HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-26 AgendaMORTON„GROVE Incredibly Close =t Amazingly Open VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA TO BE HELD AT THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER SCANLON CONFERENCE ROOM February 26, 2018 6:00 pm (The hour between 6:00 and 7:00 pm is set aside for Executive Session per 1-5-7A of the Village of Morton Grove Municipal Code. If the Agenda does not include an Executive Session, the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.) 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Executive Session THE BALANCE OF THE MEETING SHALL COMMENCE AT 7:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE RICHARD T. FLICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER 4. Reconvene Meeting 5. Pledge of Allegiance 6. Roll Call 7. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting —February 12, 2018 8. Special Reports a. Kate Paz from Mather Lifeway will present the results of the 2017 "Quality of Life" Survey 9. Public Hearings 10. Residents' Comments (agenda items only) 11. President's Report — Administration, Comprehensive Plan, Council of Mayors, Northwest Municipal Conference, Strategic Plan Committee 12. Clerk's Report — Condominium Association, Strategic Plan Committee 13. Staff Reports a. Village Administrator 1) Miscellaneous Reports and Updates b. Corporation Counsel 14. Reports by Trustees a. Trustee Grear — Building Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Lehigh/Ferris TIF, Police Facility Committee, Prairie View TIF, Special Events Commission, Traffic Safety Commission (Trustee Minx) b. Trustee Minx — Capital Projects, Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resource Commission, Plan Commission/Zoning Board, Public Works Department, Waukegan Road TIF (Trustee Grear) 1) Resolution 18-12 (Introduced February 26, 2018) Authorization to Execute a Contract with Hoerr Construction, Inc. for the 2018 Sewer Lining Program 2) Resolution 18-13 (Introduced February 26, 2018) Authorizing the Purchase of One New 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with One Snow Plow Through the State of Illinois Central Management Services Procurement Program c. Trustee Ramos — Appearance Commission, Environmental Health, IT Legal Department (Trustee Travis) d. Trustee Thill — Advisory Commission on Aging, Emergency Management Agency, Family and Senior Services Department, Fire Department, Fire Pension Board, RED Center, SWANCC (Trustee Witko) 1) Resolution 18-15 (Introduced February 26, 2018) Authorizing an Agreement Between the Village and Mather LifeWays for the Use of the Civic Center for Senior Programming e. Trustee Travis — Community Relations Commission, Dempster Street Corridor Plan, Finance Advisory Commission, Finance Department (Trustee Ramos) 14. Reports by Trustees (continued) f. Trustee Witko — Economic Development Commission, Farmers' Market, Fire and Police Commission, NIPSTA, Police Department, Police Pension Board, Water Commission (Trustee Thill) 1) Resolution 18-14 (Introduced February 26, 2018) Authorizing a Public Auction for Evidence/Property Recovered by the Morton Grove Police Department 15. Other Business 16. Presentation of Warrants $736,746.48 17. Residents' Comments 18. Executive Session — Personnel Matters, Labor Negotiations, Pending Litigation, and Real Estate 19. Adjournment - To ensure full accessibility and equal participation for all interested citizens, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of these facilities, are requested to contact Susan or Marlene (847/470-5220) promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations, MINUTES OF A,SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF=TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, MELD AT THE J!CHARD T ,LICKINGER MUNICIPAL CENTER EBRUARY=2, 2018 CALL TO ORDER I — Village President Dan DiMaria convened the meeting at 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of V. Village Hall and led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance. VI. Village Clerk Eileen Harford called the roll. Present were: Trustees Bill Grear, Rita Minx, Ed Ramos, John Thill, Connie Travis, and Janine Witko. VII. VIII. IX. X. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regarding the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 8, 2018, Trustee Minx noted a correction on page 5 under Trustee Grear's report, paragraph A. The third sentence says, "In 2016, the Village solicited proposals form three companies..." Trustee Minx said it should correctly read "...from three companies..." Trustee Thill moved to accept the Minutes as corrected, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. SPECIAL REPORTS NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE RESIDENTS' COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only) NONE Minutes of Februa 12, 2018 Board Meetin•' XI. PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1. Mayor DiMaria sought the Board's approval for his appointment of Ginny Ching -Yin Lo to the Community Relations Commission (CRC). Ginny is with Identity Performing Arts and is responsible for implementing the Community Artists Performance events at the Civic Center, sponsored by the CRC. Trustee Travis moved to approve the appointment of Ginny Ching -Yin Lo to the CRC, seconded by Trustee Witko. Motion passed unanimously via voice vote. a. Ginny was in attendance, and thanked the Board, saying it was a privilege and honor to serve the Village after living here for 17 years. She announced an "Open Call" for the upcoming Community Artists Performance, taking place at the Civic Center on Saturday, April 14. Anyone with dancing, musical, or poetic ability is invited to attend. Only online submissions will be considered, and the deadline to submit is February 28 at 5:00 p.m. The website for online submissions is www.identitvperformingarts.orq/project.aspx. 2. Mayor DiMaria said the Water Project Workshop, held earlier this evening, was very successful, with residents from both Morton Grove and Niles attending. It was very informative and easy to understand. Mayor DiMaria said that he's personally very excited about this project! XII. CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Harford had no report. XIII. A, Village Administrator: STAFF REPORTS Mr. Czerwinski congratulated the Public Works Department for their excellent job of keeping streets clear after several consecutive days of snow. He said he always hears people say that they can tell when they've entered Morton Grove because the streets are cleared and drivable. Mr. Czerwinski asked the assemblage for a round of applause for the Public Works personnel, which was enthusiastically given. B. Corporation Counsel: Corporation Counsel Liston had no report. XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS A. Trustee Grear: Trustee Grear had no report this evening. 2 12. 2018 Board Meetin. XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) B. Trustee Minx: 1. a. Trustee Minx presented Resolution 18-09, Authorizing the Participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a Contract with the Lowest Cost Electricity Provider. She explained that this Resolution will authorize the Village to participate in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative as the Village's non-exclusive energy broker to search the open market to find electricity at a lower rate than the ComEd rate for residential and commercial retail customers, along with jointly purchasing electricity for Village -owned buildings and street lighting. In the past, NIMEC has managed the Village's residential and commercial aggregation program. NIMEC is comprised of 170 member municipalities, park districts, water districts, and libraries in northern Illinois. To date, NIMEC has successfully secured and the Village has executed a lower electric rate from Dynegy Energy Services for nine of the Village's smaller accounts. Trustee Minx moved to approve Resolution 18-09, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill gn Tr. Minx Tr. Travis gya Tr. Ramos Eys Tr. Witko aYe 2. Trustee Minx announced that the next "Chamber After Hours" event would take place at the Great American Bagel store at Harlem and Dempster on February 22, beginning at 5:30 p.m. C. Trustee Ramos: Trustee Ramos had no report this evening. D. Trustee Thill: Trustee Thill had no formal report, but encouraged residents to use a broom to knock down any icicles hanging from their gutters before they could fall on their own and possibly injure someone. E. Trustee Travis: Trustee Travis noted that the Community Relation Commission's winter photo contest ends on March 2, 2018. She encouraged all shutterbugs to submit their photos. More information can be found on the Village's website. 3 12,2018 Board Meetin• XIV. TRUSTEES' REPORTS (continued) F. Trustee Witko: Trustee Witko presented Resolution 18-10, Authorizing the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached Between the Village of Morton Grove and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #135, for January 1, 2017 Through December 31, 2019. She explained that, since 1989, the Village and the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #135, have negotiated numerous collective bargaining agreements, the most recent being for the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016. The Village and the FOP have negotiated a new three-year agreement for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019, which provides for 2% annual pay increases for each year of the contract, increases the number of compensatory time an employee may accrue from 40 hours to 56 hours; adds Labor Day as a premium holiday, and provides that, if an employee works overtime on a premium holiday that is not a regularly scheduled workday, the employee shall be compensated at double time the regular hourly rate of pay for all overtime hours worked. Trustee Witko moved, seconded by Trustee Minx, to approve Resolution 18-10. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear gyg Tr. Minx Tr. Thill gyg Tr. Travis Tr. Ramos afire Tr. Witko XV. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor DiMaria welcomed Park District Commissioners Keith White and Paul Minx, and thanked them for attending tonight's meeting. XVI. WARRANTS Trustee Travis presented the Warrant Register for February 12, 2018 in the amount of $1,340,780.95. She moved that the Warrants be approved as presented. Trustee Thill seconded the motion. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Minx gyg Tr. Ramos ave Tr. Thill ayg Tr. Travis Tr. Witko afire XVII. RESIDENTS' COMMENTS Bill Page appeared before the Board to compliment the Police Department. He had occasion to call the MGPD because he was checking out a phone call he had gotten, which he suspected was a scam call. He said the Police Department was professional, courteous, and able to con- firm that he did, in fact, receive a scam call. 4 litinutes"of,Februa 12 2018 Board'Meetin" XVIII. ADJOURNMENT Trustee Minx moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Thill. Motion passed: 6 ayes, 0 nays. Tr. Grear Tr. Thill Tr. Minx Tr. Travis The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. PASSED this 26th day of February, 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 26th day of February, 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Board of Trustees, Morton Grove, Illinois gyL APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of February, 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois Tr. Ramos Lys Tr. Witko aye Minutes by: Teresa Cousar 5 2017 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report for Mather LifeWays in Morton Grove Executive Summary: Overall Experiences A total of 119 Morton Grove Customer Satisfaction and Quality of Life Surveys were returned, a 3% decrease compared to 2016. The number of completed surveys in 2017 is as follows: Survey Totals 2017 2016 Morton Grove 119 123 Community initiative Goals 73% of 2017 compared to 64% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree that they increased their healthy behaviors. 78% of 2017 compared to 73% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree that they tried new things. 70% of 2017 compared to 61 % of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree that they improved their overall health. Overall Quality Measures 99% of 2017 compared to 90% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree that Mather LifeWays provides overall good services. 99% of 2017 compared to 89% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree they are satisfied with their decision to visit. 99% of 2017 compared to 89% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree services are a good value for the price. 89% of 2017 compared to 83% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree Mather LifeWays has a high-quality reputation compared to other programs in this area. 99% of 2017 compared to 92% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree Mather LifeWays puts customers first above other priorities. 99% of 2017 compared to 92% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree that Mather LifeWays provides good services to older adults. 99% of 2017 compared to 91% of 2016 customers agree/strongly agree they would recommend Mather LifeWays programs and resources. Expectations of Services/Programs 28% of 2017 compared to 31 % of 2016 Morton Grove respondents indicate their expectations of programs/resources have been exceeded. 66% of 2017 compared to 60% of 2016 Morton Grove respondents indicate their expectations of programs/resources have been met. 6% of 2017 compared to 9% of 2016 Morton Grove respondents indicate their expectations of programs/resources have not been met. 1 atherliieways Legislative Summary Resolution 18-12 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH HOERR CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE 2018 SEWER LINING PROGRAM Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Administrator Recommend: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: / 4441— February 26, 2018 To authorize the Village President to execute and the Village Clerk to attest a contract with Hoerr Construction, Inc. for the 2018 Sewer Lining Program. The Village has an annual program, dependent on funding appropriations, to perform sewer lining in order to maintain the flow capacity of the Village's sewer pipe infrastructure. This contract was bid through a public process in accordance with the Village Code. The contract was advertised and sealed bids were received. The bid tabulation is attached as Exhibit "A". This contract must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act. The low bidder is Hoerr Construction from Goodfield, Illinois with a bid amount of $170,444.00. The budgeted amount is $200,000. The low bid amount is nearly $30,000 less than the budgeted amount. The qualifications of Hoerr Construction were found to be acceptable. The contract documents include a provision allowing the Village to increase the amount of work included in the contract and Hoerr Construction is agreeable to doing so. A practical increase of the length of sewers to be lined results in an adjusted contract amount of $193,524.00. Public Works Department. The estimated contract value is $193,524.00. Since this is a unit price contract, the final contract amount will be based on the actual quantity of work performed. Account #405034-552290 Sewer Lining and Replacement The implementation of the program is done as part of the normal operations of the Public Works Department. Approval as presented. Not required. None. Prepared by: Reviewed By #r _ /%Z7 Ratak E. Czerwinski, V. age Administrator ;� y D mte, Director Public Works Chris Tomich, Village Engineer Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman Li on, orporation Counsel RESOLUTION 18-12 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH HOERR CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR 2018 SEWER LINING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, a sewer lining program is a cost effective way to maintain the flow capacity of the Village's sewer pipe infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department advertised on the Village's website beginning January 26, 2018, inviting bids on the "2018 Sewer Lining Program"; and WHEREAS, this contract must conform to the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act; and WHEREAS, fifteen entities, contractors, or suppliers obtained the bidding materials; and WHEREAS, six bids were received, publicly opened and read at the Public Works Facility at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, with the tabulation of bids included in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, Hoerr Construction, Inc. of Goodfield, Illinois is the low bidder with a bid amount of $170,444.00; and WHEREAS, the low bid amount is $23,649 less than the engineer's estimate of cost and nearly $30,000 less than the budgeted amount; and WHEREAS, the qualifications of Hoerr Construction, Inc. were checked and found to be acceptable; and WHEREAS, the contract documents include a provision allowing the Village to increase the amount of work included in the contract; and WHEREAS, Hoerr Construction, Inc. is agreeable to increasing the amount of work in the contract; and WHEREAS, a practical increase of the length of sewers to be lined results in an adjusted contract amount of $193,524.00; and WHEREAS, funding for the above work in the amount of $200,000 is included in the Village of Morton Grove 2018 Adopted Budget as account number 405034-552290, Sewer Lining and Replacement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: Section I. The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. Section 2. The Corporate Authorities accept the bid of Hoerr Construction, Inc. in the amount of $170,444.00. Section 3. The Corporate Authorities accept the recommendation of the Public Works Department to increase the length of sewers to be lined in the 2018 Sewer Lining Program. Section 4. The Village President is hereby authorized to execute and the Village Clerk is hereby authorized to attest to a contract with Hoerr Construction, Inc., 1416 County Road. 200 N, Goodfield, Illinois, based upon their bid for the "2018 Sewer Lining Program" and the increased length of sewers to be lined for an adjusted contract amount of $193,524.00. Section 5. The Village Administrator and the Director of Public Works and/or their designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to implement, supervise, and manage this contract. Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2018 Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2018 ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2018 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" CC \§ Hoerr Construction, Inc. 1416 County Road. 200 N Gaodfield, Illinois 61742 511,55000, IOMTCOBT Insitufoml Technologies USA, LLC 17988 Edison Avenue Chesterfield, Missouri 63005 ]}§»� }{ (/\[)) Usu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC 9014 5. Thomas Avenue Bridgeview, Illinois 60455 ITEM COST 47, UNIT COST Kenny Construction Company 2215 Sanders Road, Suite 400 I Northbrook, Illinois 80062 |l m ;: §/|\2s Engineers Estimate 1 ITEM COST I S1,020.001 !;:!!! !§!:it Bid Tabulation Bid Opening: February 13, 2018 itq 10:00 AM 4 mb- CORRECTED TOTAL PROPOSAL AMOUN1 A&READ PROPOSAL AMOUNT' � Cured —In— Place Pipe (CIPP) Sanitary Sewer, 8" Cured— in— Place Pipe (CIPP) Sanitary Sewer, 10" Cured — In — Place Pipe (CIPP) Combined Sewer, 12" Reinstating Service Laterals Protruding Tap Removal §..,e. 4 a Miller Pipeline, LLC 8850 Crawfordsville Road Indianapolis, Indiana 48234 L_ ITEM COST n 8 a 8 _ _ _ 8 8 Michels Pape Services/Michels Corporation 817 Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, Wsconsin 53006 F, £ C w H S w 5000 R w v. UMT COST S. Legislative Summary Resolution 18-13 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE NEW 2018 FREIGHTLINER DUMP TRUCK WITH ONE SNOW PLOW THROUGH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROCUREMENT PROGRAM PSD#4018133 Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommendation: First Reading: Special Considerations Respectfully submitted: Ralph C Reviewed by: February 26, 2018 To authorize the purchase of one (1) new 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with one snow plow. The Public Works Vehicle Maintenance Division routinely participates in the state of Illinois Central Management Agency's Joint Purchasing Program to take advantage of the state's competitive bidding process. Pursuant to the bidding process for contract #PSD4018133, the lowest bidder for the purchase of a 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with salt spreader and snow plow was Patson, Inc., DBA Trans Chicago Truck Group, 776 N. York St. Elmhurst, Illinois 60126. This resolution will approve the purchase of one (1) new 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with one snow plow from Trans Chicago Truck Group for the purchase price of $166,527.00. $175,000 was budgeted in the 2018 budget to purchase this vehicle. Public Works Enterprise Water/Sewer Division and Finance $166,527.00 Enterprise Fund Account: 405033-572030 Routine Approval as presented. Not required N/A rwinski, Villa dministrator e Monte, Director of Public Works Reviewed by: Teresa off ,i , ston, Corporation Counsel Prepared by: vision Superintendent RESOLUTION 18-13 TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) NEW 2018 FREIGHTLINER DUMP TRUCK WITH ONE (1) SNOW PLOW THROUGH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS CENTRAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM CONTRACT PSD#4018133 WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department routinely reviews vehicles and equipment for fuel economy, safety, dependability, age, and excessive repair cost and recommends replacing or eliminating equipment that no longer meets the requirements of the Department; and WHEREAS, the Village participates in the state of Illinois Central Management Agency's Joint Purchasing Program in order to take advantage of the state's competitive bidding process; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Purchasing Program's contract #PSD4018133 the lowest bidder for 2018 Freightliner Dump Trucks and snow plows was Patson, Inc., DBA Trans Chicago Truck Group, 776 N. York St. Elmhurst, Illinois 60126; and WHEREAS, the Village Board approved the 2018 budget pursuant to Ordinance 17-28 on November 27, 2017, which provides funding in the Enterprise Fund account number 405033-572030 in the amount of $175,000 to purchase this vehicle; and WHEREAS, the Village Administrator and staff recommend the Village Board approve and authorize a contract for the purchase of one (1) new 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with one snow plow from Trans Chicago Truck Group, 776 N. York St. Elmhurst, Illinois 60126, for the purchase price of $166,527.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of one new 2018 Freightliner Dump Truck with one snow plow for $166,527.00. SECTION 3: The Public Works Director and/ or his designee is/are authorized to take all steps necessary to implement this purchase. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and upon its passage and approval. Passed this 26th day of February 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko Approved by me this 26th day of February 2018 Attested and Filed in my office This 27th day of February 2018 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com A proposal for Village of Morton Grove Tandem Plow Chassis with Snow and Ice Equipment Customer Draft # 2 CMS BID # 227888 - CONTRACT PSD # 4018133 Prepared by TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP Duane Schaefer Feb 14, 2018 Freightliner 108SD Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA Components shown may not reflect all speed options and are not to scale FREIGHTLINER= 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 1 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 Price Level Hata Version Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com SPECIFICATION PROPOSAL Description SD PRL -17D (EFF:11/14/17) SPECPRO21 DATA RELEASE VER 0 Vehicle Configuration 108SD CONVENTIONAL CHASSIS 2019 MODEL YEAR SPECIFIED SET BACK AXLE - TRUCK TRAILER TOWING PROVISION AT END OF FRAME FOR TRUCK LH PRIMARY STEERING LOCATION General Service TRUCK/TRAILER CONFIGURATION DOMICILED, USA (EXCLUDING CALIFORNIA AND CARB OPT -IN STATES) UTILITY/REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SERVICE GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SEGMENT BUILDING MATERIAL COMMODITY TERRAIN/DUTY: 100% (ALL) OF THE TIME, IN TRANSIT, IS SPENT ON PAVED ROADS MAXIMUM 8% EXPECTED GRADE SMOOTH CONCRETE OR ASPHALT PAVEMENT - MOST SEVERE IN -TRANSIT (BETWEEN SITES) ROAD SURFACE FREIGHTLINER SD VOCATIONAL WARRANTY EXPECTED FRONT AXLE(S) LOAD : 18000.0 lbs EXPECTED REAR DRIVE AXLE(S) LOAD : 40000.0 lbs EXPECTED GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT CAPACITY : 58000.0 lbs Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA QFRE/GHTL/NERT 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Page 2 of 21 Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 Description Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago. corn EXPECTED GROSS COMBINATION WEIGHT : 58000.0 lbs Truck Service FRONT PLOW/END DUMP BODY EXPECTED TRUCK BODY LENGTH MONROE TRUCK EQUIPMENT Tractor Se VAN TRAILER SINGLE (1) TRAILER Engine 0.0 ft CUM L9 350 HP @ 2000 RPM, 2200 GOV RPM, 1000 LB/FT @ 1400 RPM Electronic Parameters 75 MPH ROAD SPEED LIMIT CRUISE CONTROL SPEED LIMIT SAME AS ROAD SPEED LIMIT PTO MODE ENGINE RPM LIMIT - 1100 RPM PTO RPM WITH CRUISE SET SWITCH - 800 RPM PTO RPM WITH CRUISE RESUME SWITCH - 700 RPM PTO MODE CANCEL VEHICLE SPEED- 5 MPH PTO GOVERNOR RAMP RATE - 250 RPM PER SECOND PTO MINIMUM RPM - 700 REGEN INHIBIT SPEED THRESHOLD • 0 MPH Engine Equipment 2016 ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS/2010 EPA/CARB/FINAL GHG17 CONFIGURATION NO 2008 CARB EMISSION CERTIFICATION STANDARD OIL PAN ENGINE MOUNTED OIL CHECK AND FILL SIDE OF HOOD AIR INTAKE WITH FIREWALL MOUNTED DONALDSON AIR CLEANER AND INSIDE/OUTSIDE AIR WITH SNOW DOOR DR 12V 160 AMP 28 -SI QUADRAMOUNT PAD ALTERNATOR WITH REMOTE BATTERY VOLT SENSE Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA (FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 3 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description (2) ALLIANCE MODEL 1231, GROUP 31, 12 VOLT MAINTENANCE FREE 2250 CCA THREADED STUD BATTERIES BATTERY BOX FRAME MOUNTED STANDARD BATTERY JUMPERS SINGLE BATTERY BOX FRAME MOUNTED LH SIDE UNDER CAB WIRE GROUND RETURN FOR BATTERY CABLES WITH ADDITIONAL FRAME GROUND RETURN NON -POLISHED BATTERY BOX COVER POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE POSTS FOR JUMPSTART LOCATED ON FRAME NEXT TO STARTER CUMMINS TURBOCHARGED 18.7 CFM AIR COMPRESSOR WITH INTERNAL SAFETY VALVE ELECTRONIC ENGINE INTEGRAL WARNING AND DERATE PROTECTION SYSTEM CUMMINS EXHAUST BRAKE INTEGRAL WITH VARIABLE GEOMETRY TURBO WITH ON/OFF DASH SWITCH RH OUTBOARD UNDER STEP MOUNTED HORIZONTAL AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM ASSEMBLY WITH RH B -PILLAR MOUNTED VERTICAL TAILPIPE ENGINE AFTERTREATMENT DEVICE, AUTOMATIC OVER THE ROAD ACTIVE REGENERATION AND DASH MOUNTED SINGLE REGENERATION REQUEST/INHIBIT SWITCH 11 FOOT 06 INCH (138 INCH+0/-5.9 INCH) EXHAUST SYSTEM HEIGHT RH CURVED VERTICAL TAILPIPE B -PILLAR MOUNTED ROUTED FROM STEP 6 GALLON DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK 100 PERCENT DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID FILL STANDARD DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID PUMP MOUNTING LH MEDIUM DUTY STANDARD DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK LOCATION STANDARD DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID TANK CAP STAINLESS STEEL AFTERTREATMENT DEVICE/MUFFLER/TAILPIPE SHIELD HORTON DRIVEMASTER ADVANTAGE ON/OFF FAN DRIVE Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA C FREIGHTLINER= 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 4 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description AUTOMATIC FAN CONTROL WITHOUT DASH SWITCH, NON ENGINE MOUNTED CUMMINS SPIN ON FUEL FILTER COMBINATION FULL FLOW/BYPASS OIL FILTER 1200 SQUARE INCH ALUMINUM RADIATOR ANTIFREEZE TO -34F, ETHYLENE GLYCOL PRE - CHARGED SCA HEAVY DUTY COOLANT GATES BLUE STRIPE COOLANT HOSES OR EQUIVALENT CONSTANT TENSION HOSE CLAMPS FOR COOLANT HOSES RADIATOR DRAIN VALVE PHILLIPS-TEMRO 1000 WATT/115 VOLT BLOCK HEATER BLACK PLASTIC ENGINE HEATER RECEPTACLE MOUNTED UNDER LH DOOR ELECTRIC GRID AIR INTAKE WARMER DELCO 12V 38MT HD STARTER WITH INTEGRATED MAGNETIC SWITCH Transmission ALLISON 3000 RDS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PTO PROVISION Transmission Equipment ALLISON VOCATIONAL PACKAGE 223 - AVAILABLE ON 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES WITH VOCATIONAL MODELS RDS, HS, MH AND TRV ALLISON VOCATIONAL RATING FOR ON/OFF HIGHWAY APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE WITH ALL PRODUCT FAMILIES PRIMARY MODE GEARS, LOWEST GEAR 1, START GEAR 1, HIGHEST GEAR 6, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY SECONDARY MODE GEARS, LOWEST GEAR 1, START GEAR 1, HIGHEST GEAR 6, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY S5 PERFORMANCE LIMITING PRIMARY SHIFT SCHEDULE, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY 55 PREFORMANCE LIMITING SECONDARY SHIFT SCHEDULE, AVAILABLE FOR 3000/4000 PRODUCT FAMILIES ONLY 2200 RPM PRIMARY MODE SHIFT SPEED Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA (FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 5 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description 2200 RPM SECONDARY MODE SHIFT SPEED DISABLE - LOAD BASED SHIFT SCHEDULE, DISABLE - VEHICLE ACCELERATION CONTROL NEUTRAL AT STOP - DISABLED, FUELSENSE - DISABLED DRIVER SWITCH INPUT - DEFAULT - NO SWITCHES VEHICLE INTERFACE WIRING CONNECTOR WITHOUT BLUNT CUTS, AT END OF FRAME ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION CUSTOMER ACCESS CONNECTOR FIREWALL MOUNTED CUSTOMER INSTALLED MUNCIE CS20/CS24 SERIES PTO PTO MOUNTING, LH SIDE OF MAIN TRANSMISSION MAGNETIC PLUGS, ENGINE DRAIN, TRANSMISSION DRAIN, AXLE(S) FILL AND DRAIN PUSH BUTTON ELECTRONIC SHIFT CONTROL, DASH MOUNTED TRANSMISSION PROGNOSTICS - ENABLED 2013 WATER TO OIL TRANSMISSION COOLER, IN RADIATOR END TANK TRANSMISSION OIL CHECK AND FILL WITH CROSSOVER TO CLEAR LH PTO AND DIRECT MOUNT PUMP SYNTHETIC TRANSMISSION FLUID (TES -295 COMPLIANT) Front Axle and Equipment, DETROIT DA -F-18.0-5 18,000# FL1 71.0 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE MERITOR 16.5X6 Q+ CAST SPIDER CAM FRONT BRAKES, DOUBLE ANCHOR, FABRICATED SHOES NON -ASBESTOS FRONT BRAKE LINING CONMET CAST IRON FRONT BRAKE DRUMS FRONT OIL SEALS VENTED FRONT HUB CAPS WITH WINDOW, CENTER AND SIDE PLUGS - OIL STANDARD SPINDLE NUTS FOR ALL AXLES MERITOR AUTOMATIC FRONT SLACK ADJUSTERS STANDARD KING PIN BUSHINGS Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA C FREIGHTLINER; 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 6 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 Description Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com TRW TAS -85 POWER STEERING POWER STEERING PUMP 2 QUART SEE THROUGH POWER STEERING RESERVOIR SYNTHETIC 75W-90 FRONT AXLE LUBE Front Suspension 18,000# FLAT LEAF FRONT SUSPENSION GRAPHITE BRONZE BUSHINGS WITH SEALS - FRONT SUSPENSION FRONT SHOCK ABSORBERS Rear Axle and Equipment MT -40-14X 40,000# R -SERIES TANDEM REAR AXLE 5.29 REAR AXLE RATIO IRON REAR AXLE CARRIER WITH OPTIONAL HEAVY DUTY AXLE HOUSING MXL 17T MERITOR EXTENDED LUBE MAIN DRIVELINE WITH HALF ROUND YOKES MXL 17T MERITOR EXTENDED LUBE INTERAXLE DRIVELINE WITH HALF ROUND YOKES DRIVER CONTROLLED TRACTION DIFFERENTIAL - BOTH TANDEM REAR AXLES (1) INTERAXLE LOCK VALVE, (1) DRIVER CONTROLLED DIFFERENTIAL LOCK FORWARD - REAR AND REAR -REAR AXLE VALVE BLINKING LAMP WITH EACH INTERAXLE LOCK SWITCH, INTERAXLE UNLOCK DEFAULT WITH IGNITION OFF BLINKING LAMP WITH EACH MODE SWITCH, DIFFERENTIAL UNLOCK WITH IGNITION OFF, ACTIVE <5 MPH MERITOR 16.5X7 0+ CAST SPIDER CAM REAR BRAKES, DOUBLE ANCHOR, FABRICATED SHOES NON -ASBESTOS REAR BRAKE LINING ASPHALT SPREADER CLEARANCE REAR BRAKE GEOMETRY CONMET CAST IRON REAR BRAKE DRUMS REAR OIL SEALS BENDIX EVERSURE LONGSTROKE 2 -DRIVE AXLES SPRING PARKING CHAMBERS HALDEX AUTOMATIC REAR SLACK ADJUSTERS Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA CFRE/GHTL/NER-5 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 7 of 21 Prepared tor: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 Description Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Rear Suspension Brake System Trailer Connections SYNTHETIC 75W-90 REAR AXLE LUBE STANDARD REAR AXLE BREATHER(S) HENDRICKSON HAULMAAX @40,000# REAR SUSPENSION HENDRICKSON HAULMAAX/ULTIMAAX - 9.50" RIDE HEIGHT 54 INCH AXLE SPACING HENDRICKSON HN, HAULMAAX AND ULTIMAAX SERIES STEEL BEAMS WITH BAR PIN FORE/AFT AND TRANSVERSE CONTROL RODS WABCO 4S/4M ABS WITHOUT TRACTION CONTROL REINFORCED NYLON, FABRIC BRAID AND WIRE BRAID CHASSIS AIR LINES FIBER BRAID PARKING BRAKE HOSE STANDARD BRAKE SYSTEM VALVES STANDARD AIR SYSTEM PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM STD U.S. FRONT BRAKE VALVE RELAY VALVE WITH 5-8 PSI CRACK PRESSURE, NO REAR PROPORTIONING VALVE WABCO SS -1200 PLUS AIR DRYER WITH INTEGRAL AIR GOVERNOR AND HEATER AIR DRYER MOUNTED INBOARD ON LH RAIL STEEL AIR BRAKE RESERVOIRS; CUSTOMER ACCEPTS TANKS MOUNTED PERPENDICULAR TO RAIL PULL CABLE ON WET TANK, PETCOCK DRAIN VALVES ON ALL OTHER AIR TANKS AIR CONNECTIONS TO END OF FRAME WITH GLAD HANDS FOR TRUCK AND NO DUST COVERS PRIMARY CONNECTOR/RECEPTACLE WIRED FOR SEPARATE STOP/TURN, ABS CENTER PIN POWERED THROUGH IGNITION SAE J560 7 -WAY PRIMARY TRAILER CABLE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED END OF FRAME UPGRADED CHASSIS MULTIPLEXING UNIT Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Page 8 of 21 Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description Wheelbase & Frame Chassis Equipment Fuel Tanks 3800MM (150 INCH) WHEELBASE 7/16X3 -9/16X11-1/8 INCH STEEL FRAME (11.11MMX282.6MM/0.437X11.13 INCH) 120KSI BODY COMPANY INSTALLED ADDITIONAL FRONT FRAME REINFORCEMENT FOR SNOW PLOW 1750MM (69 INCH) REAR FRAME OVERHANG FRAME OVERHANG RANGE: 61 INCH TO 70 INCH 24 INCH INTEGRAL FRONT FRAME EXTENSION CALC'D BACK OF CAB TO REAR SUSP C/L (CA) : 84.45 in CALCULATED EFFECTIVE BACK OF CAB TO REAR SUSPENSION C/L (CA) : 81.45 in CALC'D FRAME LENGTH - OVERALL : 284.16 CALC'D SPACE AVAILABLE FOR DECKPLATE : 84.45 in CALCULATED FRAME SPACE LH SIDE : 20.57 in CALCULATED FRAME SPACE RH SIDE : 61.34 in SQUARE END OF FRAME FRONT CLOSING CROSSMEMBER LIGHTWEIGHT HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM ENGINE CROSSMEMBER STANDARD MIDSHIP #1 CROSSMEMBER(S) STANDARD REARMOST CROSSMEMBER STANDARD SUSPENSION CROSSMEMBER 14 INCH PAINTED STEEL BUMPER BUMPER MOUNTING FOR SINGLE LICENSE PLATE GRADE 8 THREADED HEX HEADED FRAME FASTENERS 70 GALLON/264 LITER ALUMINUM FUEL TANK - LH 25 INCH DIAMETER FUEL TANK(S) PLAIN ALUMINUM/PAINTED STEEL FUEL/HYDRAULIC TANK(S) WITH POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL BANDS Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA C FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 9 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description Tires Hubs Wheels Cab Exterior FUEL TANK(S) FORWARD PLAIN STEP FINISH FUEL TANK CAP(S) DETROIT FUEL/WATER SEPARATOR WITH WATER IN FUEL SENSOR, HAND PRIMER AND 12 VOLT PREHEATER EQUIFLO INBOARD FUEL SYSTEM NO NATURAL GAS VEHICLE FUEL TANK VENT LINE/STACK HIGH TEMPERATURE REINFORCED NYLON FUEL LINE CONTINENTAL CITY SERVICE HA3 315/80R22.5 20 PLY RADIAL FRONT TIRES CONTINENTAL HDR2 11R22.5 14 PLY RADIAL REAR TIRES CONTINENTAL HDR2 11R22.5 14 PLY RADIAL SPARE TIRE CONTINENTAL CITY SERVICE HA3 315/80R22.5 20 PLY RADIAL ADDITIONAL SPARE TIRE CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON FRONT HUBS CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON REAR HUBS ACCURIDE 29039 22.5X9.00 10 -HUB PILOT 5.25 INSET 5 -HAND STEEL DISC FRONT WHEELS MAXION WHEELS 90541 22.5X8.25 10 -HUB PILOT 2 -HAND STEEL DISC REAR WHEELS MAXION WHEELS 90541 22.5X8.25 10 -HUB PILOT 2 -HAND STEEL DISC SPARE WHEEL ACCURIDE 29039 22.5X9.00 10 -HUB PILOT 5.25 INSET 5 -HAND STEEL DISC ADDITIONAL SPARE WHEEL WHEEL STUDS FOR CUSTOMER INSTALLED HUB PILOTED DUALED ALUMINUM WHEELS, ALL 108 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA C FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 10 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description AIR CAB MOUNTING CAB ROOF REINFORCEMENTS FOR ROOF MOUNTED COMPONENTS NONREMOVABLE BUGSCREEN MOUNTED BEHIND GRILLE SHORT FENDER WITH MUDFLAP BOLT -ON MOLDED FLEXIBLE FENDER EXTENSIONS LH AND RH GRAB HANDLES BRIGHT FINISH RADIATOR SHELUHOOD BEZEL STATIONARY BLACK GRILLE WITH BRIGHT ACCENTS CHROME HOOD MOUNTED AIR INTAKE GRILLE FIBERGLASS HOOD SINGLE 14 INCH ROUND HADLEY AIR HORN UNDER LH DECK SINGLE ELECTRIC HORN SINGLE HORN SHIELD DOOR LOCKS AND IGNITION SWITCH KEYED THE SAME WITH (4) KEYS REAR LICENSE PLATE MOUNT END OF FRAME HALOGEN COMPOSITE HEADLAMPS WITH BRIGHT BEZELS LED AERODYNAMIC MARKER LIGHTS DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS - LOW BEAM ONLY INTEGRAL STOP/TAIUBACKUP LIGHTS STANDARD FRONT TURN SIGNAL LAMPS DUAL WEST COAST BRIGHT FINISH HEATED MIRRORS WITH LH AND RH REMOTE DOOR MOUNTED MIRRORS 102 INCH EQUIPMENT WIDTH LH AND RH 8 INCH BRIGHT FINISH CONVEX MIRRORS MOUNTED UNDER PRIMARY MIRRORS STANDARD SIDE/REAR REFLECTORS RH AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM CAB ACCESS WITH POLISHED DIAMOND PLATE COVER 2 -STAGE ELECTRIC HORN AND HAZARD LAMP ALERT CONTROLLED BY PARTICULATE FILTER REGENERATION REQUIRED STATUS 63X14 INCH TINTED REAR WINDOW Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER;) 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 11 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description Cab Interior TINTED DOOR GLASS LH AND RH WITH TINTED OPERATING WING WINDOWS RH AND LH ELECTRIC POWERED WINDOWS, PASSENGER SWITCHES ON DOOR(S) LOWER RH DOOR WINDOW WITH FRESNEL LENS 1 -PIECE TINTED CURVED BONDED WINDSHIELD WITH HEATED WIPER BLADE PARK AREAS 8 LITER WINDSHIELD WASHER RESERVOIR, CAB MOUNTED, WITHOUT FLUID LEVEL INDICATOR OPAL GRAY VINYL INTERIOR MOLDED PLASTIC DOOR PANEL WITHOUT VINYL INSERT WITH ALUMINUM KICKPLATE LOWER DOOR MOLDED PLASTIC DOOR PANEL WITHOUT VINYL INSERT WITH ALUMINUM KICKPLATE LOWER DOOR BLACK MATS WITH SINGLE INSULATION NO FORWARD ROOF MOUNTED CONSOLE IN DASH STORAGE BIN (2) CUP HOLDERS LH AND RH DASH GRAY/CHARCOAL FLAT DASH SMART SWITCH EXPANSION MODULE 5 LB. FIRE EXTINGUISHER HEATER, DEFROSTER AND AIR CONDITIONER STANDARD HVAC DUCTING WITH SNOW SHIELD FOR FRESH AIR INTAKE MAIN HVAC CONTROLS WITH RECIRCULATION SWITCH STANDARD HEATER PLUMBING WITH BALL SHUTOFF VALVES DENSO HEAVY DUTY AIR CONDITIONER COMPRESSOR BINARY CONTROL, R -134A PREMIUM INSULATION SOLID-STATE CIRCUIT PROTECTION AND FUSES 12V NEGATIVE GROUND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DOME DOOR ACTIVATED LH AND RH, DUAL READING LIGHTS, FORWARD CAB ROOF Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA (FREIGHTLINER -5 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Page 12 of 21 Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description LH AND RH ELECTRIC DOOR LOCKS (2) 12 VOLT POWER RECEPTACLES MOUNTED IN DASH TRIANGULAR REFLECTORS WITHOUT FLARES ELITE HIGH BACK AIR SUSPENSION DRIVER SEAT WITH HEAT, 3 CHAMBER AIR LUMBAR, INTEGRATED CUSHION EXTENSION, FORWARD AND REAR CUSHION TILT AND ADJUSTABLE SHOCK ELITE HIGH BACK AIR SUSPENSION PASSENGER SEAT WITH HEAT, 3 CHAMBER AIR LUMBAR, INTEGRATED CUSHION EXTENSION, FORWARD AND REAR CUSHION TILT AND ADJUSTABLE SHOCK DUAL DRIVER AND PASSENGER SEAT ARMRESTS LH AND RH INTEGRAL DOOR PANEL ARMRESTS BLACK CORDURA PLUS CLOTH DRIVER SEAT COVER BLACK CORDURA PLUS CLOTH PASSENGER SEAT COVER HIGH VISIBILITY ORANGE SEAT BELTS ADJUSTABLE TILT AND TELESCOPING STEERING COLUMN 4 -SPOKE 18 INCH (450MM) STEERING WHEEL DRIVER AND PASSENGER INTERIOR SUN VISORS Instruments & Controls GRAY DRIVER INSTRUMENT PANEL GRAY CENTER INSTRUMENT PANEL (4) SWITCH CUTOUTS AND BLANKS IN CENTER PANEL BLACK GAUGE BEZELS LOW AIR PRESSURE INDICATOR LIGHT AND AUDIBLE ALARM 2 INCH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY AIR PRESSURE GAUGES ENGINE COMPARTMENT MOUNTED AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR WITH GRADUATIONS, WITH WARNING LIGHT IN DASH 97 DB BACKUP ALARM ELECTRONIC CRUISE CONTROL WITH SWITCHES IN LH SWITCH PANEL Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA CFRE/GHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 13 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description KEY OPERATED IGNITION SWITCH AND INTEGRAL START POSITION; 4 POSITION OFF/RUN/START/ACCESSORY ICU3S, 132X48 DISPLAY WITH DIAGNOSTICS, 28 LED WARNING LAMPS AND DATA LINKED HEAVY DUTY ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS INTERFACE CONNECTOR LOCATED BELOW LH DASH 2 INCH ELECTRIC FUEL GAUGE MPG FUEL TRIP GAUGE, TOTAL AND RATE PROGRAMMABLE RPM CONTROL - ELECTRONIC ENGINE ELECTRICAL ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE GAUGE 2 INCH TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE GAUGE ENGINE AND TRIP HOUR METERS INTEGRAL WITHIN DRIVER DISPLAY (1) DASH MOUNTED PTO SWITCH WITH INDICATOR LAMP ELECTRIC ENGINE OIL PRESSURE GAUGE OVERHEAD INSTRUMENT PANEL AM/FMMJB WORLD TUNER RADIO WITH CD PLAYER, BLUETOOTH, IPOD INTERFACE, USB AND AUXILIARY INPUTS, J1939 DASH MOUNTED RADIO (2) RADIO SPEAKERS IN CAB AM/FM ANTENNA MOUNTED ON FORWARD LH ROOF POWER AND GROUND WIRING PROVISION OVERHEAD CB WIRING ONLY TO ROOF/OVERHEAD CONSOLE; NO MOUNTING PROVISION ELECTRONIC MPH SPEEDOMETER WITH SECONDARY KPH SCALE, WITHOUT ODOMETER STANDARD VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR WITH ADDITIONAL SIGNAL FOR CUSTOMER USE LOCATED BETWEEN DRIVER AND PASSENGER SEATS ELECTRONIC 3000 RPM TACHOMETER IGNITION SWITCH CONTROLLED ENGINE STOP PRE -TRIP LAMP INSPECTION, ALL OUTPUTS FLASH, WITH SMART SWITCH Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER) 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 14 of 21 Prepared for: Prepared by: Paul Tobin Duane Schaefer Village of Morton Grove TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK 7840 Nagle Ave GROUP Morton Grove, IL 60053 776 N. YORK ROAD Phone: 847-965-9511 ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Description BW TRACTOR PROTECTION VALVE TRAILER HAND CONTROL BRAKE VALVE DIGITAL VOLTAGE DISPLAY INTEGRAL WITH DRIVER DISPLAY SINGLE ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR WITH DELAY MARKER LIGHT SWITCH INTEGRAL WITH HEADLIGHT SWITCH AND DUAL CONNECTORS AND SWITCH FOR CUSTOMER FURNISHED SNOW PLOW LIGHTS, LOW BEAMS OFF WITH HIGH BEAMS TWO VALVE PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM WITH DASH VALVE CONTROL AUTONEUTRAL AND WARNING INDICATOR SELF CANCELING TURN SIGNAL SWITCH WITH DIMMER, WASHER/WIPER AND HAZARD IN HANDLE INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC TURN SIGNAL FLASHER WITH HAZARD LAMPS OVERRIDING STOP LAMPS Design PAINT: ONE SOLID COLOR Color, CAB COLOR A: L6389EB OMAHA ORANGE ELITE BC BLACK, HIGH SOLIDS POLYURETHANE CHASSIS PAINT POWDER WHITE (N0006EA) FRONT WHEELS/RIMS (PKWHT21, TKWHT21, W, TW) POWDER WHITE (N0006EA) REAR WHEELS/RIMS (PKWHT21, TKWHT21, W, TW) POWDER WHITE (N0006EA) SPARE WHEEL/RIM (PKWHT21, TKWHT21, W, TW) STANDARD BLACK BUMPER PAINT STANDARD E COAT/UNDERCOATING Certification /Compliance U.S. FMVSS CERTIFICATION, EXCEPT SALES CABS AND GLIDER KITS Extended Warranty Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINERI 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 15 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 TOWING: 6 MONTHS/UNLIMITED MILES/KM EXTENDED TOWING COVERAGE $550 CAP FEX APPLIES Dealer Installed Options HENDERSON TA SNOW EQUIPMENT RECIEVED 2-9-18 Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA Total Dealer Installed Options C FRE/GHTLINER, Weight Front 0 Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Weight Rear 0 O lbs O lbs 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 16 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 133 in 84 in --d 4-81 in -4 3 E3in DIMENSIONS + 54 in £ 150 in --214-139 287 in T 39.62 in y Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com VEHICLE PECIFJCATIONSSUNIMAR' ..1N!€J$IONS;�--' Wheelbase (545) 3800MM (150 INCH) WHEELBASE Rear Frame Overhang (552) 1750MM (69 INCH) REAR FRAME OVERHANG Fifth Wheel (578) NO FIFTH WHEEL Mounting Location (577) NO FIFTH WHEEL LOCATION Maximum Forward Position (in) 0 Maximum Rearward Position (in) 0 Amount of Slide Travel (in) 0 Slide Increment (in) 0 Desired Slide Position (in) 0.0 Cab Size (829) 108 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB Sleeper (682) NO SLEEPER BOX/SLEEPERCAB Exhaust System (016) RH OUTBOARD UNDER STEP MOUNTED HORIZONTAL AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM ASSEMBLY WITH RH B -PILLAR MOUNTED VERTICAL TAILPIPE Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA CFREIGHTL/NER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 17 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com IMENS Bumper to Back of Cab (BBC) r oCenter( neofFrm .e Min. Cab to Body Clearance (CB) Ba Cab to Centerline of Rear Axle(s) (CA) Endive Back of Cab to Centerline of Rear Ages) (Effective CA) Ba Cab sions (Edtaustentake) (CP) :ackofc=. or Bions vde Extender nm ab Back of Cab Protrusions (CNG Tank) Back of Cab Clearance (CL Bads of Cab to End of Frame Cab Height CH) 133.3 67.7 3.0 844 Wheelbase (W8 Frame Overran, (OH) Overall Length (OAL) Rear Aide S.adn Unladen Frame Height at Centerline of Rear Axle 81.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 153.4 71.8 150.0 69.0 286.7 54.0 39.6 Performance calculations are estimates only. If performance calculations are critical, please contact Customer Application Engineering. Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -170.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the rinht in Manna sneriflratinns nrirac and wain hie within!0 not ro Page 18 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 G V W R Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com Cab Size (829) 108 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB Expected Front Axle(s) Load (lbs) 18000.0 Expected Pusher Axle(s) Load (lbs) 0.0 Expected Rear Axle(s) Load (lbs) 40000.0 Expected Tag Axle(s) Load (lbs) 0.0 Expected GVW (lbs) 58000 Expected GCW (lbs) 58000.0 Front Axle (400) DETROIT DA -F-18.0-5 18,000# FL1 71.0 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE Front Suspension (620) 18,000# FLAT LEAF FRONT SUSPENSION Front Hubs (418) CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON FRONT HUBS Front Disc Wheels (502) ACCURIDE 29039 22.5X9.00 10 -HUB PILOT 5.25 INSET 5 -HAND STEEL DISC FRONT WHEELS Front Tires (093) CONTINENTAL CITY SERVICE HA3 315/80R22 5 20 PLY RADIAL FRONT TIRES Front Brakes (402) MERITOR 16.5X6 0+ CAST SPIDER CAM FRONT BRAKES, DOUBLE ANCHOR, FABRICATED SHOES Steering Gear (536) TRW TAS -85 POWER STEERING Rear Axle (420) MT -40-14X 40,000# R -SERIES TANDEM REAR AXLE Rear Suspension (622) HENDRICKSON HAULMAAX @40,000# REAR SUSPENSION Rear Hubs (450) CONMET PRESET PLUS PREMIUM IRON REAR HUBS Rear Disc Wheels (505) MAXION WHEELS 90541 22.5X8.25 10 -HUB PILOT 2 -HAND STEEL DISC REAR WHEELS Rear Tires (094) CONTINENTAL HDR2 11 R22.5 14 PLY RADIAL REAR TIRES Rear Brakes (423) MERITOR 16.5X7 0+ CAST SPIDER CAM REAR BRAKES, DOUBLE ANCHOR, FABRICATED SHOES Pusher / Tag Axle (443) NO PUSHER OR TAG AXLE Pusher / Tag Suspension (626) NO PUSHER OR TAG SUSPENSION Pusher / Tag Hubs (449) NO PUSHER OR TAG HUBS Pusher/Tag Disc Wheels (509) NO PUSHER/TAG DISC WHEELS Pusher / Tag Tires (095) NO PUSHER/TAG TIRES Pusher / Tag Brakes (456) NO PUSHER/TAG BRAKES Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER: 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 19 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com 'TABLES NM Axle ComposedWeight Ratings Aides Suspension Hubs Brakes Wheels Tires Power Steerin • GAWR (p axle system) Expected Load •er axle sstern) 18000 18000 23000 2(1000 20000 20000 18000 18000 18000 18000 20000 20000 26000 21000 29600 23360 NIA 20000 20000 20000 26000 21000 28600 23360 NIA 20000 40000 40000 Vehkie GVWR Sammy Calculated GVWR 58000 58000 Ae weights displayed in pounds Performance calculations are estimates only. If performance calculations are critical, please contact Customer Application Engineering. Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -170.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER+ 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications. orices. and weiohtswithout nntire Page 20 of 21 Prepared for: Paul Tobin Village of Morton Grove 7840 Nagle Ave Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: 847-965-9511 QUOTATION 108S0 CONVENTIONAL. CHASSIS SET BACK AXLE - TRUCK CUM L9 350 HP @ 2000 RPM, 2200 GOV RPM, 1000 LB/FT @ 1400 RPM ALLISON 3000 RDS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PTO PROVISION MT -40-14X 40,000# R -SERIES TANDEM REAR AXLE HENDRICKSON HAULMAAX @40,000# REAR SUSPENSION DETROIT DA -F-18.0-5 18,000# FL1 71.0 KPI/3.74 DROP SINGLE FRONT AXLE Prepared by: Duane Schaefer TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 776 N. YORK ROAD ELMHURST, IL 60126 Phone: 630-279-0600 ext 609 Mobile: E -Mail: duaneschaefer@transchicago.com 18,000# FLAT LEAF FRONT SUSPENSION 108 INCH BBC FLAT ROOF ALUMINUM CONVENTIONAL CAB 3800MM (150 INCH) WHEELBASE 7/16X3 -9/16X11-1/8 INCH STEEL FRAME (11.11MMX282.6MM/0.437X11.13 INCH) 120KSI 1750MM (69 INCH) REAR FRAME OVERHANG BODY COMPANY INSTALLED ADDITIONAL FRONT FRAME REINFORCEMENT FOR SNOW PLOW PER UNIT TOTAL BALANCE DUE (LOCAL CURRENCY) $ Includes Henderson equipment per email received 2-9-18. 166,527 $ 166,527 Using - CMS BID # 227888 — CONTRACT PSD # 4018133 Application Version 9.3.109 Data Version PRL -17D.011 18 Jan TA FREIGHTLINER 02/14/2018 8:00 AM Freightliner reserves the right to change specifications, prices, and weights, without notice. Page 21 of 21 Legislative Summary Resolution 18-15 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND MATHER LIFEWAYS FOR THE USE OF THE CIVIC CENTER FOR SENIOR PROGRAMMING Introduced: Purpose: Background: Programs, Departs or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: First Reading: Special Consider or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Reviewed by: Teresa Hoffman February 26, 2018 To authorize the Village of Morton Grove to enter into an agreement with Mather LifeWays in order to provide and coordinate a wide array of senior programming for Morton Grove residents, especially for those over the age of 50, at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center. Mather LifeWays, a non -denominational, not-for-profit organization based in Evanston Illinois has contracted with the Village to operate programing for older residents at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center since 2014. In a survey recently conducted by Mather LifeWays, participants believed Mather LifeWays provided good services to older adults and their expectations of the services offered at the Civic Center met or exceeded their expectations. This resolution will approve an additional one year non-exclusive license for Mather LifeWays to operate programs at the Civic Center. Participation in these programs is open to all adults, but the programs focus on activities and services desired by adults over the age of 50. Programs provided directly by Mather LifeWays include lunch programs, I -pad and computer classes, Boost your Brain and memory courses as well as Telephone Topics and other programs. Mather LifeWays will maintain the Civic Center's status as a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) site and an AARP tax site. Mather LifeWays will also nurture/encourage/continue self -led programs; coordinate Civic Center programs provided by community partners and other organizations and conduct community outreach to fill programs and create lifelong learning opportunities, and intergenerational programming for Village residents. Admin istration Mather LifeWays will not charge the Village to provide these programs, but may charge participants a nominal fee. The Village will provide space, equipment, telephone, and internet services as well as janitorial services and basic set-up services to Mather LifeWays. Not applicable The oversight of Mather LifeWays will be performed by Village staff during the normal course of business. Approval as presented. Not required. None. lage Administrator iston, Corporation Counsel Prepared by: Thomas J. Friel, A Administrato stant to the Village RESOLUTION 18-15 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND MATHER LIFEWAYS FOR THE USE OF THE CIVIC CENTER FOR SENIOR PROGRAMMING WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (Village), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, the Village owns property located at 6140 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, Illinois, commonly known as the American Legion Memorial Civic Center hereinafter referred to as the "Civic Center"; and WHEREAS, a portion of that building consists of space leased by and used exclusively by the American Legion Post #134; and WHEREAS, the remaining space has been used for the provision of Village services, particularly senior and social services which provides various services and programs, along with the rental of certain portions of the building for varied functions; and WHEREAS, since 2001 the Village has provided programs for older residents at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center; and WHEREAS, in 2014 Mather LifeWays entered into an agreement with the Village to provide senior programming at the Civic Center, and in 2017 the Village entered into a one-year extension of that agreement with Mather LifeWays, a non -denominational not-for-profit organization, based in Evanston, Illinois to operate senior programming at the Civic Center; and WHEREAS, Mather LifeWays has made a proposal for 2018 to the Village to continue to operate programs for all adults, but concentrating on activities and services desired by adults over age 50; and WHEREAS, pursuant to this proposal, Mather LifeWays will be granted a one year non-exclusive license to use parts of the Civic Center in order to coordinate all programming, work with community partners as directed by the Village to bring their programs onsite, nurture/encourage/ continue self -led programs, directly provide lunch programs, provide i -pad and computer classes, Boost your Brain and memory courses, maintain status as a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) site, utilize current and generate new volunteers to support operations at the Civic Center, remain an AARP tax assistance site, provide Telephone Topics, create lifelong learning opportunities, and work with other organizations to create intergenerational programming, conduct community outreach to fill programs and conduct other programs as agreed; and WHEREAS, Village staff has negotiated an agreement with Mather LifeWays consistent with its proposal, a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Village to approve this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village President is hereby authorized to execute, and the Village Clerk is hereby authorized to attest to an Agreement in substantial conformity with Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto to provide specialized programs and services at the Civic Center for a term beginning January 1, 2018 and running until December 31, 2018. SECTION 3: The Village Administrator and/or his designee is hereby authorized to take all steps necessary to implement the aforementioned Agreement with Mather LifeWays. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 26th day of February 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED by me this 26th day of February 2018. Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois APPROVED and FILED in my office this 27th day of February 2018. Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois EXHIBIT "A" AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE AND MATHER LIFEWAYS COMMUNITY INITATIVES, LLC This document constitutes an agreement, herein "the Agreement," between the Village of Morton Grove (VMG) located at 6101 Capulina Street, Morton Grove, IL 60053 and Mather LifeWays Community Initiatives, LLC (MLCI), located at 1603 Orrington Avenue, Suite 1800, Evanston, IL 60201. VMG and MLCI shall be collectively referred to herein as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party." The Village of Morton Grove is a near north suburb of Chicago located 13 miles north of "The Loop," 8 miles northeast of O'Hare Airport, and 6 miles west of Lake Michigan. Although primarily residential, the Village has significant commercial and industrial areas. Approximately 20% of the land in the community is owned by the Cook County Forest Preserve District and is set aside for open space and recreation. The Community is the home of award- winning parks and schools. Based in Evanston, Illinois, Mather LifeWays is a unique, non -denominational not-for-profit organization founded more than 70 years ago. Dedicated to developing and implementing Ways to Age Well, it creates programs, places, and residences for today's young -at -heart older adults. These include making neighborhoods better places for older adults to live, work, learn, contribute, and play; and identifying, implementing, and sharing best practices for wellness, and workplace programs. The Village of Morton Grove aims to provide programs for its residents, including adults over the age of 50 years at the American Legion Civic Memorial Center. Mather LifeWays is one of the Village of Morton Grove's partners who can provide such programs for the Village of Morton Grove's residents including adults over the age of 50 years. In addition, Mather LifeWays is able to coordinate and facilitate programming at the American Legion Civic Memorial Center offered by other partners of the Village of Morton Grove such as the Morton Grove Park District and the Morton Grove Library Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 1 Term The term of this Agreement shall be January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. Nature of Services MLCI, an affiliated entity of Mather LifeWays, will create and provide engaging experiences for the Village of Morton Grove's residents over the age of 50 years at the American Legion Civic Memorial Center located at 6140 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL 60053. The Village of Morton Grove understands and accepts that MLCI's programming will be offered to residents of other near north suburbs including the Village of Skokie and the Village of Niles. MLCI will coordinate programs with other organizations such as the Morton Grove Park District and the Morton Grove Library. All parties will work to create and maintain an environment of trust and support. MLCI will: ® Provide monthly "MORE Than a Lunch" experiences ® Provide technology offerings such as, iPad and computer classes • Nurture/encourage/support self -led programs ® Offer Boost your Brain and Memory Program. Enrollment of 10 individuals is required for Boost your Brain and Memory courses to occur. ® Based on demand, become a Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) site ▪ Collaborate with the Morton Grove Park District and the Morton Grove Library such that they bring their programs onsite to the American Legion Civic Memorial Center ® Utilize current, and generate new volunteers to support operations at the Civic Center ® Support the Village of Morton Grove's initiatives for the Civic Center to become a AARP tax site i Based on demand and interest from residents, provide Telephone Topics ® Create lifelong learning opportunities and provide classes on a variety of topics, including but not limited to the Arts, History, and Nature • Collaborate with other organizations to create intergenerational programming • Conduct community outreach to assist in generating attendance ® Provide other programs as mutually agreed upon ® Notify staff of the Village of Morton Grove of the need for replacement or repairs to the American Legion Civic Memorial Center building Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 2 ® Keep the three office spaces provided by the Village of Morton Grove clean and safe VMG will: ® Maintain the American Legion Civic Memorial Center building and ensure compliance with all building codes ® Make all repairs and conduct other necessary activities to put and keep the premises of the American Legion Civic Memorial Center building in a habitable condition ® Keep all common areas of the premises of the American Legion Civic Memorial Center building in safe condition. Common areas include but are not limited to the parking lot, entry ways, hallways, and community spaces. e Maintain in good and safe working order all facilities, including but not limited to the electrical, plumbing, restrooms, heating, air conditioning of the American Legion Civic Memorial Center building e Provide and maintain operable smoke detectors and ensure compliance with all laws and regulations pertaining to fire safety and other environmental hazards ® Maintain in good working order all existing equipment such as telephones, fax machine/copier, computers, etc. ® As agreed by the Parties from time to time, provide set-up/break-down assistance for specified programs. At the conclusion or within a reasonable period of time following the end of programs and events, ensure that the space used for programs and events is clean and free of debris. Provide parking spaces. e Provide secure storage space for program equipment (iPads, laptop computers, chafing dishes, coffee carafes, etc.) ® Provide three office spaces and three dedicated telephone lines for the exclusive use of MLCI during the term of this Agreement. Pay for the fees and expenses associated with the three telephone lines. ® Provide Wi-Fi connectivity through the Village's network e Provide front desk coverage to greet people, take reservations, answer phones, and direct to programs and/or services ® Cooperate with MLCI to provide marketing support through existing media outlets (Village Exchange, website, e -blasts, etc.) e Coordinate programs presented by the Village of Morton Grove's social worker, and other Village departments, such as the Police Department. Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 3 Q Encourage Village Officials (elected or appointed) and staff to attend "MORE Than a Lunch" or "Music and MORE" experiences MLCI and VMG jointly will: ® Maintain open lines of communication among all parties ® Host a one-time social event or open house to invite Village residents and create a welcoming environment. Marketing and press releases for said open house will be mutually agreed upon by both parties and approved by both parties prior to use and distribution. ® Establish mutually agreed upon goals for daily(50), monthly(233), and yearly(2800) attendance ® Establish mutually agreed upon hours of operation that are convenient for both Parties and conducive to providing the nature of services contemplated by this Agreement e Conduct regular meetings jointly with all involved parties including other partners of the Village of Morton Grove, such as the Morton Grove Park District and the Morton Grove Library. Frequency of these meetings will be mutually agreed upon but will initially occur on a weekly basis in order to establish clear communication and foster team work. e Engage in dialogue regarding the prospect of an ongoing relationship between MLW and VMG No creation of a Landlord Tenant relationship This Agreement does not create a landlord tenant relationship between VMG & MLCI, and except as specifically agreed in writing by the Parties, MLCI's right to the use of the Civic Center shall be non-exclusive and shall be for the sole purpose of providing programs and services as contemplated by this Agreement. Confidential Information & Confidentiality VMG and MLCI agree that the information disclosed by the respective parties during the duration of the Agreement is Confidential Information and proprietary to the respective parties. Confidential Information may include but is not limited to the content, design and development of MLCI's programs such as Boost your Brain and Memory and Telephone Topics. Except where disclosure is required by law including the Illinois Open Meetings Act, MLCI and VMG shall hold the same in confidence, shall not use the Confidential Information other than for the purposes of business related to this Agreement and will not disclose, publish, or otherwise reveal any of the Confidential Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 4 Information to any other party whatsoever except with specific prior written authorization. VMG and MLCI agree that use of corporate and identifying marks, and "logo(s)" may not be used without the express written consent of the respective Party. Press releases and material referencing any partnership or support between VMG and MLCI will be approved by both parties prior to use. VMG and MLCI will agree in writing upon language to describe the general relationship and support. Non -disparagement. During the term of this Agreement and thereafter, both Parties mutually agree not to disparage either party. Disparage shall mean any negative statements, reviews, comments, or feedback, whether written, oral, or electronic about either Party its employees, agents and or board members. Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either Party without cause upon no less than sixty (60) calendar days' notice, unless a lesser time is mutually agreed upon by both Parties in writing. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested; in person with proof of delivery; or, by facsimile machine to the addresses given below. Disclaimer, Limits of Liability Neither Party to this Agreement shall be liable for any negligent or wrongful acts, either of commission or omission, chargeable to the other, unless such liability is imposed by law. Both Parties shall indemnify and hold the other harmless for any claims, damages or losses including attorneys fees relating to the alleged negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of the other This Agreement shall not be construed as seeking to either enlarge or diminish any obligation or duty owed by one Party against the other or against a third party. Default, Disputes and Claims All defaults by either Party regarding any obligation under this Agreement shall be remedied by the defaulting Party in a reasonable manner and time period. Disputes regarding such defaults will be resolved by non- binding voluntary arbitration according to terms mutually acceptable to both Parties. Should a resolution not be reached through arbitration, then the Party injured by the default must notify the defaulting Party in writing and bring legal proceeding within one year of discovering the problem causing the Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 5 default or waive the right to complain. The non -prevailing Party shall, in addition to any other damages assessed, shall reimburse the prevailing Party for all its costs associated with the arbitration and other legal action taken including reasonable court costs and attorneys fees. Insurance Requirements MLCI Insurance: MLCI agrees to maintain professional and general liability insurance, or self-insurance, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim or occurrence, $3,000,000 aggregate, for its employees, agents, and servants (termed collectively MLW) with an insurance carrier rated A- or better by AM Best Company. MLCI shall furnish VMG with a certificate of insurance or other written document reasonably satisfactory to VMG as evidence of its insurance coverage within thirty (30) days of the signing of this Agreement, and at least annually thereafter. VMG Insurance: VMG is self insured through the Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (IRMA) which maintains, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim or occurrence, $3,000,000 aggregate, for its employees, agents, and servants (termed collectively VMG). VMG shall furnish MLW with a certificate of insurance or other written document reasonably satisfactory to MLW as evidence of its insurance coverage within thirty (30) days of the signing of this Agreement, and at least annually thereafter. Force Majeure Except for obligations to pay money where the other Party has performed the service to which payment relates, neither Party shall be responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to failure by subcontractors or suppliers to furnish equipment, software, parts or labor; war, sabotage, insurrections, riots, civil disobedience and the like, acts of governments and agencies thereof, labor disputes, accidents, fires or acts of God. So long as any such delay or default continues, the Party affected by the conditions beyond its control shall keep the other Party at all times fully informed concerning the matters causing the delay or default and the prospects of their ending. In such event, the delayed Party shall perform its obligations hereunder within a reasonable time after the cause of the failure has been remedied, and the other Party shall be obligated to accept such delayed performance. Assignment Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 6 This Agreement may not be assigned, in whole or in part, by either Party without the prior written approval of the other Party. Governing Law This Agreement is to be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. For venue purposes, it is deemed that all obligations of the Parties created hereunder are performed in the State of Illinois. Acceptance This Agreement shall not be binding until signed by both Parties and approved by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Morton Grove. The persons signing this Agreement represent and warrant that all articles including certifications are true and correct and that they have authority to bind their respective Parties. By: Village of Morton Grove Dan DiMaria, Mayor Village of Morton Grove 6101 Capulina Street Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: (847) 965-4100 ddimaria@mortongroveil.org Date Motion for Approval of Agreement made at [insert date] Board Meeting of the Village of Morton Grove Approval given by Board of Trustees of Village of Morton Grove on: [insert date] Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 7 Mather LifeWays Community Initiatives, LLC a�9 /' Kate Paz, L/ Date Director Program Without Walls, Community Initiatives Mather LifeWays 1603 Orrington Avenue, Ste 1800 Evanston, IL 60201 Phone: (847) 663-3073 Facsimile: (847) 965-3075 kpaz(cianatherli feways.com Agreement between the VMG and MLCI, February 9. 2018 Page 8 Legislative Summary Wesolution 18-14 AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC AUCTION FOR EVIDENCE/PROPERTY RECOVERED BY THE MORTON GROVE POLICE DEPARTMENT Purpose: Background: Programs, Departments or Groups Affected Fiscal Impact: Source of Funds: Workload Impact: Admin Recommend: Second Reading: Special Considerations or Requirements: Respectfully submitted: Ralph E. Cz Prepared by: To authorize the Village to approve the sale by public auction of lost, stolen, and abandoned items currently in the custody of the Morton Grove Police The Illinois Law Enforcement Disposition of Property Act, 765 ILCS 1030, allows a Police Department to sell property at public auction property which has been lost, stolen, or abandoned if, the owner of property cannot be located within six (6) months after making reasonable inquiry and efforts to ascertain or locate the owner. The Morton Grove Police Department has custody of items of property listed in Exhibit "A" which it reasonably believes were lost, stolen, or abandoned, and cannot ascertain the owner of the property after making reasonable inquiry and efforts for at least six (6) months. The Chief of Police recommends the property be sold at an on-line auction conducted by Obenauf Auction Service Inc., located at 810 Magna Drive, Round Lake, Illinois 60073. This Resolution will authorize the sale of this property at auction and will require the Police Department to publish notice of the auction at least ten (10) days prior to the sale. Police Department and Finance Department None N/A The auction items will be processed through the normal course of business. Approval as presented. Not required None Reviewed by: hski, Villageministrator Teresa Hoffman Liston, Corporation Counsel 4,4 Th RESOLUTION 18-14 AUTHORIZING A PUBIC AUCTION FOR EVIDENCE/PROPERTY RECOVERED BY THE MORTON GROVE POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the Village of Morton Grove (VILLAGE), located in Cook County, Illinois, is a home rule unit of government under the provisions of Article 7 of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, can exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs, including but not limited to the power to tax and incur debt; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Illinois Law Enforcement Disposition of Property Act, 765 ILCS 1030, if within six (6) months after making reasonable inquiry and efforts to ascertain or locate the owner or person entitled to possession of property reasonably believed to be lost, stolen, or abandoned, and such owner or person entitled to possession cannot be ascertained or located, the property may be sold at public auction; and WHEREAS, the Morton Grove Police Department has custody of items of property listed in Exhibit "A" which it reasonably believes were lost, stolen, or abandoned ("the property"); and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the Morton Grove Police Department, after making reasonable inquiry and efforts for at least six (6) months to identify and notify the owner or other person entitled to possession of the property listed in Exhibit "A" has determined the identity or location of the owner or other person entitled to possession of the property has not been ascertained; and WHEREAS, the Obenauf Auction Service, Inc., a corporate organization representing municipalities and townships chartered with the State of Illinois and Counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, and Du Page organizes joint municipal auctions for the sale of surplus property; and WHEREAS, the Finance Director, Village Administrator, and Police Chief recommend the property listed in Exhibit "A" be sold at an auction conducted by the Obenauf Auction Service, Inc., 810 Magna Drive, Round Lake, Illinois 60073; and WHEREAS, at least ten (10) days prior to conducting the auction, the Morton Grove Police Department shall cause notice of the auction including the time, place and a brief description of the property to be sold to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in Cook County, Illinois as required by the Illinois Law Enforcement Disposition of Property Act. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Corporate Authorities do hereby incorporate the foregoing WHEREAS clauses into this Resolution as though fully set forth therein thereby making the findings as hereinabove set forth. SECTION 2: The Village Administrator and the Chief of Police and/or their designees are hereby authorized to sell the property listed in Exhibit "A" at an online public auction conducted by Obenauf Auction Service, Inc. between March 16, 2018 and March 26, 2018. SECTION 3: On or before March 10, 2018 the Chief of Police shall publish a notice of the auction in a newspaper of general circulation in Cook County including the time, place and a brief description of the property to be sold. SECTION 4: The owner or other person entitled to possession of such property may claim and recover possession of the property at any time before its sale at public auction, upon providing reasonable and satisfactory proof of ownership or right to possession and after reimbursing the Village for all reasonable expenses of custody of said property. SECTION 5: Proceeds of the sale of any property sold pursuant to this Resolution shall be deposited in Village's General Fund. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED this 26th day of February 2018. Trustee Grear Trustee Minx Trustee Ramos Trustee Thill Trustee Travis Trustee Witko APPROVED BY ME THIS 26TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2018 Daniel P. DiMaria, Village President Village of Morton Grove ATTESTED and FILED in my office This 27th Day of February 2018 Eileen Scanlon Harford, Village Clerk Village of Morton Grove Cook County, Illinois Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case# 's: :xhibit "A" Item Number Item Description CMR -01 Case Items (1) black leather and nylon "Gucci" handbag, 18" W x 9" D x 14" T, zipper top, attached wallet and a brown cloth "Duster" bag, possible serial # embossed in inside tab CMR -02 (I) black leather "Gucci" handbag, red nylon interior lining, 18" W x 13 1/2" T x 8" deep, belt buckle top, attached blk leather I.D. tag. CMR -03 (1) "Jack Spade" travel bag, tan leather with several misc. images, 15 1/2" Wx 11 1/2" W CMR -04 (I) "Bally" gym bag, model "Terret-XS, T000", size:1.O, Black nylon with red and silver stripe, black leather accents, 16"W x 11"Tx7"T CMR -05 (I) pair of men's "True Religion" jeans, size 40, Section "Bobby Super T Seat 34" on label CMR -06 (1) pair of men's jeans, "True Religion", "Section Joey Super T Row 36 Seat 33" on label CMR -07 (I) pair of men's jeans, "True Religion", size 36, "Section Billy Big QT- Seat 34" on label CMR -08 (1) pair of men's jeans, "True Religion", size 36, "Section Ricky" on label CMR -09 (1) pair of men's jeans, "True Religion", size 36, "Section Billy Super T - Seat 34" on label CMR -10 (1) pair of mens pants, "Vmey,ard Vine", khaki cordury, size 38 x 32 CMR- I I (1) pair of men's cargo pants, "Marc by Marc Jacobs", navy blue, size 36 x 34 CMR -12 (1) men's "Lacoste" T-shirt, black cotton, size XL CMR -13 (1) men's sweater, "Marc by Marc Jacobs", blue and silver striped, button front, size XL CMR -14 (1) men's coat, "Moncler", navy blue, down filled, size 6 or XL CMR -15 (1) women's shoulderbag, "Prada", "Tessuto- Saffi", black nylon, 17"W x 15"T, zipper top :MR -I6 (1) women's business bag, "Prada", Black leather, Zipper top with chrome lock, 15"W x 11"T x S"D :MR -17 (1) women's gym bag, "Prada" black nylon, black leather handles, Zipper top with chrome lock, 21"W x IO"T x 8"0 :MR -18 (1) women's gym bag, "Prada", Group name "Tessuto Camoutl nylon, green camoflage pattern, 17"W x 12"T x 8"0 :MR -i9 (I) women's gym bag, "Prada", group name "Tessuto + Saffi", black nylon, zipper top with chrome lock, 18"W x 11"T x 9"0 :MR -2o (1) black nylon "Prada" fanny pack :MR -21 (I) "Prada" gym bag, blue nylon with red and white stripes, blue leather accents, 20"W x 8"T x 7"0 _MR -22 t 1 women's handhaa "Prada" arnima names "Tacentn+V f 2/6/2018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case # 's: Case Items Item Number Item Description CMR -23 (I) women's shoulder bag, "Prada", black leather with green and white stripes, snap top, 16"W x 14"T x 9"0 CMR -24 Men's track suit set, "Boss Orange" gray with orange accents, size XL, both in original packaging CMR -25 (1) men's track pants, "Boss Orange", black, size L, in its original packaging CMR -26 Men's track suit set, "Hugo Boss", black- green- gray, size XL CMR -27 (1) men's V-neck shirt, "Just Cavalli- Ittierre", blue -white -gray random pattern, size 56 CMR -28 (1) men's V-neck shirt, "Just Cavalli- Ittierre", pink/black/white random pattern, size 56 CMR -29 Men's track pants, "Ralph Lauren - RLX, black, size XL CMR -30 (1) men's sweater, "Just Cavalli", blue ]mit with silver accents, button front, size 54 CMR -31 (1) men's T-shirt, Valentino" gray, possibly an XL CMR -32 (1) men's polo short sleeve shirt, "Prada", gray with purplr stripes, size XL CMR -33 (1) men's sweater, "Prada", gray, wool, zipper front, size 56 CMR -34 (1) pair of mens pants, "John Varvatos", brown, cotton, size 54 CMR -35 (1) pair of men's pants, "Jofln Varvatos", gray, cotton, size 54 CMR -36 (1) pair of men's pants, "For All ofMankind 7", brown cotton corduroy, size 38 CMR -37 (1) pair of men's jeans, "For All ofMankind 7", brown denim, size 40 CMR -38 (1) men's T-shirt, "Gucci", blue cotton with a knight print on front, sizeXXXL CMR -39 (1) men's sweater, "Gucci", gray with blue and red stripes on sleeves, button front, size XL CMR -40 (1) men's jacket, "Gucci", dark denim, size possibly XL CMR -41 (1) men's sweater, "Gucci", wool, zipper front, black with red and green stripes around collar, size XXXI CMR -42 (1) men's track jacket, "Gucci", black cotton with red & green stripe across right chest, size XXL CMR -43 (I) men's polo shirt, "Gucci", brown with "GG" print, size XXL CMR -44 (1) men's T-shirt, "Gucci", blue cotton with a wht/red/grn stripe across chest, size XL CMR -45 (1) men's T-shirt, "Gucci", yellow cotton V- neck, size L CMR -46 (1) men's T-shirt, "Gucci", gray cotton V-neck, size XXL CMR -47 (1) mens T-shirt, "Gucci", gray cotton crew neck, size XXL CMR -48 (1) mens polo shirt, "Gucci", black with red/grn colar, size XL 2/6/2018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description CMR -49 Case Items (1) mens polo shirt, "Gucci", brown with "GG" print, org collar with redlgrn stripe, size XL CMR -50 (1) mens !mit L/S shirt, "Gucci", grylblulwht striped, size XXXL CMR -51 (1) mens T-shirt, "Gucci", maroon cotton "Gucci" print on chest, sizeXXL CMR -52 (1) mens T-shirt, "Gucci", blue cotton with "GG" print on front,size XL CMR -53 (1) mens T-shirt, "Gucci", gray cotton V-neck, size XL CMR -54 (1) mens US pull over shirt, "Gucci", white cotton with blue strips, sizeXXXL CMR -55 (1) mens pull over L/S shirt, "Gucci" -gray cotton with "Gucci 1921" printed on chest, size XXL CMR -56 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "gucci", black cotton V-neck, size L CMR -57 (1) mens S/S T-shirt, "Gucci" red cotton, V-neck, size L CMR -58 (I) pair of mens blue jeans, "Gucci" , size 52 CMR -59 (1) pair of mens jeans, "Gucci", black with button fly, size 56 CMR -60 (1) pair of mens jeans, "Gucci", black denim, size 56 CMR -61 (1) pair of mens dress pants, "Gucci", black wool with pinstripes, size 56R CMR -62 (1) pair of mens warm up pants, "Gucci", black cotton with a wht/red/gm draw string, size XXL CMR -63 (1) pair of mens warmup pants, "Gucci", beige cotton, red/gm stripe around waistband, terry cloth interior, size XL CMR -64 (1) pair of mens cargo pants, "Gucci", drk bro/It bro swirl pattern (may been previously worn -like new cond.), size 48 CMR -65 (1) mens LIS casual shirt, "Gucci", black cotton, button front (appears to been previously worn), size 43/17 CMR -66 (1) mens trench coat, "Burberry", beige with brown pipping, size 44 CMR -67 (1) mens hooded sweat jacket, "T Alexander Wang", black cotton, zipper front, (may have been previously worn) size L CMR -68 (1) pair of mens sweat pants, "T Alexander Wang", black cotton, sizeL CMR -69 (1) pair of mens sweat pants, "Elie Tahari" blue cotton, size XL CMR -70 (1) mens sweater, "Lanvin", gray cotton, button front, size XXL CMR -71 (I) mens jacket, "Elie Tahari", blue, cotton, zipper front, size XL CMR -72 (1) mens jacket, "Burberry- Prorsum", khaki, button front, size 54 CMR -73 (1) mens US shirt, "Burbeny- Brit", purple/gray plaid, button front, size L CMR -74 (1) mens L/S shirt, "Burberry- Brit", brolblk plaid, button front, 2/6/2018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case#'s: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -75 (1) mens SIS shirt, "Burberry - Brit", blu/ylw plaid, button front, sizeXXL CMR -76 (I) mens L/S shirt, "Burberry- London", button front, brolblklred plaid, sizeXL CMR -77 (I) mens sweatshirt, "Burberry - Brit", beige cotton, 112 zipper front, size XL CMR -78 (1) mens SIS t -shirt, "Burberry- Sport", black with "Burberry print on front, size XL CMR -79 (I) mens US shirt, "Burberry - Brit", button front, beigelblk/red plaid, size XXL CMR -80 (I) mens SIS shirt, Burberry - Brit", blue plaid, button front, size XXL CMR -8I (1) mens US shirt, "Burberry - Brit", blu/purple plaid, button front, sizeXXL CMR -82 (I) pair of mens pajama pants, "Burberry- Body", blklgry plaid, sizeL CMR -83 (I) pair of mens pajama pants, "Burberry- Body", beigelblk/red plaid, size L CMR -84 (I) mens SIS T-shirt, "Burberry- Brit", Gray with black stripes, size XL CMR -85 CMR -86 (1) mens LIS polo shirt, ""ijurbeny- Brit", black cotton, size XX (1) mens sweater, "Burberry- London", grylblk plaid, button front, size XL CMR -87 (1) mens SIS polo shirt, "Diesel", gray cotton with a snap collar, 'size XXL (may have been previously worn, very slight discoloration on (R) sleeve). CMR -88 (1) mens US shirt, "Converse" blulblk/gry plaid, flannel, size XXL CMR -89 (1) of mens loungeware pants, "Jocko., blue cotton, size XL CMR -90 (I) mens US T-shirt, "Lacoste", gray cotton, V-neck, size 7 CMR -91 (I) pair of mens sweatpants, "Under Gear., gray cotton, size L CMR -92 (I) mens SIST-shirt, "Lacoste", blue cotton, V-neck, size 7 CMR -94 (I) mens SIS T-shirt, "Marc bt Marc Jacobs", blulblk camoflage type pattern, size XL CMR -95 (1) mens winter coat, "Moncler", drk blu, down filled (previously worn), very good condition, size 6 CMR -96 CMR -98 { 1) pair of mens dress pants, "Theory- Cody", gray wool, size 36 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Theory- Cleay v", black silk, V-neck, size :XXL CMR -99 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Theory", gray silk, V-neck, size XXL MCj-83 (1)black "Davek" umbrella with cover CMR -100 (1) mens jacket, "Theory", black cotton, zipper front, size XXL size XL 2/6/2018 Case Number:13-04673 Related Case#'s: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -10I (1) mens sleeveless T-sliirt, black cotton, "Versaci" printed on chest, size 50 CMR -102 (1) mens LIS shirt, "Theory", gray cotton, pull over, size XL CMR -103 (1) mens SIS polo shirt, "Galliano", brown cotton with newspaper type graphics, size XXL CMR -104 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Lululemon - Athletica" gray, size XL CMR -105 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Theory" black cotton, size XXL CMR -106 (1) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Puma", orange polyester, size L CMR -107 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Puma", blue cotton with Shotput man print on front, size L CMR -108 (1) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Puma, black polyester with puma print on front, size L CMR -109 (1) mens S/S athletic shirt, "Puma" black polyester with a puma print on front, size L CMR -110 (1) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Lululemon" gray polyester, size XL CMR -111 (1) mens US athletic shirt, "Lululemon" gray polyester, size XL CMR -112 (1) mens US pull over shirt, "Gypsy 5", grn/gry striped, cotton, size XL CMR -113 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Theory", gray silk, size XL CMR -114 (1) mens athletic pants, Lululemon- Athletica", black polyester, size XL Tall CMR -115 (I) mens SlSathletic shirt, "Lululemon- Athletica", black cotton, size XL CMR -116 (1) mens 51ST -shirt, "Lululemon- Athletica", grey cotton, size XL CMR -I 17 (1) mens S/S athletic shirt, "Equmen", gray nylon, size XL CMR -118 (1) mens S/S athletic shirt, "Lululemon- Athletica", gray cotton with wht front breast pockt, size XL CMR -119 (1) pair of mens athletic pants, Lululemon - Athletica", green polyester/nylon, size XL CMR -120 (I) pair ofmens sweat pants, "Lululemon- Athletica", gray cotton, sizeL CMR -121 (1) mens LYS athletic shirt, "Lululemon - Athletica", gray ith 112 zipper fronr, size L CMR -122 (I) mens LIS athletic shirt, "Lululemon - Athletica", black with 112 zipper front, size XL CMR -123 (I) mens athletic shorts, "Lululemon- Athletica", black with green lining, size XL CMR -124 (I) pair of mens athletic shorts, "Lululemon- Athletica", black with a gray waistband, size XL CMR -125 (1) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Lululemon- Athletica", gray polyester, 2/6/2018 Case Number:13-04673 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -126 (1) mens US shirt, "Yves Saint Laurent", gray cotton pull over, sizeL CMR -127 (I) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Lululemon", gray polyester, missing manufacture tag, possibly size XL CMR -128 (1) mens SISathletic shirt, "Lululemon", black polyester, missing manufactures tag, possibly size XL CMR -129 (1) pair of mens athletic pants, "Lululemon- Athletica", black polyester, size XL Reg. CMR -130 (1) pair of mens athletic pants, "Lululemon- Athletica", gray polyester, size XL CMR- 131 (1) pair of mens athletic shorts, "Nike", dark green with lime greer stripes, polyester, size XL CMR -132 (1) pair of mens athletic shorts, "Nike", dark blue with red stripes, polyester, size XL CMR -133 (1) pair of mens athletic shorts, "Nike", gray with blue stripes, polyester, size XL CMR -134 (1) pair of mens athletic shorts, "Nike", black with lime green stripes, polyester, size XL CMR -135 (1) pair of mens athletic shorts, "Nike", black with lime green stripes, polyester, size XL CMR -136 (1) mens 315 athletic shut "Nike- Pro Combat", black polyester, sizeL CMR -137 (1) mens SlSathletic shirt, "Lululemon- Athletica", blue cotton, size XL CMR -138 (1) "Prada" shopping bag, brown plaid, 13"T x 13 1/2"W x 8"D CMR -139 (1) "Sony - Wallonan" stereo headset, model MDR-A35G CMR -140 (1) "Prada" handbag, black leather, zipper top, 7"T x 10"W x 2"D CMR -141 (1) "Lanvin" protective case for "iPad 2" tablet type computers, white with cartoon face pattem CMR -142 (1) gray plastic license plate frame and cover CMR -143 (1) pair of'Gucci" sunglasses, white frame, model GG 1627/S IPIN3 59 12 130, with case CMR -144 (1) universal charger, "IDAPT", i4, CMR -145 (1) world globe, "Pottery Barn", 8" tall, 5" diameter CMR -146 (1) "Tracfone", Samsung model S125G, black CMR -147 (1) "Tumi - World Travel Adapter", type SWA2, with black nylon bag (international electric plugs/chargers) CMR -148 (1) "Sony- Wallanan" headphones, model MDR-A35G CMR -149 (1) black leather wallet, "Prada", two fold, 4" x 8" CMR -150 (1) hardcover book, Jonathan Kellermn, "Deception" CMR -151 (!13t's pull over swaeter, "Gucci", black cotton, size XXL MI N., &., P41 2/6/2018 Case Number:13-04673 Related Case # 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -152 (1) mens pull over sweater, "Dolce & Gabbana", blklgry striped, acrylic, possibly size XXL CMR -153 (1) pair of mens blue jeans, "True Religion", "Section Billy Super T - Seat 34", size 36, CMR -154 (1) hardcover book, "Confessions Of A Murder Suspect" by James Patterson CMR -155 (1) hardcover book, "NYPD Red" by Marshall Karp CMR -156 (1) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Lululemon", blue cotton with a gray breast pocket, possibly size XL CMR -157 {2) "Snooze City" pillow cases, white cotton with "Luck" printed Ill black CMR -158 (1) pair of mens blue jeans, "True Religion, Section Joey T, seat 34" size 36 CMR -159 (I) pair of mens eyeglasses, "Oliver Peoples- Larrabee", semi -matte Ebonywood with case CMR -160 { 1) black leather "Prada" credit card wallet, two fold, 3" x 4" CMR -161 (1) "Prada" wallet, black leather two fold with a diagonal gray stripe, used, 4" x 3 3/4" CMR -162 (1) white cellphone, "Sierra 770s Wireless Aircard 40 Mobile - AT&T CMR -163 (1) silver "iPod" player, 160GB with clear plastic protective case CMR -164 { 1) deck of'Uno" card game in original sealed box, 40th annaversary CMR -165 2 pack of "Bicycle" playing cards sealed in original packaging CMR -166 (1) pair of white "Apple" air buds CMR -167 (4) "BMW" valve stem caps with "M"logo CMR -I 68 (3) "French" lesson COs, "Living Language French" lessons 1-40 CMR -169 { I) "Prada" make up bag, maroon black striped, zipper top, 7 112" x41/2" CMR -170 (2) place mats, "West Elm", 19" x 29", wht & blk striped, cotton, with a "B" monogram CMR -171 (1) mens scarf, "Loco Piana", gry/blulredlgrn plaid, cashmere, 6' x 2',6" (used) • CMR -172 (1) pair of mens blue jeans, "Ralph Lauren", button fly, size 38/32 CMR -173 (1) pair of mens blue jeans, "For All Of Mankind 7", zipper fly, size 38 CMR -174 (1) mens toiletry travel bag, "Prada" -black nylon, S"T x 10"W x S"D (used) CMR -175 {1) pair of mens athletic pants, "Gucci" -black nylon, size 50 CMR -176 (1) pair of mens gloves, "Saks Fith Avenue", black leather with cashmere lining, size XL Noe 7n fll 2/6/2018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -177 (1) toiletry travel bag, "Bally" black nylon with redlslvstripes, 5"T x 9"Wx3"D CMR -178 (1) mens belt,"Hermes", black leather with a chrome "H" belt buckle, 49" L x 1 112"W CMR -179 (1) baseball cap, "Von Dutch", black denim CMR -I 80 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Tommy John"black spandex, v -neck, size XL CMR -181 (1) mens SIS T-shirt, "Theory", black cotton, crew neck, size XL CMR -182 (1) mens scarf, "Burberry", beige with redlblk/wht plaid, cashmere, 5',4" x 11 112" CMR -184 (1) mens SIS athletic shirt, "Tommy John" black modaVspandes, V-neck, size XL CMR -185 (1) mens S/S athletic shirt, "Tommy John", black modaVspandex, V-neck, size L CMR -186 (1) pair of mens gloves, "Theory" black ]mit, no finger tips, wool CMR -187 (1) pair of white ear -buds CMR -188 (I) mens winter vest, "Moncler", black down filled, size 6, (L) pocket zipper may be broken. CMR -189 (1) mens athletic jacket, "Ralph Lauren- RLX", black with white stripe, polyester, size L CMR -192 (I) handbag, "Hermes- Haut A Courroie 50 T", black leather, buckle top with chrome padlock, 16"T x 19"W x IO"D and duster bag CMR -193 (I) baseball cap, "Lululemon", black, size LIXL CMR -194 (1) pair of mens shoes, "Prada- Spazzolato Fume", black leather, size 12, with cloth shoe bag & orig. box CMR -195 (1) pair of mens shoes, "Prada- Old Natural", black leather, size 11, with shoe bag & orig. box CMR -196 (1) pair of mens shoes, "Prada- Saffiano Antik", brown leather, size 12, with shoe bag & orig. box (used) CMR -197 (1) lap top computer, "Toshiba", IS 112" screen, black CMR -198 (1) baseball cap, "Prada" black nylon exterior, black wool interior, size XL CMR -199 (I) baseball cap, "Von Dutch", blue denim front with black mesh back CMR -200 (1) baseball cap, "Von Dutch", blue denim front with black mesh back CMR -1O1 (I) mens robe, "Burberry", gry/blk plaid cotton, size XL CMR -202 (1) mens belt, "Gucci", black leather, 41"L & 1 112"W, chrome "GG" belt buckle CMR -203 (1) mens belt, "Prada", black leather, 42"1 & 1 5/16" W with chrome oval "Prada" belt buckle 2/6/2018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -204 (1) mens belt, "Gucci", fed/grnlwht striped leather, 43"L & 1 I/2"W, clurxne"GG' beltbuckle CMR -205 (1) mens belt, "Gucci", brown leather, reversable, 40 1/2"L & 1 1/2"W, chrome rectangular belt buckle CMR -206 (I) mens belt, "Gucci", blk/red striped leather, 42"L & 1 1/2"W, chrome "GG" belt buckle CMR -207 (1) mens belt, "Gucci", khaki fabric exterior, 42"L & 1 112"W, chrome "GG" belt buckle CMR -208 (1) pair of sunglasses, "Gucci", black plastic frame, drk blu lens with matching case CMR -209 (1) pair of previously used sunglasses, "Marc Jacobs", black plastic frame with chrome accents with matching case CMR -210 (I) pair of sunglasses, "Marc Jacobs", black plastic and chrome frame with case CMR -211 (1) pair of sunglasses, "Gucci", gold metal frame with white plastic accents, brown lens with case CMR -212 (1) pair of sunglasses, "Gucci", black plastic frame, black lens with case CMR -213 (1) pair of sunglasses, "Prada", brown plastic frame, brown lens with case CMR -214 (1) pair of sunglasses, "PfBda", black plastic frame, black lens with case (sunglass case is worn) CMR -215 (1) pair of sunglasses, "Prada", drk chrome and black plastic frame, black single lens with case CMR -216 (1) pair of sunglasses, "Gucci", brown plastic frame, brown lens (no case) CMR -218 (1) mens watch, "Ice Tek", silver rectangular face, black leather waistband CMR -219 (1) mens belt, "Hermes", blk/org reversable, 41"L & 1 1/2"W, gold "H" belt buckle with original packaging CMR -220 (1) mens belt, "Hermes", black leather, 49 112"L & 1 1/2"W, Gold "H" belt buckle with original packaging CMR -221 (1) mens belt, "Louis Vuitton", black leather, size 44, 48"L & 1 3/4"W, silver oval shape "Louis Vuitton" belt buckle withoriginal packaging CMR -222 (1) baseball cap, "Von Dutch, drk blu front, gray mesh back CMR -223 (1) baseball cap, "Von Dutch", drk blu front, gray mesh back CMR -224 (1) baseball cap, "Von Dutch", drk blu front, gray mesh back CMR -225 (1) baseball cap, "Lululemon", back, size LIXL CMR -226 (1) baseball cap, "Lululemon", black, size L/XL CMR -227 (1) baseball cap, "Lululemon, black, size 1I XL CMR -229 (1) baseball cap, "Gucci", khaki with grn/red stripes, size XL Poo On4I1 21612018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case/ 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -230 (1) baseball cap, "Gucci".black with grnlred stripes, size XXL CMR -232 (1) package ofNike" no show socks, 6 pairs, black, size 8 - 12 CMR -233 (1) pair of running socks, "Lululemon", white, no show, size 1 1- 14 CMR -234 (1) pair of running socks, "Lululemon", white, no show, size 1 1- 14 CMR -235 (1) pair of running socks, "lululemon", white, no show, size 11 - 14 CMR -236 (1) pair of running socks, "Lululemon", black, no show, size 1 1- 14 CMR -237 (1) pair of running socks, "Lululemon", black, no show, size 11- 14 CMR -238 91) pair of running socks, "Lululemon", black, no show, size 11 - 14 CMR -239 (1) pair ofrunning socks, "Lululemon", black, no show, size 11 - 14 CMR -240 (1) pair of running socks, "Lululemon", white, no show, size 1 1- 14 CMR -241 (I) mens SlSundershirt, "Tommy John", black, V-neck, modaVspandex, size XL (possibly used) CMR -242 (1) mens SlSundershirt, "Tommy John", black V-neck, modaVspandex, size XL (possibly used) CMR -243 (1) mens SIS undershirt, "Tommy John", black, V-neck, modaVspandex,size XL CMR -244 (1) scarf, "Gucci", black with gm/red stripes, 6'4"L x 24"W (appears to be previously used) CMR -245 (1) pair of mens compression shorts, "Nike Pro", black, polyester, size XL CMR -247 (1) "Bottega Veneta" note pad, 4" cube, black leather case CMR -248 (1) 70 ml bottle of" Maison Francis Kurkdjian - Aqua Universalis forte" perfume, in its original sealed packaging CMR -249 (1) 200 ml bottle of'Chanel" facial toner in its original sealed packaging CMR -250 (1) 150 ml bottle of'Chanel" cleansing milk in original sealed packaging CMR -251 (1) 150 ml bottle of "Chanel- Precision" rinse off foaming cleanser in original packaging CMR -252 (1) 200 ml bottle of'Blu Mediterraneo- Arancia" shower milk, in its original packaging CMR -253 (1) 50 ml bottle of "Lamer" moisturizing lotion in its original packaging CMR -254 (1) box ofMilan+Goetz" mojito soap set, three 3oz. bars CMR -255 (1) 200 ml bottle of "Lamer" body refiner in its original packaging 2/6/2018 Case Number: 13-04673 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -256 (1) 40 nil bottle of "Lanier" SPF 30 sunscreen CMR -257 (I) 40 ml bottle of'Lamer" SPF 30 sun screen CMR -258 (1) 40 ml bottle of "Lamer" SPF 30 sun screen CMR -259 (1) .32 oz "Lamer' lip balm CMR -260 (1) .32 oz of "Lamer" hp balm CMR -261 (1) box of"Shiseido" exfoliating disks, eight disks CMR -262 (1) sealed box of"Crystalift" microdennabrasion refill treatment series, (4) crystal capsules+ (1) deposit chamber CMR -263 "Malin + Goetz travel body lotions, (6) 1 oz. bottles, face cleanser face moisturizer, body wash, body moisturizer, shampoo and hair conditioner CMR -264 (1) travel bag of "Dennaquest" skin therapy, skin cleanser, B5 serum, collagen stem cell complex, antioxidant soothing serum, skin vitalight and Zinclear SPF 30 CMR -265 (1) "Touch Me" sisal sponge in its original packaging CMR -266 (1) box of "Lamer". hydrating facial masks, six mask pairs CMR -267 (1) 200 ml bottle of "Lamer" body refiner cream CMR -268 (I) sealed box of'Crystalift" microdennabrasion refill treatment kit, (4) crystal capsules and (1) deposit chamber CMR -269 (1) sealed box of"Crystalift" microdennabrasion refill treatment kit, (4) crystal capsules and (1) deposit chamber CMR -271 (1) pair of'Dr. Scholl's" messaging gel insoles, mens size 8 - 13 CMR -272 (1) "Voluspa- Suede Blanc" classic maison candle CMR -273 (1) 60 hour soy candle, "Archipego", Pomegranate Citris, Private Collection CMR -274 (1) box of "Shiseido" facial cleansing sheets, (30) sheets CMR -275 (1) "Crystalift" Dermatoligist Microdermabrasion kit MCJ-100.0] #1 basket 22" W x 14" D x 6 1/2" T, #2 basket 16" W x 11 1/2" D x 8 112" Twith lid, #3 basket 12" Wx 7 1/2" D x "" T with lid D».. 2/6/2018 Case Number: 00-11859 Related Case # 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -276 (9)"Gillette -Sensor Excel" mens razors, (3) "Gillette -Sensor Excel" razor refills, five cartridges, all in sealed original packaging CMR -277 (1) "Gillette- Sensor Excel" womens razor, (1) "Gillette -Sensor Excel.. womens razor refills, ten cartridges, all in sealed original packaging CMR -278 (12) packages of'Gillette- Atra Plus" razor refills, tel). cartridges each, all in sealed original packaging CMR -279 (12) packages of "Gillette - Trac 11" mens razor refills, ten cartridges each, all in sealed original packaging (one package is missing two cartridges) CMR -280 (2) "Gillette - Mach 3" mens razors, each in sealed original packaging CMR -281 (7) packages of "Gillette - Mach 3" mens razor refills, four cartridges each, all in sealed original packaging CMR -282 (10) "Gillette- Mach 3" mens razor refills, eight carbiges each, all sealed in original packaging • Case Number: 05-01946 Related Case # 's: Item Number Item Description ' Case Items CMR -283 (I) BLACK •ucALLAWAY" GOLF BAG CONTAINING (9) CLUBS Case Number: 07-00411 Related Case# 's: Item Number CMR -284 MR -28J LIMN Case Items Item Description PLAYSTATION 3 (new in box) (1) "RCA" home theater system (new in box) (1) ..Pioneer'rcar stereo, model DEI-1-P6700MP (new in box) Case Number: 97-05873 Related Case# 's: Item Number CMR -287 Case Items Item Description I"Casablanca" Ceiling Fan (new in box) Page 2/6/2018 Case -Number: 15-15200 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -288 (1) gold chain, 18" long, 14k, 3.9g CMR -289 (1) womens gold ring, heart design, 10k, 1.3g, size 6.75 CMR -290 (1) 20" long gold chain, 14k, 12.7g CMR -291 (1) 21" pure silver chain, 54. lg CMR -292 (1) 23" pure silver chain, 116.9g CMR -293 (I) gold anchor pendant, 14k, .85g CMR -294 (1) gold crucifix pendant, 14k, 2.55g CMR -295 (1) gold Virgin Mary pendant, 14k, 1.49g Case Number: 13-09404 Related Case # 's: . Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -296 (1) 20" gold chain, 14k, 11.2g Case Number: 13-05730 Related Case# 's: Item Number CMR -297 Case Items • Item Description (1) 22" gold chain, 14k, 14.5g Case Number:14-23107 Related Case# 's: Item Number CMR -303 Case Items Item Description (1) 20" pure silver chain with St. Joseph pendant, 4.8g Case Number: 98-12247 Related Case# 's: .Ile in N her CMR -304 Case Items Item 9 tscrip tion (p pard' gdd pbced eerhgs rmrd»slef,14k,4t CMR -305 (1) pair of gold earrings, loop style, 14k, 2.33g Page lc 2/6/2018 ee Case Number: 11-08835 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items CMR -306 (1) womens pure silver ring with several Cubic Zirconia stones, 4.7g, size 9.25 CMR -307 (1) 12" pure silver chain with small ball pendant Case. Number: 04-08865 Related Case# 's: Case Items Item Number Item Description CMR -308 (1) silver neckless with clear stone pendant from ..Casual Comer" . 7.3g Case Number:10-10362 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description CMR -317 Case Items (1) mens watch, "Joshua and Sons.., JS -28-0l, analog display, stainless steel case with black leather wristband (needs a battery) Case Number: 98-12247 Related Case# 's: Case Items Item Number Item Description CMR -318 (1) womens gold ring with two purple synthetic stones, 10k, 2.Ig, size 6 Case Number: 16-26388 Related Case# 's: Item Number DJD -012 Case Items Item Description (1) whtlblk/red mens racer type bicycle, "Felt Z85.., 20 speed Case Number: 04-08865 Related Case# 's: Item Number Item Description Case Items 05.01 (1) womens It blu nylon dress, "Petite Sophisticate., size 0 Pae 1 c