOFTWARE FEES 27,956 29,594 12,000 12,000 7,695 12,000 12,000 12,000 552200 AUDITING SERVICES 16,015 16,779 16,125 16,125 16,890 16,125 16,125 16,125 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,560 2,130 1,680 1,680 878 0 0 0 553100 UTILITIES-TELEPHONE 37,261 38,668 38,000 38,000 30,672 42,500 41,800 41,800 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 17,967 22,546 18,900 18,900 15,241 19,300 19,300 19,300 554160 MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS 3,410 3,147 2,600 2,600 2,568 3,200 3,200 3,200 557130 SELF INS/IRMA POOL CONTRIBUTION 198,555 196,885 245,277 245,277 232,810 274,805 274,805 274,805 557131 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE 0 1,863 0 0 0 0 0 0 558125 BANK CARD SERVICE CHARGES 0 0 0 0 438 600 600 600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 341,344 353,186 380,252 380,252 339,331 414,255 413,555 413,555 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 12,761 13,351 13,000 13,000 14,167 13,000 13,000 13,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 12,761 13,351 13,000 13,000 14,167 13,000 13,000 13,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 17,804 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,804 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 591040 NOTE INTEREST 2,936 9,317 9,600 9,600 0 8,900 8,900 8,900 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 2,936 9,317 9,600 9,600 0 8,900 8,900 8,900 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 566,796 588,135 620,090 620,090 539,503 665,385 664,685 671,402 Page 38 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Finance Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Full Time: Finance Director 63,400 1.0 65,932 1.0 Assistant Department Director 41,995 1.0 57 43,255 1.0 Principal Account Clerk 31,203 1. 0 42 32, 139 1.0 Receptionist/Cashier 26,632 1. 0 34 27,431 1.0 Total 163,230 4.0 168,757 4.0 Part Time: Clerk/Typist 10, 323 2. 0 17,232 3.0 Purchasing Coordinator/Clerk 11, 820 1.0 11,562 1.0 Total 22, 143 3. 0 28,793 4.0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 900 2. 0 1,050 2.0 Social Security 13,760 7.0 14,862 8.0 Hospitilization Insurance 16,428 4.0 21, 685 4.0 Life Insurance 777 4.0 800 4.0 Total 31,865 38, 397 Department Total 217,238 7. 0 235,947 8. 0 Page 39 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL RESERVES The Reserve Account has been primarily established to provide funds for unanticipated and emergency needs which may arise during the year and for which it is difficult to provide a reasonable forecast as part of the budget preparation process. The Reserve Account also includes additional monies appropriated for health self-insurance needs, the Village's share of its deductible under the IRMA pooled self-insurance program, and the economic development agreement under Abt. Each of these programs are explained in detail below. Except for the Reserves for Health insurance costs, the entire amount appropriated for Reserves for emergency and unanticipated needs are being financed through the total revenues anticipated to be collected during the 1994-95 fiscal year. The reserve for health insurance costs will be appropriated from existing fund balance. Each of the reserve accounts have a separate unique function within the General Fund and is explained in detail below. RESERVE FOR EMRGNCY/EXTRA EXP - 581010 Emergency and extraordinary expenditures provide and account for unforseen circumstances and such other contingencies as snow storms, floods, or other extraordinary or emergency situations which may occur. This contingency accounts for approximately 1% of the General Fund. Village Administrator recommended the account be decreased to $125, 000 during the budget review process. $125,000 RESERVE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMP - 581020 Based on our continued modest need to pay unemployment insurance benefits, we are recommending only $1, 000 be appropriated. $1, 000 BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 RESERVES $ 431, 105 $ 676,775 $ 757, 000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 306,702 0 0 Total Approp. Request $ 737,806 $ 676,775 $ 757,000 Page 40 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL RESERVE FOR IRMA DCTBLSJASSES - 581030 Village's share of first $1, 000 in deductibles of claims covered under IRMA. There is an amount of $18, 000 in total estimated for this purpose of which $15, 000 is for General Fund purposes and $3 , 000 is for Water/Sewer Fund purposes. $15,000 RESERVE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COSTS - 581050 The Village is self-insured for purposes of funding its group health insurance program. Blue Cross is the "third party administrator" who processes claims and provides stop loss insurance coverage. From time to time, quarterly payouts for benefits may exceed premiums paid in resulting in a supplemental charge for the Village. At other times, the reverse is true resulting in a reimbursement for the Village. This account reflects the appropriation necessary to make supplemental payouts and also reflects any reimbursement received. A corresponding amount is included as part of the available cash balance at the beginning of the year since the amount is reserved as part of the fund balance. $50, 000 a—' RESERVE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 581110 Projected 1/2 of sales tax from and rebated back to Abt TV & Appliance pursuant to Economic Development Agreement approved in November 1991. $566,000 Page 41 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM \.--- 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY89 - RESERVES ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO NOR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE RESERVES 581010 RESERVE FOR EMRGNCY/EXTRA EXP 5,000 14,884- 125,000 125,000 0 150,000 125,000 125,000 581020 RESERVE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 0 0 1,000 1,000 3,041 1,000 1,000 1,000 581030 RESERVE FOR IRMA DCTBLS/ASSES 19,961 18,006 15,000 15,000 14,793 15,000 15,000 15,000 581050 RESERVE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE COSTS 24,491 20,179 50,000 50,000 215,694 50,000 50,000 50,000 581060 RESERVE FOR COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 206,800 206,800 0 581110 RESERVE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 269,943 407,804 485,775 485,775 430,315 566,000 566,000 566,000 TOTAL RESERVES 319,394 431,105 676,775 676,775 663,843 988,800 963,800 757,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811080 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0 306,702 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 306,702 0 0 0 0 0 0 •••• TOTAL EXPENSE 319,394 737,806 676,775 676,775 663,843 988,800 963,800 757,000 Page 42 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT SERVICE GOALS The goal of the Police Department is to prevent and/or control behavior that is threatening to life and property; to assist individuals who are in danger of physical harm or are a victim of crime; to protect constitutional guarantees; to perform all duties and responsibilities in an unbiased, indiscriminate and objective manner; to facilitate the safe and expeditious movement of vehicular traffic and pedestrians; to assist persons who cannot care for themselves such as the physically disabled, mentally ill, the old and the very young; to identify situations that have the potential to develop into serious problems for individuals, the police or the Village government; to create and impart a feeling of safety and security within the community. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. To assign personnel to each component enabling that component to have a diversity of training, experience and performance capability. 2. Aggressive implementation of selective enforcement assignments; detection and arrest of D.U.I. offenders; aggressive enforcement of parking laws especially fire lane and handicap zones; utilization of patrol techniques to provide crime deterrent to all parts of the Village. 3 . Thoroughly investigate all criminal activity; establish intelligence information and take enforcement action related to gambling, prostitution, alcohol and narcotics, licensing laws and organized crime; to continually disseminate crime analysis and pattern information; maintain liaison with other police and law enforcement representatives. 4. Maintain liaison with community and civic groups/organizations for cooperative efforts towards reducing crime and the delivery of police services; maintain crime prevention programs, the presentation of the D.A.R.E. program and delivery of other police services through the Community Service Network (C.A.N. ) . . BUDGET SUMMARY -Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,959, 179 $ 3,121,082 $ 3,273,730 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 109, 174 130,610 128, 865 COMMODITIES 67, 129 63,325 64 ,625 CAPITAL OUTLAY 146, 033 138,280 166,618 Total Approp. Request $ 3, 281, 515 $ 3,453,297 $ 3, 633,838 Page 43 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL 5. Encourage and exhibit communication and cooperation between supervisors, supervisors and subordinates, other Village units and department components and other agencies; assignment and scheduling of personnel in the most efficient and productive manner; exhibit a positive attitude and strive to maintain a positive and motivated work environment. 6. Provide resources, support services and training enabling fulfillment of aforementioned goals and objectives. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $68,640 SALARIES-COMMANDERS - 544500 $285, 372 SALARIES-LIEUTENANTS/POLICE - 544520 $54,858 SALARIES-SERGEANTS/POLICE DEPT - 544540 $252 ,507 SALARIES-POLICE PATROL OFF - 544600 $1,432 ,560 SALARY-CMPTR OPRTNS SPRVR/POLICE - 544621 $35,484 SALARIES-RADIO OPERATORS/DSPTCH - 544624 $268,772 SALARY-ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER - 544630 $39,961 SALARIES-CSO WORKERS 1 & 2 - 544642 $75,031 SALARIES-CSO WORKERS/PART TIME - 544645 $36,080 SALARIES-CROSSING GUARDS - 544663 $37,091 SALARIES-CLERICAL - 544700 $79, 922 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $30, 891 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 $40,700 HOLIDAY PAY - 545200 $63,616 POLICE COURT TIME - 545400 $30, 000 `LONGEVITY - 546100 $15,750 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $55,866 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $315,985 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE - 548200 $42, 148 Page 44 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $12,496 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 The publications and associations supported by this account allow members of the Police Department to stay current with changes in laws, federal acts and other governmental mandates. It also keeps information flowing through the department related to new programs innovative technology and modern management techniques. International, State, Local Dues $750 Criminal Justice Publ. /Literature 694 Criminal Law Bulletin 380 Haines Criss+Cross Directory 350 IL Law Enforcement Bulletin 300 IL Criminal Law & Procedures 290 IACP Training Keys 286 IACP Model Policy Program 100 TOTAL $3, 150 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Communications with fellow practitioners from area, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies resulting from attendance at meetings and conferences stimulates an exchange of strategies and concepts which are mutually beneficial to all in law enforcement. Problem areas are addressed and solutions can be discussed and evaluated. Association Meetings $1,200 IACP Conference 1994 1,275 PIMS & LEADS Conference 700 Supervisor & Juvenile Meetings 500 International Police Liaisons 400 Security & Crime Study Meetings 350 Crime Prevention Meetings 325 Mobile Eye Meetings & Conferences 325 TOTAL $5, 075 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 The increase in this account is a direct result of sending a third officer replacement to basic training. Without that expense this account would have decreased. The overall training goal is to maintain a high level of in-service and outside source training to all department members. Types of training is based on laws, court decisions, mandates and employee needs. A large portion of our Page 45 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL training costs are reimbursed by the State Training Board. The Village will receive over $17 , 000 for this past year. Recruit School & Expenses $7 ,500 Criminal Law, Arrest, Search & Szr. 5,200 Supervisory & Administrative 3,500 NEMRT Program 2, 600 Criminal & Juvenile Investigations 2,000 Dispatcher, Computer & Secretarial 1,300 Crime Prevention-DARE Training 1, 000 Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity 1,000 Emergency Vehicle Operation 700 Traffic & D.U.I. Enforcement 500 TOTAL $25, 300 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 To comply with 0.S.H.A. requirements to protect police personnel from blood borne infection it is necessary to provide inoculations to at-risk members. During the past two years all at-risk members have received inoculations. The monies in this account allows us to comply with the requirements related to newly hired at-risk members. We estimate inoculating five such members this coming fiscal year. Cost per member: $200. $1,000 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT - 551170 This account covers the necessary fees associated with the hiring of replacement personnel. Based on current information we will replace three sworn officers and two civilian members during the next fiscal year. Medical Exams $1,244 Psychological Fees 1,200 NW Municipal Conf.Consortium Dues 725 Polygraphs 180 Advertisement Fees 150 TOTAL $3,499 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 All report forms are professionally printed along with incident cards, parking and warning tickets, stationary, envelopes and various crime prevention printing needs. All police officers are issued Criminal and Traffic Law books which are updated periodically throughout the year along with the need to purchase other resource books. New reports have to be developed and printed Page 46 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL to comply with changing reporting requirements of the state and federal government. Select crime prevention material, not D.A.R.E. related, are developed and printed. $5,000 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 Fees that support the Police Information Management System (P.I.M. S. ) and the A.L.E.R.T.S. terminals in police vehicles represent the bulk of this account. P.I.M.S. User Fees $19,782 Enhanced Support Plan - 12 Months 8,520 A.L.E.R.T.S. User Fees 4,852 Programming & Software Supplies 2,765 Klawitter/Other modifications 2,000 TOTAL $37,919 ABANDON AUTO REMOVAL - 552220 This account is used to remove abandoned vehicles from Village streets. It provides monies for tagging, towing, processing charges, legal notifications and disposal. Also, to cover costs of criminal impoundment and relocation of vehicles due to construction or weather related emergencies. $600 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 This account covers the maintenance contracts on department business machines and non-contract expenses for time clocks, typewriters, etc. Gun range maintenance includes the repair and/or replacement of cables, target machines and computer controls. Also, included is the cost of filter replacement and the E.P.A. required disposal of lead contaminated filters. Gun Range Maintenance $4,300 Maintenance Services 2, 300 Vending Services 1,500 Business Machine Repairs 1. 000 TOTAL $9, 100 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EOUIPMENT - 554150 This account supports various maintenance agreements and non-agreement repair parts for police communications and security Page 47 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I-, systems. The increase for this account is related to projected costs to replace the swivel portion of the exterior video security camera. NORCOM Maintenance $12,000 Video Cameras/Monitors 2,500 Radar Maint. /ReCertification 2,000 Pagers/System 2,000 NORCOM Consultant 1,900 ISPERN 1,400 Radio Installation/Parts 1, 000 Maint.of Addt' l. Radio Equipment 700 Base/Mobile Eye Maintenance 500 MDT Installation/Parts 400 Antennas 400 TOTAL $24,800 MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS - 554160 This account reflects all service and maintenance contracts for the police computer equipment. Hewlett-Packard/PIMS Maintenance $4, 572 LEO 286 (2 @ $200 each) 400 Krex Computer 300 TOTAL $5,272 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - 555140 Monies in this account provide citizen awards, department service awards and flowers for the sick/injured. $500 MUTUAL AID - 557140 NORTHEASTERN METROPOLITAN ENFORCEMENT GROUPS, M.E.G. UNIT: Provides police with the ability to use and make undercover drug purchases of a covert nature. It also provides additional sworn personnel trained in narcotics and dangerous drug enforcement on an as needed basis. NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM, N.I.P.A.S. /E.S.T. : Provides the availability, from 85 police agencies, manpower and equipment for short term response to natural disasters (tornado, flooding) and man-made disasters (plane crashes, train derailments) . In addition, to N.I.P.A.S. the Emergency Service Team (EST) has 26 officers from various agencies available to handle barricaded Page 48 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL offender(s) , hostage situations, terrorists, high risk warrant service, riot control and dignitary protection. M.E.G. $3,550 N.I.P.A.S. /E.S.T. 2.600 TOTAL $6,150 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS - 558100 Covert operations are an increasing element in the investigations/special operations component. This account funds the equipment and resources necessary in the identification, surveillance and regulation of vice, organized crime, and gang activity within the Village. The account traditionally supports the regulation of liquor control ordinances; and also the transporting of deceased to the Cook County Medical Examiner's facility in Chicago. $1, 500 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 This account allows for purchasing roadway flares, portable radio supplies which include rechargeable batteries, microphones and antennas. Also includes prisoner expenses covering food, sanitary supplies, driving under the influence blood and urine testing, and all other prisoner supplies. State registration costs of all police vehicles. Supplies required by law for the prevention of infectious disease. Flares $2, 300 Prisoner Expenses 1, 600 Computer Accessories 1, 350 Radio-Emergency Equip. & Supplies 1, 300 Vehicle Registration 600 Blood Borne Infection Prev.Supplies 300 TOTAL $7,450 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 The account supports the cost and development of color film needed by patrol, investigations and evidence technicians on an everyday basis of taking mug shots, follow-up photos, and crime scene photos. The account additionally supports the purchase of supplies and equipment which is needed to maintain the photolab and its Page 49 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL development of black and white film. Our evidence technicians are also provided with the latest technological equipment and supplies that are needed to perform their duties. The increase is accounted for by the transfer of the identi-kit expense to Photo Supplies from Dues and Subscription account. $4,500 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIES - 562170 The animal control unit of the Police Department responds to several hundred requests each year. Among these requests are the following: stray animals, carcass removal from roadways and requests from residences in the removal of hornet and wasp nests. Animal control is also responsible for the removal and relocation of other such animals, i.e. , raccoons, skunks, birds and squirrels. In addition the animal control officer handles animal bites and cruelty to animal investigations. Animal Hospital Expenses $1,400 Supplies/Equipment 1, 100 TOTAL $2, 500 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 ^1 From this account comes the purchase of office supplies, computer related supplies, copy machine and computer paper. Also, typewriter ribbons and computer printer cartridges. Office Supplies $3 ,500 Copy Machine & Computer Paper 2,750 Computer Supplies 450 Laminating Machine Supplies 250 TOTAL $6, 950 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 All full-time department members are required to maintain a complete uniform. Sworn personnel are also required to purchase and maintain a bullet proof vest. This account provides the appropriate wearing apparel for 46 sworn and 20 civilian police personnel. In addition, the account provides uniforms for the public safety officer, crossing guards and mobile eye patrol members. The increase in this account results from an increase of $25 for each civilian employee. The last increase was five years ago. During that time costs of uniforms have increased to the point where the current civilian allowance is inadequate to properly equip these employees. The initial Department request was for a larger increase (this is the reason for the reduction under Page 50 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MGR REC) . Unfortunately revenue limitations did not permit a larger increase this year. 46 Sworn Officers @ $575 each $26,450 20 Civilians @ $ 325 6,500 Replacement Uniforms 750 Public Safety Officer 575 Stars & Shields 500 Crossing Guards 400 Mobile Eye Z TOTAL $35,575 GUNS & AMMUNITIONS - 564360 This account supports our firearms liability shooting program and provides equipment for tactical response situations. It provides the re-load ammunition for the monthly training, duty ammunition for each officer and re-load ammunition for each recruit while attending basic training. Also, the purchase and/or maintenance of shotguns or rifles. Ammunition $3,250 Weapons & Supplies 1,000 TOTAL $4,250 CRIME PREVENTION EXPENSES - 564365 The Crime Prevention Bureau/D.A.R.E. Unit is responsible for raising awareness issues with citizens, schools, businesses and community groups. The overall program promotes effective prevention techniques designed to reduce criminal activity thereby enhancing the quality of life within the community. The program is also designed to be flexible enough so as to adapt to all aspects of community and departmental needs as they arise while still maintaining the quality of the existing programs. These programs, which are provided to the public free of charge by the police include: Security Surveys (burglary/theft prevention) ; Operation Identification and Borrowed Time (engravers and electric timers are lent out) ; Infant Seat Loan Program (child restraint seats are provided) ; Emergency I.D. Bracelet Program (provides bracelets for medical/health information and maintained by this department, utilized by paramedics, police, etc. , in emergency responses) ; Anti-Auto Theft VIN Etching Program, Department Tours; and Public Presentations. Community Awareness Program $2,850 D.A.R.E. Program 550 TOTAL $3,400 Page 51 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I-, CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 1. Motorola VISAR UHF Portable Radio: Seven (7) @ $1,445 each. This is part of an on-going program to equip each field employee with a portable radio. By issuing radios to employees, better care and maintenance has resulted. This unit is approximately half the size of the present radios, allowing for more covert use by non-uniformed personnel. The Village Administrator recommended the amount of radios to be purchased be reduced from 7 to 4. 2. Motorola 9100-11 Mobile Data Terminal, MDT's: Two (2) @ $5, 500 each. These units are placed in the squads and allow officers to instantly access the department's management system and State and Federal computer data banks without the intervention of the communication's dispatchers. The price also includes installation. 3 . Motorola Spectra UHF Mobile Radios. Four (4) @ $1, 600 each. The maximum life expectancy for these units is 8-10 years. A program of regular replacement ensures that they are replaced in a timely manner. Village Administrator recommended the amount of radios to be purchased be reduced from 4 to 2. 4 . Motorola Maxtrac VHF Mobile Radios. Four (4) @ $750 each. The maximum life expectancy for these units is 8-10 years. A program of regular replacement ensures that they are replaced in a timely manner. Village Administrator recommended the amount of radios to be purchased be reduced from 4 to 2 . 5. Kustom Pro-1000 Moving Radar Units: Two (2) @ $989 each; and Two (2) Dual Antenna (accessory) @ $500 each. Officer use moving radar to monitor roadway speeds while on routine patrol. 6. One (1) 486DX Computer with 33Mhz, 120 MB hard drive, 2 MB RAM, SVGA color monitor, 2 serial ports and 1 parallel port @ $1, 299. Crime Prevention and D.A.R.E. Officers often need the use of a computer for rush projects, and are unable to access the Village system due to too many people using the system. During the budget review process, it was decided to purchase this equipment with existing DARE/crime prevention funds during 1993-94. 7. Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4L Printer: One (1) @ $900. This _. printer would be used as a system network, and located within the police department building. During the budget review process, it was decided to purchase this equipment during 1993-94 with DARE/crime prevention funds. 8. Whelen 9308 Lightbar with Alley and Take-down Lights and Special Matrix: One (1) @ $894; and 480K Unitrol Siren with Auxiliary Switchpack: One. (1) @ $550. This is visual and audible safety emergency lighting and siren unit which is mounted on marked squad cars. Village Administrator has Page 52 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL recommended that this item be purchased through remaining police or vehicle maintenance funds during the end of 1993-94. 9. Bucom Strobe Light Kit: Eleven (11) @ $180 each. Would be placed as an addition to the light bars on all marked squads. With the present light bars, vehicles approaching squads using their emergency lights do not see those lights if they are approaching from the side. 10. This will complete the balance of equipment purchases necessary for the Police Information Management System (PIMS) pgrade which was initiated during the 1993-94 fiscal year to meet the new Federal requirements in the Uniform Crime Reporting. 1. 4 - Motorola VHF Portable Radios $5,780 2. 2 - Motorola 9100-11 MDT's 11,000 3 . 4 - Motorola UHF Mobile Radios 3,200 4 . 4 - Motorola VHF Mobile Radios 1,500 5. 2 - Kustom Pro Moving Radar Unit 2,978 6. 1 - 486DX Computer 7. 1 - HP LaserJet 4L Printer 8. 1 - Whelen Light Bar & Siren 9. 11- Bucom Strobe Light Kits 1, 980 10. 1 - Balance of PIMS upgrade 5. 900 TOTAL $32, 338 MOTOR VEHICLES - 572030 A. To replace the marked squad cars with high mileage and transfer those vehicles into a two year rotation program throughout the entire Village fleet. B. This would replace the truck now utilized for Animal Control. The truck, purchased in 1986, has increasing down time and maintenance costs due to extensive workload. Village Administrator recommended the truck purchased be a 1/2 ton vs a 3/4 ton pick up and that the item be financed by an installment note-during the budget review process. A. Pursuit Vehicles; 8 @ $14,910 $119,280 B. Pick up Truck--1/2 Ton 15. 000 TOTAL $134,280 Page 53 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM i-••%, FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 30 - POLICE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY14 - POLICE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 84,092 62,235 66,000 66,000 56,414 66,000 66,000 68,640 544430 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR 38,034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 544500 SALARIES-COM4ANDERS 201,724 265,719 277,059 277,059 237,694 277,060 277,060 285,372 544520 SALARIES-LIEUTENANTS/POLICE 198,731 207,295 159,780 159,780 137,943 53,260 53,260 54,858 544540 SALARIES-SERGEANTS/POLICE DEPT 93,559 118,837 149,562 149,562 104,886 245,152 245,152 252,507 544600 SALARIES-POLICE PATROL OFFICERS 1,263,874 1,291,113 1,402,869 1,402,869 1,184,328 1,390,835 1,390,835 1,432,560 544621 SALARY-CMPTR OPRTNS SPRVR/POLICE 29,846 32,790 32,836 32,836 28,950 34,451 34,451 35,484 544624 SALARIES-RADIO OPERATORS/DSPTCH 222,919 244,364 260,133 260,133 215,832 260,943 260,943 268,772 544630 SALARY-ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 36,203 37,674 38,797 38,797 33,402 38,797 38,797 39,961 544642 SALARIES-CSO WORKERS 1 & 2 55,607 67,900 74,518 74,518 60,224 72,845 72,845 75,031 544645 SALARIES-CSO WORKERS/PART TIME 36,467 33,934 41,358 41,358 31,483 35,420 35,420 36,080 544663 SALARIES-CROSSING GUARDS 33,654 36,443 36,243 36,243 27,985 36,088 36,088 37,091 544700 SALARIES-CLERICAL 66,347 70,739 74,534 74,534 64,626 77,594 77,594 79,922 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 33,617 29,232 29,991 29,991 25,697 29,992 29,992 30,891 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 51,954 45,415 39,500 39,500 41,945 39,500 39,500 40,7'1 545200 HOLIDAY PAY 56,968 59,598 62,340 62,340 60,917 61,743 61,743 63,6 545400 POLICE COURT TIME 30,534 30,420 30,000 30,000 26,607 30,000 30,000 30,000 546100 LONGEVITY 16,650 14,850 15,600 15,600 0 15,750 15,750 15,750 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 43,828 48,146 52,324 52,324 43,829 54,291 54,291 55,866 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 216,909 227,558 242,689 242,689 200,247 315,986 315,985 315,985 548200 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE 17,804 23,418 22,805 22,805 19,659 42,148 42,148 42,148 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 10,973 11,501 12,145 12,145 10,062 12,060 12,060 12,496 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,840,296 2,959,179 3,121,082 3,121,082 2,612,730 3,189,915 3,189,915 3,273,730 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,186 3,328 3,250 3,250 3,256 3,150 3,150 3,150 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 2,896 4,191 5,075 5,075 4,282 5,075 5,075 5,075 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 19,682 24,536 23,100 23,100 29,743 25,300 25,300 25,300 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 560 6,636 6,636 1,527 1,000 1,000 1,000 551170 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT 6,968 3,991 4,760 4,760 11,663 3,499 3,499 3,499 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 4,288 4,289 5,000 5,000 4,269 5,000 5,000 5,000 552170 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES 30,748 26,654 36,867 36,867 26,440 37,919 37,919 37,919 552220 ABANDON AUTO REMOVAL 268 377 600 600 127 600 600 600 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 6,803 9,963 8,500 8,500 10,411 9,100 9,100 9,100 554150 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT 19,190 22,719 23,400 23,400 17,666 24,800 24,800 24,800 554160 MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS 2,508 2,906 5,272 5,272 2,102 5,272 5,272 5,272 555140 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 193 490 500 500 332 500 500 500 557140 MUTUAL AID 8,764 4,100 6,150 6,150 2,630 6,150 6,150 6,150 558100 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS 1,043 1,070 1,500 1,500 1,160 1,500 1,500 1,500 558101 DRUG ENFORCEMENT ACT 0 0 0 0 1,214- 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 106,538 109,174 130,610 130,610 114,394 128,865 128,865 128,t Page 54 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM \......„ 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 30 - POLICE SUS-DEPT/ACTIVITY14 - POLICE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 5,958 10,134 7,600 7,600 6,809 7,450 7,450 7,450 562120 PHOTO SUPPLIES 4,347 4,321 4,000 4,000 4,194 4,500 4,500 4,500 562170 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIES 2,078 1,868 2,500 2,500 1,248 2,500 2,500 2,500 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,855 7,234 6,800 6,800 4,550 6,950 6,950 6,950 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 1,701 0 0 0 0 0 0 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE 8 REPLACEMENT 33,741 34,399 35,025 35,025 31,545 36,575 35,575 35,575 564360 GUNS & AMMUNITIONS 2,920 3,274 4,000 4,000 1,172 4,250 4,250 4,250 564365 CRIME PREVENTION EXPENSES 5,703 4,197 3,400 3,400 1,268- 3,400 3,400 3,400 TOTAL COMMWITIES 61,602 67,129 63,325 63,325 48,250 65,625 64,625 64,625 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY L EQUIPMENT 26,138 31,771 24,680 24,680 9,564 39,066 27,737 32,338 572030 MOTOR VEHICLES 112,667 114,261 113,600 113,600 109,929 136,897 134,280 134,280 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 138,805 146,033 138,280 138,280 119,493 175,963 162,017 166,618 •••• TOTAL EXPENSE 3,147,241 3,281,515 3,453,297 3,453,297 2,894,867 3,560,368 3,545,422 3,633,838 Page 55 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Police Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary NumbE ' Full Time: Chief Of Police 66, 000 1. 0 68, 640 1. 0 Commander 277,059 5. 0 71 285, 372 5.0 Lieutenant/Police 159,780 3 .0 69 54, 858 1.0 Police Sergeant 149,562 3 .0 66 252,507 5.0 Police Officer/Specialist 697,881 16. 0 59 717, 538 16. 0 Police Officer 704 ,988 18 . 0 58 715, 022 18.0 Records Supervisor 32 ,836 1.0 47 35,484 1.0 Dispatcher/Police 260, 133 8. 0 45 268, 772 8. 0 Public Safety Officer 38,797 1. 0 53 39,961 1. 0 Cso Worker 1 46,256 2. 0 34 45,921 2 . 0 Cso Worker 2 28, 261 1.0 37 29, 110 1. 0 Principal Clerk 74 , 534 3 . 0 34 79, 922 3 .0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 29,991 1. 0 40 30,891 1.0 Total 2, 566, 078 63 . 0 2 , 623 , 998 63 .0 Part Time: Cso Worker/Part-Time 41, 358 5. 0 36, 080 5. 0 School Crossing Guards 36,243 16. 0 37, 091 16.0 Total 77 , 600 21. 0 73, 171 21.E Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Overtime 39,500 40,700 Police Court Time 30, 000 30, 000 Retiree Health Insurance 22 , 805 42 , 148 Total 92, 305 112 , 848 Fringe Benefits: Holiday Pay 62 , 340 54. 0 63 , 616 54.0 Longevity 15, 600 34 . 0 15,750 34 . 0 Social Security 52, 324 50. 0 55, 866 54 .0 Hospitilization Insurance 242 , 689 62. 0 315, 985 62.0 Life Insurance 12 , 145 63 .0 12 ,496 63.0 Total 385, 098 463,713 Department Total 3, 121, 082 84. 0 3,273 ,730 84 . 0 Page 56 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICE GOALS The Fire Department is a service oriented organization with three main areas of concern: Fire Prevention, Emergency Operations, and Support Services. Fire Prevention - Activities include: inspectional service, plan review, consulting service and public education with regard to hazardous materials, and fire and life safety in our community. Emergency Operations - Concerns include: fire suppression, rescue, hazardous materials control, emergency medical services and provision of less-than-emergency level services, which are important to the community and our citizens. Support Services - includes: provision of personnel development and training; record keeping and reporting systems to document and evaluate services provided; proper maintenance of departmental facilities, apparatus, and equipment; and to maintain liaison with other fire related departments and agencies. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. Reconciliation of rules and regulations, village policy manual, departmental policies, and labor agreement. 2. Computerization of departmental record systems and data processing capable of meeting administrative needs. 3. Reduction of the Village's ISO rating from Class 4 to Class 3 with reclassification target date of 1994. 4. Firefighter safety, health, and wellness program to conform with NFPA Standard 1500 (OSHA) . 5. Continuing training and education for Village employees and citizens with regard to Haz Mat, fire safety and emergency medical procedures (CPR, blood pressure testing, babysitter safety, Survive Alive House) . 7. Continue work with other RED Departments on combined equipment purchases and training programs. 8. Address the overcrowded and ineffective work environment currently stifling the activities of our headquarters station (#4) . 9. Address the impact of federal and state laws which significantly effect the department in the areas of firefighter safety and hazardous materials management. _ BUDGET SUMMARY -Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2, 311,062 $ 2,399, 536 $ 2, 562,531 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 139,472 149,910 152,890 COMMODITIES 85, 102 95,560 97, 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,418 38,265 43 ,868 Total Approp. Request $ 2,533,053 $ 2,683,271 $ 2,856,289 Page 57 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BUDGET COMMENTS The Fire Department increased from $2, 683, 271 to $2,856,289. The increase was $173,018 or 6.4% for the coming fiscal year. The increase is due to hospitalization cost increases, normal pay increases granted to personnel including additional provisions for overtime and reclassifications to key personnel, and a replacement of a six year old command vehicle. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $68,640 SALARIES-DISTRICT FIRE CHIEFS - 544420 $181,703 SALARIES-LIEUTENANTS/FIRE DEPT - 544530 $315, 375 SALARIES-FIRE PREVENTION BUR. - 544550 $98, 516 SALARIES-FIREFIGHTERS - 544603 $1,303 ,772 SALARIES-CLERICAL - 544700 $27,431 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $30,891 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 $111, 000 HOLIDAY PAY - 545200 $92 ,716 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL PAY - 545300 $27,854 LONGEVITY - 546100 $13, 050 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $15, 351 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $248,285 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE - 548200 $18, 325 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $9, 622 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 This account includes the request for various memberships and subscriptions for department personnel and MABAS Special Teams support and dues. MABAS Special Team support includes Special Rescue Team assessment, Haz Mat Team maintenance and upgrade, Trailer Maintenance, and Mass Casualty Incident Trailer supplies. Page 58 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Local Newspapers $25 Fire Magazines 300 Chief's Organizations 600 Other Organizations 700 MABAS Special Team Support & Dues 2.500 TOTAL $4, 125 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 This account includes appropriations for the various meetings, conferences, seminars, and related expenses incurred by members of the department. Attendance at meetings and conferences provides exposure to new ideas and an atmosphere for problem solving. IL Fire Chief's Ann. Conf. $650 IL Fire Chief's Symposium 650 Intern' l Soc. Fire Serv. Instruc. 1, 000 International Chief's Conf. 1,125 Sec. Assoc. Seminars 150 Public Ed Conf. 600 IL Fire Insp. Meeting 200 NFPA Seminar 700 IL Fire Alliance Luncheon 300 Great Lakes Div. IFC Conf. 450 Misc. EMS Seminars 400 Misc. Monthly Meetings 600 TOTAL $6,825 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 The level of training supported by this account spans from entry to administrative in nature. The department's personnel are subjected to a changing and challenging environment. To keep pace, on-going maintenance and specialized instruction is essential and is summarized in the following. NOTE: Amount reimbursed by the State in June 1993, was $10,500.38 and is reflected in the Revenue Account 451002. 50% Reimbursable thru State* FF -II & Haz Mat I (2) * 2,000 Nat. Fire Acad Classes* 1,000 Haz Mat Specialist* 1,500 Discretionary Training* 2,000 Fire Investigator 1,000 Auto Extracation* 400 Special Rescue* 1,000 Company Officer Devel. I* 2, 000 Fire Prey. Officer I* 500 Page 59 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Fire Prev. Officer II* 200 Fire Prev. Officer III* 125 Cert. Program for Sec. 350 VHS Monthly Series 900 SCBA High Pressure Repair 600 Training Equipment & Manuals 1,500 Computer Training for Shift Oper.* 1.450 TOTAL $16,525 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 This account contains appropriations for physical testing to comply with current OSHA and IDOL required physicals. It also covers the department's wellness program and miscellaneous medical exams. EMS Week Program $150 FF Memorial Sunday 150 Misc. Medical 1,000 Wellness Program 300 Physical Exams/NFPA & OSHA Stnds 10.000 TOTAL $11, 600 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT - 551170 Included in this account are all fees associated with the potential recruitment of two eligibles as replacement personnel. Village Administrator recommended the promotion exams be eliminated during the budget review process. Polygraph Test (2) $120 Psychological Test (2) 800 Medical & Fitness (2) 700 Hepatitis Immunization (2) 400 Promo. Exam (Assessment Center) TOTAL $2, 020 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 This account reflects the preparation of an annual supply of professionally printed departmental forms. This includes a -standardized MICU report designed by the EMS office of our resource hospital, St. Francis, which provides increased documentation and legal protection on medical incidents. Increased activity in the Fire Prevention Bureau has required an increase in the appropriation for this account. Page 60 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Inspection Report forms $325 FPB Information Reports 250 MICU Report forms 600 Stationery 350 Annual Report 150 TOTAL $1,675 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 Programming costs and additional software, with installation and training; diagnostics and technical support. Purchase of Haz Mat, EMS, and administrative programs. $2,500 CLEANING & LAUNDRY SERVICES - 552190 Grease rag service, laundry supplies for washing machines, cleaning of rugs and furniture. Cleaning of turnout gear twice a year. $1,500 EOUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 ■ Lease Copy Machine @ $460 quarterly $1,840 Charge for Extra Copies 280 Pager Rental (25 units) 950 TOTAL $3, 070 MAINTENANCE OF ALARM EOUIPMENT - 554100 Labor, Parts, etc of Station Intercom System and Tone Alert 500 TOTAL $500 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 This account covers the testing of ladders, SCBA air and rescue _tools. The account includes maintenance and testing of two sets of extrication equipment and air bags. The rebuilding of SCBA regulators should be considered an annual cost, with maintenance scheduled on our units at a rate of six per year, thus maintaining a five year cycle. Page 61 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Repair of Office Machines, power Tools, small appliances, sensors 2 ,450 Testing Ground Ladders 600 Testing Aerial ladder 500 SCBA Air Testing 400 Rescue Tool Testing 1, 000 Air Bag Testing 250 Rebuild SCBA Regulators (6) & Test 3 ,000 TOTAL $8,200 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EOUIPMENT - 554150 Maintenance Contract w/Motorola $3,500 Radio Accessory Parts 1, 000 Battery Replacement Program 1, 000 Non-Contract Repairs 2 .000 TOTAL $7,500 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - 555140 This account provides for citizen awards/presentations, and participation in civic functions, i.e. , Chamber Expo. $250 REGIONAL EMERGENCY DISPATCH - 557150 RED Center is a cooperative venture voluntarily established by contracting units of local government for the purpose of providing the equipment, services, and other items necessary and appropriate for the establishment, operation, and maintenance of a centralized communications center; providing for automatic aid response to emergency medical and fire emergency alarms by the closest unit to the emergency, regardless of jurisdiction; and providing a forum for discussion, study, and implementation of other forms of Intergovernmental Agreement and cooperation between the respective fire departments. Budgeted amount reflects Morton Grove's share of the operating and capital replacement costs. Both are calculated on 13 .24% of the whole, based on the percentage of alarms handled for Morton Grove. The increase in this account represents a 10% increase in alarm activity and a 4% elevation in operating costs. $86, 600 Page 62 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL \■■ COMMODITIES FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES - 562100 . Appropriations in this account are sufficient to fund reference materials for research, application, and enforcement of adopted Village Codes during the processes of plan review, code enforcement, and technical factors. Funds will support the purchase of Fire Prevention Education materials for public dissemination. Daily operational supplies for inspections and investigations as needed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Manuals, Fire Codes & Subscriptions $1,500 Pub. Ed Supplies 4,000 Maint. on Safety House 750 Fire Inspection & Investigative Sup 1.000 TOTAL $7,250 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Misc. expenses such as refreshments during emergency incidents, State licenses and titles, tolls, parking, hardware supplies, flashlight batteries, coffee and supplies, floppy discs for computers, etc. Village Administrator recommended the amount be decreased to $5, 000 during the budget review process. $5, 000 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 Supplies to document incident scenes and other activities for fire investigations, training and public education. $600 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES - 562130 Appropriation will maintain a supply of chemical additives to enhance the capability of water during specific extinguishment and control activities. Includes extinguisher refill. Bulk of request is contingent on need - one major spill could wipe out our supply of foam. $3,500 Page 63 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I-� JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - 562140 Supplies, as needed, to maintain a clean and disinfected environment in the two stations, along with other janitorial necessities such as toilet paper, paper towels, etc. $2,500 PARAMEDIC PROGRAM/SUPPLIES - 562160 This account supports the operation of the two advanced life support ambulances and basic medical equipment on all other departmental apparatus. It also includes provisions for continuing education for the paramedics and medical support personnel. The account can be summarized as follows: Ambulance Supplies $1, 300 Equip. Repair & Parts 850 Telemetry Equ. Repair & Parts 525 Paramedic School (2) 1,900 Disposable Equ. Infec. Dis. Control 1, 000 Continuing Ed thru St. Francis 2,500 Repl. of Specialized Equip. 625 Medical Oxygen service 1.200 TOTAL $9,900 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 Copy machine supplies, station logs and journals, stationery supplies, laser printer supplies and misc. supplies for departmental support. $2 ,000 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES - 562200 This account provides for protective gear replacement and up-grade based on hazard potential and service life. Protective Gear $3, 000 Training Equip. & Supplies 500 `TOTAL $3,500 - I Page 64 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL \--, NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS - 564100 Parts for the repair of small tools and equipment. This account includes a $3, 000 appropriation to fund the purchase of up-grading kits for facepiece speaking diaphragms for half of the department's 45 face pieces. The total speaking diaphragm upgrade program will be phased over two years. These parts will be installed and cali- brated by qualified departmental personnel, in house, at a consid- erable savings over service center costs. The need for these up-grades are part of the effort to maintain breathing apparatus of the highest standard. The account also includes funding to complete the SCBA regulator up-grade for quick fill adapters. Parts for Small Tools $1,000 SCBA Speaking Diaphragm Upgrade 22 3,000 SCBA Reg. Upgrade w/quick fill (10) 2 ,000 TOTAL $6,000 _____ SMALL TOOLS - 564190 Hand tools for repairs and station support activities. $1,000 OPERATIONAL EOUIPMENT - 564200 This account covers the purchase of support equipment in an annual attempt to provide replacement and upgrade for the department's operational needs. This year the account will continue to focus on the purchase of equipment for the new service ladder rescue truck. Some equipment for the facility is included, with the commercial vacuum cleaner and additional filing cabinets. The cabinets are needed to segregate medical records from personnel records per Federal Employment guidelines and to improve storage capabilities. Village Administrator recommended the portable radio/charger be eliminated during the budget review process. CPU Upgrade for Records Management $2,000 Accessories for SCBA Units 500 Hardware/Rope Rescue Equipment 1,500 File Cabinets 1, 000 Turtle Tiles 1, 000 Commercial Vacuum Cleaner 350 Portable Radio & Charger Lucas Cutter 1. 000 TOTAL $7,350 =sue Page 65 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I-"N HOSE FITTINGS/SUPPRESSION EO - 564210 This account reflects an on-going replacement program for hose, fittings, and fire suppression support equipment. Wherever possible, combined equipment purchases with other communities are utilized to maximize an economy of scale by purchasing as a group. 500 ' 3" Hose $3, 000 Fittings & Nozzles 1,400 Repl/Repair Suppression Tools 2, 000 TOTAL $6,400 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 This account includes an annual clothing allowance for all personnel for station uniforms. It provides for the on-going replacement of bunker gear which has been placed on a maintenance cycle to lessen the impact of total replacement in a single budget year. Clothing Allowance (44 X $575) $25,300 Fire Gear Replacement & Repair 4,000 Equip 2 new Firefighters 3, 000 Replace 21 pair boots 2, 000 Bunker Gear Repl. Program (10 sets) 7,700 TOTAL $42 , 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 Mobile Radio for New Command Car - To provide a front line radio capable of integrating with a computer aided dispatch system. Radios for New Command Console - To provide the command officer with two mobile radios accessible from the rear of the command vehicle. Portable radios are an upgrade to be included in the proposed command vehicle. Pagers will replace existing administrative units which were initially purchased in 1979 and will provide enhanced communications abilities and improved reliability. Heavy duty air chisel will provide additional extrication and - fordable entry capabilities to the department's service ladder rescue truck. Page 66 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Mobile Radio for New Command Car $3,000 Radio for New Command Console (2) 2,000 Portable Radios (4) w/Bank Charger 4,500 Monitor II Radio Pager 2-tone (6) 2,568 Heavy duty Air Chisel 2. 600 TOTAL $14, 668 MOTOR VEHICLES - 572030 Department is requesting the replacement of six (6) year old command vehicle which is used daily by the District Chief. The vehicle maintenance department has suggested replacement of this vehicle while it is still in serviceable condition. The command vehicle would be replaced with a 1994 passenger van 4 X 2. Village Administrator recommended the cost of the 1994 van be reduced and the vehicle and accessories (also included in 572010 be financed by an installment note. Command Vehicle - 1994 Van $21,000 Lights & Communication Equipment 5, 600 Incident Command Work Area 1, 000 Lettering & Striping 300 Vehicle Alarm System I,_OQ TOTAL $28,200 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - 572040 Washer & Dryer - Replace old units at Station 5. $1, 000 Page 67 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM �..".\. FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 40 - FIRE DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY15 - FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 62,163 61,260 66,000 66,000 56,799 66,000 66,000 68,640 544420 SALARIES-DISTRICT FIRE CHIEFS 157,446 163,347 169,560 169,560 143,280 169,561 169,561 181,703 544510 SALARY-CAPTAIN/FIRE DEPT 52,208 44,135 0 0 0 0 0 0 544530 SALARIES-LIEUTENANTS/FIRE DEPT 268,127 263,615 306,186 306,186 264,751 306,189 306,189 315,375 544550 SALARIES-FIRE PREVENTION BUR. 0 50,146 93,696 93,696 80,193 93,696 93,696 98,515 544603 SALARIES-FIREFIGHTERS 7,197,792 1,207,368 1,255,059 1,255,059 1,076,792 1,265,801 1,265,801 1,303,772 544700 SALARIES-CLERICAL 24,577 25,569 26,632 26,632 22,600 26,632 26,632 27,431 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 27,099 28,769 29,991 29,991 25,842 29,992 29,992 30,891 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 118,052 154,789 106,000 116,000 147,273 106,000 106,000 111,000 545200 HOLIDAY PAY 63,923 72,850 89,081 89,081 69,487 89,598 89,598 92,716 545300 SHIFT DIFERENTIAL PAY 16,352 16,602 26,758 26,758 26,335 26,909 26,909 27,854 546100 LONGEVITY 12,300 11,400 12,750 12,750 0 13,050 13,050 13,050 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 10,225 12,100 13,073 13,073 11,849 14,880 14,880 15,351 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 156,103 174,271 181,027 199,177 161,691 243,923 245,107 248,285 548200 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE 13,400 15,952 14,500 17,650 14,455 21,383 21,383 18, ^*\ 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 8,575 8,889 9,224 9,224 7,689 9,280 9,280 9,6._. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,188,341 2,311,062 2,399,536 2,430,836 2,109,036 2,482,894 2,484,079 2,562,531 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,650 3,638 4,125 4,125 3,696 4,125 4,125 4,125 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 1,964 3,059 6,175 4,175 3,620 6,825 6,825 6,825 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 10,854 12,553 16,525 9,525 3,907 16,525 16,525 16,525 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1,409 19,753 18,500 7,000 6,376 11,600 11,600 11,600 551170 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT 1,759 6,360 4,645 1,845 1,672 4,645 2,020 2,020 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 683 1,358 1,550 1,200 1,153 1,675 1,675 1,675 552170 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES 2,365 2,785 2,500 950 1,016 2,500 2,500 2,500 552190 CLEANING & LAUNDRY SERVICES 761 933 1,500 750 592 1,500 1,500 1,500 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,677 2,854 3,200 3,200 2,104 3,070 3,070 3,070 554100 MAINTENANCE OF ALARM EQUIPMENT 234 373 500 2,000 0 500 500 500 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 2,466 4,140 8,340 5,640 3,641 8,200 8,200 8,200 554150 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT 6,415 6,074 7,500 6,000 3,791 7,500 7,500 7,500 555140 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 164 150 250 250 307 250 250 250 557150 REGIONAL EMERGENCY DISPATCH 79,185 75,442 74,600 84,300 56,735 86,600 86,600 86,600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 112,586 139,472 149,910 130,960 88,610 155,515 152,890 152,890 COMMODITIES 562100 FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES 4,413 6,240 7,250 4,750 4,749 7,250 7,250 7,250 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 5,341 4,948 4,900 4,400 4,037 5,200 5,000 5,000 562120 PHOTO SUPPLIES 361 569 600 600 459 600 600 600 562130 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 2,279 3,412 3,500 2,350 185 3,500 3,500 3,5P°■ 562140 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 2,199 2,083 2,500 1,500 1,260 2,500 2,500 2, 562160 PARAMEDIC PROGRAM/SUPPLIES 6,909 8,198 8,700 6,600 4,586 9,900 9,900 9,900 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,794 3,324 2,000 2,000 1,744 2,000 2,000 2,000 562200 HAZARDWS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3,504 2,296 3,500 2,500 2,329 3,500 3,500 3;500 Page 68 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM \ 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE ten. DIVISION 40 - FIRE DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY15 - FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 564100 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS 1,058 515 6,000 6,000 5,854 6,000 6,000 6,000 564190 SMALL TOOLS 74 648 750 250 107 1,000 1,000 1,000 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 7,433 11,383 7,460 7,460 6,554 8,450 7,350 7,350 564210 NOSE FITTINGS/SUPPRESSION ELI 2,620 4,250 6,400 2,900 1,265 6,400 6,400 6,400 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE i REPLACEMENT 35,012 37,199 42,000 42,000 27,764 42,000 42,000 42,000 564390 FIRE/ARSON INVESTIGATIONS 419 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COMODITIES 73,416 85,102 95,560 83,310 60,893 98,300 97,000 97,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY 8 EQUIPMENT 29,079 12,918 37,265 37,165 12,900 14,668 14,668 14,668 572030 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 0 32,200 28,200 28,200 572040 FURNITURE i FIXTURES 6,473 4,500 1,000 1,000 793 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 35,552 17,418 38,265 38,165 13,693 47,868 43,868 43,868 e*** TOTAL EXPENSE 2,409,895 2,553,053 2,683,271 2,683,271 2,272,232 2,784,577 2,777,837 2,856,289 `r Page 69 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Fire Department Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numb/M Full Time: Fire Chief 66, 000 1. 0 68, 640 1.0 District Chief 169, 560 3 . 0 74 181,703 3 .0 Deputy Fire Marshall 48 , 239 1. 0 66 51, 694 1.0 Lieutenant/Fire 49,204 1.0 65 50, 681 1. 0 Lieutenant/Paramedic 256,982 5.0 67 264, 695 5.0 Firefighter/Paramedic 1, 045, 083 25. 0 59 914,476 21.0 Firefighter/Emt 209,976 5.0 57 389, 296 9 . 0 Fire Inspector 45,457 1. 0 61 46,821 1. 0 Principal Clerk 26,632 1. 0 34 27,431 1.0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 29,991 1.0 40 30, 891 1.0 Total 1, 947 , 123 44.0 2, 026, 327 44 . 0 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Overtime 106,000 111, 000 Retiree Health Insurance 14,500 18, 325 Total 120, 500 129, 325 Fringe Benefits: Holiday Pay 89, 081 42 . 0 92 ,716 42 . _ Shift Diferential Pay 26, 758 42 . 0 27, 854 42. 0 Longevity 12,750 27 . 0 13, 050 27 .0 Social Security 13 , 073 16. 0 15, 351 17.0 Hospitilization Insurance 181, 027 43 .0 248, 285 43.0 Life Insurance 9, 224 44. 0 9, 622 44. 0 Total 331,913 406, 878 Department Total 2 , 399, 537 44 . 0 2, 562, 531 44 . 0 Page 70 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CIVIL PREPAREDNESS-ESDA SERVICE GOALS To assist all departments of the Village in case of an emergency or other situations in which they might have need of the skills and resources. To assist neighboring towns, and counties, if need be, in case of an emergency. OBJECTIVES 1. Increase level of training and, therefore, capabilities of ESDA volunteers. 2. To advise and alert the citizens of Morton Grove on what to do in case of an emergency or disaster. This is to be done by personal appearances at clubs, senior housing, etc. 3. Provide support staff services to all departments during an emergency situation. 4 . To advise the Village Administrator, Village President, and Board of Trustees on matters relating to Civil Preparedness. BUDGET COMMENTS The Civil Preparedness budget was increased by $527 which represents a 6% increase from last year's budget. This is to accommodate the purchase of a $1,500 device to activate warning sirens from a designated location. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-ESDA COORDINATOR - 544666 ANNUAL STIPEND FOR ESDA DIRECTOR $582 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - 551110 Milage allowance for events when ESDA vehicles are not available for use. $50 BUDGET SUMMARY - Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 565 $ 582 $ 582 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,789 4, 175 4,152 COMMODITIES 2,924 4, 100 3,150 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1, 395 0 1, 500 Total Approp. Request $ 7,672 $ 8,857 $ 9, 384 Page 71 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I--' DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Dues for various organizations (includes insurance coverage) and subscriptions to magazines which will help in training unit - members. Northeast Council 30 @ $25 $750 IESMA 50 Fire Engineer 50 TOTAL $850 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Regional State and Council meetings $150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 The state has now set up a new Hazardous Materials Awareness course that is twelve hours. The members of ESDA have all completed an eight hour course, but we must now qualify on a twelve hour basis. Operation Response is an inter-ESDA agency weekend training session. We also must update everyone on CPR and first aid. Operation Response 6 X $50 $300 Hazmat Awareness Training 500 First Aid Training 100 Other possible training 100 TOTAL $1,000 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Stationary for the unit. Business cards for the Director. $100 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 _Rental of telephone pager units so all ESDA members can be contacted instantly in case of an emergency. $1, 102 Page 72 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL �-- MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 The warning sirens should be checked at least once a year. We are looking at a cost of approximately $75 per hour. The job should take 2-3 hours, the balance is for any materials that may be needed. $300 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EOUIPMENT - 554150 To keep all portable radios and the base station radios in proper working order. $600 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 For purchase of materials needed for day-to-day internal operations. $200 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 For film and developing pictures dealing with ESDA operations. $50 MEDICAL SUPPLIES - 562190 To purchase ice packs, bandages and other replacement items needed to keep medical supplies at current levels. $300 SMALL TOOLS - 564190 Purchase of hand tools, shovels, brooms, hand axe and other such items necessary to an emergency operation. $600 Page 73 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 Purchase of uniforms for any new members. Replacement of protective gear that is no longer useable. Uniform, protective gear purchase & replacement 2. 000 TOTAL $2, 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 572010 At the present time, the only way to easily activate the warning sirens is through the panel in the Police Communications Center. The mobile encoder would allow the Village to activate the warning system from any location. It could be kept in the Police Watch Commander' s vehicle, the Fire Department District Chief's car, or a designated ESDA location. $1,500 Page 74 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 'a\.....- 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 40 - FIRE DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY16 - CIVIL PREPARDNESS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544666 SALARY-ESDA COORDINATOR 538 565 582 582 291 582 582 582 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 538 565 582 582 291 582 582 582 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551110 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 22 25 50 50 0 50 50 50 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 494 715 750 750 590 850 850 850 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 0 0 150 150 0 150 150 150 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 90 487 1,200 1,200 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 214 0 100 100 0 100 100 100 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,236 1,318 1,325 1,325 1,153 1,102 1,102 1,102 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 300 554150 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT 211 245 600 600 105 600 600 600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,268 2,789 4,175 4,175 1,848 4,152 4,152 4,152 C0+100 IT I ES 0 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 625 256 250 250 0 200 200 200 l§rt20 PHOTO SUPPLIES 0 0 50 50 0 50 50 50 562190 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 250 258 300 300 290 300 300 300 564190 SMALL TOOLS 466 401 800 800 599 600 600 600 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT 1,911 2,009 2,700 2,700 452 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,251 2,924 4,100 4,100 1,341 3,150 3,150 3,150 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 34,561 1,395 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 34,561 1,395 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 40,618 7,672 8,857 8,857 3,480 9,384 9,384 9,384 Page 75 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS/SIDEWALKS SERVICE GOALS The following are the goals of the Public Works Department: To contribute to the growth and acceptance of the 50/50 Sidewalk and Tree Planting Programs; to investigate and inspect removal of diseased Elm trees on private property, to restore and improve the public rights of way signage, to preserve and make safe the rights- of-way throughout the Village, to provide for the removal of all diseased and dead trees on the public rights-of-way, to maintain and repair 270 lane miles of Village thoroughfares and 57.99 lane miles of State and County streets within the corporate boundaries of Morton Grove, to improve and restore alleys, public walks and rights-of-way, to maintain and restore six municipal parking lots and damaged parkways. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. Improve, maintain, and restore landscaping at: the Village Hall complex, the Library, the Railroad Commuter Station, the two Fire Stations, the two Pumping Stations, the Public Works Facility, the three Garden Club locations, the McVicker Avenue Lift Station, Dempster and Lehigh location, the South Water Tower, the Moody and Davis dead-end and to maintain the Village entrance signs. 2. To upgrade and repair deteriorating sidewalk and curb on all streets that are projected to be resurfaced. 3. To restore the alley rights-of-way through grading, stone installation or asphalt patching. 4. To insure services as necessary in normal times and in times of emergency such as snow, ice, rain and wind storms. 5. To improve the appearance and safety within the Village through the 50/50 Tree Planting Program, Parkway Tree Trimming Program, parkway maintenance, maintaining the public sidewalks through inspections and the 50/50 Sidewalk Program and Curb Repair Program. 6. To continue the snow and ice removal operations of the Village during inclement weather. BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 910, 695 $ 903,850 $ 1, 013, 129 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 142,550 161,252 187, 108 COMMODITIES 66,825 77,229 78,862 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 16,577 6,500 Total Approp. Request $ 1, 120, 071 $ 1, 158,908 $ 1, 285, 599 Page 76 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $34, 320 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR - 544430 $29, 690 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR - 544606 $672,915 SALARIES-SEASONAL WORKERS - 544654 $8,970 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $15,446 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 $72, 100 LONGEVITY - 546100 $4,725 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $63 ,852 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $94,295 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE - 548200 $13, 241 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $3,576 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Includes cost of four employees' membership dues to APWA and magazine subscriptions. $400 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Various APWA Seminars during the year. $1,000 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 This account contains a small appropriation to cover any employer required physical examinations or miscellaneous employee relations -activities. $250 Page 77 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL STUMP REMOVAL - 552150 Grinding of parkway tree stumps when trees are removed. $5, 500 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT - 552230 50/50 program to replace deteriorated sidewalks. 25, 000 square feet includes the purchase of concrete material, Ready-Mix, for in-house construction crew. Also included are refunds given residents when private contractors work on public sidewalks. $20,000 TREE REPLACEMENT - 552240 50/50 parkway tree replacement program. $19,250 TREE TRIMMING - 552250 The Public Works Department conducted a survey of Village parkway trees amounting to 10,491 trees in the rights-of-way. We checked with Niles Public Works, since they have trees similar in size to Morton Grove's. Niles paid $42, 000 to have 1322 trees trimmed at an average cost of $31.75 per tree. For the last three years this program has been eliminated from the budget. M.G. Public Works has been receiving many calls requesting tree trimming from the residents. Also, because of the wet Spring and Summer weather conditions recently, the trees are growing at a faster rate. We wish to re-implement this program. Village Administrator recommended the account be decreased to $30, 000 during the budget review process. $30, 000 LANDFILL EXPENSES - 552260 Costs incurred due to Village hauling debris to landfill includes street sweepings, trees (diseased Elms) , excavation debris. Village Administrator recommended this be decreased to $12,000 during the budget review process. $12, 000 Page 78 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL EOUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 This covers the cost of pager rental for the Street Department employees. $608 UTILITIES-STREET LIGHTING - 553130 Covers the cost of electrical power to operate the street lighting. Increase to budget due to reflect monthly costs to power or rent current Village street lighting. Based on review of billings over the last several months, Village Administrator has reduced this to $89, 100/month. $89, 100 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 Weather warning contract, maintenance of office equipment. $1, 500 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EOUIPMENT - 554150 Communications equipment including Base Station, mobile units. $500 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS - 554170 Covers any repairs not covered by MFT Maintenance Contract. $3,500 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS - 554180 Covers any repairs not covered by MFT Maintenance Contract. $3 ,500 Page 79 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Hardware and Medical Supplies; ropes and saw blades, and chains for the Tree Department. Hand tools, trowels, tarps for the Concrete Crew. $6, 000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 Supplies purchased to keep records and reports. $200 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - 563100 Sod and black dirt for parkway maintenance, fertilizer, and weed killer. $4,500 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - 563110 Stone and gravel for maintenance of alleys and roadways. Comparison of bid prices -- six years 1988 $ 8.44 per ton 1989 $ 8. 60 per ton 1990 $ 8. 60 per ton 1991 $ 8.60 per ton 1992 $ 8.60 per ton 1993 $ 8 .49 per ton $21,500 STREET SIGN MATERIALS - 563130 Repairing and installation of signs and posts, reflective sign faces, signs, letters and numbers, channel posts, round posts, and alupinum blanks. $14, 500 Page 80 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS - 564100 Yearly projected costs for street sweeping replacement brooms and leaf removal services. 35 Gutter Brooms @ $75 $2,625 12 Main Brooms @ $230 2,760 11 Sets Dirt Shoes @ $84.94 934 2 Belts @ $604 1,208 6 Baffle Strips @ $29.00 174 2 Vacall Brooms @ $77 . 00 144 1 Vacall Brush 24 TOTAL $7,869 SNOW REMOVAL REPAIR PARTS - 564110 Repair of plow blades, moboards, springs, hardware, and salt spreader parts. $7,500 SMALL TOOLS - 564190 The purchase of small tools is accredited to this account. $600 OPERATIONAL EOUIPMENT - 564200 Equipment used by the various crews within the Street Department; the eight trash containers will be installed on Dempster Street and Waukegan Road. Steel Forms $1, 100 25 Barricades @ $40. 00 1, 000 Wooden Forms, Nails, Expansion Joints, and Stakes 3 ,600 2 Power Saws 1,208 8 Trash Containers @ $465 3,720 Saw Blades 2.290 TOTAL $12, 918 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 For the purchase of safety orange shirts, jackets, safety shoes, insulated coveralls, and pants. $3 ,275 Page 81 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 Replacement of a 21 year old salt spreader. Metal fatigue and corrosion has taken its toll on the present spreader. $6, 500 Page 82 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY17 - STREETS & SIDEWALKS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 22,417 22,207 21,978 21,978 26,483 33,000 33,000 34,320 544430 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR 10,271 19,107 19,197 19,197 23,106 28,826 28,826 29,690 544606 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR 562,183 608,989 628,663 628,663 529,836 653,317 653,317 672,915 544654 SALARIES-SEASONAL WORKERS 17,605 8,970 8,970 8,970 8,679 8,970 8,970 8,970 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 6,859 9,567 10,017 10,017 11,966 14,996 14,996 15,446 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 68,907 93,199 70,000 70,000 92,421 70,000 70,000 72,100 546100 LONGEVITY 4,800 4,500 4,850 4,850 0 4,725 4,725 4,725 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 53,268 59,011 58,093 58,093 52,762 62,072 62,072 63,852 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 57,697 73,806 70,645 70,645 65,795 94,295 94,295 94,295 548200 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE 3,446 8,196 8,200 8,200 7,099 13,241 13,241 13,241 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 2,866 3,143 3,237 3,237 2,711 3,475 3,475 3,576 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 810,319 910,695 903,850 903,850 820,858 986,917 986,917 1,013,129 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS 392 355 400 400 347 400 400 40.0....\ 551130 MEETINGS 8 CONFERENCES 1,663 264 1,000 1,000 437 1,000 1,000 1,I 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 280 2,655 2,655 812 250 250 25v 552150 STUMP REMOVAL 5,275 3,796 5,500 5,500 4,075 5,500 5,500 5,500 552230 CONCRETE REPLACEMANT 22,751 17,428 19,047 19,047 20,650 20,000 20,000 20,000 552240 TREE REPLACEMENT 18,864 18,415 19,250 19,250 16,696 19,250 19,250 19,250 552250 TREE TRIMMING 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 30,000 30,000 552260 LANDFILL EXPENSES 15,033 10,378 15,000 15,000 8,824 15,000 12,000 12,000 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,840 18 400 400 3 608 608 608 553130 UTILITIES-STREET LIGHTING 80,345 78,679 89,500 89,500 60,239 91,290 89,100 89,100 553140 UTILITIES-TRAFFIC SIGNALS 27,127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 2,308 38 1,500 1,500 1,355 1,500 1,500 1,500 554150 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT 546 550 500 500 494 500 500 500 554170 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS 2,848 10,554 3,500 3,500 951 3,500 3,500 3,500 554180 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1,717 1,796 3,000 3,000 564 3,500 3,500 3,500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 183,707 142,550 161,252 161,252 115,447 212,298 187,108 187,108 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 4,197 5,684 6,000 6,000 3,553 6,000 6,000 6,000 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 61 200 200 172 200 200 200 563100 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 3,854 3,522 4,500 4,500 3,113 4,500 4,500 4,500 563110 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 23,622 22,239 21,500 21,500 19,026 21,500 21,500 21,500 563130 STREET SIGN MATERIALS 14,018 14,868 16,586 16,586 11,329 14,500 14,500 14,500 564100 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS 5,145 5,965 8,133 8,133 3,506 7,869 7,869 7,869 564110 SNOW REMOVAL REPAIR PARTS 4,776 - 4,619 5,000 5,000 7,838 7,500 7,500 7,500 564190 SMALL TOOLS 711 602 600 600 307 600 600 600 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 5,101 6,321 11,435 11,435 9,441 12,918 12,918 12,5 \ 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE 8 REPLACEMENT 2,718 2,946 3,275 3,275 2,915 3,275 3,275 3,. TOTAL COMMODITIES 64,144 66,825 77,229 77,229 61,200 78,862 78,862 78,862 Page 83 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ` • 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY17 - STREETS i SIDEWALKS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94.95 94-95 94-95 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY i EQUIPMENT 9,122 0 16,577 16,577 6,350 6,500 6,500 6,500 572030 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 17,600 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,122 0 16,577 16,577 23,950 6,500 6,500 6,500 •••• TOTAL EXPENSE 1,067,292 1,120,071 1,158,908 1,158,908 1,021,455 1,284,577 1,259,387 1,285,599 Page 84 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Streets & Sidewalks Department 1993-94 1994-95 "'1 Salary Number Grade Salary Numb' Full Time: Superintendent Of Public Works 21,978 .3 34, 320 .5 Assistant Department Director 19, 197 .3 73 29, 690 .5 Division Superintendent 110,823 2 . 0 71 114, 149 2.0 Maintenance Supervisor 122 ,708 3. 0 56 127,221 3 . 0 Equipment Operator 366,576 10. 0 51 343,468 9.0 Maintenance Worker I 28, 555 1.0 45 88, 077 3.0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 10, 017 . 3 40 15, 446 .5 Total 679,854 17 .0 752 , 370 18.5 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Seasonal Workers 8, 970 8, 970 Salaries-Overtime 70, 000 72, 100 Retiree Health Insurance 8, 200 13 ,241 Total 87, 170 94, 311 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 4,850 10.7 4,725 10 '-\ Social Security 58, 093 19. 0 63 ,852 20. Hospitilization Insurance 70, 645 17. 0 94 ,295 18.5 Life Insurance 3 , 237 17 . 0 3 , 576 18.5 Total 136, 825 166,447 Department Total 903 , 849 17 .0 1, 013 , 129 18.5 Page 85 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PUBLIC WORKS-VEHICLE MAINT SERVICE GOALS The Vehicle Equipment Maintenance Staff of five employees has the responsibility of maintaining the Village's fleet of motorized vehicles and equipment for all departments: Public Works has 97 pieces of equipment and vehicles, the Police Department has ten marked squad cars and ten unmarked squad cars. The Fire Department has eleven vehicles, the Village Hall Staff utilizes 8 vehicles and ESDA is assigned with two vehicles. The mechanics are to maintain and service this fleet operated by the Village staff. Also included is the position of Material Expeditor, who has the responsibility of obtaining parts and services for the Public Works Staff. One half of the Material Expeditor's personnel costs are appropriated here, the other half is in the Water/Sewer Department. The Material Expeditor works in conjunction with the Maintenance Staff. The Public Works vehicles, as well as the Fire Department vehicles are tested biannually by the State Safety Lane Inspection Board. Most body work is done in- house by the Maintenance Staff. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. This Department is to perform maintenance on Police, Fire,Village Hall, ESDA and Public Works vehicles and equipment. 2 . To utilize the most cost effective methods and current technological methodology to ensure the safe and most efficient operating conditions of the Village fleet. 3. To obtain the best price for the goods and services needed to maintain the fleet in the best interest of the Village. 4. To foster continuing education and training to keep abreast of current developments in mechanical methodology and skills. 5. To continue to foster the auction of Village vehicles and equipment. 6. To repair most body work of Village vehicles whenever possible. BUDGET SUMMARY - Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 282 ,214 $ 280, 616 $ 287,299 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45, 235 52,540 58, 702 COMMODITIES 234, 831 251,977 245,968 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5, 090 2,894 15,382 Total Approp. Request 567,370 $ 588,027 $ 607, 351 Page 86 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR - 544606 $220,597 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 $15, 500 LONGEVITY - 546100 $600 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $18, 107 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $31,452 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $1,042 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Includes Motor Trend and other periodicals, shop manuals and other instructional materials. $300 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 -1 Schooling of Mechanical Staff to update them in the constantly changing technology of today's world. Includes Detroit Diesel schools, Cat Diesel schools, Allison Transmission, and various G.M. Training schools. $700 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 Includes an OSHA requirement Spirogram test for respirator use for two individual employees. $170 EOUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 Rental of five pagers. $276 MAINTENANCE OF AUTO EQUIPMENT - 554120 This includes testing and repair of pumps, front-end alignments, repair of tires, recapping of tires, body work repairs due to accidents, repairs not covered by warranty or up to warranty deductibles, seat repairs, safety lane inspections. Page 87 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Car Washes of Squad Cars $3, 000 Trans Overhaul PW #19 John Deere 9,996 Transmission Overhaul FD E5 4, 000 Detroit Diesel Engine PW #30 6,000 Fire Equipment Inspection 304 Repair and Recap Tires 17, 129 Welding 6, 127 127 Safety Lane Inspections 900 Seat Repairs, Carpeting, Trim Work 2, 000 Front End Alignments 300 Miscellaneous Auto Repair 3,000 TOTAL $52,756 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 Repair costs for Sun Analyzer, overhead crane, greasing equipment, air compressors. Also includes leak detection service to pressure test four underground storage tanks as mandated by the IEPA. Leak Detection Service 2,000 Repair of various other equipment 2 . 500 $4,500 COMMODITIES AUTO EOUIP SPPLS/REPAIR PARTS - 561100 Includes purchase of tires for Village vehicles and equipment. Note: Police tires average 18, 000 miles per set. Includes replacement parts cost. Additional squad car changeover costs which includes wiring, antennas, spare wheels, headlights, flashers, and relays. Also note, the Building Department, Health Department, Community Development, ESDA, Senior Tran, Public Works, and Fire Department are included. Also included is a 3% anticipated increase. $87, 962 GAS, DIESEL, FUEL, & OIL - 561110 Includes the fuel, oil, and related items used by the Village `vehicles and equipment. Slight decrease due to lower price in diesel and reduction of consumption by Administrator to prior year budget levels. Page 88 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Gas, 50, 500 gals @ $ .90 $45,450 Diesel, 41,500 gals @ $ .89 36,935 Fire Dept Gas, 2500 gals @ $ .96 2 ,400 Anti freeze 5 drums 756 Sintoloux 5 drums 2,744 Hydraulic oil 12 drums 1,980 Dextron Trans oil 7 drums 1, 383 Windshield Solvent 444 Motor oil & lubricants 4 ,414 TOTAL $96,506 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Materials used in the daily repair of Village Vehicles and Equipment. Oil-Dri Supply $338 Oxygen & Acetylene 1,610 Wyp-Alls paper 2,489 Truck Wash Soap 750 Parts wash solvent 1,590 Welding Rod 2, 000 Welding Safety Equipment 210 Marking for Squad cars & Vill Equip 2 ,700 Village Seal Truck & Car Emblems 3 ,900 Sweeping Compound 210 TOTAL $15,797 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS - 564100 Includes all repair parts for tractors, rollers, graders, sweepers, and chippers. Tires included for above equipment. Included is an anticipated 3% increase. $41,630 SMALL TOOLS - 564190 Itemized tools for this account. Diesel Engine Tools $665 -Impact Wrench 205 Assorted Wrenches 900 Punches 55 Pliers & Sockets 200 Tool Box 400 TOTAL $2,425 Page 89 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 For the purchase of pants, steel toed shoes, vests, safety orange shirts, coveralls, and jackets. $1, 648 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT - 572010 The Mic Welder is a wire fed welder for working on aluminum car/truck bodies. The Twin Post Hoists now in service have excessive wear in the cylinders and bearings. The hoists are outdated, needing major repairs. It has been recommended that the hoists be replaced. Mic Welder $1,432 2 Twin Post Fully Hydraulic Hoists 13 .950 TOTAL $15, 382 Page 90 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM "Th FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY27 - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544606 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR 176,879 213,433 221,378 221,378 190,838 214,172 214,172 220,597 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 15,594 24,932 15,000 15,000 24,531 15,000 15,000 15,500 546100 LONGEVITY 750 750 1,200 1,200 0 600 600 600 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 15,144 18,358 18,162 18,162 16,476 17,578 17,578 18,107 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 19,356 23,753 23,828 23,828 20,350 31,452 31,452 31,452 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 925 987 1,048 1,048 880 1,016 1,016 1,042 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 228,648 282,214 280,616 280,616 253,075 279,818 279,818 287,299 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 391 102 300 300 337 300 300 300 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 739 514 700 700 635 700 700 700 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 0 640 640 13 170 170 170 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 0 0 276 276 276 554120 MAINTENANCE OF AUTO EQUIPMENT 31,396 41,666 48,400 48,400 57,994 52,756 52,756 52,756 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 3,728 2,953 2,500 2,500 2,991 2,500 2,500 4,5°-N, TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,254 45,235 52,540 52,540 61,970 56,702 56,702 58,. COMMODITIES 561100 AUTO EQUIP SPPLS/REPAIR PARTS 79,094 78,535 85,400 85,400 76,743 87,962 87,962 87,962 561110 GAS, DIESEL, FUEL, & OIL 95,885 106,353 102,953 102,953 90,687 96,506 96,506 96,506 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 13,613 9,261 19,135 19,135 15,042 15,797 15,797 15,797 564100 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS 37,732 36,686 40,416 40,416 34,813 41,630 41,630 41,630 564190 SMALL TOOLS 2,087 2,417 2,425 2,425 1,867 2,425 2,425 2,425 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT 1,563 1,578 1,648 1,648 1,147 1,648 1,648 1,648 TOTAL COMMODITIES 229,975 234,831 251,977 251,977 220,299 245,968 245,968 245,968 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 933 5,090 2,894 2,894 2,710 15,382 15,382 15,382 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 933 5,090 2,894 2,894 2,710 15,382 15,382 15,382 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 495,810 567,370 588,027 588,027 538,054 597,870 597,870 607,351 Page 91 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Vehicle Maintenance Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Full Time: Division Superintendent 55,412 1.0 71 57, 074 1. 0 Maintenance Supervisor 56 42,407 1. 0 Auto Mechanic 118,765 3 . 0 53 73, 932 2.0 Material Expeditor 18, 646 . 5 51 19,205 .5 Auto Service Attendant 28, 555 1. 0 45 27, 979 1.0 Total 221, 378 5.5 220,597 5.5 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Overtime 15, 000 15, 500 Total 15, 000 15, 500 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 1, 200 2 .5 600 1. 5 Social Security 18, 162 6.5 18, 107 6.5 Hospitilization Insurance 23, 828 5.5 31,452 5. 5 Life Insurance 1, 044 5. 5 1, 042 5.5 Total 44 , 234 51, 201 Department Total 280, 611 5. 5 287, 299 5. 5 Page 92 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION BUDGET COMMENTS The Solid Waste Collection Department has decreased by $24,208 or 2 . 1%. The decrease in the budget amount entailed the removal of the cost paid to the hauler in the past for trash disposal and the transitioning of this cost to SWANCC pursuant to a two year extension of the solid waste disposal contract with the hauler. The decrease in cost was despite the additional 41 multi-family units to the trash collection service and recycling program. The detail is discussed below. DESCRIPTION The Solid Waste Collection Department accounts for the cost attributed to solid waste collection and disposal. This includes basic trash collection and disposal services to residents (including the curbside recycling and yard waste program) as well as the Village's participation in the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) . SWANCC is a consortium of twenty-three (23) municipalities formed for the purpose of providing an efficient and environmentally sound method for transporting, storing and disposing of solid waste, most notably through a balefill program and ownership of its own waste transfer facility . Various aspects of the solid waste program are detailed in each of the accounts within this fund. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES YARD WASTE PROGRAM - 552100 Pursuant to State Statutes, all yard waste (including grass clippings, leaves, twigs, branches, etc) are now required to be separated from the normal trash collection stream. This program has been effective at the Village since June 1, 1990. As discussed in the "trash collection service" account below, the program will now entail the Village selling yard waste stickers (instead of yard waste bags) which will be sold to residents who wish to dispose of their yard waste through the Village program instead of using a BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $ 1, 086,703 $ 1, 112, 271 $ 1, 108, 064 COMMODITIES 12, 603 20, 000 -0 Total Approp. Request $ 1, 099, 306 $ 1, 132, 271 $ 1, 108, 064 Page 93 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL private landscape service or their own composting program. Based on the extended contractual agreement with our current trash hauler, the Village will pay the hauler one dollar (an increase of $. 10 from the prior year) for each trash collection sticker sold to residents to cover the cost of disposing of the yard waste. Based on the estimated sale of 80,000 yard waste stickers, the Village estimates paying out $80, 000 to the hauler. The revenues to support this program are reflected in Account #441060 in the General Fund Revenue section. $80,000 TRASH COLLECTION SERVICES - 552280 The Village provides weekly garbage pick-up to its residents through a written agreement with an outside contractor. The agreement provides for both the actual garbage pick-up and its related hauling. The account no longer includes the amount paid to the contractor for disposal at a landfill. With the opening of the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) "transfer" facility, the landfill disposal cost formally paid to the hauling contractor have been deducted from the basic rates paid. The cost of disposal to the landfill is now reflected in Account #557101 (SWANCC "tipping/disposal" fees) . While there is a decrease in the rates, there is an increase in the number of multi-family units to be included as of May 1, 1994. The number of single family homes serviced remains the same. The increase in the number of multi-family units includes 34 from the condos at 8640 Ferris and 1/2 (or 28) of the newly built condos at the old Morton House location. There was another 13 units removed when the multi-family unit list was reconciled from previous records and updated to arrive at the 804 amount. It should be noted, the cost of providing trash collection and recycling services for residential properties is financed directly through Village general revenues. There is no separate user charge billed to residents for this service. If there was, residents would pay at least $130 per year for basic trash pick-up (including the landfill and recycling costs) . This $130 excludes any consideration of exceeding the two weekly bag limit amount or separate yard waste pick-up. A summary of the projected trash collection services for single and multi-family residential units 'within the Village is summarized below. Page 94 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Fiscal Year I of Units Monthly Rate Total Annual 1994-95 (s) 7, 077 $ 5.26 $446,700 (m) 804 5. 24 50,555 Trash collection excess - 12, 000 @ $1. 30 15, 600 * (stickers) Total annual charge (projected for 94-95) $512,855 July - April 1993-94 (s) 7, 077 $ 7.98 $677.694 (m) 755 7.06 63,964 Trash collection excess - 23, 000 @ $1. 30 29, 900 * (stickers) Total annual charge for 1993-94 $771. 558 * The sale of trash collection stickers is offset with the revenue Account #020000-441062 . June 1992-93 (s) 7, 077 $ 8.53 $724,402 (m) 755 7.68 69 ,581 Total annual charge for 1992-93 $793 ,983 1991-92 (s) 7, 077 $9. 08 $771, 110 (m) 755 7. 17 64.960 Total annual charge for 1991-92 $836, 070 1990-91(s) 7, 077 $8.973 $762, 023 (m) 755 7. 05 63 .873 Total annual charge for 1990-91 $825,896 1989-90(s) 7, 077 $8.49 $721, 005 (m) 755 6.52 59. 071 Total annual charge for 1989-90 $780,076 1988-89 (s) 7, 077 $7.87 $667, 691 (m) 755 5.82 52 .729 Total annual charge for 1988-89 $720,420 1987-88 (s) 7, 065 $7. 60 $644,328 (m) 730 5.50 48, 180 Total annual charge for 1987-88 $692 ,508 1986-87 (s) 7, 129 $6.90 $590,282 (m) 716 4 .80 41.242 Total annual charge for 1986-87 $631,524 Page 95 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM - 552300 The Village plans on continuing its successful expanded recycling program (first implemented in June 1992) into the 1994-95efiscal year. The cost of the expanded recycling program the original 1992-93 amounts due to the amended agreement. Any increases in this rate will be limited in the next two years to the Chicago Consumer Price Index and will be adjusted only on an annual basis. The breakdown is as follows: (s) 7 , 077 units @ $ 2. 52/mo $214, 009 (m) 804 units @ $ 1.25/mo 12 . 060 TOTAL $226, 069 SWANCC TIPPING/DISPOSAL FEES - 557101 The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) has been established as a result of an intergovernmental agreement to provide efficient and environmentally sound disposal of Municipal waste. Effective March 1, 1994 , all Village non-recyclable/non- landscape waste began delivery to a "transfer" station in Wheeling Township constructed by SWANCC. As discussed above, the cost • formally paid to the hauler for final processing and disposal of trash is no longer included in the cost recognized in Account #552280. Instead, a monthly amount is paid to SWANCC under the provisions of a project use agreement based upon the estimated amount of trash delivered to the transfer station. At the end of each year, there will be a "true up" comparing the estimate in which the Village was billed on and the actual trash delivered. The $289, 140 amount represents the monthly payment to SWANCC at $24 , 095 for this fiscal year. $289,140 COMMODITIES PURCHASE OF YARD WASTE BAGS - 564340 As discussed in the trash collection services above, the extension of solid waste contractor with the hauler includes a provision for phasing out the yard waste bags in favor of the yard waste 'stickers. Therefore, there will no longer be an amount in this account. $ -0- Page 96 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY19 - SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REC MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 552100 YARD WASTE PROGRAM 65,086 72,493 72,000 72,000 59,234 72,000 72,000 80,000 552280 TRASH COLLECTION SERVICES 836,070 817,047 823,883 823,883 629,230 809,583 779,541 512,855 552300 CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM 136,358 197,163 216,388 216,388 180,323 216,388 216,388 226,069 557100 SWANCC CONTRIBUTION 29,723 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 557101 SWANCC TIPPING/DISPOSAL FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 289,140 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,067,269 1,086,703 1,112,271 1,112,271 868,787 1,097,971 1,067,929 1,108,064 COMMODITIES 564330 PURCHASE OF GARBAGE FRAMES/BAGS 804 692 0 0 821 0 0 0 564333 PURCHASE OF RECYCLING BINS 0 606- 0 0 316- 0 0 0 564340 PURCHASE OF YARD WASTE BAGS 24,112 12,517 20,000 20,000 13,770 20,000 20,000 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 24,916 12,603 20,000 20,000 14,275 20,000 20,000 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 1,092,185 1,099,306 1,132,271 1,132,271 883,062 1,117,971 1,087,929 1,108,064 \.. Page 97 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEPT OF HEALTH/HUMAN SERVICES SERVICES GOALS In the preamble to the constitution of the World Health Organization, health is defined as "a site of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". The primary goal of the Health & Human Services Department is to maintain and promote health by applying technical knowledge to the solution of problems of a sanitary or environmental nature and to develop programs and procedures to control those factors in our physical environment which exercised an effect on our health, development and survival. Such efforts, when carried out by an organization for the benefit of a community, are known as public health work. This does not exclude the type of work done by charitable organizations. Such curative activities that are carried on at public expense are not excluded from public health work. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Primary areas of concern remain food protection, waste control and recycling, air pollution control, maintenance of standards in recreational areas, vector control and conservation of our \.. community's excellent residential environment. 2 . COUNSELING SERVICES The primary objectives for this year are to improve communication, expand the program, respect the dignity of the individual while exploring solutions and supporting the strengths of the individual, couple or family. We hope to significantly expand our networking to other like services in surrounding communities. 4. BOARD OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Enhance the role of the Board of Health in administrative review hearings for food service establishments. Encourage the Environmental Commission to become more proactive in the role of technical review and scientific advisory board. BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 195,796 $ 224, 098 $ 236, 359 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 38,873 20,952 14,802 COMMODITIES 4,370 3, 300 3, 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2, 241 450 0 Total Approp. Request $ 241,279 $ 248,800 $ 254, 161 Page 98 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL 5. PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION To remain informed of the latest scientific and technical information related to the recognition of public health problems and the development of methods and procedures for their control in the areas of: radon, electromagnetic fields, lead, asbestos, reclamation of municipal waste water, UV radiation, recycling and solid waste control and disposal. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $59,280 SALARY-SANITARIAN - 544612 $35,484 SALARY-FAMILY COUNSELOR - 544613 $37,656 SALARY-PUBLIC INFO OFFICER - 544615 $34,789 SALARY-BLOOD PROGRAM COORDINTR - 544618 $3 ,901 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $30,891 LONGEVITY - 546100 $600 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $15,499 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $17,323 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $936 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - 551110 Reimburse the Public Information Officer and Administrative Aide for the use of their private automobiles. $100 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Membership in professional organizations and subscriptions to periodicals: -Nat' l Environmental Health - IL Environmental Health Internat' l Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians -The FDA Consumer -Harvard Medical School of Health Letter -Food Protection Report -Annual Renewal of Professional Registrations. Page 99 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL IL Recycling Assoc. $75 Nat' l Environmental Health Assoc. 60 International Assoc. of Sanitarians 65 Illinois Public Health Assoc. 50 Harvard Medical Health Letter 28 FDA Consumer 14 Food Protection Report 135 Professional registration 140 IL Environmental Health Assoc. 80 Environmental News Digest 5 TOTAL $652 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Attendance at professional seminars required to maintain the Department Director's registration as sanitarian (state) and environmental health practitioner (national) . Annual conferences are not required this year but may be in the future. North Suburban Health Council $100 IEHA Educat' l Conf. Bloomington, IL 350 TOTAL $450 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 Pagemaker II (Desktop Publishing Program) course for the Public Information Officer, to enable us to produce the newsletter in house (exclusive of printing) . $400 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL - 552120 Includes the cost of mailing the newsletter and mailings from the public information mailing list. Mailing the newsletter requires the posting of over 3500 pieces of mail yearly. $3, 700 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 Provides for approximately 10 hours of a programmer/computer software technician to assist in the efficient use and back up of new and existing programs. A new food services sanitation program is anticipated for 1993 . $500 Page 100 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL NEWSLETTER PRINTING - 552320 Production and printing of the Village newsletter, THE EXCHANGE. This amount has been significantly decreased for the 1994-95 fiscal year to reflect a successful bid received in Marcy 1994 for the four issues anticpated for the fiscal year. Additional issues are produced as special events or programs require. The newsletter is distributed to 8,214 households and 617 commercial locations. $5,500 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 Repair and maintenance of computers, word processors and other office equipment. $500 COUNSELING & SOCIAL SERVICES - 555120 Funds provided to Orchard Mental Health Center to support their programs. Each year fifteen to sixteen percent of Orchard's clients come from Morton Grove. The majority of cases are self-referred, 20% are referred from the state mental health system. In addition to Orchard's counseling and psychotherapy programs, residents also participate in psychosocial rehabilitation and day treatment services,transitional living program, early years-early intervention program and the 24 hour emergency/crisis intervention service. In 1993 , 1,431 hours of counseling were provided to 190 families in Morton Grove. $3 ,000 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Office supplies and misc. items needed to operate the department on a day to day basis. This account funds all the daily office needs of all personnel in the department. $1, 500 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 Film, supplies and developing costs for the public information officer for photographic work in support of the newsletter, public information activities and related programs and events. $800 Page 101 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MEDICAL SUPPLIES - 562190 Supplies and vaccines for diabetes screening and immunization clinics. In 1993, 350 blood pressure screenings, 516 cholesterol screenings, 237 diabetes screenings and 8 colorectal screenings were given. A total of 1023 immunizations were administered. Voluntary donations have always exceeded expenses for these screenings and immunization clinics. $100 BLOOD PROGRAM EXPENSES - 564385 General supplies, printing and mailings, awards, promotion and solicitation in support of the blood program. Due to cost containment policies the Life Source Blood Center decreased the number of drives by four in 1991. Depending upon our ability to assemble teams and insure a number of donations over forty, additional drives are held in May and November, resulting in four blood drives per year. $600 Page 102 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM '-'‘ FUND 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 60 - HEALTH DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY20 - HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 53,083 53,777 57,000 57,000 48,803 57,000 57,000 59,280 544612 SALARY-SANITARIAN 29,354 31,888 34,451 34,451 28,686 34,451 34,451 35,484 544613 SALARY-FAMILY CWNCELOR 0 17,120 35,842 35,842 31,002 36,559 36,559 37,656 544615 SALARY-PUBLIC INFO OFFICER 30,399 32,815 33,775 33,775 28,596 33,775 33,775 34,789 544618 SALARY-BLOOD PROGRAM COORDINTR 3,537 3,668 3,605 3,605 3,188 3,787 3,787 3,901 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 27,766 29,334 29,991 29,991 25,443 29,992 29,992 30,891 546100 LONGEVITY 600 600 600 600 0 600 600 600 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 11,073 12,944 14,807 14,807 12,908 15,007 15,007 15,499 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 11,247 12,879 13,124 13,124 9,747 17,323 17,323 17,323 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 661 771 903 903 681 908 908 936 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 167,719 195,796 224,098 224,098 189,054 229,401 229,401 236,359 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551110 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 174 28 100 100 43 100 100 100 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 614 540 602 602 603 652 652 9Th 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 641 970 2,750 2,750 1,338 450 450 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 0 0 400 400 0 400 400 400 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 60 0 0 114 0 0 0 552110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,695 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 552120 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL 3,665 4,504 3,700 3,700 3,603 3,700 3,700 3,700 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 0 0 400 400 0 0 0 0 552170 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES 180 170 500 500 0 500 500 500 552320 NEWSLETTER PRINTING 8,555 10,876 9,000 9,000 5,606 8,500 8,500 5,500 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 529 340 500 500 385 500 500 500 555110 FAMILY CWNCELING SERVICES 39,110 18,385 0 0 0 0 0 0 555120 COUNSELING & SOCIAL SERVICES 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 58,162 38,873 20,952 20,952 14,692 17,802 17,802 14,802 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 2,335 3,720 1,800 1,800 947 1,500 1,500 1,500 562120 PHOTO SUPPLIES 749 582 800 800 822 800 800 800 562190 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 133 316- 100 100 177- 100 100 100 564385 BLOOD PROGRAM EXPENSES 329 383 600 600 852 600 600 600 TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,546 4,370 3,300 3,300 2,444 3,000 3,000 3,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,560 2,241 0 0 1,239 0 0 0 572040 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 0 450 450 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,560 2,241 450 450 1,239 0 0 0 i--\ **** TOTAL EXPENSE 230,988 241,279 248,800 248,800 207,429 250,203 250,203 254, Page 103 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Health & Human Services Department 1993-94 1994-95 L Salary Number Grade Salary Number Full Time: Director Of Health & Human Ser 57, 000 1. 0 59,280 1.0 Sanitarian 34 ,451 1. 0 47 35,484 1.0 Public Information Officer 33 ,775 1. 0 46 34,789 1. 0 Director/Family Services 35, 842 1. 0 57 37, 656 1.0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 29, 991 1.0 40 30, 891 1. 0 Total 191, 060 5. 0 198, 101 5.0 Part Time: Blood Program Coordinator 3 , 605 1. 0 3,901 1. 0 Total 3 , 605 1. 0 3 , 901 1.0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 600 1. 0 600 1. 0 Social Security 14,807 6. 0 15, 499 6. 0 Hospitilization Insurance 13, 124 4 . 0 17, 323 4. 0 Life Insurance 903 5. 0 936 5. 0 Total 29, 434 34, 358 Department Total 224, 098 6. 0 236, 359 6. 0 Page 104 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEPT OF H & H-SENIOR SERVICES SERVICE GOALS Provide a comprehensive array of assistance to Morton Grove's senior citizen population, in order to enhance this group's independent existence, community involvement and quality of life during their later years. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. Utilize the multiplicity of human resources available through the senior citizen population of Morton Grove to provide lifestyle challenges to residents of all ages. 2 . Continue case management of individuals and families who inquire about Village services when a medical, financial or social catastrophe arises. 3. Provide transportation services via the subsidized taxi program, Seniortran and Park District Activity Bus for seniors traveling for shopping, medical appointments, recreation or basic transportation purposes. 4 . Assist the Advisory Commission on Aging in planning programs and services to benefit their senior citizen peers. 5. Network with the Morton Grove Park District to plan and implement programming ideas to be held at the Flickinger Senior Center, Prairie View Senior Room or other locations. 6. Maintain weekly supervision of on-going services that assist daily living of seniors and others with needs, such as, meals-on-wheels, chore programs, postal carrier watch, financial assistance, lending closet, et al. 7. Continue with efforts of publicizing programs and services that will reach families and individuals to best communicate the availability of help through the Village of Morton Grove. 8. Continued outreach to new seniors (residents turning 65 or new resident move-ins) via the efforts of the visiting nurse, social worker, information and referral officer and the outreach workers that comprise the Senior Outreach Team. BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 88,299 $ 98, 690 $ 101,437 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23 ,970 24,735 23, 915 COMMODITIES 2, 065 1, 000 1, 000 Total Approp. Request $ 116, 335 $ 124,425 $ 126, 352 Page 105 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR - 544430 $43,255 SALARIES-SENIOR CITIZEN SERV - 544430 $44,433 LONGEVITY - 544430 $300 SOCIAL SECURITY - 544430 $6,731 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 544430 $6,512 LIFE INSURANCE - 544430 $206 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - 551110 Pays for staff's (assistant director, nurse and outreach workers) personal car usage for work related transportation needs. Also, reimbursement for mileage utilized by meals-on-wheels volunteers in delivery of meals to homebound residents. $600 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Membership in the Mid-America Congress on Aging, a professional gerontological association of workers in the field of aging located in the mid-western states. "The Gerontologist" periodical is a compilation of the latest trends and research in the field of aging. Continuity of Care (Northwest Metropolitan Region) is an association of health care workers which our Village nurse will benefit from being a member of. This membership will increase the FY94-95 budget by $30. Mid America Congress on Aging $40 (annual membership) The Gerontologist 60 (professional journal) -Continuity of Care 30 (annual membership) TOTAL $130 a' Page 106 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Conference of the Mid-America Congress on Aging. For 1995, this conference is in Kansas City, MO. Lodging: three nights @ $70 ($210) ; transportation (airfare) : $175; conference registration: $100; per diem: four days @ $60 ($240) . Lutheran General Hospital continuing education seminars will sharpen the professional skills of the visiting nurse. Three seminars at $50 per seminar will increase the FY94-95 budget by $150. Mid America Congress on Aging $725 (annual conference) Lutheran General Hospital 150 (continuing education seminars) TOTAL 875 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL - 552120 Morton Grove's newsletter for senior citizens entitled, "Seniors In Morton Grove" is prepared and delivered six times a year primarily to local residents but also networked to surrounding senior service providers. The newsletter circulation is presently sent at a bulk rate of $. 165 in Morton Grove and $. 198 outside of Morton Grove to between 400 and 500 addresses. $500 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Cost of providing brochures on services, benefits and programs available to Morton Grove senior citizens. $100 SENIOR CITIZEN CAB FARES - 555100 Cost of the Village's subsidy to the discount cab fare program through the American Taxi Company. Note an increase of $500 in the account (to $3, 000) reflecting a projected increase in ridership. $3 , 000 PARK DISTRICT SENIOR SERVICES - 555130 Grant to the Morton Grove Park District for senior citizen recreational programs. $18,710 Page 107 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I--1\ MEALS ON WHEELS - 555160 Provides home delivered meals to seniors or others incapable of preparing their own meals. Participants are expected to pay for this service and therefore no amount is proposed for appropriation. SR HOUSING SERVICE AGENCY CNTRB - 557110 There has been a change in executive directors to the Resource Center for the elderly. The new director has recently indicated that the "shared housing" program usage by Morton Grove residents did not justify her agency's request for funds in the 1994-95 fiscal year. Therefore, the amount is not being requested. COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Miscellaneous supplies to operate the senior center and senior services on a daily basis. Items such as disposable dinnerware, paper goods, health screening aids, refreshments for meetings, training materials, promotional materials, seasonal decorations, cleaning supplies, miscellaneous program supplements, etc. $1, 000 Page 108 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL - PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ‘...i 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 60 - HEALTH DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY21 - SENIOR SERVICES ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RE0 MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544430 SALARY-A5ST DEPT DIRECTOR 37,357 40,428 41,995 41,995 35,854 41,995 41,995 43,255 544633 SALARIES-SENIOR CITIZEN SERVICES 33,206 36,762 44,612 44,612 35,216 43,138 43,138 44,433 546100 LONGEVITY 300 300 300 300 0 300 300 300 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 5,421 5,928 6,648 6,648 5,437 6,536 6,536 6,731 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 3,928 4,688 4,933 4,933 4,836 6,512 6,512 6,512 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 177 193 201 201 241 201 201 206 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 80,389 88,299 98,690 98,690 81,584 98,681 98,681 101,437 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551110 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 601 582 600 600 407 600 600 600 551120 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS 40 65 100 100 70 130 130 130 551130 MEETINGS 8 CONFERENCES 243 600 725 725 873 875 875 875 552120 POSTAGE It METER RENTAL 0 452 500 500 348 500 500 500 552130 PRINTING 8 PUBLISHING 95 0 100 100 0 100 100 190 555100 SENIOR CITIZEN CAB FARES 2,688 5,018 2,500 2,500 2,540 3,000 3,000 3,000 30 PARK DISTRICT SENIOR SERVICES 17,300 18,165 18,710 18,710 18,500 18,710 18,710 18,710 X60 MEALS ON WHEELS 386 412- 0 0 481- 0 0 0 557110 SR HOUSING SERVICE AGENCY CNTRB 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,852 25,970 24,735 24,735 23,757 23,915 23,915 23,915 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 7- 2,065 1,000 1,000 742 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 7- 2,065 1,000 1,000 742 1,000 1,000 1,000 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 103,234 116,335 124,425 124,425 106,083 123,596 123,596 126,352 Page 109 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Senior Services Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numb, Full Time: Assistant Department Director 41, 995 1. 0 57 43, 255 1.0 Total 41,995 1. 0 43 , 255 1. 0 Part Time: Senior Info/Referral Officer 4,463 1. 0 3 , 862 1.0 Senior Outreach Worker 14,333 3 . 0 14,083 3.0 Seniortran Driver 13 ,921 3 . 0 13 ,409 4 . 0 Visiting Nurse 11, 896 1.0 13 , 080 1. 0 Total 44, 612 8 . 0 44 ,433 9 . 0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 300 1.0 300 1.0 Social Security 6, 648 9. 0 6, 731 10. 0 Hospitilization Insurance 4 , 933 1. 0 6, 512 1.0 Life Insurance 201 1. 0 206 1.0 Total 12 , 083 13 ,749 Department Total 98, 690 9 . 0 101,437 10.0 Page 110 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEPT OP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICE GOALS The Department of Community Development is organized to identify and analyze the physical, social and economic characteristics of the community; to determine the needs and desires of the community's residents; to develop the means by which community needs and desires can be addressed; and to assist in coordination of activities directed at the needs and desires of the community. Specific functions of the Department include: 1. Initiating research and analysis on various development issues confronting the community. 2 . Administrating community codes, ordinances and regulations related to development. 3 . Promoting public participation in the development activities and process. 4 . Providing technical assistance to departments and agencies on development issues. 5. Communicating Village desires to Federal, State, Regional, and County agencies. 6. Coordinating implementation of activities to satisfy Federal, State, Regional, and County agency requirements. 7. Establishing programs directed at the maintenance of neighborhoods in the community. The Department of Community Development is organized into three (3) Divisions - Planning and Zoning; Engineering; and Housing Rehabilitation. Objectives are defined for each of the Divisions. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES - PLANNING & ZONING 1. Process Plan Commission cases in accordance with the Village's Procedural Control Ordinance. 2. Establish a continuing review process to ensure that the revised Zoning Ordinance meets the current demands of the community. 3 . Prepare an application for funding by the Cook County Community Development Block Grant Program and search for other funding sources for capital improvements. BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 217,434 $ 208, 141 $ 232, 053 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23 ,260 65, 550 99,245 COMMODITIES 2,664 2,450 2, 620 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3, 803 0 34, 050 Total Approp. Request $ 247, 162 $ 276,141 $ 367,968 Page 111 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL 4 . Develop a data base for the community; prepare data sheets for general distribution; maintain aerial photographs. 5. Develop computer files including parcel files and neighborhood statistics. 6. Provide general administration for both division and department concerns. 7. Initiate the review and modification of the Village's Comprehensive Plan for approval by the Village Board of Trustees. 8 . Provide continuing support to the Plan Commission and Community Relations Commission. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES - ENGINEERING 1. Prepare plans and specifications for Local Street Resurfacing Project--1995. 2 . Prepare plans and specifications for other Village construction projects. 3 . Provide assistance to Village departments in dealing with engineering related concerns or complaints. 4 . Prepare "Request for Proposals" for projects which will require outside engineering assistance. 5. Monitor construction of all projects placed under contract with outside firms. 6. Review all plans and project proposals submitted under procedural control to assure compliance with Village requirements or standards. 7 . Ensure compliance with MWRDGC requirements related to the inflow and infiltration of storm water into the sanitary sewer system. 8. Administer the monitoring of the sanitary sewer system in accordance with the requirements of ICAP, the MWRDGC and the sewer maintenance agreement approved by Resolution 92-3 . 9. Provide construction inspection for the street resurfacing, street lighting, and miscellaneous other construction projects undertaken in the Village. 10. Direct traffic engineering efforts, including development of a traffic counting program, analysis of problem intersections, and parking studies. 11. Provide support to the Traffic Safety Commission. 12 . Implement the recommendations of the Water System Analysis. 13 . Establish a CAD/GIS Program which will provide easy access to -- physical data describing the Village. `14 . Maintain contact with State and County officials related to projects which are proposed for construction within this Village. Page 112 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL ANNUAL OBJECTIVES -HOUSING REHABILITATION r 1. Place eight (8) residential rehab projects under contract. 2 . Monitor all rehabilitation construction to ensure quality work for Village residents. 3 . Advertise for rehabilitation contractors, and carefully qualify each before allowing them to bid. 4 . Review Rehab Program policies and recommend revisions. 5. Service the Housing Rehabilitation Committee; provide data for the priority ranking process and review progress on all projects and applications. 6. Provide Rehabilitation Program services to all qualified families within the Village. 7 . Maintain records for review by Cook County and/or U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development personnel. BUDGET COMMENT The Department of Community Development budget has increased by $91,827 or 33%. The increase includes the implementation of the Geographic Information System for the Village, which totals $61, 500 as well as reflection of the first full year's salaries for the restructured engineering division. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $63,562 SALARIES-ENGINEERS - 544651 $89, 158 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $37,831 LONGEVITY - 546100 $450 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $14,400 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $25,796 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $856 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - 551110 Inspection of housing rehabilitation and capital improvement projects will periodically require staff to use their personal vehicles in completing Village business. It is estimated that personal vehicle usage will not exceed 500 miles. $145 Page 113 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Included are membership fees for full-time staff in professional organizations, subscriptions to periodicals of direct interest to the operation of the department, and purchase of professional or technical books and other publications. Membership Fees: 200 AM. INST. OF CERT. PLANNERS 125 NAT.ASSOC.OF HSG.& REDEV. OFFICIALS Subscriptions: 400 PL. ADVISORY SERVICE 50 ZONING NEWS 250 LAND USE LAW AND ZONING DIGEST 60 ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD 40 PC MAGAZINE Publications: 60 SWEETS REMODELING CATALOGUE 65 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING HANDBOOK 200 CAD/GIS HANDBOOKS 00 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS $1,500 TOTAL MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 '1 Includes the cost of attendance at meetings, seminars and conferences, either local or regional in nature, which are sponsored by professional societies, other local government organizations, or by educational institutions dealing with subject matter of direct value to the operations of the department. AM. INST. OF CERT. PL.- MINNEAPOLIS $750 AM.PL.ASSN.-IL. CHAP.LOC.CHAP.MTGS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY TRAF. INST. 1,000 TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION ENG. SEMINAR 100 DHUD WORKSHOP-AFFORDABLE HOUSING MISC.MTGS. /SEMINARS RELATED TO ENG, 60 COMM. RELATIONS, ZONING OR REHAB $2 ,000 TOTAL 'TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 Computer training is necessary for department staff to most fully utilize the capacity of the equipment available particularly with the initiation of a CAD/GIS system. Eighty (80) hours of technical training for up to six (6) staff in the use of AUTOCAD/GIS hardware and software programs will be provided by the software dealer. Miscellaneous training will be provided to select staff in the use •Th Page 114 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL of the software available in the Village (Wordperfect, Paradox, Lotus) through workshop or Community College courses available. Village Administrator recommended this be eliminated during the budget review process. AUTOCAD/GIS $10,000 MISCELLANEOUS TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - 552110 The Village of Morton Grove is on the brink of major commercial and industrial redevelopment. To assist in the economic development effort, the Village has contracted with the consulting firm, Kane, McKenna and Associates. It is anticipated that attraction of quality commercial developers may require the Village to assist in offsetting a portion of the cost for off-site improvements or site preparation activities. This request provides support for the economic development consultant in undertaking the various studies or analyses which can impact the Village both physically and fiscally. Village Administrator recommended this be reduced to $10, 000 during the budget review process. $10,000 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 All printing beyond the capabilities of department equipment which is necessary for department activities is included in this account. Housing Rehabilitation Program brochures, Plan Commission handbook, letterhead and business cards, and Village maps will be printed this fiscal year. BROCHURES-HOUSING REHAB COMMITTEE $200 PLAN COMMISSION PROCEDURES HANDBOOK 200 ZONING DISTRICT MAP 200 TOTAL $600 ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 The General Engineering portion of the account has been reduced in recognition of the additional engineering staff capable of handling -day-to-day activities, rather than relying on consultant staff. Continued use of an independent consultant adds to the breadth of expertise necessary to deal with the variety of needs in the Village. Village Administrator recommended this be reduced to $42 ,000 during the budget review process. $42,000 Page 115 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 The program developed for the Sewer Rehabilitation Program has clearly shown the need for assistance with programs critical to the operations of the Department and the Village. The installation of a GIS/AutoCad System will benefit several departments in retrieving, processing, and storing data (Building Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Police Department, Administrative Department) . Included in this year's budget is the delivery and setup for the system, approximately 80 hours of system customization by a programmer/computer software expert. Departmental reorganization is complete and the GIS/AutoCad systems are necessary to take full advantage of the available staff. The software package includes AutoCad-12 (3-single use releases) , Soft Desk (2-Civil Roadway Bundles) , and CAD Overlay (1-GSX and ESP) . Programming/Installation incorporates delivery, installation, setup, and consultation (80 hours of programming and problem solving) . The ETAK Map provides the basic street map on which the various data will be presented. Village Administrator recommended this system be financed by an installment note during the budget review process. PROGRAMMING/INSTALLATION $7,300 SOFTWARE 21,700 ETAK MAP 2 . 000 -� TOTAL $31,000 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 The Department has purchased or is responsible for various equipment items which must be maintained to ensure performance and longevity. Included in the equipment to be maintained is a copy machine, traffic counters and computers with supporting equipment. TRAFFIC COUNTING EQUIPMENT $400 DIAZIT DART 130 BLUEPRINT MACHINE 200 KONICA 1790 COPIER 900 HP LASERJET III PRINTER 300 MOTOROLA PAGERS - (2) 120 MISCELLANEOUS 80 TOTAL $2,000 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 This account provides supplies for the traffic-counting program, engineering surveying and staking, video-taping of existing conditions prior to construction, and materials necessary to other Page 116 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL \"-- department processes. Accessories and supplies for the Optical Transit (stakes, flags) , construction inspection (spray paint, thermometers) , and traffic counting (batteries, tapes, and ribbons) are purchased through this account. MISC. OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES $500 TRAFFIC COUNTING SUPPLIES 125 SURVEYING SUPPLIES 125 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SUPPLIES 250 TOTAL $1, 000 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 The physical nature of improvements supports documentation by photographs. This allows auditors from the County, State, or federal government to review rehabilitation projects both before and after the improvements have taken place. Photographs also support claims or demands made by the Village against contractors whose performance has been less than acceptable. $120 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 All miscellaneous supplies consumed in the ordinary operation of any office are covered by this account. . .pens, pencils, tape, paper, paper clips, and file folders. In addition, copy machine toner, and Kroy lettering machine tapes are supplies purchased through this account but used by a number of Village departments. The CAD/GIS project is anticipated to cause the expenditures for computer supplies to expand significantly. $1, 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 The equipment will implement the CAD/GIS System which has been discussed for the last four (4) years. The computer prices include 17 inch monitors. One 486 DX2/66 will be utilized in the Community Development Department as the server for the system to be developed; the second 486 DX2/66 will be located in the Public Works Department to allow access to the GIS information as needed. The 486-33 computer will initially be utilized by the Engineer Assistant and will be connected to the Drafting Technician's machine so both can utilize the data being Page 117 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL developed. In subsequent years hardware will be purchased for the Building Department, Fire Department, Police Department, Administrator's office, and Community Development Director's office, allowing access to GIS data either directly or through periodic updates. The existing computer at the Engineer Assistant's desk will be given to the Rehabilitation Specialist so he can utilize the CAD program for rehabilitation plans. Village Administrator recommended the system be financed by an installment note during the budget review process. NANAO FLEXSCAN F550I - 17" MONITOR $2,000 HEWLETT-PACKARD INK JET PLOTTER 9,000 SUMMAGRAPHICS DIGITIZER-18" X 24" 2, 000 KARA 486 DX2-66 - EISA; 32MB RAM 1-GIGABYTE HARD DRIVE(2 COMPUTERS) 13, 300 KARA DX-33 - ISA - 8MB RAM 450MB HARD DRIVE (1 COMPUTER) 4,700 LANTASTIC NETWORK CARDS & CABLE 500 TOTAL $31, 500 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - 572040 Replacement chairs are needed to accommodate the physical demands of the staff and the development of the CAD/GIS project. A CAD workstation will provide a protected location for the computer, digitizer, and other equipment, as well as an adequate work area for reviewing plans and entering the necessary data into the computer. DRAFTING STOOL $350 DESK CHAIRS (3) 1, 000 CAD WORKSTATION 1.200 TOTAL $2,550 Page 118 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 'hie 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY22 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 57,607 58,915 61,117 61,117 58,396 61,117 61,117 63,562 544651 SALARIES-ENGINEERS 112,578 89,573 69,976 69,976 46,013 86,561 86,561 89,158 544657 SALARY-INTERN 6,914 1,821 7,800 7,800 0 0 0 0 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 28,308 29,446 35,609 35,609 29,064 36,725 36,725 37,831 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 405 169 250 250 0 250 250 0 546100 LONGEVITY 300 300 450 450 0 450 450 .450 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 15,576 13,632 13,027 13,027 10,012 14,081 14,081 14,400 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 19,356 22,776 19,163 19,163 16,157 25,796 25,796 25,796 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 831 803 749 749 689 833 833 856 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 241,874 217,434 208,141 208,141 160,331 225,814 225,814 232,053 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551110 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 240 163 280 280 0 145 145 145 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,400 1,512 1,500 1,500 1,343 1,500 1,500 1,500 Y 10 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 1,848 1,380 2,000 2,000 806 2,000 2,000 2,000 \b....A TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 0 151 2,500 2,500 15 11,000 10,000 10,000 552110 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 10,000 10,000 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 325 30 600 600 0 600 600 600 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,378 16,339 55,000 55,000 52,545 48,000 42,000 42,000 552170 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES 400 230 1,500 1,500 380 31,000 31,000 31,000 552350 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES 1,380 0 0 0 3,425 0 0 0 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 1,649 3,455 2,170 2,170 1,323 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,619 23,260 65,550 65,550 59,837 111,245 99,245 99,245 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 970 919 1,000 1,000 725 1,000 1,000 1,000 562120 PHOTO SUPPLIES 80 51 150 150 6 120 120 120 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,063 1,694 1,300 1,300 1,262 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL COMMODITIES 2,113 2,664 2,450 2,450 1,993 2,620 2,620 2,620 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 4,708 1,959 0 0 184- 31,500 31,500 31,500 572040 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0 1,845 0 0 0 2,550 2,550 2,550 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,708 3,803 0 0 184- 34,050 34,050 34,050 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 259,314 247,162 276,141 276,141 221,977 373,729 361,729 367,968 Page 118A Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Community Development Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numb' Full Time: Director Of Community Develop. 61, 117 1. 0 63, 562 1.0 Assistant Engineer 42 ,835 1. 0 67 45,903 1. 0 Engineering Technician 27, 141 1.0 62 43, 255 1. 0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 26, 880 1. 0 40 28, 539 1.0 Total 157,973 4 . 0 181, 259 4.0 Part Time: Intern 7,800 1. 0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 8 ,729 1. 0 9, 292 1.0 Total 16, 529 2 . 0 9, 292 1.0 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Overtime 250 Total 250 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 450 1. 0 450 1. 0 Social Security 13 , 027 7 . 0 14, 400 5.0 Hospitilization Insurance 19 , 163 4 . 0 25, 796 4 . 0 Life Insurance 749 4 . 0 856 4.0 Total 33 , 389 41, 502 Department Total 208, 141 6. 0 232 , 053 5. 0 Page 119 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BLDG DEPT-CODE ENFORCEMENT • SERVICE GOALS The Building Department is responsible for coordinating a wide range of activities related to regulation of the built environment, coordination of municipal building maintenance, and coordinating the employee safety program. We also provide information to the township and county assessor's offices to update the tax base used in determining the Village's assessed valuation. The property maintenance program helps insure minimum standards for aesthetics and property upkeep, especially in residential neighborhoods. We provide staff assistance to the Department of Community Development's Housing Rehabilitation Specialist. We function as staff liaison to the Appearance Commission, including secretarial support. The permanent record files and meeting minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission are maintained in the Building Department. The Building Commissioner functions as Village Safety Coordinator interacting with various departments to insure implementation of IRMA safety recommendations and supervises activities of the Village's safety committee. Building Department personnel are also responsible for coordination of municipal building maintenance funded under the Building Department-Municipal Building Maintenance budget. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. Continue to support homeowners, contractors, and developers through plan review and inspection functions of the building permit process. 2 . Continue the vigorous enforcement of the property maintenance code. 3 . Provide support to the Finance Department for the business licensing program through inspections and building surveys. 4 . Provide staff liaison support for the Appearance Commission, including sign inspections and amortization. 5. Work toward implementation of IRMA loss prevention recommendations. 6. Pursue unlicensed building contractors working in the community. BUDGET SUMMARY - Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 173 ,827 $ 182, 671 $ 187, 538 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9, 197 8,900 8,530 COMMODITIES 698 900 850 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 5,850 1,200 Total Approp. Request $ 183,722 $ 198, 321 $ 203 , 717 Page 120 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BUDGET COMMENTS The overall Code Enforcement Department budget has increased by $5, 396 or 2 .7%. Much of this increase is attributed to hospitilization insurance and normal pay increases granted. The contractual service and commodities accounts have decreased 4% due to computerizing building permit operations. No additional computer programs are anticipated this fiscal year. Most permit forms are being generated through the computer. The purchase of a microfilm fiche jacket/roll film storage cabinet is included under capital outlay. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $59,280 SALARIES-BUILDING DEPARTMENT - 544636 $57, 817 SALARY-CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFCR - 544660 $11,040 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $30,891 LONGEVITY - 546100 $1,650 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $12, 292 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $19,535 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $632 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Memberships in professional organizations, and subscriptions to technical publications necessary to stay proficient and up to date with current construction practices. BOCA $120 Suburban Building Officials 40 Northwest Building Officials 40 Int' l Assoc. Electrical Inspectors 40 National Fire Protection Assoc. 90 'Technical Handbooks/Journals 280 TOTAL $610 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Attendance at various professional conferences and seminars to keep the code enforcement staff up-to-date with current construction Page 121 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL techniques. The Deputy Building Commissioner attends the annual BOCA conference. The Building Commissioner is currently chairman of the National Fire Protection Association's Technical Correlating Committee on Flammable & Combustible Liquids. This committee meets semiannually to develop code language for safe storage and use of flammable liquids. BOCA Annual Conf - Dearborn, MI $1, 400 NFPA Comm-Reno, NV and Orlando, FL 2, 600 SBOC Annual Seminar 200 NWBOC Monthly Meeting 120 Various Technical Seminars 200 TOTAL $4,520 PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Cost of printing various forms and support materials. Included in these costs are permit window cards, inspection report forms, and elevator certificates. $400 ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Services are necessary to review structural engineering design of large and/or complex buildings, including field inspection. We recoup this expense as part of the building permit fee. $2, 000 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 Funds will allow for normal system maintenance. $400 MICROFILMING SERVICES - 552180 Costs related to outside filming of oversized documents and plans; `developing costs for documents filmed in-house for Building Department, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Plan Commission. $300 Page 122 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 Cost of service and repairs for typewriters, microfilm equipment, and mobile radio. $300 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Annual fee for Sidwell Company updates to the Village real estate maps which include information pertaining to subdivisions, rights-of-way, lot boundaries, and real estate property index numbers as recorded with Cook County. Also included are microfilm and nonstationery supplies needed to operate the building department. Sidwell subs. to update PIN maps $100 Other Supplies 200 TOTAL $300 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 Photographic film and developing used for documentation in court cases. $150 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 Purchase of general office and secretarial supplies. $400 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 Microfilm fiche jackets are currently stored in old card files, and the roll film is stored on open shelves in a cabinet. The proposed cabinet is specifically designed for microfilm with three drawers for fiche and two drawers for roll film. $1,200 Page 123 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 MI Somme 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE RESP. DIVISION 80 - BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY23 - CODE ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 21,316 54,144 57,000 57,000 48,296 57,000 57,000 59,280 544636 SALARIES-BUILDING DEPARTMENT 57,605 52,961 56,132 56,132 47,893 56,133 56,133 57,817 544660 SALARY-CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFCR 9,485 10,122 10,720 10,720 9,134 10,720 10,720 11,040 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 25,122 29,233 29,991 29,991 25,951 29,992 29,992 30,891 546100 LONGEVITY 900 900 1,650 1,650 0 1,650 1,650 1,650 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 8,854 11,319 11,765 11,765 10,132 11,895 11,895 12,292 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 9,981 14,554 14,799 14,799 12,293 19,535 19,535 19,535 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 406 592 613 613 513 613 613 632 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 133,668 173,827 182,671 182,671 154,212 187,538 187,538 193,137 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 627 598 580 580 709 610 610 610 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 2,845 3,411 4,520 4,520 3,203 4,520 4,520 4,520 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 20 0 0 57 0 0 0 c"130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 527 573 500 500 119 400 400 400 , ,:0 ENGINEERING SERVICES 2,175 2,050 2,000 2,000 3,885 2,000 2,000 2,000 557170 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES 3,998 2,101 700 700 76 400 400 400 552180 MICROFILMING SERVICES 135 91 300 300 69 300 300 300 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 208 353 300 300 75 300 300 300 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,515 9,197 8,900 8,900 8,193 8,530 8,530 8,530 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 530 333 350 350 421 300 300 300 562120 PHOTO SUPPLIES 101 80 150 150 34 150 150 150 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 362 285 400 400 185 400 400 400 TOTAL COMMODITIES 993 698 900 900 640 850 850 850 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 0 0 5,850 5,850 5,375 1,200 1,200 1,200 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 5,850 5,850 5,375 1,200 1,200 1,200 "" TOTAL EXPENSE 145,176 183,722 198,321 198,321 168,420 198,118 198,118 203,717 Page 124 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Code Enforcement Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numb( Full Time: Building Commissioner 57 , 000 1. 0 59,280 1.0 Deputy Building Commissioner 41, 995 1. 0 57 43,255 1. 0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 29,991 1. 0 40 30,891 1. 0 Total 128, 986 3 . 0 133 ,427 3 . 0 Part Time: Code Enforcement Officer 10, 720 1. 0 11, 040 1.0 Plumbing Inspector 3 , 108 1. 0 3 , 201 1.0 Assistant Plumbing Inspector 2 , 972 1. 0 3 , 061 1. 0 Electrical Inspector 8, 058 2 . 0 8, 300 2 .0 Total 24 , 857 5. 0 25, 602 5. 0 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 1, 650 3 . 0 1, 650 3 . 0 Social Security 11,765 8 .0 12, 292 8.0 Hospitilization Insurance 14 ,799 3 . 0 19,535 3. 0 Life Insurance 613 3 .0 632 3 .fa..\ Total 28,827 34 , 109 Department Total 182 , 671 8. 0 193 , 137 8. 0 Page 125 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BLDG DEPT-MUNICIPAL BLDG MAINT SERVICE GOALS The goal of Building Department (Municipal Building Maintenance) is to coordinate the maintenance and repair of Village owned properties, except for the water utility pumping stations but including janitorial services at the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center and the Public Works facility. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. Supervision of custodial staff at the Flickinger Center. 2. Continue with the central purchase of selected maintenance supplies and paper products. 3. Respond to repair requests from other Village departments and, where necessary, prepare specifications and bid documents to complete repairs or renovations. 4. Coordinate contractual services relating to building maintenance such as janitorial services, fire alarm, HVAC, fire extinguisher service, and pest control. 5. Continue to assure that Village owned buildings are clean and aesthetically pleasing; setting an example for village residents and businesses. BUDGET COMMENTS Budget requests under this account are dependent upon anticipated repairs to buildings; therefore, amounts will vary from year to year. The proposed budget includes funds for routine maintenance; upgrading of lighting in the Public Works mechanics' area, recarpeting of Public Works and the second floor of Village Hall; upgrading of parking lot lighting at the Police Department; painting the exterior trim of the Flickinger Municipal Center along with replacing deteriorating landscaping; and evaluating the economic impact of various energy improvements at Public Works. The janitorial services contract is due to be renewed in June 1994 and has increased $7,500 due to increased services requested in the specifications. BUDGET SUMMARY Account Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 PERSONAL SERVICES $ 12 , 138 $ 17, 129 $ 17,643 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 125,425 92,847 101,978 COMMODITIES 5, 624 6,500 8, 250 Total Approp. Request $ 143 , 187 $ 116,476 $ 127,871 Page 126 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES-CUSTODIANS - 544639 $16,389 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $1,254 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES - 552160 Janitorial services and carpet cleaning for the Richard T. Flickinger Municipal Center, (including Police Department) and the Public Works building. The janitorial services contract is due to be renewed in June 1994 and an additional $7,510 has been provided due to increased services requested in the specifications. $23 ,850 UNIFORM RENTALS - 552310 Work uniforms for two part-time custodians at Flickinger Center. $490 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 Cost of rental of specialized maintenance machines. $100 UTILITIES-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES - 553120 Electric and natural gas costs for municipal buildings. Electric costs are limited to charges for electric heat in selected areas of the Flickinger Center. Natural gas costs are reduced due to franchise agreement discounts. $12,000 `MAINTENANCE OF ALARM EOUIPMENT - 554100 Maintenance of fire alarm equipment at Flickinger Center, Public Works, and Public Works truck garage. Flickinger Center $210 Public Works - 2 buildings 450 TOTAL $660 Page 127 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS - 554110 Maintenance of all municipal buildings. Maintenance expenses of a recurring nature, including paint and repair materials used by the custodial staff, are listed in the General category. Costs of specifically requested repairs are listed by location. The Village Administrator has recommended the recarpeting and wall covering be eliminated during the budget review process. General Maintenance: 4 ,000 Painting 2 , 000 Carpentry 2 ,000 Plumbing/Sewer 7, 000 Electrical 2,500 Overhead Door Service Flickinger Center: Recarpet 2nd floor Replace wall covering - 2nd floor 3,800 Paint exterior wood trim 3, 350 Replace Door closers (A.D.A. ) Replace Police Dep't parking lot 6, 000 lights 2,000 Handicapped washrooms (A.D.A. ) Public Works: 4,500 Power wash interior of shop Upgrade lighting in Mechanic's area 2, 500 Updrade lighting - shop center bay Recarpet office/lounge area 3 .500 Energy management survey $46,950 TOTAL MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 Service of machinery and equipment necessary for efficient building operation, including annual maintenance contracts. Village Administrator has recommended that general maintenance be reduced to $2 , 000 during the budget review process. Maintenance Contracts 9,828 HVAC - Admin, PW, FS4 2 ,000 Eleyltors 2 ,000 `Emergency Generator Service 1 000 Exterminator Service-Admin, FS4&5 , 300 Fire Extinguisher Service ., 800 General Maintenance $1 22000 TOTAL Page 128 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL COMMODITIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - 562140 Purchase of toilet tissue, paper hand towels, hand soap, and other supplies not provided under contract with the janitorial service. $2, 000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - 563100 The cost of landscaping materials such as fertilizer, mulch, weed control, and annual flowers used by Public Works to maintain the exterior aesthetics of the Flickinger Center. Replacement of deteriorated shrubbery and landscaping material at Flickinger Center South entrance, and replacement of wood timber retaining walls at School St. entrance. Replacement shrubs - Flickinger Ctr. $1,750 General materials & annual flowers 700 TOTAL $2,450 SNOW REMOVAL MATERIALS - 563120 Calcium chloride for removal of ice and snow on Flickinger Center walkways. $200 BUILDING MAINTENANCE MATERIALS - 563140 Light bulbs, ballasts, floor mats, and cyclic materials other than janitorial supplies. Includes light bulbs and ballasts for Public Works. $3,500 SMALL TOOLS - 564190 `Purchase of tools necessary for custodial staff to complete electrical, plumbing, and carpentry repairs and small projects. $100 - I Page 129 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ■ 02 - GENERAL CORPORATE R!!Y DIVISION 80 - BUILDING DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY24 - MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544639 SALARIES-CUSTODIANS 11,061 11,275 15,912 15,912 10,947 15,912 15,912 16,389 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 846 862 1,217 1,217 838 1,217 1,217 1,254 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 11,907 12,138 17,129 17,129 11,785 17,129 17,129 17,643 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 0 222 222 0 0 0 0 552160 JANITORIAL SERVICES 21,928 16,300 16,340 16,340 12,314 16,850 16,850 23,850 552310 UNIFORM RENTALS 425 480 490 490 320 490 490 490 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 100 100 0 100 100 100 553120 UTILITIES-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 8,749 15,140 12,000 12,000 11,447 12,000 12,000 12,000 554100 MAINTENANCE OF ALARM EQUIPMENT 200 1,086 1,270 1,270 675 660 660 660 554110 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS 70,318 72,472 38,050 38,050 30,285 70,750 46,950 46,950 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 19,808 19,948 24,375 24,375 23,145 19,928 17,928 17,928 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 121,428 125,425 92,847 92,847 76,186 120,778 94,978 101,978 r tDITIES ,0 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 1,091 1,687 2,000 2,000 197 2,000 2,000 2,000 563100 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 781 663 700 700 646 2,450 2,450 2,450 563120 SNOW REMOVAL MATERIALS 62 0 200 200 206 200 200 200 563140 BUILDING MAINTENANCE MATERIALS 3,624 3,224 3,500 3,500 2,805 3,500 3,500 3,500 564190 SMALL TOOLS 158 50 100 100 131 100 100 100 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 13- 0 0 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 5,714 5,624 6,500 6,500 3,972 8,250 8,250 8,250 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 139,049 143,187 116,476 116,476 93,943 146,157 120,357 127,871 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 10,124,592 11,574,495 11,678,349 11,678,349 8,489,661 12,049,173 12,358,646 12,413,098 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 10,395,148 11,263,977 11,678,348 11,678,348 9,928,369 12,505,315 12,358,646 12,413,098 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 270,557- 310,518 1 1 1,438,708- 456,142- 0 0 Page 130 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Municipal Buildings Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numbez Part Time: Custodian 15,912 2 .0 16, 389 2 . 0 Total 15,912 2 . 0 16, 389 2 . 0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 1,217 2. 0 1,254 2.0 Total 1,217 1,254 Department Total 17 , 129 2 . 0 17,643 2 . 0 Page 131 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND The Motor Fuel Tax Fund has been established to account for the Village share of Motor Fuel Tax monies received from the State. State statutes provide for a State imposed tax on motor fuel sales. A portion of these monies are then distributed to municipalities !: based on population. These monies are restricted as to their use by State law and audited by a State agency. Therefore, a separate fund is use to account for the source and use of these monies. TAX REVENUES SHARE OF MOTOR FUEL TAX - 412040 Projected Motor Fuel Tax allotment from State of Illinois. Allotments are based municipal share of state-wide gasoline sales tax allocated to municipalities. These monies in turn are distributed to municipalities based on population. Increase from prior year due to use of updated per capita rate projected by IML of 21. 80. $487700 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected interest earnings from investment of idle cash. $2,200 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 SNOW REMOVAL $ 115, 037 $ 123, 658 $ 129, 074 - ASPHALT STREET PATCHING 67 ,867 66,700 60,578 STREET SWEEPING 33, 320 32,325 33,475 CATCH BASIN CLEANING 20,400 19, 300 19,987 MAINT-ST LIGHTS/TRFC SIGNALS 19, 057 22,417 22,417 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT 221, 156 216,900 224 , 369 Total Approp. Request $ 446,709 $ 481, 300 $ 489,900 Page 132 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL SNOW REMOVAL - 035066- COMMODITIES SNOW REMOVAL MATERIALS - 563120 Represents the money allocated for salt and calcium chloride. Salt is bid out by the State of Illinois and calcium chloride is purchased through the Northwest Municipal Conference. $109,916 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Allocated labor costs for snow removal performed by Public Works crews during fiscal year and transferred to General Fund. Village Administrator recommended an increase to the annual transfer to the General Fund during the budget review process based on increased revenues and initial revenues projected. $19, 158 ASPHALT STREET PATCHING - 035067- COMMODITIES CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - 563110 Projected costs of materials used for asphalt street patching and repairs: Bituminous Material Hot $16, 400 Bituminous Material Cold 7, 000 TOTAL $23,400 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Allocated labor costs for street patching performed by Public Works crews during fiscal year and transferred to General Fund. Village Administrator recommended an increase to the annual transfer to the General Fund during the budget review process based on increased revenues and the initial surplus projected in MFT. $37, 178 Page 133 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL STREET SWEEPING 035068- S INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Allocated labor costs for street sweeping performed by Public Works crews during fiscal year and transferred to General Fund. Village Administrator recommended an increase to the annual transfer to the General Fund during the budget review proces based on increased revenues and the initial surplus projected in MFT. $33 ,475 CATCH BASIN CLEANING 035069- INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Allocated labor costs for Catch Basin Cleaning performed by Public Works crews during fiscal year and transferred to the General Fund. Village Administrator recommended an increase to the annual transfer to the General Fund during the budget review process based on increased revenues and the initial surplus projected in MFT. $19,987 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS 6 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 035070- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS - 554170 To cover contractual expenses incurred for the Village's maintenance contract on an "as needed" basis for all street lights and traffic signals under Village control and responsibility: There are 189 mercury vapor street lights and fifteen traffic signals covered by this contract. The Village must reimburse the State for $2, 500 in maintaining certain traffic signals. 'Mercury Vapor Lights (189) $6,237 Traffic Signal Units (15) 13 , 680 Reimbursement to State 2. 500 TOTAL $22 ,417 Page 134 • MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CONCRETE REPLACEMENT 035071- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONCRETE REPLACEMENT - 552230 Material costs utilized in concrete replacement tasks noted above and financed thru Motor Fuel Tax receipts. Class X Concrete: 1, 500 cubic Yds. @ 51.20 per 76,800 TOTAL $76,800 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Allocated labor costs for concrete replacement performed by Public Works crews during the fiscal year. Includes curb and gutter replacement for local street resurfacing projects and miscellaneous curb and gutter work throughout the remainder of the Village. Amount is transferred to the General Fund. Village Administrator recommended an increase to the annual transfer to the General Fund -� based on increased revenues and the initial surplus projected in MFT. $147,569 Page 135 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED CM: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 412040 SHARE OF MOTOR FUEL TAX 467,899 453,780 470,000 470,000 421,366 487,700 487,700 487,700 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 467,899 453,780 470,000 470,000 421,366 487,700 487,700 487,700 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 2,978 1,851 2,200 2,200 3,045 2,200 2,200 2,200 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 2,978 1,851 2,200 2,200 3,045 2,200 2,200 2,200 OTHER REVENUES 494010 STATE REIMB: MINT-TRAFFIC SIGNALS 10,057 9,077 9,100 9,100 4,761 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 10,057 9,077 9,100 9,100 4,761 0 0 0 "•' TOTAL REVENUE 480,934 464,709 481,300 481,300 429,172 489,900 489,900 489,900 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 ‘%••■• TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 481,300 481,300 489,900 489,900 489,900 FUND 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY51 - LOCAL STREET RESURFACING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811080 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 15,597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 15,597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••" TOTAL EXPENSE 15,597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 136 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ^~ FUND 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY66 - SNOW REMOVAL ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE COMMODITIES 563120 SNOW REMOVAL MATERIALS 84,413 96,457 105,158 105,158 62,667 109,916 109,916 109,916 TOTAL COMMODITIES 84,413 96,457 105,158 105,158 62,667 109,916 109,916 109,916 1NTERFUND TRANSFERS 811010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 17,180 18,580 18,500 18,500 13,875 18,500 19,158 19,158 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 17,180 18,580 18,500 18,500 13,875 18,500 19,158 19,158 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 101,593 115,037 123,658 123,658 76,542 128,416 129,074 129,074 FUND 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY67 - ASPHALT STREET PATCHING "UHT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPRO% ER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-9) EXPENSE COMWDIT IES 563110 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 19,822 27,383 30,800 30,800 15,674 23,400 23,400 23,400 TOTAL COMMODITIES 19,822 27,383 30,800 30,800 15,674 23,400 23,400 23,400 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 37,485 40,484 35,900 35,900 26,925 35,900 37,178 37,178 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 37,485 40,484 35,900 35,900 26,925 35,900 37,178 37,178 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 57,307 67,867 66,700 66,700 42,599 59,300 60,578 60,578 FUND 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY68 - STREET SWEEPING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE 1FUND TRANSFERS .010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 30,870 33,320 32,325 32,325 24,245 32,325 33,475 33,475 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 30,870 33,320 32,325 32,325 24,245 32,325 33,475 33,475 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 30,870 33,320 32,325 32,325 24,245 32,325 33,475 33,475 Page 137 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL `` PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FMlY 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY69 - CATCH BASIN CLEANING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 18,900 20,400 19,300 19,300 14,475 19,300 19,987 19,987 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 18,900 20,400 19,300 19,300 14,475 19,300 19,987 19,987 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 18,900 20,400 19,300 19,300 14,475 19,300 19,987 19,987 FWD 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY70 - MAINT-ST LIGHTS/TRFC SIGNALS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE C CTUAL SERVICES 5t1wr0 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS 17,355 19,057 22,417 22,417 16,171 22,417 22,417 22,417 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,355 19,057 22,417 22,417 16,171 22,417 22,417 22,417 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 17,355 19,057 22,417 22,417 16,171 22,417 22,417 22,417 FUND 03 - MOTOR FUEL TAX RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY71 - CONCRETE REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552230 CONCRETE REPLACEMANT 89,655 78,656 74,400 74,400 84,073 76,800 76,800 76,800 552260 LANDFILL EXPENSES 645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 90,299 78,656 74,400 74,400 84,075 76,800 76,800 76,800 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 132,000 142,500 142,500 142,500 106,875 142,500 147,569 147,569 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 132,000 142,500 142,500 142,500 106,875 142,500 147,569 147,569 ' TOTAL EXPENSE 222,299 221,156 216,900 216,900 190,948 219,300 224,369 224,369 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 480,934 464,709 481,300 481,300 429,172 489,900 489,900 489,900 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 463,922 476,836 481,300 481,300 364,980 481,058 489,900 489,900 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 17,013 12,127- 0 0 64,192 8,842 0 0 Page 138 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL \-■ COMMUNITY DEVP BLOCK GRANT SERVICE GOALS The Community Development Block Grant Fund (CDBG) has been established to ensure proper accountability for the grant funds received from the Cook County Department active in Fiscal Year t a Planning and Development. Three (3) projects w 1994-1995. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES i. Place eight (8) housing rehabilitation projects under contract. 2. Complete investigation of alternative affordable housing strategies and prepare draft report. 3 . Initiate the "Homecare Services" program. BUDGET COMMENTS The total budget for CDBG activities has been increased $70,888 (28. 1%) . A planning grant has been provided to study affordable housing opportunities; additional housing rehabilitation funds ensure continuation of this program; and funds supporting the "Homecare Services" program have been provided to support a one year demonstration project. GRANT REVENUES GRANTS:COM.DEV.BLOCK GRANT - 451003 Projected block grants anticipated from Cook County Block Grant Program to support projects discussed in expenditure section. $323, 261 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 RESIDENTIAL REHAB $ 135, 063 $ 229,982 $ 250,870 HOME CARE SERVICES 0 0 50, 000 AFFORDABLE HOUSING STUDY 0 22, 391 22,391 Total Approp. Request $ 135,063 $ 252, 373 $ 323 ,261 Page 139 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-HOUSING REHAB SPECIALIST - 544648 The Rehabilitation Specialist and the Intern are supported from project delivery costs allowed by the Cook County Community Development Block Grant Program. Salary-Housing Rehab Specialist - $30, 534 $30, 534 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 Social security cost for the staff identified above is allowable as a project delivery cost under the Cook County Community Development Block Grant Program. $2 , 336 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HOUSING REHAB - 558110 The objective of the Housing Rehabilitation Program is to place eight (8) projects under construction. Existing Community Development Block Grant funds available to support this effort include the following: 91-046 - $ 40, 000. 00 92-044 - 75, 000. 00 93-050 - 100, 000. 00 Total $215, 000. 00 Cook County has allowed CDBG program income derived from repayment of existing loans to be used to finance new projects. It is anticipated that $35, 000. 00 will be repaid to the Village during this fiscal year. The Housing Rehabilitation Specialist salary is provided as project delivery cost from the Community Development Block Grant. $218, 000 Page 140 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HOME CARE SERVICES - 558112 The Morton Grove Homecare Service project will fill the gaps in service provided by a Community Care Agency (CCA) rather period of from or compete with (6) weeks fr gap is the the Community Care of Agency four (4) to six (6) personnel Agency is notified of the senior's plight until the CCA p can visit the senior citizen and assess eligibility and need. A second gap in service exists when either income or assets are vice greater than allowed by the CCA. The Morton Gr ve ors mecare Service will extend coverage to seniors in the gaps; meet eligibility criteria. A private care agency will be selected after a review of proposals by Village staff. Services will be provided as needed from four (4) to twenty-four (24) hours per day, from four (4) to six ( ) days per week and could include chore/housekeeping, homemaker, or companion services. The maximum per day six (6)m clients per quiring assistance twenty-four (24) The minimum number e for up to six (6) months, will be two (2) . (4) hours clients requiring less intensive assistance six (6) months will be per day, four (4) days per week) for up the number nine (9) . If less invasive intervention is required, of clients assisted will be increased. $50, 000 PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-INTERN - 544657 Cook County Department of Policy, Planning and Development provided a grant to the Village (CDBG Project 91-047) to study policies programs that other fully developed communities have used in promoting affordable housing availability. These funds will offset for this effort in intern the cost of an to the attempt todefinean provide basic research acceptable ptablestrategyfor the Village of Morton Grove. -SALARY - INTERN $20, 800 SOCIAL SECURITY - 544657 $1, 591 Page 141 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL ,-"\ PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 05 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE GRANT REVENUES 451003 GRANTS:COM.DEV.BLOCK GRANT 192,541 152,562 252,373 252,373 141,155 322,299 322,299 323,261 TOTAL GRANT REVENUES 192,541 152,562 252,373 252,373 141,155 322,299 322,299 323,261 **** TOTAL REVENUE 192,541 152,562 252,373 252,373 141,155 322,299 322,299 323,261 FUND 05 - COMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY55 - ALLEY PAVING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 E"DFNSE -Th CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 55,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 55,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUND 05 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK PUNT RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY80 - RESIDENTIAL REHAB ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544648 SALARY-HOUSING REHAB SPECIALIST 26,054 23,662 27,851 27,851 26,197 29,640 29,640 30,534 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 1,996 1,810 2,131 2,131 2,004 2,267 2,267 2,336 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 28,050 25,472 29,982 29,982 28,201 31,907 31,907 32,870 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES �\ 10 HOUSING REHAB 100,515 109,591 200,000 200,000 135,370 218,000 218,000 218,0C TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100,515 109,591 200,000 200,000 135,370 218,000 218,000 218,000 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 128,565 135,063 229,982 229,982 163,571 249,907 249,907 250,870 Page 142 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM Fim..t. 05 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY81 - NOME CARE SERVICES ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER -. DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 558112 HOME CARE SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 FUND 05 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY82 - CDBG--CODE ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PL4..aNAL SERVICES 544660 SALARY-CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFCR 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUND 05 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY84 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING STUDY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544657 SALARY-INTERN 0 0 20,800 20,800 0 20,800 20,800 20,800 547100 SOCIAL SECIBMITY 0 0 1,591 1,591 0 1,591 1,591 1,591 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 22,391 22,391 0 22,391 22,391 22,391 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 22,391 22,391 0 22,391 22,391 22,391 \,......, TOTAL FUND REVENUE 192,541 152,562 252,373 252,373 141,155 322,299 322,299 323,261 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 184,055 135,063 252,373 252,373 163,571 322,299 322,299 323,261 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 8,486 17,499 0 0 22,416- 0 0 0 Page 143 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Residential Rehab Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numb'' Part Time: Housing Rehab Specialist 27, 851 1. 0 30, 534 1.0 Total 27,851 1. 0 30, 534 1. 0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 2 , 131 1. 0 2 , 336 1.0 Total 2 , 131 2, 336 Department Total 29 , 982 1. 0 32, 870 1. 0 Page 144 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Affordable Housing Study Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Part Time: Intern 20,800 2 . 0 20, 800 2.0 Total 20, 800 2 . 0 20, 800 2.0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 1, 591 2. 0 1,591 2 . 0 Total 1, 591 1,591 Department Total 22, 391 2 .0 22 , 391 2.0 Page 145 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL RVLVNG EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND The Revolvin g Equipment Replacement Fund was established to provide a means for financing the replacement of Public Works equipment and Fire Department apparatus. As most of this equipment is expensive, a separate fund was established to account for the separate financing of these purchases. Utilization of a Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund with the appropriate bank financing is the most economical and efficient method of replacing expensive equipment and apparatus without placing an undue burden on taxpayers during the years a major purchase has to be made. TAX REVENUES SHARE OF STATE INCOME TAX - 412020 Share of State Income tax allocated to this Fund to finance debt service payments required on the installment notes of Public Works, Paramedic and Firefighting equipment. The State income tax distribution is more thoroughly explained in the General Fund section. For the 1994-95 fiscal year, the Village projects the following allocation of State Income Tax: General Fund $ 925, 600 Revolving Equip Repl 157,000 Total $ 1, 082, 600 Reflects higher allocation to Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund due to decreasing revenue sources from State reimbursement for highways and foreign fire insurance and increasing funds necessary to service debt on equipment purchased in 1993-94---most notably new fire truck/extracting equipment. $157, 000 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 REVOLV EQUIP REPLACE $ 502, 882 $ 238,322 $ 219,507 Total Approp. Request $ 502,882 $ 238, 322 $ 219, 507 Page 146 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE TAX - 412050 State statutes provide for a collection of a 2% tax on insurance companies located outside the State of Illinois for fire insurance premiums on property located within the municipality. The Village will deposit these monies into the Revolving Equip Replacement Fund to provide financing on fire related equipment. There is a slight increase from the prior year budget to reflect what was received in the current year. $11, 500 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected revenues from unspent cash balances. Decrease due to declining rates and monies available for investment. $909 LOAN PROCEEDS INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS - 471010 No equipment purchases are contemplated from the Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund this year. Consequently no installment loans will be necessary from this Fund during fiscal 1994-95. OTHER REVENUES STATE REIMS: MAINT-STATE HGWYS - 494020 Projected revenues to be received from IDOT for maintaining various State highways within the Village limits of Morton Grove. Decrease due to roads on Lincoln and Ferris Avenues being removed from the State Highway system and being turned over directly to Village jurisdiction, and per contract with IDOT. $50, 098 -INTERPUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE FUND - 811070 The annual principal and interest installment note payments on various capital equipment are as follows {year of installment note in () ] : Page 147 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL 1991 3/4 Ton Pick up (3 of 3) $6,887 1991 1 Ton Pick up (3 of 3) 7,594 Rfrbshng Fire Engine i 4 (4 of 5) 29,496 Elgin Pelican Sweeper (4 of 5) 14,233 Ambulance ,f 5 (4 of 5) 16,090 1991 GMC Dump Truck (3 of 3) 14,959 Deere Wheel Loader (5 of 5) 15,526 Bobcat Endloader (1 of 3) 13, 652 Fire Truck/Rescue Equip (1 of 5) 64,110 1992 3/4 Ton Pick Up (2 of 3) 6,847 1992 3/4 Ton Pick Up (2 of 3) 8,689 Mobark Brush Chipper (2 of 3) 6, 685 Ambulance # 4 (5 of 5) 14,740 TOTAL $219,507 Page 148 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM .Th FUND 06 - REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCQUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 412020 SHARE OF STATE INCOME TAX 93,900 99,600 120,381 120,381 93,670 157,000 157,000 157,000 412050 FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE TAX 13,006 11,169 11,200 11,200 11,589 11,500 11,500 11,500 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 106,906 110,769 131,581 131,581 105,259 168,500 168,500 168,500 SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 441030 PUBLIC WORKS MISC INCOME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 3,137 1,707 2,200 2,200 661 910 909 909 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 3,137 1,707 2,200 2,200 661 910 909 909 LOAN PROCEEDS 471010 INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS 84,747 328,213 53,309 53,309 36,853 0 0 0 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 84,747 328,213 53,309 53,309 36,853 0 0 0,"'N OTHER REVENUES 494020 STATE REIMB: MAINT-STATE HOWYS 53,869 58,652 51,232 51,232 24,725 50,098 50,098 50,098 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 53,869 58,652 51,232 51,232 24,725 50,098 50,098 50,098 "" TOTAL REVENUE 248,659 499,341 238,322 238,322 167,498 219,508 219,507 219,507 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 238,322 238,322 219,508 219,507 219,507 Page 149 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 06 - REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY36 - REVOLVING EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY i EQUIPMENT 0 0 53,309 53,309 38,753 0 0 0 572030 MOTOR VEHICLES 84,747 328,213 0 0 300 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 84,747 328,213 53,309 53,309 39,053 0 0 0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811070 TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 168,070 174,669 185,013 185,013 184,979 219,508 219,507 219,507 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 168,070 174,669 185,013 185,013 184,979 219,508 219,507 219,507 "" TOTAL EXPENSE 252,817 502,882 238,322 238,322 224,032 219,508 219,507 219,507 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 248,659 499,341 238,322 238,322 167,498 219,508 219,507 219,507 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 252,817 502,882 238,322 238,322 224,032 219,508 219,507 219,507 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 4,158- 3,541- 0 0 56,534- 0 0 . 0 • Page 150 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL • ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM FUND SERVICE GOALS Provision of the most professional police safety services possible through use of the E-911 telephone system which provides community residents with a three digit emergency police number, while allowing the public safety answering point to instantly ascertain the telephone number and address of the caller along with special circumstances at the caller's address. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. Operation, maintenance and upgrade of the department's emergency telephone services. 2. To discern community needs so we can update the system to meet those needs and better serve the public. 3. Maintenance of the affable relationship between the department and the telephone company and vendors to assure uninterrupted service to the community. SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES E 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SURCHARGE FEES - 444010 Monthly surcharge fee assessed per telephone line within Village boundaries. Village Administrator recommends an increase from $.50 per month to $.75 per month (effective May 1, 1994) to finance the additional cost of a dispatcher in the E 9-1-1 radio room resulting from increased calls (estimated at 2, 000 by Police Chief) which came as a result of the E 9-1-1 system (all calls are now answered at the Police Department vs RED Center) . $115,500 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected interest earnings from invested cash. Decrease from prior years due to declining interest returns & decreased monies that are available for investment. $1,300 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 E 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM $M 77,695 $ 78,700 $ 116,800 Total Approp. Request $ 77,695 $ 78,700 $ 116,800 Page 151 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I-1 PERSONNEL SERVICES It is anticipated a new position will be added during the 1994-95 fiscal year to enhance the staffing requirements of the answering points at the Village E9-1-1 Communication Center. The cost of the new personnel is being financed by an increase in the surcharge fees as discussed in A/C/I 444010. RADIO OPERATORS/DISPATCH 544624 $26,365 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 These monies are used to update personnel on equipment changes or modifications in the law and/or Illinois Commerce Commission requirements. Also included in this account is personnel attendance at the annual National Emergency Telephone Number Association Conference held in Southern Illinois. $700 IBT 9-1-1 LINE CHARGES - 552210 This is the charge to continue the E-911 service with Illinois Bell Telephone (IBT) . The line charge formula used by IBT is figured by multiplying the fee of $150/per 1,000 access lines, per month. A 5.1% State utility tax is then added. We have 14,000 access lines. $ 150 x 14 (thousand access lines) $ 2, 100. $ 2, 100 x 12 (months) = $25,200. $25,200 x 5. 1% (State utility tax) = 1,285. $25,200 (line charge formula) + $1,285 (State tax) = $26,485. $26,485 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP - 554130 This account includes service contracts for the E-911 console and computer equipment. The original warranties expire in March 1993 and a service contract must be purchased. An increase reflects service agreements for Dictaphone, which until now have been under warrantee; and a proportionate share of R.E.D. Centers E9-1-1 equipment service contract. $7,095 Page 152 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 This account will be utilized to purchase supplies necessary for equipment performance, including replacement paper and ribbons for the E911 computer. $250 OPERATIONAL EOUIPMENT - 564200 This connector was recommended by the NORCOM consultant. It will protect the radio equipment from lightning strikes and will allow for instant examination to determine if the fuses need replacement. $800 RESERVES RESERVE FOR EMRGNCY/EXTRA EXP - 581010 Projected reserves for future expansion/system upgrades and for emergency or extraordinary circumstances which may occur. $6,438 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE FUND - 811070 Principal and interest costs for purchase of major pieces of equipment for the E-911 Telephone System. Year of payment being made is for 1994 and is the third of five payments: E-911 Telephone System (3 of 5) $19,716 Radio Console (3 of 5) 19.782 TOTAL $39,498 Page 153 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ....N FUND 07 - ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE SERVICE 8 OTHER USER FEES 444010 E 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SURCHARGE FEES 75,864 76,401 76,500 76,500 57,869 77,000 115,500 115,500 TOTAL SERVICE 8 OTHER USER FEES 75,864 76,401 76,500 76,500 57,869 77,000 115,500 115,500 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 4,694 1,294 2,200 2,200 365 1,300 1,300 1,300 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 4,694 1,294 2,200 2,200 365 1,300 1,300 1,300 LOAN PROCEEDS 471010 INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS 176,256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 176,256 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 •K* TOTAL REVENUE 256,814 77,695 78,700 78,700 58,234 78,300 116,800 116,800 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 78,700 78,700 78,300 116,800 116,8( - \ Page 154 VILLAGE Of MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM *....i ' 07 - ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM RESP. DIVISION 30 - POLICE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY37 - ENHANCED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544624 SALARIES-RADIO OPERATORS/DSPTCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,598 26,365 545200 HOLIDAY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 689 710 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,011 2,071 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,261 6,261 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 126 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,681 35,534 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 1,023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 3,173 0 700 700 0 700 700 700 552210 IBT 9-1-1 LINE CHARGES 66,383 26,480 26,460 26,460 19,964 26,485 26,485 26,485 554110 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS 30,886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 271 1,999 3,000 3,000 6,333 7,095 7,095 7,095 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 101,736 28,479 30,160 30,160 26,297 34,280 34,280 34,280 CITIES bbe410 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 0 4,216 250 250 0 250 250 250 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 800 TOTAL COMMODITIES 0 4,216 250 250 0 1,050 1,050 1,050 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 248,565 0 5,050 5,050 1,373 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 248,565 0 5,050 5,050 1,373 0 0 0 RESERVES 581010 RESERVE FOR EMRGNCY/EXTRA EXP 0 0 2,327 2,327 0 3,472 7,291 6,438 TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 2,327 2,327 0 3,472 7,291 6,438 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811070 TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 0 43,599 40,913 40,913 40,913 39,498 39,498 39,498 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 43,599 40,913 40,913 40,913 39,498 39,498 39,498 nn TOTAL EXPENSE 350,302 76,294 78,700 78,700 68,583 78,300 116,800 116,800 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 256,814 77,695 78,700 78,700 58,234 78,300 116,800 116,800 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 350,302 76,294 78,700 78,700 68,583 78,300 116,800 116,800 NE7 FAD INCOME/LOSS 93,488- 1,401 0 0 10,349- 0 0 0 Page 155 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Enhanced 9-1-1 Telephone System Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Numbe" Full Time: 45 26, 365 1.0 Dispatcher/Police Total 26, 365 1.0 Fringe Benefits: 710 1.0 Holiday Pay 2, 071 1. 0 Social Security 6, 261 1.0 Hospitilization Insurance 126 1. 0 Life Insurance 9 Total 9, 169 Department Total 35, 534 1.0 Page 156 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 11 - PUBLIC LIBRARY RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 412030 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 **** TOTAL REVENUE 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 FUND 11 - PUBLIC LIBRARY RESP. DIVISION 10 - ADMINISTRATION SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY41 - LIBRARY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 558130 TAX DISTRIBUTION TO LIBRARY 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 157 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL • GENL EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND The Village provides retirement benefits for all civilian (non-sworn) employees who work at least 1,000 hours per year. The coverage is provided through a private insurance retirement plan underwritten by the CNA Insurance Company. The Village does not participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) . Employees become eligible for coverage after one year of employment and contribute 2% of their gross base pay. There will be approximately seventy-nine active participants covered under the program by the time the 1995 calendar actuarial calculation is performed for fiscal 1994-95. The Village contribution is projected to 4.75% of base salaries (including longevity) . Had the Village been a participant of IMRF, the contribution would be 8-13% for the Village and 4.5% for its employees. TAX REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES - 411010 Projected property taxes necessary to fund the annual actuarial requirements of the General Employees' Pension Plan. See A/C ,f 557200 for full explanation. $124,300 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX - 412030 Projected share of personal property replacement taxes. See General Fund for detailed explanation. $10, 000 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected revenues from unspent, invested monies. $500 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION $ 75,698 $ 172,700 $ 193,400 Total Approp. Request $ 75,698 $ 172,700 $ 193,400 Page 158 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I^� OTHER REVENUES EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS - 495010 This is a clearing account for employee contributions into the plan from payroll withholdings. As stated earlier, employees contribute 2% of their base pay (including longevity) into the plan. These monies are directly forwarded to CNA through a/c #557220 noted below. $58, 600 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES - 556120 Projected legal fees needed from time to time to review pension matters related to General Employees Pension Plan. $500 VILLAGE SHARE OF PENSION - 557200 The Village provides retirement benefits for all civilian (non-sworn) employees who work at least 1, 000 hours per year. The coverage is provided through a private insurance retirement plan underwritten by the CNA Insurance Company. The Village does not participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) . Employees become eligible for coverage after one year of employment and contribute 2% of their gross base pay. There will be approximately 79 active participants covered under the program by the time the 1995 calendar actuarial calculation is performed for fiscal 1994-95. There will be 77 active participants for the 1994 calendar year actuarial for the 1993-94 plan. The Village's share is only a rough estimate at this time and is based upon a contribution rate of 4.75% to each civilian employee's base pay. This is an increase from the 4.25% base used in the 1993-94 budget. The increase is based on more realistic, updated actuarial assumptions. The 1994 actuarial is currently being prepared by our actuary and will be ready by April or May 199.4 . At that time, a better rate and amount may be available to -project a 1995 contribution which will be used for the 1994-95 fiscal year. This fund no longer shows the Enterprise Fund contribution as a transfer into this fund with the total General and Enterprise Fund share being out of this Fund. Rather, the General Fund's share will be paid out of this Fund with the Enterprise Fund being paid out separately from its Fund. The comparative total Village share of contributions into the plan is as follows: -� Page 159 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Budgeted in Fiscal Years 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 General Fund Share $76,700 $77,700 $ 99,700 $118, 000 Enterprise Fund Share 21. 000 20,500 27,000 29. 000 TOTALS $97,700 $98,200 $126,700 $147,000 $118, 000 EMPLOYEE SHARE OF PENSION - 557220 See A/C #495010 above for explanation. $58,600 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE - 557230 The Village also provides long term disability insurance coverage for all its full-time civilian employees and firefighters with seven or less years of employment. (Firefighters with more than seven years and sworn Police personnel are covered in their respective pension funds. ) The coverage is underwritten by the CNA Insurance Company and is also reflected in this Fund for General Fund employees. The share for long term disability of Enterprise Fund employees is shown separately in that Fund and not shown here. This is the same practice as in prior years. The estimated cost between the two is as follows: General Fund Share $11, 800 Enterprise Fund Share 2,700 TOTAL $14,500 $11,800 ACTUARIAL FEES - 558121 Projected fees for annual actuarial study to determine funding levels & annual Village contribution for General employees' pension -fund ($3, 000) , individual benefit sheets for employees covered ($600) and estimated individual calculations for retiring employees as well as other special projects ($900) . $4,500 Page 160 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 14 - GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 411010 PROPERTY TAXES 47,438 67,186 104,200 104,200 47,161 124,300 124,300 124,300 412030 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX 8,051 8,021 10,000 10,000 8,778 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 55,489 75,207 114,200 114,200 55,939 134,300 134,300 134,300 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 2,259 492 500 500 150 500 500 500 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 2,259 492 500 500 150 500 500 500 OTHER REVENUES 495010 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 58,000 58,000 48,063 58,600 58,600 58,600 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 0 0 58,000 58,000 48,063 58,600 58,600 58,600 "•• TOTAL REVENUE 57,748 75,698 172,700 172,700 104,152 193,400 193,400 193,400 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 172,700 172,700 193,400 193,400 193,40. FUND 14 - GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY42 - GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 556120 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES 1,859 331 500 500 350 500 500 500 557200 VILLAGE SHARE OF PENSION 67,593 89,277 99,700 99,700 6,346 118,000 118,000 118,000 557220 EMPLOYEE SHARE OF PENSION 0 0 58,000 58,000 48,063 58,600 58,600 58,600 557230 LONG TERN DISABILITY INSURANCE 9,706 10,172 11,000 11,000 9,361 11,800 11,800 11,800 558121 ACTUARIAL FEES 4,350 3,150 3,500 3,500 500 4,500 4,500 4,500 558129 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 84,207 102,930 172,700 172,700 64,620 193,400 193,400 193,400 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 84,207 102,930 172,700 172,700 64,620 193,400 193,400 193,400 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 57,748 75,698 172,700 172,700 104,152 193,400 193,400 193,4i TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 84,207 102,930 172,700 172,700 64,620 193,400 193,400 193,400 NET FIND INCOME/LOSS 26,459- 27,232- 0 0 39,532 0 0 - 0 Page 161 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND The Commuter Parking Facilities Fund has been established as a Special revenue fund to account for all revenues received by the Village from the operation of the Commuter Parking Lot on Lehigh Avenue. This will be the seventh full year of operation. The enactment of the coin box fee for individuals using the Commuter Parking Lots generates revenue used exclusively for the care, maintenance, and future expansion of the Commuter Parking Lot. SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES COMMUTER PARKING LOT FEES - 443040 Projected revenues from commuter parking lot on Lincoln and Lehigh. Projections based on daily rate of $1 per day with average utilization of 280 spaces per day per 5 day work week for 52 full weeks. $72,800 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected revenues from invested unspent cash balances. Decrease due to declining rates. $3,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Purchase of materials for parking lot repairs including surface sealing of lots as needed. $1,200 UTILITIES-STREET LIGHTING - 553130 Projected cost for electricity to provide lighting at the Commuter Parking Facility. $1,800 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY $ 55,316 $ 77,800 $ 76,300 Total Approp. Request $ 55,316 $ 77,800 $ 76, 300 Page 162 MORTON GROVE, IL II1Jl=AL Yxatt ,'+-, BUDGET DETAIL MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS - 554170 The direct costs for maintaining lighting fixtures in the Commuter Parking Lot. $500 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 These tools will be used to maintain the landscaping at the Commuter Parking Facility. 1 Chain Saw $587 Banner Decorations 800 Bob Cat Mower Basket 115 TOTAL $1, 502 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - 563100 The landscaping materials will be used to replace and beautify the existing landscaping surrounding the parking facility. Forty Evergreens @ $30 Each $1,200 Sod Replacement 550 rolls @ $1. 25 687 Five Trees @ 190 950 Misc Repairs and expenses 150 65 bushes @ $30 each 1.950 TOTAL $4,937 STREET SIGN MATERIALS - 563130 Replacement of parking signs and maintenance of signage for the Commuter Parking Facility. $250 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS - 564100 Projected costs for maintaining coin boxes. $300 Page 163 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL RESERVES RESERVE FOR CMMTR PARKING LOT EXPENSES - 581070 Funds set aside for the Village's share of major future improvements. $4,567 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Commuter Parking Lot's share of allocated labor & supply costs paid directly out of the General Fund. The amount has been increased in recognition of higher utilization of the Street Department's vs the Water Department's personnel. The estimated share of personnel costs include both salaries & benefits of personnel and the allocation of time is shown below. CSO's are used to collect monies and issue citations; Patrol Officers accompany the CSOs and do daily patrols; the Finance Department counts monies each day, prepares the deposit, sells tokens over the counter, pays bills directly attributed to the lot, prepares the budget of the fund, etc. ; the Village Administrator and Community Development Director perform general planning, major upkeep or expansion functions and other overhead related duties; the Public Works (mostly Street Department) are used for landscaping, snowplowing, asphalt patching, stall painting, sign placement, and other overall grounds maintenance. CSO 1-- (1.5 hr/day or 18.75%) $5, 061 Police Officer--(1 hr/day or 12 .5%) 6,412 Asst Fin Dir-- (1 hr/day or 12 .5 %) 6,571 Admin/Comm Devp--(1 hr/wk or 2 .5%) 4,176 Public Works--(3 persons 1 day/week in May-Nov or 11. 5 % on average) 13, 501 Overtime (10%) of street dept pers 7,536 Gas, Diesel, Fuel, Oil--6% of total 6,483 Miscellaneous Operational Supplies 1,248 Snow Removal Materials 936 TOTAL $51,924 Page 164 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL --N TRANSFERS TO WATER/SEWER FUND - 811040 Allocated labor costs of providing Public Works related functions (from personnel of the Water/Sewer Department) for such tasks as landscaping, grounds maintenance, snowplowing, etc. This account has been reduced from the previous year in recognition that these tasks are done mostly from the Street Department personnel in the General Fund. The account consists primarily of the Water Fund share of the Public Works Director, Assistant Director, and secretaries' salaries and benefits based on two hrs/week or 5%. $9,320 Page 165 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 18 - CC MITER PARKING LOT FUND RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94.95 94-95 REVENUE SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 443040 COMMUTER PARKING LOT FEES 69,242 72,839 72,800 72,800 58,615 72,800 72,800 72,800 TOTAL SERVICE 8 OTHER USER FEES 69,242 72,839 72,800 72,800 58,615 72,800 72,800 72,800 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 6,275 3,474 5,000 5,000 1,876 3,500 3,500 3,500 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 6,275 3,474 5,000 5,000 1,876 3,500 3,500 3,500 **** TOTAL REVENUE 75,517 76,313 77,800 77,800 60,491 76,300 76,300 76,300 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 77,800 77,800 76,300. 76,300 76,300 Page 166 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 18 - COMMUTER PARKING LOT FUND RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY31 - COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 6,927 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 6,927 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3,985 0 1,200 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 552331 PARKING SPACE RENTAL 0 0 4,800 4,800 0 0 0 0 553130 UTILITIES-STREET LIGHTING 1,472 1,162 1,800 1,800 793 1,800 1,800 1,800 554170 MAINTENANCE OF STREET LIGHTS 551 2,144 500 500 0 500 500 500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,008 3,305 8,300 8,300 793 3,500 3,500 3,500 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 1,027 2,761 1,470 1,470 1,205 1,502 1,502 1,502 563100 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 2,001 0 4,937 4,937 141 4,937 4,937 4,937 563130 STREET SIGN MATERIALS 0 0 250 250 0 250 250 25 564100 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS 0 0 300 300 0 300 300 30. TOTAL COMMODITIES 3,029 2,761 6,957 6,957 1,346 6,989 6,989 6,989 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY I EQUIPMENT 3,820 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,820 3,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESERVES 581070 RESERVE FOR CMMTR PARKING LOT EXPENS 0 0 0 0 0 4,567 4,567 4,567 TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 0 0 0 4,567 4,567 4,567 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 17,600 27,300 35,720 35,720 26,790 51,924 51,924 51,924 811040 TRANSFERS 70 WATER/SEWER FUND 18,250 18,250 26,823 26,823 20,117 9,320 9,320 9,320 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 35,850 45,550 62,543 62,543 46,907 61,244 61,244 61,244 "Ke TOTAL EXPENSE 55,633 55,316 77,800 77,800 49,046 76,300 76,300 76,300 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 75,517 76,313 77,800 77,800 60,491 76,300 76,300 76,300 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 55,633 55,316 77,800 77,800 49,046 76,300 76,300 76,300 NE7 FUND INCOME/LOSS 19,884 20,996 0 0 11,445 0 0 0 Page 167 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FUND DESCRIPTION This fund was established to provide an accounting of all funds received and to provide the appropriation necessary for the Village's Centennial Celebration which will occur in 1995. The fund was established during March 1991 with part of the proceeds received from the early retirement of the 1980 Mortgage Revenue Bond. This year's budget includes recommended appropriations for all remaining Centennial projects and activities. INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected earnings from invested, unspent monies which have been collected from previous fundraising activities and will be used for Centennial activities in 1994 and 1995. $3,000 OTHER REVENUES CENTENNIAL BRICK SALES - 492033 Approximately six hundred commemorative bricks will be sold to businesses and individuals. The bricks will be inscribed with the name(s) of the purchaser and will be placed as part of the sidewalk entering the gazebo. $36,000 CENTENNIAL FESTIVAL - 492035 Plans call for a one day 4th of July festival limited to a parade and enlarged fireworks display. In August a four day Centennial Festival will be held as described in detail under the appropriations account for this event. Revenue will be received from some of the activities associated with these events as itemized below: BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION $ 9, 093 $ 239,000 $ 322,031 Total Approp. Request $ 9,093 $ 239, 000 $ 322, 031 Page 168 • MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Sale of Glowsticks $4,000/ } • Food booth rentals (15 @ $500) 14,000 Carnival proceeds 3,200 is and Crafts Fair (80 @ $40) 12.000 Refreshment sales $40,700 TOTAL CENTENNIAL RESALE MERCHANDISE - 492037 The Centennial Commission will purchase promotional merchandize including but not limited to ball caps, t-shirts, sweatshirts, fannie packs and related merchandise which will all carry the centennial logo. This merchandise will be resold by the Village and selected retailers and is projected to produce the revenue shown. $55, 000 CENTENNIAL BOOK SALES - 492034 In addition to free distribution (one copy maximum to residents and businesses) additional copies of the book will be available for sale. If only 250 are sold @ $20 each. $5,000 would be received. $5, 000 PERSONNEL SERVICES Amounts have been provided for secretarial/office staff necessary to support increased workload as the Village approaches the Centennial Celebration period. SALARIES - SECRETARIAL - 544710 $2, 000 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 153 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POSTAGE & METER RENTAL - 552120 The, Centennial Commission and it's various subcommittees will -continue to incur postage and related mailing expenses as preparations continue for the Centennial year. $1,000 ANA 61(�y - tLu 1 r- ; 6, u w1-W Page 169 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Projected expenditures for letterhead, promotional material, etc. , plus printing expenses are necessary to support the many centennial activities scheduled during the celebration year. $5, 000 CENTENNIAL AD BOOK - 552185 This account provides the appropriation for the amount remaining to be paid for preparation, printing and distribution of the Centennial Book. This will be a hardcover book which will include a history of the Village plus numerous other articles of interest to community residents. The amount appropriated reflects the balance remaining at the beginning of the fiscal year to complete this project. $63,000 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - 555140 This account includes a small allocation in case the Centennial Commission should need to attend community activities or engage in any program for which a ticket price or related cost must be paid. $1, 000 CENTENNIAL RESALE MERCHANDISE - 558210 The Commission will purchase assorted promotional merchandise for resale to the public following completion of a competitive bidding process. Merchandise will include but not be limited to t-shirts, sweat shirts, fannie packs, ball caps, polo shirts, coffee mugs and key fobs. The merchandise will all carry the Centennial logo and will be sold through the Village Hall as well as selected retailers. $28, 631 -CENTENNIAL PROMO ACTIVITIES - 558213 The Commission will incur considerable additional expense to promote the many programs and activities that will be completed as part of the Centennial Celebration. The purchase of street banners, Centennial flags and other tangible items is currently planned. The printing of handbills, posters and the purchase of commercial advertising will also be required to make the Page 170 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL centennial activities a success. $20,000 CE TA STUD A ED T ON - 82 • In A subcommittee Information Committee ctn k with representatives from the local distris to put ram to insure student participation in together a comprehensive program the Centennial program. Plans are not y et finalized, however impoortant part of the Centennial Celebration the success of this $5,000 CENTENNIAL PURCHASE OF BRICKS - 558225 This account provides the appropriation necessary to provide for the purchase and installation of the Gazebo in Harrer Park which has been selected as the Centennial Gift to the community. This account includes funds sufficient to cover the cost of purchasing the commemorative bricks and for the dedication ceremony which may evolve into an entertainment, food and refreshments,t and related expenses. live 50,000 Purchase and Construction of Gazebo $ 9, 000 Purchase of Commemorative Bricks 9, 000 Dedication Ceremony $64 , 000 TOTAL CENTENNIAL PARADE - 558231 The Morton Grove Days Committee has completed plans for an excellent summer festival to be held in August to commemorate the Centennial year. In 1995, the traditional 4th of July celebration will be held to one day with a parade and enlarged fireworks display. The August celebration will be a four day extravaganza with a carnival, crafts fair, Chamber Expo, ample food and beverage vendors, and almost continues live entertainment. Although not included in the original plan, the committee has been discussing the possibility of a second parade to be held some time -during the August celebration. Funds have dded to thsideotoacover the additional cost should the Planned Centennial Festival $71,150 Cost of 2nd parade 10.$10.0000 TOTAL Page 171 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CENTENNIAL KICKOFF DANCE - 558234 Preliminary plans have been made for a Kickoff Dance/Social to be held in late February 1995. Although a budget has not yet been , prepared for this event, it is envisioned that most of the cost will be offset with ticket sales. This appropriation has been set aside to insure success and to make sure that adequate funds are available to make deposits and to cover advance expenses. $10,000 CENTENNIAL BALL - 558237 A formal Centennial Ball is scheduled for October 1995 which will probably be one of the final events of the year. Once again, this event will be substantially self-supporting through ticket sales. It is important, however to set aside some funds to cover advance expenses and to provide a subsidy should ticket revenue fall short of the expenses required to make this a "quality" event. $15, 000 COMMODITIES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 This account contains a small appropriation to cover the cost of materials and supplies such as letterhead paper and envelopes which may be required to carry the Commission through to the end of the Centennial Celebration. $3, 000 PHOTO SUPPLIES - 562120 This small appropriation will provide photo supplies which may be needed by the Commission for Centennial related projects and activities. $250 'RESERVES RESERVE FOR CNNTNL CLBRTN - 581120 Although planning to date has resulted in the development of a fairly detailed budget for the Centennial celebration, much remains to be completed and an undesignated reserve account is essential at this time. The kickoff social and the Centennial Ball are not Page 172 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL yet to the point where detailed budgets can be prepared. The gazebo is yet to be bid and full implementation of most other Centennial activities may result in unknown expenses which, if required, will come from this account. $22,847 page 173 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM \--- 19 - CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FUND RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 3,465 1,290 3,000 3,000 1,596 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 3,465 1,290 3,000 3,000 1,596 3,000 3,000 3,000 OTHER REVENUES 491040 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 492020 MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS 0 4,550 60,000 60,000 25,600 0 0 0 492030 CENTENNIAL DRAWING TCKT SALES 0 30,300 100,000 100,000 152,805 0 0 0 492031 CENTENNIAL BOOK-AD SALES 0 0 66,000 66,000 46,740 0 0 0 492033 CENTENNIAL BRICK SALES 0 0 0 0 0 36,000 36,000 36,000 492035 CENTENNIAL FESTIVAL 0 0 0 0 0 40,700 40,700 40,700 492037 CENTENNIAL RESALE MERCHANDISE - 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 492039 CENTENNIAL BOOK SALES 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 0 34,850 236,000 236,000 225,145 136,700 136,700 136,700 •••• TOTAL REVENUE 3,465 36,140 239,000 239,000 226,741 139,700 139,700 139,700 \,..-. AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 182,331 182,331 182,331 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 239,000 239,000 322,031 322,031 322,031 Page 174 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 19 - CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FUND RESP. DIVISION 10 - ADMINISTRATION SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY83 - CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED NOR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,153 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552120 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL 0 0 0 0 503 1,000 1,000 1,000 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 747 2,255 4,500 4,500 3,198 5,000 5,000 5,000 552185 CENTENNIAL COMIERATIVE BOOK 0 5,950 69,900 69,900 11,889 63,000 63,000 63,000 552332 FACILITIES RENTAL 0 0 1,350 1,350 0 0 0 0 555140 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 0 0 93,500 93,500 95,356 1,000 1,000 1,000 557131 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE 0 307 0 0 0 0 0 0 558210 CENTENNIAL RESALE MERCHANDISE 0 0 0 0 0 28,631 28,631 28,631 558213 CENTENNIAL PROMO ACTIVITIES 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 558216 CENTENNIAL STUDENT EDUCATION 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 558225 CENTENNIAL GIFT/DEDICATION 0 0 0 0 0 64,000 64,000 64,000 558231 FESTIVAL/PARADE 0 0 0 0 0 81,150 81,150 81,150-, 558234 CENTENNIAL KICKOFF DANCE 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,01 558237 CENTENNIAL BALL 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 747 8,512 169,250 169,250 110,946 293,781 293,781 293,781 COMMODITIES 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 0 582 17,000 17,000 760 3,000 3,000 3,000 562120 PHOTO SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 250 250 250 564400 CENTENNIAL SOUVENIRS 0 0 0 0 875 0 0 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 0 582 17,000 17,000 1,635 3,250 3,250 3,250 RESERVES 581120 RESERVE FOR CNNTNL CLBRTN 0 0 52,750 52,750 0 25,000 25,000 22,847 TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 52,750 52,750 0 25,000 25,000 22,847 •*** TOTAL EXPENSE 747 9,093 239,000 239,000 112,581 322,031 322,031 322,031 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 3,465 36,140 239,000 239,000 226,741 322,031 322,031 322,031 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 747 9,093 239,000 239,000 112,581 322,031 322,031 322,031 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 2,719 27,047 0 0 114,160 0 0 0 Page 175 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Centennial Celebration Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Part Time: Secretary-Legislative 2,000 1.0 Total 2,000 1.0 Fringe Benefits: Social Security 153 1.0 Total 153 Department Total 2, 153 1. 0 Page 176 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEBT SERVICE FUND DESCRIPTION The Debt Service Fund has been established to account for all general obligation debt of the Village. This will include all general obligation bonds, IEPA loans for Flood Control Relief Sewers for Capulina and Parkview, and installment notes. Excluded will be the Water Revenue Bonds, installment notes on Water/Sewer Department related equipment, as well as the IEPA loan for mandated sewer rehab work which represents an obligation of the Enterprise Fund and are financed directly through the water/sewer use fees. See fund #40 for further information. Also excluded are the cash flow notes which are considered to be an operating cost of the General Fund. Further excluded is the General Obligation Debt of Special Service Area #1 which is paid exclusively by the property owners of the designated area and is separately accounted for in Fund 21. The property taxes levied in this fund are utilized to pay for the debt service requirements on the 1984, 1991 and upcoming 1994 General Obligation Bond issues. Both the amount of property tax levied and the debt service amounts for these instruments were established by ordinance in the year the debt was passed. The Debt Service Fund (and tax levy) also includes the amount of debt necessary for the IEPA Revolving Loan Program. The Village had authorization to borrow a total of $7, 123,915 for the relief sewers on Capulina Avenue ($3, 938,795) and Parkview ($2, 618, 460) and public improvements related to the Lincoln/Ferris Project ($522 , 000) . The funds for the first two projects were borrowed from the IEPA at an interest rate of 3 .58% to be repaid over a twenty year basis with semi-annual payments. The funds from the Lincoln Ave Project were borrowed from a local financial institu- tion to be borrowed at an interest rate of 66% of prime (currently 3 . 96%) to be repaid over a five year basis with annual payments. The projections for the 1994-95 fiscal year will include a utilization of a fund balance of $98, 000 which is due to a timing difference between amounts levied and collected in the previous fiscal year for debt payment requirements due in the 1994-95 fiscal year. The installment note summarized in this fund are financed through transfers from the Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund and E9-1-1 Funds (except for the $25,000 installment note on Grove -School which is financed through the property tax) . BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 DEBT SERVICE $ 1, 137,385 $ 1, 382,098 $ 1,706,727 Total Approp. Request $ 1, 137, 385 $ 1,382,098 $ 1,706,727 Page 177 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL The attached schedule on the following page has been provided to �- list all debt requirements and appropriations necessary to fund the debt as well as each debt funding source. The tax requirement is net of the estimated abatements from interfund transfers and interest earnings. The abatements are usually made at either the en second meeting in November or first he meeting 5n December er 1994(when the actual property tax levy the retirement There in the appendix section eatl schedule of made. the back ofth this book. debt TAX REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES - 411010 Projected property taxes net of abatements to be levied in D cember 1994 per attached schedule. Abatement is expected Bonds $213 ,046 ( 46 from Water See attached share schedule for add tional $17 , 000 000 from om interest) . detail. $1,098,722 sc¢scu=== SALES TAXES SALES TAXES - 412010 The Village anticipates increasing the local option sales tax from 1/2% to 3/4% effective January 1, 1995, to finance the debt on the $7 million bond issue for at least the first five years of the issue. After the initial five years, the necessary debt payment will "dovetail" into the existing debt schedule as the older debt is retired. For the first five years, the increase in the rate of the local option sales tax will service the debt on the new bond issue. The amount indicated represents revenues anticipated beginning in January 1995. $234,000 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected revenues from unspent decashervice payments. These s monies are used to reduce the tax levy on $17 ,000 Page 178 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS FROM RVLVG EOPMNT RPL - 481060 Transfers from Revolving Equip Repl Fund to cover installment note debt service payments originating from that fund: $219,508 TRANSFERS FROM E 9-1-1 FUND - 481110 Transfers from E 9-1-1 Fund to cover installment note debt service payments originating from that fund. $39,497 RESERVE FOR DEBT SERVICE - 581090 Allocation of increase in local option sales tax projected to be effective January 1, 1995. As first payout for new bond issue schedule will be made on or about November 1, 1995, sales tax collected will be held in reserve. $234,000 Page 179 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 20 - DEBT SERVICE RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUS-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 411010 PROPERTY TAXES 877,528 1,133,407 1,110,329 1,110,329 643,697 1,098,722 1,098,722 1,098,722 412010 SALES TAX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234,000 412030 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLOOT TAX 13,591 12,866 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 891,118 1,146,273 1,110,329 1,110,329 643,697 1,098,722 1,098,722 1,332,722 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 25,181 20,755 20,000 20,000 15,128 17,000 17,000 17,000 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 25,181 20,755 20,000 20,000 15,128 17,000 17,000 17,000 LOAN PROCEEDS 471011 GENL OBLIGATION BOND PROCEEDS 2,582,586 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 2,582,586 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 481040 TRANSFERS FROM WATER/SEWER FUND 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 481060 TRANSFERS FROM RVLVG EQPMNT RPL 168,070 174,669 185,013 185,013 184,979 219,508 219,508 219,50 �� 481110 TRANSFERS FROM E 9-1-1 FUND 0 43,599 40,913 40,913 40,913 39,497 39,497 39,49: TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 318,070 218,269 225,926 225,926 225,892 259,005 259,005 259,005 **** TOTAL REVENUE 3,816,955 1,385,297 1,356,255 1,356,255 884,717 1,374,727 1,374,727 1,608,727 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 25,843 25,843 98,000 98,000 98,000 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 1,382,098 1,382,098 1,472,727 1,472,727 1,706,727 Page 180 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 20 - DEBT SERVICE RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY38 - DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94.95 94.95 94-95 EXPENSE RESERVES 581090 RESERVE FOR DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234,000 TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234,000 DEBT SERVICE 591010 BOND REDEMPTION 293,750 406,250 462,500 462,500 462,500 431,250 431,250 431,250 591020 BOND INTEREST 278,394 311,216 200,031 200,031 200,031 171,493 171,493 171,493 591030 NOTE REDEMPTION 161,467 292,984 459,343 459,343 476,345 602,169 602,169 602,169 591040 NOTE INTEREST 41,682 123,051 256,724 256,724 177,853 263,915 263,915 263,915 591050 REAL ESTATE NOTE REDEMPTION 28,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 591060 REAL ESTATE NOTE INTEREST 17,373 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 591070 AGENT FEES 1,908 3,884 3,500 3,500 4,193 3,900 3,900 3,900 591071 MORT REPYMNT-1991 BOND PRCDS 441,102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 591074 PYMNT-ESCROW AGENT-1991 BOND 2,141,484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 3,405,364 1,137,385 1,382,098 1,382,098 1,320,922 1,472,727 1,472,727 1,472,727 ••• TOTAL EXPENSE 3,405,364 1,137,385 1,382,098 1,382,098 1,320,922 1,472,727 1,472,727 1,706,727 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 3,816,955 1,385,297 1,382,098 1,382,098 884,717 1,472,727 1,472,727 1,706,727 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 3,405,364 1,137,385 1,382,098 1,382,098 1,320,922 1,472,727 1,472,727 1,706,727 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 411,592 247,911 0 0 436,205- 0 0 0 Page 181 _ : , 1 i i II I I ! I I . a s .. 3 '- : Ees . s a= _ _ `s �i F _ - xms =r z = ss � S-- T6 : I _ SE rC _ _ = ,411,1 = sis_ .-i p_ _ z is ix 'ii £ E •eess�s=_tac=E BE *3 f E i k 1' 5a:2—= Wi z 2. _ _ - - Eax _s =3sz- ags - _ a$ sue _ - E. - E --?g 2 - - =EA *Er : i--- ------------------ G = ==- c e..71 _ = _ £ i # i 1 / : : 's I rH - f_,S na13-�'s3_a3� s. :_ -- 1 - '-. � == i "I:z c ! _ i_ "z s =sG :zz s2 z� 21 _ 'ce ! al : x �' � I i siii - _ _ =_ mac $ •a 1 I al. a6 =: s t3 ids 1. 610 .- .11 tIA r a i? as I an" a - = I1IUIS!J!II!JiI_ agg _ s' Ili ti s jitli x EfiEfEll 55, 1gasaEElc c 21 e g - + i I i L- MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL DEBT SERVICE-SPCL SERV AREA #1 DESCRIPTION The Debt Service Fund for Special Service Area #1 has been established to separately account for the retirement of a general obligation bond issue passed in 1985 to finance public improvements in a designated "special service" area. The funds to finance the retirement of this bond issue are derived from an additional tax levied exclusively to the property owners in Special Service Area #1. Taxpayers outside the Special Service Area are subject to the additional levy. Both the amount of property taxes levied to the Special Service Area taxpayers and the Debt Service payment were established by ordinance in the year the bond issue was passed. The Village refinanced this bond issue during the 1992-93 fiscal year resulting in a lower debt service payment and property tax levy. The projections for the 1994-95 fiscal year will include a beginning cash balance from the utilization of the reserve built up in the preceding years to account for the difference between the amount levied and the actual debt service to be made in the 1994-95 fiscal year. The difference is due to timing differences between tax levying and debt service payments in the bond ordinance itself. TAX REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES-SPECIAL AREA #1 - 411020 Tax to be levied in November or December 1994 per Bond Ordinance. Note, levies were set at the time the bond was refinanced. $202, 035 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 DEBT SERVICE $ 1, 158,948 $ 220,915 $ 219,415 Total Approp. Request $ 1,158,948 $ 220,915 $ 219,415 Page 182 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected interest on unspent monies invested. Decreased amount to reflect lower interest earnings and monies available for reinvestment. $4,000 INTEREST-UNDISTRIBUTED PROP TAX - 461020 The County Treasurer is required by law to distribute interest monies they earn on undistributed property taxes. $200 DEBT SERVICE BOND REDEMPTION - 591010 Projected principal retirement on existing bond issue for the 1994-95 fiscal year. Payment schedule was set by ordinance in the year the Bond issue was refinanced. $185,000 BOND INTEREST - 591020 Projected interest payments on existing bond issue for the 1994-95 fiscal year. Payment schedule was set by ordinance in the year the bond was refinanced. $33, 215 AGENT FEES - 591070 Projected paying agent fees for processing principal and interest payments to bond holders. $1,200 Page 183 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 21 - DEBT SERVICE-SPECIAL SERVICE AREA 01 REIf DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 411020 PROPERTY TAXES-SPECIAL AREA 01 259,364 225,866 214,515 214,515 113,366 202,035 202,035 202,035 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 259,364 225,866 214,515 214,515 113,366 202,035 202,035 202,035 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 7,077 8,626 6,200 6,200 4,072 4,000 4,000 4,000 461020 INTEREST-UNDISTRIBUTED PROP TAX 259 211 200 200 124 200 200 200 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 7,336 8,837 6,400 6,400 4,196 4,200 4,200 4,200 LOAN PROCEEDS 471011 GENL OBLIGATION BOND PROCEEDS 0 895,669 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 0 895,669 0 0 0 0 0 0 '••• TOTAL REVENUE 266,701 1,130,373 220,915 220,915 117,562 206,235 206,235 206,235 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 0 0 13,180 13,180 13,180 �........ TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 220,915 220,915 219,415 219,415 219,415 FUND 21 - DEBT SERVICE-SPECIAL SERVICE AREA 01 RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY38 - DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE RESERVES 581090 RESERVE FOR DEBT SERVICE 0 0 30,666 30,666 0 0 0 0 TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 30,666 30,666 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 591010 BOND REDEMPTION 125,000 1,050,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 185,000 185,000 185,000 591020 BOND INTEREST 111,563 107,813 44,249 44,249 44,249 33,215 33,215 33,215 591070 AGENT FEES 738 1,135 1,000 1,000 1,857 1,200 1,200 1,200 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 237,301 1,158,948 190,249 190,249 191,106 219,415 219,415 219,415 •is", TOTAL EXPENSE 237,301 1,158,948 220,915 220,915 191,106 219,415 219,415 219,415 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 266,701 1,130,373 220,915 220,915 117,562 219,415 219,415 219,415 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 237,301 1,158,948 220,915 220,915 191,106 219,415 219,415 219,415 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 29,400 28,575- 0 0 73,544- 0 0 0 Page 184 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND \" SERVICE GOALS The Capital Projects Fund has been established to provide a central account within the budget structure to identify all non-enterprise public improvements scheduled for design or construction during the fiscal year. The Village maintains an aggressive infrastructure maintenance and reconstruction effort, including improvements to local streets and alleys, sewer system improvements and relief sewer construction, the installation of traffic signals and street lights where needed and occasional improvements to public facilities as required in order to support the Village's operating departments. Due to the extended time often required to facilitate design, locate affordable funding and preparation for construction, it is normal for major capital improvement projects to continue beyond a single fiscal year. Some of the projects contained in this year's budget have been carried forward from prior years and several that are included for the first time will require several years of effort before construction is completed. Instead of the normal Budget Summary which appears in most of the appropriation accounts, a summary by project at the bottom of this detail page has been included. This summary provides a more meaningful explanation of activity in this Fund. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES U' The Annual Objectives of the Capital Projects Fund are directly related to either completing the design or the construction phase for each planned improvement. Budget comments detail the status and expectation for each project. BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 LOCAL STREET RESURFACING $ 629,136 $ 429,700 $ 608, 134 DEMPSTER STREET IMPROVEMENTS 0 344,450 0 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING 84, 349 0 0 ALLEY PAVING 32,000 0 0 CAPULINA RELIEF SEWER 798,796 0 0 PARKVIEW RELIEF SEWER 2,475,771 0 0 SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 0 79,500 0 - MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 53,223 0 0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS (938) 90, 000 45, 000 BECKWITH BRIDGE REPAIR 0 30,000 15, 000 WASHINGTON STREET 56, 614 791, 392 559,975 LINCOLN AVENUE CONSTRUCTION 431,943 0 0 Total Approp. Request $ 4 ,560,893 $ 1,765,042 $ 1,228, 109 Page 185 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BUDGET COMMENTS The nature of the projects included makes a comparison of the total budget request between this year and last year not particularly meaningful. Projects vary in size and cost from year to year. Each year's public improvement program as well as individual projects should be reviewed with an emphasis placed on the project cost and the potential positive impact on the community. The following budget comments are provided to assist the reader in completing that type of "value added" analysis. TAX REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES - 411010 There is no increase to the property tax levy from the prior year to support capital projects in this fund. During the budget review process which included a review of the five year capital improvement program, the Board decided to eliminate the proposed $84, 000 increase and reduce the same amount from the street resurfacing program in this fund. Instead, an additional $1.5 million will be spent on street resurfacing along with street lighting, alley paving, water and other capital improvements and financed with a $7 million bond issue as discussed in fund #31 (Capital Projects -- 1994 Bond Proceeds) . Also, the Village Board decided to defer the $1.522 million for the Capulina sewer extension (which was to be financed by an IEPA loan) that was reflected in the original proposed budget in favor of the higher priority capital improvements to be financed from the bond issue and described in Fund 31. Local Street Resurfacing $563, 134 Dempster Street Improvements Relief Sewer Construction Washington Street Improvements Traffic Signal Improvements Beckwith Bridge Repair PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX - 412030 $20,000 See detailed explanation in General Fund Revenue Section (020000- 412030) . This amount represents the share allocated to the Capital Projects Fund. GRANT REVENUES GRANTS:FEDERAL - 451005 Federal Grant projected for Washington Street. Project itself is explained in 307085-552140 below. The traffic signal improvements proposed (to add OPTICOM equipment to Golf Road) will only be done Page 186 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL this year if a grant is awarded the Village to cover most of the cost of this project. Washington St. Construction Eng. $116, 160 Golf Rd. (Opticom) Traffic Sig. 23 . 000 TOTAL $139, 160 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected earnings from unspent monies in fund. Decrease due to decreased cash availability and declining interest rates. $10, 000 LOAN PROCEEDS STATE IEPA REVOLVING LOAN - 472010 It is recommended that the Village apply for one more low interest (3 . 015% at the present time) loan to finance this additional relief sewer project. The justification for the project is included with the appropriation request and will be further discussed during the budget review process. If approved, the loan would be repaid on a straight amortization basis for twenty years with annual debt service for principal and interest of $101,924 . As discussed in the property tax section, the Capulina Project will be deferred in favor of higher priority projects discussed in Fund 31. $ 0 PUBLIC IMPRVMNTS-BNK LN PRCDS - 472020 Although original plans were to appropriate the construction cost for the Washington Street project from this year's projected revenue, the increase in cost for the street resurfacing program has made this impossible. This financing technique has been used for other improvement projects with success. The small amounts do not_substantially increase current debt and financing over a three 'to five year period minimizes impact on the property tax levy. $234,775 _____ Page 187 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL OTHER REVENUES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - 492040 To enhance grant reimbursement for the Washington St Improvement, Morton Grove became the "lead" agency on handling the Engineering cost. Niles will reimburse the Village the amount shown below for that Village's share of the cost. $51, 040 STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM 307051- CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 These monies will continue the resurfacing program initiated during fiscal year 1983-84. It is anticipated that approximately 12 ,311 linear ft of local streets will be resurfaced. Plans are currently being developed so the contracting process can be completed by May 1994 & construction can be completed by the end of the construction season. Work to be completed as a part of this project includes sewer structure repair or replacement, and bituminous resurfacing. Curb and gutter repair is included as a part of the Department of Public Works budget for the full depth patch streets only. Both curb and --\gutter repair and sidewalk repair are included in the estimated cost of the recycled and reconstructed streets. Streets for which plans are being developed for the 1994 Local Street Resurfacing Program include those listed below: Full Depth Patch Streets - $244 ,653 Street Between Linear Feet Estimated Cost Davis Washington & Oriole 2,460 $150,240 Merrill Arcadia & Lyons 1,800 77,563 Neenah Hazel & Cul-de-Sac 230 16,850 Recycled Streets - $512, 062 Street Between Linear Feet Estimated Cost Church Waukegan & Lehigh 1,900 $133,203 Hazel__ Oak Park & Lehigh 1,325 102,517 Mango Lincoln & Cleveland 1,475 114,793 Washington Central & Long 1,200 Narragansett Golf & Beckwith 1,225 67,569 Reconstructed Street - $136,313 Street Between Linear Feet Estimated Cost Callie Lincoln & Capulina 696 $136, 313 Page 188 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Unfortunately, revenue limitations forced the removal of Callie and Mango from the resurfacing list for this year. Plans are to \-- include both streets in the bid in the hopes that competitive prices may permit one to be added back into the program for this year. If construction in 1994 is not possible, both streets will be on the top of the list for resurfacing in 1995. As discussed in the property tax section above, $84,601 has been reduced from the Street Resurfacing Program. All work will be completed, however, the additional funds required will come from the Public Improvement Bond Proceeds and will be appropriated in Fund 31. STREET RESURFACING $578, 134 MATERIALS TESTING 30.000 TOTAL $608, 134 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 The 1993 Street Lighting Program will require the expertise and the assistance of an electrical engineering consultant to complete the necessary plans and specifications prior to bidding. ENGINEERING SERVICES - DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Thirty (30) street lights are proposed for installation as indicated below: Street Between Monroe Menard and Marmora Warren Ct. Marmora and the Cul-de-Sac Capulina Menard and Marmora Lillibeth Terr. Major and South Park McVicker Lake and the Forest Preserve Major Lee and Frontage Funds are not available again this year for street light installation unless Trustees wish to further reduce the number of -streets to be resurfaced or add the tax levy increase already proposed. As discussed in the property tax section above and during the budget review process, the Board decided to authorize issuance of general obligation bonds to address a variety of public improvement needs throughout the Village which includes street lighting improvements. This is discussed in further detail in the newly Page 189 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL created Fund 31. 1993 STREET LIGHT PROGRAM ALLEY PAVING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 The Village is holding petitions from residents on six (6) blocks which request that their alleys be paved. Since 1983 the Village has paved an average of one (1) alley per year, however, all of this work was completed in the Neighborhood Strategy Area. The Neighborhood Strategy Area was defined under the Community Development Block Grant Program and Federal funding assistance was available to help offset a significant portion of the cost for these improvements. The Village anticipates additional requests to pave alleys, however, there will be no outside funding assistance available to pay the cost for those improvements. Funds were requested to complete one alley this year using Public Works ' crews to perform the work. Unfortunately, revenue limitations made it necessary to establish priorities. The recommendation is to do as much street resurfacing as possible because of the great need for continuing the street maintenance program. The Village is still studying a comprehensive alley paving program which will be discussed during the budget review process. As discussed in the property tax section above and during the budget review process, the Board has decided to authorize issuance of general obligation bonds to address a variety of public improvement needs which include alley paving projects. This project is discussed further in a newly created Fund 31. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 The initial project was substantially completed in September 1992 with final close-out in October 1993 . IEPA documents will be completed by April 30, 1994. The proposed project extends the Capulina Trunk Sewer from Austin Avenue east to Central Avenue. Thi_srwill allow the removal of storm water from the combined sewers -serving the neighborhood bounded by Dempster, Edens Expressway, Lincoln, and Austin as laterals are constructed on the cross streets. A preliminary assessment was completed with the initial Capulina Relief Sewer Project, but detailed design is required for the preparation of construction plans and specifications. As earlier discussed, this project is being deferred. Page 190 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAK Y4-YS BUDGET DETAIL ENGINEERING SERVICES - DESIGN $85,750 - CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 36.750 TOTAL $122,500 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 The storm sewer trunk line extension will consist of 660 feet of 68" x 106" elliptical pipe, 1,320 feet of 60 inch pipe, 960 feet of 36 inch pipe, and 700 feet of 27 inch pipe. The trunk line will extend from Austin Avenue, east to Major, north on Major to Crain Street, and east on Crain Street to Theobald/Central. As discussed earlier, this project is being deferred. $1,400, 000 TRAFFIC SIGNALS ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Funds authorized will support the final design for signals at the Oakton/River Drive intersection. As part of the Design process, an effort will be made to obtain IDOT funding along with private participation from the adjoining industrial property owners. U-� The Opticom installation would be completed for all signals between Central and Shermer on Golf Road, and between Beckwith and Overlook on Waukegan. This project has been approved for funding by the North Shore Council of Mayors, but must be authorized for advanced funding by the Executive Committee of the Chicago Area Transportation Study Advisory Council. The Village of Glenview will share in the cost of both engineering and system installation. The funds indicated is the Village of Morton Grove's share only. The request for the Oakton/River Drive signal has been removed from the budget for this year. No further work is anticipated at this time unless the Northern Telcom property is redeveloped. RIVER DRIVE AND OAKTON OPTICOM - GOLF/WASHINGTON SYSTEM 8.600 -TOTAL $8,600 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Funds authorized will support the installation of OPTICOM equipment at the intersections of Golf between Shermer and Harms, and on Waukegan between Beckwith and Overlook Drive. It is anticipated Page 191 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL that a grant will provide most of the funding for this project (along with local matching funds from the Villages of Morton Grove and Glenview) . If the grant funding is not available, this project will not proceed to construction this year. The funds indicated are Morton Grove's share only. $36,400 BECKWITH ROAD BRIDGE REPAIR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 An inspection of the Beckwith Road bridge required by the Illinois Department of Transportation noted some previously undetected concrete deterioration. This, coupled with the new Federal mandate to analyze the bridge supports and foundation for deterioration or undermining caused by the movement of water past the foundation have caused the completion of an extensive engineering analysis. The improvements required will be added to a request for funding for resurfacing of Church Street/Beckwith Road from Linder Avenue to Lehigh Avenue. The funding requested will allow repairs of an emergency nature (if any) to be made immediately. Since the need for emergency repairs is unknown at this time and to keep appropriations within revenue limitations, this request was reduced during the budget review process. .� $15,000 HANDICAPPED ACCESS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that all intersections be ramped. The deadline for making these modifications is 1995. Unless the construction activity can be completed this construction season, the Village will not be able to comply with the Act. All work will be placed under contract, with the bidding documents completed with a joint effort of Community Development and Public Works Departments' staff. This program represents yet another expensive, unfunded mandate from the Federal Government. Additional problems are created by the arbitrary timing requirement. In the past, the Village completed this work (most -of the handicapped ramps are already in place) in conjunction with the 50/50 sidewalk replacement or the street resurfacing program. The arbitrary deadline imposes a significant financial burden on the community. Page 192 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Most of the ramps will be installed as part of the street improvement program discussed in Fund 31 or done "in-house" by Public Works personnel as discussed during the budget review process. pAVIs STREET RELIEF SEWER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Extension of the Davis Street Relief Sewer east of Austin will provide significant benefit to this neighborhood by immediately removing the storm water from the combined system entering at each intersection. Additional storm water will be removed with the installation of laterals on each cross-street. It is anticipated that 1,589 feet of 60 inch pipe, 632 feet of 42 inch pipe, 632 feet of 36 inch pipe, and 1,800 feet of 24 inch pipe will be installed. This project was removed from the budget in favor of the Capulina extension. Both projects provide relief to the same combined sewer system. Analysis indicates that the Capulina extension will take more water out of the upper reaches of this system and also reach more alleys. If the Capulina extension is constructed along with the anticipated positive impact of the Deep Tunnel project the Davis Street relief sewer may not be needed. �... CONSTRUCTION - AUSTIN TO MAJOR CONSTRUCTION - MAJOR TO CENTRAL CONSTRUCTION - CENTRAL TO LINDER CONSTRUCTION - LATERALS HARMS ROAD ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Harms Road requires complete reconstruction and it is proposed to have a consulting engineer complete this work with the assistance of Village staff. The funds requested would be utilized for design only, with construction inspection provided by Village staff. ENGINEERING SERVICES 'CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Since Harms Road was originally constructed with a rural cross-section, the road will have to be completely removed and reconstructed to ensure proposed storm water runoff. Improvements to be installed are curb and gutter, storm sewer, and new street with aggregate base. The limits of the street reconstruction are Greenwood and Lake Streets, with the storm sewer installation Page 193 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL extending to Central to tie into an existing storm sewer. This project has also been removed from the Proposed Budget to meet revenue limitations. This reconstruction will have to be done in the near future and we will be discussing options for the financing of this project. WASHINGTON STREET ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Washington Street maintenance is a shared responsibility between the Village of Niles and Morton Grove. Design engineering work (Phase II Engineering) has been completed. Construction is expected to begin April 1994 and be completed within one (1) construction season, with total construction inspection fees estimated at $176,000. Morton Grove has been designated as the lead agency and will be reimbursed by the agencies indicated below: CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - MORTON GROVE 8,800 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - NILES 51, 040 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - IDOT 1,760 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION - FHWA 114.400 TOTAL $176,000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Washington Street will be reconstructed between Golf Road and Dempster Street. New curb and gutter will be installed. The traffic signals at Washington and Golf will be upgraded with OPTICOM and left turn arrows added. The estimates of cost for the total project is $2, 230,000 of which Morton Grove's share is estimated at $383 ,975. Federal participation will amount to $1, 308,450, leaving the State and local share of construction at $921,550. This project will go to construction early in the fiscal year. The tax levy for FY1992-1993 included $148,284 for this project. The balance of the local share will be appropriated this fiscal year. $383,975 LEHIQH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 The Cook County Highway Department has agreed to assume responsibility for undertaking. the design engineering and construction inspection of Lehigh Avenue from Dempster Street to Beckwith Road, with the understanding that all rights-of-way required will be the Village of Morton Grove's responsibility to Page 194 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL acquire. Every effort will be made during design to eliminate the need for additional right-of-way acquisition. This appropriations request was also removed during budget review because it is unlikely that right-of-way acquisition will be required at all and not during this fiscal year. Design work on this project has just begun and will not be completed until late this fiscal year. Page 195 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ....N FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RBI MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 411010 PROPERTY TAXES 496,301 506,954 563,134 563,134 268,719 563,134 647,735 563,134 412020 SHARE OF STATE INCOME TAX 0 0 68,300 68,300 53,145 0 0 0 412030 PERSONAL PROPERTY REPLCMNT TAX 18,724 18,666 20,000 20,000 17,557 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 515,025 525,620 651,434 651,434 339,421 583,134 667,735 583,134 GRANT REVENUES 451005 GRANTS:FEDERAL 0 0 578,108 578,108 32,932 578,108 139,160 139,160 451006 GRANTS:STATE GRANTS 6,139 2,838 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GRANT REVENUES 6,139 2,838 578,108 578,108 32,932 578,108 139,160 139,160 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 10,011 5,938 10,000 10,000 7,830 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 10,011 5,938 10,000 10,000 7,830 10,000 10,000 10,000 LOAN PROCEEDS 471011 GENL OBLIGATION BOND PROCEEDS 244,222 0 0 0 0 0 0 472010 STATE IEPA REVOLVING LOAN 2,992,263 3,605,558 0 0 0 0 1,522,500 0 172020 PUBLIC IMPRVMNTS-BNK LN PRCDS 0 428,743 100,000 213,608 2,179 0 234,775 234,775 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 3,236,485 4,034,300 100,000 213,608 2,179 0 1,757,275 234.775 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 481010 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND 0 306,702 0 0 0 0 0 0 481020 TRANSFERS FROM MFT FUND 15,597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 15,597 306,702 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER REVENUES 492010 CONTRACTOR DONATIONS 4,400- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 492040 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 0 0 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 51,040 51,040 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 4,400- 0 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 51,040 51,040 •"• TOTAL REVENUE 3,778,858 4,875,398 1,351,542 1,465,150 382,362 1,183,242 2,625,210 1,018,109 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE 413,500 413,500 210,000 210,000 210,000 TOTAL REVENUE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 1,765,042 1,878,650 1,393,242 2,835,210 1,228,109 Page 196 VILLAGE Of MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM i.- 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY51 - LOCAL STREET RESURFACING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED NOR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94_95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 377,417 629,136 429,700 429,700 469,453 923,028 692,735 608,134 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 377,417 629,136 429,700 429,700 469,453 923,028 692,735 608,134 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 377,417 629,136 429,700 429,700 469,453 923,028 692,735 608,134 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FLUID RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUS-DEPT/ACTIVITY52 - COMMUTER PARKING FACILITY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REC MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 MSE V CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 4,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TM** TOTAL EXPENSE 4,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY53 - DEMPSTER STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REC MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 344,450 344,450 99,470 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 344,450 344,450 99,470 0 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 344,450 344,450 99,470 0 0 0 Page 197 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM i-.N FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY54 - NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RBI MGR REC APPROVED AMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 37,666 84,349 0 0 0 90,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,666 84,349 0 0 0 95,000 0 0 e'• TOTAL EXPENSE 37,666 84,349 0 0 0 95,000 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY55 - ALLEY PAVING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 5,434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 81,774 32,000 0 0 0 66,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 87,207 32,000 0 0 0 66,000 0 0 se** TOTAL EXPENSE 87,207 32,000 0 0 0 66,000 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY57 - CAPULINA RELIEF SEWER ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 •94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 235,268 40,984 0 0 0 122,500 122,500 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 2,794,064 757,812 0 0 0 1,400,000 1,400,000 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,029,332 798,796 0 0 0 1,522,500 1,522,500 0 nn TOTAL EXPENSE 3,029,332 798,796 0 0 0 1,522,500 1,522,500 °"'.., Page 198 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED O1: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND E36. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY58 - PARKVIEW RELIEF SEWER ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 26,427 180,199 0 0 81- 0 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 92,456 2,295,572 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 118,884 2,475,771 0 0 81- 0 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 118,884 2,475,771 0 0 81- 0 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FIND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY59 - SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94.95 VSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 79,500 79,500 39,206 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 79,500 79,500 39,206 0 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 79,500 79,500 39,206 0 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY60 - MUNICIPAL FACILITIES ACCOUNT ACTUAL - ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 10,560 11,405 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,560 11,405 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 571030 CAPITAL IIRROVEMENTS TO SLOGS 252,651 41,818 0 0 195 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 252,651 41,818 0 0 195 0 0 0 '*** TOTAL EXPENSE 263,211 53,223 0 0 195 0 0 0 Page 199 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SW-DEPT/ACTIVITY61 - TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 22,585 938- 10,000 10,000 0 18,600 8,600 8,600 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 80,000 80,000 0 45,000 36,400 36,400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,585 938- 90,000 90,000 0 63,600 45,000 45,000 "t* TOTAL EXPENSE 22,585 938- 90,000 90,000 0 63,600 45,000 45,000 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY62 - BECKWITH BRIDGE REPAIR ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE '--\ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 30,000 15,000 15,000 "•• TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 30,000 30,000 0 30,000 15,000 15,000 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY63 - HANDICAPPED CURBS AND RAMPS ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED MMAGBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 244,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 244,000 0 0 "'• TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 244,000 0 0 Page 200 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 4%,... 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY64 - DAVIS STREET RELIEF SEWER ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 135,000 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 1,350,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 1,485,000 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 1,485,000 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY65 - HARMS ROAD RECONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 4SE ‘ CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 17,280 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 216,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 233,280 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 233,280 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY85 - WASHINGTON STREET ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 - 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 18,171 56,614 64,100 64,100 17,584 176,000 176,000 176,000 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 727,292 840,900 0 383,975 383,975 383,975 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,171 ' 56,614 791,392 905,000 17,584 559,975 559,975 559,975 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 18,171 56,614 791,392 905,000 17,584 559,975 559,975 559,975 Page 201 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ^"..\ FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY86 - LEHIGH AVENUE ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY87 - LINCOLN AVENUE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 431,943 0 0 2,179 0 0 4 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 431,943 0 0 2,179 0 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 431,943 0 0 2,179 0 0 0 FUND 30 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY91 - OLD MILL ROAD STORM SEWER ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 182,000 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 182,000 0 0 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 182,000 0 0 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 3,778,858 4,875,398 1,765,042 1,878,650 382,362 1,393,242 2,835,210 1,228,103.- TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 3,958,676 4,560,893 1,765,042 1,878,650 628,006 5,414,383 2,835,210 1,228,1( NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 179,819- 314,505 0 0 245,644- 4,021,141- 0 0 Page 202 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1994 BOND ISSUE BUDGET COMMENTS, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES During the budget review process, which included a thorough review and discussion of the five year Capital Improvements Program needs throughout the Village, the Village Board authorized staff to initiate the process of issuing a $7 million General Obligation Bond Issue to finance a variety of public improvement infrastruc- ture upgrades and improvements which include street resurfacing, erection of neighborhood street lights, alley paving, water system upgrades and expansion of the two fire stations. Generally accepted accounting principles and budgeting practices require the proceeds of bond issues to be accounted for in a separate fund. The Capital Improvement Projects 1994 Bond Issue (Fund 31) will be used for this purpose. While it is not anticipated the entire amounts will be expanded during the upcoming fiscal year, the appropriation is being established in anticipation that most of the projects will begin during the 1994-95 fiscal year. INVESTMENT INCOME: INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected interest earnings from invested bond proceeds and prior to related construction project payouts. $175, 000 LOAN PROCEEDS: GENL OBLIGATION BOND PROCEEDS - 471011 Projected proceeds from 1994 Bond Issue expected to be issued on or about July 1, 1994 after relevant issuance costs for underwriter's discount, bond printing, professional fees, etc are paid out. $6,950, 000 • BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 LOCAL STREET RESURFACING $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,500,000 - NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING 0 0 255,400 ALLEY PAVING 0 0 174, 150 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 0 0 2, 393,000 RESERVES 0 0 132,450 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS/UPGR 0 0 2, 670, 000 Total Approp. Request $ 0 $ 0 $ 7, 125, 000 Page 203 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL j,OCAL STREET RESURFACING 317051- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Engineering services are based upon preliminary estimates from the Engineering consultant and assume that some of this work will be done by Village staff. Phase I Engineering is already underway and when the planning phase is complete, the Village will have more detail regarding the amount and the cost of design engineering required to complete the street resurfacing program. Design Services $75,000 Construction Inspection 75, 000 Materials Testing 25,000 TOTAL $175, 000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 This account represents the balance of the $1,500, 000 of the bond proceeds set aside for street resurfacing. At this time planning has begun however, no list of streets to be upgraded with bond proceeds has been developed. It is hoped that some of this '1 appropriation will be used during the 1994 construction season however, most of these funds will probably be spent in 1995. $1, 325, 000 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING 317054- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Street Lighting on Waukegan Road as well as various neighborhood projects for which the Village has received applications including petitions will be completed under the 1994 Public Improvements Bond Issue. The allocation in this account is sufficient to cover the cost of engineering required to prepare plans and specifications for- all the planned street lighting projects. Waukegan Road Street Lighting $12, 000 Neighborhood Street Lighting 5.000 TOTAL $17,000 Page 204 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 This account will provide appropriations adequate to replace the severely deteriorated street light standards on Waukegan Road and to install thirty (30) neighborhood street lights in various location where the Village has received completed applications. Waukegan Road Street Lighting $148,400 Neighborhood Street Lighting 90.000 TOTAL $238,400 ALLEY PAVING 317055- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 This appropriation is adequate to began improving alleys using Public Works staff with minimal engineering support from the Community Development Department. Alley improvements will include regrading to minimize rear yard flooding, the installation of necessary storm drainage facilities and asphalt paving to provide an upgraded driving surface. The appropriation is not adequate to improve all of the existing gravel alleys, but will result in improvements to several alleys over the next two construction seasons. $134,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY: MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 The Asphalt Paver and related trailer to haul the paver will be used for repair streets and converting stone alleys to asphalt. It is anticipated this equipment will be purchased from the bond proceeds. $40, 150 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES 317060- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 This appropriation will provide the Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services required to prepare for the Expansion and Remodeling of both Fire Stations. Page 205 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Fire Station f 4 (Callie & Lincoln) $121, 000 Fire Station # 5 (Shermer & Harlem) $142 .700 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 This account provides the appropriation necessary for the building additions and renovation identified during the Facility Study completed in September 1993 by FGM, Inc. The amount shown for Station #4 includes the amount required to remove the existing fuel tank and any site cleanup that may be required. It is anticipated that phasing of the work will result in the renovation to station 04 completed first with Station ¥5 to follow soon thereafter. Fire Station 1 4 (Callie & Lincoln) $1,501, 500 Fire Station #` 5 (Shermer & Harlem) 527 .800 TOTAL $2 ,029, 300 CAPITAL OUTLAY: MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 Current plans call for a backup communications center including radio equipment and E-9-1-1 answering equipment to be located in a modified Emergency Operating Center (EOC) to be located in the basement of Station #4 . Other equipment will also be needed to make the EOC operational. Some additional telephone equipment will also be required for the office space to be added to the headquarters station (#4) . Some additional telecommunication equipment will also be required for Station /5. As plans are prepared for both stations, we will develop a better idea of the type, amount and cost of the equipment required for both stations. The necessary budget adjustments can be made at that time. Fire Station # 4 $75, 000 Fire Station 1 5 25.000 TOTAL $100, 000 FURNITURE & FIXTURES - 572040 'The estimates included in this account for both Stations are very preliminary. As part of the planning for the additions and renovations, all existing furniture and building fixtures will be examined to determine what can be used and what must be replaced. Do to the age of much of this furniture and the space to be added it is assumed that a significant amount of new furniture and some additional fixtures will be required. Page 206 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Fire Station #4 $75,000 Fire Station #5 25.000 TOTAL $100,000 ----an RESERVES 317089- RESERVE FOR PUBLIC IMPRVMNTS - 581130 Reserves due to additional revenues generated from interest earnings on unspent bond proceeds . Intent is to utilize monies for eligible public improvement projects over next two-three years. $132, 450 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 317092- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Engineering services are split between the design required for all planned improvements to the system and the construction supervision services required. Design for all Planned Improvements $240,000 Construction Supervision 60. 000 TOTAL $300, 000 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 552290 Both of the elevated storage tanks need substantial renovation both inside and out to bring these facilities up to contemporary standards and to insure an extended lifespan. $600, 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY: J4ACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 The water system analysis suggested that many of the aging pumps at both pumping stations be replaced. This appropriation will provide for equipment acquisition for both stations as shown below. Page 207 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL Pumps for North Station $320,000 Pumps for South Station 50.000 TOTAL $370, 000 IMPRVMNTS OTHER THAN BUILDING - 572020 Several new watermains are recommended in the Engineering analysis completed on the water utility. Most of these mains will be installed in locations where restricted volume precludes the recommended fire flow requirements. The new mains will not only improve service but should help the Village upgrade the ISO rating as well. $1,400,000 Z96-31 arb dot . t Ao C \c,,c, \� 1.,� Coro \ \ ‘ ' 15 \ ::)/1Ye 6 6/ t / L \ i (\ a 12--- i 6, (3 1 \\.9\:\ (C S) ,,,,, nt y 5 r\ ,Vi \ t (); - j -.4\ V Page 208 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175,000 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175,000 LOAN PROCEEDS 471011 GENL OBLIGATION BOND PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,950,000 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,950,000 "" TOTAL REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,125,000 FUND 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BONO ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY51 - LOCAL STREET RESURFACING INT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED _�I R DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175,000 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,325,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000 "" TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500,000 FUND 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY54 - NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BWGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,000 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 238,400 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255,400 \...._..""" TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255,400 Page 209 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AN FUND 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY55 - ALLEY PAVING ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94.95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 134,000 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY i EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,150 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,150 k'• TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174,150 FUND 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY60 - MUNICIPAL FACILITIES ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP KO MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95'� EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 163,700 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,029,300 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,193,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 100,000 572010 MACHINERY 8 EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 572040 FURNITURE 8 FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 Ink" TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,393,000 FUND 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY89 - RESERVES ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94.95 94-95 EXPENSE RESERVES ---"N. 0 0 0 0 132,4 581130 RESERVE FOR PUBLIC IMPRVMNTS 0 0 0 , TO7Al RESERVES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 450 •«� TOTAL EXPENSE Page 210 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL • ` PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 744o 31 - CAPITAL PROJ-1994 BOND ISSUE RESP. DIVISION 70 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY92 - WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS/UPGR ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94_95 94.95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _ 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY i EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3711,000 572020 IMPRVMNTS OTHER THAN BUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,400,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,770,000 **** TOTAL EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,670,000 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,125,000 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,125,000 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 211 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL ENTERPRISE FUND-WATER DEPT It is the function of this Department to insure water users of the Village's water supply system will have quality water for consumption, as well as a sufficient water supply to fight fires in an emergency situation. The Water Department, in order to fulfill the above function, will: Maintain the Village's water supply and distribution system and its appurtenances, to maintain the public fire hydrants, to maintain water service lines from the Village water main to the B-box as efficiently and as promptly as possible with a minimum amount of inconvenience to the water consumer, repair broken water mains and service lines, water valves and fire hydrants. The Department will maintain the above-ground and below-ground storage reservoirs and pumping stations. The Department will continue to conduct leak surveys to minimize the unaccountable water loss. The Water Department will continue to aid residents who may be experiencing problems with private contractors. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. To periodically test the water following Environmental Protection Agency guidelines to insure that the Village of Morton Grove residents, Village of Golf and Skokie water consumers will have the highest quality of water for consumption. 2 . Repair any damage to public or private property while repairing the water system. 3 . To aid water consumers involving questionable practices implemented by private contractors. 4 . To maintain records of all repairs to the water system. REVENUES - ENTERPRISE FUND SERVICE i OTHER USER FEES SALE OF WATER - 442010 Projected revenues from sale of water to Village residents and industrial users, as well as users outside the corporate boundaries who have contracted the Village for water needs. The Village Administrator recommends an increase in the base water rate of 6. 14% as discussed in the budget comments. This would increase the BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 WATER DEPARTMENT $ 1,905,871 $ 2, 187, 164 $ 2,217,134 Total Approp. Request $ 1,905,871 $ 2,187, 164 $ 2,217, 134 Page 212 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL base rate from $2.28 to $2.42/1000 gallons. Revenues also reflect anticipated water consumption decrease from two major industrial users who have adopted a water recycling system and have therefore decreased consumption. $2,512,766 SEWER USE FEES - 442020 Projected revenues based on water consumption by customers within village boundaries. Excludes users who are outside of Village boundaries and would therefore not be subject to a fee. The Village Administrator recommends an increase in the sewer rate of $. 09 (from $.50 to $. 59/1000 gallons) as discussed in the budget comments. Revenues reflect anticipated water consumption decrease from two major industrial users who have adopted a water recycling system and have therefore decreased consumption. $605,784 WATER METER SALES - 442030 Projected sales of meters to residential and commercial water users. $3,500 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 Projected interest earnings from invested unspent cash balances. Decline due to lower interest earnings and lower available cash balance. $4,500 LOANPROCEEDB INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS - 471010 Installment notes anticipated to be utilized for the following: $79,966 oTh Page 213 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TRANSFERS FROM CMMTR PRRG FUND - 481050 Allocated labor related costs for providing Public Works related functions of a Water/Sewer Department employee to the commuter parking lot. The account has been decreased in recognition of higher utilization of personnel from the Street Department and lower utilization from the personnel in the Water/Sewer Department. See commuter parking lot's "transfer to Water/Sewer Fund" (182031-811040) for further detail. $9,320 OTHER REVENUES MISCELLANEOUS INCOME - 491040 Projected revenues from miscellaneous revenue sources related to water/sewer functions. $500 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES $3,216,336 PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR - 544606 $109,353 SALARIES-PUMPING STAT ATTEND - 544609 $174, 143 SALARIES-SEASONAL WORKERS - 544654 $15,875 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 $63, 614 LONGEVITY - 546100 $1, 650 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $27,895 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $33,602 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE - 548200 $4,813 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $1, 343 Page 214 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 . It includes an OSHA required Spirogram test for respirator use for seven employees. $595 ==_---___ ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 The engineering consultant analyzing the water system has identified system improvements to allow for the integration of the north and south systems into one. Due to the imminent need to replace one or both of the elevated storage tanks, it is in the best interest of the Village to initiate the design this fiscal year so that improvements can begin during the 1995-96 fiscal year. Design services would include plans and specifications for one elevated storage tank, supply lines necessary to access the tank, pumping station improvements to ensure uninterrupted service, and necessary system improvements to take full advantage of the newly configured system. The Village Administrator recommended this be removed from the general operating budget of the Water/Sewer Fund and be added as part of a public improvement bond issue. The funds for expending on engineering services for corrosion control are necessary to meet EPA requirements. The total projected cost to meet EPA requirements for this program is $37, 000 between engineering, equipment and additional chemicals. Water System Design Lead Copper Corrosion Control 10.000 TOTAL $10,000 == CONCRETE REPLACEMENT - 552230 Repair of driveways, curbs, and sidewalks damaged from repair of water leaks. $7,000 LANDFILL EXPENSES - 552260 Cost incurred by hauling water leak debris to landfill. $10,000 =__== Page 215 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL WATER & CHEMICAL TESTING - 552270 Cost of periodically testing the Village's water system, according to EPA standards. Also included is $2,525 for the IEPA lead testing program, which is mandated by the IEPA. It is possible that it will cost the Village more money for testing, if the state is not funded. $10, 000 ==== EOUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 Rental of 10 pagers. $552 PURCHASE OF WATER - 552340 Projected cost of water purchased from the City of Chicago. There is no rate increase projected. There is an estimated 1, 163 , 008, 000 gallons projected to be purchased from the City of which approximately 92. 5% or 1, 075,783, 000 is billed to Village water users. The other 7.5% is used by the Village in its overall municipal operations or reflects shrinkage due to water main leaks and brakes caused by weather conditions or age of pipes. While it is virtually impossible to have a 100% billed system ratio, the Village constantly employs controls such as leak location surveys and immediate responses to water main breaks to keep this ratio at a reasonable level. $1, 145,900 UTILITIES-WATER SYSTEM - 553110 Cost of electricity and gas for pumping stations. $75,000 MAINTENANCE OF AUTO EOUIPMENT - 554120 The Enterprise Fund share for any automotive equipment that has to be,.repaired by outside concerns, and cannot be done in-house. $1,000 Page 216 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 Cost of testing and repairing six compound meters and their maintenance. Maintenance for water leak computer. $4,000 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EOUIPMENT - 554150 For the maintenance of our base station, mobile units and pagers. $800 MAINT-WATER SYST TANKS/RESERVRS - 554190 Cost of work that has to be done by outside contractors. $7,500 MAINT-WATER SYSTEM PUMPING STNS - 554200 Alarm system maintenance and inspection. Outside pump and electrical repair service for repair of pumps. $7,500 MAINT-WATER SYSTEM MAINS - 554210 The small appropriation will provide for minor maintenance if required. $2 ,500 COMMODITIES AUTO EOUIP SPPLS/REPAIR PARTS - 561100 All motor supply parts for the Water Department to maintain equipment. Prices based on an anticipated 3% increase. $22,211 Page 217 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL GAS. DIESEL. FUEL. & OIL - 561110 Amount consists of the purchase of estimated gallons of gas and diesel fuel. 6000 Gals. Gas @ .90 Per Gal. $5,400 6000 Gals. Diesel @ .89 Per Gal. 5, 340 4 Drums Oil @ $ 200 800 TOTAL $11,540 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES - 562110 Purchase of water mains, repair clamps, curb stops, brass fittings, welding and hardware, copper pipe, and fittings. $24, 000 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES - 562130 Purchase of chlorine for the Pumping Stations. The funds for expending on chemicals for lead/copper corrosion control are necessary to meet EPA requirements. The total projected cost to meet EPA requirements for this program is $37,000 between engineering, equipment, and additional chemicals. Chemical Supplies $4, 000 Lead/Copper Corrosion Control 3,000 TOTAL $7,000 PUMPING STATIONS SUPPLIES - 562150 Repair parts and supplies needed for the upkeep of two pumping stations. $11, 000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - 563100 Restoration of damaged parkways and areas from water leak repair ' and the purchase of black dirt and sod. $5, 000 Page 218 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL I-� CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - 563110 Purchase of sand, stone, and asphalt. $16,000 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS - 564100 Repair parts for water meters and TTR outside reads. 25 5/8" Meter Heads TTR @ $44 Each $1,100 Freeze Plates 91 50 TTR Black B @ $2.55 Each 128 100 Black Box w/Circuit Boards 1,648 500 3/4" Leather Washers $12.88/100 65 250 1/2" Seals @ .09 Each 23 1000 Feet Seal Wire 65 75 Rolls Electrical Tape @ $2. 15 Ea 162 TOTAL $3,282 FIRE HYDRANTS & REPAIR PARTS - 564120 Purchase of fire hydrants and repair related parts. Sandblasting and repainting. Purchase of Hydrants & Parts $7,000 Refurbishing Hydrants, Sandblast, Prime, and Paint 7 .000 TOTAL $14,000 SMALL TOOLS - 564190 Tools used by Water Department to repair leaks on water mains, hydrants, and valves. $1,500 OPERATIONAL EOUIPMENT - 564200 Purchase of meters for new buildings or as replacement items. Air compressor to replace older models. Mikes are replacements for computerized leak locator. Suction pump used to repair water leak. Rain Suits, Gloves, Boots, Barricades 3,500 Leak Locator Equipment Replacement 3,535 3 - 3" Turbine Meters 1,888 5 - 1 1/2" Meters 1, 390 3 - 1" Meters 405 1 Air Compressor 458 Page 219 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL 1 - 2" Suction Pump w/ Hose 1.200 TOTAL $12,376 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 Purchase of steel toed shoes, pants. Vests, shirts and jackets are bright orange to provide a measure of safety while conducting village business on the streets. $3,471 CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 The John Deere 410D Backhoe/Front End Loader with Hydraulic Breaker would be used by both the Sewer and Water Departments for excavations and repairs on Village utilities. The John Deere 410D would replace the 1975 Ford Backhoe/End loader. The 1975 End loader/Back hoe would be traded or auctioned off, whichever is in the best interest of the Village. The dollar amount listed is half the cost, the other half will be picked up by the Sewer Department. It is anticipated the cost will be financed through an installment note purchase. The funds for expending on equipment on lead/cooper corrosion control are necessary to meet EPA requirements. The total projected cost to meet EPA requirements for this program is $37, 000 between engineering, equipment, and additional chemicals. John Deere 410D Backhoe with Hydraulic Breaker 39,983 Lead/Cooper Corrosion Control 24 .000 TOTAL $63 ,983 DEBT SERVICE BOND REDEMPTION - 591010 Projected costs on current following debt to be retired during year: 1959 Water Revenue Bonds $30, 000 1965 Water Revenue Bonds 20,000 1984 GO Bond (25 % share) 93,750 1991 Rfng Bond (25 % share) 50. 000 TOTAL $193,750 Page 220 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL BOND INTEREST - 591020 ^1 Projected interest costs on Bond Related Debt: 1959 Water Revenue Bonds $5, 158 1965 Water Revenue Bonds 5,188 1984 GO Bond (25% Share) 8,719 1991 Rfng Bond (25% Share) 48.446 TOTAL $67,511 NOTE REDEMPTION - 591030 Projected payments on principal portion of installment notes during fiscal year: Deere 595 Excavator (4 of 5) $23 ,777 1992 Dump Truck (3 Of 5) 9, 140 1992 3/4 Ton Pick up (2 of 3) 7.992 TOTAL $40,909 NOTE INTEREST - 591040 Projected interest costs for the following installment notes: Deere 595 Excavator $2 ,073 1991 Dump Truck 1,195 1992 Dump Truck 697 TOTAL $3,965 AGENT FEES - 591070 Projected paying agent fees on bonded debt. $1, 000 Page 221 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 40 - ENTERPRISE/WATER It SEWER 116,^,: DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 442010 SALE OF WATER 2,797,757 2,327,093 2,399,200 2,399,200 1,752,251 2,365,900 2,544,570 2,512,766 442020 SEWER USE FEES 565,607 499,596 526,700 526,700 381,374 513,500 605,784 605,784 442030 WATER METER SALES 1,893 3,447 3,500 3,500 994 3,500 3,500 3,500 TOTAL SERVICE & OTHER USER FEES 3,365,257 2,830,136 2,929,400 2,929,400 2,134,619 2,882,900 3,153,854 3,122,050 GRANT REVENUES 451006 GRANTS:STATE GRANTS 0 57,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GRANT REVENUES 0 57,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 14,041 4,541 6,000 6,000 1,695 4,500 4,500 4,500 TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 14,041 4,541 6,000 6,000 1,695 4,500 4,500 4,500 LOAN PROCEEDS "MO INSTALLMENT NOTE PROCEEDS 0 0 62,230 62,230 0 79,966 79,966 79,966 TOTAL LOAN PROCEEDS 0 0 62,230 62,230 0 79,966 79,966 79,966 FUND TRANSFERS 481050 TRANSFERS FROM CMMTR PRKG FUND 18,250 18,250 26,823 26,823 20,117 9,320 9,320 9,320 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 18,250 18,250 26,823 26,823 20,117 9,320 9,320 9,320 OTHER REVENUES 491040 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 301 170 500 500 0 500 500 500 496020 WATER SETTLEMENT REV--CHICAGO 0 255,455 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 301 255,626 500 500 0 500 500 500 ***' TOTAL REVENUE 3,397,849 3,166,103 3,024,953 3,024,953 2,156,431 2,977,186 3,248,140 3,216,336 Page 222 • VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM i....\ FUND 40 - ENTERPRISE/WATER i SEWER RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY33 - WATER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REQ MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544430 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR 11,539 18,116 19,197 19,197 9,668 0 0 0 544606 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR 125,143 146,267 134,723 134,723 114,019 106,169 106,169 109,353 544609 SALARIES-PUMPING STATION ATTEND 151,965 140,279 164,889 164,889 140,227 169,071 169,071 174,143 544651 SALARIES-ENGINEERS 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 544654 SALARIES-SEASONAL WORKERS 25,154 30,224 21,242 21,242 12,493 15,615 15,615 15,875 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 77,697 61,286 63,614 63,614 57,237 63,614 63,614 63,614 546100 LONGEVITY 2,350 1,450 1,500 1,500 0 1,650 1,650 1,650 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 30,403 29,886 30,903 30,903 25,802 27,243 27,243 27,895 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 30,219 33,190 28,728 28,728 28,709 33,602 33,602 33,602 548200 RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 4,812 4,813 4,813 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 1,393 1,439 1,513 1,513 1,235 1,306 1,306 1,343 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 455,895 462,136 466,309 466,309 389,390 423,082 423,083 432,289 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551130 MEETINGS i CONFERENCES 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 '1 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 0 2,101 2,101 545 595 595 5. 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 12,000 0 0 0 210,000 10,000 10,000 552230 CONCRETE REPLACEMANT 9,774 995 7,000 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 552260 LANDFILL EXPENSES 11,713 1,818 10,000 10,000 31 10,000 10,000 10,000 552270 WATER i CHEMICAL TESTING 5,129 7,427 10,000 10,000 6,632 10,000 10,000 10,000 552330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 0 0 552 552 552 552340 PURCHASE OF WATER 1,401,884 1,149,222 1,160,801 1,160,801 861,023 1,177,700 1,177,700 1,145,900 553110 UTILITIES-WATER SYSTEM 82,247 71,706 75,000 75,000 49,965 75,000 75,000 75,000 554120 MAINTENANCE OF AUTO EQUIPMENT 535 813 1,000 1,000 825 1,000 1,000 1,000 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 4,363 695 4,000 4,000 2,389 4,000 4,000 4,000 554150 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT 1,001 648 800 800 411 800 800 800 554190 MAINT-WATER SYST TANKS/RESERVRS 7,708 3,266 7,500 7,500 2,695 7,500 7,500 7,500 554200 MAINT-WATER SYSTEM PUMPING STNS 6,436 4,106 7,500 7,500 2,244 7,500 7,500 7,500 554210 MAINT-WATER SYSTEM MAINS 2,091 17,510 17,500 17,500 13,796 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,532,882 1,270,223 1,303,202 1,303,202 940,556 1,514,147 1,314,147 1,282,347 CC M00IT IES 561100 AUTO EQUIP SPPLS/REPAIR PARTS 17,707 20,297 21,564 21,564 21,756 22,211 22,211 22,211 561110 GAS, DIESEL, FUEL, i OIL 12,879 6,593 12,140 12,140 7,069 11,540 11,540 11,540 562110 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 21,356 16,229 24,000 24,000 16,533 24,000 24,000 24,000 562130 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 3,680 2,882 4,000 4,000 2,337 7,000 7,000 7,000 562150 PUMPING STATIONS SUPPLIES 9,837 6,729 11,000 11,000 3,716 11,000 11,000 11,000 563100 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 5,442 3,464 5,000 5,000 3,363 5,000 5,000 5,000 563110 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 17,719 17,958 16,000 16,000 4,367 16,000 16,000 16,000 564100 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS 8,357 4,508 3,282 3,282 2,249 3,282 3,282 3,282 564120 FIRE HYDRANTS i REPAIR PARTS 14,043 12,201 7,000 7,000 2,223 14,000 14,000 14,0'�� 564190 SMALL T00LS 1,314 737 1,500 1,500 1,091 1,500 1,500 1,5L. 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 12,804 19,530 12,376 12,376 8,650 12,376 12,376 12,376 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE i REPLACEMENT 2,932 2,537 3,471 3,471 3,124 3,471 3,471 3,471 TOTAL COMMODITIES 128,070 113,665 121,333 121,333 76,478 131,380 131,380 131,380 Page 223 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED OM: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ', 40 - ENTERPRISE/WATER 8 SEWER 1RSP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY33 - WATER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY 8 EQUIPMENT 0 0 24,050 24,050 1,960 63,983 63,983 63,983 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 24,050 24,050 1,960 63,983 63,983 63,983 DEBT SERVICE 591010 BOND REDEMPTION 0 0 137,500 137,500 137,500 193,750 193,750 193,750 591020 BOND INTEREST 122,930 41,240 75,236 75,236 117,151 67,511 67,511 67,511 591030 NOTE REDEMPTION 0 0 52,212 52,212 58,550 40,909 40,909 40,909 591040 NOTE INTEREST 10,977 17,746 6,322 6,322 6,976 3,965 3,965 3,965 591060 REAL ESTATE NOTE INTEREST 10,923 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 591070 AGENT FEES 704 860 1,000 1,000 628 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 145,534 59,847 272,270 272,270 320,805 307,135 307,135 307,135 •'** TOTAL EXPENSE 2,262,380 1,905,871 2,187,164 2,187,164 1,729,189 2,439,727 2,239,728 2,217,134 Page 224 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Water Department Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Full Time: Assistant Department Director 19, 197 .3 Division Superintendent 83 ,118 1.5 71 85,611 1.5 Maintenance Supervisor 41, 172 1.0 56 42,407 1.0 Equipment Operator 37,291 1.0 51 38,409 1.0 Pumping Station Attendant 109,477 3 .0 56 117, 069 3.0 Maintenance Worker I 28,555 1.0 Total 318,809 7.8 283,497 6.5 Part Time: Seasonal Worker 14, 342 2 . 0 8,975 1. 0 Total 14, 342 2 .0 8,975 1. 0 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Seasonal Workers 6, 900 6,900 Salaries-Overtime 63 , 614 63, 614 Retiree Health Insurance 4,813 Total 70,514 75, 327 --� Fringe Benefits: Longevity 1, 500 2.8 1, 650 3.5 Social Security 30, 903 11.8 27,895 9.5 Hospitilization Insurance 28,728 7. 8 33,602 6.5 Life Insurance 1, 513 7. 8 1, 343 6.5 Total 62, 643 64,490 Department Total 466, 308 9.8 432 ,289 7.5 Page 225 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL ENTERPRISE FUND-SEWER DEPT The responsibility of this Department is to maintain the Sanitary, Storm and Combination sewers and their appurtenances, to repair all blockages and damage to the sewer system as quickly as possible with a minimum of inconvenience to the community. This Department is to repair and maintain all Village catch basins, storm, sanitary, and combination manholes. The Sewer Department will provide quality service to the residents in maintaining the Village's sewer system. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. To secure proper drainage in the rights of way, new catch basins will be installed. 2. All sewer maintenance will be recorded within the Village. 3. Inspections of the sewer system as well as sewer rodding and catch basin cleaning to maintain the system. 4. Sewer flow monitoring will be implemented. 5. To aid residents whenever possible who are experiencing problems with outside contractors due to exorbitant fees or shoddy workmanship. 6. To increase the efficiency of the Village's sewer system whenever possible by proper and expedient action. PERSONAL SERVICES ■■■ SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR - 544606 $169, 978 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 Increase of $24,000 due to in-house labor costs needed to construct lateral sewers upon completion of Capulina Sewer project. $25,000 LONGEVITY - 546100 $900 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $14,985 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $24,940 -LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $810 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 SEWER DEPARTMENT $ 405,927 $ 509,411 $ 586,421 Total Approp. Request $ 405,927 $ 509,411 $ 586,421 Page 226 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL lean Y'4'70 BUDGET DETAIL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE RELATIONS - 551160 _ Includes an OSHA required spirogram test for respirator use for four employees. $400 ENGINEERING SERVICES - 552140 Sewer monitoring mandated by the Metropolitan Sanitary Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. The Village will work with the new Consulting Engineer to hold costs to a minimum. A special study will be required to accommodate the requirements of the NPDES permit (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) for the two (2) combined sewer overflows into the North Branch of the Chicago River. The Village's engineering consultant has provided an estimate of the cost for the report required to be transmitted to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Mandated Sewer Monitoring $20,000 NPDES Permit Report 12 .000 TOTAL $32, 000 EOUIPMENT RENTAL - 552330 This covers the cost of pager rental for Sewer Department employees. $280 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT - 554150 For the maintenance of our Base Station, mobile units, and pagers. $500 COMMODITIES 'CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - 563110 Sand and stone purchased for the backfilling of excavations for sewer repairs. Tile is purchased to repair broken sewer pipe. Blocks, rings, and covers are purchased to rebuild manholes and catch basins. Also includes the repair of inlets on resurfaced streets. Includes PVC pipe for sump pump drains and the repair of inlets on resurfaced streets. Also included is $85,000 for Page 227 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL additional relief sewers in the South Central neighborhood. The additional relief capacity will help eliminate basement backups and further improve the operating capacity of the remaining combined sewer system. Miscellaneous repairs $17, 164 South Central relief sewers 85.000 TOTAL $102,164 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS - 564100 For replacement of broken sewer rodding hose on the water jet that is worn out or ruptured; worn out or damaged knives from cutting roots out of the sewer system. $5,000 OPERATIONAL EOUIPMENT - 564200 Spill Lip Assembly would keep debris from being dumped onto truck. Antiquated radios would be replaced with new models. The ropes and harnesses are mandated by OSHA requirements. Spill Lip Assembly #16 $375 Two Radios 425 Two Full Body Harnesses 190 Two Large Steel Caroliners 34 One RSU Haul Safe 475 100 Foot Half Safety Rope 70 50 Foot Half Safety Rope 35 Two Rope Bags AR TOTAL $1,644 UNIFORM PURCHASE & REPLACEMENT - 564300 For the purchase of pants, vests, steel toed shoes, insulated coveralls, and bright orange shirts and jackets. $3,471 -CAPITAL OUTLAY MACHINERY & EOUIPMENT - 572010 The John Deere 410D Backhoe/Front End Loader would be used by both the Sewer and Water Departments for excavations and repairs on the utilities. The John Deere 410D will replace the 1975 Ford Backhoe/Front End Loader. The 1975 Backhoe would be traded or Page 228 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL auctioned off, whichever is in the best interest of the Village. The dollar amount listed is half the cost, the other half is located in the Water Department Budget. The gas detectors and air tanks and masks are mandated for confined entry by OSHA. It is anticipated the John Deere will be financed through an installment note. The portable sewer rodder would be used to maintain small lines in the Village's sewer system as well as the public municipal buildings. The Sewer flow monitoring equipment is required to fulfill mandates of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. John Deere 410D Backhoe w/ Hydraulic Hammer 39,833 Two MSA Pass Port Gas Detectors 3,400 Two MSA Dual Purpose Custom 4500 Tanks and Masks 4,030 Sewer Flow Monitoring Equipment 23,321 Portable Sewer Rodder 2.500 TOTAL $73,084 DEBT SERVICE NOTE REDEMPTION - 591030 Projected payments on principal on following non-bonded debt: 1990 IEPA Loan-Mandated Sewer Rehab $51, 037 1992 Dump Truck (3 of 5) 9,140 Sewer Catch Basin Cleaner (2 of 5) 31,588 1992 3/4 Ton Pick up (2 of 3) 6.338 TOTAL $98, 103 NOTE INTEREST - 591040 Projected interest costs on following non-bonded debt: 1990 IEPA Loan-Mandated Sewer Proj $26,340 1992 Dump Truck 1, 196 1992 3/4 Ton Pick Up Truck 553 Sewer Catch Basin Cleaner 5.073 TOTAL $33, 162 Page 229 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM \ewi 40 - ENTERPRISE/WATER i SEWER RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY34 - SEWER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544430 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR 11,603 18,108 19,255 19,255 9,697 0 0 0 544606 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR 173,448 148,707 161,631 161,631 137,567 165,027 165,027 169,978 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 21,962 23,635 25,000 25,000 35,045 25,000 25,000 25,000 546100 LONGEVITY 1,750 1,000 1,050 1,050 0 900 900 900 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 15,975 14,471 15,761 15,761 13,980 14,606 14,606 14,985 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 21,427 16,223 20,542 20,542 13,195 24,940 24,940 24,940 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 878 772 859 859 689 786 786 810 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 247,042 222,916 244,099 244,099 210,173 231,260 231,260 236,613 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551160 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 0 0 1,093 1,093 485 400 400 400 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 552140 ENGINEERING SERVICES 58,912 73,445 20,000 20,000 0 32,000 32,000 32,000 552290 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 84,794- 7,790 0 0 0 0 0 0 '330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 400 400 0 280 280 280 50 MAINTENANCE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT 0 110 500 500 227 500 500 500 \., TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,830- 81,345 21,993 21,993 712 33,180 33,180 33,180 COMMODITIES 563110 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 26,439 87,731 5,000 5,000 6,483 110,000 102,164 102,164 564100 NON-AUTO REPAIR PARTS 4,991 3,248 4,500 4,500 5,176 5,000 5,000 5,000 564200 OPERATIONAL EQUIPMENT 1,047 1,261 425 425 2,586 1,644 1,644 1,644 564300 UNIFORM PURCHASE 8 REPLACEMENT 2,634 2,503 3,471 3,471 2,910 3,471 3,471 3,471 TOTAL COMMODITIES 35,112 94,744 13,396 13,3% 17,155 120,115 112,279 112,279 CAPITAL OUTLAY 572010 MACHINERY 8 EQUIPMENT 0 0 38,180 38,180 26,173 73,084 73,084 73,084 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 38,180 38,180 26,173 73,084 73,084 73,084 DEBT SERVICE 591030 NOTE REDEMPTION 0 0 153,037 153,037 81,054 90,711 98,103 98,103 591040 NOTE INTEREST 17,508 6,922 38,706 38,706 8,966 32,718 33,162 33,162 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 17,508 6,922 191,743 191,743 90,020 123,429 131,265 131,265 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 811070 TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE FUND 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •..• TOTAL EXPENSE 423,832 405,927 509,411 509,411 344,233 581,068 581,068 586,421 Page 230 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Sewer Department Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Full Time: Assistant Department Director 19,255 .3 Division Superintendent 27,706 .5 71 28,537 .5 Maintenance Supervisor 41, 172 1.0 56 42, 407 1. 0 Equipment Operator 37, 291 1.0 51 38,409 1.0 Maintenance Worker I 55,464 2.0 45 60,625 2 .0 Total 180,887 4.8 169, 978 4.5 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Overtime 25,000 25,000 Total 25, 000 25, 000 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 1, 050 1.8 900 1.5 Social Security 15,761 5.8 14,985 5.5 Hospitilization Insurance 20, 542 4 .8 24 ,940 4 .5 Life Insurance 859 4.8 810 4.5 Total 38,213 41, 635 Department Total 244 , 100 4 .8 236, 613 4.5 Page 231 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL ENTERPRISE FUND - ADMIN/OVERHEAD SERVICE GOALS The function of this administrative department is to assure the efficient and affective management of day to day Village operations of the Water and Sewer Department. ANNUAL OBJECTIVES 1. To allocate administrative and overhead costs for the Sewer and Water Departments. 2 . To consolidate the day to day management costs into a single budgetary item. BUDGET COMMENTS The budget reflects an increase of $98, 966 or 30% over last year's budget. Of this amount, $23, 012 is due to the reallocation of various personnel costs into the administrative/overhead section of the Water/Sewer Fund (refer to the Personnel Schedule Summary summarizing the allocation of total costs over the last two years found later in this section) . Another $50, 000 is attributed to the restoration of a reserve account for emergency/contingencies that may occur. The account was eliminated in the prior year because of limited available resources and has been restored into the Proposed 1994-95 budget. Finally, an additional $13, 000 has been provided to the "transfer to the General Fund" -- because of the rising costs of expenses that are shared by both the General and Water/Sewer Departments. PERSONAL SERVICES SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR - 544300 $34,320 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR - 544430 $29, 690 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR - 544606 $19,205 SALARY-METER READER - 544611 $27,103 BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 ADMINISTRATION & OVERHEAD $ 283,880 $ 328, 378 $ 412,781 Total Approp. Request $ 283,880 $ 328, 378 $ 412,781 Page 232 MORTON GROVE, IL ristsu Yr.Alc J14-70 BUDGET DETAIL SALARIES-CLERICAL - 544700 $33,525 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL - 544710 $15,446 SALARIES-OVERTIME - 545100 $1,000 LONGEVITY - 546100 $825 SOCIAL SECURITY - 547100 $12,057 HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE - 548100 $17,322 LIFE INSURANCE - 548300 $727 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Includes dues to American Water Works Association, renewal for EPA Certification, and periodical subscription dues. $750 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 This account covers the cost of attending local meeting and area conferences for key personnel to gain additional information regarding Municipal utility operations. $500 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS - 551150 Advanced training for the water leak detector computer equipment. AEK Computer Training for staff. $1, 500 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL - 552120 Cost of mailing water bills and other miscellaneous items for Water/Sewer Department. Increase in appropriation due to increase in -postage rates expected for 1994-95. $8,500 Page 233 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL PRINTING & PUBLISHING - 552130 Blank cards for water/sewer billing, flyers & resident notifications, as needed from time to time. $1,800 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES - 552170 Projected costs to provide updates to current water billing system and other Public Works software from time to time. $1,500 AUDITING SERVICES - 552200 Includes the portion of the annual audit costs charged to the Water/Sewer Department. $5, 375 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EOUIP - 554130 Miscellaneous repairs to office related equipment related to water billing/collections and other water/sewer related functions. $1,000 SELF INS/IRMA POOL CONTRIBUTION - 557130 The Village is currently self-insured for workers' compensation general liability, public officials, auto collision, and liability, property and casualty and boiler and machinery, coverage under the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA) . IRMA is a self- insured group pool consisting of about sixty municipalities in the metropolitan area. The 1995 projected contribution is based on utilizing IRMA's formula multiplied by a projected rate of $2.40 per $100 of total adjusted revenues (per the 1992-93 audited report, and deducting a credit of 10% for claims projected to be below IRMA's average) . The total projected contributions for IRMA, along with the allocation between the General Fund and the Water/ Sewer Fund, is provided below. Allocations are based on the share of each fund's revenues used in the total revenue base calculation. General Fund $ 274,805 Water/Sewer Fund 41,879 TOTAL $ 316, 684 Page 234 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL $41,879 VILLAGE SHARE OF PENSION - 557200 The amount is only tentative. The actuarial study for calendar year 1994 is due by April or May 1994. That report should give us a better idea what the cost benefits will be for 1994 and what to expect for calendar 1995. For now, an initial estimate of 4.75% of the salary base in the Water/Sewer Fund is being used to project the Village share for the 1994-95 fiscal year. This rate is an increase from the 4.25% rate used in the previous year and is a reflection of more realistic actuarial assumptions. See General Employees' Pension Fund for further info. $29,000 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE - 557230 Water/Sewer Department. share of premiums for employee Long Term Disability insurance premiums. $2,600 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES - 562180 Supplies purchased to keep records and reports. $1,000 RESERVES RESERVE FOR EMRGNCY/EXTRA EXP - 581010 Represents Water/Sewer Fund share of amounts set aside for any unforseen emergency or extraordinary expenditures. One of the strong points of the zero based budgeting concept is it eliminates any appropriations request for where a need cannot be clearly demonstrated. Although we use sound forecasting techniques, no one -has a crystal ball and unforseen emergency or extraordinary needs may occur during the fiscal year. This account is intended to cover these circumstances. The amount reflects a contingency of about 1. 5% of day to day operating expenses. $48,656 Page 235 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL RESERVE FOR IRMA DCTBLS/ASSES - 581030 As a member of the intergovernmental Risk Management pool (IRMA) , the Village is responsible for the first $1,000 on all claims filed and paid thru IRMA. This amount appears adequate to cover the Water Fund share of these deductibles. $2,500 RESERVE FOR COMPENSATION - 581060 Additional amount provided for salary increase to Village personnel which has been finalized and allocated to the appropriate departments by the Board during the budget workshop. $18,500 INTERFUSE TRANSFERS TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND - 811010 Represents the annual salary, overhead, and other administrative expenses of the General Fund to be shared by the Water/Sewer Department. The amount included the corridor of liability in self-insured health program as explained in Health Insurance Account below. $75,000 L. Page 236 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FOND 40 - ENTERPRISE/WATER & SEWER RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY35 - ADMINISTRATION i OVERHEAD ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE PERSONAL SERVICES 544300 SALARY-DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 39,580 41,939 44,022 44,022 29,931 33,000 33,000 34,320 544430 SALARY-ASST DEPT DIRECTOR 0 0 0 0 6,739 28,825 28,825 29,690 544606 SALARIES-PUBLIC WORKS:LABOR 30,479 18,076 18,645 18,645 13,875 18,645 18,645 19,205 544611 SALARY-METER READER 20,817 23,352 25,291 25,291 21,381 26,313 26,313 27,103 544700 SALARIES-CLERICAL 26,203 28,193 31,714 31,714 26,123 32,549 32,549 33,525 544710 SALARIES-SECRETARIAL 10,634 19,007 19,974 19,974 13,477 14,996 14,996 15,446 545100 SALARIES-OVERTIME 417 13 1,000 1,000 109 1,000 1,000 1,000 546100 LONGEVITY 700 700 700 700 0 825 825 825 547100 SOCIAL SECURITY 9,588 9,501 10,277 10,277 8,367 11,759 11,759 12,057 548100 HOSPITILIZATION INSURANCE 10,992 12,301 12,300 12,300 9,962 17,322 17,322 17,322 548300 LIFE INSURANCE 481 585 635 635 502 704 704 727 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 149,892 153,667 164,559 164,559 130,466 185,940 185,940 191,221 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 863 389 750 750 314 750 750 750 551130 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 831 406 500 500 138 500 500 SF".....N. 551150 TRAINING & INSTRUCTIONS 470 670 1,500 1,500 605 1,500 1,500 1,50. 552120 POSTAGE & METER RENTAL 8,466 7,163 7,500 7,500 7,274 8,500 8,500 8,500 552130 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 2,140 1,594 1,800 1,800 1,266 1,800 1,800 1,800 552170 PROGRAMMING & SOFTWARE FEES 1,503 1,970 1,500 1,500 826 1,500 1,500 1,500 552200 AUDITING SERVICES 4,450 4,600 5,375 5,375 3,500 5,375 5,375 5,375 554130 MAINTENANCE OF NON-AUTO EQUIP 473 1,431 1,000 1,000 389 1,000 1,000 1,000 557130 SELF INS/IRMA POOL CONTRIBUTION 41,153 37,280 49,088 49,088 46,172 41,879 41,879 41,879 557200 VILLAGE SHARE OF PENSION 17,327 25,119 27,000 27,000 0 29,000 29,000 29,000 557230 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,427 2,543 2,700 2,700 2,340 2,600 2,600 2,600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 80,101 83,164 98,713 98,713 62,824 94,404 94,404 94,404 COMMODITIES 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,160 207 1,000 1,000 962 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL CaM00ITIES 1,160 207 1,000 1,000 962 1,000 1,000 1,000 RESERVES 581010 RESERVE FOR EMRGNCY/EXTRA EXP 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 50,000 48,656 581030 RESERVE FOR IRMA DCTBLS/ASSES 2,364 342 2,106 2,106 2,1% 2,500 2,500 2,500 581060 RESERVE FOR COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 18,500 18,500 0 TOTAL RESERVES 2,364 342 2,106 2,106 2,196 81,000 71,000 51,156 DEBT SERVICE 591075 SHARE OF ISS COSTS/CALL PREM 110,331 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 110,331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERFUMD TRANSFERS 811010 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FWD 95,550 46,500 62,000 62,000 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 TOTAL INTERFWD TRANSFERS 95,550 46,500 62,000 62,000 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Page 237 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM �_, 40 - ENTERPRISE/WATER & SEWER RESP. DIVISION 50 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY35 - ADMINISTRATION & OVERHEAD ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 •"' TOTAL EXPENSE 439,398 283,880 328,378 328,378 196,448 437,344 427,344 412,781 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 3,397,849 3,166,103 3,024,953 3,024,953 2,156,431 2,977,186 3,248,140 3,216,336 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 3,125,610 2,595,678 3,024,953 3,024,953 2,269,870 3,458,139 3,248,140 3,216,336 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 272,238 570,425 0 0 113,439- 480,953- 0 0 Page 238 Village Of Morton Grove Personnel Schedule Summary Fiscal: 94-95 DATE: 04/25/94 Administration & Overhead Department 1993-94 1994-95 Salary Number Grade Salary Number Full Time: Superintendent Of Public Works 44, 022 .7 34,320 .:, Assistant Department Director 73 29,690 .5 Meter Reader 25,291 1. 0 34 27, 103 1.0 Material Expeditor 18,645 .5 51 19,205 .5 Principal Clerk 25,796 1.0 34 27,431 1.0 Administrative Aide/Secretary 19,974 .7 40 15,446 .5 Total 133,728 3 .8 153, 194 4.0 Part Time: Clerk/Typist 5,918 1. 0 6, 094 1.0 Total 5,918 1. 0 6, 094 1.0 Additional Personal Service: Salaries-Overtime 1, 000 Total 1, 000 Fringe Benefits: Longevity 700 1.2 825 1.5 Social Security 10, 277 4.8 12, 057 6.0 Hospitilization Insurance 12 , 300 3 .8 17 ,322 4.0 Life Insurance 635 3.8 727 4.0 Total 23,912 30,932 Department Total 163, 558 4 .8 191, 221 5. 0 Page 239 • MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND DESCRIPTION The Firefighters Pension is a fiduciary fund separately accounted for and specifically regulated by Illinois State Statutes. Its revenues are derived from investment earnings on its assets, mandatory contributions by covered employees and, if necessary, property tax revenues. Pension benefits paid to retired and/or permanently disabled firefighters (or their widows/widowers) are set by Illinois State Statues. Actuarial studies to determine the amount necessary to fund future benefits by the Village are made annually. For the first time in about nine years, it appears necessary to levy a property tax. The actuarial valuation report as of April 30, 1993, indicates the Firefighter's Pension funded status is at 109.70%. This was a drop from the prior year funded level of 118.27%. The drop in funding level included the impact of state mandated unfunded increased benefits which became effective during the 1992-93 fiscal year. This year's actuarial report recommended a contribution of $140,520 be made to the Firefighters' Pension Plan be made by the Village to the Firefighters' Pension Plan even though the plan is still well over 100% funded and investment earnings which go into the reserve to pay future benefits still exceed annual expenditures by a substantial amount. After reviewing this year's actuarial report, including the significant increase in suggested contribution because of the increased benefits approved by the Illinois General Assembly, it was decided to recommend to the Board the reestablishment of a property tax levy to support this pension program. Since the program is still extremely well funded, the recommendation is to establish a levy of $25,000 for this coming fiscal year in support of the pension program. In 1994, we will again evaluate the actuarial assessment of this plan and can further increase the property tax levy in subsequent years should that become necessary. BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION $ 974,923 $ 522,000 $ 584,500 Total Approp. Request $ 974,923 $ 522,000 $ 584,500 Page 240 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL TAX REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES - 411010 As discussed above, the Village anticipates levying an amount for the first time in almost nine years. $25,000 INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 $460,100 AMORTIZATION ON BOND DISCOUNTS - 464010 Virtually all investments are purchased either at a "premium" (above the face value) or at a "discount" (below the face value) ---dependant upon the interest rate of the investment purchased and prevailing market conditions. This account recognizes the annual amount required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to "write off" the difference between the period the investment was purchased and its maturity date. $2,000 AMORTIZATIONS ON BOND PREMIUMS - 464020 See 464010 above for explanation. ($66,000) OTHER REVENUES EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS - 495010 Projected revenues from contributions to Fire pension based on 8.25% of salaries (including longevity) as pursuant to State Statutes. $163,400 -CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Projected expenditures for periodicals related to pensions. $100 ,.1 Page 241 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Projected expenditures for attending seminars related to pensions. $200 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES - 556120 Annual legal fees projected to pension fund attorney. Annual Retainer $365 Additional Legal Fees Estimated 3. 035 TOTAL $3,400 PENSION/DISABILITY BENEFITS - 557210 Projected retirement/disability payments including statutory increases for fiscal year. There are sixteen persons projected to receive benefits during 1994-95. $381,600 REFUND OF EMPLOYEE PENSION CONTRB - 557300 Projected refunds of pension contributions of terminated employees ineligible for pensions. $20, 000 MEDICAL EXAMS & EXPENSES - 558122 Projected expenditures for medical exams related to investigating medical fitness of new employees (50% share with Village general fund) and of firefighters applying for disability pension and for those firefighters currently receiving a disability pension. $4, 000 INVESTMENT ADVISOR FEES - 558123 Projected investment advisory fees for advisory and custodial services charged by American National Bank. Fees based on market value of investments managed. $25,000 Page 242 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS - 558129 Projected expenditures for items not covered by accounts above. $200 RESERVES RESERVE FOR PENSION BENEFITS - 581040 Reserves for additional disability/retirement pensions and other expenditures which may be incurred during fiscal year. $150,000 Page 243 VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL TEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM 52 - FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND ISO. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE TAX REVENUES 411010 PROPERTY TAXES 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL TAX REVENUES 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 801,613 825,288 365,000 365,000 489,900 460,100 460,100 460,100 462010 GAIN ON SALE OF INVESTMENTS 0 71,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 464010 AMORTIZATION ON BOND DISCOUNTS 0 1,819 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 464020 AMMORTIZATIONS ON BOND PREMIUMS 0 65,983- 0 0 0 66,000- 66,000- 66,000- TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 801,613 832,374 365,000 365,000 489,900 396,100 396,100 396,100 OTHER REVENUES 492020 MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS 170 225 0 0 100 0 0 0 495010 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 148,281 142,324 157,000 157,000 133,115 163,400 163,400 163,400 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 148,451 142,549 157,000 157,000 133,215 163,400 163,400 163,400 `••' TOTAL REVENUE 950,065 974,923 522,000 522,000 623,115 584,500 584,500 584,500 Page 244 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM FUND 52 - FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY40 - FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP RED MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94"95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551120 DUES 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 100 100 150 100 100 100 551130 MEETINGS i CONFERENCES 0 0 200 200 0 200 200 200 556120 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES 0 1,015 0 0 2,729 3,400 3,400 3,400 557210 PENSION/DISABILITY BENEFITS 285,468 329,828 364,000 364,000 301,671 381,600 381,600 381,600 557300 REFUND OF EMPLOYEE PENSION CONTRB 0 0 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 558120 ADMIN/MGMT SERVICE FEES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 558121 ACTUARIAL FEES 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 558122 MEDICAL EXAMS 8 EXPENSES 2,704 712 3,000 3,000 2,814 4,000 4,000 4,000 558123 INVESTMENT ADVISOR FEES 17,971 18,060 22,000 22,000 13,519 25,000 25,000 25,000 558129 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 354 50 200 200 245 200 200 200 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 308,997 349,665 409,500 409,500 321,128 434,500 434,500 434,500 COMMODITIES 562180 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 TOTAL COMMODITIES 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 RESERVES 581040 RESERVE FOR PENSION BENEFITS 0 0 112,500 112,500 0 150,000 150,000 150,01. TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 112,500 112,500 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 *on" TOTAL EXPENSE 308,997 349,665 522,000 522,000 321,147 584,500 584,500 584,500 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 950,065 974,923 522,000 522,000 623,115 584,500 584,500 584,500 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 308,997 349,665 522,000 522,000 321,147 584,500 584,500 584,500 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 641,068 625,258 0 0 301,968 0 0 0 Page 245 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL POLICE PENSION FUND The Police Pension Fund is a fiduciary fund separately accounted for and specifically regulated by Illinois State Law. Its revenues are derived from investment earnings on its assets and mandatory contributions by sworn personnel. Pension benefits paid to retired and/or permanently disabled police officers (or their widows) are set by Illinois State Law. Actuarial studies to determine the funded level status and amounts (if any) necessary to fund future benefits are made annually. For the ninth straight year, it is unnecessary to levy any property tax for the Police Pension Fund. The actuarial valuation report dated April 30, 1993, indicated a funded status level of 115.9%. This is a slight decrease from the 117.9% level of May 1, 1992. The drop in funding level included the impact of state mandated increased benefits which became effective during the 1992-93 fiscal year. The 1994-95 budget has been increased by $144, 300 or 22% to reflect the addition of two Police Lieutenants, two other Police retirees at a full year pension (in the prior year, these two were only in for a partial year) and the mandated benefit increases to other Police retirees. In addition, the reserve account has been increased for any other retirements that could occur during the fiscal year. INVESTMENT INCOME INTEREST INCOME - 461010 $671,800 AMORTIZATION ON BOND DISCOUNTS - 464010 Virtually all investments are purchased either at a "premium" (above its face value) or at a "discount" (below its face value) ---dependant upon the interest rate of the investment purchased and prevailing market conditions. This account recognizes the annual amount required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to "write off" the difference between the period the investment was purchased and its maturity date. $50,000 ____ BUDGET SUMMARY Department Classification Actual 92-93 Budget 93-94 Budget 94-95 POLICE PENSION $ 401,502 $ 657,500 $ 801,800 Total Approp. Request $ 401,502 $ 657, 500 $ 801,800 Page 246 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL AMORTIZATIONS ON BOND PREMIUMS - 464020 See 464010 above for explanation. ($110,500) OTHER REVENUES EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS - 495010 Projected revenues from sworn Police contributions based on 9% of base salary plus longevity (pursuant to State Statutes) $190,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - 551120 Projected membership to Illinois Police Pension Fund Association and other miscellaneous. $700 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES - 551130 Projected costs for Police Pension Board members to attend pension related seminars. $400 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES - 556120 Projected legal costs on Police Pension related matters. $5,800 PENSION/DISABILITY BENEFITS - 557210 Projected retirement/disability payments including statutory `increases as provided by State law. Significant increase due to addition of two persons. There are twenty-four persons that will be receiving benefits during 1994-95. $586, 600 I Page 247 MORTON GROVE, IL FISCAL YEAR 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL REFUND OF EMPLOYEE PENSION CONTRB - 557300 Projected refund of pension contributions from terminated sworn personnel ineligible for pension benefits. $20,000 MEDICAL EXAMS & EXPENSES - 558122 Projected costs for both pension fund's share of physicals on new police officers and physicals on those who are on disability as required by law. $2,500 INVESTMENT ADVISOR FEES - 558123 Projected fees to investment advisor/manager on investment portfolio. $35,000 SECRETARIAL SERVICES - 558124 Projected expenditures for secretarial support. $700 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS - 551120 $100 RESERVES RESERVE FOR PENSION BENEFITS - 581040 Projected reserves for additional 3-4 police officers who may retire during the 1994-95 fiscal year. $150,000 Page 248 VILLAGE OF NORTON GROVE ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR: 94-95 DETAIL PRINTED ON: 04/26/94 AT: 9:19 AM ^t FUND 53 - POLICE PENSION FUND RESP. DIVISION 00 - FINANCE SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY00 - UNASSIGNED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 REVENUE INVESTMENT INCOME 461010 INTEREST INCOME 1,212,352 1,259,505 388,484 388,484 948,891 671,800 671,800 671,800 464010 AMORTIZATION ON BOND DISCOUNTS 34,766 47,918 81,016 81,016 633 50,000 50,000 50,000 464020 AIMORT RATIONS ON BOND PREMIUMS 68,594- 106,384- 0 0 0 110,500- 110,500- 110,500- TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME 1,178,523 1,201,039 469,500 469,500 949,524 611,300 611,300 611,300 OTHER REVENUES 495010 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 176,089 167,460 188,000 188,000 156,580 190,500 190,500 190,500 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 176,089 167,460 188,000 188,000 156,580 190,500 190,500 190,500 •*n TOTAL REVENUE 1,354,613 1,368,499 657,500 657,500 1,106,104 801,800 801,800 801,800 FUND 53 - POLICE PENSION FUND RESP. DIVISION 20 - FINANCE I\ SUB-DEPT/ACTIVITY39 - POLICE PENSION ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED TO DATE DEP REG MGR REC APPROVED NUMBER DESCRIPTION 91-92 92-93 93-94 93-94 93-94 94-95 94-95 94-95 EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 700 0 700 700 700 551120 DUES i SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 600 700 551130 MEETINGS i CONFERENCES 600 0 200 200 214 400 400 400 556120 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES 4,179 1,920 5,800 5,800 0 5,800 5,800 5,800 557210 PENSION/DISABILITY BENEFITS 337,557 364,417 461,000 461,000 381,458 586,600 586,600 586,600 557300 REFUND OF EMPLOYEE PENSION CONTRB 0 0 20,000 20,000 22,779 20,000 20,000 20,000 558120 ADMIN/MINT SERVICE FEES 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 558122 MEDICAL EXAMS i EXPENSES 1,006 1,555 2,500 2,500 840 2,500 2,500 2,500 558123 INVESTMENT ADVISOR FEES 26,006 32,836 30,000 30,000 21,295 35,000 35,000 35,000 558124 SECRETARIAL SERVICES 370 125 700 558129 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 50 0 100 100 87 100 100 100 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 369,768 401,502 521,000 521,000 426,743 651,800 651,800 651,800 RESERVES 581040 RESERVE FOR PENSION BENEFITS 0 0 136,500 136,500 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 TOTAL RESERVES 0 0 136,500 136,500 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 •*" TOTAL EXPENSE 369,768 401,502 657,500 657,500 426,743 801,800 801,800 801,8001 TOTAL FUND REVENUE 1,354,613 1,368,499 657,500 657,500 1,106,104 801,800 801,800 801,800 TOTAL FUND EXPENSE 369,768 401,502 657,500 657,500 426,743 801,800 801,800 801.8000 NET FUND INCOME/LOSS 984,844 966,997 0 0 679,361 0 0 Page 249 BUDGET NOTES ABOUT TEE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS The Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois was incorporated in 1895. It is a northern suburb of Chicago located ten miles northeast of O'Hare International Airport. The Village encompasses an area of five square miles (20% of which is Cook County Forest Preserve) . Based on the revised 1990 census, the Village has a population of 22,373; a median family income of $52 , 815; and the median value of an owner occupied single family home is $150, 700. This compares quite favorable with the 130 communities comprising Cook County which show an average of $39,296 in median family income and $102, 100 median value of an owner occupied single family home. The Village is a diversified and balanced community. The Village boundaries are served by five elementary and two secondary school districts. Morton Grove's principal growth took place during the late 50's and early 60's when the population increased from 7,427 to 20, 533 residents. The Village has been predominantly "built out" and is primarily comprised of residential land uses. Significant industrial, office, and commercial land users are also located in the community. Very little vacant land remains for commercial and office development or light manufacturing. The Village of Morton Grove is governed as a home rule community under Illinois law and operates under a President/Trustee form of government with a full time Administrator. Under home rule powers, the Village is permitted to carry out its own governing procedures except where it is specifically prohibited by the State legislature. The Village President and the six member Board of Trustees are elected at large for four year terms. The President, with concurrence from the Board, appoints the Village Administrator and all Department Directors. The Village Administrator is the chief administrative officer who oversees the day to day operations of the Village. The Village currently has 166 full-time employees and 48 part-time/seasonal employees who work at any one of seven various departments: police, fire, public works, community development, health and human services, code enforcement, finance, or in the Administrator's office. Each of these department activities are coordinated by a Department Director who reports directly to the Village Administrator. The following table lists the ten largest taxpayers based on equalized assessed valuation as of July 1, 1993: i 1993 PERCENTAGE'" EQUALIZED OF TOTAL ASSESSED ASSESSED TAXPAYERS TYPE OF BUSINESS VALUATION VALUATION Federal Center, Inc. Shopping Center $15,229,013 3 .54% Avon Products Cosmetics, Beauty Aids 8, 195,277 1.91 ITT Bell & Gossett Pumps, Compressors & 8, 135, 593 1.89 Valve Manufacturer Industrial Develop Office & Warehouse 7, 380,413 1.72 (Rose Real Estate Buildings & Development) Marvin F. Poer & Co. Packing Materials Mfg. 6, 989, 938 1. 63 (formerly John Crane) Schwarz Paper Co. Paper Goods Distributor 5,443 ,434 1.27 Kraft Foods Research & Development 5, 338,966 1.24 LaSalle Nat'l Bank Bank Trust 4 , 637,433 1. 08 Trust #24222 Northern Telecom Telecommunications Equip. 4, 607,791 1. 07 "'1 Sidco Office & Warehouse Bldgs. 4 , 534 . 680 1. 06 TOTAL TEN LARGEST TAXPAYERS $70,492,538 16.41% TOTAL EQUALIZED ASSESSED VALUATION $429, 611, 056 100. 00% SOURCE: Cook County Tax Extension Office BUDGET PROCESS Operating Budget The budget process begins with the Department Directors meeting with their staff and outlining realistic goals and objectives for the upcoming year and projecting out the costs to meet these goals. The amounts initially requested by the Department Director are reflected in the "DEP REQ" column of the Proposed Budget Detail. From that point, the budgets are further reviewed by the Village Administrator and Finance Director with any revisions reflected in the "MGR REC" column of the same document. After these reviews by the Village staff, the Proposed Budget is prepared and sent to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. In addition, the Proposed Budget amounts are published by fund under a "Legal Notice" announcing the date of the formal public hearing. ii At this point, the Board of Trustees meet in a number of workshops to review and discuss the budget with the Village Administrator, Finance Director, and appropriate Department Director. These meetings are open to the public. In addition, a formal public hearing is held where citizens may provide input and/or testimony to the budget process. The workshop discussions are wide ranging, including discussion of all operating expenditures, existing and potential revenue sources, and on- going and future requirements of the existing Village infrastructure. In addition with its review of specific programs and services, the budget workshop also includes discussions of present and future needs of the Village's citizenry. Capital Improvement Program In its Capital Projects budget, the Village attempts to identify major construction expenditures to both its infrastructure Village wide, and its existing municipal buildings. The Village has traditionally maintained an aggressive infrastructure maintenance and reconstruction program, including improvements to local streets and alleys; sewer system improvements; relief sewer construction; installation of traffic signals and street lights; and occasional improvements to public facilities as required in order to support the Village's operating departments. While, diminishing resources had precluded inclusion of needed public improvements in this year's Proposed Budget, the Village has authorized issuance of a Bond Issue to address many of the major Capital Improvements that were initially excluded. These projects are discussed in "Capital Projects Fund - 1994 Bond Proceeds" . During the budget review process, the Village developed a formal five year Capital Improvements Program which outlined all of the existing and, as yet, unmet infrastructure needs which were thoroughly analyzed and discussed during the budget review process. The Capital Improvements Program identified specific infrastructure needs and provided the necessary resources to fulfill them. At the conclusion of the budget review process, the Village Board provided direction to the Village Administrator as to which projects were to be added to the 1994-95 Adopted Budget. Most of these projects have been identified and outlined in the new "Capital Projects Fund - 1994 Bond Proceeds" (Fund 31) as discussed above. It is expected that the five year Capital Improvements Program will be updated on an annual basis and remain part of the budget review process. iii Budget Documents Utilized The Village utilizes a "dual budgeting system" during the budget preparation process. Under this system, two separate documents are prepared and submitted to the Village Board for review during their workshops. These are the Current Operating Budget (or Proposed Budget) and the Expanded Budget. The Operating Budget provides the Village Board with a detailed document showing all revenue projections and appropriation requests necessary to continue providing the current level of services now offered to the community. The Expanded Budget will include requests from Department Directors for additional staff, new programs, additional equipment, and other requests which are not essential to continue our current level of service. The Expanded Budget will also include Capital Outlay requests, Public Improvement Projects, and other significant appropriation requests which could not be accommodated into the Operating Budget. Budget Approval, Control, and Amendments At the conclusion of the budget workshop, the Mayor and Board of Trustees direct the Village Administrator to prepare a final adopted budget providing the results of discussions they had during the budget workshop process. A formal appropriation ordinance is then presented to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration and subsequent approval. The appropriation ordinance is traditionally approved prior to the initiation of '1 the fiscal year. State statutes require the Village to approve the appropriation ordinance by at least the conclusion of the first quarter of the fiscal year. The Board of Trustees, Village Administrator, Finance Director, and Department Directors monitor their budgets very closely throughout the fiscal year as a monthly report is generated comparing year to date operating expenditures and revenues with projected year to date budgets. The budget authority is flexible in that the Village Administrator may make certain transfers within departments when considered necessary for the proper administration of the Village government. The Village may administratively revise the budget any time through interdepartmental transfers within any fund by passage of a resolution upon recommendation by the Village Administrator. The resolution would not affect any initial fund totals. Transfers, however, between two or more funds or additional appropriations to any fund are done by the passage of a supplemental appropriation ordinance. iv BUDGET POLICY Infrastructure and Major Equipment Replacement The Village believes that ongoing maintenance of its infrastructure and equipment is of prime importance to reduce the risk of emergency repairs and avoid the cost increases of deferral. To finance Capital Projects or major equipment replacement, the Village utilizes standard capital raising techniques such as General Obligation and Revenue Bond Issues, special loan programs established by intergovernmental agencies such as the IEPA, standard borrowing from local financial institutions, and "pay as you go" practices (through the property tax levy or from the share of State income tax) when reasonable. The Village has also established a Revolving Equipment Replacement Fund to provide a means of financing the replacement of Public Works and major firefighting apparatus. User Charges Budgetary policy of the Village also allows for the reasonable utilization of user fees when appropriate. Examples of some of the user fees currently utilized and imposed by the Village include water fees (for providing water to Village residents) ; sewer charges (for maintaining the storm and sanitary sewer collection system under the Village jurisdiction) ; commuter parking lot fees (daily parking fee charged for users of the commuter parking lot for maintenance and upkeep of same) ; ambulance fees; social services fees; and E9-1-1 fees (monthly service charge to users of telephone systems within the Village jurisdiction for maintaining emergency 9-1-1 telephone system to users in the Village jurisdiction. ) Revenue Estimates Village budgetary policy requires that revenue estimates be based on conservative projections. It is normal for actual Village revenues to meet original projections. in the past, the standard has been consistently accomplished. The only major deviation was in the 1991-92 fiscal year when the State legislature voted to significantly reduce the municipal share of the income tax surcharge after the Village had adopted its budget which was based on the income tax surcharge rates adopted under the previous legislative session. As the year progresses, major revenue sources are continuously compared to original revenue estimates to insure initial projections will be reasonably met. The operating budget is developed with a focus on long term solvency. This is demonstrated by the conservative nature of initial revenue projections, as well as, limitations to the utilization of available fund balances in "balancing the budget" . v DEBT POLICY The Village of Morton Grove is a home rule municipality and, as such, has no debt limitations. If, the Village was a non home rule municipality, according to Illinois statutes, its available , debt limit would be as follows: U Assessed Valuation - 7/1/93 $429, 611, 056 Legal Debt Limit for Non Home Rule - 8 . 625% 37 Amount of Village Debt Applicable to Limit,�'*M 11, 915, 484 (2 .774%) Legal Debt Margin Available /r� u 25, 138,470 (5.851%) * As of May 1, 1994, total Village Debt is $12,981,745 which excludes the Special Service Area which is an exclusive obligation of the property owners within the North Grove Corporate Center -- and not of the Village. The debt limitation governing non home rule communities exclude debt incurred due to mandates of the EPA or Federal Clean Water Act. The Village has $1, 066, 261 from loans outstanding to the IEPA for complying with sewer mandates and had the Village been a non home rule community -- would have excluded this amount from the formula in determining the debt applicable to the limit. The above Table demonstrates that the Village has been frugal in '1 its use of home rule debt authority. The computer printout summarizing the current Village debt as of 5/1/94, as well as, new debt that is proposed for meeting the requirements of the 1994 - 1995 fiscal year, is shown in the next section. Even with the addition of the new $7 million debt as of May 1, 1994 , the amount of debt applicable to the limit is projected to be $18, 915, 484 ($12, 981,745 + $7, 000, 000 - $1, 066,261 for the sewer rehab loan) . This would put the amount of debt applicable to the limits of non home rule communities at 4 . 40% -- well below the legal debt limit of 8. 625% of equalized assessed valuation. In determining the source of funds for major projects, the Village's particular borrowing requirements are identified and analyzed. In light of these requirements, the Village balances its available cash and the possibility of using local improvements for special taxing districts, short term installment note financing, and long term debt mechanisms. As part of the review, the Village looks at interest rate cycles and the current level of the Village debt. The Village also reviews the potential for issuing short term vs. long term debt. The Village's current borrowing for both its General Obligation Bonds and Water Revenue Bonds is currently rated A (on its uninsured bonds) from Moody's Bond Rating Service. This indicated that the rating service views the Village debt management activities as prudent and successful . The 1984 and 1991 General Obligation -Th Bond issues are rated AAA-MBIA insured. vi 1 ' i I i i i . j I 1 --- -- -- a _ !�I i I s ad . J i 3 - -` - as _ r I > saa t i di - 11 . Es 3 n4i _ s3 t -in-Jai 3 BE zip y i - tt cys -_ - s- -ss j s -_ , _ 1 3 - _es - _ ' �z =_ s arl: ?Air-- -sE£ -- 3 -11E4 2 _a kie-s$s • z£ 3 ---_-ss --a - Fas 3k3 i ^salsa ' m O. ix: I - 3 £_ : I _ss s � a •sa ' sa= kks»ssassa - 4s= 41- s - _ .7 - - -.s_.zs • ys-=m - -- - a __ NEE sw 423s�s £ ¢«ssa �_: Y ' - 3 3 �a :-r 4s 4sr=zz KEA _ _ E334£4 - sc 3 - s » a ! c3 _ Ess ans =4s oxse= ' as 3 as_3:s _3x £ &ia la _ ' a_= {a 3 g 3 !!1111J!Jh:II- ------------- - - -ace ;4 w s szl _ 1 £ a £N3 4 s = -ieal g E£ c 33 g w - a£s al a-t >r a z=aagi t a igi E - = vrcEIN = i a3 - Es • vii r r r ^I-PI' =1-1 =1= =1° a ;.hI::17 In..IP,L,I .n �l 1 L' `4I.1 • i. sh ni.,n- r nl;l"aii 4, = ;Jz°' 1 1 I • • sa= a _z. _ as gni= Ys� a • S. ' i ( 3 i E I 1^ 7a1 i ^3 . g Ng - _ g� ^ i E s ' ! -aR 3 a l - . 2 BF aa$ =s -,e rz- -pza • _ i — • - =ems xs _ = ? oz .=�as _ ' I azi tl +9 z : s • •1 s ?�R 3R k i k - ' § - atE E Ea $ ^_ 1 a; _ « �y � - 2 a : - Rama: . ^i_ S S4E 2 z - E - M - a^ I g a y .C :..: . I ���7 yyy . ". _ _ .q i... C= R= a it I.P. R si a : Y �� —. k_;Ek El N a 4 q i s a _ Z- I E_ { _ S .. a 3_ E� : .. 1 i s _ i-a = _ gggE= 4 ,-^„ • g S »'niiii it 2 " s.. .- a. a. - s><E�x g a se » s_ E 1! Eu : 7.. .-- - -:.- W w 5 - izii- ' E - zi �iea a gE _ - * a $-xE ss E E E E E _ : :a -1 =Re s la .i zses= i • z I• i i r = : `a ®'-sale. _ -- 1 E-R= fRs E , E E. x ; I ERR= : : E =O a : e- f - •• '^~_ =a_ rs � ' =a . ER c90= E R • _ c _ +3' _ $ _ £ _= ry =a • ,7a2 _ _ 1RJyi i !° EZs g= - 141 a- , a- y 111:111 _ 3 3 viii 1 Lj . ' : : c s_i�_ _-- , I-- _-- - The Village's general policy in the issuance of debt is to attempt to keep a relatively even debt service levy, allowing it to increase as new equalized assessed valuation is available as needs arise. The Village must reconcile the objective for a stable levy with the fact that the late improvements or maintenance often have a higher true cost. Finally, the goal to keep an even Debt Service levy must be balanced against the necessity of the project itself. MAJOR REVENUE ITEMS Property Tax The largest revenue item is the property tax and the Village proposes levying a total of $5, 650, 682 for the upcoming fiscal year. Morton Grove is a home rule municipality, and as such, has no limit on the amount it could levy for property taxes. The Village collection rate on its property tax levy has averaged 99. 03% over the last five years. Despite the dramatic increases in personnel costs, (including health insurance) , increased cost to repair existing infrastructure and meeting other state mandates, the Village increase to the property tax has been kept well below the annual rate of inflation over the last eight years as indicated in "Table C" in the Adopted Budget document. With the increase of 3.2% to the tax levy for the 1994-95 fiscal year, the annual increase to the property tax level in the last eight years has averaged only 2 .7% per year. The increase in property tax has been kept to a minimum with the increased reliance on other revenue sources -- most notably sales tax. The property tax is primarily used for the General Fund - (and in that fund, primarily for public safety, Public Works, and refuse collection) - 67%: Debt Service - 19%: Capital Improvements - 11.% and Retirement Fund Requirements - 3%. Sales Tax The sales tax projected for the upcoming 1994-95 fiscal year is $5, 294, 000 between the General ($5, 060, 000) and Debt Service ($234,000) Funds. The sales tax represents the largest revenue item in the General Fund. The Village automatically receives 1% of all retail sales within its boundaries as provided by State law. In addition, the local option sales tax had become effective on September 1, 1992 , which provides .5% additional sales tax on all retail items except food to be consumed off premises (grocery stores) , prescription and nonprescription drugs and items required to be registered with the State (motor vehicles) . As of January 1, 1995, the local option sales tax will increase by .25% to .75%. The increase is earmarked for debt payments on the 1994 General Obligation Bond Issue and future capital projects. At this time, the increase is not intended for general fund purposes. The Village is projecting a 3. 1% net growth of its sales tax after the consideration of the ix economic development agreement in the General Fund. This growth factor is based on a guarded optimism of general economic improvement and overall retail activity. Share of State Income Tax The Village share of State income tax for the 1994-95 fiscal year is $1, 092 , 900. This is a drop from the prior year projection of $1, 134, 300 and takes into effect the net loss of surcharge revenues formally being received by the Village. Water and Sewer Fees The Village projects a total of $3, 118, 550 of water sales and sewer charges for the 1994-95 fiscal year. The increase in revenues is based upon a net increase in fees in both water rates and sewer charges. The current base rate is $2.28 and $.50 per 1000 gallons for water sewer fees respectively for a total of $2 .78 . The adopted budget provides an increase to $2 .42 and $. 59 to the base fees for a total of $3. 01 -- an increase of 8 . 3% from the previous rate in effect. The increase is scheduled to take effect May 1, 1994 . FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE FUNDS All funds shown have a self balancing group of accounts which include revenues, expenditures, assets, liabilities and a fund balance. Each fund has a specific purpose -- either funding a pension, providing for the distribution of water and treatment of sewerage, funding major equipment replacement programs, capital projects programs, or accounting for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specific purposes. The funds of the Village are in relatively sound condition. If the budget performs as projected, they will continue to have positive fund balances by the end of the fiscal year. While the Village has adopted sound financial policies to meet all its current, short term, long term obligations, continuous effort must be maintained to monitor the adequacy of revenue sources and maintain a diversity of those revenue sources so that the Village is not heavily dependent on one type of revenue. In addition, expenditure must continue to be properly controlled and monitored. These factors are especially evident in an environment of meeting continuous demands on providing municipal services as well as maintaining state mandates (most of which are unfunded) while keeping increases in the property taxes to a minimum. '"\ x SALARY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE ASSIGNMENT BY CLASSIFICATION EFFECTIVE MAY 1. 1994 CLASSIFICATION PAY GRADE ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROFESSIONAL Assistant Finance Director 57 Assistant Director of Health & Human Services 57 Deputy Building Commissioner 46 Public Information Officer TECHNICAL 67 Engineer Assistant 62 Engineering Drafting/Technician 47 Sanitarian LABOR AND TRADES Assistant Superintendent of Public Works . . . . 73 Division Superintendent of Public Works . . . 71 Pumping Station Operator 56 Maintenance Supervisor 56 Auto Mechanic 53 Materials Expediter 51 Equipment Operator 51 Maintenance Worker II 48 Maintenance Worker I 45 Auto Service Attendant 45 CLERICAL AND OFFICE Executive Secretary 42 \.., Principal Accounting Clerk 42 Administrative Secretary/Aide 40 Accounting Clerk 40 Principal Clerk 34 Receptionist/Cashier 34 Water Meter Reader 34 PUBLIC SAFETY Watch Commander 71 Lieutenant 69 Sergeant 66 Police Officer - Special Duty 59 Police Officer 58 Public Safety Officer 53 Computer Operations Supervisor 47 Dispatcher 45 Community Service Officer II 37 Community Service Officer I 34 FIRE DEPARTMENT District Chief 74 Fire Lieutenant (EMS Director) 68 Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic 67 Fire Lieutenant 65 Deputy Fire Marshall 66 Fire Inspector 61 Firefighter/Paramedic 59 Firefighter 57 xi O CO Co N• M•O N • H O r N N M N 'O 5 ` J O.1 d O yr M r O•pONO N3P3MOn• 02, O. 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